#tattoo-studio berlin
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Tiba Tattoo Studio – Ihr führendes Tattoo-Studio in Berlin
Willkommen im Tiba Tattoo Studio, einem der besten TattooStudios in Berlin. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einzigartigen, kreativen und professionell ausgeführten Tätowierungen sind, sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Unsere erfahrenen Tätowierer kombinieren künstlerisches Talent mit technischer Expertise, um Ihre individuellen Vorstellungen in lebendige Kunstwerke auf der Haut zu verwandeln. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie mehr über unser Studio, unsere Dienstleistungen und warum wir die erste Wahl für Tattoos in Berlin sind.
Das Tiba Tattoo Studio: Ein Ort der Kreativität
Unser Tattoo-Studio in Berlin bietet eine entspannte und einladende Atmosphäre, in der sich unsere Kunden wohlfühlen können. Wir verstehen, dass ein Tattoo eine persönliche Entscheidung ist, und nehmen uns die Zeit, um mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten und Ihre Ideen zu besprechen. Unser Team von talentierten Tätowierern hat verschiedene Stile und Techniken gemeistert, sodass wir sicherstellen können, dass jeder Kunde die perfekte Tätowierung erhält, die zu seinem persönlichen Stil passt.
Vielfältige Tattoo-Stile
Im Tiba Tattoo Studio sind wir stolz darauf, eine breite Palette von Tattoo-Stilen anzubieten. Egal, ob Sie an realistischen Porträts, geometrischen Designs, traditionellen Tätowierungen oder modernen, abstrakten Kunstwerken interessiert sind, unsere Künstler können Ihre Vision zum Leben erwecken. Wir sind stets bestrebt, die neuesten Trends und Techniken im Tätowieren zu verfolgen, um Ihnen die bestmögliche Erfahrung zu bieten.
Sichere und hygienische Umgebung
Die Sicherheit und das Wohlbefinden unserer Kunden stehen bei uns an erster Stelle. Unser Tattoo-Studio in Berlin erfüllt alle erforderlichen Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsstandards. Wir verwenden nur hochwertige, sterile Materialien und halten die höchsten Hygienepraktiken ein, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie sich während Ihres Besuchs vollkommen sicher fühlen können. Wir glauben, dass ein großartiges Tattoo-Erlebnis auch von einem sauberen und professionellen Umfeld abhängt.
Beratung und Designprozess
Bevor wir mit dem Tätowieren beginnen, laden wir Sie zu einem ausführlichen Beratungsgespräch ein. In diesem Gespräch nehmen wir uns die Zeit, Ihre Ideen, Wünsche und Vorlieben zu besprechen. Unsere Tätowierer arbeiten eng mit Ihnen zusammen, um ein einzigartiges Design zu entwickeln, das Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. Wir wissen, dass jede Tätowierung eine Geschichte erzählt, und wir möchten, dass Ihre Geschichte durch unser Kunstwerk zum Ausdruck kommt.
Hochwertige Materialien und Techniken
Im Tiba Tattoo Studio verwenden wir ausschließlich hochwertige Tinten und Materialien, die für die Haut sicher sind. Unsere Tätowierer sind bestens geschult und verwenden die neuesten Techniken, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Tätowierung nicht nur schön aussieht, sondern auch langlebig ist. Wir legen großen Wert auf Qualität, sowohl in der Ausführung als auch in der verwendeten Ausrüstung, um das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu erzielen.
Kundenzufriedenheit und Nachsorge
Ihre Zufriedenheit liegt uns am Herzen. Nach dem Tätowieren geben wir Ihnen umfassende Anweisungen zur Nachsorge, damit Ihre Tätowierung optimal heilt und ihre Farben lebendig bleiben. Wir stehen Ihnen jederzeit für Fragen oder Bedenken zur Verfügung und möchten, dass Sie mit Ihrem neuen Tattoo rundum glücklich sind.
Besondere Anlässe und Events
Im Tiba Tattoo Studio feiern wir regelmäßig besondere Anlässe und Events. Ob Tattoo-Messen, Workshops oder Charity-Veranstaltungen – wir sind stets aktiv in der Berliner Tattoo-Community und möchten unseren Kunden die Möglichkeit geben, Teil dieser aufregenden Welt zu sein. Diese Veranstaltungen bieten Ihnen auch die Gelegenheit, verschiedene Stile und Techniken kennenzulernen und mit unseren Künstlern in Kontakt zu treten.
Unsere Künstler: Leidenschaftliche Fachleute
Jeder Tätowierer in unserem Studio bringt eine einzigartige Perspektive und einen eigenen Stil mit. Unser Team besteht aus leidenschaftlichen Künstlern, die nicht nur hervorragend im Tätowieren sind, sondern auch ein tiefes Verständnis für Kunst und Design haben. Wir fördern Kreativität und Experimentierfreude, um Ihnen ein individuelles und unvergessliches Tattoo-Erlebnis zu bieten.
Tattoos für jeden Geschmack
Egal, ob Sie Ihr erstes Tattoo planen oder ein erfahrener Sammler sind, bei uns finden Sie die richtige Unterstützung. Wir helfen Ihnen dabei, die perfekte Gestaltung für Ihr neues Tattoo zu finden und beraten Sie über die besten Plätze auf Ihrem Körper. Unsere Künstler sind geschult, um Tattoos in jeder Größe und an jedem Ort zu stechen, sodass Sie mit einem Design nach Ihren Vorstellungen in die Tattoo-Welt eintauchen können.
Einfache Terminbuchung
Um Ihnen den Zugang zu unseren Dienstleistungen zu erleichtern, bieten wir eine benutzerfreundliche Online-Terminbuchung an. Sie können bequem von zu Hause aus einen Termin in unserem Tattoo-Studio in Berlin buchen und Ihre Sitzung planen. Wir möchten, dass Sie den Prozess so reibungslos und angenehm wie möglich gestalten, damit Sie sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren können: Ihr neues Tattoo.
Im Tiba Tattoo Studio stehen Ihre Wünsche und Ihr Wohlbefinden an erster Stelle. Unsere Leidenschaft für Tattoos, kombiniert mit unserem Engagement für Qualität und Sicherheit, macht uns zu einem der besten Tattoo-Studios in Berlin. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen ein einzigartiges und unvergessliches Tattoo-Erlebnis zu bieten. Besuchen Sie uns und entdecken Sie, warum wir die beste Wahl für Ihr nächstes Tattoo sind. Ihr Körper ist unsere Leinwand – lassen Sie uns gemeinsam etwas Wunderschönes schaffen!
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Tattoo by urbanatura - studio das klüm berlin
#berlin tattoo artist#berlin#berlin tattoo studio#art#tattoo aesthetic#tattoo artwork#tattoo artist#tattoo berlin#abstract tattoo#tattoo ink
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☆ CONTENT: After your fiancée gets cold feet two months into your engagement, you find yourself booking a trip to Berlin with your girlfriends. After a night of hardcore clubbing and alcohol still running through your veins, you impulsively decide to get a tattoo. You find the only studio open so late, and a handsome mysterious tattooist that awaits inside. ☆ GENRE/THEMES/WARNING: Heart break, reader is mentioned to have been engaged before, brief mention of reader having braids, height difference, mention of drinking and clubbing, tattooist AU, reader is black, reader imagining kaiser in sensual ways, reader basically being a horny dog Kaiser is a tattooist, suggestive, tension, close proximity, physical touch, needles, sexual innuendos, reader thirsting over Kaiser lol. ☆ PAIRING: Tattooist!kaiser x Black!Femreader ☆ W.C. 1.9K ☆ NOTES: This one–shot was asked for by this anon, enjoy.ᐟ

After a particularly bad heartbreak–what do most people do?
Cry–maybe go to the bar and drown their sorrows out with the devils piss, maybe snap and throw everything around in their apartment.
Maybe you did everything you just listed in order–maybe you didn’t.
After your fiancée got cold feet and dipped on you two months after he got down on one knee, and the only thing you were thankful for was that you hadn’t poured your chunk of savings into the wedding yet.
You decide to impulsively book a holiday with your girls. A nice European country–a capital city. You and your group settle on Berlin for a week. You had heard about the wicked nightlife and the electric atmosphere of the clubs that whisked you towards it. Not only that, you were a foodie and a fat history nerd. The first two days were spent dining in fancy upscale restaurants and sight–seeing until your feet felt like they were going to fall off. The third day however–was raves and clubbing. After a night of dancing, you and your girlfriends found a quiet spot, a booth, to relax in. A hazy, reckless thought takes hold of one of your more risks–taking friends: getting tattoos. A long thought that had popped up in casual conversations a few times, but a concept no one took seriously until now. While the strawberry daiquiri you had still ran in your veins, you agreed with enthusiasm. Something small, something impulsive. Something that will leave a mark beyond just memories.
It was such a stupid and impulsive decision, using google maps to find the nearest tattoo shop which was open at this time, (mind you, it was almost midnight) there was one a twenty minute walk away, surprised it was still open, you and your girlfriends collectively decide to make the suggestion a concrete choice. It was as you envisioned, in a dingy alley covered in graffiti, the rest of the shops seemingly little merchandise and cafes of different kinds. You and your girlfriends stumble into the dimly lit tattoo studio, the bell ringing softly above you. It was the kind of place that looks like it only exists for those who know where to find it. It had a scent of antiseptic, ink and a certain musk. And that’s when you see him.
He’s behind the counter, a messy mullet of blonde hair; the tips a deep electric blue falling into his sharp, angular face. His tattoos are what stand out on his skin the most, a spiral of black thorns snaking up his forearms and–fuck–thick biceps, a blossom of blue roses on his neck to finish it off. You had the sudden, reckless urge to trace them with your fingers.
Or your tongue.
Your eyes skim him shamelessly, taking in the mysterious man.
Well, that's what the pin on his black vest says anyway. A name of a past emperor, something you remembered from your history classes.
He’s got that effortlessly cryptic, slightly disheveled look—like he just rolled out of bed but somehow still looks like sin. His eyes flick up when they enter, sweeping over your girlfriends once, but you, twice.
"Looking for something?" His voice is deep, thick with a german accent, making the words feel like a slow drag over your being. You know he’s addressing all of you, but it feels like the comment was directed at you only.
Your more extroverted friend is the one to take the wing and talk. You can see him clearly consciously taking in everything she’s saying–even nodding his head slightly from time to time, but his eyes would dart away. It was subtle, so subtle no one would notice, well, except for you. Because it was you he was glancing at.
He cleared his throat, snapping you out of your trance as he crossed his arms. “Which one of you ladies is up first then?”
“I’ll go first,” you interjected as you stepped forward. Cringing internally, you hoped you didn’t sound too desperate.
His smirk was lazy, his swivel chair turning slightly to peer at you better from over your friend's shoulder, his head tilting a little, almost as if he was enjoying the view. "What and where?"
You mindlessly swallowed, your voice sounding less confident than you hoped for. "Something small–like a quote. On my ribs."
His gaze flickered lower, and just like that, the air between you both shifted.
"Ribs are sensitive," he murmured, almost a borderline flirty jab. "Are you sure you can handle it?"
You arched your brow. "I can take it."
The way he smiled—just a little, just enough to feel dirty—it made something hot coil in your stomach.
It was like the company you came with didn’t even exist anymore, and it was just you and him in his dingy studio.
He abruptly stood up from his chair, nodding as he gestures for you to follow him to the back.
If you weren't sober before, you were definitely stone cold sober now.
Your girlfriends give you an excited send off before you turn the corner, stepping through the door to the back. You trailed behind him like a slug, the form of his back making your jaw go slack, it was so defined in the fluorescent light–there were muscles for days. Your mind raced around to create scenarios in your head–like how pretty it would look with scratch marks from your manicured nails. Or maybe it was the height distance that made you throb more, knowing your cheek would barely brush the top of his shoulder, even in your inched heels.
The air feels as heavy as a weight as you look around the small room, filled with small pieces and parts of the unknown man's personality, making him a little less mysterious in your mind. The antiseptic and ink smelled a lot stronger here. He waved at you to sit and lay on the bed, which you did, stiffly. It made your mind race even harder knowing the placement was directly under your tit. While he was busy setting up the equipment, you were trying to bask in the silence and not focus on the fact this guy was handsome enough to have you sweating and stuttering over your words. Your friends would tell anyone how picky you were when it came to men–It even surprised you. A man grabbing your attention like a vice was as rare as a blue moon event. You thought you would have lost an appetite for men for a long while after your heart break. You shift the bottom of your flimsy baby tee up until a slither of your lace bra peeked out, enough, you think, to give him a comfortable space to work.
When his gloves finally touch your bare skin, it's like a flip switched in your brain, your once tense body almost instantaneously melting back into the leather fabric. The pain is prickly, but your mind is somewhere else entirely—on the heat of his body, the scent of his masculine cologne, the way his arms flex as he works, the way he occasionally glances up through his blonde lashes, like he knew what ran through your mind down to the last detail. His fingers are firm yet gentle, the warmth searing through his gloves like a cauterisation. He positions you exactly how he wants–his breath occasionally ghosting over you as he leans in to work. His whole forearm rested on your waist, and you internally groaned with each flex of his muscular bicep.
You wondered how it would feel around your head–
You failed miserably to focus on the buzzing of the needle, every time he repositions, every time his touch lingers just a little too long, your breath catches ever so quietly. The tension is unbearable—thick, heavy, and smoldering.
At one point, he shifted, his knuckles brushing against your underboob, and you barely held back a whine.
He noticed.
"Careful, liebling." he murmured, lips so close to kissing your skin you trembled. "Wouldn’t want me to mess up, would you?"
It was a taunt. A blatant, teasing challenge, and the heat between you thickened, turned dangerous.
You went deathly silent in response. You hoped he wasn’t looking for one anyway, because whatever sentence next spilled from your lips at that moment would have an old woman clutching her pearls.
By the time he’s finished, the air between you is downright suffocating.
The loss of his touchy warmth was almost unbearable. He wiped your freshly inked skin down cautiously for the final time, his fingers dragging the skin under your rib cage just a second to long. And then, as you sat up slowly, he leaned in—just close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off him. His sharp blue eyes dragged over you, slow and assessing. It was that point you noticed his large hand splayed out on your knee, squeezing it slightly, a ticklish feeling that grounded you like concrete. His eyes flicked to your glossy lips, almost as if he was wondering what they tasted like.
"You handled that well," he hums, and it tingles deep in your bones, his voice low, teasing. "Thought you'd squirm more."
"I told you," you whispered back with feigned triumph, pulse hammering. "I can take it."
Something dark flickered in his gaze. And then—so subtle it almost didn’t happen—his fingers skimmed your thigh, barely there, but enough to send a bolt of heat straight to your core.
"If you ever want another…" he said, voice low, thick with promise. "I take private late-night appointments."
The straight up erotic innuendo had you wanting to pounce on him right then and there.
You should leave. You should stand up and walk out. Maybe declined his offer, knowing this was only a vacation, and you would probably never see him again. Maybe to keep your self–respect, at the very least.
You had thrown that out the window ages ago.
Instead, you meet his intense and heavy gaze, your lips curve into a slow, almost giddy smile.
"Good to know."
You had spent the next two hours zoning out on the waiting chair in the lobby, watching each of your friends go in the back for their tattoo. Meanwhile, you were thinking over the whole interaction from start to finish more times than you could count on your fingers and toes. Your mind was already racing, planning on shoving more of your hard earned money towards another few days stay in Berlin. Damn, your girlfriends would definitely catch on to this little fling–(if you could even call it that) with the tattooist with the way you're twirling your braids around your finger and kicking your feet like a little girl.
Once they were all finished, you definitely wanted to throw a tantrum as everyone got ready to leave. Yet when your eyes caught the sharp cerulean ones again, he beckoned you to come over from his place behind the counter. As you stepped forward, your heel clacking echoing on the wooden floor, you could see him scribbling something on what looked liked–a receipt.
“Uh, what's this–”
“My number, hübsches Mädchen."
The heat rose from your chest to your neck as he smoothly grasped your wrist, putting the receipt in your open palm. The pads of his fingers were rough, the opposite of yours. You noticed the crown design on the front of his hand, and the way his nails were perfectly painted black before he pulled away.
“Oh yeah–ah–thank you–” You were too busy stumbling over your words to notice your girlfriends pulling you out of the door.
And as you stepped outside, the cool air making you shiver, your skin still burning from his touch, you knew one thing for certain—
You were definitely coming back.
・゚★ credits for dividesr.ᐟ: @penissekai
Quandaledlngle69 © 2025
#blue lock x reader#bllk x reader#blue lock#bllk#micheal kaiser x reader#micheal kaiser#kaiser x you#kaiser x reader#bllk kaiser#kaiser x y/n#kaiser michael#blue lock manga#☆…Light!Lock
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five days — 五日

synopsis: In which Kaiser fell in love with his tattoo artist, or in which Kaiser has only five appointments to convince you to go on a date with him.
note: just two chapters left :))
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🥀 Day 3
"Kaiser? What are you doing here? We have a meeting in 15 minutes," you asked the tall figure walking in front of you, recognisable only by the old cap he always wore to the meetings.
This time you weren't in the studio, but on a random street in Berlin. It was Saturday, and your uncle had given you the morning off with a long list of chores to do.
His hair had changed, the wild and long blonde hair had become short with two long rat tails. The lower part and the strands were dyed blue.
"Don't call my name, and I could ask you the same... What are you doing here?" Kaiser asked to approach you.
"Well, some chores, but hey, look what I bought in the library," you said as you took a book out of one of your bags. "I bought it for you, I thought you might like it."
Kaiser took the book and stared at you. It was the first and only gift anyone had given him without second intentions.
"I don't really know how to react..." he admitted
"Well, most people say thank you" you said in a funny tone.
He rolled his eyes.
“I wasn’t talking about that, but that I also bought you something” Kaiser got from the bag he was holding a giant bouquet made from your favorite sweets
You blinked surprised.
“What? Most people say thank you” he said in a mocking tone
“Thank you” you said while taking the giant and heavy bouquet and eating a sweet “Really, thank you, appreciate it”
You smiled him, and Kaiser couldn’t avoid but returned you that genuine smile.
“Also, what about your change of hairstyle? Why did you change it?” you asked curious while staring at that peculiar hairstyle and asking how could he pull off that great
“What? Don’t you like it?” he asked curious while touching his hair “I’ve been receiving plenty of compliments from the hairstylists, and it also cost me a lot of money”
While you leaned to him to stare and admire his hair even better, you realized that wasn’t the only change on him.
“Wait… is that red eyeliner?” again, how could he pull off
Kaiser nodded once again.
“Yeah, I went to a Korean Stylist, and she recommended me this. It deepens my stare, right?” he said while approaching even more to you, leaving just a lil bit of space between you two
“Michael Kaiser, you’re such a diva” you said with a smirk
“Liebling, It's all for you. I told you I would make everything right, so there would be no reason or excuse to reject me," he said firmly, "so now tell me. I have dressed up and get presentable so that you will finally accept my proposal. If you refuse me again, I will stop trying. Tell me, would you like to go out with me?" Kaiser asked again, nervous to hear your answer. He had done everything he could, now all he could do was wait for your answer and hope for the best.
“I mean, if you tell me where your eyeliner comes from, of course.” you said with a smirk
He smiled at your answer. He put his hand in his pocket and tossed you the eyeliner you asked for. You gasped when you realised it was from YvesSaintLaurent.
"There you are, although this colour won't suit you. You don't have my colour palette," Kaiser said confidently as he called a taxi. "Let's take a taxi, we are already late for our tattoo appointment."
You followed him, saving the eyeliner on your pocket coat.
"All right, but you're paying for it," you said, staring at him, he just rolled his eyes as he opened the door for you.
“I never expected anything else, everything for you Liebling".
#bllk#bluelock#blue lock#michael kaiser x you#michael kaiser#kaiser x you#kaiser x reader#kaiser x y/n#bllk imagines
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Irving Berlin and Ethel Merman in a recording studio listening to the playback of Merman singing Berlin's ‘A Sailor's Not A Sailor Till A Sailor's Been Tattooed,' for Walter Lang's film, THERE’S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS (1954).
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Memory Lane
Adult! Tom Kaulitz x Reader

“Ich bin nervös, bist du?”
“Ja eine kleine.”
The studio has a chilled doctor's office waiting room feel, with an all-white background, boring gray chairs, and gigantic LED panels. It’s been ten years since Tom and I broke up, so Vogue wanted us to tell our story. We’re both wearing smart blazers, although Tom has paired his with some slacks and leather sneakers. Mine is paired with a slim dress and some utility boots.
The crew is finishing up micing us and doing a final mic check before the camera starts rolling. The director calls us on, and we take our seats. At least the chair is comfortable.
“So it’s been ten years since the two of you separated.”
“Ja, well, we tell our friends it’s been 10 years since we ended our sexual relationship.”
“Ja, well, we are still excellent friends.” I agree and pat Tom's knee
“So, how did the two of you meet?” the producer asks. He looks very stereotypical, with his crossed pensive arms and all-too-self-important expression. He even has his finger on his lip like Jeff Goldbloom.
“Well, Tom met me when I started touring with them as their opener, but I met Tom through the band. I got a CD of Schrei the day it came out. So working with them was like a total dream come true.” I explain, gesticulating the whole time.
“And Tom, what was your first impression of (Y/n)?”
“Well, they put us in a meeting to discuss her work with us and showed a video of her shredding her bass, and I thought, wow, this girl is so hot and so good at playing. And the. We met her in person, and Bill will say I followed her like a puppy, but she made the first move. And yeah, I always thought she was so cool and talented, and she was just so pretty.” He finished his rambles by looking at me
“Aw, thank you, Tommy.” You cross your legs and await the following instructions. The producer hands you an ornate-looking scrapbook. They instruct you to open to the first page, and it shows the first tabloids to sniff out your and Tom’s relationships. Pictures of the two of you strutting around Berlin, hand in hand.
“Oh, sehr kleine!” I looked at the pictures as the memories came flooding back—the first few weeks when we were so excited to be in love with each other. I had a pout and enormous sunglasses clouding my face, and Tom was smiling proudly and holding up our interlaced hands.
“Woah, we were so. Gott, you were so skinny.” Tom mentions
“Do you want to explain these photos?” The director asks.
“This is-this is 2006.” I look right into the lens. “We, I think, had been dating for a month at this point.” I point to a picture of me readjusting Tom’s dreads on a park bench.
“Poor Georg and Gustav, they were so sick of my shit at this point.” Tom points to an infamous photo of the two of you making out of a sofa between the boys, and their faces are completely annoyed. I laugh at the picture. Everything about it reminds me of being young. I’ve got Tom’s hat on, and his hands are sliding under the hem of my shorts.
“Yeah, we’re little animals.” I agree. My eyes scan the bag one more time. The dramatically patterned zip-up hoodies and the DC sneakers were just beautiful.
“Alright, you can turn the page.”
The next page shows more pictures of us walking around town, on vacation, and on stage together. I whoop when I see the photo of Tom and I playing guitar back to back.
“Woah, I remember this night.”
“Ja, the crowd was just electric.” Tom reminisces
“It was electric, and everything just worked out. We were supposed to be late to the venue for traffic, but it cleared out. Mic checks were shady, and one of Gustav’s drum heads almost ripped, but this was an incredible night.”
“I remember your singing being extra special, too. " My heart flutters, and I brush my hand over the photo. When I look at my hand, I see the tattoos and my promise ring.
“What a good night.”
“Alright, now that we’ve got some background, we’re going into your more notable fashion moments.” On the next page were some of our most ridiculous statements. The time Tom wore 3 hats on a red carpet. At the time, I performed in a bra and underwear. The two of us wearing Dirndl and Leider Hoisen. And most famously, the handcuff belt accident.
“Oh, this is when we performing at the worldwide German convention.” I point to pictures of me and the band dancing around in traditional German clothes. We couldn’t have been older than 18 at that time.
“That night was so fun. We all bought these matching steins, and we nearly went through a keg of beer.” Tom recalls. I tried to recall that, but after I got off stage and we started drinking, my memory fogged up.
“Who is the better drinker?”
“Well, technically, Bill is the best of the band because he could put back as much hard liquor as he wants and then roll out of bed and sing, but I think that night,”
“Nein, it’s totally Georg; he had the body mass to soak up all the liquor.” Before we knew it, Tom and I argued in German about the best drinker.
“Well, if we want to talk about this picture,” Tom recenters the focus, pouting at the page, “(Y/n) can drink any of us under the table when it comes to beer.”
“I think you guys are intentionally ignoring one pair of photos.”
“And which ones would those be?” I play coy with the producer
“Why don’t you turn the page.” The next page is just many zoomed-in shots of the two of us wearing my infamous handcuff belt. I wore it on a four-month tour of the United States in almost every show. But during one show in Fort Lauderdale, it had been damaged very distinctly. I was in a post-show interview showing it off, so everyone knew the handcuff belt had two big scratches on the left side. Which was all fine and dandy until I got home to Germany, and I hadn’t seen my famously horny boyfriend in four months. And, of course, we took to the first private area we could find. I can't remember if that was a car or a hotel, but in the evening, a photograph of Tom in a handcuffed belt with two scratches on the left side was circulating every drama outlet and tabloid.
“Oh, nein, why would you circle it?” Tom holds the book up to show close-up shots of me performing and him giddily strutting down the sidewalk.
“I don’t know why this photo got so much attention at that moment because we shared clothes all the time,” Tom said casually as if that would save this. “I think once I was on stage, a pair of your panties fell out of my pocket. Everyone knew what we were doing.”
“Did you ever steal Tom’s clothes?” Someone on the crew asks. It’s difficult to see beyond the panel of lights
“Did she? Sheiße, she wore my underwear more often than she would wear her own.” I hid my fave in my hands, knowing that when Tom’s voice pitched up like that, we were in for a rant, “Anytime we shared a hotel on vacation or for work, I would leave clean clothes on my bed for after my shower. I would go in the shower rubba-dub-dub. And when I got back, my boxers were gone. Where did they go? I would scratch my head for twenty minutes until (y/n) got out of the shower, and she toweled off her hair in a big t-shirt. That big t-shirt was usually mine, by the way, and when she would lift her arms, I could see that she had taken my underwear!”
I could feel the blood racing around my face under my skin. Tom started rubbing circles on my back.
“You seem to be overhearing. Why don’t we turn the page?” I’m still reeling from embarrassment, so Tom flips the page.
“Oh mein maus.” Tom coos under his breath.
“You be got to look at these.” He placed a hand on my wrist. I scan around the page, and it looks like a true scrapbook photo with twisted angles and stickers everywhere. I run my finger over a photo of me on a skateboard and Tom facing me, holding both my hands. I feel a lump forming in my throat. Our smiles were completely taking over our faces. Photos of us on dates to the mall and the roller ring. Tuning each other's guitars and cuddling on tour buses. In one picture, I was completely knocked out on a couch, and Tom was under me with his face scrunched up like he had eaten a lemon.
“Why did you look like that?” I point at his I-just-stubbed-my-toe-face
“You were sleeping like an angel, baby.” I was lying on his chest, and his hand tangled in my hair.
“When even was this?” I mutter somewhat to myself
“I think it was the music festival in Italy.” He replies in German.
“Oh Ja, I can see the hem of my stupid leather pants. Hottest day of a southern Italian summer, and I decided to wear leather leggings. They were so sweaty. My whole body was like wet.”
“That’s probably why you fell asleep. I think I remember peeling those pants off you and giving you some boxers to sleep in.” I remember waking up in red checkered boxers with flaming skulls on them. “They were dripping sweat,” Tom confirms
“That’s gross.” I groan. “Wait, who took this picture?”
“Es war Bill.”
“Aw wie geht it ihm?”
We chatter about pictures taken as we walk from the cinema, shots of us performing together, pictures taken sneakily on vacation, and some god-awful photos of us on the red carpet. We talk about our styles and how they’ve evolved. Obviously, Tom’s the most, as he no longer wears pants that could house a small village.
“But I feel like your style has changed a lot. And when we got older, you dressed a lot according to the trends.”
“Yeah, there was a time in 2012-2013 when I was as obsessed with wearing colorful, like, pastel skinny jeans with pumps. And then just a tank top and a blazer.”
“Oh, Ja,” Tom flips over to a picture of the two of us. You looked nice—like a little business lady.”
“I was a little business lady. I just don’t like how they looked on my thighs.” I heard Tom scoff next to me. “I’m glad the fashion pendulum has swung back to baggier, more relaxed-fit jeans.”
“I do enjoy being more easy breezy.” Tom wiggles his hips around on his chair, “I didn’t like wearing skinny jeans. I felt like everyone was staring at my dick.”
“I was,” I smirk, and we reminisce about our early 20s, and I feel pity for the girl stomping around Manhattan in her pumps with the boys she’s in line with because she has no clue she only has two years left with him.
“That’s when you had the cornrows and wore a lot of flannel and scarves.” We reminisce about his switch to slim-fit jeans with little leather patches from his embroidered diesels.
“Alright, and we’ll finish things with a bang.” The producer states and tells us to turn the page. On the next page is my biggest embarrassment. For a few months, Tom and I had a running gag. An overly intrusive interviewer was nearly interrogating Tokio Hotel, and I came into the studio just at the wrong time. The journalist had asked the boys about their hobbies while some were walking around. Naturally, as we had been dating for a year, I stood near Tom as he paced. When they asked him what his hobby was, he replied, “This,” and grabbed me by the hips and dry-humped me a few times. At first, I spun around and slapped him on the chest, non-seriously.
I loved how horny he was for me.
Later, I was being interviewed, and a different journalist asked me what my favorite pastime was. As the boys were lingering behind the camera crew, Tom decided to wander in and bend over in front of me, so I grabbed him by the hips and dry-humped him. He topped off with dramatic moans and crossed eyes, but seeing the journalist completely flushed made us laugh.
“I would say that’s my favorite pastime. Or maybe writing music.” For the next few months, we would take any opportunity to pretend to fuck each other on red carpets, on the street, or on stage. Going so far as to write a single called “sexsüchtig” or sex addict so I could have Tom sit on a wooden chair and give him lap dances on stage. There was a smattering of images of us just being promiscuous everywhere. One picture showed me in chunky platform heels and a lacy mini skirt, sitting on a wooden chair with my head tipped back, singing. I had a foot on Tom’s shoulder while he fake ate me out, kneeling in front of me. I even wrote the song with a verse of just runs that sound like moans.
That was a crowd favorite when I would perform it.
“Alright, we’re going to have you guys watch some edits that people make of you on TikTok.”
“Oh, nein.” I groan
“Are you on TikTok?” The producer asks
“I’m not. But I know everyone else is. And some of that stiff bleeds over to Instagram. And so I see it there. But I try to stay off social media.”
“And you, Tom?”
“I’ve seen some stuff, but Ja, I’m most just like Instagram.”
“Ok so for the most part, you haven’t seen these?”
"Nein because Gustav's daughter sends them to me." At one, they hand Tom a giant iPad and open the photos app with a few edits loaded up. They began a screen recording and showed what they had learned to be a standard edit of Tom. Some clip of him saying something, and then they would splice photos of him over some sexual song called "Do you wanna fuck”. I smiled down at it in memory.
“Woah, you’re such a baby. You can’t be more like than 15 in some of those.”
“Ja, I was young.”
“It’s kind of weird that people wanted to fuck you if you’re so young.”
“In all fairness, it’s not like I wasn’t having sex at the time these pictures were taken.” He smiled. “All right next!”
The next edit was of me to a sir-mix-a-lot song, and out came blasting, “but I got to be straight when I say I wanna huh-ooh til the break of dawn.” It played a clip of me rolling my eyes. God, I used to wear so much eyeliner. There are more pictures of me at suggestive angles.
“God, you’re so hot.” Tom laughs. “look at you and your hot pink guitar”
“This is super weird to watch. It’s impressive, but I’m just slightly jarred.” We watch more individuals before they switch over to some nonserious clips of us essentially chirping at each other. They caption the videos with 'goofiest couple' or 'cutie patooties.' I enjoyed the videos of us being children having pillow fights in hotels and making weird groans.
"Alright, and finally, we're going to finish the video with one final edit of the you two." Tom clicks the final play button it's a slowed-down edit of the two of us while in the era of me giving lap dances. The pure eroticism of us grinding against each other. The look of it. His eye as he studies me singing. And how I stared into his soul while I sang about how good he fucks me.
It wouldn't hurt to climb into his lap again. I love his wife, Heidi, but I miss him. After 3 years with my boyfriend, Gregory, and no engagement ring in sight, just this shitty promise ring. That was the whole reason we split. After dating Tom for a decade, I was ready to get married. Sure, we were only 24, but I only wanted him. And that wasn't what he wanted, so we split.
Now, ten years have passed, and I'm still not married.
He's right next to me, and I miss him.
#not a happy ending#tom kaulitz x reader#tokio hotel#tom kaulitz#y2k#grunge#modern tom kaulitz#tiktok#nostalgia#suggestive#angsty
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Elli: A Black and White 90s aesthetic Introducing a daring photoshoot featuring Elli, an incredibly beautiful model from Berlin, known for her striking tattoos. Shot in a minimalist white studio, Elli exudes 90s flair in an oversized black suit, complemented by a daring underboob corset and bold platform boots.
With a cigar in hand, she radiates a fierce attitude and rebellious energy. As the session unfolds, Elli playfully loosens her corset, unveiling her stunningly tattooed and pierced upper body. The juxtaposition of her tailored suit against her exposed skin creates a mesmerizing visual story.
Keen observers will catch a glimpse of a G-string peeking out from her suit trousers, adding an enticing touch to the imagery. This collection beautifully marries 90s style, contemporary body art, and the timeless allure of black-and-white photography. For members, the full glorious set: https://www.patreon.com/posts/elli-black-and-113494710?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
#cute girl#goth girl#goth#goth aesthetic#sexy egirl#inkedgirls#fashionblog#fashionmodel#fashionphotography#fashion trends#fashion girl#goth model#gothic girl#fashion goth#goth fashion#80s#90s aesthetic
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October 18 2023 Today’s headline could be queer expression in Berlin. At first, I went to get a tattoo I have wanted for 12 years and the tattoo artist that accepted my idea had a rainbow flag in her studio (I never got to ask if she is queer). Then I went with a tumblr mutual (met at the käärijä gig on Monday) to the gay museum. That was a match made in heaven since they loved talking about german queers and I loved learning about it. This one volunteer was adorable he kept humming happily when making coffee.
#transgender#transmasc#nonbinary#queer history#queer berlin#gender expression#body modifications#fellow queers#late entry#entry#findingmicah
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I spent six days in Berlin. Now I’m coming back. It’s a six-ish hour train ride from where I live in Poland. I got a tattoo from a Polish person living in Berlin. It’s a pearl on my ankle. I went to a rave. I accidentally went to a drag show in a small art gallery that belonged to the drag queen. I drank tequilla. I raced in shopping carts. I bought art prints. I partied till like 7 am and woke up at 10:30 am today. I went to a free concert in an art studio. I did a mean rich anime girl laugh all of the time. I sang Ethel Cain’s Crush almost everyday. Most importantly, I spent five days with almost all of my most beloved friends, except for one.
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Done by our resident artist @urbanatura
Bookings are open for 2024 - for appointments contact us or the artist directly
#tattooidea #backtattoo #watercolortattoo #watercolortattoo #aquarelletattoo #tattooinspiration #tattoolife #berlintattoostudio #berlintattooartist #berlintattoo #tattooberlin #berlin #tattoo #graphictattoo #graphicdesign #coveruptattoo #brushtattoo #tattoolovers
#berlin#berlin tattoo artist#berlin tattoo studio#tattoo aesthetic#tattoo artist#tattoo artwork#tattoo berlin#tattoo ink#abstract tattoo#art#best tattoos#tattoo art#tattoo inspiration#tattoo design#tattoo ideas#tattoed girls#Instagram
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one liners.. available designs with a small bunch of many possible variations. i can imagine for example a version of the first one in which that line wraps all the way around an arm or leg.. lots of pastabilities! contact: [email protected] thanks! ________________________________________ #drawing #illustration #zeichnung #design #tattooberlin #berlintattoo #tattooart #tattoodesign #berlin #contemporarytattoo #contemporaryart #neukölln #minimalist #minimal #tattooflash #secretsurfacetattoo #inkdesign #visualart #tattooidea #flash #oneliners #scissorhands #highwire #tightrope #walktheline #cutthecord #toetheline #holdtheline #linesonly #blackholes (at Nowhereland Tattoo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbMXNtsQea/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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five days - 五日

synopsis: In which Kaiser fell in love with his tattoo artist, or in which Kaiser has only five appointments to convince you to go on a date with him.
note: hi, hope you enjoy this part and thanks for the support :))
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🥀 Day 2
"Are you a Bastard München fan?" you asked Kaiser during a break in the session.
He frowned at your question. You thought it was a normal question because he was wearing a team shirt.
"Well, I guess I can say I'm a bit of a fan," he admitted with a shrug, "Have you seen any of their matches?"
"I'm not a fan, so no, never. The only time I watch something of that is during the World Cup," you admitted.
It had been 3 weeks since the last session. Although you'd never admit it, you'd been counting the days until you'd see Kaiser again. But you weren't the only one, Kaiser, being the fool and loser that he was, had also been eagerly awaiting this day. Too bad today's training was too long, so he was unable to take a proper shower and dress up for you. So he entered your studio in his uniform, sweaty and with a messed-up haircut.
"It looks good on you," you admitted, unaware that Kaiser was blushing and trying to cover it up with his hand.
Like last time, he sat there whistling to the song. How could he act as if nothing had happened? When you told him to "shoot" his question, you didn't expect it to hit you like a real bullet. Obviously, you refused his request. The reason? You barely knew him, and you excused yourself by saying you had a busy schedule.
"Isn't it strange?" you finally asked him, "I mean, I rejected you..."
"Oh Liebling you didn't reject me. You rejected my plan, know the difference. You didn't even reject my plan, you said you couldn't because you were busy last month. Lucky for me, it's a new month, right?"
You couldn't keep a straight face at his sly comments.
"But be honest... Why did you turn it down? You said it was because you were overworked, but every time I passed by the studio you were eating your lame veggie sandwich or talking to your clients," Kaiser commented with a grin.
You put your hand to your heart and pretend to be offended by such accusations.
"Okay, first of all, veggie sandwiches cannot be lame. Secondly, I was really busy, apparently you just caught me on my break. And last but not least, we only met a few hours ago before you asked me that. I don't know anything about you, maybe you're a criminal," you said, trying to defend your poor excuse and the veggie sandwiches you used to make so lovingly.
"Oh, that could be so easily solved, Liebling. I am a Bastard München fan, as you can see, and my work might be related to that. My hometown is Berlin. I love crusty bread, dogs and winter. And in my spare time I take long showers, read, think about myself, and when I'm motivated I think about who I'd like to kill," he said unperturbed.
You just stopped doing everything to process all the information he gave to you.
"Well, I wasn't so wrong to think you were a criminal," you said, and took your job back.
"You're too beautiful to be killed, don't worry Liebling, my thoughts of you are anything but killing you," he said confidently, you giggled.
“Oh, how lucky I must be”
“You have no idea” he assured “What about you?”
"Well, as you can see, I work here. I love autumn, promenading and those mouse shaped sweets from the sweet shop. In my spare time I like to stay in my small but cosy apartment. And... we have just finished this session," you said as you stood up and stretched a little.
"You are really talented," Kaiser said smirking at you while admiring the new part of the tattoo
"Tell me something I don’t know. Come on, I have an another appointment in 5 minutes"
You escorted Kaiser to the exit, where he put his black cap and face mask back on. Before he left, he stared at you for a few seconds.
"Now that we know more about each other, would you like to go out with me? Come on Liebling, you know the best way to get to know another person is to go out, you can't expect to know me in just an hour" Kaiser asked as he opened the door
How could he be so convincing? Maybe you weren't sure about the date the last time, but today you really were. Still, you could be a bit of a teaser, and maybe you wanted to see if Kaiser was really interested in you.
"The last time you asked me, you were dressed as the owner of five clubs, and today you ask me out dress like that. Come on, where is this spoilt brat? Michael Kaiser, you can do better," you admitted, giving him a bold look.
He chuckled under his mask.
"You really do have high standards, don't you? Don't worry Liebling, next time you won't have any excuse to refuse me. Trust me".
#bllk imagines#bllk x you#bllk x reader#bluelock x reader#blue lock imagines#michael kaiser#kaiser x y/n#kaiser x you#kaiser x reader
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[Article] Lifestyle Asia HK
DPR is coming to Hong Kong for their ‘The Dream Reborn’ world tour this December
Members of DPR, or Dream Perfect Regime, are returning to Hong Kong for a concert in December. DPR Ian, DPR Cream and DPR Artic will be coming to the city as a part of their upcoming 2024 ‘The Dream Reborn’ world tour, which will kick off in July with multiple shows in Seoul.
Hong Kong isn’t the only Asian city on their list. The artists will also head to Singapore, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok as well as New Taipei City. Keep reading to know everything about DPR’s concert in Hong Kong, including the date, ticketing details and more.CultureDPR Ian opens up about his endless love for tattoos, music, and storytellingWhat's OnUnmissable concerts and music festivals in Hong Kong and Macau in 2024
DPR concert in Hong Kong: Date, ticketing details and more
As announced on DPR’s Instagram handle, the trio will be coming to Hong Kong on December 22, 2024. They’ll finally head to New Taipei City on December 28 before wrapping up their world tour. Tickets for the Hong Kong concert will go on sale on August 16 at 10 am local time. Fans can also grab their spot via a pre-sale which begins on August 14 at 10 am local time via KKTIX.
Tickets cost HKD 1588 (VIP), HKD 1188, HKD 988, and HKD 788. The VIP package includes a category one ticket entry, early entry to the venue, first access to the merchandise, VIP laminate and lanyard, and a meet-and-greet with DPR Artic, DPR Cream, and DPR Ian. The meet-and-greet also includes a Q&A session and a group photo.https://www.instagram.com/p/C-b17NxPG7e/embed/?cr=1&v=14&wp=1080&rd=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lifestyleasia.com&rp=%2Fhk%2Fwhats-on%2Fevents-whats-on%2Fdpr-hong-kong-concert-2024-date-venue-ticket-details-and-more%2F#%7B%22ci%22%3A0%2C%22os%22%3A1728%2C%22ls%22%3A1643%2C%22le%22%3A1664.0000000000002%7D
Moreover, the upcoming concerts won’t feature DPR live, who announced last year that he’s taking a hiatus from the group to release music under his real name, Hong Da-bin.
DPR ‘The Dream Reborn’ world tour 2024: Full schedule
July 2024
Seoul, South Korea: July 13
Seoul, South Korea: July 14
September 2024
Vancouver, British Columbia: September 9
Seattle, Washington: September 10
Oakland, California: September 13
Los Angeles, California: September 15
Phoenix, Arizona: September 16
Denver, Colorado: September 18
Irving, Texas: September 20
Houston, Texas: September 22
Atlanta, Georgia: September 24
Washington, D.C.: September 27
New York, New York: September 28
Boston, Massachusetts: September 30
October 2024
Toronto, Ontario: October 2
Chicago, Illinois: October 4
Mexico City, Mexico: October 12
Sao Paulo, Brazil: October 14
Santiago, Chile: October 18
Buenos Aires, Argentina: October 20
London, United Kingdom: October 27
Tilburg, Netherlands: October 30
Berlin, Germany: October 31
November 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark: November 2
Warsaw, Poland: November 5
Frankfurt, Germany: November 7
Milan, Italy: November 10
Barcelona, Spain: November 12
Paris, France: November 14
December 2024
Auckland, New Zealand: December 4
Sydney, New South Wales: December 6
Melbourne, Victoria: December 10
Singapore: December 12
Jakarta, Indonesia: December 14
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: December 18
Bangkok, Thailand: December 20
Hong Kong: December 22
New Taipei City, Taiwan: December 28
(Hero image credit: LE3AY STUDIO)
(Feature image credit: dpr_official/ Instagram)
Note: The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.
WRITTEN BY: Kriti Nayyar |
Senior Digital Writer, Wellness, Culture, Astrology, Tech
Kriti is a stay-at-home dog mama, whose knack for telling interesting stories keeps her erstwhile monotonous life sane. A literature & journalism degree holder, you'll find her binging on Agatha Christie novels while critiquing the everyday state of affairs. On Kriti's seldom social outings, she's seen devouring coffee sangria with appetizing bread on the side.
#2024#drwt#article#2024 article#dpr#dream perfect regime#drwt Hong Kong#dream reborn tour 2024#dpr ian#dpr cream#dpr artic#drwt asia pacific#press#2024 press#tour dates#tour dates 2024#lifestyle asia hk
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Cezanne Baron, 28, grew up with a passport in one hand and a sketchbook in the other. Born in Bordeaux, France, to Jacques (56) and Vivienne Baron (55), vineyard consultants who traveled the world for their work, Cezanne’s childhood was defined by constant movement. Her parents’ passion for winemaking took them from the lush vineyards of Tuscany to the sun-drenched valleys of South Africa, and she quickly developed an appreciation for diverse cultures and landscapes. While she was an only child, Cezanne never felt lonely, as her sketchbook became her constant companion, a canvas to capture the vibrant people, places, and patterns she encountered.
Cezanne’s artistic flair was evident from a young age. While other children played games, she spent hours drawing intricate patterns inspired by the Moroccan tiles she saw on family trips or sketching delicate cherry blossoms after a visit to Japan. Her parents encouraged her creativity, even as they prioritized their nomadic lifestyle. They made sure she had access to art classes and supplies no matter where they landed, fostering a deep love for self-expression.
In her late teens, Cezanne settled in Paris to study graphic design at university, but the confines of digital art felt uninspiring compared to the tactile beauty she had experienced growing up. While visiting Berlin on a solo trip, she wandered into a tattoo parlor, struck by the artistry and intimacy of creating permanent designs on skin. After a long conversation with the shop owner, Cezanne realized she had found her calling. She apprenticed at the studio and spent the next few years honing her craft, combining her passion for travel and art into a unique style that blends global influences with personal storytelling.
Cezanne’s tattoos are celebrated for their intricate, culturally inspired designs—delicate lotus flowers with an Indian flair, African tribal patterns, and Japanese-inspired wave motifs. Her work often feels like a journey itself, weaving her clients’ stories into art that becomes part of them forever.
Despite her adventurous spirit, Cezanne has a grounded, thoughtful nature. She’s known for her calm demeanor and the ability to put anyone at ease. A natural listener, she believes in creating meaningful connections with her clients, often taking the time to understand their emotions and stories before starting a piece. Outside of work, she remains deeply curious and loves to explore new cuisines, read travel memoirs, and hike in nature. She’s also an avid photographer, using her camera to capture the fleeting beauty of the places she visits, adding to her ever-growing collection of inspiration.
Cezanne currently spends her time traveling to collaborate with other tattoo artists worldwide. Her parents, now semi-retired, love seeing how she’s turned their nomadic lifestyle into a source of artistic inspiration. They’re proud of the life she’s created, one that allows her to honor the world’s diversity and beauty through her art.
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To let go is to change.
I suffered a great loss recently when my dog Yuki passed away. He lived a long life and gave me and my family 17 years of pure happiness and unconditional love. I knew I was running out of time with him but acceptance doesn't make things easier, it just makes things better to understand. The wound is still fresh and some days are harder than others. I'm a creature of routine and it is that routine that cuts deep these days. It's been difficult filling up the gaps in time that used to belong to him. I'm learning to live life differently.
This post is dedicated to my Yuki. I'll post what I did on primfeed at the end.
LOCATION: Echo Beneath Surface Tension - Morris Code Studios
SKIN: [Glam Affair] June Skin [Lelutka EvoX] Basic Line (Past FLF sale)
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
HAIR: EXILE, Dina Hair (Past Hair Fair Gift)
EYES: Misunderstood. Valentine Eyes (Group Gift)
Eyeshadow: :LMB: Dolorosa (Gift in Store)
Gold Tears: {EP} Dripping Luxury Tattoos (Past S&H SL21B Gift)
Lipstick: SSD. Marceline - Lipstick EvoX (Past Midnight Order Gift)
Glitter Dress, Headdress, Roses: La Maldita Bruja, TALASSA Set (60L, MIIX Weekend Sale)
Bodysuit: Blink2Wink - Lean On (BOM) in Black (1L on Marketplace)
Black Corset Piece: [Adagio] - Etude in black (Free on Marketplace)
Leggings: [ Embox ] // Sheer Tights Set I - TINTABLE (Free on Marketplace)
Stocking Socks (Tinted them): CURELESS [+] Baroque Corset Stockings in Sakurairo (Group Gift, 99L to Join)
Shoes: Buxom Store - Berlin Heels, Maitreya (1L on Marketplace)
Wings: Jinx- Simple Bento Wings ($125L)
Earrings: Romazin - Earrings, Kasira (Old Gift)
Chest Light: Octubre x Kitty Coven: Luz. (90L, Happy Weekend Sale)
Chest Tattoo: Nefekalum - Alchemic Corrosion (Group Gift, 1L to Join)
Sternum Piece: cinphul (NOW CLOSED) jlt [crown+accessories] (Old Group Gift)
Gloves (Tinted them): PunkinBlend- Earthbound Tattoo (Past S&H SL21B Gift)
Arm & Leg Tattoos: Nefekalum - Mire (Group Gift, 1L to Join)
Nails: FF Original - Nail Bento Stilleto Glitter - BLACK 1
Butterfly (I heavily modified it): :LMB: Agni Gift (Gift in Store)
Heart: CURELESS[+] Valentine's Heart (10L on Marketplace)
Primfeed Post:
My Yuki crossed the rainbow bridge. He was my granny's dog first but I lived with my grandparents so he's been with me for 17 years. My story with him and my family runs deep. I became an unofficial caregiver to my grandparents when I was 17 so this feels like a full circle moment for me. I think that's why despite accepting his fate, it also comes with immense emptiness. I don't think many understand how painful and traumatic it is to be young and scared and still have to take care of two elderly people so that your mom can work and bring home an income. I sacrificed dreams. I sacrificed opportunities. Very important moments passed me by. Every morning was a panic attack for me. Every night was long and sleepless. I'd sometimes only sleep 4 hours and take naps when my mom would come home. After both my grandparents passed, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was so used to the role of caring that I didn't know how to cope. I was full of rage toward the rest of my family for not helping me and my mother. Most of all, I felt so lost and left behind. The world had moved on during the time I was a caregiver. I didn't have a job, I didn't know how to drive, I didn't have a good education. Truthfully, I never really got over any of it and I've always felt stuck in time. I guess my way of surviving was to focus on Yuki. And so I did. I gave him the best little life I could and I think he saved mine numerous times. I had to get up because I had him. I had to keep going because I had him. And every difficult moment for the last 17 years, he was there. In 2017, I suffered ovarian torsion. To make a long story short, I lost my ovary and was later diagnosed with infertility. I was devastated and horribly depressed. But I had Yuki to take care of and so I did. One day when we were outside, he pulled toward this injured cat in the yard. I named her Daisy and I started feeding her everyday. She ended up having kittens and from then on, I started feeding her, her babies and more strays/ferals came. I feed 11 cats now and have 2 indoor cats (Chubby & Luna) and it started with Yuki being the sweetest kindest boy to them all. All I know is that thanks to him, I learned that I don't have to give birth to give life. I've learned so much from him. The hardest lesson has been to close this chapter once and for all. So as I said goodbye and told him his job was done, I think he was probably saying it right back to me. That time that kept me frozen is over now. He's the last link I had to my past. He's free now and so am I.
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