#tattoo desinger
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Are you looking to have a tattoo designed?
I am more than willing to work with you to make your design a reality for a little bit of money. PM me and we can work out a price!
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fashionista818 · 9 months ago
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saruh123 · 1 year ago
This was my hc since the movie, 'cause when I saw the movie, I saw all the turtles had a Tattoo, but Donnie wasen't; so in my hc, I thought Donnie was allergic to the ink tattoo so, since he was allergic, he only made the desingers for the others
Donnie tattoo artist HCs
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Definitely started to learn about tattooing out of the blue.
He had first learned about scarification and gave Raph his symbol on his right shoulder (everybody thought the red clad turtle was able to do it by himself, but that’s only because Donnie was scared to be reprimanded at the time. With time - and after several tattoos, he finally revealed the truth)
Mikey caught him watching vids about tattoo techniques and since then both have been hooked.
It’s actually Mikey who gave Donnie the idea to get a tattoo machine gun. Of course it would have to be modified a bit in order to be able to pierce their thick skin.
Even if Donnie is always willing to test his invention on himself, he’s still a tattoo virgin and never tested the machine on himself - Mikey willingly volunteered.
Mikey’s first tattoo is itty-bitty heart on his thigh, perfectly hidden under his shorts to avoid suspicion.
Once they knew the machine worked, they started working on practising lines - hence why Mikey has his brother’s names on his arm.
Then came the first design (thanks to Mikey for drawing most of it - Donnie is not much of an artist)
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When the others finally realised what was going on, reactions were mixed. Raph was impressed, Leo was … disappointed? SUCH HOOLIGANS
The leader did like the design and also got it tattooed.
And he got another …. and another!
Mikey got some more too!
Raph was the last in line (simply because he knew his tattoo idea would be more of a bitch)
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Also he got it as a celebration gift after that last encounter with Shredder on top of Sacks’ tower.
Donnie is definitely pressured from times to times by his brothers to get a tattoo.
“But iT hAs to bE SpEcIAL!!!!”
Donnie loves many things - but none seems worthy to be tattooed on him.
Might only get a tattoo once he’s met a special someone - a lover - with whom he truly feels a connection with. Then he might get either a matching tattoo or something that represents them.
So for now he loves the art and the act of tattooing, but that’s all there is.
Whenever he’s tattooing he always has gummies nearby in case someone feels lightheaded. SUGAR RUSH WILL BOOST YOU UP.
Getting gloves that fits his hands IS A NIGHTMARE. He has to think ahead all the time for whenever he restocks - he usually gets more than needed.
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Usually listens to 80′s-90′s rock music while tattooing or some oldschool hip-hop.
Is at ease with the Tribal style, thanks to Mikey with his designs, but also likes Japanese and Black and Gray. Also has no issues with text-based tattoos.
He would like to try Dotwork or even Watercolor one day!
His drawing skills definitely improved, thanks to tattooing. At least he has a stencil he can follow, but now he’s starting to get a better grasp at coming up with designs and understanding the creative process. 
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msconstru3d · 5 years ago
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littlenatixhandpoke · 5 years ago
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Wolne flashe, chętnie wykonam / project available
ig: https://www.instagram.com/littlenatix/
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krisninelives · 7 years ago
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Rooster leg - - - - - - - - - #rooster #roosters #roosteryear #roosterlegs #roostertattoo #roostertattooart #sketch #sketching #roostersketch #art #art🎨 #art🌎 #arte #tattoo #tattooed #tattooer #tattooink #desing #desings #desinger #desingn #japaneseprint #japanesetattoo #japanese #japaneseart #japanesetattoos #japanesetattooart #japaneseart #hundreddemonds (en Quito, Ecuador)
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d3ak5 · 7 years ago
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Here’s another set of stills from a fashion video we have been working on for @firze_fashion_design. . . #fashion #fashionvideo #clothes #clothing #brand #collection #industrial #mustard #colours #photography #photo #photoshoot #wales #cardiff #model #beard #piercings #tattoos #video #filmmaking #instagood #photooftheday #instadaily #desinger (at Cardiff)
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phoenixphireinc · 5 years ago
Giving American Designers their own "table".
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kaimactrash · 3 years ago
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Well over the midway point in the dressuptober prompt list by unknownspy. and I rolled Klak in pompt 6 for number 17!I hope no ones pissed that I've drawn 3 boys in a row...and made the last one hairy to top it off...well if so... I'm not sorry, men are attractive to me, especially those I design, once I know em, I fall for em! Klak is a perfect example of this, he was based off a real person when he was very first desinged and that made it SO hard to relate to him as an individual rahter thana refrence if that makes sense, so keeping mostly only his theme of fire, I decided to remake his design and story and felt like I really got to know him, so now he has a diffrent and much bigger role in my comic than originally planned. I gave him new "tattoos" hip flames, he used to have a rose on his gut, but it felt irrelevant to his current characterisation.I don't love his face here to be honest, it's a diffrent angle and lighting than other pics, but I think I shortened his chin a bit, you think someone with as big a chin as I have, would rememeber to make sure his character also get atleast some of a chin.
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lsbaird · 3 years ago
Hey, because I am a obsessed idiot, I am desinging a bunch of tattoos for the three songbirds, and wanted to ask if I can use your og tattoo for one?
Of course you can! The original bird-shape design was by @xixdegrees, but she should be used to it getting put all over stuff by now. I hope. 😅
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this is the version on me; istg it is perfectly round but taking pics of your own right arm is nigh impossible.
(sorry for the late reply, I’ve been on hiatus to get some work done!)
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romebaudin · 4 years ago
☾ ——— character outline !
Full Name: rome baudin
Date of Birth:  hm kkk
Age: 23
Social Class: alta! mas nasceu em uma família de classe media/baixa, ele quem fez a familia sair disso
Parents’ names, backgrounds, occupations: sua mãe tem 50 anos, se chama Danielle e hoje em dia não trabalha mais, mas trabalhava como professora antes. seu pai tem 45 anos e se chama théodore e tem um restaurante.
Siblings: sim! ele é o mais novo, e o único menino. A sua irmã mais velha se chama Madelyn, tem  28 e é fotografa. Sua outra irmã tem 26 anos, se chama Astrid e é pesquisadora em uma marca de maquiagem.
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): eles são proximos hoje em dia, mas já tiveram algumas dificuldades (por causa da sexualidade do rome).
Height: 1,83
Weight: 77kg
Build: ele é magro, mas tem bastante musculo.
Distinguishing Features: altura.
Hair Color: marrom
Usual Hair Style: corte de e-boy hm
Eye Color: castanho/mel.
What do they consider their best feature?: ele gosta muito dos seus braços.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): no dia a dia ele se veste mais basic, tipo calça jeans e moletom, as vezes até calça de moletom, mas trabalhando como modelo ele pegou um gosto por moda, gosta de montar uns looks mais !!! de vez em quando
Glasses? Contacts?: usa oculos, mas 90% do tempo tá de lente de contato, tem aquelas que vc pode dormir usando e etc, sabe? só usa oculos se algo acontece
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: usa bastante acessórios, principalmente aneis e colares! e tem algumas tatuagens um dia a lista vem.
Do they work out/exercise?: sim! adora academia e vai quase todo dia.
Level of self esteem: ele é confiante em algumas coisas, gosta do seu corpo por exemplo, mas não se diria uma pessoa confiante, longe disso.
Known Languages: inglês, francês e espanhol.
Gifts/talents: ele diria que nenhum, mas ele é uma pessoa super criativa.
Political stance: esquerda
Bad habits: ele é meio viciado em trabalho e não admite, tem uma péssima rotina de sono também e come quando tá estressado. ah, ele ele fuma cigarro, diz que só de vez em quando mas é de vez em quanto todos os dias.
Sense of humor: ele tem bastante senso de humor, quer dizer, ele é famoso por causa dele né?
How do they deal with stress? normalmente desconta em outras coisas nada a ver.
What do they do when upset? chora e come çldmkkk
Believe in happy endings: sim
How do they want to be remembered?: alguém bom que fazia as pessoas felizes
How do they feel about asking for help? é bem ruim, quer muito ser o independente.
Optimist or pessimist: otimista.
Extrovert or introvert: extrovertido! mas é ansioso pra caralho então fode um pouco.
Leader or follower: leader.
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: emoção
Cautious or daring: meio a meio? depende muito do assunto pra ser sincera.
Spontaneous or planner: planner. é bem organizadinho
Thinker or doer: thinker.
Organized or messy: organized.
Worrier or carefree: preocupada.
Artistic?: sim
Mathematical?: nenhum pouco não sabe nem somar direito
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: está solteiro, mas é completamente apaixonado em um amigo/colega de classe, que já sabe e não retribuiu mas nunca deixa ele se afastar também, é meio toxico e confuso e ele não admite que tá sendo meio usado
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): gay com arco-iris e gliiter.
Past relationships and sexual partners (if applicable): namorou uma menina quando era adolescente, com seus 14 anos, e óbviamente não deu certo. com dezenove, se assumiu gay e junto com isso assumiu um namoro que durou até seus 21 anos, mas desde então está solreiro.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): ele durante boa parte da sua adolescencia ficou no armario, tudo que ele conhecia era one night stand porque tinha medo de qualquer outra coisa, então não liga e gosta, mas não faz tanto assim.
Love or Lust: amor
Ever been in love?: sim, acha que amou de vdd o ex namorado, as coisas só não deram certo mesmo
Do they fall in love easily?: ele diz que não, mas se apaixona sim. é bobo e otario.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future? simmm
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: ama, é bem grudento.
How do they flirt: ele é bem smooth, é mais sorriso e de vez em quando umas cantadas de brincadeira e etc.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: acho que as maiores love language dele são: ato de serviço e toque.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): ele é bem popular, ele é super simpatico e bonito então acaba vindo, mas tem poucos amigos proximo, morre de medo das pessoas estarem querendo aproveitar dele (o que já lhe aconteceu MUITO)
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?: ele é bem educado e super simpatico, tá meio acostumado a lidar com pessoas.
Do they trust people easily or tend to be wary?: ele demora MUITO pra confiar, aprendeu a erguer umas barreiras bem fodida.
Argue or avoid conflict?: fugir hm
Thoughts on large groups of people?: depende pra caralho de situação, não liga se for em uma balada, mas quando é em bar e tem muita geente ele fica meio nervoso por causa das vozess e conversa e tals. é confuso.
Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did they handle it? acho que o mais proximo foram seus avós, sua avó paterna faleceu uns 4 anos atrás, e seu avô materno a um ano e pouco. ele sofreu bastante, chora ainda quando ve foto com eles
Do they act differently around strangers th friends? If so, how differently?: não muito? ele é mais bobão com os amigos, perde um pouco a postura mas quase nada de diferente.
Level of education: cursando faculdade, de desinger. está no segundo ano!
Describe their work space: trabalha para si mesmo, ele é famosinho no ig, modelo (é contratado por uma empresa pra essa parte) e youtuber. na maior parte das vezes o wor space dele é o apartamento sdlçmkkk
Past occupations: trabalha com a internet desde que tinha 14 anos.
Dream occupation: ele ama o que faz agora na real, não consegue pensar em algo melhor.
Salary: 30K por mês, hm.
Spender or Saver? Why?: economiza e investe bastante pq sabe que a fama não vai durar a vida toda.
Which is more important - money or doing something they love?: fazer o que ama
Dreams: ele quer muito atuar em algo um dia, já fez algumas classes mas se sente um péssimo ator ldcmkkk
Greatest fears: altura
Biggest regret: não ter levado o youtube a sério mais cedo.
Secret hobbies: ele faz crochê
Police/Criminal/Legal record (Crimes committed? If so, were they caught? charged?): nada
What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life?: ele não gosta muito do apartamento que mora, queria muito mudar mas não tem coragem disso.
What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance?: ele não gosta do seu nariz ma não tem coragem de plastica
Hobbies: crochê e ler.
Indoors or Outdoors?: indoorsy.
Favorite color: roxo
Favorite smell: ama cheiro de chuva.
Favorite and least favorite food: favorita: sushi / odeia: uva passas
Coffee or tea?: café, mas ele gosta de chá tbm
Do they like music? What kind?: sim! ele ouve mais pop mais gosta de tudo basicamente.
Favorite type of weather: ela gosta de dias nublados
Favorite form of entertainment: filmes
How do they feel about traveling?: ele gosta bastante de viajar, mais as maior parte das vezes que fez foi a trabalho.
What sort of gifts do they like? sentimentais ou uteis, mas mais o primeiro.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: ele bebe e fuma maconha socialmente, já usou algumas outras coisas, inclusive meio pesadas, usou cocaina mais veze que gostaria de admitir mas hoje se mantem bem longe disso pq acha que chegou muito perto do vicio (se é que não foi viciado)
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: sim, e ele amaria parar mas nem admite que fuma ainda basicamente dsckkkk
Age when they first got drunk (what happened, consequences): tinha 16 anos, foi numa festa de aniversario de um amigo. seus pais deixaram ele de castigo por 1 mês e pouco depois, ele ia da escola pra casa e não podia jogar video-game, foi péssimo.
Have they ever tried other drugs (which, what happened, consequences): sim, como eu disse, já usou um bom tanto e quase de tudo. não teve muita consequencia direta, na real? ele era mais velho, não levou um castico nem nada, mas né
Do they have any addictions?: não.
Most important/defining event in life to date: ter ficado famoso, provavelmente.
Daily routine: acorda lá pelas 7h, vai pra faculdade, depois dessa vai pra academia, toma banho e normalmente dorme, aí acorda lá pelas cinco da tarde, e fica fazendo uns nada em casa mesmo e come��a a trabalhar lá pelas 21h porque ele tem uma péssima rotina.
Sleeping habits (Night owl or early bird? Light or heavy sleeper? Fall asleep anywhere or need specific conditions?): acorda cedo, mas é super uma night owl. ele produz muito melhor de noite, é mais criativo e se sente mais confortavel.
Typical Saturday night: normalmente tá gravando video, mas quando já tá com tudo pronto vai pra alguma balada ou bar com os amigos.
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): arrumadinho, tipo não é perfeita mas não é bagunçada como vc imaginaria a de um menino solteiro de 23 anos.
Type of car he/she drives (or wishes he/she drove):  Volvo XC40 (odeio ricos)
Pets?: If not, do they want any?: sim!! ele adotou a pouquissimo tempo um gatinho, o Jinx
What are you likely to find in their pockets? Purse/bag/backpack/wallet?: ele raramente anda de mochila, mas gosta de bolsas apesar de não ter nade de útil nela, na carteira dele só tem o basico: documentos, dinheiro, cartão e uma camisinha. na sua bolsa coloca o seu carregador e provavelmente papel de bala e etc, nada sério. quando pega a mochila é por causa da faculdade.
What makes them laugh?: ele gosta de pessoas boba tipo ele.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: não muito
Do they know how to swim? sim, mas não é exatamente bom nisso.
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: não, ele é um LIXO na cozinha. nem deus salva.
Are there any places that hold special meaning to them?: paris, foi o primeiro lugar que viajou para fotografar. até aprendeu francês por causa disso.
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dollsxbeauty · 4 years ago
Barbie eat your heart out. Thank you @xclusivelyrnd for the wonderful designer inspired fashion. Sorry for the late post! ♡♡♡
#adonisdoll #jhdtoys #mizidoll #louisvuitton #louisvuittonhandbags #designerdolls #malefashiondolls #kendoll #muscle #muscleboys #gymlife #dollsforboys #dollcollecting #desinger #gay #gaypride #cuteboys #dolls #tan #tattoo #desingerclothes #doll #malemodel #blue #tunes #shopping #barbie #guyswithbeards
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din-skywalker · 4 years ago
looking for a tattoo desinger
hiiiiiii i'm wanting an original tattoo design but idk where to look for one. so if you have designed some pm me with some examples and prices and i'll let you know what i'd like done!!
hint: it's for the show hannibal
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randomlyrandoms · 6 years ago
Celebrity Deaths 2018
JANUARY Jon Paul Steuer - Jan. 1 (TV Actor) Robert Mann - Jan. 1 (Violinist) Rick Hall - Jan. 2 (Music Producer) Thomas Monson - Jan. 2 (Religous Leader) Bruce Halle - Jan. 4 (Entrepreneur) John Young - Jan. 5 (Astronaut) Jerry Van Dyke - Jan. 5 (TV Show)  *Dick Van Dyke's Brother* Donnelly Rhodes - Jan. 8 (TV Actor) Doreen Tracey - Jan. 10 (TV Actor) Eddie Clarke - Jan. 10 (Guitarist) Jessica Falkholt - Jan. 11 (TV Actress) Keith Jackson - Jan. 12 (Sportscaster) Bobby Zarin - Jan. 13 (Reality Star) Dolores O'Riordan - Jan. 15 (Rock Singer) Peter Wyngarde - Jan. 15 (TV Actor) Bradford Dillman - Jan. 16 (Movie Actor) Jo Jo White - Jan. 16 (Basketball Player) Jessica Falkholt - Jan. 17 (TV Actress) Dorothy Malone - Jan. 19 (Movie Actress) Fredo Santana - Jan. 19 (Rapper) Olivia Cole - Jan. 19 (TV Actress) Dorothy Malone - Jan. 19 (Movie Actress) Paul Bocuse - Jan. 20 (Chef) Jim Rodford - Jan. 20 (Musician) Bob Smith - Jan. 20 (Activist) Connie Sawyer - Jan. 21 (TV Actress) Ursula K. Leguin - Jan. 22 (Children's Author) Hugh Masekela - Jan. 23 (Composer) Joel Taylor - Jan. 23 (Meteorologist) Nicanor Parra - Jan. 23 (Poet) Lari White - Jan. 23 (Country Singer) Mark E. Smith - Jan. 24 (Punk Singer) Warren Miller - Jan. 24 (Director) Ingvar Kamprad - Jan. 27 (Entrepreneur) **Mark Salling - Jan. 30 (TV Actor) Louis Zorich - Jan. 30 (TV Actor) Ann Gillis - Jan. 31 (Movie Actress) Rasual Butler - Jan. 31 (Basketball Player) Leah LaBelle - Jan. 31 (Pop Singer)
FEBRUAY Dennis Edwards - Feb. 1 (Rock Singer) John Mahoney - Feb. 4 (TV Actor) Khalif Smith - Feb. 5 (Youtuber Star) Mickey Jones - Feb. 7 (TV Actor) Ebony Reigns - Feb. 8 (Reggae Singer) John Gavin - Feb. 9 (Movie Actor) Reg E. Cathey - Feb. 9 (TV Actor) Jóhann Jóhannsson - Feb. 9 (Composer) Vic Damone - Feb. 11 (Pop Singer) Jan Maxwell - Feb. 11 (TV Actress) Daryle Singletary - Feb. 12 (Country Singer) Marty Allen - Feb. 12 (Comedian) Morgan Tsvangirai - Feb. 14 (Politician) Billy Graham - Feb. 21 (Religious Leader) Emma Chambers - Feb. 21 (TV Actress) Nanette Fabray - Feb. 22 (TV Actress) Ensa Cosby - Feb. 23 (Family Member) *Bill Cosby's Daugher* Bud Luckey - Feb. 24 (Cartoonist) Sridevi Kapoor - Feb. 24 (Movie Actress) Rogelio Guerra - Feb. 28 (Soap Opera Actor)
MARCH David Ogden Stiers- March 3 (TV Actor) Roger Bannister - March 3 (Runner) Hubert de Givenchy - March 10 (Fashion Designer) Ken Dodd - March 11 (Comedian) Craig Mack - March 12 (Rapper) Nokie Edwards - March 12 (Guitarist) Stephen Hawking - March 14 (Physicist) Jim Bowen - March 14 (Game Show Host) Ed Charles - March 15 (Baseball Player)   Tom Benson - March 15 (Entrepreneur) Tripp Halstead -March 15 (Blogger) Dushon Monique Brown - March 13 (TV Actress) Mike MacDonald - March 17 (Comedian) Charles Lazarus - March 22 (Entrepreneur) Fergus Anckorn - March 22 (War Hero) Morgana King - March 22 - (Movie Actress) Dushon Monique Brown - March 23 (TV Actress) Stéphane Audran - March 27 (Movie Actress) Rusty Staub - March 29 (Baseball Player) Bill Maynard - March 30 (Comedian)
APRIL Steven Bochco - April 1 (TV Producer) Winnie Madikizela-Mandela - April 2 (Politician) Susan Anspach - April 2 (Movie Actress) Ray Wilkins - April 4 (Soccer Coach) Eric Bristow - April 5 (Darts Player) Tim O'Connor - April 5 (TV Actor) Cecil Taylor - April 5 (Pianist) Jonathan Pitre - April 6 (Activist) Chuck McCann - April 8 (TV Actor) Art Bell - April 13 (Radio Host) R. Lee Ermey - April 15 (TV Actor) Pamela Gidley - April 16 (Movie Actress) Hal Greer - April 16 (Basketball Player) Harry Anderson - April 16 (TV Actor) Barbara Bush - April 17 (Political Wife) Dale Winton - April 18 (TV Show Host) Avicii - April 20 (DJ) **Verne Troyer - April 21 (Movie Actor) Bob Dorough - April 23 (Jazz Singer) Johnny Bennett - April 25 (TV Show Host) Kristin Nelson - April 27 (TV Actress) Judith Leiber - April 28 (Fashion Designer) Lil Lonnie - April 29 (Rapper) Robert Mandan - April 29 (Soap Opera Actor)
MAY Scott Hutchison - May 10 (Guitarist) Hubert de Givenchy - May 10 (Fashion Designer) Margot Kidder - May 13 (Movie Actress) Doug Ford - May 14 (Golfer) Tom Wolfe - May 14 (Journalist) Hugh Dane - May 16 (TV Actor) Joseph Campanella - May 16 (TV Actor) Young King Dave - May 17 (Instagram Star) Stephanie Adams - May 18 (Model) Robert Indiana - May 19 (Pop Artist) Clint Walker - May 21 (Movie Actor) Nara Almeida - Nay 21 (Fashion Designer) Allyn Ann McLerie - May 21 (Dancer) Philip Roth - May 22 (Novelist) Elizabeth Sung - May 22 (TV Actress) John Bain - May 24 (Youtube Star) Blake Painter - May 24 (Reality Star) Jerry Maren - May 24 (Movie Actor) Blake Painter - May 25 (Reality Star) Cornelia Frances - May 28 (TV Actress)
JUNE Sophia Gall - June 1 (Instagram Star) Georgann Johnson - June 4 (TV Actress) Dwight Clark - June 4 (Football Player) **Kate Spade - June 5 (Fashion Designer) Alan O'Neill - June 6 (TV Actor) Peter Stringfellow - June 7 (Entrepreneur) Anthony Bourdain - June 8 (Chef) Jackson Odell - June 8 (Movie Actor) Eunice Gayson - June 8 (Movie Actress) Neal Boyd - June 10 (Opera Singer) D.J. Fontana - June 13 (Drummer) Matt Murphy - June 15 (Guitarist) Leslie Grantham - June 15 (Soap Opera Actor) Xxxtentacion - June 18 (Rapper) Big Van Vader - June 18 (Wrestler)   Sophie Gradon - June 20 (Reality Star) Charles Krauthammer - June 21 (Journalist) Vinnie Paul - June 22 (Drummer) The Random Toon Show - June 24 (Youtube Star) Richard Harrison - June 25 (Reality Star) Harlan Ellison - June 27 (Novelist) Steve Soto - June 27 (Musician) **Joe Jackson - June 27 (Talent Manager) *Michael Jackson's Father* Emily Hayward - June 28 (Youtube Star) Derrick O'Connor - June 29 (Theatre Actor) Steve Ditko - June 29 (Cartoonist) Smoke Dawg - June 30 (Rapper)
JULY Alan Longmuir - July 2 (Bassist) Richard Swift - July 3 (Music Producer) Ed Schultz - July 5 (Radio Host) Claude Lanzmann - July 5 (Director) Alan Longmuir - July 7 (Bassist) Tab Hunter - July 8 (Movie Actor) Jorge Valenzuela - July 8 (World Music Singer) Annabelle Neilson - July 12 (Reality Star) Roger Perry - July 12 (TV Actor) Ray Emery - July 15 (Hockey Player) Jon Schnepp - July 19 (Director) Elmarie Wendel - July 21 (TV Actress) Oliver Dragojevic - July 28 (Rock Singer) Arielis Paulino - July 29 (TikTok Star) Nikolai Volkoff - July 29 (Wrestler)
AUGUST Rick Genest - August 1 (Tattoo Artist) C. Struggs - August 3 (Rapper) *Charlotte Rae - August 5 (TV Actress) Barry Chuckle - August 5 (Comedian) Stan Mikita - August 7 (Hockey Player) Jill Janus - August 14 (Metal Singer) **Aretha Franklin - August 16 (Soul Singer) Atal Bihari Vajpayee - August 16 (Politician) Kofi Annan - August 18 (Politician) Craig Zadan - August 20 (Film Producer) **Stefan Karl Stefansson - August 21 (TV Actor) Barbara Harris - August 21 (Movie Actress) Ed King - August 22 (Rock Singer) Robin Leach - August 24 (TV Show Host) John McCain - August 25 (Politician) Neil Simon - August 26 (Playwright) Vanessa Marquez - August 30 (TV Actress)
SEPTEMBER Bill Daily - Sept. 4 (TV Actor) Burt Reynolds - Sept. 6 (Movie Actor) **Mac Miller - Sept. 7 (Rapper) Kim Porter - Sept. 11 (Movie Actress) Rachid Taha - Sept. 12 (Rock Singer) Marin Mazzie - Sept. 13 (Stage Actress) Denis Norden - Sept. 19 (Radio Host) Al Matthews - Sept. 22 (Movie Actor) Chas Hodges - Sept. 22 (Rock Singer) Gary Kurtz - Sept. 23 (Film Producer) PeeWeeToms - Sept. 28 (Youtube Star) Kim Larsen - Sept. 30 (Rock Singer)
OCTOBER Charles Aznavour - Oct. 1 (Pop Singer) Geoff Emerick - Oct. 2 (Sound Desinger) Will Vinton - Oct. 4 (Film Producer) Audrey Wells - Oct. 4 (Screen Writer) Hamiet Bluiett - Oct. 4 (Saxophonist) **Scott Wilson - Oct. 6 (Movie Actor) Peggy McCay - Oct. 7 (Soap Opera Actress) Paul Allen - Oct. 15 (Entrepreneur) Dennis Hof - Oct. 16 (Entrepreneur) Oli Herbert - Oct. 17 (Guitarist) James Karen - Oct. 23 (Movie Actor) Ntozake Shange - Oct. 27 (Poet) James Karen - Oct. 28 (Movie Actor) Jin Yong - Oct. 30 (Novelist) Willie McCovey - Oct. 31 (Baseball Player)
NOVEMBER Roy Hargrove - Nov. 2 (Trumpet Player) Sondra Locke - Nov. 3 (Movie Actress) **Stan Lee - Nov. 12 (Comic Book Author) David Pearson - Nov. 12 (Race Car Driver) Katherine MacGregor - Nov. 13 (TV Actress) Kim Porter - Nov. 15 (Model) Roy Clark - Nov. 15 (TV Show Host) Devin Lima - Nov. 21 (Pop Singer) Nicolas Roeg - Nov. 23 (Director) Ricky Jay - Nov. 24 (TV Actor) Stephen Hillenburg - Nov. 26 (Director) Bernardo Bertolucci - Nov. 26 (Director) *George H.W. Bush - Nov. 30 (US President)
DECEMBER Ken Berry - Dec. 1 (TV Actor) Geoff Murphy - Dec. 3 (Director) Philip Bosco - Dec. 3 (Stage Actor) Pete Shelley - Dec. 6 (Punk Singer) Nancy Wilson - Dec. 13 (Jazz Singer) **Penny Marshall - Dec. 17 (Director) Donald Moffat - Dec. 20 (Movie Actor)
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realmrmischief · 2 years ago
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I've desinged meself the tattoo. Can't wait when my back and my wallet gonna big enought to get it on myself!
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littlenatixhandpoke · 5 years ago
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ig: https://www.instagram.com/littlenatix/
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