#tattoo artist bez?
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djangari · 3 months ago
No writing....
NODDLES! (with Maggi)
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artanticaa · 10 months ago
Tattoo Shop Au HAHA
Okay, picture this (this is not like a fic it is just my ideas):
Marc crams himself in his shop late at night, long after he flipped the "open" sign to "close", and he hunches over in his chair, frantically scribbling design idea, the thoughts in his head moving much faster than what he can do with the pen, but he tries to keep up as to not let any idea slip through the cracks.
He loves that people want to get tattoos from him, but late at night he bites his nails, wondering how he is going to top himself with the next tattoo. Álex knows this, knows that if he wants to find Marc at midnight on a Friday, he should start with the shop. So that is exactly what he does. He has a spare key so he lets himself in and walks to the back to grab Marc.
He throws a shirt at Marc and tells him to get up, that there's a new club in the city and he thinks it would be good for Marc to get out and let loose a little. Marc agrees but very reluctantly, putting on the tank top Álex brought for him.
Little does Marc know, this new club's little theme is UV/black lights. When the two of them get to the little sign outside a small door tucked into a busy street labeled "Neon" Marc is already like, oh no absolutely not, but Álex pushes him in, already seeing the tattoos that cover Marc's arms, legs, neck, and face start to glow.
Marc doesn't like to respond to people when they give him shit for being "a tattoo artist with no tattoos" because, why get into that argument. In reality he is actually covered from head to toe in UV tattoos, which don't show up under normal light, they only show up under black light. So he just lets people believe he has no tattoos.
However, when he gets into this club, he lights up like a glowstick LOL. What he doesn't know is that earlier that night, Valentino's two little gremlin children convinced him to go out with them to a :new club" in the city as well. Pecco and Bez spot someone turned away from them from across the room and they notice all the glowing tattoos decorating his body and tap Vale on the shoulder and tell him to look.
*cue dramatic turn around*
Marc turns around to look at the scene and Pecco, Bez, and Vale are able to see that it is him, the bottom half of his face covered in what looks to be a realistic skull tattoo, from his nose down it almost looks like those x-rays you get at a dentist office.
And like after that, ya know, whole big shock factor, people are looking blah blah. IDK MAN I wanna make a comic of that.
also shout out my beloved best friend @vanillow for yelling with me abt it
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anitalianfrie · 7 months ago
*gently rocking on the floor, head between knees" tattoo artist bez isn't real and can't hurt me tattoo artist bez isn't real and can't hurt me tattoo artist bez isn't real and can't-
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chaeul · 2 years ago
I got tagged by @khashanakalashtar, thank you, dear ♥
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (3 lobe + 1 cartillage piercing on both sides)// I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language//I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami// I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own// I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends (to an extent - my social battery runs out fast) // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // ✨I have a crush✨// I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together// I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend (multiple!) // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me (it drives me insane if there are more than say 4 birds) // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep (I can't fall asleep to music - podcasts are fine) // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching// I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean (don't get me started) // I enjoy hiking on nature paths// autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love (define true love?) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead (I used to be for a few years) // I own at least 3 dogs
@gonardo-writes, @maenecoon, @ainxkawaii, @thiscouldbeacity, @jez-bez, @alittlebitofrainbyyourside, @coffeelovesdramasalatte
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khashanakalashtar · 2 years ago
get to know me ask game
tagged by my dear @theflowergirl on my main
RULES: bold the ones that are true & tag 10 people to do it.
blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings (my ears are pierced thrice) // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas (people have opinions on sneaker brands?) // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language//I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami// I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own// I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // ✨I have a crush✨// I have a best friend who I’ve known for ten years // my parents are together// I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell (the shells I have collected were too small for that) // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching// I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths// autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead (I was once! live your dreams!) // I own at least 3 dogs
@the-lincyclopedia @theleakypen @sameenbyhat @thiscouldbeacity @jez-bez @alittlebitofrainbyyourside @ella-norah @heerotheshiro @softlyrosey @chaeul
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behrooz-musigns · 4 years ago
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+ Innovative, warm, witty, kind, protective, geeky +/- Intellectual, observant, horny - impatient, unreliable, outspoken, easily distracted
Behrooz personally invented the saying ‘I guess luck is just on my side’, or so they would have everyone in their school believe when they got another high score in one of the games they played in the back of the school. They would do guessing games, with people asking them a number which they had written down, and Behrooz would always guess right. 
Sadly luck rarely followed them home. They were raised by their grandmother, who forbade them to hang out after school, and certainly ensured they would never be seen hanging out with girls on their own. She would remind them time and time again of their father, a gambler who had made it big winning game after game, then one day showed up with a baby, only to drink himself to death a year later. She would remind them that they were the family’s burden, and they would have to behave in order to not bring another burden upon them. 
And as they grew older, luck left them more and more often. Being a practicing Muslim was already a hard sell, but with the world growing more extreme around them, they found the community stifle their ambitions daily. It confused Behrooz that while their religion gave them anxiety, praying chased the demons away. It was almost as if they couldn’t have the one without the other. 
Life was a constant . Bad people walking in and out of their life, bullies, racist teachers, judgemental neighbors, judgemental extended family members. Behrooz tended to lock themselves up in their room every day, listening to music or playing games of chance. A knot seemed to live inside their stomach all the time, a fear of being plucked off of the street and never arriving home. 
When that actually happened, it wasn’t like they had imagined. 
Being mostly interested in digits, numbers, code, etc. Behrooz hadn’t paid much attention to history class when Ancient Greek and Ancient Rome were being discussed, and as they saw a creepy creature with goat legs walk up to them, they really wished they had. There was a whole speech about being in mortal danger, gods, strange creatures on the loose, yada yada. Behrooz had a headache by the time the goat legged creature told them to follow him. Very close to sparking some lie about soccer practice or prayers, their head snapped back to attention when the creature suggested they had a mother who was a God. 
The only thing driving them forward was the possibility of learning who their mother was, something in their brain sending out constant messages of: gotta meet mom, gotta meet mom, gotta meet mom. Rather than forming coherent sentences. They disappeared into some cleared out old train tunnel, and emerged on the other side of the bleedin’ ocean. All Behrooz knew to say was: “thought your accent sounded funny.” Before being swarmed by the strangest assortment of kids, some younger than their fourteen years, others older, everyone excited. Was this the right time to say they were Muslim and watch everyone slowly disappear like they had done back in school? 
Nobody really seemed to care however, over the years - in which they discovered their godly parent, never got to meet her, discovered she was probably the most difficult goddess to find, got a large portion of the camp to join them during Ramadan - Behrooz stayed at the Camp the whole year round. They didn’t wish to return to the UK, and followed online lessons to keep up with their education. Of course they were bleedin’ lucky, and with time they learned how to use that luck to their advantage, and to that of those around them. Yet, Behrooz started to appreciate the balance of it all, the bad and the good. 
To them, code was good. Watching others struggle with programs and computers, just made them more interested in it. Algorithms fascinated them, they could spend hours looking at code trying to figure out how it worked. When the time came for them to move out of the warm nest of Camp Half Blood, Behrooz had already set their sights on studying Programming at the University of New York. 
++ Horny as hell, and often very lucky in love, although they can never seem to hold on to anyone for long. 
++ A skilled programmer with a love for code and numbers and digits. They can stay up nights on end trying to figure out some new program or write an algorithm of their own.
++ Despite their interests in the digital, Bez spends most of their time outside if they can help it. They love forests, trees, the fresh air. They take walks a lot, driving the metro to the park and helping themselves to a huge thermos of coffee. 
++ Religion is an important part of their life, without it they would be nowhere. Whenever they feel lost or anxious, they tend to be eager for it to be time to pray, something they do five times a day. 
++ They’ve read the Quran, although their grandmother never taught them Arabic beforehand, so they’re currently reading it in English in between classes, thesis writing, and walks. 
++ Bez is a very kind individual, who will help others whenever they can - mostly with IT stuff. As a job, or a way to get money mostly, they help teachers or partake in arranging anything that needs a programmer. They’re a regular Upwork user. 
++ In fights Bez uses their ability to generate luck to get other Demigods out of trouble and make the damage less. 
++ They love bunk beds.
++ Wears very loose-fitting clothing. 
++ Drinks way too much coffee and black tea. 
++ Doesn’t like it when people constantly nag.
++ Extremely messy, will end up finding coffee mugs everywhere. 
++ Is always running from one place to the next because he has too much planned on a daily basis. 
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Above average  OFFENSE: Lacking  DEFENSE: Main attribute  SPEED: Above average  INTELLIGENCE: High ACCURACY: Descent AGILITY: Good STAMINA: Fine  TEAMWORK: Speciality  TALENTS: Luck manipulation SHORTCOMINGS: Easily distracted, no overview LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English  DRIVE?: yes  JUMP-STAR A CAR?: not really  CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: absolutely not  RIDE A BICYCLE?: absolutely  SWIM?: decently PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: piano and guitar  PLAY CHESS?: no  BRAID HAIR?: one day maybe  TIE A TIE?: yes  PICK A LOCK?: yes
FACE CLAIM: Viveik Kalra  EYE COLOR: brown  HAIR COLOR: brown  HAIR TYPE/STYLE: semi-long, wavy, thick GLASSES/CONTACTS?: no  DOMINANT HAND: right�� HEIGHT: 1.75m WEIGHT: 65kg  BUILD: lean  EXERCISE HABITS: jogging in the morning, some sparring during the weekend  SKIN TONE: brown  TATTOOS: none  PIERCINGS: none  MARKS/SCARS: none  NOTABLE FEATURES: three-day beard on account of forgetting to shave  USUAL EXPRESSION: concentrated or dreamlike  CLOTHING STYLE: loose clothing, soft fabric.  JEWELRY: two rings on their right hand  ALLERGIES: incense
MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral ELEMENT: earth MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Dyslexia, slight ADHD  SOCIABILITY: normal  EMOTIONAL STABILITY: average, let’s not talk about it.  OBSESSION(S): code  COMPULSION(S): gambling, drinking coffee and forgetting coffee, hyper-focus PHOBIA(S): fear of people being Islamphobic  ADDICTION(S): caffeine DRUG USE: none  ALCOHOL USE: none PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: no
SPEECH STYLE: quick, active, excited  ACCENT: London British  QUIRKS: licks teeth, uses swear words HOBBIES: coding, walking, jogging, drinking coffee, is Starbucks a hobby?  HABITS: forgetting to sleep, running from place to place  NERVOUS TICKS: tapping feet, sighing a lot DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: meeting their mom, finishing their education  FEARS:  fear of being neglected or ignored SENSE OF HUMOR: yes, mostly dark British humor. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: a lot, though they use ‘bleedin’’ and several other more British less terrible words.  CATCHPHRASE(S): “must be my lucky day” “I was born lucky”
ACTIVITY: walking/hiking in the forest ANIMAL: raven BEVERAGE: coffee  BOOK: Thief Lord by Cassandra Clarke CELEBRITY: Tom Hanks  COLOR: Green DESIGNER: ??  FOOD: Sharma FLOWER: Lotus  GEM: Emerald  HOLIDAY: Eid al-Fitr  MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Bike  MOVIE: The Internship  MUSICAL ARTIST: Sigur Ros QUOTE/SAYING: “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow”  SCENERY: forests  SCENT: freshly grinded coffee  SPORT: soccer SPORTS TEAM: Manchester united  TELEVISION SHOW: I, Robot  WEATHER: overcast and drizzly VACATION DESTINATION: -
GREATEST DREAM: to create their own algorithm that can help people choose what they want the most  GREATEST FEAR: being targeted or discriminated based on their religion  MOST AT EASE WHEN: at home, in their bed, with coffee, coding, or hiking in the forest, or at a mosque praying  LEAST AT EASE WHEN: in a crowded place, discussing religion  WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: being killed before finishing their degree  BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: getting a scholarship on luck alone  BIGGEST REGRET: never having known their father MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: grabbing a girl by her boobs in a hug from behind by accident  BIGGEST SECRET: sometimes wishes they weren’t born a Demi-god.   TOP PRIORITIES: finishing their thesis
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djangari · 3 months ago
Tattoo AU (Part 1/?)
I don't know the word punctuality, so here you got the first part [kinda unedited sorry] - 1650 words
Bez controls his station once again, ensuring everything he will need is prepared, sterile and in the correct position. Then he spins his stool towards the clock, looking at the larger pointer and realises that not even five minutes have passed since the last time he has done this.  
“Have you not taken your medication today, or what is going on with you?“ Vale sticks his head through the door, staring very annoyed at him. “No, of course I have taken it!“, Bez protests. He surely hasn’t forgotten to take his medication- Has he? He notices his foot tapping along to the tact of Last Christmas. - Did Luca leave on his bad Christmas playlist once again? They talked about that!- No, No, he can remember eating and then taking the pills with tap water, because he was too late to go in the kitchen and get a glass. It was important to be on time today. His regulars know he tends to be late for a few minutes and they don’t care so he hasn’t had to change yet but today is special. Today he has his appointment.  
Bez nearly sighs, as he remembers the beautiful brown curls, the soft looking plumb but thin lips, the brown eyes he could lose himself in for hours... 
Vale snaps in front of his eyes to get his attention back. Embarrassed, Bez stares up to him, eyes narrowing as he sees the smug grin on the other man's face. This doesn‘t means anything good- “Why don‘t you hang up the Christmas decorations? I want it to look nice here in time for the first of December and you don‘t have any clients for the next half hour. I checked with Luca.“ Hesitant, Bez glimpses over to the big stencil. He still needs to check if the print was successful and if every other of the three spare prints is good as well. “Your client surely will love it, when he comes in and everything already looks great.“ Sold.  
Energetic he stands up and goes on search for the storage boxes. “Migno has already brought the ladder into the waiting room.“, Vale calls after him. Bez is already too focussed on his new task to answer in any other way than simply giving him a thumbs up, while speeding towards the entry.  
Half an hour later, the plastic tree stands in the corner of the waiting room, overloaded with fairy lights and neoncolored Christmas baubles, the paper stars hang in the glass front of the store and Bez balances on the ladder, fighting with the quite ugly pine garland. It just doesn’t want to stay on the nails, where it belongs during winter times. With another frustrated snort, Bez stretches a little more, hopefully just enough to finally reach the last nail...  
“Just move the ladder”, Luca comments from behind the counter, where he stood the last five minutes and watched him struggle after saying goodbye to his last client of the day.  
“Or you could maybe help me instead of laughing, just a suggestion.” Bez bites back and goes onto his toes. Yeah, nearly there... 
The entry door swings wide open, and the bell Bez just hung up five minutes ago rings. “Oh, there you are”, Luca greets the new arrival. “I think you have to wait a minute, you see Bez is a bit busy right now.”  
Bez attention shifts when he hears his name, and he risks a glimpse down.  
There he stands... Those perfect curls, lurking out from under the red hat, nose and cheeks coloured in bright pink due to the cold outside, his slightly bitten lips hidden beneath the big matching red scarf.  
Bez loses balance and crashes down the short ladder, tearing down the garland with him. He lands onto his back, limps in the air, like a helpless beetle, and for a short moment the world blurs before his eyes. Black points dance in his field of view and cover most of it.  
He blinks once, twice, and then the world shifts back to normal, luckily without seeing double.  
Pecco- No, Francesco, he corrects himself- is only centimetres away from his face, examining him, eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Bez wonders how a human can look so pretty. Maybe he is no human. Maybe he is an angel, send from heaven to save him.  
Only after a few seconds of losing himself in those big lovely brown eyes, does he realize that he is in fact talking to him. “Can you follow my finger with your eyes?”, the angel asks him and moves said finger to the left and the right. Marco follows his instructions very willingly. “Okay, I think he might have a concussion.”, the angel says to a person standing on their right side. The giant sighs and grabs his head. “Of course he would manage to do that. Should we get him to the hospital?” His angel shrugs. “Would be best. Didn’t wanted to see my boss again before next week, but I could clock in for overtime and examine him. Quickest way to get in and out and additionally get the good drugs.” As his angel mentions it, Bez feels his head aching and pounding. “Why does the world turn?”, he mutters and moves closer to his angel until his head rests in his very comfortable lap.  
“Yeah, that definitely seems like a concussion. Do you help me to get him up?” Wait, what.  
Marco notices how his feet suddenly dangle in the air, without touching any ground. Confused he turns his head to look at Luca, who holds him close to his chest and moves towards the door. “Wait, no, we can’t go without the angel.” Laughing is audible, both from Luca and from behind him. Blushing, he realises Francesco stood behind him and supports his head, well now he also pets his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll come with you. Someone needs to drive.” Luca still won’t stop laughing. So, Bez raises his hand and slaps him on the shoulder. “This is all your fault. If you would have helped me, I wouldn’t have fallen in the first place!”, he hisses, his head now a lot clearer. “If you hit me again, I’ll drop you.”, Luca warns him yet giggling between words. Marco pulls back to pout.  
They stop before the door, facing a problem none of them had considered. How they should open the inward-swinging door to walk through. And then lock it up. Migno said goodbye over an hour ago and Vale also excused himself a few minutes after talking with Bez to ‘pick up a friend’. Everyone who knows Vale knows that that is basically a code for ‘Marc just sent me a message, I need to pay him attention’. But nothing of this solves their problem in any way, because the point is, they aren’t here. Luca exchanges a look with Pecco, holding a silent discussion with the result that it is best for them when he hands over Bez and get the keys.  
Before he realises what is going on, Bez gets passed over like an oversized toddler. However, any protest dies as he leans his head onto Francescos shoulder and stares into his wonderful eyes. “Angel”, he whispers and holds a bit closer onto him. Francesco chuckles and grins at him as if he just found out a secret.  
All of a sudden, Bez remembers something. “We have to reschedule. Your tattoo. I prepared everything, but I can’t tattoo you like this.” “This was kind of obvious. And it's not a problem. I can certainly free up some time in my calendar soon.”, Francesco calms him down with his beautiful smirk.  
“Ok, I got the keys and I messaged Vale, can you two now postpone flirting until later and we get going? I have another client in about two hours, would be great if I would be back.” Luca closes in from behind and effectively manages to disrupt the conversation.
Francesco looks away, like he has been caught being naughty, just the slightest touch of red on his cheeks, while Bez wishes he could murder Luca with his glare. But sadly, the younger man doesn’t care, he walks right past them, holds the door open so Pecco can carefully carry Bez outside and then he turns the open sign, locks up the store, before he sits down in the driver seat of his car and waits until Francesco has arranged a surprisingly now very flustered Bez in the back seat and got in himself. He adjusts the rearview mirror, grins happily, starts the car and the radio begins to play.
Bez groans. How could he forget this. “Let's make a trip to the hospital.”, Luca says and parks out, all while the Jonas brothers da-dom-dom-dom away.  
I can’t deny what I’m feeling inside 
Nothin’ fake about the way you bring me to life 
You make every day feel like it’s Christmas 
Every day that I’m with you 
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artanticaa · 10 months ago
I just read everything you have for your Tattoo Shop au and i am OBSESSED!
Just imagine bezz becoming obsessed with the UV tattoos and really wanting one but vale doesnt do them because its to modern and not traditionel so bezz looks into other Shops in their erea that offer them.... BUT ITS JUST MARC! And now hes in a conflicting Situation
YOU READ MY MIIIIIIND YES! I said before that Bez finds his way to Marc's shop without knowing it's Marc's one day and is already fascinated by his work, but this is like the CHERRY ON TOP. Bez wants to befriend Marc because he looks up to him as an artist (and has cool UV tattoos) but he also has this undying loyalty to Vale so he is torn between either getting to know Marc or swearing him off entirely.
I do like to think he gives in one day and shows up to Marc's place after hours like, in the rain, wet dog on the doorstep type stuff, and just goes
"please... glow tattoo"
And Marc laughs because he knows who Bez is obviously and he takes him in and they talk about doing a UV tattoo and Bez probably gets something funny like a cat riding a skateboard or something along those lines. Maybe he forgets about it after a few months and then he and Pecco force Vale to go out to the same club again and Vale sees it and is like
"where did you get that..."
BUT THANK YOU AHHH i love that people love this au :,)
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anitalianfrie · 1 year ago
Important thing nobody is talking about: the tattoo artist in the picture isn't tattooing the "mi hai lasciato senza stare insieme </3" anymore, he's tattooing something else lower on bez's thigh
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emmatai88 · 5 years ago
Amazing artist Bez Tattoo @beztattoo tattooing an awesome Van Ark angel!
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zigzagartsy · 6 years ago
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Okay so this is my good boy Bez, my OC. He’s been in like... every au imaginable. This version is from the vampire au! (He’s also a tattoo artist who’s fallen in love with the vampire who works in the flower shop across the street)
He’s been my dnd character, a main character in my Fullmetal Alchemist dnd campaign, in a Harry Potter au and of course in a band au. (He’s also one of the main peeps in my book) Oh! He’s also Tahbe from my Zelda Breath of the Wild au, from this post here You’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of him (like 80% of my art folder is literally just him)
I’ve opened commissions!
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crimscnkiss · 5 years ago
task #1
FULL NAME: aurora neptune caligo PRONUNCIATION: aw-ROHR-ah , nep - tune , cal - eye - go MEANING: dawn, a natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, usually near the northern or southern magnetic pole REASONING: it is unclear if aurora’s name was chosen due to the meaning of the name or the meaning of the word and it’s relation to the aurora borealis  NICKNAME(S): rory, rora, roar, red, sis PREFERRED NAME(S): rory BIRTH DATE: june 14th, 1957  AGE: 25 ZODIAC: gemini GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual
BIRTH PLACE: harrisville, oklahoma HOMETOWN: letum falls, oklahoma SOCIAL CLASS: her parents were lower middle class but her grandparents were upperclass SPECIES: witch turned siphon FATHER: orion caligo MOTHER: persephone caligo SIBLING(S): nova caligo BIRTH ORDER: unknown PET(S): nyx?? OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: nana and papa PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: bez, dean for a short, short period, others CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: none ARRESTS?: once PRISON TIME?: no
SOURCE OF INCOME: her job at the library and help from her grandparents CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: yes MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her locket she received from her nana, it matches her sister’s
TALENTS: she is an amazing artist and writer but doesn’t flaunt her talent. she can also sing, but only in front of people she trusts DRIVE?: yes JUMP-STAR A CAR?: yes but it’s a talent she rarely uses CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: yes, thank’s to papa RIDE A BICYCLE?: yes SWIM?: yes PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: piano, guitar, and the violin PLAY CHESS?: yes BRAID HAIR?: yes TIE A TIE?: no PICK A LOCK?: yes, magically
FACE CLAIM: sophie tuner EYE COLOR: blue HAIR COLOR: red, burgundy HAIR TYPE/STYLE: she usually wears her hair long, some braids thrown in, maybe a few flowers poking out here and there GLASSES/CONTACTS?: no DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 5′9 WEIGHT: 139 lbs BUILD: small but muscular TATTOOS: the gemini symbol on the back of her neck, a small quote and half a flower running down her spine, a small bouquet of flowers on her right inner elbow, a large owl on her left thigh PEIRCINGS: both ears, one cartilage, double lobes on her right ear, and a nose piercing she has since taken out MARKS/SCARS: a scar on the back of her neck from the sacrifice and theft of her powers at a young age, she has since covered the scar with her gemini tattoo NOTABLE FEATURES: the freckles across her cheeks USUAL EXPRESSION: smiling or emotionless, no in between ALLERGIES: none DIETARY RESTRICTIONS: none PHYSICAL AILMENTS: none
MORAL ALIGNMENT: neutral good ELEMENT: air MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: none ADDICTION(S): none DRUG USE: smokes some weed and partakes in some other natural herbs ALCOHOL USE: she drinks some, usually only with friends PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: only when provoked
HOBBIES: she likes to read, draw, play music, anything to keep herself busy while her sister and friends are away NERVOUS TICKS / HABITS: she bites her nails and chews on the tips of pencils FEARS: snakes, spiders, small spaces POSITIVE TRAITS: kind, caring, empathetic, intelligent, strong-willed, charming NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, slightly impulsive, somewhat blunt, isolated CURSING?: yes, but she tries not to
ACTIVITY: sitting at home stuffing her face and reading a good book ANIMAL: owl, cats come second BEVERAGE: strawberry shake BOOK: the great gatsby COLOR: purple FOOD: mac and cheese FLOWER: red roses GEM: emerald HOLIDAY: halloween MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walking QUOTE/SAYING: it’s all in a day’s exhaustion SCENERY: expansive forests and hidden lakes GENERAL SCENT: rosemary and lavendar PERSONAL SCENT: books, trees, hits of pine and roses SPORT: soccer WEATHER: sunny and windy
GREATEST DREAM: to regain her powers GREATEST FEAR: losing her sister MOST AT EASE WHEN: reading a good book and cuddling with her family LEAST AT EASE WHEN: completely alone and stuck in silence BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: helping her papa regain his health BIGGEST REGRET: lying to her grandparents for years MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: falling down at her high school talent show BIGGEST SECRET: she secretly wants to track down her parents and get some answers, but she also wants to rip their heads off in the process TOP PRIORITIES: her sister and her friends
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tinaminor · 5 years ago
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Už deviaty rok funguje @zkruhu nadačný fond na podporu rodín a detí, ktoré to v živote nemajú ľahké. Iniciatívu založil @ondrashtattoo ako aukciu tatérskych diel, vďaka čomu bolo v Česku doteraz vyzbieraných viac ako 1 000 000 českých korún! Tento rok je Z KRUHU prvýkrát na Slovensku, okrem tatérov sa mohli zapojiť aj slovenskí výtvarníci a ja ďakujem za možnosť prispieť svojou troškou na takúto dobrú vec💙🙏🏻 Ilustráciu TAJOMSTVO ZAKLIATYCH LOVCOV🦌🌲či výtvarné diela od výborných autorov ako @eriksille @ivanabelianska @teroabaffy @marekormandik @cvikpeter @ondrashtattoo si môžete vydražiť počas aukcie na Facebooku. Diela boli do aukcie venované bez nároku na honorár. Link na ňu nájdete hore v mojom BIO☝🏻 Ďakujem vopred všetkým, ktorí sa zapoja 😘❤️ . . . . . . #zkruhu #czechoslovakia #helpful #art #initiative #artist #artistdiary #sharingiscaring #tattoo #tattooideas #slovak #woman #beauty #inspiration #blackink #pencil #pencildrawing #pencilart #sketch #sketching #illustration #tinaminorillustration (na mieste Czechoslovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3wGV_an3G_/?igshid=f5toshwepkdz
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emberzs-blog · 8 years ago
Tattoo Machine Brands & Models
Bishop Rotary Tattoo Machines - These 4 oz. rotary tattoo machines are so perfectly balanced that they feel practically weightless in your hands. They alleviate wrist pain and symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome, and allow artists to work faster and longer. Each Bishop Rotary machine comes with a Swiss Maxon motor encased in billet aircraft-grade aluminum. This machine utilizes a needle clip instead of the traditional rubber band setup, eliminating unwanted needle motion. Each Bishop Rotary tattoo machine is hand-assembled and guaranteed for life. Once you've decided that you want either a coil or a rotary tattoo machine, it's time to take a closer look at the tattoo machine brands and models available to you. The following list contains some of the top options offered on PainfulPleasures.com. For a comprehensive list of the tattoo machines available to you, please visit our Tattoo Machines section. You can also read our full Coil vs. Rotary Tattoo Machines article for more in-depth details about the brands listed below, rotary and coil tattoo machine diagrams, and additional information about the differences between these two types of tattoo machines.
Baltimore Street Irons Coil Tattoo Machines - This Pennsylvania-based tattoo machine company was established by Charles "Trey" Freeland in 2007, but Trey's been making tattoo machines since 1996 and he still has an active role in all areas of his business. Every Baltimore Street Irons coil tattoo machine is crafted with great skill and dedication. All the machine parts and tattoo machines they manufacture are thoroughly tested and come tuned so they're ready to use right out of the box.
Borg Coil Tattoo Machines - These traditional coil tattoo machines are handmade with care in the USA. Borg tattoo machines are known for their lightweight, single-piece aluminum frames, which make these machines light overall and incredibly well-balanced. Each component of every machine is hand-crafted in Borg's workshops, from their 8 wrap coils to their silver contact screws. Both Borg liners and shaders weigh in at just 5.5 oz. each, making them easy to maneuver while you tattoo.
Cheyenne Hawk Rotary Tattoo Machines - The Cheyenne Hawk Thunder and Spirit are two of the lightest tattoo machines on the market, weighing in at roughly 3.9 oz. (110g) each with their grips attached. Cheyenne Hawk tattoo machines provide all the benefits of rotary machines without sacrificing the feedback response inherent in coil tattoo machines, and their fine craftsmanship gives artists the highest level of control. They're lightweight and flexible, and they have long-life ball-bearing motors. You can use these dynamic rotary machines with nearly any conventional power supply.
CTPS Saveria Coil & Rotary Tattoo Machines - Top South American tattoo machine manufacturer CTPS Saveria has been hand-crafting exquisite coil and rotary tattoo machines in Argentina for more than 37 years. Each machine they produce is carefully hand-assembled over an 8-hour period. Their machines run strong even at low voltages and can be used immediately out of the box. CTPS Saveria offers several rotary tattoo machine options and 5 styles of coil tattoo machines that include a variety of liners, shaders and painters.
Dead Nuts Ink Coil Tattoo Machines - This California-based company employs a team of machining and engineering veterans to hand craft their fine coil tattoo machines from raw materials. They make all of their own hardware in-house and can customize any of their tattoo machines to meet specific artists' needs. Each Dead Nuts Ink tattoo machine is crafted from a single-piece Cast Ductile Iron frame that's finished in-house, hand-signed, numbered, perfectly tuned for immediate out-of-the-box use, and sent with a lifetime warranty.
Dragonfly Rotary Tattoo Machines by Ink Machines - This Swedish tattoo machine manufacturer uses its top-notch facility and broad industry knowledge to make unique rotary tattoo machines at highly-competitive prices. Their Dragonfly rotary tattoo machine is an ergonomic, state-of-the-art machine made from the highest-quality materials available. It's a lightweight, quiet machine with an adjustable suspension system that allows artists to easily adjust needle hitting force, and it comes with a needle bar retainer. Use the Dragonfly tattoo machine with any standard grips, tubes, needles, and tattoo power supply. 
Ego Rotary Tattoo Machines - World-renowned tattoo artist Bez of Triplesix Studios developed the Little Ego and Ego Apex Overkill with a wrist-friendly design that shifts all of the weight forward to give Ego tattoo machines an almost pen-like feel and artists maximum needle control. The Little Ego is made from quality, scratch-free plastics and has a special UV coating that makes it easy to clean. The newer Ego Apex Overkill is crafted from a solid block of aircraft aluminum that weighs under half a pound, and it comes with a Swiss-made Maxon Overkill motor. Use Bez's power triangles with these rotary machines to simulate the spring effect of coil tattoo machines and get the perfect give and throw every time you tattoo. 
FK Irons Coil Tattoo Machines - All Fallen King Irons (FK Irons) AL13 coil tattoo machines are carefully-crafted from the hardest aircraft-grade aluminum available, making them extremely lightweight while also indestructible. FK Irons conventional and cutback lining and shading coil tattoo machines all weigh in at just 4.5 oz. (~127.6g) each. The cutback liners and shaders have a shorter front spring, so they run faster even when used at the same voltage as the conventional liners and shaders. The lighter armature bar on FK Irons soft shaders allows them to run faster and more softly than their color packers. 
Godoy Machines Coil Tattoo Machines - Godoy Machines specializes in innovation through experimentation. They strive to educate tattoo artists of all skill levels and offer the most up-to-date tattooing information available through their seminars and books like Tattoo Machines and Their Secrets.Godoy believes that you'll be better equipped to apply any tattoo once you fully understand how your tattoo machine functions, which is the basis behind their educational endeavors. Enjoy the solid functionality of a Godoy coil tattoo machine and learn how it works inside and out with Godoy Machines' book, which is available in both English and Spanish and in a variety of formats.
InkJecta Rotary Tattoo Machines - The InkJecta Flite v2.1 is manufactured in Australia for tattoo artists, by tattoo artists. These lightweight, long-lasting rotary tattoo machines have a long-grain "fiber" construction, and they assist artists in creating superior tattoos. Both the InkJecta Flite v2.1 Combo and Vice models come with brushless 5 watt Maxon motors that make these machines unique; they're the only rotary machines on the market that have the ability to run at lower speeds without sacrificing power or the quality of your work. Use the Combo model with adjustable grips and the Vice model with flex and fixed grips.
Pirat Coil Tattoo Machines - Pirat tattoo machines are handmade in the Czech Republic from durable iron and aluminum. These are precise, lightweight, smooth-running coil tattoo machines that are available in both liner and shader varieties. Pirat offers their coil tattoo machines in 16 standardized models and a special series of "one-piece only" machines. They also plan to release a new rotary tattoo machine later this year.
Skin 2 Rotary Tattoo Machines - The Skin 2 rotary tattoo machine has a unique adjustable give that allows you to set the machine "harder" for lining and "softer" for filling, shading and coloring using the adjustment notches on the cap. These lightweight, silent machines from Italy also produce minimal vibrations. Each Skin 2 tattoo machine comes with a Swiss-made motor and a needle clip instead of rubber bands, weighs in at just 3.2 oz. (90g), and will support up to 55 magnum needles. This is a fast, high-quality rotary tattoo machine that will help you ink a superior tattoo every time you use it.
Spektra Rotary Tattoo Machines by FK Irons - In addition to their coil machines, FK Irons also offers a line of rotary tattoo machines. Choose from the Spektra Halo and Spektra Direkt rotary tattoo machines, which each offer unique advantages. The Spektra Halo tattoo machine delivers ultimate performance with its autoclavable body and innovative MotorBolt System. Having a few different MotorBolts gives you the flexibility to change stroke on the fly simply by changing motors via the Halo's easy 1/4-turn mechanism. The Spektra Direkt tattoo machine has body-mounted strokes that stay inside the machine body, and the casing is precision-machined from solid aircraft-grade aluminum that's anodized in your choice of 7 different colors. This 2.8 oz. machine is easy to maneuver and comes with an adjustable stroke module that has 3 setting options. It's a virtually maintenance-free tattoo machine with a Hex Drive motor system that reduces the axial load on the motor shaft to extend the motor's life and reduce vibrations.
Stigma-Rotary Tattoo Machines - Stigma-Rotary tattoo machines are durable, ergonomic, and easy to maneuver rotary machines made by a world-leading tattoo machine manufacturer. These sleek-looking machines come with the most powerful Swiss-made Maxon motors on the market, and they're finished with a lasting sheen that keeps them looking pristine even after years of use. Stigma-Rotary tattoo machines are reliable, powerful and stylish rotary machines that come with an unbeatable warranty. Choose from 4 styles, including the Amen, the Beast, the Hyper V3, and the Prodigy, as well as a large selection of Stigma rotary machine parts that you can use to keep your machine running smoothly.
Tatmatic Mfg. Coil Tattoo Machines - Tatmatic Manufacturing offers a line of coil tattoo machines developed by Dave Ritchie, who builds high-quality machines exclusively for professional tattoo artists. The quality of his work shows in every single one of Tatmatic's hard-hitting, precise and stylish coil tattoo machines. Both our Tatmatic liners and shaders come with 6 wrap coils. Choose from a variety of styles, like the Mini Jenny Liner and the Tatmatic Square Shader.
Valor Direct Rotary Tattoo Machines by TatSoul - After more than two years in development, the Valor by TatSoul is finally here! These rotary tattoo machines were designed by some of the finest tattoo artists in the industry with impeccable craftsmanship and the goal of creating a rotary machine that outperforms other tattoo machines in every way possible. The Valor Direct rotary tattoo machine has a sleek yet practical body that conveys its power and durability. Each Valor Direct machine is hand-assembled and tested by TatSoul's in-house team to ensure perfection in fit and function. These are strong, lightweight, perfectly-balanced machines that perform brilliantly.
Vital Machines Coil Tattoo Machines - Vital Machines strives for the highest build quality in the industry, they're continuously improving their machines, they don't cut corners, and their staff is comprised of machinists, designers, engineers, and tattoo artists with many years of industry experience. With these standards in place, Vital Machines has created a line of versatile coil tattoo machines that are lightweight, agile, adjustable, powerful, durable, and able to work with you all day, every day. Vital Machines are made in the US from aircraft-grade aluminum, and their easy-to-clean, professionally-anodized exteriors won't chip or fade. Inside they contain the highest grade of magnetic steel, insulators made from durable aircraft composite that doesn't crack or distort, highly-conductive brass and copper electrical components, and mechanical parts made from tempered tool steel that won't dent, bend or break. Use your Vital tattoo machine with any needle size/grouping and any tattoo tubes on the market.
Welker Coil & Rotary Tattoo Machines - Each precision Welker tattoo machine is CNC machined from a single piece of 1018 Cold-Rolled Steel in Welker's state-of-the-art machine shop. Welker coil tattoo machines are available with your choice of a blue "antique" or black oxide frame finish, both of which come with finished brass binding posts and contact screws. You can use nearly any size and style of tubes with these hand-tuned machines, which come with unique Welker grips and are guaranteed for life. In addition to their coil machines, Welker also now offers both a standard rotary and an adjustable rotary tattoo machine. The adjustable machine features a spring tension that you can screw to adjust the hit to your preference, whereas the standard rotary machine comes with a medium throw and the ability to adjust the hit off of the power supply.
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revolucijaizkreveta-blog · 6 years ago
Jebeš sav novac ako nemaš dušu!
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Srela sam jednog mladog odvjetnika. Zgodan frajer, onako visok, plav, nešto kao Ryan Gosling. Čovjek za poželjeti, odijelce, aktovka. Još si je dobro odabrao model sunčanih naočala pa se doima zgodnijim nego što jest. Svačija mama ima transparent  i navijački šal s natpisom ”Oženiti TO hitno!!” (To = Instanbulska konvencija, fuck it) ”Bok” – ”Bok” Zastali na semaforu. Moje pseto nas oplelo uzicom. Skoro pali. Romantika čista. ”Kaj ima kod tebe, long time no see, bro?” Oslovih ga s ”bro” iako me davnih dana zbrisao s fejsa nakon što mu je moja mama našla posao. No nećemo o tome, ‘ko ga jebe. Počne tip nadugo i naširoko o tome ”kaj ima kod njega”, pita šta ima kod mene. Zainteresiran fol. ”Ha ništa, idem u neki biznis s alternativnom odjećom” – krenem objašnjavati, a on mi počne dijeliti neke savjete, eksport, import, sve zna. Razgovor je trajao tri minute, možda i manje samo ja zaokružujem na tri jer me opsesivno kompulzivni poremaćaj tjera da volim neparne brojeve. Uglavnom, poanta priče, ja skoro zaspala na ulici pored idealnog ženika (ako zanemarimo incident oko đubretarskog brisanja s fejsa). Zaspala sam ne zato što ne spavam noću, spavam kao beba uz pozadinske zvuke Lane Del Rey, nego prispavalo mi se jer lik je ful normalan, a normalni ljudi, idealni ženici kakve bi svaka mama za zeta su dosadni. DOSADNI. D-O-S-A-D-N-I! Uskličnik toliko velik koliko mi opcije formatiranja dopuštaju. ”Normalni tipovi su toliko dosadni da nisu ni za jebat, doslovno” – napisala sam impulzivnu poruku svom ludom frendu. Za mladog odvjetnika ja nisam idealna žena, dapače ne želi me ni a svom puritanskom fejsu. Gade mu se moje tetovaže, moje MILFrance sunčane naočale koje izgledaju kao za 3D kino, moji plavi nokti po uzoru na Gwen Stefani. Nokti zbog kojih mi mama redovito govori da ja nisam Rihanna nego žena u 30ima iz Zagreba. Žena dijete. Žena Petar Pan. Spomenutom frajeru se gadi moja PVC jakna. Moje tajice s uzorkom Muppeta. I moj mobitel s Liamom Gallagherom na maski za koju me Ribafish jednom dok smo se gutili u janjetini pitao zašto imam Olivera Dragojevića na fucking maski. Jednom sam čula da postoji zakon po kojem se ne smije nigdje u novinama napisati ništa protiv Olivera Dragojevića jer on je nacionalno blago ili neki takav shit. No nebitno, ovo je bila digresija. Nastavit ću nabrajati što se sve mladom odvjetniku na meni gadi: gadi mu se moj pas mješanac zvan Rotkwa jer nema materijalnu vrijednost. On ima skupog 14k kuna bloodhounda. On ima ajfon noviji od mog i decentnu prozirnu masku. On sluša 2Cellos i ide s mamom na koncerte Olivera Dragojevića. Ja idem na koncerte Limp Bizkita i pala sam na tipa koji se potukao na Coldplay koncertu za vrijeme pjesme The Scientist, to mi je bilo seksi. Mladom odvjetniku se sve to gadi. Njemu se gadi što sam blogger jer to nije posao. Njemu se gadi što sam alternativni model. Bilo mu je samo kul kad me Marc Jacobs uzeo u finale za lice kampanje jer to priznaje. Jacobsa priznaje jer je snob, tad me ko pička dodao opet na fejs jer sam odjednom bitna. A mene za to zaboli ono što nitko nema. Anegdota iz života. Mladom odvjetniku se gadi što mi je prijateljica gotik, a frend metalac. Misli da sam ja hipster iako s time nemam veze. Njemu se gadi sve što na sebi nema natpis LV, YSL ili D&G. Njemu se gadi što na mojoj majici piše ”Broken hopes and broken dreams”, smatra da je to dječje. Nisam dostojna njegove fejs frend liste. A sad, što se meni na njemu gadi: On cijeli. Gade mi se njegove ulaštene cipele. Gadi mi se njegovo odijelce. Gadi mi se njegova aktovka i sadržaj te aktovke. Jer taj sadržaj je dosadan, možda nosi novac, ali jebeš sadržaj koji nema duha ma koliko novca on nosio. Gadi mi se sve na njemu osim rejbanica wejfererica jer one stoje svakome. Gadi mi se njegov fejs profil jer na njemu kači vijesti iz politike i piše pretenciozne copy paste statuse. Jednom sam pala na glavu pretčavajući cestu jer su mi se sapleli žniranci na martama, a ruke sam imala u džepovima. Nekako sam se digla i sjela na haubu parkiranog auta. Neki mladi odvjetnici priskočili su mi u pomoć i mene iznervirala njihova odjeća i frizure. Imam averziju od svega što nosi odijelo. Još veću od svega što lašti cipele. Imam averziju od svega što za život štambilja neke papire. To nisu moji ljudi. Otjerala sam ih iako su imali najbolju namjeru jer što su me više puta pitali jesam li dobro, to sam više puta pogledala u njihove zagelirane po posljednjoj modi ošišane frizure. Znam, znam. Ružno od mene. Smeta me njihov nedostatak duha. Ekonomija, pravo – za mene bljak. Za nekoga san snova, ali za one slobodnog duha to je smrt. Iako nosi novac. To su mrtvi ljudi. Ne svi, ali neke takav život ubije i postaju robovi sistema. Ja sam freelancer, ja sam slobodni duh, ja sam alternativa. Moj idealni ženik nosi svaku tenisicu druge boje i remen sa spajkovima. Radi nešto kreativno, možda je slikar, možda tattoo artist. Možda nema love, ali jebeš lovu imaš dušu! Ja nisam žena za mlade odvjetnike, ja ne znam nositi bijelo bez da nešto na to prolijem, ja ne znam imati savršenu frizuru niti hodati u salonkama. Ono što je norma i što bi trebao biti svačiji cilj – udati se za odvjetnika – to nije svačiji cilj. To je nečija noćna mora. Moja. Ja ne želim i ne znam voditi small talk razgovore s uštogljenim ženama tih odvjetnika. Ja želim trčati po krovovima, plesati na rock i pjevati iz sveg grla. Želim u pet ujutro voziti skateboard po praznoj cesti. Želim prelaziti preko crvenog i imati poderane čarape jer me nije briga. Ne želim sigurnost, želim slobodu. Ne želim novac, želim dušu! Read the full article
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makeupyourworld · 7 years ago
Aloha! Po dvou týdnech menšího osobního volna a přestávky od blogu se vracím a rovnou vám přináším další 3 přání na můj wishlist - tentokrát edice značky “Essence”, vzhledem k tomu, že mě jejich novinky naprosto dostaly! BTW...Uvědomuji si, že tento měsíc byl, co se týče článků, opravdu “skromný”. Doufám, že v dubnu se vrátím do zajetých kolejí a vy budete mít více čtení! Nicméně, konec žvanění, jdeme na to! :)
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(zdroj fotografie: essence.eu)
Všichni můžeme začít slavit, i drogérkova značka jako Essence má konečně třpytky a v nemalém množství odstínů! Celkem si můžete vybrat z 9 “odstín” i tvarů” - některé třpytky jsou totiž i ve tvaru hvězdiček, což je naprosto dokonalé! :) Cena je navíc také příjemná - 89 Kč! A vzhledem k tomu, že se bavíme o třpytkách, je jasné, co je mým druhým přáním! :)
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(zdroj fotografie: essence.eu)
Transparentní podklad určený právě k použití s novými třpytkami - pokud třpytky udrží celý den a bez opadávání, tak pak je cena 85 Kč bezkonkurenční! Navíc, opravte mě, pokud se mýlím, ale “glitter primer” jsem v drogériích ještě neviděl - musím však podotknout, že NYX nepočítám jako drogérii! :)
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(zdroj fotografie: essence.eu)
A zůstaneme u podkladových bází, protože Essence vydalo nový primer! Obecně jsem na primery od této značky slyšel poměrně chválu, a tak tento “gym proof” podklad chci rozhodně vyzkoušet! Cena 105 Kč je super a co můžete od primeru čekat? Webovky Essence uvádí “redukování pórů, SPF 20, zakrývání nerovností a připravení pleti vhodným způsobem na mekup”. Zkrátka, pokud vše tohle tento primer dokáže, pak budu jedině rád! :)
A to je pro dnešní wishlist všechno! :) Já se na vás budu těšit opět v neděli! :) zatím se mějte krásně a Aloha!
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