inoshishidoshi · 5 years
If you thought labour was a gruelling enough process on its own - it was certainly nothing compared to the trial that came afterwards. Don’t misunderstand. Kagura was absolutely delighted that she had had a baby. She had been more so when we discovered that she was going to be having twins. But now that they had arrived, and the pain of labour had subsided to nothing more than discomfort, she had found herself dreading the time coming next. And, she knew she wouldn’t be the only one. For, as she held her daughter in her arms - and Kyou held their sons - the tension could be cut with a knife - for when they decided to swap over. Kagura couldn’t wait to hold her son, to examine the similarities within his precious face as were in that of the cherub within her arms. She wanted to see the differences, to know how beyond the obvious she may be able to tell them apart. But, she was scared - what if she held her son and he... transformed? And, she knew that Kyou was feeling the same way. They had both lived lives full of enough dread, pity, sadness, tragedy - this was one if not the most joyful occasion in Kagura’s life - she didn’t want anything to ruin it. She ran her fingers against the small, stubby fingers of her daughter and glanced at her lover and son. “I think your daughter wants to say hello...” Kagura smiles, an attempt to break the tension and bring on more of... an anticipation. “... we should do it now or we never will.”
                    ( @tatterdsouls )
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cchilyoja · 5 years
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; plucked from this meme. - still accepting.
Metal structures rose high into the sky mingling with the low hanging clouds. The office was on the corner of the building, the walls mostly glass as it overlooked the wealthier part of town. There were ginormous flashing advertisements trying to sell the newest and coolest pair of pants, or maybe a perfume that you just COULDN’T live without. It was always the same really, recyclable ideas and hardly distinct faces, smiling from above promising quick happiness and a ticket for the easy realization of self-worth. The dark mahogany table was now deserted, having been occupied by faceless people in identical striped suits. 
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Carbon copies of themselves, those at the top. Or close to it. He had intimate knowledge of those that worked as puppeteers behind these mammoth companies and projects, hardly any of them were worth the mention. He had leaned back into the leather chair, the fact that he was able to swirl in it was not lost on him for a second, instantly turning around a few times. Before his short moment of childish joy was cut short by a very painful hit to the shin.
Whatever came out of his mouth weren’t words, a jumble of sounds as he bent down and started massaging his leg. “I’m sure you didn’t, you were intending only light injury.” He instantly replied back knowing that she meant to do it. “I did what you said, I didn’t even talk during the meeting, it went well. What MORE could you possibly want from me?”
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heckcduparchived · 5 years
@tatterdsouls said:🌑 ( i need some Soft content for dom & elsa pls ) X accepting
At a glance someone might assume Elsa was shivering where she laid in her bed with her back to the door. Trembling as she held her hands close to herself. Covered with the gloves her father had given her as a way to shield herself and others from her powers. To try and control them. It wasn’t perfect, but it helped in moments like this as she tried to pull herself together.
Anna had a point, that she had pushed her away for years and that it wasn’t fair but Elsa couldn’t change it. No matter how much she wanted too, no matter how much Anna begged the only person Elsa could even consider letting into her life was the person that had come to her side tonight after meeting her sister. The person she was surprised, but not pulling away from as he crawled into the bed beside her. His warmth calming her more than anything.
“I don’t want to be a monster...” She whispered, not turning towards him but not pushing him away either. “If I wasn’t then I wouldn’t have to...” She wouldn't have to push Anna away like she did.
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nyxdoesedits · 5 years
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mood board requested from @tatterdsouls ♥
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immortalxdreamers · 5 years
🎰 !
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships ||  @tatterdsouls
( accepting )
1. Katara & Kyou —These two need to meet ASAP. I don’t know in what universe or how they meet — possibly in school, if this is set in Kyou’s canon, for example — but they could potentially have such a beautiful bond. I think Katara’s stubborn enough to stick around and give Kyou plenty of chances to open up to her, to see past the ugliness that he sees himself as, while he’s also the much needed, equally strong-minded person that she could butt heads with, but also grow so, so close to, because they’re also very gentle deep down. can you tell I’m already emotional about them?
2. Sylph & Edward — I think Sylph is actually someone Edward can relax around, if he needs it. She’s very easygoing, so she can deal with short-tempered people, but she’ll probably just let him know that if he ever needs to talk or could use some distraction from it all, she’d be there. While obviously at the same time, he’s also got A LOT to show her that she’s never encountered anywhere else before. Wholesome, yes!
3. Lei & Machi — Oooh these two could possibly know each other because they’re both from wealthy families, but since I’m not too familiar with her character besides what’s on her bio page, I’d say this can go in a myriad of ways. Although Lei is far from perfect, he’s often perceived as such, along with the other F4 members, so would that make her dislike him? Because if she sees past the front and realises how he’s flawed just like anybody else, I think they could be a very good match, actually.
4. Mizuki & Karuta — THIS IS THE CUTEST THING! Mizuki and another Yokai!! Even though Karuta’s background is different from Mizuki’s, I do feel like they could have this very comforting, understanding relationship, platonic or more. And even though Karuta can perfectly manage to defend herself, I do think Mizuki would have a soft spot for her and want to protect her.
5. Sakura & Momiji — ALSO THE CUTEST THING!! OMG! This dynamic is pretty much perfect? I don’t even know where to start, but YES YES YES! Just gimme the cuteness!
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fairisfair · 5 years
Trick or Treat! 🎃 hi ily
Send ‘Trick or Treat!  🎃’ to my inbox and I’ll give you a treat!This could be: a promo graphic, icons, an aesthetic graphicof your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together,a moodboard based on one of our threads,of your muse, a drabble, a photoset of our muses together,a moodboard based on one of our threads, or some other goodie!
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i’m predictable af
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
🎰 !
randomly generated dynamics // @tatterdsouls // accepting
So, of course, I gotta do both blogs even if I don’t know all of your muses because!! I love you so much!!
1. Kyou Sohma and Gloria Alvarez Rivera
Okay so, I have none of Gloria’s info up yet but essentially, she’s based off the G.reen D.ay album 21st C.entury B.reakdown and she and Kyou being? Unlikely punk friends who are really really soft for their significant others is kind of adorable, wow. (Tohru is Baby and Christian is Garbage but still, Kyou and Gloria be equally in love with their respective SOs.)
2. Saki Hanajima and Katherine Plumber
I’m just giggling about how I've gotten Katherine on all 3 of these first memes, wow. But also why...do I get the idea these two would be unlikely friends? I think Katherine would be fascinated with Saki’s whole demeanor and once Saki realizes that her curiosity is genuine, not malicious, I can see her slowly letting Katherine in!
3. Momiji Sohma and Vera Lloyd
Awwww, babies!! I have no idea as far as scenarios go but gosh, they’re both such cuties, they’d be adorable friends!!
4. Edward Elrich and Harriet Hook
Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve seen FMA, I have no idea about how it’d work out, but man, these two hotheads clashing? Iconic
5. Hatori Sohma and Luna D’Angelo
Okay....honestly? These two would be very cute. Total sunshine and rain cloud dynamic. Man, it makes me soft, even though I have no clue how they’d meet. Just?? Gosh, Hatori deserves soft, genuinely nice friends?? His friends are all loud lol
6. Usnavi De La Vega and Sarah Jacobs
WOW, THESE TWO WOULD BE SO SOFT??? God, honestly, that’s kind of adorable?? I have no words, man, Sarah would think Usnavi is so??? cool?? and funny?? Abi, wow, how cute
7. Sodapop Curtis and Juliet Capulet
Okay first, gonna giggle because going off our mobile muse lists, Soda and Julietta are both number 24 so that’s kinda funny. So Jules is reincarnation focused, mainly, which makes her easy to adapt to non-Shakespearean verses, even period verses. She’s definitely more reserved and quiet and definitely doesn’t flirt around and it’s been so long since I’ve read The O.utsiders but you know I’m a sucker for a good greaser au so this has some cute potential.
8. Winnie Tan and Harriet Hook
Oh man. Oh man. This feels like a disaster but an excellent one? They’re both so closed off emotionally, they’d probably struggle to be friends at first? But also, they both use physical activity as an escape because I imagine Harriet’s a fencer or maybe a boxer, just, a real fighty gal. I dunno, I’m intrigued!
9. Kelly Mathers and Leah I-Haven’t-Given-Her-A-Last-Name-Yet
Okay so Leah is a test muse and I still have to find her voice but oh man, I love?? Artistic girls?? Coping with life through their art?? I don’t have a ton of ideas because I don’t really have Leah’s voice down at all but wow, love me some artistic babies.
10. Carlos de Vil and Alexei Sudayev
I literally added Alexei back for @warsraging since Sofia added Jun Sam back but Alexei needs more people to love. He’s just as awkward? A quiet little artist boy who also loves running track and has no idea how to make friends, let alone date?? This has such good potential, Abi
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storyblcd · 5 years
🎰 !
@tatterdhearts / I think you wanted it for this blog? / send me 🎰 for 5 randomly generated ships
Wang Jung / Lara Jean Song Covey
I have to confess that I have n o t caught the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before bandwagon, but from what little I know I can kind of see it in modern verse?? My boi is ur classic Dumb Jock with a Heart of Gold ok??? He might be an oblivious dumbass but he’s the softest and an aBSOLUTE RAY OF SUNSHINE/GOLDEN RETRIEVER??? Just. A Whole Sweetheart??? I can’t really commentate on Lara Jean and also IDK If that’s Lara Jean’s type but??? They could probably be friends at least???
Bai Feng Jiu / Yoo Jinwoo
Pfffff ok generator, certainly n o t a pairing I would’ve thought of for myself, but when I think about it….mmm maybe??? I mean, it’d definitely be for her modern verse, where she’s an heiress trying her best to duck the responsibilities of being one.  They might meet at Some Business Thing Or Other (that my girl tries to duck but got towed to anyway lmao)??? Tho I think she might remind him a little negatively of his second wife, bc she is kind of…a brat. Also a bit of an airhead. But disarmingly genuine?
Eun Jisoo / Mal Bertha
Yeah I uh. I got nothin’ on how to make the universes merge, and I don’t know a ton about descendants so IDK that my commentary will be on either???? All I can say is the dichotomy between like….Jisoo pushing rly hard to Do The Right Thing vs Mal’s kinda like….”I wanna be evil” vibe might be fun if we can get like….how they meet/when they meet/where they meet/etc. worked out??? 
Oh Yeonjoo / Ponyboy Curtis
First off, I LOVE THE OUTSIDERS OH MY GOSH THAT BOOK MADE ME C R Y AS A BBY 6TH GRADER. Anyway, the universe melding shouldn’t be too difficult??? I see it as probably more of a platonic friendship/big sis looking out for him kind of thing, if anything? Like a “you have been to this ER three times in the last month and I’m rly tired of seeing you, please don’t fight people - by the way here’s a juice box/can of soda, if you need to talk I’m sure my professor won’t mind if I sit out here with you for a little bit.” kinda deal.
Wang Yeo | the Grim Reaper / Park Morgan
You know whERE ELSE I’M LATE ON THE BANDWAGON. SEARCH WWW??????? HOW HAVE I NOT SEEN THIS GEM YET. Anyway uh…Reaper’s hard to ship with people, given that he’s t e c h n i c a l l y only supposed to meet you if you’re, you know, d e a d. Also I actually know 0 about Park Morgan, so I literally can’t figure out a plausible interaction method lmao.  
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warsraging · 5 years
🎰 !
send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships  |  @tatterdhearts  |  always accepting
1. ELEANOR ASHDOWN & PETER KAVINSKY     ok i don’t have a concrete idea for these two, but you know el’s modern verse is pretty maleable so we could easily do something with them in highschool? worst case scenario, we do have a couple of wishlist prompts in the backburner to get to 👀
2. ANASTASIA TREMAINE & GLEB VAGANOV     first of all, the irony of gleb being paired up with an anastasia made me laugh. that being said, i’m not tooooo familiar with the musical?? i can easily adapt ana into something period-based tho, or maybe make up some sort of mixed canon for them? either way, i’m vvv up for it yes!
3. DICK GRAYSON & WINNIE TAN     step aside y’all, richard john grayson’s protector senses just started going off. idk if they’d meet in his civillian identity or his vigilante one OR BOTH, but regardless i could see dick just?? wanting to help her go through her shit?? he may also flirt at the very beginning and i’m sorry for it, but i promise he’ll try to keep it in his pants :/
4. STEPHANIE BROWN & SODAPOP CURTIS     ok i remember writing with soda waaaay back in the day, so i still have a semblance of a memory of his character?? steph’s pretty easy to fit into generic modern verses, and we can also include her vigilante persona if we want to?? either way, i can see these two hitting it off pretty easily !
5. MEGAN HOWARD & HANS WESTERGAARD     me after One (1) day of adding megan: what if i made a period verse for her? it’d take some tweaking to make it work, but i feel like it could be a pretty interesting dynamic to explore?? i’m Definitely down for giving it a shot !
BONUS. ANTON VASILEV & ALINA STARKOV     i wasn’t gonna include this bc we had already talked about throwing our tgt muses at each other anyway BUT these two could have?? the best dynamic and we should 10/10 get on that!!
BONUS BONUS. i also got paige & josh and wow i miss our old ship so much??? we should lowkey get back on doing stuff with them js :/
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inoshishidoshi · 5 years
“who did that to you?” the horse’s words are sharp, her body still in the doorway. sure, rin may not have ever been much of a martial artist, but she knew enough to recognize that a wound like that wasn’t from sparring at kazuma’s. dark eyes rose from kagura’s shoulder to her face, anger and fear mixing in them to drive away the disdain and apathy she usually directed towards the boar. “did akito-sama...” // from horsecursed
It had been a LONG DAY and Kagura had just wanted to get into bed and sleep. Although sleep seemed a far away for a body that was still reeling like hers. The adrenaline that had overridden the pain was no longer in effect.She was stitched and patched up courtesy of Hatori, but it was obvious the boar had been through something not so great. Her back ached, almost like it was on fire - maybe it was the feeling of wishing she could have done MORE for Kyou. Always feeling like she wasn’t good enough.Kagura sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror, not even noticing the door had been open - not that she would have expected her mother or Isuzu to be around. Her mother was at work and Isuzu normally hid herself away. So when she heard her pseudo-sister’s voice, asking if GOD had done this to her, silver eyes widened and Kagura quickly turned to face Isuzu.Quickly finding her feet she raced towards the door, her head dizzy from the pain relief, and the sensations in her back. Fingers grabbed at the door in attempt to close, “No, don’t worry about it, it’s nothing.” She quickly rambled off - not wanting to get into too much detail about what had transpired between Kazuma, Kyou and herself.
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horsecursed-a · 5 years
tatterdsouls replied to your post 
miji will take her to one with tohru and kagura !!!
rin vc: isn’t the point to relax?
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asa-sohma-blog · 5 years
        + @tatterdsouls 
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        “Do you think I did the right thing in giving him the Sohma name instead of his father’s?” Asa watched as the seven month old crawled toward Hatori as she sat on the floor not far from either.           The question haunted her since the moment she had officially given Eiichiro the Sohma name but bottled it up inside for as long as she could. Asa needed others to believe she was capable as she tried to be. However, people looked down at single mothers. And she had been no exception. 
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dualcursed · 5 years
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             ❝ hey... why are you crying ? ❞ at first, he stands at a distance. it was always safer than overstepping someone’s boundaries. it was like that with him and it still is to some extent, but he’s cautious nonetheless.  ❝ you don’t-- have to answer if you don’t want to. i just thought i’d come check on you. ❞ 
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immortalxdreamers · 5 years
liked for a starter  ||  @tatterdsouls
( accepting )
     He sighs, shaking his head. The suggestion made by the other caused that response, but none of it was meant in a bad way. It just so happened that, as Sokka would continue to explain: “Actually, I’m more of a meat guy, myself.” — by which he hoped to convey that by going for some kind of vegetable-only meal, his ‘needs’ wouldn’t be met. Instead, he was all but drooling at the sight of a juicy steak pictured on the restaurant besides the one previously gestured at. “Now that seems like the perfect place to get something to eat. Come on, let’s go!” Pushing the other in the restaurant’s direction, trying to imagine all the different kinds of dishes he’d be able to order, Sokka is instantly grinning from ear to ear. A true feast was awaiting, he assured himself. Besides, he had good company, too. 
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     “I promise it’s gonna be GREAT.”
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duskgathers · 5 years
@tatterdsouls. { kero! } 
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       ‘ ... haven’t you eaten enough for today ? ’ he wonders, sometimes, where keroberos puts all of the sweets he packs away, especially since he apparently doesn’t need to eat. still, there was something almost... fascinating in how keroberos could literally eat an entire cake in one sitting. 
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heartsunholy-a · 5 years
tatterdsouls replied to your post: lot of love for elizabeth “betty” cooper today,...
davey vc: that’s my girl ! ��
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