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sahraeyll · 10 months ago
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Hey there everybodyIn this video i discuss ‘how to get task in medical coding as a fresher’Following points i discuss in this video1) What is medical coding2) What is cpc medical coding certificate examination3) Companies supplying task in medical coding4) How to request medical coding task5) Eligibility for medical coding task6) Interview concerns for medical…
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marlsbuck · 5 years ago
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task 06 | what’s in marley’s bag.
marley is a simple lady. she doesn’t carry a purse because who has the time, amiright? she’d rather just shove everything she’ll need for the day into her backpack. it’s nothing special - functional, but barely. the front pocket zipper doesn’t work, one strap is broken, and the bottom corners are starting to fray. it was time to get a new one yesterday, but - in true marley style - she’s gonna use it until she can’t anymore.
marley’s basics include:
vet stethoscope.
jeep keys.
strawberry sun bum lip balm - brand and flavor are nonnegotiable.
her wallet, which includes a picture of her grandparents when they were young.
her cell phone, duh.
an extra set of kitting needles and yarn, in case she has some time to kill or is caught feeling anxious outside of the hotel.
extras that can be found at any given time:
graded assignments/labs, generally shoved down at the bottom.
loose change.
( knife tw ) a small pocket knife that’s essentially useless and beyond dull.
half eaten snacks/empty wrappers.
some extremely tangled headphones that she 100% will not take the time to untangle.
a phone charger (when she remembers it).
hand sanitizer/wet wipes.
a change of clothes.
travel toothpaste and toothbrush.
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hyunjeongslave · 6 years ago
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Task 6: Family Tree
Father- Jeong Chin Hae Mother-  Jeong Myung Hee Sister-  Jeong Hyun-a / Annie - 23 Sister- Jeong Hyun-mi / Mina - 22 Me- Jeong Hyun-woo / William - 21 Sister- Jeong Hyun-sook / Sally - 20 Sister- Jeong Hyun-ae / Erin - 19  
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itsmehaisley · 3 years ago
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haisley's emotional moodboard.
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janneth-alegre · 3 years ago
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Tarea 6 - Misión 6 3 Bolsillos TR Task 6 - Mission 6 TR pockets by Janneth Alegre 🇵🇪 ❤️✏️📐📍✂️✂️ #trcutting #shingosato #TRpockets #trGoldMasterChampionship2022 #task6 #trcutting #mission6 #jannethalegre #reto6 #90DaysChallenge Reto 6 Approved 🥳🥳🥳 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfzyPIBuDpl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyra-rey · 7 years ago
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Villain Name: ↳ Scythe
Face Claim: ↳ Adria Arjona
Age: ↳ 510 (looks 25)
Species: ↳ Demigod
Powers & Abilities / Specialities: ↳ Life-Force Manipulation (specifically regenerative healing, age manipulation, resurrection, minor healing and life-force absorption)
What was once a latent power, her ability of life-force manipulation was surfaced after almost century of torture. Most of it is completely unconscious such as her regenerative healing and age manipulation, but over the years she figured out how to use many of its other uses. She can absorb people’s life-force with her touch, though she cannot take all of it (thus killing them). The best she can do is suck their life force until they go unconscious then kill them that way. Taking someone’s life force also gives her a burst of energy. She is unable to create life force, meaning that in order to resurrect someone, she must use her own life force, or there must be just enough latent life force for her to amplify. She can heal through a similar way that she brings someone back to life, though she hasn’t truly tempted the limits of this power and usually only uses it if she happens to hurt an innocent in the crossfire.
Backstory: (Trigger Warning for mentions of sexual assault and torture)
↳ She was born Yamanik, in a different time as the reincarnation of the fabled Hero Twins. Her brother never did believe the legends, but she did. She yearned to wear the important title, to be someone important in their world. When news spread of their lineage, she jumped at the opportunity, even as her brother, Kasakir, wished to remain at their dying farm. Their village treated them as gods and as news of them spread, she prepared herself for the K'iche' leaders, convincing herself that she and her brother would be able to take them down if they so wanted to. As it turned out, the Spanish conquistadors did that for her. In the fight that broke out, she lost sight of her brother and just as she was going to call out his name, her vision went black.
The conquistadors did not know of the Hero Twins; they didn't care that she was a reincarnated god. They saw her as a woman first and used her as such. She became one of the many to be treated as "free labor" and no matter what she did to escape, they always managed to catch her in the end. It was never the labor she feared, but the men who believed owned her. They were the ones to stare longer than they ought to or pulled her out of her sleep in the middle of the night.
By the time they realized she was not aging, she yearned for death. She was given to holy men who wanted to purge the devil out of her. When fire did not kill her (despite her screams), they tried water. When water wouldn't work, they tried rocks. So many different ways for her to die and not one of them worked. As the time in between their attempts to kill her became longer, she found herself meditating. She mulled over the stories of the Hero Twins, reminding herself that she was them, she was more powerful than the humans who continued to try to manipulate her. Even as they starved her and used her body, she held more power than they could have ever imagined. In the dark cell, she discovered her true power. She bided her time and when the priest went to her with another attempt to purge the devil out of her, she killed him without batting an eye. And then she brought him back to life. Her words to him were "I want you to feel death as many times as I have."
She didn't know what to do with herself after escaping her cell. She thought about her brother, who must still be alive somewhere in the world, but without a way to track him down, he left her mind instantaneously. Instead, she just walked. She didn't know where she was going, but she vowed to never become someone's slave ever again.
In her aimless wandering, she saw many horrible things, countries brought to ruin, wars crushing innocent people. She hated this world, hated every man who believed it was their right to kill another. It wasn't their right; it was hers. She killed for sport, whenever there was a man who stared at women the wrong way or said something she didn't like. She seduced them, lured them in, stabbed them as many times as she could, and brought them back to life to see what she had done. Sometimes she killed them again, other times she let them live in fear of her return. Any man who killed another was her victim and she had so many to choose from. Never mind that they changed their ways or started a family to atone for their crimes. The world was unforgiving and she was only playing by its rules.
She was already at Newhaven when she saw her brother for the first time in centuries. He wore a silly outfit with a silly name and dubbed himself a hero. One look at him and she could see that life had been much kinder to him than it had been to her and she loathed him for it. The world always did treat men better and she thought it good to remind them that she wouldn't accept being pushed aside any longer. She wore her own ridiculous outfit and proved to all of them that she was stronger, that she was better, and she would kill anyone who tried to tell her otherwise.
Moral Alignment: ↳ Lawful Evil
Criminal MO: ↳ She usually kills or attacks murderers or those who have shown serious violence against others. She predominantly goes after men, though she has been known to kill women who are particularly heinous. She has maintained her normal MO of luring in whoever she intends to kill, taking their life force, murdering them, then traumatizing them by bringing them back to life. Most of the time, she will kill them again after, but occasionally, she will flip a coin to decide if they will stay permanently dead or not.
Extra Info: ↳ In case it wasn’t obvious, she is the twin sister to the guild member, Daybreak.
↳ She never bothers to give herself a new name as the woman she once was has definitely died. She currently goes by the name Ava, but will most likely change it whenever she forgets what she is supposed to be called or grows bored of it.
↳ She thinks of the vigilantes as even more ridiculous versions of the guild, but incredibly more dangerous. She keeps her eyes on the ones with questionable morals *cough* Red River and Puck *cough* and might even have them on her long list of potential victims.
↳ Her symbol is that of a scythe, both to represent her small beginnings as a farmer and the image of death she now takes on.
↳ She lives by a woman’s shelter and is often seen volunteering there. A great deal of her victims are the abusers of the women at the shelter. 
↳ As for money, she’ll usually take whatever she wants. She has gathered several priceless artifacts over the years that she sells whenever she doesn’t feel like taking something.
↳ She has a strange appreciation for Anima and is a fan of her work.
↳ Fun fact: her given name Yamanik means emerald in the K’iche’ language.
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azrilhafiz · 3 years ago
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SUNGAI DAMANSARA - Tidak Gah Seperti Namanya   Damansara Avenue, Kwasa Damansara, Damansara Utama, Damansara Seresta, Damansara Heights, Mutiara Damansara, Damansara Aliff (Tampoi, Johor) dan terlalu panjang untuk saya senaraikan kesemuanya. Nama DAMANSARA telah digunakan meluas oleh pihak pemaju, berkemungkinan besar salah satu cara marketing dalam industri hartanah.   Damansara adalah pinggir bandar di Petaling Jaya, sebuah mukim di Daerah Petaling, serta kawasan parlimen di Selangor, Malaysia. Ia dinamakan sempena Sungai Damansara yang mengalir berhampiran. Ia adalah salah satu kawasan yang paling padat penduduk di Malaysia. Mengikut Banci Malaysia pada tahun 2000, ia merupakan daerah kedua terbesar di Malaysia dari segi penduduk dengan jumlah penduduk seramai 453,420 orang. Menurut Laporan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 2019 (JAS), Sungai Damansara adalah pada kualiti Kelas III (WQI). Tributary kepada Lembangan Sungai Klang.   Kemerosotan kualiti air sungai dari segi Keperluan Oksigen Biokimia/Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ini adalah disebabkan oleh pelepasan bahan buangan yang bersifat organik daripada pelbagai punca seperti air sisa industri, serta aktiviti komersil dan domestik.   Kemerosotan kualiti air sungai yang disebabkan oleh Ammoniakal Nitrogen/Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) boleh dikaitkan dengan pelepasan air sisa kumbahan manusia dan haiwan yang tidak diolah dan terolah ke dalam air sungai secara berterusan.   Kemerosotan kualiti air sungai dari segi Pepejal Terampai/Suspended Solids (SS) tersebut boleh disebabkan oleh ketidakcekapan kawalan ke atas aktiviti kerja tanah dan pembukaan tanah di kawasan-kawasan tertentu. Insya-Allah dan berkemungkinan besar kita boleh mandi dalam sungai ini jika semua lapisan masyarakat dan pemain industri cakna untuk menjaga kelestarian sungai ini. Sungai di Ulu Muda bersih berbanding dengan keadaan sungai Damansara di lokasi pemerhatian saya ini. “Cintailah Sungai Kita”   @wwfmy dan @tkcwwfmy   #teamkedahcakna #ulumuda #task6 #sumberair #EQR2019 (at Shah Alam, Malaysia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVAvPPJB3GS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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el-heladero · 4 years ago
Task: Home
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“Home isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.” – Cecelia Ahern
Luca never dreamt about leaving Italy. America was a far off place that if he was lucky one day he would perhaps visit but to actually live there wasn't something that he had ever considered. Italy was home for him and always would be, at least that was what he thought growing up. Things change though as one grows from a child to an adult. What one once thought would always be, becomes a mere memory and what would never be, becomes reality. For Luca, Italy slowly no longer became home. The meaning of home no longer meant a house. It had a much stronger meaning.
As a child, Luca felt that home was the house his father had built for his mother after they were married. Home was where he and his twin sister would play endlessly in the garden during the warm summer days and where Santa Claus came on Christmas Eve. His idea was much like all children around the world. It was simple and easy to understand. However, when his sister, Luciana died at the age of ten, Luca no longer felt that home was simply where he lived. The house he was growing up in was now just that, a house. It was as if all the love in it had died with Luciana.
For years, Luca unknowingly searched for the true meaning of home. His first flat was nice, it was home in the sense it was where he lived but the feeling of home was not there. Home was being elusive. Buildings were buildings without any feeling. It was okay though, for Luca, he didn't care. At least that was what he was forcing himself to believe. He needed to harden up. The lifestyle he had chosen or rather had chosen him needed him to be strong and fearless. With no ties to home, Luca thought that it was what would make him just that, strong and fearless.
When his father passed away, Luca began prepping to take over his father's role in the Scavo Family Mafia. Everything that Luca had once considered home was gone. His mother moved out of the family house and into a flat. Luca moved into a house on the Scavo property. It was a nice house but it wasn't home. After a couple of years and a promotion to Underboss, Luca was asked to move to Staten Island to take over operations there. Home was now going to be America, or was it?
Once Luca and Vincent's daughter, Anabel were settled in their new home on Staten Island, his mother called and asked him if he was enjoying his new home. Luca informed her that he loved the house and of course having Anabel live with him was different but nice. After the phone call ended, Luca sat on his bed and pondered what home truly meant. A smile etched across his face. He was home, he did love his home because to him home was the smell of the warm chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, the sound of Italian music playing in the background, the dogs, Chewie and Milo running amok through the house, Anabel's perfume and of course Anabel herself. Luca had finally found his home and it felt amazing.
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isa-british-council · 5 years ago
Task 6!
Adrija Mukherjee, Day 8, 27-Aug-2020, 02:03 PM, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
I know I haven’t posted in a very long while. We have had quite a lot of projects to do in fact! Each of them was very fun to do and we are even starting project presentations! Me and my group are having Google Meet meetings for discussing our group presentation. We also had a project on digital detoxification! But the most interesting thing, our British Council ISA Project is finally explaining itself and now at last I know why role-playing skills were much  important of the bunch. My last blog was about how three of the ten stories were selected for each group. Now out of those three stories, we are to pick one for each country-
Stories of Russia group-
1.The honest nephew and the dishonest uncle
2. The language of the birds
3. The goat and the Ram
Stories of India group-
1.  The Tiger, Brahmin and Jackal
2. The Kingdom of Fools
3. The Greedy Innkeeper
Stories of USA group-
1. Baker's Dozen
2. Old Man at the Beginning- The Crow People
3. A gift from Saint Nicholas
I need to read each of these and select the story I think will be best. Then the particular country will represent the chosen story (the story with the most votes).
This Task (Task 6) is divided into two parts.
Part A: Elections PART B: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS While reading the stories from the other countries, we will be required to make brief notes along with, of how the folktales of these countries differ or draw similarities from the folktales of our country(assigned to us). These points will later be used during the power point presentation that we make. So we are to choose... Let’s say... Wisely. We are to choose wisely. 
I have not written for a while so thought I would make this blog a bit longer. 
Bye for now!
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nabeelaharend · 5 years ago
Why do I do what I do?
I enjoy being creative, this is something I've always been good at. Now I’m not saying that I'm the best, but simply that because I enjoy what I do its my version of my best. Ive become really passionate about Interaction design and where id like to take my career. Despite the fact that I know I've still got a lot to learn I'm still looking forward to what the future has to hold for me.
Would I like to at some point turn my mission into an entrepreneurial endeavour?
In a realistic sense my answer has to be no. My reason for this is because I prefer working under someone rather than over. Being a leader takes a certain kind of responsibility which I'm not really interested in doing. It also comes with tons of risks like financial uncertainty, therefore I would prefer having the comfort of a steady income each month. 
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kvb117-caroline2020 · 5 years ago
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Task 6: Photoshop 1
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therealandre3000-1001 · 5 years ago
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New/Updated Renders in Vray (with sun, sky and new ruins showing material) and screenshots of the Vray settings.
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nanafukumoto0216 · 5 years ago
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shuttercaelan · 7 years ago
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I tried @subemilsmythe
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portiarook · 5 years ago
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Task 6!
God do I love crossing genres. This was based off an anime I watched when I was a kid called Ouran Highschool Host Club, and the main title song has a line, “Kiss! Kiss! Fall in love!”. So naturally I was like oh why no draw KISS in a bunch of girly anime poses. I didn’t spend too long on the illustration since it was just a class task after all but I’m still happy with how it turned out, might make it into an actual shirt!
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janneth-alegre · 3 years ago
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Tarea 6 - Misión 6 3 Bolsillos TR Task 6 - Mission 6 TR pockets by Janneth Alegre 🇵🇪 ❤️✏️📐📍✂️✂️ #trcutting #shingosato #TRpockets #trGoldMasterChampionship2022 #task6 #trcutting #mission6 #jannethalegre #reto6 #90DaysChallenge Reto 6 Approved 🥳🥳🥳 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfvBz9EOABU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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