navysealunsealed · 2 years
1.) Activeness - 2 2.) Affection - 2 3.) Aggression - 1  4.) Agreeableness - 2  5.) Assertiveness - 2 6.) Attachment - 2  7.) Communication - 3  8.) Confidence / Ego - 1 9.) Dominance - 2 10.) Discipline - 3 11.) Emotional Capacity - 2 12.) Faithfulness - 3 13.) Family Orientation - 3 14.) Friendliness - 3 15.) Honesty - 3  16.) Humor - 3 17.) Intelligence - 2 18.) Jealous - 2 19.) Manners - 3 20.) Maturity - 2  21.) Positivity - 3  22.) Rebelliousness - 1 23.) Respectfulness - 3 24.) Romance - 2
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melxrose · 2 years
Where does your character stand on the following stats?
{ 1 } being low, { 2 } being in the middle, { 3 } being high.
1.) Activeness { 2 }
2.) Affection { 2 }
3.) Aggression { 1 }
4.) Agreeableness { 2 }
5.) Assertiveness { 2 }
6.) Attachment { 2 }
7.) Communication { 3 }
8.) Confidence / Ego { 2 }
9.) Dominance { 1 }
10.) Discipline { 3 }
11.) Emotional Capacity { 2 }
12.) Faithfulness { 3 }
13.) Family Orientation { 3 }
14.) Friendliness { 3 }
15.) Honesty { 3 }
16.) Humor { 2 }
17.) Intelligence { 2 }
18.) Jealous { 2 }
19.) Manners { 3 }
20.) Maturity { 3 }
21.) Positivity { 2 }
22.) Rebelliousness { 1 }
23.) Respectfulness { 3 }
24.) Romance { 2 }
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gonefishing712 · 2 years
Tumblr media
Where does your character stand on the following stats? 1 being low, 2 being in the middle, 3 being high. ★ Activeness - 2 ★ Affection - 3 ★ Aggression - 1 ★ Agreeableness - 2 ★ Assertiveness - 2 ★ Attachment - 3 ★ Communication - 2 ★ Confidence / Ego - 2 ★ Dominance - 1 ★ Discipline - 2 ★ Emotional Capacity - 1 ★ Faithfulness - 3 ★ Family Orientation - 3 ★ Friendliness - 3 ★ Honesty - 3 ★ Humor - 3 ★ Intelligence - 2 ★ Jealous - 3 ★ Manners - 3 ★ Maturity - 2 ★ Positivity - 3 ★ Rebelliousness - 3 ★ Respectfulness - 3 ★ Romance - 3
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luckyxcharm · 2 years
Presley’s Stats
🦋  Activeness - 3 🦋  Affection - 3 🦋  Aggression - 1 🦋  Agreeableness - 2 🦋  Assertiveness - 3 🦋  Attachment - 2 🦋  Communication - 3 🦋  Confidence / Ego - 2 🦋  Dominance - 2 🦋  Discipline - 2 🦋  Emotional Capacity - 3 🦋  Faithfulness - 3 🦋  Family Orientation - 3 🦋  Friendliness - 3 🦋  Honesty - 3 🦋  Humor - 3 🦋  Intelligence - 3 🦋  Jealous - 1 🦋  Manners - 3 🦋  Maturity - 2 🦋  Positivity - 3 🦋  Rebelliousness - 2 🦋  Respectfulness - 3 🦋  Romance - 3
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Scarlet walked through the crowd of obnoxious hair and makeup, the roar of laughter causing her head to go dizzy. She was not used to parties but being a trainer now she had to go. However among the sea of faces there was one obnoxious face that stood out among the others; Capri.
She groaned when she saw her bother in some ridiculous get up, she was not impressed by her younger sibling her blood already beginning to boil. She grabbed a butter knife from the buffet table and walked over to her brother before running it up the back of his neck.
“Oh look at the pretty little party boy, finally made it to the big leagues.” she said coldly and then twirled the knife in her hand.
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zephyr-kahuna · 7 years
Task 018: Tidal wave
Kai was fast asleep when the wave had washed over the ship and Zephyr hadn’t found it in him to wake him, his face still awfully pale next to the white hospital linen. And so he was once again left alone to watch the plotdrop. Yet he couldn’t help himself, but to tighten the hold on his husband as he feared for the first wondering how people could survive a tidal wave like that. It was only when he found he bright red hair emerging from the water when he could take a deep breath to calm himself even though he found himself cursing her later on when she helped the girl from two. It would only bring her trouble later on. But in the end he guessed he could be happy to see her alive and breathing for the moment.
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joy-trovato · 7 years
Task 012: Learned skills
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zephyr-kahuna · 7 years
Task 017: Buccaneer Barrage:
He shrieked awake to the sound of cannons on a television. For a moment Zephyr felt a little disoriented, he must have fallen asleep on the couch while the games were running. It took him some time to focus on what was happening there currently, but when he did he couldn’t help the soft gasp as cannons bombarded the ship without mercy planting holes into the metal. “This is just plain cruel…” He muttered while any kind of security was being ripped apart from the tributes. His mind was still hazy from all the sleep deprivation and the last thing he can remember thinking before falling back to sleep was how now the games had officially started.
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joy-trovato · 7 years
Task 004: Skills
Task 004: Skills
SPEARS: very good due to academy training
DAGGER:  exceptionally good due to academy training
FIRE MAKING:  very good due to academy training, survival skills were deemed important, although she taught most of it herselfe.
SELF DEFENSE: very good due to academy training
SWORDS: exceptionally good due to academy training
SHELTER MAKING: Okay, she has never been that good at constructing things
EDIBILITY: Good, due to academy training
FISHING: Good, her father taught her when she was young
COOKING: very good, her father taught her
SWIMMING: ver good, she learned from young age
HAND TO HAND:  very good due to academy training
MEDICINE:  very good due to academy training
0 notes
zephyr-kahuna · 7 years
Task 016: Overboard
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He breathed out shocked as he saw the resources drowning in the ocean. His gaze flitted over to Kai who was dead asleep on his side of the bed while Zephyr leaned against the headboard the light of the tv being the only source of light in the dark room. His heart was pounding against his ribcage as he watched Joy every kind of hope draining from her eyes for a moment. They couldn’t do this, could they? The haul lasted barely a few minutes and Zephyr was left staring in astonishment as almost all of the cornucopia was being thrown away and the tributes were left screaming and wondering what the future would bring them.
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zephyr-kahuna · 7 years
Task 008: Vacation
You’re all about the finer things in life. You spend plenty of time researching your vacation options, making sure to note every museum and landmark on the map. You’ll document all of your outings for your Instagram followers, but you prefer to keep the actual travel group small. Trips to big cities like New York, Chicago, or Rome, with plenty of opportunities to take in the arts, are perfect for you — you don’t mind taking the path more traveled.
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Task 016: Overboard
Scarlet groaned when Kenna was taken out by one of the damn robots, clearly she was hungry enough to try and fight one. Scarlet had spent some time training the girl, getting to know that face so watching her tribute getting ripped to shreds sent a chill down her spine. The young girl choked up blood and stumbled back before falling with a thud.
Scarlet’s big bright eyes stared at the bloodied body that was now sprawled across the floor of the ship. She felt her heart twist uncomfortably so she got up from the sofa to hopefully find a drink; something strong to help her forget that face.
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Task 015: The bloodiest of bloodbaths
Scarlet stared at the screen with gleeful joy, the blood went flying and tributes were dying left right and center as they clashed at the cornucopia. The young trainer felt her heart race with excitement as butter-knifes pierced skin and forks took out eyes.
The ship’s beautiful floors became drenched in the blood of fallen tributes as most of the smart ones started to scatter; avoiding the group of vicious girls that now gathered at the center of cornucopia.
“How glorious... we’re already about half way done.” she giggled.
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