Dialogue Starters: Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure | Season 1 Episode 1: What the Hair!? | Part 2 Pronouns and wording can be changed as needed!
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1. “(Name)! You’re okay! You wanna tell me what’s going on here?” 2. ”You know what, I don’t care. I’m getting you out of there!” 3. “Hey! You’re (Name)!” 4. ”No, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never seen you before in my life. You can’t prove anything!” 5. ”I used to see your wanted posters all the time, you’re my hero!” 6. ”Oh, well, you see- that’s not actually me.” 7. ”This isn’t right, (name)! I have to tell him what’s going on!” 8. ”Would someone please explain to me who this child is?” 9. ”What was that trembling?” 10. “Trembling? I didn’t notice any trembling!” 11. ”Listen, I need you to tell me everything that (name) told you.” 12. ”(Name), when (name) speaks directly to you, every word is important.” 13. ”(Name), I believe I promised you a secret!” 14. ”Wait, wait, wait, wait. These tremors- Your machines are causing them?” 15. ”And noone else knows you’re doing this?” 16. “Listen, (name), I’m no expert in... whatever this is, but anything that can cause earthquakes cannot be safe.” 17. “We’ve gotta warn people about this!” 18. “You gave me your word you’d keep this a secret!” 19. “I’m an expert, this is all perfectly safe!” 20. “Yeah, it.. it does that all the time!” 21. “Only twelve more tests to go! Yay!” 22. “Soooooo, (name). Got yourself a secret, huh?” 23. “Look, (name), I think it’s time to go! Now!” 24. “Now? You’re kidding, right? This is almost finished!” 25. “Those things down there are dangerous!” 26. “I... suppose I can turn them down. A bit.” 27. “Why do you want us to leave so bad?” 28. “Oh, no. You can stay! In fact, it’d be great if you stayed!” 29. “Look, I tried to show you I can keep a secret, but I can’t.” 30. “I think they could blow up any minute! ... And, that minute is now.” 31. “Get me out of this machine!” 32. “(Name)! He’s gonna get himself killed!” 33. “No, there’s no time! Get out of here!“ 34. “I am not going anywhere without you! I love you, (name).” 35. “I love you too. More than you will ever know.” 36. “What the hair!?” 37. “Thank you, m’lady.” 38. “(Name)! Thank goodness, you’re here.” 39. “Uhoh, it’s my dad.” 40. “(Name), I-I’m sorry.” 41. “Not again, (name).” 42. “Is everybody okay?” 43. “(Name) what do we do!? It was terrible!” 44. “I’m sorry you didn’t get those test results, (name).” 45. “I should never have kept a secret from you.” 46. “From now on, no more secrets. Ever.” 47. “Oh yeah, well what about (name)?” 48. “Oh, I knew it! Ohohoho, she’s gonna get in so much trouble!” 49. “That is, of course, if anyone was to find out. Which they won’t. Because this guy is a vault!” 50. “You should have seen it! It was a crazy night!”
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                                         HAPPY to listen                                           HAPPY to stay                              HAPPILY watching you drift away
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                                  I can make an EFFORT                                    If I only UNDERSTAND                                      That I, I can make a
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Yes!! I am. Haven’t gotten very far yet, but I do intend to keep posting things as they come to my head!<3
please  ❤  /  ↺  this  post  if  you  are  an  active  rp  resource  and  /  or  meme  blog  for  the  roleplay  community  .
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                                           If you must leave...                                             Leave as though                                    FIRE burns under your FEET
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Dialogue Starters | Out of context things my friends have said Pronouns and wording can be changed as needed!
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1. “He won’t stop screaming but that’s okay.” 2. “Man everyone these days is getting Thanos snapped.” 3. “THE RAT IS OUT OF IT’S PEN-” 4. “I am combusting for multiple reasons.” 5. “I’m going to procrastinate dying somehow.” 6. “Every time you mess up I shall smack you with a metal ruler.” 7. “That’s all you need to start the cloning process!” 8. “Bold of you to assume I haven’t made an army of (name)s already.” 9. “I was bamboozled to no end.” 10. “This means you’re legally obligated to pet me.” 11. “Time to use my blurry basement photo to remember where my house is!” 12. “Oh I’m going out to get STABBED and MURDERED.” 13. “I’ve come to make an announcement. (Name) is my mom.” 14. “You’ll never escape my house of glitter glue, detective!” 15. “Okay good luck with being tortured!” 16. “My teeth have been DEFILED.” 17. “I thought you like, adopted me for two seconds.” 18. “Did you mean: cow essence?” 19. “He’s doomed to eat my knife.” 20. “BATHE THE BIRDS.”
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                                    So wake me up when it’s all over                                        When I’m wiser and I’m older                                  All this time I was finding myself and I                                            Didn’t know I was lost!
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Send me a number and I’ll write you a starter based on:
1. A sad verse from one of my favorite songs 2. A happy verse from one of my favorite songs 3. A romantic verse from one of my favorite songs 4. A funny verse from one of my favorite songs 5. A sad scene from one of my favorite books/tv shows/movies/games 6. A happy scene from one of my favorite books/tv shows/movies/games 7. A romantic scene from one of my favorite books/tv shows/movies/games 8. A funny scene from one of my favorite books/tv shows/movies/games 9. A sad headcanon I have for my muse 10. A happy headcanon I have for my muse 11. 3. A romantic headcanon I have for my muse 12. A funny headcanon I have for my muse
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Dialogue Starters: Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure | Season 1 Episode 1: What the Hair!? | Part 1 Pronouns and wording can be changed as needed!
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1. "Hello, (name). Did you think I was gone forever?" 2. "What's the matter dear? Aren't you happy to see your mummy?" 3. "Come now dear, let's get you back to your tower, where you will be safe and secure!" 4. "(Name), you haven't touched your food." 5. "I touched it! I moved my eggs from here, to here. See?" 6. "It's been nearly a week. Just talk to her." 7. "You do recall my last conversation with (name) didn't go as I had hoped?" 8. "If that was a daddy-daughter conversation, I'd hate to see what a talking to is!" 9. "Just because it was a difficult choice doesn't mean it wasn't the right one." 10. "Come on, (name)! Those dreams are trying to tell me something!" 11. "Shhh! (Name), I told you, we can't tell anyone about that night!" 12. "Uum, I think the secret's pretty much out." 13. "I know this is a lot to ask, but I can't risk it. Please, don't tell (name)!" 14. "Oh come on, are you guys keeping secrets?" 15. "It's not really a secret! It's more like a... sensitive situation!" 16. "I don't trust you! You have a big mouth." 17. "Thanks, this was really fun! And to think we were dreading it!" 18. "(Name), you're really not gonna tell me?" 19. "Fine, but you should know I have things I keep from you. Lots of things." 20. "(Name) is terrified of mimes." 21. "Hey! They see things that aren't there!" 22. "(Name), wait! It was a different (name)! You don't even know him!" 23. "I gotta admit, I did not see that coming." 24. "(Name) went on a world tour!? Does noone share anything with me!?" 25. "Here comes the loverboy with more of his romantic escapades." 26. "How is your lady friend anyway?" 27. "His name is (name), and he's some kind of wizard!" 28. "Wow, a real wizard!?" 29. "Very little is known about (name), and what is isn't good. Some say he's dangerous." 30. "If we want answers he's our best bet, right?" 31. "Well, sounds like we have a wizard to visit!" 32. "If you can't share everything with that someone special, then maybe that someone isn't so special?" 33. "You keep writing those words down! Because one of these days... you'll have more of 'em?" 34. "So, this is where (name) lives? It seems cozy! In a... 'I wish I'd said goodbye to my loved ones before I left' kind of way!" 35. "Just watch your step, (name). Come on, this way." 36. "It's just fog! I'm sure it's okay." 37. "What. Do. You. Want!?" 38. "Magic!? I do not work with magic!" 39. "We have a little bit of a critter problem out here." 40. "This is riveting, but could you get us out of here?" 41. "I-I am so sorry, (name)!" 42. "Wait, you know who I am?" 43. "As you have probably guessed, I'm a man of science." 44. "Let me make something clear. What happens here, stays here. You got it?" 45. "What's taking them so long!? I'm going in!" 46. "Huh.. that used to work!" 47. "I built it myself!" 48. "(Name), are you sure you wanna- (Name)!?" 49. "Alright.. not super fun! But it's over!" 50. "Amazing! You were right, it's absolutely unbreakable!"
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                                    Don’t listen to a WORD I SAY                                The SCREAMS all sound the same!
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                                                  Turn your face                                                  Towards the sun                                                  Let the shadows                                                   Fall behind you
                                                  Don’t look back                                                    Just carry on                                                 And the shadows...
                                              Will never find you!
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Send me a roleplay plot you’ve really wanted to do with me, and I’ll let you know whether I’m interested or not!
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                                              all of your good...                                                     is MINE.
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Send me a number and my muse will tell yours about:
1. The worst day of their life 2. The best day of their life 3. A horrible memory they wish they could forget 4. A wonderful memory they’ll cherish forever. 5. A tragic story they heard in the news. 6. A heartwarming story they heard in the news. 7. One of their least favorite scenes from a book, game, tv show, or movie. 8. One of their favorite scenes from a book, game, tv show, or movie. 9. A specific food that they hate with a passion. 10. A specific food that they really love.
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                                     Like a KNIFE in the WOODS                              Yeah you hunt down the GOOD IN ME!
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Come into my inbox and yell at my muse! Accuse them of doing something wrong, even if they didn’t do anything. Make them upset and angry! Don’t hold back!
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                            Where ya’ gonna go? | Where ya’ gonna go?                                             Where ya’ gonna run to?                                            When you get to the edge                                                      Of the night?
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                                            This time I’ll face the sky!
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