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misshcrror · 6 months ago
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                    𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝟎𝟎𝟑: ──── DEFEITO FATAL + MAIOR MEDO ;
O que era para ser uma noite tranquila se tornou num pesadelo acordado. Em um minuto Yasemin dormia tranquilamente no calor dos braços de Joseph no chalé de Poseidon e no outro estava correndo para o bosque às pressas, o coração acelerado. Era parte da equipe de patrulha e a urgência das ordens de Quíron a colocavam em alerta. O caos estava instalado e ela precisava agir. Ao lado de seus companheiros, ela se embrenhou na floresta escura, os gritos horríveis guiando-os. O frio na espinha era palpável, mas ela seguiu em frente até aquilo acontecer.
Num instante tudo mudou. Os gritos aumentaram de intensidade, e Yasemin sentiu algo estranho. Sua visão começou a turvar e, antes que pudesse reagir, sombras ao seu redor se fecharam, e ela se viu em um lugar diferente. Ela estava em um campo de batalha, sozinha. Corpos espalhados por todos os lados, sangue cobrindo o chão. Yasemin sentia um poder imenso dentro de si. Ela havia derrotado todos os inimigos, mas o preço era alto. Seus amigos estavam caídos, mortos por suas próprias mãos. Ela havia abandonado todos em busca de poder, vingança e ira. A visão era terrível, mas não conseguia desviar o olhar.
De repente, ela ouviu uma voz familiar. Leyla Solak, sua mãe, estava ali, olhando para ela com olhos cheios de decepção. ❝ ― Yasemin, o que você fez? ❞ — O coração da turca se apertou. ❝ ― Abandonar seus amigos, matar pessoas… Esse não é o caminho que eu sonhei para você. ❞ — As palavras eram como lâminas cortando sua alma. Yasemin caiu de joelhos, e instantaneamente, as lágrimas começaram a escorrer pelo rosto. Tentou proferir um "me desculpe", mas sua voz parecia travar na garganta. O desespero era evidente, e tudo o que conseguiu fazer foi chorar, encarando a mãe à sua frente. O olhar de Leyla estava cheio de mágoa e... o que era aquilo? Arrependimento. Quase como se estivesse se sentindo deplorável por ter sacrificado sua vida para deixar a filha em segurança, apenas para vê-la tomar um caminho repleto de sangue, violência e caos. ❝ ― Me desculpe, mãe… Eu não queria decepcioná-la. Eu só queria ser forte, proteger todos… Eu não sabia que chegaria a isso. ❞
A dor em sua voz era palpável. Yasemin sentia-se esmagada pelo peso da decepção de sua mãe. Leyla era tudo para ela. Se lembrava das noites em que sua mãe contava histórias, mas sempre com uma moral no final, ensinando-lhe sobre coragem e resiliência. Yasemin queria se sentir digna, mas agora sentia que havia falhado miseravelmente. As palavras de sua mãe perfuraram seu coração, trazendo uma nova onda de lágrimas. Yas queria gritar, queria se defender, mas sabia que Leyla estava certa. Ela havia se perdido em sua busca por poder e vingança, esquecendo-se dos valores que sua mãe havia tentado lhe ensinar.
A visão mudou novamente. Agora, Deimos, seu pai, estava diante dela. Ele a olhava com uma expressão fria e desapontada. ❝ ― Você me desaponta, Yasemin. Você tinha o poder, o terror ao seu alcance, e agora se ajoelha pedindo desculpas? Eu queria ver a ruína do mundo, o caos espalhado por suas mãos. ❞ — A expressão triste da turca se transformou em confusão, encarando o pai. Ela piscou uma, duas, três vezes. Olhou ao redor em busca da mãe que já não estava mais ali. Yasemin sentiu um peso esmagador em seu peito. Ela estava presa entre o desejo de ser forte e a necessidade de não desapontar seus pais. Sua ambição a havia levado a um caminho sombrio, e agora estava pagando o preço. ❝ ― Eu… E-Eu não sei o que fazer. ❞
Yasemin gostava de poder. Sentir-se poderosa, no topo, era uma sensação embriagante. Desde pequena, sempre quis mais. Mais força, mais habilidade, mais reconhecimento. A ambição corria em suas veias como um fogo incontrolável, alimentando sua arrogância. Ela gostava de estar acima dos outros, de ser temida e respeitada. No entanto, essa busca incessante por poder a havia afastado de tudo o que era realmente importante. ❝ ― Você tinha tudo para ser a minha arma perfeita. E o que faz? Implora por perdão? Sempre quis mais, sempre quis ser a melhor. E agora, aqui está você, ajoelhada e fraca. ❞ — Continuou Deimos, com uma voz cortante. O conflito interno a consumia. Yasemin se lembrou das inúmeras vezes em que se sentira invencível, no controle, apenas para perceber que estava se tornando uma marionete de sua própria ambição. Ela se deliciava com o poder, com a capacidade de incutir medo nos outros. Era uma forma de se sentir viva, de sentir que tinha um propósito. Ela sentiu a tensão crescer dentro de si. Sabia que seu pai estava certo em partes. A ambição a havia impulsionado a ser melhor, a superar seus limites, mas essa mesma ambição também a destruiu. A visão começou a se dissipar e então tudo ficou escuro.
A realidade voltou de repente. Yasemin estava no bosque novamente, o grito silencioso ainda preso em sua garganta. Seus companheiros de equipe estavam ao seu redor, alguns ainda presos em suas próprias visões, outros começando a despertar do pesadelo. Ela se levantou, sentindo as pernas trêmulas. Suas mãos estavam do mesmo jeito e ela inspirou e respirou fundo algumas vezes, limpando o rosto molhado de lágrimas. A sensação de vulnerabilidade era esmagadora, mas precisava se recompor rapidamente. Perdida, olhou ao redor do bosque para ver o corpo de Evelyn caído não tão longe de si. Tentava se acalmar enquanto procurava entender o que estava acontecendo e principalmente o que viu. A ambição, o poder, o terror… tudo parecia estar convergindo para um ponto crítico.
semideuses citados: @d4rkwater & @evewintrs.
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ringostxr-archive · 8 months ago
ㅤㅤ⸻ TASK #4 / ficha de atributos.
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ㅤㅤ⸻ o básico.
NOME / richard paul miller.
IDADE / 37 anos.
ALTURA / 1,85cm.
PORTE / esguio.
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ㅤㅤ⸻ os pontos.
TOTAL / 150 ( 110 dos pontos iniciais + 40 das desvantagens ).
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ㅤㅤ⸻ atributos.
SAÚDE / 9.
FORÇA / 10.
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ㅤㅤ⸻ perícia & habilidade.
mecânica/NT ( -10 )
instrumento musical ( -5 )
fuga ( -10 )
falsificação/NT ( -15 ) 
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ㅤㅤ⸻ vantagens.
carisma – aptidão natural para impressionar e liderar outras pessoas. ( -10 )
hipoalgia (alto limiar de dor) – caso ferido o personagem tem resistência a dor. ( - 10 )
sorte – o personagem tem sorte para escapar de situações de perigo ( -15 )
talento musical ( -5 )
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  ㅤㅤ⸻ desvantagens.
no limite – assume riscos extremamente irracionais diante do perigo mortal. A maioria das pessoas testemunhe tais comportamentos acredita que trata-se de um maluco. ( +10 )
impulsividade – odeia falar e pensar, prefere a ação. ( +10 )
fúria – tendência de perder o controle quando submetido a alguma tensão e partir para o ataque frenético contra o que acredita ser a causa de seu problema. ( +10 )
excesso de confiança – confiança em si próprio de forma tão extrema que acaba colocando outros em risco ( +10 )
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lonerwitc-h · 3 months ago
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Para os moradores de Arcanum, os maiores medos geralmente vinham por trás dos mais catastróficos acontecimentos. Ataques vampíricos, encontros com demônios, até mesmo a aparição de Lúcifer na cidade poderia estar por trás do que aterroriza alguém no mais escuro da noite, quando as máscaras caem e alguém tem apenas seus próprios monstros para lidar.
Para Gaea, porém, seu cenário de maior medo era localizado na sala branca e estéril de um consultório médico. Teoricamente, não havia nada de particularmente assustador por ali: a mesa de madeira clara, a maca na lateral direita, o homem de jaleco branco e óculos que parecia fazer seu melhor para parecer mais humanizado do que ele realmente era, sentado de um lado da mesa. Do outro lado ela, aos recém-formados dezessete anos, e sua mãe, linda e sólida como era, sentadas lado a lado. Sua avó repousava em sua cadeira de rodas, parecendo intimidante mesmo tão doente e frágil.
Nada de espetacular aconteceu naquele consultório; apenas uma conversa. E o que, naquela conversa, seria aterrorizante o suficiente para ganhar a medalha de ouro de memória mais assustadora da vida de Gaea?
"A sra. Millard não está reagindo aos tratamentos."
Gaea se lembra de apertar as mãos em punho com tanta força que as unhas se fincaram nas palmas. Ela se lembra de piscar repetidamente, como se estivesse em um pesadelo e quisesse acordar, se lembra de olhar da mãe para a avó com confusão e, sim, medo. Pela primeira vez depois de dois anos desde o início do tratamento para o câncer de sua avó, Gaea sentiu medo de perdê-la.
A princípio, a jovem bruxa achou que aquele seria um problema passageiro, um pequeno imprevisto que sua avó rapidamente resolveria. Quando ela não resolveu, Gaea confiou no coven ao qual Rowena pertencia, nas bruxas capazes e poderosas que faziam parte dele, nas promessas e garantias de que ninguém iria descansar até que ela estivesse curada. Gaea acreditou porque não havia motivo para que não acreditasse. Mas se agora, depois de dois anos com essa maldita doença alojada no corpo de sua avó, ela ainda não reagia ao tratamento, então talvez nada fosse capaz de salvá-la. Talvez fosse isso que estágio 4, câncer terminal significava.
Gaea perderia sua avó. E, depois disso, sua vida jamais seria a mesma.
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ringostxrs · 6 months ago
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ㅤㅤ⸻ TAGDUMP!     ㅤㅤi'm  your  source  of  self-destruction,  veins  that  pump  with  fear,  sucking  darkest  clear,  leading  on  your  death's  construction.  .  . 
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blkkizzat · 11 days ago
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⛧ 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡: nov 19th 8:52pm ⛧ 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡: onsen + dubcon + coercion + fingering + riding + mating press + bath sex + breeding + sassy!reader ⛧ 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐬: 5751
𝐧𝐧𝐧 𝐦.𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Suguru reclines against the edge of the onsen, arms stretched lazily along the stone. Steam curls around him in languid waves, the mineral-rich bath soothes his bones but does absolutely nothing for the ache between his muscular thighs. The weight of his erection, stiff and heavy, anchors against the flat planes of his stomach—a silent testament to the tension that even the warm waters cannot wash away.
19 days.
It’s been 19 days since the start of 'No Nut November'—an ordeal that began with your unwelcomed and completely unsolicited suggestion during a meeting with Suguru's top benefactors.
The meetings with these so-called patrons, eager for a taste of pseudo-importance in his cult, were just another way Suguru expertly exploits their inflated sense of superiority to pull them, and their bank accounts, deeper into his web of indoctrination. Growing irritated at the mere memory, Suguru’s muscles tense up as if the onsen’s warmth had never touched him. Normally his secretary, Manami, would sit-in to take notes during these meetings, but with more pressing matters elsewhere, she had sent you in her place.
You were the newest member of Suguru’s sorcerer family—a position you accepted, albeit reluctantly, thanks to a recommendation from your long-time friend, Manami herself. Still, Suguru isn't blind.
He knows you didn't join out of loyalty nor conviction—you needed protection.
Aligning yourself with Suguru’s cause was a way to escape Jujutsu Society’s relentless pursuit. They were hunting you for your various crimes as well, and being under Suguru’s protection offered you a chance to survive.
And yet, the subtle side-eyes you throw his way, the faint twitches at the corners of your mouth, the tiny snorts that you so skillfully turned into sneezes at his various words or proclamations—they spoke volumes. 
You thought he was full of shit.
Not exclusive to just his cult either—his entire ideology.
Although, you never openly defied nor disrespected him.
On the contrary, your behavior was impeccable surface wise.
Anyone if asked would say you were a sweet yet quiet girl who showed Suguru the utmost reverence in your mannerisms and diligently carried out every task assigned to you. 
Your rebellious yet inconspicuous expressions of skepticism were too minor for others to notice in order for him to justify any kind of punishment. Not to mention your babydoll-like mannerisms that made you look even more like the picture of innocence. Your rap sheet as a cursed user was the only sign anyone would ever have of your deviant ways and yet with just a bat of your eyes you'd be able convince anyone you were the one wrongly persecuted. No, Suguru he couldn't risk openly punishing you for no reason lest he be seen as a hypocrite in front of his newly made family. After all, he had vowed to do no harm to fellow sorcerers not standing in his way.
Besides, even if you didn't approve, you also weren't a hindrance to him—you were an asset.
Nevertheless, there was still a lingering air of smugness about you that irked, crawling under Suguru's skin like a parasyte. A secretive defiance against him, like you thought you were somehow above him because you deemed yourself more intelligent.
Your attitude combined with your charms reminded Suguru far too much of Satoru—a resemblance he would never admit aloud, but unfortunately, couldn’t ignore.
As a result, Suguru tended to avoid you. The quiet challenge you presented unsettled him—a subtle reminder of unresolved feelings toward his old friend-turned-foe. It was easier to sidestep you altogether, a pacifist approach to maintain his sanity and preserve his standing among his cursed user peers.
However, your filling in for Manami had been unavoidable on such short notice. And as Suguru expected, you seized the opportunity to mock him under a carefully crafted guise of loyalty.
With all the false earnestness your doe eyes could muster, you offered an insightful suggestion during the meeting—a so-called new way to bring his followers deeper into the fold and reveal the most worthy of his believers.
You proclaimed only Suguru’s most devout and faithful followers could perfectly embody the spirit of his cause and to prove their honor, they should adopt an ancient Roman warrior tradition—
—the practice of 'et non nux novem'—a month of silence, meditation, prayer, and of course—
All in honor of the gods—or, in this case, their fearless god-like leader Suguru.
Needless to say, the pompous dumbass monkeys in the room eagerly lapped up your grandiose words. You, the forked-tongue tempress, worked your soft-feminine charms to the point they were eating out of your palm.
These so-called 'elites' of Tokyo might have had wealth and status, but wisdom and worldliness?
Clearly lacking.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t have fallen into a cult in the first place, let alone been fooled by a dead language none of them could even understand.
None of them were versed in latin, that is, except Suguru.
Like a single spark on dry brush the idea of ‘et non nux novem’ spread like wildfire and every single monkey follower in his cult wanted to show themselves as worthy by participating.
While you were praised for your faithfulness to the cause, Suguru found himself trapped. Forced to participate in this charade to set an example of solidarity and faith. And while Suguru could handle many things, losing wasn’t one of them. What infuriated him even more was the way you’d turned his cult against him, audaciously meeting his bullshit with your own.
For the first-time since the start of his cult someone had checkmated him.
Not to mention, you’d effectively cucked him, and you knew it—the small, self-satisfied smile on your plump lips every time you'd seen him this month said as much. Every tiny gesture of yours Suguru scrutinized and deemed to be in mock of him. Even the quick flick of your moist, pink tongue to wet your dry lips felt like a deliberate taunt.
The sight would send a visceral rage through Suguru who'd immediately take his leave.
But as the month wore on, those feelings morphed into something darker, invading his thoughts in more scandalously salacious ways. What used to be him envisioning him ripping your insolent tongue right out of your mouth, Suguru found himself wondering how your lips might feel wrapped around his cock, putting your mischievous lil' tongue to better uses.
You were too smart, too sassy, too sexy—and far too much like Satoru.
A dangerous combination that gnawed at Suguru's sensibilities, especially when every throb of his unattended member reminded him that you were the cause. It was more than he could bear—so, Suguru resolved to even the score. 
You had to be dealt with lest you destroy him entirely.
Should be any minute now.This particular bathhouse on the compound was for sorcerers only and every member of his family had a scheduled time to use it.
Of course this just so happened to be your hour to bathe.
Like clockwork you enter the onsen, sliding open the heavy wooden door and entering the bath.
Obscuring your vision, steam rises in soft clouds, condensing on the wooden ceiling and blurring the perimeter of the bath, not allowing you to see that it was already occupied.
Thinking nothing is amiss, you walk in completely bare with your tenugui towel draped over your arm. It’s not until you tentatively dip a toe into the water that Suguru clears his throat. "Ahem..."
The sudden sound startles you, and you trip, tumbling into the water with an ungraceful splash. Between the thick steam and the complete suppression of his cursed energy, you hadn’t seen Suguru at all—he caught you entirely off guard.
Drenched and gasping as you emerge to the surface, the presence of Suguru’s overwhelming cursed energy hits you all at once. It fills the room like a crushing wave, and you can’t stop the instinctual tremors that send ripples spreading through the water around you.
Your entire body flushes with heat and as much as every nerve is screaming at you to flee, the quickest way to cover your nakedness was remain in the onsen.
Shit, did the bath schedules change and you had no idea?!
The urgency in which you practically dove back under the water, only the tip of your nose visible has Suguru chuckling.
“Now, now, you can cut the shy act, princess. There's no one for you to perform for here—tsk, a devious brat like you couldn’t possibly be so flighty.”
Glaring at him through the steamy mist, your cheeks burn with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. Insults and pet names swirl in your head as you try to take stock of your current predicament, searching for some semblance of composure.
But it’s impossible to ignore the weight of his gaze. You can feel it—piercing through the obscuring vapors and the milky mineral water as if they weren't even there.
“Hah?... m’not shy— or flighty for that matter! You just scared me a bit is all—I didn't think I'd have to be on my guard in the onsen!”
In an act of defiance you sit up fully and remove your arms covering your chest. Your buoyant breasts rise to float in the water as you attempt to stop your fidgeting.
Suguru hums.
You can't see but you can feel his expression turn darker through the haze as if he is pleased he unsettles you so much.
“We're preparing for war, princess—you should always be on guard."
Suguru scolds you playfully, though the patronizing edge lingers like a teasing blade.
"Even from you?" Testing him, you slowly build your nerve back with the challenging question, his cockiness getting under your skin as it always does.
"In your case? Especially from me."
Suguru’s rich, sexy baritone drips with intent, sending chills racing down your spine and pooling deep in your core. Despite the soothing warmth of the onsen enveloping you,you are desperately on edge.
Never in your dreams did you think your casual teasing of him would ever push him this far. Even so, you can't bite back the sass that spills from your lips.
"So you admit you're a fraud? The self-proclaimed sorcerer messiah?"
The energy around Suguru crackles, and your sharp, audible breath betrays your shock. Suguru strains as he struggles to maintain his calm and keep the upper hand, the heat of his anger brewing through the water. Yet the power radiating from him is unmistakable—a silent warning that he’ll take control, one way or another.
"You came here for my protection, yet you more than anyone are most liable to undermine me. Your duplicitous nature could shift against my favor at any moment. If I didn't know better I'd think he'd sent you to mock me... ”
Your face frowns in confusion, unsure of who Suguru is referring to but you are left no time to ponder as he continues.
"Now come here brat, tell me why I shouldn't cast you out—hand you right over to the higher ups and be rid of you for good."
You freeze, chewing the inside of your cheek as you debate whether you should actually run. Suguru was no rat, you knew he wouldn't turn you in. Cast you out to fend for yourself? Perhaps. Deep down though, you know you wouldn’t get far if he decides to catch you so you remain. The cracks in Suguru’s easy going demeanor—the one he carefully maintains for his sorcerer family—are starting to show.
Revealing just how fucking intense Suguru really is underneath it all.
“—I said come here. Or if you’re scared you can flee, little dove—flee this bath, my cult—and my protection for good.”
The timber in Suguru’s voice makes your nostrils flare, a reaction he anticipated all too well. He knows you’ll play right into his hands—escape was never truly an option. Reverse psychology was his favorite tool against pride as childish as yours, just as it always worked with Satoru. So, of course you take the bait despite yourself.
Although you knew you should fear him—that you were gambling at a game far above your metaphorical buy-in—the thrill of it was too intoxicating to resist. The feeling akin to standing at the edge of a cliff, fully aware of the drop but unable to step back as the wind whips around you inching you forward.
Swallowing hard, you rise to your feet, forcing yourself to keep your hands steady at your sides. Every nerve in your body screams at you to look away, to break the tension, but you don’t. Instead, you move toward Suguru, your own steady gaze locked on his, refusing to flinch.
Approaching him, with each step closer, more of Suguru is revealed to you.
Your eyes shamelessly drink him in, unable to resist the temptation the cult leader, known as Geto Suguru exudes. Water droplets glide down his sculpted pecs, trailing over his abs and glistening off the sinewy muscles of his arms. Like a siren from mythology, Suguru’s slicked-back inky hair cascades over his broad, chiseled shoulders, pooling into the water around him, each strand seeming almost alive with its own allure.
There's no big mystery why he had so many people throwing themselves at his feet.
You blink hard, shaking yourself free from the allure of the beautiful siren-like man before you. 
No, you’d never be one of them…right?
Your distracted thoughts keep you from noticing but Suguru is equally captivated by you. His predatory eyes sweep over your body, as if cataloging every detail of your curves to memory. You're sexier than he imagined under those sweaters you'd wear, hiding your perfect form from him. His cock pulses impatiently beneath the onsen waters, betraying his eagerness. 
Suguru was secretly relieved you couldn’t see just how badly he wanted you at this moment—how badly he’d wanted you all month, for that matter. He’d gone through every stage of denial, convincing himself it was nothing—that you were nothing, before finally admitting the truth.
And now that he had successfully snared you he wasn’t going to deprive himself of you any longer.
“Stop there.” 
Suguru’s commands are smooth and unwavering.
“Stand here.”
The spot he indicates is directly between his legs.
You swallow hard. 
With your towel gone and the water receding in the shallow area of the onsen where he sits, your bare pussy is now at eye level with Suguru. His piercing scrutiny makes it impossible to remain still, every nerve in your body on alert. The longer he stares, lecherous and hungry, as if he might devour you whole, the quicker your breath hitches.
Your embarrassment slowly gives way to a simmering arousal you can’t control despite your growing annoyance for this man.
Suguru didn’t have to reach far at all to touch you and soon his fingers trailed featherlight touches up your inner thighs, sending tingles straight into your dripping pussy as you tried to remain still and pretend it's the water from the onsen and not from your cunt glistening on your thighs.
Like Suguru already knows how wet you are for him, his lustful gaze intensifies, smirk carving deeper into his features like a predator savoring its prey.
“This 'et non nux novem' is complete bullshit. You know it, like I know it." The sensation of your soft, wet flesh beneath his fingertips has a fresh surge of heat coursing through him.
"But since we're the only two who know the truth and you wish to stay under my protection, you’ll just have to take responsibility for the rest of the month—can you do that?”
You're breathless from his touch continuing to explore around your hips and upper thighs. Trying to resist leaning into his touch your words are clumsy as they spill out of you.
“Mmm…w-what about maintaining s-s-solidarity?” 
Suguru brings you in, muscular arms wrapping around your waist deviously.
“Fuck solidarity, princess.”
You’d think you'd giggle at that if he hadn’t just murmured those words into your tummy. Suguru's warm breath dips into your navel and your tummy contracts—jailed in his strong grasp there is no running away from him now.
Yet his smooth words continue, as if he fully expects your obedient compliance.
“Will you be my devout, good lil' slut then, hm?”
You chewed your inner cheek. 
Suguru’s attractiveness was never lost on you, but you saw him as an arrogant asshole who'd on top of that forever seems so distant. Plus, he always seemed irritated by your presence which is why you'd started the prank in the first place.
All of this only made his sudden attention now even more disarming. 
You look away, shrugging your shoulders in an attempt to mask your flushed expression. The gesture, meant to appear casual, only makes you seem shyer and more vulnerable, offering him an even softer view of you. You know you need to pull it together, but your bravado is slipping, painfully exposing your awkwardness as you grow increasingly pliable under his touch.
“Hm, does this bratty princess pussy think she's too good to serve?”
A startled squeak escapes you as Suguru’s hands resume their practiced exploration of your body. Agile fingers find your breasts as Suguru pinches your hardened nipples, rolling and pulling your sensitive buds firmly. The motions are like a silent punishment for the answer you haven’t even given yet—delivering molten pleasure to burn in your core.
“Answer me, slutty girl before I finally lose my patience with you.”
Suguru's fingers trace their descent back down your body to spread greedily over the soft curve of your ass. A sharp crack follows as his hand lands on your dampened skin, the sting radiating through you and snapping your gaze back to meet his. You whimper, the sound pitiful and almost apologetic, as his fingers knead and caress the tender flesh in the aftermath, leaving you trembling. Every touch is a reminder that you belong to him—every inch of you subject to the pleasure and pain he so expertly delivers.
“I-I'm not your s-servant...”
You weren’t convincing at all and the sight of your luscious body quivering in his hands has Suguru all the more eager to have you submit to him—to have you utterly threadbare and unraveling before him.
"Eh, are you not though?"
Expression darkened with intent, Suguru face is mere centimeters from your core as he inhales the intoxicating, sweet scent of your dewy pussy. His sultry eyes lock with yours looking up at you as if asking for your consent, your admission of desperation—your absolute obedience.
"Would you want to be?"
Fuck, the man was too deviously sexy to resist.The debauched scene made your entire body shudder, a needy moan falling from your lips as you instinctively angle your hips toward his hot awaiting mouth.
“...hnn—p-pleaseee, G-Geto-sama.”
However, just as you were certain he’d taste you, Suguru pulls back. His pretty, thin lips parting only to curl into a taunting smile.
“Oh? Now she begs. No, only my good, devout slut gets my mouth, princess. You'll have to do better than that if you want it.” 
Your face crumples but all thoughts of protest vanish the moment the pads of his fingers brush lightly across your clit, now engorged and peaking through your folds. Working your tingly nub in slow, agonizing circles with his knuckles, while his thumb mirrored the rhythm against your hip. 
The dual sensations has your thighs quivering, as delicate mewls spill from your lips uncontrollably—a clear sign to Suguru that it's been far too long since you’ve had a proper fuck.
“So sensitive… so responsive for a slut claiming not to be my servant.” 
Suguru’s whole demeanor is voice saturated with amusement, but you felt so good and he looks so sinfully erotic with his hand in your folds, you don’t even care now that he is toying with you. 
“You’ve been non nux for a long while now, haven’t you, princess? Wanting the rest of us to suffer with you, hm?”
You hated his smug ass but you let out an affirmative sigh despite yourself, drawing a chuckle from him.
Suguru sees it immediately—the way your body shakes, touch-starved and desperate for the attention he’s lavishing on you. His long finger glides through your slick, webbing the gossamer of your arousal against his thumb before sinking it into your pussy with deliberate precision.
Honeyed in your creamy nectar, his thick digit tows through every inch of your pretty peach.
“So fucking wet for me…this is why you wanted my attention, isn't that right, brat?”
Suguru slips a second long finger into your gooey core, the stretch immediately overwhelming—his one finger easily the size of two of yours. But you’re too lost in your own loud moans to notice Suguru’s low hiss, he's utterly caught off guard by the way your walls clamp down on him so fiercely.
Driving into your slick gummy walls harder and faster your cunt eagerly slobbers around his fingers as they reach into the very depths of your core—now zoning in on the firm, spongy spot within you.
Desperately, you fall forward and your pretty manicured nails puncture his shoulder as a third finger enters you.
Suguru typically doesn’t let anyone touch him so freely—yet he can’t bring himself to push you away. Watching you struggle to hold yourself together only made him more determined to break you completely, now with his fingers—then with his cock.
Resolved, Suguru hooks your leg over his other shoulder, forcing your body to open to him. Leaning-in Suguru gifts you steady, sloppy kisses up your inner thigh, stopping occasionally to languidly suction your plump flesh enough to leave a bruise—all in sharp contrast to the furious pace of his fingers pumping inside your dripping cunt.
Too skilled at siphoning out your juices, your creamy wetness slicks down his entire forearm to his elbow and then into the onsen as he works you over.
Your free hand instinctively dives into his hair, tugging at his long raven strands at his scalp. Suguru’s eyes flare and he growls a warning in his throat at your audacity. But it's all easily forgiven, as you so beautifully slutted out before him—your head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut as your serpentine hips meet the urgent plunge of his fingers grazing your womb.
Picking up his pace, Suguru’s fingers move deeper and faster. Your cries grow louder, unrestrained, your tongue hanging out as a strange immeasurable pressure builds under your tummy.
“NNNNGHH...m’no moreee—stawp—m’gonna pee in the onsennnn, pleaseeepleaseee!” 
Your voice is distraught but your nails dig deeper into the flesh of his scalp and shoulder and your hips never stop rolling to meet his fingers.
What a perfect whore you’ve become for him. 
“Tsk, silly slut—don't you know that's not pee princess? So don’t you dare hold back—show me how dirty this pretty lil' pussy can get grasping onto me like she's worshiping my fingers..."
Suguru sinks his teeth into the thick meat of your thigh, the bite leaving deep impressions in your soft tender flesh. The overwhelming buzz of opposing sensations is blinding to the point you’re soon spraying milky fluids all over his arms, chest and face.
Your eyes lodge into your skull as your orgasm peaks and crashes over you. Buckling forward as your legs become goo, yet Suguru's grip on you is steady as he pulls his fingers from your still spasming pussy. Without hesitation Suguru licks them clean, savoring the remnants of your release on them—it's a pity so much of it ended up in the onsen and not in his mouth.
Fuck— you’re so sweet on his tongue Suguru regretted not tasting you fully and robbing himself of your flavor. He had half the mind to feast on you now but the incessant throbbing of his long ignored cock needed to be dealt with first.
Wrecked from his fingers alone, your mind is hazy as the lingering pleasure clouds your thoughts. You barely register Suguru’s movements as he guides your body—lowering you until your soft tits press firmly against his hard chest. Your knees settle on either side of his thighs, framing him as he swallows your plump hips in his large grip under the warm bath water.
Suguru murmurs softly into your temple, his voice deep and commanding, yet the instruction doesn't reach you in your dazed state. It’s not until the bulbous head of his cock pushes its way past your folds that the meaning sinks in—just as he thrusts upward, seating you completely onto him in one swift motion.
Immediately your body shudders, stretched and filled to the hilt. Every inch of Suguru bullies its way into your guts, shifting them forcibly creating space for his girthy intrusion.
You're completely at his mercy.
Simultaneously your voice croaks while Suguru releases a loud groan—fuck you're tight. Even with his preparation, the sheer size of him tearing through your walls has you clenching like a vice. Wrapping your trembling arms around his neck, you struggle to breathe, the sensation so intense it’s as if he’s actually breached your womb.
The heat inside you soon burns hotter than the onsen's steaming waters, and Suguru swears under his breath trying not to cum from how tightly your cunt is strangling his cock. Suguru figures he’s the biggest you’d ever taken but you’d surely melt his dick off if you didn’t ease up.
You hiccup, tears streaking your puffy cheeks as his large palm rubs soothing circles on your lower back, the other guiding you up and down his thick shaft in slow, deliberate movements. The blend of pain and pleasure blurs together, overwhelming your senses. 
“NGHHH, too m-much, S-Sugu—so deep!”
Babbling into the crook of his neck, your voice cracks as you plead with him.
“Come on, princess…” 
Suguru softly chuckles, but when your sobs turn into full-body tremors, your nails digging into his back with desperate intensity, he pauses.
Gently pulling you from his neck, Suguru examines the flush spreading across your body. The heat from the water and Suguru become too much and you can barely keep your head up as it rolls back from dizziness, your consciousness fading.
Suguru sighs, brushing damp hair from your face.
“What’s wrong, brat? You’re shaking and clenching like some—” 
Suguru stops mid-sentence as realization strikes. Your shyness, your sensitivity, hell even the awkward veil of confidence that was quickly revealed as soon as he pulled your card a lil.
Gripping your face, you wince as his sharp gaze locks on yours. 
“Answer me truthfully, girl— are you a virgin?”
“...n-not anymore.” 
Although weakened, your voice is still laced with a trace of attitude that makes Suguru snort despite himself.
Fuck. He should’ve known. 
As troublesome as you are, he’d pegged you for a slut. Instead, you were an innocent dove—still troublesome, but innocent nonetheless.
With a quiet curse, Suguru pulls out of you and the water in one fluid motion. Droplets cascade off your bodies as he gently lays you onto the warmed stone floor beside the onsen.
Grabbing a cool cloth from a nearby bucket, he dabs your forehead, then across the rest of your body to cool you. A soft sigh escapes you as the chill seeps into your heated skin, soothing the burn of exertion.
When he wipes the rest of your body, his gaze catches on the streaks of red staining his cock and your thighs. A flicker of guilt flashes across his face, and he silently berates himself. Had he known, he would’ve approached this with a bit more tact.
Yet when your trembling hand grabs his bicep, vulnerable and pleading, his control crumbles.
“N-No, no, p-please… d-don’t stop now…” Voice breaking, as it stammers under the weight of your desperation.
You’re sore, yes, but the emptiness between your legs burns hotter, the ache of arousal far outweighing any lingering discomfort now that the rest of your body has cooled from the bath.
Suguru’s lips curl into a slanted, tight-eyed grin.
So you did want to be corrupted by him after all?
He could oblige you in that.
Wasting no time, Suguru is hovering over you. Sinking back into your heat with care, you feel every thick, veined inch stretching you open, plunging so deep it sets your walls ablaze.
Your head tilts back as your spine arches, and a sudden gush of slick erupts from your pussy, heavy and uncontrollable. The rush of fluids splashes between you, nearly forcing Suguru’s cock out as your walls quake violently around him. He growls, bracing you against the floor to steady your trembling body.
Broken whines spill from your lips from Suguru wrapping a hand possessively around your throat, his grip grounding you as his arrogance seeps through in a low, rumbling chuckle against your ear.
“Shit princess—you’re squirting like a goddamn faucet on my cock—wetter than the onsen. Can’t even take a lil’ dick without soaking us both? What a slutty virgin...”
The deep vibrations of his words ripple down your spine, intensifying the way your pussy clenches around his cock. Your legs wrap tighter around his waist, heels digging into his hips in a desperate attempt to keep him buried deep inside you.
However, Suguru doesn’t allow it for long. With a deliberate shift, he changes positions—he hooks his arms under your knees, folding you in half as he presses them to your shoulders. The new angle draws a whimper from your lips, allowing him to go much deeper as he drags the ridges of his girth along your walls, savoring every inch of your snug fluttering cunt.
Stuffed full of him again, Suguru moves in measured strokes. The initial sting of his size gradually melts into a searing arousal, coiling deep in your belly when Suguru flicks figure 8 circles on your clit.
"Don't run from it princess...." Suguru coos a warning to you when your small hands slip over his abs to slow the pace of his hips. Your cute face scrunches up, fueling his hunger for you.
Yet it's the moment your hips start to squirm uncoordinatedly, desperate to meet his rhythm, he knows you’ve adjusted.
That’s when Suguru really lets go. 
His cock slams into you with relentless force and leaves you clinging to him for dear life while your screams echoing throughout the bathhouse. Suguru doesn't care if anyone outside can hear, if anything he wants them to, it be a lewd testament to how good he was fucking you.
The feral slaps of his balls against your ass also grow louder as his pace quickens, grinding his hip into you harder, deeper, and more wildly with every thrust. The raw, primal sound of your bodies colliding fills the air, matched only by your shared moans and the filthy, wet squelches of your cunt greedily pulling him in and forming a creamy ring around his base.
“HNNNG—AH! Feels s’gud, c-cock s’gud, pleasepleaseplease fuckmefuckmefuckme, Sugu!”
Suguru’s hips stutter for a brief second, your voice is raw with need as you coo his name. Your inexperienced virgin pussy having the gall to give him any demands like he's the one submitting to you.
How did it end up like this?
“Am I not fucking you, slutty brat?!” 
Irritation rumbles deep in Suguru’s chest, more at himself than at you. The intense urge to please you grates against his belief that, as his follower, it is you who should be working to satisfy him. Yet his body betrays him, his loins burning with the undeniable truth that he's addicted to you now. Picking up inhuman speed, sweat dripping off his brow, Suguru drills into you, determined to coax more of your silky squirt from your body.
“OOO—OH FUUUU—CK! Y-Yessss, Geto-samaaaah!”
The glare Suguru gives you is piercing as his hand leaves your clit and weaves around your throat in an instant.
“Don’t you dare. Don’t you dare call me that when you’re moaning under me like a whore and commanding me to fuck you.” 
Bullying into you harder, your back arches off the stone floor as pure euphoria floods your senses.
“It's Suguru to you when I'm fucking you dumb, princess." You nod your head frantically, nails raking welts along his back. "If you understand, then say it—you had enough audacity to use it once before—now I want my slutty brat to moan it for me loud enough for every monkey in this compound to know you’re my whore.”
Screaming it like a mantra as you cum again once more splashing squirt and fluids that gather into a puddle on the stone beneath you, flowing back into the onsen.
Hearing his name leave your lips so desperately has Suguru releasing buckets inside you—an ungodly amount of cum spurting into your abused lil' cunt. The obscene sound of it bubbling and spilling out accompanies each additional plow of his hips, on a mission to bury as much of it inside you as possible.
The heat, the overwhelming fullness—it leaves your body shuddering, your limbs weak and boneless against him as he uses you like a fleshlight riding out his remaining waves.
You are unsure how long you laid there with him collapsed on top of you but as the fog of euphoria begins to dissipate, your pussy aching, you glance up to find Suguru staring down at you.
His expression is smug, victorious, as if he’d claimed some grand prize and you pout.
Your plan to cuck Suguru for an entire month failed spectacularly!
Suguru doesn't need to say anything as the loss is written all over your face. Yet he still rubs it in a bit more with a chaste kiss placed delicately on your cute pouty lips. 
“I-I still think you’re full of shit y-you know, Sugu.”
You exhale a shaky breath of defeat, your voice raspy and chest rising and falling in uneven puffs.
Sucking his teeth in amusement, Suguru’s smirk hasn’t left him yet.
“Yeah, and now you’re full of me—funny how life comes at you fast, huh princess?”
Your scoffs quickly turn into soft goans as Suguru presses down on your belly. The pressure on your womb makes you squirm beneath him as your cunt squelches out more of his cum, unintentionally making him hard inside you again with the urge to fill you until you are walking out of her limping and leaking his cum in puddles.
“Hm, now my devout lil' slut—shall I continue to breed your bratty not-so virgin pussy in honor of ‘et non nux novem’?”
blkkizzat ©2023-2024 no ai, reposting, plagiarism nor translation allowed.
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𝐚/𝐧: next non-queued post (comment on m.list for tag) nanami, kento
okay i gotta say i ate this. had to even stop a few times and calm myself down while i was editing this thats why this was so delayed lol. reblog and comment please if this also took yall places dkjcajndkjsh
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jasmines-library · 10 months ago
Hey! i just wanted to say that your work is phenomenal! You got me sobbing in bed at 3 in the morning. I was wondering if I could request a Batfam x child!Wayne!Reader (maybe 4/5 years old) and what they’re all like (individually) when picking her up from school? In her class, they were learning about the great Batman, and all the hard work he does for the city, keeping everybody safe and whatnot. And obviously, she’s too small to know Bruce is Batman.. how would they all react to little baby Wayne rambling about cool Batman who has his own car and sidekick? I’d imagine she’s a very talkative kid, very sweet and friendly, and a very big-Daddy’s girl, but it’s completely up to you.
Thanks for listening to my rambling.. and keep up your awesome work!
Baby Wayne
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Note: This is one of the most adorable requests ever anon! Thank you for requesting and thank you for your kind words. I hope I’ve done your request justice.
He could see the smile on your face from the doorway. Bright and beaming as you sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning forward to listen to your teacher. The second you saw him lingering in the doorframe however, the smile grew and you were up on your feet in seconds and tottering over to him.
Wrapping your arms around his legs you hugged him tightly and looked up at him with big eyes. Picking you up and resting you on his hip, Bruce pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Hey sweetheart. Good day?”
You nodded excitedly, clinging to your dad. “We learnt about Batman today!” You exclaimed.
Bruce couldn’t help the small smirk that crept onto his face. You were still too young to know about his identity and he did well to keep it from you. You were always exploring and wondering off in the manor. He was sure you would make a fine vigilante one day, but for now he was keep to keep you sheltered.
“Oh really?” He raised a brow.
“Yep!” You said, popping the ‘p’. “He’s awesome! He has a cool car and side kicks! And he keeps the city safe! He’s super cool.”
Bruce bounced you up in his arms, savouring the joy in your voice. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded. “When I grow up I wanna be just like him Daddy!”
“I’m sure you will be kiddo.” Bruce smiled. “I’m sure you will.”
He was waiting by the school gates, leaning up against the metal framing when your class came piling out of the doors. Bruce was out on a meeting, so he was tasked with collecting you from school, which of course he had no problem doing.
When you saw him, he made his way over slowly, watching as your face lit up at the sight of him and you came running over him with your bag hanging halfway off one shoulder.
“Dick look!” You beamed crashing into him as you ran a little too fast. Moving away you pointed to the yellow and black sticker you had plastered to the hem of the coat.
Dick crouched down to your height. “What you got there, squirt?”
“It’s the bat signal.” You announced proudly. “We learnt about it in class today.”
“You learnt about Batman?” Dick asked. He had wondered how long it would be until you began to learn about what they did.
“Yes we learnt about all of the heroes. But Batman is my favourite because he saves the city and he has a sidekick!” You grinned “Robin! I like him too.”
Dick hid his little grin by tussling your hair. He couldn’t wait for you to learn more.
Seeing Jason picking you up was a nice surprise for you when you finished class. You were ecstatic to see him and ran up to him squealing.
“Jay!” You giggled and he picked up and spun you around in the air. “I missed you.”
He had been away on business. You had constantly been asking Bruce about when you would see him again. You had began to miss his face at home.
“Guess what we’ve been learning about!?”
“Hmm.” Jason bit his lip pretending to think “pirate ballerinas”
You placed a playful hit to his chest with a laugh. “No silly. Batman!”
A-ha. Jason thought. this would be interesting. He wondered how much you had been told, though he doubted no matter how much you had learnt, that you had managed to piece things together.
“Was it good?” He asked you.
“It was great! He saves all of the people and is a real hero!” You said waving your arms animatedly. “He’s so brave!”
“He is.” Jason agreed. “Just like you little Wayne”
Tim found you doodling at one of the tables in the library. You had an array of colours sprawled out in front of you as you scribbled on the pieces of paper infront of you.
He peered over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your drawing. You had draw stick figures, which made it hard to go by but even with your messy doodles he could make out the distinctive domino masks of the Robin and the black of Batman’s suit and cowl. He knew them like the back of his hand, so it was no surprise.
“What you drawing, kiddo?” He asked you.
You gripped the drawing with your hands and held it up proudly to him. “Batman and Robin. We learnt about them in class so I wanted to draw them.”
“It’s very good kid.” Tim told you, handing you back the drawing of the lopsided people only for you to hand it back to him.
“Can we put it on the fridge?” You asked curiously “I want to show it to Dad. I bet he thinks Batman is awesome too!” You blabbed “do you think he will like it, Timmy?”
“I’m sure he will.”
Dami was reading in the library when you plonked yourself beside him. Well…kind of. You struggled up onto the couch first.
“What are you doing?” You frowned, trying to read see over his shoulder.
He was reading up on one of Gotham’s villains that was causing havoc in the city. His first instinct was to shut it so you couldn’t read any of it…but then he remembered that you were still only learning to read.
“I’m reading a book on Batman.” He half-lied, setting the book to one side so you could clamber into his lap.
“Ooh I like Batman too.” You nodded.
Damian frowned. You weren’t supposed to know about that yet. “Where did you learn about him?”
“At school.”
Damian relaxed a little.
“He has a super cool cape! And a big car that he drives really fast around the city to stop the bad guys!”
“Sounds dangerous.” Damian smirked.
“Yes…” you trailed off. “But he is allowed to do it because he is Batman.” You decided.
“Is that right? He teased.
I hope that was okay! I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little at the end: I didn’t want it to get too repetitive.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao
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sinstear · 2 months ago
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ SUBURBAN BLUES ❞
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤpairing. milf!abby x mechanic!reader
SUBURBAN BLUES, Abby Anderson, the southern peach of the neighbourhood, the sweetest to ever be in the bluebonnet state has built a family to be proud of. With a blue collar wife, Ellie, and her baby cub Remi to take care of her life should feel complete, whole. Yet on the cusp of a failed marriage, she’s lonely, struggling to do everything this household requires. She seeks solace in someone else and that friend just happens to be you. ⛧ warnings. not really any smut in this part, but still 18+, tooth-rotting fluff, a lil sprinkle of our dear old angst, flirting, mostly from reader, they are a heavy flirt oops! but abby secretly loves it, tehe wc. 5.3k masterlist.
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There’s nothing like summer heat in the middle of August. In California, it could be more than brutal, the cruel heat waves penetration from the tall windows making Abby nearly sweat underneath the warm sun. As far as it was, it could surely make an impact. After nearly half the night, not to mention a few hours this morning, she finally got Remi to sleep. Even if she felt light-headed, her sweet baby’s screams turned into murderous knives each time they came hurling towards her head.
Ellie didn’t really seem to like getting up, only if she was asked. Abby got tired of asking so she would get up in the hour of rooster, cooing her six month baby back to sleep. Godbid anyone disturb her sleep. Ellie was the working one in the family, she was owed her rest, according to her.
As time went on, it was difficult on every level not to feel a certain kind of resentment. It rested on Abby’s tongue, a weapon to use as she wished. When she feels particularly exhausted, she reminds Ellie of why she’s so goddamn tired. Taking care of a child, much less a baby, is a full time job. Most days, she feels as if she’s doing it all alone. Without the help of her wife, the one who is supposed to be there, they choose to do this together but she can’t help but feel as if she’s all alone in this. 
It all boils over on a Sunday afternoon, heat rises as long with overflowing emotions, suppressed until Abby has finally had enough.
Ellie with her hand on her hips as pinches at her forehead, repeatedly rubbing over the skin. It’s a necessary fight to be had, she knows it even if she’d rather ignore it, Abby has reached her limit. With crimson cheeks, and an irate frown, she’s calm as ever but she talks so lowly, the only thing keeping her from screaming off the top of her lungs is her sleeping daughter upstairs. 
“You don’t help, Ellie. You’ve completely checked out. See? Even when I’m talking to you, you’re not here!” Abby snaps her fingers in Ellie’s face to regain her attention. “I might as well be expressing my concerns to a wall.”
“I’m listening.” Ellie argues. 
“Yeah, just about as well as you listen to Remi’s cries at night.” 
Abby knows it’s backhanded, she wants it to hurt but at this point part of her wonders if you’re even listening to her. She doesn’t even bring up the fact they haven’t had sex since she gave birth. Not a bone in her body wishes to vocalize her need for affection, to be touched, loved — cared for. 
Ellie opens her mouth for a countless number of excuses to tumble out but Abby knows her too well. She won’t have it, not for another moment. 
“Just do better, Ellie.” 
The remainder of the afternoon, Abby spends it with Remi. Feeding, burping before putting her down. Mindlessly, she focuses on tasks requiring no further though. Deep cleaning the fridge, finishing the laundry, and she vacuuming the living room when she finally breaks down. 
She wants nothing more than to smash their wedding picture to bits. Five years ago, she would have said it was the happiest day of her life, but now the day she had Remi was. Even if having her daughter reshaped her marriage for the worse, the only kind of magic she finds is those baby blue eyes staring back at her. 
She still has the love of her life even if it’s shifted from her wife to her daughter.
All Abby has time for is Remi, she can’t cater to a relationship where she’s the only one fighting for it. Ellie is content with hiding in the shadows of their issues, spending her time away from Abby in any way she can. This time Ellie goes for a run around the neighborhood, when she runs into you. 
It isn’t the first time, the two of you tend to go jogging at the same time. Ellie joins for a bit, but you’re usually passing her. It’s a bit of a bruise to her ego. Your endurance is better than hers, but you make fun of it, it’s really that big of a deal. It’s a nice stress reliever and it’s a stroke to your ego. 
Bending over the hood of your car, just in your black shorts clinging to your sweaty body and your sports bra slightly wet, Ellie approaches sitting next on the stool next to your massive tool box. They’ve spoken a few times, nothing more than surface level conversations. Small talks that numbs your brain, good enough to get rid of the silence but not enough for a friendship to blossom. 
“So,” Ellie pauses, “How much do you know about cars?” 
Ellie wants to slap herself in the face for being so painfully awkward, she might as well have stumbled over her words, that would have been less embarrassing. You stand up to your full height. Ellie would say it’s intimidating, just a little, especially when it always looks like you’re going to punch a bitch out if they say one wrong thing to you. 
You’re really the pariah of the neighborhood. Most of the time, you don’t come to cookouts assembled by the neighbors, you keep to yourself, the only time you’re ever seen by anyone is on the weekends, working on whatever car you’re flipping next. Jesse, the man who lives on the other side of Ellie, knows you work at a shop, but that’s the only detail anyone has seemed to pull out of you. 
“You know I’m a mechanic, right?” You gesture to the massive tool box, one that probably cost more than Ellie’s monthly salary. You shut the hood of the GT-R, clearly you weren’t going to get some silence but you didn’t mind, your back could use the break. Taking the towel out of your pocket, wiping the grease and grime off your hands and forearms, wiping the excess sweat off your head forehead.
“Well obviously.” Ellie says. 
As if you didn’t just have a drill in your hand moments ago. 
“What do you need?” You keep it short and sweet, especially the way Ellie is looking you up and down. As if you’re something to be devoured, you shrug it off, grabbing the tools you’d be using and dispensing them into the drawers. 
“It’s this collectible car, we have a 67’ camaro but it doesn’t run. We have a new motor for it and a new timing belt but I can’t replace it. I fucked it up the last time so my wife is adamant about me not touching it again.” 
You offer her a light chuckle, of course she fucking did. Idiots thinking they can do it after watching one video and then get stuck somewhere in the middle, fucking up the vehicle even more. At least Ellie wasn’t pretending like she knew what she was doing. Still, you didn’t know if you could get past the way she’s looking at you, a desperate need curved into her eyes. One you sure as hell would not be giving to her. You weren’t going to be caught in some fucking mess. 
More than anything, you enjoy your quiet life. Day in and day out, there’s solace in a steady life, no surprises. It’s the way you like it. Going to work, coming home and going for your evening run, working on cars until you're met with the midnight sky until the day repeats itself. It’s predictable, easy — comforting even. 
“It’s going to cost you, m’not free.” 
“Of course, whatever you want.” 
Curtly, you nod as if you’re asking if she needs anything else but Ellie sits there looking at you like a deer in headlight, emerald eyes so lost in yours but you’re just looking at her with a scrunched face and furrowed eyebrows. You’re positive you would find drool on your garage floor if you met her where she sat. You want to chuckle when she flexes her arms as if you’re supposed to be impressed by it. 
Ellie opens her mouth as if she wants to say something else, but you cut her off. Grabbing a business card, with your work cell on it and handing it to her. “Text me when you want me to come over and take a look. Just give me a little heads up so I can move around my schedule.” 
“Yeah, of course.” You chuckle as she stands up losing her footing as she stands
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around then. Maybe for our next run?” 
“Sure, Ellie. Have a nice night.” You keep it short and sweet, scared she might try something else if the interaction lasts any longer. Closing your garage door, finally in silence away from the prying eyes of Ellie. Her poor fucking wife, you thought. Such a sleazeball for making starry eyes at someone you’re not married to. Regardless, you’ll keep your head down, you don’t want to get tangled into someone else’s mess. 
Treating yourself to a hot shower, you let the steam nearly suffocate. The water pressure hits your back perfectly, helping with some of the tension you carry from your shoulders. Today’s work finally catches up to your body, shutting your eyes as you let the water wash away the sweat and dirt, the muddy gray water pooling at your feet. It’s the most relaxing part of your day and you don’t take it for granted. Some days it’s the one activity you look forward to the most, as depressing as it sounds. It isn’t long until you’re falling asleep in your clean, cold sheets, soothing your body to a full night’s rest. 
You were running late. Sure, they live next door, and you wouldn’t have far to go, but shit you were late. You had promised you’d be there to fix the car at 10, and as you stumbled through the living room, trying to get yourself ready and boots on your feet, you noticed it was a little after 10:30 on the click above the stove, almost taunting you that you had overslept. Which wasn’t like you. You were always on time, maybe just a couple minutes early. 
Shrugging on your jacket the minute you step outside into the crisp air, you shoved one of your breakfast protein bars in your mouth, your toolbox tucked under your arm, and your hand quickly slammed the door behind you. Winching at the loud sound that echoes through your eyes. If you keep slamming things, you’re going to have to end up fixing the door every goddamn night.
You could tell Ellie and her wife, who you still have yet to meet, have lived here  for a while just based on how neat and tidy their garden was. The flowers still looked fresh, watered regularly, and overall the colors were beautiful. You’ve not been here a long time, but long enough to know that you barely see Ellies car in the drive, the spot usually empty whenever you go outside. Did she have someone to keep it that pretty? Her wife, maybe? Shrugging away your thoughts, you took a few long strides up the pathway, up the 3 steps and stumbled over one of the plant pots when you weren’t looking where you were going. Knocking the ceramic off the step completely and breaking just beside you with a loud crash.
“Shit, fuck!” You groaned, kneeling down to pick up the broken pieces carefully, nipping yourself in the process of trying to clean up the mess. “Jesus Christ.” You frowned, looking around, suddenly more nervous than you were for being late. “Fuck.”
You were so into trying to clean up the mess your dumbass had made that you weren’t fully focused on a certain blonde looking through the window on the door, watching you clumsily throw the small piles of soil into the other flower pots, still wanting everything to look as pretty as it did when you walked up their pathway. “Are you okay?” Came a gentle voice. A voice that caught you so off guard that you almost fell down the steps this time.
“Oh fuck, hi!” You stammered, standing to your full height when the door opened and a small giggle had caught your attention. “Shit, I swear I didn’t break it on purpose, I wasn’t looking where I was going and somehow walked right into it. M’sorry.” You apologized profusely, your breath getting caught in your throat when your eyes found baby blue ones staring back at you. 
Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders, down her back, a soft smile tugging at her plump lips, one of the thin dress straps fell down her shoulder, and you didn’t know where to look all of a sudden. Her pretty face? Her freckled shoulder? Her legs? Shit, focus dumbass. “I spoke to your wife, well I assume she’s your wife, told me about a car that you needed fixing so uhm, here I am”
Really? Why are you nervous right now? She hasn’t even said anything.
“Or if you’re busy I can come back later—”
“You’re bleeding.” She cuts you off, eyebrows furrowed and it’s then when you realize she’s not even looking at you. More so looking down. Your hand was bleeding. How didn’t you notice or feel it?
“Did you cut yourself on the pot? Come in, I can fix it for you and you can tell me what Ellie told you.” You don’t miss the huff she lets out when she simply wraps her hand around your arm, and tugs you into her home. Hiding the blush on her face at the firmness of your muscles beneath her hand.
The coldness from outside was gone just as fast when you found yourself standing in the hallway, the warmth from the living room fire instantly stopped the small shake of your body as you watched her halt in her steps, turn around and quirk an eyebrow up at you. “Are you coming?” Her sweet voice spoke, soft and smooth like honey.
Fuck. Maybe.
“Yeah, yeah, m’coming” 
Your legs pick up, feet moving towards her while she slips into the kitchen, the fruit scented perfume filling your nose the more you walk, the more you follow her like a love sick puppy. Really, what the fuck are you doing? She’s married. “Is the cut deep?”
“It’ll be fine, seriously, you don’t need to fix me.” You chuckled under your breath. “It happens all the time, always breaking something and getting injured.” 
“So you're a clumsy person?” Her next question comes, looking at you with a soft smile. A smile you’ve never seen before. Especially not by someone so beautiful, so sweet. 
“I wouldn’t say I’m clumsy, sometimes I see things and I just get,” you paused, a smirk curving up on your lips when you find her looking at you, waiting for you to finish. “Distracted by pretty things.”
Her cheeks flush, something you don’t miss as she beckons you to sit on the stool beside the small island in the middle of her kitchen. “M’sure that’s it.” She giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“It is.”
“What did Ellie tell you?”
You turned your head and if it wasn’t for the fact you were sitting down already, your knees would have buckled beneath you and sent you flying to the floor when you found her bending down, reaching for what you could only assume was a first aid kit, and making soft grunts trying to reach it. “Jesus.” You mumbled, biting your fist.
“Did you say something?”
“Just that I like the flowers in your garden. S’pretty.”  You coughed, squirming around on the stool and trying to contain the thoughts swimming around in your head. Swallowing when she stands up and looks over at you. First aid kit in hand.
“Oh, thank you,” She smiled shyly, placing the small green box on the counter. “I love my garden, it helps me with stress. Minus getting my clothes dirty, I hate that part.”
I don’t. I’d love to see you in dirty clothes. 
“So you tend your garden?”
“If I left it to Ellie, they would all be dead.” The smile she gives you doesn’t meet her eyes. It wasn’t like the previous smiles she’s given you. It seems more emotionless. “Sorry.”
“For what?”
“Not used to talking to someone about hobbies I love doing,” Her fingers felt soft against your skin when she lifted your injured hand, your rough skin against her softer skin had shivers running down your spine.
“Your wife doesn’t talk about them?”
“Doesn’t really talk about much apart from work, but s’okay. I’m Abby by the way.” 
Once you introduced yourself, you shook her hand with your only good one and smiled at her. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Abby. If it helps, i would gladly love to hear about your other hobbies.”  
Abby’s breath hitched in her throat, was it because you wanted to know about her and all the things she loved, or was it because you were touching her? She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t mind it. You were kind and gentle, something she hasn’t felt in a while. “I warn you, they can be boring.”
“Impossible. I will listen no matter what.” 
Abby was careful with your wounded hand, cleaning the cut with one of her antiseptic wipe gently, dabbing away the drying blood, as well as the fresh with a neatness you hadn’t see before. Just like her flowers, she took care of you like you were fragile, always mumbling what she was going to do next, warning you the antibiotic might sting a little. Stunned at how you didn’t even flinch, and then she was asking herself things. Were you used to getting injured? Had this happened before that you barely reacted to anything like this before? Abby had many questions, but then again, so did you. Of course.
“Have you guys been married long? Wait can I even ask that?” 
“You can, if you want a truthful answer,” Abby replied with a soft laugh that had your heart racing. “We’ve been married long enough to have a daughter, if that’s what you want to know. She takes care of her, in her own way, i guess.”
“We don’t have to talk about your wife, if you don’t want to. We can talk about more of your hobbies if you’d like. Or even talk about your daughter, i bet she looks just like you, hm?”
“Didn’t Ellie tell you about the car? I wouldn’t want to bore you with things about my life.”
“What about you is borin’, sweetheart?” God fucking damn it. 
The way you were looking at her made her feel seen. Of course, Ellie’s had looked at her before, but she’s never looked at her the way you are. Like you really wanted to know her, wanted to know her likes and dislikes. Looking at her like she was everything. You were looking at her like she was the only woman in the world, something her own wife doesn’t do. And she loved it. “I’m a mother who stays at home—”
“Who tends to her own garden, looks after and takes care of her daughter, fixes an injured person who was stupid enough to broke her really petty plant pot that i still need to clean up. Wouldn’t call you borin’, love, i would say that you just live life differently and none of that is borin’. I think it’s pretty beautiful, it seems like your wife is the borin’ person in this situation, but what do i know? Maybe the fact she makes you tend your own garden while you’re already takin’ care of your child. Not my business though, just an observation, if you will.” You shrugged, licking your lips and smirking at her. 
“She does care, in her own way.” Abby found herself defending her wife, a wife who barely see’s her. Why? Abby still loved her, or maybe she thought she did, she wasn’t so sure what she felt half the time. Ellie’s never there for the important parts. She misses the different yet small milestones her daughter makes and that makes Abby’s blood boil. If she can’t be there for her wife, she sure as hell can be there for her daughter.
“Never said she didn’t, Sweet. I’m just sayin’, if you were my wife, gave birth to our daughter, i would not let you lift a finger.” You found yourself admitting, eyeing her up a little more than you should be doing. Ellie, her wife, asked you to fix her fucking car, so why are you flirting with her wife? “I mean, those dirty clothes you mentioned, you’re telling me she doesn’t even wash them for you?”
“She has a job.”
“She also has a family.”
Wrapping the bandage around your hand, Abby pouted at your sudden wince and cleared her throat. “There, done.” The Blonde murmured, the tears welling up in the corner of her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you, and before you could even do anything, Abby’s wiping them away and smiling again. “The car is in the garage—”
“M’sorry if i made you upset,” You sighed, reaching your hand up and wiping away the droplets that fell down her cheek. “That wasn’t my intention, you just, you’re doing everything, you know? S’not fair on you is all i’m sayin’.”
“I appreciate you worrying, but m’okay.”
“Well, I live across the street, so if you need someone to talk to, just come over” You smiled, the thud of your boots hit the floor as you push yourself to your feet and tugged at your jacket sleeves. “Right, your car.” 
Ignoring the fire in her stomach, Abby just nodded, moved toward where the keys were hanging up and grabbed the one for her car, completely oblivious to the way your eyes were raking her up and down, licking your lips and turning around just so you could keep yourself calm. “Okay, I think it’s this one— are you alright?” She giggled upon noticing you weren’t facing her anymore.
“Yeah, just hot in here, no?” You huffed softly under your breath. “Might be in for a heatwave this week.”
More like you’re in heat. 
“Well, if it gets too hot in there, i’ll bring you something to drink, if you want.”
Your eyebrow quirked up as you turned slightly, looking at her with that stupid fuckin smirk. Oh, what a pretty housewife she is, you thought. “Thanks, Sweetheart.” The petname rolled off your tongue so smoothly and in a way that had Abby’s stomach fluttering.
“Y—You’re welcome.” Well fuck.
Just as you grabbed the keys from Abby’s soft hands, the sound of loud crying rang through the baby monitor and had the blonde frowning but quickly smiling at you again. That smile was going to get you into trouble. You were fucked. “Shit, sorry, I need to go and feed her. If there’s anything you need for the car, it—”
“Don’t worry, Love. I got everything i need.”
This time, you didn’t miss the dark crimson blush Abby was sporting as she rushed out of the kitchen to attend to her daughter.
After the next few weeks, you’ve considered Abby to be a good friend. You didn’t mind listening to her problems, you very much enjoyed being there for her when no one else seemed to notice how much she struggled. Having a newborn and an absent wife was no easy feat, especially when you feel like you’re doing it alone. 
The amount of times you’d been able to be there for her were piling up, one after the other, bringing you closer to her. It’s the only reason you felt the need to wish her a good evening before you exit for the night. All the grease and oil on your body, the aching in your lower spine bending over the hood, you need rest — badly. 
Coming through the garage, her car started acting up and giving her trouble so she hastily called you, again — you couldn’t find her in the living perched on the couch, where she’d usually be with her daughter but you couldn’t find Abby there. You climb up the stairs, going into the nursery when you see her cradled in Abby’s strong arms, but she uses every ounce of a gentle hand when her daughter’s in her care. 
With her eyes shut, she couldn’t have been possibly aware of how exposed she should feel. The dress she’d been wearing pulled down to her waist, her upper torso exposed, but all you could focus on was her breasts. Full, breathtaking breasts, her baby girl suckling on the milk funneling into the infant’s mouth. You try to move, look away, save yourself but you can’t. As if your feet are nailed to the hardwood, you’re unable to move an inch, only in awe of the women in front of you. 
The beautiful blonde taking away every last breath you have. 
You’re thinking about how much you wish to touch them, feeling the soft skin in your palm, how sensitive they would be, thumb grazing her lactating nipple. Would she whimper, whine, or even let a moan fall from her lips? The squeeze in your thighs is involuntary, the rapid beat of your clit as you drool over the sight of her breasts. They are so full, begging to be sucked and teased. Before you can help it, you’re drifting to unspeakable thoughts, the image of your mouth sucking on her nipples, another white substance falling on your tongue. Allowing your taste buds to revel in it as you swallow every drop. 
There’s an even more unimaginable thought coming to mind, one you’re not sure you can allow yourself to indulge in, if you do, there might be no point of return. Then you’re reminded of the sparkling rock on her left finger, the one that glimmers in the moonlight. Even if her wife isn’t around, you shouldn’t abuse that? Right? 
Abby begins to stir, blue eyes opening slowly as blonde eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Silently she questions the limits of a taboo dream and finite reality, her eyes adjusting to the bright light seeping from the hallway. 
Then there’s a creak, as soft as it should sound, the silence makes it echo. Abby comes to full alert, but then she just sees you. Yet, you feel like a deer in the headlights, caught red handed gawking at your employer’s wife. Vulnerable and exposed, and you’re acting like a teenager who's seeing tits for the first time. Severely, you’re in awe at the kind smile she offers as she cradles Remi to her chest. The sweet youngling, finding safety in the comfort of her mother’s arms. Too strong for her own good, after the little bits you’ve picked up from her over the past few weeks, all you can do is look upon her with intense admiration.
Abby motions for you to move closer, but you’re still nailed to the ground, too anxious to move any closer when she’s so exposed. You’re not sure if you can keep eye contact with her when your sight craves to drift south. 
Jesus, get your shit together. Fucking freak. 
Slowly, you get closer to her but thankfully she saves you, asking for the baby pink bib placed on top of the dresser. There’s also a blanket, but Abby doesn’t ask for it, leaving you even more puzzled. Does she not care to be covered? Perhaps, she feels comfortable? You try not to tumble down the dangerous black hole, wiping it from your mind entirely. 
“You think I would have remembered to grab it but she’s sleeping and I don’t want to wake her.” Abby coos at her daughter, lightly smoothing over her blonde hairline, almost invisible to the eye. 
“Yeah—” You speak quietly, not wanting to wake Remi. “Here.” 
Abby offers small thanks, with a gentle hand she wipes the milk from her face, making sure she’s clean of it as she continues to rock her to a peaceful slumber. “I wanna apologize,” You croaked out after a few minutes of comfortable silence, not wanting to startle either of them, as your eyes found a small canvas on the wall.
“Apologize?” Abby repeated, looking up from her daughter, a tired smile on her face, to find you no longer looking at her, more like admiring the paintings in the room over everything else. “For?”
“Interrupting something that’s very special between a mother and their child. It’s getting late, so i was just coming to find you to tell you i should be heading home, but i couldn’t find you, so” You were still nervous, rightfully so, but Abby didn’t seem to mind. She thought it was cute.
“My wife,” Abby paused, softly chuckling on how to explain it without seeming like she was overreacting. “She doesn’t, well, she never really has an interest in me doing this? I guess she just doesn’t like it, which is fine, but it’s okay that you’re here. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable that you’re standing there, so you can stop acting like it’s making me uncomfortable, please” She laughed. A beautiful sound you always want to hear from her. 
“She doesn’t stay with you?” Your reply was short, almost a scoff. “That seems a little shi— stupid.” You catch yourself quickly with a nervou laugh as you remember her child was quite literally still in her arms, in the same area as you and asleep. “I think it’s beautiful, if that helps. She’s missing out on a lot, you know?”
Abby doesn’t know how to repsond for a while. Part of you thinks you’ve overstepped on your words, insulted her wife in a way you didn’t mean to. But she just smiles at you again, and shakes her head. Those blue eyes piercing into yours which has you holding your breath at how pretty she looks. “It helps. A lot, actually. Thank you”
“You’re uh, welcome.” You nervously laughed and rubbed the back of your head. You didn’t know why she made you so nervous, but you were also not complaining about it too much. If anything, you loved it. Maybe that was because you were a freak. A freak who was thinking about touching her tits not even an hour ago. “I should really get going though, is there anything else i can help you with before i go?” You smiled.
Are you flirting right now? Shut the fuck up, she’s married.
“No, it’s okay,” Abby whispers, not wanting to wake her daughter up, who was soundly asleep in her arms. “You’ve done enough to help me, with the car and everything. I could make you something to eat when you’re here again? An extra thank you for helping me” She suggested, her lips curving up into a smile which has you forgetting how to breathe for a few seconds. 
“I would like that, Mrs Anderson”
“You can call me Abby, you know?”
Her question, such an innocent one on her end, had you smirking deviously, like the freak you were and looking at her like she was your prey and you were ready to pounce on her at any given moment. “Mommy sounds better rolling off my tongue. Well … to me at least” You gave her a subtle wink before walking out of the room. 
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nofingjustaninchident · 9 months ago
just a little drunk - hoo boys
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⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
content: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace and frank zhang x drunk!reader, best friends to lovers
warnings: mortal!au, alcohol consumption, dirty jokes, weed consumption, probably cursing.
a/n: i just discovered that i have a massive problem with writing. i literally took half an hour (at least) to write EACH one of those. terrible. just terrible. but i swear im trying to write more, it’s just cause i don’t have much creativity to write 😭
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now playing… party in the USA - miley cyrus
Percy Jackson
He was at the party. Of course he was at the party. Everyone says a party without Percy Jackson is not a party. But he was the DD of the night, so he was completely sober - which was a hard task for the party king.
That, until he saw you. On top of a table. Striping down- wait. Striping down?! Jesus Christ, he left you alone for five minutes- oh, you’re taking your shirt off.
Of course there’s a bunch of assholes standing there, telling you to keep going and screaming obscenities at you. But Percy didn’t have the time to be mad right now, he was too focused on you.
If he got there one second late, he and everyone else in that room would see the black lacy bra you was wearing, but thank goodness he got there before you did it.
“Alright, that’s enough for today, isn’t it, sweetheart?” He said, hugging you from behind and taking a very giggly you off the table. All the boys in the room started ‘booh’ing him, and he just flipped him the finger.
“Perce! I was having funnn!!” You complained, your words sloppy and smudgy as he basically dragged you back to his SUV. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.
“Y/n/n, you were about to strip in front of a lot of people. I’m sure you’d kill me tomorrow if i let that happen.” He said as he pushed you onto the car and pulled the seat down so you could lay against it.
“Hmm.. Yeah, i’d probably do that.” She said, the smile never leaving her face as she started mumbling random words.
He closed the door and walked towards the driver’s seat. He knew he couldn’t drive you back to his house now, since he had to wait for his friends, so he just turned the air conditioning on and pulled a blanket over you shoulders.
“Sleep for a little. I’ll take you to my home, hm? I’ll take care of you.” He said, taking the loose strands of hair off your face. You were just so pretty it was unbearable.
“Fine.. Thanks, Percy.” She said and drifted off to slumber.
After a few minutes of watching you sleep, he remembered that you’d hate to sleep with make up on, so he looked into the glove compartment and- aha! Of course you had left a few of your wet wipes there.
He started softly running the cloth against your face, cleaning it. When he was finally over, he kissed your nose slightly and smiled to himself, waiting for his friends so he could drive you home aswell.
Jason Grace
He was sleeping, as any normal person would at 2 am. But he was a light sleeper, and he woke up suddenly with his phone raining in his nightstand. He groaned and searched for both his glasses and the phone so he could see who was calling him so late in the night.
When he looked at the phone screen, he frowned in confusion. Why was Kayla calling him, out of nowhere? She usually didn’t call him, unless-
“Kayla?” He said as he picked up the phone, sitting in his bed and rubbing his eyes so he could try and forget the sleepiness that was threatening to win him over.
“Hey, Jason.. uh… i’m sorry for waking you up but, uh… i’m in a party with y/n-“ Y/n and parties? Never ever a good combination. “-And she doesn’t accept to go home unless it’s with you. She’s… drunk. Maybe high, too. Can you pick her up?”
Oh boy, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to do that. “I’m on my way. Just… send me the address and i be there as soon as possible.”
“Fine- shut up, y/n! Stay here, no-“ And then the call was over.
My god, he thought, what’s she gotten herself into this time?
Kayla sent him the adress and he got into his car - a Lambo, gift from his absent father trying to make up for it - and got in the place the party was happening in less than ten minutes.
The first thing he noticed was the loud noise in the party. The second was you, laid down and making a snow angel in the grass. Funny sight.
“Y/n/n? My god, what in hell are you-“ He got cut off with you getting up and jumping on his arms, hugging him.
“Jase! I didn’t think you’d come!” You said, smiling brightly at your best friend. “Come on, let’s go to the party!”
You tried pulling his hand towards the house, but you weren’t already the strongest while sober, and drunk… e didn’t even flinch.
“No, honey, im taking you back to your house. You got enough drinking for today.” He said, pulling you by the waist towards him and placing you inside the car as you tried your hardest to get back to the party.
“As, come on! Buzzkill!” You whined, crossing your arms and pouting at him.
“Come on, i’ll buy you a slushee. What’d you think?” He asked. You immediately smiled. Drunk you was a very easily distracted person.
“Fine. But we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He said, squeezing her shoulder softly as he drove towards the gas station.
“Whatever you say. Buzzkill.”
Leo Valdez
He was home watching a dumb tv show. He didn’t really bother with sleeping, since he knew his best friend was going to a party. And you plus party equals to a very drunk mess.
So when he finally got a call, he already knew it was you. It happens that he was right.
“Yes, cariño?” He asked, a smile plastered on his lips as soon as he heard your drunk giggles.
“Can you pick me up, fireboy?” You asked, your voice groggy and smudgy. But he knew it would probably be like that, so he was already expecting it.
“Course i can. Send me the address and i’m on my way.”
“Fine. Bye Valdeeezzzz..” You said before hanging up the phone with giggles and smiles.
He got where you were and you were being supported by one of your friends, who seemed pretty annoyed with the drunk version of you, all smiley and clingy to anyone around.
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I can’t stand her anymore.” Your friend said before basically dragging you towards the boy. “She’s all yours now.”
You were all smiles as you held Leo’s neck and pulled him close to you. “Leooooo! I missd’ ya!”
“Hey, cariño. You’re kinda drunk, aren’t you?” He asked before supporting your weight and taking you towards his car.
“What? Me? Nooo…” You said, giggling. You clearly smelled like pure alcohol.
“Sure you aren’t. Get in there, i’m taking you home.” He said, opening the passanger’s seat for you and placing you inside.
He put on your seat belt and kissed you forehead before walking towards the driver’s seat.
When he got inside the car, you were almost completely dozed off in sleep, trying your hardest to stay awake. He chuckled and turned the air conditioning on so you could rest more comfortably.
“Sleep, y/n/n. I’ll call you when we get home.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
Franz Zhang
He’s dead worried that you haven’t gotten home yet. Of course he didn’t knew where you were, cause you didn’t tell him.
Come on, you knew that, if you did tell him, he’d try to stop you.
So why bother?
You were having fun. A really, really good time. That was until your best friend came by with a weird cocktail, which was nothing more than a mix of different types of alcohol and syrup. Really fun.
And that’s when you got drunk and wobbly and you just had to call Frank. Common drunk mistake, isn’t it?
He picked up on the third ring.
“Y/n? My god, are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. He was so worried about you, cause you weren’t home and you didn’t pick up the phone and just called him out of the blue.
“Frankie!” You said and he could hear the smile in your voice. His concern only grew once he realized you were drunk.
“Y/n, where are you? I’m going to pick you up.” He said, already getting up with the car and house keys in his hand.
“I’m at Louis’ house! We’re having a birthday party!” You said, giggling and smiling brightly at absolutely nothing.
“Fine, i’ll… i’ll be there in ten. Just… don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me, outside the house. Don’t drink anything else and please, for the heavens sake, don’t do drugs.” He pleaded.
“I’m not- Frankie! I’m not on drugs. Please.” You said in a fake annoyed tone and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed, driving towards where you were.
When he got there, he immediately saw you on the backyard, playing probably Pokémon Go and yelling when you finally found a pokémon. He smiled at the sight, and then remembered why he was there.
He walked towards you. When you finally saw him, you smiled widely and jumped in his direction, trying to hug his neck. Which wasn’t easy, as he was a little taller than you.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned down so you could hug him properly.
“Heyyy!!! I missed you!” You said, voice muffled by his shoulder. “Can you take me home? Please? I’m tired.” You said smiling cheekily.
“No.” He said, simply. “I’m taking you to my house today, kay? There’s some of your stuff there, and i can borrow you a shirt so you can sleep. But i’m not leaving you alone in this state.”
“Yay! Sleepover!” You cheered excitedly.
He couldn’t deny that the drunk version of you was very cute.
a/n pt2: did you see what i did there? i cut almost all of them in the middle. two reasons: one, for this not be too big and second i have inspiration to write more. lmk if u want a part 2 of those!!
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floralcyanide · 1 year ago
˚₊✩‧₊◜kinktober 2023! ―
― day eight ⛧ edging
Ethan Landry x Reader
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Ethan decides to ask you a personal question, which leads to an interesting study session.
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warnings: smut, edging, mutual masturbation, friends to lovers, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, masturbation, fingering, nipple play
word count: 1694
author's note: once again so sorry this is late I'm trying to catch up as we speak lol I hope yall enjoy!! I love writing for Ethan. he's so my type fr. anyway I enjoy feedback so let me know what you think!! (:
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this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ʀᴇᴘʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀs ᴏɴ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ, ᴀᴏ3, ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏ ᴡᴇʙsɪᴛᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ɪɴ ᴀɪ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀs ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀʀᴛɪғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ. ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴜsᴇ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ᴛᴏ sᴇʟʟ ғᴏʀ ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪᴏɴ.
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You were not expecting your best friend to ask the question he just asked. Yet, a part of you was excited because maybe, just maybe, this could go somewhere. 
“Have you ever masturbated in front of someone?” Ethan had asked abruptly, looking up from his homework with a thoughtful look on his face.
“What?” you nearly choked on your spit at the sudden and personal question.
“Have you ever touched yourself in front of, like, a partner? Or anyone else?”
“No, why?”
Ethan shrugged, “Just wondering.”
You’re now sitting in a weird silence, both of you studying without a word. Sometimes, you’ll glance at Ethan and catch him already staring at you. Clearing your throat, you try your best to focus on your task, pushing away the image of Ethan touching himself with you in the room that’s clouding your mind. 
“Would you like to?” Ethan boldly asks, and you keep your head down in your book without looking at him.
“Like to what?” you ask innocently, wondering where he’s going with this.
“Look at me,” Ethan says, “Please.”
You hesitantly look up at your best friend of many years, your face warming from how he stares at you.
“Would you ever like to fuck yourself with someone watching?”
“Why are you asking me this, Eth?” you sigh, hoping this isn’t some sick joke of his.
“Because I’d watch,” Ethan says quietly, his eyes darkening.
“And just what made you think of this? Are you watching too much porn again?” you quirk an eyebrow at him, a teasing smirk on your face.
“No,” Ethan rolls his eyes, closing his book and setting it aside, “I want you.”
“You want me?” you close your laptop and book, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Ethan says, crawling from his sitting position in front of you to hover over your frame, “I fucking need you.”
You grab Ethan’s face and capture him in a passionate kiss, sliding your tongue into his mouth to explore it. Ethan moans softly, his hands finding your hair as he lays down on your dorm bed you two were sitting on, pulling you on top of him. You rest your clothed core on his, pressing yourself into him as you deepen the kiss. Your hands are pressed into Ethan’s cheeks, afraid that if you let go, he’ll disappear and that this is some wonderful dream of yours. Ethan pulls away from the kiss and presses his lips along your jaw and neck, leaving small bites along his path. He finds the sweet spot between your ear and neck, suckling on it as he bears his teeth into the skin. You moan, moving your hips against Ethan’s as you feel yourself getting turned on. 
“Lay down,” Ethan demands, guiding you off him.
You do as told, lying beside him in your confined twin-size bed. 
“Now take off your clothes,” Ethan says, stripping himself of his shirt.
Say less, you think to yourself. You aren’t sure what’s gotten into your best friend, but you aren’t complaining. You’ve been waiting, imagining, and wishing for this moment for so long. You aren’t about to throw it away because you’re a tad curious. So, you keep your mouth shut, pull off your pants and underwear, and shimmy out of your shirt and bra. Ethan discards his clothes, too, and he can’t keep his eyes off your body.
“God, you’re more perfect than I imagined,” he sighs, wishing he could touch you.
But he wants to see you pleasure yourself with his help first.
“How do you normally masturbate?” Ethan asks, his cheeks warming from the invasive question.
“Uh,” you stutter, “I start with teasing myself just to get started. But I don’t have to do that now.”
“Why not?” 
You grab Ethan’s hand and press it to your slick cunt, letting him feel how wet you are already.
“Fuck,” he mutters, yanking his hand away, “Still, I wanna see you tease yourself. Can you do that for me?”
You nod, desperate for any form of touch, even if it wasn’t Ethan’s. Starting with your breasts, you begin kneading them with your hands, brushing your fingers along your nipples. Ethan watches closely as your nipples harden, and you start rolling them between your fingers. You moan quietly, almost soft enough to not be heard. Getting a little bold, you tug at the sensitive buds, twisting them as your hips buck slightly upward from the action. You let out a louder moan this time. Ethan’s hand wanders to his hardening cock, and he slowly drags his hand along his shaft. He picks up his speed when you slide your hands up and down your body, goosebumps rising on your skin and hardening your nipples more. Feeling hot everywhere, especially your pulsing cunt, you start circling your clit with your middle finger, a gasp leaving your mouth at the sensation.
“Fuck,” Ethan exhales, eyes flickering up to yours as you meet his gaze.
And you keep your focus on him as you slide your index finger inside your dripping entrance. You start swiping your clit with your thumb now, slowly moving your finger in and out of yourself as Ethan watches your pupils dilate. He swipes his thumb over his head, spreading the precum around to add some lubrication. Ethan’s hand is now steadily pumping his cock, and you’re astonished at how big it is. You imagined him to be a decent size, but after actually seeing his cock, you’re pretty sure he’d break you in half. You add your middle finger as you pick up speed, fucking yourself with your fingers at the same pace as Ethan was fucking himself. You both moan at the same time and then laugh at the fact. Hitting that familiar spongy spot inside you, you bite your lip as your hips jerk up. Your thumb presses harder into your clit, and you’re getting close.
“Don’t cum,” Ethan says quickly, and you look at him confused, “Don’t cum until I say.”
“Don’t cum until I say, then either,” you say sassily, “Gotta make it fair.”
Ethan huffs, “Fine.”
Now your ultimate goal is to make Ethan cum. So you add a third finger, tossing one of your legs over his to open yourself further. The sound of your arousal pushing in and out of you makes Ethan twitch in his fist, but he takes a deep breath to compose himself. You tweak your nipples with your free hand, causing yourself to clench around your fingers. You whimper at the feeling of an impending orgasm that isn’t allowed to come yet. So you stop teasing your breasts as much, much to Ethan’s dismay. You watch as Ethan reaches down to his balls, rolling them in his hand as he fucks into his hand, mouth agape in pleasure.
“Is pretty boy gonna cum too early?” you tease.
“Nope,” Ethan shakes his head, “Are you?”
“Nuh-uh,” you say, “I can last a while.”
“Not with my cock, you won’t.”
A wave of arousal washes over you at Ethan’s words, and you move your hand from your nipple to your clit, rubbing it with two fingers. You’re so close it’s almost painful.
“I wanna cum,” you pout.
“Not yet,” Ethan says, hiding his own frustration the best he can.
You groan, adding a third finger to swipe at your clit you keep your speed slow. Ethan is getting close too, and his cock turns an angry red at the lack of release. For the third time, you feel the familiar rush of arousal begging to wash over you. Your clit was throbbing, and your walls clenched desperately around your fingers. You slide a fourth one inside you, staring into Ethan’s eyes as you do so.
“See what you’re doing to me?” you whine, “I can never take this many usually.”
“Mmm,” Ethan closes his eyes for a moment, “All stretched out for my big cock now, huh?”
“I’ll let you fuck me if you let us both cum.”
Ethan’s eyes fly open, “Fine. But you can only cum if I’m inside you. So work yourself up until you can't take anymore.”
You bite your lip to keep from retorting and start rubbing your clit with your whole hand as you fuck yourself with four fingers, curling them into your g spot. Ethan jerks his hips forward, letting himself get lost in the tightness of his hand, imagining it’s you.
“Ethan,” you warn, breathless.
You don’t have to say anything else before Ethan climbs over you, snatching your hand from your pussy and putting it in his mouth. He sucks your juices from your fingers as he pushes himself inside your gaping entrance. Your cunt happily clenches around him, sucking in his length and girth without a hitch. Your hand on your clit is switched for Ethan’s as he vigorously rubs it and starts moving in and out of you quickly, your highs building back up. He pushes your legs as far apart as they’ll go, spreading your lips open so your little bundle of nerves is more accessible, and he goes deeper inside you. Ethan is fucking you hard and fast and hitting your cervix at the perfect angle enough that you feel your orgasm coming on quickly.
“I’m,” you say, and then your words fail you as your body shakes and you gush around Ethan, your cunt clenching hard around him as your orgasm rips through you.
“F-fuck,” Ethan drawls, pounding into you as you ride out your intense release, almost an hour of edging making it a long one.
Ethan stills inside you and cums hard, his release painting your velvet walls white. He shudders, and then panic washes over him.
“Are you on something? I forgot to ask-”
“I’m on the pill,” you say breathlessly, your chest heaving, “You’re all good.”
“Thank God,” Ethan raises his brows before pulling out of you slowly, watching as the mixture of cum and arousal seeps from you. 
“That was so hot,” you giggle, “What got into you?”
“You were right,” Ethan lays down next to you, “Too much porn.”
“Well, now you don’t need porn,” you joke, “You have me.”
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her-satanic-wiles · 3 months ago
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Kinktober Day 7 - Magical Fleshlight
Mountain x Reader
Fuck… why does this feel so real? It’s so… wet. Holy shit.
Masterlist ⛧ Kinktober 2024 Masterlist
Words: 6k.
Reading Time: 24 min.
Warnings: elements of crack!fic, masturbation, multiple orgasms, noncon, non-discussed sexual activity, public, PIV sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex
Taglist: @akayuki56 @alien-the-ghost @amazing-bobinsky @angellayercake @anonymous-appreciation @babydestinyinfluencer @bitchywitchygardener @blossomsea @call-me-little-sunshine84 @copiaspet622 @copiasslut @cosmixxdust @da-rulah @dolceterzo @dopey-fandom-girl @faithisyours @ghoulishxdelights @hauntedharmonic-ghoulishhaunter @high-above-the-city @howlingco @inkstainedrat @kaijukimchi @kenken-the-shoggoth @ledger-kaos @magopi @megachaoticstupid @meliza1001 @miss-leto @mommy-dust @neganwifey25-blog @piaart @saintbowie @shycardinale @sister-of-sin-claudia @sisterof-sin @sodoswitchimage @the-did-i-ask @xiyingly @zombiesnips-blog
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Mountain slumped onto the bed, sighing heavily as he bounced softly on the plush springs. The day had dragged on endlessly, each hour dragging him further into a storm of stress and fatigue. He could feel the tension in his muscles, the tight knots in his back that throbbed with every movement, and the cramping beginning to form in his legs, a testament to the physically demanding tasks he’d faced. All he wanted was to escape into the soothing embrace of sleep.
Curling up onto his side, he nestled into the cool sheets, the soft fabric a welcome contrast to the roughness of his day. As he logged onto Instagram, the flickering glow of his phone illuminated the dim room, casting playful shadows against the walls. It was a moment of solace, a brief respite from the chaos of the outside world.
Then, your most recent picture appeared on his timeline, and a jolt of electricity surged through him. You were stunning, radiating a captivating allure that pulled him in like a moth to a flame. The memory of the dress you wore last night flickered in his mind—a form-fitting creation that hugged your curves perfectly, its delicate fabric accentuating every feature that drove him wild. He could almost see it bunched up around your waist, his imagination running riot as he pictured the scene.
His heart raced at the thought, and he cursed under his breath, shaking his head as he tried to dispel the imagery. No. He couldn’t think like that. Not now, not when he was exhausted and vulnerable. But the temptation lingered, clawing at the edges of his mind like an unquenchable fire. He longed to reach out, to hold you close, to forget the weight of the world for just a moment.
He swiped through your photos, each one more intoxicating than the last—your smile, your laughter, the way your eyes sparkled with mischief. Each image only deepened his frustration and desire, intertwining with the stress of the day, creating a tangled web of emotions he found hard to unravel. The solitude of his room felt stifling, an echo of his longing that was now amplified by your presence on his screen.
Mountain’s thoughts drifted, his body still heavy with weariness yet somehow ignited by an unshakeable yearning. The contrast of his physical exhaustion and the vivid allure of you made his chest tighten. He wanted to rest, to forget his troubles, but he also craved something more—something electric, passionate, and intoxicating.
With a deep breath, he set his phone down, staring at the ceiling as he tried to clear his head. The images of you still danced in his mind, teasing him mercilessly. Perhaps a little distraction would help? A warm shower, a drink, or maybe… just maybe, a little bit of magic to soothe his aching body and restless thoughts. He could picture you there beside him, laughter filling the air, and a shiver of anticipation raced down his spine.
He rubbed his hands over his face, trying to scrub the image of you beneath him from his mind, but it was too late. The fantasy had taken root, blossoming into something far too vivid to ignore. His body was already responding, a heat rising in him that seemed to defy his efforts to suppress it.
With a frustrated sigh, he sat up, his heart pounding as he fought to regain control. The bed felt too soft, too inviting, and his thoughts were spiralling into tantalising possibilities. The way you had looked in that dress—the way it had clung to your body, accentuating your curves—sent a rush of heat coursing through him. He could almost feel your skin beneath his fingertips, the way your body would yield to his touch, inviting him in, urging him to explore.
Mountain clenched his fists, digging his nails into his palms as if to ground himself. He was all too aware of the growing tension in his lower abdomen, a primal response that stirred within him, demanding attention. It was maddening. No, he thought firmly, pushing back against the wave of desire. He needed to focus on anything else—work, the tasks ahead, the mess he’d need to clean—but his mind was relentless, cycling back to you.
He stood abruptly, pacing the room as he tried to shake off the intrusive thoughts. Each step seemed to echo with the memory of your laughter, the way your eyes sparkled with mischief, and the intoxicating scent of your perfume. It wrapped around him like a fog, clouding his judgment and amplifying his longing.
“Get a grip,” he muttered to himself, the words barely making it past clenched teeth. But as he turned, his gaze fell upon the fleshlight sitting innocently on the bedside table—a recent acquisition, born of desperation and curiosity. The relic hummed softly, as if it sensed his turmoil, and suddenly, he felt a magnetic pull toward it.
Could it really help him escape the throbbing desire that gripped him so tightly? With a tentative hand, he reached for the enchanted device, the cool surface grounding him momentarily as he contemplated his options. It had been whispered among friends that this magical relic could bring fantasies to life, enabling a connection that was both intimate and otherworldly.
Magic? As if. That sounded like the plot of a shitty smutty novel. There was no magic in the real world.
He glanced back at his phone, at your radiant smile, and felt a surge of determination wash over him. Why not give it a try? Perhaps, just this once, he could indulge in a fantasy—a fleeting moment of pleasure that could distract him from the gnawing stress of the day.
With a deep breath, Mountain took a seat on the edge of the bed, the tension still simmering within him as he examined the magical fleshlight in his hands. If there was ever a time to explore the boundary between reality and fantasy, it was now. He was ready to surrender, if only for a little while.
He ran his finger over the fleshlight’s clitoris, the smooth surface cool against his heated skin. The mere touch sent a shiver down his spine, igniting a flicker of anticipation in his belly. The magical device seemed to hum with energy, almost as if it were alive, responding to his touch and urging him to let go of his inhibitions. As his imagination began to weave vivid images of you, he closed his eyes, allowing the fantasy to envelop him.
Meanwhile, you were sitting in the library, surrounded by towering shelves filled with dusty tomes and parchment scrolls. The warm, golden light from the lamps cast a comforting glow, but it did little to dispel the exhaustion that clung to you like a second skin. Traveling for the Ministry had worn you out, leaving a mountain of work to tackle. You felt as if you were drowning beneath the weight of it all, buried under reports and briefings that demanded your attention.
Determined to catch up, you hunched over your desk, your quill scratching furiously against the parchment. The words began to blur together as your mind wandered, drawn back to thoughts of Mountain. You couldn’t shake the image of him, powerful and stoic, but with an undeniable softness lurking beneath the surface. That intense gaze of his always made your heart race, igniting a warmth that spread through you.
It was maddening, really, how one thought of him could send your concentration spiraling. You shifted in your chair, the tension in your back protesting the long hours spent hunched over your work. A sigh escaped your lips as you glanced at the clock, realising how late it had grown. The library felt even quieter now, the stillness pressing in around you, amplifying your restlessness.
But that was when you felt it. A sudden, electrifying swipe over your clitoris, sending shockwaves of sensation coursing through your body. You froze, your pen hovering above the notebook, heart racing as confusion and curiosity battled within you. What on earth was happening?
You glanced around the library, half-expecting to see someone teasing you, but the room remained empty, the silence thick with the weight of ancient knowledge. The sensation pulsed again, rhythmic and insistent, as if someone—something—was touching you beneath your clothes. Your breath caught in your throat, the combination of surprise and intrigue igniting a warmth deep within. You stood up and moved seats, thinking that was the problem, but when the swipe came a second time, you almost screamed. It felt so good, somehow?
With every pulse, the sensation felt more intense and quicker, drawing you deeper into an exhilarating haze. You clenched your thighs together, instinctively searching for relief as you fought to maintain your composure. The rhythmic touches seemed to dance along your most sensitive areas, teasing and inviting with each electric caress.
Your breath hitched as you pressed your legs together, seeking some form of control, but the warmth pooled low in your belly, a heated pressure that was becoming increasingly impossible to ignore. You bit your lip, trying to focus on the paper in front of you, but the words swam before your eyes, fading into the background as your entire being concentrated on the sensation that was almost overwhelming.
What if it was Mountain? The thought sent a shiver through you. You had shared so many lingering glances, those moments charged with unspoken desire. Your brain kept showing you images of him next to you, hands beneath your habit and flicking over your clit so expertly, you were getting closer and closer to the precipice by the second.
Another pulse shot through you, sharper and more insistent than before. You gasped, gripping the edge of the desk for support. Your mind raced, torn between the fantasy of Mountain orchestrating this and the reality of being in the library, surrounded by centuries of knowledge and solitude.
The teasing sensation flickered again, and you could feel it mirroring the rhythm of your heartbeat, tugging at your very core. You could hardly contain yourself; a soft moan escaped your lips, echoing against the high ceilings of the library. The sound startled you, and you quickly glanced around, but there was still no one in sight.
Swallowing hard, you weighed your options. You could leave the library, escape this unexpected spell, or you could embrace it, surrender to the sensations that were taking over your body. The tension in your back seemed to dissipate, replaced by a throbbing warmth that surged through you with every pulse.
You took a deep breath, heart pounding in anticipation. What would happen if you let yourself explore this strange new sensation? What if this was a glimpse into something deeper, something shared with Mountain that had yet to be spoken?
Finally, you settled back into your seat, heart racing as you surrendered to the unknown. With each wave of pleasure, you began to ride the rhythm, feeling the magic course through you. The lines of reality blurred as you imagined Mountain’s hands—strong yet gentle—working their magic on you. The fantasies you had buried deep within began to surface, filling your mind with images of him, of you, lost in a world of desire.
As you surrendered to the sensations, a part of you still wondered how long you could remain in this secret world, caught between the throes of pleasure and the reality of your surroundings. But for now, all that mattered was the intoxicating feeling of the unknown, and the powerful connection that pulsed between you and Mountain, drawing you ever closer.
The sensations grew stronger, more insistent, every pulse of pleasure pushing you closer to the edge. Your grip tightened on the edge of the desk, knuckles white as you fought to keep silent, your breath coming in shallow, shaky gasps. The magical teasing seemed to know exactly where to touch, how to drive you wild without mercy, each wave of pleasure more intense than the last. You could barely focus on anything but the pressure building inside you, hot and unbearable.
Your eyes fluttered closed as you tried to stifle the moans threatening to escape your lips. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to walk in and find you like this, overwhelmed by invisible hands, pleasure coursing through you in the middle of the quiet library. But the thought of being caught only seemed to heighten the thrill, a dangerous mix of arousal and anticipation that made the heat within you coil tighter.
The rhythm became more relentless, the electric pulses caressing your clitoris and sending jolts of pleasure through your entire body. You pressed your thighs together again, trying to ease the tension, but it only made the feeling more intense, more impossible to resist. Your body was trembling, your heart pounding in your chest, your breaths coming in quick, ragged bursts as the wave of ecstasy swelled higher and higher.
Your mind was a blur, filled with images of Mountain—his hands on you, his body pressed against yours. You could almost feel him there, his touch, his breath on your skin. The fantasy had completely taken over, and you no longer cared about anything but the release that was building inside you, stronger and stronger with each passing second.
And then, it hit.
A final pulse, stronger and more intense than before, surged through you, and suddenly, you were there, on the edge of oblivion. You gasped, your back arching as your entire body tensed, the pleasure overwhelming, almost too much to bear. The climax washed over you in powerful waves, each one more intense than the last, leaving you trembling, breathless, your mind utterly consumed by the moment.
Your hands clutched the desk, your thighs clamped together as the pleasure coursed through you, your heart pounding in your ears as you rode the waves of ecstasy. You couldn’t hold back the soft moan that escaped your lips, your body shaking as you finally surrendered to the release you’d been fighting.
For a moment, the world seemed to stop. Everything was still, your mind lost in the afterglow, your body limp and sated. The heat slowly began to ebb away, leaving a warm, languid feeling in its wake. You slumped in your chair, chest heaving, your skin flushed and your limbs heavy. The library was silent once again, save for the sound of your ragged breathing as you came down from the high.
You opened your eyes, still dazed, your body tingling with the remnants of pleasure. The magic had faded, leaving you alone once more. You glanced around, half-expecting someone to have noticed, but the library remained as quiet and still as ever. No one had witnessed your moment of ecstasy, and for that, you were grateful.
Mountain felt the fleshlight twitch in his hands, the silicone pulsing rhythmically under his touch. It was strange, almost unnerving, how lifelike it felt—warm and supple, as though it had a mind of its own. He reasoned it must have been designed that way, engineered to feel as close to the real thing as possible. After all, the material had to have some give; otherwise, it would be difficult to fuck.
But this… this felt different. Too real.
Curiosity burned within him, and without thinking, he removed his thumb from the fleshlight’s clit and slid a finger into the vaginal hole. He half-expected to feel nothing but cold silicone or mechanical resistance, but the moment his fingertip pressed inside, he froze.
“Fuck…” he muttered, his breath catching in his throat.
The interior was silky smooth, impossibly warm, and slick with wetness, as though it had already been perfectly lubricated just for him. His finger sank deeper, and he swore he felt the walls subtly pulse around him, hugging his digit with a grip that sent a jolt of arousal straight through his core. It felt as though he had slipped his finger inside a real pussy—alive, warm, and so damn wet.
It was too much.
The thought hit him like a lightning bolt, sending a rush of blood straight to his length, which was already half-hard, now straining against his trousers. He glanced down, feeling the growing pressure, but his mind couldn’t tear away from the fleshlight and its surreal sensations. His pulse quickened as he slowly curled his finger inside the toy, feeling the textured inner walls respond to his every movement, as if the toy were reacting, pulling him in.
“Holy shit…” he whispered under his breath, barely able to believe what he was experiencing.
The slickness inside only made his cock throb with more need, the pressure building rapidly in his groin. His mind wandered back to the vivid images of you that had plagued him all night. He imagined it wasn’t just his finger inside this magical device, but his cock, sinking deep into that same warmth, feeling your body move beneath him, wrapped around him. He could almost hear the sound of your breath hitching in pleasure, see the way your body would react to every thrust.
His arousal was becoming impossible to ignore, his length now fully hard, aching to be touched. The wetness coating his finger made him desperate to feel more, to know what it would be like to sink himself completely into the impossible magic of this fleshlight.
But something nagged at him in the back of his mind. Why did this feel so different? So personal? It wasn’t just a toy; it was something more, something… connected.
Mountain exhaled sharply, pulling his finger out and wiping it on his trousers as he debated whether to continue. His cock twitched in anticipation, and the need for release was undeniable. He had to know just how far this could go.
His hand drifted to the waistband of his trousers, the decision already made.
You had felt the initial intrusion, the unexpected presence inside you, no thicker than a finger. It wasn’t moving with any intent to please, merely exploring your most intimate space, as if testing the waters, feeling out your warmth. A breath caught in your throat, and you slumped over the desk, your hand flying to your mouth, desperate to stifle the moan that threatened to escape. Your body shivered in response, torn between confusion and the undeniable arousal that was building deep within you.
The slow, teasing movements left you trembling, and while it wasn’t enough to satisfy the aching need between your legs, the anticipation was maddening. You squeezed your thighs together, trying to create some friction, something to ease the growing heat. But the moment you began to settle into the sensation, it stopped. The presence withdrew, and you were left empty, unsatisfied, your slick, needy cunt clenching around nothing.
A soft whimper escaped your lips, muffled by the back of your hand. A part of you was disappointed, frustrated even, that it had left. Your body was throbbing, aching for more—more of whatever that was, more of what it had been building toward. Your pulse was racing, and the quiet library around you suddenly felt too confining, too stifling. You couldn’t stay here, not like this.
Your legs felt weak as you stood, the lingering heat between your thighs making every movement feel laboured. You glanced around the empty room, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks as if someone might have seen your inner turmoil, but the library remained silent and still. The quiet was too much now, the weight of your arousal pressing down on you, urging you to seek relief. You needed more than just that teasing touch; you needed release. And you needed it now.
Quickly, you began packing up your things, your fingers fumbling as you tried to gather your quill and parchment. Your mind was already somewhere else, picturing what awaited you once you could find privacy. The thought of it—of taking care of yourself, of chasing the release that had been cruelly denied in the library—sent a fresh wave of heat through you.
With your belongings hastily stuffed into your bag, you headed toward the door, your breath uneven as you made your way out of the library. The cool air of the hallway did little to calm the fire raging inside you. You had to find somewhere—anywhere—you could be alone and finish what had been started.
Your legs moved quickly beneath you, instinct driving you toward the nearest private space, your heart pounding with anticipation as the memory of that teasing touch replayed in your mind.
You left the library in a hurry, taking a sharp left down the corridor toward your room, your mind laser-focused on finding relief. Each step was torture, your knees weak and trembling, barely able to support your body as the weight of your arousal pressed down on you. The cool air of the hallway did nothing to ease the growing heat between your thighs, and you quickened your pace, desperate to reach the privacy of your room.
But just as you rounded the corner, a new sensation hit you.
Dread pooled in your stomach as you felt your folds part, something heavy and hard sliding between them. You gasped, eyes widening in shock, feeling a thick pressure press against your clit. It wasn’t the slow, teasing touch from before—it was urgent, insistent, and so overwhelmingly real that you couldn’t hold back the shaky moan that escaped your lips. The sensation was distracting, too distracting, and in your attempt to keep moving, you stumbled.
Your legs gave out beneath you, and with a gasp, you fell to the ground, your belongings scattering across the wooden floor. Pens, paper and books slipped from your grasp, your bag tumbling open as you struggled to regain control of your body. The thick presence between your legs remained, rubbing insistently against your clit with every movement, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you as you lay there, heart racing and breath ragged.
Your hands shot down instinctively, as though to push whatever it was away, but there was nothing tangible, nothing you could grasp. It was as if some invisible force was teasing you, pressing into you with an unrelenting rhythm that made it impossible to think straight.
You tried to stand, pushing yourself up with trembling arms, but the pleasure was so intense that you collapsed again, your knees refusing to support your weight. Another shudder ran through you, your body betraying you as the rubbing against your clit continued, the sensation almost unbearable. You squeezed your thighs together, but it only seemed to make it worse, the pressure building with every second.
“Fuck…” you whispered, your voice barely more than a breathless gasp. You had no control over your body anymore. The sensation between your legs had taken over, and all you could do was grip the floor beneath you, helpless against the mounting pleasure.
The hallway was empty, but you were still exposed, vulnerable. You needed to get up, needed to reach your room where you could finally give in to what your body craved. But as another pulse of pleasure shot through you, you weren’t sure you’d even make it.
A stroke of luck emerged, catching your eye in the midst of your frantic struggle—the door to a cleaning closet, left slightly ajar. Relief mixed with desperation as you quickly gathered your scattered belongings, your hands shaking as you scrambled to your feet. You couldn’t make it much further; your knees were barely holding you upright as it was, and the relentless pressure between your thighs was making it impossible to think straight.
Without a second thought, you rushed toward the open door, heart pounding in your chest. As soon as you stumbled inside, you slammed it shut behind you, pressing your back against the wood. There was no lock, but if you could just stay quiet—if you could hold out here for a few moments—you might make it through this without being caught. The small space was dimly lit, filled with shelves of cleaning supplies, and the air smelled faintly of soap and lavender.
You barely had time to catch your breath before it happened.
A sharp, overwhelming sensation took hold of you as you felt something push into you—deep, filling your already throbbing, aching hole. The intrusion was sudden, and you gasped, your hand flying to your mouth to muffle the cry of pleasure that threatened to burst out. It was thick, stretching you in a way that was both shocking and satisfying, as though whatever it was had been waiting for this moment, waiting for you to be alone, vulnerable, and desperate.
It was definitely a cock - but it was fucking huge.
Mountain sank into the fleshlight, a low, guttural groan escaping his lips as the tightness enveloped him. He was a big man in every sense of the word, and his length was no exception—thick, heavy, and aching for relief. As he pressed deeper, the silicone walls yielded, but only just enough, hugging him in a way that felt almost too real. The sensation was overwhelming, warm and snug, gripping him with the perfect balance of resistance and give, as though the toy had been made just for him.
His breath hitched as he sank further, the heat surrounding him sending shivers down his spine. Every inch of him was enveloped in that wet, warm tightness, and it felt like nothing he’d ever experienced before. His hips rolled instinctively, testing the limits of the toy’s grip, and the way it clung to him made his cock throb with need. It was almost maddening how good it felt—too good, in fact. The slickness inside, combined with the soft, textured ridges, made every movement feel as though he was buried deep inside something alive.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath, his hands tightening around the base of the fleshlight as his hips moved again, slower this time, savouring the way it squeezed him with every thrust.
The heat, the wetness, the way it pulsed around him—it was almost too much to bear. He couldn’t help but picture you, the way your body would feel wrapped around him like this, clenching down on him, pulling him in. The thought of you, mixed with the intensity of the sensation, made his control slip. His pace quickened, driven by the growing pressure building in his groin, his need for release clawing at him.
Each thrust into the toy felt more urgent, the friction deliciously overwhelming. He could feel the tension building, his length throbbing inside the slick, tight tunnel. Every stroke was bringing him closer to the edge, the pleasure so intense it made his vision blur. The way the fleshlight clung to him was impossibly real, and the thought of sinking into your warmth instead made his pulse race even faster.
He was too far gone to stop now, completely lost in the sensation, the need for release overtaking him as his hips bucked into the toy with reckless abandon.
Your legs gave out entirely, and you collapsed against the shelves, your body trembling as the force inside you began to move. Slow, deliberate strokes, in and out, dragging along your sensitive walls and making you shudder with each thrust. You bit down on your hand, trying to stay quiet, but the sensation was so intense, so perfectly maddening, that small, helpless whimpers slipped past your lips despite your best efforts.
The sensation wasn’t just physical; it was connected. Every movement inside you felt purposeful, like whoever—or whatever—was controlling this was in sync with your body, knowing exactly how to make you fall apart. Your pussy clenched around it, soaking wet, the slickness only making the thrusts more fluid, more relentless.
Your breath came in shallow, ragged gasps, the rhythm of your body matching the relentless thrusts that were driving you closer and closer to the edge. Each stroke pushed deeper, dragging against your most sensitive spots, and the heat building inside you was becoming unbearable. Your mind was spinning, the world around you fading into a blur as the pressure inside you mounted, thick and heavy.
You could feel yourself trembling, your body taut with anticipation, the pleasure coiling tighter with every thrust. Your nails dug into your palms, a desperate attempt to ground yourself, to hold on just a little longer—but it was no use.
It felt so good.
Too good.
You sat up a little and spread your legs, pulling your panties off from beneath your habit and throwing them somewhere in the dark, your middle finger immediately moving to your swollen and sensitive clit. Rubbing furiously at it, you let out a loud gasp, the feeling of the cock fucking into you, now at a violent pace. You grasped onto the shelf behind you with your free hard, trying to find something to ground you as much as possible, but nothing was working. Something invisible was pounding relentlessly into your cunt, using your body for their own pleasure and you were so wound up tight - you liked it.
Your body was already betraying you, your pussy tightening around the force inside you as the tension built to a breaking point. It was hitting all the right spots, fucking into you like no one else had managed to before. You bit on your bottom lip trying to remain quiet, but at this point your moans and pants were coming out so loudly, you were sure passers by could hear you.
Mountain’s breath was ragged as he thrust into the fleshlight, his large hands gripping it tightly, the soft silicone giving way under his force but clinging to him in the most maddening way. His head tipped back, eyes fluttering shut as the slickness inside seemed to pulse in time with his movements. Every stroke felt too real, too perfect—as if it were more than just a toy, something alive and responding to him.
His cock was fully buried now, his hips rolling slowly at first, but the tightness had him on edge, making it impossible to hold back. His groans grew louder, deep and rough, as he set a more urgent pace. The fleshlight gripped him harder, the wet warmth inside making every stroke smoother, more fluid, but also more intense. It felt better than it should have, the sensation almost too much for him to handle.
“Fuck…” he hissed under his breath, his length throbbing with need. Each thrust sent a pulse of pleasure through his body, his mind clouded with desire as he imagined you beneath him instead. The way you would look, your body writhing in pleasure as he buried himself inside you, the soft sounds of your moans filling the air. The thought made his cock twitch inside the toy, his pace quickening as he lost himself in the fantasy.
But then, something strange happened.
The fleshlight pulsed. It wasn’t just responding to his thrusts anymore—it was as if it had a life of its own, squeezing him, rippling around his length in a way that was too real, too connected. His eyes flew open, a gasp escaping him as he stilled for a moment, looking down at the toy in his hands.
“What the…?”
He felt it again, the sensation tightening, as if the fleshlight was reacting not to his body, but to something else entirely. The pulsing grew stronger, almost rhythmic, and it sent a jolt of pleasure through him so intense he nearly doubled over. He could feel the slick walls inside moving, as though mimicking the contractions of an actual body—your body.
Mountain’s heart raced, his mind spinning. There was no way this was just a toy anymore. He could feel it—feel you—somehow, in some way. It was impossible, but there was no denying the connection. The more he moved, the more the fleshlight reacted, tightening around him with each thrust, sending shockwaves of pleasure straight to his core.
His hips bucked involuntarily, the sensations overtaking him, his mind now filled with images of you. He imagined you trembling, the way your body would shake as he pushed into you, the look of desperation in your eyes as you tried to hold back your release. His pace became frantic, thrusting into the toy with abandon, the tight, wet warmth driving him to the edge.
He was so close. He could feel his orgasm building, his entire body tensing with the need for release. The pulsing around his cock grew more intense, as though it were pulling him deeper, milking him for everything he had.
“Fuck…” he groaned your name, unable to stop himself now. He was lost in the sensation, lost in the thought of you, the connection between you both tightening with every second.
You could feel the climax rushing toward you, unstoppable, consuming every part of you. And as the force inside you thrust again, harder this time, it finally sent you over the edge.
A wave of pure ecstasy crashed over you, the intensity of your orgasm ripping through you in shuddering waves. Your walls clenched down around the presence inside you, your body convulsing as pleasure coursed through you, lighting up every nerve. The release was overwhelming, and you bit down harder on your hand, stifling the moan that tore from your throat as your climax consumed you.
But the relentless pounding didn’t stop. Whoever was fucking you wasn’t done with you just yet.
Mountain felt you reach your peak, the pulsing sensation inside the fleshlight intensifying to a point that left him breathless. The way your body clenched around him, as if you were riding the wave of ecstasy, sent a jolt of raw pleasure straight to his core. He could almost hear your moans, soft and desperate, echoing in his mind as he envisioned you lost in your climax, your body trembling beneath him.
With every thrust, he was drawn closer to the edge, the need for release building within him like a tidal wave, crashing and surging. The connection felt electric, transcending the physical boundaries of your separate spaces, and it was almost overwhelming. As you shuddered in pleasure, he could feel the warmth radiating from the fleshlight, as if it were feeding off your climax, drawing him in.
“Fuck!” he groaned, his voice thick with desire. The fleshlight tightened around him, almost as if it was responding to your release, and the sensation drove him wild. He could feel the heat pooling in his stomach, a primal urge that had him gasping for air.
As you soared through your orgasm, he couldn’t hold back any longer. He thrust deeper, faster, losing himself completely in the moment. The world around him faded away, the only thing that mattered was the relentless pleasure coursing through him, the sensation of the silicone hugging him so tightly that it felt almost like a second skin.
With one final, powerful thrust, he reached his own peak. A wave of ecstasy crashed over him, his body convulsing as he spilled himself into the fleshlight. A deep, guttural groan escaped his lips as he rode out the intense waves of pleasure, feeling as if he were floating in a sea of bliss.
His hips stuttered as he felt the last tremors of his release, each pulse sending shockwaves of satisfaction through him. The connection, the overwhelming sensations—it was all too much, and he reveled in it, letting it consume him entirely.
Panting, he collapsed back against the bed, still reeling from the intensity of it all. The fleshlight lay discarded beside him, the warmth and slickness inside a reminder of the wild connection they had just shared. He could still feel the lingering echoes of your climax intertwining with his own, leaving him breathless and yearning for more.
What had just happened? It felt like more than just a fantasy—it felt like something deeper, something that blurred the lines of reality and desire. He found himself staring at the ceiling, a mix of confusion and exhilaration coursing through him. The next time he saw you, everything would change.
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luxesiren · 2 years ago
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 — h.haganezuka x black!femreader
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(⛧) description: hotaru can stay concentrated for hours upon hours and not let up, he wants to show you that skill — drabble
(⛧) warnings: smut, oral (fem), pussy drunk!haganezuka, praise, fingering, overstimulation, teasing. mdni
(⛧) author’s note: when i tell you that seeing this man’s face on my screen had me (s)creaming like i need him today, tomorrow, in the past, the future, in the afterlife…ALLAT. i need him like air fr. also, @smiley-babe this is for youuuu😋
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how could one person stay so focused and unwavering through every single task? it seemed difficult but it wasn’t difficult for hotaru, it never was and he made it look so easy.
his concentration never faltered with anything he did and you didn’t think it would travel to your bedroom but there you were, laying on the bed, legs spread and mouth open from the onslaught of noises that flowed freely. his hands gripped your thighs and his mouth latched onto your clit, drool spilling from the side of his mouth and his eyes lidded in pleasure — practically drunk off the taste of you.
your hands finding purchase in his long hair and pulling him closer as if he wasn’t close enough, maybe it was you being greedy and wanting more and he was willing to give it to you.
his tongue swirled, licked, sucked and curled throughout your cunt and your vision faded in and out and his name tumbling out of your mouth, “h-hotaru, fuck, please”
he never said anything while concentrating but his eyes met yours and another high pitched moan bounced off the walls of the room. his hand snaking around your waist and resting there as he continued to pleasure you until your legs started to tremble and your juices flowed into his mouth, cum spilling out the side of his mouth and slowly dripping down his chin. the sight was sinful and you wanted the picture framed and hung so everyone could see it.
he licked you clean, his tongue moving up and down making sure not to miss a drop — how could he waste something so delicious and mind-blowing? his tongue entering your cunt for the second time that night making sure to clean every nook and cranny of your walls. your moans basically whines from the overstimulation, too sensitive from the mind-numbing orgasm you just received.
“mm it’s too much, hotaru! p-please, ‘s too much.” he never listened to your pleas, to which he knew you never meant but instead he always had something else planned. his mouth left your cunt and met your lips, his tongue entering your mouth and you moaned at the taste of yourself settling down on your tastebuds.
while on the other hand, his fingers made their way inside of your tight cunt. wet and warm and pulling his fingers deeper inside and he’s obsessed with the way you feel. he swallows every soft moan and low whine you release just because he can, pulling back he looks at you with nothing but focused eyes and small smirk, “feels good? i bet it does, you always liked how good i can fuck you with my fingers. now, be a good girl and let me concentrate, yeah?”
the deep concentration that it hotaru haganezuka will never cease to amaze you.
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misshcrror · 9 months ago
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                       𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝟎𝟎𝟐: ──── MISSÕES ;
Yasemin pensou em seu pai quando o mesmo apareceu em sonhos após a quebra de silêncio dos deuses. As palavras dele ecoando por seus pensamentos: ❝ Abrace os seus poderes, Yasemin. Se descontrole, aterrorize a todos. Você me decepciona ao pedir ajuda. Eu gosto do caos, minha filha. Abrace o caos, perca a cabeça, deixe em todos em pânico e me dê orgulho. ❞ O sonho, acontecido dias antes da missão e após o incidente com a fenda a deixaram incerta sobre as palavras de Deimos, mas agora? Solak concordava com seu pai.
Após o tumulto causado pela exposição de Petrus no almoço, Yasemin estava tempestuosa. A raiva fervia dentro dela, dirigida tanto a Quíron quanto ao acampamento como um todo. Como poderiam os diretores ter escondido informações tão cruciais por tanto tempo? Era extremamente grosseiro da parte deles esperar tanto tempo para revelar os acontecimentos externos, e isso só aumentava a sensação de traição que Yasemin experimentava naquele momento. O pior era o fato de que sentiu como se estivesse errada em simplesmente revelar fatos de situações que o acampamento todo buscava por respostas já faziam meses.
Se enfiando na floresta com aquele kit estúpido de Quíron com o objetivo de provar que ela tinha um proposito naquele lugar, a turca se dirigiu para fazer suas anotações sobre a missão feita dias atrás com Kaito e Andrina. Enquanto revivia os momentos mais marcantes da missão em Paris através do exercício proposto por Quíron, Yasemin também refletia sobre seu papel no acampamento. Ajudar os outros sempre foi uma parte essencial de sua natureza como semideusa, mas ultimamente parecia que suas boas intenções só resultavam em mais problemas para ela. Primeiro, a perda de uma amazona durante a missão pesava em sua consciência, mesmo que não fosse diretamente sua culpa. Agora, a exposição de Petrus apenas confirmava seus piores temores: mesmo quando tentava ajudar, acabava sendo punida por isso. Isso sem falar todos os incidentes com seus poderes, a represália e exclusão por ser filha do deus do terror, o preconceito latente que aguentava por anos apenas porque lhe foi ensinado que eram heróis e heróis faziam sacrifícios. Era como se o tempo todo precisasse se provar e bastou mais uma atitude para que tudo ruísse. Pela primeira vez em anos, a ruiva compreendeu a profundidade da conversa que teve com Josh alguns dias antes. O que a fez repensar tudo o que aconteceu na época.
tw: menção a morte.
Pensando em missões, lhe fora pedido sobre a missão mais importante de sua vida. Talvez não tenha sido a última, duvidava muito que fosse, mas era a mais latente em sua mente. A missão havia sido rodeada de decisões difíceis e assim desatou em escrever sobre sua incerteza em ajudar as amazonas no inicio, sobre como suas atitudes vieram moldadas do seu crescimento no acampamento e em como estava preparada para se sacrificar pelos amigos. Haviam tantas situações para se pensar, em como pensou que talvez não saíssem das catacumbas ou que se tivesse prestado mais atenção nos detalhes, uma amazona não teria falecido. Enquanto queimava a folha de louro, Yasemin sentiu como se estivesse sendo transportada de volta para aquele momento em sua mente. Reviver a missão sem seus amigos ao lado foi estranho, mas também revelador.
Quando as Amazonas pediram ajuda em Paris, o grupo recusou, seguindo uma orientação direta de Zeus para não se desviar de sua missão e correr contra o tempo. Se tivessem seguido o plano original e não ajudado as Amazonas, elas teriam sido capazes de salvar as outras que estavam presas, enquanto o grupo não teria se atrasado. Nenhuma baixa teria acontecido. Isso por si só, era uma vitória. No entanto, mesmo que chegassem ao local, não encontrariam a lança, pois ela muda de lugar para evitar que caia nas mãos erradas. Isso significava que as Amazonas teriam sobrevivido, ninguém da equipe teria se ferido, mas o objetivo da missão não seria alcançado. Ainda seria uma meia vitória, mas talvez ninguém da sua equipe estivesse se sentindo um fracasso agora e alguns com cicatrizes e consequências que levariam para um vida toda. A filha de Deimos testemunhou as diferentes possibilidades que poderiam ter acontecido se tivessem tomado decisões diferentes, e como cada escolha tinha suas consequências.
Uma única lágrima caiu ao retornar ao presente, na floresta, e Yasemin sentiu a raiva ainda mais latente depois de todo o ocorrido. O colar de contas ganhou um novo símbolo: a face de um leão e sua juba. Carregando um sentido bastante ambíguo. Ela fechou o caderno com força, deixando que o ar bagunçasse seus cabelos enquanto soltava um suspiro frustrado. Então se simplesmente não tivessem prestado ajuda, todo mundo estaria bem? Isso só levou a turca a pensar que talvez devesse parar de querer ajudar os demais, ou pensar mais nelas do que em si mesma. Novamente as palavras de seu pai ecoando em sua mente, dessa vez com as de Josh junto: ❝ Você tem se limitado mais pelos outros do que por você mesma. [...] Até quando você vai permitir que o seu medo te impeça de ser quem você é? ❞
Medo. Era engraçado pensar que estava sentindo algo do qual nasceu acostumada. Desde a criação com sua mãe, os momentos no orfanato e o que passava no acampamento até os dias atuais. Yasemin começava a perceber que talvez havia uma verdade na ideia de abraçar o caos e instigar o terror como uma forma de libertação. Talvez fosse a hora de aceitar completamente quem ela é e usar seus poderes sem medo ou restrições.
semideuses citados: @kaitoflames, @andrvna & @deathpoiscn.
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ringostxr-archive · 8 months ago
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ㅤㅤ( TW / menção à abuso de álcool e drogas. )
ㅤㅤESCRITO POR AARON ROBERTS, 15 de janeiro de 2015.
ㅤㅤQuando você liga seu rádio em qualquer estação ou hora do dia é possível que escute o single de estreia da The Letus ecoando. 'Born From a Storm' é um hino de anarquismo que o metal a muito não via, com uma composição complexa e interessante feita inteiramente pelo guitarrista e vocalista da banda estreante, Ringo Miller, que conquistou o país com sua carisma e rebeldia. Porém, ao que aparenta, toda essa maneira desenfreada de viver a vida tem suas consequências.
ㅤㅤNa noite de ontem, 14/01, Ringo foi internado no California Rehabilitation Institute acompanhado pelo agente da banda, Steve Wilson, e seu pai, Philip Miller. Rumores de bastidores apontam que desde o sucesso meteórico da banda e do lançamento do primeiro álbum de estúdio, Memento Mori, o guitarrista passou abusar no consumo de álcool e drogas. Tal situação desencadeou inúmeros problemas entre o artista com seus companheiros de banda, com a equipe e com familiares, além de fontes não oficiais afirmarem que o rockeiro quase teve uma overdose poucos dias antes.
ㅤㅤEm conversa com a TMZ, Philip Miller se pronunciou:
Ringo tem um bom coração, porém se deixou levar pelo consumo de substâncias para tentar lidar com o sucesso estrondoso. Quem pode julgá-lo? Nem todos estão preparados para um sucesso da noite para o dia, ainda mais aos vinte e sete anos. [ . . . ] Ele está bem e será tratado no melhor instituto da Califórnia, além de contar com o apoio da família, dos companheiros de banda e, tenho certeza, que dos novos fãs da The Letus. Esperamos que ele volte a atividade o mais rápido possível.
ㅤㅤOs membros da banda e a equipe preferiram não se pronunciar oficialmente sobre a situação, respeitando o tempo que é necessário para recuperação, porém é esperado que seja anunciado em breve um hiatus até que o guitarrista esteja bem.
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lonerwitc-h · 3 months ago
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Como o seu personagem se envolveu com Arcanum?
Gaea é nascida e criada em Arcanum. A cidade é tudo o que ela conhece e, apesar de sonhar sair de lá um dia, não sabe se seria capaz de existir longe dela.
Seu personagem deixaria Arcanum se pudesse?
Com toda a certeza. Apesar de ter pessoas que ama morando lá, todas as memórias que lhe causam sofrimento estão atreladas à cidade, e tudo o que ela mais gostaria é poder recomeçar em outro lugar.
A convivência em sociedade entre humanos e seres sobrenaturais é algo que seu personagem acredita ser possível?
Mais uma vez, tudo o que ela conhece é Arcanum, e por causa disso, a convivência entre as espécies é lugar comum para ela. Ela não imagina como seria viver em um lugar que não tivesse isso.
Qual espécie ou facção seu personagem considera mais perigosa em Arcanum e por quê?
Os anjos. Ela não tem nada de específico contra eles, mas lhe incomoda todo o poder e autoridade que está atrelado a essa espécie. Também lhe incomoda como eles impõem seu poder.
Seu personagem tem algum conflito ou rivalidade com uma espécie ou facção específica em Arcanum?
Gaea tem uma forte rivalidade com o Coven of the Whispering Woods, do qual sua mãe e avó costumavam fazer parte e que, de acordo com a visão dela, não fizeram nada para ajudar nenhuma das duas quando foi necessário.
Qual é a espécie que seu personagem considera como sua maior aliada em Arcanum e por quê?
Ela não vê nenhuma espécie em específico como sua aliada; Gaea consegue contar seus aliados nos dedos das mãos.
Seu personagem acredita que a sua espécie e facção estão bem representados no pequeno conselho?
Gaea rejeita todo o tipo de autoridade e não acredita que toda uma espécie possa ser representada por uma pessoa só. A forma como o sistema funciona é falho por si só na visão dela.
Com a chegada de Lúcifer, qual é a maior preocupação do seu personagem sobre o futuro de Arcanum?
Lúcifer ou Miguel, ambos são figuras de autoridade que querem dominar Arcanum e seus moradores, mas a chegada de Lúcifer claramente trouxe muita confusão para a cidade, algo que eles estão longe de precisar.
Seu personagem acredita que Miguel ou outra força celestial conseguirá deter Lúcifer?
Gaea tem noção do tamanho do poder de Lúcifer e não sabe se os anjos em Arcanum estão bem equipados para o trabalho, mas não é como se pudessem contar com outra pessoa.
Se Lúcifer oferecer poder ou vantagens, seu personagem consideraria aceitá-las?
Gaea não se mete nos conflitos alheios e não há nada que faça ela mudar sua opinião em relação a isso.
Se tivesse que escolher um lado no conflito iminente, seu personagem se alinharia com Miguel e os anjos ou com Lúcifer e as forças infernais?
Gaea vai escolher o seu próprio lado, como sempre fez, e não vai interferir em algo que, na sua visão, não é da sua conta. Ela não lutaria em lado nenhum.
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zebuie · 9 months ago
⚸⋆Unleashed Desires ⛧☾༺♰༻☽⛧
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𝓟𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘; academic rival!ellie x fem!reader
𓆰𓆪 SYNOPSIS:: Ellie Williams, your academic rival who always had u beat, One night in a club, she lures you to her dorm where they indulge in a steamy, no-holds-barred fuck session filled with passionate curses and intense pleasure. The lines blur between competition and desire as their taboo passion takes over.
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂; SMUT!,swearing, porn w little to no plot,degradation (r receiving), strap on usage (r receiving), face slapping (r receiving), fingering (r receiving), hair pulling (e receiving), slight fluff in the end/aftercare,enemies to lovers trope, lmk if I excluded anyth
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From the time you first met Ellie in the first grade, it was clear that you two were constantly competing against each other. It has been that way ever since the two of you started attending the same university. Ellie always finds a way to boast about her achievements, just as she did today when she strutted up to you with a sly grin on her face and boasted about her 98%. She asks you with a smug expression, "So, what did you get?" You grit your teeth as you recall her arrogant remark, trying to resist the surge of anger simmering within you. You decide to put her in her place once and for all. In front of everyone, you pull out your notebook with a confident smile and flip it open, exposing your grade book. With a nonchalant air, you point at the entry with today's score on it – a perfect 100%. The silence that ensues is deafening as Ellie's face turns from smug satisfaction to astonished shock before she can muster up a weak "Congratulations." Her friends exchange glances filled with jealousy while whispering amongst themselves about how ruthlessly they just got beaten by a girl who seemed like an underdog till now. Feeling proud and satisfied, you turn back to whatever task was at hand but don't ignore the sense of accomplishment and pleasure swirling inside you - finally putting that annoying rival in check using sheer talent instead of indulging in immature competitions.
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As the day went on, Ellie's attitude towards you took a sharp turn. She couldn't stop talking about her defeat behind your back, trying to defame you in front of their group of friends. You overheard snippets of her insulting comments, mocking your success and even hinted at rumors she spread about you. At one point, during lunch break, she brazenly bumps into you as she carries her tray full of food from the cafeteria line, causing both trays to clash and spilling food all over yours. Her eyes filled with hatred as she sneered out "Clumsy bitch" You clench your teeth before responding sharply "Oh fuck off williams, it’s actually soooo fuckin pathetic how worked up your getting over me getting a better grade." Your words send a chill down her spine as people around them pause and look at you two with surprise etched on their faces.In response, Ellie scoffs derisively "Fucking lucky then! Bet you rely on tutors to keep those grades high." This sends a flash of anger inside you which compels you to grab hold of one side of her arm forcefully and hiss through gritted teeth You grab Ellie's arm in a tight grip, eyes blazing as you seethe with frustration. "Don't even fucking dare insinuate that" Your tone is aggressive, causing her friends to quickly move away, realizing this argument between you two is about to escalate. "I work my ass off for those grades, no tutor needed! And unlike your stuck up self who only brags about fake achievements," your voice drops menacingly low, "I earn mine the hard way." Ellie looks at you with disdain mixed with fear before pulling her arm away roughly from your grasp. "Whatever helps you sleep at night knowing some geek like you actually tops me," she sneers mockingly before turning on her heels and storming off. Despite ur harsh words exchanged earlier and the bitter taste left in your mouths from this exchange; something inside both of you starts simmering - an intriguing mix of anger coupled with an undeniable attraction towards each other which neither one dares acknowledge out loud just yet.
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A few weeks later, you catch a glimpse of Ellie from across the dimly lit club standing at the bar with a drink in hand. Ellie wore a loose muscle tee with a faded logo, crop top of a band you couldn’t recognize. The shirt cut off just above her toned midriff, showing the hem of her branded boxer shorts peeking out. And u couldn’t deny, Her muscular body looks so fucking good under the neon lights of the club. As you saunter over to to the bar, she smirks cockily "Look who decided to grace us with her presence." Her sarcasm is evident yet it doesn't bother you as much as it usually would. You move unconsciously closer to her, catching Ellie's gaze as she takes a swig from her beer bottle. A challenge lingers in her eyes as if daring you to make the first move. Suddenly, you blurt out "Wanna get outta here?" Ellie shrugs indifferently, taking one last sip of her beer before tossing it in a nearby trash bin and following you without another word. The silence between you two fills the air as Ellie trails behind you through the empty halls of their dorm building. Each stride she takes sends a shiver down your spine - her presence creating an undercurrent of desire that's hard to ignore. Once inside her room, she kicks off her converse and throws herself onto one of her plush couches; clearly, she expects something to happen now.
You hesitate for a moment before deciding to break the tension "Ellie..." You trail off nervously, not knowing how exactly to voice out what's brewing between both of you. Ellie lifts her head and looks at you with a blend of curiosity and amusement "What is it?" Her gaze intensifies as she takes in your nervous demeanour. In response, you step closer to her until their bodies are almost touching. Your lips part as if to confess the feelings that have been brewing inside you for weeks now when suddenly, Ellie pulls you closer and claims your mouth in a rough kiss; her hands gripping the sides of your hips as she deepens the kiss, You're startled by her unexpected move, but you don't resist as Ellie pulls you in. Her lips are rough and demanding, sending electric shocks straight to your core. She tugs on your jeans, pulling them down; revealing your bare legs to her hungry eyes. she slowly pulling your shirt up, then unclasping ur bra. Your hands find their way to her hair, entwining themselves gently as she continues devouring your mouth hungrily. She kisses you deep, her tongue pushing against your lips until you open up for her. Her hands are everywhere, gripping your ass cheeks hard as she pulls you closer. You moan into the kiss, your body aching for more. Without breaking the kiss, Ellie pushes you back onto the couch; pinning you beneath her body with her muscular frame.
Her lips trailing down your jawline, kissing and nipping gently on your skin. You shiver at the sensation, needing her closer than ever. hissing between her teeth as she rubs against the soft fabric covering your damp pussy. 
You're panting now, desperate for more of her touch. She slips two fingers beneath your panties, stroking your wet folds roughly. "You're so fucking wet." She mumbles against your skin before pulling back to look you in the eye. fuckin tease. Your breath hitches as she trails her finger along your bottom lip - a silent command to guide her further. Without hesitation, you reach down and tug her fingers towards your dripping pussy, inviting her to dive deeper. She obliges eagerly, pushing two more fingers inside you; stretching you gently as she curls them to hit your sweet spot. You throw your head back with a moan, gripping the couch beneath you as waves of pleasure wash over you. Ellie's fingers are relentless, pounding your core hard as she swirls them around until you're on the verge of cumming. She adds a third finger, stretching you even more; making your walls clench desperately around her digits. You whine loudly, urging her closer "Ellie... please..."
She leans down to capture your lips in a bruising kiss as she picks up speed; driving you over the edge with a fierce orgasm that has you crying out loudly.
You collapse against the couch, panting heavily as she continues to stroke you gently until your climax fades. She pulls her fingers out of your damp folds and brings them up to her mouth; sucking them clean with a satisfied moan. Her eyes meet yours, filled with lust and desire "I've wanted you for so long," She murmurs before climbing onto you completely; positioning herself over your breasts as she grinds against your still sensitive pussy. Your hips buck up automatically, desperate for her touch. She slides her sweaty pussy along your soft skin, moaning softly as she picks up speed. You reach up to stroke her hair and kisses down the side of her face; She pulls back to look down at you, her eyes smouldering with a wicked intention. "I want all of you." Without waiting for your consent - she slides off your body and hops down from the couch. Making her way over to a nearby drawer, she rummages around until she pulls out a purple strap on She comes back towards you, her eyes filled with lust as she gazes down at your glistening pussy.
Without any warning or preamble - she positions herself between your thighs once again, running the strap on along your wet slit. You let out a sharp intake of breath, arching your back as she pushes the hard plastic shaft against your entrance. "gnna make you feel s’good mama, gonna be a good little slut f’me ‘nd lemme fuck u with my cock huh?," She smirks down at you, pushing the strap on inside you slowly and deliberately until it fills you completely. She begins to thrust slowly and sensually, your moans growing louder as she hits all the right spots. She picks up speed, slapping against your skin in perfect sync with your eager cries of pleasure. You wrap your legs around her waist, clinging tightly to her as she pumps harder into you - stretching you full and satisfying every craving deep within you. Ellie's relentless pace sends a fiery heat spreading through your entire body - you moan loudly, feeling her hitting the perfect spot over and over again. She grinds against you more forcefully, biting her bottom lip in pleasure; "You're such a fucking slut for my cock." Her words send a shudder through you as she slaps your face gently - leaving behind an electrifying sting. Ellie pulls your hair, twisting it gently as she slams her hips into you harder.
"You love it don't you? You're a dirty little slut who wants every inch of my dick." She slaps you again, this time a bit harder; leaving a red handprint on your cheek while maintaining her intense rhythm inside you.
Ellie groans loudly, her body tensing up as she pulls you closer. "You've been such a little brat all these years... so fucking impatient... needing this cock so badly..." She slams herself into you once more, hitting that sweet spot with deadly accuracy; sending shivers down your spine. She continues her ferocious pounding as you pant breathlessly - your body craving more. "please don't stop," You whisper between gritted teeth, desperation coloring every word.
Ellie smirks down at you, pinching one of your nipples roughly - making you arch up into her even more. the strap on bumping against her clit- Ellie slams into you forcefully, her breathing growing heavier as she nears her climax. "That's it baby, fuckin’ take it..m’so close." She bangs harder against your g-spot - every stroke igniting sparks deep within you. You feel your orgasm building up, a fierce heat engulfing you - making it impossible to hold back any longer. "Ellie fuck im gonna-" Your cries are loud and desperate as waves of pleasure crash over you; Ellie gasps out her own climax moments later - her entire body trembling against yours. 
Once she's finished cleaning you up, "here u go," she said as She tossed you an oversized t-shirt and some boxers to change into. Ellie pulls you into her arms; cradling your head on her chest. She strokes your hair gently - whispering soothing words that help chase away the lingering afterglow. You melt into her embrace, feeling safe and content in her arms. "thank u," You murmur against her soft shirt as she runs a comforting finger along your cheek.
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writingjourney · 18 days ago
I’m having a severe chronic illness/pain flare up today that’s kept me in bed all night and all day today- I’d love some headcanons for the Papas when it comes to caring for a sick or chronically ill partner if you have the time! Maybe even a short ficlet if you feel inspired to! ☕️😮‍💨📚
I hope you're feeling better by now! ♡ I managed to write a short snippet for each Papa, trying to keep it somewhat vague as to what type of pain reader is experiencing. Copia can be read in whichever role you fancy :)
content: 1.5k words total, each papa x gn!reader, hurt/comfort, reader with chronic pain [Ao3 link]
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He's successfully shut out the rest of the world, one harsh look and the Sibling who tried to pester you scattered off like a fearful rabbit. He's tucked you under the blanket with the firm insistence of a nurse who's overseeing your strict bed rest. Primo knows one thing by now, having forced his body through decades worth of hard work – you can only push yourself so far before you shut down, before you cannot recover without sufficient rest.
"I could have just helped them quickly," you insist. "It's already getting be–"
"I will not have these idioti risk your health with tasks they can do themselves, fiore."
And that's that. He's well aware that no one is going to be brave enough to complain about him to Sister, half the Ministry too scared to bother you at all while you're with him. Primo knows you care about your work which entails that you'd never have called off unless you collapsed right in front of him. But he likes to think that you enjoy it when he's just as stubborn as you are.
"Drink some more water, amore." Perched on the edge of the bed, he hands you the glass, perpetually full as if by magic. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," you admit. "The heating pad helps."
"Good." He leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Now, time to get some sleep."
"Join me? I think it's time for an old man nap."
He narrows his eyes, playful but not unserious. "I will show you who is an old man when you feel better."
You give a tired laugh and he softens up the moment you've draped yourself over his chest, long fingers stroking along your arm. With his steady heartbeat against your ear it's easier to fall asleep and for once it's comforting to know that the rest of the world can wait.
⛧ ✦ ⛧
"Ah ah, no getting up, amore."
You sink back into the pillows, caught in the act. "I just want to–"
"No." The rhythmic scratching of pen on paper, books and notepad pages scattered on the small desk he carried into the bedroom to work from home today. "Whatever you need, you just tell your Papa."
"What if I have to go pee? Will you oversee that as well?"
He glances up over the rim of his reading glasses. "Do you?"
"Then why are you trying to get up?"
"I was going to look at what you're doing."
"You are not well, amore. You need to learn how to rest."
You pull the blanket up over your head and turn to your side, your next words grumbled into the fabric. "That call is coming from inside the house."
"What was that, hm?"
Before you can reply, the mattress dips under his weight, his presence immediately taking up all air around you. A thrill runs through your whole body, clouding the pain for a short but sweet moment.
"I know I am not leading by example," he concedes, a heavy hand stroking along the shape of your arm, down to your hips and then following the trail of your spine back up to your head. He tugs at the blanket there, revealing you to him. "Do you need more medicine? A book to read? Music?"
"What I really need is you," you whisper. "And… perhaps some more ibuprofen, yeah."
Secondo lends you one of his rare smiles, thumb softly stroking along your cheekbone. As though he can't resitst he leans in for a short but soft kiss, nose brushing against yours but careful not to exhaust you. "I can do that, amore. Make some space in the bed while I get it."
⛧ ✦ ⛧
You haven't been particularly hungry, dozing for hours, closing your eyes to drown out the world, anything to sit out the pain and discomfort for however long it takes. When the surprising smell of freshly cooked food slowly creeps into the bedroom you feel your stomach grumbling for the first time in days.
He does not reply. You furrow your brow, debating whether it's worth getting up to check on whatever he's fabricating. It's less that you don't trust him in the kitchen, he's perhaps lacking the cooking practice but he more than makes up for it with his quick wit. It's more so that he's been anxious ever since you got ill, desperate to help, flinching whenever you show any signs of pain, and he's already easily distracted on the best of days.
Before you've made up your mind the door creaks open. A smile lights up his face when he finds you awake, arms occupied with a steaming bowl that he carries between two oven-gloved hands.
"I hope you have an appetite, amore," he says.
You sit up, heart swelling at the sight of him in a kitchen apron. Before he sits down on the chair by your bedside he places the tray over your lap that you've been using, unable to sit for too long, and then sets down an old porcelain bowl you know he inherited from his grandmother. The rich aroma of the hearty broth floods your nose, tiny pieces of pasta swimming alongside finely chopped vegetables.
"Pastina Soup," he explains. "My nonna made this when I was not feeling well as a little boy, she used to say it is medicine against anything. I know how to make this in my sleep, amore. The kitchen is fine."
"I didn't say anything!"
"I see it in your eyes, you don't trust me with the stove." He raises his brows and you can't help but laugh, a sound that melts the tension out of his posture. "I know I know, I have been a bit of a hectic mother hen, hm? But I do not like seeing you unwell."
"I'm grateful, my love," you whisper, taking his hand in yours for a reassuring squeeze. "I've not been taken care of like that in a long time."
He eases into the chair, proud smile stretching his lips, and watches as you try the first spoonful. Warmth spreads from your belly to your limbs, the broth rich, so full of flavor that you feel revived from the taste alone. At your delighted hum his smile grows, so much that you can see the dimples in his cheeks. It's perfect.
⛧ ✦ ⛧
"Relax, amore," he whispers, pulling you firmer against his chest with an arm tightly wrapped around your front. "I can feel that you are still tense."
"I'm trying." You let your head fall back until it meets his shoulder. The steaming hot water of the bath eases your pain in a way that makes it somewhat more bearable. "It just takes some time to get used to the heat."
You inhale the scent of lavender bubbles, figure that you should be glad he finally made you use the fancy bath bomb and foam that you've been trying to keep for a special occasion. It feels too luxurious to waste, too much of an indulgence. Copia has been insisting on this, though, after you've been in agony for days and he's been fussing, heating pad, medication, all not helping enough to take away the discomfort of such persistent pain.
"Still tense," he whispers a few minutes later, voice so close to your ear that goosebumps prickle at your neck despite the heat. You can feel his hands now, slowly working into your muscles, fingers smoothing out the knots. It's… not uncomfortable, though you have to wince on occasion when he hits a particularly sore spot. "What do we do about this, my baby?"
"I wouldn't mind if you just kept going with this," you whisper.
And he does, though his lips start to trail the softest of kisses up the side of your neck now, across your shoulder, anywhere he can reach without moving you too much. Once the water cools down you'll slip back into sweats, cozying up in his bed with a movie. It's the closest you can get to finding peace while you're not feeling well, hoping the flare up will fade if you allow yourself the needed rest. It helps him, too, though he's much better about doing his stretches and staying on top of things.
"Thanks for forcing me to relax," you whisper drowsily, allowing yourself to melt into his embrace.
He chuckles, wrapping you up between his arms and legs and the sweet scent of the bath. "We both know you never would have used that bath bomb, amore."
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I hope these were comforting to anyone who might need it <3
Masterlist – My Ao3
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