tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 30 - Ten Of Wands (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
Just released!!
The Ten Of Wands is a most heavy and weighty card, however it's actually about how we draw our personal boundaries!
As an exciting announcement, I am making 2 versions going forward. You will find both on my Substack, but only the audio version will be on your podcast app. Hint: the written version contain bonus images and links.
Full episode links in both audio and written formats https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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healingthrutarot · 2 years
Just for fun! It's not a long one - 13 songs currently but I love finding songs about tarot. I'll keep adding to it as I find new ones.
Check out this brand new Tarot Songs Spotify playlist. Perfect for slinging cards, spell work, rituals, Halloween/Samhain, or writing mystical or magical scenes like I do for my fictional divination series, The Divining Sisters.
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fledermoved-too · 2 years
Shoutout Megalist
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Hey, friends! Here’s a randomized list of blogs for everyone to check out if you haven’t already. It’s important to give everyone the opportunity to meet others in the RPC, and in my opinion, these folks have a lot to offer. To those tagged, I apologize if you do not appreciate the mention.
The selection, in alphabetical order:
@aintitfierce​ @airxn​​ @allnostalgic​ @amongthecrags​ @animatedxdisaster​​ @aslyfcx​​ @blxestar​ @cflight​​ @chainsxwsmile​ @charllatan​ @cornerstonc​ @countingchickens​​ @countlessrealities​ @courcgecus​​ @defactomatriarch​ @dreamsofalife​​ @eathandhax​​ @errantwish​ @fatherofnarnia​ @flyjaeldr​ @friendsamongstars​​ @grimhunts​​ @hannah-the-small​ @heamvir​ @hifimuses​​ @hippievibing​ @houseflyy​​ @ikncwaplxce​ @indomitablespirits​ @itcamefromnextdoor​ @jesper-johanssen​ @khaloymes​​ @kleinewahines​​ @let-me-be-surprised​​ @likezoinksguys​​ @maiiden​​ @manenimittliv​​ @maximuses​​ @mistytown​ @modestmuses​​ @monmuses​ @nemekii​ @nochildmissed​​ @oddlies​ @onlyheartaches​ @origcmibird​​ @outoftheirdifferences​​ @pcisondapple​ @portraitsof​ @pussinbccts​​ @queensxrabi​​ @redempting​ @redhnds​ @santaverse​ @soltcde​​ @starsweepers​​ @storybounded​ @strebcr​​ @tarotmuses​​ @terribleweh​​ @thcsevoices​​ @thefcxandthehcund​​ @thelittlestdemon​ @trencri​​ @vendettamuses​ @videonsty​ @w0lfbite​ @w0rsebite​
Cheers, and here’s hoping we get a good new year for all!
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rodneyillustrations · 5 years
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Beware of complacency, If you only stay in your comfort zone, listening to, reading on, surrounding yourself with viewpoints that are in agreement with your opinions, how will you grow? Just sitting there cooking in your own stew. But as you venture out, beware of the poisons. Beware of charlatans, and be careful who your so called teachers are. Not only could you be swallowing garbage but you could be unknowingly taking on other peoples trauma. That's why it's important to learn #detachment from your "own ideas" and from the projections and "psychosis of others" Observe objectively. You are coming into your own power, and as you rise you are prone to experiencing jealousy and envy from others, beware of the gossip mongers. Without even hearing any of the slander and the rumors, you can feel the thickness of the malaise. Behind your back the monkeys chatter, sometimes mustering up only enough courage to hurl veiled insults and subliminal remarks. And you might catch whispers of second and third hand remarks through the grapevine. Remember, that those who dwell in the shadows will disperse when the light is shone. Beware of judging yourself too harshly for presumed "failures", you have only failed if you stop trying, but sometimes things are not meant to be and in retrospect you will see why.  Beware of complacency, beware of charlatans beware of the gossip mongers, beware of self doubt. You are the Magic You are the Love You are the Power You have hidden strength to forgive and move on, to break the cycle of succumbing to vice and the eruptions of unrestrained emotional outbursts. Not for someone, but for everyone, for anyone and for self. The Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/the-global-fusion-intuitive-tarot-deck #unfilteredthought #tarotmusings #seriouscontemplation #movingbeyond #gloomydayreadings #youhavethepower https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KIynxhhwN/?igshid=3hjty1xz6htd
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nyathryce · 6 years
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5/22/2018 - #tarotmusing #tarotpoetry • • Buoyancy to ride the waves, Moon- her phases wax and wanes Wisdom used upon the stage, Nails esoteric to mundane • • • • • #nyathryce #thehierophant #fourofcups #themetaphysicalmami #wisdom #nail #wave #tarotpoetry #dailyinspiration #naturewalk #tarotalldayeveryday #illumination #insight #inspiration #mystic #musings
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candiceanitra-blog · 7 years
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I am becoming & dissolving. I am only this moment. I have no self. I am no - thing. I am at peace. This expansion ruffles many feathers. This is! I am not doing. I am being. There is working class here, there is Queendom & feifdom. I am holding up & letting go. I am new & ancient. #tarotmusings #osho #celticcross #nyack Enjoying early morning readings with a bird call soundtrack. #healingisdaily #sexualhealing
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manifestwisely · 8 years
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💖Valentines Day Musings💖 You have to know yourself before you can know others. Communication is a cornerstone for success in relationships 🗣💋 • • • • #rosequartz #tarot #tarotmusings #twoofswords #thewildunknown #tarotcommunity #tarotreadersofinstagram #valentines #valentinesday #relationships #communication
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 29 - Four Of Pentacles (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
The Four Of Pentacles is about too much balance, that things become stagnant, stuck.
When you hold on too tightly, you're cutting off new energy and new possibilities from arriving.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 28 - Page Of Cups (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
The Pages Of Swords is a bit of a go-getter. Impatient but ready. They are quick witted, confident.
But to some, they may see this as ruthless or careless and end up being offended. Help guide your inner Page, or someone you may know, develop better tact and delivery.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 27 - The Chariot (VII, Major Arcana) Tarot Card.
E27 Chariot is a bit of a go getter, someone who has learned a few things and can't wait to execute and deploy.
However at times applying our will may not be the best thing to do.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 26 - The Emperor (IV, Major Arcana) Tarot Card.
Emperor is about structure, organisation, rules and routines. It works in some ways, it stifles in others. The best place is finding a balance between when to stick with the rules, and when to let go.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 25 - Nine Of Cups (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
The Nine Of Cups is a wish card. If you've made a wish, then when this appears, your wish may be coming true! There is a sense of contentment and joy and celebration here.
But as they say 'be careful of what you wish for'. The biggest setup I see that comes with this card is the reliance on it to do the work for you. Instead of taking opportunities, you're just waiting for them to fall on your lap.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 24 - Page Of Cups (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
The Pages are young cards. This Page is about to learn about love in all its forms.
Before we had romantic relationships, we formed feelings of love and connection to things that brought up similar intense feelings, such as a piece of art, music, places.
There may be someone in your life that is about to embark on this journey, or perhaps it could be your journey.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 23 - The Lovers (VI, Major Arcana) Tarot Card.
The Lovers is a versatile card that doesn't necessarily mean a romantic loving relationship.
Put the right two people, or things together, they become more and better than if they were individual. This could be career related, project related, something you're passionate about.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 22 - Three Of Pentacles (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
Today's episode is the Three Of Pentacles.
This is at its simplest about team work and working well in groups. It's a productive experience, where everyone has contributed to an outcome.
It's also about relating better with others, using strong boundaries. Because once you are able to communicate what you want and don't want, people will know how to treat you.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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tarotsongs · 2 years
Tarot Songs Podcast 21 - Two Of Cups (Minor Arcana) Tarot Card.
Two Of Cups, fundamentally it's about love and relationships. If you're thinking about a possibility, or a potential new relationship, this card showing up is a good sign.
But it also can be about relationships in other domains of your life depending on other cards that are present in your reading. The warning this card brings is about being weary of your unconscious projections, that may stand in the way of you seeing the situation clearly.
Full episode link https://tarotsongs.substack.com/
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