#tarkin legacy
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enaelyork · 2 years ago
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I can't stop to share somes part of this, i'm so so so soooorrry
Tag : @alotofrandomfangirling
Ask for tag here
The light suddenly went out for a few seconds which was enough to surprise the whole assembly. The moment was on the program of the show, the highlight of it and I intended to ensure that it was also the apotheosis of mine.
The dark space allowed me to press my lips to his. My fingertips brushed his cheek to draw his face to mine and tease his mouth.
It wasn't a kiss, it was a taste, a shameless provocation that I intended to offer him as soon as his gaze landed on another woman.
Why ?
He captured my upper lip without insisting, it was of a rare softness, contained in something fleeting and abstract. I felt the warmth of his hand through the leather of his glove as he placed it gently on my thigh, reaching up to the hem of my dress to taunt me. I felt like he was electrocuting me and the inside of my stomach had turned into an uncontrollable hell.
Were we really kissing?
Was I feeling his skin under my fingers? I wanted to deepen this contact with him, but it was not on the agenda, the purpose of my gesture was only to spoil the evening for him.
—Enjoy your lovely company tonight…Orson.
I huffed, brushing his mouth again, letting the alcohol crash against his warm, tempting, sketchy lips. His name makes him growl softly and I couldn't help but stifle his smirk by kissing him again.
Then the light returned and all that remained of us was a magnetism that linked my eyes to his. The whole room stretched out in loud applause and my sister's gaze seemed to be smothered in the tumult that reigned around me.
In me.
My heart was pounding in every part of my body and it took all my strength to contain what was quivering inside me, like a volcano about to erupt out of control.
And we let ourselves be carried away in the torrent of euphoria, joining our applause to those of the crowd. As if all of this had never happened.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year ago
Ezra Bridger Whump | Star Wars Rebels
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"Wait! Who's roger?" - The Great Jabba
1x02 Spark of Rebellion Pt.2 - Captured/imprisoned, abandoned, punched 1x03 Droids in Distress - Freaked out 1x05 Rise of the Old Masters - Annoyed, falls from the ghost, angry/neglected, thrown 1x08 Empire Day - Depressed/heartbroken 1x09 Gathering Forces - Emotional, scared/angry, passes out, carried/comforted 1x10 Path of the Jedi - Terrified, knocked down, manipulated, witnesses horrible deaths, angry 1x12 Vision of Hope - Blacks out, manipulated, scared 1x14 Rebel Resolve - Worried 1x15 Fire Across the Galaxy - Pushed, hit by lightsaber, falls, unconscious ---------------------------
2x01 Siege of Lothal Pt.1 - Crashlanding 2x02 Siege of Lothal Pt.2 - Pinned, heartbroken (Tarkin Town) 2x05 Always Two There Are - Pinned, captured 2x06 Brothers of the Broken Horn - Frustrated, restrained, pushed 2x09 Stealth Strike - Captured/imprisoned, frustrated, nearly falls, fingers smushed (Chopper) 2x10 The Future of The Force - Scared, knocked back, 2x11 Legacy - Vision, frustrated/desperate, crying 2x12 Princess on Lothal - Heartbroken, knocked out, dragged 2x14 Legends of Lasat - Briefly unconscious 2x15 The Call - Knocked down, suffocating, weak 2x16 Homecoming - Shocked unconscious 2x21 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.1 - Falls x3, manipulated 2x22 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.2 - Manipulated, almost falls, knocked back, knocked down ---------------------------
3x01 Steps Into Shadow Pt.1 - Confronted, emotionally abandoned, angry 3x02 Steps Into Shadow Pt.2 - Scared, reprimanded 3x03 Holocrons of Fate - Scared, angry, manipulated, knocked unconscious, unconscious, headache 3x04 Antilles Extraction - Anxious 3x05 Hera's Heroes - Shocked unconscious, carried 3x06 Last Battle - Shocked unconscious 3x07 Imperial Supercommandos - Shocked unconscious, captured 3x09 Wynkahthu Job - Fall (caught) 3x11 Visions and Voices - Schizophrenic, jumpscared x3, knocked unconscious, confused panic, manipulated 3x16 Legacy of Mandalore - Betrayed, worried 3x17 Through Imperial Eyes - "Captured" 3x19 Double Agent Droid - Airlock opened 3x20 Twin Suns - Extreme exhaustion, worried, scared, hallucinating, collapses unconscious ---------------------------
4x01 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.1 - Unhinged jetpack flying the whole episode, almost falls from cliff/sacrifice 4x02 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.2 - Clumsy, helmet shocked (17:35), pain 4x03 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.1 - Frustrated 4x04 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.2 - Shocked unconscious, restrained 4x05 The Occupation - Heartbroken (Lothal) 4x06 Flight of the Defender - Clumsy, 'hallucinating', crash landing, hunted 4x07 Kindred - Tackled, manhandled, hunted 4x08 Crawler Commandeers - Manhandled 4x11 Dume - Grieving, comforted, guilt, freaked out, lost, eerily interrogated 4x13 A World Between Worlds - Briefly unconscious x2, guilt/heartbroken, knocked down, collapses, held, exhausted 4x15/16 Family Reunion & Farewell - Shot, sacrifice
forced myself to make this better than my (now deleted) og post
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: “Call To Action”
The first entry in our finale arc and the moment the gloves came off and Rebels went, “Oh you thought I was a nice safe little kids cartoon huh?  Hold my beer.”
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Yet another gorgeous establishing shot.
This sequence is staged/blocked as a parallel to the Emperor arriving on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi, the looming Star Destroyer, the Lambda shuttle, troops lined up in neat formation and the Imperial March at full ominous strength.  Fitting given that we’re bringing in the big guns.
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Tarkin was offhand mentioned as being the governor of the Outer Rim early in the series, and “Tarkintown” was a direct result of laws and policy he put into place that allowed the Empire to simply seize people’s properties to strip mine them for resources, so he’s kind of been a very background looming shadow for our Rebels from the beginning and wastes no time dressing everyone present down for making him have to come out to this stupid insignificant backwater planet personally.
The roasting is epic.
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“Look I know you’re an airheaded ditz who only got this job because Pryce is too busy faffing around the Core Worlds but you could at least not look so incompetent at it.”
Tarkin seems awfully certain there’s no possible way Kanan can be a Jedi.  I wonder if it’s a matter of he truly doesn���t believe that any survived or he’s not very impressed with Kanan as compared to the Jedi he knew.
Note again: No fanfare.
We lighten things up a bit with a brief little action setpiece, calling back to the speeder chase in the pilot.  It’s the kind of safe peril you’d expect from the early part of the show, no mess, no trouble, just fun adventure set to exciting music cues and watching our heroes be cool.
You know... lulling us into a false sense of security.
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Sabine once again participating in the banter with Ezra and even throwing in a sweet little shoulder pat as well.
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(Ezra looks disappointed that Kanan didn’t say anything to compliment him, maybe Sabine thought to cheer him up?)
Ugh, Trayvis’s slimy, “Well of course I never advocated for violence, those Rebels are twisting my message!”
The Holonet does not have Twitter Community Notes alas.
“Readers added context they thought people might want to know: You’re a lying traitorous dick and you suck.”
And the plan to take control of the Imperial communications tower is hatched.
Watching the microexpressions on Ezra’s face this whole scene is a trip, because you can tell he has misgivings but also agrees that the best way to reach the people is to break through the state-controlled media propaganda machine and offer up the truth.
Comedic staples Aresko and Grint, who have been with us on the show from the beginning, are brought in for their own dressing down before being summarily and literally beheaded in the office.
Yeah no, the first time I watched this I was like, “OKAY WELL THAT JUST HAPPENED HOLY SHIT.“
Ngl, Grand just casually walking around the desk to go stand behind them is even worse after you know what’s coming.
“Your Rebel cell is more principled than others.”  Lol is that a dig at Saw and the Partisans?
No but hold me back from getting into my messy Rebellion Era Jedi feelings and wordspewing about how even with all the Empire’s propaganda, even with all the effort and energy they expend smearing them and erasing their legacy, they still represent Hope to the ordinary people and inspire them to stand up and fight.  And how that’s so so dangerous to the careful order and control Palpatine set up and so he can’t allow any of them to survive because their mere existence makes people stare in awe and take up their arms.
*sobbing forever*
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Kallus and Tua’s slow dawning horror as they realize what’s about to happen. D:
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See, even these two are unnerved.  It takes Kallus a full second to blink himself back into composure when Tarkin addresses him.
This cue here in the aggressive low brass is part of the Inquisitor’s theme and gets used later in the big Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother introduction I’m pretty sure.
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I always love the way Rebels does background sky, it looks almost like watercolor paintings.
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“I said be optimistic.”
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“Five minutes is optimistic!”
They bring a bit of the fyrnock cue back here, I think to put us just a little bit on edge.
(Also apropos given what Ezra does moments later.)
Sabine being pouty all, “I could have done that.“
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Please appreciate how Ezra beams at Kanan’s praise and Sabine get embarrassed at how heartwarming they are.
Too bad the probe wasn’t 100% dead.
LOLOL Kallus seems a little on edge as he leaves Tarkin’s office here.
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“Lure them into a trap?  But... but I literally just tried that last episode!”
The plan is further hatched but Ezra gets solemn when Sabine brings up that things never seem to follow the plan and Kanan, sensing something up, doesn’t take Ezra’s deflection for an answer.
 Oof and watch how Ezra’s arms come up in his self-protective pose right there.
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At first, Kanan thinks it’s just insecurity about taking on the role and by implication the legacy of his parents, nervousness about speaking.  And yes, Ezra confesses that that’s part of it.  (Once again with the self-esteem issues, “I’m not brave, I’m not special, I can’t do this without the rest of you.”)
But it runs deeper.  Ezra’s afraid of loss, of having something bad happen to his new family like it happened to his parents.  But for a Jedi, fear of loss, fear of potential loss, can cripple you.  Paralyze you from being able to think and take proper action.
So Kanan reminds Ezra that loss is going to happen to matter what.  You can’t cling to the things you have, you have to let them pass away, if that’s what’s going to happen.  You can’t be attached.  You have to let go.
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“We will take more losses before this is over.”  “When the times comes, we’re going to have to be ready to sacrifice for something bigger.”
Don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four don’t think about Season Four--
The Force theme plays out sweetly in the background as Kanan talks about how they’re “learning these things together”, ending on a modified major chord to leave on a brighter note resolution.
And this is such a pretty shot.
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And this one too.  And this might be the first time we see Lothal’s twin moons?
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This is such a smooth action sequence, the way Sabine hops off her bike and lets it Tokyo drift into the cannon to blow it up before rolling into view and popping off shots, the conservation of camera movement as it cuts to Zeb, quick inserts and then Ezra and Kanan are on site.
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Hate to keep repeating myself but seriously, look at that cloud painting work.
The Imperial March, naturally, as the Empire’s vehicles close in.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Ezra’s eyes dart from target to aerial target.
The camerawork this episode is really excellent, love this dolly in shot of Grand.
Nnnfhkhg Ezra flinched a bit when Kanan got in his face and ordered him to get Zeb.
Cripes, I think Kanan is already thinking ahead to what he’s going to have to do.
“But I like this gun!”  “We’ll get you another gun!”  Children, both of you.  Lol.
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Seriously, it became an awful kind of running joke.
Right, so in spite of Kanan’s reassurances, said to get Ezra to keep going and not stall, Ezra still lingers long enough to watch Kanan shut the door behind them.
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Grand drops down accompanied by his bass chorals and Kanan turns his saber on the door controls and about right here is when I think we all knew he wasn’t going to be right behind Ezra at all.
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Again with the camerawork, this tilting pan up towards the top of the tower and then tracking dolly zoom in as the others spill out onto the balcony.
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Nooooooooo bbyyyyyyyyyy. :((((((((
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The way Zeb shields Sabine right here.
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Kanan’s matching the Inquisitor strike for strike now, and even repays the kick in the chest from “Gathering Forces”.  He’s calm, almost zen, having accepted what he has to do, and his cavalier attitude throws Grand, stalling for enough time to let Hera get there.
The “Shenanigans“ theme rolls in on somber trombones, stalling out after only the opening notes.
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Capping this scene is an exercise in, “Whose expression looks more devastated?”
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Hera’s tight-lipped tremble as she makes the call is especially hard.
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My gosh look at the smoke effects though.
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This episode really has no business being this pretty.
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I hate you Tarkin, I hate you I hate you I wanna punch you in your stupid sneering face.
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Kanan looks astonished to hear the others are still proceeding with the plan and making the transmission.  I guess he thought they might write the mission off as a loss what with his capture.
Aaaaaah Ezra I’m so proud of him!
This really is an excellent speech.
The woodwinds plink away in the background of some muted brass here, even the Main Titles theme (Luke’s theme, used to denote heroism in the Star Wars score) is quiet, fading out before a slow dooming Imperial March takes over.
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“Ho shit, they’re firing on their own tower?”
Well uh... we already knew that Tarkin doesn’t believe in overkill.
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The show makes use of some very effective silence, only the faint static of the transmitter playing over the closing stinger.  Just to drive that last devastating blow in.
And cue cliffhanger.
Ha ha, another one I don’t rewatch that often, at least not without completing it out with the next two because seriously, that is a cruel cliffhanger.
Rebels does not really believe in a static Status Quo, which I appreciate.  Even in Season One it throws wrenches, shakes things up, unmoors our characters.  And by extension us the audience. XD
Even for those of us who believed in the show from the beginning I don’t think anyone expected it to axe our two staple recurring side antagonists and end an episode with Kanan captured.
So kudos to Rebels for taking that risk.  It has more freedom to do so, granted, than a show like TCW or Kenobi, given that it’s mostly original characters not protected by Plot Armor, but still.
Next episode takes us two steps forward and one great big Mustafar step back, I can’t wait!
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orangezeppelin · 2 years ago
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LeeWeek 2023 Day 1!!
Vinny has made a lovely cake for the boys in celebration, I plan to make a lovely cake too on the 27th plus another recipe also from Vincent Price.
I've also got a few movie nights planned with my family during the week. My mom grew up loving older horror movies so she's also a fan of Christopher Lee and Vincent Price, my dad was always a big Star Wars fan so he always associates Peter Cushing with Grand Moff Tarkin (which was also my first time seeing him in a film!) and I grew up seeing Christopher Lee as Count Dooku and Saruman. All three have had such long careers and iconic roles that they boast whole generations of fans, and as long as their legacy continues there will be generations of fans to come!
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mostthingskenobi · 2 years ago
Thanks for the ask 💜
Here’s the list of asks.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
Oh my, this is fun and difficult...I can't pick 4 sentences, so is it ok if I share 4 moments...???
I've been rereading some of my fics for a project, and I have to say, some of my early stuff pains me LOL. I feel like I've grown a lot as a writer. My most recent fic, Cassian's Reckoning, feels like my best work so far (I'm sure in a few years it will make me squirm). There are a lot of parts from it that I'm proud of.
Cassian's Reckoning
“You swallow your pain.” Tarkin’s brow arched severely with amusement. “You almost never scream.” He strode forward until he was towering over the rebel. “What kind of man endures relentless torment with nary a sound?” He hooked a finger under Andor’s chin and forced his head up. “We created you, didn’t we? Hung your father in the town square. Sent you to prison as a child. Let your mother die as our suffocating grip tightened around Ferrix. And countless other perceived wrongs not in our official records.”
Cassian burned with rage at the mention of these painful memories and the casualness with which the Grand Moff paraded them out like afterthoughts. His youth had crumbled with each loss, a childhood, a family, stolen by the Empire. Andor began to shake with emotion, with a fire he had never been able to fully stamp out. He couldn’t hold it back any longer.
His father had hung in the Ferrix snow for weeks. Cassian had to walk by the body nearly every day on his way to school.
And his mother, her love as sharp and enduring as her pointed opinions, had died cold and alone, without her son by her side for comfort.
The Jedi and His Duchess
He was desperate to make her see reason. “They won’t just kill you, Satine.”
His tone made her pause, and she finally looked into eyes as he spoke the brutal truth.
“The insurgents don’t just want you dead, they want you destroyed. They’ll make an example of you. They’ll shame you, rip you to shreds, destroy your legacy before they murder you in a public square so all of Mandalore can watch. You won’t die a martyr, Satine. You’ll die for nothing.”
The Dark Side of Obi-Wan Kenobi Part 2
Obi-Wan searched his heart, hoping to convince himself that his theory was wrong, but no argument was strong enough to dissuade him. The Council had isolated him, starved him, forced him to relive torture and explore the darkest recesses of his mind. Perhaps their true intention was to force him to confront and defeat the Dark Side that resided in him, but they were sorely misguided if they thought such a simple approach would destroy something so powerful. Whether it was intentional or not, the Jedi Council had led him down a darker path than they realized. They had provoked him, provoked the evil that lived inside him. And now it had grown so big and so powerful that he was no longer certain where he ended and it began.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and the Loth Wolf
So, whether or not it killed him, he would accept his fate. At least this way his death would be part of a larger, exquisite cycle that was more meaningful than his personal triumphs.
And here's a snippet from a fic I've been working on that I am SO EXCITED to eventually share with you. It doesn't have a name yet.
Because you cannot move forward until you are honest with yourself.
Obi-Wan didn’t know where the thought came from; it just seemed to pop into his head.
He suddenly felt a rush of emotion like a dam breaking. It wasn’t doubt. He did not doubt. He knew with all his heart that he was meant to be a Jedi.
It was fear.
Deep, pressing, suffocating fear.
Fear of the unknown. Fear of loss. Fear of not being good enough or strong enough. Fear of failure.
He feared history repeating itself.
He feared failing Anakin.
Obi-Wan began to shake uncontrollably as his pulse began to race. Did a man full of fear have the right to call himself a Jedi? Throughout his entire life he had been able to control his fear, but now he had been taken to the brink, right to the exposed edge where his master had slipped into the abyss, leaving him standing alone in a waking nightmare. And Kenobi was left with fear dripping from him like a residue, like a toxin that had no antidote.
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000tragicsolitude000 · 2 years ago
EU/Canon Character Pairs
For fun - characters from the old EU and canon I think are similar in some way and some are more superficial than others (since I’m not necessarily familiar with all these EU characters nor the High Republic). I imagine them drawn together in pairs in the same way as the Legacy comic covers of Adam Hughes, but that's for good artists to do.
Ania Solo & Rey
Galaxy-roaming scavengers. 
Vergere & Ezra Bridger
Jedi lost somewhere far, far away.
Yord Fandar & Ganner Rhysode
Self-important Knights.
Dass Jennir & Kanan Jarrus 
Jedi forced to adapt to the dark times. 
Soontir Fel & Soren Keize 
Respected Imperial aces.
Mirta Gev & Sabine Wren 
Mandalorian women with complicated family history.
Ferus Olin & Cal Kestis 
Padawans on the run.
(As for Jedi Survivor, I’d pair that Cal fighting on his alone against impossible odds with Kerra Holt.)
Nomi Sunrider & Avar Kriss
Exceptional Jedi from long ago. 
Ysanne Isard & Gideon 
Imperial warlords and knowledgeable schemers.
Winter Celchu & Vel Sartha
Agents of the early rebellion.
Celeste Morne & Dagan Gera
Jedi of old, sealed away to receive a rude awakening in the future.
Ordo Skirata & Hunter 
Leaders of a family of unique clones.
Fenn Shysa & Bo–Katan Kryze 
Mandalorian leaders fighting against Imperial occupation.
Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire & First Order Stomtroopers 
Soldiers of the future.
Garm Bel Iblis & Saw Gerrera
Opposed to Mon Mothma and fighting their own war against the Empire.
Fordo & Rex 
Captains with Jaig eyes. 
Jacen Solo & Ben Solo 
Descendants of Anakin Skywalker, seduced to follow the footsteps of Darth Vader.
Natasi Daala & Ellian Zahra
Tarkin’s failed protégés.
Lorana Jinzler & Shin Hati 
Dutiful apprentices involved with Thrawn.
Hanharr & Krrsantan 
Powerful, fierce and estranged from their people. 
Tsavong Lah & Grievous
Proud warriors and commanders with a grudge against Jedi.
The Hand of Judgment & Clone Force 99
Deserters from the Empire.
Pors Tonith & Trench
Brilliant Separatist commanders foiled by Anakin Skywalker.
Warb Null & Marrok
Armored tools of the dark side.
Bria Tharen & Qi’ra 
Han Solo’s first love.
AG-37 & IG-11
More than just assassin droids. 
The Imperial Knights & The Inquisitors  
Force-wielding servants of the Empire. 
C-3PX & 0-0-0 
Protocol droids specialized in a different form of human/cyborg relations.
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love the idea of tarkin as a sith ofc but i'm thinking about an au in which he started out as a jedi.
in my jedi!padme x senator!anakin au, i figured that i could make the turn tables even more by having tarkin also be a jedi. his fixation on law and order vs his intense, immense violent urges would make him an insane jedi. like?
and bc anakin wouldn't turn into vader in this au (i could actually perhaps see him as becoming an imperial officer but idk,) (and i don't think padme would turn evil, either,) i figured that tarkin would be the vader fill-in for this au, apprenticeship to palpatine and all. like tarkin is already besties with palpatine, it'd be so easy for palpatine to be like 'hey ;) be my apprentice?'
in this au padme would be force-sensitive, and after being the queen for a little bit, the jedi show up and are like Woah and recruit her then, or maybe during her reign they send her a master so they can train her without forcing her to leave her royal duties. i think obi-wan would be her master in this au, and all the stuff with qui-gon and obi-wan on naboo in tpm would still happen, just with padme being force sensitive instead of anakin. all the stuff on tatooine in tpm probably didn't happen/happen the same way without them.
schmi continues to raise anakin like normal and she marries into the lars family. anakin becomes the senate's representative for tatooine, and padme has to end up protecting him and all that bodyguard stuff and they fall in love and get secret married.
i imagine that because padme is so much more used to the stresses of politics than canon!anakin, thanks to her family and reign as queen, that she wouldn't be as worried about assassination attempts against anakin as regular canon anakin is about padme being in that situation. i think that in and of itself would bother senator!anakin, and drive him to being more evil, but i don't think there would be as many outside forces making padme evil (like i don't think palpatine could manipulate her like he did to canon!anakin) so she would just like. remain a good guy. she would in theory be the chosen one instead of anakin, and then luke being the chosen one after her makes sense. her giving birth to luke would be why she's the chosen one, i guess? i could see padme's death during child-birth filling in for canon!anakin's turn to vader in this au.
i was thinking that having tarkin be a jedi too would make sense in this au. i imagine he probably didn't join until he was a teenager, at least. his family definitely disapproved of it, and might've tried to prevent it. canon!tarkin simultaneously resents and thanks his family for his upbringing. he is the way he is because of them, but he is also the exception to most of the bullshit in their ideology. i think in this au he would be more outwardly contemptuous towards them and his family legacy. canon!tarkin wanted to join the judicial department and handle law and order in the galaxy, but was convinced by palpatine to explore politics.
him being a jedi, a peacekeeper turned warrior during the clone wars, would be so interesting. he'd be insane about it. torturing people and being like 'huh? :^) ofc i didn't kill anybody. i simply insured they got what they deserved! :^)' in this au, i imagine palpatine would instead drive tarkin towards the dark side.
i think tarkin's lightsaber would initially be purple or blue :)
i was trying to figure out who i should make his master and padawan, because he's a bit older, ofc. my brother suggested bail organa as tarkin's padawan and like i'll be insane forever. bail leaving the jedi order to settle down with breha would hurt tarkin A Lot. like? tarkin was never given the option of living a 'normal' life either way. it would bewilder him. kinda similar to anakin feeling at fault for ahsoka leaving the order in canon.
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consistantly-changing · 2 years ago
[Image descriptions in order: two tweets by @/otherhappyplace "🦋The Other Happy Place🦋" which say "i truly do not like this era of "we took dead actors and jangled their corpses around like jingling keys in front of audiences" i don't like it. i do not like it. it is inhuman.
"like, the dead actor can't even say "hey go ahead and make photorealistic cartoons of me forever, make me say and do things that i can't ever complain about" cause. you didn't ask them.
it's ghoulish.
you made necromancy lame and rude."]
[@/PopCultureVoid "Emma🦀" replies "Honestly I thought I was insane for thinking it's disgusting.
The Other Happy Place responds "its gross. its...disrespectful to the dead. it's weird. like quote "hey you are a commodity, long after you no longer breathe, you WILL generate money for me." Unquote."]
[A reply to the original tweets, by @/V2Jake "Jake | CR: HELLBLAZER " which says in all capitals, "I LOVE UNETHICAL CGI NECROMANCY!!!!!!" Attached is a wojak of a person with his eyes wide and mouth open. He is wearing a beige shirt that says "I heart cameos", with the heart being a photo of a real human heart. In the left hand he holds a spiderman Funko pop, in the right he holds a green lightsaber, and he is wearing a flash baseball cap on his head. Around him, are images of movies that use CGI to replace actors, or digitally change them, such as Mark Hamill in the new Star Wars movies, several Marvel movies, Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman, General Tarkin from Star Wars, and Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters Afterlife.
"Lexington Cheesecake Factory" replies "Taking passionate actors who look the part and superimposing the uncanny Al corpse-face of the role's previous actor is bad actually".]
[Three replies to the original tweets. @/mrblobbystan "Cón L. 🐀" Says "It's cultural rot. There are so many new voices we could hear in cinema but they're drowned out by literal corpses".
@/Greenie_GrnBn "Green" says "I remember reading a news article a few weeks ago about the dangers of Al music and some exec was like quote "we obviously think there's potential for the technology. Just imagine if we could make new songs from artists like Whitney Houston" unquote, like no that is wrong on so many levels".
@/Invisichad "Chaddington" says "In addition to this, I also feel like it's always some cruel executive making decisions like this, thinking everyone will love it, and then hundreds of creative people are forced to bring it to life against their better judgement".]
[Three more replies to the original tweets. "🦉A Rather Bewildered Owl🦉" says "I had a terrifying realization the other day while being forced to listen to reruns of America's top 40 with Casey Kasem. the professional radio DJ is going to disappear very soon, replaced by Al reproductions of Casey Kasem."
@/ejlart "Erin " says "It is a genuinely distressing phenomenon! I think it's a part of humans not wanting to truly let go? But artists unfortunately die and they unfortunately leave things unfinished and unsaid, and *that* has to be a part of their legacy as well, in my mind!"
@/John Roycomic "John Roy" says "It feels like not just making a hologram Freddy Mercury do a Queen show, but also making him say quote "Give it up for Adam Lambert, isn't he great? Enjoy Vegas!" Unquote."]
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enaelyork · 2 years ago
Tagged by @fenharel-enaste thank you so muuuuch <3
So, wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks/Most words/Least words
Most hits, kudos, comments:
✨Evil grows with love (Robotnik x Reader)
✨BLUE ( Thrawn X F!Oc Tarkin)
Most bookmarks, most words:
✨If we had a Soul (Hux X F!Oc) with 62,197 words...And it's not over.
Least words:
My Orson Krennic Headcanons for sure
✨Dating Krennic (Nsfw)
✨Dating Krennic
✨Wedding proposal (Krennic x F! Tarkin Reader)
Tagging some lovely talented people: @starlady66 @lady-of-imladris, @vibratingbonesbis, @ele-millennial-weirdo, @obsessed2fics, @air-mechanical💖
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dispatchdcu · 1 month ago
Star Wars: A New Legacy #1 Preview
Star Wars: A New Legacy #1 Preview #StarWarsANewLegacy #MARVEL #marvelcomics #ahsoka #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #previews #reviews #starwars #darthvader #vader #skywalker #starwarscomics #jedi
Star Wars: A New Legacy #1 Preview: A DECADE OF MARVEL STAR WARS COMICS! Celebrate ten years of MARVEL STAR WARS comics with all-new stories by some of the most influential creators of the decade. Thrill as DARTH VADER, GRAND MOFF TARKIN, DARTH MOMIN, DOCTOR APHRA, VALANCE, CHANATH CHA, RIK DUEL, COMMANDER ZAHRA, THE TAGGES and more collide during a grand Imperial event thrown by PALPATINE. Gasp…
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ganiduperera-mga2024mi5016 · 8 months ago
Introductory paragraphs for the chosen topics of research
Miniature effects vs. CGI
The world of cinema has always relied on miniature effects and computer-generated imagery to take audiences to a fantastical realm and heighten the story's impact. On the one hand, Miniature effects, which are meticulously constructed models provide a grounded, in-camera realism that audiences have admired for years, and on the other the side, computer-generated imagery (CGI) has unleashed limitless possibilities into what can be made into reality from bringing dinosaurs or mythical creatures to life and environments which were previously only can be imagined. This research dives into the rivalry and the partnership between these two different techniques. We’ll look into each one’s strengths and shortcomings, and how they affect the viewer's perception of what is realistic and not. Finally, we will look into how miniature effects and CGI, when used in tandem and with artistic mastery, can elevate storytelling to new heights, each offering a unique window into the director's imagination.
The use of CGI to Resurrecting dead actors
The world of cinema has entered a new era, one where death no longer ends the career of an actor. With the advancement of Computer-generated imagery (CGI), filmmakers now have the uncanny ability to resurrect dead actors on screen. This technological advancement has been used to return a final farewell to iconic characters like Brian played by Paul Walker in the Furious 7 (2015) and bring back characters like Grand Moff Tarkin played by Peter Cushing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016). Even though, some view it as a respectable tribute, a way to preserve an actor's brilliance beyond death, some consider it as a disrespectful and unethical way that cheapens the irreplaceable qualities of a live performance of an actor. This research will dive into the pros such as how it can be used to preserve the legacy or how it can bring closure to fans and the cons such as the uncanny valley effect and ethical concerns.
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goonchef · 21 hours ago
yknow yknow yknow Honestly ive had tumblr since 2012/2013 and ...... i should've expected this. im a fucking fool.for hitting post and thing "oh yeah this will dissolve into oblivion" bitte halte rebloging meine kacken. all the world is gonna remember me for is "pop lock and drop" tarkin and everybody gettin funky n hot for deutsch emmrich. i can't decide my fucking legacy you guys dictate it.
it is my firm belief that everyone should experience german emmrich but... not everyone can speak german so i played the whole game in german so non-german speakers can have him too without having to learn german
obviously i didnt add everything otherwise it would be 20 minutes long
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usagirotten · 1 year ago
Disney and DK Publishing Announce “Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire”
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Disney and DK Publishing announced Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire, a new book that will take a deep dive into the Emperor's rise to power and his fall from the throne in Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi. The book will span the Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, and Age of Rebellion eras of the official Star Wars timeline, and will explore the dark times from stories across mediums — movies, games, series, books, and comics — with chapters covering every aspect of the Emperor's regime. Author and historian Dr. Chris Kempshall, known for his work on Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy, takes the helm on this ambitious project. His mission? To explore the untold stories, secrets, and machinations that shaped the galaxy during the Empire’s reign. From the glittering halls of the Imperial Palace to the gritty battlefields of distant planets, Kempshall promises an immersive experience that spans movies, games, series, books, and comics.
What to Expect
- Comprehensive Coverage: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire leaves no stone unturned. Chapters dissect every facet of the Emperor’s iron-fisted rule, from military strategy to propaganda machinery. - In-Depth Analysis: Ever wondered what it was like to serve in the Imperial Navy or attend a stormtrooper academy? Kempshall provides answers, drawing from canonical sources and his own historical insights. - Post-Empire Reflections: As the dust settles after the Battle of Endor, how do citizens view the fallen Empire? What legacy does it leave behind? Prepare for thought-provoking perspectives.
A First Look
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  The striking cover art hints at the dichotomy between power and vulnerability. Palpatine’s sinister visage looms large, while the fractured Death Star II serves as a stark reminder of the Empire’s ultimate defeat. Uncover a history of galactic evil. “So this is how liberty dies—with thunderous applause.”  —Senator Padmé Amidala When Sheev Palpatine declared the birth of his new Empire, he expected it would stand for thousands of years. Instead, it lasted only 24. This is the story of how a tyrannical regime rose from the ashes of democracy, ruled the galaxy with an iron fist, and then collapsed into dust. It is a story of war and heroes. It is a story of propaganda and the power of fascism. But most of all, it is a story of normal people trying to live their lives in the face of brutal dictatorship. From the barbarity of Darth Vader’s campaigns to the horrors of the Tarkin Initiative, this book offers new insights into the dark entity at the core of the Star Wars saga, with chapters covering economic strategy and political organization, propaganda, crime and punishment, military tactics, and warfare, giving even the most expert Star Wars fans a fresh perspective on the Galactic Empire.
Release Date
Mark your calendars! July 9, 2024 is when this tome of Imperial lore hits the shelves. Pre-orders are already available on Amazon. Whether you’re a seasoned Star Wars scholar or a curious Padawan, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire promises to be an essential addition to your library. Stay tuned to StarWars.com for more exclusive insights into the dark side of a galaxy far, far away. Read the full article
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paddymcgintysgoat · 1 year ago
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The trio combined made over 400 movies – most in the horror genre.
Each of these 3 genuinely charming character actors brought their own flavor to their roles;
Price played the sinister, revengeful villain….in movies like The Fly, The House of Wax, and Theater of Blood….although, I like him best as the kindly old inventor in Edward Scissorhands.  His voice-over work was used by Alice Cooper and Michael Jackson on his song Thriller. He even recorded his own remake of  The Monster Mash.
Cushing was the icy, menacing figure portraying Victor Frankenstein, Van Helsing, and Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars. (Because his costume boots hurt his feet, George Lucas allowed him to film the movie in his slippers.)  
Lee, always the deadly charmer, played Dracula (in 9 films, no less), Rasputin, Frankenstein’s monster, and even the Mummy. Lee also contributed his talents to Star Wars movies, as Count Dooku, and the Lord of the Rings as the wizard Saruman.
Although the 3 were great friends, and almost share the exact birthday – Price and Lee were born May 27, Cushing; May 26 – It’s hard to believe that they only made one movie together; The House of the Long Shadow.
The Bat Pack may be gone from this earth now, but the screen legacy of these brilliant actors will continue to chill…….
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everydayimslothin · 2 years ago
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Doing an RP involving a hypothetical daughter of Tarkin sending her father this on life day and wanted to share because it may be the funniest thing I make all year. (Original image used: Pastoral (n.d.) by Peter Ferguson (Canadian, 1968)
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super-jane5 · 3 years ago
Dark Lord of the Sith by Charles Soule
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Dark Lord of the Sith focuses on the early days of Darth Vader. How he met the Inquisitors, the building of his Mustafar palace, and more importantly how Anakin Skywalker still haunts him.
Darth Vader is my favourite Star Wars character, and these comics didn’t change that. It was very entertaining to see Vader adjust to his new way of life. At this point in the Star Wars timeline Vader has just lost everything and its interesting to see the struggle between Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker. The struggle between serving his new Master and bringing Padme back. During this time Vader is still being the badass bad guy he always is.
The artwork is phenomenal, especially considering The Empire’s colour scheme is mainly dull colours. So much detail went into different worlds visited and each species we meet. Giuseppe Camuncoli did an amazing job.
Any Star Wars fan will enjoy this comic series. It will not let you down.
My Rating: 5 stars
Vol 1 Imperial Machine: 30/03/2022
Vol 2 Legacy’s End: 30/04/2022
Vol 3 The Burning Seas: 04/05/2022
Vol 4 Fortress Vader: 04/05/2022
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