proudlymale · 1 year
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Trace Trainer
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highladyofterrasen7 · 9 months
Violet: I can’t deal with them… fucking
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skyward-floored · 10 months
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acquired-stardust · 3 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX Gameboy Color 1998
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random-brushstrokes · 9 months
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Eugenio Vivó Tarin (Spanish, 1869 - 1925) - La canción
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link-is-a-dork · 6 months
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Fourth Wing + Iron Flame
Professor Devera is a real one and underrated af. Not only did she try to expose the Wyvern and Venin but Chapter 26, she signalled to Violet that Xaden was the one who got hurt in one of the simplest and random ways knowing that Violet would pick up because she’s just so smart.
I had to highlight that part because I just loved it.
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digitalfountains · 5 months
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Eliza Sys by Lady Tarin
- Pig Magazine
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vincekris · 7 months
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Lady Tarin
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tetrameryxx · 4 months
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This just in: D&D gets me to draw people. Second one with the deer is my partner @pinyonrice's character
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Asks are open if anyone wants to submit Fourth Wing/ The Empyrean series imagines/ fanfics (reader inserts are fine as well!) Sorry if this isn't any good, I'm just getting back into writing after a long time of not writing.
Concept:  Xaden tries to comfort Violet from an anxiety attack that Andrana accidentally causes before Violet can shield fully. Takes place in Fourth Wing, there are no Iron Flame spoilers & Liam is still alive. (RIP)
Trigger warning for anxiety attacks and sorta self-harm though it’s not consciously intentional.  (nails biting into skin, scraping one’s self purposely) Also mild blood.  
Violet POV: 
My heart races as I borderline run back to my room, the walls feel like they're closing in as my vision spots in and out. I’m going to fail for everyone, I’m not good enough to be Tarins. I’m going to get them killed.
Everything is too much, everything is too loud, Tarin's shouts in my brain are too muddled as I slam open my door and close it just as hard. My hands tremble as I grip my chest. Nails bite into the little exposed skin I have on my neck as I claw at myself. My clothes feel too tight as if they are choking me as the room spins violently. 
My door slams open and Liam stands there looking panicked, accessing the room for danger before his gaze lands on me. “Violet, what the hell is going on? You just fucking bolted from sparring like you saw Malek himself” He stands in my doorway and tried to step forward but stumbles back as though he can’t get in. “I can’t-” My throat closes as I wheeze for air, my lungs completely incapable of letting me get the slightest breath in. My eyes tear up as Liam turns on his heel and races off, slamming the door behind him.
Xaden won’t get here in time, my lungs are killing me, he’s going to be too late and I can’t do anything about it. My own body is going to get all of us killed, I’m going to die, Barlow is going to be so pissed that he’s not the reason I’ll be announced on the death roll tomorrow. 
“Child, you need to calm yourself.” A low-pitched feminine voice cuts through my scattered thoughts. I stand there shaking, breath laboured as I squeeze my watering eyes shut. “He’ll be there soon, just hold on.” Sgayel, my brain catches on, to her firm tone. “Tairn, what's happening?” I plead down our bond, desperate to make this stop. My head pounds as my breath catches again, a garbled wheezing noise comes out as I trip backwards and onto the floor. Pain lances through the back of my skull as it hits the edge of the bed frame. “Andarna, she’s panicking about what would happen to you if something were to happen to me, unfortunately, she’s forcing her emotions onto you.” His tone has an aggressive snap to it as if he’s lashing out at Andarna. “How, how do I make it stop? Please.” 
Before he could respond my door opened again, Liam found Xaden. 
Heavy steps fall in front of me as my gaze snaps up to Xaden’s onyx eyes, wide with worry as he sinks down in front of me. My ears ring as I try desperately to focus on him, my head throbbing more with each passing second as I wheeze again. He grasps both of my hands in one of his, his mouth moving though I hear no words. “Violence, I need you to focus. You’re okay, you need to shut the bond with Andarna down. Close the door just like we practiced a few weeks ago.” Xaden’s voice rings softly through my head, words commanding but not in his usual bossy tone. “I can’t. Make it stop.” I plead with him as tears fall from my eyes, burning as my walls come down.  
Another set of hands is on me, touching the back of my head and I jump forward. Xaden catches me, holding me against his chest. Arms circling me as I grip onto him tightly, faintly I hear someone curse. “Listen to the Wing Leader. Focus.” Tairn’s stressed voice chimes in. “Focus on me Violence, you usually don’t have a problem with being distracted when I’m around.” Xaden chimes up through the bond. “If it wasn’t for the fact of I feel like I’m dying I’d stab you.” I shoot back at him, and he has the nerve to laugh while I struggle to breathe in his arms. “Just focus, study your bonds. Take your time. I’m right here.” His calming voice helps break through the intense panic. 
Picturing Andarna’s shimmering gold door I try to shove against it, but it barely budges as it pushes back, every push makes my lungs wheeze again. “It’s okay, you’re doing great. Just try again.” Xaden encourages.
 The ringing lessens as I feel Tairn trying to help as I push again, slowly it begins to close, my head throbs harder as we keep going. “That’s it, good girl. You’re doing so good.” Xaden says again, his deep voice helping ground me even more. One of his hands runs up and down my back, and I can feel another set pressing against the back of my head. Finally with one last shove her door closes as I sag with relief into Xaden’s leather-clad arms. 
Turning my head slightly I look up and see Liam crouched just behind me, holding a black cloth against the back of my head, though there’s blood flecked against his hand. Tairn rumbles as I hear Sgayel pipe in. “She’s just an adolescent, her emotions are more intense than ours. She’ll be okay now.” Her tone is that of a mother consoling a child. The ringing finally stops as I take in my room, breaths still shallow as I can finally hear Liam. 
“She should be okay, the bleeding is stopping now. You still with us Vi?” His sky-blue eyes flick down to my lingering gaze. “Yeah.” I manage to choke out as my head swims, Xaden sighs in relief as I unclench my hands from the back of his flight leather. “Thank you,” Xaden says to Liam as he continues to hold me, Liam takes the cloth away from my head as I shift to rest my head into the crook of Xaden’s neck. Exhaustion settles over my body quickly as the adrenaline leaves, Liam crouches in front of me, one hand resting against my shin as Xaden pulls me further into him. “Have you ever had this happen before?” Liam asks and I shake my head no. “I’ve felt something similar when Brennan died, but not to this extent.” My voice is hoarse as I answer. “It’s normal, my sister Sloane used to get them when we were kids. It’s called an anxiety attack, physically you’re okay but you spiral so bad mentally that it puts you in fight or flight. Take it easy the rest of today. You’re probably already feeling like shit?” He questions and I nod yes. “How bad?” I ask “You aren’t concussed, but head injuries bleed like a bitch. I’ll grab you some water okay?” He asks softly and I give him a small smile. “Thank you.” He nods and stands, throwing the cloth to the hamper by my desk. “Yeah, it’s no problem. It’s what friends are for.” He ruffles my hair as he walks by. “Oh and you definitely need to wash your hair, those silver tips are kinda dyed red now. Though it does look kind of badass.” He throws it over his shoulder as he walks out of the room and softly shuts the door behind him. 
“Let’s get you up,” Xaden says as he lifts me bridal style and then lays me down on my bed. I move over some as he sits on the edge of my bed, looking down at me. “Do you want me to stay for a bit?” He asks “Please” I respond and he throws his legs up, shifting himself so his back is against the wooden headboard. “Has this ever happened to you?” “No, not from Sgayel at least, and never to the extent you were at.” “What exactly happened?” I ask. “From what Sgayel is telling me, Andarna got herself worked up and because she’s young she didn’t realize she was sending her crisis and panic down the bond to you. Tairn and Sgayel are with her right now, though I don’t think Tairn is helping the situation.” “Ease up on her, she didn’t mean to.” I shoot to Tairn and he replies instantly. “We will discuss this later, you focus on letting the Wing Leader take care of you while we deal with the child.” His grumpy tone leaves no room for arguing. After a few moments of silence, I ask Xaden.  
“Can I have you undo my braid please?” he sucks in a breath as his hands move. “Yeah, come here.” He helps shift me as I lay my head in his lap. Fingers softly moving through the motions of untangling my crown braid, my eyes flutter shut as my body finally relaxes into his tender touches, being careful of where my head hit the bed frame as he finally unravels it. “Mira used to play with my hair to get me to sleep.” I yawn out, the moment feeling intimate between the two of us. “It’s okay, just sleep. I’ve got you.”
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thechibilitwick · 6 months
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「アナタの言葉に溶けるのさ」 命綱
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redrcs · 1 year
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I haven't identified it yet, but I love the spiral arms. It puts me in mind of stacked spiral galaxies
On my travels
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krokaxe · 5 months
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What if I told you that this is only one branch of a much larger tree?
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thekind97 · 3 months
I am writing a fan fic of Xaden Riorson on Wattpad. But the fourth wing community is so much bigger here. So I thought I’d upload it here too.
Also, it’s my first time writing fanfic since I was a preteen. So please be kind. But I’m really enjoying it and I’d be happy to write any requests.
I'm an ordinary ish girl; I just had my 20th birthday. It was lovely. My friends came over because my family had thrown me a surprise party. When I came down the stairs, balloons and streamers were everywhere. Everyone had a party hat and a smile on their face. Even my dog had a party hat on, and he greeted me with a wagging tail and licks of my hands. It was an amazing night with drinks and food galore. I've never felt loved so much. When I went to bed, you couldn't help but smile. That is when I reached out to re-read one of my favourite fantasy books.
Everything was normal when I woke up. I hadn't gotten up until 11:30 am, and it was fine, being a Sunday. Plus, I did not go to bed until quite late due to getting lost in time reading. I smile, remembering all that had happened the night prior. It was my dream birthday. I headed to the bathroom, where your sibling clearly took a shower. There was condensation on the mirror with 'lazy sister' written. We have always done this with your siblings since you were young. When I went to take a step into the shower, I slipped on water left on the floor. This resulted in me hitting my head on the bathroom counter. The room gets fussy, and I lost my footing, hitting the ground.
When I pick up my head, it's confusing I see so many people with what seem to be their families. Underneath my hands, I feel cobblestones and a bit of random rocks that seem to be much ignored except by me. All of the bustling people saying goodbye don't seem to notice a girl on the ground on her hands and knees.
Trying to get my bearings, a girl offers me her hand to get up, which I take. Looking at her face, I see she is quite pale with pale eyes. ' It's like that skin has never seen the sun,' I think to myself. Taking her hand, she helps pull me up to my feet.
"Thank you so much...." I start to thank her when I remember not knowing her name, making a confused face, hoping she would connect the dots.
"Oh ya, my name is Violet Sorrengail, It's no problem I am happy to help." She says. The girl next to her scoffs, she is much bigger than Violet, and she hair is in a short pixie cut.
"That kindness will be your death here, Violet." She clearly does not like the choice to help you up. The older girl looks at you for the first time, and her eyes widen.
"Where did you get that vest?" She took a couple of steps forward to me. Now very much in my personal space, even touching the vest tied to my chest. "I ugh got it from family." I am so taken aback by the whole situation in front of you that I haven't paid much attention to what I am wearing. When I look down, I feel the scaly material over my fingers, black with a purple iridescent when the light hits it just right. I'm so caught up in my confusion about how my clothes could have possibly changed, and Violet Sorrengail seems like such a familiar name for some reason.
The older girl talks again. "Ok, what is your family's name then?" It hits me like a ton of bricks. I know why it feels so familiar. I have been here in my imagination. The large gate to a staircase that leads to a parapet that I can partially see in the distance. The name Sorengail. I am nowhere close to my bathroom on Earth. I am in Basgialth and about to cross the parapet in one of my favourite books.
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link-is-a-dork · 9 months
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