#tape sessions
bakanokiwami · 10 months
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To make this ranking, all series titles in Other Media were copy-pasted to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and then manually filtered since not all podcasts were marked as such.
The numbers under each rank indicate how much they rose/fell in the rankings based on last year's (Oct. 24, 2023) rankings, which can be found here. The gray numbers in parenthesis indicate how much fanworks it gained since last year.
The data for this year and last year's rankings were taken while logged in, so lcoked fanworks are included in the count.
A few web series like Critical Role and Dimensions 20 released audio-only versions of their works too, but I left them out since they were listed was a web series on ao3 and more known as one too.
Cabin Pressure has also been left off the list this time since its podcast format was only released in 2019, years after it aired on the radio.
All nonfiction podcasts have also been excluded (Not that there were many), because with RPFs, it’s hard to tell if the fic in question is just based on the podcast or because of the things the person has done outside of it. Last year, I accidentally included The Misfits in the list since I didn't realize from its description that it was nonfiction.
The Two Princes (Podcast) ranks 21st in the rankings this year, and actually ranked 20th last year when the rankings are adjusted to exclude Cabin Pressure and The Misfits.
The College Tapes is actually a spinoff of The Bright Sessions.
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t mess up anywhere! 🙏
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magic-dustt · 9 months
The way I would sell my soul just to have one person who would be willing to lie on the floor with me and listen to my favorite podcasts. Am I asking for too much? I know you'd like Limetown, I know you'd like TMA, I know you'd like Archive 81. Why won't anyone just lie on the floor with me, goddammit…
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beano-no-know69 · 4 months
hey can anyone give me recs for good spooky audio dramas?
Also bonus points if there’s gays in it (although honestly at this point I go into podcasts assuming there will be, and am hardly ever wrong)
Ones I’ve liked and listened to are: the Magnus archives, the box, king falls am, old gods of Appalachia, darkest night, limetown, spines, the bright sessions, wolf 359, all the public radio alliance ones, Alice isn’t dead, archive 81, life after, the message, the far meridian, the bridge, mirrors, the 12:37, penumbra, strange case of starship iris, girl in space, the leap year society, Mabel, and the white vault
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sizzy-is-my-otp · 10 months
I recently got into podcasts cuz of my friend and I need some new ones aaaa. Fiction and Humor are a must and if they have great characters, that's even better. So far I've listend to: - Wolf 359 - The Bright Sessions - The AM Archives - The College Tapes - ars PARADOXICA - Zero Hours - 36 Questions And I currently have these on my list: - Forgive me! - ARDEN - Think Fast Bonus points if they have any of the w359 cast in them cuz I go crazy when I hear their voices in random places :)
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bonebuckets · 15 days
whoever picked up the music in the later seasons of the Bright Sessions/AM Archives/College Tapes absolutely COOKED
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the "you don't have enough fear after what happened in Paris?" in the loumand fight scene was actually WILDDDD as if bestie didn't actually lead the paris coven and then direct the play that almost murdered his husband 😭😭😭 like
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Hey podcast listening ppl I need help please!
One of my summer resolutions is to get back into listening to more fiction podcasts that I haven't heard yet. Under the line will be a complete list of podcasts I have listened to or am currently listening to (I will specify) and I'm gonna color code the names based off how much I liked them and I'd love it if y'all could suggest shows based off of that, thank you :)
Green = favorite
Orange = enjoyed
Blue = meh
Red = bad
Juno Steel (still listening)
The Magnus Archives
The Magnus Protocol (still listening)
The Bright Sessions
The Orphans
Camp Here And There
RADIO: Outcast (still listening)
EOS 10
Archive 81
Brimstone Valley Mall
Look Up
The Second Citadel (haven't finished but gave up)
The Strange Case Of Starship Iris
The Bridge
Wooden Overcoats
Red Valley (still listening)
The Sheridan Tapes (also gave up)
Midnight Burger (still listening)
Malevolent (still listening)
Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins
Victoriocity (still listening)
Zero Hours
The Riddler: Secrets in The Dark
Hot White Heist
Rogues! The Podcast (still listening)
Desert Skies
Mount Olympus University
The Adventures Of Sir Rodney The Root
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spacizia · 4 months
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don’t worry, he got better
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charliar · 5 months
Hi @thelaurenshippen and @thebrightsessions !!
I first started listening to "The Bright Sessions" in 2020. During lockdown I got really into audio dramas and after it's been sitting on my list for some time I decided to finally start it. And I haven't stopped listening to it since. "The Bright Sessions" became my favorite podcast ever and I couldn't even tell how many times I listened to it all. It got a special part in my heart.
I didn't like Oliver at first. Didn't pay much attention to him in "The Am Archives" and honestly I was kinda annoyed when he showed up in "The College Tapes". That was until episode 714. When I heard him say "Can you stay?" I couldn't stop thinking about it for the whole next day. In the following week I had this episode on loop. Right now, I can basically quote it all the way through. These three words completely changed my view on Oliver and from that point on he became one of my favorite characters ever, in all kinds of media. Him and Mark got me back into reading, as well, as writing fanfiction which I am so utterly grateful because since lockdown I struggled a lot with reading and writing. I've got absolutely obsessed with Mark and Oliver to the point everyone around me knows who they are. It's been years since I got so attached to a character or a ship and I'm so happy it happened to be them.
It's my birthday this week. Last year I decided that I'm going to get my next tattoo as a gift to myself and when I was talking with my sister about my future tattoo plans I said I really want to get something related to TBS but I don't really have any idea. So when she suggested a quote I knew exactly what I'm gonna get. So I did. I got three words that had such a impact on my life even though they aren't something you'd expect to do so. This quote means so much to me and I'm so incredibly happy and proud of this tattoo. This podcast means so much to me and I'll forever be grateful that it exists. So thank you Lauren and thank you to the whole cast and crew for creating something so incredible 💜
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thegaycousin-upgrade · 6 months
I was relistening to The Bright Sessions and Adam’s FIRST LINE on the whole show is “what the FUCK is that supposed to mean” ICONIC! That’s iconic as hell. Also him going “oh well that’s good” after Caleb says he likes him.
Adam is gold. The green boys are gold. This episode is gold. This season is gold. The bright sessions is gold. The atypical universe is gold. Lauren Shippen is gold. I love it here.
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bakanokiwami · 2 years
YEAR = November 6 (or closest date to it if unavailable) of that year
To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Other Media Category on November 6 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and manually filtered since not all podcasts were marked as such. Then I inputted all the top 10 data to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
Some web series like Critical Role and Dimensions 20 released audio-only versions of their works too, but I left them out since they were listed was a web series on ao3 and more known as one too. 
Similarly, radio shows which only had podcasts years after they started are not included. That means Cabin Pressure, which I accidentally added in the 2022 Top 20 ranking last week, is not included here because it was only rereleased as a podcast in 2019, and 90% of the fanworks it has now are from before 2019.
All nonfiction podcasts have also been excluded (Not that there were many), because with RPFs, it’s hard to tell if the fic in question is just based on the podcast or because of the things the person has done outside of it. 
The bar race starts on 2013 because there were no podcasts in the Other Media category before that year.
The first podcast fandom to post on Ao3 was We’re Alive on January 1, 2013, followed by The Thrilling Adventure Hour on January 27, 2013, and then Welcome to Night Vale at June 2013.
In 2014-2016, Sparks Nevada Marshal on Mars, a segment from The Thrilling Adventure Hour, was also in the top 10, but I didn’t included it since it’s not its own podcast.
TOTAL = the total fanworks of all the top 10 over the years, not the whole podcast fandom itself
Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t miss anything! Apologies for any mistakes, I’m still a podcast noob.🙏
ETA: Locked fanworks aren't included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.
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chickensswim · 1 year
Hey #audiodrama team !
I have been writing a masters thesis for the last few months about the arrival of bigger companies (QCODE, Gimlet, & co) in audio drama, monetisation of AD, and its potential consequences on independent producers.
I have recently realised that an important part of this subject is about the audience -what they listen to, what their role is... Therefore I come to you with a favour and a link: could you please reply to this form?
Thank you so much !
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douglasfeiffel · 3 months
The college tapes: *Caleb voice* omgggg i miss my boyfriend so much >.< theres some weird happenings on campus though ...
The AM Archives: *Joan voice* How do we sucessfully reform the prison system in a way that causes the least amount of harm for those involved... how do we deal with grief and betrayal... will i ever be forgiven for what I have done...
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Am I late to the trend? Hell yah! Do I care? No!!
Adam’s freckles are in the drawing, open/tap the drawing for higher res
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thecoleopterawithana · 11 months
I'm looking for a section of the lunchroom tape (from the Get Back sessions) where John says something to Paul along the lines of "I mean, you've only recently realised what you were doing to me". Does that ring any bells?
You seem to know your way around amoralto's archives, and I'm not having any luck searching there :)
Hi, @i-am-the-oyster (love the name, by the way)!
I think you might be referring to this section of the Lunchroom Tape:
JOHN: And it’s just that, you know. It’s only this year that you’ve suddenly realised, like who I am, or who he is, or anything like that.
I find this bit of the conversation particularly impenetrable; and all the more fascinating because of it. It's here that we have this famed exchange (whose full meaning still eludes me):
JOHN: Because you �� ’cause you’ve suddenly got it all, you see. PAUL: Mm. JOHN: I know that, because of the way I am, like when we were in Mendips, like I said, “Do you like me?” or whatever it is. I’ve always – uh, played that one. PAUL: [laughs nervously] Yes. JOHN: So. PAUL: Uh, I’d been watching, I’d been watching. I’d been watching the picture. YOKO: Go back to George. What are we going to do about George?
I encourage folks to go listen to the full audio and transcript and try their hand at decoding it!
I don't know if it's accessible on the mobile app, but @amoralto has a separate page with links to all the Get Back excerpts, listed in chronological order. It's a pretty neat resource if you want to just binge through interesting little snippets from these sessions (some that made it onto the documentary, and many that didn't).
To those curious about the Lunchroom Tape in particular, here's a (play)list of all the transcribed excerpts, with @amoralto's descriptions for context:
We Have Egos
Over lunch, the remaining Beatles touch on George’s resignation from the band on the 10th, as well as a group meeting held the previous day which ended in less than desirable circumstances (with George leaving the room, frustrated by John’s persistently Yoko-filtered standard of communication). While Yoko contends that it would be easy for John (and Paul) to regain George’s favour, John points out that this is a more deeply-rooted issue than it may seem, compounded over the years by John and Paul’s treatment of George and his defaulted status within the group. Upon this problem of overriding egos, however, Paul suggests (passive-aggressively) that it isn’t just the Lennon-and-McCartney tandem that is causing George upset and consternation. 
Jealousy For You
As the problem of George’s current resignation from the band is discussed, John makes it about him and Paul wonders what it’s all worth.
The Way We All Feel Guilty About Our Relationship To Each Other
John contends with how the force of his partnership with Paul and his relationship with Yoko has negatively affected George and perhaps directly contributed to George’s walkout on the group three days prior.
During a discussion on how the rest of the group should move forward after George’s departure on the 10th, John wonders if they should get George back at all, suggesting his role as a Beatle is replaceable (unlike his own or Paul’s), and likens this unkindly to how Ringo first replaced Pete Best. Paul notes that John has been the top buck in getting himself heard (and getting his way) since the inception of the group (which John protests) and quickly reassures Ringo when he wryly declares himself to be little more than rabbit food for the group. Paul admits that both he and John have done one over on George, albeit unconsciously as an effect of the competition and unaware of how it may have hurt George in the process, but John argues that he’s known since early childhood how manipulative he himself can be, and has tried to curb it to little avail.
What You Are
In the middle of a personal discussion with John and Ringo about the band, its tenuous future, and their relationships with one another, Paul (in response to John’s admission of insecurity in the face of external pressures from the public and media to perform) is emphatic about his faith in them and their abilities and contends that whatever interpersonal problems they have can be resolved, for what their music is worth.
Working At A Relationship
While Yoko and Paul conduct their own conversation with each other, Linda talks to John about the inevitable difficulties any relationship faces - even in the context of a musical partnership - and why it doesn’t prove the relationship itself is an expired one. John (inexplicably or not) laments that the White Album doesn’t sound like the genuine, inspired band collaboration they achieved in the past. 
You've Got To Blame Yourself
As Paul encourages an unconfident Ringo to go ahead with his plans to record a solo LP, John hedgingly brings up his own apprehensions about following his instincts (especially when he’s not even sure what he really wants to do). In their inimitable and emotionally non-committal fashion, John and Paul engage in metaphors about intentions, conveying these intentions in actions, and how these actions may be conveyed by those who see it. (Basically: what John and Paul talk about when they talk about love.)
How Much More Have I Done Towards Helping You Write?
John and Paul have an obfuscating conversation about their songwriting partnership and creative process, which has been incapacitated by a lack of direction, misplaced (misread) intentions, and the unmet (unrealised) expectations they’ve inflicted upon each other. (In other words: issues. And some projecting of issues onto George, for good measure.)
What We're All About
In the midst of a personal discussion about working together within the band, John tries to explain the disconnect in their process, and why he can’t envision their songs the way Paul can. As both John and Paul circle around the issues of honest communication and (living up to) each other’s expectations, they eventually project onto George bring George into the quandary of the Lennon-McCartney partnership. 
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