kairaloi · 1 month
Suffer and become one with Me
The world was on the brink of ending. A thick, sulfurous miasma covered the land, leaving only small settlements clinging desperately to life in a never-ending war against the demons.
One woman, heart shattered by her beloved's death, loosed a cry of despair that pierced the heavens. Her impassioned plea stirred a passing goddess to action. In a selfless act of love, the goddess donned the Saintess' body and burned away the miasma to restore light and life to the world.
But this was only a short stay of execution. The dark god planned to return and consume the world he had left to marinate. Only the reborn Saintess, her Beloved, and the unexpected element of a hillbilly transmigrator have the skills to save the world.
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huewrite · 1 month
The Reincarnated Shapeshifter's Godly Feast
Before I go into everything. Hi! I'm Hue and I write this story here.
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It's over on the Tapas App and it'd be really cool if you checked it out. What's it about?
Enoki had a simple life of trying new foods, cooking, and showing what ze learned on hir blog. While trying a new dish, ze suddenly found out ze was deathly allergic to the main ingredient. Luckily for hir, the gods had a need for such a person. Gifting hir a new shapeshifting body, the gods set Enoki on a quest. Find the ingredients for and cook the dishes for the Godly Feast before time runs out. Succeed and gain blessings for the races whose dishes are well represented. Fail, and watch as everyone is destroyed.
Yes it's an isekai, but I am trying to make it funny while keeping up the drama. Plus I'm putting in recipes every so often. I'm not going to lie, there is a contest on Tapas that I've entered it into. Even if I don't win, it's going to continue because I like my lil Neo pronoun shapeshifter.
Even if you don't want to read my story, I encourage you to go check out the other entries. Your reads and views will influence what sorts of stories the Tapas App offers contracts to in the future.
Now onto today's update!
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Poor Random Elf #12. But can you imagine being given something you KNOW isn't safe for non elves and told to give it to the non elf?
Is Enoki going to eat it?
Of course ze is. Ze is very hungry and it smells great. Honestly, this is probably why ze died in the first place. "Oh yeah this is making my throat itch but the seasoning is amazing! Maybe one more bite."
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thedeityinthecave · 22 days
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A little rushed today because I'm uploading the first episode of Along the Ley Line to Tapas_AF_Tourney, might edit this tomorrow. It's a good thing I have a buffer
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