#tano vik
cinlat · 1 year
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“It’s them, right boss?”
“Yeah Vik...It’s them. This galaxy’s gone to osik.”
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pineaberry · 6 years
Idealism vs. Reality
Havoc Squad members that trust Sartem’s judgement and will follow her into hell itself:
Aric Jorgan
Havoc Squad members that will side-step and watch the suicide mission shaking their heads:
Elara Dorne
Tano Vik
Havoc Squad member that will loot your still-warm bodies:
Tano Vik
Last surviving Havoc Squad member after Tano mysteriously fell on a blaster and died:
Elara Dorne
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stephyhimemademe · 7 years
SWTOR asks, 2, 8, 9, 10
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favoriteOkay, not gonna lie, I absolutely LOVE the Jedi Knight story line b/c I love nothing more than to run around with two lightsabers(because why would you have one lightsaber when you can have TWO?) and be a goodie-two-shoes pure LS mess. It was the first class I played in the game and it will always be at the top of my list As for a list, based on story and comps, fav to least fav: Jedi Knight > Imperial Agent > Sith Warrior > Trooper > Sith Inquisitor > Smuggler > Bounty Hunter > Jedi ConsularBased on game play and the fact that I’m almost always healing/tanking: Sentinel/Marauder > Commando/Merc > Scoundrel/Operative > Sage/Sorc > Guard/Jug > Vanguard/Powertech > Shadow/Assassin > Gunslinger/Sniper8. Name your top favorite companions (feel free to include reasons why).KIRA Lana Theron Also Elara, Torian, Vector, Scourge, T7, Zenith, Vette, Telos, Lokin, Senya, Arcann, “Deadeye” Leyta, Veeroa Denz. Bonus animal comps: Nexu and Nathema Beast :D9. How about your least favorite companions?FUCKING SKADGE. FUCK HIM I HATE HIM SO MUCH JFC. All of my BHs would have shot that fucker the first time they met in the Vanilla line, fuck that he just comes on to your ship bs. Nope nope nope noooppppeeeee. Only good Skadge is a dead Skadge.Fuck Broonmark too. And I don’t like Tano Vik. And SCORPIO I go back and forth from disliking to almost liking a lot lmao.10. Favorite love interest?………I can’t pick just one. XD Top three are Kira, Lana and Theron :D *smooches them all*
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jediserenity82 · 9 years
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This is still the most unsettling thing I have ever encountered in all of my years of playing SW:tOR.
Put your pants on, Vik,
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bmalsuj · 7 years
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Sometimes... you regret letting someone live...
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bmalsuj · 7 years
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I never figured Vik for a mama’s boy... That’s probably more carachter development by accident than he ever got on purpose prior to KotFE... I still hate him, just with slightly more depth and nuance...
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bmalsuj · 7 years
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Re-introduction to Tano Vik... with some different conversation choices.
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bmalsuj · 7 years
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Asylum has this one weird corner (near where you kill meet Tano Vik) where there was a crystal vendor (Is that vendor still there in the 5.x era?  I haven’t checked, but it seems like the kind of thing they might miss, now that I think on it)... never made sense to me... like they started to build something that they never used???
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bmalsuj · 8 years
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Trooper Specific Dialogue for KILLING Vik... My first trooper... Goody two shoes that Liauq is, let him live... so this one had to kill him... in fact most of my toons have killed him... and most going forward will again...
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