#tanjiro: what are your pronouns
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How Inosuke's face reveal should've happened
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izvmimi · 3 months
cw: fluff. isekai au. selfship-coded. female pronouns.
In all your focus on becoming strong enough to protect yourself and not be a burden to others, it hadn’t occurred to you that as a Demon Slayer, you’d be receiving a paycheck. 
A fat one at that.
You’re not exactly sure what to do with it. The envelope had shown up, slipped below the door of your lodgings at the Ubuyashiki mansion with your name on it, and while you’re not completely sure what the conversion rate + inflation would be, the sheer size of the stack was enough to make you quite confident that it was a lot of money. The issue is, you have very little use for money as you receive meals and board by virtue of Kagaya’s kindness, and the things you would buy if you could don’t particularly exist in this timeline. 
As you sit on your futon and think again about what it would mean to save and how banking would work in this timeline, and if it’s even worth it given your particular circumstances, a sudden flash of Tanjiro’s smile comes to mind, and you immediately know what to do.
You should buy him a gift. After all, you wouldn’t have gotten through your first mission if not for Tanjiro, you consider, your face warming as you consider what things you’ve seen him receive that delighted him the most. Then you consider that perhaps a gift is too presumptuous, and you see him happy when he has a nice meal, or perhaps you could get something nice for both him and Nezuko because that wouldn’t look too strange, plus he’s happy when she’s happy, or perhaps you could-
Your thought spiral is interrupted by the sound of a knock on your door. Two gentle raps, and then you hear his voice.
Think of an angel and he will appear.
“___, are you busy today?”
When you ignore your slightly quickened heartbeat to let him in, he looks just like the picture in your mind’s eye, sweet, practically glowing with warmth, save for the fact that you notice his hair is slightly damp and his skin dewy as if he’s just bathed. He’s wearing his Demon Slayer uniform but with his regular green and black checked haori over top and his sword is at his side as though he plans to travel. He smells good, and you hope you smell at least decent to him, too.
You shake your head no. 
“Are you planning on going somewhere? Did you get a new mission?” you ask. 
“No, I wanted to know…” he pauses for a moment, then scratches the back of his neck, looking up at the ceiling, “if you wanted perhaps to go out to town with me. I was hoping to congratulate you for your first mission.”
You blink twice. He really is always one step ahead of you, you realize. 
Tanjiro lets his hand fall to the side and nods at you, now with a steadier expression. “You did a really great job.”
To this, you can’t help but let out a soft chuckle.
“You mean by staying alive while you cleaned up?” you ask. Tanjiro decides to indulge in your humor, insisting, “It wasn’t all me.” he insists. 
Perhaps that much is true. Tanjiro is a good friend and mentor so it’s not odd that he would extend this kindness first. It’s also an opportunity it would be best to seize, treating him to udon or dango, and offering him some gratitude as well. 
Your mind may shift from time to time to the time he used his own mouth to suck turbulent air from your unnatural breathing technique out of your own lungs, but he is simply a friend.
And friends can hang out. 
“It’s a beautiful fit,” the shop owner says as you slip on a peach pink jacket with colorful embroidered petals and blossoms, the last of the four you’ve tried on to Tanjiro’s surprising patience, and glance at yourself in the mirror. 
Something about this entire scene feels wrong but also right to you. For one, you’re not the one who suggested this particular shop - rather it was Tanjiro who insisted you consider window shopping with him, under the guise of finding something for Nezuko, but soon you’d realized that he hadn’t exactly picked anything out, content to watch you leaf through hung designs and listen to the shopkeeper’s promise of superior quality compared to the other stores in the district. You consider that whatever would look good on you would look good on Nezuko and with each trying on of a jacket, you offer pros and cons.
This one is a bit airy and light, very comfortable for summer time.
I think this one might clash with her hair color.
The texture’s too thick here, I’m not sure I like this one as much but it’s very high quality, I can tell.
This last one however is simply perfect in feel and design, and you feel somewhat bad when you turn to Tanjiro and sheepishly say,
“This one is super pretty. I know we’re shopping for Nezuko but I think I might buy this one for myself.” Tanjiro smiles as he rises from the chair in the corner. He’s sat politely for the past few minutes saying very little except nodding appreciatively.
“It looks beautiful on you,” he states as casually as if he were describing the weather, then turns to the older lady running the shop, the same lady who had spent a few minutes glancing between him and you as well, and you’d pretended not to notice. 
“How much?” Tanjiro asks. 
Surprised, you wonder if he hadn’t heard you.
The seamstress names her price and Tanjiro is quick to give money, before you finally hold in your need to be polite and nudge him.
“What are you doing?” you whisper. He’s unfazed as he hands money over, then smiles at you.
“Buying you a gift.”
“You don’t have to…” you start, but trail off as the woman receiving the money shoots you a dirty look that has you fall silent.
“You’re right, I don’t have to. But I would like to,” he adds.
You leave the shop promptly with a parcel in your hand and the seamstress’ eyes on your back.
Perhaps you do look like a couple, even if that’s the furthest thing from the truth. Tanjiro won’t let you treat him to any of the food, insisting you save your money instead through bites of skewered meat and noodles, and you finally find out which bakery supplies the Castella he brings by for you and your friends, as well as the girls at the Butterfly Mansion.
It’s better than anything you’ve tasted in your time, even if you practically choke on a roll when the baker tells you Tanjiro is lucky to be in the company of a pretty girl.
In your own time, you’ve been called pretty before, but this description today strikes at the very pit of your stomach, filling it with butterflies. Does Tanjiro know that you’re pretty? Does he agree? You ponder this for a few moments, then you’re immediately embarrassed to be thinking something so childish. 
Whether you’re pretty or not is moot. To him, you’re a younger sister to whom he buys gifts and food. Perhaps more pathetic since you are not related, since you have no one else, since you’re trapped here.
Tanjiro doesn’t answer the question you’ve posed in your head out loud, but he grins.
“I’m quite lucky indeed.”
As you walk side by side at the close of the evening, Tanjiro enthuses you in your progress, and you talk about all and nothing. There are red bean paste buns in your hand that you chew on idly between thoughts.
You’re not sure how the day went by so quickly, not while you were parallel processing, doing mental math to figure out what he thinks of you - as friend, as someone to dote on like a child, as someone who he could potentially…
No, that cannot possibly be it.
“Did you have fun today?” he asks. His cheeks are a warm pink and he’s looking straight ahead rather than at you, but his shoulders are relaxed and he bites and chews as he waits for your answer.
“Of course, I did,” you tell him. “This is…,” you pause, then continue, “probably the first time I’ve been anywhere nice, just for fun, since I got to this place.” Admitting it feels strange, but it’s true. Your life has now been limited to the mansion and towns you don’t know. Duty-driven, despair-driven, danger-driven. 
Tanjiro looks at you for a moment, and for just a moment his look is wistful. 
“Are you happy here?” he asks. Your mouth opens then closes, and then he quickly catches himself in a nervous laugh.
“Probably a stupid question, given none of your family is here, and you don’t have any of your technology and it’s not even your country and-”
You squeeze his hand for a moment.
“I’m happy now,” you offer him, then let go quickly. “Thank you for spending time with me.”
His mouth opens for a moment, and you wonder if you overstepped but he beams, and you wonder what you’d do without this small friendship.
“We should go back,” you quickly fill in before he can say something else and you can regret touching him. You’re the first to take a few steps forward, practically skipping, snacks and new clothing in hand, and you hear him behind you catching up.
“Yeah, let’s get you home safe.”
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romaritimeharbor · 4 months
I'LL SEE YOU WHEN I FALL ASLEEP. — The Tokito family's oldest child returns home.
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— trigger & content warnings. contains spoilers for the infinity castle arc & takes place around/after the end of the manga, major character death, grief, self-hatred, survivor's guilt, etc.
— pairings & notes. hurt/comfort. kamado tanjiro, kamado nezuko & reader, but the fic is still muichiro-centric. reader is 16 and is gender neutral (they/them pronouns used). reader was a demon slayer. reader is muichiro and yuichiro's older sibling. 3.1k words.
— author's thoughts. suffer, manga readers :) anyways why are there so few platonic fics about mui and yui??? they are literally my sons. please. begging the kny community to write more platonic content about them sobs weeps cries /lh
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       Morning sunlight kisses their skin tenderly, caressing their face with its reassuring touch, but it does nothing to soothe the dull ache in their chest.
       In the absence of all else, that dull ache perpetually remains—a constant, ringing reminder of their utter failures as a person. Of their failures as their family's oldest child. When they feel nothing, when all of their tears have run dry and left them with vacant emptiness, that dull ache remains still. When the tears fall endlessly, ever continuing regardless of how many times they try to dry their face, it remains still.
       Inconsolable, that is what they were. Wholly and truly inconsolable.
       'It wasn't your fault,' Tanjiro would insist over and over, because he knows not what other words he can say to them, because he knows what it is like. What else could he possibly say to ease their grief? He hasn't the slightest idea, because really... there is nothing. Nothing to say, nothing to do, other than sit beside them and let the grief come and go as it does—it is a nonlinear thing, grief. Tanjiro knows the process all too well. It will get better and then worse, before repeating the cycle again and again. He knows there is nothing he can do other than hold their hand throughout it all. There is no getting rid of the pain before it heals on its own time, so the words he chooses are 'You will feel okay one day.'
       'They wouldn't want you to linger on it,' Nezuko would say, but she also knew not what to tell them. She, much like her older brother, is not unfamiliar with the guilt they felt for simply being alive. She knows that feeling all too well. She does not recall much from her time as a demon—she has explained that those memories are more like a distant dream, something she cannot quite touch and can only catch brief glimpses of, rather than actual memories she can recall at will. Despite that, she knows it hurt when she discovered herself to be the only one who survived that day. It still hurts. Less, but it does. She knows not what to say to them, but she knows that time heals, so the words she chooses are 'You will feel okay one day.'
       Dew clings to the grass and leaves. The dirt squishes beneath their steps. A thin fog (a mist, they dare think, but the fleeting thought makes their stomach drop, so they do their best to rid their mind of it) has settled just above ground level, and they absently wonder if it rained the night before; it must have. They hadn't noticed.
       It would be borderline impossible to, with the night they had. Being perceptive of and attentive to minute details such as whether or not it had rained a few hours prior was not in the forefront of their dazed mind at the moment.
       (They did not sleep well, thoughts too preoccupied with the memories of what once was, of what could have still been.
       ...But the reality they dreamed of was not theirs, because they failed. They curse the world for plaguing them with such dreams—it was as if they were forced to peek into another universe, where they are happier now, helpless to snap their gaze away until whatever being tormenting them decided they had suffered enough. A punishment, that's what it was. A vile, awful, enraging punishment. Haven't they suffered enough?
       Though, maybe they should at least be happy for them in that alternate universe. At least they're happy somewhere.
       The thought is both comforting and devastating. Maybe if they hadn't been such a useless older sibling, they would be that joyful, too.)
       The trek up the mountain was not nearly long enough; they hardly had any time at all to gather their thoughts, to swallow back the growing lump in their throat, before a vacant home entered their vision. It has been vacant for quite some time now, but the sting of what happened there almost three years ago feels exceptionally fresh, knowing that the twin who survived that event was also long gone now. The slightly chilly breeze stirs around them, swirling a few green and brown leaves that their trees had begun to shed. It welcomes them home, brushing across their skin and causing goosebumps to raise, beckoning them closer.
       Fall will arrive soon.
       ...It has been some time since the nights have become safer to travel through. For the first time in thousands of years, demons were not a concern; the concerns now were more mundane. Animals, other humans, tripping over a tree root hidden by the darkness and getting wounded... yes, it has been quite some time since demons became a threat of the past. A few months, at the very least, but the pain of loss has grown no easier to bear. If anything, it has dug its vicious claws into their aching chest even further, threatening to tear open their ribcage and rip their bruised heart out at any moment.
       It wouldn't be anything they didn't deserve, if that were to happen. It would be better that way.
       ...Tanjiro would tell them off for thinking like that, in the nicest and gentlest words he could manage. Their brothers would, too. Though, they're relatively certain that both of their brothers would use much harsher words. The thought might've made them laugh under another circumstance.
       Even if they wanted everything to end already, they had no choice but to live, despite how much it pained them to do so. Maybe, just maybe, there will come a day in which living no longer feels like a knife to the chest.
       That's something to look forward to. The day when their heart will not stutter when they see this vacant house. The day where they will not think 'It should have been me.'
       Much to their surprise, there was no moss climbing up the headstones situated at the side of the house, and the grass was neatly tamed.
       Someone had been here recently, then.
       Sanemi? Giyuu? Perhaps Kanamori or Kotetsu. All options were equally likely; Sanemi, who they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt understood how they felt. Giyuu, who routinely paid respects to his fellow Hashira that fell in battle. Kanamori and Kotetsu, who may very well have died if not for their youngest brother's intervention back in the Swordsmith Village. They weren't quite sure who had been here (maybe they would ask around later, if for no other reason but to thank that person or those people), but... the gesture sent a wave of fresh tears to their eyes.
       They hesitate, frozen in place. Shaking hands rise to their chest, clasped together in a poor attempt to put an end the trembling, and they briefly consider leaving.
       It would be rude, though. To make the trek all the way up the mountain, to trick their beloved little brothers into thinking they were visiting, just to leave. They were never that cruel. Grief would not become their excuse for ignoring their brothers... or what was left of them, anyway.
       Ginko sits on their shoulder. She has grown quieter than the used to be, and they know the loss has also impacted her. Still, she isn't completely placated, and she grumbles, "Are you just going to stand here like an idiot?"
       "You've got working wings," they retort. "Go first, if you're so impatient."
       She huffs, batting her comedically long eyelashes as she turns her little head away from them petulantly. She does not leave their shoulder. Ginko has never been nice or pleasant—she was only ever nice to Muichiro, really. Everyone else, including them, would shown get her nastier side. Spoiled princess are the words they would use to describe her, personally... but she isn't heartless. She does not dare move forward before they do.
       (They know she isn't heartless. They still sometimes think about how weak and sick she became after the tragedy, and really, they were no better. She had slept by their side for weeks. Whether to keep them or herself company, they did not know, nor did they really care. She was their closest companion for the first few weeks, when they were too tired and absentminded to bother seeking anyone else out.
       What an odd situation to have been in, where their best company was the bratty crow that used to deliver their brother's mission assignments. It feels unreal to think about, but it is the truth.)
       Steeling their resolve, they move forward.
       In front of the four grave markers, they kneel, paying no mind to the wet dirt and cool grass sticking to their clothes. If anything, the cold is welcomed. Their flesh burns hot with the weight of their grief. The cold touch feels forgiving, welcoming. Ginko stretches her wings and delicately glides over to perch on top of her former master's headstone.
       Between the middle two stones sits their blade, sunk deep into the dirt, never to be touched again. Vines have begun ascending the half that still stuck out of the ground. It would be difficult to get it out, they think. Good. There it shall remain, never to be used again, a monument honoring their family and the sacrifices made to protect the world when the world never knew it was in danger in the first place.
       They sit like that in silence for a moment, a chill ascending their spine as the cool morning wind kissed the crown of their head and brushed through their hair.
       A moment passes. Then another.
       And finally, they manage something:
       "Hi," they say, voice coming out unsurprisingly meek and quiet. They're sure that if they tried to speak any louder, any clearer, their voice would crack and break. "Mama, papa, Yuichiro, Muichiro... I'm home. Again." It is at this point that their tone wavers somewhat. Their hands, now situated in their lap, immediately latch onto one another again in an attempt to steady themselves somehow. "Um, Tanjiro and Nezuko are here too. Or they will be. They just wanted to give me space first."
       Muichiro would be excited to see the two, they think. He always got along particularly well with Tanjiro, and Nezuko was the kind of child who had a very kind demeanor about her, so most people grew to like her even when she was a demon.
       They're hardly aware of the stinging in their eyes—it's a feeling they've grown very used to, as if it was their most natural state of being. It may as well have been. It's what they had become accustomed to feeling in the past months; it was either that, or a dreadful emptiness that made their entire body feel weightless, as if they barely existed. 
       It was always too little or too much.
       When would they be able to come here without crying?
       "I'm sorry," they choke out, folding in on themselves. Locks of their hair fall forward, forming a curtain around their face that hides their pitifully broken expression from prying eyes, and their forehead ever so slightly comes into contact with the damp dirt below. "I'm so— I'm so sorry," they weep, "I should have done more. It should— should be me buried, n— not you, not any of you—"
       There is a dagger stuck inches deep in their gut. It feels as if someone has twisted it, now, because as they speak through their cries, they remember that Muichiro was never buried. His body was never recovered. It only makes the hot tears stinging their cheeks pour out with more force.
       Buried in the spot the grave marked were only some of his personal belongings along with things he was known to like.
       There was nothing they could have possibly done to change what happened to their parents; it was just a stroke of terrible luck for the both of them that would not have been changed regardless of what they did differently, but in a hysterical state, there is no room for nuance. Grief blends together, and they can't think clearly enough to verbally distinguish between if they meant 'It should have been me' in reference the twins or for their parents.
       The answer was clear nonetheless. It hung in the air, ever present.
       It should have been them instead of Yuichiro that day.
       It should have been them instead of Muichiro that day.
       Would either of those outcomes have changed anything?
       If it had been them dying in Yuichiro's place, what would have happened that night in the Infinity Castle? Would both twins have died regardless, making their sacrifice utterly meaningless? Would only one have died, leaving the other to exist completely and entirely alone in the world? If they had died in Muichiro's place, would he be the one knelt before their grave, wishing it'd been him instead?
       How selfish of them to wish it had been them instead.
       How selfish of them to want their brothers to hurt like this instead of them.
       ...But they know that isn't what they're trying to imply. No, they would rather suffer this pain a million times over to spare their siblings the pain of having to feel it even once.
       What they wanted was to give even one of the twins a chance to live past twelve or fourteen; both died far too young, meanwhile they lived on. They had turned sixteen recently (or was it a while ago? They were uncertain; the days, weeks, and months had all blended together in a blur of agony). They had no choice but to keep living, to keep aging, when it should be their little brothers instead of them living on and growing up together.
       A soft hand on their shoulder causes their breath to hitch, and they adjust, peering upwards.
       Tanjiro is there now. 
       He's crouching down, fingers softly kneading their shoulder. When he sees that they're looking at them, his half-blind gaze softens, and he smiles.
       It makes their heart ache.
       "It's okay," he whispers, and they are suddenly hyper-aware of the gloss over his eyes. He must have heard them. 'Don't cry for me,' they want to say, but the words don't come out, and they know he would cry for them regardless of if they told him not to. "It's going to be okay one day."
       Ginko glares at him a bit. It's her least favorite rhetoric to hear—'It's okay.' She doesn't say anything, though. because he is not saying it to her, and if it comforts them even the slightest bit... well, she supposes she can tolerate it.
       A stifled whine manages to shove its way past their barely parted lips. They squeeze their eyes shut, hoping to stop the tears.
       It doesn't work, of course, and they can only break out into another sob.
       The boy's gaze is warm, too warm—it looks too much like their father's. 
       Tanjiro, ever the patient and kindly person that he was, sits there with them until their tears run dry. They want to cry more. They want to curl up into a ball and let the Earth take their body so that the pain would finally cease.
       They cannot, however. Their only choice is to sit up and continue forward, one day at a time.
       Straightening their spine, they sit up, turning fully to Tanjiro with tired eyes.
       "Do you feel better?"
       He reaches out and squeezes one of their hands, face twisted in empathy. He doesn't seem to care about the dirt that has clung onto their palms. In silence, with only Tanjiro and Ginko at their side (more or less; the crow has yet to move from Muichiro's headstone, but her presence is enough for them), they sit.
       It's a few moments later that they register the sound of dirt squishing under someone's steps, and they turn their head.
       It's Nezuko. In her hands is a small basket.
       "I'm here," she says with a kind smile. She looks like her brother when she smiles like that, they think. Her gaze is just as warm as Tanjiro's is when her eyes land on them. "I brought rice balls and paper."
       ...Rice balls. She brought food.
       Nezuko was always adamant on pestering them about self-care in the first few weeks following Muichiro's death. 'He wouldn't want you to destroy yourself like this,' she had said at one point, a stern glare fixed on her face. 'Your brother being gone now is no excuse to neglect your health. Please eat, [Name], if not for him or for yourself, then for me. For Tanjiro. For everyone living who still loves you and worries about you.'
       Her tender, worried attentiveness almost makes them want to cry again, but they have no tears left to give
       On the rare occasion where they would not listen to her, she would get Sanemi, who would threaten to kick their ass if they didn't get themselves together. The threat of being beat up by the former Wind Hashira was usually enough to convince them, but they doubt that he ever would have actually done it—Shinazugawa Sanemi is many things. He is not a hypocrite when it comes to the matters of being the eldest sibling... not anymore, anyway. He was once, but he is not now. The grief he carries resonates deeply with theirs, and he was not taking particularly good care of himself, either.
       They should probably visit him one of these days. He might be in need of the company, though he would never say that out loud.
       "Paper?" they wonder quietly, hoarsely, head tilting to the side inquisitively. Neither sibling seems to mind the scratchiness of their voice. "
       Tanjiro's face then brightens. "Want to see who can throw a paper airplane the farthest out of the three of us?"
       Oh. Oh.
       "...I'm going to absolutely annihilate you both at that." Something stirs in their chest. For the first time in a while, the dullness fades somewhat, and there's a thrilling edge taking its place. Their eyes shift between the Kamado siblings. "I'm the one who taught Mui how to get so good at it. You don't stand a chance. You do realize that, right?"
       He grins. "We'll see!"
       For the first time in months, they feel something other than void emptiness or overwhelming grief.
       The wind rustles around them again, and they like to think that Muichiro is there, cheering them on from where they cannot see or hear him.
       ...But they do feel him, and that is enough for now.
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zikkytheblicky · 8 months
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♡︎ you can call me zikky or any pet names if you prefer. I’m black and Jamaican— pronouns are he/him/they/them/theirs i’m transgender and bisexual !!
ও jjk (satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji zen’in, yuta okkutsu, kenjaku as geto, ryomen sukuna, masamichi yaga, kiyotaka ijichi, toge inumaki, aoi todo)
ꔛ csm (denji, aki hayakawa, kishibe, hirofumi yoshida, young kishibe)
✦ astv (miles 42, hobie, miguel o’hara, spider noir)
⊹ demon slayer (tanjiro kamado, kyojuro rengoku, inosuke hashibara, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, giyu tomioka, obanai iguro, gyomei himejima, kokushibo, muzan kibutsuji, akaza, kagaya ubuyashiki, doma, gyutaro)
★ kpop groups (stray kids n SEVENTEEN)
(such little fandoms ik!! i don’t watch a lot of things/remember what i watch , sorry !!)
-homophobes, transphobes, racists, antisemitics, zionists, trolls, isnotreal supporters, dsmp stans/fans, female readers (this includes SHE/THEY, SHE/HER, SHE/XE/THEY, etc.), people who sexualize itadori, sexists, pedophiles, rapists, sex offenders.
⊹ i WILL write
black male reader
feminine t!m/m reader chubby black male reader
trans black male reader
trans chubby black male reader
pre top surgery black male reader
pre top surgery chubby black male reader
pre bottom surgery black male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby black male reader
male reader
chubby male reader
Pre top surgery male reader
pre top surgery chubby male reader
pre bottom surgery male reader
pre bottom surgery chubby male reader
submissive t!m/m reader
switch t!m/m reader
feminine t!m/m reader
any kink besides body fluid ones and foot fetish
gay t!m/m reader
sugar daddy x sugar bby trope
any trope really except for those cringe ones like golden retriever x black cat idk those are just.. uhm. like just say introverted x extroverted trope if you really want that one!! (My op sorry.)
pet names , i love them. Except for those really.. cringe ones like "my little sugar waffle! " stop it. I will use different language ones too depending on the characters nationality.
“ crack “
t!m/m reader with a core/style (any types of cores like aaliyah core for ex).
any kink involving body fluids or foot fetish.
HEAVY angst (r@pe, HEAVY abuse, etc.)
m preg. Like i'll do the getting cummed inside of part but not the giving birth.. having kids.. like no sorry!! ( it makes me uncomfortable. )
aged up characters
fem readers (you guys tons of stories you'll be ok, twin.)
✧ Thats it really i'll probs add more tho !!
⊹ i write in lowercase on purpose !! and sometimes space my punctuation (like this !! or this , or this . but i rarely space the period.)⊹
☆ if you’re black reader please inform about your hairstyle/texture !! i don’t wanna accidentally just use the wrong hair texture/hair style for you 💓.
request status: closed ! ⊹
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tothemeadow · 2 years
can you make a dream of mine come true? its where the trio are on a mission during the mission they get hit with a lust demon art. when they are done with the mission they are drooling for y/n. they all want you at the same time. and you need to try to treat them without them killing you.
goddamn anonnie this is so TASTY 😫
'three's a crowd' / Kamaboko Trio x Reader
warnings: NSFW, mild gore, mild dubcon, oral sex, fingering, handjobs, three on one action, all the fuggin mayonaise
words: 3,961
notes: aged up characters, AFAB reader/female bits, they/their pronouns
“Continue west! West! Almost there!” the Kasugai squawks overhead.
“We get it, you damn crow!” Inosuke yells back. “I oughta cook you already!”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro quips, “focus.”
Grumbling, Inosuke ceases his verbal attack at the bird and turns his attention to the path before him. Zenitsu, on the other hand, snickers to himself.
Once again, the three make their way to whatever destination calls them; demons are everywhere, ready to pounce at any time. One must keep moving if they’re part of the corps. This time, though, rather than going single, Tanjiro’s Kasugai crow collected the three of them, informing the trio of a rampant demon terrorizing a town and its surroundings.
It wouldn’t be the first (or last) time that a demon goes on mass killing sprees, but to have so many victims in a short amount of time… It’s troubling, to say the least. Knowing that it’s eating more than well is enough to raise concerns, and it would be a foolish decision to let a single person walk towards their death. Having three people should make the task easier – hopefully.
They’ve discussed what little details fellow crows managed to compile – all the victims seem to be male, none of them dropping under the age of 16. Other than that, well… that’s for the trio to figure out.
Before too long, the crow gives a final squawk and takes an abrupt turn, soaring away from the group. Up ahead, silhouettes of houses break through the expanse of orange sky. At long last, they’ve finally made it to their destination. However, as the sun continues to set and night creeps closer, they’ll have to come with a plan – and fast.
“Kamado Tanjiro!” another Kasugai crow calls out.
The three look to the sky as the crow flies towards them from the direction of the town.
“Waiting for you, yes! Preparations are underway!”
“Guys, hey! Over here!” another new voice shouts.
On the outskirts of town, you wave the other three down, your free hand cupping the side of your mouth. The Kasugai crow circles back around and heads back towards you, seemingly leading the way. The three boys slow their running to a jog as they come closer to you, surprise written on their faces. As far as they were concerned, nobody else was assigned to this mission.
Tanjiro calls out your name as they draw even closer still, a smile spreading itself across his face. “What are you doing here?”
“Backup, apparently,” you say without missing a beat. “I was nearby when I was summoned.”
Zenitsu, appearing absolutely ecstatic to see you, hastily cuts the others off before they have a chance to speak. “It’s great to see you,” he gushes, face heating up. “How have you been?”
Inosuke makes a gagging noise. You can’t see his face beneath the mask, but you can tell its scrunched up in disgust. “Can you not think with your dick for once?”
Zenitsu impatiently swats at him, his ponytail swinging from the sheer force of the movement. “Says you, you muscle-brained idiot! You’re the one who humps tree hollows when no one’s looking!”
Tanjiro facepalms.
Surprisingly, you laugh. “It’s good to see that you boys haven’t changed much.” The mirth disappears from your face as your expression darkens. “Still… You’ve been updated as to what’s been going on lately, right?”
Nodding, Tanjiro steps another closer to you, ignoring the bickering two behind him. “Disappearances, yeah. Any bodies been found?”
“That’s not what I’m quite sure of yet. If the demon doesn’t have some sort of domain they can pull their prey into, they must be directing the men to some lair.”
Hearing you specifically say men makes a shiver run down Tanjiro’s spine. Hell, if anything goes wrong, his friends – himself included – could be in big, big trouble.
You continue. “It’s odd that they’re targeting such a select group of people. Do you think it could be a female demon?”
“I wouldn’t push away the thought, although it’s not the exact reason yet.”
“I say we use this dumbass as bait,” Zenitsu snips. He squeals as Inosuke takes him in a headlock.
“Whatever it is we’re dealing with, I wanna kill it!” Inosuke exclaims in his ever so charming brash way of his. He cackles, his thick arms squeezing tighter around Zenitsu’s neck.
“Night’s approaching. Come on, we’ve got to get ready,” you say. You snap your fingers at Inosuke. “Let him go. He’s not going to be much use to us if you kill him, no?”
Grumbling, Inosuke does as told and finally lets Zenitsu go. Zenitsu collapses onto his knees, sputtering and clutching at his throat. “You… asshole…!”
“You’ve… got to be kidding me.”
The cavern is relatively 6 meters wide, 10 meters tall; it’s not deep, rather a shallow divot in the forest walls amongst the rocks piling into a mountain. What’s surprising, though, is the number of bodies hanging from the ceiling. Bodies is a pretty giving word – you meant to say skeletons.
Each of them is upside down, arms extended past their heads. The bones are picked nearly clean, their white sheen telling you that they’re relatively fresh. The cavern doesn’t smell of spoiled meat or blood, so it most likely means that the demon at hand stripped them bare before attaching them to the roof of the cave.
To your side, Zenitsu shakes, bottom lip quivering in a way that seems like it’s vibrating. His knees clack together as a pathetic whimper escapes his throat.
Inosuke scratches the back of his head. “At least they’re not suffering, right?”
“Inosuke,” Tanjiro snaps.
“It has to be nearby,” you interject, quickly discouraging any potential argument. “Demons just don��t leave their… collection out for anyone to grab.”
Zenitsu hastily shakes his head. “Hell no. I’m not sticking around long enough to find out!”
“WhY nOt?”
Zenitsu screams; he leaps into your arms, hands linking together behind your neck. Within a few paces from his previous spot, a grotesque demon stares at your group, head cocked at an unnatural angle. Black, stringy hair falls in its face, its eyes nothing more than empty sockets. The body resembles a mantis, the prickles on its forearms dripping with what you presume is a poison.
How fun.
The demon’s lips draw back in a snarl, jagged teeth gleaming in the low light. It seems to be glaring right at you. “LeT hIm Go.” The voice is no better than dragging nails down a chalkboard. You can’t help but wince.
If this thing is going to try to kill you, it wouldn’t hurt to ask for some basic information, no? Shifting your weight, you turn so that Zenitsu is sheltered behind you, your chin tucked over your shoulder. “And why would I do that exactly, hmm? It doesn’t seem like you’re very hospitable to your guests.”
“Please just tell us,” Tanjiro’s voice rings out, yet it sounds muffled. Looking over, you’re met with the sight of him clutching a hand over his nose, expression scrunched in disgust. Instinctively, you whiff at the air, but there’s nothing worth noting. Odd.
The demon’s face jerks in Tanjiro’s direction. “MaLe. NiNeTeEn. DeLiCiOuS.”
You huff. “What about me?” If your previous hypothesis is correct, then the demon should show a preference for the guys in your group…
Once again, the demon snarls at you. “FeMaLe.”
“Inosuke, now!” you yell.
The demon swivels its head around just in time to see Inosuke leaping at it, dual blades extending in graceful arcs towards its neck. It screeches as it barely dodges, the sharp, uneven edges catching the flesh of its jugular. Blood spews from the wound, a blackish red that is far from a human’s.
Setting Zenitsu down (he’s already passed out, who knew?) you draw your own blade. Tanjiro’s already ahead of you, charging at the demon at a speed naked to the untrained eye. Soon, the three men and you are taking turns swinging at the demon’s fleshy neck, attacks bouncing off each other in a dizzying rhythm. Blood and poison fly in fat droplets each time a hit lands; whether either is harmful, you don’t know. Blood already speckles your face and uniform, yet you don’t feel any pain or discomfort.
The fight continues into the wee hours of the night; it’s been a while since the fight left the cave, migrating into the woods instead. While your group makes use of the branches and the sturdy trunks, the demon does the same. A sweep of the hind legs sends you flying, your body crashing through the surrounding branches and other foliage. A sharp gasp breaks free as your spine makes contact with the rough bark of a tree. Your vision swims, but the bloodcurdling scream emitting from the demon has your ears perking and hairs standing on end.
As your vision clears, silence sets in. It’s still a few hours before dawn cracks and the forest properly wakes up. The usual trill of bugs fills the atmosphere, broken by the slight haggard breath here and there. With a groan, you draw yourself to a stand and waddle over to where the other three stand. Your blade slips into your sheath with a clean schlink – the sound of a job well done.
“Is everyone alright?” you croak. Thankfully, your eyes have long adjusted to the near nonexistent lighting, so you’re able to locate the others fairly well.
Inosuke grumbles and promptly throws himself onto the ground, limbs spread eagle. Zenitsu is sitting against a tree, his head cradled in his hands. Neither reaction is cause for concern (not usually, anyway), but Tanjiro… Tanjiro looks ill. You notice his nostrils flare whenever you draw closer.
“Fucking hell!” Inosuke yells. “Can’t you say anything else than his name for once?”
Your brows furrow together. “Inosuke, what are you going on about now?”
Zenitsu groans from his spot.
Gods, are all of them sick? Did the demon’s poison have more of an effect than you originally thought?
Slowly, Zenitsu picks himself off the ground and shuffles over. His arms sling themselves around you again, but it’s different than before. His touch feels different. You jump in place as he buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales deeply.
“Oi! You son of a bitch!” Inosuke yells again. Foliage and twigs crunch under him as he scrambles to get up, entire body flexing angrily as he reaches for Zenitsu. “Off!”
You send a pleading look towards Tanjiro. Surely he would have an idea of what’s going on, right?
Still, Tanjiro refuses to say anything. His eyes are glued to yours, his jaw slack. He hastily wipes at his gaping lips and chin, yet it does nothing to hide the sheen of saliva sticking to his skin. A soft thunk brings your attention back to the two crowding around you; Inosuke has abandoned his boar head, the poor thing looking almost lonely on the ground. He openly lavishes your neck, tongue licking fat stripes against the skin.
A firm shove to the chest sends Inosuke falling straight onto his ass. You cup the side of your neck, completely scandalized. He doesn’t seem deterred by your rejection – if anything, it makes his eyes glow hungrily through the dark, a small growl rumbling in his throat.
Something hard pokes into your hip. You flash a wild look at Zenitsu. He merely looks back at you with a pleading gaze, his bottom lip tucked behind his teeth.
You swallow heavily. “Guys,” you start slowly, carefully, “we can get you to a Wisteria House or the Butterfly Mansion. I need you to keep your heads on straight. Breathe.”
“Please,” Zenitsu murmurs.
Just like with Inosuke, you shove Zenitsu away. However, instead of staying there and lecturing them, you abruptly turn on your heel and run. It’s a ridiculous idea, you’re well aware of that, but the more distance you put between yourself and the three men, the better. Whatever was in that demon’s poison, it’s clearly messing with their psyches. You need time to think up a plan – and fast.
Trees fly by in a hazy blur as you make your escape. As you scale up a trunk, you hear not-so-distant shouts of your name echoing. From there, you jump from limb to limb, movements sleek and well-practiced. When was the last time you were chased like this? It had to have been a few years, at least, not since you were a fresh corps member.
It hits you before you see it; the sheer force of the collision rips the air from your lungs. Flashes of yellow fill your peripheral and a panicked word rings throughout your brain. Thunder.
Fortunately, Zenitsu has enough sense not to let you fall to the forest floor. He lands squarely on his feet with you held tightly in his arms. Both Tanjiro and Inosuke appear not a second later, and it’s only then that you realize that they’re all drenched in sweat.
Tanjiro says your name; he sounds pained, yet sweet. Guilt swims in the depths of his eyes, but another emotion lays over it heavily. It’s a look you’ve seen in Tengen’s eyes when he’s with his wives, or when Obanai is staring longingly at Mitsuri. You begin to squirm in Zenitsu’s hold, but his arms only tighten around you.
It’s hard to say who attacks first. One moment, you’re watching Tanjiro with a bated breath; the next, you’re on your back, staring up at three different faces. There’s a pair of rough hands tugging away at your haori, the buttons of your uniform. Goosebumps erupt over your skin once cool air caresses it, but then those very hands are fondling your breasts.
“Wait- No-“ you stammer.
A squeak breaks from your throat as your nipples are yanked on, calloused thumbs rolling them into stiff peaks. Zenitsu swears under his breath, his eyes glued to your chest. Inosuke looks just as lost, his gaze a million miles away. Tanjiro flashes you a timid smile.
“Please, just… Bear with us,” he tells you. Leaning down, he skims his lips against your temple. He breathes your name. “We’ll take care of you. I promise.”
A mouth latches around a nipple, eliciting a sharp breath from you. “What… What happened to you guys…?”
“That damned demon sprayed something at us,” Inosuke slurs. It sounds like his mouth is full.
Zenitsu promptly pushes Tanjiro’s head away and descends, his lips capturing yours. Your mind stalls as he pushes his tongue inside, a moan following soon after. You’re aware of Zenitsu’s stories of “wooing” women (to which degree you believe him is relatively low) and his general berating of Tanjiro and Inosuke’s lack of skills, but this… Well, it appears that he lives up to those stories.
You never thought you’d catch yourself kissing Zenitsu (if tongue and teeth equal as such) but it feels good. Still, this is wrong. These boys are your friends, and they’re under the influence of some Demon Art. That itself is odd, considering the effects of one die off as soon as the demon is killed. This poison had to be of some outside nature; possibly a concoction that the demon created itself?
Tanjiro busies himself with stroking your hair and the skin he can reach. He’s steadily breathing in your scent, little murmurs of appreciation and groans filling your ear. Inosuke suckles on your breast, teeth gnawing on your nipple until it’s flushed and swollen. Your lips are in a similar state once Zenitsu finally pulls away.
“I want to eat you,” Zenitsu says. The wicked flicker in his eyes tells you that he’s being completely serious.
You shuffle to sit up, but Tanjiro pushes you back down by your shoulders, smile apologetic but eyes the same as Zenitsu’s. “Wait, wait, wait- You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“I get why that bastard strung all those guys up,” Inosuke grunts.
Your eyes go wide.
A silent agreement passes between the three and there goes Zenitsu’s hands again, undoing your belt and yanking your hakama down. Tanjiro hisses at the scent of your gathering arousal; it’s clear that your traitorous body enjoyed their attention a bit too much. Your fundoshi gets pealed away and your thighs instinctively clench together, wanting to hide your precious core from their hungry eyes.
“Open up,” Zenitsu breathes. He wiggles his way in between your legs and pries your thighs apart. Three sets of eyes focus on your puffy lower lips, at the sheen of arousal coating them. Embarrassment floods your face. “Beautiful,” Zenitsu openly moans.
You’re left completely speechless as Zenitsu ducks down, mouth latching onto your pussy. With a jolt, you shout his name, heart beating furiously against your ribcage. You’re genuinely worried it’ll try leaping from your chest and run away into the night. It takes a moment for your brain to catch up with what’s exactly happening; Zenitsu laps at your insides with purposeful movements, his nose held stiff to your clit.
“Move over,” Inosuke barks. He grabs a hold of Zenitsu’s haori and yanks him away, quickly taking his spot and raking his teeth against your sensitive flesh. You try to jerk away from him, but he wraps his strong arms around your thighs, holding you in place as he works you open with his tongue. He’s not as skilled as Zenitsu, but he makes it up with sheer enthusiasm.
Tanjiro takes your hand in his, his lips skimming your knuckles. It’s comforting, but you know he’s going to be wanting something from you as well. He directs your hand to his crotch; something hot meets your hand and Tanjiro shudders. Your eyes drop from his face, the sight of your fingers wrapped around his heavy cock causing something to stir in your gut.
Inosuke groans as your slick pours into his mouth, his hips pressed firmly to the ground. Zenitsu follows in Tanjiro’s footsteps and comes to your other side; your hand soon finds his own cock, precum leaking from the flushed tip.
Shit, this is really happening. If you go through with this, will the poison’s effects wear off? Will you be able to look at the trio the same ever again?
You tentatively squeeze both cocks and the delightful sound of deep groans fill your ears.
All doubts disappear.
Frankly, you’re not even sure how you’re supposed to go about this, but you still give it your best shot. The precum oozing from their cockheads make the slide of your hands easier, much to their satisfaction. Inosuke’s mouth is still hot on your drooling pussy, his eyes fixated on your parted lips and hooded eyes. Plush lips latch around your clit as two fingers breach your fluttering hole; a whorish moan erupts from your lips, and the cocks in either hand twitch at the sound.
“Make them cum,” Zenitsu tells Inosuke. “Gods dammit, Inosuke, make them cum.”
You aren’t sure if it’s his filthy words, Inosuke’s mouth, or the precum coating your hands, but that tight little knot in your lower stomach snaps and then you’re practically gushing all over Inosuke’s fingers. Wicked panting fills the air as Inosuke sits up, his pupils blown to hell.
“I want it,” he growls, his fingers digging into the muscle of your thigh.
Tanjiro speaks your name again, sounding absolutely wrecked. “Can you- Do you think you can take us all at once?”
Your pussy flutters at his words. You never thought you’d hear Tanjiro, sweet, sweet Tanjiro, say something so filthy. It suddenly feels too hard to swallow correctly. “H-How?” You hate how your voice cracks.
“Winner gets their mouth,” Zenitsu husks.
Much to your surprise, the three engage in some oddly horny round of rock-paper-scissors. You’ve got be fucking kidding me.
Tanjiro makes a sound of excitement when he wins. How he manages to still be so precious at a time like this is beyond you. Still, you let the guys rearrange your positions into something more… workable. Now, your knees are digging into the ground below you, haunches tucked below as you stare up at the other three. Zenitsu licks his lips as he slowly grinds his aching cock into your fist. Inosuke doesn’t seem too pleased at losing to Tanjiro of all people, but he is pleased that your hand is stroking his thick cock.
Tanjiro’s face is scrunched. Although his cock is thick and flushed a pretty shade of red, hesitation still pulls at him. Zenitsu notices his inner turmoil and brings a hand to the back of your head.
“Pretty thing, open your mouth nice and wide, okay? Make sure your teeth are covered,” he urges.
Inosuke releases a guttural fuck as your jaw falls open, cute little pink tongue beckoning Tanjiro. Biting his lip, Tanjiro focuses on your pretty mouth. Precum pearls at his tip and runs down his shaft; he’s practically begging to have his cock in your mouth, even though he hasn’t said anything.
“Is this okay?” Tanjiro says through grit teeth.
You slowly nod your head.
A hiss passes through those clenched teeth as Tanjiro eases his hips forward, hand directing his cock towards your mouth. Your eyes fall shut as the weight settles on your tongue. Musk and salt fill your senses; it’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced, yet you find yourself enjoying the stretch of your jaw, the silken girth pressing further into your mouth.
Allowing Tanjiro fall into a rhythm, you keep your breathing steady and focus on the cocks in your hands. They feel the same as Tanjiro’s, all hot and hard and soft at the same time. A chorus of moans is music to your ears. There are murmurs of your name, sweet pet names, yet there’s always that choke of a curse word and a slight thrust of the hips.
The tip of Tanjiro’s cock hits the back of your throat and you cough. He pauses his movements, hand caressing your throat; he’s ever so patient, even as he’s leaking down your throat and saying your name like a prayer. He pushes in just the slightest bit, and then he growls as he feels the bulge of his cock in your throat. Now, you’re well used to Inosuke growling, but the way Tanjiro does it has your pussy dripping.
You’re nothing more than a toy, some pathetic thing to let them get their kicks. You feel so used, chin, lips, and hands covered in slick precum, your pussy weeping onto the ground below you. Opening your eyes, you take your time to look at each and every single one of the boys. There’s another fuck! and Inosuke’s cumming all over your fist, some of it even splashing onto your cheek. The sight triggers a domino effect of some sort; Zenitsu shoots his own load, spilling all over your hand and whining piteously. Tanjiro is only a few moments behind, his hand clenching around your throat as he empties his spend into your mouth.
Tanjiro pulls away and sinks to his knees, words gentler than before as he rubs his thumbs across your cheekbones. He kisses you softly, and the stark difference in behavior nearly has you dizzy. Zenitsu’s panicking about something, voice shrill as he cries out his apologies. Inosuke merely gives a what?
“Thank you,” Tanjiro whispers against your mouth. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Wait, does this mean you’re cured?” you croak. Zenitsu squeaks when you look at him.
“Yeah,” Tanjiro tells you. He begins to give a little smile, but then his nostrils flare and he glances down between you two. A bright blush spreads across his handsome face. “You… Would you like our help?”
You lick your lips. “Yes.”
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angelic-dew · 3 months
Can I get yandere alphabet list with tanjiro?? Thank you babes <3
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# yandere alphabet list !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🕸 ୧・author's note :: sorry for the delay, my posting schedule isn't the most consistent! I got this list from @dear-yandere to use as reference.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🔪 ୧・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ⛓ ୧・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. kidnapping. unhealthy obsessions. delusions. some ooc. mentions of drugs. mental abuse. manipulation. gaslighting. stalking. grammatical errors. ⁞⁞ LETTERS A—P
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⚝. Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction.
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[A]ffection :: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Tanjiro is an interesting individual when he becomes lovesick. His undying love for you only burns pure passion and lust into the deepest depths of his heart for you; so it's no surprise he tries to show you his affection in every way he humanly can. I see his main love languages being words of affirmation and quality time, of course, some others slip in as well, just not as much such as gift-giving and acts of service. So he's willing to go to many lengths for you, he always strives to give you his utter best and nothing less.
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[B]lood :: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Not much in particular, he would never hurt innocent civilians and villagers regardless of how much jealousy tries to tempt him into acting in such a manner. He would rather try to isolate you from that person(s) completely rather than kill them off, though, he does get sudden urges to act upon those deeds. Now, if it's a demon, then it's fair game. The brutality would really show in his actions if it were a demon, like a fire luminously burning in his chest as he fights it courageously, just for you.
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[C]ruelty :: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No, he would never dream of showing what's truly stored beneath the surface of his kind smile. Even though you got abducted by him, he would still treat you with the same vehement amount of endearment; if not, maybe a bit more since you have no one to go to besides him if there's any such issue. He likes this feeling of being depended on. Kamado would definitely make you dependent on him but also restrict some of your access to certain parts in your place of capture by keeping a heavy chain tightly secured to your ankle.
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[D]arling :: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Of course, he would, not intentionally though; he really doesn't mean to act upon it in these such ways but his self-control slips at certain times when rage begins to consume him entirely. I see him always wanting to be around you, therefore, that can translate to taking you on various missions with him with or without your permission. He lives and breathes you, it's no surprise he'd also tend to drug you from time to time with sleeping medication so you can barely remember a thing when you end up in a foreign location.
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[E]xposed :: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Before your 'disappearance', I would assume he would be very subtle with his emotions towards you; of course, he would be a little too friendly towards you but what's the harm in that? You two are just best friends, nothing more or nothing less, sharing a close bond together is all that it is. Now, when his true colours are revealed, he'd be much more open with you concerning his feelings, reminding you every night that you're with him that you're his only true love, whispering words of compassion, professing his love for you repeatedly in hopes you'd see him in the same way he sees you. Very vulnerable indeed.
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[F]ight :: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He is not pleased in the slightest. Tanjiro loves you, why can't you just see that he means all well to you. His one and only radiant angel sent from above; he doesn't harm you even though he is edged to do so, his violent tendencies are getting worse and worse. He simply sees you being unhappy with the situation, he only attempts to console and softly mutter words of how much you mean to him. It's only for your own good after all, he's doing this for you, can't you see that? Hopefully one day you'll realize that your actions of lashing out are futile.
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[G]ame :: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This situation is far from comical to Tanjiro. There is no such entertainment in having his darling try to leave him when he desperately needs them more than ever. So, attempts to escape do enrage him to an extent but he could never actually get upset with you. Not all can bare with these types of experiences, so he doesn't blame you. All he has to do is up the ante in barriers and security in your place of capture. And maybe do the same for you.
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[H]ell :: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hmm, if I had to pick, it would be the few times he deprived you of food and water as a form of punishment. Strengthening your restraints and such as well, causing nasty bruises to form along your wrists. That and the time he locks you up for long durations in pitch darkness as another form of punishment. But this treatment type only comes when you seriously cross the line.
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[I]deals :: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He planned everything out already! He wants an estate and to be married and four kids and a pet chicken named Kota! But in all seriousness, he sees himself falling for you further in the future and you doing the same to him. He sees you walking down the aisle looking utterly extravagant! That's the main thing he dreams of each night. To make it official with you. To tie you with him until death do you both part.
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[J]ealousy :: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, but he can't control it when he does get this strong feeling. He usually tries to be passive-aggressive with his jealousy, uttering snarky remarks under his breath but never anything too direct. He usually sulks in his jealousy until he reminds himself that you truly belong to him and him only! It's pretty useless wasting emotions on those who aren't worth it.
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[K]isses :: How do they act around or with their darling?
Fairly.. normal in public spaces. I mean, it is Tanjiro after all, he acts cheerful and sweet, comforting when he needs to. He acts like his usual self, however, there is a distinct possessive nature which lurks deep within him that comes out of hiding ever so often. He is keen on having your attention all to himself, and will become highly frustrated if someone were to even hold you in a conversation.
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[L]ove letters :: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Easy. I think that Kamado would definitely be a strong believer that all relationships last longer when they are friends or good acquaintances before pursuing an actual relationship; ergo, he would attempt to befriend you before dropping some hints on the matter.
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[M]ask :: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not entirely, Tanjiro is Tanjiro, he will always be what he is, a good person deep down that wants nothing more than to help others in need, but you, you bring out something he could have never imagined himself being like - How hostile he could truly get around others when they've done nothing wrong, a sense of urgency always takes over him when he's with you, and he'd be very clingy, you must pay attention to him! and him only.
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[N]aughty :: How would they punish their darling?
As I stated previously in [H]ell, I would say he isn't one for many punishments. The most he'll do (when you're finally abducted of course), is tighten your restraints to the point you feel like you're losing circulation to that area. The cold steel tightens around your wrists, almost making your hand feel completely numb; now that would be the worst. The second type of punishment is depriving you of food and water for at least a day or two, while you're stuck in the darkness, with only his voice to alleviate your whines and needs.
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[O]ppression :: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The most Kamado would do is restrict you from having much freedom; when he 'punishes' you, he cracks away at your basic needs: nutrients, food and water. So I would say that's bad by itself but your social interaction will also be limited, as expected. The only one you could ever truly see besides him is Nezuko, and even then, she has issues with her speech.
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[P]atience :: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient, it's kind of scary at times, he rarely ever snaps - and if he does it's not something noticeable. The only thing that would change is that his always soft smile would shift into more of a neutral frown accompanied by a blank stare. Another thing about Tanjiro is that he's incredibly understanding, which makes him more tolerable than other yanderes, in turn, he can see why you will not enjoy these circumstances. So take all the time you need to adjust.
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© angelic-dew, please don't translate or reclaim without permission <3
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
since you write for demon slayer i was wondering if you could write about the reader being tengen’s tsuguko and their mentor/mentee relationship (personally i think he’d be tough on them but care deep down. maybe touching on the entertainment district arc? thank you <3
being the sound hashira's tsuguko.
summary. what is it like being tengen uzui's student?
trigger & content warnings. mild depictions of injury, limb loss, voluntarily consuming poison, etc.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. found family-ish, fluff, slight angst towards the end. tengen uzui (and his wives) & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. i took this request and RAN with it, i love mentor/mentee requests for any fandom but especially for demon slayer.... the age was unspecified in this req, so i personally imaged tsuguko!reader being around tanjiro's age, however i left it pretty ambiguous so anyone can imagine it however they want. i also decided not to touch too deeply on the entertainment district arc, since this is only a headcanon post, but i'm totally cool with writing an actual fic about it! just shoot me another request if that's something you'd like to see <3
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tengen is definitely a very tough mentor, and he doesn't get the opportunity to train many tsugukos because of this. he's hard on his students. he's a demanding mentor, though at the very least, he lays out his expectations clearly. he knows exactly what he wants he students to know.
the lower ranked demon slayers have favored hashira, ones they would prefer to train under if they were ever given the chance to. tengen is not really one of those favored potential mentors. preferred mentors would be people like kyojuro or mitsuri. that isn't to say any other hashira would be any less tough on their tsugukos than tengen is, but the sound hashira supposes those two come off as kinder than he does.
of course, it should be made very clear that he's hard on his students not because he gets some kind of sadistic pleasure out of watching them struggle, but because he wants them to survive.
his training is just downright difficult. it's all in the spirit of survival, though.
a tsuguko of his would have a lot of things expected of them.
his student is expected to build poison resistance by microdosing themselves day after day.
his student is expected to have a certain amount of stamina.
they're expected to be stealthy.
they're expected to be able to make split-second decisions.
simply put, it's... a lot.
generally, anyone who trains under him quits shortly after beginning, so they don't really get to know him. they don't get to understand why he does what he does. they miss the opportunity to really understand him. the one exception would be his current tsuguko, [name].
he cares very deeply for the one tsuguko that did stick around!
tbh, he's pretty open about that fact, especially when he's alone with them and his wives! he's not secretive about caring for them.
he expects them to prioritize their own life. it is something that other demon slayers might not agree with, something that others find "selfish" and "cruel."
tengen does not see it that way.
he's seen that self-sacrificial, "give everything up for the mission" ideology tear people apart. he's seen it tear his blood family apart. he'd be damned if he let it tear his chosen family apart.
"because you are very dear to me," he'd say, placing a firm hand on their head and ruffling their hair fondly, "i expect you to value your life above all others. the mission is not worth your life. you protect yourself, you protect others, and you get the hell out of there if you can't handle it. you come back to me, to us. you got that?"
i personally think he'd treat his tsuguko like his kid if they're sixteen or under. yeah, he's only in his early 20s. so what? that's his kid. if they're above that age, he treats them like a precious younger sibling. if they happen to be older than him? he does not care. that's still his younger sibling.
regardless of their age, his tsuguko is a part of his little family.
no demon will ever lay their hands on his family and get away with it. he will not allow it.
if they get injured on a mission and they're recovering at the butterfly estate, my man is at their bedside in an instant. he probably yells at them because how dare they worry him?? where did they get the audacity??? tengen eventually gets over it and admits that he's glad they're alright. his wives also come to visit them when they have the time!!
now, as for the entertainment district...
i think that mission would be very mentally taxing (and of course physically taxing, but let's focus more on the stress and panic for now).
seeing tengen lose his arm like that, thinking he was dead... god, it would terrify them. they have grown to see him as strong and infallible, so to see him so weak and broken would be genuinely horrifying.
they'd cry tbh
good luck to gyutaro, though. bro is at the mercy of their rage. having learned from tengen, i wholeheartedly believe that his tsuguko would be able to hold their own against the demon for at least a little bit. long enough for tengen to recover, long enough for everything to go according to plan.
but, of course... tengen does retire in the end.
the whole point of having a tsuguko is to have someone reliable to succeed their respective mentor, right?
tengen loves his tsuguko.
he knows they're capable enough.
he wouldn't want anyone else taking his place <3
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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sensivs · 1 year
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“You promised you wouldn’t
leave me”
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Sad hcs on how I think the hashira would take your death (SOB SOB WAHHHHHHHHH SOB SOB)
Cw// large amounts of mentions of blood and large wounds, HUGE INFINITY CASTLE SPOILERS AS WELL (for shinobu)
(Also reader is gn with a more amab lean)
(female readers are free to read this but you’ll most likely not like it due to the He/him use of pronouns/male use of nicknames)
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K. Rengoku
- Never in a million years would rengoku thought he would be crying over your dead body. That thought just never crossed his mind and instead was covered up by his mass amount of love for you.
- You desperately tried protecting rengoku from akaza, but ended up becoming heavily injured. Surely you would just bounce back from this fight right? Right..?
- Rengoku watched in slow motion as akaza’s fist dug its way through your torso and through your backbone. Creating a huge crater in your stomach. Rengoku jumped onto his feet and immediately ran towards you, scrambling his way onto his feet.
- But before Rengoku could land a hit on the upper moon, he ran away. But that didn’t matter, what mattered was you and your health.
- Rengoku held you in his arms, rocking you in his large arms back and forth and sobbing, telling you that you were alright and that you would surely live through this.
- Tanjiro, inosuke, and zenitsu stood back in pure shock and sadness. They looked up to you as their own parental figure.. and now.. you were gone.
- Tanjiro sobbed as he sniffed the air of death, blood, and sadness, while zenitsu bursted out crying, not being able to hear your heart beating anymore. Inosuke fell to the ground and tried his hardest not to cry but the fat tears pushed their way through and rushed out his eyes like a waterfall.
- Rengoku couldn’t let go of you, even when people tried to pry him off of you, his strength was just unmatched. His grief pushed him into a depressive state. To the point where his bubbly personality turned into pure anger.
- His hatred for demons increased and his training hardened. He was going to avenge you if it was the last thing he’d do.
T. Uzui
- Tengen and you were desperate to find your wives, you’d do anything to get them back. You watched in utter horror as a slim creature emerged out of the original demon you were fighting.
- His extremely skinny body made him look weak but since the two demons were upper 6 you knew that his body was just something to throw you all off.
- you found yourself heaving in pain as the poison of gyutaro’s weapon burrowed itself deep in your bloodstream. You cried as you felt the burning sensation of the poison rushing through you as quickly as it possibly could.
- Gyutaro was able to slice your stomach going up to the middle of your chest. Blood gushed out of your large wound and spilled all over the ground.
- “Y/NN!!” You heard one of your wives very familiar and ear-piercing voice calling out your name, suma crashed onto her knees beside you and bursted out crying.
- “Y/N YOU’LL GET THROUGH THIS ALRIGHT? STICK WITH US PLEASE” suma screeched as she shook you harshly “SUMA SHUT UP HE’S ALREADY IN PAIN DUE TO THAT HUGE WOUND HE HAS HE DOESNT NEED TO BE IN MORE PAIN DUE TO YOUR CRYING ASS” makio screamed at suma who was holding you close to her chest.
- You smiled weakly, “suma.. makio.. where’s hinatsuru..?” “She’s alright, she’s just unconscious for the time being”, you hummed, happy to hear hina was alive.
- you coughed up blood that had been bubbling in your throat, suma screamed some more before being hit on top of the head by makio. “Suma.. my dearest wife..” you started off.
- “Although your the most sensitive of the bunch, you’re still my wife and I’ll never let that be unknown.. your voice brings such comfort to my soul and I’m happy your able to be apart of my life..” you placed a hand on top of suma’s. She almost bursted out in tears but decided she’d save them for later.
- You turned your gaze to makio, who was silently crying while looking at your heavily injured body, you placed your other hand on her cheek and gave her the warmest smile you could muster up, “makio, although you’re hotheaded like no other, that doesn’t change anything on how I look upon you, you are one of my precious wives and you’ll always be known as that.. I love you.. suma.. makio”
- Your body began to go limp as you felt your heart grow slower and slower, “although hinatsuru and tengen aren’t here.. please let them know I love them as well” suma nodded profusely as she then began to cry louder than anything in the entire world.
- She held you as close as she could while makio held you close to her too, her tears falling onto your haori. You slowly closed your eyes and embraced the light at the end of the tunnel…
- Tengen had found his wives surrounding his only husband, crying their eyeballs out. Tengens heart dropped as this could only mean one thing.. the love of his life.. had.. died..
- He fell onto his knees and slowly picked you up, the sight of your eyes being permanently shut made him burst out in tears as he held your dead body close to his..
- That’s when he finally bursted out in tears, he didn’t care about the condition he was in, all he could care about was you.
- After the entertainment district incident, Uzui was no longer his “life of the party” self. He was way more closed off, even to his wives.
M. Kanroji
- It had been at least a couple hours since tanjiro, nezuko, and genya had left. Leaving you and your girlfriend to fight zohakuten. His wooden dragons attacked you both from both sides.
- It almost seemed as this fight would never end, but you knew you two could handle the demon child.
- Just as you sliced one of the dragons, you felt a large presence behind you. You twisted your head quickly but then felt a burning sensation in the middle of your chest.
- You felt the life drain out of you through your chest. You looked down to see one of the wooden dragons head pierce through you.
- Blood gushed out of your wound and spilled onto the forest ground, creating a large pool below you. The dragon then retracted its head through the hole it made in your chest, letting you fall to your demise.
- You body fell with the sound of a harsh crack of your rib cage breaking into a thousand pieces, collectively digging themselves into your lungs.
- Your vision grew blurry.. and then.. nothing
- “Y/N!!” your girlfriend called out, but didn’t receive a response, she looked over to where you originally were when she last looked at you.
- Her heart dropped as her eyes then darted down to the floor. Your body laying uncomfortably on the hard dirt floor.
- Mitsuri’s world began to slow down, tears immediately rushed to the edge of her eyelids before spilling out with a large wail.
- Her attention then quickly drew back to zohakuten, her sword springing into action almost immediately, rage engulfed her to the very tip of her nails.
- “you.. I will never forgive you for what pain I feel right now!! I don’t care if you look like some 10 year old kid!! I’ll kill you no matter what!!” Mitsuri screamed at the demon, her face completely red with anger and tears dripping down both her cheeks.
- Her speed increased significantly, her adrenaline and anger fueling her. She couldn’t let this kid get away with killing her bf!!
- Mitsuri sobbed as her legs grew weak on her but she couldn’t give up now, she had to avenge you even if it led her to her own death as well.
- “I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE” mitsuri sobbed out, her sword whipping down on the wooden dragon that was chasing her. She looked up in horror as she saw a dragon dive down, gobbling her up.
- But a few seconds later, the dragon rammed into a tree and collapsed, fading away after it crashed. “I’m saved!” Mitsuri cheered but her happiness was quickly cut short as she remembered you.
- She ran over to your body, falling to her knees as she saw your poor body lay face down. Your chest heaved slowly and raggedy, you were literally hanging onto a thread.
- “Y/N!! STAY WITH ME OKAY? WE’LL GET YOU HELP!” Mitsuri yelled between sobs, she scooped you up into her arms and hoisted you up onto her thighs.
- You’re eyes glistened with tears, you weren’t ready to leave.. you weren’t ready to leave mitsuri.. with the small amount of strength you had, you took mitsuris hand into yours and kissed it. Giving her one last loving look before your eyes grew shut and your grip on her hand loosened.
- Mitsuri could not stop crying after your death, she hated every passing second that wasn’t spent with you.
S. Kochō
- You and shinobu ran through the halls of the infinity castle. The multitude of doors that were scattered all around you two giving you a tiny sense of fear knowing that at any moment they could open up and you could fall to your death or be in a presence of an upper moon.
- the two of you then found yourselves in a hallway, a door not too far away. You and shinobu shared a look before carefully walking towards the door.
- Shinobu took the honor of opening the door, cautiously sliding the door to the side. There, you two saw upper moon 2..
- There was no doubt that this was the demon who killed kanae.. his shiny, blonde hair gave his mysterious persona away.
- The upper moon turned around “Hm? Someone’s here?” His rainbow gaze fell on the top of you two, “whoa it’s a girl! And her sweet boyfriend~!”
- You and shinobu both gripped onto your sword’s hilts tightly, “why hello there~! Very nice to meet you, my names douma~ it’s a lovely night out tonight, isn’t it~?”
- In the corner of your eye, you saw someone struggling to crawl away safely, “HELP ME..!” said the poor girl. “Shhh! We’re talking right now!” Douma was quick with his attack, with a slash of his fans, ice shwooshed through the already-cold air.
- Shinobu was quick to the girls aid, her fast pace competed against the ice. “Are you okay?” You managed to hear shinobu’s soft question, the girl looked scared, her frightened state left her unable to answer your girlfriend’s question.
- “Whoa! You sure are fast! Are you a pillar?” Douma was quick to ask questions, he was like a child who was curious about everything he could lay his eyes on.
- But with a blink of an eye, the girl was then sliced up, her body fell onto the ground in several large pieces. “There we go..” douma adjusted himself a bit. “Ah, don’t worry about her! Just leave her over there! I’ll make sure to gobble her up later”
- Douma stood up, his large figure easily towered over shinobu. He then went on to talk about how he was the founder of something.. something about eternal paradise..?
- You quickly made a break for it, running towards the demon and slicing your sword down, just as you were about to cut up one of his arms, douma’s balled up fist came in contact with your stomach.
- A large amount of blood gushed out of your mouth as you were flung back into the wall. “Y/N!!!!” Shinobu cried out.
- “I’d appreciate it if you told your boyfriend not to sneak up on me like that again..” Douma looked down at shinobu with a threatening look, but she didn’t care.
- She wasn’t going to listen to the same demon who lead to her older sister’s death.. your consciousness faded in and out, along with your hearing. But all you could think about shinobu’s safety.
- You groaned as you stood up, the pain in your stomach dying down at a painful rate. You climbed up onto the bridge/deck(??) and steadily took your balance back.
- But the moment you looked up you saw something horrifying, shinobu being struck by one of douma’s icy attacks. You yelled out to her before quickly making your way over to her.
- You shielded shinobu’s recovering body with your own, making sure douma had no chance to take a hit on her.
- “Could you please move out the way~? I have some business to take care of that includes your girlfriend~”, “like hell I will.. I’d be damned if I let you touch her..”
- “Hm.. You seem like a snack good enough for akaza! Ooo~! I could gift your dead body to him as a little token of our friendship~!!” Douma jumped up and down excitedly like a child.
- “Wha..” you could finish your tiny sentence before you were struck by one of douma’s attacks. Making you immediately drop to the floor like a fly.
- Shinobu looked back over to you to see you lying on the floor, your throat spurting out blood everywhere on the wood below you. Some drips of blood seeping down the cracks of the deck and into the pond water.
- “nonononononono..! y/n talk to me!!” You could only cough as a response. Your eyes grew glossy with tears as you realized this was your end..
- “You.. fucking piece of shit.. I’ll make sure to drag your body to hell and watch you burn in the enteral flames..”
(yk how the rest of the fight goes)
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Could you possibly do DS characters reaction to the reader blinding their chest? Trans!Male reader. Supportive comfort please. (≧◡≦) ♡ and yoy can do this wiyh who ever you wang, truly jusy need this.
Comforting words: Demon slayer characters moments with a Trans!Male who binds their chest.
Reader: Trans!Male, he/him pronouns, chest binding.
Notes: I think in this timeline there wouldn’t be many options for trans!people, and Healthily ones at that. I do hope this was okay since it’s my first time doing anything like this. I wanted you to have some comfort but I really am inexperienced with this. Forgive me if it’s bad.
Characters: Tanjiro Kamado Inosuke Hashibira, Shinobu Kocho
Warnings: Chest binding and unsafe using, mention of Tran! Hate, over all just me trying to make this work.
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He’d be waking to the training ground after recovering and wanted to get some light training in. The other two boys had been taking rest and he didn’t know anyone else was here, until he saw you. He watched you shifted your sword and stance slowly, like wanting to match the breeze. He saw bandages wrapped around your chest but only from the back.
He walked over and tried not to startle you, “Excuse me.” He called out and it made you turn your head back. “Should you be training in your condition?” He was sweet and polite. Tanjiro knew about training when hurt and he admired it, but needed to make sure.
You turned around with a confused glare, “And what condition is that?” He was more confused at your annoyed tone. “I can train just as well as you.” Glaring at him in anger. He threw his hands up quickly.
“I didn’t mean to offend you,” he bowed his head, “you have bandages coving your whole chest and I wanted to make sure you’re alright. Please forgive me.” You watch him shout for forgiveness and the anger in you lessen at his words.
“I’m not wounded.” His head shot up. “Makes me flatter.” You run your hands across your chest and his head clicks the dots. He blushes at his actions. You laugh at him turning red of embarrassment. “It’s called chest binding for people like me who need to get ride of their chest, to look more…Masculine.” You scratch the back of your head and try to explain it to him carefully. 
“Oh, I see.” He put his fingers on his chin and thought for a minute. Then his lips curled into a smile, “I heard about this” he looked down at the fabric wrapped around you “Be sure to be careful! I’m sure there something better for that.” You raise a brow at how understanding he is.
“I’ll be sure to be safe.”
“Could I ask you more questions about-”
“I’m trying to training dude.”
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The butterfly mansion was a safe place for you after each mission, seeing as that you needed it often. Every time you had aching chest pains from the bandages you would wrap yourself in and always did yourself, it probably wasn’t safe but it was what you had. After trying to find something better or find anyone willing to make it, you’d get thrown out.
It wasn’t until your fifth time that Shinobu took notice, the girls telling her about you and that you wouldn’t listen to anyone. So you woke up with her smiling in a seat next to you, something you almost jumped out of your bed for. “I understand you’re having problems.” She spoke so..Strangely. She was a hashira and it was already terrifying to be in the same room as her.
You blink at her and get a bit embarrassed and tried to find the strength to talk to her but she beat you to it. “I hear that you’re doing things that are unsafe to your body. That’s not good at all.” She smiles and it confuses how she could be talking like that but have a perfect smile.
“Is this about my binder? I know it’s not the best but it’s what I have to do. I can’t bare not having it…Makes me feel like me, and it’s not that unsafe.” She gives you a look and you straighten up, “It’s all I have.” You sigh and look down sadly hoping you wouldn’t be banned from your binder, or from the corps.
“Then we’ll have to find you something better, I’ll send out word for something safer. But we need to lay down some rules, it’s fine to do what you’re doing just not all the time.” She admits and pats your hand softly.
“But have some rest and I’ll send out word, hopefully we can get you one by the time you finish recovering.” A feeling of warmth fills your stomach at the nice gesture.
“Thank you.”
“Of course, but if you come back after this for the same reason I’ll have no choice but to knock some sense into you.”
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He met you once on the mission that sent you back to the mansion together. You had beaten him to a kill and save their asses before a more powerful demon appeared. So he saw you as a worthy opponent and couldn’t wait to fight you after.
When he saw you alone in the training grounds he couldn’t contain his excitement to fight you and prove he was better. He rushed over to you while you held your swords calmly and focused on your own movements. All of a sudden there was the strange boy running at you and screaming to fight him.
He notices the wrapping around your chest and knew you didn’t get hurt and he was confused. “Why the hell are you wearing that?” He pointed at you, which lead to you getting annoyed. “Because I want to!” He groaned and dropped his arms, “I can fight someone wounded because it makes them weaker!” He screamed like a frustrated child. “You owe me a fight.”
Taking a deep breath you calmed yourself so you didn’t start to hit him. “I’m not wounded, I’m just wearing it to keep me flat.” You stood up straight and leaned your weight on one foot. He stared confused.
“What the hell are you taking about?”
“I’m trans.”
“I don’t know what the hell that is! Is it some type of disease?” You smack your forhead and roll your eyes. “It’s just who I am. I was born in a different body, a female body that I don’t want. So this helps me become myself.”
“Oh..” he stared at you calmly before getting a grin on his face and tightening his grip around his swords. “So we can fight? Hell yeah.” He lunged at you immediately with a laugh that sounded demonic.
He didn’t care one bit about it. Like at all, but god forbid someone be mean to you about it. Lord Inosuke will stand up for his underlings. (Even if you beat him)
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raidenssblog · 1 year
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Paring: tanjiro x male! Reader
Genre: fluff
Pronouns: he/him
Warnings: none
Summary: just some random fluff cus I haven't posted in 1+ months💀 m!reader has long ish hair.
A/n: I posted this for my birthday 4/7 but unfortunately I didn't actually post it and I didn't realise till today😭 I also got lost on this and drifted to other ideas and it's 550am so it's all over the place rn
Walking around the estate, Tanjiro listens to nezuko hum a tune while holding his hand.
Tanjiro breathed in deeply, smelling the fresh night air once again. They both continue to walk down to the small flowing stream near by before he halted, your scent filled his sensors in a dizzying way.
Nezuko must have noticed you and pulled on tanjiros sleeve, pointing down to the stream where he saw you staring off in a daze.
Nezuko gave her brother a hug before turning on her heels and walking back.
Tanjiro stood on the dirt path wondering if he should go up to you or turn in for the night. As he turned away from you, a pull in his heart said to turn around a go back. Making his way back towards you he stepped on a twig.
Flinching at the sound you quickly jump to your feet and draw your sword. Your nerves calm as you saw who the intruder was.
"far out, you scared the living daylights out of me tanjiro" you sighed, placing your sword back.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" The red headed boy apologised while bowing quickly, giggling quietly to yourself at his actions you sit back down in your spot.
Looking back at him you ushered him to sit with you, and if course he did so. He sat somewhat close to you while slightly flustered.
You had your hair down only leaving the top pulled back. It frames your face and jawline perfectly, the moon hit it in the best way making it almost glow.
Alluring was the best way to describe you.
You had all the features, cold eyes but the way you looked at him with such care and warmth was confusing to tanjiro, you were more hidden away to yourself like Giyu and no one could read you feelings, everyone but tanjiro.
Truth be told when tanjiro looked at you you felt like crying, his eyes were so soft and understanding, he wasn't ment to be in this work force. Tho no one should be.
You've liked him ever since you've met him, how could you not. He's kind, gentle, thoughtful and determined. Your heart would always beat faster when you're around him, palms sweaty and smiling like an idiot.
Looking back at him you smile, tanjiro flushed and looked down. Even in the dull light you could still see the tips of his ears turn bright red. You shuffled closer wrapping an arm around him.
Tanjiro's eyes shoot to yours in surprise. Taking this as an opportunity, you lift your hand and hold his cheek before leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on his lips.
Tanjiro's eyes widened as his body stiffened, after a second he leaned into this kiss, heart beating out of his cheat. His arms snake around your shoulders before he pulls away with a small gasp.
Smiling again, you rub your thumb on his cheek.
"I love you so much tanjiro, I have ever since I met you. I couldn't stop thinking about you and how sweet of a person you are. How you would always make an effort to help others over yourself. You always had that beautiful smile on your face and such a sweet voice" you said finally letting go of all the bottled up feeling you had for him.
Tanjiro was shocked, he had no words. The only thing he could do was look at you.
Worry filled you when he didn't answer after a minute, pulling back a bit you blabbed on. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset I just thought you liked me t-"
"I do, I like you a lot. No. Not like, I love you. I love you so much m/n. Your so nice and you get along with nezuko so well. You've accepted the fact that she's a demon and that warmed me so much. I love you more than what you know m/n"
With that tanjiro kiss you one finally time. Pulling you closer than before and kissing deeper than before. Both your feelings are let out and you can finally show how much he means to you.
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crazytea5 · 1 year
Yandere Tanjiro Inosuke and zenizu.
so I’m doing this because of the “What do you want me to post?” Post so I’m doing it like I said I would. Now let’s do it! Pls note that y/n uses she/they pronouns.
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1 Yandere Tanjiro.
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Now you met Tanjiro selling some pastries in your family’s bakery.
he noticed you and instantly became obsessed with you.
he started to stalk you until one day gaining the confidence to come and say hi. Little did you know that he had been stalking you.
he decided to buy some kelp rice balls.
He asked if you would like to see him later on but you declined due to your mother being extremely afraid of oni (demons) and apologised for not being able to but he said that it was fine.
he started to come EVERY SINGLE DAY but you didn’t mind because you believed him to be your best mate. He knows what you thought of him and believes you still think that.
You didn’t just work 3 hours a day at the bakery you also did wood chopping for 5 hours a day and then would give it to you Father to sell.
after work you would meet up with Tanjiro but that stopped when his family died.
Fun Fact: You were at the kamado household when it got attacked and you suffered serious injuries trying to protect them you also managed to save not just nezuko but also Tanjiro.
Tanjiro came straight home and didn’t stay at another house.
giyyu saved you and brought you all to the demon slayer HQ were you and Tanjiro trained under him as his successors.
Tanjiro kidnapped you on a rainy night in a alley.
He is EXTREMELY obsessive and delusional.
2 Inosuke
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You and Inosuke met in the final selection.
in final selection you had seen Inosuke coughing up blood and being extremely injured so you helped him.
he felt different. He had never felt love before but after experiencing it he was safe to say it was a very real thing and not just for fairytales.
one day you and him have the same mission. You too have missions together a LOT. Due to Inosuke asking and due to him threatening to kill your Crow. Due to polite requests.
he kidnapped you when you to finished a mission. He then told everyone that you had died during said mission and said that the demon kidnapped you tortured you and ate you alive.
YOU HATE HIM! You love him he’s so kind! No we hate him… stop lying.
He keeps you in a box like Tanjiro’s when you have to leave tho thats pretty rare.
you live in a cave with him and if you do something wrong expect to almost be beaten to death.
He is extremely delusional and scary.
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Now Zenitzu only met you due to you being a local farmer. Only due to Tanjiro being busy as he would normally be the one to do food shopping when he seen you it was love at first sight. Totally not a obsession.
He was just crying and you had come to help him so he started to believe that you Loved him too.
So after asking Tanjiro Zenitzu was allowed to come with him to the farm to buy food.
Zenitzu after knowing you for a year kidnapped you while you were asleep and defenceless.
he is extremely delusional
You extremely hate him and try to do murder attempts to kill him but you always fail and he always says that it’s just a stage that people go through when their taken to a surprise home and that love will always fix it.
Ok I’m finally done because I am posting this at 06:51 in the morning and I have had 0 sleep so bye!
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also what name and pronouns do you go by? i don't want to feel rude by not knowing how to address you! -rengoku anon
AND.. i had a thought— yandere team ups. giyuu and shinobu going after some low rank demon slayer because of how respectful you are or maybe you remind them both of someone. they both are good friends so of course they would trust each other! giyuu is aware of shinobu weakening reader and helps shinobu with forcing reader into retirement so they don't have to risk losing you and keep you all to themselves! giyuu visits you whenever he can but the conversations are always short— he is a man of few words. before you did get "sick", he would stalk you daily. giyuu thanks shinobu for taking care of you.
or if you're unlucky, you would get sanemi and obanai— AND THEY ARE MEAN MEAN. i mean, they both would practically bully you. and you would be forced to lower your head and agree because who would go against a hashira? both who are known to be fucking TERRIFYING no less! they both get a kick out of seeing you tear up— but if anyone does dare to touch a hair on your hair or even say anything remotely bad about you, that person better pray it's a quick death. they both would be impressed with your strengths and how far you have gone as a kinoe level slayer but never would they vocalize it. "how did someone as pathetic as you get this far?" obanai would say as his different colored eyes stare you down, forcing you to look down.
perhaps you could get lucky and be the victim— i mean beloved of tanjiro and nezuko! they are both rays of light and never would they want to hurt you. they just really want their older sibling to stay with them! you remind them a lot like their mother and nezuko would always cling onto you whenever she is with you and out of her box. i like to think that this specific sibling pair is honestly the best to be with.
oh I prefer they/them, and I go by Crow or Ena. (Mainly Crow on here tho)
•Obanai and Sanemi would be such assholes, like genuinely the worst Yanderes you could get. At least Inosuke is somewhat nice to you.
•Giyuu and Shinobu would be a bit more chill in the threat sense, but also they keep you drugged so you retire and move in with them. Why would you work if you are sick? And can just stay home with them?
•Nezuko and Tanjiro are just clingy, they cling to you like their own mother (in a gender neutral sense) they don’t make you retire, because they like to go out on missions with you and protect you! Although they don’t like when you get injured. You getting hurt is a short cut to getting Nezukos more demonic form, and Tanjiros sun breathing.
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cureships · 6 months
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What’s good!!!!!
I’m Dylan, and I recently remade my selfship blog! My last blog was kind of lacking in organization, so I decided to remake :P I’m Black, trans and bisexual, and my pronouns are he/him. In addition to loving my F/Os, I also love wearing lolita fashion, and I’m quite autistic passionate about biology and medical sciences (hence the banner.)
Proshippers and yandere blogs aren’t worthy of interacting with me; they will be blocked consequently.
My F/O list is under the cut! ^_^
F/O List:
(I would prefer to not interact with those who also romantically ship with these F/Os, although I still very much respect your love for these characters <3)
Shoto Todoroki (BNHA)
Ochako Uraraka (BNHA)
Himiko Toga (BNHA)
Percy Jackson (PJO)
Suzaku Kururugi (Code Geass)
Euphemia li Britannia (Code Geass)
Nozomi Yumehara (Yes! Precure 5)
Zero Two (DITF)
Gaara (Naruto)
Deidara (Naruto)
Maki Zen’in (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Bortz (Land of the Lustrous)
Jonah Heidelbaum (Hunters; an amazon prime series)
Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Accelerator (A Certain Magical Index)
Teitoku Kakine (A Certain Magical Index)
Miles Morales (Across the Spiderverse)
Yuji Itadori (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nico di Angelo (PJO)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Mikoto Misaka (A Certain Magical Index)
Mami Tomoe (PMMM)
Momo Yaoyorozu (BNHA)
Kyoka Jiro (BNHA)
Kallen Kozuki (Code Geass)
OC F/Os:
Kiina Levovna Valerikova (A familial/younger sister F/O.)
“🗡️” and “🚀” (Romantic F/Os. You gotta be one of my elite employees to know these ones 😁)
Yay, you’ve made it this far! Thanks for reading ^_^ (and feel free to check out my Toyhouse once I put a link here.)
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unpopularwriter25 · 4 months
I saw you had demon Slayer ship requests open and thought I'd ask for one. I hope it's not to much information and don't feel to rushed about finishing it.
Pronouns: They/Them or He/him
Sexuality: Demisexual/ Demiromantic (I need there to be a  deep connection before things like attraction can happen, think slow burn friends to lovers. I do have a preference of masculine people but it’s not exclusive. There are some feminine people I have been attracted to.)
Age:  22
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius/Pisces (I was born during the changing of signs and have traits of both)
MBTI: Infp
Personality: I’m a bit socially awkward at first mainly because I need to feel out how people respond to me as a Trans person. After I get to know people I’m very talkative, I will go on and on about things I have an interest in and it’s amplified if the people I’m talking to also like the topic. I do have ADHD so my interests change a lot, and very quickly. It’s honestly difficult for people to shut me up sometimes. That being said, I do have times when I feel like I'm being too much and will shut down. I go through periods of time where I stop talking as much and don’t really do anything because I think I’m being annoying and it’s difficult to get out of those slumps.
Likes/Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Watching anime, Playing video games, Drawing, listening to music. Specifics would be Reading: Fanfiction and the Maze Runner Series, Animes: JJK, MHA, Haikyuu, Blue Exorcist, and Tokyo Revengers, Video Games: World of Warcraft and The Legend of Zelda franchise, Music: classic country, early 2000’s emo, early 2000’s disney, classic rock
Dislikes: bugs, anything sticky, I'm not a fan of outdoor activities like hiking or sports, people who tell me how to do something that is supposed to be fun
Appearance: I’m 5’11, and I’d say most people would say I’m curvy. I’m trans masculine and try to dress as much like a guy as possible, this means jeans and button ups, basketball shorts and hoodies. Basically if I can wear my binder I’m dressed very professionally and if I can’t I’m dressed like a teenage boy who doesn't care what he looks like. I also have super short dyed hair, think 2010’s gaming youtuber, right now it's a faded bluish green with some purple but it’s normally blue or gray.
Thank you for the request!! I hope you enjoy!!
I ship you with Tanjiro Kamado!!
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Tanjiro is known for his deep empathy and ability to understand and connect with others on an emotional level. His caring nature and desire to understand those around him align well with your need for a deep connection before attraction can develop.
Tanjiro is incredibly patient and understanding, which is essential for someone who is demisexual/demiromantic. He would respect your need for a slow-burn relationship and be supportive as you build a deep, meaningful bond.
As someone who is socially awkward at first and needs to gauge people’s responses, Tanjiro’s non-judgmental and accepting personality would make you feel comfortable and safe. He would never pressure you and would always be there to support you during your slumps.
Tanjiro’s resilience and positive attitude could help lift you up during times when you feel like you’re being too much or are in a slump. His unwavering support and encouragement would help you navigate through those periods.
Your relationship with Tanjiro would likely start as a friendship. You’d bond over shared experiences and interests, with Tanjiro being genuinely interested in your passions and hobbies. His curiosity and willingness to listen would make you feel valued and heard.
Given your INFP personality and Tanjiro’s empathetic nature, you would have deep, meaningful conversations. These discussions would help build a strong emotional foundation, crucial for a demiromantic connection.
Tanjiro would always respect your gender identity and presentation. Whether you’re dressed professionally or in a more casual, relaxed manner, he would see and appreciate you for who you are. His unwavering acceptance would provide a comforting presence in your life.
While you may not be a fan of outdoor activities like hiking, Tanjiro would respect your boundaries and find ways to be adventurous in environments where you feel comfortable. Whether it’s exploring a new book series, discovering new interests together, or finding cozy indoor activities, he’d ensure that you both have fun in ways that make you feel at ease.
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katwatcheskny · 2 years
Can I ask for tanjiro comforting a fem reader (can be imagine or Drabble whichever is better for you)
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tanjiro comforts the reader
type: drabble
pronouns: she/her/herself
word count: 1385
a/n: hello! thank you for making a request, i really appreciate it. i decided to make this a drabble because i wasn't able to expand this request into an imagine. merry christmas, and reminder that requests are open if anyone wants to make one.
Tanjiro had felt a range of emotions when Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho told him that there was another person recovering in the butterfly mansion besides himself, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. He felt bad for being excited to learn the other patient was (Y/N). Her presence in the mansion meant that she was injured, but at the same time he was excited to see her after months since their last meeting. Once he felt better, he decided to pay her a visit.
She looked well. There were bandages wrapped around her knuckles to her elbows on both her arms, and bandages wrapped around her neck. But, she was sitting up on her own and she was looking out the window. She was injured, of course, but Tanjiro had been worse off many more times before. He was sure that (Y/N) would probably recover before all of them and be on her way to continue slaying demons. She did appear dazed, though.
(Y/N) was staring out the window, as though she wasn’t really in the room right now but somewhere far away. Lost in her own mind that she didn’t even seem to notice that another person had entered the room. Tanjiro gasped, slightly as an intrusive thought entered his mind. What if she was ignoring him? She had incredible instincts as a slayer, she was trained to never let anything sneak up on her. She must be upset with him for some reason or another, not that he could think of some offense he must have committed.
She looked down at her hands. “Tanjiro. Aoi told me that you were here, are your injuries serious?” She questioned, and he could hear that she had been crying in the shakiness of her voice, so unlike her usual confidence.
Tanjiro shook his head, “I am feeling much better. Are you okay, (Y/N)?”
The girl tried to nod, before she shook her head honestly. When she turned to finally face him, there were tears gathered in her (e/c) eyes.
Tanjiro’s mouth gaped open in shock and horror. Tanjiro had known (Y/N) since he had first become a demon slayer. He had known her for years, although he only saw her every couple of months, for a different amount of time each time they crossed paths. Tanjiro thought of her as a good friend. She had always been courteous and more than accepting of Nezuko. And in all that time, he had never seen (Y/N) even upset, let alone crying. He moved his aching legs to enter the room properly and fell to his knees at her bedside and grabbed her hands that had been resting on her lap.
(Y/N) breathed heavily, as she tried to keep herself from crying anymore, as though if she could control her breathing it would stop her emotions. Tanjiro held her hands palm to palm, resting his thumbs over her knuckles. Their hands were so very calloused and scarred. A thin line of tears ran down from the corner of her eyes, and she leaned down to rest her forehead atop Tanjiro’s head, as the tears continued to run down her face. Tanjiro’s hands were cold right now, but there was still the ever present warmth that surrounded him. (Y/N) moved her hands out of his, so that she could intertwine her fingers with his, and nestled her face more towards his forehead, right beside the large red scar on the left side.
They remained like that for an indeterminate amount of time. It could have been as brief as five minutes, but it felt more as though it had been hours. Tanjiro had wanted to say something, to ask questions of what had happened to make her cry, or wanting to offer comforting words. Yet, he held his tongue and just waited as (Y/N)’s tears lessened and her breathing stilled, and she pulled her head away from his own and he could look up at her.
“So-sorry,” she whimpered.
Tanjiro shook his head, keeping his red eyes focused on her intensely. “You don’t have to be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about.”
She shook her head, “no, I do. I am weak and pathetic.”
“No, you’re not!” Tanjiro insisted, “you’re one of the strongest people I have ever met! You’re such a great swordsman and your breathing style is great.”
“You’re so sweet, Tanjiro,” she mumbled, so quietly as though she didn’t want him to hear her praise. But he had, and it caused his cheeks to turn red with a somewhat burning sensation. It was an amazing feeling to know that she thought of him so highly that he briefly forgot that she was upset. “I’m not strong enough, I’m not good enough. I wasn’t able to save anyone but myself. I shouldn’t be a demon slayer, I am not like you.”
She tried to pull her hands away from him, but he held on stubbornly and looked at her with a serious look. “What happened, (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) looked away in shame. She relaxed her hands and then tightened her fingers around his. She sighed, “I was assigned to act as backup to a mission that was going less than successful. The demon was powerful, it had been feasting on a temple of monks and any demon slayers who came into its territory. We were its prey the moment we climbed up that mountain. All the other demon slayers I went with were the same age as me or younger. Some of them I knew, others I had only met that night. It picked them off one at a time. It had gotten me too, he tried to slit my throat when I screamed, but I was saved by a friend. The demon killed him and I beheaded while it ripped him apart. I was the only one who survived. Twenty slayers, and I was the only one who survived. And only because Takami saved me and died in my place.” She tried to bury her face in her shoulder as her tears returned.
Tanjiro lifted himself off of his knees and onto his feet, but he did not release her hands, only tightening his grip. “You shouldn’t feel guilty that you survived, that you’re alive. There is no reason why you don’t deserve to live, (Y/N), you’re a good person. What happened was terrible but that isn’t your fault. It’s not fair that a demon killed all those people without remorse and you’re the one left feeling regretful. You shouldn’t have to be burdened with these thoughts, because you did nothing wrong.”
She shook her head again.
“I am very happy that you’re alive,” he announced, “I will make sure to pay my respects to Takami for saving you before I leave. He was a good demon slayer who made an impossible decision. He was a good friend.”
“He was,” she nodded. “And so are you Tanjiro.”
He felt his cheeks warm again at her praise, as it had earlier when she called him sweet. Though there was also a disheartening ache in his chest at the mention of them being friends. That was odd, they were friends, that shouldn’t make him upset. “And you’re a good friend, (Y/N). If you leave the corps, I will understand. I just think you should take more time before you make a decision as serious as leaving the corps until after you recover.”
“That makes sense,” she agreed. (Y/N) turned to him, there was still a sadness in her eyes but there was a small smile as well. “Thank you, Tanjiro. I’m not happy about why you’re here, but I am really happy that you were here. You always know how to cheer me up. Thank you so much.”
He blushed, abashedly, “you don’t have to thank me.”
“Would you mind staying for a while?” she asked.
Tanjiro looked down at their hands, which neither of them had ever bothered to let go of from their conversation, so long that he had almost forgotten that they were holding hands. Tanjiro hadn’t ever held a girl’s hand before, beside Nezuko, but that didn’t count. It was the same as holding (Y/N)’s hand. 
“Of course.”
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angelic-dew · 1 year
Can I get some yan tanjiro pls?
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# yandere tanjiro headcannons !
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▸🥢・yuri's thoughts :: this request is so old, i am so sorry.
▸🍂・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
▸✖ ・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. possessive behaviour. occ? obsessions. delusions. jealousy. manipulation. grammatical errors. || proofread.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere which is stricken to the core with pure 'love'; well that's what he tends to call it. All his love and dedication is solely devoted towards his angelic darling, nothing could compare to how you make him feel - it's as if you're a simple treasure, that he must keep safe and hidden away from the greediness of the world.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't show his yandere tendencies often, to be frank, they never show unless it's a life-or-death situation. However, he tends to always reassure you more often than not, even when you don't need it. Kamado is always professing his undying lust for you in the simplest of ways: either soft praises of his own sentimental value towards you or a gentle gaze accompanied by a slight smile is always enough.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that cannot bare to see you in pain, furthermore, to see your beloved eyes beginning to weep and sob; he truly can't bare to behold a sight such as that, so more often than not, he would do almost anything in his power to keep you happy. Your smile is what he cherishes most. In fact, that's what attracted him to you in the first place, your captivating smile, it was just so alluring and he craves to see that sight more and more.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that spoils you from time to time; that being small gifts or maybe a thing or two you were eyeing at the market the other day. He does tend to pay his utmost attention to your every want and need, he's always listening to you - the slayer is just too wrapped around your finger, my dear, he will listen to your every beck and call, despite how ridiculous they may be. Anything to keep you happy after all.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that never shuts his trap about you. Singing your praises to the top of his lungs as if you're some God when he's away from you on a mission of some sort. He has constant reminders from Zenitsu to kindly shut up but those words tend to fall on deaf ears, for his beloved angel calls his name, every hour of each day, despite their presence being absent.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that manipulates you right from the start. It was his best attempt at a pacifist way of claiming you as his own for good. He spends his time with you when he's not on missions, whether that's enjoying your presence near him or Kamado savouring the conversation you both share together.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that with every individual word that comes out of that mouth of his, it is inclined to store such overbearing emotion behind them. Especially when he locked his eyes on you with such sweet eyes and a tender smile always plastering itself along his face. His voice was inevitably solemn and gentle; as the passion he felt for you was evident within his pupils.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that will make himself familiar with your hobbies/interests. Either trying them out himself or gaining more knowledge about said thing. It always fills him with pure joy to hear you talk about what makes you happiest in the world, and now that he's familiarized with them - he can understand that passion of yours to a greater degree.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that loathes in your loves. He wants it all for himself, he doesn't mind that he's selfish; all he really needs is you, his angel and your love is the purest thing he can get in life.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't take kindly to rivals, of course, he won't do anything drastic, however, jealousy still radiates off him by the boatload, it's always clear in his demeanour when he feels this type of way. Whether this person may be close to him or not, the only one he truly trusts you around is Nezuko - everyone else is out of the question.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that due to his jealousy, has to find a way to make the 'problem' go away, that is when he finds himself approaching you while the person is with you. Offering you some food or asking you to help him out with some matters. If all fails he pulls you in by the waist and pecks your cheek.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that needs you, to be with you desperately. He loves to savour your beauty your everything; his words are gentle but his intentions are darker and growing more calculated and precise every day he spends with you, that 'love' of his is also growing, like a flame, rapidly burning more as the warmth takes over. He's hooked on you like a drug, a drug he can't get enough of.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is fully aware of what his actions may cause. The loss of friends and such, he's fully aware and it barely stings him as he does realize the mess he is making. After all, you're his, and he's pulling you closer to him every day; to the point, you feel like he's your world. You're so dependent on him. It's almost pathetic. But don't worry my dear, that's what he wants - he is more than capable of suiting your every demand.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is an addict for you, and he surely knows that. He's waiting for the day he can claim you as his forever soulmate, for even death cannot draw him apart from you.
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© angelic-dew :: reblogs are appreciated ! <3
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