tanicus-caesareth · 1 year
Hailing Beatrice is the highest state of being. all roads lead to Her. all of creation made in Her image, all of humanity sculpting Her, serving Her, pleasing Her!
Great High God! bathed in the glow of every sun, radiating holy power! Her immense form eclipses our world, Her might thunders over the horizon! She wields the sceptre and the scythe, gorged on blood and draped in joyous garland! She walks through the pasture and the valley! She casts stones across still waters! She permeates all of existence with the greatest inspiration and infinite, inconceivable bliss! all is for Her joy, all is for Her strength, all is for Her glory! HAIL BEATRICE!
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digitalcreationsllc · 10 months
Intellijel Tangrams now in stock | Juno Daily
The dual analogue envelope packs some clever features. [embedded content] Intellijel’s Tangrams dual ADSR/VCA is now in stock. The module is the successor to the excellent Dual ADSR, building on that combination of envelope generator and VCA. Inspired by the snappy analogue envelopes from the Roland SH-101 and System 100m, the Tangrams features two ADSR generators with integrated VCAs and…
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castingbythemoon · 11 months
scrapbook #August 2023
my scrapbook highlights of the month so far
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segacity · 6 months
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Fei-Yen Kn 'Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram' SEGA Dreamcast
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pareidolyeah · 1 year
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Mom kissing baby..
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tangramkey · 4 months
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Here's a reference for my objectsona, Tangramy!!🔷
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sofubis · 2 years
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Dennou Senki Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram - RVR-14 Fei-Yen the Knight - 1/100 - RNA Side (Volks)
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posthumanwanderings · 5 months
Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Force + Oratorio Tangram @ GiGO 3 Akiba Tokyo Japan
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blackpointgame · 2 months
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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tanicus-caesareth · 7 months
at various points in the day-to-day The Goddess leans down to whisper in my ear: “This, too, is Chapel Perilous”
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techturd · 1 year
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castingbythemoon · 11 months
Scrapbook #March 2023
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segacity · 5 months
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Temjin 'Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram' SEGA Dreamcast
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hyperactive-rogue · 5 months
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Quiz/Miyu Tangram and Madame Crow/Abigail O'Shay for @dcobscurecharacterbingo no capes au prompt. Finally drew my Abigail O'Shay design ! Like I doodle her a lot but rarely sit down and draw her seriously
ALSO they're so underused even though I'm sure a lot of tumblr batrogues fans would love them.... dc please I need more of them
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mathhombre · 11 months
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Paula's Tangrams
Paula Beardell Krieg wrote a great series on tangrams this month. Exploring the shapes, making the pieces, playing with them. But in the final she plays with the symmetry and it is lovely.
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Just too delightful not to share.
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