#miyu tangram
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randomclownsheep · 7 months ago
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How am I supposed to survive knowing that this relationship is only canon on this comic and this versión of Quiz doesn't exist anywhere else?
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hyperactive-rogue · 1 year ago
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Quiz/Miyu Tangram and Madame Crow/Abigail O'Shay for @dcobscurecharacterbingo no capes au prompt. Finally drew my Abigail O'Shay design ! Like I doodle her a lot but rarely sit down and draw her seriously
ALSO they're so underused even though I'm sure a lot of tumblr batrogues fans would love them.... dc please I need more of them
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localebra · 9 months ago
Hench Women of Riddler
Echo & Query
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Technically fist appearing in Secret Origins Special Vol 2 #1 1989, but under the names Query and Probe. We will have to discuss all the different names before going into them as individuals.
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Detective Comics Annual #8 1995 is the first time they are who we truely know today as Query (Diedre Vance) and Echo (Nina Damfino). At the time working at a sex club called Pandora, they were petty crooks who decided to rob the Riddler after a heist. He was not only able to convince him to not Rob him, but to become his hired help.
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Quiz and Query help him with his game show host astetic in Batman: Riddler 1995.
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Along with dark skined twin version of Quiz and Query in The Batman and Robin Adventures #3 1996.
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Not a woman, but I must mention Kwiz Kid from Teen Titans Go! #15 2003. The Rival to the Robin and boyfriend to Kitten. He is rather a fan, apprentice or spn of the Riddler.
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Enigma the Riddler's daughter (Allegedly) first apeared in Teen Titans #38 2006 Joining the heroic team before shortly making an appearance in Gotham alongside her father to carry out his crimes. Eventually betraying the Titans along with Joker's daughter to Teen Titans East. Until being doubled crossed by Joker's daughter and losing to the Titans. Shortly afterwards while working with her father she was killed by him. Dark Crisi she was named Quinn Nash appearing in the Arkham Academy program inside Batman urban Legends 21 2023. Were it is stated father would go on to be mentally abusive. Pushing her to be just as smart as him, when she failed to show this, Riddler tried to kill her for not being as smart as him. Next appearing in DC's 'Twas the 'Mite Before Christmas (2023) #1 where she goes on a date with Batwoman and helps her unravel her father's plans.
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Quiz real name Miyu Tangram from Legends of the Dark Knight #2 2021. Marketed as Riddler's Punchline she sent him a riddle which led to an easy bank robbery. He had the wrong code for the safe and she revealed her self from the hostages in told him the code and to take her with him. A massive fan of his work and later on his lover.
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Miss Tuesday the Riddlers short lived sidekick in Batman: The Audio Adventures (Podcast) 2021.
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Enigma real name Evelyn Rhyme and actual daughter of the Riddler in Batwoman season 2 2021. In which she is a master hypnotist who worked for Black Mask and made Kate Kane think she was Circe Sionis. She effected many other but was killed by Ocean to prevent her from reversing her work on Alice.
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For thoughts I feel a story from the perspective of Query and Echo could be very interesting into aspects. Not only would it give us the inner workings of The Riddlers work, but a unique view as a henchmen. At no point of a stepped on or looked down upon unlike other henchmen. They are the lowest of below but they're on top of the Heap. In regards to the various children, partners and fans I think actively bringing them together could be something interesting. Maybe Riddler actively puts a test out there to attract people who are the same level of intelligences him. Trying to build a team to take over Gotham through brains instead of brawn. Project Daedalus it could be called and each of the characters could have a different specialization.
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orange-s-mario · 2 years ago
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oddball216 · 2 years ago
what a great month to remember that last February, DC Comics said the Riddler is bisexual in canon.
In Strange Love Adventures, the story Dinner for Two, he sends Batman a poem as a series of riddles about people he’s had feelings for, including Miss Grantham (his middle school physics teacher), Antoine Moray (an actor who he played opposite), Miyu Tangram (an accomplice), and Jasmin Shroff (a lady who does crosswords in the park).
Also, depending on how you interpret the story, Batman himself.
*my bad, it was apparently April. But it was clearly set in February!
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cleoradays · 3 years ago
tag navigation
MOTI - platonic tag: [⌚: grow as we go]
TYRION LANNISTER - ship tag: [🍋: for the marriage of the lamb has come - and his bride has made herself ready]
S/I (for TYRION): [🥞: i must become a lion hearted girl]
NAERELLA - general tag: [🍯: the bee that hath honey in her mouth hath a sting in her tail]
NAERELLA - x daenerys targaryen, ship tag: [🐉: i miss you more than anything]
ARREL - general tag: [🐕: and the sun bear gazed to the stars]
ARREL - x tyrion lannister: [🌕: kiss by kiss - i move across your small infinity]
JOENNE - general tag: [🐆: and i will teach my daughter to plunge her claws]
MYRGA - general tag: [🦣: she looks for her omens in the colors of stones]
FOUND FAMILY - alois & ciel & elizabeth & soma & sieglinde & sebastian & agni & mey-rin & finnian & bard & snake & tanaka & grelle & ronald, family tag: [♟: at your service]
ADULT S/I - general tag:  [🐈‍⬛: if it means i can protect you]
CHILD S/I - general tag:  [🎶: all things were glad and flourishing]
JIMMY MCGILL / SAUL GOODMAN - ship tag:  [⚖️: malewife]
JESSE PINKMAN (& JANE MARGOLIS) - ship tag: [🌭: i wish that i had jessie’s girl]
LIZBETH “LIZZY” “LIZ” (for SAUL) - general tag:  [💅🏻: bikini bimbette]
CAGER MYERS (for JESSE & JANE) - general tag:  [🧷: you wish a lot of things]
IVOR ORR - ship tag: [🔧: i’ll listen]
JOHN YOSSARIAN - family tag:  [✈️: steady on]
CREEPYPASTA FAMILY - general tag:  [🌲: people of the forest]
JEFFREY WOODS / JEFF THE KILLER - ship tag:  [🪦: kittywood]
NINA HOPKINS / NINA THE KILLER - ship tag: [🔪: ninakitty]
TOBIAS ROGERS / TICCI TOBY - ship tag: [🪓: kittyrogers]
JACK NICHOLS  / EYELESS JACK - ship tag: [🌌: eyeless kitty]
TIM WRIGHT / MASKY & BRIAN THOMAS / HOODIE - family tag:  [🐻: defend and conquer]
SLENDERMAN - family tag: [🐑: the lion and the lamb]
KATE MILENS / KATE THE CHASER - family tag: [🔦: lost and found]
BENJAMIN / BEN DROWNED - family tag:  [👾: sleepin’ in the middle of a summer afternoon]
JANE ARKENSAW / JANE THE KILLER - family tag: [🌬: snow and seams]
NATHALIE OUELLETTE / CLOCKWORK - family tag:  [🕰️: clock kitty]
LAUGHING JACK - family tag: [🎪: carnie cats]
SALLY WILLIAMS - family tag: [🧸: come little children]
SPLENDORMAN - family tag:  [🌈: my little jelly bean]
LAUGHING JILL - family tag:  [🕷: you can be my imaginary friend!]
S/I (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [⚰: one true home]
ALICE BURNS - general tag: [☀️: go ask alice - i think she’ll know]
ALICE BURNS - x jeffrey woods, ship tag: [🪐: baby you’re a vampire]
ALICE BURNS - x nina hopkins, ship tag: [💗: i feel pink]
ALICE BURNS - & toby rogers, family tag: [​​🍂: we walk too close to the radar]
BEAM - general tag: [🐁: good afternoon miss - you are my second victim]
BRUCE WAYNE / BATMAN - ship tag: [🦇: batcloud]
EDWARD NYGMA / THE RIDDLER (& MIYU TANGRAM / THE QUIZ) - ship tag: [🦖: riddlecloud]
SELINA KYLE / CATWOMAN - ship tag: [🐾: cloudcat]
HARVEY DENT & TWO-FACE - ship tag:  [💕: twoclouds]
DUELA DENT - ship tag: [🍭: harlecloud]
OSWALD COBBLEPOT / THE PENGUIN - ship tag:  [☂: cloudbird]
VICTOR & NORA FRIES - ship tag:  [❄️: iceclouds]
JONATHAN CRANE / THE SCARECROW - ship tag: [🧪: cloudcrow]
ELLA NASHTON / ENIGMA - ship tag: [🧩: puzzlecloud]
HARLEEN QUINZEL / HARLEY QUINN - family tag: [💋: gotham’s princess]
HARLEY QUINN - platonic tag: [♠️: queens of gotham]
POISON IVY - platonic tag: [🍃: leaves from the vine]
CONSTANCE - general tag: [🍰: strip away my conscience]
CONSTANCE - x bruce wayne, ship tag: [💌: fuck your tunnels / fuck your cars]
CONSTANCE - x selina kyle, ship tag: [​​🎀: come come kitty kitty]
CONSTANCE - x harvey dent & two-face, ship tag: [🏩: you’re my obsession]
CONSTANCE - & harvey & duela, family tag:  [🤍: trust your angels]
CYRIL BLOOM - general tag: [🦆: velvet and violins]
ELSA KING - general tag:  [🦢: rubies and pearls]
ELSA X CYRIL - x oswald cobblepot, ship tag:  [🥂: gotham’s finest]
PHOEBUS - general tag: [💥: not the same man i was before]
PHOEBUS - x edward nygma, ship tag: [🔥: melt with you]
PHOEBUS - & edward & ella & miyu & echo & query, family tag: [🪀: riddle!family]
THE DOCTOR “THETA” - ship tag: [🛸: and i’ll love you always - across the universe - across time]
ROSE TYLER - ship tag: [🌷: every rose has its thorn]
CELTY STURLUSON - platonic tag: [​​🏍: in the midst of that empty space - the shadow smiled]
SHIZUO HEIWAJIMA - platonic? tag: [💢: i really hate violence]
HABIT - ship tag: [🥩: hop hop little lop]
S/I (for HABIT) - general tag: [🐰: run rabbit run]
GENERAL FAMILY TAG (primarily margo & murdoc & jem & etienne & me):  [🍉: niccals-green family]
STUART POT / 2D - family tag:  [🎱: you killed my tamagotchi!]
ACE COPULAR - family tag: [🌴: welcome to venice dweeb]
RUSSEL HOBBS - family tag: [🥁: time is gonna pass - so make it count]
NOODLE - family tag: [🐱: you can kid the world - but not your sister]
S/I - general tag:  [🧁: welcome to paradise]
MARGO GREEN - general tag: [🛼: she is messy - but she’s kind]
MARGO GREEN - x murdoc niccals, ship tag: [🎸: i am your music and i am your song]
MARGO GREEN - & stuart pot, platonic tag: [🦋: we are dead butterflies]
MARGO GREEN - & ace copular, platonic tag: [🤘: calling the world from isolation]
MARGO GREEN - & noodle, family tag: [🌺: everything stays]
MARGO GREEN - & marla kekoa, family tag: [🍒: forget him!]
JEM GREEN - general tag: [👙: venice vixen]
ETIENNE GREEN - general tag: [🕸: like father / like son]
ETIENNE GREEN - x kady, ship tag:  [🎮: brony marriage]
MARLA KEKOA - general tag:  [🐄: live-laugh-love core]
VICTOR ZSASZ - ship tag: [🕺: won’t you take me to funkytown?]
BARBARA KEAN - family tag: [🌃: siren’s daughter]
BUTCH GILZEAN - platonic/family tag: [​​🐡: watch out kid!]
S/I (for BARBARA & BUTCH) - general tag: [👡: a girl among tyrants]
GOTHAM!PHOEBUS - x victor zsasz, ship tag:  [🍬: i can’t trust the fall]
SEVERUS SNAPE - ship tag:  [☕: the mind is not a book to be opened at will]
S/I (for SEVERUS) - general tag: [💫: professor of ancient studies]
FREYA THRAWCLIFFE - general tag:  [🕯: professor of the healing arts]
FREYA THRAWCLIFFE - x severus snape, ship tag:  [🧺: this too / shall pass ]
JAY MERRICK / SKULLY (& TIM WRIGHT) - ship tag:  [📹: the ant and the dove]
ALEX KRALIE - ship tag:  [📼: i’m way too young to lie here forever]
NICHOLAS HILL - general tag: [🐏: king of the road]
NICHOLAS HILL - x jay merrick, ship tag:  [🪶: two birds]
NICHOLAS HILL - & tim wright, ship tag: [🚬: there’s nothing i won’t understand]
TED LASSO - ship tag: [⚽️: how much the heart can hold]
TORIEL DREEMURR & SANS - ship tag: [🌨: irisoriel]
PAPYRUS - ship tag:  [🌞: here comes the sun]
SPAMTON G. SPAMTON - ship tag: [🔌: cyber kitten]
QUEEN - ship tag: [💎: e-married]
KITTY (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [⭐: the light bearer]
KITTY - x papyrus, ship tag: [​​💛: to the bone - with love]
KITTY - x spamton, ship tag: [📞: no flatline - what were you scared about?]
KING - general tag: [💾: who rules the cyber world?]
KING - x queen, ship tag: [🌐: king upon her throne]
PERCEDAL OF SADLYGROVE & EVANGELYNE - ship tag: [🏹: do not weep / do not wail / i am coming home to you]
NOXIMILIEN “NOX” “MILIEN” - ship tag: [⚙️: oh - father time]
RUEL STROUD - family tag: [🍳: on the road again]
YUGO - family tag: [🌾: there’s a wind alive in the valley]
RUBILAX - platonic tag: [🗡️: devil may care]
REMINGTON SMISSE - platonic tag: [⚔️: thick as thieves]
S/I (for EVERYONE) - general tag: [🐛: a world so wide and warm]
CLEORA (for NOX) - general tag: [🌿: true peace looks like this]
FOUND FAMILY - isre & remington & rook & fionan, family tag: [🍀: soldier - poet - king]
ISRE - general tag: [🍊: there will come a ruler - whose brow is laid in thorn]
ISRE - x yugo, ?? tag: [🍓: will you greet the daylight looming - learn to love without consuming?]
ROOK - general tag:  [🌙: he will slay you with his tongue]
ROOK - x remington smisse, ship tag: [🗝: please don’t lean on me - ‘cause i don’t want your heart between my teeth]
FIONAN - general tag: [🦁: he will tear your city down]
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orange-s-mario · 3 years ago
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I think all of the riddler characters are neat
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orange-s-mario · 2 years ago
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Riddler, Riddler’s henchmen, his clones/expies, and his replacements
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orange-s-mario · 2 years ago
I didn’t forget her because I honestly didn’t know of her existence but you’re right Miss Tuesday is great
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I think all of the riddler characters are neat
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orange-s-mario · 2 years ago
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Another Riddler character: Kwiz Kid
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I think all of the riddler characters are neat
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