#tangled au my beloved
adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
Ohhh now I wanna work on my Tangled AU again
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py-dreamer · 8 months
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More fanart woo!
Y'know that scene with one of the best background medieval-village tracks in fil history- (kingdom dance) where Rapunzel looks at the mosaic? Yea this is that
Unfortunately I don't have the patience to draw all them itty bitty tiles so I kinda cheated and used a stone texture layer on top (^-^')\
Hope you don't mind but I gave a couple more details to our favorite celestial-bull couple.
I mean Iron Fan is supposedly an empress of an empire right? Why not make her look the part? I didn't know how to bling up DBK though...
Also you might notice, I've drawn the samadhi flower! It has four big petals and four small in between (nod to the four rings) a pattern within shaped like flames (self explanatory) and a center with the 3 swirly thingy symbol (idk what it's called)
They were such a joy to draw! And ngl it was hard to draw everyone not pissed off....
They all have the sharp features!
You might notice right next to the lil baboo, DBK's hands are kinda charred to a crisp (I read the 1st chapter, yes I know) but this boi is grinning like there's no tomorrow with his wife and child and we love that for him!
There's a pot of burning incense which the chinese use for the dead which I don't think the ironbull couple would like very much.
Like they'd let the townsfolk do it, they're just being respectful, but they'd still resent it in hopes that their son is still alive somewhere
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and here's an un-shadowed version to see the fam better!
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(click photos for less sh!tty quality)
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theinternetarchivist · 3 months
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Anyways, it’s been ages since I’ve been able to draw, and while I’m riding this TTS hyperfixation I figured: hey, might as well since I have the time!
I wanna write/draw more for this au soon
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cewwart · 8 months
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sigma as rapunzel!!
why? i don’t know!!! ヽ(*´∀`)
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lunascheeze · 3 months
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Some gay fairies for the (ending) pride month 🕺
Thanks to @tomwaterbabies and @kristoffs-lullaby for creating the AU, it’s my favorite one!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I drew the oldest one in December but there was this one little annoying detail I didn’t like and I was waiting to have some time to set everything up and fix it and besides I didn’t do Hugo justice so here we are with two additional pieces :D
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nart-is-a-monster · 3 months
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Before anyone think anything YES this is JUICE BOX VARIAN
This time I decided to do a little thing called not do all the painting and lines on one layer and try to do it in several layers.... I'm not used to it bc heh, I take digital drawing like traditional drawing so I'm used to doing everything in the same layer but well- THE MARCO DE ESPEJO idk the name in English is quite hard to keep all the details if everything is on the same layer so......... THAT WAS ALL KISSING YOU BYE
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passionartx · 3 months
Ahh the struggle of wanting to write, make art, work on projects and talk to people but having 0 energy and hardly being able to stay awake is beyond frustrating. Chronic illness go away I wanna make Tails cry.
So with that ✨self projection time✨🤭 (sorry tails, no escape)
I can so see Tails getting extremelyyy frustrated during times of intense fatigue or illness. I imagine he likely has these energy dips quite often given the knock on effect the strength of using his tails might have. His likely poor eating and sleeping schedule from working on projects on top of this definitelyyy wouldn’t help.
I think that’s what he’d find most frustrating of all. Him having all these unfinished inventions, gadgets and blueprints he was so excited to keep working on, maybe even things so, so close to completion… and not having the energy to work on any of it. So much of his worth stems from wanting to use those things to help his friends, and the inability to do so would make him feel worthless. Sonic of would remind him that’s not the case of course. But that wouldn’t take that frustration and doubt away <\3 And knowing Tails, that probably still wouldn’t stop him from trying and he’d only make himself more ill in the process.
Ahh this consumes me. I’ve actually got a fic wip that’s been sitting around for like 2 years that kinda surrounds this concept. Maybe one day I can try and get it out there! ✨ ( …When my own health improves and I’ve got the energy to finish it that is lol, one day hopefully :,) )
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bee-snail · 1 year
King of Darkness
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Tried to draw Moonrise Hector v2.0 as vent art of sorts. He reminds me of Princess Luna ...
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llamagoddessofficial · 7 months
In the diver au, do the sirens still come to see MC even when she isn't diving? Asking because I am terrified of SCUBA diving
Dw anon, as someone who actively enjoys scuba diving I am ALSO afraid of scuba diving. Y'all will never catch my ass below 10m
Sans: He's careful not to appear too often. He doesn't want her to start suspecting he does little else but wait for her to return to him. But yes, he does sometimes come to see her, even when she has no plans to dive - sometimes she just likes to go out on a boat with her buddies, maybe to be their surface guy, maybe to fish, maybe just to hang out. Either way Sans will be there. He circles the boat, maybe even pulls up alongside it... he's always all smiles, all whistles. He likes playing tug-of-war. He tolerates the presences of her friends; Sans knows that humans never dive alone, and if her friends start disapproving of him or seeing him as aggressive she might not get in the water.
Sometimes, he returns lost items to her when he comes to the boat. Fumbled kit from previous dives. Most of the time it's genuinely lost stuff, but occasionally, he actively steals things from under her or her dive partners noses only to 'return' them later and gain favour. Her friends like him, they're none the wiser that he sees them purely as obstacles in the way of his beloved. He only has eyes for her.
Red: Of course he does. Diving or no diving, she's cute and he wants attention. He'll show up and circle the boat like the shark he is, laughs and non-serious shouts of "your boyfriend's here" go up from her buddies; if she doesn't go greet him when he surfaces he literally rocks the boat, aggressively bumping the hull until she relents and comes to interact with him. He always has such a smug look on his face. If he's seen one of her friends getting a bit too chummy with her recently he might only show up to target some harassment their way - kicking up water at them, snapping or deliberately tangling their fishing lines, or even pulling the line himself so the whole rod eventually goes flying into the water. (Of course, they're only getting that back if she asks)
He likes that she's more confident on a boat. In the water, she's mindful of the fact that it's his territory, but if he's misbehaving on the surface within arm's reach she'll reach out and smack him on the skull. Those whacks are the highlights of his week.
Skull: She never sees him when she's not diving.
But... that doesn't mean he's not there.
In the day, he lurks below the surface, below the boat whose hull and engine hum he's memorised. He listens to the muffled sounds of her laughter.
... And at night, he can be far, far closer than she realises.
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otterlis · 7 months
♡ the proudest moment for me is telling others that you are my son ♡
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♡ papamin!au my beloved
♡ genre: pure fluff
♡ lenght: ~0,6K
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Kento didn't really plan to take a nap.
He was sitting in front of the TV, Yuuji curled up against his side as they watched Gravity Falls - well, Yuuji watched it. It was their afternoon tradition. They came back home, did the homework, watched some TV before they got hungry and then they cooked dinner together.
Today wasn’t much different, but after a tiring day at work Kento was absolutely exhausted. Too many pointless meetings and dumb arguments with his coworkers resulted in a throbbing headache and red, tired eyes. Relaxing against the soft pillows, Kento thought it wouldn’t hurt to close his eyes for a moment and rest. He wouldn’t fall asleep, right? Naps weren’t really his thing.
Then, as soon as the first episode of the show started, he just straight up passed out.
To him, it felt like a few seconds. A longer blink, if you will. That’s why he was so confused when he shifted and suddenly he couldn’t feel Yuuji’s tiny body pressed against his side. His eyes shot open and he sat straight up as the panic settled in.
‘Yuuji?’, he called out, looking around the room. It was already dark and he could barely make out anything. As he turned around on the couch, Kento noticed soft light pouring out through the kitchen door, accompanied by a few soft grunts of annoyance. He quickly made his way over, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw the scene before him.
Yuuji was standing on top of the kitchen chair, Kento’s big apron hanging around his tiny body, the straps tangled around his legs. His face was concentrated, the tip of his tongue sticking out, as he tried hard to slice the cucumber that stubbornly rolled away from him with every attempt.
At least he’s using the child-friendly knife, Kento thought with relief. He quietly stepped inside of the kitchen, trying not to startle the boy.
‘What are you doing, Yuuji?’, he asked.
‘Oh, Nanamin!’, Yuuji exclaimed happily, almost falling off the chair as he tried to turn around with the apron tangled between his legs. Luckily, Kento had quick reflexes. This wasn’t the first time this happened, either. ‘I’m making us dinner!’
‘Hm?’, Kento hummed, looking away from the boy he held in his arms and back at the counter. Indeed, there were two plates prepared - there was a ham sandwich, a cheese stick and a few cherry tomatoes on both of them, but coincidentally the one on the right had also a few candies hidden behind the food.
‘I wanted some cucumber too, but it kept rolling away!’, Yuuji added, crossing his arms with frustration. Kento couldn’t help but smile, a warm, cozy feeling spreading across his chest.
‘You did great’, he praised the boy, setting him back up on the chair. He grabbed the rowdy cucumber and set it back on the cutting board, his other hand wrapping around Yuuji's wrist to guide his movements and cut up the vegetable. They boy cheered as they finally defeated the green stick of doom and placed a few slices on each of the plates.
‘Let’s go eat in the living room!’, Yuuji exclaimed, climbing down the chair and slipping out of the apron. He grabbed his plate and quickly run out of the kitchen, trying to cover up the sweets with his tiny hand. Kento chuckled as he picked up his own dinner, turning off the light and following the boy with a smile still etched on his face.
Sure. This one time Kento could pretend he didn’t see any candies on Yuuji’s plate.
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It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons — Johann Freidrich von Schiller
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ellis jjk fanfic debut?????
inspired by a lovely prompt by @dahldahlbills ♡
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mermaidgirl30 · 2 months
✨Always In My Heart✨
Pre-Outbreak! Joel Miller x fem! reader
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A/N: I lost my best fur baby today. October would’ve been 3 years since I adopted him. From a stray on the streets to a spoiled house cat. He battled so much. From FIV+ to broken teeth to diabetes and then to cancer. He was the best kitty ever and was my very own first cat, so he was extra special. I wrote a little one-shot to try to express how hard this loss is for me and to try to cope. I miss you, little Biscuit. Mama loves you 🥹 This is for everyone who’s ever felt the loss of losing a beloved pet.
Summary: Losing a pet is never easy, but you’re not alone because Joel is right there with you, keeping you afloat.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tags: Grief, love, soft Joel, losing a pet, angst with comfort, no use y/n, no outbreak au
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Drip. Drip. Drip.
   The misty rain pelts on your drenched skin, and you’re cold. You’re so very cold. You can feel the chill burrowing down to your shaking, fragile bones like they may break at any moment. 
   Thunder booms through the gloomy sky, lightning flashes in the far distance, and you swear you can hear the faint cry of a lost soul deep in the woods. Can almost hear your favorite meowing coming from the covered grave in front of you…
   The grey clouds completely cover the sun, the pattering rain seems to mourn just like the cold tears that stain your cheeks. You feel lost, broken, just like your heart is. Completely shattered.
   The crunching noise of the shovel meeting the earth is almost too much for you to handle. This is too much. On your knees, fingers curling in the hollow dirt, your jeans ruined from the muddy ground. And you can’t look up, can barely open your swollen eyes as you mourn the loss of your favorite cat who had made you so very happy. 
   He was your entire world.
   You miss him so much. The feel of his long, soft fur. He felt like velvet, smelled like a warm summer’s day, and you miss the way he’d curl up on your shoulder at night, purring with affection and love. You miss his little meows, the ones that would echo down the long hallway. It always was your favorite thing to wake up to.
   But now he’s gone. Faded into the afterlife when the cancer became too much. He was a fighter, the strongest fighter you’ve ever known. But now he’s just a precious memory. 
   And it hurts. God, it hurts.
   Your tears blur your vision, your face buried in your dirt covered palms, fighting the bitter sting of losing your best fur baby. You only had him a few short years. It wasn’t enough time. And now he’s gone…
   The sobs escape your lips, and you’re now a blundering mess on the ground, asking God to just give you one more day. One more day of long cuddles and top of the head kisses. And his slow blinks. The ones he’d give you every single time you told him how much you loved him. 
   You just want him back, but life isn’t fair, and pets don’t get to stay nearly as long as you’d like. Life is cruel, and you wouldn’t wish this awful pain on your worst enemy.
   You shrink against your drenched raincoat, not even caring that your hair is tangled and dripping down your back. You don’t much care for anything right now; all you can feel is the large hole that’s gaping in your broken heart.
   The rain continues to pelt down on your shoulders, your body shaking like you’re stranded in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. The frigid waters are dragging you under, and they’re about to swallow you whole.
   Just when you think the dark depths will win, strong arms encircle your back and envelop you into a warmness that soothes the screaming voices in your head. 
   “Hey. Easy now, sweetheart. Easy.” His thick, deep drawl shrouds you in comfort while big teardrops fall against his dark green flannel. He cradles the back of your head with one hand, the other gently drawing soothing circles down the middle of your back.
   “I… I didn’t get enough time, Joel. It wasn’t enough. I should’ve done more. He could’ve had more days. I didn’t…”
   “Shhhh. S’alright, babygirl. You did more than enough. You gave him the best life he could’ve had. Do you know how lucky he was to find you? You were the best cat mama I’ve ever seen. You loved him so much, and he loved you very much,” he coos, pulling you closer to where you can smell his woodsy cologne and a hint of tobacco wafting off his tongue. 
   He feels like home. He is home.
   “You really think so?” you sputter out, tears breaking over your lash line and falling onto his soft button-up shirt.
   “Look at me,” he says gently, his hand cupping your chin and tilting your face up to look into his soft brown eyes. Eyes that make more tears spill over the edge. He catches them, wiping them off with the pads of his thumbs and softly traces them down your cheeks until you feel warmth flood your insides. “You’re such a brave girl, my love. So very brave. And you were nothin’ but loving with that cat. Even made me fall in love with him, sweetheart.”
   You giggle, your breath shaky and eyes misty. Even when you’re sad, Joel Miller can make the rainy days turn to blue skies. “He loved you, Joel. He followed you everywhere you went in the house. Especially in the mornings when you made your coffee.”
   He laughs and shakes his head, his brown eyes a little teary from the memories. “Yeah, he sure did. And I’m gonna miss him a lot.”
   “Me too,” you squeak out quietly, gripping onto him like he’s your lifeline. 
   He leans forward and traces his plush lips against your forehead, leaving you breathless with the semblance of comfort he leaves on your skin. He’s like a blanket of warmth, and he’s just saturated you in love.
   When he pulls back to look at you, he pushes a wet strand of hair behind the shell of your ear and lingers there on your cheek, sparks radiating through his touch. “I love you, sweet girl. And I know this hurts. It hurts like hell, but you’re so strong and brave. You’ll get through this. It’s gonna take time, but I’m right here to help you through it. You’re gonna be okay, sweetheart. Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but you will be. And I’ll be here through it all with you.”
   A tear slips from the corner of your eye, and then you’re crashing into him, throwing your arms around his broad back as you sniffle into the soft material. “Thank you, Joel. For being here for me. For helping me lay him to rest in our backyard, for loving him as much as you love me.”
   His fingertips brush your skin, and then your head tilts back automatically, knowing what that touch means. He leans in and places a soft, lingering kiss on your lips, the kind you want to melt in, one that tastes like honey and longing and pure comfort. When he breaks the kiss, he places another on the top of your head and pulls you flush to his chest, strong arms enveloping you once more. And it feels like peace, a place you can rest and bring life back inside your worn body.
   Joel brings you to life time and time again. And this time is no different. 
   “‘Course, sweet girl. I’ve got ya, always. I love you,” he whispers, blanketing you in love that only Joel can make you feel. 
   Suddenly, you know you’ll be okay. It might hurt for a bit, but Joel will always be here. Even on your worst days, he keeps showing you that he’ll never leave you struggling. He’ll be here for it all, loving you till the end.
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jaytalking · 2 months
That new ghost king au looks amazing! any idea already what happened? The part with tucker and sam suggests danny cant go back to the humand realm, but it also sounds in the part with vlad like he hasn't been there for a long time?
Nah this was sorta inspired by Tangled? Danny's past is purposefully left very vague but basically he's the Far Frozen's beloved prince & saviour; he was taken in by the Yetis as a young child but he was old enough to remember his name and that he had a family back in the human realm.
"Why didn't Danny just use the Infini-Map to go home if he remembers?" Is the big question I had to figure out since that thing can basically take you anywhere and my solution was that Danny simply believes himself to be a full ghost, he does not know he's half human. The Yetis know but decided not to tell him specifically so he wouldn't try to go into the human realm, and have forbidden him from using the Map without their permission, using the excuse that he's simply too young.
"Why are they keeping him away from the human realm?" To protect him. Plain and simple. Shortly after Danny appeared, the human realm became a nightmare for ghosts due to ghost hunters becoming extremely active and increasingly violent. They just don't want him to get hurt, or worse, captured.
But Danny really wants to go there! He's heard a lot of bad things but he really wants to find his family and get some closure on what exactly happened the day he "died". So when this strange "Plasmius" ghost shows up, saying he can get Danny into the realm of the living, plus revealing with proof that the Yetis have been keeping secrets and lying, leveraging the fact they're both halfas and thus should help eachother, Danny falls for his lies and gets trapped in a human realm full of bloodthirsty hunters with no way back to the Ghost Zone.
... Yeahhh he would have taken fighting Pariah again over this.
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py-dreamer · 9 months
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Wow this au has really seized me by the neck, huh?
More doodles have possessed me and now I must release them into the world
NOT MY AU, fanart for an au
It was really fun to draw lbd's glowing eyes.
I imagine red son would've worn the blue attire when younger and the ice crystal to show the trust they put in lbd.
Also it was surprisingly hard to draw RS with the regular angry eyebrows and make it look cute.
Furthermore, no glasses. And no ponytail. I know its RS's signature but on a baby? No.
The twin buns really make him look like Nezha, but the twin buns were a common hairstyle for children back then I think and I saw someone else use the twin buns for kid red son too.
(finally remembered to draw Red Son's tail this time, its like a little paintbrush!)
(click photo for less sh!tty quality)
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000marie198 · 5 months
Are there any sonic au’s you would recommend? I am trying to find more to get into so would love to know if you have any favourites out there :D
Hello! Oh there are so many! :D I definitely have some favorites and some which aren't favs but are pretty great.
Putting these under the cut because there are so many! And there's definitely more cool AUs that I haven't seen or haven't saved.
Anyways, please enjoy my personal selection:
Seven Years Too Soon by NightFuchia. Basically what if a much younger Sonic accidentally set Shadow free from Prison Island. It has awesome characterization and happens to be one of my favorite stories. The rest of Team Sonic is also present
Brotherhood's Twist by @/drawloverlala even though I don't think it counts entirely as Au but it still sort of does. Unbreakable Bond ageswitch due to Zeti's meddling.
Passion's @sonic-tangled-au . I love it! So very much. The lore and backstories are so good.
Noonui's World Restored in Imbalanced Chaos au. Extremely engaging and good. Has a bunch of world building and fun concepts and lore.
Sonic's Super Totally Awesome Mixtape, though it seems to be discontinued, I'm not sure. It's pretty good so far! Takes place in the movie verse.
@brainworms-all-night-long is working on a Dreamtale Au which I'm hyped for. The tag in use is 'dreamtale and sonic tomfoolery'.
@/the-starlight-project comic is pretty good too. Mystery! And emotions. So many emotions ough.
And there's @the-emerald-isle-au by @0vergrowngraveyard . Very intriguing. 👀
Please do check out the Pandora Au by @/starrjoy. It's great!
The Fair Folk by Irritable_Fabulamancer, this fic is one of my favorites! Team Sonic as Fae my beloved! I love fae AUs.
On that note, if you're alright wanting to read a Fae!AU which is pretty much a sonadow fic, there is also I don't believe in fairy tales [but I believe in you and me]. Fantasy and Fae! Satbk inspired, another one that had me hooked.
My Arms Are Blue by thekyuubivixen and its unofficial, fan-continuation (My Arms Are Blue! Final Four Edition) by PlaystationPassenger. The story doesn't completely count as an AU but I'm recommending them anyway cuz they're really really good and has that watching your own show from different dimension trope. It's also hilarious and fun.
Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart by Taranea is SatSR novelisation AU with Sonic's other friends present too, it's pretty fun. Not very accurate regarding the desert but it's a good read and I come back to reread it often. Must read in my opinion. Just don't dare use it as guide for desert travel or you'll be shriveled up in the sand somewhere
This fic. Read it, I will not elaborate this one. Just trust me :]
And don't miss out on @shadofiredragon's Legends Never Die fic. It's a future fic! And an awesome one. I won't spoil much but it is so good. She also has lots of fun AUs in the works.
Down the Foxhole series by MoonlitNightin. Sonic Prime AU series which is great! Tails' pov. The Shatterverses have their own Sonics. Engaging and great.
Feel free to check out @/Son1c's 10verse and other AUs. Those are some pretty great ones. Love the different lore and variants given to the Shatterverses in 10verse.
Spirit of the Wind by TrenchCoatGecko. Satbk inspired fantasy au. Sonamy, has focus on magic and lore and other characters as well.
If you'd like some Forces angst with Unbreakable Bond focus, please do read Illusionary are your arms around me by @nixoon-again. The feels will kill you /pos
Chaos Barren by but_why_not. I forgot to add this earlier (this is an edited addition). Takes place in the Blue Devils AU, great story!
Baby Tails shenanigans by @myymi . Tails got turned into itty bitty infant kit. (And also check @0vergrowngraveyard 'baby tails' tag for more little gremlin scenarios)
Myla is also working on @tails-and-the-ink-machine au
Feral au by Oneshot_bravo. Little short stories or drabbles taking place in Unleashed but the werehog is feral yet keeps his memories. Very lighthearted and fun and cute
Three or more foxes form a skulk by @/chiropter36 . Post Prime au fic, loved it! Go read.
Also, @donelywell 'roadtrip! sonic au' and 'Casino Nights Au'
Haven't yet started reading The Fox's Burrow by @/space-gutz but I'm planning to. Recommending it either way cuz I feel like it's gonna be good. Unbreakable Bond but ageswaped au.
@/sonicchaoscontrol comic. Another in-progress au which is also quite intriguing. Sonic jumps through a portal and exits in future where the planet is a mess. The mystery of what and how it all happened and what's going on slowly unfolds.
The Buzzsaw Dillemma by redpenship. I haven't personally read it myself but I've heard many good things about it, especially it's world building.
Incomplete and won't be updated anymore but if you haven't read them yet, DO NOT miss out on Ghosts of the Future and The Murder of Me fancomics by Evan Stanley (spiritsonic) and Gigi Deutrix (gigi-D) respectively. They're a must read. Both are available on DeviantArt.
The Heart of a Monster comic, @/the-heart-of-a-monster. It's in progress and updates regularly. Unleashed retelling, really really good with some extra lore and everyone involved.
Sometimes the Picket Fence isn’t Perfect and Sharp Edges (Sonic Prime AU) series by @/skimmingthesurfaces. I'm holding off the first one to read later, like that one book you've been saving so I'm not sure if it completely counts as an AU, still putting it in recs, and the second one is intriguing so far. I have heard a lot of good thing about the Picket Fence series.
Dark Boom by Smash50. The entirety of Team Dark in the Sonic Boom universe. Alongside it, there's also Boomtober by the same author.
It Always Snows by the 24th by Selendred had me hooked even though it's a oneshot. Great au and would love to see it explored more.
No One said I Wish by SylWritesStuff. One of my fav stories from the Sonic Platonic Fairytale Week event. It's really funny.
Sonic Phantom Forces (SPF) au comic. Sonic Forces au, blue boy gets taken away but not in the way you think, pretty cool story so far. It's in-progress and available on both Tumblr and DeviantArt. @/spfau
If Black Doom tried to be a better father by Tirainy. Don't take this one seriously. It's pure comedy and I love every second of it. Shadow is having a time for sure XD.
Silent Talkers by @brainworms-all-night-long. Takes place in the Prime Bros verse, feels intensified, all the good ones. A must read, trust me.
And speaking of the Prime Bros AU (in which all Shatterverse foxes also got adopted by Sonic and are now brothers), feel free to scroll through the 'prime bros' tag here. So many awesome posts for this particular au by everyone!
There's so many more, cool ones, epic ones. I haven't saved all and I'm probably forgetting some great ones too so I'm leaving this open for others to add. If y'all have more cool AUs, plz add to these (I wanna check em out too)
And now a few from the Fanfiction.net site because it doesn't have much audience compared to AO3 and there are some actual gems hidden there;
Premonition by thekiyuubivixen (not entirely an au but it feels like one due to the unique ability Sonic gains)
The Sonic Project by SconnieSA. Rated M but it's a pretty awesome AU and the rating is due to more serious themes and uncensored language in some parts. Highly recommending this one
Survivor's Resolve by DC111. Not entirely an AU but I must rec this fic it's so good and doea havs some AU vibes.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Attorney of Law by thedraconicwerewolf. Ace Attorney type AU with Sonic and Tails as main characters. Not too adventurous but very very fun and interesting and still managed to keep Sonic in character. Though it has a sequel started, I only rec the main story, not the sequal as it seems to be abandoned and isn't needed to be read like them cliffhanger stories.
beLIEve by Meow21. I have only read snippets from this, waiting for this story to continue but it seems to be discontinued. Felt like an epic story too and deserves to be recommended.
Sonic and the Golden Journey. Sonic gets thrown in another storybook, this time it's a children's classic fairytale. Short but very comedic and fun. Go read it.
Tales of a Samurai. I am begging you to read this one, please it's so good. Also by Taranea.
Wonderful and it's sequal Sanctuary by Inflamore for some Unbreakable Bond angst. (Kindly ignore the obliviousness of earlier ff.net for not knowing the meaning of certain symbols, there's nothing of the sort in story, trust me.)
Regrets by MazzyBooks. A high school au of sorts. Sonic centric with some heavy angst. I'm not kidding about the angst part, trust me. It had me hooked from the first chapter though and I believe it deserves a rec.
You need the cracks (to let the light shine through) by king.needlemouse. Istg this is the most underrated thing I've ever come across, it's one of my absolute favorite fics which I can never forget. Do read it.
Within this Nightmare by sonicfan1990. Sonic get transported to an alternate universe which has gone post apocalyptic and his counterpart in that universe has been dead. Pretty great story, lots of angst and everything.
And that's all I could remember and have saved for now. I'm leaving this open to more AU recs (yes even self plugs are welcome) so if you know any I missed, plz feel free to add. I hope you enjoy all these great AUs!
Thanks for the ask!
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
fic rec friday 14
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
at last (i see the light) by @theroyalsavage
Of a tower, a missing prince with the sun in his hair and the ability to heal with a touch, and a terrible-dangerous-very-bad bandit who’s never been all that good at being very bad, dangerous, or terrible. An AU based off of Disney’s Tangled.
IVE BEEN W A I T I N G FOR A SOLANGELO TANGLED AU OMG. and this ATE. was so fucking good. obviously bc its theroyalsavage but still omg. sorry for harrassing u btw. but i LOVE this. nico as flynn pov and just fucking reluctantly smitten from the beginning.....oh i know that's right
2. a letter to the moon (it is not brighter than you) by @theroyalsavage
When his kingdom is plagued by a series of unsolvable murders, Prince Will Solace must confront several things: tragedy, helplessness, and the dizzy-sweet inevitability of falling in love.
is this, like the author's note indicates, reminiscent of bbc merlin? yes. and so i LOVE. rivals to friends to lovers my BELOVED. royalty aus my BELOVED. and honestly yall should be supporting my royalsavage agenda purely by her titles like LOOK at these. my heart hurts like
3. In the darkest grays by @izlaria
[The sun bursts, clouds break.] Nico di Angelo loves in color. This is something that Will Solace has always known.
hi. i am obsessed w this fic. a nico character atudy that is disguised as will character study that IS a will character study........something something they are braided strings of fate something something....also! sally jackson my love!! she is everything to me and of COURSE she would show up here!! i am also obsessed w longtime pining will like is it even a solangelo fic if will has not been in the trenches since he was ten years old
4. eudaimonia by @forochel
Nico watched Percy wave his arms excitedly at Annabeth and breathed through the habitual twisting of his stomach. For a moment, he thought of walking over to them - ever the masochist, he thought wryly to himself - but then Annabeth threw her head back in a laugh, and Nico dismissed the thought. There would be another time and another place. ** Diverges SLIGHTLY from canon in that Nico does not confess to Percy right off the bat - he gets the chance to heal, find himself and a place to stand in camp, and form friendships. Also, attempts to fix the whole Solangelo shoehorning thing.
AUTHOR IF YOU ARE STILL ACTIVE. FOROCHEL IF YOU SEE THIS. I AM BEGGING. KNEES ON THE GROUND HANDS CLASPED ROSARY CHOKING LIKE A NOOSE. PLEASE. PLEASE UPDATE THIS SERIES IM BEGGING. I KNOW IT IS UNGRATEFUL BUT 20K IS NOT ENOUGH. THIS IS N I C O S VOICE. LIKE ACTUALLY. dude it KILLS me this is HIM 😭😭😭 i cannot get over how wonderful this is and how FRESH....like this came out right after boo! it was fresh in ur mind!! and you went CRAZY like this is SO SO GOOD!! this fic is CONSTANTLY rotating in my mind and i am constantly thinking about the path it carved.....hve never gotten over it ever
5. Baby Satyrs and Charming Boyfriends by @biancadiangeno / @fiestiest
Nico di Angelo had absolutely no idea how babysitting works, and Will Solace was having way too much fun teasing him to actually help out.
this fic is so silly and fun. i love it!! and the ending made me giggle will needed that humbling
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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nart-is-a-monster · 5 months
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The juice box my dear beloved when will you comeback from the war
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