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studio-des-br · 23 days
Campaign furniture
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Campaign furniture refers to a type of furniture specifically designed for easy transportation and quick assembly or disassembly. It was originally developed for military officers and other travelers, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries when British officers would embark on extended campaigns or colonial expeditions.
Here are the main characteristics of campaign furniture:
1. Portability: The primary feature of campaign furniture is its portability. The pieces are designed to be easily packed, transported, and reassembled. They often come in sections or with removable parts, such as legs or tabletops, to facilitate this.
2. **Durability**: Since it was intended for use in various and often harsh environments, campaign furniture was made from durable materials. Mahogany and teak were commonly used for their strength and resistance to weather.
3. **Functionality**: The furniture was practical and functional, with a focus on essential items like beds, chairs, desks, and chests. Each piece was designed to serve a specific purpose, often with multiple functions to save space.
4. **Simplicity of Design**: The design of campaign furniture tends to be simple and straightforward, prioritizing ease of use and practicality over elaborate ornamentation. However, it often maintained a certain level of elegance suitable for officers and gentlemen.
5. **Brass Fittings and Hardware**: To withstand the rigors of travel, campaign furniture frequently used brass fittings for joints and handles. Brass was chosen for its resistance to rust and its strength.
6. **Stackability and Nesting**: Many pieces of campaign furniture were designed to stack or nest within each other to optimize space during transport.
7. **Innovative Features**: Over time, campaign furniture incorporated clever design elements like folding mechanisms, collapsible structures, and hidden compartments, allowing for greater functionality in a compact form.
Campaign furniture is still admired today for its combination of practicality and craftsmanship, often finding a place in modern homes as a stylish and functional addition.
Mobiliário de Campanha
**Móveis de campanha** referem-se a um tipo de mobília especificamente projetada para fácil transporte e rápida montagem ou desmontagem. Esses móveis foram originalmente desenvolvidos para oficiais militares e outros viajantes, particularmente durante os séculos XVIII e XIX, quando oficiais britânicos embarcavam em campanhas prolongadas ou expedições coloniais.
Aqui estão as principais características dos móveis de campanha:
1. **Portabilidade**: A principal característica dos móveis de campanha é sua portabilidade. As peças são projetadas para serem facilmente embaladas, transportadas e remontadas. Elas frequentemente vêm em seções ou com partes removíveis, como pernas ou tampos de mesa, para facilitar esse processo.
2. **Durabilidade**: Como eram destinados ao uso em vários e muitas vezes rigorosos ambientes, os móveis de campanha eram feitos de materiais duráveis. Mogno e teca eram comumente usados por sua resistência e durabilidade.
3. **Funcionalidade**: Os móveis eram práticos e funcionais, com foco em itens essenciais como camas, cadeiras, escrivaninhas e baús. Cada peça era projetada para servir a um propósito específico, muitas vezes com múltiplas funções para economizar espaço.
4. **Simplicidade do Design**: O design dos móveis de campanha tende a ser simples e direto, priorizando a facilidade de uso e a praticidade em vez de ornamentação elaborada. No entanto, eles frequentemente mantinham um certo nível de elegância adequado para oficiais e cavalheiros.
5. **Acessórios e Ferragens de Latão**: Para suportar as adversidades das viagens, os móveis de campanha frequentemente utilizavam acessórios de latão para junções e alças. O latão era escolhido por sua resistência à ferrugem e sua robustez.
6. **Empilhamento e Encaixe**: Muitas peças de móveis de campanha eram projetadas para serem empilhadas ou encaixadas umas nas outras para otimizar o espaço durante o transporte.
7. **Características Inovadoras**: Com o tempo, os móveis de campanha incorporaram elementos de design engenhosos, como mecanismos dobráveis, estruturas colapsáveis e compartimentos ocultos, permitindo maior funcionalidade em uma forma compacta.
Os móveis de campanha ainda são admirados hoje por sua combinação de praticidade e habilidade artesanal, frequentemente encontrando lugar em casas modernas como uma adição elegante e funcional.
Types of campaign furniture
Campaign furniture encompassed a variety of pieces designed to meet the needs of travelers, particularly military officers, during long campaigns. Here are some of the main types of campaign furniture that were commonly made:
1. **Campaign Chairs**:
- These were often folding or collapsible chairs, designed for easy transport. The most famous example is the Roorkhee chair, which could be quickly assembled and disassembled without tools. Another example is the folding X-frame chair, which was lightweight and compact.
2. **Campaign Beds**:
- Portable beds, also known as "field beds" or "cot beds," were a staple. They were often designed to fold or disassemble into compact pieces, with frames made from wood or metal and a canvas or leather sleeping surface.
3. **Campaign Desks**:
- These desks were designed to be portable, often folding or coming apart for easy transport. They frequently included multiple drawers and compartments for organizing documents and supplies. Some designs included a hinged top that could be used as a writing surface.
4. **Campaign Chests**:
- Also known as "military chests" or "chests of drawers," these were sturdy wooden chests designed to hold personal belongings. They were often made in two sections for easier transport, with brass corner reinforcements to protect against damage. The chests could be stacked one on top of the other, and some designs included removable legs.
5. **Campaign Tables**:
- These tables were usually folding or collapsible, designed for quick setup and breakdown. Some were made with removable legs or had a folding mechanism that allowed the tabletop to lie flat during transport.
6. **Campaign Trunks**:
- Trunks were large, durable containers used to store clothes, equipment, and other personal items. They often had reinforced corners and edges, and some included internal compartments or trays for organization.
7. **Campaign Wardrobes**:
- Portable wardrobes, often called "hanging chests," were designed to hold uniforms and other clothing. These could be assembled and disassembled easily and might include features like hanging rods and shelves.
8. **Campaign Washstands**:
- Portable washstands were designed to hold a basin and other toiletries, providing a space for personal hygiene in the field. They often folded or collapsed for transport.
9. **Campaign Stools**:
- Simple, lightweight, and foldable stools were also common. These were often made from wood and leather and could be easily carried and set up.
10. **Campaign Bookcases**:
- For officers who valued reading or needed to carry reference materials, portable bookcases were made. These were typically small, modular units that could be stacked and packed.
11. **Campaign Dining Sets**:
- Dining tables and chairs, sometimes with foldable or detachable components, were designed for use during meals in the field. These sets often included storage for utensils and dishes.
These various types of campaign furniture reflect the needs for portability, durability, and practicality, combined with a certain level of elegance and functionality suitable for officers and gentlemen during military campaigns.
Tipos de móveis de campanha
Os móveis de campanha englobavam uma variedade de peças projetadas para atender às necessidades de viajantes, especialmente oficiais militares, durante longas campanhas. Aqui estão alguns dos principais tipos de móveis de campanha que eram comumente feitos:
1. **Cadeiras de Campanha**:
- Essas cadeiras eram frequentemente dobráveis ou desmontáveis, projetadas para facilitar o transporte. O exemplo mais famoso é a cadeira Roorkhee, que podia ser rapidamente montada e desmontada sem ferramentas. Outro exemplo é a cadeira com estrutura em X, que era leve e compacta.
2. **Camas de Campanha**:
- Camas portáteis, também conhecidas como "camas de campo" ou "camas dobráveis," eram essenciais. Elas eram frequentemente projetadas para dobrar ou desmontar em peças compactas, com estruturas feitas de madeira ou metal e uma superfície de dormir em lona ou couro.
3. **Escrivaninhas de Campanha**:
- Essas escrivaninhas eram projetadas para serem portáteis, muitas vezes dobráveis ou desmontáveis para facilitar o transporte. Elas frequentemente incluíam várias gavetas e compartimentos para organizar documentos e suprimentos. Alguns designs incluíam uma tampa articulada que podia ser usada como superfície de escrita.
4. **Baús de Campanha**:
- Também conhecidos como "baús militares" ou "gaveteiros," esses eram baús de madeira robustos projetados para guardar pertences pessoais. Eles eram frequentemente feitos em duas seções para facilitar o transporte, com reforços de latão nos cantos para proteger contra danos. Os baús podiam ser empilhados uns sobre os outros, e alguns designs incluíam pernas removíveis.
5. **Mesas de Campanha**:
- Essas mesas eram geralmente dobráveis ou desmontáveis, projetadas para montagem e desmontagem rápida. Algumas eram feitas com pernas removíveis ou tinham um mecanismo de dobra que permitia que o tampo ficasse plano durante o transporte.
6. **Baús de Campanha**:
- Baús eram grandes recipientes duráveis usados para armazenar roupas, equipamentos e outros itens pessoais. Eles frequentemente tinham cantos e bordas reforçadas, e alguns incluíam compartimentos ou bandejas internas para organização.
7. **Guarda-Roupas de Campanha**:
- Guarda-roupas portáteis, frequentemente chamados de "baús suspensos," eram projetados para guardar uniformes e outras roupas. Esses podiam ser montados e desmontados facilmente e poderiam incluir recursos como varões para pendurar e prateleiras.
8. **Pias de Campanha**:
- Pias portáteis eram projetadas para segurar uma bacia e outros itens de higiene pessoal, proporcionando um espaço para cuidados pessoais no campo. Elas frequentemente se dobravam ou desmontavam para transporte.
9. **Banquinhos de Campanha**:
- Banquinhos simples, leves e dobráveis também eram comuns. Estes eram frequentemente feitos de madeira e couro e podiam ser facilmente carregados e montados.
10. **Estantes de Campanha**:
- Para oficiais que valorizavam a leitura ou precisavam carregar materiais de referência, eram feitas estantes portáteis. Estas eram tipicamente unidades pequenas e modulares que podiam ser empilhadas e embaladas.
11. **Conjuntos de Jantar de Campanha**:
- Mesas de jantar e cadeiras, às vezes com componentes dobráveis ou desmontáveis, eram projetadas para uso durante as refeições no campo. Esses conjuntos frequentemente incluíam espaço para armazenamento de utensílios e louças.
Esses diversos tipos de móveis de campanha refletem a necessidade de portabilidade, durabilidade e praticidade, combinados com um certo nível de elegância e funcionalidade, adequados para oficiais e cavalheiros durante campanhas militares.
Primary Use:
Campaign furniture was primarily used by military officers and other travelers during the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly in British colonial expeditions and military campaigns. The furniture was designed to be portable and practical, allowing officers to maintain a certain level of comfort and functionality while on the move. It was essential for those who needed to set up temporary living quarters in various and often remote locations, providing necessary items like beds, chairs, desks, and storage chests.
**Design and Functionality:**
The design of campaign furniture focused on portability, durability, and ease of assembly. Key features included:
- **Portability:** Most pieces were designed to be easily dismantled, folded, or packed into manageable sizes for transport. This made it possible to move the furniture with relative ease, often using pack animals or military transport.
- **Durability:** Given the harsh conditions in which it was often used, campaign furniture was built to last. High-quality woods like teak and mahogany were commonly used, and brass fittings were favored for their strength and resistance to corrosion.
- **Ease of Assembly:** The furniture was designed to be quickly assembled and disassembled, often without the need for specialized tools. This was crucial for officers who needed to set up and break down their quarters frequently.
**Aesthetics and Style:**
Campaign furniture, while highly functional, also maintained a certain level of elegance and refinement. This was in part because it was used by military officers who were often from the upper classes and who wanted to maintain a semblance of their usual lifestyle, even in the field. The aesthetic was typically characterized by:
- **Simplicity and Practicality:** The designs were straightforward, avoiding unnecessary ornamentation in favor of functionality. However, the simplicity was balanced with a refined, often understated elegance.
- **Use of High-Quality Materials:** The use of fine woods and brass not only ensured durability but also added a touch of sophistication. The furniture had a polished, well-crafted appearance, suitable for the status of its users.
- **Versatility:** Many pieces were designed with multiple functions in mind or included clever features, such as hidden compartments or folding mechanisms, enhancing both their practicality and aesthetic appeal.
**Cultural Association:**
Campaign furniture is strongly associated with British colonialism and the military culture of the 18th and 19th centuries. It symbolizes the mobility and expansion of the British Empire, reflecting the need for adaptability and comfort in foreign and often inhospitable environments. The furniture represents a blend of practicality and the desire to maintain social norms and standards of living, even in the most remote locations.
In a broader cultural sense, campaign furniture has come to be viewed as a symbol of exploration and adventure. Today, it is admired for its historical significance, craftsmanship, and the way it encapsulates a particular era of global history. In modern interiors, campaign furniture is often appreciated for its timeless design, durability, and the romanticism associated with its origins in exploration and military history.
Uso Primário:
Os móveis de campanha eram usados principalmente por oficiais militares e outros viajantes durante os séculos XVIII e XIX, especialmente em expedições coloniais britânicas e campanhas militares. Esses móveis foram projetados para serem portáteis e práticos, permitindo que os oficiais mantivessem um certo nível de conforto e funcionalidade enquanto estavam em movimento. Eram essenciais para aqueles que precisavam montar moradias temporárias em vários locais, muitas vezes remotos, proporcionando itens necessários como camas, cadeiras, escrivaninhas e baús de armazenamento.
**Design e Funcionalidade:**
O design dos móveis de campanha focava na portabilidade, durabilidade e facilidade de montagem. As principais características incluíam:
- **Portabilidade:** A maioria das peças era projetada para ser facilmente desmontada, dobrada ou empacotada em tamanhos manejáveis para transporte. Isso permitia mover os móveis com relativa facilidade, muitas vezes utilizando animais de carga ou transporte militar.
- **Durabilidade:** Dadas as condições adversas em que eram frequentemente usados, os móveis de campanha eram construídos para durar. Madeiras de alta qualidade, como teca e mogno, eram comumente utilizadas, e ferragens de latão eram preferidas por sua resistência e durabilidade.
- **Facilidade de Montagem:** Os móveis eram projetados para serem rapidamente montados e desmontados, muitas vezes sem a necessidade de ferramentas especializadas. Isso era crucial para os oficiais que precisavam montar e desmontar seus alojamentos com frequência.
**Estética e Estilo:**
Embora altamente funcionais, os móveis de campanha também mantinham um certo nível de elegância e refinamento. Isso se devia em parte ao fato de serem usados por oficiais militares que, muitas vezes, pertenciam às classes altas e desejavam manter uma aparência de seu estilo de vida habitual, mesmo em campo. A estética era geralmente caracterizada por:
- **Simplicidade e Praticidade:** Os designs eram diretos, evitando ornamentações desnecessárias em favor da funcionalidade. No entanto, a simplicidade era equilibrada com uma elegância refinada e muitas vezes discreta.
- **Uso de Materiais de Alta Qualidade:** O uso de madeiras finas e latão não só garantia durabilidade, mas também acrescentava um toque de sofisticação. Os móveis tinham uma aparência polida e bem elaborada, adequada ao status de seus usuários.
- **Versatilidade:** Muitas peças eram projetadas com múltiplas funções em mente ou incluíam características inteligentes, como compartimentos ocultos ou mecanismos dobráveis, o que aumentava tanto a praticidade quanto o apelo estético.
**Associação Cultural:**
Os móveis de campanha estão fortemente associados ao colonialismo britânico e à cultura militar dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Eles simbolizam a mobilidade e a expansão do Império Britânico, refletindo a necessidade de adaptabilidade e conforto em ambientes estrangeiros e muitas vezes inóspitos. Os móveis representam uma mistura de praticidade e o desejo de manter normas sociais e padrões de vida, mesmo nos locais mais remotos.
Em um sentido cultural mais amplo, os móveis de campanha passaram a ser vistos como um símbolo de exploração e aventura. Hoje, são admirados por seu significado histórico, habilidade artesanal e pela maneira como encapsulam uma era particular da história global. Em interiores modernos, os móveis de campanha são frequentemente apreciados por seu design atemporal, durabilidade e o romantismo associado às suas origens em exploração e história militar.
Main builders of campaign furniture
Here are some of the most iconic examples of **campaign furniture** associated with the key builders mentioned earlier:
### **1. Thomas Butler**:
- **Butler’s Writing Desk (Butler’s Secretary Desk)**:
- This is perhaps the most iconic piece of campaign furniture associated with Thomas Butler. It was designed as a portable desk that could fold out into a writing surface with multiple compartments for storing documents and writing instruments. Its compact, foldable design made it ideal for military officers who needed to work while traveling.
### **2. Morgan & Sanders**:
- **Folding X-Frame Chair**:
- Morgan & Sanders were known for their innovative and practical designs, including the folding X-frame chair. This chair could easily fold flat for transport, making it a quintessential piece of campaign furniture. Despite its simplicity, it offered a comfortable seat that was often upholstered in leather.
- **Four-Poster Folding Campaign Bed**:
- Another iconic design by Morgan & Sanders, this bed featured a collapsible frame that allowed it to be easily packed for transport. Its four-poster structure provided stability and comfort, making it a favorite for officers on long campaigns.
### **3. John and James W. Vickery**:
- **Mahogany Campaign Chest**:
- The Vickery brothers were known for their luxurious take on campaign furniture, and their **mahogany campaign chest** is an iconic example. This piece was typically made in two parts for easy transport, with brass corner fittings and recessed handles. The design allowed for both portability and storage of personal items.
### **4. Ross & Co.**:
- **Portable Campaign Chest of Drawers**:
- Ross & Co., based in Dublin, produced high-quality campaign chests. Their **portable chest of drawers**, often made of teak or mahogany, was designed in two stackable sections, with brass hardware for protection. It was a robust and practical storage solution for military officers.
- **Campaign Secretaire**:
- Another iconic piece from Ross & Co. was their **campaign secretaire**, a desk integrated into a chest of drawers. It featured a fold-out writing surface with storage compartments, combining the functions of a desk and chest, making it both functional and portable.
### **5. Gillow & Co.**:
- **Folding Campaign Table**:
- Gillow & Co. were known for their high-quality, elegant furniture, and their **folding campaign table** is an iconic example. The table was designed to be easily folded and transported, yet still retained a level of refinement suitable for military officers. It was often made from mahogany, with removable or folding legs.
- **Campaign Washstand**:
- Another notable piece was the **campaign washstand**, a compact, foldable structure that allowed officers to maintain personal hygiene while traveling. The washstand could hold a basin and other toiletries and was designed for quick assembly and disassembly.
### **6. Samuel Vaughan**:
- **Campaign Writing Desk with Hidden Compartments**:
- Samuel Vaughan was known for his innovative designs, and one of his most iconic pieces was a **campaign writing desk** featuring hidden compartments. This desk was portable and included clever storage areas for valuables or important documents, appealing to officers who needed to secure their belongings while traveling.
- **Folding Campaign Stool**:
- Another iconic design by Vaughan was the **folding campaign stool**. This piece was simple, lightweight, and highly portable, making it an essential item for officers during long campaigns. The stool was often made from wood and leather and could be folded flat for easy transport.
These iconic examples represent the ingenuity, craftsmanship, and functionality that defined campaign furniture, allowing military officers to carry a sense of luxury and practicality with them while traveling or on military expeditions.
Principais fabricantes de móveis de campanha
Aqui estão alguns dos exemplos mais icônicos de **móveis de campanha** associados aos principais fabricantes mencionados anteriormente:
### **1. Thomas Butler**:
- **Escrivaninha de Butler (Butler’s Secretary Desk)**:
- Esta é talvez a peça mais icônica de móveis de campanha associada a Thomas Butler. Ela foi projetada como uma escrivaninha portátil que podia ser desdobrada para formar uma superfície de escrita com vários compartimentos para armazenar documentos e instrumentos de escrita. Seu design compacto e dobrável a tornava ideal para oficiais militares que precisavam trabalhar enquanto viajavam.
### **2. Morgan & Sanders**:
- **Cadeira Dobrável com Estrutura em X**:
- Morgan & Sanders eram conhecidos por seus designs inovadores e práticos, incluindo a cadeira dobrável com estrutura em X. Esta cadeira podia ser facilmente dobrada para transporte, tornando-se uma peça emblemática dos móveis de campanha. Apesar de sua simplicidade, oferecia um assento confortável, frequentemente estofado em couro.
- **Cama de Campanha Dobrável com Quatro Colunas**:
- Outro design icônico de Morgan & Sanders, esta cama apresentava uma estrutura dobrável que permitia que fosse facilmente embalada para transporte. Sua estrutura com quatro colunas oferecia estabilidade e conforto, sendo uma favorita entre os oficiais em longas campanhas.
### **3. John e James W. Vickery**:
- **Baú de Campanha em Mogno**:
- Os irmãos Vickery eram conhecidos por sua abordagem luxuosa aos móveis de campanha, e seu **baú de campanha em mogno** é um exemplo icônico. Esta peça era geralmente feita em duas partes para facilitar o transporte, com cantos reforçados em latão e alças embutidas. O design permitia portabilidade e armazenamento de itens pessoais.
### **4. Ross & Co.**:
- **Baú Portátil de Gavetas de Campanha**:
- A Ross & Co., sediada em Dublin, produzia baús de campanha de alta qualidade. Seu **baú portátil de gavetas**, frequentemente feito de teca ou mogno, era projetado em duas seções empilháveis, com ferragens de latão para proteção. Era uma solução robusta e prática para armazenamento de oficiais militares.
- **Secretária de Campanha**:
- Outra peça icônica da Ross & Co. foi sua **secretária de campanha**, uma escrivaninha integrada a um baú de gavetas. Apresentava uma superfície de escrita dobrável com compartimentos de armazenamento, combinando as funções de escrivaninha e baú, sendo ao mesmo tempo funcional e portátil.
### **5. Gillow & Co.**:
- **Mesa Dobrável de Campanha**:
- Gillow & Co. eram conhecidos por seus móveis elegantes e de alta qualidade, e sua **mesa dobrável de campanha** é um exemplo icônico. A mesa foi projetada para ser facilmente dobrada e transportada, mas ainda mantinha um nível de refinamento adequado para oficiais militares. Era frequentemente feita de mogno, com pernas removíveis ou dobráveis.
- **Pia de Campanha**:
- Outra peça notável era a **pia de campanha**, uma estrutura compacta e dobrável que permitia aos oficiais manter a higiene pessoal enquanto viajavam. A pia podia conter uma bacia e outros itens de toalete e era projetada para montagem e desmontagem rápidas.
### **6. Samuel Vaughan**:
- **Escrivaninha de Campanha com Compartimentos Ocultos**:
- Samuel Vaughan era conhecido por seus designs inovadores, e uma de suas peças mais icônicas era uma **escrivaninha de campanha** com compartimentos ocultos. Esta escrivaninha era portátil e incluía áreas de armazenamento engenhosas para itens de valor ou documentos importantes, atraindo oficiais que precisavam proteger seus pertences durante as viagens.
- **Banquinho Dobrável de Campanha**:
- Outro design icônico de Vaughan era o **banquinho dobrável de campanha**. Esta peça era simples, leve e altamente portátil, tornando-se um item essencial para oficiais em longas campanhas. O banquinho era frequentemente feito de madeira e couro e podia ser dobrado para facilitar o transporte.
Esses exemplos icônicos representam a engenhosidade, o artesanato e a funcionalidade que definiram os móveis de campanha, permitindo que os oficiais militares carregassem um senso de luxo e praticidade com eles durante viagens ou expedições militares.
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benefits1986 · 2 months
upgraditis izzitttzzzz
Beep, beep. Sabi ng wonky B. LELS. LULS.
After a round of errands forda death and taxes, eto na po. 'Yung hamunan namin ng tatay kong pakitong-kitong umabot na sa rurok sa ngalan ni Vici. Taccaaaaaaaa. Ganito, 'di talaga ako fan ng upgrades kasi honestly, bobo ako sa lahat ng mekanikal at teknikal na aspeto ng biking. Gusto ko lang talaga siya kasi nakaka-good vibes with gigil 'pag trip ko kahit saan, kahit kailan. Tapos, wala pa akong screentime 'pag nagpe-pedal syempre with hefty tabing-daan pitixxxx from the hip, so solb na solb. Boogsh.
Syempre, tatay kong mukhang road bike and MTB, lagi'ti lagi talagang wagas ang bashing sa inyong noona. 'Di siya pumapalya. Sabi ko naman, wala kasi akong pake sa mga kaganapang pandagal ng bikes forda big boys and big biatches. Kung gusto niya 'yun, e 'di go. Pero, the moment na attack mode siya sa gusto ko na 'di ko naman siya inaano, ibang usapan na 'yan. Tabi. Giba.
Alam ko naman kasi 'yung kabobohan ng foldies kahit 'di ako teknikal or mekanikal being. However, si MatchaME siya na bike ko hanggang sa dulo ng mundo. Period. Forda travel and for Vici. Syempre, lalo na punggok ako kaya need ko talaga 'yung bagay sa kapunggukan ko. Bakit B? Gusto ko kasi 'yung itchura niya. And forda record, wala naman akong alam noon hanggang ngayon sa uniberso ng B. Para lang akong ngawngaw kasi nga, gusto ko lang talaga siya. And so, iyak-iyak tayo sa mga upgrades.
By the way, si Dahon ko, legit na walang upgrades 'yan kasi sobrang hardworking niya. Walang arte. Walang vibe except sa color way na 'di ko rin naman ni-custom. Utilitarian points 100000000. Kaya 'di rin talaga about sa brand ang biking kaguluhan ko. Gusto ko na talaga ibenta 'yang si Dahon pero pigil-pigil dad ko kasi gift niya sa akin 'yan ages ago. Gago ko raw. Sabi ko naman na sa dami ng pinagdaanan namin ni Dahon, it's time to move forward without looking back. EMS. Tampo levels ng tatay kong andropose 1000000000000 din. Ngayon, may panga-agit na siya kung saan, 'di umano, ako'y kaniyang sinasabayan 'pag nag-ride kami with my wonky B. TACCA.
Wala pa talaga kaming laspagan ride na pabebe pa rin nitong si MatchaME. Pero soon bilang the hills and the "Kunat I Kennat" shitshow roads are gonna be my hood all forda greater good. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Paano na ang aging and degenerating kasukasuan ko nito? Abangan.
So 'yun na nga, sa ngalan ng mga algo ng best app ever, tatay ko, nagforward ng mga links. Syempre, legit check mode tayo with init ng ulo na malala. Saktuhan, nadarang tayo na mala-gamu-gamo sa kandila ngayong Sabado. Honestly wala namang masyadong nabago except for some really essential stuff like a rack and a saddle. 'Yung tatay kong makulit at matigas ang ulo, ayaw niya tantanan 'yung stand dahil daw para sturdy 'pag nakasakay si Vici. Me: TACCAAA. Ayaw mong tumigil. Pero, sige. In love, it's better to be kind than to be right. AMEN. The gospel of the lerrddddddzzz tayo diyan kahit sobrang agit ko talaga. Para siyang batang bubwit na pilit mode 100000000000000000000000x.
'Yung rack kasi since overpacker ako saka may mga errands ako tulad ng grocery, pagkain ng mga aso, cleaning supplies at iba pa, sinsulit ko talaga bawat paglabas ko na rare 'pag nasa MNL. Sobrang congested lalo dito these days. Nakakahilo ang maraming tao. O baka andun lang talaga ako sa part na 'pag super daming tao, feeling ko mag-tag team ang avalanche at stampede.
Speaking of the saddle, pinagiisipan ko pa talaga kasi saks lang naman 'yung "stock" saddle ni MatchaME. 'Di siya ergonomic, pero 'di ba, nung bata naman ako, BMX na basic, oks naman na. 'Di rin naman ako nagre-race or whatever so WTH. Eto loko kong ama, sabi siya na raw bahala sa saddle. Kaya 'yung pikon ko kumulo ng malala. Hinamon na naman ako. So, ayun, lalong iyak tayo at wala ng hihinga hanggang sa September.
Makasarili rin talaga tatay ko kasi rason niya is dahil utos ako ng utos na ipasyal si Vici, dapat daw maganda upo niya. Kamot-ulo talaga ako kasi buti kung sa Kilometro ZERO niya dinadala si Vici. E hindi. JUSQ. Jeskelerddd.
Ang totoong rason kung bakit ayaw kong simulan 'tong upgrades is because, chenennnnnnnnnnnn. Curation is addiction. And mas malala kasi ako internal invalidation and validation ang core ko. Opak. May validation na tayo kahit paano. LULSSSS. Ang aga mo na naman. HUY. 'Di kasi ako talaga ma-compare sa iba. Basta dapat oks siya sa pake ko, 'yun. So ang ending, madalas weirdo which I don't give a fuck about. The quirk tworkkkkkssss in my shitshow book talaga since Day 0 e. Wala na akong magagawa doon kasi sobrang tagal ko siyang ni-try to tame and slay (as in patayin). =)))))))
Alsoooo, mejjjjjj malala na po dahil nag-scout na po tayo ng mga B shops sa location na ating liliparin at nakahanap ng "kitchen" kung saan the cooking is the highway to heaven and hell. Tacca. 'Di na yata tats ang souvenirs natin sa trips. Upgrades na munti na. Researching din more and more kung ano bang pros and cons ng pagbitbit natin kay MatchaME sa ibang lugar kasi mhie, 'di rin siya biro talaga. E trust issues ko malala to the point na mas oks ng may well-concealed 30kg akong backpack na ayoko rin i-check in or luggage na 30kg pero akala mo handcarry lang. HAHAHHAHAHA. But, this H2 onward is a test of gradually letting go of my legit trust issues. Maiba naman. Bike insurance, kasado na. Hahahahahaha. Para sure.
Ngayon, ang isa pang bigger topic e paano ba akong drips natin sa ngalan ng biking around the perimeter of that location I shall not name yet. Sa tamang panahon na. Akala mo naman posh location noh? Syempre, practice muna tayo bilang napaka-weak ng PHP sa lahat ng dako. Ang malala pa nito, may naiisip na akong next destination kung saan magaganda ang biking lanes and sceneries. EME. Revenge bike x travel na ba talaga us? WOOT. WOOT. UTUT.
Init ulo ko talaga sa tatay ko kasi niyaya ko siya sa trip kong parating. E sobrang pabebe na, pajeje pa. UGH. Kaya ekis siya though iniisip ko talaga na puwede siyang sumama kaso as a kuripot na naman siya dahil ni-compute niya magagastos 'pag sumama siya and of course, walang magpapakain ng mga doggo babes. HAHAHAHA. As an utusan, very consistent din talaga siya. Sinabi ko rin naman na puwedeng iwan mga doggos sa dog hotel. Aba. Paano raw if may mambully or may sakit 'yung mga kasamang dogs? Me: JUSQQQQQ. Talaga ba? Talagang-talaga lang a. Big brain moment na naman si ungas. LOL.
BTW, dad ko talaga saka ako parang tropa lang mag-hamunan. Ganun talaga kami since bata pa ako. May mga batok moments pa nga kami kung saan ganti ko sa kanya malutong na tampal saka pinunong-pinong kurot. So, ngayon siya na umaayaw. Masakit daw mga ganti ko. Tameme szn na niya now. Baka kasi tumatanda na rin.
Sabi ng tatay ko, mas nakakatakot daw ako sa nanay ko. Saka pati raw lakad at postura ng nanay ko, kuhang-kuha ko. LUH. 'Di puwede 'yun kasi Mother Dragon is super ugh in all levels. Hahahahaha. In fairness naman kasi sa dad ko now, nakukuha na siya sa irap at saka low voice. 'Di lagi, pero minsan I find it magical and insane. Hahahaha. Tapos sasabihin niya na susunod na lang daw siya sa sinasabi ko kesa mahagupit siya. LOL. Again, I'm not bragging about this kasi nga, nanay ko ang pinnacle of ka-terror-an sa household namin kahit dedsss na siya matagal.
Anyway, balik tayo sa errands and prepper mode sa mga avalanche and stampede in a few hours that will become days, dhzaiiii. 'Yung PL ko, worship songs na progressive na levels real quick. Napaka-unholy na naman natin ng Sabbath day, pero, sabi nga, grind it like it's hot. Ganern. Wala e. Upgraditis szn is officially on, kaya naman, eto na ang hindi trending, at hindi pinipilahang tambak ng labada. Taruuuuh!
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bbarican · 3 years
sorry di ko gets bakit may mentality yung mga pilipino na kailangan laging may pasalubong tuwing magaabroad yung taga pilipinas
oo i get it, its a way of showing your relatives na youre thinking of them and you want them to get a taste of home and stuff like that
eh for you to be strssed about excess baggage? why stress yourself?
idk but for me (right now; my opinion might change either way) pag ako yung nagtravel lalo na in the future when i travel alone, i wont bring THAT much pasalubong to the point na ako pa yung mahihirapan
plus if my relatives really cared about me, they wont make tampo if i dont give them ALOT of pasalubong
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kimhortons · 4 years
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This is the last time we travel back to Bicol together. Sinundo niya ako nito, kasi ikakasal yung kapatid niya. Tsaka naka suspend ako nun sa work ng 1 month, so ano pa nga ba? haha. Nag tampo pa ako sakanya ng slight kasi hindi siya nakapunta agad ng Manila before our anniversary, so hindi tuloy kami nakapag celebrate together + we’re both broke pa. Haha. Wala lang, namiss ko mag suot ng jacket haha.
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shinylitwick94 · 4 years
Finished reading “A Relíquia” by Eça de Queirós.
My dad’s been trying to get me to read this one for years now, saying I’d love it. And he was right, of course (again).
I did enjoy it quite a lot. It’s definitely not on the level of his more famous books (especially os Maias and O Crime do Padre Amaro), but contains all the Eça staples of incredibly descriptive writing, biting social commentary, ranting against the catholic church, and being genuinely funny. So if you’re reading it for those, you’ll get them in spades.
Story-wise there’s not much, though. 2/3 of the book follow our main character as he deals with his ultra religious aunt and  travels to the Holy Land in the hopes of finding something to impress her so he can inherit her fortune. He’s greedy, mostly immoral, and not that interesting as a character.
The middle third, as I’ve mentioned before, follows the same main character as he gets transported via dream sequence to biblical Jerusalem to witness the Passion.
It comes out of nowhere and feels pretty weird at first, but I can honestly say it’s my favorite part of the book. Mainly because Eça gets to stretch out a bit and paints such a beautifully vivid picture of the place that he makes me want to go there. (I do enjoy some purple prose when it’s well done)
The rest of it is ok, and contains all the funny parts, but to me felt a bit repetitive after a while.
I’d definitely recommend it if you enjoy his other work, or just find the premise of this interesting.
Fair warning though: It’s a 19th century book written by a european guy that takes place in the middle east, so it obviously contains its fair share of orientalist tropes. Bring your pith helmet. Or cork helmet, as the case may be.
Two quotes that stuck in my head:
Por isso agora as minhas precauções eram tão apuradas que, para evitar me ficasse na roupa ou na pelle o delicioso cheiro da Adelia, eu trazia na algibeira bocados soltos d'incenso. Antes de galgar a triste escadaria de casa, penetrava subtilmente na cavalhariça deserta, ao fundo do pateo; queimava no tampo d'uma barrica vazia um pedaço da devota resina; e alli me demorava, expondo ao aroma purificador as abas do jaquetão e as minhas barbas viris… Depois subia; e tinha a satisfação de vêr logo a titi farejar, regalada:
—Jesus, que rico cheirinho a igreja!
Modesto, e com um suspiro, eu murmurava:
—Sou eu, titi…
—Dize lá, Alpedrinha! Tenl-a visto, a Maricoquinhas? Que tal está? hein? Rechonchudinha?
Elle baixou o rosto murcho, onde um estranho rubor lhe avivára duas rosas.
—Já não está… Foi para Thebas!
—Para Thebas? Onde ha umas ruinas?… Mas isso é no alto Egypto! Isso é em cascos de Nubia! Ora essa!… Que foi ella lá fazer?
—Alindar as vistas, murmurou Alpedrinha com desolação.
Cascos de Nubia cracked me up because it was so unexpected and yet works so well.
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surskip · 5 years
tamp tamp
hello traveler….. *i appear out of fog which is weird because its noon in the desert* i see you are tamping……… should you like to buy Big Tampy
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for just 4 easy payments of $46.87…… or perhaps 
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baby tampo…..€85.00 plus shipping and handling (form the evil dimension i mean good dimensions)
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an-excerpt · 5 years
Looking back to 2019
January & February
It is filled with adventure and thrill because I explored different places without asking my parents' consent tho. I went to ek and moa with my college friends.
I also explored some parts of manila and also enrolled to my review classes for boards.
April - September
I still have classes that time. May was our retreat and it was held in baguio but we didn't have enough free time to explore the city during our last day. Also in this phase, so many what ifs are disturbing my inner peace. Those nights wherein I cried my heart out thinking that what if I will not graduate from 5th year and after that I don't know what my next step will be. Those nights full of regrets that I should have given all my best in studying so that I have not failed my accrev. It also made me think if I really wanted to continue this journey, to become a cpa. I was also exhausted emotionally, physically and mentally that I just gone with the flow. I felt like I lost the fire inside me to continue. After some time, I regained the fire, I was motivated and inspired to fight again. I studied my heart out to pass the exam given as our "second chance".
I was feeling positive to study for the review season which also started this May. Tbh the first part of my review season, I was a lil bit excited because I can feel how to be independent because I was all alone in my dorm, my dorm mates were going home every weekends. I felt like I was in a kdrama and it was fun because I don't have to deal with other people but as weeks passed by, I felt so lonely. I felt the exhaustion of travelling back and forth to the province and such. I felt tired and lazy to study. Tbh I was demotivated to study, I lacked the work and just depended on prayer alone. At first, my thinking was that, I'll pass the boards no matter what, but as the day of the cpale went closer, the doubt was slowly getting bigger.
I also happened to attend my first fangirling event for this year which is Dylan Wang's fm brought by Bench. It was really so fun and I felt that I am alive! I think I was born to be a fangirl lol.
Dorm moments and bonding with dorm mates, those things made our bonds stronger with some of my college friends. Being with them to that phase in my life, really is a big part. Those adulting chika, walwal and foodtrip -- simple things that I really cherish.
CPALE season, that 2 weeks was like a torture, including the waiting for the results. I kept thinking positive and claiming that I'll passed but every end of the day, I saw myself going to St. Jude and crying. My heart was so heavy. I kept praying and surrending everything to Him. Crying out to Him, I felt like the heavy burden in my heart was lifted. While waiting for the results, I claimed and at the same time thought that I did not passed but the thinking that I failed weighing the most. Those relatives asking me about the results made me teary eyes every time.
Results day, if I remembered it right I was anxious all day. The results were out at night, every notifications I got from PRC in twitter made my heart skipped a beat. When the time had come I was really nervous, i searched first for all my friend's name but only some of them made it. Then I searched for my name and found none. I didn't cry maybe because I cried everything whenever I went to St. Jude every after the exam day. I felt bad but seeing that almost of my college friends were in the same boat as mine, I felt comforted. Sorry, I know I'm mean. I also told my parents about it that night because I don't want to prolonged the disappointment the next day. Thinking that tomorrow will be another day; new hope for things to be better. Some of my friends were sending comforting messages and that made me teary eyes for a bit but after that I felt numb. I don't know what to do with my life. I felt lost. I felt empty. I think I also got to "tampo" with Daddy G because I knew I never failed to pray to Him every day, it was only later that I finally accepted that maybe it was really my fault. I was so lazy and demotivated. I only relied to prayers and not doing my part. I'm so sorry Daddy G 😭.
End part of October, I felt alive. I attended a fan meet. I happened to see Cha Eun Woo and became an Aroha. I think being a fangirl is really my calling lol.
November & December
November 1st and it is our fam's tradition to go to cemetery to visit our deceased loved ones. I didn't go there because my relatives from Manila were there and I thought I was not ready to face them.
I attended IU's con named Love, Poem. Hearing IU's singing live is just my goal but when I left the premises of Araneta, I became a certified Ma-aena. That 4 hours concert is really a daebak! ✨
I went to Elyu this December and I think it made me breathe for some time. I was a bit exhausted. I felt like I was being left behind because wearing bikini is not my cup of tea. I lacked confidence of my body.
These two months is filled disappointments, pressure, self pity, self doubts and so much more. I felt like I was a total failure. I envied those batchmates who are already hired and working as a corporate slave. I attended some interviews but unfortunately I was not hired. I was also judged by some of my relatives saying that maybe I was too picky for my first job. Yes, I declined a job offer because the salary is below the minimum and it does not offer to help me grow as a professional. I do believe that I can have more and I can do more that's why. It also made me think those what if I didn't pursue this course instead I took engineering, which I really wanted; maybe I am now an engineer. I felt lost after that boards season.
2019 is really a year of lessons, experiences and survival. It is just a 365 days but it gave plot twists which gave a mark in my being. It reminded me that I am living and living doesn't only mean that you are always at a top; living also means that you can be at the bottom. I am grateful for all the people who never left my side, who gave their never-ending support and love, who believes in me and who keeps me sane. Surviving this 2019 through He's help is already a gift.
Thank you Daddy G for guiding me throughout this year's journey despite those times that I almost turned my back to You. I'm deeply sorry if it took some time for me to realize that You just answered my prayers with "not yet" and not a stern "no". I am now trusting Your own timing. 💙
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thegodbeast-mushi · 8 years
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Wave 19 "X-Ray Scarab" LOW STOCK!!! www.godbeast.com/shop.htm #homage #toyhomage #fisherprice #adventurepeople #xrayman #scarab #tampos #fisherpriceadventurepeople #kabutomushi #minimushi #godbeast #thegodbeast #pheyden #traveler #glyos #glyossystem #onelldesign #productionpvc #designertoys #independenttoys #toys4sale #toysforsale
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junkienicky · 6 years
Some things about the DVD extras
The bloopers are 5 minutes long and are pretty funny. I posted them already if you haven’t seen them
Cast interviews is around 15 minutes and is pretty interesting. They talk about their character’s mindset in 72 hours and what it was like for themselves working in that timescale 
Jessica said she constantly had to wear wet clothes for about two or three days because of the rain in episode 11 lol
Selenis said “there’s a strip tease... Sorry, it’s not Laura Prepon” hahahahah
She also said it was hard to get out of the mindset of how Gloria was feeling when she got home
Danielle’s favorite moment was setting the cheetos and tampos on fire because it felt like a badass moment
Laura described directing episode ten, how she had to give the actresses notes while she had duct tape on her mouth and around her feet “it’s like insane”
Natasha has a funny moment with Rootbeer where she’s like “still has not made a cameo on the show” Rootbeer barks and Natasha says “we’re all upset about it at home”
Taylor thinks although it is an intense season, she believes that it is one of the funnier seasons they’ve had
Julie says because the writers were saying the subject matters in this season are so dark, they needed a lot of Leanne and Angie this season.........
The writers didn’t write any dialogue for Lea when it came to the talent show because she is a stand-up comedian, and so she improvised her lines but because she didn’t have a mic, she had to loop them in editing lmao
Natasha thinks there is an unfairness to actors who have opinions about the current situations the world is in and that people see it as like “shut up and entertain us”
Danielle thought the season was really challenging because she had to stay in the mindset of someone who is fighting for life and justice. The death of Philando Castile had happened and she remembers watching his girlfriend, Diamond, give a speech and not wanting her lawyer to speak for her but using her own voice. She tried to translate that to the OITNB audience and describes it as an “experience she will never forget.”
Commentary for Tattoo You with director Mark Burley and writer Tara Herrmann;
They mention the eyes being real prisoners for every episode they’ve had commentary on, I swear.
They were filming episode twelve and thirteen in mid winter but they made it look like summer by putting fake leaves in the trees and digitally removing breath.
One of the hallmarks of the show is that they make good social commentary, Mark thinks.
They believe Taystee was standing up for her principles.
Tara wrote the scene where a woman on the bus hands her baby to Bailey while having a panic attack from real experience, except on a plane.
Alan had never held a baby before in the scene.
Freida's bunker was a tiny set and really difficult to shoot in.
Nicky’s “tear drop” tattoo was mistakenly drew in the wrong order. Apparently in one of the bunker scenes it is visible - (I haven’t checked, I wouldn’t know). 
They explain that they go far away from the book, then right back to it with moments such as Piper's first tattoo flashback with the fish, which is what Piper Kirman had in real life.
They were originally going to travel to film this flashback on a beach and the flashback was originally planned as three scenes. They cut it back to one. The flashback was filmed on a stage set and the beach in the background is green screen. 
Sometimes they have to alter cast members' real tattoos because they don't get the rights from every tattoo artist.
Tara thinks Natasha is a great on-camera smoker, although she is "currently" (at the time the commentary was recorded) was off the cigarettes.
During the scene in the pharmacy, Tara explains that in season one, one of the big notes that they kept getting back from the real Piper was that they were not telling enough "mom stories" so they really doubled down on that.
The line in which Red says "without disappointment, she and I have nothing" in reference to her relationship with Nicky was specifically called out as a great line by Jenji - which Tara describes as her "happy day" when she gets kudos from Jenji.
Kate stays in character as Red all day while she is on set.
The salt shaker tattoo on Alex, is one that Jenji always wanted to have her whole life.
Mark thinks it was nice catching up on the backstory of Piper and Alex as there was always more to explore there.
They both joke about how they wonder if Red would be a YouTube blogger on the outside making cooking videos, and that it should be a spin-off.
As you'd imagine, the continuity aspect of the season being based in three days was overwhelming.
Early on, the writers really wanted to "lock Linda in the prison and at some point she needed to be stoned" and "not in the way [we as an audience] are thinking, or in the biblical sense" I have literally no idea what they were talking about here, if I’m honest.
They think Flaca and Maritza are great together.
They think Taylor did a really good job with her scene where she calls Carol, as it was very emotional as Piper has not had the best relationship with her mum over the years and this scene makes a connection.
The corn story from Carol is a real story from co-writer Carolina Paiz’s mother (or husband) but it was actually a can of beans, like we see in the proposal scene.
They shot Piper's second flashback in an actual tattoo shop and the woman tattooing Larry is the owner of the shop.
They was "delighted" to have Jason Biggs back...
They built a bathroom set for when Piper calls Alex that cost around $32,000.
Alex's scene was filmed in a real hotel.
There was a longer shot of Tiffany making the cereal she eats at Donuts' house, but it was cut because it was too long.
They love the unique and odd conversations between various characters, and the scene between Gloria and Luschek was one of them.
They were stuck schedule wise with the phone call between Nicky and Vinny. Originally they wanted a scene showing him at home, but logistically it wasn't working. They shot it with him in his car so the audience had the impression that he spent the night there.
They describe the scene as being big for Nicky, wherein she is essentially saying "odd as it may be, I respect what you guys have but you need to step up and take care of our girl.” And that she is doing Lorna a favor though losing out for herself. In addition, they confirm Nicky would like to be loved in the way she describes in the scene.
Crew had to shoot in the bar terminal at night as they were only allowed to shoot there after 11:00PM.
They struggled on how to tie up bailey's story. They didn’t want him to commit suicide, but they also didn't want it to necessarily feel hopeful for him.
They thought Uzo did a fantastic job of 'sleep acting.'
They mention each character has musical themes.
Mark thought Taylor was wonderful in the proposal scene.
commentary for Storm-y Weather with executive producer Tara Herrmann and writer Lauren Morelli;
It is one of Lauren's favorite episodes she wrote and one of her favourites in general because it was so much work.
They didn't anticipate how stressful writing, production and continuity wise this season would be to create with the seventy-two hour timeline.
They had around 120 meetings (an over exaggeration) on how they were going to do the opening storm scene, because of the glass, smoke, special effects and ensuring health and safety (especially because the actress who plays Alison was pregnant).
They have moments where they realise all the bits they've planted in the season actually come together.
They spent around twelve hours a day shooting in the bunker.
They comment on how beautiful Taylor looks in her "janitor overalls" costume.
Tara mentions about they they are "currently" (at the time of the commentary) [were] working on season six, and there are a lot of things Lauren doesn't know about as she no longer works on the show. She goes on to say how she so badly wants to tell her where each character ends up.
The scene where the Nazis and Ouiji (along with her other two friends - names I can't remember) are deciding which way to go in the corridor, describe how the scene was only a page long, but took hours to figure out.
While writing the season, Tara saw a photo of Natasha on the red carpet with bangs. That's where the inspiration came from to have Nicky's hair like that in this season.
Lauren says she loves both Nicky and Lorna and has a "soft space in [her] heart for them." They comment how they're "so great together."
They think Yael is a really good crier.
They wanted to make sure that we saw every character that we basically know in this episode.
Jenji tries to have every character in the first and last episode of the season.
All of the SWAT team are named after writers of the season.
The season is supposedly set near the end of September/beginning of October.
Mornings on set, they had to use leaf blowers to get rid of snow and leaves and digitally colour correct (add green and brown in editing) to ensure it looks like late summer.
They pitched early on to have Carol and Pat meet in the season.
They describe the episode being "really physical" for the actors because there is a lot of running around.
They had a lot of debate in the writer's room on whether to kill off Humps or keep him alive.
They commented that they often put some of their subconscious thoughts into these characters.
They call the booby-trap making the "home alone montage", they also compliment the art department for all the props such as the sling-shot made out of a bra.
Expanding on this, they refer back to Big Boo's flashback in season three when someone from the art department had to go out and buy dildos lmao.
Lauren spent several seasons trying to get the pool to film in at Rockland.
The pool was difficult to shoot in because it would get very cold, but also very hot at times under the lights.
They had a long meeting about whether we were going to see Humps' butt or not, because he was in a hospital gown, so if he fell out the wheelchair would the gown be open and would you see his butt or would it be a prosthetic.
They had many meetings on how much work special effects put in to figure out how to place the tower of books so that it would be stable enough to stand, but easy enough to fall by being pushed over by a SWAT member. They had to build two towers.
They thought Big Boo and Linda were realy funny and great together.
Lauren received many angry tweets regarding the Epipen moment where they used it to wake up Suzanne. Apparently they researched but it was wrong "according to twitter." They then go on to say that Suzanne didn't OD she was just "really sleepy."
They had to build a fire proof stage set for when Leanne and Angie set the files on fire.
They mention that the girl who gets her nose broken all the time is also pregnant, adding "wow, so many orange babies" lol.
They had a technical adviser on set most of the time to give them guidance with the "SWAT stuff."
It was Diane and Jackie's idea to draw nipples on their bra when Flaca and Maritza make a video for "belieber1996."
Nick Sandow requested if he could shave his mustache, but they said no "because the world wasn't ready to see his naked lip yet."
They mention about how they set the show in the past "we're like what? In 2014, or something." And that they've sort of abandoned the rules in that way, timeline wise.
They think Danielle was spectacular this season.
Uzo is wearing a wig in the bunker scenes, Jackie also often does.
The trailer/security van is a set they built.
They talk about Donuts and Doggett's scenes being complicated. Tara think they should not be together, and Lauren agrees. But they see where these characters come from, and understand why they (as characters) think they should be together.
Jenji named Piscatella originally.
For a long time they discussed Taystee actually killing Piscatella, but decided that would be perpetuating the cycle of violence and that she is not a killer.
They think the scene is really a moment of grace.
They also think Danielle is a really good crier.
They love the rivalry between Red and Piscatella.
They originally had a line as Piscatella leaves where he says "God speed", however it was cut. Neither can remember why but Brad William Henke was pretty upset about it. He also felt like it was a moment of redemption for his character.
While they were shooting the end scene in the pool, the actors requested if they could hear the end song, so that they could have the emotional feel of it.
The whole season/Taystee's fight emphasizes how Litchfield is truly her own home, and the only one that she's had in her life.
The end pool scene was pitched from Toy Story 3 where they're all in the incinerator.
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ozocab · 2 years
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We cordially invite you to Saputara Monsoon Megh Malhaar Parv - 2022, as Saputara decks up in a new spirit. Come, embrace the rejuvenating beauty of nature and culture from 30th July to 30th August 2022. ALOT CAB Book your Car & TAMPO TARVELRS 09377720004 . . #alotcab #surat #suratcarrentls #suratcity #tampotarvels #Innova #InnovaCrysta #swift #Basrentls #gujarat #gujarattourism #travel #travellife #TravelDiaries #explore #exploregujarat #saputara #monsoon #monsoonfestival #monsoondiaries #monsoonvibes #nature_brilliance (at Surat, Gujarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgcZyeCMBYe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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udaipurtaxi · 2 years
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Yuvraj travels Udaipur Taxi Service was started in the year 2001 with a sole purpose to enhance the taxi hiring experience among tourists and outstation visitors in Udaipur. In our taxi service in Udaipur we make your trip comfortable and memorable.
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your-love-v · 3 years
7 years akong walang inentertain na kahit sino at inignore ko lahat ng yun dahil grabe yung trauma na dinala sakin ng ex ko, year 2013.
Sabi ko sa sarili ko na once na may maging bf ako after noong naging ka-relasyon ko noong 2013 eh i-treasure ko at sabi ko rin na sya na sana yung taong yun na araw araw kong hinihiling noon na makakasama ko pag tanda.
And yeah, dumating sya sa buhay ko. November 2019 when i first met him, tapos ayun nag tuloy tuloy na pag uusap namin, he courted me na umabot ng halos one year. Sinagot ko sya this year. May 21, 2021 and birthday nya mismo ko sya sinagot. (actually yun talaga gift ko sakanya)
Sobrang saya naming dalawa, at dumating yung time na nakilala ko na rin si ate nya. Sobrang saya ko noon as in legit na saya at kilig nang makausap ko si ate nya. Then he told me, papakilala nya daw ako sa magulang nya, pero sabi ko sa sunod na lang kasi nahihiya pa ako at hindi ko rin alam sasabihin sakanila. Pero that time sobrang saya ko deep inside at kilig at the same time. (Syempre first time ko yun na ipapakilala sa magulang ng jowa hehe)
Tapos yeah, away, bati, away bati at nagkakatampuhan ang pinag dadaanan namin sa every week siguro walang week na hindi kami na aaway haha (ako lagi nag sisimula ng away) lol and syempre ang always kong pag tatampo sakanya. Oh well part naman yun ng relasyon. Kapag nag aaway kami, naayos namin agad at kapag may tampo naman eh nagagawan ng paraan at napag uusapan ng maayos kasi dapat hindi namin ito pinapapatagal. Mahal namin isat isa eh hehe :">
Then dumating yung araw-araw na grabe na pag aaway namin :( akala ko maayos namin. Akala ko magiging okay pa din kapag pinag usapan pa namin. Pero iba ang nangyare, nakipag hiwalay sya sakin. Sobrang sakit ang sakit sakit. Noong una, ayaw ko pumayag kasi hindi ko matanggap na ganon na ang gusto nyang mangyare, pero in the end pumayag na rin ako sa gusto nya kasi ang sakit makita dahil nag mamakaawa sya na itigil na yung relasyon namin. :(((
One month na ang nakalipas since nang manyari yon, at andito pa rin ako. still hoping na baka bumalik pa sya at bumalik sa dati. :(
Grabe ang sakit parin. Pinipilit ko sa araw araw na kayanin lahat at hindi maging emotional pero darating talaga yung oras na bigla ka nalang malulungkot kasi almost 2 years syang anjan para sayo, na everyday nag papaalala sa lahat ng bagay etc. pero ayun nga biglang nawala na lahat ng yon :(
Miss na miss na kita, gusto kitang makita, gusto kong marinig ang boses mo. Sobrang miss na miss na kita.
Gusto ko ikaw ang makasama ko sa pag tanda. Mahal na mahal pa rin kita. Sobrang dami natin plans sa future. Sabi mo mag travel tayo? Akala ko ba idate mo pa ako ng maraming maraming beses, kasi nahadlangan sya ng covid, sabi mo mag hintay lang ako (kaya ko naman mag hintay eh). Sa first anniv sana natin kala ko may plano tayo? Ang dami ko rin gagawing surprises sayo pero diko na magagawa.
Ang tanong ko lang eh, "Bakit iniwan mo ako agad? " "Sabi mo mahal mo ako? Bakit ang bilis mong bumitaw?"
Ang hina mo, sobrang hina mo kasi bumitaw ka agad. Akala ko sating dalawa ako yung, mahina. Pero ikaw pala. Hays sobrang sakit :(
Gusto kong makipag balikan sayo at kalimutan tong nangyare na ito kasi mahal kita, mahal na mahal. Pero hindi ko alam kung gusto mo pa. Hindi ko alam.
Wala akong alam. Hindi ko alam gagawin ko .... sobrang sakit :(
0 notes
kristanni-20x6 · 7 years
Bit of an unpopular opinion on Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People
Am I the only one who really didn’t like how the Chapman Brothers/Telltale portrayed Stinkoman in the game? He comes across as so stupid and inane. There’s enemies right in front of him but he doesn’t even bother fighting them. Isn’t he all about challenges and fighting? Why doesn’t he destroy them there and move on to other opponents? We could’ve seen at least all of Level 1 in that part of the game but instead Stinkoman just stays on that one screen and does nothing else.
Even in the actual Stinkoman 20x6 game he’s not that stupid. Maybe not an intellectual but not overtly dumb. Yeah, he’s a hardass (ie. Level 4 where he protected 1-up simply because he had his power crunch and the next level where Stinkoman flat out refuses to help him) and sometimes has his derp moments (ie. Level 3 where he tried to jump over a wall) but at least there, he actually fought challenges, was observant (ie. the end of Level 8 where he found the whereabouts of 1-up and Pan-Pan via a button and traveled to the jungle), and even a bit clever (ie. Stinkoman building the Stinkowing’s garage at the edge of the jungle). Here, we don’t see any of that.
The one thing that seriously irks me is this string of dialogue:
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No, Stinkoman dear. That was a legit question, not an insult (Note: This is what happens when you have the option to say something to a character personally whether it’s a compliment or an insult), I’m agreeing with Strong Bad here. I was wondering how the name “Stinkoman” came to be (before the sbemail “island”) and when we’re about to get an answer, they just beat around the bush and don’t give us an answer which is kinda a slap to the face for me.
The final nail in the coffin is that you have to kill off Stinkoman. Yeah I know he has two other lives but we never see them in action. Not only personally do I not like this (Stinkoman doesn’t appear that often after all), but it pulled the plug to more possibilities. Like I said before, it’d be nice if we can at least see the rest of Level 1 and some of the other enemies. Maybe even see Tampo in his brain form.
And it’s pretty bad when even the enemies in the game comment on how dumb he is. I know prior to this episode of SBCG4AP we had “Twenty THANXty Six”, a Thanksgiving toon in which 1-up explains to Stinkoman about giving thanks. Now Stinkoman was stupid in that toon but I can give it a pass since there are people in the world who don’t celebrate Thanksgiving or even know what it’s about. 
Speaking of which, where the hell was 1-up? Just a minor nitpick but it’d be cool if he appeared at least once in the episode.
Overall, this is a Stinkoman appearance I don’t recommend seeing. There was so much wasted potential, so much more they could’ve done with one of the most popular games on the site. Just disappointing y’know?
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bumbumdc · 4 years
Read this when you need to know how much I love you
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I hope you never need to read this letter because you should already know and feel how much I love you! You mean the world to me. Nevertheless, it’s okay! I love to remind you anyway. :) Di ko alam saan magsisimula but the best way I guess is to make a list. Prepare to get kilig or cringe. HAHAHAAHAH. Please see below:
You made me a better person. Dati na puro travel, barkada at career lang ang inaatupag, ngayon nagpplano na tayo para sa kinabukasan natin even kids! Di ko inexpect na gugustuhin ko magkapamilya at all. Because of you, I now appreciate the gift of family. Sinabi naman ni daddy yun sayo di ba? 
Lagi mo ako pinatatawa or kinocomfort pag stressed at sad ko kahit di ko sabihin na kelangan ko un. Pasensha kung minsan parang di ko naaappreciate yun pero isa un sa mga dahilan bakit mahal kita.
You treat me exactly how I wanted to be treated. Yung simpleng paghatid sundo mo sa akin sa school at sa bahay, I feel so safe with you. Plus points na it makes me happy because more time with you. Nag aalala lang din ako minsan kasi napapagod ka kaya gusto ko malaman mo how much I appreciate it and I can always meet you halfway. Kaya ko naman makipagsabakan. :D
You taught me not only how to love you but myself as well. Binigyan na kita ng madaming dahilan, inilista ko na din mga baggage ko pero lagi mong pinapaalala sakin bakit mo ko nagustuhan. You always see the positive side. You are an optimist.
You always see right through me and I cannot hide anything from you. Mapa-surprise or tampo literal.
Hindi mo hinahayaan tumagal ang away or tampuhan natin. Ever since. 
With you, I can be me without pretentions. Sobrang comfortable ko sayo and sana ikaw din sakin. Di ko kelangan mag-ayos kahit alam kong bola mo lang ako, super effective.
You are my boyfriend and bestfriend rolled into one. You are my everything!
Lagi mo akong inaalagaan pag may sakit ako. Yung nilagyan mo ng ice ung likod ko nung masakit hanggang makatulog ako. Yung pagsubo ng food sakin kasi sumakit ulo ko sa work.
Lagi mong sinasabi na ako ang priority mo. Ikaw din ang priority ko. :)
Kahit sobrang lala na pagiging unreasonable ko, nagiging toxic na, di mo ako iniwan. 
Sobrang proud ka sa akin kahit sakto lang naman ako. Akala mo nanalo ka ng lotto :( I love you hayyyyyyy
Trusting you is not that difficult. We started rocky but moving forward, salamat kasi lagi kang transparent sakin. Sinasabi mo kung sino nagmemessage and etc. It gives me a peace of mind that we can tell anything with each other. Kahit hirap akong kalimutan ung past, salamat hindi mo ko sinusukuan every time inoopen ko ung topic.
Sobrang patient mo sakin. Sa trust issues and crankfest ko lalo na.
Sobrang caring mo not only sa akin or sa family mo pati sa family ko. Nilulutuan mo kami ni Alex ng food kasi di kami marunong.
You treat me like a princess making hugas hehehehehehe i love youuuuu
Jugjug hehehehehehehehehehe yums
Your hug makes everything alright huhu you are my happy pill
The list goes on but I don’t think words are enough to tell you how much I love you. Hug mo ko when you read this all.
0 notes
ozocab · 2 years
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