#tamersona weekend
rooks-gallery · 7 months
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caved and finally decided to do a mix of digisona and tamersona art lol
pardon the strange artifacting, glaze was very much not meant to deal with a lot of solid colors, but i hope you can still appreciate the work i put into all this!
cringe is dead and i'm not into necromancy so when my brain said "digisona time" i said "this weekend, for sure"
first pic is art from like two years ago though, we just were not using tumblr at the time so we never ended up posting it here
second is also from like last year when i fronted for the first time in a while. played around with some fun brushes and tbh? might have to play with 'em some more because trying to get digital effects beyond glitchy stuff is a Goal of mine.
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elecmon · 2 years
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Didn’t realize Tamersona weekend landed on an insanely busy weekend at work, got day 1 done and that’s about it 😭
Might go back and do the other days when things slow down in life- (but I’ve been saying that that since 2019, so,,)
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Day 4 of Tamersona Week 2022 is about fall traditions and introducing your partner to them. Every year that my husband and I have been together, we have gone to the Jackolantern Spectacular in Louisville, KY. It honestly reminds me of a Halloween version of Ballonlea from Pokemon. It's so pretty. I would definitely take Pinnimon (Seriemon's In-Training level) to see all the pretty lights and intricate carvings.
Unfortunately, this is the last day I was able to complete for Tamersona Week. I haven't been feeling the best and I have a wedding this weekend that has kept me pretty busy. I can't wait to see everyone else's art as the week finishes up. @tamersonas
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hydroflorix · 4 years
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Day 5 - All About the Mon What does your Partnermon like/dislike? Any hobbies? Does their personality change after digivolving?
Catchin up! Will probably keep these (even more) simple/sketchy. Quartzmon has many words about many things, and if he hasn’t found a reason to pettily dislike something, give him five minutes. MarinChimairamon is much more reserved, and keeps most of her thoughts to herself.
Personality doesn’t change for Quartzmon when evolving, and MarinChimairamon doesn’t evolve.
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birdsnores · 4 years
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Day 3 - Hero’s Guidebook
Blue wears a cropped letterman jacket with a cat decal on the back over a T-shirt/jeans combo and vans. No thought at all was put into this fit and she complains whenever it gets slightly cold. At least it looks cute! Dove and Crow have their holy and dark rings respectfully, as well as their gloves :)
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nillisaie · 4 years
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Day 4: Digivice
It's just my phone. Nothing fancy
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kyanitedragon · 4 years
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[ID: Digital art of 2 inchworm-like Digimon. On the left is Kunemon, who is yellow, blue, and red and is standing upright. Above him is his name written in gold, followed by the name “Kiichi” and the kanji for it. On the right is Dokunemon, who is green and purple and is lying down with his claws crossed. Above him is his name written in dark green followed by the name “Denji” and the kanji for it. END ID]
Tamersona Week Day 5: All about the ‘Mon
I have two partners - Kunemon and Dokunemon! After some time, I asked if I could come up with names for them, to make it a bit easier to refer to them no matter which forms they’re in. I settled on Kiichi (黄一) for Kunemon and Denji (電ニ) for Dokunemon.
Kiichi is brash and speaks his mind. He’s got a short fuse and can be moody, but he’s got a heart of gold. It takes him a while to warm up to people, but he can be quite affectionate in his own way once he does. When he digivolves, he becomes more cocky and reckless and self-centered. Digivolving was always a dream of his, and now that he can do it at will, it kind of goes to his head...
Denji, meanwhile, is very cool-headed, calm, and go-with-the-flow. He’s pretty wise and is good at helping people with their emotions. He tends to hide and suppress his own emotions, though, and doesn’t like to be vulnerable. At its core, his personality is pretty much the same through his evolutions, but the way it presents itself changes quite a bit. He becomes looser and more open with each higher digivolution he takes. I think he, too, is more comfortable in his higher forms.
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fainecart · 4 years
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Meet my fennecmon uwu
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Tamersona Day 10! Tell me more! I don’t know what to talk about or draw so here’s a picture of a Gigimon I knit awhile back😊 I had a lot of fun with this event, so thank you to @tamersonas for hosting and planning! You’re awesome!
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life-happened · 4 years
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Tamersona week!
Day 1: How it all started
This is now the fifth time I’ve tried to post this and tumblr keeps closing out without saving the post to drafts so imma keep it brief, sorry. Doing all this on my phone cuz I don’t have internet at my new place yet. Character from harupiainen’s Pokémon trainer maker on dA.
Freshmen year of high school, I ended up in the digital world from an accident during a thunderstorm. My partner, botamon, who I call bo or bota, found me and a glowing crystal next to a broken tv. I lived in the digital world with a colony of airdramon, seadramon, and botamon for the next 4 years.
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thisanimeidiot · 4 years
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Well....I have this thing that appeared along side me when I first got here
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I usually use it to turn junk into little balls of data for Kera to eat. But something tells me it's the key to figuring out the secret of a little statue I found
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Whatever it is, it sure is creepy.
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partiallyaquatic · 4 years
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elecmon · 4 years
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Tamersonaweekend day 1:  First Encounter
How did you first meet your partner? Did it go well? How did you find out you were destined for greatness?
EDIT: uploaded the wrong file, Demimeramon is supposed to be bluueeee, this is p important later on ;A;
So there I was, 5th grade week-long away from home camp. My cabin was going on our nature hike turn and my hiking buddy and I decided to wander off. so OF COURSE we wind up LOST. She decides to stay put by the trail, away from the thick ocean of massive trees, while I wanted to go follow the river downstream. (Guess who was found first)
(hint, it was NOT my dumbass)
But that’s probably what fate had in mind that day since I stumbled on this clearing that opened up with this WEIRD BIG GREEN EGG smack in the middle of it!! Now, the rational 10-year old side of me said don’t touch that egg, it’s BIG and whatever laid it is probably around here and is going to get UPSET when it’s gone.
but on the OTHER hand, 10-year olds aren’t that bright, and I was no exception. SO INTO THE BACKPACK IT WENT. This thing was warm, not just like warm but, Warm Warm. Didn’t even need a sweater with it carefully tucked away in my backpack (which was GOOD since I didn’t bring one, and it was starting to get dark and cold) Got found not that long later, Hiking buddy and I got as grounded as we could get without our parents being there by being barred from the last camp activities of the week, WHICH FUNNY ENOUGH, WERE WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU GET LOST IN THE WOODS. (it’s stay put, go figure)
While we were stuck indoors and everyone was out faking getting lost in a closed off section, the egg starts GLOWING. And out popped a cloud??? WITH EYES????? Hiking buddy FLIPS OUT, but I’m over here mesmerized by the fact that this floating ball of smoke looking opening its eyes for the first time. Instincts kicked in and I immediately start petting it while it focused it’s eyes on me.
“Hi, you’re really small, I’m Liz, what’s your name?” 
Don’t know WHY I expected a fully formed sentence from a newborn…..whateveritwas, but it instantly felt familiar enough that I had to try. Made my friend promise to keep this creature a secret and I was able to take him home. (Everyone thought I was sneaking some super fluffy rabbit on the bus so the whole class also kept secret LOL)
We get home and I start feeding it whatever snack I can find and this little puffball is Loving all of it!!! Really specifically enjoyed the cinnamon that topped the rice pudding, so I started calling him Canela, which is just Spanish for cinnamon, I don’t claim to be all that clever. Wasn’t long till we essentially food coma’d ourselves into a good sleep. Wake up the next morning to get ready for regular school again, AND. THE. LITTLE. PUFFBALL. IS. SUDDENLY. ON. FIRE.
I START FREAKING OUT AND TRY SETTING CANELA IN THE SINK WITH SOME OVENMITS, BUT HE’S ALRIGHT??? DOESN’T SEEM TO BE HURT???  (At least he doesn’t feel that hot to me, sink DOES still catch on fire)  Start shooting like 500 questions at him on what could have possibly happened at night, not honestly expecting a reply. So imagine how caught off guard I was when,
“Mokumon!” “Mokumon?” “Was Mokumon! Now, Demimeramon!” “Are, you okay? Does it hurt? Do you need a bandaid or anything?” “Noooo no hurt, happy!!” “You’re happy?” “You found me!! I got a nickname!! Got a partner!! Snacks!! Of course I’m happy!!”
It took a bit for me to find my Digivice, and even longer for Demimeramon to Digivolve again, he really seemed to be more comfortable as Mokumon! I’ll admit the fire freaked me out (and this was probably why he preferred the more controlled form smokey honestly…) But finding the little guy was seriously the best possible end to camp, and the best start to our future friendship and adventures!!
HI I USUALLY DON’T WRITE THINGS, so forgive the, first drafty-ness of it all ;v;
Tamersonaweekend is here!!! I can’t wait to see all of your stories, sonas, partners, and all else in between!!! 
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tamersonas · 3 years
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Random Number Generator found here!
The Event will be tracking #Digidestinedweek
Welcome to Digidestined week year 2!
Self-inserts are fun, but they can be a little nerve-wracking to post sometimes. But don't fret! We have a full week dedicated to You Yourself and your Digimon!
Things are looking a bit different this year, we're doing a Choose your Own Adventure style. Each day has a different prompt with options to decide how your weekend at camp went! You are Absolutely allowed to re-roll if you'd like! No stopping you there! Feel free to include canon characters, OCs, any friends, whoever you'd like! ART IS NOT REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE! All types of submissions are welcome!
Not a fan of the prompts? No worries, find the 2020 question list here!
Until then! ❤ Ask ❤FAQ/Master Tag List/Rules ❤ COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE WITHOUT THE HELP OF@smackins Text version of images below the cut-
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#DIGIDESTINEDWEEKEND Year 2 Choose your own self-insert Adventure 09/16..........Introduction Day 09/17..........Digimon Day 09/18..........Welcome To Camp! 09/19..........Bonfire Night 09/20..........Did You Hear Something? 09/21..........Going Off-Trail 09/22..........Until Next Time!
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September 16 - September 17 Intro Day (September 16)
Introduce yourself!
Your Digivice?
Any Crests/Spirits?
Your fave Protag Outfit?
Have any rivals?
Digimon Day (September 17)
Introduce your Digimon!
Their Likes/Dislikes?
How did you meet?
Digivolution line?
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September 18 Welcome To Camp! How prepared Are You?
1-5 Not Very!
6-10 Extremely!
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September 19 Bonfire Night! How's it going?
1- It started Raining...
2-5 Made the Snacks!
6-9 Spooky Story time!
10- Burned the Food...
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September 20 Wait...Did you hear something? Something made a noise behind the bush, are you investigating?
1- NOPE! Not interested!
2-5 It's my friend _____!
6-9 It's my enemy _____!
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September 21 Going Off-Trail You wanted some outside food at _______ How'd it go?
1- Got stuck with an unpaid job with Digitamamon...
2-5 It went well! We brought leftovers for everyone!
6-9 Got into a fight with _____...but we won!
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September 22 Until Next Time! Last day of Camp!
What have you always wanted to do in the Digital World? Have any enemies you want to face? Digimon you want to visit? Make any Friends? Any Rivals?
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You 100% do not need to follow all of the prompt choices!
If you have your own answer/idea/response, go for it!
OCs, Canon Character, Digifakes, and all in between are welcome!
Digidestinedweek is a celebration of YOU and YOURSELF as the protag! Do as you please and have fun with it! Will be tracking posts, but some have been known to not appear in the tags before, feel free to @tamersonas on every post to be extra sure it pops up
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1ggyness · 4 years
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tamersona weekend stuff
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birdsnores · 4 years
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Day 1 - First Encounter
Dove and Crow wander the streets of the human world after being sent to find their partner. Meanwhile, Blue gets a strange alert on her phone.
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