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skullkxd · 1 year ago
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ree it wants a cookie. give it. a cookie. no it won't be a bribe idk what you're talking about.
— huh! They’ve never seen a Pokémon like this before. It’s pretty big … maybe it’s a reclusive one that lives in the mountain?
but, still. They know that look.
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“You’re hungry, huh? I getcha. Hold on…”
they lean back, grabbing their backpack from the handle of their wheelchair, before pulling out some cookies.
“They’re safe. I carry safe cookies with me in case I meet kids who want roulette cookies. Don’t wanna make them cry from the spice. It’s only funny when grownups cry.”
Ree is offering PEANUT BUTTER, SHORTBREAD, and JELLY BEAN cookies!
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a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses · 10 months ago
will. in his presence there's the chill of a northerly wind brushing gently through the air. while the beast doesn't show its physical form yet, hidden within fluid waves of the air, its noticeable he's not alone. it's a familiar feeling, one spoken about for many generations and one felt by the psychic master once before.
it has sought them out for a particular reason. it doesn't repeat meetings unless for good reason and it believes this meeting is justifiable for the memories of their last encounter weights on its mind.
and stomach, for it remembers that... klondike bar once handed to it. it wants it again, will, and it's making that want well known.
(I wanted to send sillies :3)
He could feel the presence of the legendary the moment the northerly wind brushed against his face. It seemed that this one took a liking to him, a fact that he would be sure to bring up to Eusine when they next meet.
However, as he looked down to the lone, unwrapped klondike bar in his hands, the psychic knew it was not meant to be.
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"...fiiiine. But you owe me."
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draconscious · 2 years ago
@talubld (continued from here)
" just uh - thinkin' about the gym challenges includin' my own you know? last I came here was during that 'round uh. ten? years ago? it's nice seein' how little it's changed compared to goldenrod. " and that wasn't a lie, at least, it'd be a bit unprofessional to start diving into anxieties on company time after all. " How long have you been gym leader for? "
Blackthorn's lake is calm today, and Clair can see her reflection rippling in the waters as she squats beside Ren on the earthy bank. (Off in the distance, majestic Linvala--one of her precious Gym-ready Dragonairs--continues her leisurely patrol of the glassy expanse.)
"Mm. No, Blackthorn hasn't changed much at all, for better or worse," she offers with a sigh. "...The Clan Elders make sure of that."
"As for me, I became Gym Leader...around ten years ago." The tamer smiles, tapping at her chin thoughtfully as she studies Ren's features with that intense blue gaze. "I may have a poor memory when it comes to remembering challengers, but you would have been one of the first trainers to take on my rendition of the Gym. So I feel like I should remember you. Hm." (Clair quirks her head, racking her brain for any recall at all.)
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"...What's your name?"
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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coeurlxss · 2 years ago
ah, eto...
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bleeee xP
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sekizein · 2 years ago
eren vc: bestie. stop threatening the kids. threaten the adults they're less likely to cry and get snot everywhere
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" oh, adults are verrrrry good at getting snot everywhere too. i don't know why they always cry. i am just trying to motivate them. " / @talubld
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bornbreathless-archive · 2 years ago
@talubld from x
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" in becoming a pokémon trainer you'll have to get used to members of your team stealing --- as you've so delicately put it --- your lunch. " she's holding back a chuckle to console an upset char, who's team in question is currently munching down pre-made sandwiches. where they were from eren doesn't know, but she does put a reassuring hand onto her shoulder offering a smile. " come on, i've got some stew on if you would care to accompany me for some? "
She's not pouting. She's just...frustrated. Yeah. That's it. This expression is a frown, not a pout.
It's totally a pout.
"They could've at least left me one," she says as she balefully watches the pokémon enjoying their ill-gotten feast. It's not that she begrudges them the food, of course, but she'd been looking forward to those sandwiches. Still... "Stew sounds good."
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
“I wish I could hibernate like a ursaring. And maul those who anger me.” / from red. they're using a text to speech device for this specifically.
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"Have you considered doing it anyway?" Which one he means is left unclear. (For legal purposes.) "I'm sure no one would begrudge you the opportunity. You could also probably post about a donation drive and people would happily donate to your new life of sleep and criminal violence. Also this is not legal advice from me. For legal reasons, I am disavowing this conversation ever happened if questioned."
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denkiid · 2 days ago
"they aren't children. not at all ." pov. siveth and red are in lavender town lol
It was stupid to follow them here.
The energy is grim, and it was only the tower that made it more uncomfortable. Siveth's breath caught at her throat, and she leaned ever carefully closer to red. Don't cry, Siveth.
Dragons don't cower.
The longer they walked about Lavender town, the more paranoid she grew nonetheless.
As if red orbs burned into the back of her skull, as if to mock her. She could hear things that weren't quite there, and yet, yes, they were. She could feel it.
Red's words don't help.
The whole...ghost thing here, it makes this gnawing feeling of doom and gloom worse. Makes her loom on a thought that hasn't hit her in a while.
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Oh god. What if Giratina springs up with the dead now?
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a-hell-of-a-lot-of-muses · 10 months ago
@talubld Continued from X
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"You still won't approach me, hmm?" The legendary had no reason to, but Will didn't feel right just throwing the treat at them.
Instead Will gave a wave of his hand, a light blue glow surrounding the ice cream bar before it slowly floated over to Suicine. It stopped just in front of the legendary, as if tempting them to take it.
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reiketsui · 1 year ago
[ aidan ].
" - arceus I am SO sorry about this-! Luna get down-! " although only now does she heed her owner's commands, the houndoom had already done what she wanted to do: she had spotted someone with a scent of her species and wanted to say hello.
even if saying hello meant jumping at the stranger's legs, bowing playfully as she did so.
" she's usually obedient but this place always gets her acting like a puppy again- " aidan bows her head in apology. " I do hope she didn't rip anything."
it's far from the first time he's nearly gotten knocked down by an overly enthusiastic houndoom. most of them had more strength behind them than they were aware of. and he can't help but give an earnest, soft laugh as he greets the pokemon back with a good scritch before turning his attention to the apologetic stranger.
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" don't worry about it, miss. i know better than to put on my most expensive clothes when visiting here, " he gives a subtle bow of a greeting before turning his gaze towards the group of houndooms playing outside. one of them seems to instantly notice her trainer's line of sight, immediately running over and sitting beside him with perfect posture. " i bring iroha here to let out some energy – she's the more sociable of the ones i have, " he chuckles. " i take that you visit here regularly, too? "
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psychic-master-will · 1 year ago
talubld: ren vc: [holding up her own meowscarada] the same.....
"They need to have a play date~"
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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“I respect him too much to give him that voice”
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coeurlxss · 2 years ago
what if I bought you in a half alive body of someone deserving of your experimentation? what then? do I get a treat- [ bw/bw2 mattéo sffsjakaks DRAGGING THEM IN LIKE A CAT WITH PREY ALL HAPPY LIKE. ] [ what if scenarios ; ACCEPTING ]
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"Oh I'd be SO delighted! Why, yes, you totally deserve a little treat!"
Some snackies and an extra hour of air will do!
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murmursdraconic · 1 year ago
suicune believes shay passes the vibe check if that's of any use to her. but only after it's fired a water gun at her face and leaped away, of course.
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Holy shit it's a Suicun-
She blinks.
"Did Suicune just spit on me?"
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skullkxd · 1 year ago
[ mattéo ].
stares down at ree. slowly takes the oreo and eats it.
they want another. gizit.
“Hey! Hey. Hold on.”
They hold up a hand.
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“What are the magic words?”
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