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indie private/selective Lance from Pokemon Special
Last active 4 hours ago
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dragonplated · 4 hours ago
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Sir you look like a corpse.
"Put some protein in your diet before my dragon does it for you." This sounds like a threat but it's more like a warning.
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I'll have you know I exist solely off of water, white rice, fish and pickled daikon.
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dragonplated · 4 hours ago
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"Why does that man look like he hasn't eaten anything but cigarettes for six months."
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dragonplated · 5 hours ago
“Thanks for dinner. It was good.” There’s a pause, and then. “You can tell Noodle that they don’t gotta fuss over me as much. I’ll be fine.”
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"You can tell him because he sure doesn't listen to me." At least not about this. He has some suspicions about why the dragon's doing this but he isn't sharing them.
"Going to make him sleep outside at this rate." He won't.
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dragonplated · 5 hours ago
Lance watches him go, unmoving until he's vanished from view before he finally turns back around. "How often does he ask you for money?"
The question's sharp, not quite an accusation. Not that it's aimed at Gloria so much as her father. He wonders if the man even realizes that Kanto's betting pools are public to anyone who cares to look, and it was not in any way difficult to see exactly where all of his money kept going.
He considers briefly just how much damage he could cause by handing Gloria that information before setting the thought aside. It's a later Lance discussion. Noodle doesn't move as he comes closer, the dragon bristling slightly in disapproval over the entire affair. Finally he moves, only once he's sure Lance understands just how much he disapproves. The protective paw remains atop her head even then.
Lance accepts the silent rebuke for what it is, grimacing vaguely. The dragon's going to be in a snit all day over this, he knows. The rest of his team is probably going to join in on whatever punishment Noodle decides to dish out over it, too. Unfortunate they're as fond of Gloria as they are.
"Let's get dinner."
"Mega..." Gloria repeats, they haven't even talked about mega evolution before. She's not even sure if she has a pokemon that can mega evolve much less does she have a mega stone. It sounds nice yet...
The smile slips to what can only be described as a snarl, teeth bared back in a poor imitation of Lance's own bared teeth. Like a junk yard dog attempting to snarl at a full grown dragon. " 'Nd why should Ah trust yew with de knowledge of where Ah work? Yew've already made it very obvious how yew feel 'bout me. How could Ah trust yew wouldn't go intuh my place a work spewin' yewr shit 'nd gettin' my ass fired? Ah'd hate tuh lose a good gig cause a yew."
The mention of a firing petrifies Gloria. She already knew he was in a tight spot financially. It's why he was 'afraid' to contact Gloria and her mom sooner. He was so desperate he'd turned to asking her for it, if he lost his job because of her....
"It's fine..." She pipes up her voice almost a whisper, just loud enough to be heard. She can protect her dad, all she has to do is leave. The idea has her near tears afraid of when, if she'll see him again. But it's better this way. "We... We should really get going tuh train Mistae Lance. Ah... Ah'll see yew again dad."
Fillin's gaze snaps towards where Gloria's voice is coming from. Dragonite's body being the only thing keeping her from seeing the disapproving glare he's shooting her way. He looks back to Lance before stepping back. At least he can acknowledge he's been dealt a hand he can't win with. He can always come back to play again later. He can take one last shot at the reason he lost and leave the Champion to clean up the mess. "Al'ight. Enjoy yewr replacement."
"Dat's not-!" She tries to correct him. Tries to bite back the sensation of tears. She had to be strong. She couldn't start crying in front of her dad and Lance. She couldn't worry them. No matter how afraid she was that this would be the last time she saw him, she had to be strong. Even as her voice shakes with the words.
"It's fine. Ah can see when Ah'm not wanted." Of course he knew it wouldn't be as permanent as he was making it sound. He knew Lance realized that too. Thanks to that he'd have to play his hand more carefully next time. He takes a few steps backwards, refusing to take his eyes off Lance until he's put plenty of distance between them. Only then finally chancing his luck to turn and walk away. Shoulders slumped and teeth gritted together.
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dragonplated · 7 hours ago
"There's no time for pretense in battle," Lance answered, shrugging a shoulder. "Trainers react at their most honest when they're cornered."
Berry cackled again, spitting a set of stealth rocks out in the gear's direction as Cinnamon scoffed below. I'm afraid you'll have to reschedule that boba tea date, because my Lance desires that I win and so I shall. But perhaps we can discuss accessories later. You'd look quite nice with a bow, I think. Though you'll need to hold still so I can end this quickly–
Cinnamon reared back before slamming a fist into the ground against for another rock throw. The ground beneath them both shook as she stomped to kick them into the air.
I know you don't have arms but hold these for me won't you?
I’m sorry but you can’t have this, N gave it to me when I was but a snivy. Madeline replied, deftly dodging the rocks and tail swipe, before unleashing a draconic pulse out towards the tyranitar. And as I said, boba tea is on the line – you can’t stay up!
“I suppose that makes sense,” N said after a while, absentmindedly brushing his hands through the Matriarch’s fur on her forearm. The elder zoroark merely tracked Lance as the klinklang continued pelting rocks at the aerodactyl that was flying around. “I don’t… see it like you do, I suppose.”
Not that it was a bad thing, mind. Simply different.
Yes, keep that overgrown lizard busy, the gears rattled out, dangerously sparking. I will deal with the creature in the air.
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dragonplated · 8 hours ago
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i've been playing on and off all day today in case anyone wonders where i've been hygvfdc
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dragonplated · 12 hours ago
"Yes, that'd be a good idea." He flashes her one of his rare smiles, before calling Noodle back. Noodle settles into place between them as Lance shifts back to the edge of the battlefield. "No attacks, Noodle. We're just dodging for now until she figures it out."
If she manages to figure the technique out–he expects she will, she's been quick on the uptake since they met–then they can work on perfecting it and utilizing it in a proper battle.
"We'll add attacks once we're sure you've got it." He lifts a hand, gesturing for Noodle to start moving. "An opponent isn't going to stay still in the air and let you grab them. They'll dodge and wave out of the way of your attacks, or distract you with attacks of their own. For now just try to bring him down."
Gloria sits on the ground before Lance, legs crossed hands folded in front of her as she listens to his instructions. She watches Noodle fly through the sky performing his lazy loops, a smile and light laugh brought forth from her at the action. But keeps her focus locked on Lance's lesson rather then the wandering thoughts of flight her mind is attempting to take her on.
"Right." She mutters as he continues her explanation. Already thinking on what Pokemon she'd use in this speculative battle. Auxel would be the obvious choice with the electric advantage plus his sound based moves could theoretically knock a flyer off their coarse. But as Lance said people in their league would be expecting that by now.
She could take the fight to the skies with Rook and let it be flier versus flier. However that didn't work in their lesson on grounding. From now on she was going to keep in mind to watch out for moves like Lance mentioned in the future when using Rook though. Appy didn't have any good physical attacks for grabbing. Which mainly left Hatty and...
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"Got it!" She announces as the idea forms in her head. She stands to her feet that confident, hopeful glimmer shining in her eye. "Ah t'ink Ah got what yew mean! Could we try puttin' it intuh practice? Ah t'ink Ah learn best by doin' 'nd seein'."
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dragonplated · 17 hours ago
A sigh before he grabbed both controllers to the system and dropped onto the couch grudgingly. "Only because Noodle wants it." He isn't letting Ree onto his main file though, so they'll have to use a new save.
Lance is the one that threatened them if they were late. It’s not Ree’s fault.
Ree lets Noodle fuss over them, because, like, there’s no way in hell they’d say no? They glance at Noodle, then to the television, then back to Lance, and then back to Hello Skitty.
“Will you play with me?”
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dragonplated · 17 hours ago
//playing two point museum in the bg, and one of the advanced access perks is sonic and shadow themed decoration/gift shop items (also a tails onesie but)
i made the decision that shadow is the mascot of my prehistory museum
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so naturally sonic is the mascot of the marine museum
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not pictured is the sonic statue at the entrance, or the one you pass by on your way to other exhibits
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dragonplated · 18 hours ago
He doesn't bother pointing out that the later they were the happier he'd be. It didn't matter anyway. Noodle happily sets the teen in front of the tv, then looks to Lance pointedly.
Then at the Hello Skitty figure next to the game console, and back to Lance.
A sigh. "Play Hello Skitty."
@dragonplated, here
“I didn’t wanna be late.”
They say that as if it makes any more sense. Ree wheels themself in and gives noodle a wave. Their own little Dratini pokes her head out of their jacket and wiggles aggressively.
“Plus, I don’t got anything else doing today. Figured I could come relax here.”
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dragonplated · 18 hours ago
“I’m here for dinner.”
it’s nine in the morning. Ree’s got a little wheelbarrow attached to the back of their wheelchair, filled with desserts, as promised.
"There's like at least eight hours until dinner." It is too early for this and he is tired. What do they even plan to do all day? Noodle pops up over his shoulder, antennae wiggling in pleased surprised.
"Stop inviting children into the house."
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dragonplated · 21 hours ago
He almost appreciates the attempt. Unfortunately, Fillin has clearly neglected to consider that Lance is perfectly willing to be the villain. He's never shied from that, even for Gloria.
"No distractions," Lance answers firmly, eyes never leaving her father. "Mega evolution training is difficult and can be dangerous if you get distracted. But I'm sure he'll be glad to tell us where he works so I can speak with his boss about a day off to meet with you next week. He hasn't seen you in so long, after all. And as Champion they won't deny me if I tell them it's for my protege. You're quite popular." They definitely have not discussed mega evolution before this, but well. Sometimes one just had to sweeten the pot. "Perhaps I can arrange a day off once a week with his boss so you can see him more often."
Turning the table back on people was always so satisfying.
Your move, asshole.
Noodle's paw doesn't move, still holding her gently in place even as he sweeps his wings almost idly in place. His other paw settles on her shoulder, not quite a hug as the dragon croons quietly to her. Clearly, he understands just what is going on better than she does. Not just the power struggle at play, but whatever had set Lance off in the first place.
Gloria makes a thoughtful humming noise, mindless her fingers reach to her teeth, biting at her nails. Lance is right she does need more practice. If she wants to become stronger, if she wants to be able to help everyone who needs it... She doesn't want Aerodactyl mad at her either. Making up for that would cost her a good few apples. At the same time though it's been so long since she saw her dad last, she's missed him so much and he's free from work today. She doesn't want him to leave yet. What if she doesn't see him again?
"Wha-" Gloria's dad starts to protest as Lance pulls Gloria from him. His grip tightens, almost painfully, for a moment before letting her go. His smile finally falters turning down at the corners to a frown with auburn brows forming down, clearly displeased by Lance's action. The game is being pulled from his hands, Lance taking the upper hand. He realizes what Lane is implying, vaguely he wonders how much Lance is onto him. But that doesn't matter. This had gone from a matter of money to a matter of control. Ever since she was young he'd had Gloria wrapped around his finger and no one was taking that from him. When he speaks the Jovial nature of his tone drops almost too quickly. " 'Nd where would yew get dat idea?"
Gloria makes a surprised squeak as she's lifted off the ground by the dragon type. She makes no attempts to get away finding the spot rather comforting actually. If it were up to her she'd stay like that, pretending that whatever was going on between her father and Lance wasn't really happening. Yet he sets her down away from the two men, with a protective paw placed kindly atop her head. She can't see what's going on past Noodle just as she'd wanted. But it does nothing to alleviate her nerves like she'd hoped it would.
"Wha-what if dad came with me tuh train?" She suggests meekly almost afraid of the response she's going to get. She doesn't know whose response she fears more, Lance's or her fathers.
"No." Fillin says it with a finality that makes it clear his mind can't be changed on the matter. His eyes never waver from Lance as he speaks, that honeyed tone back with an almost practiced ease "Morn. Yew know Ah'm busy. Today's de only day Ah got off a work 'nd Ah'd really like tuh spend it with yew. But if yewr tuh busy tuh spend time wit' yew're old man, who hasn't seen yew in... Gosh... What was it? 'Most a decade now? Well Ah know what dat means. Ah'll keep outta yewr hair."
"W-wait. Dat's not..." There's a desperation to Gloria's plea as she tries to move past Noodle towards her father again. Suddenly she feels so small again, that child waiting in the wild area for her dad to return... "Mistae Lance can't we please train tomorrow? Ah'll put in extra work, Ah'll work all night 'nd day! Ah'll make enough curry fer everyone tuh share 'nd den some... Please?"
"Yew 'eard 'er, Mistae Lance. Can't yew?" With that the smile returns giving a silent question in and of itself. He knew the reputation Lance held in Kanto, the reformed criminal, the terrifying man willing to do anything it took. But silently he was pushing it, placing all his bets down to ask 'Are you willing to be the villain in her eyes?'
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
“I wish I could hibernate like a ursaring. And maul those who anger me.” / from red. they're using a text to speech device for this specifically.
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"Have you considered doing it anyway?" Which one he means is left unclear. (For legal purposes.) "I'm sure no one would begrudge you the opportunity. You could also probably post about a donation drive and people would happily donate to your new life of sleep and criminal violence. Also this is not legal advice from me. For legal reasons, I am disavowing this conversation ever happened if questioned."
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
"Hm." Well, he can't argue with any of this, since it's all very true. Chasing a man out of Kanto does sound fun. "I think he should be blacklisted from all the gambling dens while we're at it."
“Yeah. Tuck it away as a plan for the future. All I’m saying is, we could actually make a good team on this one. destroy his reputation. Make sure that the media knows all about it. Make it so he can’t show his slimey fafe anywhere near Glo.”
They grin, leaning back.
“Being a nosy kid can be useful as long as ya know how to take advantage.”
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
“Look at you. It’s like you’re a magnet.”
"It's a fucking travesty."
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An annoyed noise, before he scowls and turns on her. "What are you doing here anyway? Didn't you go find somewhere else to be a menace for awhile or what?"
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
"Noodle would kill a man." Painfully and possibly slowly. "We'll consider it for the future." He'll need to work out getting Gloria out of the way first. The whole not traumatizing children thing is weird.
“Yeah, and I’m good at it. My point is.”
They gesture with their hands, trying to emphasize.
“I’ve known guys like him my whole life. The one thing they can’t stand is their little ego being prodded. And if he lashes out at somebody who’s askin harmless questions, someone who’s good at asking harmless questions, and you see it, well… that would give you a reason to step in, right? Do you get what I’m putting down here?”
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dragonplated · 1 day ago
"That's a thing you do, yes." Is this going anywhere.
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“So, like, you know how I have an incredible knack for pissing off adults, right—”
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