#:: hg rando
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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whoblewboobear · 1 year ago
“Very frustrating in The BB house.” Is Honestly SUCH an arrangement of words that the tag needs sometimes. The tag is very quick to be judgmental and write off someone’s entire personhood based on how they’re playing the game. It’s a reality show at the end of the day. Some people are just not going to make palatable decisions, or have that likable personality onscreen (even during live feeds) or just. . will never anger or frustrate you sometimes. Some people are going to be less tolerable players to watch than others and that’s okay.
I remember when Azah got Hannah out, even though to me, it made perfect sense for Azah’s perspective; it was so startling how quick people were to attack her personally for her poor game move and evicting who is basically a fan favorite. This happens a lot. A lot of people are confused by the BB23 class being tight knit right after the game was over because of it.
I think we all got caught up in how fun it was to come into the tag and roast hgs every year and give them mean little nicknames, that some of us forgot that these are real people. They present the version of themselves that they deem the most tv-safe so we’ll never truly know how they act irl. They’re also in an environment with lights on 90% of the time, living with people they never met before, playing for money. All those things factor into how someone plays whether we like it or not.
There have been some people over the years who I’ve hated gameplay-wise but turned around and loved them post season. The stan wars blow my mind bc at the end of the day these are normal ass people living on a set playing silly little games every week. We don’t have to take it to a level where we’re condemning randos that we’ll probably never see again once the season is over.
The stakes aren’t high enough to genuinely write off hgs for game moves we don’t like bc it doesn’t actually reflect them completely. We don’t know them and at the end of the day, watching bb and hanging out in the tag is a hobby that /should/ feel fun.
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mrdistracted · 11 months ago
They really put all that work into building up Myka/HG and then set up HG with some rando guy?
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dansfakeveto · 2 years ago
i’m just tryin to figure out who’s voice that is
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firequeenofficial · 6 months ago
Okay, we're going through this comic page by page. First of all, in the dedication, we have a black and white lineart of Lizzie and Joel peering around the corner of a building. This is really well done - the building is black, so the lineart of everyone's favourite married couple is in white, but the area beyond the building is white, so the lineart is black. Makes for a very interesting feast for the eyes!
Okay, official page one - the original name of the comic (The First Battle!) has been scribbled out and replaced by a super dramatic collection of fonts that read "The Most Epic and Heartwrenching and Harrowing Battle of the Turn of the Century!" This is iconic and hilarious, especially when, direction below it, HG is caught in a nervous sweat while Joel and Lizzie look on with the most unimpressed expressions in the world.
(I have to admit I have read the comic before because I got overeager and read it when it popped up on my for you page, but I loved it then and I'll love it now, and I didn't analyse it then so this'll be my first time really looking at it.)
The fight begins with HG asking about Jizzie's ears, Joel looking so pissed and Lizzie going "Aren't they cute? :3" which is adorable. Also, Lizzie looks kinda deranged, which is honestly her calling - crazy cat lady in the most literal sense.
Joel, of course, goes straight to insulting him. I can't quite tell, but I think his shirt reads "Fallen Star" (All I can see beneath his jacket is "ALl TAR" followed by the image of a star, so... educated guess). I don't know what this means - I assume it's an Empires reference, or maybe a reference to their band, but idk enough about either to know for sure - but I'm sure it means something.
This is totally giving Lizzie and her wife vibes. "I'm Gal!" "and i'm... guy". HG then uses his bow to tear through the frame before they can finish their "catchphrase" to announce "WELL HELLO THERE! You're probably wondering how I got in this situation! It's really a funny story!" Love this. Also love the detail of the child he allegedly saved from being hit by a car being in greyscale while the background is HG's blue and orange, and HG himself is in full colour. Bringing back my point from the cover about him craving the spotlight.
As HG is telling the story of how he ended up in this situation, Joel interrupts him to "um actually" him. HG claims Jizzie were robbing an "armoured car, no doubt carrying precious valuables". Joel then says, "It was an animal control truck," before adding, "It wasn't my idea." Scar is trying to control the narrative to frame himself as the unequivocal hero and them as the unequivocal villains. It's giving politician. No wonder he fit the role of mayor so well.
The next page shows more of HG controlling the narrative. The first frame (I think they're called frames? idk) shows Joel pointing without looking at the "armoured car", which is in reality a truck that reads "HMT animal", in front of which Lizzie is speaking calmly to a woman who may be Pearl but may also just be a rando. Maybe I'm imaging that it looks like Pearl. Anyway. The next frame, Joel is looking back in alarm, as the image (no longer in full colour) now shows the van with "Big Money Ban!" spray-painted in HG's orange over the side. Lizzie is no longer speaking calmly to the woman, and is instead gesturing threateningly while the woman looks alarmed. The next frame, Lizzie is saying "Give me all your cats!" but the t in cats has been scribbled out in HG's blue and a h added at the end so that it reads "Give me all you cash!" This image, besides Joel and the edits, is also in greyscale - all the images where HG is trying to control the narrative follow this pattern: the parts he's edited are in his specific shades of orange and blue, the parts he's kept the same or doesn't want to draw attention to are in grey, and the parts he can't control, such as Joel's reaction to his edits, as in normal full colour. Also, unrelated, every time Joel looks at HG, it looks like the lapel of his jacket is giving him the middle finger, which is valid at this point.
HG has a full camera and mic crew. He keeps interrupting Joel when he tries to join HG in breaking the 4th wall by point this out, and Lizzie is telling Joel to "play along" and giggling. She has added to the narration in a similar style to HG: "I looked extremely menacing." Her narrations are in a more formal, tidier font than HG's - I didn't notice this the first time.
Lizzie's outfit has changed in this made up fantasy HG is selling - instead of her famous sailor getup, she now has a pinkish-burgundy dress on, with a long, purpleish, fur-lined coat. Her makeup has also changed to look more like war paint. She has joined Scar in cutting Joel off. Joel is the only rational person here. It's giving Ken from The Bee Movie.
Lizzie and HG are now buddies, posing for the camera and blocking Joel and his voice of reason. HG is, apparently, "gallant and just". Lizzie is, apparently, the exiled heir to the throne of the cat underworld, hiding from her evil step-parents who are jealous of her pink fur. I have no idea how accurate this really is, but my word I hope that's her actual story cause that's amazing.
They're fighting again. HG is simply dodging all Jizzie's attacks, and Lizzie is mad at him. No doubt she thought their three pages of camaraderie meant he'd keep the act going and allow the fight to be even. Joel is merely done with the entire situation.
I was correct (totally didn't cheat). "You have to let me get an attack in too!" cries Lizzie. She doesn't quite understand the narrative HG is pushing here - he's the unbeatable hero, not someone who likes flashy fights for an audience. HG distracts her by asking if her cat ears even do anything ("The ears do plenty! I can also talk to cats-" The cats don't talk back, read the sign that Joel holds up. This is interesting - Joel's voice has been taken from him. He's not allowed to speak anymore, so he's resorted to holding up signs with his words on.) then shoots her with an arrow that zips her mouth shut with the HG colours and turns her grey scale. More controlling the narrative by allowing only his voice to be heard.
As HG is doing his dramatic hero pose and "I am great and magnificent" speech, he's interrupted by Joel shouting (in very blurring letters) "HEY AVERAGE GUY!" The final word, however, is hidden by HG's body. Lizzie scribbles on a piece of paper - only Joel and HG are in colour now. Lizzie holds up the paper, but HG shoves it away so it's scrumpled. The words "You're no fun at all :(" can just barely be made out. He resumes his speeching and posing, but is whacked on the back of the head by Lizzie. "Woooooow," says Joel, whose hands are resting outside of the frame, on the page itself. "Silencing women?"
"That's kind of problematic of you, Average Guy." Again, the second half of Joel's words are cut off, and narrator!HG announces "YOU KNOW WHAT? I was only fighting Gal this whole time. Guy was off doing... something else." So Joel has been completely cut out of HG's narrative. A short and quick scroll forward reveals he does not show up again for several pages. His ears (a headband with cat ears on) are left lying on this page, the man himself missing entirely. Lizzie, still zipped and greyscale, is hiding behind the imaginary "Gal" that HG has decided is the ultimate villain, the one with the dramatic getup. Behind both Lizzie's, a bunch of silhouette cats are watching with very ominous :3 faces, except their eyes look suspiciously like Watcher's eyes. No attention is drawn to this at all. In Scar's pretend narrative, he "drew [his] bow, aimed, and knocked both of the dangerous villains to the ground in one hit!" He is lying through his teeth.
The next page is perhaps the most ominous one yet. Scar announces a catchphrase (two birds with one stone), then decides it's not good enough, and - here comes the creepy bit - says "Sorry. Can you hold on a second? I need to go back to the drawing board." Scar is smirking ominously as Lizzie cowers. A black, orange and blue fountain pen fills half of the frame. Lizzie looks up, and her eyes are HG's blue and orange, while all the rest of her is still greyscale. She looks afraid for the first time since her introduction.
The next several pages are (almost) entirely storyboards of the comic so far, with certain parts edited to fit HG's newest narrative. The only parts in colour and detail are HG and the orange and blue background of every frame he's in. I won't go into every detail of every page, but changes are things like "Robbers!" has been changed to "Robber!" to remove Joel. Lizzie's backstory has been edited so she's just some rando from the cat underworld who is looking to steal all of Hermitopia's money from all of the banks. Her claws are poison now apparently. Every one of HG's lines have been changed to corny cat-themed one liners. I'm having Chat Noir flashbacks. At the end of the "big epic fight", Lizzie is dead unconscious dead. "And so Hotguy saved the day!"
And now we're back to the normal style, and HG is still trying to come up with a catchphrase, but everything he thinks of is from something else or awful. My favourites of the options he tries are "You never know when you're going to wake up in the morning" because Scar said that so deadpan when he actually said it and "With great hotness comes great guy" cause it's hilarious.
Finally, HG comes up with a catchphrase in the last panel (that's what they're called! Great job, Ashlley!): "No need to thank me!" The speech bubble is placed over Joel and Lizzie, who are lying on the floor over each other. It is unclear whether they are actually dead or actually unconscious or actually acting. It could be any.
This comic was... interesting. Very, very good art by Choco, and amazing writing by Jonny Sixteenthdays and Zephaniah Grains. The point of this, clearly, is to make you Hate HG, and hoo boy did it work. There were so many details that I missed the first time around - like HG literally zipping Lizzie's mouth shut so she couldn't speak - that really emphasise how awful he is. As I said before, it has the same vibes as politicians lying out of the butts to gain approval or point the big red "villain" light at anyone other than them. He spent the entire comic making sure it was his story that was told, and that he was clearly the good guy, but in doing so made himself look more like the villain than ever. The indecisiveness in the "drawing board" pages between Lizzie being dead or unconscious especially highlights this - originally, he goes for dead, as that's more dramatic; then he thinks, "wait, if I kill her, am I just as bad, if not worse?" and makes her only unconscious; then he thinks, "if she's only unconscious, she can go on with her evil plot and no one feels safe" and goes back to making her dead. He's trying to figure out what paints him in the best light.
All in all, a very good comic, and definitely made me hate the guy, so good job, those of you responsible for this!
Okay, I promised I'd do a liveblog of when I read the Hotguy Comics Zine, so here it is! Spoilers to follow, proceed with caution!
Okay, right off the bat, the first page is beautiful! The lighting is so insane, and the contrasting blues/purples and oranges are worked together so well. Also, HG looks so squeeshable, I wanna squoosh his face like a grandmother.
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yeah-yeah-beebiss-1 · 6 years ago
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Weird question, but are there any mutuals/followers/randos who have one of the HG Unicorn bodies (Unicorn/Banshee/Phenex, normal or destroy mode, so long as it’s a HG rather than a MG/RG/PG) and would be willing to take some measurements? I’m trying to make some plans involving third-party metal parts but it would really help to know the diameter in mm of the inside circles on the knee and elbow joints, as well as the width of the shoulder vents (the green lines, in other words). Any help would be much appreciated.
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tom-wilson · 7 years ago
✨ NHL Sleepover weekend ✨
I’ve done this on my main and since I’m off all weekend I thought it might be fun on here... so send in an emoji and find out some more about me (as a hockey fan)...
***Also, feel free to send in more than one!!
💋+ a name or two// smash or pass
🤫// a team or player I secretly love or one that I hate (your choice)
📝// top 3/5/10
🎨+ a team or player(s)// a moodboard/ iconpack
🏒// classic blog rate (rubric below the cut)
🍁// hockey player aesthetic (also below the cut; and based on vibes I get from your blog)
🎯// “I want to participate in the 2nd NHL HG” because I know, me too bro (If you already reblogged my text post about this, you’re good!)
⛳️// any rando question you can think of!
blog rate//
Icon: 1⎟2⎟3⎟4⎟5⎟6⎟7⎟8⎟9⎟10⎟it’s gawgeous URL: 1⎟2⎟3⎟4⎟5⎟6⎟7⎟8⎟9⎟10⎟wanna trade? Theme: 1⎟2⎟3⎟4⎟5⎟6⎟7⎟8⎟9⎟10⎟what’s the code? Posts: 1⎟2⎟3⎟4⎟5⎟6⎟7⎟8⎟9⎟10⎟just wanna reblog everything Overall: 1⎟2⎟3⎟4⎟5⎟6⎟7⎟8⎟9⎟10⎟you rock, don’t change! Following: no, sorry⎟+f⎟of course!⎟to the ends of the galaxy!!
hockey player aesthetic//
Position// Winger⎜Center��Defense⎜Goalie⎜Goon⎜Coaching staff Conference// Eastern⎜Western Era// early days of the game⎜50-60s⎜70s-80s⎜90s⎜Present Nationality// American as Apple Pie⎜Canadian, eh?⎜Russian⎜Other European Personality// “I’ll play by the rules!; I just love the game”⎜”You hurt my teammate, you answer to me” ⎜”I just wanted to be a figure skater!!!”⎜*is a party animal...chug!chug!*⎜*the heart of the team*
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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Caught a shiny Phanpy in the Lake of Rage, throttled Team Rocket with it in Mahogany town with Lance. Lance's Dragonite Hyper-beamed a poor sod in the face, please calm the fuck down Lance.
Just grabbed a Rayquaza by the horns and sync'd with it to go fight the Kyogre Pryce somehow caught, and now to throttle Team Rocket with it in the radio tower.
Let's go.
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biomechanical-magitech · 7 years ago
At some point during the movie release of the Hunger Games or Catching Fire or something, I was at walmart near the makeup section and I saw this stand. Y’know, one of those temporary styrofoam stands that are in aisles and advertise some product? Well, there were 3 rows of makeup, each associated with a different face. The bottom two were some rando capital people, with the tag “the Bold look” or “the Extravagant look” or something, and the one at the top was Katniss with “the Smoky look” or “the Natural look” or smth. After my knee jerk cringe “omg hunger games SUCKS” reaction bc I was sick of seeing hg stuff everywhere, I looked back at that stand and thought “she would’ve hated that.”
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morejuggie · 8 years ago
To anyone who has seen Time After Time Can I just point out that from the very first episode I loved it and at the same time felt like it was going to be a constant tug of war over this time machine. Like HG has it, the John has it, and so on and all these randos coming in that are like related to them but not really idk it was so complex At the same time I wish they'd just release the rest of the first season so I'd at least have something lol
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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//Y'all this randos already turning out insane LOL I'm not even at Violet city yet
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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"T-...thats Moltres."
She's scooping up her newly caught Swinub and booking it the hell off this route. BYE. SEE YA. NOT TODAY FIREBIRD.
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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//Thats a PROPER Starter pokemon LOL
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
She caught a Turtwig in Union cave!
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...And then immediately got chased by a Metagross. Johto please calm down.
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monterraverde · 2 years ago
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First badge down! Falkner was rather difficult for her team of Rhyperior and Swinub. His Bidoof was no problem, but the Kabuto that came after used absorb and several defense lowering moves that made scratch hurt like hell, but they managed to clinch the badge!.
On the way to Azalea town now, and she's caught a Steelix and a Nidoran♀️, and received the Egg from Professor Elm. Off to badge number 2!
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