#talonia adaar
bisexualryder · 5 years
OC Voice Claims
Tagged by the lovely @daydreamingdragonage, thank you, hun! Not sure who has or hasn’t done this yet, but gonna tag @bosmerie, @sunshinemage, @sidestepsbutt, & @halfblood-fiend if any of y’all wanna do it! And if anyone else has been wanting an excuse to do this, consider yourself tagged! c:
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Lanariel Surana - Anjali Bhimani
I’ve always imagined Lana’s voice is bright, but also with the ability to be subdued and soothing when she wants. A voice where she can be loud and mouthy, but turn around and coo softly to someone she cares for. Something in Anjali’s voice just clicked for me when I was listening to that vid once with her and Chloe and here we are, lmao.
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Rylee Tabris - Cara Gee (à la Camina Drummer in The Expanse)
There’s nothing soft about Rylee. She has a rough, throaty voice that commands attention when she speaks no matter how loud or soft she is. I also love the idea of city elves sounding distinct from the humans. Not like the Dalish, but there’d be this pride, almost, to not lose your “elfy-ness” and start sounding like a shem. Tbh part of it is also that she brings a nice counterpoint to Ise’s bright, lilting voice.
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Isethari Mahariel - Joanna Page
Ise’s voice is very bright, high, and... distinct to her. There’s usually a sing-song tone behind her words when she’s in a good mood. It can drive her companions crazy at times, but she still manages to bring a sunshine mood wherever she goes.
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Eleri Cousland - Alex Wilton Regan (à la the femquisitor in Inquisition)
This one has taken me forever and a half to fucking figure out. Eleri has such a, idk, distinct voice in  my head I guess that’s made it difficult to pin down an actual voice about it. But something about Alex’s performance as the Inquisitor just feels so much more accurate to Eleri that anyone else I’ve found. I actually tossed around the idea of it being like Rebecca Ford in how she portrays the Lotus in Warframe. There’s a similar... tenor? I guess? To their voices that just fits Eleri. She doesn’t have a higher pitched voice, but it’s also not overly low and sits right in that space between.
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Rayna Hawke - Jamie Murray & Ashley Hawke - Jo Wyatt
Can’t get away from the default voice for Ashley. It’s just... her to me, but also why I felt Rayna needed a voice all her own, but still something somewhat similar. Her voice, however, is definitely on the more haughty side compared to Ash. Where Ashley usually sounds bright and playful (and flirty), Rayna often sounds like she’s talking down her nose at people (she kinda is tho, to be fair).
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Olivia le Blanc - Chloe Hollings
Being from Orlais, I naturally wanted to have someone that sounded French for Olivia, but not too French. Olivia’s been away from home for quite a while and her accent has definitely faded (except when she gets angry, then it suddenly pops up again and usually it’s quite thick an accent at that point, too). While she can carry a commanding tone if she desires, her voice is much more soft and subdued than most expect of her - not just because of her templar background, but her position as Inquisitor. A few nobles have even commented on how honeyed her voice was after meetings with her.
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Nathra Lavellan  - Paula Burrows (à la Rayla in The Dragon Prince)
She has that Dalish sound, that accent, but not as strong as, saaay, Ise. It’s an accent she picked up from her parents, and one that fades in and out at times the more she’s around the Inquisition. Her voice is generally pretty mellow and soothing.
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Anika Ramsey  - Shirley Manson
Anika always has been, and always will sound blatantly from Starkhaven, lol. Something about Shirley’s voice just seems right for Anika to me, I dunno. There’s kinda this warmth to it? And that’s definitely something key to Anika being the warm and nurturing type she generally is.
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Talonia Adaar -  Shohreh Aghdashloo
Tal has somewhat of a lower toned voice, and she’s more on the soft spoken side. There’s a roughness around the edges, some of it from simple disuse - she doesn’t talk much and when she does there’s a frayed sound around the edges. Shohreh’s distinct voice just... something about it seems to work for Tal unlike anyone else I’ve been able to find.
Aela’Shar nar Moreh - Gal Gadot
I’ll honestly say I haven’t thought that much about finding a voice (yet) for Aela, and I wasn't planning on doing my ME OCs at the moment (would have been way too many for me). Buuut in hunting for Eleri, I was listening to an interview with Gal and idk man, something just clicked and I went "that's Aela". So, here we are, I have no better description than this lmao. 
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trashwarden · 9 years
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Talonia Adaar for @andrasstaie :D
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bisexualryder · 5 years
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Here are the banners from the OC Voice Claim post, figured I’d share them separately. I had fun picking out fonts that I felt fit each lady :3
I also wanted to gauge y’alls thoughts on if I used these as banners (or something like them) for my fic posts? I’d talked about it a while back, but hadn’t had a chance to go much with the idea until now. If I do use these, do y’all have any suggestions? Add/change/etc? I am open to concrits on these, I want them to be clear and representative, I guess is the best way to explain? idk man, I ain’t had enough coffee yet.
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bisexualryder · 6 years
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Booted up Tal’s save to visit a shop and grab some crafting materials while I’ve got some mods loaded for it and um, oof I’m not sure how I feel about the new armor colors lmao. Also her complexion? Love it, but it feels weird looking at her without the scars around her mouth :c One of these years I’ll learn how to create a mod for myself so I can actually customize my girls.
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bisexualryder · 5 years
Aida and Talonia! (Talonia is so pretty I cry)
ahhhh you are too kind, tal is but a potato ;-; these are fun though! thank you!
Talonia Adaar
forgets how tall she is.
walks into doorframes; hits her head and horns on low hanging light fixtures… and actually broke one in skyhold once
useless lesbian; doesn’t know how to express her affections
“i found this now dead flower while in the hinterlands, it reminds me of u”
doesn’t speak unless spoken to
mage saarebas
“one of those ox-men”
believes in the qun; would go back but obvi can’t
a lot of ppl don’t like her
Aida Shepard
doesn’t talk to her family
literally didn’t tell her sister anything about the saren stuff until she showed up one day on the normandy like “?? ???? pls let me help u?”
breaks every shiny new thing the alliance or spectres give her
so she can “understand it better”. pls aida this shit is expensive af
didn’t find and kill tim the second cerberus brought her back
almost killed miranda
is in love with her work
forgets to eat bc she’s so busy and easily distracted by tinkering
literally lives off coffee
(YFiP: OC Edition)
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bisexualryder · 5 years
For your choice of ocs: what's their comfort food/drink? what's the surest way to cheer them up after a hard day?
Bless you 💕 I wasn’t sure who to talk about, so I picked a couple at random :p And this took entirely too long bc work was nuts and then the power went out when I was trying to finish earlier >.<
Talonia Adaar
Strawberries are definitely Tal’s comfort food. And tbh the best way to cheer her up? Let her sit in the kitchen - as a bear - and just watch the goings on. Maybe throw a few scraps her way, but a lot of times she feels more comfortable as a bear and the warmth of being in the kitchens soothes her nerves like nothing else.
Olivia le Blanc
Ale tbh, lots and lots of ale. She’s not picky about it either. Olivia’s kind of a “drink and forget” person when it comes to comforting herself. As for cheering her up? A good, hard sparring session. Her typical partner for it is Cassandra (not least of which because they’re really the only ones that can keep up with each other). Sometime later on, Vivienne gets her to try different methods of relaxing with varying amounts of success.
Rylee Tabris
Sweet rolls! She had a friend in the alienage that used to make a huge batch of them every Saturday morning. Rylee is a tough one to cheer up. Most people are usually too scared of her and leave her to her brooding. Zev’s favorite way to pull her out of a funk is to tell stories of his exploits. Sten will talk about the Qun to distract her (usually at her request), or Isethari likes to tell stories about the stars at night (the first couple times didn’t work too well, but with some added stories to her arsenal from Leliana, Ise is eventually able to help drag Rylee out of funk more often than not).
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bisexualryder · 5 years
6, 19, 29 for ise and tal?
Ahh, thank you!
6. If you tell the truth, an evil person gets to walk away free. If you lie, you may be able to send them away like they deserve. Is honesty worth more than justice?
“Do we know that this person is evil? If they’ve not done the thing I’d have to lie about... are they what you claim they are? I suppose if I knew they were an evil person, I would consider it, but without knowing - that would be wrong.”
She’s got a fairly strong moral compass? At least for her, she is firm in what she believes to be right or wrong. When it comes down to it, there’s a good chance she would lie in a situation like that, but only if she’s seen the evil for herself.
“I’d rather not be involved at all, but if I must - I’d do whatever I felt to be right in the moment.”
Tal’s just... big on staying out of things that aren’t her business - or she feels isn’t her business. Or, well, anything she feels like she can claim isn’t her business to get out of giving a shit about it. She cares about her friends, her ‘family’ and beyond that? Eh. If said evil person had done something to someone she cared about, she wouldn’t even hesitate to lie and put them away. But if they didn’t? She wouldn’t care enough to lie about whatever it is.
19. What is more likely a thought to you – that this world is wrong or that you are wrong?
"Oh, it's probably me to be honest. I'm not... the best at things and the Clan never did shy away from reminding me. So, whatever it is, I'm sure I did something wrong."
The situation might depend in some cases, but overall about 99% of the time Ise will thing something is her fault. She could be wholly and completely uninvolved, something goes wrong, and immediately think she did it. Growing up... not many in the Clan did much to dissuade her from believing that something going wrong was her fault. Being friends with troublemakers usually turned into her being the scapegoat (though a good portion of the time something happening was her fault, it wasn’t every time). And it all just spiraled into things like “oh, the wheel on the aravel is broken? Ise must have touched it recently.” Really... not great for her self esteem.
“I don’t know, I try not to think about it. The Qun says the world is wrong, my friends say the Qun is wrong, but maybe it is that I am wrong? Ugh, this makes my head hurt.”
Not much to add - Tal is in a position where she’s still trying to figure herself out. Even if it has been years since she was taken away from the Qun, she still falls back on a lot of the teachings while finding opinions in her friends that conflict with what she grew up learning. Often she ends up just existing, if that makes sense. Something goes wrong, she doesn’t focus or consider if it’s her or the world - she sets about problem solving.
29. Is genius equal to hard work? Does a genius deserve praise for doing well without effort? Are they above us?
“I... am not sure I understand the questions. Just because someone’s smarter than me doesn’t mean they’re better than me. But just because someone works hard doesn’t mean they’ll be good at something. Just look at me. Hard work hasn’t brought me much but sore arms and a stiff back.”
"Genius means nothing and one who does nothing deserves no praise for they are basra. They are above nothing and no one and hard work brings victory - anaan - nothing more.”
(Interview my OCs!)
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bisexualryder · 6 years
An old ask/wip from @black-rose4 that’s been sitting in my drafts forever and I feel bad that it is. Decided to go ahead and post it as is since I’m not sure if I’ll be able to come back to it or not.
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“Since you clearly did not have sitting on my shoulders in mind earlier…” Talonia cleared her throat, a slight blush tinting her cheeks. “Care to show me what you actually meant?”
A wide grin split across Reif’s lips. She’d been dying for this since the moment the thought crossed her mind. In fact, she was quite convinced she’d explode before Talonia ever got around to actually asking her about the whole thing. The worst part, if there even was a part worse than the underlying and persistent horniness, was that there were apparently a limited number of sexual handlebar jokes to be made about Talonia’s horns. She made a mental note to check in with Bull later to see if he had any ideas.
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bisexualryder · 6 years
From December 2015, we have something that was clearly going in a smutty direction involving Talonia Adaar and @black-rose4’s Reif Lavellan.
“Un-fucking-believable. Every balcony!” Reif snorted.
“You desired a dance that badly?” Talonia blinked, tipping her head aside. “For the Inquisitor, they probably-”
“A dance,” she scoffed. “I desired more than that.”
“More…” Talonia’s brow pulled together in confusion as she tried to work through what she was referring to. Reif pursed her lips, hands on her hips as she stared at the qunari. “You… oh!” Talonia blinked, tipping her head aside. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
The elf huffed, folding her arms over her chest. “That woulda ruined the surprise. The…” she waved one hand. “Spontaneity of the moment.”
Talonia arched a brow. “Was it not ruined regardless?”
Reif grumbled, letting out a short sigh as she dropped her arms
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bisexualryder · 5 years
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Pride Month 2019 - Taie’s Dragon Age OCs
I’d never really done much in the past this time of year and figured it’s time to change that. I’ll also be doing this for my Mass Effect OCs and I may also do a bonus post with the OCs that are from other fandoms.
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bisexualryder · 8 years
black-rose4 replied to your post:R E I F for talonia ;)
Just saying, if they DO try roleplaying Reif will just laugh the entire time. She is not good at getting into it
oh god xD somehow I see them just trying once (and probably someone else’s suggestion - Cass maybe? Varric?) and about 10 min in they’re just a mess of laughing and long awkward pauses as they try to think of how to proceed until they just have to their their hands up on it and get down to business as usual :p
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bisexualryder · 8 years
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Talonia watched with a slight tip of her head as Reif bounded away, drink sloshing about leaving a spray of booze in her wake. An ever so slight grin threatened to split her otherwise stoic demeanor; and a twitch by the corners of her eyes as she worked to hide her amusement. There was something... irresistibly charming to the high-spirited elf. Something that she was starting to love... 
Guys, guyyss you have no idea how excited I am. I was blessed enough to get a commission slot from @falsesecuritysketches and I honestly don’t think I could be happier! Talonia came out fantastic and A+++ would work with again without hesitation ♥ Thank you again!! 
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bisexualryder · 8 years
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Finally found a suitable pj mod for Talonia c:
***tal not an inquisitor
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bisexualryder · 8 years
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Talonia Adaar          Saarebas Mercenary Inquisition Agent
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bisexualryder · 8 years
Hands chest and other for Tal :)
[hands]: Tal has moderately sized hands for her build. Her fingers are long and slender with a few callouses at her joints from wielding her staff/spear. The skin is typically warm and dry to the touch, occasionally erring more on the rough side depending on whether or not she’s recently been training. The nails are almost always long and sharp, definitely more on the claw-like side. 
[chest]: Her breasts are smallish and both areola and nipple are a darker color than the rest of her skin. More of a medium grey sort of color *shrugs* And she really doesn’t have much muscle definition, but neither does she have any particular bits of chub (maybe after the Inquisition disbands some chub might start happening). 
[other]: WELL SINCE YOU DIDN’T SPECIFY, I’ll go with horns ;D Talonia’s horns are, quite honestly, the perfect sort of handlebar horns. Similar to probably a ram, they curl forward with a blunt “point” on the end. They’re a brown-grey sort of color, dark and rough to the touch. 
Physical Features Meme
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bisexualryder · 8 years
1. When was the moment your character first felt something for their love interest?
It was actually before Reif even had to point out that she’d been TRYING to FLIRT WITH HER for a while. Which is part of what led to the blatant confusion on Tal’s part. She thought for a while, for sure, that she was seeing/hearing things and projecting her own closely held interest. (That and she didn’t feel like she was worthy of the attention, whoops). 
2. How long before they did anything about it?
FOR-FUCKING-EVER. So sad, really, but thank fuck Reif said something ‘cause otherwise ain’t nothing woulda happened. 
3. Has their love interest ever made them blush?
All the damn time, tbh. It’s not consistently noticed, though, as it’s typically hidden behind her vitaar. 
4. Do they have nicknames for each other?
Kadan and Vhenan c: 
5. What are some ways they like to spend time together?
Tal’s pretty easy to please, honestly. Any time she can just be with Reif, she’s generally a happy camper. More often than not, Reif drives whatever they may do in their downtime and Tal (while sometimes hesitant when they’re new things) is always eager to make Reif happy. 
6. How do they handle being apart?
Tal probably does a little bit better with it than Reif, at least at first. When they get closer and more intimate, she dislikes being far from Reif. Even if they’re not actively doing anything together, Tal has a habit of keeping an eye in Reif’s direction to make sure she’s okay and smiling and happy. If/When they are apart, Tal tends to be a little cranky and much more standoffish from others. 
7. Who ships them the hardest?
UM. idk?? Fictional character? Maybe Cassandra? She gripes about how Tal spoils the shit outta Reif, but we all know she can’t help but secretly love how cute and fluffy it can be. 
8. What was their first ever fight about?
Honestly, I think I see it as something probably a bit on the silly side. Like one of them having an idea (I’m not saying it was Reif, but it was probably Reif) and the other saying “no, that’s a horrible idea” and just general half-hearted bickering over it. Bickering that honestly probably annoys their friends/companions more than they annoy each other with it. THAT OR, or possibly when Reif found out the extent of the trauma Tal actually went through before she was taken away from the Qun and Tal’s general nonchalance about not sharing it with her and even arguing that it was “right” and she “didn’t want to leave” even when her friends “rescued” her. (It takes a while for Tal to accept that the shit the Qun pulled with her bc she’s a mage is BADBAD and that she should be VERY thankful that her friends saw past it at the time to save her). 
9. What is the most difficult thing about their relationship?
The height difference? Or perhaps getting past the issues from Tal’s life prior to joining the Inquisition. Probably that part. It takes a little bit of time, effort and extreme gentleness on Reif’s part to get past what happened to Tal and for Tal to be fully comfortable in the relationship. 
10. What is their happiest memory together?
UHHHHH... UMMMMMMMM... I’ma use a cop-out and say that they’re still working on getting that “happiest” memory ;D
Ten Questions about the Love Interest
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