koshercosplay · 10 months
hey, I’d like to do a Chanukah merchandise roast stream (your posts are very inspiring), may I use pictures from your post and credit you, or would you prefer I go hunting for my own pictures and leave you out of it?
you can definitely use the photos from my post and credit me since that's where you found them! thanks for asking
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grecoromanyaoi · 4 months
regarding the kosher bodice ripper – I don’t understand why she felt the need to set this during Roman times? Like there were Jewish Nobles in England, regency romance is right there. Everyone love Bridgerton, just do a Jewish Bridgerton. It’s that easy. Leave Ancient Rome alone
the thing is that its not rly a bodice ripper per se. its like. u know those low budget christian movies that r like a dystopian future where everyone hunts christians for sport or smth but they keep their faith and win at the end. this except its jewish and that shit actually happened. but thats the vibe
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koheletgirl · 6 months
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ai would be less embarrassing than this
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redflagshipwriter · 5 months
I love your mama Bat series so much, I want to tuck Danny under my chin and keep him safe forever he SO BABY
💕 💕😘
He is so little...
I posted an update on that today, I hope you enjoy!
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evilwickedme · 8 days
🧂 best salt in all the shire: which small joys do you most look forward to? (particular tea, using a perfume, rereading a book, etc.)
Watching something or playing something with my boyfriend at the end of a long day. A cup of chamomile tea, especially if I talked a lot that day or I'm sick. Petting my cats. Researching for my lectures, and reading just more in general, and recommending books to people and finding out they not only read it but liked it. The dopamine rush of unboxing a special edition. Snacking. There's so many pleasures to be had in this world and I can't wait to experience more!
Middle earth asks
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erisenyo · 11 months
law clerks Zuko and Sokka gossiping about the newest cases
they befriend toph because she’s constantly suing people for being ableist and they love it
Aang is a prodigy mediator
Whoops not me accidentally hanging onto this ask for a month. I do love the idea of lawyer Zuko in particular, I think he has just the kind of tenacious doggedness to plow through layers and layers of case law, and Sokka would be absolutely the kind of pedant to pound out pages and pages of briefs to overwhelm the opposition.
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 3 months
cider and lavender (in a bitey mood)
"we're not close but I appreciate your presence" and "BITING YOU BITING YOU BITING YOU" <3 I'm oft in a bitey mood too. Way back on livejournal I used to have a little doodle icon of me nomming a friend's head that I would use when feeling bitey XD (the original was on a post-it note)
but awww, I appreciate your presence, too! I don't really know you but that's okay, you can still be an important part of the dash and activity page ecosystem ;)
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slyandthefamilybook · 6 months
tbh, I agree that the holy trinity isn't offensive (though utterly wild, somehow all christians are at least a little bit heretics by their own theology, which is funny)
but I do take great offense when christians claim that their human-sacrifice-god-head-thing is the same as OUR god, and then claim we're the ones doing it wrong. I'll concede that allah is probably hashem, better talmids than I have come to this conclusion. But whatever christianity's got going for it? No.
Yeah exactly! Like aside from the historicity Judaism and Christianity have almost nothing to do with each other. They're not even the same kind of religion
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thewayofyehoshua · 1 month
Romiyim (Romans) 8:29
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There is more to being a talmid/disciple of the "WAY" than saying, I believe.
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ghostgoing · 3 months
hey fam, quick heads up: I am currently experiencing fandom burnout (a thing I did not know could happen, but it turns out if your depression gets bad enough… *shrug*) so this blog may be inactive for a bit. I’m still p active on my main blog @queer-talmid , feel free to follow me there 💙
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bisexualmoses · 1 year
Off the top of my head —
A man’s son converts to Christianity. The man doesn’t know what to do. So he goes to his village’s rabbi and he says, “Rabbi, you’ll never believe what happened to me! My son became a Christian! What should I do?” The rabbi frowns and says, “My son also became a Christian. In the next town over lives a prestigious talmid chacham. He’s a Kabbalist who knows the secrets of the Torah. Let’s go ask him.” So the village rabbi and the man make their way to the town to visit the kabbalist. It takes them a long time to get an audience with him, but finally they manage to have a moment to speak with him. The men each say, “Rebbe, you’ll never believe what happened to me! My son has turned his back on our faith and become a Christian. What should I do?” The kabbalist strokes his long, white beard for several minutes. Finally, he says, “This is a difficult question. Let’s ask the Holy One.” And he says the name of G-d and floats up to heaven to speak with Hashem himself. “G-d,” he says, “what should I tell them?” And G-d says, “You’ll never believe what happened to me!”
Well if it’s even happening to G-d you know there’s a problem!
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timdickert-blog · 16 days
Are You a Contracted Christian? The Call to Genuine Following
Understanding Discipleship What comes to mind when you hear “disciple” or “follower?” I will go out on a limb, but I doubt you were not thinking of the words “talmid” or “talmidim.” These ancient words, ‘talmid’ and ‘talmidim, ‘are translated as disciple or follower. But in today’s culture, there’s no easy way to identify someone who voluntarily seeks to identify with their master in every…
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grecoromanyaoi · 1 hour
please tell me more abt evil grandma, love an evil grandma
hiiiiii ok so its a continuation of this post - lisistrata is anca's grandmother, n shes the leader of the stargazers. she groomed her son, mercuțio, to be her heir, but one day he ran away from the cult w his pregnant gf, leaving behind his son, orlando. lisistrata spent years tracking them down and when she finally did, she killed her own son and kidnapped his daughter, anca, and groomed her to be p much a tool to do her bidding. shes a master manipulator in general and doesnt care much for the needs and wants of others, not even her family, and abuses (or sents others to abuse) everyone in her life for her own gain. she has almost absolute control over everyone in her cult, except she doesnt notice that her grandson and heir is deeply "in love" w his own sister (like girl his wife looks suspiciously similar to her wake up!!!). both orlando n damian, the man she sent to "reeducate" anca when she was taken to the cult r p much both waiting for lisistrata to drop dead so they can swoop in and basically take her role as anca's "owner". shes in her early 80s and its a medieval inspired setting it rly is just a waiting game for them. i do have this idea of damian planning a coup to kill lisistrata n orlando n take control of the cult, w the help of marin's younger brother, ivan, who hopes to kill his brother and take the throne. the coup will obv fail at least in the royal part of it, n marin will remain king, but idk how far i want him to get in his plans for the cult. so yeah she might eventually get murdered, which, harming not to mention murdering the master is like the only thing the cult is firmly against (bc they believe the master communicates w the stars, lisistrata believes herself to b some sort of a prophetess).
in conclusion: i think anca should be legally allowed to start killing ppl
ty again ❤️❤️❤️❤️ i rly have a lot of fun developing them n talking abt them
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koheletgirl · 6 months
‘i dont know why but i thought she wouldn't write a song gloating about kanye praising hitler’
I beg your pardon???
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kanye: "hitler was a good guy"
taylor alison swift: "wow im just like cassandra fr"
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hebrewbyinbal · 3 months
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🌟 **Student Spotlight!** 🌟
Boker Tov ☀️🤗
I'm thrilled to share this adorable picture and comment sent by one of my dedicated students, featuring their cute dog and my very own Hebrew Notebook! 🐶📓
“Talmid & Kelev” - “Student & Dog”. Love it!!
Your support and enthusiasm inspire me every day. I love seeing how you're all engaging with the materials and making great strides in your Hebrew studies. Keep up the amazing work!
**About the Hebrew Notebook:**
My Right to Left Hebrew Notebook to Practice Handwriting is designed to enhance your learning experience. Here are some highlights:
- **Purpose-Built:** Perfect for practicing Hebrew handwriting, ensuring you get the right-to-left writing direction down.
- **Functional Design:** Each page is formatted to support proper letter formation and consistent practice.
- **Aesthetic Appeal:** The pink background adds a fun and vibrant touch to your study sessions.
You can get your own copy on Amazon here: https://a.co/d/0cb9peIk
Keep dreaming big and studying hard 📚✏️🐾
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evilwickedme · 5 months
do you think reblog for good luck posts fall under en mazalot l’yisrael?
I genuinely have no idea what that means! I do know that they can trigger ocd, which is why I never reblog any of them
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