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breathenbounce · 8 months ago
Mirror Mirror On Us All
As we go through this journey we call life, we learn things to help us. Sometimes we learn very painful lessons. Sometimes we learn that we are stronger than we know., and then sometimes, we learn that we are engaging in behavior that may stunt our growth or hold us back a little bit. This was the case for me this past weekend.
Every moment in life means so much if you live your life moment by moment. There are moments that shape you and if you're willing to take the feedback you can grow tremendously. Someone told me that I was talking too much about myself. At first, I was taken aback, but then, I realized that this person was right. I mean, I am a caring person, but I do talk about my experiences a lot. It might be the radio host in me, or the little bit of narcissism that I might have. I really get into things and want the whole world to join me. I have gotten better at this but one of the things I have learned is how to see my game. My game was poor me victim mode. I have gotten better at taking responsibility for my actions, but I do need to go the whole nine and be all in. Especially when I can be critical of people in my life.
The biggest reason for this is we are all mirrors. If we all are saying something to someone, we are saying it to ourselves or maybe it's what we think about ourselves deep down in there. If we talk poorly and disrespectful to someone, we are disrespecting ourselves. If we are angry with someone, perhaps the anger is within us, and we have to look inward to see what that is. I, myself, have carried so much anger for so long. It subsided for a while, but then it returned and devoured so much.
Everyone is one in the universe. We all share the space; we are part of this process. As the world turns, we grow older. As the breeze blows, we sway like the plants or trees. The thing is, our we deeply rooted, or is everything unbalanced. Do we use our monkey minds because it's easier to do so, or do we search for conscious living? Every choice we make affects everyone and everything. It's always good to take a step back and realize when you have been not your best or engage in some annoying habits.
When I was given this feedback, I felt really sad. Almost depressed. I really believe I try my best to help and listen to people. I used my ADHD (still do but that has to stop) as an excuse to interrupt people, try to get my point across, or whatever. The truth of the matter is I thought as I was growing up, I believed that no one cared about what I had to say, so I had to be as loud and as erratic as possible to get my point across. Then I sat on it, and really thought to myself and said, yes, I do do that kind of stuff. Now that I am aware, the beautiful thing is I am given a choice to work on doing it less and growing, or just leave it alone and stay in the same place.
When people give you feedback on behavior or performance or whatever, think of yourself as a plant. The feedback is water and because of it your petals are getting bigger, the stem grows taller, and you blossom into a beautiful flower.
If you don't get water, you become stagnant and you die.
If you don't listen to good advice and apply it to life, you become like the flower that needs water. I'm not saying that all advice is good but meditate on it when you get it and take it from there. However, remember you're a reflection of that person, and if that person wants to shine themselves better and have a good reflection of themselves, they won't steer you wrong.
After all, we are one,
The mirrors we build with our thoughts, actions and words are important, because no one wants to poison the world with ego, loathing or fear. However, we must remember this little nugget of life. It is essential for growth.
Thanks for reading, namaste.
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xupporter · 5 years ago
#supportisfree🔥🔥💨 Reposted from @xnsbeats420 Posted @withregram • @poorrapper Subscribe to @poorrapper To see exclusive videos 1st also to be able to win contests..TONIGHT 8PM THIS VIDEO WILL BE DROPPING ON U TUBE. (BULL SHIT) PRODUCED BY @realktheproducer #nyc #drill #drillmusic #drillbeats #poorrapper #nyc #willrapforfood #stopsnitching #slowdown #voiceofnyc #thetakeoverz💯💯💯💯🎥 #lightscameraaction #footontheyneckseason👣😈 #viral #hit #bx #soundview #talknice - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B7rYy7lJuta/?igshid=12g0q7xp613su
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onelifegame · 7 years ago
#facts #fuckfakelove #fuckrelationships #fuckfakefriends #dolomission #businessman #nolove #complicated #scared #nextlevel #talknice #suckerforlove #scrooge onelifegame.blogspot.com #cescru
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roughonline · 5 years ago
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@tobiahfreimusic releases video for new single “Talk Nice.” See more on www.rough-online.co.uk #talknice #newsingle #tobiahfrei #review #talent #music #vocals #newvideo #afrochill #roughdigital #director https://www.instagram.com/p/B8EMsKXh1Q1/?igshid=j3jm4g8z6qxf
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sayitlikeitisd-blog · 6 years ago
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TALK NICE - - - - - #nen #nenhundoe #rap #artist #studio #dj #djlife #rapper #independent #protools #pandora #ca #209 #modesto #Talknice #nenboogielocs #ilovedyou #YOUTUBE #soundcloud #grind #hustle #mic #needbeats #beats #producer #produce https://www.instagram.com/nenhundoe/p/BxYLk5BHDMw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19aq7yl0gkib0
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catsinthebagdesignposts · 8 years ago
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Talk to YOURself with great LOVE!
What my Coffee says to me June 29 - drink YOUR life in - let your inner chick talk nothing but beautiful words full of love! Communicate with love to yourself and that love will spread to others! That's something to peep about! AND give blood that's another way to share love and self love <3 (What my Coffee says to me is a daily, illustrated series created by Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts for YOUR mental health)
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visualsbyprince · 7 years ago
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Girls Just wanna Have Fun ☺️ @__frenchieee 🇨🇭🇺🇸 #VisualsByPrince BookToday 📥 #TalkNice💰#Network #AEOMTV (at Atlanta, Georgia)
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lamontwil-blog · 7 years ago
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#TalkNice #BombAss https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl8fZwwnGzV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hdp449e47q68
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7money · 7 years ago
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Im not sayin no one was wack ... I just didnt see lux doin that ... The other two wasnt different from what we expect ... Curse of havin skill ... Im wit the smoke doe lol #letsdebate #hiphop #funkflex #freestyles #bestof #nobias #myopionion #icouldbewrongbutimnot #talknice
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wife2be · 7 years ago
Stfu if it’s not facts ! 😴
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iriejam360-blog · 7 years ago
@Regranned from @intl_starr - HAITI IT WAS A GREAT NIGHT!!!!!!! CONTRACT ALREADY SIGN FOR DA JUGGLIN DATE ILL BE BACK VERY SOON 🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹��🌟🌟🌟🌟🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼#DjStarr #Haiti #MrVegas #RoadIntl #FlyInFlyOut #TalkNice #HeresSumMoreFormula - #regrann (at Haiti)
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norman-base · 8 years ago
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GO LISTEN !! NEW Episode of the podcast feat @ddotelles & @capitaljr #podcast #flyhorses #talknice #nba #nfl #rapmusic #hiphop #hiphophead #shaq LINK IN BIO !!!
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officialptm · 8 years ago
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#talknice #isthistheend #nbafinals2017
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catsinthebagdesignposts · 8 years ago
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With a heartful of love speak in flowery tones!
What my Coffee says to me April 20 - drink YOUR life in - speak with kindness, a kind word opens hearts, doors, windows, everything, letting love flow in! (What my Coffee says to me is a daily, illustrated series created by Jennifer R. Cook @catsinthebagdesignposts for mental health)
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winnerslinkent-blog · 8 years ago
If you're not up on Lady Slim yet you will be❗️❗️❗️ The Winner Spit Heat all day🔥🔥🔥 we about to heat your summer up 💯🎥🏁 #winnerslink🏁🔗 #wherewinnerslink #ItsLadySlimByTheWay #movement #talentmanager #talentsource #talknice #youtube #soundcloud #datpiff #reverbnation #radio #fleetdjs #dj🎧 #djskinny #collegeradio #whosnexthot97 #femalerapper #bars #newmusic #mymixtapez #hiphop #singer #unsignedhype (at George Washington Bridge)
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stroderboyrah · 8 years ago
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Squadddddd #atlweekend #famlay #talknice #sayuncle
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