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destinysquared · 1 year ago
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Tali Naga/Lamia (COMMISSION)
Drawing I've made for Nooneishere12 of their version of Tali'Zorah from mass effect.  Thank you so much for commissioning me! Commission Prices/Info Here
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mutio-von-mutio · 29 days ago
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miss tali
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xenowolfqt · 1 year ago
N7 Month - Day 2 - Tension
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N7 Month Challenge 2023
Prompt List - @n7month
The moment I saw this theme name, I immediately thought of the tension parts of mass effect 2 where you have to break off arguments with several of the crew members or else you lose their trust & loyalty. The one with Legion and Tali stuck with me the most, so I wanted to portray that! This is also my first time drawing them both so. sweats. i didnt plan to put as much effort into this as i did but here we are <3
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based on this screenshot :)
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elwar-arts · 1 month ago
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made this meme to mess with a friend (: I think the quarians/tali inspired most of my female characters to some degree.
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uponthenormandy · 2 years ago
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a moment of peace between shiloh and tali preserved in sketch
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mercyshepard · 1 year ago
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camelcasethoughts · 4 months ago
tali’s dialogue has lived rent free in my head for too many years
you know it will turn on us!
home is a state of mind.
don’t press big red buttons.
what is it about you that makes people think we enjoy being in harm’s way?
that was a little extreme, wasn’t it?
sure, sounds like fun.
oh no, what did i get myself into?
i thought i had a good poker face.
we shouldn’t be fighting.
i’m standing right here!
we should have stopped them.
nicely done.
we’ve seen these before.
no one in their right mind would want this.
i was just looking. i wasn’t going to touch them.
they say it couldn’t be done. then again, that’s said about a lot of things you do.
we have to get out of here!
no one here to welcome us. that’s not good.
no matter what they did, they don’t deserve that.
this time, it feels like we’re the ones on the run.
but what are you doing here?
despite the damage, you can tell this place used to be beautiful.
that’s a gruesome thought.
don’t do that to me.
i’m already wearing my two sexiest belts!
do you have a clean room available?
i’m sorry. can you help me for just a moment?
hey, that’s cheating! i’m on a ladder!
how can there be more of them?
not if we kill them first!
i’m not staying. i’m coming with you.
i don’t know how much time we have left.
whatever happens, i want to be with you.
no way. the deal’s off.
i guess there are two things i need to thank you for.
we need to go somewhere safe.
agreed. we work together.
good luck. see you on the far side.
i’m not complaining, but you show up at the strangest times.
this whole place could collapse on us.
the damn data better be worth it. the price was too high.
just let me know how i can help.
wow, it’s really hot in here.
how did we even end up talking about this?
what could i possibly be suggesting?
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edenprime · 5 months ago
One of the strongest points of Mass Effect, if not the strongest, is just how well written the characters are. From Shepard, to the squad, to the side characters like Anderson and Bakara, to barely-there NPCs like Ereba and Charr the lovers, Etarn Tiro the enthusiastic turian merchant, Kargesh the krogan who wanted a fish, Lia'Vael, the quarian who gets falsely accused of theft, and the Salarian who wants to buy a memento to his asari lover to remember him by once he's dead.
I feel like so many of them are memorable, and they all serve a purpose to the overall world building. The krogan show that they are not the violent thugs the galaxy has made them out to be. The salarian shows the struggle born out of building relationships with people of a species with a life expectancy so beyond your own. Lia'Vael illustrates what Tali says about the quarians being treated like second class citizens. Those small little side quests have a meaning and a purpose, it doesnt feel like they are Just There, and they add more to the lore of them game to those who care about that stuff.
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talizorahs · 2 years ago
what reminder you need to hear depending on which bad batcher you stan. an introspective 📬
[cross-posted from my twitter][s0ftbatch]
i put together these words for a particularly negative moment within the fandom, and want to share them here, as my bad batch brainrot continues to deepen. introspection is highly subjective to my interpretation of the characters - i know some better than others. such words were constructed from typing each batcher to a maldaptive schema.
remember to be excellent to each other 🥰
"you don't need to be strong all the time"
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"you are worth more than what you can give"
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"you are allowed to be here" "you are wanted"
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"it's okay to ask for help"
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"you can't fix everyone's problems"
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"don't let anyone put out your sunshine"
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val-the-protoss-simp · 4 months ago
Part 1/3 the Tal'darim
Part 2/3 the Khalai <- you're here Part 3/3 the Nerazim
Part two of this ask, the Khalai
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Erzadar. Formerly Erzolun (Because I have another Khalai OC named Talizun and I thought the names were way too similar) First concept was from 2022 (can be seen on the far bottom right of the art compilation) She was originally a tiny researcher from the Shelak tribe (??? I think??) Erza and her team of Khalai protoss were essentially Auir’s equivalent to Shakuras’s delegate team of Nerazim/terran diplomats/researchers/whatever.
She (and all the OCs from this story) were in kind of a limbo as they laid forgotten high on a metaphorical shelf of my mind, collecting dust, while I played with other OCs and stories. Until I was *this* video like half a year ago (no, it is not a Rickroll) and was like oh my god. oh. not to be a lesbian but oh my god. oh my fucking god Jesus Christ- we all know the meme.
Anyway, since then she became a tall, beefy adept.
She’s still mostly in development and therefore there’s not much to say about her. She’s a former zealot (became an adept during the events of LotV) With a friendly personality in a way only people in their early 20s have. She was assigned as a bodyguard/guide to the Dominion delegates Auir hosts and quickly becomes friends with most of them, namely Victor. And yes, I absolutely do plan to drag these two through months and years of delicious angst and yearning and denial and more angst before I allow them to become a thing. Their fault they’re my OCs.
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Talizun is also a character who I’ve had for a looooooong time too (2018????? Before 2020) but I never really fleshed him out despite his key importance to the plot of Zhakul’s story. He didn’t even have a name until late 2021 ahaha oops. Most of his story was also conceived that year, meaning it’s pretty outdated and also prone to change in places, but I think it’s skeleton will remain.
Tali is a chill templar from a fringe Khalai colony so far away from the empire that it was entirely excluded from the great war that took place during the events of SC2. Him and many of his templar brethren were in stasis for centuries, only awakened AFTER the war was concluded, which is also the reason why he still bears his cords and is tethered to the Khala. (One of the big changes in this AU, aside from Shakuras not exploding and the Daelaam not being a thing anymore, is that the Khala prevails. This could be a separate yap session for later, I’m just making this clear now in case someone is confused over me mentioning it)
Anyway. He’s very chill and level-headed for a zealot, which actually came in handy because Zhakul needed to do some serious deconstructing of the bullshit Dal filled his head with and Tali was up for the job. The two end up bonding over a similar experience (being removed from protoss society for so long they feel like complete outsiders) become friends and eeeeeeeeeeventually form a Zhakul-centred polycule that also includes Jake and various other terrans and protoss.
Tali eventually gets himself killed in a border skirmish with the Tal’darim (originally it was Y’rash that yeeted him, now I’m not sure that’s canon anymore) he’s stuffed into the shell of a dragoon and does his best to continue with his life as well as he can, which is made much more complicated because he ends up having an oopsie baby (who we will also talk about later) and from then on struggles with the crushing feeling of knowing he can never be an adequate parent to them because his broken body must forever remain locked in a dragoon exoskeleton. 
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The Talendir Orchard Head FamilyTM
The main characters in Project Sammuro. There’s very little to say about them for now because the story they were created for is at its infancy and therefore their characters are also very underdeveloped. They’re a down-to-earth family of protoss living in rural parts of Auir, growing and harvesting sammuro fruit for it’s rich blue dye, then distributing it across the Khalai empire as needed.
The story focuses on this entire process and also works as a lightbulb moment for Victor, who realises that the strongly capitalistic society of the Dominion is very very  flawed in comparison to the more traditional, socialistic economy the protoss have where culture, tradition and the well-being of it’s people are far more important to them than profit and power.
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intangiblexambitions · 2 years ago
@thestupidmeanone (cont. from)
"Do you have any idea how many galactic laws - and, more importantly, flotilla laws - I broke to get you back? This is the equivalent of jumping in front of the firing squad and hoping no bullets make it through. The only defense I have if they put me on trial - again - is that I didn't make the AI, I just repaired it." She's gone from sentimental to chastising - but still a little sentimental.
"Keelah, can you at least send me a letter next time? I was just stopping to say hi."
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changedzine · 6 months ago
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Announcing our amazing contributors! 💖
We're all hard at work making awesome things for you to enjoy!
Be sure to follow so you never miss an update!
Mentions below the cut 🔽 give our contributors some love!
@aaaaawolfquarters // @carhorno // @cloned-eyes // @collophora // @colorless-vector
@deezlees // @dib-dab-art-attack // @dreamingfoxproductions // @cin-vhetin-mandoad // @featherphant0m
@ginnymilling // @heumilch // @littlekhada // @korbinmoon // @lexavalon052
@justanotherinterneruser // @twelebles // @madsayo // @creatureesque // @disastercyborgecho
@oddfaun // @wolviecat // @zaana
@eclec-tech // @celestial-specter // @fanfoolishness // @fea-warriorheart // @talizorahs
@levi-venn // @lifblogs // @scarletv0id // @snips2112 // @insertmeaningfulusername
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oasis-j · 9 months ago
The lumps of gold in question:
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Playing mass effect is like digging a pile of shit and occasionally getting lumps of gold
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lulii999 · 2 years ago
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Forever in love with Talizorah vas Neema nar Rayya 💜💜
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pabudayszine · 9 months ago
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✨We're currently finalizing the list of final contributors for Pabu Days! In the meantime, let's meet the moderators behind the project!
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Shy: "Howdy, I'm Shy! Thank you for trusting me with heading Pabu Days, I will do my best for you!! I really like pondering and learning and also have you heard of this really cool guy called Darth Maul?" [@shyranno] Zaana: "Hey, I'm Zaana and I'll be your art mod (woah). I'm a very normal amount of excited for this whole project as being part of a TBB zine has been my dream since I entered the fandom. I'm looking very much forward to what we're gonna create!!" [@zaana]
Helo: "Hi I'm Helo! Shy thinks I'm responsible enough to be your writing mod and I am esteemed by her trust. I've been writing in fandom for over 13 years and I've loved Star Wars for even longer. Also don't read Eternal's intro, she's going to rick roll you." [@talizorahs]
Jill: "Howdy I am Jill and I like Gonky and also Hunter Bad Batch a normal amount. Also I draw things sometimes." [@queenjiru]
Eternal: "Hello there! I'm Eternal, one of the support mods. In the wise words of Rick Astley, I'm never gonna give you up and never gonna let you down. I'll be here to help at any time and happy to talk about Star Wars in a heartbeat!" [@eternalqueenofnaboo]
Empress: "Hi everyone, I'm Empress! I spend 10% of my time writing, 40% thinking about writing, and the other 50% thinking about Crosshair. I’m so excited for this project and for what everyone is going to create!" [@theeasternempress]
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And those are our mods! We're all going to do our best to make this zine experience a fun one! See you all soon!✨
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queenjiru · 2 years ago
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So it was suggested by @talizorahs that I draw Crosshair with the ‘pathetic’ meme
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