#taliyah imagine
mistyscenter · 2 months
I keep forgetting this game is through the pov of an able bodied person because Taliyah uses a cane in step 4 (freaky accident during figure skating) and so every time Derek mention's walking/playing soccer I'm like "why are you making your disabled friend do so much physical activity??"
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heckinhacker · 10 months
Return of 'more Taliyah content' from one or two breaks ago, or perhaps Ahri/reader/Nidalee (cute and hot) threesome content, or 'something that speaks to you, with Ori' #h4ck :3
A/N: Oh, I remember you! I said back then you can request Taliyah content but just to add some prompt. I'm happy that you sticked around long enough to see my silly post at least! Hi hello welcome back!! I'm not sure if I'll in the end will stick around and write properly but I'm glad you took participation in my silly little event.
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Taliyah x Reader - general relationship headcanons
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Give this girl some more appreciation pLEASE
She's the one who falls in love first and falls HARDER for sure
She met you randomly, she can't even put a finger when your paths crossed, but some time later she just knew she had big feelings for you.
You know how in-game she says to Ekko line that goes like: "Did the earth move for you too? Did I just say that out loud?" Because she's so OBVIOUS and so cute plsss
She mutters something similiar at you when she meets you but since you did not know her, or not heard enough of her at the said time, you were just left confused--
Taliyah couldn't look you in the face for a next week
She just wanted to burry herself in the ground and for it to swallow her whole
What is the funniest part? She could arrange that! But instead of suffocating herself underground she wanted to try again...
And she did! She hit you up properly...
Well, as properly as Yasuo, out of all people, could give her advice how to
HAHA n e ways---
She became friends with you easily (or with some difficulties but come on, how can you NOT let in such precious girl like her!!)
And she pins over you, as she feels, for hundreds of years. Oh how she yearns...
It would take you to be blind or really really really really REAAAALLLY oblivous not to catch into her feelings sooner than she confesses.
You might have your own reasons for not approaching her first even though having some sort of idea. Like...not being sure? Not wanting to draw conclusions, or eventually just being afraid of making first move even though it would be the safest dive for it you could ever imagine.
Something was stopping you, and Tali thought she was SLICK--
Nuh-uh, honey, you were anything BUT sneaky about it.
She slipped once, you acted like you did not catch into her intentions for her own good...
Then she does again and she loses faith in herself and in the fact that you might hold ANY kind of bigger feelings towards her.
Oh how wrong she was.
But her wondering made her go insane, slowly but surely, and she got adviced smartly:
" Life is too short to overthink. You should make a move. It's better to regret that you failed instead of regretting you never made a move."
At first I thought it would be Yasuo saying that, her master, but maybe that were Ekko's words? It fits his wisdom and experience.
Going back to main topic-
Advice was smart, and Taliyah was also smart, she decided...'yeah, he was right. Maybe I should go and do that!'
"...but maybe tommorow."
She had inner war going in her head that went: "I think I chickened out" thought VS "It's best I take proper care of myself and then try to confess".
Thankfully she did not wait for longer, just really did her hair neatly, made sure she's nice and clean and ready to go! She had little speech made up in her mind too
(Girl really practiced in front of a mirror for this)
She did cute little speech of how she adores you. I would love to add how it went but it would be really dependant on your characteristics like looks and personality, but she finishes with:
"Throughout everything I kept on thinking of you and loving you! Loving you so much I've got too much restless nights to think my words through. And...phew- I really hope that even if you hypothetically wouldn't return my feelings, that...well...that we could stay friends. Is that possible, maybe...?"
Of course it was! Taliyah is such a sweet girl, gentle soul, why wouldn't anyone at least stay friends with her?
But in this scenario you love her back so!!
You accept, and you can see that little sparkle in her eye, and the transition from shy to very happy!!
She hugs you very tightly and thanks you over and over again. What for? You don't have the heart to ask her, but thankfully she answers for herself
"Thank you for loving me, I wouldn't ever...imagine that, but that's such a happy ending for the situation! Could I maybe...call myself your girlfriend now?"
The answer was yes, she could indeed!
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Dating Taliyah left you entertained, and even more importantly, left you feeling loved. Very loved.
Ever since day one she wasn't afraid to grab your hand and hold it, or hug you, or at least kiss your cheek, but she always made sure that you were okay with that.
If you wanted to take things slow, she would stood down for you.
What was great about Taliyah is the fact that even if you wouldn't speak up for yourself about being uncomfortable she would notice. She knows you well enough, after all. You didn't go from strangers to lovers, you were friends before.
So no matter what kind of pace you want, Taliyah makes dating her the best experience you've ever had.
She does a lot of thoughtful surprises, like waiting for you with relaxing hangout including massages, soft talks in a candlelight...you'd always say she's pampering you, but trust me when I say (and also she says so herself) that she enjoys herself while sharing such intimate moment with you too.
She would call it her favourite kind of dates, actually.
She prefers more casual dates than very official ones, but she would take you out if you wanted. Just not as often as you'd think. Maybe out of special events like your future anniversaries, your birthday, any other special event you'd think of as special.
Very enjoys PDA, if you're against it you have to speak up pretty early about it.
She doesn't want to show it not to guilttrip you even on accident, but she gets pouty when she cannot even touch you.
Kisses your hands and nose the most, enjoys eskimo kisses too! She kisses you on the lips only after you've shared your special first kiss together!
She once asked you not to bring her flowers because she can't take care of them no matter how hard she had tried, yet is the one to buy you flowers or flower bouquet. She's totally the type to keep one flower in a vase beside her bed to keep in check how your flowers are doing. Is always too early with a fresh batch because her flower dies faster than your actual bouquet. You could say that she keeps you in stock of flower bouquets, by pure accident.
She travels a lot, and really hopes that you would travel with her. If you wouldn't, on the other hand, she would respect your decision and would do anything to get back to you as soon as she could.
She wants to marry you one day, and has high hopes that you'd agree to marry her in the future. Yet as always, she will respect your choices no matter what they are. She wants to marry, sure, but if that's something you're against, she wants you more than that tradition.
No relationship is perfect and you have conflicts between you. But...Taliyah makes it impossible to call it a fight. Yes, she does lose her temper sometimes, but she never said something that might've hurt you real bad. The most offensive thing she said was once "Well you're stupid to think so!" Because you felt jealous and it went kind of downhill
She even apologises for it because she considers you very smart but she felt like you did not trust her in your relationship and love that she devoted for you and you only.
She talks a lot, and I mean A LOT. She has no idea there is such a thing as comfortable silence, she just fills room up with her bubble talk!
So when you need peace and quiet you have to tell her, she'd understand.
Overall she loves you dearly 🥺
And that's it for now! I'm out of ideas and requests was very general. I wanted to write for Tali since I got this blog and it was a great opportunity, thanks for giving it to me!
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//I think my only issue with the champions they choose for pride is that they are so...obvious? Like they aren't bad, but they are either the champions that we already kinda knew or champions that have been teased about it for years.
Like if next year we get an emote or confirmation that Taliyah is trans, that'd be neat as hell, many people would be happy as fuck, but again we kinda already knew?
But imagine if we are suddenly hit with a haymaker from nowhere like 'Holy shit, Seraphine is trans' or such. Or better yet, why not both?
There's a reason why people were so happy when Nami was shown as bi/pan and poly, because it came out of nowhere and it was awesome.
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Things Azir learns after his captivity is done and he has to commune with his retinue.
• cooking first and foremost. Xerath forced him to make his own meals with disastrous results, so his retainers helped him get his footing in the kitchen to “not give him the last laugh”. He’s not that into it and never becomes a five-star chef or anything, but he can feed a room, and when they come across a band refugees fleeing the rampaging Xerath they taste imperial meals.
• he’s taught how to sow and mend his clothes by Taliyah – with plenty of finger stinging from his part – so he can keep his tunics in shape. He embroiders a memorial pattern in the dress he wears when he abdicated. I Z I. Imani Zeina Ibrahim.
• to care for Nasus better he learns to give out massages, and one can hardly imagine the Curator’s relief of letting go for once and being cared for by his soft birb son.
Things he already knows how to do that come more useful than running an empire
• playing music
• caring for children
• being authoritative
And I’ll make a scenario with Azir cuddling a baby asap.
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weavewithin · 11 months
❀ 〰〰〰 cont. @piranhasbreath
Taliyah knew what shaped the word to sound that way. The heart which yearned for movement began to yearn for home. For a person such as herself, and perhaps the sea-dweller beside her, yearning was an eternal thread to weave.
Following Nami's example, Taliyah took in the starry expanse above them. It was one of the two permanent things in her life: her love-- for home, for learning, for the sea-- and the sky which saw all of it.
She listened intently when Nami told of her experiences. There was so much she could learn from the Marai, and so much she could relate to. It seemed that the same powers governed over each being, whether land or sea-dwelling.
" I know what you mean. The longer I spend away from home, the more I understand its beauty. The more I start to think, nothing really compares to it. And I ask myself-- why am I so far away? Why do I not return this very moment? "
There was sorrow in her sigh, which she tried to keep light.
" I can only imagine what you must feel like. Humans must be so different from the Marai. Even I feel that the people outside of Nasaaj will never understand me. "
Some weight lifted from Taliyah's features, and she offered a small smile. Deep within, she knew why she had left and not returned. Had her fate played out differently, she would not have been there then, on a rock in the sea with the rarest friendship unraveling.
" Tell me, how is the sea cruel? How is it beautiful? I only know its surface, and where it meets the land. "
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years
Theory-posting to the point of tin-hatting but I’m I the only one who finds it particular that the Xan family only sent Irelia* to school at the Placidium and none of her brothers. Granted we don’t know how old they were in relation to her exactly but considering that none of her family were able to hold off the Noxians that invaded their village but Irelia managed to kill by sheer accident of activating her magic. Which leads me to my point.
Was Irelia the only one of her family with magic? Cause that would explain why she was the only one they saw potential to permit to go train with the magic users in the Placidium (look at Zinneia’s school, they all seem attuned to magic in some form even if it’s not exactly Irelia’s). It wouldn’t make sense that Zelos, who in the old lore was older than Irelia and in new lore is sort of implied to be the case, would be skipped otherwise. Granted it could simply be his choice not to or he wasn’t interested in the family’s dances but we don’t really know that do we?
Continuing on the thought train a bit, we know from in-game lore and in Arcane that Noxus has been encroaching on Ionia for years. Mel Medarda’s backstory in Arcane s1 says they’ve already got territory there years prior to the official first Invasion. Ionia is decentralized but I doubt the other territories were completely blind to this development. Especially those near said conquered territories. Some at least had to be making prepares/evacuating if they could. At the very least they’d be on alert and aware.
We also know that Noxus, in all the places they’ve conquered, have sequestered kids with magic potential to be trained and indoctrinated into the army for their purposes (hey Taliyah, Rell). Leblanc, whose Black Rose is behind many of these kidnappings, orchestrated the first Invasion for resources after all. Taliyah managed to make it back home to Shurima, I imagine the fate of many a captured kid never did. Where am I going with this?
Just saying, I wonder if Irelia’s parents, particularly as the influential upper middle class family that they were and likely had connections to know of the latest info of things at the front, sent Irelia to the Placidium for this very reason? If Irelia was the only magically inclined child they had, and info on the front (or rumors heard from everywhere Noxus conquered) said that Noxus steals kids for their army, they likely would be more willing to part with their relatively young kid so that she at the very least could be safe in the off chance that Noxus does reach their village. The Placidium would be a hard place to conquer (even if Noxus did, for a little bit). She would be more safe there than in their home. She wouldn’t be walking around with a target on her back.
It’s far-fetched I know but I can see this sort of logic happening in something like Arcane. Irelia would like to train at the Placidium one day, excited to go, but not exactly realizing that her family sent her there not just to please her wishes but also to protect her. In an Ionia show I can envision a scene where her parents + grandmother have a discussion about this before sending her away. And alone at that. All her brothers were at home. Makes it more ironic/sad that Irelia is the only one surviving while also being the only one with the capacity to protect them from the Invaders.
*I know the bio said she wanted to master her dances that her grandmother taught her and I don’t doubt that was the case. But she was twelve when her family died. She likely started school younger. I doubt she made the decision on her own I’m saying. 
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With at max four characters per region with a demon, celestial and final boss to round it off. 28 characters in total, which is way too hopeful, but let me cope. Explanations for each one below the cut.
I tried to approached it with a mix of realism, which is why we have characters who have already been shown off, and a dream character list. Even then, I had to cut characters I think would've been interesting.
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Zaun/Piltover: Honestly, this was the easiest one with Zaunites, but I had to pick someone for Piltover and I went with Blitzcrank. Imagine he has his sitting down animation from the Wild Rift trailer. Alternative characters were Warwick for the monstrous side of Zaun and bringing the family together, or Jayce for being the Piltover Poster Boy.
Ionia: For Ionia, I wanted someone for the spiritual aspect and someone to represent the factions spli between the Kinkou, and the order of shadow. So I went Karma and Zed.
Demacia: Sylvanas as a transforming character would be fun. and if we need a character to represent the base demacian, Fiora would be more interesting an Garen. I will admit I have a little soft spot for the guy, but I have to be ruthless. I had ideas for Kayle and Morgana too, but I had to cut them.
Bilgewater: I tossed up between Gangplank and Fortune. And while I like Sarah a lot, I picked Gangplank because I can imagine him biting an orange and he's immune to damage for five seconds. Pyke was added because I think his moves would be cool. Imagine if he sunk under the ground before leaping out to slam the opponent with his blade?
Yordles: I chose Kled for this, because every faction needs a comedy character. I also wondered for Gnar, and I almost did, but I think Kled would be easier for hitboxes since he'd be on Skaarl.
Noxus: Darius and Katarina are already in, so I had only one pick left. And, I felt Swain was the best choice. If Katarina wasn't there, I might have gone for Samira for the flashy gun-work.
Freljord: You do not understand how much I wanted Nunu and Willump there and I almost did. But I had to add some demigod rep and Volibear was easiest. Lissandra might be tricky, but I think she could be a fun ice character with her being an ages old sorceress. And as for Braum? I like him.
Ixtal: This was harder than you think. I narrowed my choices down to Neeko, Quiyana and Nidalee. I also thought of Rengar, but I'd have to add Kha'Zix too and I'll explain why I couldn't do that later. But, despite my good choices, I chose Neeko because shapeshifting is always a fun concept for a fighting game. Maybe the other two can get their chance if I ever do a DLC list.
Shurima: I went with Taliyah here because I played Tremor in MKX and I'd want to see how they'd handle her. Maybe she gets a redesign that shows her in the present day?
Targon: This was harder than you'd think as well. I chose Pantheon because I think he'd be cool. I could have done Leona and Diana, have the exes sword fight under the sun, but if I picked one I'd need to add the other and I didn't have space. To be honest, Soraka is here because of personal bias. Imagine that her victory quotes are just encouraging and wise. Leona was very close, and was almost there.
Shadow Isles: This went between Thresh and Kalista as characters to best represent the darkness of the isles. And while I like Kalista and have interesting ideas for her spears, I feel like Thresh is a perfect pick for the cruelty of the Isles.
Void: I could have done Kha'Zix, but then I'd have to add Rengar and we already have Ixtal sorted. Bel'Veth is too much of a final boss character and we already have a transforming character with Shyvana. I had an idea for Malzahar and Kassadin as the polar opposites of humans in the void, one who embraced it and the other who despises it, but in the end, I picked Vel'Koz because of his alien feel. Ideas for his move-set? Watch Shuma Gorath from MVC3, add some lasers and scientific ramblings.
Demon: Fiddlesticks. He'd be so much fun in motion.
Celestial: Bard would be an excellent joke character.
Final Boss: I was originally going to pick Mordekaiser because... look at him. But then I had an idea. Atrox wants to plunge the world into a chaotic war, right? in the hopes that by destroying reality, it will destroy him too? Well, who better a final boss for a fighting game, that by someone who relies on bloodshed to keep his form?
And that's it, what do you think? Who would you pick? Let me know if you'd want a DLC wish list too.
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dabihaul666 · 4 months
Can u imagine who in the lck is in the toxic antifeminist stuff they got going on over there like
Claims to hate women, plays ari syndra taliyah leblanc ? 🤨
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teeto-peteto · 1 year
Okay, so basic rundown: Arcane is now canon. I think Riot is moving away from short stories to explore other mediums. Don’t quote me on this, I just know the broad strokes and I’m sure someone can explain better.
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mkay im dumb i always thought that Arcane was canon? like it was nonsensical once you put it together with the league of legends lines but HAHA im ringing my 'im stupid' bell. see this is why you shouldnt listen to anything i say i have no motives-
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they are moving away from the short stories??? woah thats... a pity, actually. Im not the type of person that reads a lot of them but i normally do of characters i like and care about. I know Milio is not that recent anymore, but his short story felt heartwarming and very nice to read. It also had some illustrations.
I dont understand why would they do that. I assume that by other mediums they probably mean audiovisuals like teasers or something like that, maybe audio stories like Legends of Bilgewater or whatever the name was, i cant remember correctly. Wich it isnt bad its just... dissapointing they would say that they want to move away. If there's going to be comics like then i would be uttterly dissapointed but hey, at least i would be happy they're giving a job to writers and artists, they very much deserve and need it.
its saddening i just dont undertsand why they would take down a feature most people like about the characters they are interested on...? bruh
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dont worry i wont quote you on this one but i will say that if all of this turns out to be just like that, i wouldnt be not even a bit surprised. Its no secret Riot has been ruining and pissing over their own characters re writting them and fixing shit that never needed to be repaired by starters and making the whole lore more confusing and nonsensical with a bunch of plot holes, wich i assume is going to happen if they make Arcane canon. This has been like this for almost 5 or more years, the lore keeps getting worse and worse and the only things that mattered to fandom will dissapear if all this turns true.
the whole 'guys but look we got a new CEO and we SWEAR he's amazing!' its getting hard to read at this point because a macro company is trying to sell us that this guy is going to improve everything with just a finger, like if thats going to stop or even reconsider the oversexualization of female characters, objetification and the plainest of characters coming out of their hands getting worse and worse as the lore is tearing apart and the community is a fire pit with the worst incel playerbase i have ever seen.
The way they phrased one of the tweets about this new CEO in the past being the backbone of the Pride events made me wheeze cause the way it was written made me imagine the guy entering the meeting like 'hey guys you know homosexuals exists? we should do something about it' as if it was a medal to have a pride event when its the leastest shit you can do for a game at this point. At least make good lgtbq+ stories instead of selling the exact same icons for years and sweeping trans taliyah under the rug. God i hate this company and its writing.
see? things where better when institute of war was there. they are just a bunch of guys hanging out in empty space. fuck it that rocks
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teememdee · 1 year
Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that Riot made a Ruined King style game with the basic premiseof Kai’Sa and friends fight the void/go to close a big breach where big stuff could happen. With a team of let’s say six, who would you pick?
Mine would go Kai’Sa (Duh), Taliyah because I love her, Kassadin for fun family angst, Malphite because I need to see Chip and I want Taliyah to go “Hey, Kai’Sa, meet my old friend!”
Jax so that he can lighten the mood, I can imagine references to his LOR crew and finally Amumu because I’m biased and I love him.
The possibility of a Riot Forge game focused on Kai’Sa is very exciting but also I would be worried they’d do something to her that I wouldn’t like. But mayhaps I can place my faith in such a thing revealing her mother’s name instead of praying that Kassadin gets added to LoR and some voice line of his says her name. ANYWAY
I love Taliyah don’t get me wrong she’s so sweet and I do love Kai’Sa learning that perhaps not everyone sees her as a threat and a monster and there is benefit to working together howeverrrrrrr even though she’s my favorite character ever I kind of really like her being alone more. I like when she has the worst time of her life lmao I’ve explained my wishes for the Kassadin reunion before I want that to go poorly
So I guess my honest pick is like. No one? And it’s some other type of game? Idk I think I just want another novel like Ruination to handle her plot lol
I’d be down for like a Sivir dungeon crawler or Ruined King style rpg exploring different ruins of Shurima and working in references to like Cassiopeia, Azir stuff obviously, but also bc Shurima there would be some Void stuff so some encounter with Kai’Sa and whatnot.
I would like to beat up Malzahar in a Kai’Sa game though that would be sick. That guy is essentially responsible for her village getting swallowed so. Also more Bel’Veth confrontations. Bel’Veth is so fucking scary as a villain she’s so cool
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sistahscifi · 1 year
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Midnight and Indigo is a Black woman owned independent publishing company, and we loved their short story anthology celebrating speculative fiction by Black women. 
Synopsis: A new tea shoppe in a gentrifying neighborhood sells a mysterious concoction. French tourists, seeking to get out of New Orleans during a hurricane, encounter a stultified writer. A woman befriends a strange creature in a wishing well off Fordham Road. A zombie fighter runs into the worst creature imaginable: a teenage boy. Terror ensues as villagers hunt for a witch on the run.  As a Zambian girl’s supernatural powers grow, so do complications with the organization that can help her control them. Radiation levels spike on a dying Earth, and it’s only a matter of time until life dies along with it. On Millennium, everything will be okay—right? …and many more! 
Contributors include: Kylah Balthazar, Kalynn Bayron, Michele Tracy Berger, Tara Betts, Changu Chiimbwe, Addie Citchens, Jennifer Coley, Tracy Cross, Lyndsey Ellis, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Taliyah Jarrett, Silk Jazmyne, Michelle Renee Lane, Candice Lola, Joy Monaè, Cheree’ Noel, Endria Richardson, Ravynn K. Stringfield, Malissa White, Kanyla Wilson, Jade T. Woodridge, and Nicole Young.
We are in stock: @sistahscifi | www.sistahscifi.com | https://sistahscifi.com/products/midnight-indigo-twenty-two-speculative-stories-by-black-women-writers-paperback. Better yet, check it out from your local #library!
Reposted @midnightsocialdistortion My first @sistahscifi purchase and I can’t wait to order from them again! @midnightandindigo
#BlackSpeculativeFiction #BlackWomenWriters #HorrorBlerd  #SistahScifi #MidnightandIndigo #Zombies #Witches #NicoleGivensKurtz #KalynnBayron #ShortStoryAnthology
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hello! thank you so much for doing my matchups (you matched me with aphelios and sero). i really liked them uwu! but anyways, can you do some cuddling headcanons for taliyah and neeko from league of legends? i love them both cause they’re so adorable and they deserve more love imo.
I’m so glad you liked it!!!
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Taliyah is an adventurous person that has so many things to do and so many places to explore all the time, that she tends to get herself exhausted without realising, so she most often than not needs a huge dose of battery recharge...
She would get everything prepared in advance, as in enough food, snacks, drinks, movies to watch and you to have enough free time for her little self-indulging.
When everything is perfectly set up, she’ll turn off the light, close the curtains, start the movie and cuddle up to you and won’t let go unless she needs to go to the toilet or something like that.
Everything is so calm and peaceful, she doesn’t run on 1000 km/s, her heart isn’t beating like she’s surfing on a rock down a huge mountain and she has no responsibility to stress her out.
Her mind is completely set on you and your time spent together.
When she feels like it, Taliyah would like to chat with you briefly, ask about your days when she wasn’t around, and in turn, she’ll tell you about her adventures and what cool things she encountered on her journeys, which is when she’ll remember the souvenir she wanted to gift you.
All in all, she’s incredibly grateful to have someone as understanding as you, who also loves cuddles and doesn’t mind having chill days in spent with doing absolutely nothing and just being lazy.
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Neeko is...A lot less organised than Taliyah, and a lot more talkative than her, so be prepared.
As soon as she gets home to you, she’ll jump on you, latching her arms, legs and tail around you like a koala would, nuzzling her nose in the crook of your neck, giggling a lot, potentially tickling you.
When you take her to bed so you could chill, Neeko would keep on ranting of what super cute things she found while out, what new colours and emotions she discovered-
And oh, how could she forget!
She’ll take out a beautiful flower and out it in her hair, so you two could match!
It will take a while for Neeko to calm down and completely get drained of energy, but when she does, she’ll just cling on to you with a serene and tired smile on her face, her eyes barely half open.
She’s practically begging you with her eyes to play and stroke her hair and when you do that, she’ll wag her tail a bit and would fall asleep faster than ever before.
You won’t be able to escape Neeko’s grasp no matter how much you try, or need to go to the toilet, but honestly, she’s so cute, it doesn’t even matter anymore.
Just before she falls asleep, she will give you a cute eskimo kiss, rubbing her nose to yours, and then it’s basically all systems shut down, she’s asleep and she’s muttering soft words.
Mainly your name and how much she loves you and wants to go out with you and explore the world more.
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trashpocket · 2 years
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kai'sa with chompers (and voidweaver on the side, cause whp am i without them)
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Azir vs Crying
Azir has always been a fragile, skinny kid with a proclivity for tears. He would have probably been less of a crier if his regular, age-appropriate bouts of tears – getting hurt in training for battle, reading sad stories, regular stuff – was met with empathy instead of “you’re of imperial blood, stop sniveling”. But alas.
As an adult he thought himself more tempered. When his parents and unborn sibling died in such a terrible fashion he didn’t even tear up. He just fell numb, hazy, going through the motions with Xerath’s firm hands to guide him. He would cope in ways that were seen as more appropriate for an emperor: drinking, either fine wine or sleeping powders, going for long hunting trips on his own, training at the sword and yes, intercourse.
When he’s Xerath’s prisoner he cannot do any of those things – all he gets to drink is molded, sanded water, he cannot go as he pleases, he’s not allowed to have a weapon and the greatest erotic intimacy he has is “extemporaneous fantasies that come and go” (forcefully desexualizing the notoriously promiscuous ex-emperor is also part of Xerath’s way to take everything he ever had). So, after his defiant streak is nipped at the bud and long months of toiling and humiliations pass, he reverts back to tears.
He finds himself sobbing when punished, damping Xerath’s feet with his tears. Sometimes it’s the sheer pain that gets him – infected, festering wounds, that one time he breaks a talon or gets his hand crushed under a block of sandstone. Sometimes he doesn’t even sob or whine: he just curls up in a soft ball of feathers, head between his knees, fingers stroking himself in a parody of comfort, and lets the tears fall down in perfect silence. His eyes always feel either damp, reddened by the salt and the constant rubbing, or sting so much keeping them open for his work makes him cry even more.
(Xerath would have him dip his head in a bucket of saltwater on a daily basis for a while whenever he felt he was getting too infected… you can imagine by yourself how much that stung and how strained the required “thank you, my lord” would be)
All that exists in his head is the perspective of finishing the temple – then, even these tears will become a memory. He has no idea where he gets that water, since he doesn’t drink much and they’re in the desert. Yet the tears won’t stop, and sometimes even when he’s at peace, albeit curled up in his cage and tightly hooded, they come on their own because it’s just too much.
“Azir, my dear” Xerath would ask. “Do you think this conduct befits one of imperial blood?”
“No, my lord” he knows what he wants to hear, it’s been beaten and slapped into him. “I wasn’t deserving of the title. I should stop sniveling and get myself to work… yet my foolish temper…”
“Yes, of course. You’re starting to admit it. You never deserved anything… even your parents knew. They’d be cheering me on, if they saw you in such a state.”
Xerath doesn’t actually think crying is a source of shame, of course. But as it’s been established, he knows what makes Azir tick.
His friends and entourage – Sivir, Taliyah, Kai’sa, Akshan, Samira and Nasus – are of a different breed. They know crying is liberating and comforting and there’s nothing “not imperial” in shedding tears. Azir is very glad to be told, because when the first tide of effects from his indenture comes, so do his tears.
He screams himself awake, tears dripping into his sheets, when nightmares come. He gets choked up and misty eyed when rediscovering small treats and pleasures – sweet food, self-care, music. And when he’s referred to as “Imperial Majesty” by someone who’s not in his little circle, his cheeks get damp once more.
“I used to cry all the time”, Taliyah recounts. She never thought she’d be intimate with Azir of all people. “I think it helped me survive. My master, Yasuo, would let me finish and offer me a treat to clean my mouth. I saw no shame in his eyes.”
“You’ve suffered a lot, my lord. Don’t torture yourself further by denying yourself a good cry”, Samira would say. Mercenaries always cry: it’s free, easy to do, and helps maintain the facade once it’s done.
But of course it’s Nasus who keeps him the closest and sees the most of his breakdowns. Azir loves hearing his beating heart when he holds him to his chest, patting the feathers, sharing body heat.
“You’re doing good, my sweet lord. Let it come… shhhh, shhhh… I have you. Can you hear my voice?”
Sometimes Azir wonders what’s pushing that man towards him so unconditionally.
“Always remember this, my lord. I’d much rather have you here crying… than knowing I lost you smiling.“
He’d be most glad to say the same for his poor Renekton.
“Does it ever stop, Nasus? I want it to stop.”
“It doesn’t stop happening, my lord. But it stops being so heavy. And no one deserves it more than you.”
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ourotakuparadise · 5 years
Taliyah with chubby female reader? headcanons of meeting and falling in love if possible ^^"
Essa garota vai afogar a namorada com tanto amor;
Taliyah acha a companheira terrivelmente adorável;
Nunca se cansaria de dizer o quão fofa a namorada é;
Sempre assegura que a ama da forma que ela é;
Acredito que Taliyah se apaixonaria pela personalidade e a aparência é só um bônus;
Nossa maga nômade pode ser gentill, mas se alguém falar mal da namorada dela...
Será soterrado em uma avalanche de pedras com direito a uma lápide escrito “Aqui há um idiota”;
Taliyah sabe ser implacável quando precisa, como defender entes queridos;
Ninguém faz mal a amante dela e sai impune;
Mudando de assunto;
Ela não tem problema nenhum com PDA;
Algumas vezes até controlou a terra para fazer demonstrações de amor;
Como uma estátua, corações ou formando “eu te amo” no chão enquanto observa de um local alto;
Parabéns! Taliyah é o bilhete premiado da felicidade suprema e não deixe escapar.
This girl is going to drown her girlfriend with so much love;
Taliyah finds the companion terribly adorable;
She would never tire of saying how cute his girlfriend is;
She always assures you that she loves you as you is;
I believe Taliyah would fall in love with personality and looks are just a bonus;
Our nomadic magician may be gentill, but if someone speaks ill of her girlfriend ...
This idiot will be buried in a landslide with the right to a gravestone written "Here is an idiot";
Taliyah knows how to be relentless when needed, how to defend loved ones;
Nobody harms her lover and gets away with it;
Changing the subject;
She has no problem with PDA;
Sometimes he even controlled the land to show love;
Like a statue, hearts or forming "I love you" on the floor while watching from a high place;
Congratulations! Taliyah is the winning ticket to supreme happiness and don't miss out.
Esta chica va a ahogar a su novia con tanto amor;
Taliyah encuentra al compañero terriblemente adorable;
Nunca se cansaría de decir cuán linda es su novia;
Él siempre te asegura que te ama tal como es;
Creo que Taliyah se enamoraría de la personalidad y la apariencia es solo una ventaja;
Nuestro mago nómada puede ser gentil, pero si alguien habla mal de su novia ...
Este idiota será enterrado en un deslizamiento de tierra con el derecho a una lápida escrita "Aquí hay un idiota";
Taliyah sabe cómo ser implacable cuando sea necesario, cómo defender a sus seres queridos;
Nadie daña a su amante y se sale con la suya;
Cambiando de tema;
Ella no tiene ningún problema con PDA;
A veces incluso controlaba la tierra para mostrar amor;
Como una estatua, corazones o formando "Te amo" en el piso mientras observa desde un lugar alto;
Felicidades Taliyah es el boleto ganador para la felicidad suprema y no se lo pierda.
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league-of-starlight · 2 years
I understand that Amumu's whole gimmick is that his curse will keep him alone, but imagine if he became friends with Taliyah and Kai'Sa?
The void's greatest threat is a survivalist bonded with a void parasite, a powerful stone-weaver, and a sad mummy child.
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