#talisto week 2020
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
Talisto Day 6: 🎁 Giving 🎁
I'm finally going to share this one publicly. I including this wedding photo as part of my raffle around last year and sold it on etsy! Now that the year is up, I'm finally going to share this. If you notice in Tales of Ephedia, Talia wears a unique necklace. She's been wearing it for so long, people recognize it as Princess Talia's immediately.
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The story behind the necklace is that it first debuted at Talia and Mephisto's wedding. Its created from Ydinoran crystals and was crafted in Zaterra as a special order and was designed by Zack's father. He wanted to incorporate her life story into it. Its a necklace of memories. It represents her past and future. Praxina presented it to her before the wedding was to start as a gift from Zaterra. Its Talia's symbol of dedication and promise to their people and the twins' thank you for their new beginning through her. Mephisto first saw it when she walked down the aisle and she's worn it ever since.
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ask-talisto · 5 years ago
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It's that time of year again!
Talisto Week begins August 2 - August 8, 2020! Thank you all for the lovely prompt recommendations you all sent in. I tried to keep in what I thought would be fun for everyone, especially those we've been getting asks for consistently throughout the year. Of course, these are optional and we'd love anything you can come up with to celebrate! I hope everyone has a lot of fun this year, and thank you for an exciting 5 years!
Day 1: Music Makes Us Better
For this prompt, find inspiration in music! Ephedians have a deep connection to song through their magic, and Talia loves performing as part of LoliRock. She's a talented dancer and Mephisto...could probably use some dance lessons.. 
Day 2: Gender Swap
For some reason, we get asked for this one a lot and felt we had already done it but realized it was never used. We're going to go ahead and use it, but please don't keep asking for it in our ask box. We'd like to see your ideas about what they'd be like instead!
 Day 3: First Kiss
We've all imagined that first spark, the first date, their first kid, who said I love you first  What about the first time Talia and Mephisto's lips met? How would that feel? Who initiated it? What would their reactions be? You decide!
Day 4: Retro Fashion
Mephisto and Talia always make sure they look good and we love seeing them in all sorts of new outfits! Throw them in another decade and show us how you think they'll look! (If you use a clothing reference or dress up game, please share the links in your posts!) 
Day 5: Sports!AU
We all have a sport that's well-known we hear about! Some lolirock fans are also sports fans too! Pick a sport you enjoy, whether is baseball, swim, gymnastics, etc, and show us how they fit into it! 
Day 6: Gift Giving 
Sometimes to show your love you surprise your lover with gifts! What would they gift each other? Are they good at giving gifts or do they really suck at it? Is it really well planned and what they wanted, or is it cheesy and embarrassing? You tell us! 
Day 7: School Festival
Let's finish our summer with our summer with bright lights and good food. Festival episodes in anime and dramas were always full of comedy, cute outfits, and romantic moments. Mephisto and Talia attend their school festival together! 
Be kind to one another and keep the environment positive. Anyone sharing or posting hate will not be reblogged. This is a time to celebrate our ship, not to bring down others to prop ours up.
Because of the new rules on tumblr, and because we follow @lolirockappreciationcalendar 's rules, please keep all content no more that PG-13 appropriate.
Tag your posts properly and use warnings for any triggers you may want to use.
It is not a requirement to do art! You can do edits, fics, headcanons, moodboards, AMVs, chats, cosplay, whatever you feel works best for you.
Be sure to tag us in your posts so we can share them on the blog and @lrappreciationcalendar during the event to have it shared there too.
Theft, tracing, and editing art without permission will be reported. Please dont steal someone else's hard work.
That's about it! Be sure to use the hashtag #talisto2020 so we can find your posts there too! Here's to another week! Can't wait to see what everyone creates! Be sure to find the calendar on Instagram as well!
Happy Shipping~!
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kotori-chama · 5 years ago
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Talisto week Day 6 - Gift Giving
I wish I could of done more art this year but my job is determined to suck away all my free time. So I decided to let my Talisto dolls do a prompt for me!
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parisa-astra15 · 5 years ago
~♪ Rhythm of Your Heart ♪~ (Days 3-7)
Summary: A series of compilation  stories set in my College Alternate Universe, where the  Lolirock cast are just normal  teenagers heading off to college trying to figure out life while settling into adulthood. Musically set to the tunes of Marianas Trench. 
Ships: Talisto, Levyna, NatIris,ZackPrax, Rorissa and MattAuri a few others sprinkled in there. 
*If it’s not your cup of Tea that’s 100% fair, go enjoy  all the other awesome content from the fandom ~
**If you are here for Talisto week 2020, welcome! Hope you like  the stories!
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Day 3: First Kiss 
The sound of music and dancing was the universal sign of a good time. She had come out tonight to feel normal again. Enough time had passed and yet here she was.
Talia blended into the crowd and began to sneak out of a party, purposely avoiding her friends, taking the route off the roof by using the fire escape. She frowns as tears stung her eyes as she hugs her arms softly. After a few steps she sighed leaning against  the wall taking a  seat outside of Lev’s apartment. She wanted to leave, but it was a shitty thing to leave without saying anything to Iris and Auriana. This only made the pressure of anger in her lower abdomen  knot and twist as she took a seat on the steps of  the fire escape.
What  brought on this mixture of melancholy and angry frustration? A stupid song, her ex’s favorite song, it had been a month since she and Kyle had broken up.  And some dumb song shouldn't make her feel so many emotions all once, it was like remembering something she had desperately to forget and bury yet couldn't.
Suddenly there was a click from the sliding  door opening and a surprise gaze of a young burgundy hair man holding a bowl of chips. He looked surprised to find her there.
She knew him vaguely from campus, he was in the drama department with Lev, and he noticed her  crying because his first words to her were. 
"Hey… are you okay?"  He asked softly, looking at her. "You like you've been crying…"
Talia gave half a sigh mixed with a dry laugh "....Just… heard my Ex's favorite song play...I don't  know  its stupid" he took a seat across from her and gave a small smile.  "Hey, no… it's not dumb...I'm a theater kid… if there's one thing we know is a broken heart… Now unless you want to belt out a ballad of  self empowerment, Talking about it usually  helps. And who better than someone you probably won't see again" he winks at her which made her smile, the  joke helped to ease any tension or embarrassment she felt. There was something in his eyes that gave an air of kindness. She gave a nod "he was my highschool sweetheart…. " she started 
The hours passed and she told him, her story,  of how she was with this guy for years and all of the sudden he just broke up with her because her college was too far away and long distance relationships don't work. They passed around the snacks till the empty bowl was all that was left. Finally when she finished Talia took a deep sigh of relief, she had no idea how long she  had kept that inside her chest. Locked up under the guise of self control and keeping up appearances that she was fine. To share it with someone felt nice, she felt heard and looked at Mephisto who had processed the whole ordeal with her. 
At first he frowns "Wow…that's such a jerk move….just everything he did it sounds like he was just looking for a excuse to break up and instead of talking to you and not completely blindsiding you he just one day decided to be jerk and make up an excuse…." He said sighing deeply as he ran his fingers through his hair and looking at her with a soft gaze.  "He genuinely doesn't deserve you. When he grows up and realizes that. I hope he has enough backbone to apologize for what he's done…as for you feeling sad…. It happened a month ago. You should let yourself grieve, However you want to. It was a long  relationship, a relationship you put a lot of your heart into loving them and that doesn't just go away… It may have been for him, but that took a while and he had his time to figure his feelings. So should you. You didn't wake up one day with the thought that everything was leading up to a break up. You genuinely thought things were okay between you two and suddenly they weren't, you need time to process that. You know?"
"I…. Thank you…." She whispers and nods "that's really solid advice… and I never considered letting myself do that… I'm the tough one you know… nothing gets to me…." She sniffles a bit wiping her face with the back of her hand.
He shook his head "no one can be okay after that…it's okay to feel and recover…"
Talia made a small noise of agreement "Hey, let's get out here and enjoy the party….could I know your name?" She asked as she got up, he gave a nod and smiled getting up too. "Mephisto, it's an honor to make your acquaintance milady " he said in a dramatic manner making her laugh  "I'm Talia, thanks for hearing me out." She leans over and kisses his cheek softly, just an innocent kiss on the cheek as they headed upstairs to the party. Mephisto felt a small blush on his cheeks "aw, it's no biggie… I'd do it any time… hey do know the Coffee place on Bartley street?"
"Yeah, the book shop?"
"I hang out there, mostly to read scripts and drink coffee if you ever want to hang out?"
Talia smiles "sounds like fun"
They were unaware of it at the time but a friendship was made that night on the fire escape.
Day 4: Retro Fashion 
Talia had never considered performing  in a fashion  show before but Lyna had put in so much effort into her  final project. Lyna had sat in several of Talia’s american history courses  to learn about the 1920’s. Her professors were surprised to find out the curious young lady with the lengthy notes wasn’t actually enrolled in the courses and was actually a  fashion major. 
Throughout the  semester  Lyna would come over  with revised  sketches of the gowns she was making. Asking Talia for advice on accessories and accuracy. Which was more than happy to give feedback but she was  genuinely caught off guard and  flattered when Lyna asked her to model  the stunning gown inspired by the ever glamorous Josphine Baker.  “Of course” She smiles. It was a strapless  black and white ball gown decorated and accessorized with her signature pearls. 
The collection  was something  her friend had worked so hard on. Talia was happy to support her.
Later that afternoon, she sat on the  counter top as Mephisto chopped vegetables for dinner. 
“So are you free next Saturday afternoon?”  She asked. Mephisto glances over as he  reaches over his head  for a  bowl on the shelf. “ Yeah I  should be  done with  finals”
“Do you want to come to a fashion show?” 
“Fashion show?” He smiles “ Are you modeling  for Lyna’s  Final?”
“Yeah.” She blushes a bit “ Do you think it's silly” 
“ Now why would I  ever think that? I think it's gonna be awesome” He kisses her pouty cheek. “ I’m going to take so many pictures~”
“Oh my  god” 
“ and Facetime Izira.” 
She laughs burying her face into his shoulder blade “You are such a  dork” 
“ You love it” He grins.
Day 5: Sport AU
Author’s note:  I know nothing about  sports, Zero. Nada.  My knowledge  of sports comes from sports animes and I watch them for the cute boys and nothing else.So! Instead  have   Praxina, Mephisto and Talia trying out Auriana’s  pilates’s class.
Praxina’s frown deepens as she glares at her brother “ You have  5 minutes to explain why I’m here.” Talia looked  equally exasperated at her  boyfriend who, being the only morning person of the trio grins. “ I figured finals  stressed us  out and Auriana is teaching her  first  pilates  class so let's go be good friends and get some exercise too!.” He said  with a grin as the girls gave a groan  “ You are  making us  breakfast  after this”  Praxina yawns.  “ yeah” Talia smiles softly “ you  do know  Auriana’s  classes aren’t  beginner friendly  right… She’s tough.” 
Mephisto pales a bit realizing he  might have made a  mistake. ”Oh-”  They headed up to the studio  greeted warmly by the  chipper redhead who claps  her hand together. “ Alright  Class!  Lets have an awesome  warm up!”   While Talia and Praxina both being  dancers could easily  keep up with the beat and tempo  set by Auriana. Mephisto was having trouble just keeping his breathing in  check. 
This was just a warm up. He was doomed. After the  class, the group  ended up in the small apartment where  Praxina  lived with her  dog  Brutus. Mephisto lays on his sister's couch his body feeling like  jelly as Brutus the  pomeranian lays on his back.  “  You should have just sat down after  the warm up”  Talia said sips  on her water. Watching him from her seat  on the love seat across  the  coffee table from him.
“No that was quitter talk, Can’t stop, won’t stop!” He said muttering into the couch cushions as  Praxina  laughs walking over picking up Brutus  “ He just hates being  wrong, I don’t know where he gets this competitive  attitude from~”  Praxina comments to Talia before she grins and leans over to his ear and says “ I’m the alpha twin, now~”  “Ahhh” His muffled groan came from the couch making the  girls laugh as they order breakfast off their phones since their  cook was down  count.  Overall the  stress of test week is long  forgotten.
Day 6+7 Gift Giving at the School Festival
Author’s  note: Roark belongs to Kireiscorner~ I asked her before borrowing him~ 
It was a silly  campus  tradition, past over from one  generation to the next.  On the evening of the School Festival, to  give a  gift to your  significant other before the firework’s show. Mephisto had always thought his  mother’s  story  was a little corny, but the romantic in him  had also found  it a little  sweet.
He wanders around the shopping  district, his  eyes  looking in the  different stores looking  for the  right  gift. He had his heart set on finding a pair of earrings that match her  favorite  bracelet.  “ Young man!”  A  sing-song  voice  called from a small  stall. “ You look like a  crafty  gentleman~ Would like to buy our  jewelry crafting set! Only  3 installments  of 29.99!” 
Mephisto pointed to himself and gave a thought he must look  desperate by now because he was actually  walking  over. “ Hold it” A  familiar  voice  stopped him.  “ yikes man… you  weren’t actually  going to buy  kiosk  craft kits-” Lev said walking over wrapping an arm around his best friend and  shaking his head at  sales girl “ Sorry  sweetheart, not today” He winks at her as the  kiosk sale girl glares at him. 
Mephisto sighs “ I’m a little desperate… I’ve been looking for a  gift for Talia all morning and I’ve come up empty... Please tell me your Father owns a discount jewelry shop?” 
“Nope, my old man owns and sells engagement rings and high end jewelry… but I know a man who might be able to help”  Lev grins as they head out of the  bustling  area to a quiet shop.  It was an antique shop  designed on  restoring metal pieces.  “ Hey Roark buddy, you in?”  Lev called out as a massive man  walked out from the back.  He gave a small grunt  greeting them  with a welcome.  “ Roark buddy,  this is  Mephisto.  Mephisto, this is my  buddy  Roark.  He’s  in the robotics  department with me.   His  family owns this  shop. Bud, we are in a bit  of  a time  crunch. Do you mind if  Mephisto here looks around the  jewelry  section?”   Roark  gave a  shrug and  continued working on the counter as  Lev showed him over to the  section of the counter  where the  restored  jewelry  was found.   Mephisto’s  eyes  light up when he spotted them,  sapphire  earrings  restored from old gold.  “ How  much?!”  Roark  gave a tired  look as he got up and  fetched the  earrings  they were around 95. Mephisto  looked at everything  he had saved up.  That would leave him with 30 in pocket for anything at the  festival.  He nodded “ Okay… Could I get  wrapped in a box?  Blue please!”  
Lev watched him with a small smile “ You really like this  girl, huh…” 
Mephisto blushes “ Yeah… I do… I just want to make her smile.” 
Lev chuckles “ It’s  nice to see you this  happy again.”  Roark came out the back, the earrings wrapped up in a  small box, tucked neatly in a paper shopping bag.  “ Thank you for your purchase,”  Roark said.  “ Thanks  Roark you’re  the  best  buddy”  Lev winks as  Roark rolled his eyes with a small grin. 
 Mephisto  paid and  thanked him too.  
Hours passed and Mephisto couldn’t help but  enjoy  every moment he spent with Talia, this whole  year by her side had been  special to him.  He helps her over to a nice spot to watch the  fireworks where it wasn’t too crowded. “ Hey… So… It's… kind of a  corny tradition but tonight some  couples exchange  gifts… and I wanted to give you  something…” He pulled out the small box from his  jacket pocket.  
“It's a thank you for being you and  sharing yourself with me.”   Talia eyes  widen and a blush  spread  all over her  face “ Thank you… but I didn’t know-”
“Yeah it's okay  you aren’t  from here so I figured you wouldn’t  exactly know the  stories… But It wouldn’t  have  felt  right to  celebrate  without telling you how I felt.”   
She blushes brightly as she  kisses him “ You idiot... I  love you… Thank you… I can’t  wait to celebrate with you  next year…”  She  whispers hugging him close. 
“That’s a  promise” He smiles holding her  close as the  fireworks begin.
===========The  End============
Author’s Note:  And that was  Talisto week 2020  everyone!~ As always  thanks  for your  support! It was awesome to see everyone  again~  and to  celebrate with you all - Lots of love as always, Kikki~
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
And with that, #talistoweek2020 has come to an end🥳🎉🎆! I'm super overwhelmed by the enthusiasm this year, and I'm happy to find new faces and friends! This week was tough for me emotionally and yall helped me through it! Thank you so much! 💚🥺💙
Please continue to support me in my work, and continue to love talisto and lolirock! Commissions will open this week, and I'll be working on the animatic on the down low lol
My favorite eps in RomCom animes were the festival ones! They're always interesting and I've always wanted to attend a festival myself! American schools have similar events but they aren't as culturally invested. I also wanted to try out @chihirohowe 's kimono tutorial! It's not perfect but I did my best! It was rly helpful. Meph gets stuck with Class President Talia who is actually kind of cute? She enjoyed the Crystalline Lights Festival back in Xeris so I wanted to mirror that ^_^
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
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Talisto Week 2020 - Day 2: Genderbend
Not my favorite prompt in the world tbh but here it is lol but I did my best? i don't think I did that great
Basically, it's a trade: the medallion for Marina, but Marina starts to wonder if her twin brother, Phoenix, would really show up, especially with the Voltan prince, Artemis, talking about his troublesome brothers. However, Prince Tulio reassures her that regardless of what Phoenix may want, Marina was the most important thing to him and that family is more valuable.
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
💙Talisto Week 2020 💙
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Give 'er the ol' razzle dazzle~☆
Day 4: Retro Fashion
He thinks his B+ is impressive but she's a straight A student with the highest test scores and GPA. Schools have only been desegregated a hot minute but Talia isn't going to let Principal Gramorr stop her from showing how intelligent and capable a colored woman can be. His nephew seems quite impressed by her. The highest votes went to the 50s so I went for 1950s -60s, the Civil Rights Movement. Izira I picture as a professor at a black university and outspoken civil rights activist.
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
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Theme of Day 3: First Kiss
For those who have read "Like Fire," you know where this is going! Its also on AO3 too. Its about an unfortunate collision leading to a first kiss and how Talia and Mephisto handle it. I'm working on an animatic for it and already have the VAs ready to go so I'm excited. I'm not that great but I hope it'll turn out alright.
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kireiscorner · 5 years ago
Talisto Week Day 1:
Music Makes Us Better
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I love that one of the first things Talia wants to tell her sister is that she's in a band. I think Izira loves music as well and would probably think Lolirock is very cool. So when Talia feels homesick, or misses her sister, she makes music. Mephisto doesn't know much about it, but his mother use to sing to him and Praxina so he finds himself listening to the girls play more often than he likes to admit. Izira's birthday gift to Talia is a piece from home, a Xerin piano small enough to fit in her room. The girls find him listening to Talia play it and convince her to give him lessons.
Her voice reminds me a lot of Tori Kelly's and @carmtoons helped me pick out a lovely piano unrehearsed performance she did with Jon Batiste of her song "Language."
I wanted them to be completely unaware of their feelings changing in this one. Perhaps it turned out right? Checking it out! ♡
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parisa-astra15 · 5 years ago
~♪ Rhythm of Your Heart ♪~
Summary: A series of compilation  stories set in my College Alternate Universe, where the  Lolirock cast are just normal  teenagers heading off to college trying to figure out life while settling into adulthood. Musically set to the tunes of Marianas Trench. 
Ships: Talisto, Levyna, NatIris,ZackPrax, Rorissa and MattAuri a few others sprinkled in there. 
*If it’s not your cup of Tea that’s 100% fair, go enjoy  all the other awesome content from the fandom ~
**If you are here for Talisto Week 2020, welcome! Hope you like  the stories!
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Day 1:  Music Makes Us Better~
Mephisto never felt he was musically inclined, which was odd considering he was a theater major.  Music should be by all means his bread and butter, where have you heard of a theater kid who didn’t want to break out their singing chops? Heck half of his movie heroes had done musicals, this was something he had to master. Yet here he was sitting in the plush red seat of the theater looking at the script he was handed. Nervous emerald eyes followed the bickering theater club co-presidents, Lev and Lyna as they carried on explaining the musical they had planned for the  fall  play to the excitement of the rest of the club but to him they might as well close the curtains on his performances for the fall season.  He groans, messing with hair as he left the theater heading to his dorm room.  He unlocks the door, the  sight that  greeted him lifts his spirits. “ Hey Beautiful.”  He smiles at his  girlfriend. She was sitting  cozily on the couch, her hair tied up in a bun, wearing a large sweater and leggings, reading a huge Egyptian Mythology book while petting their kitten Roku, who was napping on her lap. 
Talia  glances up from her book, her hand lifting from Roku’s head. “ Hey Handsome, you look like a man with a million thoughts. What’s up?” She hands the kitten over to  Mephisto who instantly scoops him up after tossing his backpack on the  chair and closing the door behind him. She uncurls from her spot picking up her  teacup walking to the kitchen to make more tea. “ We’re  doing a musical.” Mephisto answers, laying on the couch with the kitten on his chest playing with his tiny paws.
“Why do you say it like that?” Talia giggles mimicking his tone of  dread. 
“Like what?” He chuckles egging her on his gaze following her as she walks around the  kitchen making her tea.  “ We’re doing a Musical”  She emphasizes the word, quickly dipping back out of the kitchen so he could see her clearly placing the back of her hand over her forehead and faking a swoon. “ As if someone just  dashed your  dreams of  the Oscars, Leonardo DeCaprio.” 
Mephisto laughs “ I still stand by the  fact that he was  robbed! Damn you Academy!” He smiled at her and sat up “ Babe, when have you ever heard me sing?”
Talia muses for a moment as she got a tin of cookies from the cupboard. “ I don’t think I’ve heard you sing”  She walks over to the couch with cookies letting him pick some for himself. “ Oh thank you” He hums taking a chocolate coated orange cookie, before continuing “ Because, I  don’t sing.”
Talia froze  for a moment looking at her  boyfriend in surprise “ You don’t sing? Because you can’t? Or Because you don’t know how to?”
Mephisto gave a small laugh biting the cookie as he thought about it.  “ I guess the  latter, I never learned to sing… I never  felt the inclination”
Talia giggles softly before shyly admitting to him “... I was in a band”
“ No! You?!” He gasped looking at her in shock, his  serious, history major  girlfriend was in a band!  What!  
Could his eyes get any bigger from  excitement? No they clearly  couldn’t. 
Talia rolled her eyes and blushed as she muttered softly “ Hush, I have  hobbies. You know.”  Her lips formed into a smile “ and I can  teach you how to sing.”  He grins and kisses her “ Thank you! Okay  but you gotta tell me about the band! Who was in it?!”  He was never going to let that go now.
Talia laughs as she tells him about the band, the fun times Iris and Auriana and herself had in Lolirock.  Talia confessed she had a box of musical items she played with in her room. A midi Controller, guitar, microphone and headphones. She would on occasion write a song for fun.
The more of her secret passion she  shared the more eager Mephisto was to learn about this world of musical  sheets and notes. Slowly but surely music lessons began.
A  few weeks later Talia was sitting at her  desk  tapping her pencil to a beat she  didn’t realize had been playing  outside her door for the past hour. “Huh…”  She rose from her desk wandering out to the living room.
Mephisto was sitting at the kitchen table tapping on the midi controller as he was singing the notes she had written for his singing lessons.  He had the beginning of a  great song but what really made her smile was the  fact he was having fun with music. Talia smiles leaning on the door watching him play and experiment on his own even if the notes weren’t originally meant to be a song he was making work.
“Pop music 101: Some simple instructions, for a good first impression. Now let's start with verse one. A minor chord, tensions grow. Fade in the bass like so...Now with momentum go... Stop! And bring the beat back It's called four on the floor A beat you can't ignore I bring sexy back once more, they love that for sho”
He glances up at her blushing as Talia giggles “Somehow I don’t think the last line is mine but hey it's sounding great”  He chuckles.
“The chords are 1-4-6-4, Now I'm talking familiar Harmony in thirds not fourths. We'll take you into the pre-Real quick now don't you bore us. Hurry up and get to the Dumbed down, they won't ignore us...Get to the floor! And here's the words you should know Like "DJ never let me go" Or "shots and then we'll lose control" Or "baby, baby, baby, baby, baby" How 'bout one more last word like: "Hey girl we've only got tonight" Some things just go together like Higher, desire, and fire~”  
He laughs  “ Hey Talia, let’s  write a song together sometime”  
“ I would love to.”
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parisa-astra15 · 5 years ago
~♪ Rhythm of Your Heart ♪~
Summary: A series of compilation  stories set in my College Alternate Universe, where the  Lolirock cast are just normal  teenagers heading off to college trying to figure out life while settling into adulthood. Musically set to the tunes of Marianas Trench. Ships: Talisto, Levyna, NatIris,ZackPrax, Rorissa and MattAuri a few others sprinkled in there. *If it’s not your cup of Tea that’s 100% fair, go enjoy  all the other awesome content from the fandom ~ **If you are here for Talisto week 2020, welcome! Hope you like  the stories!
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Day 2: Gender Swap
Trevyn would never admit to himself but he was regretting coming to this charity event. Sure, donating to a good cause was important to him and this would be great P.R. for the band but it really wasn’t the scholar’s scene. He would much rather be home with his books. Amber colored eyes wandered to the woman on his right chattering up a storm, he quickly got the idea that she wasn’t really looking to hear his option on anything in particular but rather her own voice. “ Ah huh” He said politely praying someone would put him out of his misery, relief came in the form of a pixie hair burgundy colored woman in an emerald dress.
“Oh! Hey, sorry to interrupt but I got to ask, are you Trevyn from Star☆Rise, could I get a selfie for my sister?” the young woman asked politely looking between him and the woman. The woman was going to dismiss her but Trevyn didn’t hesitate in taking the escape.
“I am, I'm sorry miss, I don't want to disappoint my fans. It was nice meeting you” He politely excused himself from the conversation offering his arm to the young lady as they walked away  making a comment about better lighting over there. She coyly glanced back after they were a good distance away “ And you’re in the clear, sorry about that you looked like you were having a really tough time there.” She whispers patting his shoulder. “ You don’t come to these things often huh?” He looks down at her genuinely surprised but smiles softly in thanks “ That obvious?” She grins “ Yes, but that’s okay handsome. Stick with me. I'll give you Myra's party survival guide. I'm Myra by the way." "Myra, it's a lovely name" he chuckles. "Thanks, so can I call you Trev?" He grins and gives a soft shrug "After that save, I suppose so" he smiles "so what's the first step of this survival guide?" " First off, grab a drink.” She took two glasses of champagne and handed one to him “ Secondly cheers, you’ll need it.” Trevyn taps their glasses together and takes a sip “ Cheers.” As the evening continued he found himself delighted by the company of the charming young woman. They spend their time talking about each other’s lives and interests, from his books to her love of theater. His music and lastly how she was invited to this party. Her Mother was the politician running for Mayor Moria Gray, Myra was acting as her mother's plus one. "I'm hoping to convince her to donate to save the reptile house in the Sunny Bay. I work there every summer. I'm hoping that my pitch of “Ma, it will be good for your image, everyone loves snakes” will sell her on it. So far no luck" “The reptile house in the park, no way. We used to perform in the open theater in the park.” He smile “ Back when we were just starting out” “I know” She grins as she hums a familiar tune. “So meet me in the dark, Kiss me in the shadows of every spark~” She winks singing one of their first songs. He doubts those songs ever made it onto albums. He couldn’t help but smile and blush “ You really are a fan?” “You can definitely say that, not as much as the blonde chick who runs your fan blog but You guys are catchy and cute. It's no surprise you got big.” Trevyn walked with her to his table pulling out her chair for her. “Thanks” She smiles “ You know you are surprisingly easy to talk to for a pop star” “I’m normally the antisocial one, you’re kinda making it easy to socialize by being so easy to talk to.” She blushes and laughs “Aw, dork. I like you. Come over to the reptile house if I manage to save it. I’ll give you the free tour” she noticed her mother calling her from across the room “ Oh boy, mom’s on a schmoozing spree, I gotta run. Later Handsome” “Bye Myra” He smiled as the thought entered his head. Arin was hoping to donate to an animal charity and Iain loves nostalgia. Perhaps he would also do it for himself, his heart did seem to speed up a bit when Myra’s eyes light up and smile at him. He blushes a bit writing down his donation and in the bonus space he added a Fundraiser concert hosted by Star☆Rise. He deposited the slip of paper in the donation box and took a seat slyly stealing a glance at Myra. Trying to convince himself that he wasn’t smitten and failing greatly when his blush spread to his ears.
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