glass-phoenix · 6 years
💭 💭 💭 -Tali
“I just don’t see it. At all. She seems a smart cookie...”
“Okay, I see it. What a hot mess.”
“Was she there that night? On the table, maybe?I can’t remember shit about it. I should not have taken what Abra offered.”
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seraphai · 7 years
💭💭 - Tali and Elly! (I’m sorry I missed this one!
“She’s an interesting woman. I’d like to sit down and get to know her better, but I’m afraid she has as many demons as Abra does. She’s obviously smart, that much I’ve seen.”
“She’s pregnant, I’ve heard. I know she’s got a good heart, or at least I think she does.  I hope she does right by that innocent.”Elly
“I’ve been looking for her more, but she must be staying very busy between work and that fellow I’ve seen dropping in.”
“Conversations on her stoop are always quite interesting.  The people that stop by moreso, I suppose.”
@taliandrahflamesurge @elandrahcindersong
I’m sorry it’s sooooo late!
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valdiis · 7 years
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Full-size image of a mood board done on request for @taliandrahflamesurge.
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abraaxas · 7 years
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He was never good at grief, it was an emotion all too easily drowned in alcohol and made numb by drugs.  While most may wall themselves off from the world to wallow in their heartache, Abraaxas surrounded himself with friends and his favorite vices.  
It was safer that way too, being alone would only allow the intrusive and unwanted thoughts that could lead him towards another overdose.  He wasn’t seeking a pity party either, the information was kept to himself until blurted out on purpose in order to interrupt a petty argument that was about to happen. 
It was official now.   Tali and him were over.
The past week at the Broken Shore allowed some much needed time to think and figure out where he was, what he wanted.  In the end, it came down to a matter of wants.  She eventually wanted more:  A husband, maybe a family, stability.  Stable was the absolute last thing Abra could ever provide anyone.  Marriage?  Children?  Most people laughed at the thought of Abra with either of those things, but in reality the thought of it frightened him.  Maybe he was just afraid of change.
Then there was the matter of Malphas, the demon was known to hold a grudge and the two needed to be on the same page in situations like these.  The constant arguing and snide comments were not doing anyone any favors and it was only getting worse near the end.  There would be no working through this, but at least they had tried.
Some other life, some other time.
Some things just weren’t meant to be.
@taliandrahflamesurge @twosidedsana @gloamingdawn for petty argument ;)
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kharrisdawndancer · 5 years
J : JEALOUSY. does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Kharris/Khaeris: Absolutely. She has very little sense of self-worth, so the instant she sees the person she is interested in interested in someone else, she knows that their interest in her must be waning. It’s hardly so articulated in her thoughts, but the emotions are there. It takes a long, long time for K to feel secure in a relationship. Kharris and Asarel are pretty solid, but if someone came along to turn his head it might shake her up some; Kharris is jealous, but acts on it less than she used to, with Iloam--she feels she lost that fight years ago. Khaeris is TERRIFICALLY jealous of Pollux’s job at the moment. So not another person, but it’s impacting her very much right now. And she absolutely has been jealous of people in Pollux’s life, too. Namely Dr. Fiameta Autumntide. Her jealousy manifests mostly as cattiness and emotional distancing. Distaste of the focus of her jealous can manifest as well, but usually it’s less pointed at the person and more disgust at herself and self-degradation.Khaeris still is terrifically jealous of Andaeros’s affections.~*~Renrael wouldn’t normally be too jealous, but I think Trisandrah put him off his footing so much when they were first getting together, that he’s never quite sure what’s going on. So... say he knew about the Zayneth kiss, he’d probably get jealous and upset.~*~Jaskian, once they were together officially, used to get flashes of jealousy at other ladies around Luminash who clearly wanted more than his academic insigh. But they’ve been together so long now, and Lumi keeps returning to her, she would be hard pressed to feel jealous. Rivannah seemed to want her to feel jealous. Taliandrah seemed kind of oblivious. So it was Tali that grated Jaskian, more than Rivannah.~*~Tinnaire isn’t  sure yet. It’s been so long!mentions: @murmuring-shadows @ourcollectivefantasy @polluxhale (I have forgotten Fia’s tumblr >.@andaerosdawnflare  @trisandrah @glass-phoenix @rivannah @taliandrahflamesurge @luminashdawnwing
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pyraelia · 6 years
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“You’re too hard on yourself,”
It was hard to see that as a bad thing. Khaeris probably would’ve said the same thing. Probably had said the same thing. It was hard to hear it from her. Kharris. The exact same person, but different. Khaeris with harder edges and sharper realities, a heaviness brought on by other people and paths. 
Compared to Fiorenze, Luminash, Taliandrah, Pollux, even Helal, what was she? Useless. 
Fiorenze did everything better, she always had. She was charming, bright, and deeply cunning. More than people knew. She excelled and was excellent. Ran the House and estate with an ease she was born to, not in the fits and starts Pyraelia had the two years it had all been in her personal care. 
Luminash was a thinker. Unburdened by rules and realities. He’d make new ones that suited him if he needed. He was going to, to try and bridge the gap where no bridge was meant to be built. That was useful. That might bring Khaeris back. 
Taliandrah, as much as Pyraelia couldn’t stand the woman, was much like Fiorenze. Social, though not as gracefully so, and quick. More clever than she let on -- she’d have to be, to do so well in the Scryers. She could find Khaeris where Khaeris was not meant to be found. That was useful.
Pollux was a brilliant man. He’d come up with ways to seamlessly blend medicine and technology in ways she’d never seen. A feat worth more recognition than he’d ever publicly received, though there were plenty of grateful recipients of his craft over the years -- herself included. He was undoubtedly working on something spectacular to bring Khaeris back, because of course he was. He loved her. Nothing would stop him. That was useful.  
Helal could craft runes to keep other magics at bay, something they’d need more of when they brought her back. Something that bought them time before she’d gone away. Kharris herself had theorized that it’d probably be necessary to shield Khaeris from whatever might be looking if she came back, to prevent this from happening again. That would be useful.
Pyraelia could do illusions. Exceptional ones. Small things no one would ever notice, grand things that were meant to be seen. In the morning she’d put one of her rings on, enchanted to cover up the dark half-circles under her eyes, the burn scars on the right side of her neck, and the nearly see-through pallor of her skin. Without it she looked frail, worn thin and ill. With it she was the lovely girl in all the paintings hanging in her sister’s Estate. Fresh faced and warm. 
The other rings, of which there were several, were vanities. Each one a wheel, each one with several illusions layered like a cake. Turn the ring and with a shimmer the lines of her prosthetic would change, the colors would shift and even the material would “adjust”. She’d come up with several different fashions to lay on top of the arm so it could match her clothes and mood to her whims. It was a solution to it not feeling like it was hers, but it was a vanity all the same. 
Illusions would do nothing to help Khaeris. As much as Kharris thought they might, they were useless here. She’d tried to do something different, summon a demon for access to the Legions knowledge, and was admonished severely for it. A failure of a plan that fractured her relationships further. She was trying to be useful, but more and more as the days turned and August stretched into September, with everyone who was useful coming up with solid plans, she was forced to reconcile with the fact that there was no use for her here. Not in this. She was useless. 
Pyraelia picked up one of the stones on the bank of the pond -- one of Fiorenze’s, she could tell by the enchantment on it. It was warm in her palm, the magic laid into the stone skittering across her skin as she held it. Alre Moonspell, clerk in the judiciary, it whispered. She rolled her eyes and put it back down, finding one that hadn’t been marked and chucked it into the center of the pond with a satisfying splash and ripple. The petty violence against nature didn’t make her feel any better, not an ounce. Useless. 
( @kharrisdawndancer // @luminashdawnwing // @taliandrahflamesurge // @polluxhale // @helalthehallowed )
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jemini-arts · 7 years
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I always liked these studies. Taliandriah Flamesurge- Gimp 2014 vs 2018 Gimp @taliandrahflamesurge
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abraaxas · 7 years
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Her words had hit him like a ton of bricks.
"I gave up everythin' fer you. Centuries o' memories an' life- an' I did it wrong, but that shouldn'ta meant that I came back ta' bein' punished an' having you fall fer a fuckin' mechanical experiment!"
"What ya got in yer head as love, ain't love. It ain't consumin' ya. It's jus' a fun feelin' right now- that feelin' of someone touchin' just the right part'a you. Well, that were you ta' me. That person that I coul' let get close-"
You an' him might not have liked Mal at tha' end, hell I didn't. But he were so much more than that. He were in EVERY memory, EVERY dream! He were my heart, an' I gave it up fer you- so ya could go an'...fall fer someone a few days later!"
He suddenly felt very small.
His chest ached with an unknown pain, if this wasn’t love then why did it feel as if his heart had been physically ripped from him?  Ironic given not too long ago he had literally ripped out the heart of someone she had loved for her entire life. 
But she was right, wasn’t she?  
It’s not as if he had planned this happening, he was well aware that love was a fickle beast, at least what he knew of love.  But perhaps this wasn’t love like she suggested, or maybe it was just that everyone has a different definition of what love is to them.  It’s a subjective feeling and he didn’t know how to make Tali understand his point of view, all he wanted to do was to be truthful with her.  It wasn’t as if something had been taken away from her and given to another, all of his feelings for this broken woman in front of him remained as they had always been despite what she had done and those were not going away anytime soon.  Why couldn’t he be as eloquent as Malph?
"I'm sorry I ruined yer life, lass...all I wanted t'do were t'help you an' I fucked it all up.  I dunno how t'unfuck either, I don' think I can.  I dunno how t'make this right wit' ya...I dunno what t'do.  I dunno what I'll do if I lose ya. Y'got every right t'hate me.  I kinda hate meself right now too."
Of course she didn’t hate him, although at this moment he hated himself enough for the both of them.  They had both fucked up and continued to dig themselves that hole deeper and deeper.  Shortly after, they parted ways without resolving anything and as always he let her be the one to walk away first.  No matter how upset he got, how angry he was, he’d never walk away first.  
Unfortunately that conversation led him right down the path of self destruction with the intention of becoming numb as quickly as possible.  After all these decades he had become aware of his limits, so when he pushed past them on purpose he knew what the consequences could and likely would be.  
That numb feeling he so desired was quickly achieved, but it came at a cost.
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The last thing he recalled was wandering aimlessly in the Row… then there were muffled words of a familiar voice, a feeling as if his lungs were being squeezed and blue under his fingernails.  He attempted to reach out to Malph to fix it as he done a handful of times in the past, but those pleas were met with silence.
He knew what this was, it wasn’t his first overdose.   Probably wouldn’t be his last either.
The next morning he awoke in one of the private clinic rooms to the pleasant sound of someone humming nearby.  His sheets were soaked through with sweat and Light knows what else, someone had thankfully removed most of his clothing after they too had no doubt been soaked with sweat.  While his insides were screaming and felt as if they were slowly being fed into a blender, his exterior remained calm and quiet for fear of making it worse.
Eventually eyes cracked open to bright white room, spying Thaen sitting nearby in a chair at the side of his bed.  Had she been the one that brought him here the night before?  He wasn’t even going to attempt to try to  remember right now, his head throbbed with excruciating pain and all he wanted was another fix.
That internal voice finally chimed in:  “I cannot allow us to continue down this path, Brax, you’re going to destroy this body if you keep this up.  It’s time to allow me my turn.”
Malph was right. Abra would only continue making this worse.
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@taliandrahflamesurge @duskisdarkest
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kharrisdawndancer · 6 years
👻,👪,💘 (Best Friend, Family, and Crush; for either or both of the two K's!)
👻 …someone my muse considers a best friend. 
Kharris: Castien, Taliandrah. They are two of her closest, longest friends. Xiuhteena is a very close friend as well.
Khaeris: Pyraelia, Pollux, Helal
👪 …someone in my muse’s family.
Kharris: Iloam, Kieran, the Bloodsword Twins
Khaeris: none directly
💘 …someone my muse has a crush on.
Kharris: Iloam.
Khaeris: Other Pollux, Other Helal ... >.> A girl can dream. Even if it’s kind of bizarre right?
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jemini-arts-ooc · 7 years
16) If you have multiple muses, which one has the most disturbed past?
I typically toss -something- sad in all of my toons past, but easily Tali is the most disturbed. She wasn't born a Mage, but rather made into one with infusions, deals with demons, blood magic and terrible parents. Her younger sister Izzy was the exact opposite, born nearly a decade after Tali she was considered a runt. Also born without magic to a Blood Magistrix family, their parents chose to use her for practice, torture and other horrible ordeals.Tali, of course, is not heartless, and ultimately struck her parents down with help of her demon counterpart Mal. Izzy was sent adrift to find her own feet, and Tali spent a few years behind bars before she was proven innocent in the incident.There are many more adventures that have led her to where she is, but that was the stepping stone that started the madness that is Taliandrah.Thanks @jennjennwrites :)
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jemini-arts · 7 years
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Taliandriah Flamesurge- Gimp 2018
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