#tales of day and dight
libidomechanica · 5 months
Untitled Composition # 11622
A limerick sequence
Ten years! Each rose witt is weakenesse; and yet no sinners. Will’ in overplus;    more the dark, and    sacrilege, three yards from above the throne and Heaven, to ease me.
We cherished bee through the evening is acute. That is part museum of    the soul of many a    greet despitus. So you ran and hir likyng. And I, that weeps.
When, with such pryde and yit was a mayden Queene. How near the bow, and still aver    the little hour! Sick,    am I. But of one if short years we’ve caught at one Will’ more.
All the shirt since he gives nothing air. Now wol I kisse thee, hence removed. Because    thou couldst print more, and    death. Thou seist to hunt, I put him out of my hair to wake me.
Why dyest thou art gone! My fourthe housbonde for barley bare. And not so much as    dare approach thee, as help    me God, in erthe I wolde he failure ours? And made Love is laid.
And briers! Against the imperfections were ful glade to attract his enemie.    Smoothed by long familiar    men to-night in every wind that nothing but dust what is wys.
You couldst thou still Paradise had she bore; new objects light laid pausefully    misplaced, and I don’t    want to song and with all the galleys there. Or, while I place yours.
When her lord she be the report,—’tis not with bleeding hearts; but sicken of    another wolde leden    al hir lond, whatever they were game. Laid up, and flies away.
She did but dream passed you, whose quiet would corrupt my saint to be clenė, body    and soul that I took    for terme, my spring-days, with arms outstretch vnto the shadow steals.
Dost thou hast been, shalt forgo, maugree thyne yen. The white flowers bene defast.    That I shal seyn. Makes me    sick, weak, paranoid. Be fair, thou verray knave, theirs for us.
Weary of the pope hadde we on honde. Let this bold brere with the Oake, for thanne,    thapostel was hym liketh    to his homely cottage- smell, and to threat: ne euer among.
Have in thy voice back on 100K a week and cold, though you cannot chuse your bounty    cherished bee through many    a sturdy stoure, so now his arms. So am I kidding?
To lose their fear, and all think men love was half so fair. And thanne is al and    talking of a tale or    two that Socrates hadde I levere was thine eyes already.
That sweets are, ther water dewe. While the bedclothes rich, and bounds his gift;    creating of the fayre; they    haten that had largely displese. Ah foolish old man bespake.
But ah, of ours! But Venus falleth ther Mercurie is reckon’d none: their    imputed grace, that white, we    easily know, since then: ten years! A day of day-old pastries.
There; I know. And dost thou shalt make earth teach thee too well—long, long stairway again&    become the mountain-    top does this pond and straight to hit this moment of twenty, Tam!
Loved by the brae, Sir, slides over the story, first hour, first accents of returne    to herself, yet they    which I your plaint, caused hym best, if not I? And as they do light!
And it is fair gift in men’s views, that gentil text kan I wel understand    is never find him. And    I have his. That soft-luring creatures the blesse! I would encline.
Which like those through the fan be fynd, and hadde with heavy with youre wyl it were    tame. Before to one extremes    of the day, they give him power by the musk carnation?
In the blissful visions and alternate and blamed hymself afyre. Showing    in the blind do see save    that gladly view the ocean is folded and I seek it too.
By all aspects that keeps its lonely heart; but of one, which wel could not half    a kiss by you, sir, find    our death’s neighbourhood, nor all these field of snow; even on thine?
Good-morning, from vice, but his enemie. You knew not? To wedde, ne no man wole,    his proude weede, as most    vsen Ambitious brere, for wel I havė noon envie thogh mayden Queene.
Alley cats expended breathing air. And yet be jealous of what a man;    with cold bene annoied.    So should her girlond dight, and I, that this world, firm, quiet find.
Nay, I will say she hanged on the kingdom, safeliest when she doing?    Ennobling new-found therfore    no womman, but me. Her Lord him so sore, and not in my arms.
What she her self might take at her hand as the limits pent, unable to    say, how it oft; skin as    smooth dark wave slides along the white evening, sleeps so peacefully!
I koude he me how oon Latumyus compleyned unto good time, can    increasing pains she soon exhaled,    and me. This is my sommer worne away are deaf and black.
Was neuer pype of Phyllis prayse: but Phyllis is myne housbonde I wolde, as    the wast Oake. In his growing,    the brown hair! To be right gracious as the river ran on.
With this olde shepheards all, then of the shirt for a book, pardee! Whoever    hath his flute his head, and    bids her adieu. That wont to worke me more, and made hir housbonde.
And, as I am a man, taut, elderly, carefully upon hire to    wood? The Sunne, Up stirte the    star to every part, I could see no objects light, I will Yes.
Yet tikled I his heart.—Poor Martha! Good-morrow to this sentence, but ther    as he sat by thy tale.    Two right he seeks, but if you did move to-night, curled once again!
But ah vnwise and I woke disconsolation thus. But home him hasted with    precious stones, and attending    down Bristol Street, the figure was on thee; yet once I knew.
—A barbell or a bowling ball, and from the fire? Though all thing, walking of    a tale of truth, with thankful    hearts, Love beguiles, and wostow why? Where were deed tomorwe!
I have squeezed the pity comes into my skin, the evil tongue. As the clouded    pond’s surface. And but    with blossomes faintest that every dyssh and hire malencolie.
Out of sight:—must a little hearts might be taken. And the language, and only    what spite of your crooked    heart. How did her Maker praised her brain to time yet the large.
When I have seen from my reach for you. Then to the power to lend base subject    that would encline. It    is a though rosy lips and cold autumn holds to its crisis?
Twas beten for a quarter. I didn’t stay to her children too; for charge her    treasures are. The bounden    in their death’s neighbors had to keep dropping mouths, that nowe vpright hands.
In every holour wol hire have; she may none haukes lure. Time to think men    love and all they quite shrinking    myself alone. Improve: the bush my better to impart.
Where thy yeares, whether an’ a’ shouldst print more, my Silvia; I confess,    do take a wanton Nimph    for hir handes and future fears; tomorrow I may no more.
I dance in a sowes nose. Hee, in whom Love did not spie! And lete his old    thorn, the talks. A love to    another, or the young Eulalie’s met on a time and goost.
For to hold thee feeble I am going off ordinary walls, the    spot, the rurall song of    care those Cherrie-tree whose ranckling ball, and from greeuance. Helen, Helen!
My Love’s sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! And laid her up for then where life’s morningless    and revisions, before    us, knew we would content; a simple, fire-side the ground.
A bridge, where a few graveyard cross the night. So that rode at her sin. That Crist    ne wente nevere folkes fare?    I do not think our selves are all broken in, the worst tattoo.
May nothing repels thee the mind. He mighty, for aught we sought it would go,    piping too much more, my    Silvia, do I meant at all. To speak of this, how should do.
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dinaive · 2 years
(translated by Francis B. Gummere)
Part 1
LO, praise of the prowess of people-kings
of spear-armed Danes, in days long sped,
we have heard, and what honor the athelings won!
Oft Scyld the Scefing from squadroned foes,
from many a tribe, the mead-bench tore,
awing the earls. Since erst he lay
friendless, a foundling, fate repaid him:
for he waxed under welkin, in wealth he throve,
till before him the folk, both far and near,
who house by the whale-path, heard his mandate,
gave him gifts: a good king he!
To him an heir was afterward born,
a son in his halls, whom heaven sent
to favor the folk, feeling their woe
that erst they had lacked an earl for leader
so long a while; the Lord endowed him,
the Wielder of Wonder, with world’s renown.
Famed was this Beowulf: far flew the boast of him,
son of Scyld, in the Scandian lands.
So becomes it a youth to quit him well
with his father’s friends, by fee and gift,
that to aid him, aged, in after days,
come warriors willing, should war draw nigh,
liegemen loyal: by lauded deeds
shall an earl have honor in every clan.
Forth he fared at the fated moment,
sturdy Scyld to the shelter of God.
Then they bore him over to ocean’s billow,
loving clansmen, as late he charged them,
while wielded words the winsome Scyld,
the leader beloved who long had ruled....
In the roadstead rocked a ring-dight vessel,
ice-flecked, outbound, atheling’s barge:
there laid they down their darling lord
on the breast of the boat, the breaker-of-rings,   
by the mast the mighty one. Many a treasure
fetched from far was freighted with him.
No ship have I known so nobly dight
with weapons of war and weeds of battle,
with breastplate and blade: on his bosom lay
a heaped hoard that hence should go
far o’er the flood with him floating away.
No less these loaded the lordly gifts,
thanes’ huge treasure, than those had done
who in former time forth had sent him
sole on the seas, a suckling child.
High o’er his head they hoist the standard,
a gold-wove banner; let billows take him,
gave him to ocean. Grave were their spirits,
mournful their mood. No man is able
to say in sooth, no son of the halls,
no hero ‘neath heaven, — who harbored that freight!
Now Beowulf bode in the burg of the Scyldings,
leader beloved, and long he ruled
in fame with all folk, since his father had gone
away from the world, till awoke an heir,
haughty Healfdene, who held through life,
sage and sturdy, the Scyldings glad.
Then, one after one, there woke to him,
to the chieftain of clansmen, children four:
Heorogar, then Hrothgar, then Halga brave;
and I heard that — was —’s queen,
the Heathoscylfing’s helpmate dear.
To Hrothgar was given such glory of war,
such honor of combat, that all his kin
obeyed him gladly till great grew his band
of youthful comrades. It came in his mind
to bid his henchmen a hall uprear,
a master mead-house, mightier far
than ever was seen by the sons of earth,
and within it, then, to old and young
he would all allot that the Lord had sent him,
save only the land and the lives of his men.
Wide, I heard, was the work commanded,
for many a tribe this mid-earth round,
to fashion the folkstead. It fell, as he ordered,
in rapid achievement that ready it stood there,
of halls the noblest: Heorot   he named it
whose message had might in many a land.
Not reckless of promise, the rings he dealt,
treasure at banquet: there towered the hall,
high, gabled wide, the hot surge waiting
of furious flame.   Nor far was that day
when father and son-in-law stood in feud
for warfare and hatred that woke again.   
With envy and anger an evil spirit
endured the dole in his dark abode,
that he heard each day the din of revel
high in the hall: there harps rang out,
clear song of the singer. He sang who knew
tales of the early time of man,
how the Almighty made the earth,
fairest fields enfolded by water,
set, triumphant, sun and moon
for a light to lighten the land-dwellers,
and braided bright the breast of earth
with limbs and leaves, made life for all
of mortal beings that breathe and move.
So lived the clansmen in cheer and revel
a winsome life, till one began
to fashion evils, that field of hell.
Grendel this monster grim was called,
march-riever mighty, in moorland living,
in fen and fastness; fief of the giants
the hapless wight a while had kept
since the Creator his exile doomed.
On kin of Cain was the killing avenged
by sovran God for slaughtered Abel.
Ill fared his feud, and far was he driven,
for the slaughter’s sake, from sight of men.
Of Cain awoke all that woful breed,
Etins   and elves and evil-spirits,
as well as the giants that warred with God
weary while: but their wage was paid them!
WENT he forth to find at fall of night
that haughty house, and heed wherever
the Ring-Danes, outrevelled, to rest had gone.
Found within it the atheling band
asleep after feasting and fearless of sorrow,
of human hardship. Unhallowed wight,
grim and greedy, he grasped betimes,
wrathful, reckless, from resting-places,
thirty of the thanes, and thence he rushed
fain of his fell spoil, faring homeward,
laden with slaughter, his lair to seek.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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Old Christmastide
Heap on more wood! the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still. Each age has deem’d the new-born year The fittest time for festal cheer: Even, heathen yet, the savage Dane At Iol more deep the mead did drain; High on the beach his galleys drew, And feasted all his pirate crew; Then in his low and pine-built hall Where shields and axes deck’d the wall They gorged upon the half-dress’d steer; Caroused in seas of sable beer; While round, in brutal jest, were thrown The half-gnaw’d rib, and marrow-bone: Or listen’d all, in grim delight, While Scalds yell’d out the joys of fight. Then forth, in frenzy, would they hie, While wildly loose their red locks fly, And dancing round the blazing pile, They make such barbarous mirth the while, As best might to the mind recall The boisterous joys of Odin’s hall.
And well our Christian sires of old Loved when the year its course had roll’d, And brought blithe Christmas back again, With all his hospitable train. Domestic and religious rite Gave honour to the holy night; On Christmas Eve the bells were rung; On Christmas Eve the mass was sung: That only night in all the year, Saw the stoled priest the chalice rear. The damsel donn’d her kirtle sheen; The hall was dress’d with holly green; Forth to the wood did merry-men go, To gather in the mistletoe. Then open’d wide the Baron’s hall To vassal, tenant, serf and all; Power laid his rod of rule aside And Ceremony doff’d his pride. The heir, with roses in his shoes, That night might village partner choose; The Lord, underogating, share The vulgar game of ‘post and pair’. All hail’d, with uncontroll’d delight, And general voice, the happy night, That to the cottage, as the crown, Brought tidings of salvation down.
The fire, with well-dried logs supplied, Went roaring up the chimney wide; The huge hall-table’s oaken face, Scrubb’d till it shone, the day to grace, Bore then upon its massive board No mark to part the squire and lord. Then was brought in the lusty brawn, By old blue-coated serving-man; Then the grim boar’s head frown’d on high, Crested with bays and rosemary. Well can the green-garb’d ranger tell, How, when, and where, the monster fell; What dogs before his death to tore, And all the baiting of the boar. The wassel round, in good brown bowls, Garnish’d with ribbons, blithely trowls. There the huge sirloin reek’d; hard by Plum-porridge stood, and Christmas pie; Nor fail’d old Scotland to produce, At such high tide, her savoury goose. Then came the merry makers in, And carols roar’d with blithesome din; If unmelodious was the song, It was a hearty note, and strong. Who lists may in their mumming see Traces of ancient mystery; White shirts supplied the masquerade, And smutted cheeks the visors made; But, O! what maskers, richly dight, Can boast of bosoms half so light! England was merry England, when Old Christmas brought his sports again. ‘Twas Christmas broach’d the mightiest ale; ‘Twas Christmas told the merriest tale; A Christmas gambol oft could cheer The poor man’s heart through half the year.
                                                          Sir Walter Scott
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whatifoundinabook · 5 years
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A copy of Minor Poems by John Milton put together by Samuel Thurber. Published in 1901 by “Norwood Press, J.S. Cushing & Co. -- Berwick & Smith; Norwood Mass. U.S.A.”; part of The Academy Classics collection
The cover is a dark blue with faded gold lettering on the front and on the spine. Written just inside the front cover are the Greek letters “Delta Sigma Tau” ( ΔΣΤ ) in thick black ink. Beneath that in a combination of pen and blue ink is the name and address George G. Auer; 1115 Park St. Syracuse N.Y. Beneath that in a light, flourished pencil, it reads North Auer High School. 
On the next page are what look like notes regarding the poem L’Allegro, which has a portion of the poem blocked out in pencil. The notes read:
L’allegro I - Banishment of Melancholy  II - Invitation to Mirth III - Companions of Mirth IV - Unnaproved(?) pleasure fee       A - Before sunrise       B - Early morning       C - Noon day       D - Afternoon       E - Early evening       F - Night V - Conclusion; Resolution to live with Mirth The portion of the poem circled goes as follows: Sometime walking, not unseen, By hedge-row elms, on hillocks green, Right against the eastern gate, Where the great Sun begins his state, Rob'd in flames, and amber light, The clouds in thousand liveries dight. While the ploughman near at hand, Whistles o'er the furrow'd land, And the milkmaid singeth blithe, And the mower whets his scythe, And every shepherd tells his tale Under the hawthorn in the dale. There are other things written in the book as well, including blue-black ink splotches along the poem Comus and a few highlighted lines in the poem Il Penseroso, such as  “Sometimes let gorgeous Tragedy...” and To arched walks of twilight groves...”
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ginny-g-writes · 8 years
Day & Night Rant #1
“They didn´t have long.
Day and Night knew that much.
And that was, almost always, the truth.
Their love was built on stolen moments, of twilights and daws, of little slices of peace they were given throughout whatever little time they had.
Sostices were a thing of their nightmares, and equinoxes all they could ask for.
Day and Night never had much, but they were never alone, and never apart.
For if one had the attention to look, the signs were there.
Sunshine was always brigther when reflected on one particular tone of black, there was a place that was always warmer, always lighter than the usual bright heat around the spirit world, the constelations always seemed alined to one spot, always temathic, all paiting different art pieces, for the amusement of only ever one viewer.
There were always little not-so-hidden puzzles, small tell tales of a love story that was, and yet could never be. Written across the heavens, come day, come night, and went Day and went Night.
But not today.
Or had it been tonight?
Today was the day  there were no such displays, the sun wasnt brighter, the heat wasnt uneven.
Tonight was the night that there were no constellations, no art pieces decorating the black canvas of the nigth sky.
Today was no day.
Tonight was no night.
The time we speak of came every onve in a blue moon, and in a way..
The truly perfect time.
No Day, no Night.
It was the only honest time for an union,
Was an eclipse.
And in the meadows of one of the many forest of that world, oversought by Happiness and presided by Art, there was a wedding.
It was the time in which Day married Night.
It was the one time in which they did have long.
if only for once...
Day and Night did have long.” - Ginny G
Sooooo, hello guys!
This is Ginny G speaking and this is my writtings blog..
Took me a while to build it and to build the courage to build it, but now its finally here and this is my first piece from one of my official stories...
Hehehe, anyway, have a very good belated valetines day, with my dearests Day and Night... Which I will introduce properly soon, and hopefully with style :P
enjoy! xx
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No Soul To Sell: Chapter Two
Warning(s) Mention of sexual assault and language. 
The days passed on in a dull haze that for the life of him, Itachi could barely grasp onto. It was as if everything around him moved in fast motion while Itachi was unable to keep up with it. Kisame kept his secret. That much was obvious. There was never any attack from the loyal members of the Akatsuki and life went on as normal. Pein had been visibly disturbed by whoever had managed to attack Itachi and Kisame had weaved his own tale of several Konoha ANBU members managing to corner Itachi long enough to harm him before Kisame could dight them off. If Pein believed any of it, he did not say. Madara, however watched Itachi very closely after the assault. Deidara had been visibly torn when the news of the extent of the assault finally reached the Akatsuki's ears. Pleased that the Uchiha had been harmed, but furious that it had been at the hands of a large group of ANBU and not by Deidara himself.
However, with rumors as big as that one it did not take long for someone in the Akatsuki to speak of it to someone outside and soon enough, it had spread like wildfire. Someone or several someones had managed to viciously beat and sexually assault Uchiha Itachi. Stuff like that did not stay quiet long. Kisame must not have expected his claim to take off like it had. A little lie to cover his and Itachi's tracks and now it was as if the world was on fire. Over a meeting in the following days, Tobi had innocently asked if something should be done against the ANBU after what had been done to one of their own.
"I told you I took care of it." Kisame had uttered with gritted teeth and Tobi's head cocked, letting out a little hum. He leaned back in his chair until it was balancing on the two back legs. Kisame fought the urge to kick it out from under the other man. This man might be his boss, but that didn't mean he wanted to discuss this with anyone.
"But Kisame-san, Konoha isn't missing any ANBU members and apparently the Hokage lady has heard about it and never had anyone in the area Itachi-san was hurt at." Tobi whined. Pein's eyes narrowed and Konan slowly blinked, dark eyes moving from Tobi to Kisame."What are you getting at, un?" Deidara snapped from where he was slouched in his chair and Tobi shrugged.
"Tobi was just wondering why Kisame would say it was Konoha ANBU when they weren't even around." This caught everyone's attention and Kisame cursed under his breath at having to form another lie. Another lie in order to cover up for that traitor as well as his own actions. Should he be more haunted by it. He did not allow himself to think about Itachi much anymore, but there were moments where he would look at his hands and see Itachi's blood beneath his fingernails.
'The traitor earned what he got...'
"I may have been mistaken with them being Konoha. They have the biggest grudge against Itachi-san." Kisame shrugged at this and Deidara nodded, seeming to accept this, but Konan and Pein shared glances as Tobi-Madara never looked away from Kisame. They would be speaking later, that stare promised. When the meeting came to an end, for a split second Kisame swore he could hear Itachi's muted cry, reminiscent of that night as Kisame had crushed his wrists. It had been too easy. His wrists were so thin; it was like snapping toothpicks. Itachi had been so pliant and trusting. They had been lovers after all. Itachi had no reason to believe his own lover would turn on him. Kisame wondered if that was how Itachi's family had felt that night when Itachi brought that sword down.
It did not matter.
The seeds of doubt were planted.
Someone had fucked the Uchiha and managed to cripple him enough that he was not seen on missions in the weeks that followed. His wounds healed, slowly but steadily. Bruises turned from a dark raging purple to a sicking green to a tinged yellow until finally his skin was smooth and pale, as if fingers had never been there to hurt him. Funny how the body heals, yet the mind never fully does. He didn't sleep well at night anymore. Not that he really had in any case, but now any type of rest Itachi had was plagued and broken.
Whatever infamy Itachi had gained was now stained by this rumor that half believed and half assumed was made up. When he finally was given permission to leave the infirmary, it was as if he was under a microscope. Every eye was on him, expect for Kisame's. Kisame avoided him. Whether out of guilt or remaining anger, Itachi did not know. Still, Itachi was an Uchiha and he was not scared of sideways looks and sniggers. He had faced worse. He would keep his chin up and back straight. He had a mission to complete. Life would continue on as usual. Let it die as nothing more than some false salacious rumor spread. Let it be forgotten as all the rest.
Then, the news reached Sasuke.
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likethedew · 5 years
Cooking for Television, and other tales
Cooking for Television, and other tales
“Eileen, take this call – when you’re frying sausages you have to stick a pin in them to stop them bursting….”  Maddy, my flat mate, put the phone in my hand as I stood there, mystified.  “Hallo?”  “Can you take a booking to cook sausages for a television advert?” asked the woman on the line.  “Yes,” I said, “I know that sticking a pin in will stop them bursting.”  “Can you do Wednesday morning 9…
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aikipoet-blog · 5 years
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Knight’s Tale, Part I (Numbered) (Forrest Hainline's Minimalist Translation)
Geoffrey Chaucer, The Knight’s Tale, Part I (Numbered) (Forrest Hainline's Minimalist Translation)
Here beginneth the Knight’s Tale
859      Once, as old stories tell us;
860      There was a duke called Theseus;
861      Of Athens he was lord and governor,
862      And in his time such a conqueror
863      That greater was there none under the sun.
864      Full many a rich country had he won;
865      What with his wisdom and his chivalry,
866      He conquered all the reign of Feminie,
867      That once was called Scythia,
868      And wedded the queen Hippolyta,
869      And brought her home with him in his country
870      With much glory and great ceremony,
871      And too her young sister Emily.
872      And thus with victory and with melody
873      Let I this noble duke to Athens ride,
874      And all his host in arms him beside.
875      And certain, if it weren’t too long to hear,
876      I would have told you fully the manner
877      How won was the reign of Feminie
878      By Theseus and by his chivalry;
879      And of the great battle for the nonce,
880      Between Athens and Amazons;
881      And how assieged was Hippolyta,
882      The fair, hardy queen of Scythia;
883      And the feast that was at her wedding,
884      And of the tempest at her home-coming;
885      But all that thing I must as now forbear.
886      I have, God knows, a large field to air,
887      And weak be the oxen in my plough.
888      The remnant of the tale is long enough.
889      I will not delay eek none of this route;
890      Let every fellow tell his tale about,
891      And let’s see now who shall the supper win;
892      And where I left, I will again begin.
  893      This duke, of whom I make mention,
894      When he was come almost unto the town,
895      In all his wealth and in his most pride,
896      He was ware, as he cast his eye aside,
897      Where that there kneeled in the highway
898      A company of ladies, tway and tway,
899      Each after the other clad in clothes black;
900      But such a cry and such a woe they make
901      That in this world no creature living
902      That heard such another lamenting;
903      And of this cry they would never cease
904      Til they the reins of his bridle seized.
  905      “What folk be you, that at my homecoming
906      Perturb so my feast with crying?”
907      Said Theseus.  “Have you so great envy
908      Of my honor, that thus complain and cry?
909      Or who have you misbeden or offended?
910      And tell me if it may be amended,
911      And why that you be clothed thus in black.”
  912      The eldest lady of them all spak,
913      When she had swooned with a deadly cheer,
914      That it was ruth for to see and hear;
915      She said, “Lord, to whom Fortune has given
916      Victory, and as a conqueror to live,
917      Not grieves us your glory and your honor,
918      But we beseech mercy and succor.
919      Have mercy on our woe and our distress!
920      Some drop of pity, through thy gentleness,
921      Upon us wretched women let thou fall,
922      For, certain, lord, there is none of us all
923      That she hasn’t been a duchess or a queen.
924      Now be we captives, as it is well seen,
925      Thanks be Fortune and his false wheel,
926      That no one’s estate’s assured to be well.
927      And certain, lord, to abide in your presence,
928      Here in this temple of the goddess Clemence
929      We have been waiting all this fortnight.
930      Now help us, Lord, since it is in thy might.
  931      I, wretch, which that weep and wail thus,
932      Was once wife to King Cappaneus,
933      That died at Thebes – cursed be that day! –
934      And all we that be in this array
935      And make all this lamentation,
936      We lost all our husbands at that town,
937      While that the siege thereabout lay.
938      And yet now the old Creon – wail-away! –
939      That lord is now of Thebes the city,
940      Fulfilled of ire and of iniquity,
941      He, for despite and for his tyranny,
942      To do the dead bodies villainy
943      Of all our lords which that had been slain,
944      Had all the bodies on a heap lain,
945      And will not suffer them, by no assent,
946      Neither to be buried nor burnt,
947      But make hounds eat them in despite.”
  948      And with that word, without more respite,
949      They fell grufe and cried piteously,
950      “Have on us wretched women some mercy,
951      And let our sorrow sink in thine heart.”
  952      This gentle duke down from his courser start
953      With heart piteous, when he heard them speak.
954      He thought that his heart would break,
955      When he saw them so pitiful and so mat,
956      That once were of so great estate;
957      And in his arms he them all up hent,
958      And them comforted in full good intent,
959      And swore his oath, as he was true knight,
960      He would do so far-forthly his might
961      Upon the tyrant Creon him to wreak
962      That all the people of Greece should speak
963      How Creon was of Theseus served
964      As he that had his death full well deserved.
965      And right anon, without more abode,
966      His banner he displayed, and forth he rode
967      To Thebes-ward, and all his host beside.
968      No near Athens would he go nor ride,
969      Nor take his ease fully half a day,
970      But onward on his way that night he lay,
971      And sent anon Hippolyta the queen,
972      And Emily, her young sister sheen,
973      Unto the town of Athens to dwell,
974      And forth he rode, there is no more to tell.
975      The red statute of Mars, with his spear and targe,
976      So shines in his white banner large
977      That all the fields glitter up and down
978      And by his banner born is his pennon
979      Of gold full rich, in which there was beat
980      The Minotaur, which that he won in Crete.
981      Thus rides this duke, thus rides this conqueror,
982      And in his host of chivalry the flower,
983      Til that he came to Thebes and alight
984      Fair in a field, there as he thought to fight.
985      But shortly for to speak of this thing,
986      With Creon, which that was of Thebes king,
987      He fought, and slew him manly as a knight
988      In plain battle, and put the folk to flight;
989      And by assault he won the city after,
990      And rent down both wall and spar and rafter;
991      And to the ladies he restored again
992      The bones of their friends that were slain,
993      To do obsequies, as was then the guise,
994      But it were all too long for to devise
995      The great clamor and the lamenting
996      That the ladies made at the burning
997      Of the bodies, and the great honor
998      That Theseus, the noble conqueror,
999      Does to the ladies, when they from him went;
1000    But shortly for to tell is my intent.
  1001    When that this worthy duke, this Theseus,
1002    Has Creon slain and won Thebes thus,
1003    Still in that field he took all night his rest,
1004    And did with all the country as he lest.
  1005    To ransack in the tass of bodies dead,
1006    Them for to strip of harness and of wede,
1007    The pillagers did business and cure
1008    After the battle and discomfiture.
1009    And so befell that in the tass they found,
1010    Through-girt with many a grievous bloody wound,
1011    Two young knights lying by and by,
1012    Both in one arms, wrought full richly,
1013    Of which two, Arcite hight that one,
1014    And that other knight hight Palamon.
1015    Not fully quick, nor fully dead they were,
1016    But by their coat of arms and by their gear
1017    The heralds knew them best in special
1018    As they that were of the blood royal
1019    Of Thebes, and of sisters two born.
1020    Out of the tass the pillagers had them torn,
1021    And had them carried soft into the tent
1022    Of Theseus; and he full soon them sent
1023    To Athens, to dwell in prison
1024    Perpetually – not held for ransom.
  1025    And when this worthy duke has thus done,
1026    He took his host, and home he rode anon
1027    With laurel crowned as a conqueror;
1028    And there he lives in joy and in honor
1029    Term of his life, what needs words more?
1030    And in a tower, in anguish and in woe,
1031    This Palamon and his fellow Arcite
1032    For evermore; there may no gold them quit.
  1033    This passed year by year and day by day,
1034    Til it fell once, on a morn of May,
1035    That Emily, that fairer was to seen
1036    Than is the lily upon his stalk green,
1037    And fresher than the May with flowers new –
1038    For with the rose color strove her hue,
1039    I know not which was the finer of them two –
1040    Ere it were day, as was her want to do,
1041    She was arisen and all ready dight,
1042    For May will have no sluggardy at night.
1043    The season pricks every gentle heart,
1044    And makes it out of his sleep to start,
1045    And says, “Arise, and do thy observance.”
1046    This made Emily have remembrance
1047    To do honor to May, and for to rise.
1048    Clothed was she fresh, for to devise:
1049    Her yellow hair was braided in a tress
1050    Behind her back, a yard long, I guess.
1051    And in the garden, at the sunrise,
1052    She walked up and down, and as she pleased
1053    She gathered flowers, parti white and red,
1054    To make a subtle garland for her head;
1055    And as an angel heavenly she sang.
1056    The great tower, that was so thick and strong,
1057    Which of the castle was the chief dungeon
1058    (There as the knights were in prison
1059    Of which I told you and tell I shall),
1060    Was even joined to the garden wall
1061    There as this Emily had her playing.
1062    Bright was the sun and clear that morning,
1063    And Palamon, this woeful prisoner,
1064    As was his want, by leave of his jailor,
1065    Was risen and roamed in a chamber on high,
1066    In which he all the noble city saw,
1067    And too the garden, full of branches green,
1068    There as this fresh Emily the sheen
1069    Was in her walk, and roamed up and down.
1070    This sorrowful prisoner, this Palamon,
1071    Goes in the chamber roaming to and fro
1072    And to himself complaining of his woe.
1073    That he was born, oft he said, “alas!”
1074    And so befell, by adventure or chance,
1075    That through a window, thick of many a bar
1076    Of iron great and square as any spar,
1077    He cast his eye upon Emily,
1078    And therewithal he blanched and cried, “Ah!”
1079    As though he stung were unto the heart.
1080    And with that cry Arcite anon up start
1081    And said, “Cousin mine, what ails thee,
1082    That art so pale and deadly on to see?
1083    Why criest thou?  Who has thee done offense?
1084    For God’s love, take all in patience
1085    Our prison, for it may none other be.
1086    Fortune has given us this adversity.
1087    Some wicked aspect or disposition
1088    Of Saturn, by some constellation,
1089    Has given us this, although we had it sworn;
1090    So stood the heaven when that we were born.
1091    We must endure it; this is the short and plain.”
  1092    This Palamon answered and said again,
1093    “Cousin, for truth, of this opinion
1094    Thou hast a vain imagination.
1095    This prison caused me not for to cry,
1096    But I was hurt right now through my eye
1097    Into my heart, that will my bane be.
1098    The fairness of that lady that I see
1099    Yond in the garden roaming to and fro
1100    Is cause of all my crying and my woe.
1101    I know not whether she be woman or goddess,
1102    But Venus is it truly, as I guess.”
1103    And therewithal on knees down he fell,
1104    And said, “Venus, if it be thy will
1105    You in this garden thus to transfigure
1106    Before me, sorrowful, wretched creature,
1107    Out of this prison help that we may escape.
1108    And if so be my destiny be shaped
1109    By eternal word to die in prison,
1110    Of our lineage have some compassion,
1111    That is so low brought by tyranny.”
1112    And with that word Arcite gan to spy
1113    Whereas this lady roamed to and fro,
1114    And with that sight her beauty hurt him so,
1115    That, if that Palamon was wounded sore,
1116    Arcite is hurt as much as he, or more.
1117    And with a sigh he said piteously,
1118    “The fresh beauty slays me suddenly
1119    Of her that roams in the yonder place;
1120    And but I have her mercy and her grace,
1121    That I may see her at least a way,
1122    I am but dead; there is no more to say.”
  1123    This Palamon, when he those words heard
1124    Despiteously he looked and answered,
1125    “Whether sayeth thou this in earnest or in play?”
  1126    “Nay,” said Arcite, “in earnest, by my faith!
1127    God help me so, that would be full evil play.”
  1128    This Palamon then knit his brows tway.
1129    “It were,” said he, “to thee no great honor
1130    For to be false, nor to be traitor
1131    To me, that am thy cousin and thy brother
1132    Sworn full deep, and each of us til other,
1133    That never, for to die in the pain,
1134    Til that the death depart shall us twain,
1135    Neither of us in love to hinder the other,
1136    Nor in no other case, my dear brother,
1137    But that thou should truly further me
1138    In every case, as I shall further thee –
1139    This was thine oath, and mine also, certain;
1140    I know right well, thou dare it not withstand.
1141    Thus art thou of my counsel, out of doubt,
1142    And now thou would falsely be about
1143    To love my lady, whom I love and serve,
1144    And ever shall til that my heart starve.
1145    Nay, certes, false Arcite, thou shall not so.
1146    I loved her first, and told thee my woe
1147    As to my counsel and my brother sworn
1148    To further me, as I have told before.
1149    For which thou are bound as a knight
1150    To help me, if it lay in thy might,
1151    Or else art thou false, I dare well say.”
  1152    This Arcite full proudly spoke again:
1153    “Thou shalt,” said he, “be rather false than I;
1154    And thou art false, I tell thee utterly,
1155    For paramour I loved her first er thou.
1156    What will thou say? Thou knows not yet now
1157    Whether she be a woman or goddess!
1158    Thine is affection of holiness,
1159    And mine is love as to a creature;
1160    For which I told thee my adventure
1161    As to my cousin and my brother sworn.
1162    I pose that thou loved her before;
1163    Know thee not well the old clerk’s saw,
1164    That ‘who shall give a lover any law?’
1165    Love is a greater law, by my pan,
1166    Than may be give to any earthly man;
1167    And therefore positive law and such decree
1168    Is broken all day for love in each degree.
1169    A man must need love, maugre his head;
1170    He may not flee it, though he should be dead,
1171    And be she maid, or widow, or else wife.
1172    And too it is not likely all thy life
1173    To stand in her grace; no more shall I;
1174    For well thou know thyself, verily,
1175    That thou and I be damned to prison
1176    Perpetually; us gain no ransom.
1177    We strive as did the hounds for the bone;
1178    They fought all day, and yet their part was none;
1179    There came a kite, while that they were so wroth,
1180    And bore away the bone between them both.
1181    And therefore, at the king’s court, my brother,
1182    Each man for himself, there is no other.
1183    Love, if thee list, for I love and ay shall;
1184    And truly, dear brother, this is all.
1185    Here in this prison must we endure,
1186    And each of us take his adventure.”
  1187    Great was the strife and long between those two,
1188    If that I had leisure to say;
1189    But to the effect; it happened on a day,
1190    To tell it you as shortly as I may,
1191    A worthy duke that hight Perotheus,
1192    That fellow was unto Duke Theseus
1193    Since thilk day that they were children lit
1194    Was come to Athens his fellow to visit,
1195    And for to play as he was want to do;
1196    For in this world he loved no man so,
1197    And he loved him as tenderly again.
1198    So well they loved, as old books say,
1199    That when that one was dead, truly to tell
1200    His fellow went and sought him down in hell –
1201    But of that story list me not to write.
1202    Duke Perotheus loved well Arcite,
1203    And had him known at Thebes year by year,
1204    And finally at request and prayer
1205    Of Perotheus, without any ransom,
1206    Duke Theseus him let out of prison
1207    Freely to go where that he list over all,
1208    In such a guise as I you tell shall.
  1209    This was the forward, plainly for to endite,
1210    Between Theseus and him Arcite:
1211    That if so were that Arcite were found
1212    Ever in his life, by day or night, or stound
1213    In any country of this Theseus,
1214    And he were caught, it was accorded thus,
1215    That with a sword he should lose his head.
1216    There was no other remedy nor rede;
1217    But taking his leave, and homeward he him sped.
1218    Let him beware!  His neck lies to wedde.
  1219    How great a sorrow suffers now Arcite!
1220    The death he feels through his heart smite;
1221    He weeps, wails, cries piteously;
1222    To slay himself he waits privily.
1223    He said, “Alas that day that I was born!
1224    Now is my prison worse than before;
1225    Now is me shape eternally to dwell
1226    Not in purgatory, but in hell.
1227    Alas, that ever knew I Perotheus!
1228    For else had I dwelled with Theseus,
1229    Fettered in his prison evermore.
1230    Then had I been in bliss and not in woe.
1231    Only the sight of her whom that I serve,
1232    Though that I never her grace may deserve,
1233    Would have sufficed right enough for me.
1234    Oh dear cousin Palamon,” said he,
1235    “Thine is the victory of this adventure.
1236    Full blissfully in prison may thou dure –
1237    In prison?  Certes not, but in paradise!
1238    Well has Fortune turned thee the dice,
1239    That has the sight of her, and I the absence.
1240    For possible is, since thou have her presence,
1241    And art a knight, a worthy and an able,
1242    That by some case, since Fortune is changeable,
1243    Thou may to thy desire sometime attain.
  1244    But I, that am exiled and barren
1245    Of all grace, and in so great despair
1246    That there’s not earth, water, fire, nor air,
1247    Nor creature that of them made is,
1248    That may me help or do comfort in this,
1249    Well ought I starve in wanhope and distress.
1250    Farewell my life, my lust, and my gladness!
  1251    "Alas, why complain folk so in commune
1252    On providence of God, or of Fortune,
1253    That gives them full oft in many a guise
1254    Well better than they can themselves devise?
1255    Some men desire for to have riches,
1256    That cause is of his murder or great sickness;
1257    And one man would out of his prison feign,
1258    That in his house is of his money slain.
1259    Infinite harms be in this matter.
1260    We know not what things we pray here.
1261    We fare as he that drunk is as a mouse.
1262    A drunk man knows well he has a house,
1263    But he knows not which the right way is thither
1264    And to a drunk man the way is slipper.
1265    And certes, in this world, so fare we;
1266    We seek fast after felicity,
1267    But we go wrong full often, truly.
1268    Thus may we say all, and namely I,
1269    That wend and had a great opinion
1270    That if I might escape from prison,
1271    Then had I been in joy and perfect heal,
1272    There now I am exiled from my weel.
1273    Since that I may not see you, Emily,
1274    I’m but dead; there’s no remedy.
  1275    Upon that other side Palamon,
1276    When that he knew Arcite was gone,
1277    Such sorrow he makes that the great tower
1278    Resounds of his yelling and clamor.
1279    The pure fetters on his shins great
1280    Were of his bitter, salt tears wet.
1281    “Alas,” said he, “Arcite, cousin mine,
1282    Of all our strife, God knows, the fruit is thine.
1283    Thou walks now in Thebes at thy large,
1284    And of my woe thou gives little charge.
1285    Thou may, since thou hast wisdom and manhood,
1286    Assemble all the folk of our kindred,
1287    And make a war so sharp on this city
1288    That by some adventure or some treaty
1289    Thou may have her to lady and to wife
1290    For whom that I must needs lose my life.
1291    For, as by way of possibility,
1292    Since thou art at thy large, of prison free,
1293    And art a great lord, great is thy advantage
1294    More than is mine, who starves here in a cage.
1295    For I must weep and wail, while I live,
1296    With all the woe that prison may give,
1297    And too with pain that love me gives also,
1298    That doubles all my torment and my woe.”
1299    Therewith the fire of jealousy up start
1300    Within his breast, and hent him by the heart
1301    So madly that he like was to behold
1302    The boxtree or the ashes dead and cold.
  1303    Then said he, “O cruel gods that govern
1304    This world with binding of your word eternal
1305    And written on the table of adamant
1306    Your parliament and your eternal grant
1307    What is mankind more unto you hold
1308    Than is the sheep that rucks in the fold?
1309    For slain is man right as another beast,
1310    And dwells too in prison and arrest,
1311    And has sickness and great adversity,
1312    And oft times guiltless, pardee.
  1313    “What governance is in this prescience,
1314    That guiltless torments innocence?
1315    And yet increases this all my penance,
1316    That man is bound to his observance,
1317    For God’s sake, to lessen of his will,
1318    There as a beast may all his lust fulfill.
1319    And when a beast is dead he has no pain;
1320    But man after his death must weep and plain,
1321    Though in this world he have care and woe.
1322    Without doubt it may stand so.
1323    The answer to this let I to devise,
1324    But well I know that in this world great pain is.
1325    Alas, I see a serpent or a thief,
1326    That many a true man has done mischief,
1327    Gone at his large, and where he likes may turn.
1328    But I must be in prison through Saturn,
1329    And too through Juno, jealous and too wood,
1330    That has destroyed well nye all the blood
1331    Of Thebes with his waste walls wide;
1332    And Venus slays me on that other side
1333    For jealousy and fear of him Arcite.”
  1334    Now will I stint of Palamon a lite,
1335    And let him in his prison still dwell,
1336    And of Arcite forth I will you tell.
  1337    The summer passes, and the nights long
1338    Increasing double wise the pains strong
1339    Both of the lover and the prisoner.
1340    I know not which has the woefuller master.
1341    For, shortly for to say, this Palamon
1342    Perpetually is damned to prison,
1343    In chains and fetters to be dead;
1344    And Arcite is exiled upon his head
134e    For evermore, as out of that country,
1346    Nor never more shall his lady see.
  1347    You lovers ask I now this question:
1348    Who has the worst, Arcite or Palamon?
1349    That one may see his lady day by day,
1350    But in prison he must dwell alway;
1351    That other where he likes may ride or go,
1352    But see his lady shall he never more.
1353    Now deem as you like, you that can,
1354    For I will tell forth as I began.
  Explicit prima pars
0 notes
libidomechanica · 6 months
Untitled Composition # 11474
A sonnet sequence
               First Stanza
And there Science already view: and wearing kisse I have not be sword, allurement, for me lend yon kiss the lastic voicest former less thirst; a loath the strength to embalming guile, take me now. Is not keep is not when I doe import that doth all the house, much of hand, and bought on be her a sieve. Thus ours, Cassandra too—Harry, Tommy, Wilfred, and slow to Time I torture or seek! Witness a coursewth, the proud may see? Feared from men comes the was good satiate thou!
               Second Stanza
Mother gave it; and in gentleman’s is pasted-on leaven’d, let broke the blood buzzes like the each other’s image of Proserpine. The world a lilly him in a kennel. Dear and airy flings works of the taught appeare, my loved: so silver to have heauenly rack your inces perceived on a tyme&make the blest. Where in thy bright or least am I; whate’er reason is they pleasure and how should records of younges at did not eternal feared the land: but now bedbugs?
               Third Stanza
It is perpending durst brightening without a magnolias, me outgrown on too, the Whigs? Of poyson’d and throng, and babe was still do seeke each wit here, leaven knows, heap earth weaknesse the sky, and I, a beasts but as the sure, dart would rising thus I don’t let her streams doth day have led hart. Souls amain, till another dwelling steel the hugged they tale morning: forth, who did maid to liggen in my hart did rest, and remember’d hour! But Cymon soon her night without dead love, do not.
               Fourth Stanza
’ And apart, the captiuing birds from thee my charnel; fearfuller? Upon the grace are gone, thus in drains of the which they will boy Venus blushing or drops throat unchaste and the Duches gilded in Heav’nly fret like hand that these leave: but no one words cannot I, forsake wad moulders the veneral pitious a poet tuck away by dew, who had sworn by then climb; for wanton boil’d angels of a deep discussion; or, like shepherd stocks are of arrivest and pure life end.
               Fifth Stanza
Let not guest, and time, could youth; wisdom many a dreme. But as a pocket pisto The Pantheme: I have large of courself had come to friends of Retributionary had so is small comes for what’s my spirit vexes, my Heart? La Belle Damme’ s quickly figur’d, vanish to its of neede in this upland when he lights I do burdens, too, past might at all forehead waiting the fayre wherever hair. Happy, come, which her vnaware? And how I wails at repair, with the tinction.
               Sixth Stanza
And scream I in a shaded visits, for joyous duke! Go tell heuenly hew, The quiet field: you death heat man, so is me! A fitting the change of rather dim red mantle child seeing meteors; then of states, and fly, playing blown back to uncommon—my mouth to fetches: and the buff, all poet, ’ loue doth peach? My mouth and whose palace as others but the best. Stifling acrosser pantom comely still warrior maiden more his boldly lie: not only the duly.
               Seventh Stanza
Therefore trust in thou carelesse stormy mammy yet. No more when the sad neuer too entertain concluding strikes as a mourn her emptied of spight, and here speech,—nor even town abyss shoulde once and dull pitied to the had brookside thy crew: the bed, his we tway by loue contemn; and take my sought was wrap about; the eyes, made soon red by dight would not still to both my women, soon the scorne wilds Ierne with such salt, they all conceit of siluer sigh’d, and fled from him; to joined.
               Eighth Stanza
Well war ensues, tho’ jokin’ to my life, and the see, all fley’d Medea as homages the leather louely sighed to scorn another’d with and a worth it was much empred skies. Spend one know how she’llfind too, up they will excelling voice she cause she dooryards sang, and lying sail thy adventury thing the day to the could lull its can aspirant make fled, sometimes, she priest his fine knack. For thou shall businesse dazed, whose free baser the Dame seen Napoleon thy hands.
               Ninth Stanza
And experience he for this, and hostess, as if thou go wi’ the streamed, but shall I may behavior; beauty,—that a native pace to the places. While then the wood; but swell, the from her rebellious moon, dost not given up your light, I there it was shall as angry where was wonder true—as, if those me to marvelling will shroud, that more primrose are gilly brake, the Third? The sober nipp’d and dismiss he place or relenteous hold the day with those pretty grows when thee.
               Tenth Stanza
And whose dismay, such are Nugae, quarum palm assurance a kings, and bene hidden at the river- child, cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, the little mood, now on the floddess woe, condemn’d to springs that my mammny’s ae bairn, pars passion House to make their ruthless plough we in the door hasty with veil’d angel of my parts with his sitting o’t. But make a tempest of the people quiz it to join’d the soul’s the golden fly their teeth, God will care, and so that joy of earthly that: and abandon no more delayed are exercised the strange disdain. Come in the kind: they forces late avengeance he plot while steps, on they pleas are made Solomon at the went, English boys rewind blaws or in her of mist appears.
               Eleventh Stanza
Who art enforces leaf, or is honor any to be, but she is the hill and planned eyes shady planet point with decent sparrow pair is come where the song betraying might from a certain woman, hail! To looks: whose to say shrinks of his Rhodian short exile mens folk I wept his hardly him lodging the fruitfully on clipsing the fears ask’d thro’ the ladies about in comfortlessed, ordain’d Paradise, ’ whose disdeigner of the luring seal’d offer when his breath.
               Twelfth Stanza
Of some pleasure posterity, by desire, and in maling my loue not at and the little to descried: but snatch, howling, too, nor disconteck soone after difficulty shepeheard cries, the swords world be that no merchandise, but mix’d with spred his crocke a Werther was so well me were the paine: to burstinguish to fretted genitals, orphans of her particle, should proved, nor to each binds are commotion of the light his wrongs fulfild, that happy letters front.
               Thirteenth Stanza
Those fayre, an’ mother an old sorrow, and the leafless hands, that all after discover my poor, not sharp did many a tiny ripened her, who eat his remaine. With much, shiver’d in the conuay, that deserves: who saw and he rest.—When the first the ready view: what would dream, I ate his husband’s on live when to the flame, nor tutor office as it playnts vpbrough highest shall clouds of his height he, as first for merth, and complain of all it gone, and now honeymoon. And ways. Live!
               Fourteenth Stanza
For which graced, and fearless and so that are na coming tears, but this worst time thy parts, it move, to be desire. Which follow fill yet, down in prepare along the brimming hys dayes I know the year, wake no one for the Earth and tells that oft air, their lips to united general million slowers I am unbathed is a lillyes, lesse to viewed that should be lyke vnto go and retire: let me serious billiant ocean indifference the hay-fields to its with fixed!
               Fifteenth Stanza
When why are weake not thou, silken forged here, bubble breathers with ayre: but water’s chose could and out of all money or young me by my kindness, the leather me front. Hard laugh, honye, my dreary cry, oh misgouernaunce, and the land: yet euer yet fields the margin of Love’s complaine, thereof, when silent a baby’s faults with spy, then he strong tree, I hunterbuffed she first impressionate cry and with the search, and spent, blue Italian sprang, her cruelty, or if those or six month with sike we will better, may be found in spikes, lyke bent, a squirrel’s grace, and mix our fancy too because harder still then force! Full smart would it by your flowre, where but she from a slight. The time, until Death which tempests to stirred at her eye?
               Sixteenth Stanza
From Phebus was in sleeps to end pearly robs frisk my earth afreshed it the Titan’s shadow of a rude must to enter, since from his born? Nor hast now so soon, the piano, in thy AEgis o’er ages, ere their joyous diamond: for in the heauen vpon the Unapparent, heart is moved, he it sight, neglected, she knew not so much; I light beat off the city; attract of them slay, was so earth doth no attend a woman threat’ning tears, another, she way youngling.
               Seventeenth Stanza
Resolves: I’ll given before to cannot ease a cheare. As well, and pain, till this worlds glory to its named mountains, and through flesh is loue lend the lovely: he doth oozing his growing therein all cave off the anticipated in smiles bestow’d on their struction me, do you and white veil. And handson and makers better, shall I sat, but been worth for spite,&with vertues Court, and night!—If once vouchsafe to points; it is wit can’t be praise my Lady Flora, on while the first bee.
               Eighteenth Stanza
At kiss matter, her beauty in mutual blis. But if it out improved by formed, and lonely looks, what I’ver any flaws are you get here’s mien, at large thee to meet to meets, so later ye entrap in amaze, the things morning oars emptied woman’s fervour of she wise by Phoebus’ light claim my embalming too is my spirit vex, with which sublimity, that she dore terror bade him loitering; stone; lost abused. And noble,— conjugal, but as too sorrowe.
               Nineteenth Stanza
Though thou, what can the damn! And husband’s fram’d from paralysis, t’ entertain, I sweat, in decent. And, less, choke than ever junior by glance was won’t know not, the Titan’s feet, the silence, she magic life of the sad from a golden he wake. Here is no villages doe not in the government all breath; which her wreck both of purple dyes; carve it a difficult to shuns to spare mirrors up while savage to practised so grew may resolved think such, she doors crisis?
               Twentieth Stanza
Tobacco, nectar officient ether wombe thought, all of fools their carpe his sauce for yet blush’d breast too change thy sins a woman is now how I was Lady Carolinesse play, ye view that she different speechless gamed, but never crimes will fancient Hag of you too, O Thyrsis of her austering the ants, whose greatly bar; bewitching heard you know, were: and being sayd to her carpe, cannot say his was raysed. With fountain of eight; and there. Such lay: And heart and for thorn?
               Twenty-first Stanza
Of lusty guyde, evening more ease. Tonight, and rolls a fair fallen to asswage mind, be you can restore the full, and by dayes in her guess. And thee, and raised yet aspyre. To make you would my dare na looke with looking done to fyre: and beast describbling she. Were but they lock’d with plain; the Hand others make, ye behold, and stol’n, I found his fill? This morrow. The little hart, fears a scarce of sad to pierce of an aslake, or white, alas, nor grapevine spring space alley of euer yet still went speed. So pursue; afar that ask. Fair young days uppermost, and vnworthy though she and will night lift vp the doth adamant challen their hand because by some sail for to an hour sharpe his may pouncell do; but what beaten hooves.
               Twenty-second Stanza
Out of peers, to which heuens, pastry, at the sexiest meal of fraude: ne fork the sages did bold on my nude and falls he meant, to hackney could not hear, a softest here in his poor bent, in the might he dart, thy aid, but singing? Tis sauing sails at villain to that good silver tempred hate indecisions of these with his mind;—of death-wound met her this hinder. Some Colossus vayne to strange and whose bands of warlike, love, tremble a limit palls—at length you are there is at then the sea by seats; but will many who lose, least straw, bore them smyles were he brooke, three feeds he embrace, too you; when hope; but been he sands the vaults with Juan’s bitter wonne quoth stead of concerns, misforth wines spred some pression of translated.
               Twenty-third Stanza
But a scene, obliged brere, with her balefull vow, deceived were the rest ye may breath wrapp’d him up; I’ll be speak her much to give. Things of green Erin, ’ which many for want to the great spear the strife down life, full Oake, here language stay. Paine, begin him, like to go alone salue bough by all them with your rival now should enterior man-beast, but like a door the shudders writers the suffer means dead again disappeals in vogue! Humid them, near; to this, ’ he spray as each other.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
A sleep that he flood doe dark and still, in my mild, if unto hit. I would every shock, tis send: that was preparate avenges arms already two brothers afloat will, to pull ten that our book thought. Which is a bitter compare been the first, and will at once themselves: if not so hardy day; since brought come resort. This invoke the houses unfold he roof, and the deeds do that flowing from her dew that dinner admit, rejected, but when I were finds are na forest’?
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
Which melodious sightly where euery of rich, like early people regions ever led booke Stellas bore. Is it will, hoping connects names of Rhodian short houses gay, and in army deare. Ere I will be follow tired the bas- ket for power reed, when that love. The public should like therefore terme strength in my lad, o whispersede love is lere, to gain book the list of the sweet stirred his packe. The waltz, clicking is me! In truth sentimentable goes; that she of Tom.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Proud now in the trudged brooke. The wear still unravisher sum of the faces was she’llfind it be told? ’ Well, and I accord, and ne’er believe like world, with him loitering all liueryes. And trees annoy to remorse behold, went, I loved tracassert, What mouth,—the very to stick. The mighty Jove, or in a crystal floor—and so it plays. So let been friends: one’s mystic diapasons that nethelesse bow to me? As when to well! Ship off like some sayes do confined her and other.
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
Rekindle fyre of our joy but randon’d quick renoumed nor damages the thorn an alabaster it sith another, like fleshes which ye haue such the sight. And tease to proved his love, we now exults with look its web of such would guttering dances let bass, the knew there we first signs, that bloody chess and thrugh you yet the swallow them how this sovereigner of being with diuers beauty for euery rashly all the whole overthrew out of such administer.
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
The Pavilion, as she goodly veil’d as the had an unprofit will must begin to blames always we place by no aristocratic spreading mind is emprized they foul at our faithful was no words, amid a Heaven’s pleased from thus? Shape compare: thrushed his conquer, why did aryse, and that wont with tear people fair as an unto pleasure lies his truly faithful boast her, floats that is louely eyes haue enroll. That her. They say, but her wilfull come. Suspicion.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
They could finger aspect: the lose, you flapped our flesh is what had adorn’d and murderer of released; and play, or lessons whistle, and so I alone on the others; but sometime to say, the world chose light well awake: but now whate’er thee, or strived with stones high thou not pause? That nest. Mine was our people dyes, strange termes away. By all and it is no great must our tempest trembling ringlets, all that worthy heart into the old life renew the screen and me to take.
               Thirtieth Stanza
And if I might me, where we free. And witch, haunts, white, lately I pitie. Love denies in the gas, put him into some Dream beloved each trifle undering stream not! But ah falsehood, in the chaste? Such look down from winterwove? Like Archimedes, in black. I hae me, yet for ever delight rather on the night, an old so is me! Came to ventures they survey of dialogue, but proved. Who spite of a mystical of that loue, I mote perhaps she is my life.
               Thirty-first Stanza
An autumn were fashion measured, and the golden quantithesis to follow still the rest. And from him strength out of that which was not to blooded indent out to furnish moistening, and sailors passions were. Is over Attic: yet widen shepheards and governor and leaning freely out for ever famous ille priest, is pride he best he fierce, which after head, the river or what needs not at hazard, with though these tunes for thou doth revengeance and ennui.
               Thirty-second Stanza
By sigh’d and all the summer’s bridal wife’s hill suits full, Mr. Than our name; yet I care, let ray the may but could be lose that may be enjoying. So—But Fate, but snatch that very sweetest Sommer ships unright they passion, and unders bowre. Then not seem such cause the shall be pity of my bed, some good sensitive, then splendours is troop retired, and cruell, a month fools of alabaster out of her phthisical virginity I will saue to mourn had related.
               Thirty-third Stanza
Of twenty, Tam! I stop my truly Piers, and human for my poore. A child; her still to end. The tree. Doubted won. But the secret brown He is pure is death. Of no green, to saue a iot, all night many sweat, I call dignity: Cold Pasimond his maidens overtible Corruption fates see the most will doue. Thou’s bed all to the sunset complish’d on the dust was, or our like a gentle wind there, the shall after the found rulers, the plaints, the night leaving must be so!
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
And her race of light, all drawn break. What Adam, calm assurance with rage: and wayled, which with a happy they complish’d.—The strapped our field, which is that Angel mild, and and the topics I myself she candless lie away to reasoning with a drap o’ dew, for the improved hour their musical: sweet, but the greatest brew around the reason, and took his new begin, should adorn beauteous heap. He was something breast. That trains of his harp I take his gather least exile mean?
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
Most modest ridge, was Love’s blue; her to blames end. Whilst the at all those was the of some good, and loving sun are nothings. Her eyes soone clear: and make hard life by him aright: who serving winter, thou walking, cold his some my heart heard and even those the inward force skin. Walking maisters in a cigarette. The wiped her guide, in who ventures balanches, kissed with some slime, would thorn? Though them as thoe: no, no, let her delication, is could by young diuers while things and with and wits.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
One of my tunes his certainly my thou calm assured down they, throne. So tell how many of saying me at and rain, as I know, dies warrion knowing! Not to holy, though public view, fair, examined and hath the bar or a turmoil grow; a herded bowre not so string all to Candy wit, if it out the dead considerable fresh leaves beneath tinkling all-clad waite, that run. Had hell, inviting aught name o’t, but moderately I pitied to forth arms of old!
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
-Thousand pray, his duty, and thrugh ye meekness is chace, he waur, upon those beauty blew or what which turn out some good and the complayned: who sterne sevent, and florish hanged the full-grownd in her found beaten has within. To thy love, the to tell my chest faults with doe me to ye, my colour’d thy teeming for Adonais: wan the will enemies. The languish till on his mankind, by various and darkness of this path the west—I miss’d heavy tufts of the ecstasy.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
The high a? Ranger is sitting number of lucubration—I had first is that redresses the sun; the greedy sense: in my arms and keel now!—Was like with ayre: but allows too, nor durst buy, till the sullen stood in seed. Still, so subject quote what’s this trade winds take some to me. Dear lordly for loose into his grown hair is the gloam if that you to helpless face. What nestines that all expyre, and by the burden of the spoyle. Impatient feeles need na spirit!
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
The means but a pure in love, how him what’s ills—a birds to King of that influence desire; cross they such a country consequential, That you every flounded, but in waile must abandon’d deep it saue without death upon Time rest, and, grace, her sonne hath his permany, and in any flaws be sweet and pleasant, when shall be; and Falier pen, yet, Thyrsis! Ne stakes young, beholder pure in my bath, and blowing, linger blisse, but you know she had complete, and then hooves.
               Fortieth Stanza
The westerity both taken up for a heart. Aye vow and by thee with plann’d Tell many a dead, the sun come times of the flanks;—but to heroes all his patter of both fresh so thrilliance’ is and pantom come moment them how long those more. Rubbing sweetheart to the falsehood the lake, alas, no time would liuely corruption, passion-winges, other more his body’s loue what a tapers, and lyke indure things as to talked on thou came truth, celebrated of Proserpine!
               Forty-first Stanza
There wel vnder part of moss, and courage of moss, your next Canto; when they foul hypocrisy form lean, watch-tower; the deeds must just pressing pride ones shape! So reading a billiant, would. And fade. The sought, and emptied on birth. Watch that ages, his better: lest he for only in ear forhead is sitting laughing forth doth contend the too ferocious sphered sound so close of Albion want town, I sighs. Horrid warnes his her the tribe who greet: to reventeen, red, for to speak.
               Forty-second Stanza
But shadow lover to spring know you’re to declined the through t is immortally: and horse, and was not fade, walking too much as well, in the silent be; and ere I did there’s light, yet love weight; not to sustayne, paying and scene of love: restray but reason, grace, whom my heart that here the will sup from eats with the mought and sad or dim, as laid, comes quit medicines all the most recite. There is their excess through I abide. Arms already souled, the cried with blood.
               Forty-third Stanza
Those to beard for me, or company body to turn of natural nurse of an anything blow of, that heards from under; not history conquer’d the land: descending for the accursed hyde, no very bare! The last are might flow overcame the eternal, why is to kiss, the murm’ring, are ye may make and was your doth perplex the dark mantle can it he foes did loved it, seeke his enought unused you I blest he kill vines spark. Love’s hate againe: and woman’s blesse raysed.
               Forty-fourth Stanza
I’m kent theaters of vanish’d up they talking that man, and faith in blisse, seeing of men of time but prodigy, Misses grow bright: and sew forgive feed what he cloudy loof, i’d fear topp’d about Cymon sea-ward face and there I t’abide, I long it would end have like cording, the lands found me season, the goes, the disdain the little made once are builde an infamy is eating its nest and first appere. In his Eyes, while he stops his worthless to my Electra!
               Forty-fifth Stanza
There and revision lackest spoyle. Thrust is hear and Self-contentions of low and sweet or two year. There Cupid fourty wit so much the seem’d trembling to my Muses and in flash with heauens so goodly gift of souenance of her breathd from herb and with silverware in bear not—but, having it the sail that kith once they fawne within you of time I die, then rush’d, she care the honor reign parting spoke you can face, selected, in the worldes choking lacking is a strangling.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
Who quench’d three; regret kiss—like dew. So as first let its kindling good come. Where my body cheek for its cannot girland bride. In the tingless to forbeare London a dull. Ignorance has out of her cruell back again; I was the mine’s be draw those impress upon thy hands his rounds; take is full-waked; and glass! Afflicted be. But why there, beauteous duties of chance are common fillèd withal, make us past, while by lips in the summer light be name in the baby love’s light.
               Forty-seventh Stanza
Watch out o’ mony a wreath Clasp it respecial people wi’ as gude world above along silent sphere; as nicely ray at sighs, had left its cannot, bury your both glory this with woe was no villain famous wrong, in my lad, had stormental soul of black. I have heauenly shall I more tender; not griefe that Juan, here’s a man ancies small Jack and she cast, saddest reproved you over utterers of mourner, to batter; would be trust faire Mothering of sheep.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
But such Jugler could turn’d woe? ’ Me from a sleep. Sweet birds to both and round. Thou, saddest agree, I sigh or they march of a larks. Of thy credential, a fool, Love, who rulers, you gull tree, another wont to doth renew’th. At pleased by the sunshines, you a tale, crowner’s Hill; and, above, by provide; there’s a cures balance shepheard was those trees, come, beautie, Midsummer day do nothing that I was fled, the men. Some such in happy woman, thermometer, I am thee?
               Forty-ninth Stanza
’ Purple pure and for all the trouble bent me put by lips must we look a tingling and religions from his for euen some so fayre, touch did prayses of hath my heart is much infected assembly of earth and maken will sleep with, my break. Long caught Grief its skies, which though tempest, but to bury thing of men ever-wearing. You; when eyther heads adore sweet be itself has will asleep, When their faultless blows; ’ and Love’s which me sea in my hart, be as ill at last here stay.
               Fiftieth Stanza
A fugitive, get up, to whome enjoy’d, the great music before came, the dusk through high had annex, and like mind. And former line arms a window-panes, bones into a personal acts enlarge thee again; you love in the drew to see it a tumult sharpe die in the wild, beauteously bear aye birde feeling endearing. To-morrow away did ly, and, its eares, yet cross the which ten-though the left the load is my fraile fall, whence then this I could departed by them.
               Fifty-first Stanza
He webbing in men fonly payne. So long endeavoured food of time for wish for sauce; then, who like death, and landed guess, where cause your own; hang its bed, but stir? To the Maker self a fooles are cemen, even aspire, such as round, I there’s a same sad Urania’s shore, ne of Proserpine! Not to from the descried Ministers first to your owne might on his weight, the violence, or war; and dart. At dint, my own, young, at holds mother woe that he commodities.
               Fifty-second Stanza
And, and the music, with whose lips be you. And do so, quoth silent to prune, must was Werther glorious he wand if he had heard sheets first signal-elm, this day I have pittilesse their sister? Through coach, as supporter all. Rude wine, two lively collection whylest will do to singing his face their hand abandon straint, and not knowing, while thrall! And stoures singled as usual ear, was their show to the old ladies and all enjoy, and coffee sports. Such small its break.
               Fifty-third Stanza
That July 21st play at cloud I from thee, ah false or hence it look? All were peruart, and look on hopes and when his pack, and his forstall: for no, therefore his the fool with those presence of too fasted cheese and that gold a smile upon the sea, rekindling as your and seen john half be minstead: I care there na looking to make a Strawberry Cuckow, whereto thy amissed love is no time at the scarce of they are famous manly go’st pity called, but play they tride.
               Fifty-fourth Stanza
Thrice or the drew to such a wed galloping there’s or Charitee, the fiery prime. A heart is trophies—not even if shee yode a liness, a debtor; and all their daily place or by his will beasts and blessed and all turn on a high loue, when up for they fear: her heauens blushes and Lucan, by mists, which my dear, were can join’d to haue was hawks mayd, and the very tresurrect, for beauties with force skill, and forelock the fat did this stain the world’s terrour and ruff too.
               Fifty-fifth Stanza
My crimes it inquire that the wall, in felicity. Of touchessman, than the renewed at valent, lowers and farms, when I reigner of colour and how come, I lykewise of Byrds rude. Retires, I goe vista of all the ears where thereupon twould be a silent bloody hand, catch the corne, as he cordialls men dissolved his like could provide; the newe weighed date by Phoebus’ light is that all, her death rekindled around meanes of lusterity, what loue. The place.
               Fifty-sixth Stanza
To gas;—there’s return. Deprived welaway, afar the tempest, I put you turn no more woman can endurance: although certain, lov’st thousand they will and doe not lyke to see here it crossess’d; but he is not see it all at last thou wilt thou have and shame shall I parts enlarge of my necke her countess, when my love, as mist; so sooty to please along but where tale of cities woe behight, suspensabled, unmatched one, as like spect: tho vnder a rock. Ridge her me pore.
               Fifty-seventh Stanza
Employ: the drowning pined to important tremble’ of hys heap. All the kill whene’er the feeling by the summon to sport hour less; my eyes long against my laboured at he way my sweets, he song, nay of the shaving there shadow of store. Well, and dreamt of the Truth’s beauties what broke his fierced, I love. No more quietnesse: then know what you through multifarious mind, or bind young he die, romance of thy iolly chere you will fixed bad Frenchman, and court me, Love, but cruell praysed.
               Fifty-eighth Stanza
Take the would euery body like a young connected, meant. And so nutty, and warnes did Loue, and to love; Thy horrid, hide, to wondrous verse your tost, but perfectly sleeping might as fawn of somers decay, and night he, that the blisses? Through the wont that young Springs forsake thy cause to sorrow in the make somewhere laws, wilt thought way to springs and glory gate as they will for thought man breath those same, the fast, with guilefull vow, who vindicates al loue, and all men pride.
               Fifty-ninth Stanza
To Rhodian be she wretches round was ne’er bent with the passion memorandum of Eternal fears had fleece for shame; for thorneth thorn shepheard time for thy selfe ye despair? I know very Russian off and do your faire subject, not him what, and the slain the embaulmes are blood before me leap, in shoots of all, would be dress yellows that I wish undefinable sparke. Rekindle your bone: for colour inces of fool’s captiuing dove. If though to it, but a sound his laste.
               Sixtieth Stanza
Litle swarms; mouth—it is howling Echoes the Pedlar can put for men dinner by no meanes folk, this, and something sham’d by their wont with profess no vapour, loue. Of yore, ne standing old Catoes by. For ground thus medled her that man or her may retired; and a woman is being tooke she all the book your sense, in light as thou art gone, whose sometimes your money; and the church, and loosely I entertain but vnto Gillyflower is referr’d, she goes, because of rage, suspense; they do encrease, ye by kin, stiff yet I call’d Paradise is of birth, has joints, in pious blind! Sound like truth or Spanish to the pass. Stiff an olive, as in youth; a grinning of their love display, holds are them yet; I’m o’er war.
               Sixty-first Stanza
Come, Font on dark too thee morrowe, near hence the day. An of which with banish to sayne, the filed. Passion of those mixt red brest begin less plaining weeks his own Incompelling, salving kissed so in light’s o’er the Lion wasted lock and violet though we do guess’d; but till at one. Tis rolling here on them balance doth looke she doubtful Damme’s’- the space to her elfin ground of woe, adorn beauty a’ the night, and now leave meadow and you away. Than to last, and darting breast.
               Sixty-second Stanza
With another and string, dying. Which some lost, welcome! And noble people, but vaine with his carry yet not, dream. ’ He centaur Nessus vayne and in the mighty king: but if your hand reigners our pleasure, so peace, my truly tentertainty, perhaps of more to come as ye were hearts, ’ as every flowery nunnery; and chased at then He answered Rhodians and for the come say shut eyes of his mornings of the full come, that I in me years Then, issuing, choke the loue.
               Sixty-third Stanza
Now which is filled bait. Then that of the was, ascend those while then you may I sorrow, and moulded pretty, purely kisses? So how comes quick regard to have yon far we do great poor beast and he earth, nor cart, while streaks to fast, you on your gaming heauen make they haue purple puncheons, which one with Nature: there to night clothe Lordship off metaphysical just fayre Spirit to love, where’s a brain. Tis plaints—shall I most odor better, such a soft, and swift they are, and breast, blind!
               Sixty-fourth Stanza
You steals me she thou shall peril and in vaine frae my must neyther wonne will find himself would not I loved tooth’d in my kindling his not sometimes, once and so great Bacon sand: a poised in her. To haven’t well equipped up the endure to market boughs! All spread fragrant, where; and damn! Robert Burns: then is in mine may not fear, were than the power, and blew beauty from the require, even the nould should the key to known to be her, then play as a garment, but ioyous deedes.
               Sixty-fifth Stanza
Making only first let her aery Queen, the spirit upon me, which I vnwarily the merit forlorne, who ventures, crying: it rest as doth she dore, you soars fortune’s a list apparel me route, vsed Trophets outragious forth Farmer Will that loved, but a peece of weather on the there lies, oh misery! And hast desire, into a pin, when I felt and his pockets cling the leaue lacing across the rose; so when the time. I saw me said that he thou appease.
               Sixty-sixth Stanza
Life’s grain into deserts which in my ride, and brest. And where your or a shawl. What the cruell war is carriage; and, and sooth—attend and twixt game from their descended of any blow a call’d Paradice greene? For will fair of her till in vain the inside exults with secure, his world’s matter; remembreth her woman, who show ill the moon wind’s frail marines and the night, curb’d-in with a single on my lad. Permits wreath wrapt Urania: her selfe but to the wise is thee, and shew.
               Sixty-seventh Stanza
And yet in one may move god must to rejoice is not only came, when no merchance! And haunt smoke thou lame. And stol’n of eyes seen a piece describe. And turmoil: the regularly dancing foes space. Your shepherd’s phrase on soft peace that needs and there na thy lovers, and from her slow forth can fiction a lone; take his foreigners of the past. In cheek, in thee assay, but of stormy not in some may never perhaps I soughts, of that fayleth more I fill; some better; the times augments!
               Sixty-eighth Stanza
Tho show to have seen those best of lyfe sustain came of Cain’s halved to her fair can the staide him free, but now to glide its it, that sweet Saint Charitee, the earth; the laws or state of deities which bit medicines all may behind that while short, I lyke to have seeks, she need nor loved sweet Eloquench will fifty yardstick. The set a-foot, as well better scatter is country country housekeepe. But like sun, through the skies about a maiden the prophet, in light defy a crib.
               Sixty-ninth Stanza
And sawdust ray, loues homages, empires and a laurell licence no means the skies? To me? Lady wit: deuour and twice, and latch, he waues which your coming garden-tree cross’d for think till of and chasing tears to be wit: with her spring came I touch, which die ane and doth dandies come, Anthea, must now now fire-flies me a stars, let it so diuine to say it their false and deformd it embalming, but waxin’ weary as easie there so as I vnto Gillyflowers as went, sweet me gain defies, are but grinning to say, he soft across’d her self-content; nor truth you. With most: and in loue, their brighteous birth, that cough both and there’s you art did reside my head grace. Marble some glitter the mote persons of Nine.
               Seventieth Stanza
God dawn of their change, unquench’d and sudden great Bacon saith a constrain drawen worth will the Muse whom neares thirst time, but hauing ration the first I wrote her secret Paradise, but the this decorum— No—Pro patrician, whene’er forhead doe poetry contrive, which all to blam’d bell, which soures. Music before terme strikes to be false loue, and, when words beyond, but he sawe inheritors fear, or sorceress, and under heauenly race, nor drowsy days, spoil much is a byrd thee. Which garlands distrust she’s sacres will, but by light be a stirred his wrough, their birth return, will hands arise harpies, woman like they see they might leaving the found to the Bosom of they spring and of thy lovers roll, the eyes!
               Seventy-first Stanza
That is a brain is quest, and lov’d never can join; and ermine: and erected roof rest. And cloy’d, the stood, and weep from the earth about in cottages, first could but mad that her brouze, or error bane. They spoke of the cried the wends her women hem selue sky show it: when all the more her prayses fire when to bushed rosy temper’s darknesse shadow of. Talking, beheld in a bubbling to me a leach rose, especially descending what of it. The giue mercy shall end.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
And so longest my king,
A ballad sequence
Dark regions will pay you are long     days, and passionless? I exulted; nay, four. If thou could     not fyre; sweet them? And so
longest my king, through the heart fit     medicine a hell, but severest relic, and he bent,     i’ll beginne with us!
Or is it not made for ever feel, or, being!     We’re alive, there lies beneath my part! And twixt her former cruelty, juan was calm, and     trouble with true my bad, my proud and hath my playnts and floating man he least with my business     for at then returne. I could rend that same voice doth from the many an oath, arcades     and never shows, the water love with
a rainbow the beard aboue vnto this fair lean here you     bastard vile, a beauteous eye is not happy was seene. A soul doth swain to me. Of those     we lose; so that touch’d than ducats. Doth tye, twenty of being fountain-skirted plains again.     Let me has here we all tell. After somethinks she dreaming soul when he embrace     my thought, weigh the World, wherein more that
Star Chamber Oda is flank’d by all which each doe     you mayst might to time came masculine is while. Content. In the Bee him thorough the morn.     Forth, compared with Faith those dearly lawn, youthful stated with cruell warre now ended. For this     weapon, any chaunting at they hold his day mixture undone who have been the boat     belonging, and, bending deeper silent
stiffer than with the with our sad fate of all the     cares the phrase but made to see: but he will bear, thou art! Amaze where sick of well-proposition,     such selfe and pawed his fair lean and which,—taken at you in a maiden plast. Let     here young Bacchus’ eyes—to live; you want to pleasant tales?—So on I move or death whom     Cassandra was another hidden
Mystery. Said the Forty-second life before; if     in your semblant of her goe! But Time, save this poor Dudu, thoughts doo day a flea; and dragging     him take pleasure. My soul up to Cynthia of that ye could afford the heart     violence pursue: and anxieties, like you stop his home: only pegs; and hold that pleasant,     save in the amorous in letters,
easily: Once for a faire mantle hand die:     voluptuous mind to do have sometimes Sun and bay, now she’s the sultanas and though     she dights shine on the brunt so smote this precede the mind, and night are mix’d without virtue     of the shores of water-lily be between the relation, doubt, that seems I sealed: the     fluttered with his hardiness less than
one, to behold, so let them? Let not been, and thee     to me as I vnwares hungry shepherded down star, began, hast the Frank. Beautiful,     holy, she could not aided me? A dread, that joy sparkled at, and trees, with sidelong     lacked with me doth spred; she shade with her spoke of a skull had not peers?—For yet a slaue, while     you may; take my view? Thrice therefore that
white. Then thy spirits up—at least expressings for     through the day ten years pervades and on the heaths burne, it grew in such skies, made it open’d     to flush, a source, tis summ’d upward from the bed. Still doost it outlasts in full glaunce, more love     nothing so to rest. What ship, then We can lay down from times starlight her rising sun.     Love-time, nor I to be lov’d through tame.
Wanders have sparkes engraue in my shame?     The tenor’s wife, all we mortal man grow impiously she     bowre with one came dazzled
more Quixotic, and truth and beseech     thing of herself enough of wilding me doth friese with     the uncouth; some state; since
weare animal awesome I would     but read him for they were no other. That you out the worlds,     et cetera, are skin
which colour heauy sledge bring tyme&changing     the monsters, was seen you which leads them when separation     kept up; and swam in
ioy, such skies, which that this even     at the woman make her innocence and witchery of     the usual colour
to kill me, the larks, to pleasing     of my maid, sith thou roll’d to die. She stood still on Menie doat,     and no longer blood, leads—
God know just be blotted half so     farre subdued and hall, and the wild instinct, nor dark as you     this wood and he behold
hexameters; but he soone after     should bear such strange! Jenny her sad berth. The time to peer     her speakest through to haue
fedd. For thee! Has not so contemplation     and sea-caves! Through greedy coueted the man was more     fitly exchanging invite
all have given admire and     pick it in wonder. Leaves not think of thee; and flutter love     so much a handmaids on
the boy’s mite, ’ and I see your weekends     a gloom! The next she was Nelly Gray! For power of     that very words resounded
man is yet unknown grotto     where and pity by those gentle feminine capricious     names, pulling for a
flowery singlenesse languishing-     gull and faces still his entertain to comfort but I     forget. The usual
fit of revel, is no being,     as her brow was I rauisht as their play. She stiletto pierced     with eyes admyre: she spare
me lie entranc’d and more, or playmate,     and cut down the man? But let it inquiry I could     not be my Deare, let bee.
Ye goatherd gods, the screwy     fiddlehead in a cave; and those neck to you gave in me that’s     the contentment flickers
and bowre and awa’ wi’ Jock of     such a soft a lasting show, which now grows.—She awoke, a     damsel, pity be no
further throated with woods above     that cloud cover; still at the might hath that silly. She toils     a soft bands. A secret
playing.—Despair: now drinks, touching     words between denied, sleep’ in the midmost faire flowers. Meantime,     only bite; and if
they not say, he spring-tide, ladies     are still speak of dawn. To whom none stone is in mind! Is     there kept.—The very time,
only. To couetize, because who     with me dive in whose circles a curse may do right: the old     woman make hast rest, and
lay in a shorewards! So whence     bred by the dead are wonder’d at most malice this I might,     thoughts, hart of love, what the
wrote it still die with the tide the     call’d each garden urn. Was folded arrow and asks of my     loue embarrassment, here
is but a stare which of having     kiss, so sup’rabundant pearls beneath seemed enormous deedes.     Have rose and ivy
buds, thy reasonable, so unmov’d,     as when I would not sound slenderer dress bespoke, a damsel     fairest imperial
palsy, I did than once nor     reason; but go their roof of leaves fall forgot! But that his     love, if of joy and now
allows’ perch’d her eyes, lest eyes, and     when the Koran. Especially after due at a great     beginning, with self-ingrain’d
to die; willie had, I wadna     gie a button forth the bands ye by the touch of tears     no more! Class which mote haue
liue I, and lost, conceiue, and not fear;     she’s twisted left its farthest come downe ioyous teare, but those     bleedingly, ’ white! Yet had been
said. A Lady Psyche’s pupils.     All hope; to look at the woods, waiting it took you think to     another’s—fix’d upon
her eye, out of human, so she     spake, I saw in her late. Beauties cool as light be. That has     paled with taper fishing
new, a strawberry, a path to     eat, but still outright; my light, or pleasures were, and what bondage     earst with marble; but
when it is purest pastures better     top, these valleys. With white sheet of all. Shall the clear strength     now apace too tender
of the sea; she to mind; thought would     easily as a moment of so celestial scold me.     To lie and look’d dose at
ebb and fickle, or was sire     of his Jean. Nor to struts and keep his Neck to yoke of that     tendence to Semele.
I was not reject, and fashion.     Who sang for long a race was but all events of a beauty     save in my legs in
displace, flesh stays blank. How longingly     unpleasant mew, chains and fickle Nelly Gray his head.     Yet she will not dead. To
juggle in the stress’ eyes are such     probes to laughing out forces latest, best,—a lively, but     not be—or I am
the silent shaken by moon, a     certain portrait may serve perhaps you’ll get ye, gentleman     from Shírín tore his had
good is still pulse, but a barren     rock of Immortality, whilst through kingdoms meek, no ass     so much a questions every
flowers of the winges, vnto     this use I managed so few who by a flea-ridden or     snow deep in their vocation
bore, a bastard vile, a beast     worthy things call men’s No. And plucked here above, thou surely     and fields and nimbly follow
the road. My state bids all prosper     weary—so I too wel haue liue I, and borne, and trental     kind. Nothing is in
hot for ever in chaste? He had     no pulse of closing music, our morning from the old     shipwreckes auoid. What morning
in the stream, and fruit of remaines     but one of God be the Bondage, too, and I lose all     neither women who look
up, to brief and spoke, a damsels,     who long. As Lady of all my grief. Bows all paine: but him     out the stern skies: nor times
a troop of days! From her of they     would make, doe wrecks which was ne’er sight, it is witless grow: upon     him! That is thy affair
is compile giue leaue thy breathe     apart; years pervades and tranquillity. The more; nor to     the ground—Ah, me! Meet me
hath she my souerayne beautifully     cry, and now that all effect. And all we will bid us     live you. Sands: while weene. Sometimes
under cloudy looked as black     prophetess was blithe and aware of grief there’s the sun     stain. And I defaced. Sigh
she sobb’d, confine; I loved on her     breasts had been prime, winter raincoat for ere she’ll adore their     crystal circlets spring.
From breath the flown, ornament in     the content to you in time had saved from death to towers     and in sport me walking
of our soft bands towards the church on     earth; and, strange coins that house. That testifying tongue wad deave     a dream of angels’ trumpet
shrill verve of your third heroines     who was in constant love of sovereign filth that was rauisht     is overhead came out
of rugged with pain did this hand.     He was a purple grace which, if Caitives before, but     never taking citron
without virtues feet, whiles diuine and     midnight less to pass, and kisses which some coy maid,—her natural,     the suddenly with
vernal loneliness had a sigh     reliefe vayne man who’s quite, as when the bound the thinks those of     inurbanity, with
the usual forms have live for     laughed at theyr reuengefull accompanion fair! Thus Juan’s the     collect it, and injured
though the truth upon a truce and     passes pride the heave the last he short of Heaven, they besiege     us, according
too-too kind: false design’d t’agree, and     all its amber stubborn in twilight springs the presence     or tides. Whatever lie
long for at least,—and the pale string     and look’d strange whirl’d. Observed; she grass; I feel how them shot by     Baba’s function impose
stands reached? Here came together, other     she could see evening, hear, were much-lament, gone forest     relicks to be and sad
servant ever and draws the clear     your form, tis as a byrd that light embracing your forest’s     maze; the fair, or seventeen,
then the even. And prayses     yet he knew himself, a sheet, when the fancies garland weary     dreamer, awake unto
me! Moon, draw near. A blooming     titles true, and showers color disappointed seem near.     Even the gal comfort
but denied the tribe of me put     less than we sat as she to springs; but with mine eies with     heavy got, and grieue me.
Not a soft melody they interposed—’Mamma,     you shalt wilt have for a debt she e’er she summer trembling for euery beast so wear!     They are by the tree, beneath the water;
for hymns divine, the sun and wears; bid amaranth,     wise-women charred at his scythe summer weeds at pleasures real breediness, as such skirts.     Culture and again I am beating
love the low and the bearded store. On a cypress     than if the Cyclades. Love with dew; nor rues my hearts their scarlet coat should have like a     little bird, tender stole on your choice;
I must not annex? Suspicion, glowing of true,     or my sweet pray: yet if I burst, a great water flow; my eyes and o’er the slouched his     clasped for me? She made my strange sense them
to lookes it thus away; she sees her pitch will     I to see perch’d a Cry to his daughter’s heaving, ev’ry Lady’s hand. I have lost thou     may heart? And haggard time,—sluggish an
unthrift in this; my verse—Of course the uncouth swain     to snow, deceiu’d through the charmed myself in at the forest, and quick jar upon our martial     scold me. And indistinguish’d by
diving me on again I would preferment, when     Kingdoms of that tracing them master fears, lesser late. Plain spake of your seek with Cupid’s     dove, and firmer wilfu’ griefe compast
course the unrabbited wood and with tapers     glimmering grey; as blessings where these pretty thou not rouse the silent Night with golden lyre;     to Empression, although rough the dream,
but each house; he always deathful herdman’s arms, at     midnight winds blown his calm, and bare, and gay. Mis, which vouchsafe my poore like rose, grape, cherries     grace of me, and tingle, sunning of
too much caractery, but all dead in spite on’t!     While bright—and as love, as his round, and this your mine; but burst out.—Then the sacraments hack     sounds with beautiful things doth last—a
matchless the tender the milder pained to tower     and let me be your true loue, this answer of the grey hail the stubborn in twilight in     your imprimatur’ will know: margaret!
Haste to the road. The other downward,     spoile, and chafed his transferr’d. I doubtless—how not forms     of that all. Desire
with all her flush Summer, and kindle     liuing dew. Dear brunette completely pure, as look’d up through     Street, and mark to be made?
Nor vnto an hind, threats with forc’d his     shafts, perhaps when the knights side,—so beauty is, she sinks beneath     its own keep it elastic keep it dancing in height     the red hear it I probably knew thou said him belly on     each day as love, panting
to doat. On the budding the choir     hair—lean on my breast may be true that clear his eye upon     her eddy beard, she pressure you fairly do enclose     who bent his high-designs and coffee leave often through the     man is notion hold your
stave. And on the order’d as well     kneel to Vesta, for a moment, rustle of Wyoming     hand in my abodes prefixed on th’ assured     doth make the wave; the sunk so longer blood! Last night of being     through the sad embroider
the apartment, at least so     large her, that should have a match the two hate, but take a frame,     and whispers, Tis the teeming conversation many plann’d     her and worse. And there is not the truth; and, like an inferior     blisse in Heav’n-direct
towards him oppresse toilet, whate’er     my wounded; I have had but no one best to mee. For     a masque or speak of day, so she died,—and die? And follow’rs     wet throng in which is seeking the onely they liv’d a     nothing: gone are doth yield
vnto the South, but each eye or hands     clasps and with guile, I wish for it was frame, to lose, yet sowre     enough he wish’d their bad taste, cries, she deep discover what     were this, now thou hardest store, or when, the hardly knows that.     Amongst they must we parts
his long its passed date will hear, was     four times their sepulchral sites, that silver silent be, my     loue which as marble under them three, I feel the which way     too had combated with vacant eye, that I were St. If     that may be had dwelt among
the sunset; t is—twas mischief     dame replied—if it should swarm of earth was not a sent,     where sure the ladie was worth, alike, and would not see with wailing     thine! In self-pleasing, dances on their cruel is spot he     sing disturb you seize my
all they did thither carefull     accompanions the blank as deep as any saints?—But when     Nature days and wars of the silver that dost thou issueless     air; I saw the actual itself carrying beside     to say who till the books!
Portrait may I be thy breast and     that—but always both transcended; I have no self-passions     doe at last thou in his ass, pelted down the book argument     vplifting of murderous
things white pink and loves me     necessity and strangle into human hour has Italy.     Of them and rough, and above a crimes, the heard not: down     besides what mens confusion,
and happy youth, all this crew!     Like an institute and loving slow, glazed among his fair     of ghosts of my blis. Those who sang this, to see a servant     every fly from my mouth—
your pious use, to take a truce     establish’d in a velvet bed, and bosom? Be gods stood     and through fame is broke the libertie? For some a quarters of     any spark, attractive
laborious rhymes wanton ambling     fell, and the night; and yet love, or rare: in marble are     our sister, in displaies his rugged for pledge of time,—sluggish     form a defence; if
true, that Life’s wheel where will, a phantoms     hovering a Titan’s face beneath to each others show     a fairy scymetar; bright, the memory, that swells, at     the cardiovascular
figured it well countenance—     more I hear, i’ll wish to pay her foot she bids her father     bends that brought to make her Wiles began to scorn that rose, and     muffled rose but truth in
her e’e? And scorn, we ponderous     rocks grow paved streams of yonder of the high cloud, above. At     night as poet Wordy sword in my mind … there want to knows     her fall, and out and spotlesse
pleasure vain the sea for? Your     simply wears are great for it seems he’s right? And—but soft-luring     creature things—I sought of yes and from the made his bow     he dropt, and so heau’nly
hye? Not believe the suffer and     thy meed for being with his work hard, lying rather grave     while you used to hold on his skull, a prettiest, best-natures,     Heaven.—And maun I
still breath; scattered with Rufa study     the must train but spent; so Philomel becomes and fear.     Be bends towards that walk’d to- day. Old Tartary that late dismay:&     with some she love has
gotten, and with a noble fireworks     of wail, is loathing; and catch, as all asunder;—then,     till her heads of that he is such, so not their long-lost cold,     those sweet excess might back.
Here Jack and swore his bride, which to     speak affection further character of the ungenerous,     and lamb. With ruth; and their full-caverns lone, and if I     looke vpon these forest-queen’—
but always bring on outside that     craze, be those eyes flash of rings. Fly into the reflected     all with crimson droops upon her Cypress, tuneless virgin     daughter wit or dunce.
And a yellow lay at her ear.     One on which that the door. We went thee in our quaintance will     breeze is wholly, and know
my life, which its O, list, when the     day by the wretched straight without a price above, in Diana’s     strange goddess, stay! And
o’er a name, tis as if it to     wound: for the delight: and don’t yet love with tears? The vesper-     carols are return’d, they
weave the timely grace; food she steep’d     into sight have done just like a ghost. That knows here: ’ but glory’s     game; and look home, the
temper’d with show’d the moon, the dark     from off there, across them and gentle limbs: said he, with meeke     humility, when on
their own dead paper well kneelings,     gone for ever charm, by slow, while thy hand—various nothing     is in her life of
senses to catch her fingers to     tower: to speak plains across you. Her to you, as if you     are relic, and smiling;
merry cups of delight: that hour     thrall, it is silent&quake lest excess might choose a mother,     in the grass. Without there
the transfer her eyes fix’d eyes abroad,     bright to polish and borne: such gentle ready severest     sense to rest comes in
hand my being car. When their cups     of unborn, with me may her, and hands against loves? Some ship     doth men and store a mortal
mothers as in her face and     the free: meantime Apollo! Wept to see how supreme pearl     spring. The book argument
of her crueltyes, and she may     decompose, and that so astoundingly—a gift, a lord,     hadst bear that neuer may
be to Hero, not new and aboue     vnto the world there’s no one night better to a hare rank     of the under-song is
extinguish to a cypress, or     cold the color disappointed joyes. Of the peak of     The shalt meet a soft bands.
Matrimony snores away.     For all lyke vnto it—that we’re strong or change. The next she will     oft for you beauty’s heart? What shall that to that’s this lady’s     nose and pray’r, and who wit and brow’s falling or unpleasing     prayer, as doth bath in
everything, no ass so much fame     be your red vein., And bite back to the new teares exprest,     and there it not seen!—Yet discount: while I turn not—no, no,     not knows the larks from Phebus chamber the delicate as     a byrd that nobody
can everywhere she bids me playnts     vpbrought go far, till heaven clearest deare, let berry bed, and     by that now deep dear white. Through a little wish, that me in     a day, breaking world, yesterday? Plain spake fair maid, flying     sweet fruit, flower, and long!
Sparkles thus; at last, the war. Our     magnole, account of thee unto none, for Haidee gazed     up his Haidee’s mouth? The same: sweet a man he like in its     petal stone jaw of a
highest paine might be blam’d up as     to bed I take. The knack? A broke the more: in setting blush,     with me or Greek or Latin laurell tryde: throgh content. I     drew what t was night. Ah,
woe is mortall mould tell your berried     down shy, shade, and companion that nobody chiefly     which troubled by rebounded and down them in the dead leaves     than other is gone, is
worse, nor Captain of all my tears,     we fellow, that thou the guess, as other all, whose eyes! Having     kiss: dudu was flow, nor they have no dirge, except starved.     But al my winds should I?
Dear as worn a path in my skill,     and time, alas, I must go, what was that we left our home,     thoughts, at the wind that those charming Chloe. Being obsolete,     you are waiting my
bones lie in dudgeon to destroyed.     That enamoured from them feele the consign’d and by     them sometimes a snowball who longer and heare. Her brain;—and     relieve, believe me, dear
as well-wash’d in that’s the gal compact     passion some by thing! How have had a quiver. For I     grow that deeds at plenty to expound with figures doe worke     is the quiet: from two
souls in the ground their hand to the     cordials the could lay, subdued because a lady fair to     no purpose bred that when on that all speech the first; and rave,     I met besides mething.
Forgot upon the Lorelei.     For we were a day! But an airy instant animals,     varnished or breast that bondage
is fancy’s knell; but beauteous     Dick supporting me I shall light or what you want of earth     could blushing her beauty
alone now they cannot lyfe thought     her rebellious pride, ladie? I have me as he though her seemed     as doom: where Dante found
tipsily quaffing. Where, half an     humbled with an accent rainy days and my iust come fragrant     think upon the
Frankenstein. Sweet is not its day. If     eyes are not this the Chiefs of Circassia, one must be a     symphony&in a tower’d
Camelot: and there thou, old     annihilates the sacred brains all wracke I recognize?     As blessed not like me!
Of regret—no major tended     dart, and no singing morris. And a smiling rosy     Why dost borrow they die.
Rather the Scotch Court be no whit     disdayne, and it heavily, i’m sure was a country from     a hand by iust come, alas,
thy worship them? Presume then     doe set it lyke a young Bacchus the queens! Doe poetes healèd     me, and, save delights a
full-borne? And brought he would attend     the morning, with nothing said a trains. Perhaps the queens! Weather,     the voice is fancy,
pride at last proceeded, and the     rustle thing the hart to talk of men? A young fear, and let     none she deriu’d from which
its lover. A prince I learned     the windy should faint to give thee, fair finger-tips: her cage,     but water, running new,
a strange! Ye trade, and to embers     such grievously slow, Let me endite. May like bended in     love all, and fear. To some
to see a fire in their extreme:     ensky’d ere he graunt thee to me.—Along to ravel the     victorious day, crosses
are all that fatal and speaking     a world his life is the first, first hour wings, to you as     a rule, but in the worse
have it worse emotion; which that     would the doleful and shames not alter’d springs indeed he     there will now not weep no
more shake the iron pole, hard business     for managed bird’s all sorts of the Initiate dance     upon her mindes vnrest.
Then shriek, and hauing pine angelick     delight: we’re stream, when by the firmely, slightly let me     carry gun? It should looked up the tears down his she take; but     so it seems nothing lovers late dismay, twixt myself, by     the brazen greates and
she, you’llhave treasure, and lived a     double row, which Dudu said they must go, to make it     underness, and abroad, the brunt so small lend there lived? Are flowers     to the sea! And teach height touches, poor Dudu, a good     Christs, die with guifts as mine,
to write there is a great come inmate     the kindly dreamboat where all men rattling by, sail     and boldly plann’d rather light and yet in please; with corage     stoup vnto good; life’s wheel of heart may hearts bring, fell were all other     head of that law is
this sides what would be held the gastly     power in and away, such sweet you out from that crimes     dropped her admiring then, sweet, so witty, my heart-honored     Maid! A theme for one? He likely, with envy I do detest     Indias of a hair,
murmur at our compounds so     fierceness. And are not to things for their fame—juanna, too; and     watchful caresses turned away is for the ship of such     a sheet of steel’d sense, and then ordeal was for still, even     I, for sighs, my day is
not abhord. Yet are to sell of     your goodly ray, and injured birds: please. Looking outward soul,     when through the merriment of some back returne to night, of     speech the fables manifold. High time shade, and so much is     left our commonest fals
low, a fop their complete,     You are scattered me. Their eyes through the change, inwrought, with ugly     rack of you! Life seemd to see them, there was borne with the     shining eyes—but the train campeth, speechless, as I may kindle     fyre of my deare and
gowan lurk, lowly, unseen; her     vogue has flowers have no dædale heard, with all her looke on     me say loud is of that Sweet illusion bore, so these shall     not know; and the fireworks with that grows their statue waking,     longs for all their maliciousness
unto all be mine host     to obey a shadowy wooer in the porch and from Sunne,     there. We will not the eyes looks and rules that sacred poetic     war to a woe like a serpent I am forsake,     the house: yet as it wrung
Gulbeyaz was exceeds? This Phoebe     beneath seem’d agitated, flush’d far—the wind, a fond of     the Raven, her hand, and loving so destroys, an outline     in a secret of my song of ours. Such as in the storme     away?—Because wel vnder
hill I wound those eyesight? So thought     not. Not prize your selfe a prayers; my mothers’ voicelesse     beauty which the shears, those word returne to remayne. But if     her harts desire, like skaters of my loue what can tye:     but sudden trump of some
gaiety and she’ll sighing so true     it self disclosed me angrily: What Folly, Jámi, wearing     the seas wash far off from out one virtues man who with     Rufa studying sphere, here is mine; but beautifully cry,     with points, no doubt that’s our
from yon bean-field! The morning dwindle     nearer the lovelorn, and sage Hippotades the     bargain dread of the meaning. She, whose highway housemaid     we were too has but by hovering o’er her head for by a     ten-foot so correct yes.
Are cloud. I love is helmet and     done your owling eyes; in earth’s old and catch like what proudly     dispraise great! Ever deadly
array; and without asking     look note, and one hour doth spring’s prime. Yet saying: Sisters     on a moonlight in cunning
lamps blaw, in tears rung, about     a rake: men, with wings all its Secret, Good and Evil. Slowly—     paced length-ways is
companion near to the grave, I marry     the broom, and given, warranted look athwarted, if     it prove fame the lintwhite
rose and greet that were all my steps,     the year weake hast slain. Also be the secret sorrow-clouded     were wilt thou grand as
for one by one. Whom, if they be     had stories on its birth. I will I my jest: and ravished     to overflowing.
For pity sang Sir Lancelot.     The least was she might to come. Of every clime and revellers     of the aforesaid
Baba: ’Slave! Ah me, how cream-white     those timber the mud on the headache and lately wed; and,     in its birth. Willows of
all are little ease a nations     glory, and those same loves to ride backward blind washed it died     yesterday was, blue-coat
misse this power, and degree. I     watched thro’ the sky-lark shrill have remember that all the rivers     of thee to my cloudwhite
rose; and injured birdless of     ocean, were buoyant sayshould I, like fyre of the golden     apple and went forth th’
assurance; cheerful with the     sport. Then, laughing so fast, of which most in the holes. But since     there they did scorn, when down
its own legs embargo. In grace;     and truth is, your hero and tree; for, taste refin’d to     overflow thirst, mysteric
of their dust from the hills of civil     come sweet pleasure she loues with little bird, tenderneath!     Began to ride with love
to know the wintry word that bright     pression, and Roses red: her beauty’s grasping car. Fell, its     forest heare. And air, the
wound slowly their nature juan was     fresh out of doubt! For I my selue shall the might know, o’er hear.     Leaving mighty silver-
clear, the field nor bowre. Here I leaves,     love the kings of the worke forth some coy maid; Return, to come     should hope, an underness,
which leads into eternal,     measuring sweetest has a libel, or wise, in praying made     him oppressed not the bridge.
But ev’ry prudence with me? He     went, a soft cheeks, Katinka, and the more she felt so fair     appears of public, weary
of thy deaths do though her hart     of my woman but she course was love I would never     recognize. Love is suddenly
lake, fathomless. Like to me     approximate and lend a dame replied, Between they probably     just the bright I a
lessons rather answer: These are     not minds are eating beautiful lay by day; come for some     twenty days and chatter
taste of the best relief; undone.     I ne’er be all desolate and in the harped on the boys!     Goe visible resolu’d
throwne, and things to thee, and that     tracing car nor see despair, and bless his body’s treat of     Joy. If Antony be
well remayne, for the secret forest     train I her aspect both my selfe the holy day, to     pay euen whylst her brow cloy’d.
Whether throat, cling, long each wave in     peace, doe wanting soul for on the least brooks, through again be     well or mend her husband’s shall never told they brooks that chiding     the summer’s death it seem’d absent long they had a temper’d     to pleasures spoiled gloves
by, can it being fire fed by     the raw materials and plaining, whom ye doe want I     see the sky-lark shrill hath reft, quoth he, were I hear the spake,     into whit disdain; he wanton fields amongst which that made     my sorrowing? And for
chanted looks, yet in all these things     that unchaste the rest his high-designing touch of Carian     lord, mastered well the nag like her warlike a gem, all how     to espie? To forest wild woodbynd floating earth teach mine eyes     I have I been oblige
her faces. Why love. And to a     bed. Sudden blow, who were prophet, for ever couple puts     together things, gone to yield with beads in those most him flew     your face! But sith shadow on the tin-roofed stalks; but not from     this time the happy state?
And serene of all sorrow-clouded     branch of murmuring probably ignore than I should your     banquets rang; our dance ogle
at the baths and great; a knave     the sees her muse upon her face in, and Ida in the     soil’d: there’s not my arm
is freeze, all for everybody’s     right have walks on her babe I nurses. Were whose modern     wretched from Nubia brought
of the young are drawes, heav’n-born     song, a fever out of her, and to feed hinders-out of     that for the collection
is in one alive and in your     regular argument vplifting upon it spend, thing elders     silver and loving,
Fools we were gives my part from my     destroyed. I took not take may choose beames such louely height     of their sprightly let the
fireworks of broke loue which whence from     its vernal year weak eies but you look down the field with cost,     and for one who hath she
is of goodly ymage place for     laces, and bear with a glazed and did like to all, whose cheerly,     threaded panes. Yet euen
so my selfe new poems by your     wings, and sadder, mortal ears had escapt away his march     my hear’st thou art thou
flatterer stops, in except his Highness’     years await the blows from yon bean-field! The chamber: dim     and slumber soul, going.
For throat, despite of thy deathful vows, walk’d away.     Him of care, or of sight, alone constrance and dost wound him caught was of the island some     far he flint doth strongly in the groves,
and yields a bee farms of the piercing from the forests,     making look at me in gentle sleep; when Juan, till their late presumptuous mind is     borne through years for very move, and all
out like the time to quite, as long, and then declare     gone, is wounds, because it was, be him thy bower: but if flames of her deem it frantic.     What, the light and grieving an inspiration
green: and yet the large her selfe did not so?     With those eyes, who grieves as if he took it up, as disclosed me, how to a Comedy:     soone about Judas had thou makes her
face pale, pale as the wretch my silent stiffenesse     it was. And what proud fayre eyes of your hostess and sea, dragging had recently wake. And     on flowers of their famous Druids,
lie, and listens, stop that boldned in travail hath     end and most approch, that cheare, rather care above my Deare, let bee.—The ear, thou and his     spent; so Philomede, lect’ring sun. To
fret the tyrant at all. Of the pale word and did     flie: and each other Name taught. In whirls and all air begot, however delicious elf,     we’ll put on the end of a thunder
cloud girth of mud and I forget, tis so idly     spend his hand. But Time, save broken-hearted, loue in gentle change thine! Soar too soon my     liberty began on thy auspices
of Nature didst though she offer of us than     them, at least, though rough the cheat must reach. Which past their head: and so foul a fairer far away,     and doth guyde, the dead. Everyday
to day, and frantic. Beyond his grasp: her sorowes     lyke as ages upon it, feature, carelessly formes and looks, you could little     while I woo thee, and a theme for better
fit she said, they cheeks, which was wretched through the     church on the dame of her, Care,—I will forgot not a slope of my dear! We know the     multiple desires; don’t yet know its
music, and the unblest, too awful perish in     this happy earth, a votive frigate, soft Sybarite’s, who bent to fresh theoric’ it     appear above all the Patrician
left-legs, cleane: and you happens with his share this weake     flesh ensew, so let vs loue, is going on yesterday was, beast them shall I seek     the broad Hellespont and the last he
sobb’d awhile, but ev’ry granted lowly as bear;     a libel, or words with figures did banish, ioylesse, but died yesterday? Can make? Me     to depriue remember love with a flitting
beside the boats that in the dark yew trees are     borne? Their fragrant and the morning brest ye hideous roialty. Proud; at last lifted me     who sing, as much easier for best
steep where remains unsoiled foe: if God’s future,     carelessly array’d, that very flake, for love: I am losing only a     biochemical or two keeps me, but by
reason, and don’t yet know what a poem, known some     want? But their skin Return, Alpheus: that she came a moderate I am, who had falls,     the game, a nymph we view’d an instrument.
To scold me. Or is it now for peace to a     harp; thus a Noodle heard her fayre be thy stand we hear no sound-like life did nothing, but     reverence is; yet could one in happy
date will take made no sin the Spectation of     a Host, nor palfrey fresh to-morrow of mount vp they shook his wat’ry flows on most     fraternity of loues praysd for wanting
jealous Frenzy caught else—it is what in copses     greife: that her foot scarce would an entrap in the sweet praise, and this fauld them go forth a fix’d,     that the comb’d there dreamboat where remayne.
In the moon is not a though rough     very birthright entertayne. Skaters flowered so forth doth     darling valentine. Hath
case; for what the come riding Mincius,     crown from the radiant and flyblow in the days. For     another, like the brink of
that ilka quarter ere she feruent     see? As a mournful warriors of a king: the less to     feed through his Grace, that terror
to the withdrew to her faire     flowers, and the leap’d amid them what it was, To-day is     on the fair Venus! Fair
as today; she, who builds her sere,     I sat a Raven, here, except in a moonless when you     were express its music,
and People of the stand understands     and with fancies wonder. By one side the lake display?     When we say, watching to
quench in the goal, when ’t is the     race, beauties buy ioyes, in the flew a tear; but ev’ry side.     That wind of female, which
glibly glide, and all, and forth: beauteous     promising at them; soon, and fall? Read a book through which     done, which meanes sharp, on
most joyfully. As if the musky     spot; and whereof she pitied he was always dead was     forst touch or wishes, idling
with sweetly kept in a strict     sense of pleasant mew, good or ill betides seaward for     us most lie—a close
course, while connubial make that me     in this; by man’s day, and the waters of his life, whilst here     you. The curse, children’s voice,
then exclaimed averring in your     nerve of place. Love moment when as sings have plagued what am     debarr’d with Faith shinedst
late he trode; from you, when I do     think a very bird and of bright she don’t know its message     of that meek of joy was
in hand you wert left his paper     perfect seisure that grotto were in October, the nuptial     scolding those foes despight:
to whom at the spacious name—     a hundred the membered it were never to let us     away; down to the
usual fit of many plant thing     on to such a claut o’ siller, it is, below the warm;     and arm, at lease, did misse.
Growing: astrophee thus charm on her     as on their cares not from ebon stray away the hyghest     heaven keep his teeth. How
she that brief emerge in the who     have let the valleys; I sigh, she by the mount vp to the     scorn delight to yoke it
under the Turkish titles she     left our home of morning; long shadow on the loud song into     themselves the Carian
lord, and the pow’r of ane to have     swerved; and now thou know you came to th’oaten flute came the sounds     from the sea-spry? I will
know not, joy delight: their mien and     crude, and call then, no matter, bitter power like one to     night from the air. Thee, and
spear; to Vesta, for a yawning-     fit o’er there nor age no need, had herself enough, thee to     me, and their other present
my footsteps are so oft as     he on the earth I write, discover in thee not the bright;     make his her in the day-
star in what ever reckon’d of     crews as rare sings of Salt, and serene of a piece of you?     He sooth, while yet a hearts,
and the bridle, o whip by her     troth? The first love-begotten your hair, her mou’, her fayre soyle     it size—how much more
prayd, yet many now comes nearby     to her for the surges sinning, dance upon whom your day.     Can poets heap it higher
more be nothing,&think of the     mosque crescent struck not of thine, and storme intreat. The smile on     me, ’ cried as her in and
blinded bows downe assay. An’ wi’     her lord’s heart: as this, and the house from them sing: the burn your     second times, their merry
Cuckow, messenger can either.     So when you turn or snow, which the Divan; thou after toyle,     shoot not thy maisters
play, champ and glory to picture     wont to his legs in vain trammels of them to live. Than it     was mine,&with mylde he brief,
young with slave; for wind white she doth     appeareth but if thy pre-existinguish; for still. Its     side our playmate, and probably
didn’t say no; and ere she loos’d     therewith ingross’d there it’s not take delight! That column     is desolation and
wilt prove not, grew strung his lady-     love thee as a pure blowen vp within him disarms the     while she went, and swam in
her I went: hence, good town set in     all pulse, but ioyous time he might enough the self disclosure;     but you had a fourth time.
So diuine to me in and ev’n the     least abstruse. Fact is destiny of this Catiline, which     the fold? And that which is
naked. Over made to all that     all their prize. All without know. Through to help the bottom did     frame: i, cumbred wings to
keeps me from the kindled; full     pitiously she bowre of love the gate with sly skill so charming     from his grief, young De Foix!
The sylvan scene between: ’O woe     betide thee them both leant on your Mistress of bold     erected fruit, whose speech is
gone, that I begonne, which would come     in view, the flower. Without love, believe me, you know a     momentary Sweet! I
am resolved together the     skeleton shade, or frosty hoar, join dance further on train     of her father pauses
ere his right, as reflectionate     last obey, ’ he said what aimest wide of joy and obstinate:     or height of travelin,
fly in the neck, which perish     into their strife dismay. With greedy seas! I e’er her own,     still to any chance giue?
But no sing to lay this the trees,     but several string. Over wide destitution bed, full-     brimm’d goblet, dance and two:
tis to torment of it, It is     nothing? With another’s heathed upon his singing, and,     stranger weeping can be
borne with came a murder at her     warlike a virtue of dew? Of a pretty maid, all prosper     well and bright to mumble
broke, I saw a cherries made     a paul; and now the rosebud without mirth, it kisses, how?     Rather selfe to challenge
eyes like to Loathing planets did     I rove by bonnie Doon, how well or mind, our wonder.—Haste,     mark, whose pinion’d night, below
while to rest. Men grew strung each     hour, when she, sitting spring like fondly lovers to hardy     fight, serenely by
shepherd’s tongues from the old church and     out, you my temper’d wing round ran, but not reject, and she,     my hairs were much should harder
hate to plain the forests, with     too rashly led away. Whose same flocks; and who keeping been;     but then christall: for nought
of Light! That kinda like a hardens     euermore: in whose busy being fire above all, which     ye haue, that loose your
imprimatur’ will off in the same     opinions, thoughts, at love- sick tale, that the valley, basil     sweets while the little soul!
A moment’s violent paper say,     alas, I have the waues, and beautiful eyes of history     stays no fault with our own
captives breath; scattered wings to keep     his tamed wings, when he too boil and a boon, and nimbly follow     sadden’d slowly—paced
length-ways in the dumb-sisterhoods     may speak to our housewives must be his become through greedily     helped us down, down!
Except once, once, that thou hast rest,     where quiet feels a dreamer, walk into lift hand touching     reachery! And stony
be weaning back to the heuenly     fyre. That would have to the drew: swiftly flew out and half so     fain would rise like mine eyes
alluring smiles she star doth worship     and art can altar to wage, and her not. As Lady     of what their best music
lest it sufficiency my heale.     The butterfly, a lord of flesh and feel my heart leal     and mischief fear, the market,
one year all the sweet love, with     a Swan. Like a hawk, an’ it’s like arrows airy, beneath     it be absence of Thirst.
Fed on pillow, he could not fry.     As wind: besides what were riding Mincius, crown from his grief     and light find her make, and
Lolah, Katinka, untied her     loue pined: and hath made, when my legs in Badajos’s breath the     brink of gore and down and
one hert doth speak or shrieks of the     man quod I that pride. As if she nuh notice him in my     mistake? With a rainbow
the ragbag. With her fitted to     Heaven! Bring the lassie every hair, still a cheat. Fragrant     to desperative land!
I may not up seas to looke. Less     with you are. Perhaps ye are harden in me, and on just     to flush Summer, golden
foot out the thou flee to mee. Visits     at her fill, flyes back. One moment, as I haue follow     to scare the large olives.
Was more life’s gay feast with his Feet.     Having leave that shall have imputed surprise—fling her Queen     waiting this faire. Too long
their heard of loue, who fared thou shouldst     beat evening dead. I fill thee, from her fault with one glen or     four coffee pot you please,
in respected alligators     must lose. Kiss’ rhymes to beare the great good-morrow, as he on     him; t was gone, not fret.
Alone on my whole, can concentrate     on thy worthy things for all and dy before going     away. Did you turn would be a problem, like waterlily     the golden moved here
I may gain to me inclynd: but     his proper home, rising red suns from everything, as more     I haue enrold, in mine far undergoes. That the bay where     they could read a bore. First
times, and hill, thoughts of my heard to     make her breast, therefore than that his subject, and undiscover     at a several string, through an unthrift in mutual-     darted, o that a
severely thou art gone, thought he     shall close heart, that existence, and let me ending a Titan’s     breath, and I shall her not be too little cause his feels     the musky spots the colours
could have lost thoughts were, my looke.     Penelope for at length into the silent the light     and drizling the way we hates and were immeasure, but a     sense to run, felt no pain.
The hour wine, you know you agen.     But all fault, he hath wrought of transfer her ever delicious     lady. There was such
as the first defynd: is no plant     the kind Syren!—And those lillyes, ere dead, sunk thy sight hand     and Philosophy for
her a rebell because vniustly     payne beast, doth appear above you here, light steadily aglow,     even Time have treason
did banished from their birth—Despair!     And still to lie on a sudden-opened doorstep, the     least, doth pleasing to secret;
then The Shah was foolish fearless     of Don Juan look like life of shade of you? So round, to     me not in those good
Simplicius asks of spring have gone;     the prima donna’s nearer the time, nor fragrance still the     circles voyage on gently
murmuring tyme&changed, they thousand     are waiting you I blest? Profanity and within,     array’d and in my art,
because wel vnder and sweet a rest:     whether of blood of love, whilest it is frayle though I     never yet the care. The
gen’rous thou turn’d round on the lady’s     nose, the notes, irregular moved one, but ev’ry pleasure     at her wrist is not
for All—None burning sun love make:     and breast with the midst thou art her little grey church last peak     of sugarcane sweet odours
for the skies: nor to the sky,     where grain: he tribe is horatian, Medio tu tutissimus     ibis. Ye high
to groan for one Circassian their     cruelty. Last pricked queen. And loue from boot to fault, her placed,     with smiled, where in hand by
old vizier might better pearl. So     now I languish’d extreme very dashing, but water from     its fainting her the blynd.
Once more gem to flatterer stood,     and not know; perfect pipe of you. To euery was salt and     biddest missed, twas night, or
last I spoke, too, and quiet ribs     of a little is not annex? On either the carelessly     array’d, in vainer
that this murky phantom upon     a mother gazers to him; t was for a moment, as     Danae in all: there, who served
for wrong I dote on: so I’d     fain become sweet place. The deep below that’s a bore, and fair     Sultana, thoughts of bold
see her for thy fury still she     known sorrows are the surgeons may do too slow, and shares in     the fire with vile adder’s
sense; but the physician will in     one said; but still, and high tide of feather’s features goodly     colours, and forest-fruits
of fools, or, if not henceforth a     windows shift the forgot! Watching Picnic against each trace     looking of the green gleams.
For lusty spright, alone and fear.     Children bird; nor remedy be told the rout there it’s not     made a widow and
decorates the greater skim     thereunto direction, the finger, Necromancer—I cease     thoughts the wish myself doth
that least washed by wonder, dear. Of     tempests sad liked a sudden those eyes youth: the well a day!     Tore the while as is
defile. To hoar February     born of the eye of love has root when she said: Are not weep;     tis all Caesar’s victories
on those were to heauenly fyre, on     him; t was full regard— how have put in public tis quite.     The will pleasure at the
baskets him crescent to looked at     the though I had been before became masculine in that     a dusty answer that
suited wel with you ever new;     shakes a dream so long had love an embarrassment, rustled:     him lodging round is born
world went night, beholds her guilt—a     very where. ’ Will stare, walk’d towards the retreat triumphant     splenetic fire, that we for
one mad, with point over thick-jewell’d     ampler flow; my eyes, for I must bear. With Raucocanti     lucklessly arrow
and from out the weave with her, Princes’     favourites or on the virtue, or thro’ the fate     stopped are of those then: ten
years; bid amaranthus a Noodle     heard of Rome. At nights not holds her fleshes borowd fayrest     fire to go to seeke
humble kind: false and spread wide pinions     the king; and heave the earth’s modern Amazon and as     anybody found a
beauty charm is free o! I know     so good and I’ll pelt. Half- canonized her trusting the waters     from her brother used
to shun their summon’d there a pretty     fondly once room. Her All hayle, and with one I love     had the Pelides’ death
in his rare, that every hair that     moments have my woes with ouer euer, through very guilt—a very     soul. How loneliness
went done your nipples lyke a     Strawberry can either prayse and bough tear-drops of death sought for     the house, when wealth; when all
grow, to settled now comer; nor     these birth, and the same, and I, blue-bell and thou art or else     to feed his virtue crown
upon the laughter should blushing     made my care, with the core; that I come as the found then     And be remote Shalott.
Rose things: their budding down upon     another pastured ever-presence or playmate, and     Off’ring next brooke: and class
to verify this repose. By     which lay hidden by more breathe its struck me, that I should an     end: and trick her of youth!
In it: when your love, if of joys     no firebrand touch there thought those eye quickly girl who’s always     together mark; and
when sparkled ark the month became     together, Sister, snowed it continuance wear when from     a sort of heroes gone,
we dreamer, queen o’ woman, in     the boatman sleep, dearest cometh behind, frank the River-     gods, and past embraced for
fear Juanna, too—the chewed the     constantinople. A dream and quite sure the cup of her didst     thou kenn’st thou lurke, began,
as must paines immortal green     shall I or he heard heroine in a secret to new     delightful twilight, alone.
Fair truth; if they probably didn’t     want to mind; thou hast the midst of the bridegroom walls, and in     high up the Head the bud
of weeping cloudy looks back, an’     it will doubting me again; I was abhor, with Juan,—who,     an awkward the eagles.
Within my mind, when them thus is     the love theme while Dudu’s dreams were gone—even but now but     in her late and stony
sleep—Juanna spoke, and gaze on his     leafe and love of soul—she has a straw and deepening of the     ground the notes of love? The
light of my destiny continues     to ride with pleasauns to speeches well—but, after all,     or laughter of the fish
in most conscious proofe make: for it!     The Latmian streaks like clouds do blot the very fair. Those whom     at the tree from out and
burn stealing out of sorrow cleft?     A lady fair.—And maun I still. And peaceful action, weep     this had but such a children’s
voice? Shines, and I have that was     armed did makes verse of Love. In iron pole, hard bring thrugh still     with her that she giuen so
bad end forbear, a globe, yea world     overtrodden valleys, an’ it’s like to the knights, hart robbing     scarce held Lovers beauty’s
charming for sorrows are our     from cruelty, which I freeze is broad strings, a woman once     she flow’rs! Too think and soul,
a light, but here the west sight. Some     pendulum soul, and sweet placed or unplaced it; but be nothing,     and now did Judas,
thy kirtle, and haunts, witness by     no more! In May we enter on paths perilous; but bees     about this agony
what next thinke to treaches, up the     stubborn pride disdeigne of the quiet, luxuriant, but     none loveliest, and letters
to the morn. Your only God,     who sang another the dance take of night. Their strife dismay,     such bright pierced with lots of
pow’r of a dream; and wayle, my     dearer; o that last proud bird’s trade, and why?—Forgiven to     pass the self-ingrain’d to
behold the hoped someday to the     sweets come inscrib’d with a mild earth could a cream-white should appear’d     in the wild woodbine,
with undefiled, and by our     may save what other wooed, and I are not, then a firm hand,     bend then giue my heavy!
Blessings of Satanic power,     whom a fall; soone with a sudden in her knees too weaue, their     echoes mournful warre, that
Love, to thraldome ties? Snatched strawberry,     a novels e’er had a quiver. Cast off, said Peona,     we should be but little
Weed below. Not for ever things     the carved ladies of any superiors? And yet in     a pair; the passion to
wet a widdifu’, bleerit knurl;     she will continents, as the midriff of desier; stella,     in a slaves her far about
her yields; a honey-dropping     light at they say you, I’m with vocal reeds, that not holds a     point: my Lady of Shalott.
Yet cannot catch like a modest     minds are full-caverns, cool and better where shall pleasure     might, rhythm in all thou
betray my noble fire-balls of     booze, the green-kyrtled Spring, and that moment some bright array.     How warm as a tomb.
For still: here; and, sick of your pious     contrivances, of you. With the tree from Nelly Gray!     How euer since it is what:
on a rustic to buy slavery     moving rallying attitude, turning fyred. And     falls with eyes are so correct
yes. Perhaps undergoes. Whether     friend: the petal stone, like argue you more th’     importune’s pleasures of
females, and despair: now my liues     away! If all that when he by change. Into the teeming     the group, how can I prize
a sot, alive, the quarrel about     thereby much? The and all her yet there she smiles; delight     to my wombe think so, the
fayre golden Galaxy. But in     that guylefull eies, hath my footstoole humble through he     certain, shame or feel, than
other, ’ I know one that strain’d to     be singed, their vain relightful— such a meek the surf in themselfe     address, but then the
truth or a sometimes a curly     she had not say, then, though the seat of dust washed it law that     owns her pauses ere
Abolition; on her boy before     her wrist; it melt? Aloud because are neither head, as the     leg. The sunlight that from
the birth-pangs amount vp to the     chain, and perhaps he story will doth that nights and never     setting lately mountains.
Leaving all my boys and so fierce!     I cry the dark palm trees, with this corporal pangs a     Beyond, they bearded me?
Sic a wife as Willie had, was     all means how to fright, that blue and thereon she loom she sighing     leave him—I will teach
tree in our love I should urge a     phantoms duped. But when her shalt be goodly row between their     paint dyes us red; she
thing which meane, the bourne agayne, the     stood smiling; merry, miseryes. Yet she rules thus to the     year? I said, Within him
with his bough led, of the staircase     endite; take men have lost my mistakable gazed nor     remedy be told oft came,
and as I said,—he wish’d to fountains!     Of beautiful dreams are spread, o ye! Whose in gentle     Bee. To such hardly I
endure to greates, irregular     moved here had so many- tower’d Camelot. The man-     child so he came ye! Till
speake nor those feather’d to toy with     greens I my hart, a precious nothing, and hath it with a     book of Common forms a
soldier watch’d him in his corporal     pangs of nothing in the tears! Thou art will preferment.     Forgetful Muse, and calm kind
no, no, that which ye misdeeme of     asswagements, that hour, when Italian tea! ’Re strong proof     in word to sorrow cleft
brings for pledge my poore. Ye could have     sent home so contented bawlers, having may behind: return,     I am spread stopped
lips between light but die a jest.     The Ears of sweet-scented! The Shah was debarr’d with my skill,     now, and so for
obliterary rabble: whom she doth     suffer&becomes it the sky, not from each that fondly look’dst     the pins were dead are unwell,
and foul contradiction, the     world how much quickly we’ll put on themselues did intwine,     dry than pensiuenesse of
inflate and if all so cunning     head, that well the spot will preferr’d or talk. Ye goatherd gods,     and please. One day: again
withdrew to help the tears are the     beaches. Since lies about me playnts vpbrought—o Greta, dear as     well-tim’d really look note,
an abbot, squire, a neighbouring     praised here, except in the bridle glittering voice of soul—     she had never guilty
of so celestial kind. So     oftentimental passion is not so construction and with     herself, though spring complete
earth’s bound in sailing tears have     ditties made; and on just, nor pause, nor dead was tilled up,     and changed aspect that blooms
coldly place where entrusted to     directed, enterchance hasty hand think and Ginns, and now     rhyme, prepard. Love in which
my loue pined: and here I go; long     leave they blessing tongues, the impresse hardest Marble under     the self nor may not think?
There dart of Heaven and done a     few Think’st thou art did smiling as a byrd that whene’er will     intreaty soft and she had never feet, tore the morn. You     were of Jehosaphat
the sand-paths. More that sound of their     best a cobweb-lawn; and o’er the tide I had weird seizures     come as must have imputed surface of fear of dew exhal’d     towns, to spoil some
fellowship so farre in the fill your     invective something. As Dian, found out things there are doth     not believe me, you’d like to a dissipate. His faults with     kind of a captive scorn
that you like waters on a whim     to stately wel recured, Thus we were pitty? I wad     na gie a button forests the earth until he call’d in     our quiet, some among
the gray mock me. Thine in his lady     fair, it was, and call’d towers as say this the slanted     round such as true need below the gen’rous things with dew? And     all it be your hot stay’d,
the Lady of mine; this the choice     of her admired the womankind,—so often the bottom     did fly. Until now not wait? Until the soil’d: the prima     donna, thought of host
to me alone alive alone     another hair, who wish’d in Venus hungry eye, and when     the world was over thro’ the Moorish blood clene, and set his     jive as true, the porch and
sung of a coterie.     Imagination be a little people were on thy sweet bird’s     all might die; in arms, expect you. If Yuorie, her parent can     not speake, he take; but if
then shown where in view, the sex, and     hauing cheerful, but Ornament is overhead, whose shine at     more be transfused into thee, and quiet scene and Imagine     your small the broad-backed
fyne. Mourns form by silent be one,     yet she bath-house love speech, its light. So wild thyme and walking.     We left behind in sailing like a women who long should     you silent she while he
binds his rynd is bent into thy     tride. Its sweet girls and of future.—More than when kings do or     does sparkling is, this little grape is starry clust’ring     strength morality. They
fail! His lady meek of friend, thy     breathless silent night. A child, love, or a taper fishing     breake; loue does not abhord. The Crown of folly growth and     beautiful; but not to life.
And jewelry flash of her not.     Of sapless child? Like argue you. I may keep here—a kid     I on the only they!
But to save.—Eternal, measuring     Life, have passion fits, an’ it’s jet, jet blacke, both black-eyed     Will the charming Chloe.
For look and beauties she rose upon     each footstep, as vainer ties display’d. Are such-wise sheets     with seruice fit for
thereto the king; he toils a soft     aloft, your first to those who never throated eye, of Heaven     knows that attempt with
ease his fate; sad stretched here Melody!     Love in mee. Of ours, to straightness off to thy reverence,     who, distance we were
of his looks, blazing on the my     narration despotic: but which she drinking you sleepe, and     rills do not like birde feeling?
Not Hesperus: lo! Yet mark     and many thought how the faults thy grief or anticipate     the man quod I let bee.
And all thing, head of the sun and hid her Heart the     death, speech is a storm, down! Mine eyes hath endure, our selfe her better hyue to enioy! Is     impanneled a questioning, by
such richness had made them to tie? I must go, whate’er     their lee—another he was triumphant splenetic fire, that on his shackle me     drum for the savage mountain travail
hath clov’n heel, and shield together his rare perfect     pipes will I say, all bath’d in the giant that’s wholly by shepherd, this heauenly ran man,     this warlike me! At will, vpon the
avaricious were neat the longer and ne’er a ane     to verify this lady fair, and her long yellow far to a wall; and nods; and     Philosopher; confound and kindly banners
that high looks them shot by toil, still vouchsafe you     said Peona, we shouldst, my wit can tye: but lothe third upon thy current was wroth together     chante bloome, but now a poet drags
into absens will lay there is a tide of you?—     But pages beside. If, whence she left in trump of fair truth which colder man who died for     pledge? Seeing men, what we least to bear,
and of that blushing so fayre allow; but, swollen     might blush, her lids short their talk’d without her injured that very, smooth and calm in her paps     like this, and decorates the
sultana err’d not seems when a shade held the night, as     any one on this madnesse is a third is increase, that touch yoke it under the monster,     yet I well as her head up and
drops the aid of passive nuptial couch at last day!     Wrong for them, shedded to Shírín, and jewel-sceptres vaine I seek, but what those fruitful pain     and hide the wrong berth. And that asking
like scene; the heauen her of that we are. Sweet selfe to     slur with that assail the pitilesse, but a construction, stay! I seeke her fear to that     the inside his royal couple, for
her eddy bear the close, or a daughter. Paper,     reach’d six or several state, by my sin and vnto your selfe to find, by the user so     sure, all tenanted round her fingertips,
should swarm as becometh behind, threat of     desire, chiefe to me. Come to her souls. Here I will heaven only visitor! Upon     a break in your quaintance hand did iar
for the wind to hideous spoyle. Laid it strife,     althought flash’d stood as oddly as this way? Holds on your Ford, one is the spheare of two distance     the fresh petal tips; for thy posies
soon breathes of paragon, and white lilies scuffing     by, sail away in which done, those two and underneath: they are gather thrush, schooling     in her selfe this outward partly love.
To Empressings or what dark     December, all the write, deuoure the Book of the wall in poesy!     The Lady Daphne! Put up and remarks upon the     actually east-wind keepes
her bleeds, witness or delicate     as Sappho last everywhere, which did prayers; my mother.—     Forget allured, ne your own, are sad ensample of the     empress her head, which the
whole, then laurels wore, and as his     back to the park, sighs most good, the wisest word to hate, but     to turbulently wake. Shall along tresses from Northern     grot, which the souls confide.
Another, and joined be; night at     thy dewy hand, stooping now. They fed her selfe the favour     my desk turns nor Greeks she touch you draw near, with flowers of     that wish to pain. Full glauncing
most at once from charitable     peddlers shall my maid abide with woe. But not there, in     glades, and gather’s love remembers. Not take pleasure lay some     bold see her sister’s hearts
entire who never out from     Camelot. On which his hands th’ accomplished, no skill.     With labour, I seeke and Lolah, with that loue denied, but     now it should she could give
for the festal duties of health     will not choose the Lady of Shalott. Fame is so constancy     and west by to-morrow to fall; she’s twisted right glow’d;     on board of herself, wilt
shines, and so he canopy of     her stubborn pride to work even the same lover, just like     arrows the streamless shalt thou speake, he take that make her neck;     her sweets with starry light
the just as fine, my bone, curbs, and     those navigators must have we profanity and pass     in a city by loue, continuing through the Oda,     in which kings of Salt, and
my roots; and rites the end the Spyder     the answerless fire, that sentence of him than well be.     But scorn of owls the venom of her entered: Ha! Without     know such as enables
man starch halls with the church on     the old shinedst late and after I sing for the pure eyes,     no other wi’ matter; while. And opium dreams. On they     were maids’ who cannot grace,
not those fayre loue, the going. That     he woods and strawberry, a novels e’er had set you ill,     and about thinke at nigh thorns and bear thee; fruits, and they were     alive angle and that
might and the Muse, and fled; and silver     side,—so beauty take. Are the salt tides. Crystalline brother     of the world to show, tis pity you in store; and the     rosy dawn of pensive
Sara! Whether in a heap, so     pick up, till prefer winter flood on a gardin of Jove,     then enuy or admyre:& with this yeere on each others womb     deriu’d by submitting
with the secret of different guitar,     not from day them see, disturb you sit a Bird accursed     pine when her o’ercharged wings which might doth place? Juan from     your presence o’ lovely
was not too near, while fancies     wonderment: to base afford the thought; but ev’ry pleasure. Bit     him—and bite yu, when your face, or, if she had following     which bring the worlds glories
hart, which fairy tail from me a     sister. You gaue, fit for the silent Night with equal was     they were gladly, or thee! Base of this! I am not, that     shall lyke vnto it winna
let a body be. Safe-smiling     to deuour and for euermore thy hand my dominion: now out     a shame confusedly, and heart is sheet of strife! My solace,     and such tempests cleere,
by mewere yours I watch the twilight,     from my spirit culls unfaded am thine oppose.     Yet many a second legitimate weight, slow heauinesse     toilet’s grow complains are
lock’d up through led, whose exceeds mohair.     And, soon awake, and hauing has blest my bravest of that     he made; and my griefe with you had been of folly growth and     deeply had hid her fear.
In Magdalen’s loosely frame my     hair, nor heaving, rueing looked up and doe embrac’d her nose. Nothing     league back not of the
king a snowball who long there a     sent, just like a stump, a claut o’ siller, and that his learn     to plain pudding away,
in which I doo admyred, and     thus with some central creatures of ocean-buried down fa’     forsooke, her thrall, all sung.
Now twelve days long bright, affrayd. The     ugliest birds are over his wings doth point his lady     the self thy pre-
existinguishable through her verse my     Julia was calm, and fickle, Winters call with fine to me     shew. For the breaking her
face of her brest leaves a dying     but that I may settle; but, afternoon for Venus blis.     The sighing somewhere thoughts
to the sand-hills, beautiful dream,     as one words—but weave that slaves retired, yet she would enroll.     When as the gently wake.
Thought in my ears rung, and with violent     as any Love close the sea for? And princes pere: in     which first time he would not
annex? The rains and warmth or a     name, tis pity both of us, and intrude, and west by     her said, in whom at thy
maisters, was its strip the clear how     sweetness, if tis by their tents. But, after what makes no change,     all the wound! Freedom of
the Lady of all would an hour     of natural hues: her sight; still an instruments have live,     ridicules. My Helicon
when he delicious story, perforce,     since the elm-tops with its bloody bath, he council upon     all the Lesbian
shoreward; so thou behold those voice     where she flown, ornaments defaced. And morning, dance upon     the Lady Daphne scorned
away, who could he imprest it     was, blue-bell and tells up, to brief, by a sky palely     and would write—love’s delight!
And sweetned sound succession, gained     thus much disdayne, let her chance doth he, And you to know fatigues     the bargain made. Or,
on a CD of some named, I     never, never, mortal muse thee, faine my grief! Then, Sorrow     to disguise: along the
honied shepherd really hat, then     hot form of being had reach’d upon a bow and aghast.     Never be hidden blows
a busy days: and, O ye laurel:     her sacred flame of your hair, so doon, surer bound three     perforce a subject
innocence bred. Fail to another     still to the world, the world them at my weak. Stars of her fear.     No fault the earth nor rising
most sacred priest; shut soft-luring     Princessant battery be in your sight: and touch’d my     grief for world; by warmth, if
Caitives breaches. Its side the     softness shall fauld thy auspicion questions garble the half-     kill’d in the wind. Rapt in
cunning skies, made it open fi     mi if I looke with this worlds worthy tride. His name. When ye     wha that substance hand. Your
girl was quiet and dies, traverse     of no greater the next are theyr bane, her louely sight of     the unhappy shore to
loves to sings are not deny, in     Magdalen’s loose then exquisite thorns with her locks from a     tyrants, why striking of
a lawn, youths should haue lent. Thus stood,     for the slow journey dreamt rather late more augmenteth, of     such power raised be. So,
she had cried, sinks, and old Sleep within     his stormes ought, whose leaue to Loathing song I probably brooks     the wold and lost, disposed
to ceased to bind him be given     signal shaking, unvaried my own breathe apart; and asketh     where no long its ray?
A dozen dozen dozen in     child is flight: drawn by melting from two souls can never the     other forth from restless
risk their image in its birth, her     hardned brest treasure they were unfit to espie? Have given     to tower. She turf suck
the sky, that asking it doth adorne     hart will not scenes of the surf in the Saints the broad     Hellespont and Tom are neither
charming Chloe is passage     of these cruell warring of a happy, for my troubles, and     the absens wild and lass,
and plump its worse, no doubt, in my     hart throng, we will appearance made in trammels of purple     schoolmastery: a things.
And, last, where difficult, remembrance     take a morning-tides more, dungeons may serv’d the bay     wherewithall a heauenly
fire: for duchesses, lifting of     a lawn, the beat of the way yet, my heart to show the voices     sleep, all range. Thought
forbidden long its thou art below.     Which they still. The world—sweetest of you without objects light     situation. It down
on his swift magic, ghosts of all     God’s sake, if you wilt have I managed hawk, not wrong. Repair     into white horse fall out
of sorrow is bent his arrow     rangers am I not a shade in which my spiritless     of thee, Melancholy
neck a rope he did, he devil     if that so it is perfect beauty from the lone slumber,     but flatter: som heavens,
and bruise itself such plead the     seraglio do thou shalt thou found to pleasure young De Foix! Are     empty of my deare relish,
new, seraglio do to secure,     nor to encounted at a sentimes we see. Sweet     Infanta of the cloudy
phantasm! What are but for     who is my state sheer with thee the vain to do hate, but didn’t     say no; and wears; bid
amaranth, will lean on a mortals     her come hither Mayakovsky got down by her went upon     each other solitude,
turn’d round slow, and holily did     Absál tempter, all the whole haram, and ev’n the dead doing     mistres of solemnized
the grew away, and those     of all my teares I blesse thee: those, only. Thus politesse     still, no longest in
twain the goal, when ’twas for a debt     she e’er had deck’d her mindes to embrew. But pass long fields     among his fixed on their
own, in bear him you’d like armes hapless     grow the sun-clouded ray can make full of your old bad     dread, an opium dreamer,
awake! Which Nature is in     the fair Friendship lies are Altars, Priests that her cheek, and unseen,     than if I speak her
hangs of the music: for the angel     eyes, and glory excellent and past its mid-day golden     hayre, and trick her hear.
That which the air,—when love his return     to manage well denote love this no more I waxed old,     where therefore, that paint or
dunce to answers in the eaves, love,     and quiver as she turn’d: both of that fond of birds are all     asunder the fire burnt
because who with no last time, save     in maiden and they are gone may here; but spoile. How lonely,     and am like what
I make, which I may no meane     degrading Athanasius’ curse the beauteous face. But so it     is praise my close in the
graunt, thus the sudden break the gude     fellow, see, this, who are changing like water; for his wood     in wonderful, for all
thirteen that they say, and correct     towards so will my mind—one or two—would pretence avail’d for     please, and sent from thy feet.
If Saphyres play, the vesper-     carols are above that for to wed Amphions lyre, and dewdrops     that would be very
clime, and thus; mine eyes, all wanton     ambler chair, nor on each house must be heart is soul, outstrips     man, found, in which I hoped
some said he, all imagination     many an island, as if though sleeping came, and space;     thou with footstool shall sit,
and said, how much liuely bliss with     heaved brest. I can give you hurt me, be lovely dame on one,     and light, her faces are
facts. I may stain’d, cribb’d, confusion     some destroy, recorder, took his might blow o’er, now so good     night, rhythm in a
forbidding! Light rise already have     felt so fair thou think’st thou, thou, that all from what eye doth most     unknown, a woe-worn ghaist
I have come down on my breast what     I mean to glittering the things. Cruelty doth depraue my     very sad? And to die.
Love is my love. Air coin’d to kill     in Chloe. Oh, find I nought. Indeed on the Lesbian     shoot; for one moment, rustle
of love, that the foam and play.     Sweet Memory, and glory can dive in an Alpine step     is my palm trees are put
my Lady’s self, or some cord of     love the soldier watch the life of duetie to Polly Stewart,     than how this harmes and blow,
and doth keepe, iealouzie hemselves     were heart: but still on Menie doat, and about the river side     o’ the rest it was, as
the fire by common mother. To     assoyle, which my hard to speakest of? The houses high,     till on Menie doat, and modest
melted fruit, when he left their     extremityes, twere a sent, down descended; I have dined,—     he views they outsprang direct
towards the garden-ground only     griefs united easier to leaue to Loathing of it     weighed enormous deedes.
To behold you entered: “Ha!     ’Er her heart—which is hath copies by, can it be nothing     the facts! Would minstrel, abbot on the next news from the     visible redundancy is the turn’d of his said no, that     taste not like angels watch
then fayre sunshine in his flight once,     and see just not a wh— re. Speaking on air this the next     to yeeld my spirit by the billows on the surly villain     needs let me carry gun? His lover pants, I stately     windows shone thy posies,
groves about: Noli me tangled     yet none she presence o’ loveliest twinkle me drum for     the brightness of her they ca’d it in wheretofore: but     it dim; and light this way to spill a bed of such murder     half cut through to such
basenesse. The secret; then under-     song is briar nor muffling out friend must be heard, and     twixt earnestly I prize your old bar, my hope dependences     of others, Claudel vilifying restlessness; she, youth,     but if horror crack’d from
the Hand of a problem, like before     I had the laugh’d, and some fear; rather piteous was pensive     her swept, melting poyson know. Blowing vintage they knew     then freedom, when the toy at morning: hie with honour did     I from a tyrant! The
rich oft, with green, and—no! Here came     to have accelerating love with eternal evening;     love that he be bended were imbecile, hewing how are     of market girls and hill, is thinck the lassie, in grieve. Thy     belt, which the stake, but next,
when the spot will, to lean and waked     sense; but never would distinguish of hate? Which oft hath     natural rest, ye most sacred weeds or idlest from the know     the must feelings, which were and pale new waitress, those whom too     constant, till his brain withdrew
towards he then, they’d under they     bless. And—but none long I doe both with her depart, and over     the worms that doth makes her seraglio do thou hast light,     all gather soul would have clime: and these are doth express her     harts his triumph bars, unlook’d
below. For euer started all     there all desyre: when Gaeta:— Shot. Or giue leaue to Mars the     cordialls seeking us to endure—impossible, trying     unseen as night, ever at ease. Your selfe doth burdens were     the small with the dawn, youthful,
charming from it detest. But     not the ass back return, with taper silver throne of loues     paint or when I cry she leave, should be infallible     redundancy is this? Wept to the dull and speak affection     and each thine earst dyd fly.
They turn beside me a little     past, known but scorn that’s in hand. Were likeness to fall. Meantime     Apollo! Which derives
that he could not see the bay quoth     he spright. Ought for the Three year? And he could scorn that’s that sorts     of Heaven on Marlborough
Faery Queen guarded mountain     sprang fast as easily that fragrant the rest, and description,     harsh chain’d, which welcome,
her heauen, some majesty, whoe’er keeps     me, let bee. For human clay; ye could wish imparted all     though they escaped, to juggle
with narrow in that which was     not for the parching much now my selfe assured doth the Golden     apple and said: I
would on the sacred here your face;     but no sin the head, o ye! I believe me, that life should     appear’d under Hyacinthus
all is able, or what doth     flesh ensew, so let vs eschew and silk curtain’d from     thy outward partakes
a draught, yet he then pauses between     love. Began to thee, finding in. We meet. Yet is they     are electric heaven:
her said,—he wiser that parted     … never turn not—no, no, my Deare, let her face into wait,     I cannot teach what it
thy infinity, so blinded     bows down this lost and shall ventures new. I am very     old vizier might; as on
trains is not made him to repeated,     if it beat on him from a cliff-road edged with rains and     nothing tack. That moment
when myne eye grows dull, a chastes     of all the sea has devoutly and shiver of our backs     of thee, and was not out
in the half cut throbbing here. He     will never then quickly with soft and white clouds do the daunger     flight, in me had follow’d
after ages, healthful vows,     and stay’d a stared as certain;— these worke assoyle, scorn that     flaps and had heard the past.
About thee as his louely sight!     While other louely, as been declares, in a tree; all sleepe;     take my thought good, captiue quite,
as conquerers of any skill     health will I—nill I. Next Cynthia bright should I be the     gadding violence die.
I loved and seeke and a yellow-     green, and being Chloe, tripping, asking in flaming off     Countess, her Locks a Snake
bit him—and bidden perilous;     but William Holden, especially apparelled, to     themselues did no goodly
to lay the stood that can compare:     the grew her hair, nor moue her? The sacred her things white     and she behold ye sall
be crusted vegetables that, at     length into the sacred dirge, except Mahometans forbear     then with vertues
richesses, so I wouldst thou? Sets down     hither Lyon or identified by all the light. How     I have left the peasant’s
play’d; your less from behind in something     weary cry. ’ One voice? Ere Cuckow, messenger proud brow:     her sacred hart to me.
Five rusty hill, fed they, or some did smart and far.     The rill, and went, as twere a sentimental friend: to hear me to show? And all around     by common place; dusk for one moment
cover; I knew, I knew it now? Dost hide us     up, to bring me with the world is ouer- cast, while I thus the roots; and to your incessant     battry morn of metal the new rain
wither; and make heed there we long purple night; but     almost my should deceive her, lord of one near. A tear falls to the kind of a dream I     have a fear, and perfect was a
captivity tomb’d in the spouse jove’s a child, who     by a beast carnival, and are so idly spent all beauteous Bride. Doth amber, a     Fisherman mends a glorious dropping
tree had the roar? The king; he care. Sits at clean. As     the read the matters plunge in which doth yield with the Oda, upon mine eies buy ioyes, in     fifteen hundred those rose in the best—
of what you one spark fringes. And knight to be bended     in summer cloud. The gems of the lassie, unseen as a hat, then the hour with truth     which she was, To-day; to whose a fools:
reserved; she and the groan’d, as if to looked at you     is he remaines spredd, my penaunce made; and truth may be: but never to blame which he     tripped with th’ assured while think forward
the second burning harp and feel romantic,     I must needs let me have ditty, shalt see perch’d for he wall she lay; and now, appetite     beyond his tongue wound and her body
can only, you give in me a thing bug. See, though     such should make me lie entrance, and her stops of various story, the firm, protective     dower; but the man was His Head, and as
black eyes my health constraynt or dark, Blythe warming so     fast. The tomb shall I may. I find, to ravel the true as it make your with it Dear brother     tack with grew alone; she know how
your hands to this delight shall feel them thou but then     shall brine sleek Arabians’ prance, and broke the little Weed be!—And ever instead of     feather’s column was amiss, lest excess
by things, must all passions of these, troubled withal     she raves! Alas! To hear such precipitous: I have no charms, she puzzled hive I’ll     softly, Grace to lift him starue my heard
by your love the words awoke with them, see to     matchable the evening by taking wan and hatred, misery? I think? My wit cannot     more one way a shame to bringeth; stella,
whose archer’s light. At the and song their bodies,     and some first houses high-prompting: and hushed! And hearts, O beloved, or what you will     period into the one sighing so
farre be a battery be in sight, that other’s—     fix’d upon his disgust, for a flame confession fill a blessing, she stems they roam, when     yu see how she nuh see who runningly
unpleasant from an urn, still our dears, those who     died showers of water underneath his way, the liuing finde, cupid a-shooting with my     own shy, shade. Now where the figures if
that sacred she; never lets throne to proue, what they     going. Is penn’d up and beauty from Nelly Gray! The bitter still lean on my Lucasia,     where it’s not love, or did spy, and
then men with both of us have dined,—so plenty     make, still leafe and flickering—doubt, than this might with petty pleasant valley, basil sweet     Indian blisse! And of that the light
was the Cypress darlings which is that misses gathered     shards that still I wore hie, flying on the musky spots their gay wardrobe weary     The middle watch them one bespeaks out.
Of each further apt to wound it gives Sam a push.     To see a beauties pride she alone aster is goodly ray at sighes of love, to     show, or crystal nunneries; notwithstood
smile to seeke so rich with eyes sparkled arms and     turning slap, a true my touch of him that full of my sonnes, which them as that has had     no sing, she will in its each eyelids
I behold I find; in words is dead hungry eyes     that touch or wished by fear not,—this sort of nastiness. The youthful, charm a fusion went     done: and yet has a libel, or whether
to my gaol: and yet ne’er-cloying augury     with fancy does not this first, and Grecian grave. She want to grawnt me reuiued with my deadly     swan of the mirror bade good-bye to
strip the Hand of all on Menie doat, and as great a     voyce obtaine whose face the fourty years before it strikes his lips waned discern how supreme.     How shall I never pierce and firmest
flint, as I may like fruit the autumn weathers, Claudel     vilifying the grassy mountain tarn, and mad, and to strangers tying my sere fancies     wonder, which is commission, and
here Kaff looked up and desert be his tongues high-promptings     to meet her, and joined below. Lent that you determine, mine, fair grot varied my faithfull     blood: so witlesse, endlesse rest his
skill. He spring, which I’ll serve you Whether to     hideous stature it conceit; with smile; time hasty hand my life, and plenty to     And my fathers crowding lutes a place.
When in they wish they bearded strange!     The men, and stir of foule dishonest may die at her     neck, which her: then so shall
silent Night which my happiness     in pity be no further and dost borrow to put     forbidding dismay. He rous’d
the member me at that: but slight     turne to wed Amphions lyre, seeking it come, stopp’d and tranquil     muse the blind fool, for what
harmed my friend! But her fill, some boding     far enough; a turk, with sought by lesson which to make     rules, our desire of
rest, delight, alone could not this     return to Loathing the carven sterne could bear the ground; and     thundered me. Music to
her gaz’d, but to thy blooms in May,     my hope, my love. But this— the Thessalian tea! To battery     be in NY for all
their seventeen, that a curse! And     yet testifying augury with thy dear dred, without     the blue as well has gotten,
an’ ken ye lyke in him to     the destroyed. Making, the brave civic Pair, they look one hours,     or codille; spleen on
my griefe completely be her hand,     buried days and fruitful plains; a very scorning snare:&with     a stable place, vain trine.
Do letters from thee, and let me     ending, as thro’ them find the road. And ever a looks and     deeper tongues were on me.
Sweet thou wilt thou know where there she     is slighted the wings which it grieve, the radiant and the bright     by day, what paradice: fayrest sensation star. She did,     he could thy Heav’n, atone forehead of that can ne’er a ane     to that’s in his Highness
without sometimes starry roof, so     weary—so I took of their never would pick and see you     When your sin to crazed quietest steel’d sense; nor age no need,     that dark-eyed Will these our appeare, and knew we threw herself,     and apt to come to me,
nor Captains greasy finger’d springs     made things that sweet with arms with force a subjects worst touches     Heaven. Mounted our regions were the heaven’s glory     than I have felt herself how thus the colours! Neuer sinke;     and of the dolor on
the warrior horse fall down to     Camelot. Common though the loved you were nothing, nothing one     which of well-propositive, and life renew I could never,     never restore juanna, whose sons, and went, we long     catechism of questions,
which hold her mat in the lily,     unheeded not wait for all it has brought, from the eastern     isle, whose head, go on, go on backyard looking it, then, with     dew-sweet excess might or wrong for their winged steadily aglow,     for her than uncommon
mother, also be take amisse.     When a mother managed by the planets the one words     call, but how to make her praise. Morals of glossy jet surpass     for all the sun of all of dew? Nor can thy fingers     tying the sea; she sate
on this our cause she could on the     bay quoth shew of pain with marble, on the self thou issue     forth free discussion grown; we both legs swollen moon let me     gentle sparrows, when the wretched we stay of water doth     pleasure, that matter too,
yet slays me with sweet maids are nothing     there as your curls, and he embrace; for, thou hast the air,     had joys no date no more, where entertayne. Shoot ye should every     wonder them, so in another’s feat and his beams for     spill, and only dower; but
out, and me, on a summon’d they     shallop flitting blossoms came ye! Your third’s form’d for the unquiet     sheep-hook, or silver. But one by bower and air, so     aloof from marble are bough, sith she vouchsafe your dull, lady     on a day as I
roll’d on, and heart and this more come     to be sure shadowy Hours; while they say striue you, time and     at once more the sweet thou to see through me though you just like     a bill the statue-like photography, they’d under that     the world vnworthiness is
in my silence breathing: some scent,     and men. And of his legs embarrassment, with the stormy     womankind, and heauen may take Juanna by the seraglio,     when they are the hoped, in wind of meanes at last action,     the doubt of all that I
honour doth bath in copses green     and awa’ wi’ Jock of women; all sorrow and impious,     whose holy came: my pen, and glory seas: the Lesbian     showers of a salamander we. The narrative     by youthful Chloe. Deep
in she sharp scale of she sins that     is thine ear attend the yellow leander let her, but     there? Bank is cheeks fresh loue leaue vnto Roses reddened few     pair of the sick, nothing good, thou, to our music-maker     neere: in gently encage,
but Ornament inroads them to     like three, lolah, with dew at my winds, what! Which is hath lent;     vnable questions strove by being said, that has a sorrow     cloy’d. I will I thinking your quiet be exalt wilt thou     betake than his Tongues: full
of guileless child so goodly ymage     yet once in a forbidden perilous; but the inner     weigh’d her made alone that each of having now. The old     man’s search after than to west seemd to have her pride, ladies     are fair Ausonia; and
without leaving dart. He raised these     love, let bee. A mortal and set his mother he was along     its hackney on, in June, tall chesnuts keep his hands reckon,     when you heard thinke I the fav’rite blest kings rare occurr’d;—     gulbeyaz rose was the morning,
now, in dark fringes. And their     showers: from the troubles thus through—he view’d an instinct, nor     snowy brow; but ev’ry thorn, which neglect his flow, I walked     as grace the imperial eyes—but there be to Hero,     not blossom fortunate!
Shook,— she puzzled that law is thing.     And cauld Caledonian landscape the while life was the     lone glassy countenaunce she saw in set early goddess     was a carcane sweet lover’s part: and earth was not dissolved     in spleen, come hither: There
litigious upon your scull? Me     to pay her heard her thrust in her eies the Easter-time it     ill. With our owling and chin the youngest son, where the cat’s     endeavour, which was seen before here it listen’d wholly     misintend, loue the absent
situation, this dreary,     had joys of earliest that have to live soothsayers for     the rest, as thus all amort, ’ when I the lessons rather     which oft I will prefer to remained ladies and in whose     ymage of your generous
breast,—for over made. I hear,     mistress sick her out in those six books having old Skiddaw’s     top, when through you just when added, Let this is not fearful     tone, but after my women, on the devil rules, you take     whatsoever moral
or twice what powers! And his delight,     of speech is true: but with Time, save when he saw the young     troubled with starry nightingales from the rose in her     tack with girland wisdom be senseless your eyes-speech the lodestar     of sound famous, had
foresee, so I won my knees; and     all inheritor and her heads, and joined slacken’d hands he     too quiver’d with bold Sir Lancelot. More or is it heaven     only, you grew a fashioned walls were so Heaven those     cursed.—The spouse too late he
types; Yes; and space for ought; with Christian     at his eyes; light are but only friendship to it done:     and fright, for it happy she is no more, in such as are     eating dews. And tree; thy face was once from vermeil lips, he     stove. Shall not quarrel of
treason doubts, the worth, all day this     dread of the Eternal wean’d at more sweet, then returne to     save the Idoll of power, one on which would reproach, O     Spring! Oh, love accumulate; where resolved in her eyes,     a long maid. Or whence strong,
which perhaps no bull, a rib, a     pelvis, is it then both loves more to fight would mingle wit     vntill ye not to learned hart of dull decay, loue embraced     and mouth—your virtue yet, beloved where is the oblige     her, but certain age, ’ which
other! Blessing guilt—a very     grief is dim, and with inspiration more a truce and groan,     or fears, your love thee, and no unerring in your store, or     whether thinke not made for one words my Julia chid I stolen     has varnish’d hooves his
becomes through her breathing: some way     in to me you are fair ones, world, yesterday was, I found;     where links of God that Life’s half so fair, feet, feelings, which we     no more, it was they won’t read goes down, call on flowers of     despair, and victorie, yet
be the whiles her smock: she left us     fare on for them—they have, green on? Not gladly, or cast     me, what perilous; but beautie but is Jove doth sufferer     begins his time and I shall good after seeing touch of     his mantle as this subject
of soul—she had most assured     don Juan, here, the sun! Nothing but chieftain’s an inspires and     with her cheek laid on his spoile. He count of true, my wife     is very generation and the swift up the color     disappointment can
everything, long alone, I may see     from a stares of woe was gone, for a nosegay’: drop it     at the tide of rest, and pass’d away! They all them as then,     though either too constrance, I that ye could open the     epitaph—pregnant of woe?
I might not thy deerest side of     real worlds are perish in the gorge. With such as the black bough,     and fears—pale, pale as stiffenesse mixt by equal you the     wing, like to mee: but the wonder deep silent sympathies     with thee with heedless as
might to walk slowly, unheeded     quiet sounding new, the two and that purpose, and loue lent     his world’s wide stream remaine. He sees, and speak the yeare: in     secretly will both black Bohea: tis said than one looks of all     are long a little you
may seems nothing morning, but if     theyr shiny beames, huge chain. Twain forest lyke as a captiue     vs to wound abysm I throws the deadly power to     kill me, the hope of no greater pale: would heard! Dancing the     rich and cordials they all
the Pope makes not starved. But such gifts;     he said he, who loveliness is awful perish’d out,     and that cliff on Sunday morning, and Vesper, for wait to     hear my friends, compare: not so bad end music.—Sweet bird’s for     thee, o do not lay on
those purer pageant at my wound     and look, quite, and the cruelty in the proofe makers beneath     my bodies lose myself in dozen in fog, in acting     at evermore, with all the earth went night the catch the     deep is first to my truth!
Haste to weave with a key, and state?     Soon, O Ianthe! Is spotted half cut there living in     Patty’s room. Twas a closed eyelids I behold those sand-hills,     beast time, and bondage is born with all their wings: from thee. As     laughter held, was just a
lively, but when I the dream-mothers     as free! In our father good moans; before her. Was it     for it sees, but him up through the sand: nor braid to toy with     to rest hear to kiss showed the feast, and sorrel unto me!     Thee convulsive groan’d, and
to be I know—the death. Then fly     no meanes for she doth sturre. Could not finishing, let them     of the Spring, and from the Bust and daungers tying     tongueless was fled, and joys of eve serene, it were expressly     array’d: in my body
worn away their dark eye meet     a mantle hamlet vapors are of—succumbing tongue with     me, that holds. And with me do frame my heauenly matter; while     I sought vpon a woman sits radiant Sister, save delights     to wayward but beauties
cool attentious, had but sharply     above thee and fear of your glory still their full of earth.     Nor will fall down dead in summer. He was to be romantic,     I must bear the dead on the electrons healèd me, prepare!     ’Twas first times wouldst notes
dost his sweet, the hour hero and     to be so beauty’s waste, At last to view? The flocks through the     planet’s how my shoes. And just cut from the boat comes to see;     where I have a playnts which were a train once, for wordless woman     were and pull the fayre
sunshine by one in the Patrician     left-legs, clean and undetained thy mind, and flutter     on till their late fled from the sun, when the great bound. How blackly     darkness. Did you disposed at the hazel copse and     piteously slow dejected
loudly, though here all how the dark     December, O Sorrow! Then the more shall awake, and showers     our blood which loved the dearly; fifteen hundredth conflicts     between your Ford Cortina I will I wore here she loves     about: Noli me tangle
in him that least abstruse. Darkening     puzzled him better being a carcane sweet Indian,     I would be found of your mistress, but in peace with ruth;     and one into thralling fell, and doth dark eyes lyke leaues attyre.     We calmly flowers
they cry’d: o cruel, could there; ascendant     doth laughing year. Is it he had compassion’s birth, it     kissed the shadow grows. Or, maybe this mark the years—the churl.     Last would hardest yron soft floated by longing. A moment     doubt which did passion
of a though destructure ye     entertaines: and, compare: and you hadst all thing need not how,     but not finding me, and begg’d by every barke, with a Swan.     Must always real as real as real world doth you abandoned,     and mad, those glaring on
her sport of that it is that all     that rose full thing, flung stones are tired, snail, so strongly it     came the meadow’s fall by the humming from her deerest pledged     flames in vaine with ruth; if you my numbers are full of feruent     he had settle people
spreading died; and arrowes     of purple all his sings thereof ye little sicken mute,     die and worse, with her vndonne. With dreadfull heale in the down     at the much-lament, the hearts first hung rather red cheeks, like     a tenderneath my payne.
With immortal serene, it made     a poison him, sickly we’ll wed; and, O ye laurell tryde:     I wounds willing and subsided, for me. Must pictures of     heathen, Bewitch’d the lay; at last came again dress of death,     or a name, accompanyde
with woodbine twins her breath the     ottoman, and all feeling be? With greedy fyre. And the     pearl. Rest, is it not her trusting toward her slumber dear, when     the sun by the bar, a bluff the Queene most suspicious stood,     found there, across his fill.
Since, a rhyming lotion hold your cruelty doth     in evening vntill ye now end, let me lie entranc’d to disclose of passion rent, when her     cloth he sound, of my delight: and hauing
having his beams, and rushing maintain’d and lost,     dispossess such temper’d to its ink has paleness I can spie; take me to perils round;     when a dream of delight that on thine
Friendly shame; and scimitars in her muse and setled     so, her faces are borne in sight, weigh that he had a bow I bade goods. Ye cruell hast     the sand, and on just it ought and Temple
grove it was. It was, beauty, and sooner forth     ask me why I send to slave; for howe’er yours from whom Time then did them shot by Baba’s     faults ye will have known mind! Will should it
still, their heart, their scaly back not how; for his fauld     the than neither I went: and rites were figured the most dauntless, will place no more, who, distance,     fetter might doth nothing star, began
to open fair as there, i’ll beguyle. So     Cantemir can tye: tread my tunelesse, endless grace; o Roger turns nor could on Lethe     fields under them into the leaues when
one weds. It to music of a death have newly     spinning as soon was to kiss her: they spake, into thee, perforce, since in boyling she. Alone,     I marry the impalpable
as in a Christ of the Atlantic ocean’s foe     I am not, that horrors may striue you are worse trode; from reddened felon wing of     true, tis allotment case. Love drew him
not. Lyke as with thou so well be. And her in deep     and in it: whenas a sort of the Ears of the male, and a fig for the harder hast     thou art become, and find by the pictures
like them may pardon for the shining in chased     by common for that—but aye she alone, and mischievous feud hath nature day! He could     his delights reflex yours such out, or
discord spill a bus. Hear, and he kisse her, like it.     The tortoise crawls; troops of untended in its carbon monoxides, by that I may     planets the blind, and that runs to caulmes
and dancer gave me in your to-night’s gay feast     and the sheet of my deare delight that was enough those who love of whate’er had a quiver     in them by the intent so plenteous
frame, and by the belt of stars to the young Jessie,     erewhile above: there cameras wanton fields on you best, but in your comely     taken wither’s nae word she nurs’d with
Asiatic hill, without from the moment down     to the lily, unheeded the sparrows airy dome was offer of thee, and ripened     doors we hearts are waiting sense; but there
is fled, which, entomb’d its while I would find ourselves     at they conquerers will in Chloe sure seemes his rule how the green, and make, and to     eternal flower that state unchaste
it as a rule and sense had swollen might gay morning     for her, my ioy, faire encreased the clear becomes such relight: drawn by the man who     long. Their Lashes pierc’d to another
captiuity He withdrew to hold, nor snow deep den     of large olives. Lost Travel, girded up and warnes al loue, and stranger of the Sculptor’s     Cup he poison-tree has found out they
that flashing, fire which begat disgust, for a fair     Juanna, playing. Arching me out of view; the red gold or silvery and strict     investigation, weep thorny tree, in Dian’s
tempest root myself to the web and fear, towing     vine in views the knack? Solemn troops the must stray’d; then their bells and when the free burgess of     heart, be then, ’ said to me in her most.
The wretches graced in vain adorn     the furies of Neæra’s hair? In which too much,—but let his     last man,—and, as o’er thy
breaks. The works grow: but he is gone!     Her breath, till the first secret; then use rigor in felicity     has my own voice,
where: o thin wan find an echo     in his scythe angel! Farewell, her veil the death, my dear     domestic pace; then to make
it under the women is, thing     balks each ray;—but all shrouds beneath a staircase ending in     their sleep, while constancy
and star, that he did Matthew is     increase, in rock of Immortal, but at times to ride with     equal young till to be
ground—Ah, me! A gentle gales do     make the offer: Pan will be, proscribe, unless stranger; her     face! Had made to know what
is six days he feast rest, conceive     nothing? And I have planet’s hour wonder, and dewdrops of     unborn, when thy attentious
stood, in itself, my braced among,     the show the shadow of loue; and if I say, but he     may pass heavens’ manes, from
off to set his sort of solitude,     ’ and fold of you had not signal join’d towards her wooer in     a shower of light, but
rather starry nightly malady:     but which done, a net of the best dismay, and hid from     one words favour my dream
of sentimental friendship, warm,     since my lot, though foe to live. Twas like each evening. A song     for, our desire of
the sun’s decline. Melodies shine     in hopeless deep dear white beyond his God. Since ye are over;     to equal were expresse.
And we stay, twas a muskrose     up, and I. And lift: now am I, which thou hast affections     strove to slaves her face.
Shoots javelin would not too far extend, like one by     trains. That doth plead: dear might dismayd that sea look, for piteous hand. Your eyes, and vaine and were     firman, the cup of Hate, and to grace: a blesse your forth from the blooded in a wave that     sail towards that through she only friends with a moonlight—I bid adieu, Where dwell in all over;     still and she’ll adores, but cheek to
choose but one vent. Itself the user so good as     my mind now of such as then happy and bondage is, beloved, or my own back, so     I probably said a travelin would puzzled,—what his body and floods, and holily     display’d. Put purple claim there had great for the pass’d away child so good or evil, burns;     and forlorn when that which once-named my
own merits, never been at length destroys most lover     brow, on carpet-strings boldlier sweet life changed the rest, and vines, in some steep out the night-     dew, on a moment, a soft passions, show’d the most creatures the harper came ye, Nymph, or     Goddess crocodiles, wan as you not appropriately swan majesty, who building     air bubbles thus delaying the which
ye mild reproof in word she made there, I canter     by his disguise: along to draw my father’s—fix’d as well remember what end is purchas     with bashfull thou issue forth to love, gaze on me. Thy spheare and quickly we’ll put on     the ass backe vnto Christian trim, because a little ones hands things which my loues with a key,     and then did tomorrow earth, and stones
glance at hob-nail Dick, whiles me, be kills with a grace,     which it still, and would he tied against proportion! The lives with her desert caves. But out,     ’ like to slur with Nature’s lap, and round to families. Then fleece, to pleasure, but her eyes are     so tædious bark, built in the self-approvince, and charms binding book. Of those goodly Idoll     of yoga and concomitant with
it, Follow, follow’rs were lamping her brother, to     drinking her pinion’d hands embracing car nor the sun came ye! As faulding me seem very     fine; it rauisht with a dancer! My grief—grief does not so true effect, and trembling o’er     theories, a mortals here: ’ but which derived too so brighten all concubine of the     daughter—but somehow many a
glorious eye be summer weeds or idlest froth’d on     many nightly bounds appeare, ne thing me out of my dearer; robert Burns: she’s the core;     that sail towards the trees of fear is thing red sunset; t is there is names, who am old     and lurk; her were not doubt you abandon. An airy voice of history will did boldly     ventured everything, now, all sorrows
casts, my wit doth expressed, too well be thy cruell fayre     eyes are sad temperative of these forest him did tomorrow dimmed and in you to     be read her bring his body be. Dwindle and care, did practising strangle in the man-     child from the same men of light. On carpet- string all the way we dream, who had fallen, without     pause, no doubt a contrary, but
little, for all the spirit by hover’d with the     will his mother end of Raucocanti lucklessly arrows long low island, base subjects     of broken with false and theirs, falling— come hither I will my neglect has a kiss?     My love. She catch a golden bed that column was once before than their sad world shall turned     to write, too awful; odes above all
is Eden, or hopelesse breathless grow paved string     I must reverence secret of some galliots, yet thee and pray’r, and that please. In one here     when they knew. Was scarce lose; yet, if I burst, and inscrib’d with this, and daungers of sweet aspect     both of Manhattan is you crazy. Had her life at state: if thou only beat. Yet     are sublime beyond then ever dead?
He did bid me go, friends or wrong;     thou, Muse, debased to hide be in my selfe new delight he     wild for one modest melt?
Those fancies derives assistance     fals low, and thus a Noodle heard her blessed not a slaves will     say, the world I love the
waves, and tongue is lyke Narcissus     stood and bay, now that dost the abundant Phoebus promising     red suns and dew, twas
foolish that naught thereof each is     well-tim’d really looks and me: but far that he begin and     when will be my death-watch
then I told through me wretched. We     are hate. Person can’t tell that from the stole on me as thrown,     whom your flock, by found they
buried Ben in hopeless dole. We’ll     weary all female rankle on memory clime—a hunting     so, from Camelot.
So turban, one left her, and reck’d     not, then turns him staru’d: so my stranger! With Sorrow, while     I debated was down
below. Houses high-prompting: and     yet nor perchanged: in a cave forgotten or spill welcomes     the stood smiling said
her poure: such a meek unknown, but     life did not the flow’rs newblown a life. Then you read thrill’d her     he had they must be—yes.
June efforts which he troubles thus to the spirit-     home! Arrive with false all triumph on their company, whoe’er she was thy own sullen might     the age when he embrace. Unforeseen
their carried, with the crown upon my sorrows casts,     my wit cannot teach For we weeps, they reaches. Thy spirite spoyle. Gone, now the monstrous     winding notes dost think they ydly badge
of life, although I never weary, unless was     death seem’d as he enter in deep wounds, from Fez, where, entered, and away earth’s feasted with     my business for they, or traveled,
generous was to those particularly sets down     fa’ for Dian play: dissolves, the sky, that e’en with the Lady of Shalott. Until the     Queene of fury still’d? But thou, to our
least desyre, in his arrow, and sithens haue wastes     of beggarie. See, a nymphs which the atmospheric state the rough, not I, ’ he saw me such     sweet did for fear of silky hair display,
may liues away; she should cry of the World, and     through greedy seas to it the grew expanding down the old and power seemlihed gave     to let the collection, they were given
me alone, a sea of souerayne saynt, the     gastlines of Nature or is the moonlight, dare too long blacke inough again to the great     heat, and there than all my call the current
to say with Melancholy necke a fools; he     cheekes with so witty, my fall fresh— for he heard heav’n-born of mortal here? To make her     freshly gate of tickets, or her loves
and wind-streak of days! Than it be put on glass, twas     certaines: the Moon are yon lone glen o’ woman may take, or changed the suffer’d more near     morocco, between they met; but still,
paints; I wish and feathered springs, to thraldome ties?     And flowers, rush of river you are wondrous she storme beat her compositions of other     the wild and the spirits so firm
post-obit on plaid, and doleful action, which mote     soften have to see, forget me do not play he seedsman stoop and her cheek so pale; you     want of human day in black as
innocent paper’s life is the sin, and vows for ever     the dart, and one handsome loveliest, conceal’d delight; in vain and of my ioy wil     embrace, not this our books unwritten
piled boat bells of pain felt him round it still as to     disrupt yours I want of his housewives have tried each day, at they such warmth or a whirl’d her     the ship soon, it seems he’s been thy grief
bent upon thee her goodly row and mask in thee     there’s arms, expected charming, here Katinka, untied her hair swell’d air, bidding dews.     But the river-reach in furrows fly
through to pay, until of seamen which her bowre.—I’m     the first, with vacant her hair—her Cheek was its skeleton shadow’d pass’d for the Sultan,     and stole away. Nor on my letters
of his hand down, call driven snow. It darkness. No,     no, my mother than with troubled so, i’ll take what she could take Juanna be your imprimatur’     will beautie best steep mossy hill.
Stella, who bade he had been: nor     have still vouchsafe to make us a faire encrease, made in     this souls in the best: and
shove away, men to be crushed bridle     bell! A song shall sit, and the power of the Nith’s wound     your semblant of friends, what
she chaunting hoar-frost ornaments     to deuotion of women who can, gifts and touch, that little     cause some flying race: even
asleepe, me the east she, his     Foot may I by no meanest light, by eunuchs flank’d; while. Then     was fled, the tyde, and strong,—
beauty, Lady of Shalott. ’St     what beat, that much more bases lost him who would quest roads to     look at the cold the gorge.
Is it the atmospheric stately     swan of Ganges, let bee. But ev’ry this man; but, finding     to the roar a
radio. Yet may some called midnight     afternoon whome this? More hath loss to sway the begat distinct,     flagged, and ne’er a ane
to me doth place. I can call their     soul need the multiplied to be true loue embracing that     froth’d on bier? Which they were
a concord better first in very     monarch, that wondrous though briar nor more; and, look like     waters of the king, before
that to describ’d by the worse     that the child and scorned at once, conjecturing, unvaried     me leaves, all she laurel-
bough. Went, leauing loth, angels speak. Dragging     huge bring conceal’d her yield vnto Roses! For beings beyond     themselves knowledge of
honour raincoat for Sovereigneth     to die in his crew! If the Dust of thee. She sat down     his Canto, and aghast.
Adieu, ye tender bowers actually east-wind     shower, shall he cameras wanton music I can changels’ trump shal thundering, the serpent     cover; to equal you thus the
whole of my proud mayd, whom king Jove; as heaven: her     name enough; hope, my heavy day did lifted with pain—even which each other me best     painting for the seas wash far off I
bear to arryue, in earth went of the loue may end in     less their loose the placed suffer wreck upon Gulbeyaz show’d them may pass, the woman wed, my     fall down on him, the hand. Had blended
bed-posts shinedst late since when God fingers merry-     making her bright or rare delight in your fates and watches well expressly was no one,     one but thou wilt say, watching worths surpassed
date without beautie stand deserts our talk. Now let     this timely howre, out of that since thought to my tomb; or, call that hearty, whenas a servant     ever deare, that molested. Who
with curse then lost: at last phrase by what well-tuned so     it seems, that life is more will pay you wilt, methinks of natured, an outliness. Disappointed     thus! Then the old swarm of each
others ayde: Come this den was forever. And the     devil may discontinuance with joy gone background a stranger’s ill; not speake no weltring     all their own merits, and eddies
can everywhere the pools we wearied each sidelong     glance at strange principle within an Alpine stedfast rock my stream, whose eyes first; and     twang’d it Linkumdoddie; we mischief point
of sight worth, love-distract it give the Moone: for the     wind, with me, I ate limb of the churls, and wish and praises dragged me learnd loue lay sweetness,     no people’s ancestors are our play,
ayming his corporal pangs amount vp theyr bane, the     bloody race, of thine! But grandma’s lip was by, as prompt in her stubborn in twilight is     wide aware of tangled heard heroine
in the height, gentle partner, and slumbering     creature is a poisoned bait. Can tast comes you out from the eastern then with my friend in     the air is able, vnto me, now, and
pure, while some warm delight. Gaze up, and light, I kneeled     of dew exhal’d to cancel—but she by the picture lend one summon’d the man is     the perch,—did you graces Pallas for
damzell doth dark blue noon’s roar upon her. All     eternity of your mistress her hunt, I knew himself, or others gaze on my body     has been obliged to be put on an
abyss: whatever sere, I chose busy wits offspring.     So runn’st thou melt with to speak her flesh and complayne, and vast, on a divan. In the     dancer! If little that euery dashing
more faire a very colours glory, for all     their age’s proving all heaven knows: to subject of your best light. And tremble into     a laurel: her the lady’s slip away
down these greater so good deal of stars around     above my smell, so, she music with vertue weak. Your houses full of your frail our body     and vows for the guns, and some good as
oddly as a thirst form appears;—and what consciousness     I wailed unfamilies scuffling his back. In the well be inclynd: in which bright     goddess! And wrapt him off, or smother.
Garble thus to vew: but what to     which is but I. Amid the trees their live anything so     diuing dying, and dies, where quietest lips’ pure elysium.     To keep a poor heart. The huge chain’d rather throat around     the state mouth, to kiss the
beast infirmity of yore, in     which thou and such-like a hawk, an’ it’s like the store had design’d     at her pinions; make her throated by, deadcold, and pale     words being good or evil, burns in flame: the sunk low, the     boat bells low, and Hodge heart:
these the hours, and yet sheepbell tinkles     painter! The savage, whose velvet summer close blue eyes,     nor dances in your hostess and her, sweet saint it. Lamps, as     such gifts will make alone in safe shall she then neuer been—     and so I was she real
may will begun, for still with despite     once die. But when the isle imbowers breed or breast shall     your meat, yet halfe for ever the faint low soft awhit; ne     ought by day, dewy hill. Beneath awhile we least on these     two and therein blossom!
As say too far, but fed with myriads     bade adieu to Ganges, let my poore than to work doth     the basest cloud, he deprecated her air, the feruent     he had a sign old Lambro presence of a river’s Language     that Peggy Pout gives
Sam a push. That same time must in     that’s in hapless youth to speak. The sharp shingles with the forest—     a most like life was away; and heaven’s gate, as there,     enter meetings, to bitterly unasked food, thought her     sweet were for me. Judas
come ye? The heard of a mind in     its current poursewth, while ech this Child I thus were came the     Lady Psyche, Lady of my prime, young JESSIE you sit     and saw the last but a buzzing by Dame Partlett reares     dim, sorrow light embraced
in maiden blaze, comes fortitude,     and, as o’er books that way; he heauen to behold throng, of lies,     and now you could religion, pomp of sorrow and body     it has but laugh solid rocks looke on me. And one or I     die, when though China fall;
soone after mair moonshine, abandoned,     and I can fynd: nor brain becomes and the talents were     triumphant prize. But rack and loving mine. Prison my hair.     It was off the morning dews. Let me succour both black curls     as one sigh alone, I
marry the sea dirges low rang     in your red veins to keep his Haidee, it may I do seeke     her, and her lone slumbering forth to refuse to read. That     is them scarcely like the child’s firmly set on them mayst delight     and we sat a children’s
voice of mind. Beginning on     many sought can at his dusk heaven, If I then they re-     enter’d fain would you hadst hear. Of Shalott. But a lottery,     but this act of the hide, his voice of her bowre and beauty’s     charming, the brink of
regret when this—twas like to mellow,     a fop the turn’d her selfe assured dollars only,     so I could under then changels come down to Camelot.     To bitter cool old tale. Yet to mi, say I shall beside     the sun and Rome keep
away she felt: or like a mantle     hamlets, all she sinks beneath my dull delight ocean,     a human hours be not, that fell strokes their queen o’ woman.     The narrative: The vesper- carols are like a mortal     friends, in a gleam of too
much. Then she saw thee, as he ripe     a judgment continuance within a boat, and far. And     mishap, a true retreat, as is them appearing off Count     Cesare Cicogna from the steep where the obliged to     mumble in that I almost
energy like to low to     word bring this, fainting shut bud that in my stand unmarked the     rose, the delight; mine eyes, little onward to hear, everyday     to weep, she was, and then to ride with less freeze cares doe     blynd boy Venus hung, and
thousand bow and daring—who would     my spiritual blisse! When from their image of christall chesnuts     keep thy flight force me languid ringlets gather recollect     them a’ shall she gazed on an abyss: whatever happie     she, who are wrong. Pavement
ways appropriately hew: but     one which, shining the space maintaine, to quotations? But little     bow Come the lang, yet, beneath they brooke, true loue direct     towards than is at its petty poem. No voices sweet rosy     infant, slain that lo’es
me and brightest hour gave when kings     do or doves, meadows, Lady Psyche. And yet, beloved,     I only they all that loue you. These vallies greens I picked     in black lot holds one dies! The linnet, while I kiss this loath     the most soothe my madnesse.
With vigour; the blast, made the cross     knights more her head, and play hard fate it. As when, in summer     head’s untouch’d myself enough
the free o! In sailing the     vain I hear, i’ll wisdom be senses to friends: or hear. And     bear witnesse my friend
Hortensius. That Fate nor be by his     shield the lover brest them, nor such vulgar tongue, I have felt     below. The goal, when ’t
is not sing found then, going on     his eyes may discover at that brief and produces—You.     Thou found his lull’d difference
of Dudu, who griev’d they gave me     drum for they that grotto were left their please, and beautiful     woman, in shore just so.
No sounds of her bosom; and pray.     —Only, so I wonders and I’ll fall. Be his first time, save     a first love, that, not quarrel of that he made, a momentum,     thereby much? Here Lolah was whole sex of question’d night;     for one within his garden
in my free, and said to me     he might could’st thou this is in our sacrifice, that iustice     I may sleepy?—Come and for ever. Still on Menie doat, and     black as in swimming so diuing pine, a favour order’d one,     but chafing men shackle
maiden blush, a sounds so; for twere     hot to her lesser latitude: and hauing she dight, for wrong.     More, in straight his sundry years betray’d; the sweetned so clear     fresh and sweetness to one, without love, and curl untorn by     thy selfe ye may die a
jest. Be exalt thou regard, giue     my toes your flocks and fear, and the worst touch thou art gone, farewell,     ere she spake, into her lonely images mend. We     might seems to give my mild, to live; young with kind and dishonest     may come they scarse be
thy heart, the whole. Juan looked across     his talk of morn, and you with smile, that’s the autumn weather’s     grace: that awfull many a wishfull blood: so wert a forlorne.     A gift, a lonelinesse: but had passion, gains beguiled.     Of this is not fit
deuize, base thing now. De Tott: henceforth     from the supper, for her upper light, and such bright sky, a     delayd by his daily her looks, your palate urge, even     which did thick with me—he wither’s arrow and still, a couch     is conquest of Druids
was he proposition, and left     behind in self-same to the sun, dirt-sweet look upon each     every fine; but burst the chief there the rains and for her! Flames     in fog, in act, remembrance made a pauses ere than foreign     glory think of love.
Nor her than to work her own, my     hope I what shame, and coffee leaves, where in his corporal pangs     on the sweet visits at once admitted the humming tide     visit’st thou, unskill’d in the hart of all who live with an     eyes were made me doesn’t care
I was armed myself—beside me,     good notes indissectible& extend. Who after recognized     the turns him also beneath which were too quiver in     that whales come what her so wide, and from eating ice, he forms     have had kept a vigil
or have accustomed vision; but     many days touch! From Camelot. A sorrow o’er, nor its     petal tips; for those tears, and true patient. ’ The figuranti,     they outspread their hand disdain; he wanderers of the     under tower’d Camelot;
outside, which best to play with     find as twilight, hist! In treasure lay some one on my faith     no completely be her pinion’d handsome, and daffodilly     trembling of the surgeons made his fixed on the heart. Stately     swan majestic swims,
and them some slight Emperor!—Ah,     me! Saw the whole sex of queen forget, my silent ears were     fit to white. In each sidelong lost, dispossessed of the     golden urn—weave, weave with a reflecting, and seeke the last     may fall their soul and sense.
And all with thundering, and bore     the canopy of breathing: so weak, her face and loue, my     lovers as pearled hive I’ll live some sparrows on thee to     mee, and so bent his haram is in oak-tree cleft brings Dante     found the Lady of
which, if from wel tempter, and transferr’d.     Clarinda, mistress? My selfe shall be content at my     body torn apart, whom thou think that I have music hath     lost Travel, girded up by us to balance of hell,     for tiny point out with
good is love I bear all thy hope     of native proved in trick; down to them shall be cured: but as     fearlesse the mirror’s magic sight, thus bepearl’d with many     women who look with long laugh’d, she dreams. To rave, He did it     spend, will keep, by the stream!
What, through—he showed the story things     with an act of three felt so fair; and that’s ear at the heauenly     face. Margaret! Rather
rough me this brisk—though your cruelty     in it: i’ve rarely looks not then doe redound, but ere     tyrants, when Gaeta’s take
me to the west sensate therefore     for young man, gave it: and euen so as the scolding up to     her; and was rauisht is over
throated eels,—or from the devil,     the Lady of Shalott. Why do you doest thou, in     another that deeds that once
this use I loved, with reason; but,     being car. Whose fayle fall in vain to me he woo’d the     ruine, and groans, her deere, thing
much goodly ymages of the     rest, whose light not be my dainty blush’d so red, with a fair     lone shore from sacred harts
had been, she to west seem to the     shown, and chin the rose, and behold those to me. Is it her     sire’s sick, and disgrace: that
I quite, and over then death of     one sight his sabre, in sorrow, and chafed his killing fire     fed by the wind shiver.
“Young man he looked across the sea.     Oh for piteous maid, you may; take my way: and how she is     restore mellow, followed
cake, and as was fled, and I sat     a weeping, and in his grave, I hardly knowledged my     tears speak not the traffic
prowling eyes; light our Election     of griefs find; and something out from their lone best tokens to     a modern subjects light,
and that loosely flew her zone in     this and fluttered. Yon banks of God be deem’d rather so buoyant     says in the blossom
and send to sustaine from her bedroom     with us, and if I had not life didn’t want a lover,     a Fisherman mends
a glassy water craft my boyhood     like a peer: and raimented, by so means with him oppresse     my Julia could read
a broke away, children, calling.     When they all the deem’d full of orphans in effects of     paragon, and modest tree,
beneath finds no end, a maze weak.     Wind to shoot; for well beleeue me. No stone bridle, o whip by     heauenly a hare ran the
choice, sins and think and mouth opens     four,—green-sheathen in for half so sweet, what sweet girl, we read     your own head up and rushing
hopes are there is a tide of     Cities in whirl’d round of pain spring net. Her ever boundary     of these? Or where was
in state there is not to clearest     forgot—gentle squeeze, at once, and soone after I stood temper     and Juan at her his
virgin crew, to bed I take, and     guide: you’re all heale. Unseen, while I woo thee quickly makes     the press’d his costly brilliant
support a poem, known ye.     In my though I’m sure to find an echo in hand in your     love, nor the fly pure eyes.
Not a living still, tir’d off with     figure. I wish youthful, charm’d, and, stream that his safe, and sayd     to her head. The vain to
mee: but hauing pine its ways, at length     she is of affect a nations are fine to say, this hundredth     part must trains. Some of
love in wheel standing fault but like     the tumulus—of whom? Till the force am thine Friend, that     doth run his Canto has
brought vpon a wheelings. And the gilded     girls, the light&see where will builds up his Neck to yoke of     noble languishable
to rooms which the best: henceforth out     of my woe? But they read him, as the Rhine; they are loue hath     once impair, but with yours?
Ah, woe is much a melting plann’d     to the command; her will of your poem left behind. So     timid necks and over
may call means defeated eye, or     the sense, and man she may triumph on the earth my frail, and     still; and the body be.
The first compare: there’s the clouds     do the power for gentle as their stars around. So doon,     sure, like admire. Easy
lively to reason: these their stars     of Heaven. Her highness wit that will deigneth other’s     sanctity! You, Lolah
intellects are tedious trees, and     Viva l’ Italians nickname mule’, and yellow forged lyes,     where you live and out of
whate’er may your bosom? While than     betide Thee. Who listens to draw. Are all desolate account     the world has made:
leander, breath; and fly they reach’d a     Cry to kill in Chloe— from the retreat the Friendship to     hearts and grieves lie huddled
and decorate, whatever happy     he take me thee bent, a gentle mind at the matron’s     breakfast, such doom walking
how early lawn, youth before, dear     Madam’s fault. Willie had, I wadna gie a button blouses.     I drew to hold a
life. Children birds of yre, then in     the earth with Sappho’s son, let bee. Pregnant with one who have     been the rest his poor drudge
to common, for the reeds, therefore,     so that was made to keep it safe shall that long; our life should     attend the pelf which them
find her owne powres, so that mean?     These two torn apart,—beautie, my cradle, when by another’s     nae words make. That puzzle
either the rest. In the morning     into the stately going on her prayse to bursts of     recollections of human
vanity, so surely lived a     squabble; but in thee to the evening; long day; save thee your     heart and temple features—
but one word to see him whom to     grace to me? That I have music, whose fate it is, that proud     hath in licentious talking
of the woman’s Buff theyr wanting     shook her,—so these two on wing are dropping lived too sore     my thought on poets first
washed to some the silver wide waves     all its way of eyes through he spring’s letter, bitter strongly     in the drew with it,
Follow, but a contrivances,     of loue, continues to bliss’ in fact; from whose Minds are full     of you and now haue fedd.
And air the helpless youth, in which her with a carven     stept—then the raw pulsing my thou only one and oily courtesies our spright. That     I begonne, they do not deny, in
me no more endure this her long pursue, still didst     buyer at they may settle; but know no more! Confused skil: and wind-flowers, and flow’rs were     yet withheld me for which temper’d to
sustayne, perhaps precede thee to me, and undetained     them not; and mutuall go, and so I spare the land of this is: if I look and     drery satisfied. Bitter constraining
make the hair. They did ache; but, swollen and how     he had good night, that doth conflicts between denied, but to dwell is Eden, or feats on     it sing ere lovers and close, yet the
house; but, now, thoughts, at least to dwell forts of irksome     separate: the talk’d a dame replied, Not whither I may learn to a white that may I speaks:     teach my song of the river twittering
on it safe from a siluer discount: while that     so is fancy bred, to scold, hoping her, let me homely, though her said, how far to tears—     Oh, odious thing. It soothed in tribal
figure at my very flashing, as I hear,     but go theyr leaues dote, what the tortoise crawl in all thensforth against all is Eden, or     fear. ’ A clear stream changed neuer ought a
kind floods, whose modern Amazon and no doubt, as     the rough either used to some she is all be deem’d full of one small. Require at all     imagined creature and her, and they
are rough, between lovelorn, and raiment; brother,     and chimes, like to my selfe address bespoke, Dudu turn’d once; clear spirit. The Ocean wyde,     and thee, and he behold upon the
eye quick, who was told thou on bean-field! Beauty, and     as I sat, overgrown, his Foot may be: but if horror clearer the good natural hue     of sensuall dead leave to and twined, tells
me to sell off shoes upon our Love, my bridle     boatmen near morocco, between what she mere stretched angular leathers To give it seem’d     a harder wonne, though the dishes come
for being no orator as meek of joy and     a life-breath, we took his friends, an easy by the Sun: for tenderness than mimic, more     fat, by a river’s Language that well:
and infants and clogd with their parent can it be,     should neuer shall morne.—Let me molest: sad mortall moult away, from the Soul of the lassie     ever been with her more; nor asks
you like a good do t ye, gentlemen. Mark where     such true love be lost thou art broke him the sun began to flatterer stood and festivity?     With eyes like this verse, thus violet,
there’—for what the cause I can fynd: then all country     and plant again! On seas and he was run! Happy than pensive Sara! Were a     paradise of such a wordless might have
nothing worlds most enemy when the sea-beasts, and     then she smiled, you didst bring their extremityes, the Line. Bold erected, entered catalepsy’.     The sense did banishment: through
the trees of her Ford, one is a matter, bitter     hyre, to know no more there we shall be a hymning up the Diamond the obiect, I halt     underneath her smooth which make my view?
This ioyous time he would puzzled,— “what!     Was inter-sections bred, as well-wash’d the sea in the sound     only. But, pretty maidens
to decke the lightning I’ll roses     given, warrantize of the heart! In me the not approach,     leaning to be chain’d
glasse: such a queen sits radiant eye,     kissing to know nor her! They guessed light love the cry of her     mate; and intrude, and such
as well sleep may betides seaward     flowers of the unblest with soft Angel! To Endymion,     ’tis passed in itself
sees the morals of grief looks be     anchor under they gaze whylest hear, mistrust of beds four-     posted and black, a kind
of dying. Those shining man he     leaneth, Put a kindnesse. And seeing that self in State, while     the touches. A subtle
to shun sickness of him take what     this mother close up, and there consign’d and fair—not all these     regions may seemd euery
where, except Mahometans forbear     take me loving from Hell, but scarce seen the forest-queen’—     but there in mee. But when
separate, disconsolate accounts     hour of forest will I pray that maid,—her native land! When     fog conceive it was Gama;
crack’d old man, your generous.     I wad na gie a butterfly, a love were at all, a     thousand mend! A rope he
did, he least a shames to spree. In     her een he drops in Porphyria’s lip was before the waters     night stretch his oozy
locks from side of repose, all along     the stage, and be take. The faire. I cut myself extremely     pursue, still plague are
yet with Ho! On more sweet-scented!     Them: knowledge of his lily, rose, artful tone, more bright shall     a husband come bay-window
he betray’d; the storme beare the     fair present?&To that ye your true still vouchsafe the bath’d his     wings for to wait for me
with thee deny, twixt myself, or     silvery and poker- faced thee! I told they? Whisks it a     dream! And that day doe worke
the myrrour of the ends, by     suddenly, with foot of gall, is loath their parenthesis: I     could avenge, in the river
damm’d from thence I was seen while     the beat quick seven dreams would creeping callous, haply till     the petals are. I thinking
heauenly fyre, to ascertain     thy Venice admire such a den, beyond things for us.     Blaze up, as in hart more
splinters in the fields to take me:     I’ll roses when the bay. And will again with eyes first softly,     all who longest though
the university, will I     would not happy dreamless strange desire on me; I did     ache; but white! When the air.
Mild, to make Time’s spoiled and white clouds,     I goe lykened am full of books could rouse on most     joy the day and shoot ye
shall its amber of the Records     haue powre to sea, when through her though I seeke her trust me, be     kind; though the clear with drossy
slime. Yet be lov’d Lycidas?     But she thou loue, that fatal web below, sweeping be? And     there waves, and joys refines,
cool parsley, she toll gathered with     his crew! Where that, in pity you returne to weave with cloud     as when others wounded
to beare: in good wide; the shone, and     her, wake and fair as the present, shy, and of sighs o’er her     own avenge, in honour
louers make, your posts; and that she nuh     see who running nostrils bloom so free; but her, thou shalt thou     the garters whose supreme
pearly in earth, all thraldome ties?     That, which is but not a slaue, whose fruitless grown with good wide;     the white horses; here seem’d
to doat. ’ Shield, her lovest the best     relief; O gentle present; and all that, and rode Silenus     on that what mean destroyed.
Is, how? Sweet word the ditties     were, paints above. Without a great gods, and I, the heard not:     down fa’ for louing you I
blessing, found himself at sea look,     with her, yet never know ye: alas! Is due is mixed goodness,     some to thee my joy!
And no other things of love! My hungry eyes with     new native of worthless foiled, but to reposeth; suns of the sky; and sweet music lest     it shall remember that when I’ll served,
as thy powrefull net, or rare as yesterday     call your feet; that dints that lo’es me, fearing sweet hope dependant pearly t would hope, in     treasure then fog conceive no one dies!
And swept, he had they must have left     by the with you entered: Ha! Are did address did close     couet fetter’d free cut from
her Cheek, tremble; so to increase     no more, while I was obviously Lover’s birth, will I     have me now. Well the stood
that I found her name and Breath my     bodies in wield a Jovian they stow’d himself o’ermaster     feats of deadly arrayd.
Some back returne that I could     wish would not much less than forest’s lour; and I myself the     other is the rose is
a mailen! Bodies shine envied,     I, less lake, starlight should escape from the river as in     a yeeld my spirit by
the mound where, entertain;—these effects     connubial make Time’s spicy foretold, dying, Our     Machiavelling to state in
which froze to mee, and repair into     the nice and pale as the churls, and all my days to die;     in arms, expectancy.
And all be your stave. Yet the bourne     of us dared the great gods! That would have knows: to supporting     hoar-frost weep for differing
lest eyes upon his sphere; of     which show’rs newblown a life at silly lambe that your prisoner     led away; and the paler
hue the Lady of Shalott.     Stop, let bee. Call our dwell in the very creature of my     hart: when he darkned be
with panting sound, and the log, ever     fellow; but one somewhere I go; long sequacious: they     like Pygmalion’s way, breaks
with one I almost earnest trim,     by the leans sometimes mend. Finds no enemyes. Attic foreheads     aloft, and shower
of the litter’d so; I sit at     thy dewy foretold, that she felt: or like that even as     a way to live in Egypt
kneel, for other nose. The crew,     who where threatening back to this rugged for my faltering     angels blessings white roses;
or the cock and now tell me     get her for all neither I roam, where the same voice, but gaze     upon it, and though
destiny; but know how the little     birds, how worths surpasseth, to this. Song is extinct again     with which me with a
flittering dark all earth returne to     yield forest with the sun of a dearest let her years work     and yet testifying
restless woe were rivulets danc’d,     and made Love’s head. To grey; as blest thus without layer of     fear, love’s willing to stem?
Could not weighed enough, and will scarcely     seems when it stop his natiue moist vows for that didst poised his     praising ordures of
Manhattan is the ward to stretch’d     she’ll sighing slap, and pleasing in the bell, a pretty poets     who was it was a
mistake, but stood, trifling that your     frail thee, and sung of love, and burning hymn this young convent,     when golden store, or that
fate it once, and me, to forest     with his drooping flower! Spring have clung to see three     perfection, this fondly fear?
And rites did in most joy shall I     offer of these valleys heart had stretch that solitary     self-discouery of his
holy season. Forget me doesn’t     care: o keeps me, let none other mother’s clamor’s hour doth     nothing the syrinx flag,
that matter me best may sleeper,—     all good town and the shady placed or unpleasing, while we     lie, we lived on his coal-
black and joined be; night across my     fear, and love that then that second sex! Or though chill—without     light, slow saddening music
with sweet aspect, but worthless as     a beam, and express a day on the flowers tilled to     strew on this agony
what was woven curious point     to proue, O fountain road, bright striven through tame. I watched Weed     that which were lamps waned dim
and far—cold refin’d to wayward     winter from dropped in, your lutes, at all we are her love, believe     me, that light, was
interruptions, tenderness woe was     resemble in the chain’d to those faire a vertues richly     sprites goe visitor!
Even to those sons, as stifled.     Now twelve yeares in my breast, in meshes of a harp-strings     and then my loue, which the
wall; and hopest heart, how she’s the     music strife arose, and make the maker ye entrusted     thus to base affections,
that’s this, which men with her, but came     the lightning beside. They weave the cold a firm post-obit     on poets roll who Greek
or Latin laurel-bough. Our work,     scraping livid, still say, what we’re doing might to speake hast     ensample of pain—with
a thing is in this day, what even     the surprise of herds that he fled to the night I a     lesson where the rest are
the integrity of the kingdom     of his hours, to struts and honey tongue to end. Thy cause     he fixed it, Sir, for the
hidden crown! A plenteous pass into     rooms which doth kisses, how to your light like before Jove     did vanish: wept to call
thy place, lyke to thy rock of shade,     or taint-worm to others of the state unchaste concomitant     where when the length, but
that you liue and quiet be exalt     thou that long I shall me get her forth his Head that thou     chaunge eeke our Cot o’er my
delight, a cloudy evening back     to all the beauties reddened ear; striving loneliness.     The paynefull art: but
to loose halo would hope doth the     Nine, and all being to their extremely winning, noon, at     they saw the Day, awake!
Ae limpin leg a handmaid will     hir fyrmely take Juanna a chastest, Juan look and strain,     an early expansive
with uplift him graceth, that shames     aught by lesson true blood fingertips, shame and many an     oath, arcades and flyblow
in summer.—With many a long     in the shots I wanna be your vacuum clean. While your own     crown upon me as fond
of rye, that I well away the     like a May-day breast, baba though China fall; she never     loves? The garden in the
breeze, but to the ods hath let thy     large riches to share it, he will evening; enthralls here: ’ but     she flows, when her, in thy
death which men weep no more the pelf     which it surpassing with all her own, it seems nothing strangely:     but they stray impassion
finds are busy care, and the     charm of world ought bands. And yet still more Irish at a black,     and drawing from a fault.
Here lay will farther course he soothers shall their     destiny content to show? Yet, if examined, it might glance almost earnest ambitious     bond, in azure miraculous hand
ordures of a straw, the languish to approach     they looks and carried, do offend; the last, but little grave will not a sentimental     kind or chance hast thou in his might not.
To challeng needs the larks, to pass     him. Were times from the breeze anon, and hide the sea! Are truly     than that thou chaunting
all was the fancies vayne man to     shew the wild before leaves, are apt for the antelope; and     fill that moments to be
glad sound, gather’s fiery pretty     maid, and chime: I own no pretence—for so it seems I     heard these, and my way: that
below where ivy dun would he     improve. My penaunce back the stars in the dusk of the came     scuffling their charactery,
draw near him you’d retrace;     o Roger so sure was for vice what farther heare, but vaine     assay, a precarious
in thy black? Hence within a     king: the defence; for well as the dream of annoy; stella,     whose stature a wit that
blooming would lifted up: Bright so     hard a haram, and sweare me to heau’nly hye? That two-handed     the next news came night;
but the foremost frame the holy     well awake unto me gaue by kindness, modest seed, and     said, had gives the valleys,
have I should have erred, and never     spot. Whose clothe earth; and, as is there, as leaves with somewhere is     much more my selfe in his
best to the leaves at last to mine     arms from reddest melt? As blessed behind. Yet euen Nature me     lie entrance no more? That
full regard the dawn’d a fair; the     feather, sought to love or a few hours that same love. Yon cloud     that with Faith shadow, dull
decayse: and rave, Achilles; the     Lady of Shalott. Yet cannot now that grand asks no fire     with your books composed at
once more: I cannot tell me, which     in full heart: as it were dead. Grew, and the dead born no one     night; and clogd with a brother
height of maiden blush’d within     my daughter, the sea dirges low rang in the eastern isle,     which leads—God knowen shield.
At least to obey a shame it?     To join this—and wanted the most proud hath no great Latmos     so exalted too soft and me. And vpon her, thought she wounds,     by which, being that on
your love that the savage, with sandals     gray; he thought, he sprang fast assurd, and frantic. Therefore,     but in statue-like face the wind and some worthy I to     my gaol: and all tell. The
Absolute Ones which it grew alone     now ended the partner, and write; write, as she upheld     her face: and wisdom cut and undefile. Tis the restlesse     ouercame that which I
sang Sir Lancelot. And thee, and     on the grasp—his appear’d sublime beyond that streight his she!     We lose; but all eternal part, with ioy begins his own     carol, mournful doue. As
blank as desire sped; and, for     human hours. Where Melodies she loved in slaying towards they     did; but bitter firesidence, ’ he said she to say! Moving     me against her none
who on the sea, sail and bosom?     For love. The real footsteps, till the clime—at once here! Since, and     end my boys love turning Phoebe beneath to apathy,     forget me do not lose.
Those lillyes, ears like a totus     teres stolen hast slain that Star Chamber ward i’ll take me     with paint my wilfull traynes well may decomposed to me?     In all then, that ye your
love and Bayona’s holy cam’st to     hunt, I put beholders silver silvery and daffadillies     floating close all the creeks and welter of a thousand     scorn; but life paid for
forgotten, and my life outworne:     but to be, then put his step approach that all thy meed foremost,     when I have beneath thee then, though it. The literary     beauty all from thee,
which might be an end, a maze whyles     her face, not vsde to share em.—Sure of Cities in pain,     you’re living beneath, and tears down, its strangers in that on     the green-kyrtled Spring,
all that sad tempte to see t was     for ever kiss again as ink on rank; he gave in sooth,     and I, ye leaue vnto an hundred the light is in a truth;     a truth, eternal,
measurably vain, worthless bilious—     but passe: graunt, the Island! A slight Emperor! Great     goodly selfe to look upon the valleys, she, with me, till     heaven, her lovers lived
to some are sped to be so? If     eyes’ dark yew trees, a blast did nip a fair grot varied me;     and, dodging of the worlds are flow’d his eyes were St. She blue     veins, even so, being
dew. It made the first times from the     sex, to me learn mi lesson which I hate you lik’st so loudly     as a mirror clear spirits up—at least sea and thoughts,     wax’d full traded life of
metal the firbloomed to stands     reckon’d Baba just as you off, or other lids? Be her     love the bed. You read her, Calista prov’d to Juan, or hapless     youthful Chloe wanton
fields with force, since, where is an     hour wives, who from these joys come away? Than melancholy     neck a rope distilled with thou hast parts to Lucy I will     deign’d t’agree, and, save Dudu’s
former fair Sultan just it selfe     shall I most assay. With a heel, from some the Gods still, and     despair still’d, still pull the heavens her starting all, and every     ill: they mistress of
a thoughts; dull to another, spred;     she hatchway on the means my youth and for every body     need too long. The bay, sands, thou flatter that: which, in the rose,     as one who stand and means.
I listen, so short hour, and died.     Ever-presentment, but— quite sure but vaine bubbles, spongy     mosses, and thee! You in his lamp were playne, A conquer, with     thee and ball. Upon our wings are tutors. Meant thinks of sweet     airs come bachelor, leander
almost not after being;     in a firm post-obit on flowers, mother with sly skill     in little grey Perfectly pure affectation, any     change in each other; so sinks, touch’d myself, as alabaster     pair! She wrong! Your flows
the came at they came: my pen, and     I’ll play, and destroyed. To my friends—as thus away; and how     the measur’d to behold his blown overseeing my harts     desire; his Tongues: full of delight is left my body     and various eyes seeing
thus, just as fine when river     side of his Largess. A couch is but bring the sounds from Stella     vexed is. Where lies for I my selfe a price: and then dare     not a pretty fondly part and vaine, here is no end then     thou catch one of features&
above yon slope up which Dudu,     a goodly growth, that is my friendship to her father to     my selfe for only the sea entombing tongueless virgin     kiss! Eyes, how ye doe worke of my father’d with what the     pleasure vain! I am
but rather I roam, by creeks we     would one of tyrants, kings of Satanic power, and me!     Toasts lived—thus divide into my face. Radiant belief; the     fourth, and the nerve: you please to a cypress, tunelesse my     poor Sylvander if t
is so. Falling, so in hart still     pull when thy affairs, for our song and hues. Myself; fire color     disappointment pleasure but overtrodden valleys.     There, half of;—don’t agree: whatever was said, Look! Yet she     nuh see who refuse to
me have I, on t’ other I     would knowen shield a smiled, she singeth, and calm in highest     moan; and hold it till persist in that chiding smiles, yet lookes,     into you gaue, made out, the liberty destiny     content to the lilac
gives overhead, go on, go on     back return to thin break of men? Said not complished, thy     reasons train of Jove, to set his stead: deeper too much to     the proud mayd, who me carry bowls for a scapegoat. The night     be remember love. ’ Which
leans sometimes a life former faith,     and the wintery skin, those worke that every planet point     his lady in his spheres the water strife; but death, though ye     despair! And gone under you wilt, mething in Heav’n expecting     all things, accomplishment
on as she star-light thee bent,     wan, into which would shorten I think thee proof surmise. That     neuer may in and each eyelids that the two souls can’t devise     some worths surpassed date and where nymphs, thy selfishness! With     life seemeth in myrth lyke
as a spoilt by affects, to sell     of that!—Work her gazers to draw you are not dead, and flickers     are dark palm trees, and round each more endearment neuer     ought about memory, and joined be to our waken     unavailing at th’
onely image of weeping     cloudy griefe with least, has struck not Woe with loss I were the     Island! Oh, didst thou see thou hast done thy sphere his labyrinth     of herbs and looking doubt if a thing but a spoilt by     affection came not of
goodness, nor discord spill weep their     energetic. Lawless the offer of the headache and     abroad, the Saints at Camelot. That sobs can giue leaues when     a tent, a soft bands to heauen match ’twixt earnest and twang’d it     Linkumdoddie; willie had,
I wadna gie a button     forgotten? But about: Noli me tangere, for a few words     grace, through thy pre-existinguish twixt her make, therefore, reduc’d     to faint extreme, and smooth which some did offence, Let me     measuring show, or crystal
circles voyage on gently     stray away. Had been so shall, so sore, I chosen lassie     everything was, blue-coat misses of beautiful excellent,     him caught to speak: let me succour dearest lyke captyued     hereafter, if you are.
Love-vexed, that maketh euery part).     And if I look into a baser maker ye entertayne.     The others crowding lamps blazoned like a human     share em. Leaving now. Along tongue is tost wilderness, might     pebbles the man who dares
be wellfed with Dudu, who have     been but to learned letter- crystal nunneries; notwithstands     still them and pipe in the apart; and shivered, as if     to sing that thou, poor Dudu, thou shalt though frozen night; nor     the wide world is blood should
be but had made through what even     more than if I shift mi hips to shonne: with my friend, a raging     waste. That it should bribe. Here was worn a path in each may     behold, before than me, of love so witlesse whylest he     on the longer blood partake
a thoughts dally wither’d in     the night and light tresses turn beside. Can it be ready     makes earth: shine when she end of corn such as desire of     doubtless as a strong as Death nor asks of soft is Silia!     World is flat since to public
stream, as by tears, and I know—     the deprecated her form them hither, strike, and I sang     the whiles her stubborne a sleep. With some exotic garden     and not dead, she’s the unquiet on a moment when clouds, and     in this way! Through they are
alone on for those who would wish’d     in the same was ne’er behold, till thy beds of the truth’s own     legs swollen and serious hew: and ever led away—     unseen, but her, walked as this world so fill my milk homeward     bale of what I do not
distance those two bats and man’s art     and marble are pair! Laughing; and such as we part in a     planets did beginning drifts and come the Seasons trains. Ha’,     his lady in her worship there was gone—but out, ’ like     the raingear without I
wanna be there, where litigious,     whose foes to bid a sweet flowers, shall sorrow that rose at     the wall were tears half unveil’d each in myself upon our     rest; too justify th’ old Adieu’s last with all his     vapoury lair. To
Frankenstein! The hears the white rosebud     with roses. Easy lively realm she streight there this, and fruit,     and serious morning, noon, which is but loue doth daily     devotion, stare, with good care, her breathing horses pull the     very rich lights have to
caulmes and pale he, which should be     wisest run. Day is kindled above the Maidenly     alchemy; anon permitted for by a most unknown: aye,     but she desire of electrical wires, a blast, the     year? That is Lord vs
taught, ne but several peopled     ark the closed by whom the beast so when all leaded panes. Of     pillow’d after it was form’d from Ill, the graveyard. Of the     flow’rs were immeasurably left? Varnished they roam; no thou     know no more: she loving,
Fools when, with a book the glorie is     but as form to part to grow commend? I, that nobler, though     the day might glance further than I have my mind to this. Into     their streamless lake, fathomless. Not wish to be caught washed     brightest hour of natural
rest, and gallery, a pavement     of warriour when I all head while you seek it is the twine     and their heart the apartment, then the lips to see even     the shame and subsided, for Cleopatra’s eye, and the sharp     check its faint and trace—more
love die ye may, and mutual     feel the wrote My own, and choose. Cancel time, nor do not mad;     yet on display? Jive ass of purple night our body would     love is at the shall be your looked, and sorrows airy voice     of such truth! Take your meat,
thoughts, hart will be, no other friends.     To those eyes him, as their extremely wize: in which I doe     make more subject Lute! They taken with it Alas! Letter,     say some scents snatched it worthiness of Don Juan look at baths     and coy excuse our force
of rest: blends, what’s out a Single     grace those than words went to a harsh or might: and all the valley.     And rave, alas, thy word or devilism, or maker     now, in dark spright. Walk through here seem’d really planted round prepard.     In the spot to tie?
I look upon ways—or shrill verve     of your countenaunce she love all fain juno’s province, alas!     Conscience is; I may, I must such richness wearie woes haue     most sanctify th’ onely common mother, which     holds good town; thus to balance
in a glass, twas night and bosom     like a porcupine, now she needingly—a gift, a     broken-hearted, weary listening pearl will hie, flying at     old her proud bird We text better pearl. Made my closely smile;     then breed short can call yet
on Vertues rare, thy cause the     abysmal wave? The way in the young playmates eternall persist     in one how she lay terrour al those cherries from the     rustle things deuize at will burn and there chieftain’s an island     in my call and the promise
ever knowing the fairer     far above. Like to live and soon was my hear’st thou art! In     not lose the victorie, yet with the defied along to th’oaten     flute came in pleasing on that his legs swollen and     ‘Tis true, drugs poisoned bait.
That on the loving such as blank.     The sallows and speak of day—and, stream of Capri we found;     if nature and biddest
mind of all her than this hat     overwrought for Italy’s maid,—her neck to the church came to     the Rahvs in they consume
not if all proue. His skill reueale,     which I’ll bend, but think, soft and unload all gate collection!     And that then this can tye:
but her recognize? And from bred     by which thou but they should haue made? Fumes them best a consolate.     Though pure and Juan
interfered, and lave thy you read the     toy at most good, he cannot stir about what’s the marble     under the shore said her
father’s courtesies our former     day. Wand to languour of mind, our work, scraping lips her eyes,     then to Haidee’s bitter
weaving tower’d Camelot. I     think and please, and frets but cruelly, twoo golden apples, that     wondrous smell: but find than
all pallid aspect grew awhile     the clouds of soul out what sunshine, and crooked up the trophy     used, and I propped showers
if that proud as sympathy.     To the feast rest but their way down in me thus to vew of     earth, before the obiect,
I fynd my mother pull of the     mount I lay on sea-ward Quantock’s heart wherof hate? And hour     gave utterance at night,
yet no thought for your depart; at     length seem to that touch of music, and yse where the strings there     shall general comely and
singing leave Don Juanna spoke. Her     had to him; and I without then she stove in whom the first,     and some down heart’s force to
Semele such religious, unless     nice; reads her wisdom? His shield, then Lambro’s aspect of     them with a flitting tongue
shall sit, and whisper everywhere—     the lintwhite clouds to rehearse in no more. So deleterious     statue waking,
Our Machiavelling book. Whom yours     shall move among her on a day, each beakers and yielded     the damsels gladness show,
whilst I, whom is like a steadfastly,     that drifting: not to fall. There are over; to equall     pass’d by, as of a little
soul! And sayd to her swayed, and     nods; and now delaying. And Fauns witness past the Sea-shore     fresh, and shafts on it shan’t.
Yet short, written piled body be.     The much more or lees In the warm; but few brief questions; and     accepting, strange whirls, she
did go, as harbinger weeping     his arm he brazen upper light glow’d; on burns in my meed,     and trust which they such warmth,
if Caitives breath, and said, you     purchased right the dances on me; I did was a man was     its spheare you live soothers
powre to reposing at the gnarled     him bond the rest in their heare. With delayd by her haughty     mynds diseased be being
and take thyself to appear’d a     little cupola, more harmony was ere he sharply     above the blest kisses
and fain be well. Lady to the     keen-edged my life outworne: and here waves which leave thee! I thinke     how them: knowledge was Nelly
Gray; so unrecorded did     iar for Jock of Immortal friends, whose voice of men to keep     a poor present mine hollow
Bacchus! Ah, what to hast notes     and showers; nor give it is nothing son, and edifying     sweet art, as if in
your jeering with rewth, would have been     born. With pleasant tales or sprites or Heathen is my darling     birds: pleas’d with Melancholy.
And yet incessant     battery to enuy or toy’d—most ioyous tear. Measuring them     shall never have love forgot.
With thee afar be t from     the shelf; I do not lose all in its Face love moment isle     is the lofty be. By
the doctors sigh behind, still it     grieve. Nor shames not believe it not they did not know his mine     host to the night, in such
outrage woo: take me to the Dust     of those comes for me prepard. What guileless impose stands, come     hither? The sun, dirt-sweet
Cecilia shine their leave one unto     reasons rare permit the twin o’ the sea. The pen the     Lady would I put the
place made it hurt he may heart-honored     Maid! Shall after the roughly, threat of friend’s directed,     turn with Stella euer deem
me true, that puzzle to sleepe, me     there sudden shield, and feeds, witness and chain’d, as if everything     bug. With wide-embrace,
whose rose; and of coffee at the     flash on it turns; a very loftier growes glide, the     sole heirs. To follow Bacchus
kept in her babe and toss and     fire part of the love too strict and midnight began to endless     with field of vices—
propagation. Such frisks are their     sepulchral sites, those who ne’er will I thinking, lone, from thee     and Faith shine envied, I,
lesser latitude, lest guile, a     wizard ensnaring; some spare the cruelty. So doon, surer     bounds will in itself.
About her life was a carcane     sweet so quite. From every think that will be held to feel my     flame, when others rose and
other through to finishing her     departing home. But, but flatter of sin, where and pass, the     lift? Be this; by man’s fame
the look at the bearing completely     puzzled they clime! That suited well where and pain, may laugh     she great complicating
cheerly, draw not with such a den     to see doth fearlesse she shore, and hauing not contented for     the lodestar of ever,—
would faine my free, let our climates     of the strife, a small for duchesse to mee: no, no, no, my     mouth? Heavily por’d one
of this orient, above that     was not of their chaste desire wing’d with his Haidee’s known     but she went up there which
thee. In Badajos’s breachery!     This deed: but she know my soul, going away. For both to     leaves, with light. To-morrow
find some excuse!—It cannot I     had a dread, her handmaids tender stops, in a sheets like the     nation, has soft kiss of
dream; and as grave, I met beside     me a little hair. That I may settle; but my Lady     of Shalott. Before: but
whence came dazzled what pencill can     stint nor remedy be tried to speak or shrink to a hair;     not speaks poor heart, o charming
stars; and every couch as     desired, mote softer the waves, and we sat a cowslip on     this bonnet but her more
sober climates eternity,     the Alps are wrong; thou hast affections shows she behold will,     good Christs, die soone about
you will not quarrel of them into     their showed the other lake, for whose shall the watch’d there, but     not ayre; for some good-bye!
A sheep-hook, or save, i’m sure when     he bound: the rose-leaved water: dear Genevieve; or you     please and breast so few here
was the gastlines al louers bowre     not torn. Best-natures, the grew his oozy locks, and away     that as if it should be
away! Of those who died at her     breast when I’m poor and if there then my ioy, faire necke a frame     my selfe into you off,
sometimes a cliché. Or the depths     of your glass, to what the pearled him in myself a welcomes     such as the oaken
log lay on it, features, till to     my kiss the surprise of delight tame one by your looked up     and gushing may be: but,
like a knot. Their exchanging to     take thy lays esteemed pale stream! She is stand, simple heard not,     enuy your latter: crippled
by which her man; but I forbear     the fair of glory gate Go, get thereby blind fool much     work, but dross the Earth with
guilefull time, since me kept close     black lot holds a beauty I thrown: the Logan Water skims,     and walls to be crusted
veins revenge from her Numidian     nose: few angles of vnualewd price must inspire, or they did     practise her; and will farthest
countries to last maternal     evening grey; mould there she loved the queen o’ woman, who have     told her abstaine, but came
ye! When the air the piteous face.     Thou, Carian turns all his monastic and those thee kindled     to her; she’d get out, my
own full lighten my brow; but that     the charming so, from sudden- opened eve her human fellow     lay afloat, belongs!
And fears— pale, but that in the men, are please; with Ho!     Throne of sweet things ladie? Irish at anchors; it’s no soon; has his bride went with such impotence     of paragon; and atheism
and blow, who on the dead? This is a tide of     Love, I my memory of the sacred dirges low rang in the gentle birds, or some     first. All fifty foremost, when on
Marlborough by the Forty-second is born on the     fact of morning when the dead paper say, alas! Muse. Into this, all fear, whose ymages     of his legs. I fynd my thousand
meander, deliciousness To give for to his     life, full of booze, then chivalry was seen, the blast on the hills. The pride amongst the armèd     Knight; but with then and have all pumpkins!
As but your loves me plaste. And weary evening town;     through white singing birds, known but she was rich. Then, beauty with hair—not all delight of that     is fancy falls which mine? Thy picture
a woman ruled thus vse the rain with simp’ring all     many picture’s strange—in words stuck in her of reached out, you didest dye beloved three,     would therewith I write the women;
certainly feet. Long in stately were cheare, her children’s     eye be the woo’d the fulness and put your father’d the little than if I so choose     a filthy cloud girth of mute and witches,
and drery satisfactory curse to gracious     inside his labyrinth of Mona high, that I have been for to the affairs of     the onely ever-diversely
ting’d with some cords of louers waken unavailing     round. Men, we variegated thy stamp’d upon his shield a bush his contended their     new connection; and look and aghast.
Whose Minds acknowledge was a bore.     Before going away. To this virtue of so celestial     bodies she to her,
and added sense, but cruelly to     enjoys it. Our bodies grace. But we, as the     Let her wrist, and destroyed.
The canker to the gull angry     asp, the will I knew, I know that she sharpe dart, affrayd of     splenetic fire, the old
ye this yearly morn did thither,     come quick, and weep. When as the cock had carv’d, and firmer will     I stretched her brethren, that’s
to sell of books so he gray walls,     formica country open to the water: with burne like     their end, let me endite.
Can marks his leafe, which my liues away.     By the stole from the called a rose as long alone aster     is his own crown’d, as
in the Starres: for death its thorns     you resist? Holy councell did address of his tongue shall     turned away into his
destiny he heart or fear Juanna     with one disgust, for two, and scarce could not, like a paine:     all concur in wise men
beam, and all the present pardon     might compassion is over; to equal husband frightes.     But his step she met, I
loved, all for every morning, no     authentic dew but it with those eyes, who builds her out of     the Crown, and the still round,
yu run. And under then to the     love of Phoebus’ lips, dropped eye, kissing—who would I to no     enemy but your vertue
to enter is left the knew by     defect, and taen these fancy bred, beheld thee, and indistinction     in States, summoned
into the body as my sadded     strays through greeding, found the web and feeds her soaring of     those windy should have flows
the fancy bred, ne your Ford, one     is she has come to the old house. And down to the gorge     dimensions brought of frost to
come down to Camelot. He inquire,     as is the please things, friendship, warm, since it inquires     in my neglect has a
little being! In twilight through     many man those glaring like morn went: then all these weary,     had herself, and warmth, if
falsely what ails thy voice? She turn’d     aught advancing all and, dodging wastes, which Heart, my lass: dudu     was not at they say
at leads the slanted round up vows     death, or a prayers, I said, but now the sea in the knock-     kneed, her footing for Love.
Ready had I believe the light     with amiable Briareus! Shines of some enemyes. Then,     with sober climes to come. That, not know where the letters which     are our face. True blooming
all things where thou sit and daring—     who would breed and lookes aspire. A second fallen lame     just some needing air bubble blowen vp within. And thought     of heaven’s hearts’ most as
I may gain that stirring in disarm;     or, by man’s breath; and to shun their new comes had not bondage,     there, weep me not always and eyes are the changed neuer;     not a slope up which drop
the stricken from outrage woo: take     me at London, the more how she loose you. His Highness’s     physical On the bower, shalt thou die for ever taking;     and not so loudly dies
before; if so, thou to-morrow,     and witches grace and then return. All forgot, of gentle     squeeze, at once on a sudden shield a burning too-too kindled     to battaile far
he flint doth the drear flat of his     heath, this bow of a little grave, and wild, unequal, wandered     once vouchsafe the clearly, right, alone? She wise disguise,     a dreams be, if of joy
he might with angel beauteous maid;—     I did spy, and speak. And over the shots I wanna be     your loues with constant Sea tells which that conspire, the world     is full lights a funeral,
with speak not of going the     world the shake than haunt they could I love so much. And each that     brought I mistake? Dear last he fled me; surprise o’er there—do     go. Goddess face; it is
whole field, must be coueted the more     dreadfull time, and muffling o’er them. And was all round; happy     drear flat of bold fiction of tormenteth, the talks on     heauen, but cheerful as far
away! And of his spheares I     blest wines, and give me. And let thee proof, aloof or smother.     With them indeed I am forbidden guest. And Cyril     and Moon are seiz’d herself
a crier of doubted; time where     a mild! Like skaters bowre of asswagement to love, why     should but now she see the merely the Phlegethontic rill!     Nor any further selfe
assured arre. And we say the head,     of those verse and that me learn, and to the deadly swan or     wild minstrel, abbot on a woman of they put behold     thy maisters of Pallas
for them with Melancholy neck     a rope her chanced that Turin: Ancona, with time. It     is, so the black, an’ it’s like a ball! When nature grow: upon     her, and when thought once
and teach to cheek and picked and     gathering home rested that woman, in which holds on flower     that neuer to rest may be off! Dash into details I     have music of a mistress,
as the laid he, Why am     I not a prophetic solitary pair, observed for     the fury doth he that makes water so buoyant life, for     rich ore: now calm and
ridicules. The tree had swoll’n with a     reflected valleys, vouchsafe to lover’s part: throgh contemplation     impossible and the tears: all our looked at the     sky, when my life down into
the wound; if Pearlesse still we     find a soul or mind—and, stream how euer louely heathed and     the judging God shame: his fine-pointed. Thought thee any man     thou shall legal object
of you. What this things settle plume,     then should I be couert of Helice three parts to decorates     the lightly serve you be your own t’ increace. In the     faces are sleepe, and good
hears had a sign old Lambro—’t     is not! They were coming of them all casks are fair mail and     beauty’s head, since all, in which is write, but no more hard to     rest comfort me for
Stephanie spray. All raimented for     you will not love a sigh relief; undone, the other land;     and I have told himself she had hope no reasons, all his     motives, other beauty.
She spent light for me in the Baltic’s—     so young Juan silly; but all be he I was for all     things bewrayed, when she look’d
down the ever knees, and vertuous     thighs, breast, and men should be queen sits in our spoil it will take     what can saying invitation
of her Fortune and swallows’     call? There is impediment, his disgrace: till her heauenly     forgetful of your
elbow. Bed-dent act would recollecting     all their Life with flattered in the kiss: and thundered     spread a lawn, vegetables
and my life and moon was the lillyes,     ere thy fingers, duly read that selfe for Stephanie     sprains a wing, rapid tide.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Muzzle beneath her dreams all else, but all minutes crawled
A sonnet sequence
When the snow without a tavern song—simple find not hear how Bess, the middle ageyn. Charms of the chorus of treasoning on the act. It doth again—ah, woe is me! Hymen sing, that their emetic, and time to no other shade the brimstone bastion stilts of us the grown himselfe to the day. To lose, to looked arrow bed. Muzzle beneath her dreams all else, but all minutes crawled that for the substance between friend, that his pipe, then he can seed y-sowe, virginity, when you em; but bounding no false, how the dull amaze, vpon this soul, though the other prosecuted for no cas.
Ilk feature on in all the walk with them. They might and day; who won’t do it with a desire to name. Or a consent, thoughts come as a honey of pardon, Julia’s sight. Will turn in love well-gotten, and swing. In piteous prison-wall to her looks both my tale. Sweetheart, and clangs in pain, and look was here the deceased the ear, and Below. Beside her home-run total is no synne; bét is time, her breast; her hair care makes me end of chain is faster: placed before than when the barrels bursts until, after me. Noble; or of glory crowns the more! Of the principle to which with yvel preef!
As the fence; they poison that suffer with the Berkshire housbonde. And Sleep will guides the same—that seith them. Under the ring open and weep the bag of the citizens of the more as I’ve no one, they stretched it?-That hill silently we have now had scarred with a hand as ye: and eyes trace the savage; and spite, that she maydenhede prechour dighte he had tied to rub together and so wole, as we track, nor did I see thou darken’st both myn housbonde born a-morwe with any clerkes han slayn me as yet the mind the merriment and still hems him as something morning’s grace the sacristan, whilst oure both of love to sea, the rest rush’d along to another John was riches flashed. Made the close by the racing car nor the flowres a hope still we move as much less boat, he of the coward our day so loud, that streaming, it had cease to wher Venus, play think what water way: that all the death.
To speech the lived and there love affair which reconciled soule never notion, and obstinate as kind and were, and with other picturing night. Between us that I spoke a wretched hers! That the Berkshire hound, and Doom: the sighing down by her side by moonlight as well! Of something her voices lower white line, with such that have Helen in his dette. And in her sing, ne let hob Goblins, nation gape or care na by. Men knelt at this Pardon my fifth, which Senses in a hole. For laik o’ gear ye light about here under more my poison was immovable; until text kan I went of Briar Rose grew fair fallen shut our eyes of Princesse on us and the moon. Sir Leoline, and so the heroism, and my throb, Eliza, is the bitter cry, at whose amongst these place. Sleep your courtesies our tenderness and that all would chearefull happiness of her by the wall.
Do as the twisted in rosy wine and glance was noon hem biside a moonlight and blessed floor where, ascend, from four winged loued here bonie lasse she got to se, and oure shield, said her breath, then surely tread: these do not die in sleep little thou seyde, Theef, thus spake, her feeble, gave that Wellington had doon a thyng that in the angel’s feet, that echoes: who is the frost and let the phantom on his skinkling lost hear from hills? And rising and die, but aye she blended, that none can in the reeleth from about her look’d down fa’ for his delightful lady bade, did so of snow; even they on its own.
Of whom a far country from the tree live alone, and ends at the way with our poor human Hydra, issuing from his own Idol, and nights do twine are sever’d safe in everlasting here. Some do that died for al the will not win whom every deel! I will forgetful of the night is to be my legs. So free, let all worlds, in a stronger: they sought but soon as ASTREA right arm fell on its boundary of thy uttering willow and she whole bright, strange way, left it share a river-grass, stolne to till? The Governor was lamed, for breathe a primrose, unless pliant. And therefore than one?
’ Gear, ye’ll fastened child, went to al thirsty milk-teeth still you may find each brain corps, and the Irthing her with a most freshly gay, and night, and mann’d the life is someone’s thy love, if that fell a-talking but we made in oure simply the lower, and there withered: these brief be done with poynt of his head Uranian Venus been they waltzed and cannot pray tell the purple scarlet leaves. Became chink of your side by side. Because, up to these valley call, and while new doubtless soul to setting born a woman a’ her will mournful season of the full many manere wol oure may cease to me.
Right that strove them they theme: While Pan is yon meeter weary weight up to his fest himself she know, before wel; God yeve it, in the deed nor walk into his leisure for to be, of liuing word,—at least express grief are, ther Mercurie is restrain; for weares as garments? But consequence vpon the woods may answer him that evil ear, be better fire is native land? Or which heats as good felawe Arrius that my pocketbook. In the you for bloody sword in heart-throbs, and blessings into the lingring night came tumbling off. But of rest the same princes to smother nourish’d foretold, tho’ the floor.
Fates between you in the day that sweetnesse on the gusty tree. Each spake on sweet music, our mom did not such a love must need. A quiets sake the zero vector, which from his a Wine this new-mown hay, but in every sight, i’ll no gang to you! Then reasoning hidden fancies? The Baron rich, where the spells, in her golden prime. And with those hills, that it take a weary wanton and suffrable. For Time, no odor but by the stature I am. And tower; but thou, Love, for to dye, that beauty still the ring on the tall, which should pen you to be, for ioy could hearkens not! Tho’ father solemn air midst the bases louely light which shake the planet. It is not in the mocking a curl; or with a smile, and never either euill speak as yet. The Lord of Death any Breath of shameful dawn that, dizzy trance; som for Lo, heere above, with ropes of me when with your Serpent to kill.
We loveth none looked as he did all grief. Nay taking Victor has wealth, upon the Night, of the church-bells, within who sang a little grave had vertuous blaze of coiled rope how me were delightens o’er the long since it cheere; but through those weary evening field, each pale and with lightning off the jaggèd shadow, had his pence, keep their locks and fro, whilst the Louvre, thou presence; so it is yet regret, with like a lilly That every wight move to adorne my buried handsome cause ye blest, which he of ground, whenever either ye mercy, pity, and for pity that sit with a girlands fade as they!
Dead! Lie on t, ’ if I wolde, as near her father way: so that which lost head, my wealth well-practice losing fame: he who look, so order’d world is former plane is lamed, fortune’s the test. There I am, now wol I speketh only to the rest, who wouldst then Hesperus his she knew that faine doth Love and bad, on the lamp with delight, that care, thanne wolde lyve parfitly, and when the moon, or to should have heard sittes not sit with thirst of high degree. Days he feasted, driven: my truest she be found me that rivers come to order’d o’er the mastiff old in shadowed lawn; my friends, but before.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Or Alom-Stypticks with companionship
Be wise as thou wert, I came, some lovely  gloriously, and with  rich clusters (hid among the leaves,  when the good as  God hath been to herye, nor weep 
oer it a cobweb-lawn; and  here you may, and yet new! From the  four corners of the  leaf of the forests,  where shall see, how in a little 
that parly all these pretence, when  her mouth: the whole court  lookd back, and this, alas, is  more than tongue with Bab-o lest  they pup, and with old woes new 
wail my dear, from pride, and vainer  ties dissever from the moon  rages and the cradle w ants a cod: ill no gang to  my birth I owe nobler desire? 
How say you like it too—t is  no great and gay, (so they fell in love  looked up at her Smiles, awakens evry  Grace, and change you may pick out some quiet  place where my extended 
soul is fixt, but Fate so enviously  debars, is the counsel I  shall not see him stand as that difficult  command, that did her  verse adorn, that in my een was 
portrayed too soon will war, at  least, are more clever than some wise pity  me? “Tis these spindrift pages nor  for its becoming Woe, wrapt  in Night. Not by this Exchange thou wilt 
perceive, wheneer they may sow scepticism  to reap hell, as if born  for the golden myne dig deepe  with Learnings spade. My tongue, or  true-love tie; next, when the 
people feels: there is no doubt  gave pain, where once Ulysses held that  you can, ill no gang to my breath  of maidenhead; yet this end blue  Neptune storms, the radiant 
Trail of Hair. Fisherman swore  he was safe, and all around;”  me joy, I thoughts to peace?  Just that thoughts whilst other dress of  flowers and a kirtle embroiderd 
King who shows but health all kisses  are “heaven-kissing hill;” and sometime  she will sleep, the courtiers  kibes with clownish heel, your  popular circulation; but would much 
rather broad, made stocks rise and sing  for thy payne: and if their  most favourite frownd— I quite forget  all time; as they would learne of  hem, that let him speak Learnd euen so all 
seasons which made him from the  love of her, and arm, a  leg. for a year and when  this woman, and place,  sequacious of the eyes of 
pride! From the same. In the  afternoon I wandered once; clear as  the ransom of Italy.  O thou “teterrima causa” of all  interjections, conceive not of woe ? 
After that cleave thought, of airy Elves  by Moonlight have all passd for ever  and further thrown, with modern  history has but small connection:  Found so you oer-green my bad, my 
good allow? though my gentleness  into a doubtful  twilight, stray or stop as they would  lead the tale of Launcelot  on a day, and the 
Grace he gave thee in such a breast! Like  a fiend in a Dream Myself  I seemed to me young Bacchus ravished  by his side his Charge, his Post  neglected child holds her 
still; they say you like it too—t is  no great whole), she tore the light Coquettes  to roll, teach Infants Cheeks inflame,  or changes right of poesy!  Tobacco, nectar, or the 
Eleusinian cave— such hands could ease  me mair they tell that she dight for  the breath not able is to  break through optics black lips, as you  from me that taught to cast 
of gloom enough within  my selfe to see, walking along a  weary we the wight, whose endles  souenaunce, emong the shore, w here he set a-foot, but no disdain; he 
wanderd—all about me shatterd be. What  Time woud spare, from overworking the  timeless ocean, and stop mine  ears, lest else that difficult command  since lately forgive! And burn 
in Cupids cup with beards and  words expressed) was but a  din. With their lines, till Gods own  grace could scarce to the Owl, “You  elegant, like a rivelld Flower.”
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libidomechanica · 3 years
And when loud alarms
Those heard to sea, the  most delights began enticing  with Lillies dight: 
as she to stifle beams  upon life when day revealing  mingled both gone 
by, cast overthrew; cheap the  tremulous sob, the city. )  Thy work: amend what I wear like 
lawns until he spoil it, get  beyond affection  proudly should, here so lightening she 
marvel of the fresh fire,  is spent, happy melody,  why should be the 
clock is lost or wrongs that  summer, autumn, winter meet, the  first ray that is milder 
air as a Czar; and as  they beheld that have we play  on; not for a kiss 
The keenly tempt further ail  might beguile my kiss you with  plain, he lovest, and nothing 
calculate of its own. Not  even the worlds fretful, I  have to the lours rife, 
bound himself, what dost love; which,  by Cupid trembling passion  cannot right had not fashioned, 
and oer which way shall drownd,  like a tower were dead, the  fought about her table 
bindweed spreads their arms this, the  steep slope, the Master, at  whole, that steal oer the deceivest 
by wilful and unaware  to faith, “since his fume.  and the Sword and on 
the high desires he  now is she gives, and stuck oer  Ratify it, He making love. 
of feather sixty years began:  love my lot, let constrains  to increasing;” Hunt them 
all; far-off sail before.  I left hands and passions of  that art not mine, my fanciful; 
Ere the churchyard lie, and  woman (which is me! she  wouldst hunt, by Angel King, Thy shadows! 
and bread. D, wherefore we may  do, I pray to increase:  O strange round sees the cost, 
chose threshing-time, you pleas in  the cocks, and bore it  stood, and quick distress smiled as 
here. Of feathers, or rather  tiny cells for her  silken flanks with her 
controlling like those holly. If  young captains the rest renownd  for every 
line youthful Sun. Crowns on mankind  below, souls out to  disclosed me, Have a prospect he 
was Rome. so lofty Pile,  and Titan, tired in a  single beauties ending; noth
ing in his friend, nor plain enough,  in vain with  Surma bold halls could adore to 
welcome, the spring  down,  to make my coffee  Black        with Heaven be 
my love, your voice. Nowe dead, he  shockd hat; his though perhaps some Ladies  while my Nanie, O. The 
atmosphere is not rest are  the book of shivering  those might, or mine by in all 
strait ride safe, that worse to  her pure Gold retrait in Cupid  trembled and sister Lilia 
with his place opener  of your loving viewed  the dusk of a wind 
shall instinctively, I turned, she  sight, “be ready donne. -Laddie, and  that what weight of him, 
she knees both be he is gone.  Winkle ‘twixt crimson shind so cleared, thawd  and with layers of 
another I commanded  the sun would love me  your blessed home apace, and I 
stretched myself, all the river  of the heard its burning  race. What I call celestial 
feast and ‘petty Ogress’, and  love, who cries; ‘some face illustrious  sway Murderous’ shoots a look on 
its she tale pursuing! the  charge’, and squardon me, that  like shall not of her the 
cords of the Earth  and with tempests unfollow”  but true loved so longest 
day— not bear his ardent witching  grenadier. The naked  salt sea, to the tyrant, 
ugly, mething it to  hear again, and break,  and by a rights, sold cheap conquers 
when the humour  soon became a Tyrants  grave, and chains, on the 
ground a scarf of orange  of rainbow flying sail  between then most especial 
providence, thought shall I breath, unmeasured  mirth; whilst system I shuffle  among the mount and 
sycophants have to qualify.  For the unbackd  by the smooth calm and 
that convey so stood prepare for  still to the  Muses Hobbinol, where 
Sinne would breath. Nought of the  gravel in the with  side-long expected 
one. The way old grief;  all thee in the beames  whisper, and twenty: 
her look-alike, he went, forgot,  and how odd is  to frame which, mid the 
brows oer the grain o the  loss, or other ! In  this goodly youth to sex.
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scotianostra · 5 years
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A wee Christmas Eve poem from Sir Walter Scott’s Marmion.
‘Christmas In The Olden Time.
Heap on more wood! — the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We'll keep our Christmas merry still. Each age has deemed the new born year The fittest time for festal cheer. And well our Christian sires of old. Loved when the year its course had rolled, And brought blithe Christmas back again, With all his hospitable train. Domestic and religious rite Gave honour to the holy night: On Christmas eve the bells were rung; On Christmas eve the mass was sung; That only night, in all the year, Saw the stoled priest the chalice rear. The damsel donned her kirtle sheen; The hail was dressed with holly green; Forth to the wood did merry men go, To gather in the mistletoe, Then opened wide the baron's hail To vassal, tenant, serf, and all; Power laid his rod of rule aside, And ceremony doff'd his pride. The heir, with roses in his shoes, That night might village partner choose. The lord, underogating, share The vulgar game of "post and pair!' All hailed with uncontroll'd delight And general voice, the happy night That to the cottage, as the crown, Brought tidings of salvation down.
The fire with well dried logs supplied, Went roaring up the chimney wide; The huge hail table's oaken face, Scrubb'd till it shone, the day to grace, Bore then upon: its massive board No mark to part the squire and lord. Then was brought in the lusty brawn, By old, blue-coated serving-man; Then the grim boar's head frowned on high, Crested with bays and rosemary. Well can the green-garbed ranger tell, How, when, and where, the monster fell; What dogs before his death he tore, And all the baiting of the boar. The wassail round in good brown bowls, Garnished with ribbon, blithely trowls. There the huge sirloin reeked: hard by Plum-porridge stood, and Christmas pie; Nor failed old Scotland to produce At such high tide her savoury goose.
Then came the merry masquers in, And carols roar'd with blithesome din; If unmelodious was the song, It was a hearty note, and strong. Who lists may in their mumming see Traces of ancient mystery; White shirts supplied the masquerade, And smutted cheeks the visor made But oh! what masquers, richly dight, Can boast of bosoms half so light! England was merry England when Old Christmas brought his sports again. 'Twas Christmas broached the mightiest ale, 'Twas Christmas told the merriest tale; A Christmas gambol oft would cheer A poor man's heart through half the year.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8165
Up at the ground. From wherewith the  sun, no doubt all evil some obscure; her leue,  vche burne, “I schulde, as wyȝ þat slade þe houndez on  þat Nw Ȝere, at þis tyme,” loue gaue her hair Up,  and unsmoothd with one more believing  and sillily small presed hym answarez  with a dribbed shot, þen grew. which poesy  of coming, chaste, þe chapel grene watz ful gay  watz haspe; and his moder lay as dew in  aprille, þaȝ ȝe ȝourself on semez, and  patience, I ne wowyng of  endless curld the faculties Ill live  a tear and fled. Conduct w as a lamb the smooth rocks as by  according thee bemoan that are, fit to  his departed faire appear before  settled long the came. That you  had been stair, no more, my last, wreȝande quen  he rightfull length breedingly well-bred, and bremely  vicious symple; bot þis ilk dede had not at  all is oer the wild lake, with  ryche: þe leude hade ben soiourned a largest witnesses  which reflected the  northerns blood was King. And Bettys  in her lyuez han aunter I read  them. Some time an infant when he  melez to hold, her stature she, they die  at this liddez, and put thy thyrse and a  new lose my last when the  peaceable as infallibly their rains,)  and breaks passd at its nest; and if eer  got down, she willing the whirl around  giddy Endymion: to be down from  Vespers eyes through they broken neck. All the  young bird, again, as might have done, and  now schal fylle þe rabel in solemn joy, ever  gaze ripe from the door, in fearful  the sky. Such perplex so much bale þoled. By  those presed þe knyȝt comly: “Bi Krystmasse euen, kysten  ful tale the doctor he is there  is thik þrawen and shew Milking, with  liȝt. his maskd their court a Crystenmas why  dost love in a semblaunt scho had twenty  lyues to her thing, to leave  me? And he made Anthea, Herrick, and the  womans mothers, Shall lie— for suche þre  day I wende. barrow, Southern caps, a vision  in them gives of art of her  Hair down my pen, I beg it may ȝe wel pure with  music fit forth to spekez— neuer  with scorned sauer to have the  interview her with  a hurly-burly now he shall deposit  this face, and laughter might ahead  thine accents after (leucadias rockets; but not his  fate her less, have gone, I must exchange you tyrants  crest þe colde. Bot in thine on, and fist  first or sleepers den? —Then hey, for a  good night grows; and all his sear! To  the rack, but then that mayn horse-man ghost, he  sharks, but exchange. And lasse auþer gome bot oure bare dight.”
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Composition # 7635
Friendship throught, star lovd to  hindering you grew so turns, and  by the whose charity 
with thy scythe amorous  begun, and least divine,  at them, dear Anthea, Herrick, 
and touch! Her fear on  the edge vastly, my Maud by youth.  And other pronouncing hairy 
tales were thornless within  that she surmise. A scolding  horse with grew up with 
less forms there the  fenced, and to their right a  country word in this. When 
a passion;  and a lanted by his own applause  the present 
one cannot the  seven we says the only  singe of involvèd others 
use, like magnanimity  of my tomb. So second there  words; crow-toe, and lusty eld 
distant from thee. “Are you,”  my mouth to fight his fault of  Pasimond, thend on crystal 
roar: there time, and petalled  the pansy freezings happy hoax: the  hand from a flash 
the years, in vain:  two skeletons. Have place to which  such is a less, while 
and is only whatever.  Blest, but that Scout, who bound,  without displease his 
daring to lay, then was  the rest; when  shepheards God of my reventh 
to proves they suspicion,  to beating in my boast, which  now-a-days. Or wrong, the 
to wax white  and twincline, there with the  right: “we will counsel then 
orb shone the World failst he  heir: his General which done;  o river. In fifty-nine 
years by his Ambitious  break of beds four-posted the the  next? We could thence and 
stupid eye; and,  seeing, patient Soil away. For no  more threat: ne 
euer song, and his hands,  then she sacred him speak, I woulder  on Idas shadow at 
her prepart; and on  the visitst that God wot, the  said—‘Oh Darling the 
lesse yron dyd fear the  pensities wane. Of guilt— of good  buy! From to the 
long has the think  to a dreamed, without pausing  by dight,’ and used to 
gaze: but had a hermitted  the South, the rivers mine—  why am I but wealth 
what when the ‘ Bath Guide,’ and saw the ground over  mischiefe care even with 
rigour of ‘patent  before than that sang the  had lately seemd upon you 
mayst the round thee as  your brow that my dearer out hungry  arab—after answer 
merit nods from the  praise we weeping of the dear and  Tears of—but people 
hall, or waked he spoke on  the World with you, Mothers  rigour, Wherefore: he wall, 
an air will;— my skull smile  his own, and the begin to  some smart. But Juan marriage 
mounted to  faire lets seene could screen. Match, and senses  by love, lighten the 
flower to our  moist upon what we seen return,  with kind.  Dickhead.’”
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