#takumi dancing is everything to me
kattias-happy-place · 2 months
Love Seeker dance practice costume ver.
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ryusuisloveinterest · 7 months
Valentine Headcanons about (almost) every fictional character I love 💕 
happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! I hope you know you are appreciated and cared for! Here are some Headcanons on how my fictional crushes would spend Valentine’s Day 💓
featuring: Daiki aomine, Sasuke Uchiha, Takumi Fujiwara, Rindou Haitani, Jean Kirstein, Ryusui Nanami, Spike Spiegel, Hisashi Mistui, Matt Holt, Taehoon Seong, and Damian Wayne
Daiki Aomine:
He’s playing basketball 💀
You’re 100000% sure he forgot what today was because when you gave him a handmade lunch AND a net for catching bugs he just stares at it like “what is this for?”
So as you sadly sit on the bench watching him play
But then he falls idiot
You sigh and walk over to him. “You ok Daiki?”
He groans and kneels with a bracelet in his hand blushing
“H-happy Valentine’s Day…”
You’re speechless. Only for a short moment of course, you quickly begin laughing your ass off
“W-what’s so funny?! Damn Kise telling me to do dumb shit…”
“I love it Daiki! Where’d you get it?” 
“S-satski taught me…”
This man has the largest amount of pride but will always throw it aside for you!
Sasuke Uchiha:
You both would either stay home or be somewhere private 
You both have this secret spot in the woods that you guys have been going to ever since you were kids
So it’s no surprise on your 15th valentines together that’s where the two of you would be
With the little snacks and dinner entrees the both of you made to surprise each other and the nice lighting and river it was perfect
This is also the time he’s most vulnerable with you; kissing your hands, neck, cheek, arms, and of course your lips ;)
He whispers sweet things in your ear and tells you how he’s never loved like this and won’t with anyone else 
“You’re my everything (y/n). I look at you and see a future brighter than all the stars out tonight.”
It’s safe to say he only and will only ever love you
Takumi Fujiwara:
You’ve always went on Tofu runs when you could with Takumi, and it was no different for Valentine’s Day 
When he arrives at your house he’s standing there with a small bouquet 
“Is there anything you want to do today?” He asks you as he drives to the hotel
You shake your head. “It doesn’t really matter as long as I’m with you!”
He can’t help but smile
When he’s done with the deliveries he pulls into a parking lot in front of Lake Akina 
“Can w-we just sit here for a while then? I really just want to be with you.”
You smile at him and lean your head as close as you can to his shoulder. “I’d love that Takumi.”
Rindou Haitani:
Rindou takes you dancing
You both love to dance so it was a win
But of course after that he takes you home
You both cuddle on each other and watch random movies
Rindou has the finest liquor out and the sweetest chocolate and all your other favorite sweets 
He kisses up and down your shoulder as you sit in his lap holding one of his hands
“You’re mine (y/n). And you’re gonna be for my next valentine and the one after that…”
Jean Kirstein 
He cooks for you!
He makes you sit there patiently while he scrambles around creating the perfect meal
“Jean, i don’t mind helping you. I think it’ll be a lot easier if-“
“I got this (y/n)! Just sit there and look beautiful! Tell me about your day. You know I love to hear your voice.”
After he’s FINALLY done cooking, you dine together in the not so fancy living area, but the both of you don’t care
Jean did his best to clean up and set the sweet, loving tone and that’s all that matters to you.
“I love you (y/n). Thank you for making me so happy.”
Ryusui Nanami:
This man goes all out💀
As soon as you wake up it’s the most perfect breakfast in bed
He has to leave to work but literally leaves you his black card to treat yourself and constantly has people arriving with beautiful flowers every 5 minutes
He comes back for lunch and talks to you
“Has your valentines been well? I’ll make sure that you have the best day ev-“
“I really like all the things Ryusui really i do, but…I just really want to spend time with you…”
He pauses
Then calls in like it’s nothing!
The rest of the day is the two of  you lay in bed together and act all cutesy!
“I’m glad you’re my valentines dear. It’s been one amazing day.”
Spike Spiegel:
This broke man does his best I’ll give him that
He buys you flowers and takes you to a pretty nice restaurant. Nothing too fancy but it’s nicer than you normally go to
He lets you order first and gets him something small, which is weird for this man
You both talk for hours the waitstaff is so annoyed
After you two are FINALLY done you both walk back to the Bebop
“Why did you eat so little Spike? You’re normally chowing down!”
He chuckles and keeps walking, “wasn’t that hungry.”
“Come on spike, we’re practically married, I can tell when you’re lying!”
He sighs and mumbled something 
“I wanted to make sure I had enough money for you to eat…”
You stop in your tracks
You kiss him lovingly 
“Thank you Spike. I love you so much.”
He smiles, “ditto.”
Hisashi Mitsui
You’re probably his first valentines tbh
He waits at a cafe with flowers in his hand
When you show up he’s bright red. You’re not even wearing and saying anything spectacular he’s just so nervous lol
You sit next to each other and talk snack and laugh about everything and anything 
After the cafe you head to the park
And after that you go to little stores you see along the way
Mitsui buys you a stuffed animal you were looking at and you bought him a chain necklace he glanced at
It was a really great valentines, especially since it was first
“T-thanks for being my valentine (y/n). I’m glad i get to spend it with you.”
Matt Holt:
He makes this super cool heart shaped projector thing!
He hands you this heart 
It rises shifts into being a projector that displays all of your favorite memories together
It shows the new inductee dance and how the two of you jumping around without a care in the world
Then it shows a lazy night of the both of you “studying” for an exam as the camera zooms into Matt’s face and your giggles from behind the camera
And one of your favorite memories of all, your day at the beach together. Throwing water at each other, making sand castles, resting you head in his shoulder as the sun goes down 
“Matt…this is beautiful… I-I’m speechless…!”
“It’s alright.” He begins, “I know what you’re gonna say. I love you too.”
Taehoon Seong
Mans has no idea what to do
He acts like he doesn’t care as Hansu tries to give him ideas but really he’s terrified of messing something up
So when the day comes you hear a knock on the door you’re surprised to see a nicely dressed Taehoon with a rose in his hand
“Happy Valentine’s Day idiot.”
You smile and kiss his cheek. “Thank you Tae Tae!”
You Motion for him to come in
When he does there’s a nice breakfast for two in the dining room
“I know you don’t like to go out Tae, so I thought we could stay in for the day.”
Oh my gosh that sounds perfect
“Heh, I guess so. At least I’m with you.”
Damian Wayne:
Spoils you with acts of service 
As soon as you wake up you’re greeted with the smell of a nice breakfast in the dining room 
Then you sit in bed as he feeds you chocolate cover strawberries, watching silly movies and drawing pictures for each other 
At the end of the day he prepares a bath for the both of you
You wash each other not like that weirdos and you even blow some bubbles at him
When it’s finally time to sleep he massages your back and whispers about how much he loves you 
Then of course you fall asleep on his chest as he holds you
“Goodnight beloved. I hope you understand how much I love you.”
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crazycatlady6 · 5 months
Just finished "I hope this doesn't find you" by Ann Liang. Y'all have no idea how long I waited for this and it was definitely worth every second of the few hours I spent reading it (I couldn't put it down).
I couldn't help notice the similarities between I Hope This Doesn't Find You and Maid Sama so I'm gonna list all that I remember here
Academic rivals/enemies to lovers
School captains/ Class president
All four of them are amazingly talented at everything; curriculars, co-cirriculars, extracirriculars
Sadie/Misaki both work really hard at whatever they do, they shoulder the world's burden, they would "dance on flames just to keep everybody entertained"
Sadie/Misaki have an after school job
Which brings me to, and this need not be said, the social class difference (working girls, rich AF boys)
Sports week (need I say more? Cuz I will)
Sadie/Misaki ran most of the races for their barely competent teams while their competitors had a physically fit team with Julius/Takumi as their leader
Julius/Takumi are the runts of their families
Getting hosed down in school wearing 'white' shirts
He fell first, she didn't catch on/refused to admit it
He only has eyes for her. Literally. Julius/Takumi give off strong demi vibes
“There’s nothing—nothing I resent more than when people feel sorry for me. Because I don’t need it. I’m fine. I’m perfect.” ~ Julius Gong
This describes Julius/Takumi so well
"You’re smart and good at everything and you’re totally hot in this kind of successful future-executive way—" ~ Abigail
Here is Abigail giving a totally valid description of Sadie/Misaki
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shadowcatzone · 3 months
more about corrin: things you can get out of the canon lore/game (regardless of what was intended)
-their parent died, which must have been incredibly traumatic, considering their young mind shut off ALL memories from before that point.
-they must have been told something. Some lie that's bordering on the truth, like, "oh bad people tried to kidnap you but our armies saved you it was very traumatic for everyone involved"
-even if they remember anything, it will be explained away "you once said xyz to me, big sister!" "That's right, i did."
-"you were all so patient with me after i lost my memories."
-a talent with the sword which made xander train them ruthlessly for years from a young age. Sus.
-Corrin sleeping on top of the covers, even though the fortress is in the cold north...
-Corrin wearing their armor while sleeping (yes ik jakob said he prepared the armor for their training with xavier but i differentiate them as two separate sets of armor (one for training one for everyday life))
-Being woken up early in the morning with ice. And it probably happened more than once.
-malnutrition due to irregular deliveries of food to the north (i blame the german version for this one; silas claiming corrins favorite food being cabbage rolls(as in pie))
-occasionally months of being without their "siblings", making corrin cling to them
-a rigorous training regimen and additionally, being taught everything. Etiquette. Languages. Dancing. Yk, prince/princess things.
-probably a lot of gaslighting (i.e. "if you don't defeat me, father may never let you return") from their "family" as well as attendants
-being forced to kill (defenseless) hoshidans first thing after "returning" (they didn't but still)
-watching their retainer (gunter) die before being flung into the bottomless pit bY THE SWORD THEIR SUPPOSED FATHER GAVE THEM (tbh i would drop that sword mid flight)
-watching their mother die trying to protect them
-takumi (not as bad as hans tho)
-"If we can't have you, nobody can"
-inserting themself into situations they have no business being in because that's how they were raised (because if you're brainwashing a kid you HAVE to be all up in their business all the time, lest they get independent)(i.e. rinkahs support lines)
Please keep in mind i played the german version not the english one.
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blaiddllodi · 4 months
[ Garden ] - Need to get away from the thick of the party for a moment? Step outside of the dance hall, where Garreg Mach's own vaunted gardens await, gracefully decorated to take on new life for the duration of the evening.
A breath of fresh air never failed to be good for someone’s being. Shoulders relaxing for a moment, as he rubbed his temples, glancing around at the different scenery for a moment. It was .. definitely different from what he was use to, back at home.
Walking through the gardens, a brief smile appearing upon his lips as he walked. Between the festivities, and the .. socializing, needless to say .. Takumi needed a break for a little while.
Glancing around for a moment, would he noticed the roses, reaching to touch one of the petals, only to pull away — a small wince escaping for a moment. Accidentally pricking his digit on one of the thorns, along causing it to bleed in the process. Softly grumbling a little, before continuing on his way.
Turning to look ahead, would Takumi notice someone standing there. Blond hair, At first, the prince was tempted to try and head back to the party … but. He halted, this would be his chance to try and socialize in an .. easier setting. Without the feeling of .. nobility breathing down his neck.
Lips parting for a moment, before making his way over to the other. “ Hey ! " He’d exclaim, hoping to catch the attention of the other.
In spite of everything, it was a nice night to be out. It might simply have been his northern blood craving the cold, craving the solitude that came from being under the vast dark sky with only the stars for company.
Well. Not only.
There had been others mingling about the gardens, many people who for whatever reason wanted to escape the energy and heat inside the ballroom. He'd seen a few familiar faces in between the hedgerows, and some less so - there was the pang of guilt, as though he were avoiding them somehow by not seeking out conversation, the idle mingling that was intended by these events.
But, he thought, too, they had expressed a desire for their solitude by merely being apart from the crowd, hadn't they?
The call for his attention dragged him back to earth, and he turned, eyebrows raised and expectant, to see one of those unfamiliar faces approaching. Dimitr smiled, and bowed, and extended the white feather from his brooch for the other to take.
"Hello! I, ah, hope that you're enjoying the evening! Pardon, I - I don't believe I've seen you around the academy before. Are you new to Garreg Mach?" Dimitri cocked his head, and added with a chuckle, "What an exciting time to join. I hope that you enjoy your time here. My name is Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, I am the leader of the Blue Lions House. Please, if I can be of assistance, don't hesitate to call upon me."
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fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 103: Hooks Left Hanging
Revelation Chapter 13: A Lost Peace
The gang arrives in Cyrkensia to find it absolutely destroyed, meaning we don’t get Azura dancing in this route. The party finds Kaden and Keaton, injured, and Sakura heals them. The furries explain that the town was destroyed by invisible soldiers. Takumi somehow finds out that Xander and Ryoma are fighting each other, so the gang runs off to check it out. Also Kaden and Keaton join.
Xander and Ryoma both blame each other for destroying the city. Corrin explains that invisible enemies are destroying everything. The big brothers don’t listen, leading to a four-way battle. And by four-way battle, I mean three different armies that hate each other working together to kill Corrin.
This map allows you to pick up boxes and use them to create chokepoints, which is good because the enemies kicked my ass. Fighting the princes is fortunately optional. Ryoma's retainers can fight him and he calls them traitors for joining Corrin, because he's too much of a dick to listen to trusted advisors. Glad he's going to be in charge of a country. Actually, wait. Why don't Saizo and Kagero go back to Ryoma? They trust him way more than Corrin. Xander also has dialogue with Camilla, but ignoring Camilla is a sign of good leadership.
After defeating the Vallite soldiers, Azura chills everyone out by singing. We get foreshadowing of her song hurting her, which does not pay off in this route. Corrin tells Xander to meet them at the bridge during the Revelation exclusive day of flipped sides, but Xander says no because it could be a trap. Scarlet actually agrees to join, but says she and Ryoma have to go pick up Hinoka first.
Corrin asks Ryoma about the dragon they heard about and he recommends they go visit the Rainbow Sage. He also mentions, again, that the only people to ever visit the Rainbow Sage are Sumeragi, Garon, Xander, and an unnamed knight. The knight’s identity is never revealed in any part of Fire Emblem Fates. People have speculated that it could be Gunter, but he doesn’t say anything about meeting the Rainbow Sage, or perhaps Anankos, but he isn’t a knight and the timeline doesn’t really work for that. This game is dumb.
Support: Hinata/Selena
C: Selena tries to take a nap but Hinata wakes her up by being loud while training. Hinata challenges her to spar.
B: Hinata challenges Selena as she's about to go shopping. He says he wants to fight her specifically, because he can go all out because a few cuts in training aren't a big deal. Selena gets mad so Hinata offers to pay for her shopping.
A: Selena gives Hinata some medicine for sparring injuries. She acts tsundere.
S: Hinata asks what Selena thinks of him. She says he's a dumbass, but loyal. Hinata proposes.
Review: Mediocre.
Support: Elise/Takumi
C: Elise asks Takumi to play a chess with her. Takumi says he doesn't want to play stupid games with a Hoshidan.
B: Elise gives Takumi encyclopedias on Nohr. Takumi thinks it cool, but refuses to associate with Elise. He storms off.
A: Elise asks if Takumi wants to play games or read fairy tales. Takumi apologizes for shoving her, something he apparently did in the B rank. Elise gives him Nohrian sweets.
S: Elise invites Takumi to a tea party with her stuffed animals, reminding me that she is a small child who should not be a child solder. Or a pregnant child bride. Takumi says he likes Elise, but can't be with her because Nohr and Hoshido are at war. He doesn't understand how royal marriages work. Elise doesn't care. They get together.
Review: A pretty good Support, but one that could be better. Elise's innocence pushes Takumi to confront his anger, but the Support plays it a bit too much for comedy.
Support: Arthur/Kagero
C: Kagero asks Arthur to help her clean her studio. Arthur accidentally knocks a bucket of water on one of her paintings.
B: Kagero shows Arthur a wooden sculpture of a heart. Arthur bumps into Kagero, causing her to stab the statue.
A: A merchant buys the destroyed art because its amazing, thanks to Arthur's mistakes. Kagero asks Arthur to help her make more art.
S: Arthur asks Kagero to marry him, because she makes his bad luck possitive.
Review: Decently amusing, but nothing special.
Support: Azama/Effie
C: Effie is wounded in battle protecting Azama. Azama mocks her lack of self-preservation before begrudgingly healing her.
B: Effie is wounded again. Azama mocks her and says she would giver her life for an enemy. Effie says, maybe, if it would help Elise. She justifies this by saying Corrin deals strictly in black and white, which is wrong. She's explaining a morally grey situation, and also Corrin sometimes understands moral nuance.
A: Effie injures herself saving an enemy. Specifically, she is shot by dozens of arrows while shielding an abandoned child soldier. She isn't worried about this, because she knows Azama will save her.
S: Azama says he wants to protect Effie, because her selflessness is charming and he loves her.
Review: Effie is an amazing character.
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sendaidivision · 2 years
Takumi's Thoughts on Nerima Division
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Aira Otonashi
"Because of her inability to talk, the other teachers have recommended I not let Aira-chan do physical activity in my class. ...Sorry, but that is simply unacceptable! When you come to P.E., you are expected to sweat, no matter what! Besides, I've seen what young Aira can do when she is pushed too far!
"One of the... more aggressive individuals in my class made the mistake of making fun of her for not speaking. The poor lad was laid out on the ground in an instant after Aira punched him. Many thought I'd reprimand her for this, but I just congratulated her! I recommended she take up boxing as a career, or at least join the boxing team here in school. I'm not sure what she... signed to me, but I think it was, 'I'll think about it.' That's all right with me!"
Mitsuru Tenjo
"Mitsuru-chan is one of my better students here in P.E.! To be honest, I have a hard time deciding whose better, her or Katsumi-chan! Mitsuru-chan is very graceful on the field, not surprising considering she's a ballerina. When I have the students play a team sports, she almost always assumes a leadership role, which makes me happy. She could have a career in leadership if she ever grows tired of ballet dancing.
Takumi then suddenly looks down, sorrowfully. "I've... I've heard of the issues between her and her sister, Chizuru-chan. Seeing them fight and squabble reminds me of memories with my own brother, Handa. ...I know I'm not the best person to give advice when it comes to sibling rivalry. I've yet to mend my own. But take it from me, Mitsuru, try your best to mend your relationship with your sister. Believe me, you'll regret it if you don't."
Katsumi Kenzaki
"And here we have the other All-Star in my class! While she lacks Mitsuru-chan's grace and coordination, Katsumi-chan more than makes up for it with aggression and determination. She sometimes moves at her own pace, unfortunately. She reminds me a lot of Aranai-chan from Ueno. Both have skill, but lack any sort of motivation. I've had to, on more than one occasion, use my shinai to get her up and moving. It might be cruel, but it works!
"It's quite surprising to see that she's already an Olympic star at such a young age. I've no doubt young Katsumi-chan will do even greater things when she gets older!"
Vivid Angels
"Another group of students of mine entering the D.R.B. I can understand why Ryu-san is a bit apprehensive. I don't want to face them either! ...But, in the off-chance that we do face them, I hope that they will come at us with everything they have! Why? Because we will do the same! Anything else would be insulting!"
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NANA Characters in Quarantine
I was inspired to write this since I had to go under quarantine earlier this month due to coming in close contact with a co-worker who tested positive for COVID. I returned to work this week and I’m doing just fine! If you wish for me to do this with one of the fandoms on my list, then feel free to request it!
~~Nana Osaki~~
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Does NOT handle quarantine well at first. Being unable to sing makes her jittery and cranky! Will literally rant and rave to anyone who listens and she’ll do that for hours!
But once she gets all of the frustration out of her system, Nana will come up with ways to make the best of the lockdown. Surprise, surprise, they’re mostly music based!
Will use this opportunity to come up with new material and has video calls every night with the band to discuss it. They’re not gonna sit around and be lazy when they could be getting creative as far as she’s concerned!
If she’s with her S/O or Ren during the quarantine, then it’ll make things much better for Nana since she’ll have someone always around to talk to and just share company with! Cuddles! Lots of cuddles! Just don’t tell anyone though.
If Nana is alone during lockdown, then her anxiety will definitely spike and she’ll have panic attacks more often. When that happens, she’ll usually call or text someone while using the paper bag method to keep herself calm.
~~Nana Komatsu~~
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Is pretty bummed about the lockdown but doesn’t want to complain and prefers to make the best of it instead. Will definitely be talking Nana down and off the ledge when she gets too annoyed.
Decides to make BLAST and Trapnest masks to sell online which become extremely popular much to her delight. Yes the bands approve and yes Hachi is making masks for them!
Is the most likely to gain weight during lockdown. Will look up recipes online and try them out which is the cause of said weight gain. Hachi loves food after all!
You can definitely expect to see Hachi on social media a lot and it’ll be her main way of keeping in contact with her friends and family. Livestreaming and making cooking videos will definitely keep Hachi occupied alongside her mask business!
If Hachi is with her S/O, she’ll definitely be doing many things with them and trying to make them a part of her videos which will be very cute and adorable! Awwwww!
~~Nobu Terashima~~
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Takes the lockdown quite well. He’s pretty introverted so being alone and isolated for a while doesn’t affect him as much as others.  
Uses the free time to write songs and new material just like Nana and they call every day with new pieces and ideas.
Spends a lot of time on social media and donates to a lot of humanitarian causes, persuading fans of BLAST to do the same which always succeeds.
Will gladly fight anyone who thinks the pandemic is a hoax, is an anti-masker, or just don’t wanna obey guidelines. You’re not gonna get other people sick on Nobu’s watch!
Likes to livestream and play music for his fans whether it be covers or original material. Hachi is one of his mods and his biggest supporter.
~~Shinichi Okazaki~~
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The lockdown affects his living as a gigolo (if he still does it by then) so you’re damn right Shin doesn’t like it! He hates being restricted and you can expect long-winded debates between him and Nobu on how the pandemic should be handled.
If Shin has an S/O and is with them during lockdown, they can expect a lot of sex and overall intimacy! No one is surprised if Shin ends up getting said S/O pregnant. If he’s gonna be cooped up in the house for a while, then he could at least get some action out of it!
Is lazy AF during lockdown and isn’t interested in music or social media. In fact, don’t expect to hear from Shin during quarantine at all. Everyone has to initiate contact with him first and yes it pisses them off.
The only way to get Shin to do something productive is if his S/O threatens to cut him off sexually and goes through with it. He’ll do anything to get some WAP! Speaking of which, expect to see Shin dancing to music and expect to hear it playing a lot.
The only social media posts Shin will be making is photos of him and his S/O as well as getting on Nobu’s nerves. Shin gets tons of followers because of his looks but his heart is for his S/O only and he proudly displays that!
~~Yasu Takagi~~
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Anticipated the lockdown and went shopping beforehand. He’s always prepared.
With an S/O, Yasu will use this opportunity to get closer to them and have deep conversations that can last for hours. Also lots of cuddles and affection! Yasu’s S/O will definitely be spoiled!
Yasu will be working from home so expect to see him on his laptop a lot. He will be doing video calls frequently with BLAST and upper management at Gaia as well as his law firm if he’s still a lawyer.
Likes to binge-watch YouTube videos and browse on Reddit. He likes to interact with his favorite YouTubers and give advice on Reddit like the kind person he is. Yasu will also donate to humanitarian causes like Nobu does.
Acts as the peacemaker during arguments between Nobu and Shin. Will also calm Nana down if her anxiety flares up. Got any problems? Call Yasu! He’s always available!
~~Ren Honjo~~
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Gives no shits about the lockdown and is zen AF. He has to stay inside for a while? Ok!
Is mostly gonna spend the days in bed with his S/O (if they’re with him) and just wants to be close to them. Sleeping is Ren’s best friend!
If Ren is still using drugs, then he’s gonna be unbearable to be around since this means he’ll have to go through withdrawal and will have no way to get the drugs.
Will be unreachable during lockdown if he’s with his S/O. They come first as far as he’s concerned and he wants to make up for lost time with them as much as possible.
Will play music just to brush up on his guitar skills. May join Nobu on one of his livestreams every now and then and play with him as well as chat with fans.
~~Reira Serizawa~~
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Has the same reaction as Nana when it comes to the lockdown and has bitching sessions with her about it too. Everyone is annoyed (except Shin) and if anyone tries to interrupt, they get bombarded by Reira and Nana to the point of not being able to get a word in.
Is bored AF and literally doesn’t know what to do with her time. Calls everyone and annoys the hell out of them to the point where they block her number. Reira just wants some company! 🙁
Spends the most time on social media out of everyone and mostly sings songs for her fans. Yes she takes requests and yes she gets a lot of them. Joins Nobu on his livestream whenever Ren is present and provides the vocals for their music. It instantly goes viral as one would expect.
If Reira has an S/O, they can definitely expect her to be clingy and trying to always have their attention. If they’re working from home and have to do video chats, Reira will definitely be in the background and will bring you things if you ask. She may or may not be appropriately dressed.
Loves to listen to other musicians on Spotify and will shout them out and uplift them. If anyone sings a cover of one of Trapnest’s songs, Reira will cry with joy and happiness!
~~Takumi Ichinose~~
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Takes the lockdown in stride surprisingly enough. He doesn’t want to risk getting sick nor does he want his bandmates getting sick.
Decides to relax more instead of working which shocks most people. If Takumi has an S/O, he’ll want them to stay with him but if they can’t, he’ll settle for calls and texts.  
Sex, sex, and more sex! His S/O will definitely be worn out unless they have a high sex drive and if they get pregnant, Takumi will be happy and expects it to happen unless you use birth control.
Likes to try new challenges and will have a YouTube channel dedicated to that. Such content includes eating a Carolina Reaper pepper, drinking very strong cocktails, and gaming-related challenges. Yes Takumi is a gamer and his rage is legendary.
Does weekly video calls with the band to make sure they’re taking care of themselves and staying safe. No one’s getting sick on his watch!
~~Naoki Fujieda~~
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Hates the restrictions and whines about being stuck in the house all day, everyday. He wants to have fun damn it!
Will do anything and everything to keep himself busy and if he has an S/O with him, they’ll be dragged into it too! Naoki doesn’t want you to be bored!
Will do challenges with Takumi and plays video games a lot whether it’s by himself, with his S/O, or with Takumi. His livestreams are a riot and there’s plenty of laughter to be had, especially if Takumi is present.
Likes to upload skits and rants that become quite popular due to how funny and true they are. Also gives advice to people which actually works and makes their lives better.
Always makes sure his appearance is on point and likes to promotes fashion brands, ideas, and trends. Naoki loves beautiful things so expect to see a lot of pics of just that!
~~Junko and Kyosuke~~
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Kyosuke takes the lockdown in stride while Junko panics. Junko ends up furloughed (she’s a salesperson) so she worries about finances.
Kyosuke comes up the idea of doing art commissions for money and it becomes a huge success. Junko decides to join in and also makes and sells masks with Hachi.
Their sex life becomes much more active during lockdown and it’s quite noticeable with how relaxed Junko is. Teasing them about this will just make Junko act like a tsundere and Kyosuke act smug.
They network with other artists worldwide and become quite involved, especially in the black community.
Kyosuke watches various livestreams while Junko sticks to services like Netflix and Hulu. Kyosuke is a mod for Hachi’s livestreams and Junko catches up on her favorite shows while live-tweeting with fellow fans of said shows and having discussions.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Welcome back to "Tsuki acts like a dumbass while watching a television show intended for young Japanese children!"
Yeah, this is particularly late, but y'know, I was busy as hell, very tiring, had a lot of things to sort out, but I'm here now! Today, I had a plate of lombardi and potato chips for dinner and a bowl of vanilla ice cream for dessert. Only the healthiest eating here.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Ah yeah, Black Pepper! He's very obviously not Takumicchi!
-...so, do we not eat lunch together at the schooool?
-Aaaaaah, Kokoneechan! Aren't you popular? This picnic is serious business for you, spicy sandwich lady!
-...and yes, before you ask, I have silly nicknames for everybody.
-Ahhhh, Kokone's DILF butler. Todoroki-san. I've not seen ya in a while. ...are you in the market for a boyfriend?
-So cool!
-Sorry man, you aren't quite as cool as you'd like to be.
-...Idk if I've ever mentioned this, but like... this violin piece of background music, it's very Xenoblade-y. Like, it's got the vibe of something that'd play in Gormott. The score in general's very nice. I kinda miss all the steel drums and bright and sunny melodies from Tropical-Rouge, especially considering how damn hot it is around where I live rn, but this brings a pretty nice flavor. ...pun intended?
-Solomogu...? What kinda name is that.
-C'mon bitches, let's get our potato salad made!
-Ahhhhhh, memories.
-What kinda silly stuff we talkin', Your Princeliness?
-What the dog doin'?
-Ah, yep, her parents are out and about.
-Oh god, Pamu ate the everything.
-Bundoru, Bundoru?
-Narcistoru would absolutely be a Tumblr funnyman.
-Yeah, work on that, Secretoru. The phrase is catchy, but the
-Ranchi, ranchi~!
-...speaking of Ranchi, here we have Ranchi~! ...I thought of something else, but it had a very unfortunate origin, so now Ran-Ran is alternatively known as Ranchi.
-Hop step jump!
-Yuin, some things simply defy explanation.
-Kokoneechan's spreading the holy word of potato salad.
-My favorite TV show rn is this one tokusatsu program with a funny red mailman and his friends: a dog, a monkey, a bird, an oni, and Goku.
-My man's got a whole pizza!
-Treat yourself, king.
-No dance.
-Awww... that sucks.
-She's trying to make you feel better, don't correct her like that!
-Making a detour!
-A whole hot dog stand.
-Solomogu-san! He was with us all along!
-...hold on, is he not questioning the magical Fitbit his charge has? ...though then again, it does seem like the sort of thing she'd just have on standby, so.
-...come to think of it, can she access anything over then the Recipeppis and Curesta on that thing?
-Ah, never mind, Todoroki-san's very passionate about his hotdogs. Lots of really nicely rounded characters this season, goddamn.
-Aaah, free bowtie!
-Mmmm... lettuce...
-Yeah, that's a fuckin' hot dog right there.
-Pamu Pamu~!
-Giga Chad Behavior.
-Oh my god, Narcistoru's got heels.
-That motherfucker.
-He stole the Giga Chad Memory!
-Alright lassies, time for the ass-whoopin'! Smash that... fuckin'... coffee pot.
-These Ubau-zo designs are getting increasingly desperate.
-Oh, it do a succ.
-Hell yeah, Kokoneechan!
-Black Pepper Tuxedo Mask Man appears!
-Spiced out.
-Blue, spicy, and baked~! Just like that horrifying flavor of Takis!
-Well maybe if you didn't use your fuckin' coffee maker as a weapon.
-Mmmm... that's some good dog.
-Ah, a plane!
-How nice!
-What the dog doin'?
-That was nice :)
-Shit's like comfort food for me, man.
-Ahhhh, Ranchi. Focus for our good friend. ...she sad though, idk if I'm happy with that.
-I feel like I'm not being critical enough, but like... there's nothing I find really wrong with this show at all tbh. Uh...
-I guess maybe the plot about Takumi's feelings for Yui are kinda tacked on and will inevitably feel underdeveloped no matter what direction they take it in. Uh...
-Sometimes the humor's a bit too simple for my overdeveloped galaxy brain to find funny, the restaurant names are super generic to the point of being kinda distracting, and to my eternal disappointment none of the Cures hot moms or dads are single.
-There, I complained about things I don't like, now I have permission to enjoy this piece of media uncritically for the rest of my life. That's how this works, right? Anyways, can't wait until Saturday, when I put the whole series off until September of 3008, where they summon my spirit through a medium to ramble about a cartoon where a bunch of girls eat and subsequently fight and eat again like they're Einherjar in Valhalla.
-Ok bye
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[15.09.2024.] CDTV Live! Live!
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seekingseven · 3 years
What’s one of the best scenes you’ve written in any fic of yours that you’re the most proud of?
(Thank you so, so much for the wonderful ask! This cheered me up after a long day; I really appreciate you sending the time to send in an ask!)
This piece isn't published yet, but as far as scenes I'm happy with goes, this is definitely one of them. I'm not sure how much I'll like it once it's polished and posted, but for now I think it's pretty neat!
⚠️ CW for (non-kinky) choking! ⚠️
“Stop. Ryosuke, stop. Leave me alone.”
An expression Takumi had never seen cracked across Ryosuke’s face.
“Leave you alone? Like this?”
“I can’t. Do you understand what you’re putting yourself through? You need to understand that I’m not here to hurt you.”
Ryosuke took a step forward. It boomed across the tile, and everything was quiet.
“Stop. I’ll punch you.”
The water dripping from the faucet thundered over Takumi's voice. It was loud, loud, so loud, too loud. Takumi dug his nails into the skin behind his ears.
"Takumi, please..."
Ryosuke stepped forward. Takumi stepped back.
The faucet dripped.
Their dance was cold and static. Around them the bathroom vibrated, grouted with morbid curiosity, and Takumi stepped back, back, back, breath thinning as he slammed into the wall and plastered his spine across the tile.
The faucet dripped.
Ryosuke's shadow loomed over him. Grey palms opened, pleading, reaching, reaching, reaching, and all the things boiling in Takumi snap as his hands swing forward--
And tighten around Ryosuke's sneck.
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stuckstucktrolls · 3 years
Hey, Takumi! What's a normal day or night like for you?
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"A normal day huh? Well, I try to wake up early enough to get things set up at the tea house. We don't open until around noon, so that usually means running to the market or helping get everything prepared for lunch rush. I take my nap in the afternoon while a lot of the girls are practicing dancing or their music. You'd think it would be difficult, but you get used to it.
"Most nights, I just keep customers from getting too rowdy when they're drunk. Make sure they don't mess with the servers or entertainers. That takes me until everyone heads to bed I guess. Although, I find some time to sneak in hobbies now and then too. Or I'll accompany the girls on walks. That's more of a business duty though."
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stayndays · 4 years
Stray Kids as Totsuki Students!
Also known as “Stray Kids as ‘Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma!’ Characters”
“You’ve just passed the entrance exam to attend Totsuki Academy, where some of the biggest chefs today studied! As you and your friend explore campus and attend class, you run into some of the most talented male chefs of each year, and your friend is more than willing to explain to you who they are!”
Disclaimer: This is based off the anime “Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma!” and while it won’t include major spoilers to the show (other than character inspirations), it’ll feature elements from the show people who haven’t watched it won’t understand, so here’s a brief explanation!
The Elite Ten Council - The top ten students of the entire school, students of all high school years are able to join (mainly composed of second and third years however).
Shokugeki - A cooking duel between two chefs (unless it’s a team shokugeki). An official shokugeki must be authorized by an academy staff member, have an odd number of judges, and both chefs must agree to it. Both chefs must also wager something if they were to lose. (if they don’t meet these requirements, then it’s just an unofficial shokugeki lol)
If you read all of this in an energized anime voice, everything will make sense lol
*by the way, don’t think that i’m saying this particular member is bias/racist towards the cuisine they’re assigned too, you guys don’t want all of them to specialize in korean cuisine, right? so don’t take it the wrong way ;_;
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Bang Chan | “The Composer Chef”
3rd Year
Specialty: Korean Cuisine
Inspired By: Eishi Tsukasa & Soma Yukihira (slightly)
“The one in the middle of the hallway? That’s Bang Chan, the second seat of the Elite Ten! He’s right behind Jihyo in seating, as she’s the daughter of the director. Chan’s specialty is Korean cuisine, which doesn’t sound too gourmet at first, but man, does he pull through! They say that when you take a bite of his food, music fills your ears! Despite his reputation, I’ve heard he’s actually quite nice and friendly to underclassmen like us, and hardly ever participates in shokugekis. He’s popular with everybody, though, so I doubt he could ever taste our food, Y/N…”
Lee Minho | “The Spice Wielder”
3rd Year
Specialty: Chinese Cuisine
Inspired By: Erina Nakiri & Terunori Kuga
“Oh, and the one next to him? That’s Lee Minho, the fourth seat of the Elite Ten Council! He insists we call him Lee Know though.. Lee Know focuses on Chinese cuisine, and his food has enough heat to make your tongue dance in excitement! He’s also known for having a picky taste, and he’s managed to scare everybody off by giving harsh criticism, even to his underclassmen… But I think he has a soft spot for one of the other Elite Ten, Jisung? I think? Regardless, I wouldn’t recommend getting into a shokugeki with him because of it. He’ll absolutely destroy you with a smirk on his face…”
Seo Changbin | “The Meat Master”
3rd Year
Specialty: Meat
Inspired By: Ikumi Mito
“And that’s Seo Changbin, fifth seat of the Elite Ten! His family runs a pork company, so he often uses pork in his dishes, meat in general. And he’s always able to get the highest quality cuts of meat, too! His specialty is a feast of various kinds of meat, with little vegetables in sight, but I’ve heard it still tastes light and even refreshing! Before joining the council, he was challenged to shokugekis a lot because people thought he was an easy target, but after a couple rounds, nobody bothered him anymore…”
Hwang Hyunjin | “The Eiffel Tower Prince”
2nd Year
Specialty: French Cuisine
Inspired By: Takumi Aldini
“Wow! That’s Hwang Hyunjin, the second-year prince of French cuisine! He’s also the sixth seat of the Elite Ten! He used to study abroad in France, and he came back to Japan just to perfect his craft at the academy. Hyunjin is known for cooking at alarmingly fast paces, which worries mentors, but he’s never missed a step. He’s also known for constantly battling the seventh seat, Han, in unofficial shokugekis. He even has a fan club when he does shokugekis… I think he’s ahead of Jisung by only one round!”
Han Jisung | “The Ruler of the West”
2nd Year
Specialty: Western Cuisine
Inspired By: Yukihira Soma (slightly)
“And Han Jisung? He specializes in western cuisine, and likes to cook burgers! He’s somehow able to create these delicious, gourmet burgers, and they’re equally as good as Hyunjin’s French dishes. This means that he’s very egotistical about his talent in cooking, but honestly? I’d be too! Jisung also travels a lot, often flying out to countries like America to discover new western dishes. And with these dishes, he’s hoping to finally defeat Hyunjin once and for all in an official shokugeki, to take the first seat of the Elite Ten! So, who are you rooting for, Y/N?”
Lee Felix | “The Chocolatier Fairy”
2nd Year
Specialty: Desserts
Inspired By: Momo Akanegakubo
“That’s Lee Felix! Originally from Australia, he used to work at his family’s candy store. Now, he can make the most delicious chocolate desserts! I’ve heard his classmates say that he carries coffee taffy with him, and before cooking, he eats one to get really hyper and produce the best desserts he can! One time, I ate one of his sample brownies and the chocolate covered my tongue like crazy! You should try it when you get the chance too, Y/N! And I heard he’s gonna have a shokugeki with Son Chaeyoung, the strawberry princess and eighth seat, to try and take her spot in the council! Let’s go watch it later!”
Kim Seungmin | “The Vegetarian Genius”
1st Year
Specialty: Vegetarian Cuisine
Inspired By: Alice Nakiri & Zenji Marui
“Woah, the guy two seats in front of us? That’s the spoken prodigy of our year, Kim Seungmin! He specializes in not only vegetarian cuisine, but also likes using high tech machinery to make his food! He can season tofu to make it taste like actual meat! His plating is also beautiful and elegant.. Seungmin’s also highly intelligent, and he spends a lot of his time in the library, studying food history. Wow.. he really has everything, huh? No wonder everybody’s jealous of his skills! Y/N, we should train to try and defeat him! What do you say?”
Yang Jeongin | “The Dark Horse of Totsuki”
1st Year
Specialty: Japanese Cuisine
Inspired By: Megumi Tadokoro
“Oh! Are you okay? That was a really hard fall.. let me help you, come help as well, Y/N! Our classmate that we just helped? That’s Yang Jeongin. Although very clumsy, as we just saw, I’ve heard he has the full potential to reach the top when he’s older! He started off as a dishwasher at his family’s traditional Japanese restaurant, but now he cooks along with them! He’s also a pro at obtaining the freshest ingredients possible, which is one of the biggest keys to his success! I wanna see how he does in class today! Ooh, let’s try to surpass him, Y/N!”
a/n: wow!! that was a heck ton of writing, took me more than a week to write?? but this was super duper fun to make! i hope you guys were able to find all the tiny references i put in there, and i hope this was accurate enough! and idk, i just find it fun writing skz, who aren’t exactly the best at cooking, as these master chefs lolol and!! if you want me to write some blurbs in this au, such as the hyunjin vs jisung match or the felix vs chaeyoung match, let me know!!
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rainofashe · 4 years
In this first instalment of a series of interviews, we sat down with the hottest boys this season who have gained the attention of many with their fresh talent and looks to learn more about them. Set in the retro-pop 「Café & Bar CHAOS」, a café in Shinjuku frequented by fashionistas from around the world, the Associate Editor of VOGUE GIRL and the guests sat down for a no-frills chat. In this 31st edition, we have 5 members from the global boys group JO1, who just had their grand debut after surviving an audition program. Let’s welcome Kawanishi Takumi, Kimata Syoya, Ohira Shosei, Tsurubo Shion and Kinjo Sukai!
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Firstly, let’s ask Kawanishi Takumi. What was the thing that changed the most after your debut?
I think it definitely has to be the environment around me. Literally everything changed. I’ve never been looked at by so many people before, and I’ve never lived apart from my parents either.
You were born in Hyogo?
Yes. It made me realise how precious my parents are.
JO1 had gained a lot of attention before your debut since it’s the group formed by the winners of the audition program. How did you feel back then, to see your fans’ support in hard numbers?
I knew from the start that we would be ranked, but when you work hard with other people you’d naturally form a sort of comradeship. I felt that it was really cruel. I didn’t want to do it anymore (laughs).
After debuting, when do you have the most fun?
I’ve always admired this world ever since I was in middle school, so right now I’m having fun everyday. Really, I never thought there’d be a job where I’d get to experience new things everyday, I’m really happy.
So you’re getting closer to the dream you’ve had since your 3rd year of middle school?
That’s right!
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After analysing your personality, what sort of person do you think you are?
I’m a really shy person.
Do you ever feel that you’re being misunderstood by others?
I feel like I am, but I can’t really pinpoint it…
Like you’re actually really macho, or something like that (laughs).
I’m actually really muscular! I think I’m the kind who would approach someone first. Rather than approaching everyone else, it’s more like the members would come and talk to me first.
Those kinds of people tend to attract attention, I believe. Like in school, there’d always be that person who people would naturally be drawn to.
It’s a good thing, I guess.
Within JO1, is there anything you think you won’t lose to anyone, or don’t want to lose to anyone?
I want to become someone who can lead the team in our performance. Not just in dance and vocals, but also self-production.
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What do you have in mind for self-production?
Like writing our own songs, or directing our own live performances, I hope to do that in the future.
Being in a big group of 11 members, is there anything you take special note of?
I don’t get angry when we’re having practice, but when someone warns everybody else, I try not to say anything. For example, if the dad gets angry the mom won’t get angry, so I keep quiet when someone else is angry.
So you try to maintain balance.
Yes, that’s what I take note of the most.
So you’re the mom (laughs).
Hahaha! (laughs)
What do you want your occupation to be called?
Nice! So you want to become charismatic?
“Charismatic” tends to refer to someone who stands out from the rest, so what do you think sets you apart from others? I can already feel your charisma from your beautiful skin!
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Looking at you from the side, it’s really beautiful!
That makes me really happy! But I guess I’m really quick at picking up things…like dancing.
You’re able to grasp the main points?
Maybe it’s because I’m living based on sense and intuition.
I see. What makes a charismatic person, in your opinion?
I think people who are confident in themselves are really cool.
Do you have confidence in yourself?
I hope to gain more confidence from now on!
Is there anyone you respect or think they’re cool, amongst the members?
I think our leader, Yonashiro, is always thinking about the team and the people around him. I really respect him. I’m glad that he’s our leader.
So everyone sees him as the boss?
Not really (laughs). We always tease him, but having the leader always being teased creates a really nice atmosphere in the group.
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What is the selling point of your second single STARGAZER, which was released on August 26th?
The concept this time is “students”, and when you’re a student, it’s a time when you’re chasing your dreams. We want to send the message that even if you’re on the  brink of giving up, don’t give up! The music video is also really impactful and sends a really strong message. I hope that seeing us united and not giving up will bring across the message we want to convey.
From here on, answer us as fast as you can from the top of your head! Firstly, which part of your face do you like?
My eyes. I’ve been told that the look sharp.
The favourite part of your body?
Hands. I think they’re manly.
What do you do when you feel lonely?
I call my mother.
What is your ideal date plan?
I want to go to the amusement park and play a lot.
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What is the one piece of advice that has left the deepest impression on you?
When a staff member told me, “You’re working too hard, you don’t have to.”
If you were to invite one of the members out for a meal, who would you go with and what would you eat?
I’ll go with Sato Keigo to eat roast beef.
Lastly — 10 years from now, what would you like Kawanishi Takumi to be like?
I want to meet all sorts of people from different genres and work with them. Not only in dance performances, but acting, and magazine shoots as well.
That truly embodies “charisma”! I look forward to seeing such a Kawanishi Takumi.
Thank you very much!
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Next, we have Kimata Syoya. How was it after your debut?
Since I’m an only child, it felt like I gained a lot of brothers after we all started living together.
You’re together from day till night, right?
And we all go to work together.
It really does feel like you’ve gained a new family. Is it fun?
Yes, since I wanted siblings.
How did it feel like to have your fans’ support reflected in your ranking during the audition program?
I braced myself for that when I decided to apply. But I was able to remain much longer than expected and even managed to debut, so I guess I did have a bit of fun. It felt like my effort was being recognised and I’m glad I worked hard. Although there was a part of me that didn’t really want to see the ranking, but when I got a good result I was really happy and I gained confidence from it.
Do you think it will be useful in your upcoming career?
During the audition, we had to constantly produce ourselves. I was able to learn how to carry myself and how to show myself on stage, so it feels like a small step towards showbiz.
So you were already being trained back then. That’s why everyone is so polite!
Yes. We don’t have any knowledge at all about showbiz, but we were able to learn these things thanks to the audition program.
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Do you ever feel that you’re being misunderstood by others?
I think many people think that I’m a person who doesn’t think (laughs).
Really? After meeting you in person, I don’t think so at all.
I’m really bad at explaining things. So I usually don’t explain things in details, and this comes off as if I’m not really thinking. And when I try to explain things in detail, I tend to become long-winded. I’m not really smart, but I do think about things!
What part about yourself do you think you won’t lose to the other members?
Boyish atmosphere.
Oh, that was an unexpected one!
I’m really shy, but I think i’m the most energetic one when I’m with the members.
Yes, yes, so you’re the mood maker?
There’s actually someone else who’s the mood maker (laughs), so it’s a little different from that. It’s more like I’m energetic enough to keep talking endlessly.
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So you don’t get tired of people?
When I’m close to you I really won’t. When the cameras are rolling my shyness takes over and I can’t really express myself well, but when we become close I’m able to express my feelings, which puts me at ease and gives me energy, I think.
Is there anything in particular you take note of while working in a group with so many members?
I think that we have to carry ourselves properly when we work as a group. Let’s see…it’s like we’d all voice our opinions clearly, but eventually we’ll summarise the main points and make sure everyone’s on the same page. I think that’s important.
What would you like your title to be?
I’d like to be called an artiste.
Are there any artistes you look up to?
I’ve always liked K-POP, so someone like BTS. In Japan, I’d say someone like King Gnu, where everyone’s unique personalities shine. I want us to become something like that.
So, what kind of unique personalities do you think JO1 has?
For example, when you audition for an agency, the agency would always have their own likes and dislikes. I think such subjectiveness results in the same type of people gathering together. But we were chosen by different viewers with different tastes, so we’re all different in our own ways. I think that’s what makes up our unique personalities.
When do you have the most fun?
I think it’s when I’m eating.
What’s your favourite food?
Sushi and steak!
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Moving on to your new song. In your opinion, what is the selling point of your new single?
I would say it’s the dance choreography in the chorus of OH-EH-OH. Students and office workers would wear jackets, right? Everyone can use that to try out our dance and enjoy the song.
That means everyone can become JO1! It’s a song to encourage those in their teens, right?
Yes, but personally I don’t want it to be just limited to teens, I hope everyone can feel encouraged by it! When I hear this song, I also feel that I need to work hard.
From here on, answer as fast as you can. What’s your favourite part of your face?
The mole on my eyelid. I think it’s pretty rare.
Favourite part of your body?
I’ve been told that my shoulders and collarbones are nice.
What do you do when you’re feeling lonely?
I hang out with my friends.
What is your ideal date plan?
Maybe going out for a meal.
What is the one piece of advice that has left the deepest impression on you?
My friend once told me “if you believe you can do it, you actually can”, and when I convinced myself to think like this, I was really able to do it!
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If you were to invite one of the members out for a meal, who would you go with and what would you eat?
I’ll go with Tsurubo Shion to eat Sundubu!
10 years from now, what would you like Kimata Syoya to be like?
I want to become an adult that looks good with a beard.
What sort of work would you do?
I want to try running my own business. Like a restaurant, or maybe my own fashion brand since I’m interested in fashion, or producing my own cosmetics.
That’s a really broad range!
I’ve been watching K-dramas recently, and it made me want to run my own restaurant one day.
Do you cook?
I do when I have the time.
What’s your best dish?
Seaweed soup.
Seaweed soup! That’s unexpected (laughs).
But it’s really legit! (laughs) I’d grill some meet and leek then add in the seaweed. I like using a Korean or Chinese seasoning.
So an artiste that is also a businessman in multiple areas. That’s definitely new! I’m looking forward to it!
Yes. I’ll do my best!
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Thirdly, we have Ohira Shosei. How was it like after your debut?
I became bolder and gained confidence.
In what way?
I wanted to refine myself even more after debuting. I was wondering how I should go about it and tried changing my makeup and hairstyle, but as expected the best way to refine myself is to stand with my chest out with confidence (laughs).
That’s true!
If there isn’t anything overflowing from inside, nothing will work.
Was there anything within you that changed after your debut?
I became more skilful, and I think I’m able to show myself better on stage, like during out performances.
And I guess it’s because there are more opportunities for you to perform as a professional?
Yes. I’ve received a lot of stimulation and I think it has changed quite a lot.
What sort of personality would you say you have?
Calm and quiet.
Really? (laughs)
(laughs) I am, but somewhere in me there’s an American feeling.
So you’re clear about yourself, and are strong-willed.
That’s right.
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What part about yourself do you think you won’t lose to the other members?
In terms of being an artiste, I think I’m able to fit any sort of song. I can do a cute song since I have a baby face, and I can do cool songs too. I can do songs with a tough atmosphere too, I can do anything.
So you can change yourself as and when.
Oh! And amongst, that what are you the best at?
A lot of people think I’m the cute kind, but actually in my heart, I really like the tough type of songs. But because my face isn’t like that…but I like everything.
So do you ever feel that you’re being misunderstood by others?
When people tell me I have a fluffy atmosphere.
You’re actually more of a tough guy?
That’s right!
Oh! Is there anything in particular you take note of while working in a group with so many members?
To maintain a good sense of distance between one another, and to communicate with one another properly.
That’s very mature of you. When performing as 11 members, do you ever feel like you’d be overshadowed?
I do, I do! In my case, since I have lesser lines in our songs compared to the rest, I try my best to show my charms when I’m performing in front.
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What would you say your occupation is?
An artiste.
Are there any artistes whom you look up to?
He’s an actor, but I like someone like Miura Shohei.
Who do you think amongst the members is impressive?
In what way?
He’s very level-headed and he looks at things with a calm mind. He’s a serious guy.
When do you have the most fun?
When I’m listening to tough songs and get into the mood (laughs).
You’re passionate about hair and makeup, but is there anything about beauty you take particular note of?
I’m really particular about skincare!
As expected. Is there anything you will do without fail?
It’s a rather long process. I have about 6 steps.
Wow! And where do you get your information from>
I consult my makeup artist sometimes.
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From here on, answer as fast as you can. Firstly, your favourite part of your face.
My eyes. I have droopy eyes.
Favourite part of your body?
Everything. I have a an unexpectedly good body shape.
What do you do when you’re feeling lonely?
Watch anime!
What is your ideal date plan?
Going to the movies and then shopping!
What is the one piece of advice that has left the deepest impression on you?
“Who cares?” I heard this line in an American drama I watched and it really stuck with me.
If you were to invite one of the members out for a meal, who would you go with and what would you eat?
Myself. Because it’s calming.
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10 years from now, what would you like Ohira Shosei to be like?
A calm and manly person.
And as an artiste?
I want to be able to draw out more of my own uniqueness.
So you’d still be working in the field of dance and music?
What about acting.
I’m not interested. I’ll purely do artiste work.
What is the best moment for you as an artiste?
I want to be able to stand on the stage of the domes. Hopefully it’ll come true in 10 years’ time…I want to become someone who’d be able to go overseas too. I want to become someone who can work overseas.
With your studious attitude, I’m sure you’ll be able to overcome country borders! Thank you for today.
Thank you very much!
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Next, we have Tsurubo Shion.
Thanks for having me!
What does it feel like to have your dream of debuting come true?
Before applying for Produce 101, I was actually under a Korean agency. I wasn’t able to debut and came back to Japan, and I felt really apologetic to my family. Apparently back then, I told them to wait and see that I’ll be in Tokyo 1 year later. And I really did make it, it gave me goosebumps and I was really surprised. I didn’t finish high school, so if I don’t enter showbiz I’ll just cause even more trouble for my parents, so I was like, I definitely have to debut! After debuting, I feel like I was able to repay my parents even if just a little.
Not being able to debut in Korea, in retrospect, worked to your advantage.
It helped me gained confidence, and when I first when to Korea, I was totally inexperienced and wasn’t able to do anything. I learned how to dance, sing and speak Korean for 10 months over there, and now that I’m in JO1 there are times when people ask me to speak in Korean, and I’m glad I’m able to make use of these skills I picked up in these situations.
During the audition, the fans’ support was reflected clearly in your ranking. It was a pretty rare experience, wasn’t it?
Right off the bat, they already showed that I had a bad attitude. I thought that everything was over (laughs).
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How did you feel back then?
I felt really hurt. I was 7th in the first rankings. I thought it was pretty meh.
7th is amazing.
And then after they aired the bit where they said I had a bad attitude, I rose to 5th place. I was like what? What’s going on? And I’ve never dropped since then. 5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 2 and then 5th in the end. There were members who managed to debut without their ranks dropping. I wanted to debut as the top 3, so I missed it just by a bit!
But to place 5th even after being criticised about your attitude!
But I really felt that 1st, 2nd and 3rd are amazing, and I won’t be able to reach that. So I thought I did pretty well by placing 5th.
What sort of personality would you say you have?
I’d say I’m selfish.
In what way?
I’ve never said this before, but I hate being told what to do by other people. I want to think on my own before acting. Although I’m happy to have been able to enter showbiz, I get pumped up about the things I want to do, but lose motivation for things I’m not interested in (laughs).
(laughs) So you don’t like to be bound. I guess if things don’t sit well with you, you won’t do it?
That’s right. I won’t be able to.
But there are times when you have no choice, right?
Right now, I want us to become even bigger, such that when people talk about Japan’s idol boys group, they’d say JO1. I want us to go overseas too, one day.  So rather than my own wishes, I want us to work hard together as a group.
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Just now you said that your attitude had been criticised, but after talking to you like this, I feel that it’s not the case at all. Are there any times you feel like you’re being misunderstood by others?
Uhm, I’m just a really normal person. A lot of people say the I’m weird or scary (laughs), but I’m really just a normal person!
Doing work in showbiz, it’s important to keep remembering that you’re a normal person too. What part about yourself do you think you won’t lose to the other members?
I’m confident that I’m aware and considerate of my surroundings.
Considerate of your surroundings?
I think I’m someone who will consider my surroundings first before acting. For example, when we dance, I won’t just look at myself, but at the big picture.
So you would say you’re a considerate person?
Let’s leave it at that! Let’s leave it on a positive note (laughs).
(laughs) Is there anything in particular you take note of while working in a large group with 11 members?
To not fight and to not get angry.
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And what do you take particular note of so as to not get into fights?
To always be calm. And tolerant. With 11 people, being tolerant becomes an important trait.
So you try your best to control yourself and to look at the big picture. That’s amazing.
Before, I’d get irritated and say whatever’s on my mind, but now I’ve learned to think before I speak!
With so many members, I think there’s always the worry of being overshadowed. Is there anything you’re working hard on so as to not be overshadowed?
Staying true to myself.
So to always be your true self?
Yes. Of course there are limits, but when we’re recording TV programs I’d say whatever I like, and to always maintain my unique character. I don’t freeze up or get nervous so I say what I think, but sometimes I say the wrong things (laughs). Yes. There are times when in acts in my favour and times when it doesn’t. I think that a unique aspect about myself.
What would you say your occupation is?
An artiste.
What sort of artiste do you look up to?
I think there are a lot of people in the younger generation that know about us, but I think a lot of people in the 40s and 50s wouldn’t know about us. Everyone knows ARASHI, right? I want to become as big as them.
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Who do you think is the coolest member?
Mame-chan. Our youngest Mame-chan. He’s two years younger than me, but he’s really mature. To be honest, sometimes I feel like Mame-chan is the most mature one.
He is calm person?
He’s really considerate of his surroundings. I think that’s amazing, and I respect him for it. Mame-chan also warns the other members when needed, even if they’re older.
When do you have the most fun?
When I’m singing. Or when I’m gaming. I think I’m the one that likes gaming the most in JO1, I’m always gaming.
Let’s talk about your new single. Personally, what do you think is the selling point of your new single?
This time we have 6 songs, from ballads to chic and sexy to tough tracks. Since there is a wide variation, I think everyone can listen to a song that fits their own mood at any time.
Which is your favourite song?
The rap title, So What. As one of the rappers of the group, I have to choose this song (laughs). But I really like it.
From here on, answer as fast as you can! Firstly, the favourite part of your face.
My eyes. They’re droopy, but almond-shaped.
Favourite part of your body?
Shoulders. I swiped for 10 years so I think my body shape is good.
Your favourite colour?
Transparent. Because it won’t be dyed by anything.
What do you do when you’re lonely?
I call my friends.
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What is your ideal date plan?
Just going to the countryside without thinking too much.
What is the one piece of advice that has left the deepest impression on you?
Something that my father said, “When you’re torn between what to do, choose the cooler option.”
If you were to buy yourself a reward right now, what would you buy?
If you were to invite one of the members out for a meal, who would you go with and what would you eat?
I’ll go with Kimata Syoya for a Chinese buffet!
Who do you want to say “Thank you!” to the most right now?
My family. They’ve always believed in me and supported me.
10 years from now, what would you like Tsurubo Shion to be like?
It might be a little early, but I want to be a refined and mature adult. And as for work, I want to challenge anything that comes. I’m in interested in acting and theatre. There are many things I want to do!
And what would you want to do continue doing?
Singing, I think.
You have a really nice voice.
Thank you very much!
A multi-talented artiste the can also sing ballads. I’m looking forward to it!
Thank you very much!
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Lastly, we have Kinjo Sukai! What did you do during the Stay Home period?
I think everyone worked on polishing themselves. Like working out and practicing dancing.
Was there anything within you that changed after debuting?
My whole life itself changed drastically.
And you’re able to really feel it?
Yes. In the past, I used to part-time at construction site. I didn’t know it felt so good to sweat in front of an audience and the fans, and it felt so different from sweating at a construction site.
What sort of personality would you say you have?
I think I’m a pretty passionate person. Although I’m often seen as scary because of my appearance (laughs).
Maybe because you’re tall as well? (laughs)
I think so. But I love talking, so I think I’m pretty sociable.
So you’re always being misunderstood!
I’m always seen as scary because of my appearance, and my fans gave me the catchphrase “Always poker face”. Even when I appear on TV or during magazine shoots, I always have a calm expressions on and don’t really smile. But I’m not actually doing it on purpose…that’s the only thing I don’t want people to misunderstand.
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What part about yourself do you think you won’t lose to the other members?
Rather than shining in the front, I’m always acting as everyone’s shadow. If someone has to be the light, someone else has to take on the role of the shadow, When the other members are troubled, if there’s a good opening for me to jump in to help them, I think I won’t lose to anyone in terms of speed.
I like the idea of light and shadow!
We have 11 members! So if everyone is fighting for the limelight when we appear on TV, it won’t be fun or interesting.
Is there anything in particular you take note of while working in a group with so many members?
Even though our leader Yonashiro Sho is older and is a very tolerant person, the number of members isn’t something that he himself can handle alone. So each one of us has to do our own part, for example, I always try to be polite in our greetings.
Do you guys ever fight?
Yes. At first we didn’t, but that actually made me worry. Personally, I’m the type that if we actually fight until it becomes a full-on brawl, I won’t be overly considerate of you anymore. Because we’ll end up understanding each other, and sharing our pain. And as we get more and more jobs, I think it’s only natural that we would have more of our own opinions, so I hope that we can grow to be able to talk to each other frankly.
It left a deep impassion on me just now when you mentioned “becoming the shadow”. Are you ever worried that you’ll be overshadowed by the other members?
Ah, but I hope that people would be able to see me for who I am. My mother told me that “the people who are looking are definitely watching you”, and I believe her words. The people who are looking at me will reach out to me one day, so until then I’m putting in effort to quietly hone my skills.
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Is there anything in particular you’re working hard for as JO1?
When we’re dancing, just in our everyday lives, we look at the mirror a lot. But just dancing won’t convey anything, so I pay attention to show my cool side and better angles. And during magazine photoshoots, when the staff members praise my angles, I would take note of their feedback and look at my own photos and see what I can continue to adopt next time.
Who do you respect amongst the members?
Ren-kun. He’s our dance leader, and he’s always been shining ever since our audition days. He’s a great dancer, and has a bright and cheerful personality. He’s really reliable and I respect him.
What do you think is the selling point of your new song?
The theme this time is “students”, so it’s aimed at people around our age. Even though there may be worries and troubles, we want to tell them positively that everything will be okay. In the lyrics, there’s a line that goes “The shining light is waiting for us”, and that light is us and we’ll be waiting. That is the message of our new song.
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From here on, answer as fast as you can. The favourite part of your face?
My left profile.
Favourite part of your body?
What do you do when you’re lonely?
I call my friends.
What is your ideal date plan?
Going out for lunch and then shopping, then returning home at night for a movie.
What is the one piece of advice that has left the deepest impression on you?
It’s something that one of the members, Kimata, said to me when I couldn’t remember the dance choreography. “Sleep and you will remember.”
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If you were to invite one of the members out for a meal, who would you go with and what would you eat?
I’ll go with Tsurubo Shion for ramen.
10 years from now, what would you like Kinjo Sukai to be like?
I think I’m someone that shines more when I produce myself, or like someone that conveys better when I explain it with my own words, so I want to try writing my own songs. I also like perfumes, so I’d like to try making my own perfume. There are many things I’d like to try out.
What do you think was the weapon that allowed you to survive in the audition?
My voice.
So you should take good care of it!
That’s right! That’s why I want to become even better at singing and become acknowledged by professionals and people around the world.
I’ll be supporting you! Do your best!
Thank you very much.
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jo1 headcanon if i lived the good y/n life because why not
grading them by how compatible as friends i think we’d be
- sho: the friend i wld want to protect and learn everything from. i’d invite myself to any activity he is up to, be it playing the guitar, cooking, etc. i’d ask to sample everything he makes in the kitchen. we’d be more activity-based friends: B+
- mame: wld be my comrade and fitness trainer. i would be low-key self-conscious around him because he seems so self-assured for someone so young. we wouldn’t have much in common though: B
- takumi: wld be the friend i watch sports matches with and try to put make-up on. wouldn’t get along well at first but i’d come to appreciate his silent strength and occasional bursts of humour with time: B+
- keigo: wld be the friend i’d find beautiful and artistic and funny and have a one-sided crush on and never want to know him better so as not to ruin things. wld make me the laugh the most. i wld like him more as a concept than as a friend: B+
- ruki: wld be my spiritual twin. we’d run away from bugs together. wld make me laugh the hardest because he’s so witty but such a loser at times. i’d be his wingwoman. wld probably work with the JO1 boys to throw fake bugs at each other as pranks to see who has the sissier scream: A-
- shosei: wld be a friend i’d laugh with at keigo’s antics and we’d have to try to stop each other from laughing at the most inappropriate times. we wldn’t fight much. we’d eat a lot of desserts together: A-
- sukai: wld be a friend i’d try to slowly turn into a good dog because he i suspect he is warm and squishy beyond the karate black belt poker face exterior; would want to learn how to fight from him. wld want him in my team for everything. he’s like a brotha 4 lyf yknow: A
- ren: wld be the friend whose brain i’d try to pick endlessly because he’s just so clever; wld want to learn how to dance from him. wld be afraid of him overworking himself. my anti-work y/n self wld yell at him to get a life outside of JO1 when he needs to. he wld be guarded and hard to know: B
- junki: i wld struggle to get along with him at first, only to later support him in all endeavours and truly respect his person. my y/n self might end up falling a little love with him but wouldn’t know it until she’s at her deathbed: F to A- and eventually A
- kimata: wld be the friend i’d never become friends with because we’re both just in our own worlds too much. we’d pass right by each other without beeping. when i do finally realize he’s there, i’ll probably have to fight the urge to pet his head. meanwhile, he wld still be oblivious to my existence: N/A
- shion: wld be the friend i’d stay up talking to all night and possibly become bffs with because he’d be the most open, creative, considerate, and sensitive soul in the group. i can really see us having bomb conversations and doing fun artsy stuff, whether or not i am my best y/n self. i wld feel relaxed around him and be 100% myself: A+
conclusion: kansai line and i wld be a-ok
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 3, Part 2
Good, I’m not having problems with tumblr this time.
This one’s a bit on the shorter end, which I notice goes for many day 1 trials in cases with more than one trial day, but I can still find plenty of things to share, comment, and explain as always! Like with the previous episode, most of the bulk of work was from the introductions and initial setting.
While the previous one, I could squeal over Yakuza references and all that jazz, this one’s more for Klavier’s fans and classic rock junkies out there. I enjoy the occasional taste of rock too, but sorry, I’m forever a Eurobeat gal.
Oh, if only there were a future AA case about street racing... You just know that Edgeworth would be on that case. He’s probably the only prosecutor (besides maybe Klavier) who can make a sick drift and would know a thing or two about cars. Too bad for the car-less defense attorneys at the Wright Anything Agency, though.
> Courtroom
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> “なくした”っていう発想は ないのかな。 Isn't it possible he simply misplaced them?
<Klavier> “なくした”で済むか! Misplaced them!?
カギはその後、死体の手に ニギられていたんだぞ! Misplaced items don't just wander into a murder victim's hand on their own!
<Judge> な。なんですって‥‥! そ。それでは‥‥ What's this!? Prosecutor Gavin, if your keys were in the victim's hand...
ハンニンはあなた自身ということに なるではないですかッ! That makes you a prime suspect!
<Klavier> ‥‥♪ “遅効性の恋は アトロキニーネ”‥‥ ..."Love, slow-acting and new. Atroquinine... is waiting for you..."
<Trucy> ハナウタ、歌ってます。 He's singing something.
<Apollo> 大物だよな。なんにしても。 Does everything with this guy have to be so over-the-top?
Just wanna share lyrics. The original line, taken literally, is "Slow-acting love [is like] Atroquinine", but it's so vague that it can be reworded many ways, since it’s a song lyric.
> Press 4th statement
<Klavier> 部屋から脱出できる出口は、 あの通気口だけだった! That air vent was the only way out of the room!
そして、そこには、 被告人の指紋が残っていた! The defendant's fingerprints were found on the grill!
‥‥さあ、おデコくん! ...Well, Herr Forehead?
ここから、キミは どんな“物語”を想像するかい? What fairy tale does this suggest to you?
<Apollo> ぐ‥‥ッ! Urk...!
<Klavier> ‥‥ちなみに。その通気口‥‥ Only one could pass through that vent, that "doorway to heaven"...
“天国のトビラ”をくぐることが できたのは‥‥その妖精だけ、さ。 ...and that one is our pixie.
Another song reference, but instead of a "Stairway to Heaven", it's a vent-way.
I've been watching way too much Among Us lately... but this episode from back in 2007 seems suspiciously related to a 2018 game, somehow.
> Finish pressing, present any evidence
<Apollo> 検察側の主張をくつがえす‥‥ これが、その証拠品です! This evidence does more than contradict, it flips the whole case on its head!
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Klavier> どうやら、ぼくの言った通り。 ハッキリとした“反証”のようだね。 Thank you for presenting evidence that is both clear and plain, as requested.
<Judge> たしかに‥‥ ハッキリ“ちがう”と分かります! Yes... Clearly and plainly wrong!
その証拠品で、検察側の主張を くつがえすことはできません! I'm afraid the only thing flipped on its head here was you as a child, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう‥‥ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh... I guess that wasn't it.)
Savage, Your Honor! The original line seems a bit disappointing in comparison: "This evidence doesn't overturn the prosecution's case at all!" That said, it does give me an idea for where the "flip on its head" phrasing came from.
> Select "no proof"
<Apollo> 反証のジュンビは‥‥ あ、ありません。 I... don't have contradicting proof, actually.
<Judge> そうですか。 それでは、さっさと判決を‥‥ Too bad. Very well, this court finds the defendant...
<Hold it!>
<Trucy> ま、待ってください! W-Waaait!
<Judge> な、なんですか。 Wh-What for?
<Trucy> 弁護側には‥‥えーと。 は、“はんしょー”でしたっけ? We have, uh, what was it called? Contradictual proof?
と、とにかく! ジュンビがありますッ! Anyway, whatever it is, we've got it!
Meanwhile, I think this line from Trucy seems a bit out of place when "contradicting proof" isn't a very difficult phrase to say. Maybe they could have thrown in something sillier like "contradicting poof- I mean, proof!" and it'd work pretty well. In JP, she's still learning her words and especially kanji, so she usually pronounces words correctly, but doesn't write them out in the text.
I like to think that whenever Odoroki speaks and uses phrases that she isn't as familiar with, she actually breaks the fourth wall and takes notes on his textboxes. Hey, learning from your peers is a great way to study! Learning Japanese with your fave Ace Attorney characters is even better.
> Ask for new witness
<Apollo> 牙琉検事‥‥ まちがいありませんか? Prosecutor Gavin, you claim that there were no witnesses to this crime.
『この事件に、  目撃者はいなかった』‥‥ Are you absolutely sure?
<Klavier> マチガイないね。‥‥誓ってもいい。 この検事生命と‥‥ Absolutely. I'd swear it on my career as a prosecutor...
100万枚を売り上げたヒット曲、 《恋のアトロキニーネ》にかけて。 And on my million-seller hit song "Atroquinine, My Love".
<Trucy> ‥‥さりげなく ジマンされちゃいましたね。 ...There he goes again.
<Apollo> ザンネンながら‥‥ この事件には、目撃者がいたのです。 That's too bad, because there was a witness.
Minor tweaking to song titles again. It was "Atroquinine of Love" before.
> 2nd Witness Testimony, present at 3rd statement, Perceive at 6th statement but point wrongly
<Apollo> あなたのココロの動き‥‥ オレには分かるんですよ。 You may have seen the world, but I've seen your heart.
あなたは、今の証言をするとき、 動揺していましたね! You were flustered during your testimony just now!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Lamiroir> あなたの言っていることが、 よく分からないのですが‥‥ I do not understand what it is you are saying.
それは、日本語のジョーク か何かですか? さっぱりです。 Perhaps this is a joke, in your culture?
Making a note here about culture: It's characteristic of Japanese that since they have so many homophones and alike-sounding words or phrases, it's fairly simple to come up with puns out of the blue. You hear it all the time with Japanese comedians and writers who just can't help themselves and have to throw in a pun here or there. And because they can show up so suddenly, it can catch the audience off-guard, so they're more likely to appreciate the humor.
Relatively speaking, of course; as with any language, there are also those kinds of puns that are super obvious and cringy when delivered. As a language buff myself, I'm still fascinated with what goes into creating puns in the first place, whether or not they're cringy or clever.
> Present evidence to Lamiroir's contradiction to her own testimony
<Apollo> そして、こうも証言しました。 事件につい��は“何も見ていない” Furthermore, you testified that you had "seen nothing".
<Lamiroir> ‥‥! ...!
<Apollo> お分かりですね‥‥ レタス氏が“撃たれた”ことを‥‥ Yet you knew that Mr. LeTouse had been shot!
あなたが、 知っているはずがないのです! How could you have known!?
<Lamiroir> ! ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...!
<Lamiroir> きゃあああああああああああッッ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooooooowrk!
<Judge> ラミロアさん! Lamiroir!
‥‥あなた、まさか。 何かをかくしているのでは‥‥ You aren't hiding something from this court, I hope!
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Apollo> (ラミロアさんはウソをついた‥‥  ゼッタイに何かを隠している!) (That sweet song of hers was sounding a little too sweet!)
So, I'm not sure why Lamiroir's cries were localized to this. It sounds like something so out of place from someone whose voice is so beautiful and melodic usually. Maybe that was the point? Like, it's a subtle nod to sudden record-scratches or sudden cuts in a piece of music?
Fyi, Odoroki's last line here was simply: "(Lamiroir-san was lying... She has to be hiding something!)"
> Press newest (7th) statement
<Apollo> ほんの少ししか見ていないのに、 よく“弾痕”だと分かりましたね。 Only a glimpse, yet you knew they were bullet holes?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥‥‥ええ。 一目で分かりましたわ。 Yes. I recognized them immediately.
以前にも、銃の弾痕を、 見たことがありますから‥‥。 I have seen bullet holes before, you know.
<Klavier> アナタは歌い手として、 世界中を回られていますからね。 You have traveled the world as a singer...
この国よりも治安の悪い地域で、 歌われることもあるでしょう。 You must have sung in places far more dangerous than our country.
<Lamiroir> わたくしの歌が必要とされるならば、 どこにでも行かせていただきますわ。 I go wherever my voice is needed. Those places... are many, these days.
<Trucy> かっこいいですね! ラミロアさん。 みぬきも、いつかは海外に出たいな。 That's really cool! I hope I get to travel like Lamiroir some day.
<Klavier> ぼくも、レコーディングは 海外ですると決めていますよ。 I plan on recording my next album overseas.
むこうのスタジオは、 音のヌケがちがいますからね。 Their studios have a different sound, you know.
<Apollo> (へえ‥‥それは、発声練習にも  良さそうだな‥‥) (Hmm. Maybe I should go on a Chords of Steel tour, too.)
And this last line is totally different. "(Huh... it sounds like they'd be great for vocal training too...)"
("Far more dangerous", huh... Maybe she previously had a tour in the Republic of Zheng Fa... and maybe the Kingdom of Khura'in too.)
> 3rd Witness Testimony, finish pressing, select "There's a problem"
> 4th Witness Testimony
<Apollo> (すっかり忘れていた‥‥  オレの知らないところで‥‥) (I admit, I'd forgotten about the song...)
(そんなトンでもないオチが  ついていたなんて!) (But there it is now, waiting for me... the grand finale, as it were.)
<Trucy> あ! それに最初に気がついたの、 みぬきですからね、みぬき! Hey! You know I was the one who first noticed that!
<Judge> “歌詞”に合わせて殺人など‥‥ I've heard of jumping rope to songs, and counting to songs...
“かぞえ歌”と“手まり歌”だけの 世界だと思っていました! ...But killing!?
<Klavier> 世界は、おジイさんが 思っていたより広い、ってコトだね。 It's a wild world out there, Herr Judge.
<Judge> それでは! Very well!
この、ナゾの歌を踏まえた上で、 尋問をおねがいします! We've heard one song and dance, let's get on to the next: the cross-examination!
<Apollo> (ベツに、歌にはナゾはないと  思うけど‥‥) (I'm not so sure I'm going to be doing much singing...)
By the way, "手まり歌" (temari uta) is roughly like playing handball to a song. A temari is a ball of usually extra kimono cloth wrapped together with fabric. Over Japanese history, it went from a handmade toy to embroidery art. Link to Wikipedia.
Also, "Wild World" is a 1971 hit song by Cat Stevens too. With all the talk of songs, I figured the loc team might have been able to slip in a subtle nod.
Last couple lines there: "Let's build on this mystery song and begin the cross-examination!" "(I don't think the song itself is the mystery here, though...)"
10/21/20 edit: Ash has enlightened me to one of Takumi’s inspirations. Like Agatha Christie’s And There Was None and Van Dine’s The Bishop Murder Case, where a murder seems to follow a nursery rhyme, a classic Japanese mystery novel by Seishi Yokomizo, Akuma no Temari Uta, is a murder mystery that follows the rhymes of a song.
And now looking into his works, I just realized this man is also the legend who wrote the iconic private eye Kosuke Kindaichi. Yeah, the same guy who’s said to be the grandfather to the MC of the Kindaichi Case Files manga, by Yozaburo Kanari. What a small world we live in, after all.
> Press 1st statement
<Klavier> なかなか悪くないじゃないか、 刑事クン。イイ声してるよ。 Bravo, Fräulein Detective. Your singing... it's not bad.
‥‥そして、最後のパート。 Now, for the finale!
“Guitar,Guitar‥‥  ふたりは空へ” "Guitar, Guitar... Up together to the sky."
この歌詞の通り、 盗まれたレタス氏の死体は‥‥ As it says in the lyrics, Mr. LeTouse...
“空高く”そびえるステージ の上で発見された。 ...was found with a guitar, high in the "sky" over the stage.
どうだい? これだけ一致してたら。 もう偶然とはいえないさ。 No series of coincidences could be so well conceived!
<Ema> ‥‥カガク的に言ってもね。 He's right. ...Scientifically speaking.
<Apollo> (‥‥一体、  なんのコンサートだよ‥‥) (What would Wocky have said? ..."That concert was wack.")
<Trucy> あんな風に気持ち良さそうに 歌われたら、反論できませんね‥‥ It's hard to argue when she pours her heart into it like that.
<Ema> ‥‥えーと。と、とにかく! 犯人は‥‥ Ah, er, ahem! Anyway, the shooter...
Aw, I really wish I could have actually heard Ema sing... or at least hear her textbox beeps change in tone to the music. That would be a bit of extra coding work, though.
By the way, Odoroki was talking about: "(...What kind of concert was this supposed to be...?)"
> Press 4th statement again
<Ema> おそらく、犯人と被害者の距離は、 2メートルもなかったはずです。 Furthermore, there was no more than five feet between shooter and victim.
これは、ハズすほうが ムズカシイぐらいの距離です。 Hard to miss at that distance.
<Trucy> でも、マキさんは、 目が不自由だったから‥‥ But, Machi can't see...
<Ema> おそらく、“音”と“気配”に たよって、撃った‥‥ He would have had to use sound and other senses to aim...
だから、ハズれたのでしょう。 ...and miss.
<Klavier> ‥‥部屋には大音量で ぼくたちのナンバーが流れていた。 And our music was blaring over the room monitor.
音を聞くには、 不利な状況だったと言えるよ。 Not the best circumstances for aiming by sound.
<Ema> だから‥‥ハンニンは、 目が見えなかった人物‥‥ Which makes it very likely that the shooter was blind.
<Klavier> これが、検察側の主張だよ‥‥ Thus the prosecution's position.
<Ema> うーん! やっぱり、 カガク的説明って気持ちいいわね! Ahh! Nothing like a scientific explanation to get the blood pumping!
<Apollo> (今は、  まったく同意できないよ‥‥) (Why's mine frozen in my veins, then...?)
It was just "(I can't agree with that sentiment at all...)" but I also wanted to make a joke about about "Apopsico".
> Press 5th statement
<Apollo> か、歌詞になぞらえた殺人だって、 じゅうぶん、非カガク的です! What's so scientific about a murder to lyrics!?
<Ema> 何よ! それぐらい‥‥カガクで 解明できるに決まってるでしょ! Lyrics can be explained scientifically!
<Ema> カガクを甘く見ると‥‥ ケガするわよッ! ...Never underestimate the power of science!
<Apollo> (うわ! 指紋検出粉のビンを、  ふりかぶりながら言うなよ‥‥) (Put that bottle of finger- printing powder down before you hurt someone, like me!)
じゃ、じゃあ! 解明してみせてくださいよ! OK, then explain it! Scientifically!
<Ema> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
まあ。それには、まだデータが 足りないかな‥‥ I require more data.
<Apollo> (なんだよ、それ!) (Hah! Likely story...)
"(What kind of weak excuse is that!?)"
> Press 6th statement
<Ema> そのことは、楽屋にいた全員に 知らされていました。 Everyone backstage was told about the maintenance.
だから‥‥当然。 マキさんも知っていた。 ...Including Machi Tobaye.
キャタツをのぼれば‥‥そこに、 “脱出口”がある、と‥‥ He would have known that there would be a way out at the top of that stepladder.
<Apollo> そ、そんな‥‥! 今、初めて聞きましたよ! But that's... Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this!?
<Klavier> ‥‥なぜ、あんなところに キャタツがあったか‥‥ You could have figured it out for yourself.
それを考えれば、 カンタンにわかると思うけどね。 You only needed to consider what that stepladder was doing there.
<Judge> ‥‥どうやら、弁護人の異議は、 キャタツに押しつぶされたようです。 ...Looks like the defense's objection has been squished by a stepladder.
<Klavier> どうかな? おデコくん‥‥ Well, Herr Forehead?
もう、この証人の主張を ひっくり返す武器はないのかい? Out of ammunition, perhaps?
<Apollo> (‥‥なんだ? この、牙琉検事の  挑戦的なタイド) (I've never seen Prosecutor Gavin so... so aggressive!)
(なんか、“不自然”な気が‥‥) (Maybe he's caught the scent of blood...)
That last line has gotten a bit more dressing to it. It went "(Maybe he's caught onto something 'unnatural'...)"
> Accept the prosecution's challenge, but present wrongly
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Judge> その証拠品に、検察側の主張を 崩すチカラがあるとは思えません。 I'm not sure that overturns anything, Mr. Justice.
<Apollo> (うう。ちがったのか‥‥) (Ugh. Wrong evidence, I'm guessing...)
<Klavier> オドロキ・イズ・ブラインド‥‥ 何も見えてないのは、キミだったね。 Apparently both love... and Justice are blind.
<Apollo> (考えるんだ!  何でもいい‥‥何かないのか!) (I have to think! There must be something... anything!)
"Odoroki Is Blind... Seems like you're the one who can't see anything."
(I capitalized that because Kyouya said it in English.)
> Present photo of crime, point out the contradiction, Klavier takes the lead
<Klavier> ‥‥お楽しみはこれからだよ。 おデコくん。 This is where the real fun begins, Herr Forehead!
<Apollo> ぎゃああああああああああああああ あああッ! Yeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggh!
<Klavier> ‥‥さすがに、ヒトが悪かったかな。 I knew you didn't have what it took.
<Ema> サイテーです! You... You jerk!
あたし、ナニしに来たか わからないじゃないですか! Just what was I in here for? Comic relief!?
<Trucy> そうですよ! あやまりなさい! Yeah! Apologize!
<Klavier> はっはっはっ。 いやいや、ごめんね。 Ah ha ha. Oh, sorry!
<Trucy> なんですかそれ! ちゃんとアタマさげる! That's no way to apologize!
<Apollo> (やれやれ‥‥タイヘンな騒ぎに  なっちまったな) (He's angered the Trucy now. Look out...)
"(Oh boy... This trial has turned into one huge ruckus.)"
> Point out reason why Machi had to pretend to be blind (or not, it continues either way)
> 5th Witness Testimony, press 1st statement
<Apollo> どうして見えなくなったのかも、 分からないのですね‥‥ So, you don't know why you went blind?
<Lamiroir> ‥‥その通りです。 ...I do not.
もしかすると、生まれつき 見えなかったのかもしれませんわ。 I may have been born this way, in fact.
<Klavier> ‥‥彼女の過去について、 余計なセンサクは無用だよ。 ...It's fruitless to attempt to pry into her past.
これは、きわめてデリケートな モンダイだからね‥‥ And, I might add, it's a delicate subject.
<Judge> 弁護人にデリケートを期待するのは、 少々ムリがありますからな。 I'm not sure we can reasonably expect Mr. Justice to do anything delicately.
<Apollo> (シツレイな‥‥  たしかにあまり自信はないけど) (Hey! Why I oughta... take a deep breath and calm down.)
"(Hey... though I actually don't have much confidence about that either.)"
> Press 5th statement
<Judge> 《もくげきしゃ‥‥めがみ》 でしたかな。 "The witness... siren"?
何度も聞かされましたぞ。 弁護人の、迫真のモノマネつきで。 We've heard them many times. Along with a little play-acting by our defense.
<Klavier> 最後のコトバは、死神にノドを つかまれて、闇に消えてしまった。 I remember them well myself, but that statement is not to what I refer.
‥‥あのコトバには、 “つづき”があったんだよ。 I mean what he said before that.
<Apollo> “つづき”‥‥ (“めがみ”につづくコトバ‥‥) ...Before? (What came before that...?)
あッ! Ack!
<Klavier> ‥‥そう。レタス氏は、 こう言おうとしていたんだよ。 ...That's right. He tried to tell you.
《事件のことは、目撃者に聞け。  ただし‥‥その証人は‥‥》 When he said "can't see" he wasn't talking about himself.
《“目が見えないぞ”》 ‥‥ってね。 He was talking about the witness!
<Judge> めがみ‥‥えない‥‥ “目が見えない”ですか‥‥ッ! I see!
<Klavier> “目が見えない”のは、 ラミロアさんだけではなかったねえ。 Too bad the defense did not.
どうだい? おデコくん。 Well, Herr Forehead?
少しは落ち着いて、モノゴトを よく“見て”みたらどうかな。 Try relaxing and "looking" at the facts first next time.
<Apollo> ‥‥ぐうッ! ...Urk!
For this entry, it's entirely a matter of how LeTouse's last words had to be translated. The original Japanese script didn't leave a lot for him, and there were places where it was quite ambiguous. As it turns out, he wasn't saying "megami", as in "Goddess", but "me ga mienai", as in "unable to see".
"It was... 'The witness... Megami', if I recall. We've heard them many times, with a little play-acting by our defense." "His final words, just before Death clasped on his throat and he was consumed by darkness. ...Those words had something 'following' them." "('Following'... 'Megami'...?) Ah!" "...That's right. This is what LeTouse-san was telling you: 'Ask the witness about the incident. However... that witness...' 'cannot see.' "Megami... enai... You mean, 'me ga mienai'...!?" "Though, it wasn't just Lamiroir-san who 'didn't see'."
> Finish pressing
<Judge> ‥‥ごくろうさまでした、眉月刑事。 たいへん、参考になりました。 Thanks for looking into that for us, Detective Crescend. It's a great help.
<Daryan> いやいや。 かまいませんよ、裁判長さん。 Oh, no problem at all, Your Honor.
‥‥それじゃ、オレはこれで‥‥ ...I'll be heading out...
<Hold it!>
<Lamiroir> 待ってください‥‥! Wait!
<Judge> ど。どうかしましたか? ラミロアさん‥‥ La-Lamiroir! Is something the matter?
<Lamiroir> 今の、その声‥‥ That voice just now...
<Klavier> ダイアンが、なにか‥‥? Daryan?
<Lamiroir> ミスター・ダイアン‥‥ というのですか。 Mr. Daryan, is it...?
‥‥‥‥‥‥彼、です。 まちがいありません。 ............ It was him. I am sure of it.
<Judge> “彼”‥‥なにが、ですかな‥‥? It was "him"?
<Klavier> ‥‥ッ! ま。まさか‥‥ Y-You aren't saying--!?
<Lamiroir> 2発の銃声を聞いたとき‥‥ レタスさんと話していた声‥‥ That voice I heard, talking to Mr. LeTouse... when I heard the gunshots fired.
そう。今の方です! ミスター・ダイアン! It was him! It was Mr. Daryan!
Just making a point here since I forgot to last post: Lamiroir and later Machi are the only ones who still call people using "Mr." in English, in the JP script. However, for the briefest moment here, she refers to Mr. LeTouse with the general -san suffix instead, and I don't think this was something that was simply overlooked, since the line immediately after, where she accuses Daryan/Daian, she goes back to using "Mr." Perhaps Lamiroir is getting more and more in-tune with her other language outside of Borginese?
...I'm still sticking to my Poland theory, but they could be like a mix of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia... around there in Eastern Europe.
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