#takoyaki twins
cybersodas · 2 months
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I was suddenly posessed to draw my reaaallly old splatoon idol ocs Ida and Koko in seasonal fest fits. Order of images is their default looks, then their springfest and their summer nights costumes.
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Jordan gets food poisoning and Keiko takes care of her
Twenty texts that spammed Keiko’s name, seven missed calls, and three voicemails. The second Keiko opened his phone when he got out of his last class, that’s what he saw.
With a sigh, he called his sister back. She picked up on the first ring and, without saying hi, just hastily asked, “Do you have dinner plans?!”
Keiko stayed silent for a second. Then said plainly, “Hi, Jor.”
“Yeah yeah, hey. So, dinner plans? Got any?”
Keiko raised a brow. “No. Why?”
“What’s Amber doing tonight?”
“She said she’s gonna try to finish reading the script for Chicago tonight. She’s gonna play a character named Roxy in it or something.” Amberlynn had been excited for the role and insisting that he was really, really gonna love it.
“Have dinner with me!” Jordan insisted. “El is studying the history of Dali tonight and ordering food to her place, so I’m free. And there’s that new Japanese restaurant that opened downtown, and I heard that they have amazing Takoyaki balls! Come with me! It’s the closest thing to Nana’s cooking that we have right now!”
That was really enough to convince Kei. He loved traditional Japanese cooking—even if nothing could beat his Nana’s cooking—and Japanese food was better than take-out pizza any day.
— — —
Dress nice, Jordan had said. Not too fancy, but nice.
It seemed that his simple navy blue button-up and his black dress pants was the right choice. But he groaned loudly and dramatically when Jordan pulled up to his apartment building and came out of her car, and he saw that Jordan was wearing a navy blue dress and a black sweater. As twins, their faces were already almost identical. Now they were matching clothes! It was either an insane coincidence, or some freakish twin telepathy or something.
Jordan seemed as shocked as he was, but less bothered. “Lookin’ spiffy,” she said in a teasing voice as they came up to each other.
Keiko pouted. “Mom would be happy,” he grumbled as he got in the car, remembering the times as kids when they were forced by their mother to wear matching clothes for dinner parties, events, vacations, and even school.
It was a bit of a longish drive. When they got to downtown, they easily found a parking spot. Jordan wore a wide, excited smile as they walked down the sidewalk in the downtown side of the city. Lights twinkled above the street, cars blaring music drove down the road, restaurants and stores looked busy, and Jordan seemed to almost draw energy from the lively buzz surrounding them. Meanwhile, Keiko really just wanted to get dinner and go home. Not that he was unhappy, but he had barely slept the previous night, and it was already almost eight now.
“Here!” Jordan said, pointing at the restaurant. The colorful lights and the music made it look nice. And truthfully, Keiko couldn’t wait to have some authentic ramen—not the instant packaged kind.
Chimes on the door jingled as they walked in. The aroma of incenses and food filled the air, dousing Keiko in a wave of nostalgia as he remembered his Nana’s house. He couldn’t wait to go there in the summer.
“Hello. Table for two?”
Jordan nodded, smiling. The lady grabbed two menus and led then over to a table near the fancy jade fountain in the center of the restaurant, carved fish and dragons making it look detailed and beautiful. Keiko couldn’t help but admit that it was far beyond his expectations.
The two siblings chatted casually, talking about whatever topics came to their minds. When they ordered, Keiko got himself some spicy Tonkotsu ramen with Takoyaki while Jordan ordered herself a giant sushi platter and spring rolls.
The food came out faster than they expected, which just impressed Keiko more.
The food was amazing. Not to his Nana’s standards, but really great.
Keiko could’ve laughed at Jordan who was all but inhaling her sushi. Then he pouted when she took one of his Takoyaki balls, but took one of her spring rolls as payback.
By the time they finished the dinner with cherry blossom jelly desserts, Keiko was in a much better mood than he was in when the night started. They split the check and then decided to go to the city park to just walk around and hang out a little longer.
“No way. Our best vacation was when we went to Birmingham, England,” Keiko states, kicking a rock on the sidewalk. The park was pretty much empty save for a few people here and there. The starry sky was visible through the trees.
“Birmingham was fun, sure, but China was on a whole other level. Don’t you remember the Birds Nest resort? It was something straight out of a fantasy book, I swear. And the food was WAY better.”
Keiko rolled his eyes, but didn’t deny the last part. He’d honestly prefer Chinese street food over fish’n’chips.
Suddenly, Jordan’s stomach let out a growl that was loud enough for Keiko to hear, and he chuckled and raised a brow at her. “Are you already hungry again? You just ate your weight in sushi!”
Jor narrowed her eyes at him. “Not hungry. I’m stuffed, actually. My gut is just a little off, that’s all.”
The smirk on Keiko’s face faltered just slightly. “Off?”
She shrugged, but Keiko noticed the slight tensing of her jaw. Still though, she didn’t say anything until she changed the topic and the two started talking about music and singers and celebrity drama that’s been circulating through the internet.
Keiko was stating his bet on how long Taylor Swift’s relationship with Travis Kelce was gonna last when Jordan suddenly just stopped walking. After realizing a few steps ahead that his sister was no longer walking beside him, he turned and saw her slightly bent over, one hand on her stomach while her head was tilted down.
He frowned. “Jor? Are you o—”
She interrupted his question and answered it at the same time by spewing her dinner all over the sidewalk. Keiko cursed, going back to her and quickly bunching up her long silky hair, even the strands which already had puke in them.
“Crap,” she grumbled, spitting on the ground. “I got sick.”
Keiko snorted a laugh. “Yeah, I can see that, dumbass.” Then his voice softened. “Do you think you caught the flu or something?” He continued to hold her hair in one hand while his other cupped her forehead, but he felt no heat. She was cold and clammy.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? I’ve never had the stomach flu before!”
Keiko sighed. If she didn’t have a fever, then it likely wasn’t the flu. She’d seemed fine up until just then. What—
She vomited again, and the sight of chunks of white rice and pink meat made him freeze and his blood run cold.
“Shit. Um, okay.” He grabbed her wrist. “Okay, arm around my neck. I’m picking you up.”
She groaned in reply, allowing him to hook her arm around his neck and pick her up bridal style.
Keiko ignored any stares they got from the few people in the park, and Jordan was suddenly too dizzy with nausea to even notice.
When they got to Jordan’s car, Keiko sat her in the passenger seat and took the driver’s side.
It was another semi-long drive to the hospital.
Keiko thought he might have been overreacting a bit, but he’d rather be safe than sorry. It was quite a long wait in the hospital’s waiting room. A nurse had come out with a basin when Jordan had thrown up for the third time while sitting.
Finally, a different nurse took Jordan to get some tests, and Keiko stayed in the waiting room, tapping his foot anxiously. He didn’t want to text any of their friends unless he was sure it was something serious, but he did shoot a quick text to Eliana to tell her.
She was there as well in ten minutes.
It was a tense hour or two before a doctor came out and called Jordan’s name. Keiko and Eliana both stood and walked over to him.
“She’s fine,” the doctor said. “It’s just some fairly nasty food poisoning from some fish toxins, but no salmonella or anything like that. We’ll pump her stomach, hook her up to some antibiotics, and she should be out of here in two days or so.”
Keiko thanked the doctor, and he and Eliana went back to sitting and waiting.
“She was so excited when she heard about that place,” Eliana sighed, sagging back in her seat. “Now she’s getting her stomach pumped because of their crack-attempt at making edible food.”
Keiko shrugged. “It might’ve just been a bad batch of fish. Everything else there was perfect. It was fun.”
Eliana smiled a bit. “It’s nice that you two are so close,” she said. “Not many siblings are like that.” If Keiko noticed the slight catch in her voice, he didn’t show it.
Eliana stood then. “Alright, well, I have to get home and get to sleep. Tomorrow’s an exam day for me. But text me updates, and I’ll come visit Jor tomorrow after my test. Love ya, Kei.”
“Bye, El.”
They hugged, and she left.
It was a while of playing Subway Surfers on his phone to pass time before the doctor returned.
“She’s been settled in a room now. You can see her if you’d like.”
The doctor led Keiko up to a small room where his sister was in a bed glowering at her stomach like she had a vendetta against it. He noticed that her hair had been cleaned up and tied in a loose bun.
“Hey, sis,” Keiko said, sitting in the chair beside her bed. “How’re you feeling?”
She pouted at him. “They stuck a tube up my nose,” she muttered. “It was fucking uncomfortable as hell. And now my stomach feels. . . itchy.”
It took everything Keiko had to not laugh. “Um. . . itchy? Your stomach feels itchy?”
She huffed, rolling her eyes. “Well, not itchy. It’s just, like, tingly and sore and I feel disgusting right now and I’m hungry, but I’m not allowed to eat! And my head hurts and my abdomen is achy and did I mention that I had a tube stuck up my nose?! And it went all the way down to my stomach!!! And I can’t go home, even though I really just wanna be in my own bed while cuddling my girlfriend and life sucks and the world sucks and that stupid restaurant sucks and I really want some tacos!”
Keiko really couldn’t help but start laughing at the end of his sister’s rant.
She pouted at him again. “Really? No sympathy for your sick, ailing, dying sister?”
Keiko smirked. “Not really. But I’ll make the funeral arrangements. Orange and blue flowers, and an open casket with your body dressed in a Baby Shark costume. How does that sound?”
Jordan’s pout seemed to contort weirdly as she tried not to smile or cringe, but it was a losing battle and the cringe won. “I’ll rise from my grave to haunt you.”
“Let’s talk about the inheritance now.”
“Oh my God!”
They both started laughing. When both of their laughing fits subsided, Keiko hugged his sister tightly. “Tonight was a fun night,” he said. “Thanks for getting me out of my house. I swear, I’ve been becoming a cave rat.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “And how about next time we want Japanese food, we take a trip home and have Nana make it.”
Smiling, Keiko nodded. “Agreed.”
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softichill · 1 year
Every day I am coming up with new cookie run OC ideas and every day I forget to draw them
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phiori · 1 month
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yyokkki · 2 months
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Azul Ashengrotto
Owner of the town saloon! But he sells more than food and drink… With the right price he’ll get you items you never knew existed!
He’s an octopus merman that earned his and the Leech twins human form with the help of the mysterious wizard after making a deal with him.
His plan is to expand his business to the neighbouring town then the city then internationally but for now he’s getting the hang of it in Night Raven Valley.
A lot of special bulletin board requests are going to be from him on behalf of his business and he might form a partnership with your farm if you’re able to provide him proof of your crops' quality. (Iridium Quality Ancient Fruit Wine basically)
Is often found running the saloon or in the library.
Loved Gifts: Sand Dollar, Fried Chicken, Universal Loves
“How generous of you! Here’s a voucher for a 70% discount on anything in the saloon~”
Hated Gifts: Salad, Broken Glasses, Universal Hates
“Why, thank you farmer!” (Next time you go to the saloon the prices are suddenly higher)
Jade Leech
Azul’s right hand man and the bartender at the town saloon! Took interest in Azul and his plans while in the sea and followed him up to NRV.
A moray eel merman that came to the surface with Azul and Floyd.
Owns a mushroom cave hidden in the forest (Azul and Floyd don’t know about this and are confused where he’s getting them from).
Regularly goes foraging in the forests and mountains as well as exploring the mines.
Is often found at the saloon tending bar, in the forests or in the mines.
Loved Gifts: Octopus Carpaccio, All Mushrooms, Sturgeon, Universal Loves
“Oya? How kind of you. ^^”
Hated Gifts: Eel (He doesn’t like the texture), Universal Hates
“Oh dear… How uninteresting.”
Floyd Leech
Security squad (No, I did not mistype that he is the whole squad) for the town saloon.
A moray eel merman that came to the surface with Azul and Jade.
Is often found by the entrance of the saloon with a bored to death look on his face or jumping around town doing parkour. Goes down to the mines sometimes for fun.
Plays basketball with Ace and Jamil every sunny Wednesday.
Loved Gifts: Takoyaki, Sturgeon, tbh feels like it changes every week, Universal Loves
“!! Shrimpy!!! You’re so sweet~”
Hated Gifts: All Mushrooms, Universal Hates
“...Are you askin’ to be squeezed?”
TWST x SDV Masterlist
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tarot-archives · 4 months
♕Holding hands— Miya Twins x reader
Aromanticism | Fluff | oh yeah, this is an aromantic series for our platonic enthusiasts
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"I don't want to hold your hands anymore."
"Okay,” one twin said.
"Fine by me,” the other followed.
This whole hand-holding agreement started when you were in junior high. It was the first time you went to a community festival without adult supervision. You had promised the twins for a night filled with fireworks and food escapades. Or at least, that was how you initially planned...
The thing is, after a few minutes, you got lost in the crowd of tourist and locals alike. Losing the twins made you anxious as you searched for the two. Eventually, they found you crying on the bench by one of the Takoyaki stands. As they approached, they saw that your feet suffered from red sores and bruises since your sandals broke during your search.
On that night, they comforted you as you went home. Osamu had volunteered to give you a piggyback ride as Atsumu walked beside you two, gripping the broken slipper. Since then, they always held your hand during festivals. At first, it was due to fear until it turned into a mindless habit. But now, since you would enjoy your first festival as a first-year high schooler with the twins, you figured to grow out the practice and show them just how mature you had become!
So far so good, you thought after fifteen minutes in the body-crushing crowd. The shrine was especially packed today because of the successful tourism campaign, much to your dismay.
Dead ahead, you see the familiar shade of grey and gold on top of two towering heights. Their hands were just close enough to be held, but you opted to be independent. But just to be sure...
You grabbed both ends of each respective sleeve of their burgundy jacket. You didn't hold their hand, but at least you felt secure.
It was the start of independence, so to speak...
+Headcanons for holding hands+
-Hand holding isn't an issue with them. Like it's only skin contact? People can stare at them for hecks sake. They don't care at all.
-Osamu does get bothered but only a tiny bit. Their grandmother makes it an issue but it's comments like "you'd make a great pair!"
-competitive hand holding is a thing with Atsumu. It just a squeezing contest to see who has the most hand strength.
-both hands have calluses. so it's expected to be hard textured skin.
-they won't mind the condition of your hands either. whether its soft, hard, or not functioning. they want to h o l d.
-if you have wrist pains Osamu will massage them. Kita-san had given him tips so he tries to practice them on you.
-Atsumu knows you have hand lotion. It's because he gave it to you when he saw a buy one get one deal. He casually steals them one day when he lost his one day.
-Atsumu's fingernails are trimmed and well maintained, you observed. Both of them do maintain them but Atsumu owns a fancy kit.
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vampiir3d · 1 month
Jade and Floyd need to leave Azul alone 😭
For anyone who didn’t know what the twins favorite food is, according to fandom.com Floyd’s is Takoyaki and Jade’s is Octopus Carpaccio
Thank you for your time
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demonslayedher · 8 months
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Not as much to say in my write-up today, because I would really just like to bask in this episode. The way that flashback of the Tokito Twins unfolds is an example of why I am so hooked on anime. That is some good angst, and it's made even better with that lighting, pacing, and vocal direction. I love the subtle changes in expressions, and the pause as Muichiro and Yuichiro just find themselves looking at each other in the silence of the night before the violence explodes. Ufotable was on their A-game. But also, none of this is original--they just read all the elements of the manga panels very mindfully, right down to all the ginkgo leaves.
--Like, seriously, seeing this episode animated just got me so much more emotionally invested in this back story than just seeing it unfold in manga panels. It took Yuichiro from "background character" to "character I feel deep regret for." He's not just crabby, he's a grieving kid who rightfully feels abandoned and desperate to hang on to what he has left, and that desperation leaves him no room to be kind or gentle--despite how deeply he cares.
--Irony time! Muichiro's favorite food is furofuki daikon--it's usually made with daikon cut into rounds like Yuichiro cut at that angry moment, and they already had a pot simmering in the background. Despite his irritated exterior, was Yuichiro nonetheless making a dish he knows Muichiro likes? In the way he talks about Amane just being out to use them because they're helpless children, it feels like a protective parent forbidding a child who dreams of being an actor from being targeted by talent scouts. It's heartbreaking that the fallout in their relationship comes from a place of love.
--I said after watching this episode before that I want an AU in which Muichiro grows up to be a sushi chef. Nah. Gyokko can the sushi artisan, and Muichiro can open a dinky takoyaki cart right outside his fancy restaurant and be way more popular.
--I love how Muichiro, powered by the desire to save Kotetsu and therefore able to free himself from the water pot, suddenly sounds more like his old little-brother self. Part of that--a lot of that--is due to being in a bad state due to the attacks he's endured. Of course you don't feel good, little dude, that's a bunch of Upper Moon Five poison in you. Not to mention you're severely injured. Still, it's so sweet to hear him sound more like little Muichiro instead of Yuichiro in his tone and cadence, especially as he recalls more about his dad.
--Another shout out to Kotetsu and Kanamori for being such troopers. Once again, I am confounded by Kanamori's timeline of when Tanjiro would have asked him to be understanding of Muichiro, Kanamori looking up Tetsuido's way of smithing Muichiro's sword because Tanjiro asked him this, and Kanamori having started and completed Muichiro's sword. The only way it works is if Kanamori works at the speed of sound and somehow the steel keeps pace with him as he smiths, or if Tanjiro for whatever reason asked him very far in advance to be understanding of Muichiro (well before Tanjiro and Muichiro had the Yoriichi Type Zero incident), or if Kanamori did not present the order of events or the cause and effect exactly as they happened. Perhaps he looked at Tetsuido's records first, and was finishing the sword when he mentioned being nervous about it to Tanjiro, and then with Tanjiro's encouragement, he got deeper inspiration from Tetsuido's notes while making the extra effort to understanding Muichiro. Whatever case, it's heartwarming that even though Muichiro & Kotetsu friendship gets more attention, Kanamori was indeed laying the foundation to be a very supportive part of Muichiro's life--this not only would put Tetsuido at rest, but it would cement how reliant swordsmen are on their swordsmiths. Also, it would simply be very nice and sweet to see Kanamori being a caring, sturdy presence in Muichiro's life.
--Also worth noting again, Kotetsu pleads with Muichiro to save Haganezuka, in order to save that sword.
--RIP for now, Kotetsu
--Gyokko is actually fun and I love how expressive he is with this unique body language, like how his little hands go to his neck once he's been cut. He acts like his pants have fallen down.
--Haganezuka is indeed very cool and handsome and no I don't think he'd have noticed if Kanamori got killed.
--This was an episode with no Tanjiro. I think the last time this happened was... the Rengoku special???
--He's there in the Taisho Secret, though, because this aired around Mitsuroi-chan's birthday! The Kamado siblings are so star-struck they really do just spend all these Taisho Secret time they can get with her. (Meanwhile, Tanjiro's only impressions of Muichiro are "He's right but he's a meanie! Though maybe he doesn't mean to be mean? Also, wow, he's impressive. Haha, he grabbed my nose! ...Uh, did he notice Chachamaru or something... is he... okay? Oh, he's flying----" so of course Tanjiro is going to be confused when Muichiro is suddenly a huge fan of him and thanking him for stuff he didn't even do.) Anyway, I happened to have just finishing eating omuraisu (omelette rice) when I watched this Taisho Secret, so tee hee, ya~y
--As usual, I had a lot to say.
--I'll just state again, THAT FLASHBACK IS SO GOOD. LIKE, DANG.
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Stay away from him.
So like, octopi eat shrimp, right? And morays have a symbiotic relationship with a certain species of shrimp, RIGHT? So please consider. The tweels constantly thinking Azul's gonna hurt their "precious little shrimpy" in some way and being super over protective of them :) (btw this is definitely one of the more tame yandere fics I've written)
And oh my goodness I'm running out of Octavinelle gifs to use.
Warning(s): male reader, over-protectiveness, some minor injuries
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You didn't exactly want to be sorted into Octavinelle, but hey, it is what it is.
Your family owns a cafe back home, so working at the on-campus cafe your dorm ran was a cinch, easy, no problem at all!
You earned the title of 'employee of the month' (whatever that means) in only your first month of being a student of Night Raven College. Nice.
Thanks to your... impressive achievement, you caught the eyes of two people. Octavinelle's Vice Housewarden and his twin brother.
You didn't want to get tangled up with them in any way... but, it happened regardless.
"Hey, Shrimpy, wanna sit with Jade and I during lunch~?" Floyd playfully asked you. "It'll be fun!"
"No, I was actually thinking-" But before you could finish your sentence, Floyd had grabbed your hand and was already dragging you to the cafeteria with him.
You didn't get to get your own food, but Jade and Floyd shared theirs with you.
"Here, have some of my takoyaki, Shrimpy!"
"Would you like some of my carpaccio? I don't mind sharing with you."
You don't exactly like the taste of octopus, but you appreciate them giving you food.
"Hello Jade, Floyd..." Azul sat down opposite to you. "...and (Y/N). Why is he here?"
"Because he's a tiny little shrimp who needs protection!" Floyd wrapped his arms around you, causing you to choke a bit.
"We've decided to protect him. Of course, in return for certain things..." Jade added, causing you to feel, well, uncomfortable to say the least.
"...ok. Well, (Y/N), I can tell you're..." Azul sorta trailed off, either not knowing what to say or not wanting to say it. "But the three of us have some important things regarding our business we need to discuss, and I would appreciate it if you could leave."
"I'm ok with that." You said, standing up.
But then, both of your arms were grabbed by the twins.
"No, (Y/N) can listen." Jade insisted. "He's a model employee, I'm sure it's fine if he listens in on our business plans."
"Yeah... why're you trying to separate him from us, Azul?" Floyd asked. "It's almost like you want to get him alone so you can catch him by surprise and hurt him."
"What?! No, obviously not!" Azul yelled.
"Well I don't believe you!" Floyd yelled back. They were causing a scene... you'd really rather not be in this situation right now.
"I don't either." Jade calmly added. "Now, Azul, let's discuss our business."
Unfortunately. This is how the rest of your week would go as well.
Those weird twins were very protective of you.
And, they would come to you with problems like injuries and... well, mostly just injuries. Bad ones too.
For example: one night, Floyd entered your room, covered in bite marks, scratch marks, and other various injuries.
"What the hell happened to you?!" You yelled at him.
"Jade and I had a fight." He rolled his eyes. "I'm really huuuuuuuuurt, Shrimpy!"
"Yeah, no shit, Floyd!" You exclaimed. "W-wait here, I'll be right back."
After half an hour or so, you came back with some disinfectant and bandages you bought from the school store.
After everything was all said and done, Floyd laughed at your choice in bandages.
"What?" You asked.
"Nothing, just lookin' at these cute little sea creature bandages ya got." He smirked. "They're kinda funny looking!" He giggled at the silly little fish illustrations.
"Oh, yeah, I saw 'em at Sam's shop and I just had to buy them!" You explained. "You can keep the box of them, if you want. I-I don't think I'll use them very much..."
"Eh, I don't see why not. Sure, I'll take your silly little bandages!"
Things like this kept happening. Whenever the two of them had bad things happen, they'd immediately go to you for help. Your classmates and others view of you changed significantly when they saw the fucking Leech brothers following you around like baby ducks.
It was very off-putting to everyone else.
You, Floyd, and Jade had (what they described as) a symbiotic relationship. You took care of them and they took care of you.
One time you were sick with a really bad fever, and Jade took care of you! He got you tea, soup, a cold towel for your forehead, he even put on a movie for you on one of those old portable DVD players because you couldn't get out of bed.
One time you fell down the stairs, and you got a bad scrape on your knee. Nothing serious, but it definitely hurt. When Floyd noticed your scrape, he gave you one of the sea creature bandages you gave him a few days ago. Specifically, it was one with a moray eel on it (you're almost 100% sure he gave you that one on purpose.)
They also really didn't want you to be anywhere near Azul.
They'd do everything in their power to keep you as far away from Azul as possible. The only time you saw Azul without the twins supervising you was board game club meetings. But even then, Azul avoided you. So during board game club you kinda just sat by yourself in the corner, browsing your phone.
One time, you tried to make a deal with Azul, but he declined! He, Azul Ashengrotto, known for pushing deals to people and pressuring them into contracts, declined to make a deal with you!
One night, as you were watching a movie with Floyd, he said something to you.
"Listen, Shrimpy... we need to talk." He began. "You should really try to stay away from Azul. He's dangerous."
What you didn't know was that Jade was having a very similar conversation with Azul.
"We want you to stay away from him, Azul." Jade said. "I'm sure you know how Floyd and I feel about (Y/N), and I'm sure you know he can barely defend himself... so please stay away from him from now on."
You didn't know why Floyd was telling you to avoid Azul, he's harmless! And, even though he can be kinda cruel with his contracts, he's usually really nice.
"Floyd, he's our Housewarden! He's kinda hard to avoid because of that..." You mentioned.
"So? Just try to avoid him as best as you can. You don't have to perfectly avoid him, since most of the time Jade and I will be around to keep ya safe... you just have to be extra careful when we aren't around, kay~?"
"N-no? That's insane, I'll be fine!" You responded.
"Hm... well, I won't force you to do anything. I just want you to stay safe, 'cause Azul's a dangerous guy!" Floyd gave you a very tight hug. "You should stay away from him."
Jade had his magic pen pressed against Azul's throat like a knife, though it was just a bit more threatening since, with the magic pen, Jade could burn Azul to a crisp in two seconds.
"You know Floyd and I appreciate your friendship... I would hate to hurt you, I truly would... but if you hurt (Y/N), you will force my hand." Jade backed off slightly. "Please don't hurt him in any way. If you do, you know what will happen. I will know what you did. Floyd and I will both know what you did to our little darling (Y/N). So please... stay away from him."
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rants-about-opm · 11 months
What I Think Reigen Got For His Birthday
Serizawa- A badly-tailored but clearly well meant suit. Serizawa admitted far too casually that he was so deathly scared of getting measurements done at a store or having to return an item that he started learning how to sew. Reigen compliments his ladder stitch. Serizawa did not know it was called a ladder stitch.
Mob- A larger version of The Shirt. It does not fit Reigen. It is pukey in color and when Reigen puts it on for a picture the face he makes in an attempt to smile cannot be differentiated from that of the hideous patterned monkeys.
Tome- An Axolotl bag clip. It clearly came from one of those little toy dispensers you find at the laundromat, but Tome claims it cost her a week's pay, and if that still makes it cheap, that means Reigen owes her a raise.
Ritsu- An even larger version of The Shirt. It fits Reigen like a night gown. It came off ebay. It was listed as heavily worn and possibly cursed. He did not wash it before gifting it to Reigen.
Dimple- A gift certificate for free all you can eat Takoyaki. It turned out to be fake. Reigen spent the night in jail.
Teru- Didn't get the memo. Sent Reigen a nice cake.
Sans Undertale- A framed 6' by 6' painting of himself as a plane crashing into Reigen and the Queen as the twin towers. And a box of nice chocolates.
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
Keigo taking care of his darling while in her period was great; now i would like to see him taking care of the girl while preggy. Can be the twins or the first pregnacy. Pretty please?
♡ One of Those Days ♡
(A/N: I haven’t written a domestic fic in so long 😡😡 I’m so happy I finally did again 😭😭😭 I hope you like this, Keigo is the type to have one kid then just way more and more and more  lol!! And I’m glad you liked my period fic 💗)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, domestic stuff, pregnancy, fem!reader, mentions of birth, mentions of morning sickness
Summary: Keigo comforts you on a rough day during your pregnancy (Yan!Hawks x Fem!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You let out a sigh as you lay on the mattress beneath you. This was the absolute worst. You loved the baby growing inside of you, you loved them to death. But, god, did you want them to just get out of you. There were good days of your pregnancy, of course. Days were you felt as if you were glowing and you felt great. But there were also days where you were hurting, were you felt sick, were you just wish your baby was born already.
Today was one of those days were you felt awful. You wanted to lay in bed, do nothing but eat, watch your favorite movies, and cry. You don’t turn or move at the sound of the door to the balcony opening. Keigo often came in through the balcony door to his penthouse as it was simply easy for him to fly down onto the balcony. You simply stayed put. You try to remind yourself you only have a month left before your baby is supposed to be born.
“Alright, baby bird, so I got the udon you asked for but then I realized that you’d probably get hungry later to so I also got you some takoyaki” Keigo said as he came into the room. You had told him earlier how much you craving some of your favorite food from this local place, so of course he had to go get some for you.
“You doing any better?” He asks, watching you turn in the bed. “Not really. He’s gonna be a handful that’s for sure” you mumble, your baby was quite active often taking opportunities to kick and punch you from inside you.
You two had found out you were having a baby boy. Keigo was to nervous to take you out to go to the doctor so instead he had doctors come to you to do checkups and ultrasounds.
Keigo leans down against your belly which held your baby. You were eight months pregnant and clearly visible. “I love you so much but stop hurting my Y/n. Your mom is tired, leave her alone” Keigo mumbles to your baby bump before kissing it. You laugh a bit at how sweet it is before another wave of pain hit you.
“It really hurts” you groan, watching as Keigo begins to unpack your food. He opted to feed you himself because he was practically convinced you were unable to do anything while pregnant.
He found every opportunity to just baby you. “I know, baby. Do you want some medicine?” He asks, pulling to food away from you as you try to reach out for it. Showing you that he was going to feed you and you didn’t exactly have a choice.
“No, I had some earlier” you say before taking a bite of the noodles that he holds out for you. “How about after you eat, I’ll lay with you, do that thing that calms you down” he says. He would play with your hair with one hand and lightly draw random shapes on your back with his other. It always seemed to calm you down, even helping you fall asleep.
“Just one more month baby, then we get to hold him in our arms”
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Gushing about animol crossing lil guys (gn) token. Expires never.
Hello Will I kinda really love you for this, you sweet sweet blue boy you 🥺💙
Say hello to the Hope World family 🌈
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Deets and Pics bellow (very long):
Coco and Lily
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My two favourites! Will get along with literally everyone 🥹
Coco is forever my number one spookie cookie bunny, but Lily is a close second - the sweetest froggy you'll ever meet!!! They are both incredibly sweet, and in my island lore they are besties 🥺🐰🐸
Their houses are next to one other, and often share books, baking tips, and whatever knitting project their working on! They hang out with Zucker a lot 🐙
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My cranky old man 🥹 Out of all of them, he's the least popular in the fandom 😔
Has been with me the longest - was my very first campsite villager, and has since settled well! He may be old, but likes to learn new slang from the youngins. Has the coolest study/library ever.
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It him!! My precious takoyaki baby boy!!!
He always has a silly outfit on - the pineapple hat was a MUST. Loves to snack, play games, and hang by the beach. A silly cutie patootie 🥹🐙
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Look at him!!! He so small and sassy 🥺
Marshall is the fashionista / coffee snob of our island. Literally lives off caffeine and compliments. Likes to visit Elvis and be Fancy™ for a little bit hehe. Great friends with Francine. Smol and Angy hehehe 🐿️
Bob and Chrissy
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MARRIED. They are MARRIED and IN LOVE - 3 year anniversary coming up soon!!! 💜🩷
Bob is the coolest (and only) cat in the whole island. Chrissy was totally smitten with him hehe. He's also a silly boy who is a bit of a gamer - has a super cool set up. A literal textbook himbo 🤭
Chrissy is Francine's twin. They were popstars in their youth (listen to K. K. Bubblegum), and currently she's the only one still in the entertainment businesses. Always dresses fancy - pink and glittery and so so cute 💖. Sings all the time, also the most extroverted of the bunch.
Francine and Fuchsia
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The Cool Girlfriends™ - kinda intimidating at first, but very friendly 💙💖
Francine is Chrissie's twin. Unlike her super chirpy sister, Francine is a bit more elegant and reserved. She now works as a designer - the spotlight was made for her Chrissy, not her. Best friend's with Marshall - The Fashion Duo ever (WILL judge your fashion choices) 💅 ✨
Fuchsia is our resident punk barbie deer. Dresses mostly in black and band merch - we talk a lot about bands and stuff. Very sensible and kind, always there for you if you need to vent. A true punk princess, Avril Lavigne wishes she was her 🖤
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Our newest resident! Moved in last week after Pietro left. He's still getting to know everyone, but so far is getting along super well with Bob - he and Zucker often have game nights and Genji loves it (Elvis is too old to stay up so late, and Marshall prefers to go drink with the girlies).
Genji is a total gym rat but not obnoxious at all - he's just super active. He and Fuchsia will work out together sometimes 🏋️
-> Old family photo from when Pietro (clown sheep) was still in Hope World - taken during my birthday sleepover. You can see Fuchsia in her Sleep Token shirt 🥹
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Bonus family photo but Silly™
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If you read this far, have a little snack -> cherry pie, a Hope World specialty! 🍒🥧
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truth-snake · 9 months
POV: when you get hit by a gender changing potion but you’re already a girl pretending to be a dude in NRC, so nothing changes.
@snakewh1sperer @sanetwstluver can I transfer to Scarabia pls? I can’t do this anymore. I’m about to turn Crowley into KFC and I can’t do that because he’s my source of money.
Anyway! :)
Weather was nice today.
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hanafubukki · 5 months
So I just learned a few things about Jade and Floyd thanks to this..... One being they have sharp teeth meaning they prefer fish and OCTOPUS (Azul possibly could've been an actual meal for the brothers if Azul didn't get them as business partners), two that either later in their lives Jade and Floyd will possibly become females or they already are in fact both male and female (if this one that just means a Female Yuu has some "girl" buddies at NRC and can have girl talks with)
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I can't look at the Leech Twins the same way ever again o_O
Hello Raven 🌷🌸💚
I’m not as well versed in octavinelle but I do remember that the twins both have a dish they love with octopus in it 🤣 (I love takoyaki too)
But the other facts I never knew 😂😂 this was a rather interesting to learn before bed 😆😆
Oh this kind of reminds me of all the mermaid smut I used to read 🤣🤣
This would be a fun take of the Leech twins pulling off both looks. Makes for fun mafia boss esque stories where they can go under cover as both female or male. 🤔 We have also seen how Jade can fit into Pomefiore too, so they definitely have what it takes to fit any style of clothing and such.
Thank you for sharing Raven 🌷🌸
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ye-local-simp · 2 years
Valentine's Special
How NRC students spend Valentines with you.
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-He would spend Valentine's in tea party reserved for two.
-He didn't actually find this so had since he always had to host the unbirthday parties but the stress of making it perfect went to him.
-Throughout the whole thing, he was so flustered.
-You both would bake something together.
-Whatever you wanted since he always had the pleasure of baking literally everything.
-He wanted you to have this new experience for yourself.
-He would get permission to get you to a very trendy spot arcade and ice cream store in Isle of Sages.
-He literally magicams everything.
-but respects your wishes if you don't want him to post it.
-Movies at Ramshackle.
-An action one or horror or mystery is one he would want to watch.
-but if you want to watch a different genre, he will endure it for you.
-He also shows you card tricks he just came up with to impress you.
-Bike ride around the Isle of Sages
-Dont worry, this time he got permission to keep his title as model student.
-And then a long walk at the beach where you both return with another bike ride home in the sunset.
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-You both would just cuddle at home.
-Of course this lazy lion wouldn't want to go outside so this was expected.
-But it went great anyways.
-You let him rest on your chest, but it made you tired too, so at least you got more refreshed out of this.
-A walk and cuddles too.
-These are the rare few times where Leona isn't there to keep bossing him around.
-So he would like to do something relaxing for free.
-The school gym.
-he won't force you to work out but if you do, he will support you.
-If you instead just tag along, you just have a conversation.
-He allows you to ait on his back while he does push-ups.
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-Where else?
- The Monstro Lounge.
-But it took many favours from the Leech twins.
-Since they cooked everything.
-As long as you don't order octopus Takoyaki, you two are good.
-The school Pool.
-if you could swim, you both just have a great time hanging out in the water.
-If not, he will teach you to swim.
-Don't worry, no pranking if it would upset you.
-Near the aquarium.
-He likes to see you being fascinated by fish even though all he thinks when he sees a fish is how delicious it would be.
-If he gets bored, he would ask if you would like to hand out in the dorm waters.
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-cooking a meal together.
-This idea doesn't even slightly annoy him since he is cooking for the both of you and not for Kalim and the entire dorm.
-He would throw a party for you.
-Allowing you to ride the elephant.
-Of course, all the different food that you will eat.
-And he will give you some great gifts.
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-A romantic dinner at home.
-Normally, he would go for something elegant.
-But he does want you to stay safe though.
-If he is caught with you, your life may be in danger for fangirls and paparazzi.
-But the dinner was great too.
-Because you couldn't go to a fancy place, he tried to make the home dinner just as fancy at least.
-Walk around the forest of Ramshackle.
-As a hunter, the forest excites him.
-Mostly because there are more things to hunt, and he can show off his tricks to you.
-A picnic.
-Mostly because it reminds him of his home and it didn't seem hard.
-Plus, he could be himself so he doesn't have to lay low with the accent.
-And it was in the forest so he had space to be manly.
-So it was a no-brainer to do this idea.
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-You both would have a game night in his room.
-He wants to try out many games with you and to see your take on them.
-He talks surprisingly a lot the whole time.
-But it's nice, to see him talking about something he's is passionate about it.
-You both write a card for each other.
-Its actually a really cute card, and he gets help from Idia to understand what messages people would like.
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-You both walk around Ramshackle late at night.
-Obviously, this is something he does often but it is more fun when you are there too.
-He will carry you back afterwards if you want him to.
Afterwards, you both hang out inside Ramshackle afterwards for some tea or something.
-Cooking together.
-But you could already tell his meals aren't surprising- but rather shocking.
-Just pray that you have enough excuse not to eat it.
-You both cook each other a surprise meal.
-The Colloseum.
-You both just chat there whilst he talks about Malleus.
-If you get bored, he will just make it into a get to know each other thing.
- He will ask about your home, and he will talk about Briar Valley.
-In the forest near Ramshackle.
-For some reason, a bunch a cute animals run up to you both.
- He doesn't really understand the joy, but you did since animals like these would usually run away.
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-You both hang out at Ramshackle.
-He gave him tuna and a card and did all the chores for the day such as get stuff from the school store.
-He didn't expect a gift since he actually didn't know what valentines was but you told him it was a holiday from your home.
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