#takeda sensei always hits you with his words
whoamels · 1 year
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“hinata-kun, right now, this very moment—this is still volleyball”
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
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Day 6 - Ginny's birthday Extravaganza
A/N: A volleyball coach and a literature sensei being cute together, I hope you enjoy precious babies my deeeear! @otomiya-tickles
Summary: Takeda-sensei refuses to give up on his volleyball practice, but his tenacity and stubbornness will be his downfall because his boyfriend, Ukai-kun, is really mean.
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"You suck at this."
"I never- huff, huff- s-said I was, haaah, good at s-sports..."
How hilarious it was to see the always perfect Takeda-sensei so short of breath. His face was flushed, his glasses askew, and his forehead was covered in a layer of sweat. 
Ukai never thought that Takeda would actually agree to play volleyball with him after the boys quickly finished their practices, but stubborn and tenacious as always, Takeda had accepted without a second thought, and now he could barely form a coherent word between heavy breaths and gasps.
It was foolish of Ukai, though, to think his cute boyfriend would decline a challenge. That was just not his personality and Ukai couldn't help but fall a little deeper in love with him for that.
He chuckled to himself when Takeda failed to send the ball to the other side of the net where Ukai was ready to receive it. Maybe this little sensei had had enough.
"Okay, I think we should stop now, you're not doing this right," he teased him, smirking when Takeda glared at him, fixing his glasses. 
"If I give you," he gulped, taking a deep breath, "a literature- huff, test, you would fail it, but I won't fail this."
Ukai felt his heart flutter. He loved Takeda's determination, it was one of his favorite traits, but he also knew that Takeda wouldn't be a volleyball genius just because he wanted to, that is to say, he needed more practice than just Ukai throwing ball after ball at him. 
But he would amuse him just because he could, and Ukai would also amuse himself, of course.
"Okay, fine. Tell you what, if you manage to serve the ball properly this time…" Ukai had to fight the urge to laugh when Takeda frowned. "... Dinner's on me, but if you fail then I'll, hmm, oh! Then I'll tickle you for… five minutes."
Takeda's face, already red, flushed brightly, finally making Ukai finally laugh out loud. 
"That's stupid!" Takeda squeaked. "Why would you say that?! Now I'm too nervous!" 
"Are you going to try or are you not? Make it quick, I'm counting. One…"
"H-Hold on! I need to think- 
"I'm telling you to wait, I-
"Okay, fine! I'll do it, dammit!" Takeda grabbed the nearest ball and got himself ready. Ukai watched him amused, he could tell Takeda was trying to copy Kageyama's movements, but it was useless. "Here it goes, get ready! I'm gonna blow off your head!"
Ukai laughed again. "Why are you threatening me?!" 
Takeds took a deep breath and threw the ball up, he jumped and hit it and it… didn't even make it to the net. He watched with pure disbelief in his eyes as the ball was propelled just a few feet in front of him when he hit it. Ukai knew that Takeda had used all his strength to hit that ball, but he had already practiced a lot, there was not much energy inside his body now.
Ukai couldn't help but start laughing while Takeda's ears turned red.
"S-Stop! I- I was not ready, the ball was deflated so it didn't- no! D-Don't come any closer, I'll scream! Don't- ahahaha!" 
Ukai chuckled, his hands all over Takeda's body. "The ball was deflated you say? I see it pretty well inflated, though?" 
Ukai had wrestled Takeda to the floor, straddling him, as he tickled his sides, squeezing up and down and watching with a bright smile how Takeda broke into hysterical giggles. He was so adorably ticklish. 
"It's nahahat! Tihihickling is nohohot fahahair! Ahahahagh!"
"It is fair. You accepted the terms and conditions. I forgot to set the timer, though. I'll have to calculate the time myself," Ukai said, teasing his boyfriend with a wide smirk. 
Takeda shook his head. "Y-You ahahahare teheherrible ahahat mahahath, we wohohon't- AHAHAHA! I'm sohohohorry!" Takeda cackled, squirming and weakly pushing at Ukai's hands as they climbed up towards his ribs. 
"Now you're sorry after being a little shit, huh? I don't think so. I'm adding two more minutes to your punishment."
Takeda shrieked, kicking his legs behind Ukai. "Nahahaha! I sahahahaid I'm sohohohorry! Ahahaha, plehehease!" 
"How long do you think it's been? I estimate about 10 seconds at most?" Ukai said, his fingers crawling up Takeda's ribs, looking for the ticklish spots under his arms. "You still have a long way to go."
"You ahahahare the wohohohorst!" Takeda laughed, throwing his head back as he desperately tried to protect his underarms from Ukai's fingers. "I hahahahate yohohou!" 
Ukai gasped, "you hate me? Sensei, you hurt my feelings. That'll add two more minutes of tickling." 
"PLEHEHEASE, Ukahahai-kuhuhuhun!" 
Ukai laughed softly. His darling was already crying of laughter, would he really stand being tickled for more than five minutes?
The answer was no. 
"Maybe I'll stop if you invite me to dinner?" Takeda nodded, too busy laughing his head off as Ukai's fingers wiggled under his arms, tickling him like crazy. "You also have to clean the gym up before we leave."
"I'll do ahahahanythihihing, plehehease!" 
Ukai stopped at once, and he watched with great pleasure that lingering smile on Takeda's face and heard his adorable residual giggles. He looked so adorably flustered, Ukai couldn't help but lean down to press a tender kiss to his lips. 
"Let's get going," Ukai said, standing up and helping Takeda on his shaky legs. Once he was up, Ukai lovingly fixed his glasses and put a sweater around Takeda's shoulders before placing a water bottle between his shaky hands. "Let's make the kids clean tomorrow, I'm starving."
Takeda gulped on the water and when he caught his breath again, he nodded with a warm smile. "Okay. I'm starving too, it's all because of you though." He rolled his eyes playfully and giggled when Ukai poked his tummy. 
"Yes, yes, yes. Let's get going, sensei. Unless you want me to tickle you again?" 
Ukai laughed when Takeda pushed him out of the gym, urging them both to leave. Ah, he felt like a high schooler in love, but maybe that wasn't so bad at all!
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nowoyas · 25 days
Koi no Yokan 9: don't startle the stray (Nishinoya Yuu/Reader)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: MAN this chapter got away from me. enjoy some fluff!
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Summary: The weekend at Nekoma comes to an end. You settle in for the ride home.
Warnings: blanket series warnings
Words: ~4400
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The vibes are off and you're too tired to do anything but marinate in them.
Another shuffle of bus seats—three girls, two seats at most, but because it's at least daylight and you're alright with it, the others, including Takeda-sensei, have reluctantly allowed a single instance of co-ed seating on the bus, trusting that you'll hit Noya if he tries anything. (You'd gotten onto the bus after him, but you're pretty sure he threatened to fist-fight anyone who sat with him and took your spot. Taking the aisle seat didn't save you: he simply climbed over you to take the window seat.)
Surprisingly, he's not taken the opportunity to talk your ear off. He's kind of got the same vibes everyone else has had ever since this morning, the ones you can't place.
Tense, maybe? Moldy?
You try your best to sigh only internally, not fully willing to be forced to hash it out in an enclosed space regardless of who's decided to pounce on your mood. Instead, you stare at the same damn page of your book that you never got through on the way down here and don't process a single word.
Hinata… got too excited, you guess. Crashed right into Azumane because he wasn't paying enough attention to who the set was for. No one hurt, but then he started in about changing things (not a bad idea, in your totally-expert opinion as someone who has recently gained an entire half of an idea about how volleyball works but who also just spent the past day or so watching them lose), got totally shut down by Kageyama, and outright stated that what they're doing as a team isn't actually working. And ever since, this is what it's been: something pulled taut between the team, everyone on edge.
Something's gonna burst soon.
It's probably a good thing, you think? One of those throw-up-and-then-you'll-feel-better deals. They'll have, like, one big event that fixes everything, and it'll all go back to normal, and it'll be fine and the thing that gets you out of the house will stay fun.
Yeah. It'll be fine.
Mei had always been the weirdest Nishinoya sibling. Kaede was responsible (don't make trouble for Mom this month; she gets really sad around the time her ex-husband left); Satsuki was the troublemaker (I wouldn't have punched him if he weren't such a bitch). Yuu was the only boy, the baby, and only a bit less bad than Satsuki. But Mei?
Mei was quiet. She was a Nishinoya and she was quiet. Despite looking alike, the contrast between her and every single other Nishinoya sibling resulted in strangers assuming they were friends at best and that Mei was being harassed by strangers at worst. Jii-chan got to her too late, probably: all the shyness and all-consuming anxiety that Yuu learned to throw out, to set aside, to hold in for times when no one could see, remained her defining trait.
She didn't have any particular strong hobbies that she was willing to talk about. She cried seemingly at random. She spent long stretches of time doing what looked like nothing at all. She was smart and good at school, but where Yuu got to the test and found it almost impossible to focus long enough to finish in time, she'd sit down for an exam and be escorted out half an hour later, hyperventilating after talking herself into a panic attack. Where he'd learned to simply not give a fuck about academics because he was never gonna be good at them anyway, she was already good and stressed herself to tears.
It'd been Yuu who checked the college entrance exam results for her, Satsuki who screamed about her acceptance loud enough to wake the neighbors, and Kaede who baked a cake to celebrate. But before that, they had to bring home Soba.
Satsuki would kill him for saying it, but Mei was also his favorite sister. He had her to thank for teaching him to spot the onset of an anxiety or panic attack, and her to thank for being able to tell the difference between the two. It was Mei he learned simple, effective strategies for calming oneself for, and Mei who jumped to his defense when he brought home yet another shitty test score. It was hard to control his energy around Satsuki, just a year older than him and the most likely sibling to start or join a fight, and Kaede was kind and responsible but just didn't get it. Mei was the one he could sit silently with, decompress, just exist without feeling the need to be bigger than himself. He found that hard to do with anyone else, at any other time.
(It helped that Mei was the only sister who did not tease him for his height, being shorter than every single other Nishinoya sibling and the only boy.)
The day he found Mei crouching near an empty building in the pouring rain, he listened to her whispered instructions, and they stuck.
Don't push too hard. Crouch down, make yourself small so she doesn't think you're a threat. Let her smell you, but don't reach too fast or move too quickly. Don't shout or you'll scare her. If she hisses or shies away, back off. Be patient, and don't give up.
Admittedly, he's been trying to use the same methods that brought Soba home that first night to get close to you, and admittedly, he hasn't done a very good job with most of them, but you don't seem to have noticed when he breaks a cardinal rule by tackling you or shouting because he's excited to see you, and anyways you're not a stray cat and the two of you are more in the "befriending a nervous cat" stage, but the general strategy stands.
Mei's instructions after the two of them had gotten Soba home had been similar to the ones that got Soba out from under the porch she'd been hiding under, and following those instructions religiously were why Soba loved him and Mei and hated everyone else alive, save for you.
If she needs to hide, let her hide as long as it won't hurt her. It's not like we're trying to give her life-saving medicine, and we'll leave out the things she needs so she can access them on her own time.
Picture you, texting him multiple times in the middle of the night, asking for nothing but a picture of Soba with the sort of texting tone that indicated something was wrong. Picture you, refusing to explain what was wrong. Picture him, letting it go even when he can't shake the sense that you didn't just randomly decide you wanted to see his cat at four in the morning.
Try not to upset her routine. She's a nervous kitty, so doing things around the same time each day will help her get used to us.
This is how he justifies yelling your name and complimenting you every single morning. You're not quite as skittish as Yachi is, but he sees the way you walk yourself into conclusions in your head and he saw the way you spiraled directly into an anxiety attack that time you helped him Ryu and him study. And anyway, you smile when he tells you you look nice that day, so he's not stopping that anytime soon.
Let her come to you. Don't chase her down.
He's not sure near-daily marriage proposals qualifies for not chasing, so to speak, but he's really, really trying not to push any harder than you seem to be okay with.
This last one—other rules for acclimating the nervous new cat that he's decided also apply to courting the prettiest girl he's ever seen—is why, after the fortieth time since he slid into the bus seat beside you, he still doesn't ask why, exactly, you've been on the same page of your book for the past—he checks his phone—forty-three minutes, give or take.
There's no point to giving space to worry ninety percent of the time. If he can't change the outcome, there's no sense in worrying. It's not that he doesn't feel the worry—he just… sets it aside. It's easy to forget it's there if you switch focus to something else, and he's the champion of not focusing on anything at a given time. Shouyo gets too caught up in the game, he creates a new worry by smashing into Asahi's side, but no one was hurt, so forget about it—there's a set to play, a ball to bump, a point to keep in play until it lands on the other side of the net.
But here he is: four and a half hours on a bus, and his most frequent worry these days has been silent a different way from the usual. Yuu would like to think he knows the difference between your pleasant-quiet and your something's-wrong-quiet, and he would also like to think that this difference is fairly obvious considering how much of the past forty-three minutes of silence was you openly glaring at your book without reading it.
Part of let her come to you and don't chase means following cues and paying attention to how you react. You don't like when people worry over you. In fact, you do everything you can to make sure they don't have a reason to. It has the opposite effect, as far as he's concerned, but you take it to a new extreme. He even swears you try to hold in yawns until no one's watching you so no one thinks you're tired, even when the bags under your eyes are clearly running deep. And you're good at putting on a mask—he's seen you switch, the exact moments you decide to smile and talk sweet or otherwise mask some emotion you've decided doesn't have a place in the situation.
That being said, this latest glance worry-ways has him catching you before you sway into the aisle, a firm hand quickly grabbing your shoulder and guiding you back to safety.
Your eyes drift open as he tries not to laugh. "Mmgh?"
"You almost fell," he whispers. "Go back to sleep, we've got a while to go."
He shuts his eyes tight, presses a hand firm over his mouth to stop himself. Much like the first time Soba fell asleep on him, there's a life-changing pride that swells in his chest, spiking to what he's pretty sure counts as a cardiac event when you sway again, this time leaning over to rest your head against his shoulder.
You turn your face into his shoulder wordlessly. You've already fallen back asleep.
Face burning, he shuffles to get comfortable, marks your page in your book, and sets it closed on your lap. Then, as an afterthought, he pulls up his phone's camera and starts a video recording.
"Before you fall back asleep, [name]-san," he whispers.
You wrinkle your nose, let out a tiny whine of acknowledgment.
"Marry me?"
You let out a breathy mumble that he's pretty sure is an attempt at the words stay still.
He won't argue with that.
You wake up with a sore neck.
You'd imagine it has something to do with the weight currently resting on your head, but you can't be sure and you're too tired to bother opening your eyes or moving. Instead, you listen to the ambient noise of the bus, which right now appears to be consumed with whispers more than anything.
"E-eh?" Yachi is saying to someone. "I-I can't just—that would be so rude—"
"Come on. You can always delete it if she asks when she's up."
"I-I'm sorry, Tanaka-san—"
"No worries. Here, let me just—"
You have a weird feeling about this. You shift, turn your face into whatever it is you've decided to use as a pillow for this bus ride.
This is about when you remember who you were sitting beside for the ride back.
"Got it! I'm just gonna—"
"Tanaka-senpai, if I open my eyes and I see you recording us in any form, I'm breaking your phone," you grumble, not bothering to unwind your arms from what you're pretty sure is Noya's midsection. You're also pretty sure that soreness in your neck has something to do with his head resting on yours, and you're absolutely certain that that's his arm around your waist. Put simply, any untangling right now is gonna wake him up if you're not careful.
All fine. You vaguely remember him catching you from falling into the aisle earlier. Given that he would appear to be asleep right now, you can't really blame him from shifting into a more comfortable position in his sleep, especially seeing as you can't see him moving your arms to wrap around his body in your sleep. That, and you know how often you wake up cuddling your pillow. For once, you're not going to kill him for something.
That being said, you're also pretty sure Tanaka can tell that you're not fucking around.
"Do me a favor and don't open your eyes yet, then," he replies simply. After a moment's shuffle: "Alright, now you don't have to break my phone."
Your phone—or maybe Noya's?—buzzes between you.
You'll bet actual money that he just sent whatever photo he took to one—or both—of you.
You open your eyes with a sigh, raising an eyebrow when you catch Yachi's sparkly look from over the seat back.
"Um." She takes a moment to collect herself. "Sensei says we'll be stopping at a rest stop soon, so everyone should be ready to get up and stretch their legs."
Tanaka leers from across the aisle. "You can have the honors of waking your cuddle buddy up, [name]-san. Since you two are so close all of a sudden."
"I'm going to hit you."
"Lucky me, you'll need to wake him up to do that, and I'm pretty sure Noya-san will hold you back if you try."
You grumble. "Just watch me."
Finally, finally, you move to untangle yourself from Noya. Pat a hand on his chest in hopes of getting him to wake up. "Senpai. C'mon."
He shuffles a little. You shake him harder.
He sighs sleepily, brings up his other arm to pull you against his chest in a crushing hold.
Tanaka stifles a laugh behind you. "By the way, he's got a bit of a death grip when he's still asleep. Good luck!"
"Don't you good luck me, help!" you hiss, wriggling in his hold.
"Promise not to hurt me for anything that's happened on this bus today?"
"Tanaka-senpai! After all I did for you—"
A hand reaches over the back of your seat, baps Noya on the head hard enough that it moves your head.
"Oi," Ennoshita says. "Get up. You're crushing [surname]-san."
A sleepy mumble. You feel the weight on top of your head shift, and you peek up at Noya, red-faced as you watch him process where he is.
Your one consolation is that he appears to become equally red-faced the moment he looks down at you. "Good morning, Senpai. P-please let me go so I can kill your best friend."
Impossibly, his hold on you tightens, sleep clearing from his eyes with frankly impressive speed. "What'd he do?"
"Irrelevant. I said please?"
He hums softly. "I'm not sure… we do need him for matches…"
Fuck. You need to get out of this before you combust. Not even just because this weird twist in your torso is starting to make more than just your neck hurt—every word from his mouth is rumbling through his chest, still sleep-tinged, and straight into you. "C'mon, Ennoshita-senpai can take his place, it won't kill you guys."
He studies you carefully, having apparently immediately grown used to the position where you've become a teddy bear. "Give me a strong yes and I'll think about it."
Alright, bet. Time to break out the big guns.
Looking at him with your best, sweetest puppy-dog eyes, you shift your voice into something just a touch cutesier than your usual. You'd normally never be caught dead with that tone, but desperate times call for desperate measures, right? "Senpai."
He blinks, expression going carefully blank.
He lets you go like he's been burned, and you immediately respond by launching yourself at Tanaka. Regrettably, Sawamura had sat across the aisle from the both of you as a pseudo-chaperone. He doesn't even look up when he sticks an arm out between you to block your path.
"The cleaning fees if you murder someone on the bus are ridiculous. All that hard work you and Yachi-san put in for donations would barely make a dent in it."
You frown, deflating a little. "I barely put in any work. Don't credit me for that."
He glances up at you curiously, but doesn't lower his arm until the bus pulls into the rest stop. "Tanaka, don't antagonize [surname]-san."
"Why am I getting yelled at? She's the one threatening me!"
Sawamura doesn't respond. You stick your tongue out and quiet down—Takeda-sensei's gotten up to address the bus.
"Alright, everyone, we're going to take some time to stretch and eat before getting back on the road. Feel free to get out, get some food, and everything, just please remember to be back at the bus in forty-five minutes."
Ukai nods along. "Don't make us hunt you down."
A round of affirmations stirs up in reply as your heart sinks.
You didn't bring any money.
No problem; you'll get off, bathroom break just so you can say you got off the bus, and then just get back on the bus and wait to leave. Maybe actually make progress on that fucking book you haven't been reading even though you've had at least six non-consecutive hours to read. It's getting ridiculous at this point.
You hop off the last step of the bus, scan the area until you find the large red and blue signs indicating the bathrooms. Before you can take more than two steps towards them, someone taps your shoulder.
There's Noya, grinning like always. "Where are you off to?"
"Bathroom. I'm pretty sure you can't legally follow, Senpai."
"Wanna grab lunch?"
"I'm not that hungry, but thanks."
He doesn't miss a beat. "I'll treat you."
"We've been over this, you don't have to—"
"Consider it payment for the exams I wouldn't have passed without you."
"You already got me chips and stuff."
"And now I'm getting you lunch. Come on." He guides you very deliberately towards the food court. "If you actually need to use the bathroom I'll let you escape, but if you hide there until we leave I'm picking food for you and buying it anyway."
"You're insane."
"You're stuck with me," he retorts, and, well, you don't have anything to say to that.
You get the Shunsai Curry and Noya gets a slice of pizza. He'd raised an eyebrow at you picking the cheapest thing on the menu, but let it slide when you pointed out it was a meal and you could have just refused to eat anything but gelato.¹⁸
He'd then insisted that afterwards, you get gelato. You'd insisted that he not buy you gelato. You've compromised, and now you're sitting across from him with a cup of gelato.
12:42. Be back at the bus in thirteen minutes. Give five minutes to walk, or three if you're willing to run, which Noya might be but you're not. Finish the gelato by 12:50. Easy enough, if you could make yourself take a bite.
"You alright?"
900 yen for the curry. 350 yen for the gelato. He's spent 1,250 yen on you in the past thirty-two minutes.¹⁹
Another glance at your phone. 12:43. You're going to be late getting back if you don't eat the stupid gelato, and you can't waste it. Not when he spent 350 yen on it.
This is so fucking stupid.
A hand waves in your field of vision. You blink, snapping back into reality. Noya finished his gelato sometime between the walk from the stand to the table, while you haven't even tasted yours.
"Sorry," you mumble. You don't elaborate.
"I asked if you were alright. You're glaring at the gelato even harder than you were glaring at your book earlier."
"Oh. Sorry."
"One more apology, and I'm buying you a souvenir—"
"Stop," you snap, the anger startling even you. "Stop wasting money on me, Noya-senpai. You don't have to—I'm not a charity case, you know?"
He flinches a little, settles back in his chair. "Is that what you think I'm doing?"
"Aren't you? I'm not—I'm not destitute or anything, I just—I mean—Otoo-san has money, I could have just asked for money to spend on the way back, it's not—"
"I didn't think you were," he says slowly. "Poor, or anything like that. I mean, I've seen your house."
"Exactly!" you bite out as the first tears slip down your cheeks. "You've seen my house. You're probably just—I mean, everyone in the neighborhood probably knows that—"
He slips back into that gentle tone from before, the cat-coaxing tone like you're some scared animal. "Hey. Why are you crying? I'm sorry."
You drop your head, stab the gelato almost too hard with your spoon. "Do you seriously not know?"
"You're really going to have to elaborate for me to have any idea what you're talking about."
"…let's do this. Why do you go out of your way to be nice to me and buy me stuff?"
"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen and I like being around you," he says, beginning to count on his fingers. "I'd say we've become friends, seeing as you actually started calling me Noya-senpai when I asked you to and we talk a lot, and I like doing things for my friends. Especially when they're pretty girls."
"…do you have a lot of pretty girls as friends?"
"Just the one!" He doesn't miss a beat. "Not only that, but a good senpai takes care of his underclassmen. It's my job to buy you and Shouyo ice cream and nikuman! Hm, what else… oh! Because I wanna spoil you! I said this before, but you've got a really nice smile, and even though you always try to stop me from spending money on you, you usually smile and you always thank me, which feels really nice."
Unbelievable. Actually unbelievable. Everyone in the fucking neighborhood knew about it. You spent weeks getting cards and flowers and fruit plates from well-meaning strangers. You stopped going to the closest grocery store because the owner kept giving you a pitying look and mysteriously forgetting to charge you for a few things. The only butcher shop you're willing to attend is because the owner has never even once commented on it, even though you're certain she knows. And Noya has no idea. "Is that seriously it?"
"Oh! Also because I don't think anyone should have to skip lunch just because they don't happen to have any money on them. I've got the extra to feed you, and Okaa-san and Jii-chan are both huge on the whole 'if someone goes hungry, you're failing them' deal. So right now I'm also feeding you because it's the right thing to do."
You study him carefully. You're not sure Noya can lie—he's refreshingly, frustratingly open at all times. He doesn't ever hold back. Even for stupid things like transparently trying to get you to let him try your cooking, he just admits to it when you confront him.
"…how good are you at keeping secrets?"
"Satsuki, my sister, has gotten into something like twenty fights in her lifetime and our mom has never heard of a single one of them. Does that mean anything?"
Fuck it. You've already broken down in public. "Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?"
He blinks slowly. "Yes. Absolutely. Why?"
"I… I'll tell you about it, but we really don't have the time right now, and I don't want to talk about it in front of everyone else in the club, so…"
"Dinner, then." He grins. Pats your head.  "Eat your gelato quick and try to get the sniffles out so we can run back to the bus without anyone asking any questions. I'll let you run my phone battery down with full access to the Soba albums once we're back."
You obey quietly: wipe your tears, eat your gelato. Noya checks his phone while you freeze your brain, and at 12:52, the two of you run back to the bus and pile into your seats at exactly 12:55.
Once again, you underestimated him.
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18. In draft one of this chapter, I mixed up Nekoma and Shinzen's locations, so I laid out this whole itinerary for getting back from the weekend training camp to Miyagi and researched rest stops along the route they were most likely to take and settled on one in Tochigi before remembering that Nekoma was NOT the school based in Saitama and Karasuno would take a totally different route home. I had to re-write this section to accurately go off of what was available at the rest stop they would actually stop at, which makes me deeply sad for two reasons. One: the rest stop in Tochigi had lemon milk, which is now the second food item I have an aching urge to try someday as a result of research for this fic. Two: the sentence that originally started this scene was, "You get a karaage bowl and Noya gets the hamburger steak", which I personally prefer the general rhythm of. Unfortunately, neither of these items were on the menu at the rest stop they're actually at.
19. At time of editing, this comes out to about $8.55 USD. Just so we're clear about how much Noya's ruining his financial future with all this big spending. Prices taken from the menus on the linked site in footnote 18.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory @kazunish
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sleepyxxhead · 1 year
A/n: omg yes this is so cute <3
Genres: fluff | comfort
Word count: 417
Character(s): Hinata Shoyo
“Hinata, get the last!” Tanaka shouted.
As the ball started to come down, Hinata jumped as high as he could. As soon as the ball had dropped low enough, he swung at it, aiming for their setter. However, the ball merely grazed his fingers, hitting the ground behind him.
The ball is coming to me.
I have to get it up.
I will get it up.
“Hinata, get it up!”
It’s perfect!
It’s going to get up!
Kageyama will-
The ball hit Hinata’s platform, rebounding off to his right. It seemed to move in slow motion as it shot towards Takeda-sensei, Daichi bounding as fast as he could to somehow keep it in play.
Daichi crashed into ground just as the ball hit the court. Immediately, cheers erupted from the other side of the court.
Almost every play Hinata made that match was like these. Karasuno stilled won the match, but Hinata felt disheartened to say the least. He had missed everything that wasn’t a quick from Kageyama.
After the match, Hinata came home exhausted. He wasn’t jumping around, talking about how his hits went “pow!” and how Kageyama’s sets went “whoosh!”. 
“Buttercup, what’s wrong?” you asked him, lifting his chin so that his eyes would meet yours. You saw tears forming in his eyes, his face scrunching up in frustration. 
“I played so bad today!” he sobbed out, disappointment dredging his words. “It just…i-it feels like I’m useless without Kageyama!” Hinata wailed. “I didn’t do a single good thing except for those quicks!”
You pulled him in for a hug, rubbing his back in small circles. “Sho, I think you did absolutely amazing. I think you always do amazing. With or without Kageyama.” You held his face in your hands and wiped his tears away with your thumbs. “Today might not have been a day that you were proud of, but I know that I am incredibly proud of you. I also know,” you continued, “that none of your teammates were upset with you. Despite how you thought you played, none of them ever told you that you were doing bad, did they? Not even Tsukishima-kun!” You giggled. 
“How about you go take a shower, I’ll get your favorite take out, and we’ll watch some movies to get your mind off of it, okay?” you proposed.
Hinata nodded and you pecked him on his forehead. “Okay,” you whispered into his forehead. “Go get ready for a shower and the food will be here in 20.”
A/n: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG FDSALFDJSAKDS MY BAD FAM anyways have a nice day cutie <33
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Thirty-Four: Townsperson B
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 6817 
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A/n: Hope ya'll are doing well ^-^ I've got a bit of a promotion at work and have been working a lot. It feels like I never have time to write anymore. I've also hit a writer's block for certain stories recently, but nothing new lmao Though I caved the other day to get Baldur's Gate 3 and OML I AM IN LOVE. The story, the characters, the visuals, the endless choices, I just love everything about the game. I've streamed myself playing it a few times on Twitch and that is quite fun. Though here we go with this chapter!
BY THE TIME NIGHT CAME, SAKURA CAME out of the school to meet up with her brother and Yachi at the gym. It was dark out and her own club had finished quite some time ago, but she used the time after that to study some more. With exams coming soon, there was always a need to keep up on her studies for it. Though now with night finally shadowing over the school, and just about every club finishing up, Sakura needed to meet up with her brother to go home. Also check in with her friend to make sure that the practice went well.
“Yachi-chan,” Sakura said as she moseyed over to her friend. The blonde jumped at her sudden voice, being dragged out of her own thoughts abruptly. “How was it?”
She laughed nervously, “It was… a bit overwhelming.”
“That’s understandable.” Sakura pursed her lips, “None of the guys gave you a hard time, right?”
Yachi smiled a bit at the worry that her friend had for her, “No, no, it was okay.”
“That’s good.” If they did, she would certainly be first in line to reprimand them for it. The absolute last thing that she needs is for them to scare Yachi away from her. If Yachi decided to not be friends with Sakura based off of a bad interaction with the team, Sakura wouldn’t know what to do. Then again perhaps she was overreacting a bit with the possibility of Yachi just leaving her because of this.
As the two were talking, the goddess of a manager came out as well, “Oh, Hitoka-chan. Are you done changing?” Kiyoko said, changing her shoes and noticing that Sakura was also there. “Sakura-chan, how was your day?”
Sakura shrugged her shoulders, “fine, nothing too special.” 
“I’ll walk with you both, so hold on a sec.” Kiyoko said politely, “I’m going to change, too.”
Yachi jumped, “No, it’s okay. I actually think I should be walking with you, or something, or…”
“Don’t worry about it.” The older girl then walked off to get herself ready to go, leaving no argument to be made from Yachi.
Sakura chuckled lightly at the conflicted expression on Yachi’s face. “Kiyoko’s really nice, you’ll have to get used to it.”
From the open window, Yachi and Sakura could hear Ukai and Takeda talking in the gym. “What’s wrong, sensei?” Ukai asked, “Why the serious face?”
Takeda sighed heavily, “Oh, well… Apparently, the bus we were supposed to take for the away games in Tokyo was booked by another club, so it doesn’t look like we’ll get it. It looks like it’s going to cost us a lot more than expected, so I was trying to figure out what to do.”
“I’ll try talking to a few more alumni.” Ukai thought out loud, “I’m sure this problem’ll come up again in the future.”
“I apologize. I’ll try reaching out, as well. Well, if all else fails, I do have some savings.”
Ukai jumped at that, “No, no, no. You need to save that for your future wedding, or something. And don’t do that with your hand!”
Yachi and Sakura shared a look with each other. In a seeming telepathic moment, the two came to the same sort of wavelength. There had to be some way to raise some money for the club, but where were they going to start?
“Yachi-san!” Shōyō suddenly shouted as he came over to the two girls. The poor blonde jumped at the shout of her name, “Yachi-san, are you gonna be our manager?”
“Uh, um…”
Shōyō smiled at her eagerly, “You will, right?”
Sakura stepped up to save Yachi from her brother, becoming a barrier between them, “Don’t pester her, Shō-nii. It’s only been one practice.” As if Yachi would have made her decision after one proper day with the team. The last thing she needed was for her brother or any of the other volleyball idiots scaring Yachi off. No need for Yachi to start worrying too much and have a panic attack right now.
Though it didn’t seem like the other boys were going to help the matter either as the two-year idiots were coming up to the group. It was Tanaka who started by saying, “Hey, first-year girl, hey!”
“We hope that you will join the Karasuno High School volleyball team.” Nishinoya said seriously.
Yachi blinked, “Huh?”
Tanaka continued on with a smile on his face, “When you’re around, Kiyoko-san talks a lot.” 
Sakura shook her head and muttered to herself, “of course that’s why.”
Daichi and Suga then came up from behind them, the majority of the boys having finished changing. The captain bonked the two idiots on the head with a reprimand, “What kind of invitation is that, you idiots?!”
Suga attempted to amend any offense, as usual,  “Sorry these guys are so stupid.”
“No, not at all!” Yachi exclaimed, “Um… I’m flattered. I’ve never tried to do something on my own, or had someone need me for anything… Even in drama club, I’ve only been an extra. Like Townsperson B or a tree.” Everyone tilted their heads at that. Though she continued on, “So when Shimizu-senpai worked so hard to recruit a Townsperson B, like me, who has no experience or knowledge of volleyball, I was really happy. But I’m sure I’m not much-”
“I totally get how you feel.” Tanaka started, a passionate expression on his face, “Even if Kiyoko-san said, ‘I’m going to steal money from you, so follow me.’ I’d still follow her.”
Nishinoya gaped at his heroic friend, “You’re so manly, Ryu!”
“That’s definitely not healthy,” Sakura stated with a slightly concerned yet disgusted expression.
Endo commented with a hum as he passed by with Asahi, “Toxic, even.” 
“Uh, I think that’s a bit different.” Yachi commented.
Though that didn’t matter or register to Shōyō or Nishinoya as the orange-haired decoy exclaimed, “That sounds sorta awesome!” Suga just stared at his bald friend in disbelief, how can they really be this stupid?
“Looks like Tanaka’s saying something again.” Asahi said, amused by his friends.
“Oh, that reminds me…” Shōyō started as he rummaged through his bag for his phone. He held it up for them to read and saw that it was a text from Nekoma’s setter, Kenma.
To: Hinata Shōyō From: Kozume Kenma Subject: None We made it through the first round. This week is round two of prelims.
“Damn!” Nishinoya just about screamed, “Nekoma’s so awesome!”
Tanaka joined in as the trio started jumping around, “I’m getting fired up!”
Sakura leaned over to Yachi who watched the boys shouting with a bit of concern. She stated, “they get like this most of the time, well… all of the time.”
With it now being the next day, Sakura was nervously tapping her fingers on the crook of her elbow. Ever since school had ended, and she decided to walk Yachi to the gym for the second day, she had been nervous. She had to talk herself up to what she had wanted to do right now. Though it should be simple, she just had to ask Yachi something, what was so nerve wracking about that?
She cleared her throat as they made it to the gym doors, “Um, so Yachi.”
“Hm?” she hummed, turning to her friend.
Sakura pursed her lips glancing away for a moment, “I was wondering if you wanted to study a bit this weekend.”
“Oh,” Yachi nodded her head, “yeah of course!”
Sakura let out a relieved sigh, “Nice, okay. Is your house okay? It’s probably closer to the school than mine.”
“That’s perfect! How about this Saturday, is noon a good time?”
Sakura smiled happily, “That works.” The giddy feeling that came over her about finally having a friend to hang out with out of school. She’s never had anyone to do that with. She hung out with the photography club a couple times to get snacks and boba after club, but hanging out with someone at their house seemed different to her. “Shōyō will probably tag along, since he needs all the help he can get.”
“Oh, that’s fine.” Yachi nodded her head, not having an issue with others coming. “Kaygeyama might come too, him and your brother have been working well enough together to study.” Yachi explained happily. Which she found more than inspirational since the two were determined to do their best to get to Tokyo.
“Sadly.” Sakura let out a sigh, before turning to leave, “I’ll see you later then.”
“See you!”
Now sitting around the tables of the club room, the photography club all had their attention on their president. Shimada stood with a broad smile on her face as she presented to them with an air of whimsy around her. Thankfully, since her friends were used to it, they weren’t choking on it at the moment, but if she kept this up, they would soon. She was bouncing on the balls of her feet, “Well for the next big gallery I was thinking of doing something on Heroes and leaders!” Shimada exclaimed, more than excited to share the news with the club. Though she’s always excited to share any news with her club.
Wada blinked at her as she stared at them expectantly, “Meaning…?”
“I would think it means people who are heroes and leaders, duh,” Ito explained, as if she were talking to a toddler.
“So you want me to take a photo of the Prime Minister and call it a day.” Wada asked dully, thinking of the prompt shallowly. It didn’t seem all that interesting to him, not too much artistic style to it like he usually includes. He’s not the type of photographer that loves adding more artistic styles to his work. He finds portraits boring, not necessarily wanting to work with people for such work.
“You could if you want.” Mori explained, “We were thinking more of people you idolize in your own life who are your hero or a great leader, not just people who are in power like the Prime Minister.”
So not just a leader in position and name, but a leader in inspiration, or a philosophical aspect. Sakura thought to herself.
Wada pursed his lips and shrugged after a moment of thinking, “Hmm, I could work with that.”
Yokoyama teased with a sassy tone, “You can’t take pictures of yourself.” They all know that Wada may not be exactly the cockiest person out there, but he has his moment, and they would definitely think that he’d take a photo of himself and say he’s his own leader. Though they supposed that could work, still goes against the idea of going out of your way to find something to photograph.
He seemed more than offended that the comment was pointed in his direction, “I wasn’t gonna do that!”
Ito deadpanned, not believing him as far as she could throw him, “Really?”
“Shut up.” He grumbled at the playfully scrutinizing stare from his friends.
Shimada laughed at the banter before saying, “You’ve got time to figure it out, since we’re not doing the gallery until after exams. Focus on your academics for now, then we’ll finish up the planning for the gallery.”
Sakura paused for a moment as the thought circled in her mind. She wouldn’t say she definitely considered someone to be a hero of hers. A leader she might consider would probably be Takeda or Ukai, since they do quite a good job of wrangling the volleyball club. Even Daichi is quite a good leader with how he keeps them in check but also has a tight friendship with everyone. A hero is a different story to her. If someone saved her life then they’d be her hero, but she’s never been in danger of that sort so there wasn’t anyone to consider in that regard.
Wada’s face suddenly appeared in front of Sakura, startling her slightly. He poked her cheek, which earned him a slap, “You’re thinking quite hard, I can see the smoke coming from your ears.”
“Leave her alone, Wada!” Ito groaned from her seat, “Don’t bully the poor girl.”
He raised his hands in surrender, “I’m not bullying, just concerned for her brain, must be overthinking something again.”
Sakura scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, “I’m not overthinking.”
Yokoyama leaned down with a wide teasing smile, “Sounds like something someone overthinking would say.”
“No doubt you’re overthinking the gallery topic, don’t sweat it.” Wada continued on, not backing down despite Sakura’s light glare, “You did amazing for the first one, the pictures you’ve shown us lately are amazing, and we’re not even focusing on the gallery until exams are done, so you’re fine.”
She just sighed, “Yeah, yeah.” Perhaps she was overthinking it a bit too hard. She has to focus on exams coming up, that was certainly the most important thing at the moment. Sakura knew that she has a tendency to think too hard about something, especially when it’s something outside of her comfort zone. Photography, while it’s a hobby she enjoys, is not something that she has full confidence in. She was getting there, slowly but surely, though it would still take a bit of time. Though she’ll focus on something that she is confident on, and that’s her studying.
Now that school was over, Endo had joined up with his clubmates to head to the clubroom. His day had been agonizingly boring, nothing too entertaining to give him life during his classes. As always, the only highlight of his day was getting to hang out with Asahi during break time, but nothing else was exciting. So now he was walking into the club room with his friends
“Kiyoko seemed more than excited earlier,” Endo commented as he changed into his practice clothes.
Daichi nodded his head, “She’s excited to have a new manager around.”
Finishing putting his shirt on, Suga laughed lightly, “I think most of the team is.”
“When we saw her the other day, she was quite adorable, no?” Endo asked, “Skittish, but definitely cute.” He’s not really the type of person to talk to anyone outside of his grade, the only exception being the team. So he’s never heard of this girl before. Still on the first meeting, Endo didn’t think there was going to be any issues with her. Besides maybe her being a tad bit… scared about meeting the team. Though who knows.
With his brown eyes hardening to look at his friends, Daichi made sure to state firmly, “No one scare Yachi-san off, okay? We have to make her feel welcomed.”
Endo chuckled, “Better tell that to Thing 1 and Thing 2, they might scare the poor girl away.”
“Which ones?” Asahi asked with a tilt of his head, “Nishinoya and Tanaka or Hinata and Kageyama?”
Endo pursed his lips, “Nishinoya and Tanaka. Hinata and Kageyama are tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. Though at times it can change.” They all laughed a bit at that before finishing up. With all the boys now dressed up, they headed down to the gym and started their warm up. They set up the net, got the balls, and anything else that was needed.
Eventually, the two managers came to the gym as well. “Ouginishi will arrive in four and a half hours.” Kiyoko called out to the boys while tying up her shoes.
They all shouted in response, “Right!”
Noticing the skittish new girl, Endo decided to walk up to them. He has to make a good first impression, after all. If this girl was going to be coming onto the team as a new manager, it would be best to get in her good graces. He approached and saw that she was fiddling with her fingers nervously. He plastered a charming, disarming smile on his lips and leaned down to her slightly. 
A shadow loomed over Yachi as she finished. Yachi jumped at the tall boy leaning over her with a devilish looking smile. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as she stared up at his illuminating eyes. To be honest, it looked as though a devil was leering at her, analyzing her every movement. Like any slight movement she made was being recorded into his mind to use for later use.
“You look familiar,” he muttered smoothly, “I can’t put my finger on it.”
Yachi’s wide eyes stared at him, “O-Oh.”
“Yachi, Yachi.” Endo tapped his chin in thought, the girl’s name ringing bells in his mind, “What does your mother do for work?”
The girl answered a bit hesitant with the attention of Endo on her, “She’s a graphic designer.”
“That’s where I know your name from!” He exclaimed, causing Yachi to jump up in surprise at the shout. “Your mother has worked for my father’s company before. She does amazing work. No doubt you are the same way.”
Yachi laughed nervously, now realizing that this third-year was expecting a lot of him now. “I-I hope so.” She wasn’t sure what company his father has, but she’ll probably find out at some point. She was just a bit too intimidated by his height and sharp eyes to ask. Yachi was already overwhelmed by all the chaos that was starting to ensue due to the boys warming up, so she didn’t think she’d be able to work up the courage to ask Endo at the moment.
Endo just winked at her and marched off to help finish setting up. That devilish smile now haunting Yachi as he left her to her thoughts. He had met her mother once before at a social function for his father’s company some time ago. She seemed like a nice woman, very much focused on her work and proud of it and Endo loved her style. What a small world, he snickered to himself. What were the odds of her daughter being at his school and also joining his club?
“That’s Endo Joji,” Kiyoko explained, since he hadn’t done it himself.
“Endo?” Yachi tilted her head. She’s heard plenty about the third-year boy from other students. She knows that he likes gossip and drama, instigating it sometimes, though she never has seen it in person before. Yachi wonders if she’ll see it today. 
Kiyoko gave her a kind, reassuring smile, “don’t mind him too much, he isn’t all that scary.” Yachi bristled, having realized that her fear and hesitation about him was able to be seen so easily. So she apologized to Kiyoko, quickly trying to explain herself for her slight. 
“Thank you for having us!” The team that was going to have a practice mat was here. A formidable enough looking team, no one too extraordinary appeared to be on the team at first glance. 
Daichi rallied them all together, “Gather round!”
Both teams lined up across from each other for a proper greeting. Yachi observed them all, intimidated to see even more tall boys coming into the gym. How someone would be that tall never ceased to amaze her. Though if she was to be a part of the team, then she would have to get used to it, she supposed. “Bow!”
“Let’s play!” Everyone shouted out.
Each team took a little bit more time to warm themselves. Endo was doing some last minute stretching, knowing that he wasn’t going to be put into the game. Even if he was, it probably wouldn’t be for too long so what was the point? Any chance he could take to not get too sweaty, Endo would take it.
“We’re gonna start soon,” Daich called out, “so get changed!”
So the boys all got their uniforms so they could get ready for the practice match. As they were getting changed, Suga noticed that Shōyō was attempting to put on his shirt backwards. “Hinata, that’s backwards.”
“Like Jamila,” Tanaka laughed.
All the while, Yachi was freaking out, a blush bright on her face as she became flustered. After all, she’s now having to see the boys all taking their shirts off to change into their jerseys. Kiyoko apologized to Yachi, “Sorry, you’ll have to get used to this.” Though that didn’t do much since the poor girl was still freaking about being around them, her cheeks keeping the red hue no matter what.
Now dressed in his uniform, Endo chuckled lightly at the poor girl. Though he understands where she’s coming from. “Don’t worry about it, Yachi-san, more often than not they’d be embarrassed being around a cute girl.” He wasn’t sure if his comment helped calm Yachi down or not, since she just got even more red. Though he hoped that it had helped a little bit, even if she embarrassed her in a different way.
Nishinoya noticed a new accessory on their ace, “Asahi-san, that string in your hair is awesome!”
“String?” He blinked and sheepishly said, “It’s a hairband. Well, I guess I feel confident if you say that, Nishinoya.”
“Straighten up.” Daichi scolded the slouching boy as he slapped him on the back.
Tanaka came over, “Trying to change your image, Asahi-san?”
“No, the other day…” He explained, “Kiyoko said my hair braid was tight enough to make me go bald. That’s why…” Nishinoya just bursted out laughing, the image of a bald Asahi now in his mind.
Endo ruffled Asahi’s hair lightly, “could never imagine you without your luscious locks.” If there’s one thing that Endo loves about Asahi, it’s his hair. No doubt in his mind, it just makes him look so… good.
“I need to be careful, too,” Tanaka said, the worry of him losing his hair now on his mind.
Yamaguchi stated, “There are some hot bald guys, though.”
“I’m not bald!” Tanaka denied rather loudly. 
Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at his upperclassman, “Aren’t you going to get into your uniform, Tanaka-san?”
The bald teen shouted, “I’m about to!”
Endo jabbed Asahi in the side with his elbow as he snickered, “He’s not done showing off to Kiyoko.” They all knew he was just attempting to flex and show off to Kiyoko. He wasn’t exactly subtle about it.
The whistler blew, now warm ups were over. Ukai then called all the boys over, and they were finally ready to start the practice game against Ogi Nishi. So they huddled up together, “This is our first match with another team since the Inter-High prelims.” Ukai said, “You haven’t forgotten your frustrations for then, have you?”
“All right, go out there and raise some hell!” Ukai shouted with a smirk.
So the game began with the usual starters and usual benchwarmers. They were all ready to refine their team even a little bit more with a team in this practice match. There were a few mistakes that were made, but they could be easily rectified when analyzed later. Ogi Nishi was a decent team to play against, but they certainly weren’t a team like Aoba Johsai or Nekoma. They posed a good enough challenge but nothing extravagant. Karasuno was doing well against them.
Even throughout the game, Yachi noticed that there were quite a few of the boys who were sitting on the sidelines. Endo was one of them. She would have figured that third-years would be on the court, considering she would think they’d be a bit more skilled, but perhaps she was wrong. Sugawara was even on the sidelines, so maybe she was incorrect in her assumptions. Though when she looks at them, Yachi notices the look in Endo’s eyes. Sharp blue eyes, no longing or jealousy in them about having to be on the sidelines. Sugawara had that expression on his face from time to time, obviously wishing that he could be on the court, but there was an underlying acceptance. Like he knew that it was better for Kageyama to be on the court at the moment. 
Endo though… Endo was not bothered about having to be put on the side. Like he didn’t care about playing or was as fired up about this as the others. Yachi had seen that all of the boys were so passionate and dedicated to these games, especially Hinata and Kageyama. However, Endo seemed to be the only one of the team who was… content with his benchwarmer status. She thought that they were all going to be like this, after running into so many of these boys being quite rambunctious and loud about volleyball. Though Endo is different. He was supportive from how he cheered for his friends, but by no means seemed ready to get on the court himself. She could only wonder why.
Words weren’t exactly becoming jumbled just yet, which meant that Sakura had plenty of time to keep studying. It might be late, Shōyō might already be nodding off to sleep, but Sakura was still going to stay awake and study. She yawned a bit, her eyes becoming a bit droopy now that it was getting a bit later. While her brother would say she’s studying a bit too excessively, like usual, she would argue there’s always room to improve her study habits. Besides, nothing wrong with going over her work at least a few times. Though in the midst of her revisions, Sakura received a text. She doesn’t really get texts from anyone besides her family and the few others who have her number. And when she saw that it was from Yachi, Sakura thought that it was time for a short break.
To: Hinata Sakura From: Yachi Hitoka  Subject: Idea Do you think you could help me with something?
To: Yachi Hitoka From: Hinata Sakura Subject: RE: Idea With what? Nothing illegal, right?
To: Hinata Sakura From: Yachi Hitoka  Subject: RE: Idea WHAT? Of course not!
To: Yachi Hitoka From: Hinata Sakura Subject: RE: Idea Just checking. What is it?
To: Hinata Sakura From: Yachi Hitoka Subject: RE: Idea I was thinking of designing a poster, to help raise some money for the club. I’ve started a bit so far, but I think you can help me with it.  |File attached|
Sakura clicked the photo that Yachi had sent her, and saw that it was a rough sketch. An idea of a poster that Yachi seemed to have thought up to help with getting money for the club. It was a good idea, Sakura thought, just needed some refining. Sakura sent her reply;
To: Yachi Hitoka From: Hinata Sakura Subject: RE: Idea You’re quite the artist, Yachi. I like it so far.
To: Hinata Sakura From: Yachi Hitoka Subject: RE: Idea You’re the club photographer, do you think you can get a photo like this?
Sakura thought for a moment, trying to picture just about every shot that she might have taken in the past few weeks. Though with how Yachi drew what she wanted in the composition, Sakura felt like she had exactly what Yachi had envisioned.
To: Yachi Hitoka From: Hinata Sakura Subject: RE: Idea Actually, I think I have one that might work.
When Saturday rolled around, Sakura couldn’t argue over the fact that Kageyama had tagged along during their study session at Yachi’s. Not that she had a complete issue with it. As long as he kept his comments to himself and focused on studying whatever he needed, then she couldn’t complain. Sakura would even help him out if he asked nicely. Even if he was capable of that, Sakura thought.
Though even with a limited amount of conflict, the quartet were able to get through a productive study session. Sakura couldn’t help herself but made a few comments against Kageyama which bothered him, but they got through it. So now with the study session over and hopefully progress made, it was time for everyone to head home. Sakura was more than satisfied with how it had gone. She had to help Kageyama with some of his reading comprehension, which went surprisingly well. They both knew that if they had any sort of disagreement, it would just hurt them in the long run. 
Now they were saying their goodbyes after Yachi had walked them down to the street. “Man, you’re a lifesaver!” Shōyō shouted, “Yachi-san, thanks for helping us study on a Saturday!”
Kageyama grunted, “Thanks.”
“This was good,” Sakura commented, a bit of a giddy tone to her voice. Her stomach was full of butterflies, happy with how this went since she was hanging out with a friend. Granted it was hanging out with a friend plus her brother and the king, but it was better than nothing. Perhaps she should think about doing this more often with Yachi, or even some other people in the future. Shimada would definitely be more than happy with that and would want to hang out with her. Maybe even Mori or Ito for that matter. Though she certainly wasn’t going to ask Wada or Yokoyama, those two would just be annoying her in some way.
“Sure.” Yachi smiled, bringing Sakura out of her thoughts, “Let’s do our best on the exam.” Yachi’s mother, Madoka Yachi, then came outside. Dressed up in a tasteful business suit and lovely makeup, she definitely was ready and poised for her business.
“Oh, thanks for having us.” Shōyō said as the three bowed towards Yachi’s mother.
“No problem,” Yachi’s mother said, “Was she a good teacher?”
“Yeah! I’m gonna ace that exam for sure now! I think! Or rather, I won’t let Yachi-san’s kindness go to waste!” It warmed Yachi’s heart to see Shōyō say something like that.
Kageyama thought out loud with a hand on his chin, “Kindness… ‘To have a caring heart. A term used to express a caring attitude one has for another.’”
“It actually surprises me that you didn’t know that.” Sakura blinked, causing Kageyama to glower at her, “Even toddlers would know that.”
Madoka nodded her head, “I see. Good luck on your exam.”
“Thanks! Let’s go to Tokyo together, Yachi-san!” Shōyō cheered loudly, his excitement taking over.
Yachi jumped, at the sudden shout and the nervousness of her mother hearing this, “Huh? R-Right…”
The trio then started to leave as Shōyō waved goodbye, “See you next week!”
“See you in class,” Sakura said goodbye to her good friend as they started to head off.
Yachi bid them a farewell, “B-Bye bye…”
The trio started their walk back home. While Yachi’s apartment was a tad bit closer to their school than the Hinatas’ home, that meant that the twins had quite a ride home. So they’d have to get to their bikes and hope that they got home before it got too dark. Though it’s not like Sakura minded, a bit of a ride home was overshadowed by the giddy feeling of having a successful hang out with a friend.
As they were walking, Shōyō couldn’t help himself but pull out “Yachi-san’s notes are so awesome! Notes should always be like this.” Shōyō sang as he looked at his notebook, admiring the organization that he could never achieve without her help. “If Yachi-san joins, we’ll have two managers. We totally sound like a champion school.”
Kageyama shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah.”
Sakura raised an eyebrow, “I don’t think it really matters how many managers you have.” 
“What?” Shōyō blinked at the two, “You don’t want her to join?”
“I definitely want her to join,” his twin scoffed, “that team needs more intelligent people around.” Not to say that most of the team was dumb or anything… Sakura just thought that most of them shared one brain cell most days.
Kageyama just blandly said, “That’s totally up to her.” A statement that Sakura surprisingly agreed with. If Yachi didn’t want to join the team, then she wasn’t going to be forced to. Sakura would be a bit disheartened about not having another friend she would talk to while at the practices, but she wouldn’t resent Yachi’s decision. The last thing she would want is to guilt or force Yachi into a situation she didn’t like or feel comfortable with.
“You never agree with anything.” Shōyō muttered, “You’re not very popular, are you?”
That caused the King to glower at Shōyō, “Mind your own business!”
Though Shōyō didn’t notice as he rummaged through his bag and noticed something missing. “Oh, crap! I forgot my textbook at Yachi-san’s house! I’m gonna go back and get it. See ya, Kageyama! Just wait for me Sakura.” With that, he took off running back to Yachi’s house to go get his abandoned book.
Sakura shook her head at his forgetfulness, “I told him to make sure he had everything.” Looks like she would just have to wait there for him to come sprinting back with his missing book. How troublesome. Though she blinked at the fact that Kageyama wasn’t just leaving, “Shouldn’t you be going home?”
He stood there, not even looking at her as he said, “If I leave you alone, your brother wouldn’t exactly be happy with me.”
With furrowed eyebrows, Sakura tilted her head, “Didn’t realize that you actually listened to him at all.”
“I don’t.” Kageyama glared, “I just don’t want to hear him complain about it later.”
Sakura eyed him closely, trying to gage him in the moment. The two hadn’t been left alone to talk with each other in quite some time. She honestly didn’t remember the last time that she actually had a conversation with the King. There never really was a reason nor opportunity for her to speak with him. They weren’t exactly friends, and Sakura does not like his attitude most days, but the least they could be is civil. Doesn’t mean she won’t make a comment every once in a while to disparage him. 
She gave him a condescending smile, “I suppose I should be happy, thanks.”
Kageyama eyed her as well, his own thoughts trying to gauge what to think about her at this moment. He thought she was annoying, difficult and infuriating. She reminded him of Tsukishima just a little bit less… cold. He has been on the receiving end of her cold demeanor before, and she can be condescending most of the time. Recently, he has been comparing the two from time to time. Sakura is the same as Tsukishima when it comes to some of the things she said to him, but she also was still a bit more humane. She wasn’t cruel for the sake of being cruel and never went out of her way to say something. He might be the exception as well as Tsukishima in her eyes, but it was still different from the blond middle blocker. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Sakura asked, a bit put off at the fact that Kageyama was staring at her. She shifted while leaning against the stone wall, starting to become a bit uncomfortable. His piercing, gloomy eyes were making her skin crawl a bit.
Kageyama didn’t even notice that he had been staring at her for a while now. He had been too lost in his own thoughts to realize he had been doing it. He huffed lightly, a bit embarrassed about having been caught staring, “nothing.”
Sakura stared back at him until he looked away, his cheeks now slightly pink in embarrassment. She sighed, “Look, I don’t want this to be awkward, you and my brother are… friends.” She wasn’t exactly sure if they were good friends or not. They were enemies for quite some time and she feels like they’ve overcome that, but to her it was still unknown if they were close friends. “We might as well as not be at each other’s throat, you know.”
This was an attempt at peacemaking between them. It was a half-assed attempt, but it was one nonetheless. Sakura didn’t like being in uncomfortable situations, that is clear. So to help alleviate the potential of any conflict between her and Kageyama. Not to say that she could be friends with him, she still doesn’t like his attitude most days, so there wasn’t much going to happen. Not to say that she wouldn’t tease him or make fun of him from time to time, or when he needs to be knocked off his high horse, but they could be a bit more, dare she say, friendly. 
Kageyama took that in for a moment, contemplating what she was saying. She wasn’t saying that they had to be friends, but it would benefit everyone if they were at least nicer with each other. They had their issues with each other, perhaps they could even get over them in time, but for now, they could at least be civil. 
They both seemed to realize that it would be better without the discourse between them. Sakura’s gripe with him was due to his rivalry with her brother and the way he could put Shōyō down at times. He has an issue with her just because she could be mean to him for no reason when he says something about her brother. They could work past that, at least a little.
He huffed after a while of contemplating, “I guess you’re right.”
So the two were left in silence. It was comfortable, surprisingly. They didn’t say anything, whether that was due to not having anything to say or not wanting to talk, there was still a feeling of contentment around them. An agreement was made between them, in so little words. 
After waiting quite some time, the pair were becoming a bit restless. It took about twenty minutes before Shōyō came skipping back towards them. “What took you so long?” Sakura asked her brother, a little peeved that it took him this long to get his dang book. He could have been home by now eating dinner and talking with her sister about their days.
Shōyō gave the pair a wide smile, not noticing the peeved off expression, “Townsperson B is a fighter!”
Kageyama and Sakura blinked at him in confusion, “Eh?”
“I think that this works.”
Yachi’s hopeful expression blossomed on her face, “You do?”
The pair were sitting in their class at break, Yachi had shown Sakura the poster that she had put together over the weekend. The photo that Sakura had sent her was perfect for the vision that Yachi originally had. Shōyō jumped to his impossible heights, appearing to fly like a crow, as he went for a set. It embodied her brother’s power and talent, which is all she ever goes for with photos of him like this. This moment, staring at the photo made her so glad that she was into photography. The mention of the Little Giant was a perfect touch, one she knew her brother would fawn over when he saw this. She really couldn’t wait to see his reaction.
“Yeah,” Sakura said, admiring the poster, “you did a great job, Yachi.”
Yachi gushed, “I think your picture is amazing though Sakura, without it, it wouldn’t be as good.”
“Don’t sell yourself short,” Sakura shook her head, “You should bring this to Takeda-sensei today. I’m sure he’ll be happy with it.” She knew that Yachi was pretty talented, but this was so beyond what Sakura was imagining that it was so amazing. Sakura honestly loved it. Though no one would have noticed that she was extremely excited from the fact that there was only a little smile on her lips. 
Staring at the poster, Sakura’s heart swelled. Her admiration for her brother was through the roof, and she was more than glad to help him. This would hopefully gain some interest in donations to the club, which could only help her brother in the long run. Though she was nervous and excited to see just when he saw what they had done.
That moment came that afternoon after class. Sakura and Shōyō were riding their bikes home, starving ever since their mother told them she was making tamago kake gohan for dinner. 
Shōyō stared at the photo, the memory of seeing that first Karasuno game all those years ago. It almost gave him the same feeling. That wonder, the amazement of witnessing something amazing filled his chest. However, this time it was him. 
“Wow…” he breathed out, having no other words for what he was seeing.
Silently, Sakura watched him see it. More than overwhelmed with how starstruck Shōyō was just by seeing the poster. She knows that going forward, he was going to get far. There were going to be so many challenges, but she knew he wasn’t going to just give up. And neither should she. There was only one last obstacle that they needed to overcome before going to Tokyo; the dreaded exams. The only thing that some of them could do was pray that their scores were good enough. After all the work that they put in all this time, there was no doubt that they would all make it!
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So we're getting closer to the camp, literally next chapter, thank god! I have a few scenes coming up that will be... interesting to happen. We'll get to see old faces and new faces that'll be great! Not only that but the next art gallery for Sakura is coming up soon~ I definitely am not going to make it a filler chapter like I feel like the last chapter about the art gallery was. There were revelations made and relationships affected a bit in that chapter, but I didn't feel like it was too hard hitting or anything like the Endo centric chapters are. This one I feel like it'll be a bit more... something lmao
An update on Sealed Lips: I had hit a brick wall while writing my newest Stranger Things fic. I had most of season one basically completely written out and season two planned out. Though as I was writing the last chapter for season one I realized that most if not all of it, didn't make sense. It just really didn't sit right with me. So I deleted just about everything and started rewriting it :) I don't think I'm a perfectionist... buuuuut this story just wasn't right, you know what I mean.
Anyway, let me know what you thought! Until the next on, my friends!
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amive2567 · 2 years
i'm a little bit nervous to do this but your stories have me curious so here i am
i'm rey (she/they), ace/panromantic, 16 y/o, fav colour is green, intp. i don't really care about physical features, if i like them, i like them. aries here<33 this is a req for haikyuu, please ! for ideal type, i'm not very sure but some caring, kind and gives good hugs. i'm quite the socially awkward person so someone i feel comfortable around with as well? traits i hate: cocky, proud people and overly humble people as well. be aware of your talents and achievements but please don't be full of it. and i would like the relationship to be romantic please !
thank you so much for doing this, i appreciate your stories so much and i hope you're having a good day !
A/N: Thank you so much for your kind words, they made me really happy:) Here is your match up, a bit delayed, but I hope you still like this piece.
TW: minor injury and blood
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she seems to be cold at first, but in reality she is super sweet and caring once you get to know her
Kiyoko is a caring person and she will do everything so you feel fine
she understands you on a different level and enjoys your company
Your special story:
With the last of the school bell, everyone cheered and greeted the end of the day with a smile. But you didn't. Volleyball practice or managing the practice was still something you had on your never-ending to-do list. The only thing that would enlighten the situation was your girlfriend, Kiyoko. She waited outside of the classroom to accompany you to the gym.
"How was your day?" she asked as you hugged her exhaustedly. "We got our homework back, and I failed." Kiyoko kissed your head. "That was only one homework. I am sure you can compensate for it in the next test. You are smart. I am sure you will succeed." she tried cheering you up, and it worked to some extent. "Yeah, you're right. We should get going, or the boy will flame us for being late." "Don't worry, Kageyama and Hinata are probably late as always." she chuckled, and you needed to agree these two idiots were always late.
The gym smelled like old trainers, even though the facility manager cleaned it every weekend. To your surprise, the team was already playing. "Kiyoko and Y/n, glad that you finally made it. We need more water." said sensei Takeda. Without complaining, you took the empty bottles and filled them up with fresh water. With attentive eyes, you continued to watch the game. What you didn't observe was that Tanaka's ball soared straight at you. "Watch out," screamed Kiyoko, but it was too late, and with a loud smack, the ball landed straight in your face. The whole gym went quiet immediately. Tanaka was the first one who feel out of his trance. "Y/n oh my god, I am so sorry I didn't know that I hit it with so much force." "Quit your apologising. It happened. We need to get them some ice." said Kiyoko.
You weren't even able to speak up. Your eyes were teary, and your nose began to bleed. "It's alright. I should have paid attention." you waved it off. Kiyoko shook her head but didn't say anything as she wrapped the pack of ice in a cloth. "Does your head hurt?" she asked. "No, it's alright. Please continue. I am fine." Reluctantly the boys continued to play, and Kiyoko helped you to sit down. "Are you sure you are fine?" You simply nodded at her question. The both of you quietly continued to watch the training session. YOu laid your head on her shoulder and closed your eyes. "Thank you for being so caring." You smiled and drifted off to sleep.
Your special surprise: A moodboard <3
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
VS Umbrella
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Illusionary Hero › | Next:  ‹ Cogs ›
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A new special move!
The third day of summer training camp and the temperature was still rising. Under the cool shade of the tree upon the hill, you, Shimizu, and Yachi were preparing cool electrolyte drinks for the team. Usually, you three done it in the gym but experiencing how hot the weather was, you three decided brought the bottles uphill so the team could drink immediately in order to avoid dehydration.
“That’s a different type of brand you use, [Name]-chan.” Shimizu commented, seeing a different colored package of electrolyte drink in your hand.
“Oh, Kageyama-kun usually used this particular brand,” you replied, pouring the powder into the bottle and turn the lid close, then you shook the bottle so it would mix thoroughly. Your upperclassman hummed in understanding from your answer.
While it was the third day of training, it’s also marked the three weeks of Kageyama and Hinata not talking to each other even though it didn’t hinder their practice. It worried you a bit, but you knew the two of them would talk eventually.
“Great work,” you said, offering the bottle to Kageyama when he and the rest of the boys arrived uphill. He rasped out a thank you before immediately downing the drink.
“Hinata-kun, this is yours!”
“Thank you!”
You purposely be the one to delivered the bottle straight to the person–Hinata was keeping a quite distance from Kageyama and you didn’t want to force the orange-haired boy to get closer with the raven-haired setter.
“Wuaah, it’s nice and cool,” Hinata sighed in content, placing the bottle upon his cheek–enjoying the coolness radiating from it. After satisfied in cooling down his face, he soon downed the drink. Now that you think, you rarely talk to Hinata these days with him busy with his practice.
“[Name]-san, is your arm okay?” ah, he must be referring to the long cut on your arm.
“It’s already a month, Hinata-kun, it’s healed but it does leave a scar,” you lifted your arm, showing a faint lighter line present on your skin where your wound previously at.
“Oh, sorry,” frowns don’t suit Hinata at all–he’s a bright ball of beaming energy, a warm figure who could lit your day in an instant. It’s his nature, and seeing him becoming dejected from the start of the day was worrying.
“It’s fine, Hinata-kun, it’s not your fault anyway. It was an accident,” you dismissed his apology. “And if you need anything, just call out for me, okay? I’ll do my best to help you.”
You didn’t know what force that made you say those words, but you know you couldn’t take it back–you didn’t intend too anyway. Hinata always worked hard by himself, so you want to support him as much as possible. The orange haired boy looked taken a back before a giving you that infamous wide, sunny grin.
“Okay! And call me Shoyo, then! I call you by your first name so it’s fair if you call me like that too!”
“Alright, then, Shoyo-kun.”
The temperature was still rising–the burning hot atmosphere exhausted your boys even further than before. It would get rough, both for their body and mind eventually. You could feel your skin prickling–the tension was rising faster than before, tiredness building up, and sooner or later it would get to them.
“Damn it!” you gripped on your hand a little tighter after hearing Hinata’s scream of frustration. He failed to get the ball over the net because he lost in terms of strength with Lev. For the past three days, he couldn’t hit any ball comfortably, and with the battle of height always looming over him he had nothing to fight it with.
The match continued–Nishinoya tossed the ball perfectly, and then Kageyama went up to made a toss. Hinata, noticing there was a chance for a quick immediately jumped. Even though the ball barely being hit, it still got over the net and fell on the opposite court.
“You held back, didn’t you!?” his upperclassmen’s praises went over his head as Hinata yelled in anger at Kageyama.
“Held back?” the raven-haired setter also didn’t like the approach, glaring back menacingly. “Me? With volleyball?”
Thankfully before a fight could break, Takeda-sensei already asked for a time-out–with that, at least the two could cool down for a bit and not causing ruckus on the court in the middle of a match.
“That wasn’t the falling toss!” Hinata’s next words, caught you off guard. He noticed something’s different with the toss? It looked the same to you.
“It wasn’t?” Takeda-sensei questioned.
“I mean, looking back, it technically may not have been.” Coach Ukai answered, a thumb under his chin. “I think what just happened is that the toss right now wasn’t like the falling tosses he’s been getting, but more of a parabola.”
It clicked in your mind–the abrupt change suddenly made sense. “Does that mean Kageyama-kun is trying to get Shoyo-kun to hit the ball no matter what?”
“It’s on purpose?” Yachi turned to look at you.
“But what for?” Shimizu’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“Hinata hasn’t hit a spike comfortably for a while now,” Coach Ukai was the one who answered to their question. “That’s pretty stressful for a spiker. Kageyama might have subconsciously been worried that Hinata’s might not play as well because of that.”
You frowned in worry, seeing how Hinata still rooted on his spot despite Tanaka’s attempt to dragged him off the court. And it also worried you that Kageyama was looking utterly dejected–maybe he realized for a moment that he pulled his punches. Thankfully it was only a moment–everything was resolved rather quickly and practice resumed.
After practice at night, you found yourself helping Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi in the third gym. The owl captain immediately dragged you away as soon as the last practice was over (you swore you could hear Tanaka and Nishinoya’s screams of fury), so here you were, throwing balls to Akaashi so he could toss it to Bokuto. Surprisingly, Tsukishima was present as well–now, he’s learning to block with Kuroo’s guidance.
“Oh? Tsukki, [Name]-chan, did you bring a friend today?” Bokuto suddenly asked, which confused the two of you.
“Pardon?” Tsukishima questioned.
When you threw a look over your shoulder, you immediately took a notice of an extremely familiar figure with orange hair by the door. Calling out, you gave him a smile. “Shoyo-kun!”
“What happened to your partner?” Tsukishima asked.
“Kageyama’s practicing on his own again,” Hinata answered. “I was trying to get Kenma to throw me tosses, but he ran away after the fifth one.”
“It’s amazing that you got Kenma to even give you five during practice,” Kuroo remarked.
“So, please let me practice with you!” another surprised for you because Lev showed up and asking the same thing.
“Oh, Hinata,” the silver-haired boy then noticed you and immediately waved his hands enthusiastically. “Otohaku-chan!! You’re here too!!”
“Lev, quit flirting with the manager and I thought you were practicing receives with Yaku.” Kuroo said and of course, the mention of Nekoma’s libero, Lev stiffened.
“He said I was doing well today, so he let me go!”
From the looks of it, it was no doubt he ran away while Yaku was having a bathroom break or something else that required him for leaving the gym. But Kuroo, being the lenient and laid-back captain he is, dismissed it.
“Well, whatever,” he sighed. “Then, we have the right number of people, so let’s play three-on-three. [Name], you’re in charge of the score.”
Nodding in understanding, you pushed the score board closer and changed the names above–cats and owl, it reminded you of the two captain’s characteristics. You were fine in looking over the match, but this match was quite ridiculous. Thankfully, you’re not the only to think so.
“Um, isn’t this just a bit unbalanced?” Akaashi questioned. He was in the same team with Bokuto and Hinata, whereas the opposite team was clearly having more advantage in height–Kuroo, Lev, and Tsukishima are all above 185cm. Still with the disadvantage he got, Hinata was excited for sure.
The match was interesting to watch–even with the lack of extra height for Hinata’s team, they were still on par with Tsukishima’s team. But soon it was stopped by Yukie and Kaori’s appearance.
“If you don’t wrap soon, the cafeteria will close and you won’t get any dinner.” Yukie informed. “Oh? [Name]-chan, you’re here too? That explains why you don’t show up for dinner.”
Frustration was clear to Hinata because he clearly enjoyed the match and he didn’t want it to end, however, with Kuroo’s reassurance that they would continue this tomorrow, he was back bouncing on his feet. You couldn’t help but smile at the captain’s attentiveness.
“Thank you for cheering Shoyo-kun up,” you said, as the seven of you walked towards the cafeteria. Yukie and Kaori said they had to handle other things first so they couldn’t accompany you (it was hard for them to let you go with the boys). “Today’s not a good day for him so this match definitely cheers him up.”
“It’s nothing, and we probably have to apologize to you too,” Kuroo remarked. “Bokuto’s dragging you here, you stuck with us, and missed dinner. Bokuto, you have an apology to make!”
“That’s right, Bokuto-san, you made Otohaku-san missed dinner.” Akaashi piped up. “Tomorrow she has to wake up early to prepare breakfast, too.”
As if struck by lightning, Bokuto froze and turned stiffly to look at you before he went on a full apology-mode–as far as dropping on his knees, taking your hands in his, and begging for apology. You laughed nervously, but you knew he was sincere with it.
“I’m sorry, [Name]-chan!! I’ll make it up to you!! Do I need to replace you handling breakfast tomorrow!?”
“N-no, it’s alright, I will be fine and you don’t have to apologize, Bokuto-san. I don’t mind helping you practice.”
“Bokuto-san, you’re making Otohaku-san uncomfortable.”
“Have my back for once, Akaashi!!”
Now that you think of it, your after-practice time was automatically reserved for the third gym. Bokuto would bound towards you, asking for your help as soon as you’re done with your managerial duties. With your nod, he then reached out for your hand and pulled you to ran towards the third gym.
Akaashi already informed you to just dismissed his captain, but you found yourself couldn’t possibly rejected Bokuto’s invitation–especially when his eyes practically shining, you didn’t have a heart to ruin it. That goes for Daichi also, he even offered to talk to Bokuto about it if it bothers you. You were grateful for the two’s offer, still if you could help, you want to be helpful as possible.
It’s probably the third time you helped them practice by throwing balls and keeping an eye on the score board. Well you did your usual managerial duties as well–refilling the water bottles, giving them towels, sometimes wiping the floor when it became too slippery. Kuroo mentioned that you didn’t have to do it since your work hour was over and him, Bokuto, Akaashi, and Lev weren’t from your team.
Again, you dismissed it–it’s not a heavy duty, anyway. In between water break, Tsukishima asked about why on earth Kuroo wanted to help them when they would end up being rival in the end.
The captain cleared his throat. “I want to make the Battle at the Garbage Dump a reality. It’s what our coach wants more than anything. But who knows how much longer our coach is going to continue coaching? So, because of that, we need you guys to keep winning too.”
Overall, you understood Kuroo’s reason, but there was something that piqued your curiosity.
“Uhm, I know this question might sound strange, but, what is Battle at the Garbage Dump?” you asked.
“Oh, that’s right, we haven’t explained anything to Yachi-san and [Name]-san!” Hinata said.
“To put it simple, it’s like destined match between Karasuno and Nekoma.” Tsukishima explained. “It’s been going since the previous Coach Ukai’s time.”
“Karasuno and Nekoma will climb up until they could go to nationals and then will meet up on the orange court.” Kuroo grinned, reaching up to ruffle your hair lightly.
“That’s… so cool,” you muttered. You couldn’t find the exact words to express the awe you’re feeling. A match in the orange court between destined rivals, it’s almost like straight up from a manga or a movie. Other teams could research but playing against a team that knows you really well is going to be an absolute thrill–probably the best match Karasuno could get.
“Right, right!?” Hinata went up to you and asked excitedly.
“Come on. Let’s get back to practice!” Kuroo informed and all of you immediately went to your assigned place.
Practice went on–still between the Owl and Cat group. When Bokuto had to score against someone tall like Lev and Tsukishima, he didn’t kill the ball instead he hit it purposely against the block–returning it to the team for a more proper toss. Knowing how Hinata was hungry for development, surely he wouldn’t miss this.
After Bokuto managed to kill the ball with an intense straight towards the back line, he instantly approached him to ask about it. Soon, the game continued. This time, it was Lev who went for the score but managed to be soft-blocked by Akaashi. The last ball went to Hinata and you witnessed an absolutely underhanded way of blocking.
“Ah! Hey!” Bokuto screeched, also feeling the unfairness. “You guys are playing dirty!”
Hinata had to face three blockers above 185 cm with not a good toss.
“Nowhere to aim,” you muttered, narrowing your eyes in slight annoyance.
However, Hinata intended to face them–he hit the ball to Lev’s fingertips and it flew over before dropping to the inner-side of the opposite court. He jumped high enough and landed on his back instead.
“Shoyo-kun, you’re amazing!” running and kneeling beside him, you praised. Technically, you’re supposed to check on him but it flew over your mind for a second. “It’s an amazing block-out!”
“Did…you actually aim for that?” Kuroo questioned in disbelief. “That was an amazing wipe!”
“Well, I did aim for Lev’s fingertips.”
“What!?” Lev took a full offense in this.
Still, Bokuto was impressed by the lack of fear the younger had. The owl captain was showering him with praises as the rest of you watched from the sidelines. It went well until Bokuto proposed a ‘special move’–which made almost everyone dropped their beliefs, Hinata seemed to be excited by it though.
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nishiannoya · 3 years
Just things from HQ!! that I love because sometimes I need to remember what really got me into the series:
When Hinata sees the poster of himself that Yachi made. I sob like a baby every time.
All the Brazil foreshadowing
Hinata's bathroom songs. Reminds me of my friends and I taking karate in preschool and learning Japanese and always giggling at "benjo."
Takeda-sensei being so dedicated to bringing out the full potential of the team. Like, the team wouldn't have Ukai, or the Nekoma connection, or all of the training in Tokyo, - read: everything necessary for them to make it to nationals - if not for him. His words of encouragement to Hinata and Kageyama after they lost to Seijoh? Chills every time I read it.
And Ukai. Takes on. A second job. That has him up before sunrise. Just to coach these high schoolers.
The fact that Saeko stayed and drank with the coaches when she drove Hinata and Kageyama to Tokyo.
In the anime, when Kuroo is teasing Kenma for the face he makes when watching Hinata play and Kenma's like "I don't make a face" and Kuroo says, "You do." There's this like half beat pause before Kenma comes back with "Do not" and idk why but the added pause cracks me up.
Nishinoya choosing Karasuno for the uniforms. This is top tier Libra behavior and I would do the same.
Every time Kyoutani spikes the ball and the animation does t h e t h i n g
The scene where Oikawa makes everyone cry while cleaning up the gym and Makki's like "No! Don't spoil the mood!"
Aone and Hinata's mutual respect for one another is just like. the absolute. cutest. shit. ever.
The visual of giant Ushijima crushing Hinata and Tsukishima to the ground with his hands.
When Hinata re-crowns Kageyama as King of the Court. I'm trying not to cry rn thinking about it.
When Kageyama pretty much has a mental breakdown on the court from seeing Kunimi move quickly. Yes, I know why he was freaking out, but it's still really funny to me.
Everything about Kenma and Hinata's friendship. I can't even elaborate or else I'll explode.
When Hinata gets hit in the balls at the first-year training camp.
The fact that Kenma and Tora had dark hair as first years, but then have bleached hair as second years. Like, did they decide to do it together? Did Tora just show up one day with gloves and foil and was like "now that we're friends, bleach your hair with me."
We get to see the other characters relationships with each other, not just the ones pertaining to the main characters. Like Oikawa and Iwa, Kuroo and Yaku, Yachi and Kiyoko, Atsumu and Kita, Tendou and Ushijima, etc.
The whole banding together of the team to help dumbasses Kageyama, Hinata, Nishinoya, and Tanaka pass their exams. The fact that Kageyama is even included in this group. The fact that both main characters are stupid. I laugh every time.
Opposing team members thinking Nishinoya is really cool
Everything about the timeskip. Everything. The teams. The jobs. Where everyone ended up. Makes me warm and happy inside.
I legit love every character and could go on a rant on why for every single one. All of them. Even Washijo. Furudate is a master of likability and relatability.
"What will you become tomorrow?"
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The Morning Sun- Asahi x Reader Oneshot
An Asahi x Gn! Reader fic.
Genre: Fluff, slightly comical interactions || SFW
Warnings: None. Just wholesome, lighthearted fluff with Y/N and Asahi being adorably awkward and nervous dorks around each other.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I have no clue about the kind of views one would see while travelling to Tokyo from Miyagi so pls forgive in case I get sth wrong lol.
Also, I prefer not to use any pronouns when writing gender neutral fics. I try to keep it usually "you" or "Y/N" but I've used they/them in like 3 places where I couldn't use either options.
Hope you like it! :)
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It is time for Karasuno’s first training camp in Tokyo. The team will leave Miyagi in the middle of the night so that everyone can reach Tokyo by morning.
You and Kiyoko, Karasuno’s managers, have arrived a little early to make sure that everything is in order before you set off on the journey.
“I’m so glad we got invited to this training camp. I think it will really give the team a boost in their confidence and techniques. They’ve all been so down ever since they lost to Seijoh in the Inter-High,” you say to Kiyoko as you both load some necessary items onto the bus.
“Yeah, it will do them good to see and learn from the different types of plays these powerhouse schools use.”
“Yeah... I wonder how they’re going to change after this.” Even though you seem to be talking about everyone (and you are), there is one person in your mind that you are most curious about. And that is the ace of Karasuno: Asahi Azumane.
You have become great friends ever since you joined the team as a manager. When you were new to the team, you used to be really nervous and awkward around everyone but somehow Asahi always knew you were feeling hesitant/unsure and gently tried to raise your confidence. You soon discovered that he himself was a Nervous Nellie™ and you returned the favour by gently encouraging him to conquer his own fears. The more you got to know him, the more it fueled your huge-ass crush on him. His personality, his kindness and thoughtfulness, his face, his hair, his smile - (list cut short for length) you just find everything about him endearing. You do not know whether he likes you back in that way or not but he does seem to be much more open, smiley and talkative when he is around you.
“Looks like we got done earlier than expected,” Kiyoko’s words break you out of your reverie. “Oh, Takeda sensei is here.”
Takeda sensei walks up to you two. “I see you guys are already done. Thank you so much for turning up earlier to take care of everything. We’re all very lucky to have you as our managers.”
“It was no trouble at all, sensei.”
“Well, there’s still about 20-30 minutes to go for the boys to reach here. If you guys want, you can just go in the bus and get some shut-eye. Especially you, L/N, I know you must’ve barely had time to rest since you live so far away from school. There’s nothing else to do here, anyway. I’ll stay outside and wait for everyone to turn up.”
It’s true. You did live far away from school and today you had only had time to go home, shower and change, eat dinner and pack your bags. You haven’t had a moment’s rest so you gladly take him up on his offer and head inside. Kiyoko decides to stay up with him.
You like seeing the beautiful countryside views while travelling, so you choose a window seat somewhere in the middle. You take out your eye mask from your bag, pull it over your eyes and settle back into your seat for some much needed rest.
You are soundly asleep by the time everyone arrives. Coach Ukai and Takeda address everyone and they all start climbing into the bus.
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Due to the shortage of funds, they were only able to hire a very tiny bus and our gentle giant, with his build and height, is having trouble making his way to the back of the bus. With his large duffel bag in his arms, he keeps hitting the seats and people’s heads as he stumbles on.
Flustered, he lifts the bag up in front of his face so that it stops hitting everything in its path. Except that it now makes him even slower because he cannot see anything in front of him.
Noya, getting impatient about how slowly Asahi is moving, suddenly pushes past him, eager to grab a seat in the last row. Poor Asahi is taken aback by the sudden tornado erupting at his side and he stumbles and falls into the seat right next to him. He puts the bag down in his lap and looks to the side to see that he has accidentally landed in the seat next to you.
However, you were extremely tired and are a heavy sleeper in general so you have not been disturbed in the least by all the commotion.
Asahi decides to wait until the others have settled down to change his seat so as to not inconvenience anyone. Kiyoko is the last one to climb in and he gets ready to get up. He adjusts his duffel bag and is about to pick it up when he feels a weight press against his arm. He looks to the side to see that your head has rolled over in your sleep and is now resting on his upper arm.
Heat starts to rise in his face. As Kiyoko passes by, she sees you sleeping on his arm and says, “Poor thing is out like a light. They were running around all day in preparation for the trip. But if you’re uncomfortable, I can wake them up.”
“N-No it’s okay I don’t mind. Let them sleep. Coach said it’s gonna get bumpy further down the road so it’s better they get as much rest as they can.”
Kiyoko gives him a little smile and goes and takes the last seat at the back.
The bus starts to move. Asahi, being the sweet and considerate person he is, tries to remain as still as a statue so as to not wake you. He is a little worried about what you might think of him when you wake up and see him sitting next to you. He hopes you won't get creeped out or scared seeing his face in the dark when you wake up. But the sight of you resting peacefully against his arm, breathing deeply, calms him down and he too slowly dozes off.
He wakes up about half an hour later when he feels you grab his arm with both hands. It is a chilly night and you, in your sleep, are holding and pulling his arm towards you for some warmth as you curl up around it.
As slowly and carefully as he can without waking you, Asahi removes his jacket from around him and covers you with it. You seem completely undisturbed by the movement.
Damn, they really must be tired.
About an hour later, you are jolted awake as the bus rides over an exceptionally bumpy piece of land. You feel a large hand touch the side of your face gently, as if trying to keep your head steady.
You remove your eye mask and find yourself looking straight into the deep, brown eyes of Asahi. He looks at you apprehensively as you blink a few times and try to get your bearings.
You suddenly realize that you are clinging completely onto Asahi's arm and you almost fling it away from you as you let go of it instantly.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry, Asahi. I didn't realize I was sleeping on you," you whisper as everyone around you seems to be asleep.
"I-It's completely okay," he whispers back.
"How long have I been like this?" you look at your watch, "I have been asleep for more than two hours! Have I been sleeping on your arm the entire time? You should have woken me up and asked me to move! Is your neck stiff? Does your shoulder hurt?"
"Y/N, calm down. I am completely fine." He reassures you until you finally stop worrying and apologizing.
"I-It was kind of n-nice, actually."
You see his face turn 4 shades redder as he says this, causing heat to rise in your own cheeks.
He sat next to me. Did he want to sit with me or were all the other seats full? You make a mental note to subtly ask Kiyoko about this later.
You smile at him and whisper, "Well, thank you for being my pillow - hey, wait, is this yours?" You finally notice that you have a large jacket around you.
"Uh, y-yeah. You looked cold so I covered you with my jacket. I hope that was okay?"
"Yes, it was very sweet of you to do that" you smile and hand it back to him.
"I-It's okay, you can keep it."
"I brought my own with me. I just forgot to wear it before sleeping." You reach down into your bag that you had placed below your seat and pull out your own jacket. He accepts his jacket back and puts it on. As you watch him zip it up all the way, you can't help but wonder if he had been cold all this while. You start feeling guilty again. Why does he have to be so nice to you?
"I'm sorry again."
"Y/N, you have nothing to apologize for. It's all good."
"I will let you sleep now. And thank you. Also, as a payback, you can use my arm as your pillow if you want," you say, smiling slightly.
He chuckles silently. "I'm good. Thank you for the offer. You can keep sleeping on mine if you want. I don't mind at all."
"I'm good too. I actually brought a neck pillow with me but I was just so tired that I went straight to sleep. I thought I'd wake up when everyone arrived but I didn't."
You pull out your neck pillow and put it around your neck.
"Goodnight, Asahi."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
You lean against the window and slowly dose off again.
Sunlight filters in through the windows and tickles your cheek with warmth. You open your eyes to the most breathtaking view in front of you. The sun has just risen and is throwing the most glorious hues of red and gold across the cloud-laden sky and the vast meadow below.
"Woah" you whisper to yourself as you watch the scene in awe.
You feel Asahi stir next to you and turn around to see him adjusting himself in his seat to get more comfortable. His eyes are closed but you can tell he is awake. You tap him lightly on the shoulder.
He opens his eyes to find you looking at him excitedly.
"Hey, sorry to disturb you but I thought you would like to see this. Look!" you say in a low but excited voice and gesture towards the scene outside your window.
Asahi's eyes widen as he looks outside. He sits up straighter and whispers "Wow."
"It's you!" you whisper, smiling.
He looks at you quizzically.
"The morning sun. Asahi. It's you!"
"Ah." a light blush covers his cheeks as he smiles.
You both quietly watch the sunrays dance around for a while.
"It really is pretty," Asahi whispers, eyes not leaving the view.
"Yeah... Except..."
Asahi looks at you as you pause, not knowing whether to finish your sentence or not. You avoid looking at him as you stare at your hands in your lap and play with them. You can feel the heat creep up your neck and engulf your face completely.
It's just a compliment. It doesn't have to mean anything. You decide to take the chance. You look straight in his eyes.
"Except...you're prettier."
Asahi is so taken aback by the sudden compliment that he actually jumps a little in his seat. His entire face instantly turns a deep shade of red.
"Th-th-thank you" he manages to stutter as he blushes furiously.
Even though you are extremely nervous, you can't help but giggle at his reaction. "Wow, you're prettier AND redder than the sun right now."
Asahi stutters incoherently for a bit until he finally manages to form a sentence. "Y-you really mean that?"
"That you're the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on? Yes."
You are more surprised by your own response than Asahi is.
There's no going back now. You can't brush this off anymore as "just a nice compliment". You cover your face with your hands and mumble about how this was such a bad idea. Your stomach is twisting itself into knots as you wait for Asahi to recover from the shock of your words.
You sigh and turn towards him. He is looking at you and, to your extreme surprise, he is smiling. It is a really shy and nervous smile, and yet you can't help but think how breathtakingly gorgeous he looks every time he smiles.
"I-I think you're the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on t-too."
You look like you have been shot in the head.
"R-really? You're not saying that just because I said it?"
"No," he rubs his neck in embarrassment, "I've actually wanted to say that for a while now."
"M-Me too. I didn't think you'd return the feelings, though."
"I do. W-would you like to go on a date with me once we're back from camp?"
Your eyes light up as you respond excitedly, "I would love to!"
You both smile the biggest smiles at each other as your 100km/hr heart rate slows down.
"Can I hold your hand?" you ask him.
He blushes again, nodding shyly in response.
You take off the neck pillow around your neck and give it to him. He raises his eyebrow questioningly.
"You can use it. I've got a much better one," you say as you link your arm around his once again. You slip your fingers between his and rest your head on his upper arm. He chuckles.
"I'm really glad you sat next to me."
"Actually, i-it was kind of on accident. Noya pushed past me as I was making my way to the back and I stumbled and fell into the seat next to you."
You giggle. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Well, I am glad you fell into the seat next to me."
He has the biggest smile on his face as he looks into your eyes with pure adoration. "Yeah, I am glad I fell, too."
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Hope you liked it!! I actually thought of this scenario when I made my first post on Tumblr about how Asahi would react to compliments.
Reblogs, comments, likes are all very appreciated. Please do not repost or plagiarize.
If you want to be tagged every time I post Asahi x Reader fics, lmk and I will!
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Buy me a Kofi! <3
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Kiss it Better (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I just read your fics about Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto and I really liked them 💞 So I was wondering if you could write a fluff fic where tsukki gets embarassed trying to make the first move you can also just add things to your liking If you don‘t want to that‘s totally okay I‘ll be waiting for your upcoming fics thank youuuu 🧡
Omg that’s so funny because my next story was literally going to be just that! I had a lot of fun writing this one and might do a part two with some *cough* smut *cough* just like Kuroo, everyone is lowkey a Tsukishima girl. I hope you like this anon! 
Word Count: 2,293
Summary: Tsukishima has always liked you, but you’ve never noticed his advances. A trip to the nurses office might change your mind. 
You liked to think that you were friends with the tall blonde sitting behind you in class. 
 But sometimes…
 Sometimes you really wanted to fucking strangle him.
 “Can you stop kicking my chair!?” you hissed, staring at the smirking middle blocker.
 “My foot slipped.” he replied coyly, causing your scowl to deepen. 
 Before you could retort back to him the bell rang, signaling the end of class. You started packing up your stuff, grumbling to yourself about how rude Tsukishima was.
 “Don’t you want to walk to the clubs together?” He called out to your leaving form. 
 You huffed turning around to see him and Yamaguchi looking at you.
 There were times when Tsukishima didn’t annoy you, and those were the times you would walk with them to your after school club activities. 
 You were part of the photography club, which was on the way to the gymnasium that held their volleyball practice. 
 But again, you only walked with them when Tsukishima wasn’t being an annoying little prick.
 Today definitely wasn’t one of those days. He had been bugging you all day. It went from his annoying comments to him poking at you harshly, and then to kicking your chair.
 You weren’t sure if it was because he was bored and had nothing better to do, or if it was because he actually didn’t think of you as a friend. Or because he was just simply an asshole.
 Maybe it was a combination of all three, you didn’t know.
 “No way.” you sniffed, sticking out your tongue to him. “I don’t want to walk with you anywhere today. If it was just Yama-kun then I would. But not if you’re there. Stupid.”
Tsukishima visibly looked annoyed at your statement. 
 “Y/n-chan.” Yamaguchi called out, raising his hands up as he looked at both annoyed expressions. “You guys should try and get along yeah?”
 “Be quiet Yamaguchi.” Tsukishima sighed, moving to walk past you. “If she wants to be childish then just let her. I’m surprised she even got into this class.”
 “I’m surprised Yama-kun is even your friend.” you fired back, crossing your arms over your chest. “I bet you aren’t even good at volleyball.”
 Tsukishima paused, and then before you could even register what had happened, he was leaning down, incredibly close to your face and to your body. You could physically feel his body heat radiating into your own. His hand resting on the doorframe, preventing you from leaving the room.
 “Why don’t you come by and find out?” he said slowly, ignoring the panicked squeak that escaped Yamaguchi’s lips. His gold eyes were piercing into your own, but you couldn’t see any anger in them at what you had said, you couldn’t see an ounce of annoyance either. But there was something else there, something you couldn’t place.
 Ignoring your hammering heart and the heat creeping up into your face, you shoved his arm away scowling. “Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll take pictures of you sucking and have an article published in the school newspaper about you being a terrible person and sucking at volleyball!” you huffed stalking away from the tall first year angrily.
 You ignored the calls of Yamaguchi and just focused on heading towards your club.
 Today was definitely one of those days where you wanted nothing to do with Tsukishima.
 The relationship you had with the middle blocker was incredibly strange. One minute you guys were perfectly fine with each other, and next - well it was exactly what had just happened.
 Tsukishima scoffed as he watched your retreating figure. But he couldn’t deny the fact that your reactions were incredibly lame, but incredibly cute.
 “You shouldn’t tease her like that Tsukki.” Yamaguchi sighed. “She’s never going to like you back if you keep making her mad like that.”
 Tsukishima didn’t say anything as they continued their way to the gym. 
 Everyone knew that he liked you. It was incredibly obvious, and Tsukishima always made sure to make it incredibly obvious.
But it wasn't obvious to you.
 The one person that it mattered to the most.
 You were frustrating and amusing, stubborn and incredibly smart, quick-witted and incredibly beautiful.
 The entire package.
 And Tsukishima wanted you to be his.
 But you were too fucking dense to realize that.
 And quite frankly, he was getting sick of it. For as smart as you were, you were incredibly thick when it came to stuff like that it appeared.
 It frustrated him to no end.
 Usually what he depicted as playful flirting you thought as him just being downright mean.
 It was a constant cycle, neverending. 
 It was ridiculous.
 Actually scratch that. 
 This was ridiculous.
 It had been a couple of days since that last encounter, Tsukishima deciding his chances at winning you over would probably be better if he stopped his teasing for a little bit.
 But right now you were nodding your head rapidly in understanding as Hinata talked to you. You were there during one of their practices, to take photos of them. A project that you had to do for your photography club. Takeda-sensei had given you permission to be there to snap pictures of the team.
 “- And then I go boom!” Hinata exclaimed bouncing around.
 You smiled at his antics. “That sounds incredible Hinata! Do you think I can take a picture of you doing your crazy jump?” you asked, holding up the camera for emphasis.
 But before he could utter an answer, Tsukishima interrupted. “We have to start practice, you can just take pictures then.” he said to you, glancing at you briefly. 
You rolled your eyes at his aloofness and apologized to Hinata who was protesting loudly at what Tsukishima had said. “He’s right Hinata, I don’t want to impede on your guys’ practice so just pretend like I’m not here and I’ll take as many pictures as possible.”
 Reluctantly he agreed and everyone continued the practices Ukai had asked them to do before splitting up into different teams. They were doing a match.
 You were honestly in awe as you watched them play. You didn’t think that volleyball could be so… amazing. You had teased both Yamaguchi and Tsukishima about how boring the sport was.
 You were so wrong.
 You had almost forgotten to take pictures, you were so captivated.
 But what had surprised you the most, was Tsukishima. You had never seen him so… concentrated? So serious? So… so attractive?
 You felt your face flush, shaking your head to rid yourself of the thought. That was ridiculous. You had never been attracted to the middle blocker, you found him annoying, a completely arrogant, unnecessarily tall asshole, and… and he was incredibly good looking.
 What was wrong with you? How could you even think of something like that? How could you - “Watch out!” your eyes went wide as a volleyball came hurtling at you with rapid speed.
 Your eyes squeezed shut, readying yourself for the impact.
 Only it never came. You heard a loud grunt and opened your eyes to see Tsukishima clenching at his fingers, the ball rolling away from his feet.
 He… he protected you from the ball. 
 Tsukishima’s pointer finger throbbed in pain, he knew it wasn’t broken, but the nail had torn just a bit, blood seeping out of his wound.
 He wasn’t sure what possessed him to move, he knew that Nishinoya was closer to you, he knew that he was heading towards the ball to stop it from hitting you. But his body just moved after he called out his warning.
 “Oi Tsukishima are you okay?” Tanaka asked running up to him, several of his teammates surrounding him.
 He removed his hand to reveal his bloody nail, causing you to gasp lightly.
“I need to stop the bleeding. I’ll go to the nurse.” Tsukishima said quietly.
 “Let me help you.” You blurted out immediately, causing all eyes to be on you now. “It’s my fault you got injured.”
 The tall blonde nodded, and both of you left the gym quietly.
 “He’s got it bad huh?” Tanaka smirked, staring after you guys.
 “I hope he can confess properly.” Yamaguchi sighed.
 The walk to the infirmary was incredibly quiet, awkward almost. But it was just your luck that the nurse was nowhere to be found.
 “You can go. I can take care of it from here.” Tsukishima said quietly.
 You shook your head. “No. You got hurt because of me. At least let me help.” You started to take out the necessary equipment to help disinfect and wrap his finger. “Go ahead and sit down.” you said gesturing to the bed.
 Tsukishima didn’t bother arguing, silently sitting at the edge of the bed and watching you closely.
 Even sitting down, he was still incredibly tall. The top of his head just below your chin. You held your hand out his expectantly, he sighed quietly before placing his much larger hand in yours.
 Carefully you cleaned up the blood and began wiping down the wound with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. The smell stingy your nose, but the atmosphere around the both of you was quiet, calm almost.
 His hand dwarfed your own, his fingers long and elegant, and surprisingly soft against your own touch.
 Tsukishima couldn’t deny the fact that he was enjoying this immensely. You stood incredibly close to him, slightly between his parted legs as you worked. He could smell the soft perfume on your skin and the laundry detergent you used on your clothes.
 It was a wonderful smell.
 Maybe… maybe now would be a good time to tell you… right?
 “I’m sorry Tsukishima.” you said quietly, wrapping his finger. “If I wasn’t there you wouldn’t be in this position.”
 “It’s fine. It’s nothing serious.” he said, equally quiet.
 “Does it hurt?” you asked, tilting your head to the side slightly as you stared into his gold eyes.
 Tsukishima could feel the blush rising in his face, you were just too cute. The way you looked concerned about him. He liked that. He liked that a lot.
 “It might hurt less if you kiss it better.” he said. He couldn’t resist, this situation was incredibly ideal to him.
 You looked incredibly confused for a moment before taking his hand and gently pressing your lips against the tip of his injured finger.
 Tsukishima felt like his heart was about to leap out of his chest, his face burning at the sweet gesture. And even though his finger was wrapped up, he just knew that your lips were incredibly soft. His other hand came up to press against his face, the backside of his hand covering the lower part of his face in embarrassment. 
 “What’s wrong?” you asked frowning, you had just done what he had said. Your heart was racing for some reason though, you weren’t sure why. 
 Tsukishima couldn’t take this anymore. He grabbed your wrist and tugged, pulling you into his chest, and then flipping you over onto the bed, his upper body hovering over yours.
 Your face was completely red, you thought your heart was about to pop, he was way too close and his face held nothing but seriousness.
 What did you do?
 “Tsukishima-” “Quiet.” he demanded.
 You snapped your jaw shut.
 You watched him take a deep breath in before speaking. “You are the most infuriating person I know. You’re stupid and you don’t pay attention to what’s going on right in front of your face.”
 Your nostrils flared slightly in anger. “Well right back at you asshole!” you grumbled back.
 He rolled his eyes and moved his face closer to your own, causing you to quiet down once more.
“But despite how incredibly dense you are, you’re smart, you’re witty, you’re stubborn, you’re hardworking, you’re pretty -”
 You have never been more confused in your entire life. Did he just insult you and then compliment you? Did he just call you pretty?
 “ - and I literally can’t take this anymore.” he pushed up his glasses just a bit. “I’ve given you so many hints, made it so ridiculously obvious, and you still don’t understand you dimwit.”
 You frowned further at his insults. 
 “I like you.” He said, “I’ve liked you for a while now. You just have never noticed. I want you to go out with me.”
 He couldn’t handle the shy expression on your face after his confession. The soft look on your face, and the dark red blush coating your cheeks. His eyes flickered towards your lips, and he started to lean closer. Your soft hands came up and gently rested against his chest, but you never pushed him away. Your eyes fluttered shut as you prepared yourself for what was about to come next.
 You could feel his breath hitting your face gently, causing your lips to part as you readied yourself -
 “Tsukishima! Everyone wanted me to go check on you and -” the door opened suddenly, and Hinata stood staring at the scene before him.
 Tsukishima whipped his head around with a hard glare at the orange haired male who had gone pale, and then had turned dramatically red at the sight before him.
 You couldn’t help but cover your face in embarrassment at the position you and Tsukishima were in. 
 “I-I’m so sorry for interrupting!” Hinata screamed and slammed the door.
 Tsukishima sighed, deflating slightly before removing himself from on top of you. He ignored the blush in his face as he stood up, looking back at you still laying on the bed.
 So incredibly tempting.
 “Wait for me after practice. We can walk home together.” He said simply before leaving the infirmary.
 Did you… did you just get yourself a boyfriend?
 You hoped so.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
Kuroo x Volleyball Player! Reader
Kuroo Tetsurou x Volleyball Player! Reader
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wordcount: 3,087
genre: strangers-to-lovers au with fluff, crack and a little bit of smut :)))
summary: meeting kuroo tetsurou might be the best thing that has ever happened to you
first of all
kuroo pissed you off to no end
absolutely pissed you off
the first time you met him was when you were a first year
your brother keishin has asked you to come with them for the practice match they had with nekoma
the moment you got to school you had to DASH to go to the washroom because you had to pEee
curse your tiny bladder
when you went out everyone was already on the bus
you were gonna have to sit with someone you don’t know
because FOR SURE
your stupid brother keishin would be sitting next to takeda-sensei
the moment you hopped on the bus
everyone suddenly became quiet
everyone was jus like
who’s this cutie
is she lost
she’s from shiratorizawa what’s she doing here
and noya and tanaka are just screaming at this point
cue tanaka landing on the floor
and you’re just like
lmao what
and literally all the seats are taken except for the guy who literally yeeted his bald friend into the next dimension
i guess you had to sit next to the cutie huh
you look at your brother pleading for help
but he just ignores you and talks to sensei
your brother was so thirsty that he didn’t even CARE if these boys ate you alive
it’s okay
it be like that
f in the chat for y/n
oKAY enough self pitying
you reluctantly sit beside the really loud guy
“hi my names ukai y/n! what’s your name?”
“m-my name is n-nishinoya yuu”
cue noya looking like a literal tomato
“nice to meet you!! i’m excited to work with you nishinoya-san! if i may ask, what year are you in?”
“iM in sEcond yEar”
gosh noya’s so proud
“oH you’re my senpai then!! it’s really nice to meet you senpai!! i hope we have a good trip”
you called him senpai
without him asking you to
could you be any more perfect
“those aren’t words...”
and at that point noya was brain fried so you just put on your earphones and chilled
what was going on
you turned your head
and you saw this orange haired babie throwing up on the bald guy who got yeeted
and suddenly
chaos ensued
everyone was screaming because of the stench
you were gagging so hard that you felt your breakfast coming back up
but your seat buddy was having the time of his life laughing at his two friends who were having a dilemma
today was gonna be crazy
finally you guys had finally arrived at nekoma and honestly that’s as the most chaotic car ride you’ve ever experienced
but luckily on the way you’ve made yourself familiar with everyone on the team
especially the third year cuties
and no you did not say that to their faces because you’re shy :((
you guys finally get out of the bus and you see
a god
with crazy looking hair
“well if it isn’t the crows” “did you have a good ride here you country bumpkins?”
and daichi’s bout to lose it
“kuroo-san nice to see you again”
and you can definitely feel the tension in the air
was it just you or is it hot in here
kuroo suddenly turned to look at you and honestly you’ve never been more intimidated in your life because wow
he’s beautiful
“who’s the pretty girl daichi-san? is she your girlfriend?”
“no no she’s our couch’s sister”
“hi i’m ukai y/n, nice to meet you”
and you shake his hand and you’re SHOCKED
“kuroo tetsurou, likewise”
his hand is so warm n rough oh god
you suddenly wonder what it would feel like to have his hands slowly wrap around your throat as he starts to thru-
nO DIrtY ThOuGhTs
bad y/n
you’ve been so caught up in your day dream that you didn’t realize that you were still hold kuroos hand
and you look up to see kuroo looking like a smug little shit as if he was saying
‘are you ever gonna let go or?’
and it really made you wanna hit him
really badly
you wanted to punch his mouth
with your mouth
okay anyways
you snatch your hands away from kuroo and he just smirks at you like a smug little bastard
“what’s wrong kitten? didn’t wanna let go of my hand?”
at this point you’re too flustered to even talk so you take it as the time to back off and just let kuroo be a little fuckhead
but suddenly you’re snatched by tanaka and noya
you somehow end up bumping into kiyoko and you’re just like “omg i’m so sorry kiyoko-san i didn’t mea-“
“don’t worry about it y/n-chan, accidents happen”
and wow
a goddess
now you see what tanaka and noya see
she’s beautiful
maybe you do want the best of both worlds.....
tanaka and noya end up showing you off to their equally as weird friend taketora and of course like the normal person you are you greet him and introduce yourself
but before he even gets the chance to talk kiyoko’s already pulling you away telling you that she needed some help with setting up some of their gear
and of course like the puppy you are you follow her because yes you’re in love with her
i mean
who isn’t
lesbi honest
everyone’s a simp for kiyoko
moving on
finally they’ve started to play a match
and you’re very impressed
especially by hinata and kageyama because wow their skill was amazing
and hinata’s jumps were crazy
obviously you played volleyball yourself being ukai’s grand daughter
and you weren’t that bad
considering the fact that you play for japan’s u19 team with ushijima
who was a very close senpai to you
so close to the point where you’d call him your older brother
rip keishin
back to the game
everyone in karasuno was very promising and you were getting excited with the ideas that were flooding into your head
but nekomas not too bad either
they were pretty solid with their defence and some people might think that it’s all about the attacks but
your attack doesn’t mean anything if the ball doesn’t touch the floor in the court
you were very impressed with the bedhead’s receives a n d blocking
every time he managed a good save or blocked anyone he would always glance in your direction
and it may or may not have made you feel nervous because who doesn’t get nervous when an attractive person looks at you
the game finished rather quickly
at this point everyone was already cleaning up and of course you decided to help
you thought that you would be able to play just a little bit but your brother just wanted you to familiarize yourself with the teams before you went on the week long training camp with them
which was in two weeks
you were trying to take the volleyball net down until a tall figure comes up behind you and takes the net from you
you turn around and guess who it is
kuroo frocking tetsurou
what a surprise
“don’t worry about it peaches i got it”
did this man just call you PEACHES
peaches as in the scary girl who goes to famous peoples houses?
i think NOT sir
“pEACHES? what is that supposed to mean??! huh?!?”
“woah woah calm down babe, it’s just a nickname. i call you peaches cuz you smell like peaches”
that’s fine
“i’ve been wondering though, if you smell like peaches then would you taste like peaches??”
rip y/n’s remaining brain cells
“how about it doll? are you gonna give little old me a taste?”
and he’s suddenly pushing himself closer to you
and you close your eyes because it really looks like he’s about to kiss you and omg it’s like your first kiss hELP
but instead of a kiss
he just laughs at you
this man is literally bent over and CACKLING his lungs out
“you’re so cute doll, i wouldn’t kiss you without your permission. plus i gotta take you out first. wanna go on a date with me some time?”
and you’re just so caught off guard
that you can’t even manage a verbal response
like you just nod your head and then he’s ruffling you’re hair and walking away with the volleyball net
what the hell just happened
did you just score yourself a date
yes you did
you go girl
it’s time for you and your babies to go
and kuroo being the good person he is
walks you guys out
but before you can get on the bus
kuroo pulls you to the side and bends down to your height to whisper in your ear
“text me sometime peaches”
and you suddenly feel him putting a piece of paper in your back pocket
then he’s pushing you onto the bus and you’re just dumbfounded
did he just touch your bum
could he not just hand it to you
not that you were complaining,,, but now you just wanna know what it would feel like if he just grabbed your bum with both of his hands while you sit on his la-
gosh you have it bad for this boy
the moment you got him you debated whether to text him or not
i mean
you didn’t even look at the piece of paper yet
so you go into you back pocket and open the paper
‘xxx-xxx-xxxx text me when you get home peaches, i already miss your pretty face -kuroo’
you get up and start looking for your phone
and you spend like 6 minutes trying to think of what to say
but you finally settled with
hi :)
hopefully that was normal enough
and not even 1 minute later you already got a reply
hey cutie :) did you get home safe
and your conversation goes from there
you guys literally talk about everything
from his favourite colour to the time when your leg fell in a hole and you slammed your whole body on the ground causing your ribs to shift and now whenever somebody touches the top of your chest they can feel the top of your ribs
(that was actually a true story and yes it happened to me and yes my ribs are very very fucked up but i’m still alive soooo)
by the time you were back in tokyo
you and kuroo were basically best friends
you guys texted, called, and facetimed every day
you stepped out of the bus and low and behold
it was kuroo waiting for you
you run to him and jump in his arms
and he catches you and swings you around a few times
everyone was just like
‘when did they get so close’
and your older brothers just like
this is n o t good shaggy
and kuroo introduces you to everyone
especially his buddies bokutou, akaashi, and kenma
and bokutou’s bombarding you with questions
and he asks why you’re wearing a shiratorizawa sweater
and you’re just like ‘i go to school there..’
and he’s just like
“bokuto-san i think you’re scaring her”
“aKAAASHGHSI YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY ‘bokuto-san you’re so cool’”
and you and kuroo are just laughing your asses off
while kenma’s playing with his psp
“bokuto-san you’re so cool”
at that point you and kuroo have already walked away
and he brings you to your room
and helps you settle down your things
gosh he’s such a gentleman
y/n was ready to risk it all for this man
“peaches you okay?”
“oH i’m fine yes yes i’m fine tetsu”
“okaaaayyyy if you say so peaches” and kuroos just going through your bag checking if you have snacks
“tetsu i don’t have any snacks in there for you”
“really? what do you mean? you do have a snack for me tho”
and you’re jus like lol no i don’t
and he’s slowly walking towards you and you highkey feel intimidated but fuck that you’re not a bussy
at this point kuroo’s sitting on your legs while his arms are slowly creeping up your sides
and in your head
you’re just like
‘ahh this is it i’m gonna have a heart attack’
and suddenly
kuroo’s tickling you and you’re crying on the floor because HSJDJH
“what’s that peach? i cant hear you”
“hmm i don’t know, i think i’ll stop if you say ‘nya’ for me”
“come on pretty, say it for me”
you’re blushing sO HARD
and kuroo just freezes up because he didn’t think that you’d actually do it
“tetsu? u ok?”
“o-oH yeah i’m fine silly i was just thinking”
“what were you thinking about neko-chan?”
he was going to be the death of you
you, kuroo, bokutou, akaashi, hinata, and tsukishima suddenly ended up at an empty gym
and you guys wanted to play a match so
why not
it was you, kuroo, and tsukki
versus bokutou, hinata, and akaashi
it was a very intense but fun game
akaashi set to bokutou and bokutou did a cross shot
which wasn’t properly blocked by tsukishima
but luckily you were there to pick it up
and kuroo set to you and you slammed it down before they could even block you
the whole gym was silent
how did-
“peach what”
“what tetsu”
“since when were you so good at volleyball”
“tetsu i play for japan’s u19 team, why did you think i was here in the first place? i’m here to help you guys”
and hinata’s just yelling
after you got exposed
it was only you and tetsu left in the gym
after everything was cleaned up
kuroo pulled you aside before you could leave the gym
“t-tetsu what’re you doing? the gym lights are already of-“
“shut up for one second”
ogey then
“peaches i really like you. i know that we haven’t known each other long but it feels like i’ve known you since forever. will please let me take you out”
did he just
yes he did
“t-tetsu,,, i really like you too, and i would love it if we could go out on a date sometime”
and at that moment tetsu just
and he’s getting close to you again
to the point where he’s pressing you against the wall
he cups your cheek and leans closer to your face
“peaches,, can i please kiss you right now”
you close your eyes as you feel tetsu’s hot breath hovering other your soft lips
this was it
your were gonna kiss tetsu
your crush
and kuroos just like
it’s your brother
and you sadly look up at tetsu
and he just smiles at you and gestures for you to go
until you get up on your tippy toes and kiss tetsu full on the mouth
you catch him by surprise but he quickly kisses you back
you wrap your arms around his neck and slowly work your way up into his hair until you’ve got a good grip on him
kuroos hands weren’t staying still either
his hands were slowly creeping down your sides until he grabs the back of your thighs and pulls you up and holds you against him
his hands end up on your bum
and then
he squeezes
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nowoyas · 11 days
Koi no Yokan 12: SCAT2 (nishinoya yuu/reader)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
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Summary: You have a headache.
Tags and warnings: very light emetophobia (mentions of nausea, one threat of vomiting, no graphic descriptions), blanket series warnings, themes of child neglect, loss of a parent, suggestions of child abuse
Words: ~4400
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Q1. Can you tell me what happened?
Takeda is here, in front of you. It takes you too long to process him, too long to process Noya beside you, a hand on your shoulder. Longer to come up with an answer. What you settle on, and utterly fail to get your brain to communicate a single word of, is this:
Recently, the noise a volleyball makes when it hits the floor is one you've started to like. It's good. It's hollow. When the gym's quiet, it echoes. When it's noisy, it blends in seamlessly. Off a body, it's a duller sound, and you imagine that has to do with as much of the noise coming from the surface it impacts as it does the ball itself. Right now, the sound you're picturing, your most recent memory, is close to your ear. It's hollow. It echoes. You try to piece together what it was impacting off of, but it's hard to think, because your head fucking hurts.
It doesn't just hurt: it throbs; it pounds; it aches, and the more it aches the more you can't place why it aches, but you should know, shouldn't you? Weren't you there?
The thought pisses you off, and the madder you get, the more it throbs-pounds-aches-threatens to split in half entirely.
If you focus on the pinprick split where your consciousness is begging to fold over, you have the vaguest idea of walking into the gym with someone. Of shouting, of everyone around you, shouting shouting shouting they won't shut up—
Then, your Senpai there, crouching in front of you. Always there.
Oh. Crouching. If he's crouching, eye level, that puts you on the floor.
When you tug on the memory, you have to bite your lip something awful, but there's more there: someone—people—crying. Yachi, Hinata, both in tears as they stand behind your Senpai. Sawamura, yelling louder than you've ever heard him, ordering everyone to stop crowding her—you?—and pinching your skull like a dull pair of scissors.
Your scalp is too tight, a pair of jeans you should have known better than to try and squeeze into, the fabric straining more and more over the thighs and waist with every continued raised voice.
The millionth I'm sorry from Hinata's lips had you snapping, voice thick with tears as you begged for everyone to stop yelling. It's desperate. Pathetic. Not you at all.
Everything too loud, too bright, and you're not sure if it's you or the memory of you lurching with nausea and pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes in vain, desperate hopes of making it all stop stop stop—
Takeda repeats the question in a gentle voice. "[surname]-chan. Can you tell me what happened?"²¹
"Think I died," you manage to grit out. The words are there, the explanations, the details, but they're heavy and you're not sure you can lift them.
A nervous laugh. "Can you tell me anything else?"
You shake your head. Takeda looks to someone else—your Senpai, your Noya—for the answer. "What happened before I got here?"
His voice is too firm and too quiet when he answers. Angry and cold and so, so unlike him. You wish you could focus on the words long enough to catch what he has to say.
Takeda makes a note,²³ looks you over. Asks you some other question that doesn't matter—something about a pain in your neck, which you don't have, or if you do, you can't feel it over the fucking parasite trying to burst out from inside your skull.
"Alright. I need to ask you a few questions. [surname]-chan—"
Q2. Where are we?
Thinking about it isn't doing you any favors, but you can follow the logic for an easy enough answer. Takeda-sensei, Noya, your boys from the club—
"The," you start, then stop and lean over your knees. "The school. Right?"
That has to be it. Everyone's school people, except Noya, who's an always people, but everyone else is school people. Not even just school people. They're also—
"T-the gym."
Another nod, another note, an assurance that you're doing great. A hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circles that seem to be the only thing keeping your soul in your body at this moment in time.
Q3. What time is it?
You're pretty sure you answered something. When you drag your eyes up to look at Takeda—squinting through lights too bright—his expression is worried. You suppose you might also have not actually said anything. It's getting hard to tell.
"How about the day? Can you tell me what day it is?"
"August," you blurt. "August fifth."
Beside you, Noya cringes. That must not be right, then.
Takeda rattles off a few more questions. You don't recall them, or your responses—maybe a balance test, maybe something with remembering a list of words. Just that, at the end of it, he gives you this worried look and speaks in that same gentle tone.
"[surname]-chan, I'm worried that you have a concussion. I'm going to call your parents to take you to the hospital, alright?"
Your eyes find Noya, distressed and pathetic. You're not sure what you're looking for from him. He gives it to you anyway.
"Shoot, that might be a problem," he says hurriedly. "She was telling me yesterday that her dad had a big business trip he was leaving for today. Something super important for work, right, [name]-san?"
You nod slowly.
"I think he's on a flight right now, actually. You're not gonna get him on the phone."
Takeda frowns. "That'll be a problem. Is she staying with anyone while he's away?"
"Not directly, but she's right down the street from me, and Okaa-san's pretty close with her dad. I can give you her number; she sort of keeps an eye on [name]-san whenever her dad has to go out of town."
It's a lie, probably, but at the very least, you don't have to corroborate a thing. If they make you speak one more sentence, you're throwing up right here and no one is stopping you.
"Thank you, Nishinoya-kun. I'll call your mom. Will you take [surname]-chan to sit outside for now?"
You let him help you up; let him guide you.
Outside, there are birds calling, and their voices, too, are far too loud.
Every time Nishinoya Rina's work phone rings with a call from the school, her lungs deflate like a stuck balloon. For a few brief years, it was easier to deal with: at least Yuu and Satsuki were at different schools. At least she knew which of her kids had caused an issue before she picked up the phone.
Statistically speaking, it'll be Satsuki. Yuu's usually the good one, barring those times his tempers or passions get out of hand. One of her friends—estranged now—had always told her how much more wild boys were, but as wild as Yuu is, Rina's never taken a phone call about him sending a classmate to the hospital. It's Satsuki who likes to fight, Satsuki who doesn't have incentive enough to keep her temper in check. It's also Satsuki who likes to fight her brother's fights for him—he's got volleyball, and her favorite sport is trying to get away with fights—and Satsuki who she's let think she doesn't know about every single one, because the poor girl needs an outlet and punishing her will make it worse.
In the time it takes for Rina to get the housewife at her register rung out, the phone has stopped ringing. The woman—Yanagi, a regular, stops in once a week or so for meat for the husband and kids—tuts softly at her expression. "Another call from the school, Nishinoya-san?"
Rina winces. She's never been good at this part of customer service—the endlessly bright, shining face that comes so naturally to most of the rest of her family. "Is it that easy to tell?"
"Satsuki-chan must still be making trouble. You know, if that girl had a strong father figure in her life, I bet she'd come around. Do you know Nakamura-san? I heard he's looking for a wife, and you're still young!"
Only two years younger than her, Rina wants to say, and her kids are doing much better without a father in their lives. Instead, she forces a well-practiced smile. The shop is built on regular customers, after all. "I've got my hands full with the teenagers, Yanagi-san," she replies as the phone begins to ring again. Still Karasuno High School on the caller ID. Still a problem with one of her kids. "I don't really have much time to think about a second husband. Not to mention, who'd be here to slice up pork for your kids if I'm running around with some Nakamura-san?"
Yanagi laughs, saunters towards the door. "If you ever change your mind, let me know and I'll get you his number! You'd better see what your daughter's done this time."
As the front bell rings, Rina snatches up the phone with force enough to break it.
"Hello?" she says, then cringes: her voice came out too harsh, too clipped. Yanagi put her in a bad mood. She needs to learn to control her voice better.
"Excuse me, is this Nishinoya-san? This is Takeda, from Karasuno High School."
"Yes, this is her speaking. Is this about Yuu, or Satsuki?"
"Well, actually, there was an incident during volleyball practice this afternoon, and—"
Oh. Oh shit. It's actually Yuu this time.
Not only is that an insane turn of events, it's deeply concerning.
"—[surname]-chan, one of our managers, was hit in the head with a volleyball and is showing signs of a concussion. Nishinoya-kun mentioned that you're neighbors, and her father is out of town, but that you'd been asked to keep an eye on her in case anything happened. I would strongly recommend that [surname]-chan be taken to the hospital, but without her father available, I'll have to defer to you…"
Rina is silent for a long moment. Part of it is the relief: Satsuki didn't get into any fights, and Yuu hasn't shoved any more members of the faculty in the halls. Another part: the concern, different from its initial form, but still very present.
No one mentioned a word to her about looking after anyone else's kids, but she knows the [surname] name. She's heard it—first in whispers, then spoken aloud from customers and neighbors after enough weeks had passed—all in the context of a hit-and-run incident, but she's certain the only family member she'd ever spoken to would be the mother, now dead. The father, she hasn't seen since then, and she's not quite sure she even knows what the daughter looks like.
In other words, the girl in question is a mixed-up kid who's lying about her father and needs to go to the hospital.
Rina's hands are already on the box of gloves as she comes to a response.
"Thank you for calling. I don't have any staff at the shop—please give me a moment to get everything closed down and I'll take her to the hospital. How is she doing?"
"She's very disoriented. I believe she's understanding everything I'm saying, but she doesn't seem to want to say much. From what Nishinoya-kun has told me, she's very sensitive to noise right now."
"I understand. I'll be there as soon as possible."
When she hangs up, she moves as fast as she can. The open sign is flipped; she scribbles out a sign to post on the door apologizing for the inconvenience. The meats of the day are moved to the walk-in cooler, things are wiped down with a speed she's grown proud of in the years since she took over the shop. She shoves the cash drawer into the safe, misses the apron hook, and as she locks the front door, she locks eyes with an approaching customer—old Mister Watanabe, pries too much and has known her since grade school.
"Oh, are you closing for the day already, Rina-chan? Early, isn't it?"
She flashes an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. If you call the shop and leave a message, I'll have everything packed up for you bright and early tomorrow morning, Watanabe-san. There's been a family emergency."
Noya gets permission to stay with you. It takes one look of actual concern to get permission for it, and he doesn't even have to ask. Not that anyone needs a reason for someone to stay—you're only half-there, have to be cajoled into focusing long enough to hold conversation. He's pretty sure it's more from pain than anything—the way you wince when anyone speaks, the way you hold your head. You bury your face in his shoulder, not for comfort, but, it seems, to block out some of the light, and he holds you close in a vain attempt to soothe you.
He wasn't involved in the spike that took you out, but it's still his fault. Had he moved faster, he could have gotten in front of it, could have done some dashing move to prevent your shit from getting wrecked before afternoon practice can even really start.
His mom shows up in record time, talks to Takeda for a bit before all three of you pile into her car. Yachi brought him your bag and clothes from the changing room, so you should be all set to go, and she also promised to keep notes for you until you're back at school. No one has any illusions about that being this week.
Noya sits in the back seat with you while his mom drives. She lasts several minutes of silence before addressing the issue properly.
"So… [surname]-chan, was it?" she asks quietly. Takeda-sensei must have given her the memo about your being sensitive to noise. "You're Yuu's friend?"
You nod weakly. "I-I, um. Down the street?"
"She lives a few doors down from us," Noya translates. He meets her eyes in the rear-view mirror, silently pleading: don't bring up her family.
Mom listens. She's cool like that.
"Well, we'll get you brought to the hospital. How long is your father going to be away?"
"Don't remember."
"You can stay with us, then. Your Sensei is pretty certain you have a concussion, and if the one Kaede had is anything to go by, the doctors aren't going to want you to go home alone for your own sake. She had to spend a little while being monitored to make sure everything was alright."
You jerk, mouth snapping open to reply, only to cut off in a wince. Noya rubs your shoulder soothingly.
"I know, honey. It's not ideal, but I'm a mother, you know? I can't let you go home to an empty house with an injury like that. How are you going to eat and take care of yourself alone?"
You press your lips together firmly, more stray tears slipping down your cheeks. Noya digs out his handkerchief and offers it to you.
"Hurts," you whimper, and his heart breaks.
"I know. We're getting you taken care of, okay?" he murmurs to you, too soft for Mom to hear.
You nod.
The rest of the car ride is relatively quiet. After a bit, you rest your head on his shoulder, dabbing at your cheeks periodically with his handkerchief.
Mom raises an eyebrow when she spots it, but she doesn't say a word.
Yuu's… friend? Girlfriend? …is loud about her protests to the diagnosis, Rina notes after several hours at the hospital. Wordier than the car ride, clearly wants to just go home, but, well…
It's a yes to the concussion, and a no to going home without an observation period. They want to keep you overnight and well into tomorrow—24 hours of monitoring in total—which works out, because Rina's not letting you alone until you're actually cleared to return to some amount of activity, and there's a lot she left undone at the shop that she'll need to circle back around for, like prepping for Watanabe's order and cleaning more thoroughly. Or else, Dad might be up for taking over for a day or two while she watches you—she's not so sure about having him watch over you, but if he can take over the shop, she can stay home, and no one misses out on meat for the week. You're clearly upset about it, but Yuu whispered something to you which calmed you just enough to let Rina feel good leaving you for the night.
She'd taken Yuu home to sort out the mess in the kitchen, where she now sits, watching him pace around the table. Soba's taken up residence on top of the fridge, eyes tracking him as he goes. Between her and Soba, she's not sure the last time either of them saw him so upset.
"Yuu, honey, sit down," Rina says gently.
"Can't. She's gonna be alright, right?"
She nods. "That's why they're keeping her overnight. So she will be alright."
"Okay, but why do they think she needs to be watched so long?"
"It's normal for a concussion. You were too young to remember, but Kaede had to do the same thing."
"Nee-san did? How'd she get a concussion?"
Rina cringes. "It was… a rough time. Better that you don't remember."
His eyes harden in understanding, footsteps slowing to a stop.
Every day, it gets harder to address Yuu and Satsuki about their father. In theory, they're too young to remember much, and someday, she'll have to sit them down and tell them the story in full so they understand, but not here. Not now. Satsuki certainly remembers enough to be affected, and with the way Yuu looks at her now, he knows enough that they can save the conversation for another day. Some other time, maybe, when Yuu's girlfriend isn't laying in a hospital bed and when Yuu's not busy wearing a new path into the tile floor.
Not today.
He sits, and she stares him down. "So, tell me about your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend," he says reflexively.
She raises an eyebrow. His shoulders drop a little.
"…yet. But I'm gonna marry her someday."
Rina laughs, shoulders dropping a bit. That's a bit more like her son. "Does she know that?"
"Of course! I've proposed to her almost a hundred times already. I really think she's coming around to the idea."
"I'd expect no different from you," she says with a good-natured sigh. "What's the real reason your teacher's calling me about her, and not her father?"
"I guess you know about what happened with her mom?"
She knows the rumors. It was all her customers wanted to talk about for weeks at the shop—such a tragedy, poor girl had to watch her mom die, the man didn't even stop—but she'd been busy that day, hadn't been home to see it happen.
She vaguely remembers coming home with groceries to see flashing lights on the street and panicking, thinking one of her kids had gotten caught up in something. Remembers the all-consuming guilt that had overtaken her at the thought that oh, good, all my kids are okay on hearing that a woman had died, that a girl almost her son's age had to watch it happen. "More or less. Her father's still around, right?"
"Not really. She just told me about it the other day. He comes home super late, barely even looks at her if he is home early enough to see her. She's been basically on her own this whole time."
"So he's not actually on a business trip."
"He isn't."
"So you lied to Takeda-sensei."
"Look, [name]-san is—she doesn't need to deal with trying to navigate the school asking questions about her dad while she's got a concussion, and I don't think she really wants it brought up. It took a lot just for her to mention it to me, and she really only did it because she thought I already knew. I'm not gonna turn around and immediately tell Sensei that her home life's screwed up. She''ll never trust me again like that. I'm not even sure she really trusts me now."
"So her father's neglecting her."
"She has, like, food and stuff. He gave her a debit card to use for groceries and all that. He just… won't talk to her. Won't spend any time around her. She's mostly managing the team to get out of the house because she doesn't want to come home, so I try to do what I can to keep her busy. She doesn't smile very much." He pauses. "She's really lonely."
Rina's heart cracks a little. It makes sense—she knows where else she's seen you. You come into the butcher shop sometimes, buy the cheapest meats not with a sense of desperation but with a look of guilt. You don't make conversation. You don't do much more than speak when spoken to, ask for the meat you're after, and smile a polite little smile that never seems to reach your eyes. Just a can I get a pound of this cut? and a thank you very much when everything's wrapped up and paid for. Once or twice, a how much of this do you think would be good for two people for a week? The split in your lip was new, but it hadn't been the first time you'd come into the shop with some kind of visible bruise or another.
"She's going to stay with us at least until the concussion starts clearing up. I'm not letting that girl go home without someone to take care of her. What does she like to eat?"
Yuu's brow furrows as he thinks it over. "She likes sweet things. I don't think she's very picky, either." A pause. A flash of realization. "She likes karaage, I think. And curry, but we just had that the other night. I think she's still eating the same batch. She might appreciate something different."
Rina smiles. "'We'?"
His cheeks are pink when he replies, "When we got back from the training camp. She made curry while telling me about her family, and I stayed for dinner. She's a really good cook."
"She sounds like a sweet girl. There's some things I need to handle before picking her up tomorrow; you can either come with me back to the shop to do prep for tomorrow, or you can stay here and make sure the guest futon is clean and dry for her. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be without a task right now, though."
He nods. He gets extra restless, sometimes, and somehow she gets the weird sense that if she leaves him without something to occupy him, she'll come back to the house on fire or receive a call that Yuu has broken into the hospital after visiting hours. "I think I'll stay here and make things ready for her."
"I'll make a list for you, then."
They sit down together like that for a bit, making a list—what to clean tonight, how to make her comfortable, who to ask to borrow what (Satsuki's clothes if she's not comfortable with Yuu's or sending someone to grab some from her place, Mei's shower stuff). Yuu's never been great keeping tasks straight in his head, never been the best at focusing, but that's why the list—whatever he gets done will be a help, and whatever he doesn't, they can tackle together when she's home from the shop. She'll talk to the girls tonight, talk to Dad when she can. Tomorrow, she'll take Yuu with her back to pick you up from the hospital, and it'll all work out somehow.
That's all it needs to do.
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21. This chapter, and me not bringing an on-site school athletic trainer into the mix despite that not being an uncommon thing to have available at American schools (or else I worked with a very unique set of athletic trainers in a county that can employ athletic trainers at every high school but not a fucking French teacher), is dedicated to Jun Matsuno, whose master thesis²² I read in its entirety for exactly one line telling me whether or not Japanese high schools would also have an athletic trainer on campus to be brought in in case your club's manager fucking dies by volleyball. Everyone say thank you Jun Matsuno. I'm entirely positive that the goal you had in mind when writing your Master's thesis and approving it for public availability was for some Ao3 author to use it to write a very long fanfic about a less-popular Haikyuu character someday, so I am here to actualize that goal. Congrats on your Master's! I hope you're using it well, sir.
22. Jun Matsuno, "Perception of Athletic Training Services of Japanese Collegiate Student Athletes," Online Theses and Dissertations, 2013, https://encompass.eku.edu/etd/192.
23. I couldn't figure out a good way to stick this note on the chapter title, but he's filling out the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool. Haikyuu is set in 2012, so he's specifically using the SCAT 2nd edition (the SCAT2), based on my research to figure out what edition was in use at the time. The SCAT3 was introduced in 2013.²⁴ Some research on the subject seems to imply that the English-language concussion assessment tools is the same as the concussion assessment tools used in Japan, presumably after having been translated to Japanese.²⁵, ²⁶
24. Echemendia et al. "The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5): Background and rationale." British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 no. 11 (June 2017): 848/850. PubMed.
25. Suzuki et al. "Knowledge of, and Attitudes Toward, Concussion in Japanese Male Collegiate Athletes." Front Sports Act Living 4 (2022). PubMed Central.
26. Otomo et al. "Concussions in Japanese High School Rugby Players: Research on injuries, symptoms, and signs." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (2017): 368-369.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory @kazunish
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obscureamor · 4 years
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— something about you
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⋯  ukai keishin x fem! reader
⋯  t/w  |  nsfw, noncon, choking, mentions of blood (you get cut on a thorn), degradation, ukai refers to himself as daddy, open ending (?), 18 y/o manager
»  ukai can’t get sugawara’s girlfriend out of his head. you plague his thoughts and have him taking action in the worst way possible.
✧  a/n  |  i was putting off posting this for the longest because i’m honestly so nervous about it sksjjss but! this started out as a thirst and then spiraled out of control, so i do hope you enjoy! also... i wasn’t lying when i said i’d make reader work at a flower shop.
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The smell of cigarette smoke clinging to his clothes invades each and every one of your senses, eyes watering at the intrusive scent. You didn’t understand. You couldn’t— You can’t understand. And as Coach Ukai mouths at your neck, teeth nipping at the skin, as his warm hands find their way under your uniform top; you finally realize that he’s going to make sure you understand by the time he’s done with you. 
You were just so tantalizingly sweet. Sugawara Koushi’s precious little girlfriend. The backup setter that didn’t have much going on for him in terms of volleyball games, but who needed that when he had you by his side? You, who’d help manage the volleyball team. You, who’d always try to make small talk with Takeda-sensei and Ukai, profusely apologizing on your sudden— not so sudden —interruptions. 
“C-Coach? I... I—” you choke, words that you want to say getting caught and your throat hurts; the feeling of it constricting with every breath, mouth dry. It seems like all the water in your body is going to your eyes as he presses you harder into the alley wall. The darkness of the night paired with the dull lighting from the street lamp up above doesn’t let your mind fully register the color of his hair. And you think maybe, just maybe, you can picture Koushi biting at your neck and his hands gripping your hips so tight, too tight you know bruises will blossom and you’ll both blush about it the next day.
It’s Koushi. It’s Koushi. Until your mind tells you it’s not.
Koushi would never take you in a dirty alleyway outside your job. He would never slam you so hard into a brick wall, you feel as if something’s broken. And most importantly, he knew where you worked. The small little flower shop that seemed like the epitome of you or you, it. You shine as bright as the sunflowers you care for. You exude love like the roses you de-thorn. You're as calm and devoted like the lavender you use as filler. You don’t know how Ukai knew you’d be here— in this exact moment, at this exact time —flowers in hand because it’s yours and Koushi’s anniversary. 
Freesias, roses, and carnations bundled up and neatly tied. 
Scattered. Scattered all over the ground in the dim lighting, petals crushed and weeping and trembling as your lips part to choke out a sob, trembling as his hand starts to reach into your panties. Ukai doesn’t know what it is about you. He’s asked himself that question night after night of his hand wrapped around his cock, cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he jacks off. His warm cum splattering on his shirtless chest as he gets off to the thought of you. 
“Been waiting for this... for so fucking long.” He breathes, pulling back from your neck to study your face but your eyes are locked onto the fallen bouquet behind him. “You’re such a teasing little slut.” 
Koushi would never call you such words... at least not with so much animosity laced within. If you try, like really, really try, you can once again make yourself believe it’s Koushi’s hand. Koushi’s fingers poking and prodding at your entrance.
Your teeth clench, jaw setting, and— 
There’s a loud smack that rings in your ears. It’s not your skin that burns. It’s not your skin that reddens at the contact. Ukai and you stare at each other as he pulls back, hand gripping his cheek as his other curls into a fist. 
Always the one to be respectful, apologies come rushing out of your mouth. It falls from your lips like cherry blossoms in the spring. Your fingers splaying out before you, a silent warning to not come any closer because ‘You can leave. I-I won't report this. Just please leave, Ukai...’ But you’re so silly. You’re so naïve. Ukai isn’t listening anymore, mind focused on only taking what he wants especially after that little stunt you just pulled. 
His hand falls to his side limply, staring at you with an expression you can’t read. You both can hear your panicked breathing. The way your lips part with words that can’t escape because you just want to get to Sugawara’s house. That’s all you want. That’s all you need, but when Ukai rushes towards you, fingers rooting and tugging you downward by your hair; you come to the conclusion that it’s no longer possible. 
Your back hits the cement harshly, wind getting knocked out of you and stems crushing under your weight. A stray thorn you forgot to take off pricking you, digging deep into the skin like Ukai’s fingers on your hips. A strangled scream leaves your parted lips as warmth sticks to your skin from the small puncture. 
“I-I need to—!” You need to what? You need to what? You don’t really know. Mind scrambling, thoughts running and scattering like petals in the wind. The only thing that registers is— “I-It hurts!” Your back arches, chest pushing into his, and when he places his hand on your chest, shoving you back down, the thorn shifts… a jagged line marring your skin. An even bigger cut oozing crimson that soaks the lone thorn. It’s no longer facing up from frantic shifts but stems still press into you uncomfortably. 
“Look at me.” It’s mumbled, his warm hand wrapping around your throat ever so softly. You don’t think you’ve ever heard Coach Ukai so desperate. Not when the team is about to lose. Not when the team has lost. This is a different desperation that’s running through his veins. It soaks into his actions like flowers soak up water. Your vision clouds more, bright blond being looked at through splotchy vision. Your shoulders raise, body tensing as you look off to the side. “Look at me!” he shouts, hand around your throat tightening with a grip so strong it almost kills you.
Stubborn. Always so stubborn. You don’t do it. Instead, clenching your eyes shut, lips wobbling as you choke out another sob. Sobbing as his hands start to work off your pants leaving your lower half bare before he works off his belt. You gulp in breaths, barely listening as his lips part to utter words of disdain towards you and ‘If you even think about fighting back again, I’ll ruin you, you little bitch.’ The words hold so much weight. They fester in your stomach and the urge to kick and scratch at Ukai wells up even stronger. 
“You slutty little manager.” His cock taps at your clit making you flinch. You can’t help but clench around nothing, an action you correlate with Koushi. And even though he’s not the one doing it, your body still reacts. “Always talking to me for a sliver of attention, huh!?” 
“That’s not true!” you cry, head shaking frantically. ‘Get away! Get away!’ is repeated over and over, breathing frantic and hands coming up to his biceps. His statement is the furthest from the truth. Your actions of respect, mistaken for want. Ukai says nothing as he starts to push in, leaning forward so his face is right above yours. His actions are brash, thrusts frantic but he holds you as if you’re a flower about to fall from its stem. Your eyes shimmer with already shedded tears, brows furrowed as you speak, “Please, take it out! Please!”
He’s so different from Koushi— the feeling of him. His movements. The words he says to you are so different, but when he kisses you so softly, so feather light it reminds you of Sugawara and your pussy just gushes at the thought. Every push and pull just makes you mewl, sobs and pleas swallowed by Ukai’s warm tongue.
“Does he fuck you like this?” No. “Does he make you feel this good, huh?” Yes and even better. 
Ten times better than Ukai could because Koushi knows your body. He sinks into you slowly and teases you so much you sob because you can’t take it anymore. He thrusts into you with such fervor, teasing voice asking, ‘You gonna cum on daddy’s cock like the little whore you are?’ Eyes scanning your body and hands gripping your heated flesh, lips mumbling words against yours. ‘My stupid little whore.’
“Daddy’s gonna fuck you so good.” Ukai’s voice cuts through your thoughts, cutting them away like garden shears to rose bushes in the summer. The sound of smacking reverberating throughout the alley leaves your ears ringing and your heart clenching in pain. An empty feeling in your chest blossoms because you wonder what Koushi’s thinking right now. 
“You want daddy to cum in this pretty little cunt?” He groans. The vein on his cock is pressing up against your walls so snuggly and dragging against your walls so deliciously it makes you moan. But still, you shake your head no.
“Please don’t, Ukai,” you murmur, “P-Please... Y-You can’t—!” 
“Yes I can and you better take every last. fucking. drop.” It’s snarled out, two fingers making their way into your mouth, calloused pads stroking the expanse of your tongue. The pink muscle writhes around his digits, trying to force him out but instead making him groan at your unconscious actions. “Tell me you want it.” 
Garbled noises and whimpers leave you as he shifts his hips, repeatedly hitting that spongy spot. You gasp, back arching and hands grasping at his shirt. Every thrust moves you. It shakes your entire being with how roughly he’s thrusting into you and why does it feel so good? The realization makes your mind go blank, only focused on Ukai’s cock now pressing flush against your cervix with every thrust. 
“N-Nnn... plea—” you try and force out, eyelids fluttering because too much is happening. You’re drunk off the feeling of him inside you but brought back down to earth as stems remind you of who you really belong to. 
Ukai picks up his pace, fingers leaving your mouth and instead taking place on your clit. He’s rubbing tight circles as he raises to get a better look at you. 
The tears in your eyes are now falling for a different reason. 
“Tell me you want it!” he repeats.
“I don’t! I don’t want it!” you wail. “Please don’t! You can’t— You can’t cum inside!”
“I can’t?” He pouts, words mockingly said in disbelief. He watches as you shake your head, trying to move away but your slutty cunt just keeps sucking him in, gummy walls just trapping him. The warmth makes his hips stutter, but he wills himself. “You let Sugawara cum in this pretty pussy? You let him hit it raw?” He’s nodding his head and you don’t know why you repeat the action.
You’re sure every inch of you is going to be marked with bruises as his hips snap into yours, nails scratching at his skin and legs locking up. ‘Please don’t cum in me’ seems like the only phrase you know, puffy lips parting as you mewl. Ukai can see you creaming all over his cock, a milky ring left around his dick as you cry, body betraying you and leaving you with such dread. It’s betraying you. It’s betraying Koushi by cumming on another man’s cock. And even though it’s forced you can’t help but like it, walls fluttering like butterflies in the summer. Flowers bloom in your throat as you try and breathe. It blocks your airway and leaves you loathing the very thing that gives you life. 
If you never met Koushi, would this still have happened? 
Butterflies turn into wasps. You can’t hate him when he has no control over this. 
The sight of you tensing, chest heaving has Ukai’s cock twitching. “I’m gonna— fuck!”
He pulls out... spilling himself on your lower half, shirt staining, and a gasp leaves you. It's silent before you can feel Ukai’s thumb draw soothing circles onto your hip. The action makes you want to hurl and the literal emptiness you feel when you stare at him makes you want to curl into yourself. Warmth seeps into your skin, eyes now focusing on the void sky as you will yourself to look down. Your lips tremble, shakily parting as you stare at the mess. There’s no way you can see Koushi like this. There’s no way you’re facing him with another man’s cum on—
“Let me drive you to Sugawara’s house...”
Freesias, roses, and carnations bundled up and neatly tied, left in a dirty alleyway as Koushi stares at his phone in his room. It’s bordering on 2am and he still hasn’t heard from you.
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rogueyami · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
I love reading fanfics, and I have so many bookmarked that I want to share. Hope you all enjoy and give these writers all the love. All of these are completed works, and they are a mixture of one shots and multi chaps.
where the night goes by bigspoonnoya (M)
When their bond loses the immediate context of volleyball, they're left to consider why it's still so vital and important.
Meeting again, by chance, six years later.
Somewhere to Belong by Esselle (E)
Once a year, all the villages that follow the way of the sun offer up one of their own to be taken to the sun god's divine temple. Kageyama Tobio, an orphan and loner, never wanted to be chosen—and until the sun god appeared, no one ever wanted to choose him, either. All Tobio wants is to find a place he fits in. What he actually gets is another story entirely.
by this time next year by reeology (T)
"I got offers from two universities," Kageyama announces, pointing at his chest with his thumb. "I'm going to play volleyball at Keio this spring."
"You still have to pass an exam, even if it's an easy one," Takeda-sensei hurries to add, although he is beaming and bursting with pride at his fluffy little crow chick taking off to play volleyball at a university level.
"I'll pass," Kageyama says with the same kind of confidence he uses when he tells Hinata he'll get the toss to him. He looks straight at Hinata, and Hinata jerks and turns red, wondering if maybe Kageyama knew he was daydreaming about something as stupid as the way Kageyama talks to him during a game. But then Kageyama just points at him and says, "You'd better get in, too."
Hinata, stupid, naive, idiot that he is, grins wide and nods and says, "Yeah!"
He doesn't know what he's in for.
Not Alone by seconddaysea (E)
"I'll visit you," Hinata says. "So you're not allowed to get lonely, you got it?" He turns so they're facing each other, hands warm against Tobio's back. "I'm already lonely," he replies quietly, and he presses his face against Hinata's heart, squeezing his eyes shut, because if this is a dream he doesn't want to wake up.
maps, from me to you by tothemoon (T)
This is a (non-chronological) account of the memories they make out of millimeters.
we can do better than that by spaceburgers (M)
Oikawa and Iwaizumi go on a road trip during the summer after their high school graduation. It doesn't go as expected, but maybe that's not such a bad thing after all. 
we shine like diamonds by whiitemists (T)
Oikawa is nine when he first hears the word. The boys on the playground whisper it like it's dirty, like the way they daringly mutter the word fuck and then look over their shoulders to check their parents hadn't heard.
"You know Abe-kun from class?" they snicker, hands cupped around their mouths like they're passing along a filthy secret. "I hear his older brother is... gay."
here comes your man by newamsterdam (T)
Iwaizumi’s left his cell phone on the bench, and while Suga keeps his gaze away from Iwaizumi the phone lights up with a new message.
Iwa-chan, it reads, Have a good day today! Good luck! <3 <3 <3
Suga chokes. It’s hard to imagine anyone calling the scowling and fierce Doctor Iwaizumi “Iwa-chan.” But marriage probably comes with all sorts of liberties.
Mrs. Iwaizumi must be quite the doting wife, Suga thinks. Delivering hand-made bentos and sending along loving messages.
No one really knows much about the new surgical resident, Doctor Iwaizumi, other than the fact that he's married. Suga's determined to find out more, and make a friend of him in the process.            
just hear me out by loveclouds (T)     
To stimulate Japan's low birthrates and take most of the guesswork out of dating, a beeper system was biologically developed in people's wrists, an audible confirmation to show romantic compatibility.
Iwaizumi's beeper has been going off for Oikawa since they've been kids. Oikawa's has only ever been silent.
 Call Security! by DeathBelle  (T)    
Oikawa Tooru is attractive, charming, and irresistible.
He thinks so, anyway, until he meets the mall's new security guard.
In which Oikawa has a crush, Iwaizumi has no interest, and a chain of shoplifting incidents brings them together.
(Don't) Touch Me by DeathBelle (E)         
Akaashi has always had an aversion to human contact, but earlier in his life it had been bearable. It isn't until his last year of high school that it becomes intolerable. By the time he enters college, any skin contact has the potential to send him spiraling into a breathtaking panic attack.
He reconnects with Bokuto in college, and he seems to be the only person with the ability to calm Akaashi down. He finds himself relying on his old captain more and more, especially when Bokuto deems himself Akaashi's own personal guardian. Despite their connection, he can't touch Bokuto, either; no matter how badly he'd like to.    
Upstairs by yoogiboobi (E)    
Bokuto first sees his neighbour at the supermarket, three days after he's moved into his new place.
For about a second, a heartbeat, he's met with a pair of dark, piercing eyes, with what is probably eyeliner, looking back at him. It really is just a split second before his hand knocks down three cereal boxes that hit him square in the head, effectively making him break eye contact and drop his groceries to the floor.
In which some of the first things Bokuto learns about his upstairs neighbour are the colour of his eyes and the sound of his moans.         
bang! now we're even by Authoress (E)
Akaashi only has two rules when it comes to his profession. One, complete the job as swiftly and cleanly as possible. Two, never trust anyone who smells like blood.
Rule three is to shoot Owl Eyes in the face should he ever come across him, but Akaashi never tells anyone about that one.
Crisis Converted  by valiantarmor (E)    
Akaashi Keiji is just a normal cop with a penchant for getting himself into trouble, when quite suddenly he finds himself with a big promotion and a brand new partner.
But his habit of finding trouble hasn't gone away -- if anything, it's only gotten worse. 
cracks in the pavement will lead you home by deusreks (M)    
Bokuto often thinks about Akaashi, especially when he’s running. It’s like his legs know where they’re supposed to take him. He grows into a habit of running a lot, just to keep that feeling going. Cracks and holes in the pavement aren’t fun to jump over if the final reward isn’t seeing Akaashi’s face.
An alternate universe with a little bit of magic and a lot of growing up.         
died in my dreams by MTrash (Makaria) (T)
If anyone asked Ushijima how it came to this, he wouldn’t be able to formulate a proper answer.
Ushijima likes his quiet, his order, and his solitude. That is, until a loud, talkative and a little chaotic cyber tech convinces him that that's just plain boring.
while i nodded, nearly napping (suddenly there came a tapping) by pseudoanalytics (T)     
Of course if there was one thing that could be counted on, it was Ushijima’s blunt, total honesty. “Do you think Tendou is attracted to me?”
Reon froze. “T-Tendou?”
Tendou was notoriously hard to read, but Reon kind of figured that he wasn’t the type to be anything less than painfully overt with romantic affections.
“I... I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I think if Tendou was attracted to you, he would let you know,” Reon said. “I'd guess he just considers you his best friend.” He hoped his answer would satisfy whatever frenzy the guy had worked himself into so Reon could finally take advantage of his last precious hours of sleep.
But instead, Ushijima visibly deflated in front of him. “Yes. That’s what I thought too,” he said miserably.
Oh, Reon realized. Oh no...
Executive Excursion by DeathBelle (E)    
Tendou is fun, quirky, and interesting.
Ushijima is none of the above.
It's no surprise that Ushijima is drawn to Tendou's magnetic personality. What's surprising is that Tendou seems to like Ushijima, too.
With a little support from his coworkers, Ushijima decides to take a chance and ask Tendou on a date. The results are better than expected.
fascinating facts about geckos by miracleboysatori (T)        
Ushijima Wakatoshi.
That’s the coach’s name. And he’s the new biology teacher on campus, so not only is he incredibly beautiful, he's also smart as hell.
Tendou can tell he’s completely doomed.
Affection, and other Quantifiable Actions by badbavarois (T)   
(He's a monster) Ushijima Wakatoshi isn't a monster.            
Misc/ Other ships
but not for spring to well up by tookumade (T)  OsaSuna 
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.           
the more things change by deadseasalt (E)  OiKage   
“So let me get this straight. You went to the Meiji-Chuo game and saw your old crush and after watching Meiji bring Chuo to a crushing defeat, you realized you were still crushing on him big time?”
Kageyama wishes he could spit in Tsukishima’s drink. “It’s not a crush.”
Tsukishima laughs. “You poor dumb fuck.”
Third Impression by DeathBelle (E) Kuroo x Semi
If Semi has a type, Kuroo isn't it.
After their first meeting, Semi concludes that Kuroo is smug, presumptuous, and a little too flirtatious for his own good. Their second encounter doesn't change his mind, and Semi does his best to avoid a third.
Kuroo has other ideas, and Semi finds himself tricked into an impromptu tutoring session with Kuroo himself.
It doesn't go as badly as Semi expects.
Mannequin Men by surveycorpsjean  (E) BokuAkaKuroTsukki
The modeling world is full of hungry wolves, constantly clambering over the other, snarling and desperate. They fight, and they kill, trampling over anything in their path.
In this case, Akaashi fell in love with the wolves.
Efflorescence by h_lovely (E) MatsuHana
"Are we flirting?"   "Do you want to be?"
[Efflorescence (n.) a state of blooming, flowering, and development.]
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nayarablueglasses · 3 years
requested for: no
a/n: idk i wrote this for my HLATS so it’s weird. hope you enjoy! @thedevilsdaywear​ and you said i wasn’t organized smh also serious apologies for not actually making my promised content in ages. feel free to send in asks! i can almost promise you that as long as it fits my requirements, i’ll be sure to write it! i never have asks, so it means a lot when i get one.
(divider credits to @firefly-graphics​)
summary: you, iwaizumi, and oikawa are in the student council and join in on a meeting.
warning/genre: man idek, there’s mentions of oikawa not being interested in girls, you’re in a poly relationship w/ iwaizumi+oikawa, iwaizumi calls oikawa “prettyboy,” I JUST REALIZED I MADE TAKEDA THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE CLUB COUNCILLOR SO UH I GUESS I ACCIDENTALLY MADE HIM HAVE CONFIDENCE AND A SECOND JOB, THAT’S IT???
reader pronouns: not mentioned/gender neutral
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“Making the schoolyard more interesting? Prettykawa, what are you talking about?” Hajime shook his head at Tooru, who had just joined me and Hajime in waiting for the school council’s club councilor- Takeda Ittetsu- to come unlock the clubroom doors.
“No, come to think of it, didn’t Takeda-sensei mention something about having a new project to ‘improve the school’ last meeting, didn’t he?” I rubbed my head, trying to recall the exact words he’d used. “I think he said…”
Takeda’s voice came from behind us “‘We might try a new beneficial school activity tomorrow!’” Turning, we could see Takeda standing with his hands on his hips, smile on his face. “Hope you weren’t waiting long!” Walking past us after greeting us cheerfully to unlock the door. By now, the rest of the school council had amassed around us, and we filed into the council room after the rest had passed.
Tooru held a cocky look on his face- until Hajime smacked him on the back of his head. “Just because you were right about that doesn’t mean you should suddenly have a look like that on your face!”
“Mean Iwa-chan!” Tooru whined. Still, he sat down to my left, musing up my hair and threw a playful glare at Hajime, who sat to his left. Irritatedly, I sent him a harsh look and tried to return my hair to it’s (admittedly already messy) original state, muttering profanities under my breath. My attention returned to Takeda, however, when he stood up from his seat and clapped his hands.
“I have a proposal for you all!” He announced to the room.
Tooru scoffed, leaning down to my ear to whisper, “If he was planning on getting back up this whole time, why’d he sit down? Besides, he’s the club councillor, if he says something then it goes. Doesn’t he know that?”
I whispered back, “Shut up! You know he’s new at this. And anyways, you should appreciate your elders and teachers who also respect your opinions.” Hajime caught my eyes, ears practically picking up when he realized we were gossiping.
In classic Hajime style, he hit us both on the back of our heads. “Pay attention!” Ow. I’d be sure to get Tooru and Hajime back for that later.
Attention once directed back to Takeda, we realized the room was staring at us. Tooru sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, already making the girls in the class start swooning. I rolled my eyes. Sure, he put on a prettyboy popular persona, but when was his fanclub going to realize he wasn’t into girls like that?
“Well, what do you two think?” Takeda asked me and Tooru, confident in thinking we hadn’t heard him. Hajime snickered beside me.
“Uh... cleaning up the schoolyard sounds fun, but what if we... added stuff? To make it more interesting?” I tried answering with what Tooru had mentioned earlier- to which Tooru looked at me offended.
Takeda smiled. “Excellent idea! Why don’t we brainstorm what we could do to make the schoolyards more interesting?”
Immediately, the entire clubroom was echoing with noise, everybody shouting out ideas. Tooru flinched at the noise, but otherwise maintained his cool. He did, though, shoot me a look that very clearly said “I”m going to kill you for dragging me into this club.” I just responded with a nonchalant shoulder shrug and pointed at Hajime, to say, “Don’t blame me! Blame your boyfriend.” which would be hilarious when I explained what I meant to Tooru later, because the three of us were dating.
Pretty quickly, Takeda had calmed down the council members and brought out the “talking stick,” for us all to make suggestions with. Luckily, he gave it to Hajime first. Hajime was always the one with the good ideas. “What about a fountain?” Except that one.
“You dumbass! How would we get the money for a fountain!” Tooru teased.
Hajime threw the stick at his head. “If your ideas are any better, then YOU have the talking stick!” Which was, of course, what Tooru had wanted all along. Hajime and his hot head...
Tooru weaved the stick in and out of his fingers, pretending to muse over his options. Then, he said, “I’ve got it! How about a snack stand! And we’ll sell milkbread! Hmm, what do you think about that?” He rested the stick against his lips, smiling. The others in the club looked uncertain.
I snatched the stick out of his hands. “And you called Hajime-kun a dumbass? Where are we going to get the money for milkbread, idiot? It’ll go bad before we even sell it! Don’t we already sell milkbread in the snack machine?”
He stuck his tongue out at me. “Alright, well, what’s your bright idea consist of, huh?”
“Secrets! Secrets! You don’t get to know my idea!” I cried, making Hajime laugh.
“He’s got you there, Prettykawa. You don’t get to know his idea if he doesn’t tell you.” Laughing as he pat Tooru’s back. Tooru looked put out, but we’d been going on and hogging the talking stick for so long that the bell rang almost immediately after that.
We jumped out of our seats, Tooru dragging me and Hajime along. “Come on, let’s go get milkbread from the vending machine!”
“Dumbass! Slow down!”
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ish-scribbles · 4 years
Wearing his Jersey
At the Nekoma Training Camp, You and your team from Karasuno High get an unexpected invite to a Halloween Costume Party at Nekoma High and since you didn't have a costume, You wore his jersey.
Pairing: Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warning: Whole lotta flufff~ also this is my first fic :)
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"Y/N!" A familiar libero yells to you while frantically waving his hand as he enters the gym with Tanaka "Do you need help carrying that?" He says while jogging to you from the other side of the gym.
"No no, it's alright Noya, me and Yachi can carry it together it once she arrives, I don't want to bother you, you can start with your warm ups tho-" you reply as you try to push the heavy trolley full of volleyball equipment yourself again to which I may add you fail miserably
"Are you kidding me? Nothing makes me happier than helping one of our talented team managers" he replies smoothly while flashing a bright smile at you.
You were one of the two first years Kiyoko scouted to be Team Managers for the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Team after she graduates. Amongst you and Yachi, you were the more social one and comparitively easy to talk to. In in all due time you both mixed well and got to know a lot of things about the team, but the thing you weren't aware of yet was that a certain libero had his eyes set on you for a long time, even before you joined Karasuno.
You and Nishinoya went to the same Middle School and lived around the same neighborhood. He liked you ever since he was in middle school but he could never muster the courage to say 'hi' let alone start a conversation with you which was very ironic to the type of person he was. Since, you never seemed to have anything in common with him, he never tried to start anything in the fear of direct rejection. But when he found out that you were one of the first years at Karasuno High AND are going to be one of the new team managers for his team, he was ECSTATIC to say the least. He would finally get to talk to you, spend time with you, get to know you, maybe even be good friends?! But on the day when Kiyoko brought you and Yachi to introduce yourselves to the team, Noya was beyond shocked even before he got to introduced himself.
"Wait! You're Nishinoya, the libero who was in Chidoriyama Junior High aren't you? I always saw you in our school matches, heck I often came to your matches to cheer for you guys,,, tho it's okay if you don't know me" you said with a nervous laugh.
"Of course I know you, You're Y/N, though I have to admit I never knew you that well or know the fact that you came to watch our matches" he smiles while he scratching his head shyly
"Oh I wouldn't miss your matches for the world unless I had some test or something, Our team was so impressive and now that I think of it your Rolling Thunder move was AMAZING!" You said enthusiastically the poor boi got so flustered~~
It wasn't that you didn't want Noya to be more than friends, You even had a crush on him in middle school but were too shy to do anything about it and then he graduated middle school a year before and you never got the chance again. But the truth was you never thought of yourself to be someone who people could like in such a way you were somewhat insecure about yourself but after joining Karasuno you got to meet him again and the of two slowly became close friends who enjoyed each other's company.
It was at this moment when Nishinoya completely fell for you. After that day, Noya tried to spend anytime he could with you; walking you to school and back since you lived nearby, sitting with you during the lunch time or inviting you to sit with him and Tanaka along with occasional surprises like candies or other snacks. He even helped you with your manager duties. Anything you wanted, he was just one call away. He tried to make it VERY obvious that he liked you VERY much, but you never considered it to be more than a him being friendly,,, atleast that's what you convinced yourself to since you considered him way out of your league and were low-key a little self conscious too.
You not understanding his advances in that way sometimes got him thinking if he even had a chance with you or was it just a loss cause, a one sided crush? But he never gave up on you, thats just the kind of guy he was.
It wasn't very long after you joined the team, when you and Yachi were asked to go to Tokyo with the rest of the team for the Nekoma Training Camp and since you wanted to learn everything about being a team manager before Kiyoko graduated, you said yes.
After reaching the Training Camp, a lot of guys from different schools tried to hit on you, Yachi and Kiyoko,,, but Tanaka, Nishinoya and Yamamoto from Nekoma made it their mission to not let guys approach and hit on you by anyone but them.
At the camp, practice started early in the morning and ended late in the evening. While the boys practiced volleyball, you and Yachi learned a lot of new things from Kiyoko and the other managers there. Days went by and it was the second last day of the camp already. You and the team received an unexpected invite to a costume party.
"A costume party?" You asked to which Takeda Sensei answered and addressed to the whole team as well "Yes, apparently it's a tradition like prom at Nekoma High and they have a Halloween Costume Party every year and this year all the teams at the training camp are invited. The party will have students from different schools so it is a good opportunity to make connections...I expect you guys to attend it. The party will start tomorrow at 12 in the afternoon and will end at 6 in the evening. Since the party has a compulsory rule of wearing a costume, all of are free for now to go and find costumes to rent, but I expect everyone to return before 9 or no dinner!!" to which the whole team replied "Yes, sensei!"
The next day at the party, Asahi Suga and Daichi being the dorks they are chose to show up as the three musketeers. Kageyama and Hinata lost a bet to Tsukishima so they went as a King and a Tangerine, and the rest of the team showed up with good costumes too. Nishinoya dressed up as a Ninja who looked straight out of anime, yes he looked that good and Tanaka dressed up as a samurai.
"Man~ I really wanted to be a sumo-wrestler instead of a samurai but Daichi said it showed too much skin, He's probably jealous of my good looks" Tanaka pouted while complaining and fidgeting with his costume
"Ew no, nobody wants to see you like that, Tanaka! By the way have you seen Y/N and the others, Aren't they here yet?" Nishinoya asked as he glanced around
"Oh somebody in a rush to see Y/N?" Tanaka cheerily asked with all sorts of wiggly eyebrows "CUT IT OUT ALREADY, What if she's around and she hears you?!" Nishinoya says frantically
"Relax~~ she hasn't arrived yet, otherwise all of the guys would've been drooling over her and rest of our gorgeous team managers"
"I suppose you're right"
After a lot of brainstorming Kiyoko decided she's not wearing anything special, so she wore an oversized hoodie and carried a xbox remote control which she borrowed from Kenma and that gave her a gamer girl look, while you and Yachi remained clueless.
But where were you, Yachi and Kiyoko? Ah yes, you guys still didn't have a costume yet,,,so while the others had already started partying, you guys were still in your shared room deciding on your outfits, since all of the costumes at the store were either too revealing or not in your size, so that was a lost cause.
"Kiyoko-san, its not fair~ you look so pretty even in the simplest of clothes" you sighed
"That's not true, though...haven't you guys decided on a costume yet?" Kiyoko asked
"Noo" you sighed while sitting on the floor with your chin on your knees almost ready to give up on the party.
"Well..umm...I had an idea but it could be a little ridiculous. But like...what if we wore our school volleyball jersey? It can be a way to show our school spirits and we would finally have a costume to wear?" Yachi proposed.
"That seems like a great idea" Kiyoko answered with a slight smile.
"Great, I'll call Hinata and ask if I can borrow his jersey" Yachi said while she scrolling to find his number on her phone.
"I guess I could ask Nishinoya, we're about the same height and we're good friends too so it shouldn't be a problem, I suppose" You say to yourself to which Kiyoko nods in approval and continued getting ready, and then you dial up Noya's number.
When Noya first got your call he got into frenzy thinking why were you calling him since you didn't call each other that often, but he picked up the phone anyways
"Hey, Noya? haha funny story and I'll explain it later, but I'm desperate right now so would it be too much trouble if i can I borrow your jer-" before you finished your sentence loud music started blasting over the party and your voice wasn't audible anymore.
"Y/N, Y/N? Hello? Y/N I can't hear you anymore...but if there's something that you want to borrow, you can take it"
When you came back to your room, you and Yachi started changing,,,After wearing Nishinoya's jersey you noticed that his shorts were skin tight while his jersey t-shirt was baggy which made you think how muscular he actually is.
After your call ended, you and Yachi went over to the room where the boys were sleeping over at and while Yachi searched for Hinata's uniform, you searched for Noya's. When you finally found his jersey, an unexpected scent of sweat mixed with sports deo hit your senses, which was nice to smell low-key addicting? and you thought to yourself 'Does he always smells this nice?' and before you went any further, your train of thought was interrupted by Yachi saying "Let's go and get changed" with a slight smile on her face.
After the three of you got ready, you finally started off to the hall where the party was being held. When the three of you showed up at the entry gate, you felt everyone's head turning towards you three. Tanaka and Nishinoya saw the slight commotion and decided to go over to have a look by themselves at what's going on as well.
After reaching the entry, Nishinoya stopped in his tracks when he found a familiar figure looking back at him wearing his orange jersey. YOU WERE FINALLY HERE. IN HIS JERSEY. WEARING HIS NUMBER. WEARING HIS NAME POOR BOY GOT SO SHOCKED HE ALMOST PASSED OUT LIKE AJSKDHDNK
After you finally spotted Nishinoya in the crowd you excused yourself from Kiyoko and Yachi as you wanted to apologize for not taking permission to wear his jersey properly over the phone, so you started walking towards him. While you walking towards him you felt all the guys around eyeing at you and even Nishinoya looked somewhat dumbfounded. While you were trying to make your way towards him, he was so entranced by you that every memory that he had with you flashed before his eyes. The time you tried to hit spikes to help him practice receives, the times you sat with him at lunch laughing at his stupidest jokes, you massaging his shoulders to relax the muscle he pulled during a match, the worry he saw in your eyes when you saw his bruised arms from restless practices, the way you get all excited when he pulls a 'rolling thunder' move while other laughed at him for the name he gave to the move.
The moment you reached him, Tanaka left you two alone saying something like "I gotta show Kiyoko my awesome costume~" while Nishinoya still silently looked at you with his mouth slightly agap and spoke nothing until you started talking
"I'm so sorry, I had no costume to wear and Yachi and I decided to show some school spirit by wearing the jerseys, You don't mind, do you? I PROMISE I'LL WASH IT BEFORE I GIVE IT BACK. Its just that costumes were compulsory for entering the party and I didn't knew whether I'll have another chance to an event like this so I'm sorry if bothers you, I'll go back and change right now if you want" You frantically spoke while clasping your hands together to apologize.
Nishinoya couldn't say anything else than "Don't worry about it" his eyes not leaving your body for a second, he was too busy admiring his jersey on you, he was practically MESMERIZED. The way his jersey hugged every part and every curve of your body just perfectly, HE WANTED YOU TO WEAR HIS JERSEY FOREVER! The way his shorts were tight but his t-shirt was baggy, it made him feel slightly bigger than you.
"Do I look that bad tho? I feel like everyone's staring at me" You ask with a slight nervous laugh as you got a little nervous thinking whether everyone is looking at you because you looker weird but you instead got the reaction
"Are you kidding?! That's because you look the like the most beautiful person in the whole world!!" He says without a warning and after realizing what he just said and he himself didn't knew why did he just say it to your face
This catches you off guard as well and your cheek turns to a bright pink tone as well.
But he looks back at you and gathers the last of his remaining courage and puts his hand out to ask "Would you like to dance with me? This is a party after all you know" he says with a big smile shooting his last shot but in the back of his head he expected a straight out rejection because he thought 'Why would girl like her ever dance with a guy like me, stupid stupid stupid' but to his surprise you said "Yes" and took his hand while returning a small and still flustered smile. HE WAS ON CLOUD 9.
After the party ended, he asked you out and you say yes. After that day you were forced to wear his spare jersey to each of Karasuno's game and to this day, you in his jersey at that party is his phone wallpaper and he has no intention of changing it.
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