#taka gets to meet big bro dai but he is of course only there to embarrass his little bro
morangoowada · 2 months
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Ishimondo week 2024 - July 14th Family / Dates
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rivetwrites · 4 years
I liked the prompt where the boys think their s/o is cheating!could you do the same but with Makoto Mondo and Fuyuhiko?
Have a great day!
//absolutely!!! i have a bunch of fun writing these!!!! plus, i’m a certified mondo simp!! thank you!!
Makoto, Mondo, and Fuyuhiko who thinks their S/O is cheating on them
Under cut for length!
Makoto Naegi
You had a huge surprise planned for your boyfriend! It was his birthday, so you had his sister distract him and keep him away from you! You had met up with Byakuya, much to his dislike, but you were pretty insistent, and Makoto was his...friend, putting it lightly.
Komaru didn’t realize how early her and her brother returned. You and Byakuya were still in the living room of their house. She tried dragging Makoto away again, but he already saw the both of you. “Komaru?? What’s going on??” His brows furrowed as he looked over at his sister. She stuttered slightly, saying that she didn’t know what was going on.
He opened up the door to his home, catching both you and Byakuya by surprise. “H-hey! You’re home early!” You said, getting up from beside his friend. Makoto narrowed his eyes at you, “Why is he here...? You always tell me when you’re bringing people over here.” He looked behind you at Togami, who had already connected the dots of what was going through Makoto’s mind. “No, you idiot. They weren’t cheating on you. We were planning some stupid surprise for your birthday.” Byakuya crossed his arms. Ouch, Togami. You nodded, “You think I was cheating on you??” Well, it did look kind of suspicious. Makoto let out a soft sigh of relief, bringing you into a hug.
Mondo Owada
It was Mondo’s birthday! He had gone out with his gang for awhile to celebrate with them before coming back to celebrate with you! You and Kiyotaka had planned to meet up to plan!! He was just as excited as you, as he feels like his bro should have the best birthday!!
Mondo split away from his gang, saying he was going to get something to eat before continuing. He rode down to one of the diners, where you and Taka were talking. Instantly, he felt the unneeded overwhelming sense of jealousy and anger. He trusted you and his bro, but he couldn’t help it since he’s had a few bad past relationships. He rounded his motorcycle around to the back parking lot, going back up to the front.
Taka was being pretty loud and proud, shooting ideas left and right. His red eyes landed on Mondo, who had his arms crossed and instantly quieted down. You looked behind you at your boyfriend, who looked quite pissed off. “The fucks going on?” He asked, going up to your table. You tried to play it off as you were hanging out with Taka, but the boy had something else to say. “We were planning your birthday surprise, bro!!” He had a huge grin on his face that soon dropped, “Awh man, I wasn’t supposed to say that!!” Mondo let out a low chuckle and a sigh of relief. Of course you and Taka would never do that to him. “Wait, Mondo, did you think that we were...” You were cut off by a nod, “It’s fine, babe. I understand now. I didn’t see or hear any of this, aight?” He quickly left your table and went inside to get something to eat.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Peko had agreed to keep Fuyuhiko away from you while you planned something with Kazuichi for his birthday! Usually, your boyfriend would hate to do something huge for his big day, but you wanted to do something nice for him! Peko was able to keep him distracted while you took Kazuichi over to your dorm to help plan!
Fuyuhiko was getting antsy. He hasn’t heard from you in awhile, and Peko wasn’t paying any attention to it, which was very unlike her. He let out a loud groan, getting up from his desk to leave his room, only to be stopped by his friend. “I can’t have you leave yet,” she nudged him slightly away from the door. “And why the hell not?” Fuyu snapped back, side stepping her to leave the room. That was very not like her, she’s never done that before. Unless she was hiding something. But he wasn’t focused on that, he was focused on getting to your place to check on you.
He had just reached your door when he saw a glimpse of Kazuichi inside, talking with you with his boots on your coffee table. Something in his head snapped, barging into the living room, cussing up a storm. “What the fuck are you two doing, huh? Is this what Peko was hiding?!” He was getting pretty loud, practically scaring the fuck out of Kaz. “D-dude! W-we were just talking!! Y-you know, as friends!” Despite being terrified of the small yakuza, he was determined to keep his word on the surprise. Fuyuhiko didn’t even listen to him, turning to you. 
Before he could yell again, you cut him off; “We were planning something for your birthday!” You too had a look of concern in your eyes, standing up from the couch before Fuyuhiko could kick Kazuichi’s ass. “M-my birthday?” Your boyfriend’s face slowly turned red. He, himself has forgotten his own birthday. He felt like an idiot, looking away from you as he apologized quietly. He offered to stay, though, since he wasn’t a huge fan on surprises.
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emiefaunwrites · 4 years
I wasn't online much yesterday and didn't write anything for Valentine's day. Bad me. So how about some headcanons a day late? Yeah cool!
• Leon has always LOVED Valentine's day. He's gotten a mountain of chocolate since he switched up his appearance and has always managed to nab himself a girlfriend out of it.
• Taka, on the other hand, HATES Valentine's day. Not only is it an excuse for people to partake in PDA everywhere he looks, he has never gotten any chocolate himself.
• Of course, the second point doesn't matter to him. It's just an observation. Right?
• Well. When Leon finds this out, he's mortified.
• As are Mondo and Chi, who Taka's discussing it with. Leon simply pretends to be chatting with Hiro when he hears it.
• 'I've never seen the point of Valentine's day.'
• 'But chocolate, bro! Girls get ya chocolate!'
• 'Maybe they do for you, but no one has ever given me chocolate.'
• 'Well why would they? I'm obnoxious, loud, uncool. Not to mention I'm unattractive. Why would anyone want to get someone like me any chocolates?'
• Now Taka and Leon aren't together at this point, and Taka hasn't figured out his feelings for Leon.
• But Leon has. And hearing that makes his heart ache in a way he's never felt before.
• So as Mondo reprimands Taka for being so negative and Chi promises to buy him 'friendship chocolates', Leon concocts his plan.
• After school that day, which is the day before Valentine's day, Leon heads into the city to search for chocolate.
• All the big shops have run out though, unsurprisingly and frustratingly, and Leon's starting to lose hope.
• Until he spots a tiny little shop on the corner. A little homemade chocolate shop that seems quiet.
• And inside there are SO many options that Leon can hardly choose.
• After about 20 minutes of searching, with a little guidance from the lovely shop lady, Leon chooses a heart shaped box full of different flavoured heart shaped chocolates.
• He rushes back to the school, managing to avoid Taka as he makes his way to the library to print off his label.
• He's not going to handwrite the thing! Taka knows EVERYONE's handwriting so it would TOTALLY give him away!
• Back in his room, he decorates the box as delicately as he can - which is actually pretty impressive considering he's never done this before - and sticks his label on top.
• Perfect. Step one done.
• Step two is more difficult - getting to class and then getting out of there BEFORE Taka does.
• And unsurprisingly, he doesn't manage it. By the time his alarm has gone off and he steps out of his room, he can see Taka in the hallway heading towards class.
• Okay - plan B.
• He waits for Taka to head to class before breaking into his locker and shoving the chocolate inside.
• Not perfect, but it'll have to do.
• When he heads to class, he can see that Taka has been given a whole bunch of friendship chocolates by the girls. The boy is smiling ear to ear, thanking everyone for their kindness.
• But Leon knows, as he sifts idly through the chocolate on his desk, that there's an even better surprise waiting for him.
• After class, they all head to the lockers together. Leon hangs back just a little with Hiro, so its not obvious, and watches as Taka opens his locker.
• Taka's mid sentence when he stops abruptly, eyes landing on the box of chocolates in his locker. His first instinct is that someone has broken the rules and that this is just a nasty prank.
• But he lifts the box out and sees the label, reading it out loud when asked what's wrong.
• 'Taka - you are passionate, determined, funny, clever. Your smile always lights up the room and your laugh is like music to my ears. Never forget just how amazing you are because to me, you are so, SO beautiful. Yours always - your secret admirer.'
• Now this could totally backfire, Leon suddenly realises as Mondo braces himself ready to threaten whoever it was that did this. It could be seen as a cruel prank, which was NOT what he intended at all...
• The whole room has gone quiet, everyone seeming to hold their breath as Taka turns around slowly.
• As Taka's eyes slowly creep up to meet Mondo's, his eyes fill up with tears and a huge, wet smile bursts onto his face.
• 'Someone thinks I'm beautiful!'
• All at once, the tension is gone as everyone crowds around to congratulate Taka on his very first Valentine's chocolate.
• And Leon, loudly joining in, feels his heart swell at the happiness radiating from the most beautiful boy he's ever kmkwn.
• (Bonus scene - when Leon openly rocks up with an almost identical box the next year, after they've been together for around half a year, Taka finally twigs that Leon was his secret admirer all along. And screw the rules. Taka engages in PDA for the first time, kissing his boyfriend enthusiastically, and wetly, in front of the entire class.)
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rising-generations · 4 years
Ishimondo Meme
How did their relationship truly begin, friendly or otherwise? Well we can all guess how their relationship started as it’s not much different here from canon. But so far as their romantic relationship...
When did they realize they liked each other? Mondo realized it a few months after they became friends but kept it to himself. Taka was attracted to Mondo from day one but he had no idea what romantic feelings felt like so he said nothing.
Who asked the other one out, when did they do it, and how did they do it? Mondo asked Taka out halfway through their first year together via lots of nervous yelling in the middle of the hallway after school. He waited outside of the student council room for Taka for like two hours and worked himself up so much that he pretty much screamed “WILL YOU DATE ME” when Taka came out. No worries though because he yelled “YES” right back.
Who do they tell first about their relationship, why, and how do they react? Chihiro, Daiya, and Takaaki are the first ones to know because of their closeness to them. Chihiro was an obvious choice and she was excited. Daiya more or less expected they were going to date at some point because he saw the budding romance first. Takaaki isn’t exactly pleased at the choice of boyfriend of his son, but he’s happy that Taka is happy.
Is anyone very against or very enthusiastic about the relationship and why? Chihiro is quoted as saying “If they had waited any longer to start dating I would have actually died.” She just wanted to see her two idiot friends be happy.
When do they go on their first date? Their first date happens about a week after they become a couple, and it’s at a local diner. Nothing incredibly fancy but neither of them mind cause they’re with each other.
When do they have their first kiss? Taka kisses Mondo on the way home after their first date! It’s incredibly surprising for Mondo but not unwanted.
Who proposes and how do they do it? Does this proposal end in a “yes” the first time, or do they have to ask more than once? Kind of linked to the "family building" part, but Taka proposes! It's not explicitly or completely because Mondo was pregnant, but that was kind of a big deal at the time. Because of that, Mondo was nervous about saying "Yes" at first because he didn't want it to only be because he was pregnant. But Taka was able to assure him it wasn't, so Mondo gave a pretty enthusiastic "Yes" which was half-yelled and half-cried.
Who do the happy couple tell first, why, and how do they react? Mondo tells Daiya and Taka tells Takaaki, and together the two of them tell Chihiro. Mondo telling Daiya is fairly obvious and although Daiya is worried at first for his little brother due to the circumstances, he's pretty happy because he knows Taka's a great guy. Takaaki... is very concerned about his son's age (18 at the time) and while he's not completely comfortable with it, he knows that Taka is deeply in love with Mondo and he's very adamant about marrying him so there's not really much he can do about it. So he overall supports his son. Mondo and Taka tell Chihiro together because they couldn't decide on who was going to tell her. She says if she's not standing by one of them as their best woman she's going to disown both of them.
Who does most of the wedding planning? Taka, partially because Mondo is pregnant and he doesn't want him to stress about it and partially because... well, he's Taka.
Is there anyone against them getting married, or anyone who is very excited about the wedding? Why? The entire class is abuzz about the wedding (they get engaged during their final year at Hope's Peak, after all) and they're all generally very excited.
Do they set a date right away, or do they wait? Taka wants a date right away, but Mondo would rather wait because he's not exactly sure if he wants to get married right at the end of the year (at which time they'd have two young babies, their twins) or before then while he's still pregnant. In the end, they're married when he's about five and a half months pregnant to soothe Taka's nerves a little bit.
What date are they married on? They actually get married on August 31st, which is Taka's birthday, of course. They both decided it would be a cute thing. Taka is really emotional about it.
Where do they get married? They get married in the park across the street from the diner where they had their first date! Very sentimental.
Who important to them do they invite to the wedding? Their class and families are invited of course, and some friends from other classes, but they keep it fairly small since neither of them want a big wedding. To be fair, though, that does include the entirety of the Crazy Diamonds.
If one or both of them walks down the aisle (or more in a poly relationship), who walks them and why are they significant?
  Taka is walked by his dad of course, and even though he has to use a wheelchair, Daiya walks with Mondo because. That's his lil bro! 
What are they wearing? So someone in the class (coughs, Byakuya and Celeste) anonymously donated cash to the two of them so they could have tailored suits. And Mondo actually has his hair down for once (mainly because Chihiro threatened to rip his pompadour off his head if he showed up with it styled like that and he didn't want to risk her actually following through on her threat).
Do they write their own vows or do more traditional ones? They absolutely write their own vows, but some of them are hard to make out between the crying.
Who officiates the wedding and why are they significant? They wanted the officiant to be a friend, and the only friend of theirs who had the credentials to do so was... Yasuhiro. So Yasuhiro officiates (and he was only a little bit high, so he testifies) and it actually goes really well.
Do either of them cry when seeing the other coming to the altar? They both do. They cry pretty much the entire time. They both think the other one just looks amazing.
What is their immediate reaction after they are officially married? After they kiss, they definitely hold each other for a few minutes and cry some more.
Is there a flower bouquet or something else that gets tossed? Who catches it (and do they get married later)? Takemichi catches the bouquet, though he doesn't get married until several years later, he does get married to Yuta Asahina.
What song do they have their first dance to and why is it significant? Their first dance is to "Unchained Melody" by The Righteous Brothers, which is one song that's both of their favorites and means a lot to them because it was playing on the radio when they had their first kiss.
What is the reception like? It's pretty typical for a wedding! Even with the legion of teenagers and bikers there, they somehow manage to contain themselves and not make too big of fools of themselves. Mainly because Takaaki, a known ex-cop, is there, and because there's no alcohol (partially because of Takaaki, partially because of being underage, and partially because Mondo is pregnant so if he can't drink neither can anyone else). Takaaki and Taka obviously have a father-son dance and Mondo dances with both Daiya and Chisa as he considers them his parents in place of his biological father (an asshole) and his biological mother (who is dead).
Do they consummate the marriage? You bet your fuckin' ass they do. I mean, they pretty much got into the whole situation because they can't keep it in their pants so naturally they're gonna go at it like rabbits when they have an actual reason (and an entire hotel room to themselves).
Family Building
Who brings up the idea of having kids? Does it happen before or after they’re married? Was it even planned? Their first pregnancy and subsequently their first two kids were absolutely not planned. Mondo got pregnant unexpectedly around the beginning of their last year in Hope's Peak. This, naturally, happens before they're married. They had talked about the possibility of kids when they were both graduates, but obviously didn't expect it to happen so soon.
How do they go about having kids? Is it through a normal pregnancy, adoption, surrogacy, or some other way? Mondo is trans, so they have their kids normally.
Describe the process they go through bringing a child into their family, regardless of what process that is. Mondo's first pregnancy is fairly difficult on him and it ends rather chaotically. He has their older twin in the car on the way to the hospital and they barely make it there for the second one so, there's that. Overall, appropriate for the Oowada-Ishimaru family, who are pretty chaotic as it stands.
How do the new parents react to knowing they’re going to have a baby/child? Mondo finding out he's pregnant is a train wreck to say the least. He doesn't tell anyone for two weeks, then passes out from his anemia in the middle of class, which of course leads to everyone finding out. He was afraid of what would happen when he told, but nothing too awful happens from the fallout, thankfully. Taka... panics, a lot, but he's happy to be a dad.
How do they react when the baby/child comes home? They're both relieved that their kids are finally here and safe, and Mondo's happy that they're not kicking around inside of him anymore. They're totally devoted to their babies.
How many kids do they have in total? What are their names/ages? So far in the non-despair AU I've been setting this in, they have six kids who are born and two more who have yet to be born. The ones who are born are Shugo (16), Tamiko (16), Ruku (14), Misao (12), Kazusa (10), and Kiyoyuki (10). They thought they were done after Kazusa and Kiyoyuki and then oops! Pregnant.
Which parent gets up more often in the middle of the night to care for their kids? Mondo! It's not that Taka doesn't take an active role, it's just that Mondo more often is the one to get up at night and take care of them.
Which parent goes to PTA meetings more often? Taka, because that's way more of his thing. Also because Mondo has a tendency to get uh... aggressive. Let's just say there've been more than a few incidents.
Which parent is more disciplinary/strict, and which parent is more lax/has trouble disciplining the kids? Unsurprisingly, Taka is far stricter and Mondo is more lax, but surprisingly, Mondo is the hyperchondriac when it comes to what the kids are doing. He's the first one to freak out if he thinks the kids are hurt/in danger/etc. Taka will discipline them when they cause trouble, of course, but he doesn't worry nearly as much as Mondo does.
Which parent do the kids generally like more? The kids tend to go to Mondo more often, but a few of them (namely Ruku and Kiyoyuki) are closer to Taka. They, like Taka, are autistic, so they have more in common with him and find it easier to talk with him than the other kids at times.
When/if they have siblings, how do the kids react? Shugo is just tired. She wants her parents to just... stop reproducing already. Every time she starts to hear the words "you're gonna have a sibling" she starts groaning. It's not that Shugo doesn't love her siblings, she's just tired of them, for God's sake. Tamiko doesn't really see it as any of her business, and the little ones don't bother her as much so she doesn't mind watching after them whenever a new one comes along.
How often do they have family nights or events? They have dinner together almost every night barring extreme circumstances, and often they try to get together to do fun things like games more often as well.
Describe each kid’s relationship with their parents. Shugo has a strained relationship with Taka, a far better one with Mondo, mainly due to her talent as the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader after Mondo became an alumni. Tamiko, on the other hand, has a far stronger relationship with Taka, being the Ultimate Lawyer. Ruku is closer to Taka, but she loves both of her dads equally. Misao, despite being a flirt, is fairly straight-laced, but has good strong ties to both of his dads. Kazusa is very rebellious and clashes with Taka a lot, so she prefers Mondo over him. Kiyoyuki, on the other hand, much prefers Taka, though none of the kids would ever say they hated one of their parents.
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Suzuki Gunz Crime Family - Chapter 10
Word Count: 2046
Warnings:  Mentions of violence, language
February 23, 2003
Despite Taichi’s attempts, Minoru didn’t stay in his room for long, unable to sleep while his friend lay wounded.  He was exhausted but sleep could wait.  He needed to be at Iizuka’s side.   When he pushed open the door to Iizuka’s room a small smile lifted his lips as he saw Kanemaru slouched against the wall, eyelids drooping but intensely focused on the still figure in the bed.  
“Join the fucking party.”  Taichi snapped glaring at Minoru as he took up residence next to Kanemaru.  “You assholes don’t listen for shit.” 
“I’ll sleep when he wakes up and I see he’s fine for myself.”  Kanemaru grumbled.  “I don’t give a shit what the doc says.  I need to see he’s okay.” 
Silence descended over the room hanging like a heavy cloud over the four original members of the Suzuki Guns.  Minoru leaned his head back against the wall his attention focused on the rise and fall of Iizuka’s chest trying to keep his emotions at bay.  He needed to be strong for the rest of the family.  This was the first major injury to anyone of the kobun and he knew it was effecting them all.  He would bet his last dollar if he made a tour of the guest rooms he would find restless bodies.  Taka was texting him every ten minutes asking if Iizuka had woken yet. 
Worried about his youngest family member, not wanting him in the streets if he was distracted, Minoru had told him to come home only to be sharply rebuffed.  Taka was insistent he was going to find the information needed and fast so this problem could be nipped in the bud. 
Cold hard glass pressed into his forearm causing Minoru to look down seeing Kanemaru’s whisky being offered to him.  With a grateful smile Minoru grabbed the bottle and took a long swig, the fire burning down his throat bringing a welcome respite from the thoughts swirling through his mind.  Taking another long pull before absentmindedly handing the bottle back to Kanemaru, Minoru rose to a standing position, leaning against the wall acutely aware that Taichi was monitoring his every move.
“You don’t have to baby me Tai.”  Minoru groused.  “I don’t need to be watched over.” 
“Somebody has to,” Taichi scoffed.  “You idiots certainly aren’t going to take care of yourselves.” 
Minoru glared at him ready launch into one of their patented arguments that meant nothing more than a release of stress when things got rough.  Instead a soft groan from the bed captured all their attention. 
“I get fucking shot and you morons are still arguing like little girls.”  Iizuka’s raspy voice chastised them, Kanemaru pushing to his feet and rushing to the bedside as Minoru and Taichi gathered on the other side. 
“How you feeling?” Taichi asked running his worried gaze over Iizuka’s pale form.
“Like I got fucking shot.”  Iizuka replied groaning again as he shifted and pain raced through his body.   Kanemaru grabbed the bottle of pain medication the doctor had left and got the dose together for Iizuka handing them to Iizuka and offering his booze to wash it down.
“Jesus Nobu, he can’t have whisky.” Minoru said pushing the bottle back from Iizuka’s eagerly grabbing hands.  Instead he got a bottle of water, Minoru ignoring Iizuka’s insistence that whisky would actually make him feel better.  
Taichi set about changing Iizuka’s bandages and cleaning the wound, ignoring Iizuka’s complaints as he was bandaged.  It was a little known fact outside the family, but Taichi was actually in the finishing stages of getting his doctorate having discovered a passion for medicine and was excelling at his studies.  He was a natural and as soon as he felt comfortable he would be replacing Dr. Yamato for the family’s medical needs.  Something no one would expect from a snot nosed kid with attitude for days. 
“How’s it looking Tai?” Minoru asked as Taichi finished covering Iizuka’s wound.
“So far so good.” He said with a shrug.  “I don’t see anything too troublesome.  I’ll keep an eye out for infection and he needs to take it easy for a few days, but other than that I think he’s out of dangerous waters.” 
They could practically feel the tension draining from the room at Taichi proclamation.  It held more weight to them coming from Taichi than an outsider like Dr. Yamato. 
“Nobu, do you mind letting everyone know Iizuka has woken up and seems to be doing well.  I don’t want anyone else coming by tonight, he needs his sleep.  Taichi and I will watch over him.”  Minoru asked. 
“No problem.”  Kanemaru said leaning over to say goodbye to Iizuka, his hand squeezing the older man’s shoulder before he made his exit.  “Get some sleep big guy.” 
February 26, 2003
The past few days had been quite, the kobun keeping to Minoru’s home as they talked strategy and made plans for the war Chaos seemed intent on launching.  The only one out and in the streets was Taka who nobody had seen since the night Iizuka had gotten shot.  Minoru would have been worried if not for Taka checking in regularly with either him or Kanemaru. 
Taka assured them that he was close to obtaining the name of a source for guns and Minoru hoped it was true.  His boys were getting antsy being cooped up, particularly Lance and Davey who did not handle being off the streets well.  Unfortunately waiting on Taka meant no action and flaring tempers as boredom turned to needling turned to fighting, which lead to them taking a few rounds against each other in the boxing ring down in Minoru’s gym. 
They had just come upstairs from one of those bouts, laughing and joking as they gathered around for lunch, Zack sporting a bloody nose courtesy of Lance and the latter a fat lip.  Iizuka was on the road to recovery and anxious for revenge, but Minoru was having to put a leash on that as Taichi said he would need a few months of recovery before he was 100%.  Iizuka wasn’t taking the news well that he was on the shelf for at least a couple of weeks before Minoru would let him take on some light duties that didn’t involve anything physical. 
“Baka Taka!” Lance yelled being the first to see Taka slinking into the room from down stairs.  “You look like shit little bro!”
“Fuck you Lance.”  Taka sneered flopping down in a chair and greedily reaching for food.  Minoru frowned as he took in Taka’s appearance.  Lance wasn’t wrong, he looked like shit.  The 22 year old looked drawn and tired with heavy bags under his eyes, patchy hair on his unshaven face, wearing the same clothes he had left in four days ago and looking like he had lost a few pounds.  It brought up bad memories for Minoru, reminding him of the day he had first stumbled across Taka.
“Taka.”  Minoru said his voice taking on the stern fatherly tone he rarely used. 
“Yes boss?” Taka looked up guiltily knowing what was coming.
“When’s the last time you slept?  Or ate? Or bathed?” Minoru threw rapid fire questions making the young man squirm. 
“Well, I’m eating right now,” Taka said trying to evade the questions. 
“Taka,” There was no mistaking the warning in Minoru’s voice this time and Taka’s shoulders slumped as he met Minoru’s disappointed gaze. 
“The night Iizuka got shot.”  Taka admitted.  “I’m sorry.  I just wanted to find everything I could as quickly as possible.  A few days without food or sleep isn’t going to kill me.  A gunshot could kill any one of us.” 
Minoru sighed heavily his frustration evident with the stubborn young man. 
“I know you want to help Taka.  We appreciate that.  Every one of us.”  Minoru said pointedly.  “But you’ve got to take care of yourself.  Do you know what it would do to this family if you were killed out there?” 
“I’m sorry.”  Taka repeated lowering his head.  “I just wanted to help.” 
“You’re forgiven.  I want you to eat, clean yourself up and sleep.”  Minoru directed. 
“You don’t want to know what I learned?” Taka asked crestfallen his sad eyes in full effect as he directed them towards Minoru. 
“After you take care of yourself.”  Minoru said firmly.  “We can wait a few more hours.”
The meal continued in relative quiet, whispered conversations around the table as they all tried to respect Minoru’s wishes while being anxious to hear what Taka had learned. 
It wasn’t until several hours later that the group reconvened this time in the underground office.  Taka was the last to stumble in the room, a little bleary eyed, but looking much better in clean clothes and freshly shaved face.   He still looked too gaunt for Minoru’s liking and he made note to have his chef make extra food for Taka until he filled back out. 
“Alright Taka, you’ve the floor. Fill us in.” Minoru said the room falling quiet as Taka became the center of attention.
“First and most importantly, Chaos does not have guns.”  Taka told them.  “I was able to listen in on one of the family meetings and confirm this information through other channels.  However, they are trying to find the source but they are coming up empty and getting frustrated.”
“But you have information on the source?”  Taichi asked.
“Of course I do.”  Taka said offended Taichi was doubting him.  “I wouldn’t have returned if I didn’t.” 
Taichi held his hands up apologetically and leaned back in his chair gesturing for Taka to continue.
“They’re coming in from the US.  The source is very cautious and very good at what they do. I’ve got a phone number, but my understanding is they don’t deal with just anybody.  That’s why Japan isn’t overflowing with guns, because they don’t want to bring too much attention to themselves.  They don’t sell to the highest bidder and they don’t just deal with anyone.”  Taka pulled out the scrap of paper where he had written the number and passed it along to Minoru.  “That number is not traceable.  It shoots you all over the world and back again before touching base.  I wasn’t able to crack it.”  Taka looked disappointed in himself hating even a small failure like this. 
“It’s at least 8am in the states, depending where this person is.”  Zack said looking at the clock.  “Is that too early to call.” 
“I don’t think so.  We’re going to call anyways.”  Minoru decided.  Desperado slid the conference phone towards Minoru who dialed the number on the paper slip putting the phone on speaker.  The ring was loud in the silence, ringing several times with no response.  It was only as Minoru was reaching to disconnect the call that it was answered. 
“What?”  An irritated feminine voice floated out the speaker making the Guns look around at each other with wide eyes.  Even Taka had no inkling that number would lead to a woman.
“It’s my understanding you’re an arms dealer?”  Minoru said cautiously after a moment.
“I’m a lot of things.  Who is this and how did you get this number?”  She responded. 
“My name is Minoru Suzuki.  And as for how we got your number, well, we have our ways.”  Minoru said. 
“Suzuki?  You in Japan?”  She asked recognizing the name.
“Yes.”  Minoru confirmed.
“I only deal with one group in Japan.  You want guns you’ve got to go through them.”  She said. 
“I’ll pay you very well for your services.  I’m sure it takes a cut out of your pocket to use a middle man.”  Minoru told her. 
“I don’t give a shit about your money.  You want guns?   You go through Los Ingobernables.”  With that she disconnected the phone leaving them with a blaring busy signal as they looked at one another.
“Who the fuck are Los Ingobernables?”  Davey asked incredulously. 
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ahogechef · 3 years
"Am I aware that Kaito hung out with a bear recently? Of course I do! That's our buddy Ripper!" *taka laughs as he says this, not at all sounding even the tiniest bit concerned!*
"The two of them get along so well! Why, about a week ago while bro was asleep he grabbed onto one of his paws and Ripper laid there until he woke up! Not only that, but Ripper also helps me patrol the house for any prolonged or excessive mischief! He's such a gentle soul, you should meet him one day and see just how nice he is!"
"H-Huh?! He is?! He even has a name, too..." Kaede just stares in disbelief as she hears him go on. "I-Is that so...?" Just when she thought Kiyotaka's household could not sound anymore crazier, she learns this... she honestly doesn't even know if she should be more surprised that him and Kaito were able to become such good friends with a grizzly than not...
"W...Well I guess that's... good! Ripper sounds like a very nice and helpful bear... I guess it goes to show you that even scary looking animals can have big hearts, huh?" At the suggestion of meeting him, her smile does grow a bit more meek..."Uhh..." but ultimately nods.
"S-Sure! I guess that'll... be fine! Ahaha..." ("I'd feel bad to say no... I just hope Ripper is also nice to strangers, too...")
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