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talonabraxas · 1 month ago
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Heru Ra Ha "Horus Sun-Flesh" Talon Abraxas
Heru-Ra-Ha is the composite of the active Ra-Hoor-Khuit and the passive Hoor-paar-kraat.
"The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha, called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut." - Liber AL III:35
"Heru-ra-ha combines the ideas of Horus (also 'the great angel Hru' who is set over the Book of Tahuti...) with those of Ra and Spirit. For He-Aleph is the Atziluthic or archetypal spelling of He, the Holy Ghost. And Ha=6, the number of the Sun. He is also Nuith, H being Her letter...The language suggests that Heru-Ra-Ha is the 'true Name' of the Unity who is symbolized by the Twins Harpocrates and Horus. Note that the Twin Sign -- and the Child Sign -- is Gemini, whose letter is Zain, a sword...The doctrine of the dual character of the God is very important to a proper understanding of Him..." - Aleister Crowley, commentary to Liber AL III:35
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gorgongrrlfriend · 1 year ago
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Let the Queen of Heaven be adored.
Hail unto Thee who art NUIT, the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset, the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky.
Hail unto Thee who art BABALON, who appeareth oftentimes in the coals of the fire, and upon the smooth skin of woman, and in the constancy of the waterfall, and in the emptiness of deserts and marshes, and upon great cliffs that look seaward; and in many strange places, where men seeketh Thou not.
Hail unto Thee who art MA, Mighty Mother of us all. In Thee Truth is Delight.
Hail unto Thee who art SHAKTI. To the Goddess who abideth in all beings in the form of Power, salutations unto Thee, salutations unto Thee, salutations unto Thee, again and again.
Hail unto Thee who art KALI, the ultimate, as black as the nothingness of the darkest night. Hail unto Thee who in Thy dancing gathereth the heads of all them that are baptized in the waters of life.
Hail unto Thee who art TARA, the one Star in Sight. Hail unto Thee who art the Savour, who appeareth amongst the flames of mortality as the infinite Will, and who nurseth with the milk of the stars from Thy breasts.
Hail unto Thee who art LALITA, in Thy play Thou art lovely, and enthroned Thou art the Mother of the Universe, the beautiful one and Queen of the three worlds.
Hail unto Thee who art MARIAM, the Lord is with Thee.
Hail unto Thee who art APHRODITE, Lady of Love and of Victory. How Thy glances have kindled all these fires that have blown about the heavens.
Hail unto Thee who art ISIS, Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof.
Hail unto Thee who AHATHOOR in Thy triumphing, even unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest over the Heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Morning!
- Adoration of the 11 Names of the Goddess
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gladstones-corner · 4 months ago
On Holy Days
The topic of holy days is a varied and sometimes contentious one. There are certain days that tend to be more common than others in the magical community, but that makes them far from ubiquitous.
The aim of this post isn’t to name every holy day—nor is it to suggest that the holy days named in this post are the correct ones. Instead, I’ll use the Thelemic calendar as my base, then name a couple ways you can introduce custom holy days to your calendar.
Let’s get started.
The Thelemic Calendar at a Glance
The Thelemic calendar is a complicated one, especially for newcomers. Let’s forgo the dating mechanic for a moment and just focus on the explanations of the holidays:
“36. There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times. 37. A feast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride! 38. A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law. 39. A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet—secret, O Prophet! 40. A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods. 41. A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death! 42. A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture! 43. A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!” —Aleister Crowley, Liber AL vel Legis
Let’s generalize and demystify this a little bit:
36. The Solstices and Equinoxes 37. August 12th 38. April 8th–10th 39. August 6th 40. March 20th and the Vernal Equinox 41. Puberty Rites, Birth Rites, Death Rites 42. Daily Gratitude 43. Nightly Gratitude
Of this list, several of these are distinct to Thelema. However, the Solstices, Equinoxes, Puberty Rites, Birth Rites, and Death Rites are all common to mystical and magical traditions. I’d like to add a couple more, leading to a full list of holy days as such:
Birth Rites, done once but creating an Anniversary of Birth Holy Day
Puberty Rites, done once
Initiation, thus leading to an Anniversary of Initiation Holy Day (this date either changes with each subsequent initiation, or stays the same as your very first initiation)
Vernal Equinox, done yearly
Summer Solstice, done yearly
Autumnal Equinox, done yearly
Winter Solstice, done yearly
Handfasting (Optional), creating an Anniversary of Love Holy Day
Death Rites, done once
From my perspective, this is the minimum number of Holy Days required (except Handfasting) for a full-fledged tradition. However, in doing the research for this post, I had colleagues disagree. One provided their own Holy Days list:
Vernal Equinox
Summer Solstice
Autumnal Equinox
Winter Solstice
Handfasting (Optional)
Death Rites
Still another sent me a dizzying calendar of saints’ days, saying that they tend to pick the saints’ days that they need during that month to celebrate—but they always celebrate at least once a month. In addition, they celebrate the following:
Ash Wednesday
Good Friday
Much less structured; no less valid.
Generating Your Own Holy Days
Okay, so we’ve gone over the general gloss of Holy Days, but how do we identify new ones for our own traditions?
The answer is highly subjective. Generally, you want to look for milestones in your life and in the cycles of nature around you. If you’re not keen on the traditional Wheel of the Year (in either its four- or eight-spoked forms), there are several other ways to track the seasons across the year.
For example, you could add the Lunar New Year as part of your Holy Days. You could also add the day you first achieved Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, or some similar milestone in which your life was irrevocably changed. Even secular days, like Groundhog Day, can be added.
Let’s add some extra days just for completion’s sake. Let’s say you also celebrate the Blue Moon and various other astrological phenomena, like eclipses. You can note those down as special days of power—though they’re not yearly, they’re no less Holy Days.
Overall, creating a calendar becomes a mixture of Holy Days in your tradition, seasonal or natural observances, and milestone celebrations. Putting it together is fairly easy—adhering to it is another matter entirely. That’s why I recommend a small calendar first, based in your chosen tradition. That gets you used to cyclical Holy Days from a magical perspective. Then, you can expand naturally as events arise and become important to your practice.
Thank you for reading. As always, stay safe and stay tuned. Blessings~
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the-aspiring-occultist · 4 months ago
Liber Israfel - sub figura LXIV
[This book was formerly called “Anubis,” and is referred to the 20th key, “The Angel.”]
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0. The Temple being in darkness, and the Speaker ascended into his place let him begin by a ritual of the Enterer, as followeth
1. [Hebrew: Vav] Procul, O procul este profani.
2. Bahlasti! Ompehda!
3. In the name of the Mighty and Terrible One, I proclaim that I have banished the Shells unto their habitations.
4. I invoke Tahuti, the Lord of Wisdom and of Utterance, the God that cometh forth from the Veil.
5. O Thou! Majesty of Godhead! Wisdom-crowned Tahuti! Lord of the Gates of the Universe! Thee, Thee, I invoke.
    O Thou of the Ibis Head! Thee, Thee I invoke.
    Thou who wieldest the Wand of Double Power! Thee, Thee I invoke!
    Thou who bearest in Thy left hand the Rose and Cross of Light and Life: Thee, Thee, I invoke.
    Thou, whose head is as an emerald, and Thy nemmes as the night-sky blue! Thee, Thee I invoke.
    Thou, whose skin is of flaming orange as though it burned in a furnace! Thee, Thee I invoke.
6. Behold! I am Yesterday, To-Day, and the Brother of To-Morrow!
    I am born again and and again.
    Mine is the Unseen Force, whereof the Gods are sprung! Which is as Life unto the Dwellers in the Watch-Towers of the Universe.
    I am the Charioteer of the East, Lord of the Past and of the Future.
I see by mine own inward light: Lord of Resurrection; Who cometh forth from the Dusk, and my birth is from the House of Death.
7. O ye two Divine Hawks upon your Pinnacles!
    Who keep watch over the Universe!
    Ye who company the Bier to the House of Rest!
    Who pilot the Ship of Ra advancing onwards to the heights of heaven!
    Lord of the Shrine which standeth in the Centre of the Earth!
8. Behold, He is in me, and I in Him!
    Mine is the Radiance, wherein Ptah floatheth over the firmament!
    I travel upon high!
    I tread upon the firmament of Nu!
    I raise a flashing flame, with the lightning of Mine Eye!
    Ever rushing on, in the splendour of the daily glorified Ra: giving my life to the Dwellers of Earth.
9. If I say “Come up upon the mountains!” the Celestial Waters shall flow at my Word.
    For I am Ra incarnate!
    Kephra created in the Flesh!
    I am the Eidolon of my father Tmu, Lord of the City of the Sun!
10. The God who commands is in my mouth!
    The God of Wisdom is in my Heart!
    My tongue is the Sanctuary of Truth!
    And a God sitteth upon my lips.
11. My Word is accomplished every day!
    And the desire of my heart realises itself, as that of Ptah when He createth!
    I am Eternal; therefore all things are as my designs; therefore do all things obey my Word.
12. Therefore do Thou come forth unto me from Thine abode in the Silence: Unutterable Wisdom! All-Light! All-Power!
    Thoth! Hermes! Mercury! Odin!
    By whatever name I call Thee, Thou art still nameless to Eternity:. Come Thou forth, I say, and aid and guard me in this work of Art.
13. Thou, Star of the East, that didst conduct the Magi!
    Thou art The Same all-present in Heaven and in Hell!
    Thou that vibratest between the Light and the Darkness!
    Rising, descending! Changing ever, yet ever The Same!
    The Sun is Thy Father!
    Thy Mother is the Moon!
    The Wind hath borne Thee in its bosom: and Earth hath ever nourished the changeless Godhead of Thy Youth!
14. Come Thou forth, I say, come Thou forth!
    And make all Spirits subject unto Me:
    So that every Spirit of the Firmament
    And of the Ether.
    And of the Earth.
    And under the Earth.
    On dry land
    And in the Water.
    Of whirling Air
    And of rushing Fire.
    And every Spell and Scourge of God the Vast One, may be obedient unto Me!
15. I invoke the priestess of the Silver Star, Asi the Curved One, by the ritual of Silence.
16. I make open the gate of Bliss; I descend from the Palace of the Stars; I greet you, I embrace you, O children of Earth, that are gathered together in the Hall of Darkness.
17. (A pause.)
18. The Speech in the Silence.
    The Words against the Son of Night.
    The Voice of Tahuti in the Universe in the Presence of the Eternal.
    The Formulas of Knowledge.
    The Wisdom of Breath.
    The Root of Vibration.
    The Shaking of the Invisible.
    The Rolling Asunder of the Darkness.
    The Becoming Visible of Matter.
    The Piercing of the Scales of the Crocodile.
    The Breaking Forth of the Light!
19. (Follows the Lection.)
20. There is an end of the speech; let the Silence of darkness be broken; let it return into the silence of light.
21. The speaker silently departs; the listeners disperse unto their homes; yea, they disperse unto their homes.
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worshipgodalone19 · 6 months ago
Dr Ali Muhammad Vs Natural Tahuti
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marzipanambrosia · 8 months ago
E te tī, te tā, tahuti mai rā
Ki te ina I ngā hīhī o te rā
Taku rite, ko Hinemoana
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theinsectworld · 1 year ago
We stood awhile gazing in silence at the mummy—for such, indeed, was her friend Artemidorus. But not an ordinary mummy. Egyptian in form, it was entirely Greek in feeling; and brightly coloured as it was, in accordance with the racial love of colour, the tasteful refinement with which the decoration of the case was treated made those around look garish and barbaric.
But the most striking feature was a charming panel picture which occupied the place of the usual mask. This painting was a revelation to me. Except that it was executed in tempera instead of oil, it differed in no respect from modern work. There was nothing archaic or ancient about it. With its freedom of handling and its correct rendering of light and shade, it might have been painted yesterday; indeed, enclosed in an ordinary gilt frame, it might have passed without remark in an exhibition of modern portraits.
Miss Bellingham observed my admiration and smiled approvingly.
'It is a charming little portrait, isn't it?' she said; 'and such a sweet face too; so thoughtful and human, with a shade of melancholy. But the whole thing is full of charm. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. And it is so Greek!'
'Yes, it is, in spite of the Egyptian gods and symbols.'
'Rather because of them, I think,' said she. 'There we have the typical Greek attitude, the genial, cultivated electicism that appreciated the fitness of even the most alien forms of art. There is Anubis standing beside the bier; there are Isis and Nephthys, and there below Horus and Tahuti. But we can't suppose Artemidorus worshipped or believed in those gods. They are there because they are splendid decoration and perfectly appropriate in character. The real feeling of those who loved the dead man breaks out in the inscription.' She pointed to a band below the pectoral, where, in gilt capital letters, was written the two words, "APTEMIΔѠPE EYΨYXI."
'Yes,' I said, 'it is very dignified and very human.'
'And so sincere and full of real emotion,' she added. 'I find it unspeakably touching. "O Artemidorus, farewell!" There is the real note of human grief, the sorrow of eternal parting. How much finer it is than the vulgar boastfulness of the Semitic epitaphs, or our own miserable, insincere make-believe of the "Not lost but gone before" type. He has gone from them for ever; they would look on his face and hear his voice no more; they realised that this was their last farewell. Oh, there is a world of love and sorrow in those two simple words!' -- The Eye of Osiris (1911), by R. Austin Freeman
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pathofregeneration · 4 years ago
Then before him he sees the Great Scales of Tahuti. Upon the one side is his heart in the form of the jar of his maat and upon the other side is the Feather of Maat. And they are poised each to each in perfect balance, for upon both sides there is Truth.
Joan Grant, Winged Pharaoh
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aloneforeverwithoutyou · 4 years ago
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The bird is the word.
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talonabraxas · 11 months ago
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Daily Adorations
It is important for a magician to feel a link with the divine source of the universe every single day. In our modern society, human beings can easily become detached from that which is spiritual. In order to reaffirm our awareness of ourselves as beings who are a part of a greater Divine Self, it is important to make a ritual gesture confirming a link between the Eternal and ourselves. This Eternal Self is readily symbolized by the luminary of sol, the sun; the symbol of both Light and Life on Earth. (Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition, C. Cicero, T. S. Cicero)
Daily Adorations by Aleister Crowley Greet the Sun at dawn (or upon rising), facing East.
Say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Ra in Thy rising, Even unto Thee who art Ra in Thy strength, Who travellest over the Heavens in Thy Bark At the Uprising of the Sun. Tahuti sandeth in His splendour at the prow And Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Night!
Also at Noon, greet the Sun, facing South.
Say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy triumphing, even unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest over the heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun. Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Morning!
Also, at Sunset, greet the Sun, facing West.
Say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Tum in Thy setting, even unto Thee who art Tum in Thy joy, who travellest over the Heavens in Thy bark at the Down-going of the Sun. Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Day!
Lastly, at Midnight (or when going to bed), greet the Sun, facing North. Say in a loud voice:
Hail unto thee who art Khephra in Thy hiding, even unto Thee who art Khephra in Thy silence, who travellest over the heavens in Thy bark at the Midnight Hour of the Sun. Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Evening!
It is important to give your grade sign (or Sign of the Enterer) before or during each adoration and to give the Sign or Silence, along with a stamp of your foot, after each adoration.
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thatophite · 3 years ago
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textpostslovesfandoms · 7 years ago
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American Gods vs Text Posts  Part 4/??
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tahutitv · 7 years ago
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#tahutitv #www.tahuti.tv/Shop/ #tahuti #metatron #dieStimmeMetatrons #hexenschule #Wicca #Witches #Beratung #Tarot #jenseitskontakt #jenseitskontakte #engelbotschaften #AstroTV #Livesendung #Humanenergetik #spirituelleBeratung #psychologischeBeratung #Parapsychologie #Magie #Engelkontakt #TVbekannt #Preguntas
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idi-the-noof · 7 years ago
To Djehuty
I sit staring at the text
Squiggles cover it edge to edge
I am afraid.
I am a child
"Patience. Look beyond them"
I learn to read,
Soaring to the heavens on Ibis wings.
This gift turns my heart to netjer
I sit staring at the text
I am afraid again
I am grown but still so small feeling
"Patience. Go slowly. Not everything is flying. Some are slow careful trudges"
I carefully pick my way
Finding hand holds and safe stones.
I earn the highest grade in math
"See? Some things you will soar at. Some you will trudge until you learn to step with grace like the ibis"
I laugh in joy now
"And in some things we will both rejoice like the baboon at dawn"
He laughs to and our hearts soar
Our feet dance graceful
And our joy echoes forth to the sun
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shopclosing-blog · 7 years ago
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#mba in #thoth #tahuti #hermes #qabalah #israel #jews #torah #wisdom #occult #freemasons #solomon #nimrod #caesar #alexander #hiram #qaebla #islam #muslims #christians #jew (at Student.MBA)
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daladee-t · 6 years ago
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#Wednesday is the day of #communication. It's also a day of #commerce and #business. Mercury is the planetary energy that rules all the God/dess(es) that are considered #gate #openers in any pantheon. Why? Because their the great #communicators and if you don't speak to them you can't gain access.... #HonortheDay #PlanataryPowers #Deties #Gods #goddesses #PapaLegba #Elegua #Sefekh #Ganesha #Tahuti #Heremes https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw7BfJyHFK7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sqtq2j1bdc7s
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