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darethshirl · 4 months ago
ALSO since I'm talking about Veilguard I'm gonna take this chance to introduce my Rook!! mostly to have this post as a source in case I ever write fic/do exchanges 👀 but also because my Rook is ADORABLE AND I WANT TO SHOWCASE HER LOOK AT HER LOOK AT MY SWEET BABY GIRL!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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dalish, mage, and a veil jumper cause I'm a basic bitch with basic tastes lmao. also I know she looks sad and serious in this pic but her REAL personality is encapsulated in this screenshot:
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head empty 😌 heart full 🙌 she's just a little golden retriever with too much curiosity and WAY too much youthful optimism for her own good. she's not that smart but she likes exploring! and puzzles! and she's not gonna think too much about this whole evil gods situation thanks!! just doing her best!!!
and also. ALSO. 👀 Solas is one hundred percent manipulating her and molding her into a leader in his own image. she doesn't see it but I do and I am Looking with popcorn in hand 👀🍿
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year ago
i don't wanna like. complain too much especially now that the PJO show's first season is over but i do feel kind of lied to about it with how rick constantly claimed it would be super accurate and perfect unlike the movies and how he said stuff like this:
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because this is literally exactly what i wanted. i wanted to see as much of the book's story as possible while also getting some fun additions or even changes when necessary (for example, one change that i really want if we ever get the final book is luke's death scene, when he asks annabeth if she loved him--this needs to either not happen, or annabeth's answer needs to be changed from "you were like a brother to me, but i didn't love you" to something that affirms that she did love him in a familial way, so that his question can't be taken as a romantic thing. maybe his wording of it should change as well.) and i also thought it's only natural that they'd have to cut less important scenes. but they changed sooo so much and the show is basically just more accurate than the movies in the sense that they go to all the right locations, fight the right monsters, and hit the right basic plot beats, but the how and why of it all is so different. the details are all off. and also imo they somehow managed to make it boring to watch, which is an even worse crime to me. honestly i don't want books i enjoy to get screen adaptations anymore. make them stage musicals on par with the lightning thief musical or just leave them alone.
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iniziare · 17 days ago
what is your definition of canon-strict? it seems pretty — well — strict, and i personally have a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around the term specifically because it seems hard to freely make headcanons or explore things outside of canon. would you say canon-strict is on a spectrum of canon-compliance? what are your thoughts on that term, and what's the degree of differentiation you need to consider a muse divergent?
(this is not meant to be a dig or interrogation but a sincere handful of questions, as i'd like to understand you and how to approach you better! i've seen some people argue that any interpretation that touches upon things not addressed in canon is divergent, but then again they're from fandoms where canon material is remarkably barebones for a majority of characters, and even officially licensed manga/shows vary incredibly widely — leading to multiple "canons" or verses with a lot of interpretative freedom. i'd like to know your definition of canon-divergence, and if it ever bothers you when other muns are canon-divergent.)
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Hi anon! I'm aware that I'm answering this quite late and I apologize for it, but I wanted to sit on it for a while because every time I've tried to answer, I end up rambling, and I don't really think that's useful! So let me try this one more time, and see how I fare (spoiler alert: I, to no one's surprise whatsoever, did not keep it short).
To me, canon strict means having a very strong adherence to a character's personality, and lore as they're depicted in their original source material. With the term I genuinely, and literally mean 'strictly following canon'. Anything I do has to make sense within the boundaries of my muse's canon material. You should kind of see it as a writing challenge to myself to try and see how much I can expand on a muse's life and experiences within the constraints of canon before I run into a big 'ole brick wall. You see, I used to write characters where I enjoyed the concept of going beyond canon's bounds over and over, do my AUs, and my rewrites of what we were given, and I very much enjoyed that, but then I wanted to do the exact opposite, and I've found very thorough enjoyment in the challenge for years now, so I've kind of... stuck with it. I don't really know how else to explain it to you other than to say that when canon is written as nicely as it is in the fandoms that I'm in, that I want to avoid changing any of it because why should I? I have no need to do so when I enjoy it just as it is. Essentially, any meta that I write should be more so be seen analyses of canon in some way instead of headcanons, but if I do use the latter term, they're there to fill gaps rather than touch or alter existing facts. And any details that I speculate on are rooted within canon logic. My 'non-canonical' dynamics (or ships) work similarly, while the vast majority are technically non-canon, I still choose them based on what actually clicks for the character, rather than potentially let myself be directed in any which direction by what I'd like to see for them. Does that make sense?
Essentially, everything I do has to make sense within the muse's own canon, and they should not change, or influence anything fundamental. Everything pretty much stays within the bounds of plausibility for the character, and I don't reshape them in any way as to accommodate that which isn't in their own canon. It’s in that where I feel like the difference lies with something more akin to 'canon-compliance'— so when you mention a spectrum, let's say it's a scale from 1-10, I could imagine that canon-strict is on the extreme outer end at 10, standing in direct opposite to the full canon-divergence/AU variant sitting at 1, while canon-compliance could sit anywhere in between those two, though I would reckon it's anywhere between 5-9 for many portrayals I've seen.
Now to finish this off with, I don't have any issues with people who claim their portrayals to be canon-divergent, but I could clash a little with them in terms of plotting if they're very liberal with their divergences. And if they go against what is presented within my muse's canon, then I'm less likely to say yes to an idea, though I will generally try to see if I can reach some sort of a middle ground with them. But in all fairness, I very clearly 'advertise' myself as canon-strict everywhere that I can (and I remind people of the extra important things on each muse page), so I assume people generally know what to expect from me and my portrayals, and then can quickly discern whether I'm the right fit for them and what they're looking for. Because while I'm strict in this and may sound firm, I do try to be as transparent as I can be so that people don't run into threads, only to be surprised six months down the line, I don't want to disappoint people in the end after all! I hope that this was at least a little helpful, anon! And I apologize once more for the very late response. Thank you for asking. <3
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thisismyobsessionnow · 2 years ago
No one can convince me Jan and Nace doesn't regularly make out to Vse Kar Vem.
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clacing · 2 years ago
All those ppl being like "WELCOME TO GUNDAM! IT'S DARK AND TWISTED AND SAD AND ANGST >:) NO SOFT LESBIANS FOR YOU!" And G-Witch went "What if love is an essential part of our story? What if even if you think that there is no saving you, someone is always willing to hold out that hand? What if growing through trauma with love and acceptance was a very crucial part of this world? What if all the blessings found their way to you? What if lesbian love saved the day?"
Never going to get over the series, I'm forever changed. I needed this finale to land perfectly and they did and I feel SEEN in this Gundarm tonight.
I'm literally on and off crying 'cause after last episode I really thought they'd be focusing so much on wrapping up all the arcs that they'd have to sacrifice some character moments and emotional beats but I can't believe the themes were so on point like I never would have imagined Prospera and Eri surviving and yet it makes so much sense. Yeah of course Prospera lived and decided to get better instead of wasting her life away on her revenge because she was never the true villain in the first place. Of course Eri lived because the whole point of GUND-Arm was to help people survive into space even when their bodies fail and Eri is a prime example of that since her whole body was gone. And yet even she got to live!!! Everyone got to live no matter how battered and bruised because their lives mattered their bonds mattered!!!
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diamondcitydarlin · 5 months ago
you know you can call beetlebabes shippers 'disturbed' and other offensive ableist terms all you want but yall (antis) are the ones obsessively crossposting in our tags with ragebait on a regular fucking basis like you're desperately sending off signal flares to get our attention and also telling us to 'kys'/unalive ourselves in the case of one blog and another that threatened IRL violence against anyone perceived to be a shipper in theaters when the second film came out. Those of you doing this seem to be under the false impression that you're morally superior to us, but I promise you the moment you start threatening physical violence and telling people to unalive themselves bc of fictional characters you instantly secure yourself as a hateful if not obsessive POS and I am genuinely concerned about the safety of others around you. What other shallow prejudices deputize you to enact violence and wish death on people? Are you going to physically assault someone because they're eating a sandwich you don't personally like? OR is this just the 2024 version of early 00's edgelord nonsense? (one of the people I'm talking about also alleges to support Palestine like?? SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE WELFARE OF OTHERS??? God forbid a Palestinian person ships Beetlebabes, guess they can just succumb then) Like, we're over here writing fanfics and drawing fanart and making up headcanons and living our best lives and yall are stewing in your filth pits SO BIG MAD THAT PEOPLE DON'T THINK THE SAME WAY YOU DO!! THEY SHOULD DIE ABOUT IT!! And some of yall come in saying all kinds of hateful shit and then cry about getting 'dogpiled' and how mean the beetlebabes shippers are for trying to engage in (frankly imo v diplomatic given how yall act) dialogue with you, as if that's worse than your bros over here threatening physical violence and telling people 'kys' over a fictional fucking ship in intentionally crossposted tags to harass us. Like my god the weaponized tears, cry me a fucking river lol. ('That's victim blaming!!' Is it?? Is it victim blaming if you go into the cheese lovers convention, knowing full-well you don't like cheese, start talking about how cheese sucks and anyone who likes it is 'disturbed' and the con-goers try to start a dialogue with you about it and/or politely tell you to leave?? THAT'S being a victim?? Telling the cheese lovers to unalive themselves or get physically assaulted IRL is totally fine tho, acceptable behavior!)
Once again, we know people don't ship this and think it's gross, despite anyone commenting 'FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT' on your harassment post you are not the first person to say this, you are not going to change minds, censor your fucking tags bc no one cares but you and the other haters. Also, there is no justification for wishing harm on other people over differences in fictional storytelling preferences, you're just being a bad, hateful, violent person looking for an outlet that should consider some form of therapy before you end up in legal trouble from your edgelord threats and if you think I'm not serious then go ahead, fuck around and find out ig.
Like, just leave it and us alone, there is no reason to act like middle school mean girl bullies. Block it. Blacklist it. You literally don't have to see any of this shit, at this point yall are CHOOSING to because you're more obsessed with your hatred of it and getting the power microdose of harassing and threatening people than you are just enjoying what you do like and imo that's very tragic and should be more concerning to you than it apparently it is.
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felassan · 1 year ago
let's talk a lil bit about the new Thedas Calls teaser and the new blog post, in relation to revisiting the DA:D leaks from around 10 months ago (potential DA:D spoiler warning for those last 2 links, as well as for under the cut below):
(I won't be posting the images and gif themselves from that leak here, not directly. here and here are some previous posts of mine talking/speculating about those leaks so that I don't repeat myself too much. and here is my DA:D spoiler tag in general in case it's of interest to anyone to browse or anyone wishes to blacklist it. also, the usual set of disclaimers that accompany all leaks applies - might not be real, unable to verify, games change a fair bit between development phases and final release, take with grain of salt etc).
okay, so really in this post I am just looking to tie the new teaser&blog info with that leak.
the new teaser indicates Weisshaupt as a location we'll be visiting in DA:D, seeming to confirm the leak, which shows the possible Player Character, Rook, and their companions including Davrin fighting through Weisshaupt ("Weisshaupt" can be seen in the top right text).
the new teaser implies something bad has happened to Weisshaupt (see bottom paragraph in that post) and when the 'Speaker 2' Warden character speaks their line, we hear the roar of battle, a battle cry, the clang of weapons etc. I wrote elsewhere that Speaker 2 (who insists that Wardens don't hide in their castle, they fight)
sounds like a hardened fighter, a seasoned commander. he is speaking when he’s about to be attacked, or in a pause in battle
and in the leak, text shows that Rook has the objective "Defeat the darkspawn", and shows them fighting through Weisshaupt in combat with darkspawn. this is not the worst of it however - per the dialogue there's "worse than darkspawn on the way", and the walls won't hold it back. we see Rook fighting what looks like those red lyrium-affected darkspawn creatures. Could the thing that is worse and on the way be the cause of the "tremors in the Anderfels" described in the blog post, or one of the "risen gods" mentioned in the teaser? I feel like if you squint, in some of the images from the leak, there looks to be the silhouette of a great beast in the background, maybe a dragon.
this location in the leak, also noted as Weisshaupt, looks to be this location from the teaser, just from a different angle/position on that 'level'. it has the same night-time, lighting, dark atmosphere, rocky cliffs, cloudyness, ruined buildings/structures, ominous feel, vaguely green tint etc.
the blue dome in that location also seems to show up as an asset in the Rivain segment of the teaser.
apart from the red lyrium darkspawn, the red lighting here in the leak (and potentially the reference to "Spawn Boils"), as well as the ominous spreading tendrils in the leak images in general, bring to mind the red lyrium-esque glow in part of this shot from the teaser.
the leak describes Rook as a "Level [x] Grey Warden" - interesting considering the prominence of Grey Wardens as a highlighted faction, locale (via Anderfels and their HQ), 'Warden Speaker' in the teaser and all. (remembering also the speculation that Warden is a potential background of some kind for the PC)
I also wonder if the big door with griffons on it in the leak is what looks to me like a door/gateway covered by the suggestion of red lyrium in the teaser. I feel like if you squint you can just about make out the pattern of the engraved griffons' wings on it, or those rayed lines from the bottom half of the door. (or is this just me seeing things hh?) in the leak the characters are trying to hold the door shut and there's no red lyrium on it. I guess they fail and it becomes tainted by red lyrium and destroyed/grown over or something, or the dragon etc that I presume they're trying to keep out, does end up busting through, with the walls around it becoming destroyed too. (easily done by a dragon, magic, red lyrium or stuff magic-warping bc of Fade shenanigans etc)
According to sources that spoke to Tom Henderson's Insider Gaming, "It’s understood that you’ll be able to move from your hub to missions by passing through a mirrored portal." I know the games have always had Fast Travel all over Ferelden as in DA:O or all over Ferelden and Orlais as in DA:I etc. and it's a game, so you don't really need an explanation for jumping around travel-wise due to gameplay-story segregation. the mirrored portal obviously sounds like an eluvian though and to tie this to the new teaser, with so many different locales shown across vast swathes of northern Thedas - Anderfels, Tevinter, Antiva and Rivain at least - I have to wonder again if the PC and their companions are travelling around these many different countries and across such distances via eluvians. I wrote elsewhere,
moving from a hub to missions through eluvians was exactly what we did in Trespasser from the Winter Palace, and it worked really well. Trespasser’s setup was really enjoyable. it was a fun mechanic that helped explain fast travel and apparent teleportation. it also allowed for travelling to places all over, from the Deep Roads to ancient elven ruins to places in-between the waking world and the Fade - a variety of handcrafted places to explore still but with a tighter storyline threading through them, as opposed to open-world that felt like it was probably mandatory to include during development because of other games on the market like Skyrim and AC, but which then struggled to be filled with meaningful content to fill the space and in which that struggle was apparent. I’d be down for that. I’m just daydreaming and speculating wildly now for real (bc it’s fun) but we could travel all over Thedas that way. We did that in [previous DA games] I know but you know what I mean?
at the very least from the new teaser we now know we're travelling to at least 4 different nations in DA:D. :>
Some leak-text on Reddit also accompanied the gif and screenshots from the leak. it again mentioned the darkspawn attacking Weisshaupt. as I wrote at the time, this "explains why Weisshaupt looks wrecked", now it seems like we are also seeing this in the new teaser (wrecked Weisshaupt). it seemed to confirm the influence of red lyrium also, mentioning that some of the enemy darkspawn "have red lyrium attacks", and confirmed the attacking dragon. I wrote at the time
The dragon is also Concerning.. like. Darkspawn attacking, with a dragon involved. That sounds like a Blight and an Archdemon. Is this the Sixth Blight? is it a Red Lyrium Blight? I'm reminded of this concept art. also HELLO?
not sure about a 'red lyrium Blight' / 'sixth Blight' exactly per se, but what it reminds me of again is the Anderfels blurb from the new blog,
ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀʀ ᴡᴇꜱᴛ, ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ɢʀᴇʏ ᴡᴀʀᴅᴇɴꜱ ᴘᴀᴛʀᴏʟ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀɴᴅᴇʀꜰᴇʟꜱ. ᴛʀᴇᴍᴏʀꜱ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴅɪꜱᴛᴜʀʙᴀɴᴄᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ʟᴀᴛᴇ. ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪꜱ ᴜɴᴋɴᴏᴡɴ. ᴜᴘᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴛ ʜᴏʀɪᴢᴏɴ, ᴀ ꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ ᴏꜰ ᴏᴍɪɴᴏᴜꜱ ɪɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ʙʀᴇᴡꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇɴꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋɪᴇꜱ.
as in, the contents of the leaks sure sounds like this 'storm of ominous intent that darkened the Anderfels skies' has now struck, and hit Weisshaupt.
In the leak it was noted that
"The objective is to fight through the Darkspawn to get to the library, but as you are doing so there is also a big ass dragon attacking from above. And the dragon creates occasional environmental and traversal hazards. It ends once you reach the library, close the gates, "and then come face to face with the dragon. It appears you are then supposed to try and chain the dragon up, but it ends before the player completes that."
(I said of this, "I guess the big lever we see has something to do with trying to chain the dragon up.") I feel like here in the new teaser we can see some hints of occasional environmental and traversal hazards, like lightning strikes (some dragons have lightning / electricity abilities right? like Vinsomer from the DA:D codex they shared with us), broken bridges and different places where we might have to jump to, hang from, or climb onto etc (and the leak had also mentioned that jumping returns). I also feel like, perhaps the ring-things in that shot from the new teaser have something to do with the chain-system mentioned in the leak, where it seems that you're supposed to then try and chain the dragon up. the leak also said that
"Basically, buildings and whatnot are all modeled and textured but the skybox itself is very dark and makes it seem as though the entire fortress is underground, although it is clearly not. I suspect the skybox could contain some giant world event, similar to the Breach, they hadn't finished."
given that in the new teaser Weisshaupt still looks dark, it seems like this was intentional? and likely due to the attack on the fortress and whatever giant world event may be appearing in the sky[box] that was theorized to being something similar to the Breach (and in that concept art of Weisshaupt).
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bihansthot · 1 year ago
Ghosted. Again. I cannot stress this enough, FUCK real men. I’m done. I’m so sick of all the emotional stress and drama, I’m going back to self shipping full time now. I don’t really know if I’ll share much of it since I’ve had so much hate in the past but I know Bi-Han will always be there for me, I’m still on the fence whether or not to include Syzoth because his dynamic with Bi-Han is so bad so I don’t know. As always I’ll tag my posts so you can blacklist the tags solarbear, solizardbear and/or bi han x sol, bi han x syzoth x sol if you don’t want to see it but like I said I don’t think I’m inclined to share much.
I’m also pretty sure I’m done writing, I’m very sorry if you sent a request and I didn’t get a chance to write it. I’m hesitant to delete or post any of them with an apology note in case I change my mind though, maybe I’m just in a really shit mood with how badly my love life has been? Maybe after a break I’ll feel in love with writing again and go back to it? Maybe I won’t. I don’t know.
I will try and stay active and reblog Bi-Han/Lin Kuei art and smut and stuff daily and still really want to make more friends and chat with you lovelies but I think I need to make tumblr a little less of a priority. I still want to be part of the MK Kommunity though, I just need a break from the creative side. My inbox is still open and you can always send me questions I just can’t write requests anymore. If that changes though I will be sure to let you know.
I want to get back in shape or at least back under a certain number so I need to prioritize physical activity and Denny time, he’s such a good baby and deserves more of my time and attention. I’ll still always been around on Discord and still have no problems adding anyone who wants to be friends on Discord and will still try and be active in my Mortal Kombat server if you need to find me. I just need to put me and my physical and mental health first, so I might not answer immediately or even consistently please know that is not on you at all, that is all me and I occasionally can’t interact because I’m exhausted or overwhelmed. I apologize in advance. My mental health is worlds better the last two years or so after getting medications that actually work but it’s not perfect and probably won’t ever be. I have so much trauma from my Mother growing up and my heart transplant that I don’t know that I’ll ever really be “good” I just know it’s “better”.
I guess I’ll wrap this post up now that I’m kind of rambling I just had to get some stuff off my chest.
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barroline · 20 days ago
hey as a trans man this is a really weird ship and hc.
we don’t have many trans men in this comic, so headcanoning barry as agender and NOT a man feels incredibly invalidating!! i really relate to barry, especially w his transness, as many others do.
tbh this feels like borderline transphobia, and i’m not trying to be a hater but making a trans man into. Not a man. feels really weird to me! and it seems like he’s ONLY been turned agender so he can be shipped with a lesbian
and also . posting this in the main tag where a lot of trans ppl will see it. hoping other trans men like me don’t feel invalidated upon seeing it.
(i do love your artwork though!! it’s super cute, but this ship and making barry not a man is just. urgh) -🧪🏳️‍⚧️ anon i guess (just in case you respond to this, so i can reply back :D)
Hiya anon! Thank you for being polite, and as a trans man myself I understand being upset over it! Although, I headcanon Barry as agender because I myself am agender and I project onto him a lot, I have had the barry agender headcanon for longer than I have shipped barroline! I do not intend to make anyone feel invalidated! I do tag it with ship tags so that people can blacklist the tag if needed! Once again, I didn't intend to make anyone feel invalidated! My apologies that this is short, I just didn't know how to space it out much!
(not main tagging this, sorry yall!)
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rillils · 1 year ago
i accept any and all pronouns for Crowley, so hell yeah, feel free to use them all!!!!!!
BUT BUT. THE STARS IN HIS EYES FJFHDKLS YES. YES YES YES SO MUCH YES. like, as an angel he'd have David's sweet brown eyes, right?? but when you really LOOK at them (like Aziraphale always does, he's always looking at those pretty pretty eyes) you can see the flecks of silver and the twinkle of the stars he created all those millennia ago and IT'S BEAUTIFUL AND IT'S MOVING AND IT'S THE CLOSEST AZIRAPHALE WILL EVER BE TO THE STARS AGAIN AND HE'S FINE WITH THAT, THANK YOU VERY MUCH
everything is so perfect AND SO FUCKING PRECIOUS i'm just gonna sit here and cry for a bit 😭😭😭
also i just had the most random thought, but please consider this: either in this AU or even in canon, Crowley and Aziraphale introducing Muriel to films like "Mary Poppins" and "The sound of music", and Muriel actually fucking LOVING THEM, watching with wonder and absolute Heart Eyes, learning all the songs, singing them around the bookshop/in the greenhouse when they're happy, and just generally being THE most precious creature on Earth dgsjdgakhfkf
i cannot envision a single universe where Crowley wouldn't be 100% completely wrapped around Aziraphale's finger (he's whipped he's whipped he's so whipped holy fuck)
i wanna sink into this AU for like a week and just bask in it, because the potential ghhhhhhh
angel!Crowley who doesn't have to hide his love for humanity, or his kind heart, his protective and nurturing instincts, who's absolutely fucking ready to adopt any kid - ALL OF THEM KIDS - and gently guide them
can you picture that super soft voice of his? while he's wearing equally soft clothes? cable knit sweaters or cardigans no matter the time of year?? with his soft lustruous curls loose over his shoulders??? making heart eyes at demon!Aziraphale at any and all hours???
demon!Aziraphale who was, inevitably, hardened by his Fall, and yet he can't help the tenderness he feels for this world and all the creatures it contains - and especially, one red-haired angel, who always seems to know when Aziraphale will drop by for a visit (wait did I say visit? noooo it's just business ofc, it's all part of ye olde Arrangement, you know how it is!!), this angel who set up a special corner in his greenhouse where they can sit and sip tea or wine, and he'll wordlessly miracle Aziraphale's favourite sweet treats into existence and watch him savour them with THE fondest look in his eyes, knowing that Aziraphale only ever lets himself enjoy these soft little worldly pleasures with him. where he feels safe. where he feels at home
anyway what i meant to say was
i just think they'd share the biggest praise kink??? i feel like Aziraphale's such a naughty little shit, gets off on getting Crowley all flustered, showering him with compliments, telling him how pretty he is, how good he is, how perfect he is, never seen anything more perfect in any of God's realms, until Crowley's a melting pile of goo in his arms
BUT. ohhh how the turntables, as soon as Crowley turns all that tenderness back on him. when he cups Aziraphale's face in his hands and murmurs how beautiful he is, when he tells Aziraphale how strong he is, how sweet he tastes, how warm his hands always feel on Crowley's skin
when he's kneeling between Aziraphale's legs, and kisses the palm of his hand and begs him please, let me make you feel good, as good as he makes Crowley feel
well i think Aziraphale just really loses it then :P
he's gonna give Crowley anything he wants, in any way he can-- and when they're done and Crowley's a happy, sighing, boneless mess of naked limbs on their bed, Aziraphale - greedy, gluttonous, insatiable, helplessly-in-love Aziraphale - is gonna start all over again
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junkdayz · 6 months ago
Most of this is copied but it still works to be honest—
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Hiiiiii I’m remi, Mia or zita (Zeeta), 18, any prns, dominican, pansexual.
Just in case for roleplay purposes: Non-binary. has a slight athletic build due to being on the gymnastics team when he was in high school. 6'3. he's very shy and awkward unless he's around someone he enjoys talking to. no matter the fc i will always use any prns and have a penis. i am NOT a girl. please don't call me one lol
Kinks are found here
DNI ୧ʕ •̀ᴥ•́ ʔ୨
if you cannot handle mature themes, if you're racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, if you're often involved in drama, if you support negative and hateful behaviour, if you kink and/or fetish shame, people who are dishonest, negativity, being interrupted, loud and crowded places, close-mindedness, unfair treatment, lack of respect for personal boundaries, being pressured into things, judgmental attitudes, procrastination, unnecessary conflict, insensitivity to others' feelings, lack of ambition, laziness, unreliability, people who are overly critical, feeling unappreciated
likes ʅʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔʃ
music, dancing, hanging with friends, trying out new foods, watching movies, video games, fashion and styling, photography, traveling, exploring new cultures, reading books, writing lyrics or poetry, collecting sneakers, practicing new dance routines, going to concerts, playing sports, cooking or baking, watching anime, painting or drawing, learning new languages, attending fan meet-ups and events, visiting cafes, shopping for unique clothing and accessories, participating in charity events or volunteering, listening to podcasts, yoga or meditation, going on nature walks or hikes, watching reality TV shows, doing makeup tutorials, visiting art galleries and museums, playing with pets.
I am an unpublished author, teen author, fanfiction author, beginner author and possibly many other things!!!! These factors don't make me or anyone less of an author, because you can write fanfiction and still be an author! You can be unpublished and still be an author! And you can be younger than most and still be an author!!!
Guess what! I will do requests!!! If you want to, send in a prompt for a one-shot! Look at the bottom for my request info!
What I write?
• I wanna write a lot of k-pop fanfiction's as of right now
• I write my own stories, and I would one day like to be an actual author
• I specialise in romance-type and heavy smut stories
• One-shots
• Multichapter fics
• And I'm gonna write/make a lot of WIPS (the list is endless!)
• Request reminders!!!!!
• I have a right to refuse requests!
This isn't me being rude and I'm sorry if you feel that way! It's just that I'm trying to stay safe online and if I'm not comfortable writing something I won't write it.
• I can write one-shots or mini-fanfics!
• I will do: Ships, SFW, Angst, LGBTQ+, one-shots, mini-fanfics, NSFW, Alcohol, _________ x reader, raceplay, gender-bent, alternate anatomy: boypussy | girlcock, regular stuff
• When it comes to requests try to send in ones that align with the fandoms I'm in!
• This is an LGBTQ+ safe place, everyone is welcome!!!!!
• If you don't like, don't interact, please! Again this account will be dark and freaky and may contain uncomfortable and triggering themes. i always content warn and tag the content that i know is sensitive so that people who don't want to see it, don't see it! i encourage those who are uncomfortable with what i write about (see below for specifics) to utilize the block and blacklist features to their liking! i can be slow to answer asks, i have a job and i am also neurodivergent so apologies in advance if it takes a while.
Fics written as of now
Pillow talk | reader x Femboy dosie (purple kiss)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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brionysea · 1 year ago
hi. i’ve been recently unsure on whether I’m on the ace spectrum and coming across aphobic comments (even from 2016) made me confused and unsure of whether i was a bad person for even possibly being ace. i just feel unhappy and sad and confused and i don’t really know what to do. sorry if this is annoying in any way shape or form.
hi, i'm guessing you're sending me this ask because i've been sharing posts meant to educate people on how bad tumblr's aphobia used to be (and still is, honestly, just more subtly), and please know that wasn't my intention. seeing things like that affects me too - i don't even read half of the examples because i already know what they say and that they'll just bum me out - but the way non-aspecs, even well meaning ones, refuse to see what we have to deal with from the queer community infuriates me, so i feel compelled to talk about it. the intent behind aspecs making and sharing posts like that isn't to make others like them feel bad, but to show how abhorrent aphobes are, because people still say that we don't face any kind of pushback for our sexuality (which obviously isn't true), but i know it's still difficult to see. if you'd like, i can tag those posts as aphobia and you can blacklist them from your dash
if you're asexual or not, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. i felt the same way at first and tried to convince myself i was something else. while i'm over the denial now, i still struggle with feeling like there's something wrong with me sometimes, but it gets better. i wish i could give you some step by step guide on how, but for me it was just time. and avoiding the kind of comments that were everywhere on 2016 tumblr. i don't know you, but just by virtue of possibly being acespec, i promise that you're not a bad person. especially not in comparison to the sad people online who are so threatened by asexuality that they have to harass and bully strangers about it
everyone's different, with different things they want to experience in life and different boundaries, and yours not fitting inside the norm is as natural as anyone else's looking unique to them is. we're all just trying to figure ourselves out. it's really none of anyone else's business, no matter how much strangers on the internet might like to pretend otherwise, so my advice is: focus on yourself and what will make you happy. cut out things that you know will bum you out - in this case, scrolling past the bad comments. i say this in all kindness, but they're not for you; they're for people who don't believe us when we say how bad it used to be
really, i don't think i can say it better than gillian anderson:
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piduai · 5 months ago
Re: the jjk ending, I think the last chapter wanted to do a “full circle” kind of thing where the original trio works a case so a few previous open plot threads were just left unaddressed (but imo those threads were just added to drag the story out needlessly so who cares) and it was very underwhelming, but jjk has been pretty underwhelming and messy for years now so idk how anyone expected it to fix that in the last chapters. Oh and I guess people are unhappy that some characters who seemed to be killed months ago were alive and certain characters coughgojocough were definitely permadead.
(PS: You’re so brave going into any jjk character tag, I cannot stomach all the x reader and 10k fujo analyses in there to find the 1 picture of a character that isn’t about shipping)
so they're mad that a mid shounen stayed mid until the end, but also paradoxically they're mad that the author killed off his worst character and didn't revive him? lmfao
i only go into maki and nobara's tags and they're targeted by neither fujos nor the xreader lunatics ☺️ but i get you anything jjk related and you're 100% guaranteed to come across a billion annoying guy x nazi guy ship content it's an epidemic. i had to blacklist the ship name ages ago
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aesadraws · 1 year ago
Edit: Just in case anyone reads this later on. It was kindly pointed out in the notes that I am in fact fully blind and there's a function to filter posts by their content and not just tags. Phew~
On the one hand it's great that Tumblr finally has a built-in system to filter out posts. On the other hand, it doesn't block based on the content of a post, just the tags. So if I filter out "cashews" for example, and I do so with the intent of remaining blissfully ignorant of the goings on of cashew lovers, it doesn't matter how many times someone mentions that word in a post - if they didn't include that specific tag it still gets through.
Now imagine it's for something less ridiculous. Like filtering for phobias or to escape the crippling reality of living in the USA during election times.
The thing is, I have XKit Rewritten. I've used just about every iteration of XKit there's ever been. I know it had a blacklist function of its own and it worked great! It would completely hide posts even those posts had no tags but included my filtered words/phrases. But Rewritten no longer seems to have that option? Presumably because tumblr did finally add that feature. Very fucking poorly implemented, as mentioned above, but I guess the XKit folks didn't notice how janky tumblr's system is.
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lacefuneral · 1 year ago
hm. i wasnt going to post about it again but. i will. i don't want to put this in the tag but there are spoilers for the last two episodes of the pirate show. so scroll past if you don't want spoiled
but this is less a post about the show and more about. my mental episode. SA discussion tw.
ok so when i saw the episodes last thursday, i saw the implied sex scene and my sexual assault trauma got triggered. really bad. in fact so bad that it pushed me into full blown psychosis that lasted for like 12 hours. and then the subsequent days i felt residual fear.
i instinctively blocked anyone who giffed the scene in question or posted screencaps of it. or made posts celebrating it/making jokes of it. and in some cases blocked people who simply reblogged them.
i realize that people have written meta explaining "no, no really. this is consensual." but one, i don't think a piece of media should have to /require/ that sort of meta and, two, regardless of what was intended by the narrative, the direction taken in the filming of the scene /did/ trigger my sexual assault trauma. i even saw people make horrible posts like "i've seen people say this scene resembles SA to them and actually, THOSE people are spreading rape culture" ???????
anyway. in some cases, i've begun to gradually refollow people (especially former mutuals) that i blocked during my mental health episode. but i'm not quite there yet. i'm still... fragile.
now. i have encountered instances like this before. where media caused me upset (although not nearly to this degree, as this time it involved a comfort character) and like anything else that has triggered me, i've had to approach it with (controlled!) exposure therapy.
unfortunately, controlled exposure therapy would not be possible at this time, as i continue to encounter the scene against my will regardless of what website i am on (which is causing retraumatization). so, after the finale airs, i will likely need to blacklist the OFMD tag for a little while - stop going on AO3 etc. - giving me an entirely clean slate to work with.
but... yeah. i'm in a weird position where something i deeply love has become unsafe for me. where, i could not have guessed in a million years that my comfort character would violently slam his partner against the wall. no communication. no provocation. after his partner very clearly said he wanted to go slow. and that's fucking terrifying to me. i can't help but put myself in ed's shoes. because i would also want to go slow, for my own reasons. and what if my partner didn't care. just disregarded preestablished boundaries. forced himself onto me because of his own selfish desires. while i am trying to comfort him. while i open up about my childhood traumas.
it literally makes me feel physically ill. they could have framed the scene any other way. even if they were "pressed for time." what, they had time to give izzy a musical number but not enough to flesh out one of the most delicate and anticipated scenes of the entire show?
so to me, right now, that scene is my wooden shark. i do not acknowledge it as having happened. maybe that will change eventually? but i have to do that to protect myself.
and like. the response from (some) corners of the fandom to SA victims who were triggered by the ending of episode 6 is nothing short of cruel. i hope you guys learn to be compassionate to others.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years ago
I would guess it's more than 25%, but it's also not unreasonable for it to be that, officially. I'm not a statistics specialist, but I do a lot of reading on survey methods and the like, so here are a few options:
I'm sure a lot of users, especially teenagers (which make up a greater portion of the site's userbase than most of us veterans would like to admit), would reply with "prefer not to answer" or "don't know" to a survey on the topic that was less anonymous than the above style of poll, and that wouldn't get lumped in with LGBTQ or cishet. Since it's not explicitly LGBTQ, it's not counted in the 25% stat that's cited, so it 'looks' like they're cishet when the info is reported as just "this is queer, and the rest is undefined not-queer" as opposed to "this is queer, this is cishet, and this is undefined."
There's also the sampling bias (which you mentioned in your tags), but I'd like to posit that there would also be a sampling bias in which people responded to an official poll from tumblr. It wouldn't just be a question of "who sees this," but also a matter of "who bothers to respond to official requests for data from the supposed authority, as opposed to fellow users." I'd expect that queer users are less likely to respond to tumblr's official attempts to gather such information, due to the cynicism and distrust of tumblr as a platform, born partly from Yahoo's past discrimination against queer users, the reputation for which stayed with tumblr even when it changed hands to more queer-friendly owners, automattic. In that case, the commentary in the notes and tags on this post that says "oh, it's obvious who they actually bother to listen to" is a bit on the nose by accident: they listen to people who bother to respond to those surveys and the like.
Another point would be that a general, informal poll like the above in English would be passed around to English speaking users, but probably wouldn't make as much distance among non-English speaking countries. If a tumblr user is located in a country with shaky data security and negative lgbtq protections, they may choose to respond with "decline to answer" or "no" even when the answer is yes, because that is how they feel safe answering at all. While the notes count on the above poll seems impressive, it's also unlikely to include anyone who is queer (and doesn't want to hit no) but cannot safely say something, especially in a poll that's more likely to circulate among queer circles in the first place. Part of why it's more likely to circulate among queer circles is that queer folk, in a bid for recognition among their peers, will reblog it, so the data skew is self-perpetuating.
The phrases 'lgbtq' and 'queer' are also more likely to be blacklisted by cishet users, especially terfs, so they also wouldn't see the poll to reply in the first place, but would respond to an official demographic survey by tumblr's official page in order to sway the site's development in their own favor.
The last point I have is that the 25% is still much higher than non-tumblr polls. The US national self-identification of LGBT folk is at 7.1% as of 2022, and tumblr is over three times more than that. 2020 was only 4.5%. A global survey claims 9%.
So tumblr is still acknowledging that the website's queer usership is significantly higher than the US National or Global averages. Several times higher, in fact!
The question is: what were their research methods, and how do we know if they were better or worse than the ones that we, as users, have available to us?
Thanks for all of the recent feedback around Community Labels being incorrectly applied to content. In particular, we appreciate the input we’ve received from the LGBTQIA+ community and understand the frustrations from folks who felt that their content was unfairly labeled. When we realized this was happening, we immediately investigated and are taking steps to prevent this from happening again.
The LGBTQIA+ community makes up about a quarter of the Tumblr community. It is important for us to support all Tumblr users, especially those whose safe spaces are under threat in certain parts of the world.
As you know, alongside of the rollout of Community Labels we also expanded the types of content allowed on Tumblr as a way to welcome more creativity, art, and self-expression. Our goals remain the same today. Human error happens and we apologize to anyone who has been impacted by these mistakes.
We are working to better understand what happened and will follow up with more information soon.
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