Explore tagged Tumblr posts
renantests · 6 months ago
Testing tags
Just testing tags.
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jonnjonzz · 6 months ago
so so SO pleased they managed to transfer the embarrassment of reading anne rices godawful song lyrics to actual music. like genuinely if his music had been any good it would have ruined everything. this however is peak
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testblogk1ko · 11 months ago
#sunset #sunrise #sun #pretty #beautiful #beach #sand #water #sea #waves #wave #ocean #summer #sun #flowers #flower #nature #instagood #photooftheday
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tmblrlesian · 11 months ago
Post with many tags. Many many
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kathrinpassig · 3 years ago
just a test (legacy editor)
I am a random paragraph.
this paragraph should be blockquote, i.e. indented. Switch to HTML view and back. Now the blockquote markup is gone.
I am just another paragraph.
I am another test paragraph. This is link #1, this is link #2 and this is link #3.
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vinylfetischist · 4 years ago
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Moin, heute sehr viel früher, da der Frühsport ruft... #entzug #tag20 #fruitbowl #frühstück #frühstücksideen #frühstücksliebe #breakfast #breakfastideas #breakfastattiffanys #tchibokaffee #kaffee #kaffeeliebe #kaffee #darthvader #instadaily #instafood #insta (hier: Stollhamm, Niedersachsen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQOdmCnw1t/?igshid=11fxpb14qps0k
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andre-amitac-tsa · 4 years ago
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#tag20 #nervenleitgeschwindigkeit , #augenscreening und die #Gewissheit nie wieder so sehen zu können wie zuvor und auch nie wieder so neuronal gut zu funktionieren wie zuvor. Es wird wohl darauf hinauslaufen das eine Augen Behandlung , jedoch mit Sicherheit eine Brille notwendig sein wird. Was die Nerven betrifft, ich hoffe mal das es sich in Grenzen hält mit den Einschränkungen. Keine so tolle Nachrichten, auch das erst einmal verarbeiten. Wo man dabei anfängt ..? ....das gilt es rauszufinden. Heute gab es ein CT um die Bauchspeicheldrüse endlich zu untersuchen, Ergebnisse bekomme ich später. Draußen sorgt die Welt weiter dafür den Bach runterzugehen. Drinnen lacht mir jeden Morgen Claude Monet Ins Gesicht. Hier im Krankenhaus sind viele vernünftige Menschen die einen Job machen der wirklich Sinn ergibt und wichtig ist wo anderenorts Agile Coache und Social Media Manager eingestellt werden... Aber warum auch nicht, glauben auch viele das Influencer ein echter Job ist.... Für das CT gab es tatsächlich einen Hodemschutz, ich muss nicht erwähnen das dieser für mein immenses Geschlechtsteil zu klein war, aus diesem Grund wurde für mich auch ein Stück Schallschutzwand von der A46 besorgt :) (hier: Helios Universitätsklinikum Wuppertal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJvT--_M5Lb/?igshid=9zk8zan1ns1p
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bootcampkoeln · 5 years ago
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BOOTCAMP 30 TAGE CHALLENGE - TAG 20 2/3 sind schon geschafft! Nur noch 10 Challenge Tage. Das fühlt sich richtig gut an 🙂 TRAIN HARD and FEEL GOOD Weitere Infos zu den Übungen und der Challenge gibt es in der Facebook Gruppe: https://www.facebook.com/groups/V.Bootcamp/ #tag20 #challenge #dasTeam #bootcampkoeln #fitness #bootcamp #köln https://www.instagram.com/p/B_s0KqsqMTp/?igshid=7pqydmsugvwa
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aab0289 · 8 years ago
Tag 20
I got tagged by @lilparfaitbun thank you. (Sorry for being inactive lately.)
Rules: Answer twenty questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to know better.
Name: It’s Ash.
Nickname: So many to choose. Subs, Subley, Menos, Dalek, but mostly known as aab0289. (Think serial number for a storm trooper.)
Sign: Libra
Height: 5'9 (though some argue I’m 5'10)
Orientation: heterosexual. (Some of my family think that I cannot be friends with anyone who isn’t heterosexual, but I have no I’ll will to them for their preference.)
Nationality: British. (Though people have mistaken my accent for pretty much every nationality at one point or another.)
Favourite fruit: Not particularly a fan of fruits, but I do love strawberry yoghurts (bit-less) & blackcurrant juice.
Favourite season: Very tough one. I like Autumn for the smell of leaves, but Spring has the longer days and not too hot. Summer days are the best to lay out carefree & winter has Christmas. So a tie with Autumn & Spring.
Favourite book: There’s three, the 1st by Roald Dahl Charlie & the chocolate factory. It was the first book I ever got to choose to read for myself than just given to me & expected to read. (When growing up, I struggled with words & teachers said I wouldn’t do well in future. I laugh at them now.) The second is Harry Potter with 2 books. Chamber of Secrets, I was terrified to read it for the spiders my brother teased but it was instantly one of the best for it. Then Order of the Phoenix, not only cos it would be the first of the last three I’d out read my brother, but it connected with me unlike the others. I truly felt what it was like for the characters, all that frustration and anxiety. The third is Nightrise, part of the power of five series. Not only because it’s done by one of my all time fav authors but it’s a perfect blend of real terror mixed with supernatural.
Favourite flower: Roses. I do like others but the names allude me.
Favourite scent: New books with ink, the smell of autumn leaves & pine trees with fire (Xmas scent).
Favourite colour: red, mostly the softer shades, though I am liking orange more lately. Though I do like shades of blue & purple too.
Favourite animal: Dogs, which is ironic cos a child I had a terrifying encounter with one that made me afraid of them. Then we went to get one for the family, I was reluctant to extremes. The white Alsatian knew instantly I was the one with fear, so it singled me out & showed me that I didn’t have to be afraid of her. Since then, I’m normally the one making friends to dogs who don’t like people. I also like cats, rabbits & I’ll include dragons for the heck of it.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Has to be hot chocolate. While I love the smell of teas and especially coffee mixed with rain, I can’t drink either of those. (British & I don’t like tea, yes that is a recurring thing for me.)
Average amount of sleep: I try to get 8hrs, but realistically it’s 5-6 most days & Fridays/Saturdays being the only days I ever get more.
Cats or dogs: Dogs. I do love cats but tends to be dogs who love back more. Plus mum won’t have another cat. (We’ve had evil drivers kill so many in our are, including our own and the neighbours.)
Favourite fictional character: nick diamond from the diamond brother stories, grew up with that character who had to be the mature one to get them out of insane situations and yet still provide fantastic snarky comments.
Number of blankets I sleep with: Odd question. Just 1 mostly, unless it’s winter & bitterly cold outside.
Dream trip: Would be to go to USA, specifically New York City & Austin Texas. Ever since I saw Home Alone 2, I always wanted to see the sights of the city itself but obviously 1 can no longer be done, so the memorial for ground zero would be the alternative there. Plus I’ve always wanted to see the city with Roosterteeth & funimation as a huge fan of both. I’d love to do tours of both but that’s extremely unlikely with the long flights. I’d love to see Japan too, just to see the places that’s featured in my fav anime, though I wouldn’t know half the food there.
And now 20 people to tag: @squidfiction @little-trash-baby-mercury-black @zyptoskid @actualagentcarolina @tanglecolors @the-heart-alchemist @gaelfox @dumbrwby @ask-team-clst @scribbly-blue-hearts @blvke-b @norikat @omgsoasian @ookaminoki @jen-jen-rose @juunishi-master @just-another-rwby-oc-story @phoenix-of-death @montyoumproject @kyoko-chi
There’s loads more, so sorry if i didn’t tag you, you can still participate.
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tomorrow-is-future · 7 years ago
Tag 20, Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2017
Ein produktives, aber unheimlich stressiges Wochenende geht zu Ende. Eigentlich bräuchte ich jetzt erstmal zwei Wochen Urlaub. Leider wird daraus nix, aber naja morgen 'ne Runde Yoga ist schon mal ein Anfang.
Wenigstens habe ich das tolle Gefühl was geschafft zu haben & langsam macht sich große Vorfreude auf's nächste Wochenende breit, auch, wenn ich das noch nicht so ganz realisieren kann.
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jonnjonzz · 1 year ago
blood and gold sets marius up as a villain of the series and i have no doubt that this is not indicative of anything moving forward and that he will not be a villainous figure in any capacity at all. compelling though
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ronniemcdonald · 5 years ago
ffr, tumblr’s main /tagged page will only show your post in the first 5 tags while your blog’s /tagged page will only show your post in the first 20 tags
so if your post’s tags look like:
#tag1 #tag2 #tag3 #tag4 #tag5 #tag6 ... #tag20 #tag21
then your post will show up in tumblr.com/tagged/tag5 and [url].tumblr.com/tagged/tag20 but not tumblr.com/tagged/tag6 or [url].tumblr.com/tagged/tag21
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3gwc · 6 years ago
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No caption needed. Insert when and where necessary. . . . #detroit #quoteoftheday #wordoftheday #wordsofwisdom #grind #begreat #love #art #artculture #culture #curator #curate #writer #artlife #artgalleries #tag10 #tag20 #spreadtheword #3galleries (at Arden Park-East Boston Historic District) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5cvL1lxB1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hwm52r94xh7g
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decadencebydamon-blog · 7 years ago
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#tag20 #rugbyball #cake - #devilsfoodcake iced with #chocolate #buttercream and decorated with #fondant. #decadencebydamon #nz #auckland (at Decadence By Damon)
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angelahoptich · 7 years ago
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#Adventskalender #Tag20 #fsfitzgerald #ichbinviele
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thedave1985maen · 4 years ago
Weihnachtskalender Tag20
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