The ending of The boyfriend was heartbreaking I didn't expect to like this show this much but everyone was so nice caring and kind with each other also the healthy representations for bisexual men was so refreshing to watch such beautiful relationships were created whether it was romantic ones or just friendships it was so touching and precious .💙
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gruzzlebear · 11 months
I'm a simple man. I see bird, I tag it as Zippy. Or Taehon, or Tae, or Tae(hon) which is their combination tag because they're the same person but like, in the way Undertale and Deltarune characters are the same
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fiddleyoumust · 2 months
So, the reality series The Boyfriend has eaten a large chunk of my brain recently. I'm not usually a huge reality TV person, but this show is scratching my brain so well, and I think it's mostly because it's very communication focused. So we get a lot of these men being exposed to different ideas and perspectives, different ways of communicating and problem solving, and most importantly, different ways of being in intimate relationships.
Shun is not my favorite person in the house, but I do find him the most fascinating to watch navigate these new relationships. He's extremely low energy, moody, introverted, outwardly calm, and reflective. He very obviously does not trust his own instincts about love and relationships, which is understandable given what he's revealed about past partners.
There is obviously a lot going on with Shun below the surface, and I get the feeling he is an extremely emotional person who has gotten very good at masking those emotions because he's never had anyone who cared about him enough to unmask them. We show our emotions to others because we want something in return - validation, comfort, understanding, etc. But we are able to show those emotions because we have an understanding with the people we are showing them to, that we will get something in return, that they care enough to give us something back for being open about our feelings.
Shun, an orphan who spent his entire childhood in an orphanage and who has had mostly toxic romantic relationships, hasn't had anyone he could trust enough to share his emotions with, so he is very closed off, even though he has a good understanding of his emotions and is a very good communicator when he needs to be. I think Dai (the guy Shun is most interested in) is a great fit for him, even though Shun hasn't fully realized it yet. Dai is ready to be that person for Shun, and his desire for Shun to trust him, his desire to be Shun's safe space is palpable in every move he's made to get closer to Shun.
In one of the most recent episodes, Shun passes up the opportunity to spend time with Dai simply because Shun's in a bad mood. He immediately feels bad about it because he knows his rejection hurt Dai's feelings. When Dai gets back from the daily mission, Shun makes a failed attempt to explain himself.
The conversation is so interesting because Shun is making a case for why not going with Dai was his perogative and Dai, who is just a really excellent person, and who has really tried hard to meet Shun where he is emotionally, is 100% not interested in having that conversation. Because he doesn't actually care if Shun wanted to go or not go, it's Shun's disregard for Dai's feelings that he's upset about. It's being taken for granted. They are not having the same conversation. But Dai also doesn't want to tell Shun how to fix it because he wants Shun to care about him enough to figure it out on his own.
They leave that conversation with Shun feeling worse than when he went into it. He goes off to sulk with a bottle of wine. Then Taehon, another contestant, joins him, and they have one of the best conversations I've seen on a reality show.
Shun talks about why he didn't go on the daily mission with Dai and how he doesn't feel like he had to volunteer to go, even though he likes Dai a lot. Taehon validates Shun's feelings, and here is the part that really hit me, and the part that I really hope Shun remembers later because he's revealed a bit about his past relationships and it seems like he was very much a person who got obsessed and lost himself to the whims of the men he's been interested in.
Shun tells Taehon, "I'm not obligated to go with Dai. We're not even dating yet." And Taehon replies, "Even if you were dating already, you're still not obligated to go." And MY GOD I hope those words stay with Shun for the rest of his life. That was something someone like Shun NEEDED to hear. You do not have to bend to the whims of your romantic partner. They are not entitled to drag you beyond your boundaries, and it is 100% okay to set boundaries and demand your romantic partners respect them.
Shun goes on to wonder if he wasn't wrong, why does he still feel so bad about what happened. Taehon tells him maybe focusing on right and wrong isn't what's important here, and Shun all on his own realizes what he feels bad about is hurting Dai's feelings, and even if hurting Dai wasn't intentional, and even though Shun had the right to not spend time with Dai, he should still let Dai know he's sorry that his choice caused Dai pain.
So, Shun apologizes for hurting Dai, and Dai is very happy, and the two of them get back on track. The entire show is so emotionally satisfying because you get to see in real time the ways people communicate, the intricacies of navigating new relationships, both romantic and not. If you enjoy watching people in all their odd, frustrating beauty, I highly recommend checking out The Boyfriend on Netflix. It's delightful.
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loosingmoreletters · 8 months
Thanks to you I read all the available chapters of Weapon Creator and they are now living rent free in my mind,,,,, please tell me more of what omegaverse ideas you might have for this because I am a simple person at heart
(am I thinking about Yun Taehon deciding if I marry him than I get to keep him and nobody else can steal him from me proposing a contract marriage with a grand scheme of seducing Shin Junseo into a real marriage? Listen-)
Glad to have been of service!!!
Okay so re: Omegaverse. I’m unfortunately simultaneously the guy who spent most of this week reading Omegaverse smut comics for the plot and worldbuilding. And like. There is so much untapped potential in how Shin Junseo really only wanted someone he could call friend. Someone who needed him in this kinda setting? like give that man a pack— or have him avoid forming one due to his regression bullshit for reasons that just hurt.
But actually that would be so fun maybe if like Shin Junseo showed that he really wanted to keep his skills under wraps. So Yun Taeheon just goes “okay marry me then. you can be my trophy husband to the public”
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tits-n-trix · 19 days
Shun pisses me off the boyfriend sucks cus this dudes protagonist complex is affecting the vibe and also how has no one thirsted after taehon yet I'm losing it
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queenbananya · 2 months
I think I may be talking to Taehon from the boyfriend what the actual fuck
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captainderyn · 5 years
Soulmate AUs - the one where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist and your enemy’s name is on the other and you have no clue which is which... i forget the number now that i'm in ur ask box...
So I messed this up and read it as “your soulmates name is written on your wrist but you don’t know if they’re your soulmate or your enemy” so…that’s what you get lmao. Sorry :’) It’s a soulmate prompt so that’s close enough…? @lumielles
Tucdela x Cullen
Tucdela had always thought there would be a nice elven name on her wrist; male or female, she didn’t care, clan Lavellan or another clan, it didn’t matter either. Whatever was meant to be by the Creators was meant to be in her mind and she would trust in their judgement and guidance. 
She would travel wherever was needed, settle down as a hunter in some other clan, come home to visit her family and fall deeply and irrevocably in love with whatever elf she was destined to find…she was a hopeless romantic through and through, and all she wanted was that magical ending to her romance. 
It was customary that one’s soulmate’s name tended towards appearing when they received their vallaslin; though some were known to see the name appear before or perhaps after, it was exceedingly uncommon. As such, many young elves rared for the day they would get their vallaslin, desperate to know who they weren’t meant to find. Tucdela was no different.
She watched her wrist in the hours after her vallaslin ceremony, face, neck, chest, arms and back stinging with the bite of the bloodwriting that now stained her skin green in elegent, sweeping lines. Waiting, with baited breath, for the name that would appear on her wrist. 
Taehon teased her for her rapture with her wrist as he smoothed elfroot salve on the reddened marks on her skin to take away the pain, freezing when she cried; “Isa'ma'lin! It’s appearing!” 
Tone light and jesting, her brother strained to peer at her wrist, even as she tucked it close to herself and turned away, trying to read the faint letters herself first. “Well, what does it read? Sorwen? Valowyn perhaps?” 
“Cullen…?” Tucdela read slowly, eyes narrowing. “Cullen.” she repeated, ears flicking as her brows drew down over dangerously stormy eyes. “Fenedhis lasa! That’s a shem name!” 
A dark red flush spread across her cheeks and up to the tips of her ears as her expression went stormy as a winter squall. Her eyes flicked to glare at her brother as though it was his fault that the name was written across her wrist. “Taehon!” 
Her brother raised his hands in surrender, brows raising. “It’s not my fault you have that written on your arm.” he said defensively. “But, Tuc, maybe he’ll be a good shem, like the ones that helped the Clan Sabrae girls during the Fifth Blight–the Heroes of Ferelden.” 
“Or he could be a raving lunatic like the ones that took the Warden Commander in the first place.” Tucdela muttered mutinously, sharing a dark look with her brother. They all knew the stories of what happened to some of the mage children being taken between Clans, and they’d all certainly heard what had happened to the youngest Mahariel girl before. 
“That’s not funny to joke about,” Taehon snapped and she huffed, nostrils flaring. 
“I never said it was a joke.” she snapped back, crossing her arms tightly over her chest in a scowl before rocking to her feet, storming deeper into their encampment. 
Damn soulmates to anbanal, she wasn’t going to fall for a human. There was no way. She wouldn’t allow it. 
Years later, or perhaps not so many years, she trailed behind a ferocious woman in armor–Cassandra as she had been called, rubbing at her wrists and staring in fascination at the green mark that pulsed in her palm even through the canine leather that had been hastily shoved at her. 
She was considered a terrorist—a murderer–for the explosion at the Conclave that she barely remembered. Her body still hurt from the impact, her head reeling from accusations and remarks that she had fallen from the Fade among the ruins. As if any of that was meant to make sense. 
Jumping down into a courtyard, flinging out her arm just to feel a strange and foreign magic rip through her, sewing together the hole hewn in the Fade, she almost missed the warrior charging at her until their sword cleaved down a demon just feet away from her. 
Whipping around she tore a dagger from her belt–worn, dulled at the edges and pilfered from a body splayed across winter ice–only to find his back to her. When the man looked over his shoulder she rocked back a step, nearly missing his words in the sudden sweep of familiarity that zinged between them. 
“Are you alright…?” 
She nodded dully, eyes wide even as the commotion continued around her. She didn’t know him, she had never seen him before. So why did it feel like she did?” 
“This is Commander Cullen Rutherford, he’s holding out lines…” 
Her heart sank, the name on her wrist practically burning. 
Cullen Rutherford. 
“Herald..might I speak to you for a moment?” the shem, the Commander with the amber eyes of an Orlesian lion asked her in a voice soft enough to belong to a kitten.
Eyes narrowed, seething with suspicion, she gave a sharp nod, following to one side of the sweeping hall–in some grand building referred to as the Chantry–that offered some modicum of solution. She had seen his eyes drift to one of the empty rooms, doors hanging ajar, and she had been prepared to dig her heels in against it. There had been no need. While he didn’t treat her delicately or like some feral animal, the two sides of the pendulum the people of Haven swung between, there was a certain awareness that preceded his actions that she had not been shown. 
If she weren’t so suspicion perhaps she would have quoted him as kind. 
She crossed her arms tightly over her chest, tapping calloused fingers against her arm. 
“I just want to ask you about this,” His fingers closed around her wrist and she jerked, trying to pull away with a “Don’t touch me!” snapped from behind bared teeth.  He released her wrist as quickly as he had taken it, but the warm tunic she had been given to wear beneath her torn Dalish armor had been pushed up. 
Cullen read in sweeping green lines, twined into the vallaslin snaking down her arm. Hugging her arm close and pressing her offending wrist against her chest, she glared at him. “What about it?” 
“I was just…well, I didn’t think much of it but…hm..you probably won’t like this–” breaking off with a hmph-ed noise of displeasure his fingers worked at the straps to his gauntlet, shifting it off of his arm and into the crook of his arm. Taking off his glove in a similar fashion he worked his sleeve up to his elbow, baring the skin of his wrist to her. 
Tucdela was scratched there, faded just enough to be legible. Seizing his arm she planted one hand at his wrist, the other at the top of his forearm, pinning his hand between her elbow and her ribs just to hold him still. Patiently he let her inspect her name, running her fingers over the sweeping letters, a furrow deepening between her brow. 
It would explain the spark that flared when they’d first seen each other across the battlefield, the uncomfortable comfort that had seemed to surround her when she had simply stood near him. But–
“You’re a human.” she finally snapped. “That has nothing to do with soulmates–why would you love someone who’s seen as two steps above a feral animal? Who most seem to think more fit to be put down with a knife than given the time of day.”
He, at the very least, looked baffled. “Why would I–I don’t…Herald…Tucdela,” he ground to a halt, taking a breath and giving a small shake of his head. “I don’t know why we have each other, I’m just as confused as you are. We don’t ever have to interact beyond Herald and adviser, we never need to see if something is here. But I don’t see you as any less because of who you are.” 
For a long moment she studied him. Though this string of fate bound them…he didn’t expect her to act if she didn’t want to? There was the option to back away, turn her back on his name and throw fate to the wind; or perhaps they could see if they could fall into something deeper. With a man who acted as though he didn’t see–no, saw but didn’t curl his lip at–her ears, her vallaslin, or the clan ring she wore around her neck, carved from halla horn. 
“…alright,” she said slowly and in return she got a soft smile and a gentle tug of his arm. 
“Good; could I perhaps have my arm back?” 
“Oh!” Cheeks burning she dropped his arm, holding her hands up. “Sorry.” 
Pulling his glove back on and beginning to refasten his gauntlet, his smile had yet to fade. “It’s quite alright. I look forward to knowing you…Tucdela.” 
Loathe as she was to admit it there was something slightly endearing to the careful way he said her name, sounding out each syllable. Perhaps, if she took the time to know him, he wouldn’t be that bad. “And I you, Cullen.” 
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straykidsupdate · 6 years
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Translation of Woojin’s Thanks to in the <I am NOT> album:
Hello this is Stray Kids’ Woojin!! Finally our Stray Kids debut album <I am NOT> has come out!! Firstly thank you so much to Park Jinyoung PD, Jungwook president, Cho Haesung vice-president, Byun Sangbong vice-president, Pyo Jongok vice-preisdent. Also our Stray Kids’ mom!! Jiyoung Noona! Because of Noona, we were able to group up together..ㅠ ㅠ I will forever be thankful. Also to Song Jieun president who will guide our Stray Kids from our now, we will work really hard so please take care of us! During my trainee season, thank you so much to Yuri noona, Youngkyun hyung, Ahnjin noon who helped huhu Casting team’s Hyunkyung noona, Sieun noona, Joongu hyung!! Donghwan hyung, Park Jin noona, thank you so much to everyone. To the Music Team who helped us make good music, Hana noona, Soonhyung hyung, Jeongmin noona~ Thank you~ To those who helped while we filmed the MV, Jihyung team leader, Bohyun noona, Jihyun Noona..?! (Why is noona coming out from there?) Ara noona, Jena noona, Dayoon noona thank you so very much. 1HQ 2PM team hyungs and noonas that will become one family in the future, Stray Kids team ♡ Soojin noona, Junghan hyung, Eunkyung noona, Jiyeon noona, Sun-min noona, Yoonjung noon, Jiho hyung, Yejin noona let’s do it together from now on~~ huhuhu To Kim Yongsu director who shot and edited our debut title song MV prettily and all the staff, thank you so much. Also! To Booba hyung who always includes our spirits in the photos!!♡♡ Hyung is just... the best!! I’m always thankful!! huhu To the hair, makeup noonas and stylist hyungs, noonas who are probably tired and always having fun, let’s continue to be together! ^_^ To Yoomi teacher, Soo-jung teacher, Ali teacher, Taehon teacher, Jangsuk teacher, Raon teacher, Geunmyong teacher, Kihyun teacher who have helped along the road to debut, thank you everyone!! Because of the teachers, I am able to be here right now!! Also to my family who gave birth to me and raised me well!! Mom, Dad, my one and only hyung! Grandparents x2 and to all the relatives, thank you. To our fans who have supported us Stray Kids before our official debut!! Because of everyone, we are able to be happy! huhuhu We will work hard to show a hard working awesome side so please watch over us!! Lastly our Stray Kids! 9 of us!! Up until now we have went through sad times and happy times and from now on whatever happens, let us 9 members not fall apart and let’s be attached together for a long time! Stray Kids fighting!!
*may contain inaccuracies and sentences may have been rephrased for better understanding [translation credit: stray9kids]
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aspcrity · 5 years
“ i kissed someone today. ” (taehoon & haeseok)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ kissy sentence starters ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“what, really?” taehoon is looking up from his mcflurry with a shocked expression. haeseok’s face is kind of red, but there’s a proud expression on it, without a doubt. “who?” he tries to think of how many people haeseok could’ve hung out before they met - but realise the options are very, very limited. there’s only one person that’s crossing his mind, and while it shouldn’t surprise him with all that’s been going on between them, it does. it shocks him greatly either of them would go for it. apparently just like that - as taehoon is sure either of them would’ve confided in him if a date had happened beforehand. “wait. it’s my brother, isn’t it?” taehoon’s voice is a little squeaky, trying to stay as quiet as possible. for all he knows, people who know him or haeseok - or both - could be around and listening. haeseok’s face lights up with a bright smile, and taehoon knows he’s right. even more so when the other’s face turns into a pout, a frown. how did you know??? it’s fairly easy for him to deduct, but taehoon just shrugs his shoulders with a smile and calls it intuition. it’s not satisfactory for haeseok, but he’ll have to live with it. taehon diverts the conversation into a slightly different direction anyway, as he stabs into his ice cream again. “so, are you gonna kiss him again? i hope to god you will, because you have been pining over each other for some time after j- he noticed flirting isn’t going through your skull the way he had hoped it to.”
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siwan-shi · 11 years
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