#↻ ⋆ 「 박태훈 」 — park taehoon —— interactions
aspcrity · 5 years
— chasers
↻ ⋆ every seashell has a story ⟪ @zcilovs | taehoon & jaeyoung ⟫
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“hyung!” taehoon remembered jaeyoung from running into him and one of his siblings - miyoung - a few times on campus. taehoon had accompanied jinhoon when he wanted to study as well as having their insane training regime, twins never really separated. every time taehoon had ran into miyoung, some klutzy things happened. it was safe to say taehoon was sure miyoung hated him, and maybe by extension jaeyoung, too, but it didn’t stop taehoon from approaching the older anyways, running after him like some kind of dog. “what are you doing here, hyung? visiting your sister?” taehoon himself had just dropped off jinhoon to his class - and taehoon really wasn’t interested in all the extensive brain work. 
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aspcrity · 4 years
"i’m trying to understand your way, but you won’t let me.” ( jaehoon )
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ 100 WAYS ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“because you’ll scold me and tell me to rest, anyways. you’ll hate my way.” taehoon whines, giving jaeyoung a hefty pout. he’s being childish and unfair, but he also knows this situation will go bad for him either way anyways. either he’s letting jaeyoung have his way which will result in hefty scolding and a lecture of how it’s necessary to take breaks and rest and not spend all his awake time practising, or he’ll continue to be stubborn and it’ll result in an argument and taehoon feels awful for being childish in front of his much older, very mature, boyfriend. the scolding stings more because he can feel the disappointment radiating off jaeyoung a lot more than when they get into an argument and leave each other be for a while - the silence hurts, and taehoon doesn’t do well with (temporary) rejection, but does he really want to face this kind of lecture? 
jaeyoung next to him lets out a long sigh, and taehoon braces for the disappointment and mild anger to roll of his tongue. he doesn’t want to be scolded like a child again, he feels so … inadequate when jaeyoung has that tone on him. taehoon, in all honesty, doesn’t think jaeyoung notices that it’s the same tone he uses on his younger siblings, and he realises this is where that tone comes from, so he doesn’t say anything. he’s sure jaeyoung doesn’t do it on purpose, or even thinks about it at all. and that’s okay. we did agree on telling each other what is going on, though … and you’re my boyfriend and i want to understand you to make you feel good. you need to talk to me about things, tae-ah. taehoon huffs, falls backwards on jaeyoung’s bad and stares at the ceiling. “can you not … scold me, though? please? please just … try not to.” he’s still pouting even when jaeyoung is climbing into bed next to him with another sigh, lies next to him and wraps an arm around taehoon’s middle. curiously eyes him with a raised brow. no promises, but i’ll try. and it has to be enough for now, taehoon knows he needs to try being less childish and stubborn, to grow up and talk about his problems. 
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aspcrity · 4 years
"i’m sorry. i was just looking for somewhere a bit quiet.” ( jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ 100 WAYS ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“hyung, you’re so naughty.” taehoon giggles into jaeyoung’s shoulder, pressing him back against the door jaeyoung pulled taehoon through and shut close behind them. they’re in the apartment jaeyoung shares with his siblings, a whole party going on in all of the commonly used rooms. taehoon has never seen this many people occupying this place, and after a few hours of it, it must’ve gotten onto jaeyoung’s nerves. he’s just joking about jaeyoung being naughty, even though he knows jaeyoung really just wanted some quiet time, preferably alone with taehoon. they don’t get all that much really, really alone time. someone’s always somewhere they hang out together. obviously, they can’t go out on many dates either way, and taehoon still lives with family as well - so really, someone’s always around. or about to be. taehoon is full of energy and excitement to give for everyone, so he doesn’t really mind (even though he sometimes wishes that no one comes in while he’s nuzzling his cheek into jaeyoung’s chest on the couch, about to nap while they watch a rerun of a mediocre show) but jaeyoung, who’s always already up in flames with stress at work, he doesn’t even need to say it for taehoon to notice he minds. when the touches become longer, the gazes stronger and his lips tighter, taehoon knows. it’s not hard to miss, he thinks. maybe because taehoon is always watching, and always has watched even before. taehoon pats jaeyoung’s butt before stepping away and plopping onto his boyfriend’s bed. jaeyoung follows with a groan and they lie there for a few minutes staring at the ceiling with their shoulders brushing. taehoon knows to be silent and calm for jaeyoung, and it’s not like it’s a bother for him or costing him a lot of willpower, anyways. he likes compromising and making the other happy. “too loud?”, taehoon eventually asks. jaeyoung gives a grunt as a response at first, turning onto his side to wrap an arm around taehoon and bury his face into his collarbone. i’m glad they’re having fun, but i’m tired. work sucked, too. and i would much rather just chill on the couch with you. taehoon can’t help but laugh at least a little, giving jaeyoung’s hand on his stomach a pat. “you’re tired and grumpy. it’s not so loud here, right? you can take a nap. we can return to them later, i doubt they’ll mind. and if it’s too loud for you to sleep, i’ll just hold you in my squeezy arms for as long as you like.”
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aspcrity · 5 years
"i’ll show you how to do a blowjob.” ( jaehoon )
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ 100 WAYS ⟫ | status: accepting
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taehoon lets out a surprised squeak, a gasp if he’s honest with himself, and his face immediately lights up like lighthouse. jaeyoung is blunt, always direct and doesn’t sugarcoat anything he says. in moments like these it catches taehoon off guard. it reduces him to a mumbling, hot faced mess, whiny when jaeyoung laughs quietly and pulls him closer by the hips. look at me, tae-ah is enough for taehoon to peek through his fingers, embarrassed as he is. he’s so inexperienced in everything it’s a surprise jaeyoung, a full on experienced adult, is even patient with him. taehoon knows he’d be too impatient himself in jaeyoung’s case. “o-okay, hyung.” his voice is croaky, and he’s even more embarrassed about being this excited already. and oh no, he knows it must be obvious to jaeyoung. even as jaeyoung pesters him with kisses and light touches it takes a bit for taehoon to get over himself and his embarrassment, letting the older coax him out of his shell with a chuckle. you were so excited before, but now that it’s happening you’re all red and embarrassed? that’s cute. jaeyoung’s tone is light and teasing and it earns him a whine (and even a small, playful pout) but the comment is forgotten quickly as soon as jaeyoung slides a hand down taehoon’s waistband and effectively makes taehoon forget about his reply, too. 
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aspcrity · 5 years
‘promise.’ ( jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ different ways to say i love you ⟫ | status: not accepting
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taehoon wants to be a little fussy about this, but if he acts childish now, jaeyoung and him will surely fight. he hates fighting with jaeyoung, especially about childish behaviour. it just makes it painfully aware to him that jaeyoung is not only older, but in a different point in his life. makes him question their compatibility a little, if he’s honest. he doesn’t like thinking like that, as jaeyoung is usually the worrier, and taehoon thinks he himself might just curse things if he’s thinking about whether or not they fit together after all. he still hopes jaeyoung isn’t catching onto that train of thought of his, he knows he’s super easy to read and they said no secrets, but there is something taehoon has to keep to himself, too. if he doesn’t promise this to his boyfriend, however, that’ll be a whole different reason for them to fight. tone down the extra training. i know you won’t stop doing it altogether, but tone it down at least. you’re constantly hurt and near falling asleep over dinner. please. promise. taehoon doesn’t know how. he has tried explaining to jaeyoung that he needs to do this countless times, but it’s like he’s cursed and he’s just hurting himself more each time. before jaeyoung, taehoon hadn’t been hurt as much - or at least he thinks, he hasn’t paid attention to minor injuries a whole lot before - and now he’s a fool, a klutz giving jaeyoung every reason to be worried about his health. to be upset when taehoon doesn’t listen to him, when he’s going straight back to the practice hall after visiting jaeyoung after work for dinner. taehoon wants to do more instead of toning it down, but a day only has so many hours, and he doesn’t want to neglect jaeyoung or his already suffering sleep. logically thinking about it, promising and doing what jaeyoung says is his only option. it sucks, it sucks so bad, and taehoon feels disappointed in himself for so many reasons, but nothing outweighs the intensity of jaeyoung’s eyes, the begging in his voice. but also the sternness. taehoon is upset about it all and jaeyoung most likely knows from just looking at his face, but eventually, taehoon swallows and nods. “i promise, hyung.” his voice is quiet and sounds pressed, but he isn’t dishonest. a promise is a promise. jaeyoung thanks him just as quietly, pulls him into a hug with a sigh and doesn’t say anything for a while, until he asks taehoon to talk to him about why he’s so upset about it. taehoon shakes his head, and as he’s sitting on a chair in jaeyoung’s dining area, he can hide his face in jaeyoung’s chest. “don’t wanna. not now, at least. i’m gonna cry if you make me. sorry. will tell you later. ‘m not upset with you though, hyung.” he clings onto jaeyoung desperately.
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aspcrity · 5 years
‘it’s okay, i’m here, we’re okay.’ (jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ different ways to say i love you ⟫ | status: not accepting
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taehoon shakes, gripping at jaeyoung’s hand weirdly and knows he’s hurting the other. he apologises when jaeyoung is taking his hand from him to put it somewhere else, somewhere safer, and he sighs. “i’m sorry, really. i didn’t mean to grip you so hard.” his slump is momentarily forgotten, the dread spreading gone. he’s still calming himself trying not to break down and cry, and jaeyoung pulling him in had just simply caught him off guard. taehoon is exhausted, absolutely crushed for no or little reason other than working himself tired all the time. being full of energy and sunshine always on top of hefty training regimes and wanting to stay awake as much as possible when he’s with jaeyoung. time and time again jaeyoung is trying to talk taehoon into easing up on things, but taehoon is stubborn and relentless, and they’ve gotten into fights about it before. every time taehoon shuts him off with a i really want to spend time with you, hyung. not asleep where you can’t take care of me and i can’t listen to you talk about your day. there will be different times, too, taehoon assures him. or tries to, at least. he knows jaeyoung loathes watching taehoon break himself over such things, but taehoon will do anything to keep things between him and jaeyoung working. after all, he’s his first love, and he still is in love. so much. it hurts not being able to be the boyfriend he aims for - and he’s entirely blaming himself and his effort. let’s get you some hot chocolate, alright? is what jaeyoung murmurs to him after a while of holding, silently letting taehoon return to the real world and come back to him. we can talk about what’s exhausting you then, okay? don’t hide it.
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aspcrity · 5 years
“ tomorrow, darling. it can wait. “ (jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ AFTER ANATEVKA ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“but i’m so curious, hyung.” taehoon is trying to escape jaeyoung’s bear grip, but the older has learned pretty quickly to not let taehoon go. letting taehoon escape when he’s adamant about something is never a good idea, because he won’t rest until he’s satisfied, even if that ends up being at three in the morning. the three a.m. incident had resulted in a fight of course, with jaeyoung being the adult and upset that taehoon was so irresponsible even though they had schedules ahead of them, and taehoon had sulked for a while. scolded, he felt like a kid, and so he behaved like one, too. not necessarily fair on jaeyoung, but eventually, they had resolved this, too. taehoon still is impatient, and he still wants to know what jaeyoung is hiding for his birthday. it’s his first birthday he’ll wake up without his twin near, and he has weird feelings about it. of course, such time would have to come eventually, and jin was the one who proposed the idea because haeseok had asked him if he wanted to stay over, but it’s still weird to taehoon. a foreign concept. and now, jaeyoung is hiding a birthday present somewhere in the apartment, too. it’s mean, and unfair, and he shouldn’t have given taehoon a teaser. “hyung, you’re awful.” taehoon gives him a hefty pout, one that’s not even serious, and he knows jaeyoung can tell. jaeyoung knows it’s all just a ploy to get him the present.
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aspcrity · 5 years
“ is it bad i really want to kiss you right now? ” (jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ kissy sentence starters ⟫ | status: not accepting
“well, kind of.” taehoon chuckles at jaeyoung, feels the tips of his ears turn red just by jaeyoung mumbling something like this in a rather public space. “you’re getting impatient now, hyung?” he beams a grin at him, walking next to him through the shop. it’s rare to get jaeyoung to leave his apartment when they can just spend time together there, but taehoon begged saying he needed a birthday gift for his twin, and wanted to buy himself something nice while he was at it, too. wee rarely see each other at the moment so i want to get the maximum amount of time to see you. combining those two things seems plausible, no? and he knows jaeyoung can hardly say no to him when he does that puppy love smile, tugging not only at jaeyoung’s sleeve. it does take a promise of next two dates will be at home though, and taehoon can’t really find any reason to complain. he too, wants to kiss jaeyoung pretty badly. it’s what they do so much, that taehoon thinks he’s starting to associate seeing jaeyoung with kissing jaeyoung. it’s a little hard not being able to do that now, but he’ll manage. jaeyoung will have to be patient too, and while all of this is fun and play, taehoon knows this is what they chose. this is part of the sacrifice they had to make. he isn’t particularly sad about it, and missing out on a kiss or two isn’t too serious, but taehoon knows it’s just the tip of the iceberg, really.
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aspcrity · 5 years
“ i kissed someone today. ” (taehoon & haeseok)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ kissy sentence starters ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“what, really?” taehoon is looking up from his mcflurry with a shocked expression. haeseok’s face is kind of red, but there’s a proud expression on it, without a doubt. “who?” he tries to think of how many people haeseok could’ve hung out before they met - but realise the options are very, very limited. there’s only one person that’s crossing his mind, and while it shouldn’t surprise him with all that’s been going on between them, it does. it shocks him greatly either of them would go for it. apparently just like that - as taehoon is sure either of them would’ve confided in him if a date had happened beforehand. “wait. it’s my brother, isn’t it?” taehoon’s voice is a little squeaky, trying to stay as quiet as possible. for all he knows, people who know him or haeseok - or both - could be around and listening. haeseok’s face lights up with a bright smile, and taehoon knows he’s right. even more so when the other’s face turns into a pout, a frown. how did you know??? it’s fairly easy for him to deduct, but taehoon just shrugs his shoulders with a smile and calls it intuition. it’s not satisfactory for haeseok, but he’ll have to live with it. taehon diverts the conversation into a slightly different direction anyway, as he stabs into his ice cream again. “so, are you gonna kiss him again? i hope to god you will, because you have been pining over each other for some time after j- he noticed flirting isn’t going through your skull the way he had hoped it to.”
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aspcrity · 5 years
please don’t regret me. ( jaehoon )
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ misc angst starters ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“hyung i can’t possibly regret the best thing that’s happened to me.” taehoon leans forward to press loving kisses all over jaeyoung’s naked shoulder. his leg finds its way over jaeyoung’s, ankle locking himself in place. “before you say anything, i mean it. i don’t regret you. and i won’t. ever. remember when you found me in the library? i told you whatever happens because of this is fine, because i had thought it through. i deemed it worth back then, and that hasn’t changed. whatever might come, comes. i love you as much as i did on day one, and i will still do once our careers are crashing down on us.”
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aspcrity · 5 years
when were you going to tell me? ( jaehoon )
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ miscellaneous angst starters. ⟫ | status: accepting
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“i knew you were going to tell me to rest, hyung.” taehoon’s voice is full on whiny, throwing his legs around on jaeyoung’s bed. a bad choice, he notices when his leg comes in contact with the bed. jaeyoung looks really angry, so taehoon drops the whine and sits up straight immediately, sorry look on his face. “i’m sorry, it’s just a sprained ankle. i can’t afford to pull out of training now, and i know you will try everything to keep me in check. i know you want me to be safe, hyung, but this is really important and it has gotten a lot better. i shortened down on the extra practice, though. a lot.”
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aspcrity · 5 years
“ i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be. ” ( jaehoon )
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ meme ⟫ | status: not accepting
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taehoon spends a minute looking at jaeyoung and only snaps out of it when he realises he’s making the other antsy with it. “hyung... you haven’t been alone, though. your siblings ahve always loved you very much, even though it’s a different kind.” he reaches out to take jaeyoungs hand, pulling it close towards him. “it’s okay, though. we have all the time to go through it, and help you re-learn what it’s like not to be alone. we’re both learning something, right?” taehoon is overwhelmed. not with jaeyoung, but the intense feeling of having to love jaeyoung with all for he is worth, all his body can carry. to make him happy so much that he forgets the lonely times.
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aspcrity · 5 years
‘ how long have you been sick? ’ (jaehoon)
↻ ⋆ take me to the ocean ⟪ * soft family things ⟫ | status: not accepting
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“a few days.” taehoon’s voice is raspy, stricken with abuse by coughing. he settles lower into his bed, wanting to escape jaeyoung’s stern gaze. clearly disappointed. “sorry, hyung. i knew you had that big case going on, and that’s more important than me being a whiny baby over the flu.” he offers a smile which earns him a long sigh, jaeyoung settling his bag down and making his way over to where taehoon is half-sitting on top of pillows and beneath blankets. “’don’t wanna get you sick, hyung.” the athlete pouts, hiding his face behind the top of his blanket. jaeyoung reaches out to feel his forehead anyways, tuck him a little in and call him a dumbass. he gets up again, announcing he’ll be raiding the kitchen as they’re the only ones at home - jinhoon not counting. he was holed up studying anyways and only got up to let jaeyoung in with a groan.
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aspcrity · 5 years
tag dump 6/-
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