#tadc tickle fic
starlight-write · 3 months
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Attention Seeker
A/N: First TADC tk fic! lmk if you have any suggestions/prompts cause my brain is about fried atp.
Summany: Ragatha's ignoring Jax for being a prick. It's only after he brings Pomni into their little spat that she decides to do something about it.
Characters: Ler!Ragatha, Switch!Pomni, Switch!Jax
Word Count: 2004
Warnings: This is a tickle fic! Scroll if that's not your thing.
"Raaaags! Ragathaaaaa! Rags, talk to meeeeeee!" The rabbit whined pathetically as he flopped face first to the floor to add to his dramatics.
Ragatha crossed her arms and stared blankly in front of her. She'd be damned if she gave into his theatrics after the stunt he pulled yesterday.
Pomni tip-toed her way over to the doll, careful to gauge her mood before speaking up.
"You're- uh- still not talking to Jax, huh?" The jester tried.
To no one's surprise, Jax pulled some underhanded shit during yesterday's game. Thankfully, that game was more tame than the usual as Caine decided to make all of them play a rather distorted version of 'capture the flag', only the playing field was covered in thick black tar-like substance, which made the game slower and over all less fun but Caine did say he was experimenting with ideas.
Long story short, Ragatha had gotten the other team's flag and was about to win before Jax thought it'd be clever to use poor Gangle as a lasso and trip Ragatha by her ankle. Causing her to fall face first into the gooey substance.
So yeah, Ragatha understandably ignored the purple prick for the rest of the day and supposedly the silent treatment carried onto this morning.
Ragatha scoffed at the question. "I have nothing to say to that jerk. Whatever Caine has planned for us to do today, I'm not saying a word to him." She said making direct eye contact with said jerk. Pomni swore she saw his ears go down a bit.
They both knew that wouldn't last. If there's one thing anyone knew about Jax, is that he can't survive without attention. And Lord, was he the biggest attention seeker Pomni's ever seen. Jax would just dedicate the entire day to pushing Ragatha's buttons until she snapped, earning everyone's attention as well as winning whatever sick game he'd imagined in his head.
Caine appeared not two minutes later and the cast proceeded with their little theme song as usual and afterwards, the ringmaster explained the rules of today's little adventure.
Another safe one, thank God. Pomni thought. Perhaps the man was starting to notice how strung out everyone had become and decided to cut them some slack.
Today's game was a timed scavenger hunt throughout the circus, with two separate teams taking turns in the main room to find the mising items as quick as possible while the other team waited in the hallway for their turn. They were split up into two teams. Ragatha instantly grabbed Pomni's hand and not even a split second later, Jax flung himself at the doll and screamed for Caine to team them up together.
Gangle, Kinger, and Zooble's team went first, which meant the other three were poofed into a random hallway away from the action.
Pomni fidgeted due to the tense atmosphere. Jax of course, took his chance to bug the shit out of the other girl. First trying to make conversation, then teasing her, then poking, shaking, singing, yelling, joking, flopping round again, but nothing seemed to break the doll's focus. Ragatha rolled her eyes at his theatrics before shooting them over to Pomni.
"Sheesh, these games have been real tame and non life-threatening lately right, Pomni? Seems like Caine's finally decided to cut us all a break!" She forced a laugh as she nudged the other girl.
Pomni looked rather taken aback by the sudden conversations but decided to play along nonetheless. "O-oh. Right. I-uh, really enjoy not being in danger for once, yknow?" She laughed nervously.
The rabbit shot up as the two continued their bland conversation, annoyed that he was being ignored completely.
Pomni felt rather proud of herself when Ragatha laughed at one of her jokes, her victory was short-lived however, letting out a yelp as she was suddenly yanked in the air by her underarms.
"HEY!-" She panicked and squirmed, having to force down a rather embarrassing noise that threatened to come out of her throat.
"Whatcha two ladies talkin' about?"Jax had that stupid smug grin on he always wore when he thought he was being smart. Ragatha, obviously, was not amused but threw in the towel anyways as it wasn't fair to Pomni to get her any more involved with their little spat any more than she already was.
"Put her down, Jax." The doll demanded.
Pomni tried to grab at the rabbit's gloved hands as she kicked her feet in the air. "Whaaaaaat? We’re just having a little fun is all! Ain’t that right, Pomni?”
The jester grunted and allowed her limbs to go limp, it was obvious she wasn’t gonna get free by herself and didn’t want to risk entertaining the rabbit any further.
“This is not fun for me. Please put me doWN!!!-“
Pomni’s entire body went rigid as soon as that prick started wriggling his fingers under her arms.
She was able to keep her laughter in for all of maybe half a second before exploding in hysterical laughter. The awful sensation causing her to thrash almost twice as hard now.
“Why laugh if you’re not having any fun, Bug Eyes?” Jax laughed along with her, pleased with the strong reaction.
Ragatha was still stone-faced, however, sighing as she moved to release the other girl.
“Jeez you really can’t go five minutes without bullying someone can you?” The doll grunted as she wrestled with the rabbits long ass arms. Jumping in the air a few times when he decided to hold Pomni straight over his head.
Ragatha was getting increasingly annoyed, Pomni was getting more hysterical by the minute, and of course Jax looked like he was having the time of his life.
But you know what? Two can play at that game.
“Gohohod! You two are hilarious. Say Rags, this almost reminds me of the time Caine had you screaming in the air for saying- OOMF!”
The wind knocked out of Jax’s throat as he was full-on tackled to the floor.
Thankfully, this gave Pomni the chance to escape but was still on top of the rabbit’s hands as she tried to compose herself.
“What the &!$@%# Rags?! I was just messing around, there’s no reason to get all pis-“
“Hold his wrists, Pomni.”
That was all the warning they got before the doll’s hands latched onto Jax’s hips and began tickling him mercilessly.
The high pitch scream that tore from his throat probably would’ve made the jester fall into another fit of laughter if she weren’t so taken aback by it herself.
Thankfully she caught up to speed in time to get a hold of the rabbit’s hands that were desperately trying to free themselves.
Oh my God he’s &!$@%# losing it. Pomni thought as she observed the poor guys reactions.
It was quite a sight to see fucking Jax of all people go berserk over something as simple as tickling. It was a little unnerving to be honest.
What was even scarier was Ragatha’s face hadn’t changed from the ice cold scowl she’s had on since Jax started all this shit.
She looked kinda angry.
“pleheheheAHAHAHA!!-“ Jax wheezed. “You cahAHAHAHAN’T- You cahahahahan’t just- BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!-“
“Oh so it’s only fair for you to pick on people huh?” Ragatha spat. “Y'know I think everyone here’s had about enough of your &!$@%#, Jax. You wanted attention that bad? Well here you go! Let’s see how you like being bullied for once.”
Her hands migrated down to his upper thighs, the doll now settling her weight on his calves. Giving the rabbit just enough leeway to twist and buck his hips like crazy.
Though he seemed to be breathing a bit easier with the change in spots, didn’t mean he still wasn’t absolutely losing his mind here.
“ahh…ahahaHAHAHAHehe- ohkahahay! Okay! I’m sohohorry! Is that what you guys wanna hear?! I’ll bahahahack ohohoff. Juhuhust- JUST!!-“
“You sure all this is okay? He’s starting to seem a bit lightheaded.” Pomni asked, more than a little concerned at the guy’s state despite what he’d pulled earlier. She knew they didn’t technically need to breathe but that only means this situation must be really messing with him.
Ragatha looked up and stilled her hands before withdrawing them completely.
“Trust me, he’s fine. We’ve put his sorry ass through a lot worse. And he would’ve kept tormenting you until Caine came in to stop him so he deserves everything he gets.” She explained as she got up from her spot on Jax’s legs and made her way over to where Pomni was stationed over their victim’s head.
The brief intermission allowed Jax to gather his bearings and a bit of his audacity too it seemed like.
“Yohohou…*huff*… You two are going to regret this. D-Dohohohon’t think for a second that you won anything. After all there’s plenty of centipedes for me to-AAAAA!!!!”
That ungodly shriek was almost worse than the first one. The jerk didn’t even get to finish his little vow for revenge before Ragatha dropped back down to scribble, squeeze, and prob rapidly over her victim’s belly.
“I know you can’t fathom the feeling, Jax, but I was going to be nice and call it quits there. But you just don’t know when to. Shut. Your. TRAP!!”
Pomni couldn’t help herself from laughing this time. With nothing pinning the poor guy’s legs down, they were flying through the air in every direction while he screamed like a little girl.
Seriously, Pomni doubted even she could reach that kind of pitch.
The whole things was just ridiculous to watch. She was sure her ears were bleeding by now but she couldn’t help the full on belly laughter that forced its way out of her.
Ragatha looked over at her friend as she doubled over in laughter. It was at that point, Ragatha truly realized how ridiculous this entire situation was and that scowl she had permanently plastered on her face finally bloomed into a smile as she too began to laugh.
Another ear-piercing screech and they were both done.
The two of them simultaneously lost their hold on their victim as they fell to the floor, rolling and clutching their stomachs as bouts of laughter poured out of them.
Jax layed there for a while, absolutely mortified at this entire ordeal. He began plotting his revenge almost immediately, if only to keep himself sane while hearing those two &!$@%# laugh at him.
Okay, maybe he wasn’t fond of all the attention he received.
Just as the girl’s laughter was starting to die down, a voice boomed through the hallway.
“Terribly sorry for the wait, friends! It appears that there’s been a rather embarrassing oversight on my part! You see, I told the others that I’ve hidden five items but instead only hid four! The fifth one was in my POCKET!-“
Caine explained as he pulled a rubber duck out of his pocket. Stopping himself abruptly seeing the state his other three guests were in.
Was it that funny? The ringmaster asked himself at hearing the two girl’s laughter finally dying down. That was before he saw Jax, still sprawled out on the floor and decided he didn’t really want to know.
“Does this mean we forfeit?” Jax slurred lazily.
“Nonsense!” Caine announced, deciding to ignore the his guest’s disappointed groans. “This just means we have to start a new game! You all seemed to LOVE playing ‘Capture the Flag’ yesterday! So I thought, why not give it another GO-“
Ragatha threw her shoe at the ringmaster before he even finished his statement. Of course, this prompted another bout of laughter from both Pomni and Jax this time.
Unfortunately, Caine took all of that as enthusiasm and prepared their little field from yesterday.
Pomni wasn’t certain if those two were gonna bring their bad energy back on the field, not to mention Jax was no doubt itching for payback right about now.
One thing was for certain, though. Pomni was staying the &!$@%# out of it this time.
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lumiarrts · 3 months
In your honor i present to you now...
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Flirty ragsss
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radio-navlee · 6 months
Not so tough now huh?
I really wasnt expecting the poll to get so many votes!! Heres what you guys have voted on <3
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Lee!Jax Ler!Ragatha
Summary: Jax finally pushed Ragatha over the edge causeing her to find something out about the annyoing rabbit.
Jax smirked to himself, setting up the most diabolical prank on his dear ol’ friend.
He’d been planning on getting Ragatha for weeks. He had completely transformed the rag dolls room into something you’d seen out of home alone.
String and marbles practically covered her room. Foam balls, feathers, water buckets and paint set up to hit her as she walked in.
“3…2…1” Jax counted down watching Ragatha close her door behind her. He could hear a muffled, ‘What the?’ Come from the doll herself. The marble rolled into a small hole triggering scissors to cut string sending the bucket of water over her bed, the water spilled everywhere and into a lower placed bucket below activating the foam balls to sore through the air hitting targets around the room. Finally it ended with a bucket of paint spattering on her head with another balloon filled with feather to pop.
“…..JAX!!!” Ragatha screamed causing Jax to chuckle to himself already booking it down the hall.
Ragatha, surprisingly, cleaned herself off quickly and darted after him
“THAT WAS SO WORTH IT!!” Jax yelled back
After 5 minutes of Ragatha chasing Jax, he started to get tired. He felt like it was the longest game of tag, where Ragatha was it and he was playing for his life.
Jax, now starting to panic, realizing that Ragatha was not slowing down. Regatha was so determined to catch him. Every time Jax would fumble over himself he would scream. Scared to what would happen if he did fall with the doll hot on his trail.
eventually he backed himself into a corner. He spun around to try to run but Ragatha was already there.
“Raggs…. Please… it was…. Just a joke!” Jax panted, catching his breath
“Oh that was no joke, that was a prank! A prank you fully thought out!” Ragatha pointed out
“Look, let’s… talk about it! How about we make a deal?” Jax suggested
“I’m listening”
“Okay, how about this! You let me go….” Jax inched his way slowly trying to get past Ragatha, “and I promise…. TO RUN- EuGH!” Jax ran full speed thinking he was getting away, only for a plushy hand to stop him.
“Not a chance” Ragatha said holding Jax by his upper arm.
“Let go!” Jax tried to pull away
“No!” Ragatha squeezed his arm causing Jax to let out a yelp
“..what….” Jax face got hot, he didn’t know he could still be ticklish after entering the digital world!!
“Jax what was that?”
“.. a cry for help?” Jax tried to excuse. Ragatha squeezed again causing Jax to yelp again
“Are you-?”
“Because you sound like your-”
“I’m not..”
Ragatha smirked, "You're not what?"
"uhhh.." Jax blanked, too embarssed to say anything just in case it wasnt that. Ragatha spun Jax grabbing both arms pinning them both above his head. Jax gave her the most panicked look he could give, seeing as Ragatha didnt give him the 'you ok?' look, Jax was doomed.
“So if I do this” Ragatha pinched at Jax’s sides “you’re sure you're not..?”
“gAH- Rahahags!!” Jax nearly jumped out of his skin. He started to squirm and giggle as Ragatha continued to tease and tickle him
“Oh so you are ticklish?” Ragatha smiled moving her way up and spidering across the poor bunny’s ribs
“NohOHO! WAIHAhaeheHAT!!” Jax complained and groaned through his giggles, he shook his head frantically as Ragatha moved up.
“Somebody’s sensitive!!” The doll teased, tickling right below where his ribs meet his armpits. The anticipation was literally eating at Jax.
“RAhaHags!! PLEheEase!!” Jax panted, trying to make himself sound as tired as possible.
“Shouldn’t have set that prank up, this would have never happened!” Ragatha growled, remembering the mess she gonna have to clean up when she gets back.
Jax shut his eyes as the rag doll massaged into his armpits. Jax nearly screeched, he turned his head into his pined up arms to try to muffle anything. He’d hate it if somebody came looking for them to find the predicament he was in.
“RAHFAHFAHGS!!” He stomped his feet below himself to try to diffract himself from the tickling
“Sorry, am I in a bad spot?” Ragatha teased
Jax sighed as Ragatha slowed down her torturous hand. Jax’s cheeks turned pink straight out of embarrassment. Just as Jax thought Ragatha was done, she put her hand on the side of his neck. Crap
“Wha- what are you doing?” Jax asked nervously
“Take a wild guess rabbit!” Ragatha stated as she tickled into his neck
Jax squealed scrunching up his neck and throwing his head back. Ragatha immediately noticed how Jax no longer wanted to muffle his laugh. Jax just chucked freely as Ragatha moved her hand to his ears.
“AH- Waitwaitwaitwait!! Ragatha!! Ihavetowarnyounowpleaseimgoingtoscream WAIT!!” Ragatha held his two ears in place and slowly blew air onto them. Jax screamed followed by loud laughter, he squirmed and shook his head but he couldn’t shake her off
“RAGAHATHAHA!! *Squeal* GAHAHA!!” Jax, now more embarrassed than ever, sat there laughing seeing as there was nothing else he could do. Ragatha tickled the tops of Jax’s ears, still blowing onto the bottom part.
Jax was in practically in pieces giggling and taking deep breaths when Ragatha would inhale giving him time to breathe before she would exhale again. Ragatha stoped once Jax started to get wheezy
“You ok?” Ragatha asked as Jax sat on the floor
“I uhh, *HIC* ohmygod” Jax completely shut down covering his face with his hands while his embarrassment covered his face
“Did I go to far?” Ragatha giggled, she never saw Jax like this. She laid her hand over his shoulder causing Jax to jump as the sudden contact
“No uh *HIC* you’re good it’s just- *HIC* these damn hiccups.” Jax explained, his frustration only getting worse as he continued to hiccup
“Stay here, I’ll get you some water” Ragatha smiled. She was back to her old self again, Jax didn’t complain and watched her run off.
He rubbed his ears free of the ghost tickles, bringing one down to his vision. ‘Weird’ he thought. He leaned up against once of the walls and eventually fell asleep.
Jax shot up, expecting to still be sat up on a wall, instead he was in his bed. He looked around confused, until spotting a glass of water and a note on his night stand. He sipped the water and opened the note
“Hey Jax,
I saw you were passed out so I brought you back to your room. I also brought you the water I said I was going to get. You might have been confused how you got back in your room, that’s why I’m writing this. I’ll be in my room tidying up YOUR mess.
-Doll Face”
Well, that solves that mystery…Jax grabbed a pen and paper.
He opened his door carefully looking to see anybody, but nobody was there, good. He found Ragathas door and crouched down. He slid the note under her door with a knock and booked it back to his room.
Ragatha heard a knock on her door while cleaning up the mess Jax’s prank caused. ‘Probably just a dig dong ditch’ she thought hearing the sound of feet running away. She looked over to the door anyways, ‘a note?’ Ragatha walked over picking up the note and opening it up.
“Hi Rags,
Thanks for not leaving me in that corner and I guess thanks for the water. You better not mention this to anybody. I mean it. It was already embararsing enough,
‘he missed spelled embarrassing’ Ragatha giggled. I guess he was right, he did look really embarrassed. But this is the first time he’d thank Rags for something, this was once in a life time.
Ragatha looked at her trash can, then her storage box. She thought for a minute, then put the note in her box.
(I AM SOOOOOO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK😭🙏 lots of stuff has happened but do not worry! Your goul is back🩷)
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starlightrosa · 5 months
LEE JAX lers pomni and rags pleaseee ur fics are amazing
Jax's Downfall
Summary: Jax has played one too many mean pranks, and Pomni wants revenge.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Rather intense tickles, Jax is an asshole but he gets his just desserts, swearing (haha censored though)
A/N: Jay! Thank you for the wait! And I'm happy to hear that you like my work! I'm sorry you have had to wait so long, but I do hope this one is good. Enjoy!
Jax snickered to himself as he hid in the corner of his room. It was rather early in the Digital Circus today. While everyone was still asleep, Jax had found the key to Pomni’s room. Pomni was relatively new to the circus still, having been only there for a couple days. What kind of person would Jax be if he didn’t give the new girl a nice housewarming present, right?
Except the housewarming present may or may not have been a sack full of cockroaches. And maybe Jax knew that Pomni had a fear of cockroaches. Apparently the little jester hated the way they moved.
Jax had also been extra kind and put cleverly made fake cockroaches around as well, so the jester would have a hard time telling which roaches were real, and which were not. Jax giggled to himself as he heard the noises of Pomni stirring awake. He didn’t even need to check if his prank had gone to plan, as he heard a hair-raising shriek from behind the door.
Jax slammed his hand over his mouth and he snickered as Ragatha raced into Pomni’s room and got her out. Caine popped into view, rubbing his eyes.
“Pomni, its most early…” Caine complained, but then he saw all the cockroaches and both sets of teeth that also made up his head comically fell open. “Oh goodness.”
Ragatha hurried Pomni out of the roach-filled room and consoled her. “Hey, hey. Pomni, calm down. I don’t know how they got in there. Don’t worry, we’ll get rid of them all.”
“Hey. Bugs matter just as much, you know.” Jax cut in with a drastic eye-roll. Ragatha sent Jax a look. Oh, if looks could kill, Jax would be a pile of bones by now. Her eyes were hateful, as she comforted Pomni.
“Jax, what the (HONK!) is wrong with you? Why would you do that to Pomni?!” Ragatha accused. Jax scoffed and held his hands up.
“Don’t be blaming me, Ragdoll. I didn’t do anything.”
Caine went closer to that door. “Well, I’ll put this right in a jiffy.” the ringleader responded. One simple click of his fingers and these digital bugs, both fake and real, disappeared at one simple snap, making their little chirping noises even as they dissolved into pixels.
“Thank you, Caine.” Pomni murmured, even as she pressed closer to Ragatha, the jester refusing to look at her room even as the last roach disappeared. She had woken up to find one of those on her bed. Granted, it was a fake one. But then she looked up and saw real, moving ones, which had caused her initial scream.
“No problem, Pomni. Well, I’m off to touch some grass.” Caine excused, the ringleader vanishing with a pop. Jax scoffed and walked by Ragatha, who still sent the lilac bunny a very angry look indeed. He bent down to Pomni’s level, whispering into her ear.
“You know, Pomni… fun fact. Female roaches can lay eggs after like sixty days.” Jax teased, loving Pomni’s whimper of fear as he left. God, he loved messing with her.
Pomni growled once Jax had left. “Ugh… I hate him so much.”
“So do I, Pomni. I don’t know why he’s the way that he is.” Ragatha said, doing her best to sympathise with the upset jester. Jax was unfortunately like this. Just the other week, he had done a similar prank to Ragatha, only with centipedes, which happened to be Ragatha’s fear. Seems she and Pomni were on quite a similar wavelength in regards to their fears.
“I want to get him back.” Pomni hissed, at her wits end with this stupid rabbit.
Ragatha wasn’t sure. Turning the other cheek sounded like a better option, but Jax was the kind of person to never get bored, and his pranks tended to become much more mean if he got a reaction he didn’t want, as it was blatantly obvious that because of life in the circus, Jax either had little or no regard of consequence coming to pay its dues to him.
“I want to do that as well. But we don’t even know how to get him back.” Ragatha reasoned. But Pomni was dead set on paying the rabbit back, and then some.
“Then we ask Caine. Let’s go.” Pomni said, leaving no room for excuses as the two girls ran off to go find the ringleader.
Caine was outside the tent with Bubble. He was doing what he said, at least. His mismatched eyes were on the lush, digitally-created green grass, and his gloved hand was stroking up and down the green blades, them swaying softly in the wind.
The ringleader looked up to see Pomni. She looked most irritable, and her arms were crossed.
“Pomni, dear. What’s wrong?” Caine asked. Pomni sighed, one hand twirling at the stray strands of hair under her hat.
“Jax has been playing such horrible pranks. I want to get him back.” Pomni stated, looking at the ringleader, even as he played with the blades of grass idly as he listened to Pomni air out her singular grievance against Jax. Oddly refreshing, considering that the other members must have had a list of grievances against Jax that was about three miles long by now.
“Hmm. Well, I suppose there is one way that you could pay Jax his dues. I found out some rather valuable information about Jax, and he doesn’t know that I know. Care for me to spill the tea, as it were? Though I don’t really have tea. Just a teacup.” Caine rambled, a flowery teacup popping into his hands. Caine pretended to drink tea from it to sell the illusion.
Pomni grinned as she nodded her head. “Spill, Caine. Spill every drop of information.”
Caine chuckled. “Well, Jax is actually rather ticklish. More than he wishes to admit. If you give him a good tickle, he should back off for a little.”
Oh, Caine had just helped Pomni strike a gold mine head-on. She smiled, an evil glint in her eye. “Oh, Caine. I don’t think you know how happy I am right now. Thank you.”
“You’re most welcome, my dear. Oh, and Jax can’t stand nibbles on his stomach.” Caine added.
Pomni rubbed her hands together, the way a cartoonish villain would. She chuckled lowly as she began to plot with Ragatha.
“We have our plan. Ragatha, you’re gonna help me.” Pomni said.
“Sure. Jax has been more annoying than usual. I’d like to see him laid out and screaming like a baby while we tickle him to tears.” Ragatha stated, winking her real eye as her button eye focused upon Pomni, content to listen to the jester explain her plan.
Pomni chuckled a little mischievously, as she and Ragatha assumed their places. They waited in Jax’s room, because Jax had so foolishly left his door unlocked while he went to go wreak havoc on Gangle again.
Gangle’s muffled cries were cut short at the snarky laughter of Jax slowly growing louder as the rabbit walked back to his room and closed his door. Perfect. Ragatha and Pomni took their chance and they both jumped on Jax.
Jax shrieked like a little girl as he was taken to the floor. Ragatha gathered Jax’s wrists and yanked them sharply above his head as Pomni straddled his waist, and she smirked down at him.
“What the (HONK)?! Pomni, get off! You little-!” Jax yelled, trying to struggle, but then Pomni traced Jax’s underarms. Jax clamped his mouth shut faster than he ever had, trying to swallow down the laughter steadily rising in his chest.
“A little birdie told me you were ticklish, Jaxie-Paxie.” Pomni cooed, the jester never losing that mischievous look.
“Jaxie-Paxie? Oh, cohohoHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! P-POHOHOHOHOMNI!!”” Jax deadpanned, but then his sarcastic remark was cut off by a loud shriek and laughter as Pomni stuck her hands in Jax’s armpits and started off tickling.
“Yes, Jax?” Pomni asked, in a sickly sweet tone that made Jax squirm. But Jax couldn’t even say anything, overwhelmed by laughter as he couldn’t even wriggle, Ragatha holding him down easily like he weighed nothing.
“POHOHOMNI, STOHOHOHOP!!” Jax wailed, the rabbit’s legs kicking as he tried to find purchase to escape the jester and her tickles. But there was nowhere to go, and not like Ragatha would let him get very far.
“Stop? Aw, but I barely started!” Pomni responded, moving her hands slower than a snail’s pace to Jax’s stomach, pulling his shirt up.
“WAHAHAHAIT, WAHAHAIT! NOT THERE, POHOHOMNI!” Jax begged. He hated how ticklish he was sometimes, especially when other people found out about it. Well, hate may have been quite a strong word. Like hell he would tell anyone how he really felt about getting tickled, though.
“Not here? But why, Jax?” Pomni asked.
“B-Becahahause no!” Jax lamely responded through his laughter.
But Pomni didn’t listen and vibrated her fingers into Jax’s stomach. Jax had no chance at resisting, as that was his number one tickle spot. He fell into loud, wheezing cackles near-instantly.
“Aww, is the wittle wabbit all ticklish on his tummy-wums? Ohh, poor baby.” Pomni teased, not letting up on her tickles one bit. She grinned, letting Jax see her teeth. “Such delicious giggles, little bunny-bun. I’m hungry for laughter. And I think I could go for a snack~”
Pomni dipped her head down and began to softly scrape her teeth against the ticklish skin. Jax screamed and thrashed at the feeling, loud and boisterous laughter leaving him.
“Just give it up, Jax. Let me hear them giggles.” Pomni encouraged, before going right back to nibbling Jax’s belly, and Ragatha laughed along with Jax. This was the best entertainment Jax was involved in, by far.
Jax screamed and wailed like a baby as his legs kicked out. Pomni was so mean.
“Have you learned your lesson yet?” Ragatha asked. Jax cried out as Pomni was now kneading Jax’s stomach with her fingers.
“NOHOHOHOHO!!” Jax screamed, but Ragatha tutted from above him.
“You haven’t? Oh, dear. Well, you need another lesson. Pomni, give him some good raspberries.” Ragatha instructed. Jax swore he saw God for a minute.
“NOHOHOHO! DOHOHOHON’T YOU (HONK)ING DARE!” Jax yelled. Once again, Pomni didn’t listen as she ducked her head down and her lips met Jax’s stomach as she inhaled and blew a raspberry right over his bellybutton. Jax shrieked at such a high pitch, that if the circus tent had windows, Ragatha was pretty sure that Jax would have shattered the glass.
And Pomni didn’t stop there. She blew smaller raspberries and moved her ticklish little raspberries all over Jax’s tummy. By the time she had enough, tears were flowing down Jax’s face as Ragatha finally released his hands. The girls chuckled as they high fived each other. Jax held his stomach with one hand as he pressed the other against his mouth to muffle his remaining giggles.
“Don’t you dare prank me like that again.” Pomni said, as she and Ragatha left him to his own devices. Jax watched them go as he flopped back on his bed. Jax made a note in his head even as his exhaustion from such intense tickles took him to a nice nap.
Way more roaches in Pomni’s room next time.
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colinthegaycomputer · 11 months
Pillow Fort Tickles
(Hi! This is my first tickle fic, so if it like sucks then my bad fellas. Anywho, enjoy!)
Ler: Kinger Lee: Pomni
Today’s adventure had been a disaster. Long story short, Caine had unleashed some absolutely horrific critter into the circus, leaving all of it’s occupants in quite a difficult situation. Ragatha, Gangle, and Jax were hurt, Pomni was shaken up, and Zooble had fucked off somewhere else. Kinger was (surprisingly) the only one left in even a slightly good mental state as he had hidden in his “fortress”.
After what seemed like a good hour or two (to Kinger atleast) after the adventure, he heard a light knock on the pillow that was placed where a door would be. Kinger moved it slightly out of the way and peeked his head out, only to be met with the eyes of Pomni.
“Oh! Pomni! How can I assist you?” He asked, slightly tilting his head to the side.
Pomni looked down, “I was just- uh- wondering if I could- umm..- come in.?” She pointed at the fort.
“Why of course!” Kinger slightly moved aside to make room for her to enter.
The fort was surprisingly spacious on the inside, with a corner dedicated to a few bug enclosures to another corner, visibly comfier than the rest, that Pomni could only assume was meant for resting. Eventually, Kinger’s voice snapped her out of her deep thought.
“Would you like to hear about my bug collection??”
Pomni nodded, watched him pull out a few bugs from seemingly nowhere and then begin his infodump. One thing that Pomni didn’t notice, however, was the bug slowly making it’s way to her side. Kinger, on the other hand, did notice and quickly scooped the bug up, accidentally grazing his hand over Pomni’s middle, making her squeak. He immediately paused and looked up at her.
“What was that??”
Pomni’s face was quickly turning a bright red.
Kinger, didn’t believe a word of that. He repeated his action just to test it. Once again, Pomni squeaked.
“Don’t do that!” Pomni’s face grew redder with each passing second.
“Are you ticklish?”
Pomni didn’t respond. That was enough of an answer for Kinger. He put down his bugs and poked her a few times, making her choke down a giggle or two. She reached out to attempt to stop Kinger and grab his hands, which made Kinger simply push her hands out of the way and continue his attack.
After a few minutes, he decided to up his game. Going from pokes to soft tickles on her stomach. Pomni’s giggles finally started to pour out. She covered her mouth to muffle the noise. Kinger paused for a moment to move her hand before immediately going back to business.
“Don’t silence yourself! I want to hear your laughter!” He playfully scolded.
Eventually though, Pomni was able to regain her control and hold back her giggles.
In order to break the barrier, Kinger began to scribble at her ribs. This provoked a shriek from the poor, little jester.
The chess piece giggled at her as he continued his onslaught for a few seconds longer before letting up and taking his hands away.
“Are you okay??”
Pomni was a tired, giggly mess.
Kinger gently picked her up, took her over to the comfy corner that Pomni had seen earlier, and gently placed her down. She yawned and softly rubbed her eyes, clearly exhausted. Kinger sat down next to her and simply watched. After a few long minutes, she succumbed to her weariness and fell asleep. Kinger sighed.
“Queenie would’ve adored you.”
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ghastigiggles · 11 months
danse macabre
so uh. uhm. hi. i kept forgetting to post this and i feel really bad about it. i'm so sorry tadc nation here's some food for you
npc oc because i didnt feel comfortable writing anyone as a ler - not yet, anyway. but pomni needed to get wrecked so bad. she's so cute. i get cuteness aggression every time she's on screen
usual disclaimer; sfw tickling fic, very soft and fluffy, even a little goofy and silly.
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"Given that our last adventure took an exciting turn, I thought doing a rerun would be a better idea today!"
A rippling groan passed through the veteran players that Caine seemed to entirely ignore, turning his attention to Pomni with an exaggerated movement.
"Something a little more calm, I'd say! Should help bring you down from any thoughts of the Void from the other day!"
"Ahh… I don't –"
"You'll love it," He interrupted, swooping back into the air with an extravagant gesture; "It's a fan favourite! Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, it's… 'Where in the World is Sir Wigglesburg?'!"
Pomni, of course, didn't miss the way everyone else in the room tensed up – though she didn't catch the way Gangle actually perked instead, immediately shooting sideways glances at everyone else before poorly mirroring their tension. 
"... You're kiddin'," Jax muttered, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. Caine simply continued as though he didn't hear the rabbit while Bubble floated nearby with an empty look in her eyes.
"Sir Wigglesburg is one of our most esteemed citizens –"
"Not an actual player," Ragatha helpfully cut in with a glance to Pomni, trying to give her context.
" – with a terrible habit of wandering off! His dear wife has, once again, asked us – rather, you – to lend a helping hand and bring him home safe! The first to lead Sir Wigglesburg back to the stage shall win a prize! (To be determined, prize may or may not meet or exceed expectations.) Good luck!"
And, with no further context or instruction, their ringmaster and his companion entirely disappeared. There was a brief silence before Zooble grunted, already walking away.
"... Right. I'm going back to my room, then."
"Aww, somebody too chicken to help the poor guy?"
Jax sneered in their direction, and they shot him a searing glare; "Well, if you want a repeat of last time, be my guest. I don't."
"I will also take my leave," Kinger muttered in a hurried fashion, looking askance; "The last time we did this, it was before… Mngh…"
Ragatha offered him a sympathetic smile, nodding as the other two softened just slightly. 
"It's alright, Kinger. We understand."
"Thank you… If you do take on the quest, give Sir my best." 
With that, both Zooble and Kinger headed towards the living quarters, leaving Pomni to finally pipe up again, looking between Ragatha and Jax.
"... So, um… W-what's so upsetting about the rerun, anyway? Is it, um, bad…?"
"Oh – no, not – not per se," The ragdoll replied quickly, tapping her chin; "I mean, Caine wasn't lying… This is one of the calmer adventures."
"Yeah. You should do it, newbie."
Both sets of eyes snapped to Jax, who simply grinned passively. Ragatha squinted.
"... And I don't suppose you'd be coming along?"
"I will, actually. Could be funny. What about you, Rags?"
Though she grimaced, Ragatha sighed in resignation, turning a little to give Pomni a small smile.
"Well, I'm not gonna let her go it alone… Again."
That much, at least, gave Pomni heart, and she almost smiled back – until she realized one of their party wasn't accounted for, and her brow furrowed.
"Uh… Where's Gangle?"
The other two also seemed to only just notice Gangle's absence, and the three of them glanced around briefly before their search was cut short by a distant shriek from the player in question.
"That sounded like her…!"
"Is she getting hurt?! W-what if someone else abstracted?!" Pomni shot them a panicked glance; "Sh-should we –"
"Let's go investigate before anything else," Jax interrupted calmly, barely keeping the amusement from his face as he gestured for Pomni to take the lead. When Ragatha shot him a glare, he simply shrugged, following after her with the ragdoll shortly behind.
They had little more than a vague direction, down a corridor and two left turns that seemed to dim the further along they went; Gangle made no further sounds, giving them little in the way of direction, and eventually Pomni sighed haplessly, squinting into the darkness.
"... It's no use… Should – should we go find Caine again…?"
She was met with silence, and turned around – only to find Ragatha and Jax were nowhere to be seen, and her stomach dropped with dread.
"... Guys…?"
"Ooh? Who is this…? A face I've yet to see and greet?"
At a new voice, Pomni yelped, whipping around – and coming face-to-face with what appeared to be some kind of massive, cartoonish caterpillar. His body appeared to be covered in green fur, disappearing into the darkness past his neck – or so Pomni assumed at first glance, anyway. His face and what could only be described as underbelly were covered in white fur that parted around his features, such as a long purple nose and big black eyes – one of which sported a golden monocle. And, of course, his hands had the same cartoon glove sort of thing that Kinger had going on, though this time with black noodle arms seemingly attached.
In her shock, she entirely lost her voice, merely stammering wordlessly – and earning a chuckle from the caterpillar looming over her. 
"Such a small thing, you are! 'Tis a pleasure, indeed!" 
Smiling, he extended one of his hands for a shake, a gesture that finally managed to pull Pomni from her stupor.
"I am Sir Wigglesburg! And you, my gentile jester, would be…?"
"A-ahhh…" Though hesitant, she extended her own hand, despite it being barely half the size of his own, "P-Pomni – woah –!"
The moment their palms yet, Wigglesburg pulled her closer, twirling her around so suddenly that her eyes spun in alternating directions – and as she was steadied again, pulled along by his sudden movements, she was abruptly made aware of his overwhelming amount of hands, with a second dominant one taking her free hand to hold her steady while two more settled on her back and hip, respectively.
"Pomni, Pomni! A wondrously adorable and charming name! Please, indulge me with a dance – 'tis a formal greeting between my people!"
"I – I'm actually – ah!"
The hand on her hip pinched her side unexpectedly, making her jerk in an attempt to escape – yet Wigglesburg easily moved with her reflexive maneuver like it was a step in her dance.  
"I'm actually – ehh! – l-looking for s – hey! – some – sohome –"
The hand squeezed again, and again, and again; and every time, she tried to sidestep or wiggle away – and every time, it just encouraged their "dance", with Wigglesburg's gentle but firm grip keeping her upright despite the giggles bubbling in her chest and the involuntary smile that had been pulling at her lips. 
"My dear Pomni," Wigglesburg crooned as though she wasn't struggling to articulate a sentence; "You are a wonderful dancer!"
" – Ghhh, thank you…? But I – ah!! – would you plehease –"
She squeaked again as she was suddenly pulled into a dip, very nearly panicking before she realized Wigglesburg was still supporting her gently. His wide smile was kind and sweet, but undercut by the mischief in his eyes as he looked down at her.
"... That said, you are giggling quite a lot! I didn't think dancing with a wyrm would be that much fun for you!"
"I-It's not the dancing – GyaAH –"
"Is it not?" 
Pomni couldn't manage a reply, stuck in a fit of uncontrollable giggles caused by the fingers wiggling at both sides, forcing her to squirm back and forth with no true escape from the unexpected and overwhelming sensation. Wigglesburg hummed, tilting his head with an adoring expression.
"I say, I was under the impression that it was the jester who caused nobles to laugh, not the other way around! Yet, here you are, practically beside yourself…"
For a mercy, he did release her hands, and she immediately brought her arms in – not that they did much, proportionately, to protect her. 
"Aheheh, I can't – I cahahan't –"
"Oh, my poor dear, does it tickle? Are we feeling a little sensitive?"
She hiccuped through her laughter at that, shaking her head and ducking down; it felt like the teasing sent a shot through her nerves, which only made it worse when he started scratching experimentally at her ribs, prompting a few snorts to escape her as well.
"Ngh – nahahaa, not th - thehehere…!"
"What? Here? Or here – oh, dear me."
His hands shot to Pomni's underarms for just a few seconds, but it was enough to prompt a shriek from her, wriggling and kicking fruitlessly with even more vigour than before.
"NnnoOHOHO – gh – $%^@# – I cahAAHAAN'T –!"
"Yes, I can see that! 'Twould seem that 'tis an especially sensitive spot."
She threw back her head with a loud cackle as Wigglesburg doubled down, every stroke of his fingers sending shocks down her arms and through her body – but she only had to endure it a moment longer before he finally laid off, lightly massaging her sides with his thumbs as she gasped for breath – an act that was more instinctual than actually necessary, given that breathing wasn't really a thing anymore – with a goofy, natural smile still stuck on her face.
"I do hope you can forgive my zeal in tormenting you," Wigglesburg offered after a moment, smiling apologetically; "I cannot help myself around the players."
"I – it's… Haah…" With a final breath, Pomni shook out the residual giggles, looking back up at Wigglesburg; "It's alright…"
"Oh, I figured! You never once asked me to stop, after all."
She stiffened at that, her eyes widening as she searched her memory – because, surely not… And yet, he was right.
She had no idea if the digital avatar could blush, but with how hot her face felt upon that realization, she really, really hoped it couldn't.
"But enough of that – you were searching for someone, yes?"
"Uh! Um. Y-yeah. You, actually, but also – Gangle, if you've seen her…"
"Oh! My dear Gangle has been here all along!"
Pomni blinked dumbly, and Wigglesburg chuckled, curling in on himself and cradling her close as his spine arched up to where she could see clearly – and, sure enough, Gangle was splayed out in the wyrm's green fur, seeming a little sleepy and out of it… Yet, content, even as she looked up and waved at Pomni.
"But… Her scream…"
"'Twas a scream of joy and laughter," Wigglesburg assured her; "Gangle is one of my favorite dancing partners – and I, hers! I admit, I went overboard this time, though… It has been too long since the last time."
A lot of things made sense, now. The way everyone had seemed tense and awkward when Wigglesburg's name came up; Gangle's quiet disappearance in the wake of the adventure's start. The little comments everyone was making towards each other… 
"Pomni! Are you alright?!"
Ragatha's voice pulled Pomni from her thoughts, and she looked down to see the ragdoll standing below, looking up with faint relief… And heavy amusement. Shortly behind her stood Jax, smug as ever – yet, notably, keeping a good generous distance between himself and the wyrm.
"Uh. Yeah," Pomni replied; "I found Gangle? And… And Sir Wigglesburg."
"We know. We heard you," Jax chuckled, easily side-stepping to avoid a tiny kick from Ragatha. For her part, the doll smiled.
"That's great! Let's head back to the stage and wrap up this adventure, then!"
Sir Wigglesburg, however, pouted a little, looking down at her.
"Oh, are you sure I can't convince you to share just one dance with me…?"
"Ahh… Maybe next time?"
Ragatha offered him a nervous smile, and Wigglesburg sighed dramatically – but he didn't object, simply setting Pomni on his back near Gangle before he began to crawl along on the path back to the stage. Distantly, Jax grumbled about not being offered a ride as he and Ragatha followed on foot.
In the softness of his fur, Pomni felt a tempting urge to "nod off", partially encouraged by the dance she'd just been through – but Gangle's voice, just barely loud enough to be heard – kept her in the waking world.
"... I'm glad you like his game. I've been the only one for awhile… Knowing someone else likes it makes me feel less weird."
And, with a small nod in response, Pomni hid her smile in the wyrm's fur.
Maybe not every part of the digital circus was terrible or terrifying.
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lopsicle · 9 months
Hi, @fictitious-fluff I’m your Squealing Santa!’I’m sorry this came out in the latter end of December, the holiday season was busy for me and this was my first tickletober!!
This was really fun to write, the prompts you left helped a ton as well!! Hope you enjoy it!!
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It’s Not Like I Don’t Like It
Summary: During one of Caine’s adventures, the group splits off into pairs which leads to some very interesting discoveries between Jax and Ragatha.
Characters: Ler! Jax, Ler! Ragatha, rest of the TADC cast
Warnings: Tickle Fic
In The Amazing Digital Circus™, it’s residents could only be sure of one thing. Life would never be dull, whether they liked it or not. It took Pomni some getting used to, much like the rest of the circus members and just like everyone else, she still had no idea what to expect. Whether it was being strapped to a target and having knives thrown at you, being pulled out of a hat, having your limbs played around with like they were apart of a mix and match set, the possibilities were endlessly terrifying. Caine just couldn’t understand how to please them.
He’d set them off on another adventure today, lazily dubbed ‘Sticky Situations’, chosen from a list of hundreds and hundreds of repeated activities for them to be forced into enjoy. The adventure was simple enough though, everyone would be split into pairs and forced to stay with their partner until they found a key that would allow them to separate. And because Caine’s adventures could never be simple, if someone stepped too far away from their partner, they’d be shocked.
The pairings were odd, but fun. Pomni and Kinger, Gangle and Zooble and Jax and Ragatha. Surprisingly, Ragatha was the one to be outraged first.
‘Him?!’ She cried, stomping her foot against the ground and making an over-exaggerated gesture towards Jax. The rabbit looked offended for a moment, his ears growing stiff at the top of his head before he smirked, his beady eyes getting a little wider.
‘Aw, don’t you wanna spent time with me, Dollface?’ He teased, not caring for her answer, just wanting to agitate her. Zooble shot the man a look which he just shrugged off while Pomni looked sympathetically towards Ragatha. She took a step towards the woman, wanting to comfort her but as she was finding the words, another voice overpowered the room.
‘Now that the pairs have been selected, you all have FIVE SECONDS,’ Caine screeched energetically, his eyes popping out of his head for a moment, ‘to stand next to your partner!’
Almost immediately, a pair of hands scooped the small jester up from behind, pulling her away from the red haired woman.
‘Phew, Pomni, I was worried you were gonna get electrocuted!’ Kinger fretted, totally oblivious to what she was trying to do. Pomni nodded along awkwardly, deciding to go along with it.
Begrudgingly, Ragatha made her way other to Jax who decided to stay put, not caring enough to move and knowing his partner wouldn’t risk getting shocked. She had a face like a slapped bulldog though, frowning with her arms crossed over her chest, staring away from the taller man.
‘Alrighty then, enjoy the games and have a spectacular time!’ Caine announced, waving goodbye to the circus crew before disappearing to who knows where. Most of them dissipated fairly quickly, some of them even looking forward to their new pairings. Neither of those were applicable to Jax or Ragatha.
‘Are you gonna move anytime soon?’
Ragatha asked impatiently, Caine’s explanation wasn’t the best; she didn’t know how far she could get from Jax and she didn’t feel like getting shocked.
‘Mmm,’ Jax looked up at the ceiling, pretending to think before staring back down at Ragatha, ‘nah.’
Ragatha’s eye twitched in annoyance, looking about ready to explode in anger at him already. While that would normally be amusing, Jax didn’t have the luxury of retreating as he got an earful of frustrated rants, instead opting to grab Ragatha’s arm and yank her along as he walked.
‘Come on then, let’s get this over with before you throw a tantrum,’ Jax teased her but Ragatha decided not to fight it this time. At least he was actually doing something.
It goes without saying that so far, this was one of their worst adventures yet. They didn’t know how that was possible after going through what felt like an eternity of them, but this easily my took the cake. Their bodies awkwardly bashed into each other to other being shocked, they hadn’t said a word to each other since they started walking and they had no idea where to find the key to free themselves from this God awful social prison. It felt like they were running around in circles inside the circus, and the silence was not doing good for Ragatha’s mental state. The worrying woman was just staring at the floor, questioning if they’d ever find this key. It wasn’t abstracting levels of bad, but it was easy to see that it was taking a toll on her. Even for someone like Jax.
He thought of what to do for a bit, it would be so easy to just ignore it, and Ragatha would deserve it for how she’d treated him today…but this trip was boring enough as it was, the last thing he needed was for them to just not talk.
‘Hey, redhead,’ the rabbit called out abruptly, poking her where her ribs would be with a gloved hand. It took all of her willpower to not jump back and get the both of them electrocuted, though her eyes did widen as a loud squeak exited her mouth. Ragatha covered her mouth afterwards, like she was trying to force the reaction back in before looking down at Jax, whose grin had grown ten times wider. Her eyes narrowed at him, almost like a warning to not say anything. And he didn’t say anything, he just burst out laughing.
‘Pffthahaha, oh my Gahahd, dolly, your ticklish! That’s fuckin’ priceless!’ Jax nearly doubled over laughing, clutching his sides while Ragatha just looked around worriedly, her face getting redder and redder as she hoped no one was hearing him.
‘Shut up, Jax, it’s not that big of a deal!’ Ragatha exclaimed, but her words were honestly true. She doubted anyone else in the circus would care about the grand reveal of her being ticklish of all things, it may be a little interesting to Pomni who was still getting the hang of things here, the only person reacting to it were the two of them. Even then, she should’ve expected something like this from Jax, but being teased about being ticklish was especially flustering to her. Mainly because she…liked it. It was hard not to like to her, it was all warm and fuzzy and made her all squirmy, how could she not enjoy being tickled? Plus, it was like having her real, non-rag doll body again, it reminded her of being a real person outside the circus.
‘Oh, this is a huge deal! I can’t believe it took me this long to find this out…hey, whatcha say we make up for lost time?’ Jax said, his yellow smile getting even wider, taking a soft step closer to Ragatha. The doll in turn, looked up near him, not having the confidence to face Jax directly, especially with her face being so red. She opened her mouth but it was like her insides were completely empty, she couldn’t get anything out of her mouth. Not waiting for an answer, Jax’s hands shot down to Ragatha’s sensitive sides, immediately squeezing at them.
‘Jahahahahahahax!!’ Ragatha shouted from the touch, her hands clasping right over her mouth as her eyes went wide. The woman’s feet tapped against the floor repeatedly, doing her best to not move away. This really was the best worst possible scenario for her.
‘Yeeessss, Dolly?’ The man asked, acting like nothing was wrong here. His dexterous fingers crawled over to Ragatha’s tummy, scratching against the fabric of her dress. Curiously, he was starting to notice how she wasn’t really trying to squirm away from his fingers, it looked like she was bucking into them actually.
‘C-cahahahahan you nanahahahat?!’ The redhead ruffed, struggling to get her words out properly through all her laughter.
‘Well, Raggedy, I don’t think you want me to not,’ Jax mimicked her fractured speech just to tick her off more, but the woman seemed far more preoccupied with the fact that Jax was catching on so easily that she enjoyed this. Of course Jax of all people had to find out, this would be the worst for her! Though, it wasn’t like he stopped tickling her yet…maybe she could enjoy this for a little longer.
‘Juhuhust, shuhuhuhut up!’ Ragatha pouted, tilting her face away from Jax who pulled his hands away for a second, earning a disappointed look for a second. His eyes looked wider and intense, yet somehow had a playful shine in them.
‘Oh, no, no, no, you do not get to tell me to shut up and get away with it!’ Jax called her out before shooting his hands right under her armpits. And that was when Ragatha started screaming.
‘WAIAHAHAHAT, NAHAHAT THEHERE!!’ The woman’s arms clung to her sides instantly, squirming about on the spot with a desperate expression taking over her blushing face. Jax had gotten really lucky just now and landed on her death spot, though she wasn’t complaining. It was sort of relieving in a way, she’d be anxious of him finding this out ever since this tickling attack started so it felt like a weight was lifted now that this was out of the way.
Though, Jax was absolutely loving this. He wouldn’t admit that now that he knew Ragatha actually enjoyed getting tickled, well he didn’t know but it was pretty obvious, but being able to make her screech and laugh was definitely going to be a way for him to kill the time. He messily grabbed at her wrists, clumping them up to hold them with one hand. Then, he raised her arms above her head, leaving that precious death spot of hers on display.
Ragatha tried to wiggle her way out of his grip but it was pretty useless, a couple loose giggles of anticipation slipped out of her mouth, staring over at the rabbit to see when he was going to strike.
‘Alright, let’s see if you can handle this!’ He announced, treating it like it was some game. His fingers began messily poking around the hollows of her armpits to start with, but it quickly morphed into fast, deep scratching against her sensitive skin which drove the woman insane.
‘NAHAHAHAHAHA, I CAHAHHAAHHAN’T!!’ Ragatha admitted instantly, dropping all sense of embarrassment or shame about getting tickled by Jax. Bouncing around on her feet, Ragatha felt like if she was tickled for another second was going to die, or at least get the two electrocuted. While Jax may not care about the first one, he didn’t want to get shocked too and decided to take some pity on the woman.
His hands left her armpits, leaving them with a slight tingling sensation but for the most part, Ragatha recovered pretty quickly. Her face still had a red sheen to it but the shock and horror of the tickling session was passing her now. Until Jax spoke up.
‘Oh, I am so telling everyone about this.’
‘Don’t you dare!’
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gaybananabread · 9 months
Could I get some apples, oranges, and bananas for TADC? lee!Jax, ler!Ragatha please!
Love your content, always have, always will!
Fruit(s): Apples, Oranges, Bananas
EEEEEEGH Thank youuu! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) These TADC requests are so fun, love these insane scronkles! Haven’t explored the circus peeps before this event; it’s been a lot of fun! Hugs returned tenfold! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ Thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Jax
Ler: Ragatha
Summary: Jax leaves Ragatha a “special” present in her room, trying to annoy the rag doll. He succeeds, though it backfires in a way he never could’ve expected. All he has to do is apologize…but where’s the fun in that?
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Bug pizza.
Honestly, Ragatha didn’t even know where he was getting the materials for his “pranks” anymore. Somehow, the jerk had managed to get several bug species, pizza ingredients, and more centipedes than she had ever seen in one place before. Her shriek could be heard across the entirety of the grounds, Caine quickly rushing over to dispose of the wriggling abomination.
Jax, meanwhile, was in his room, laughing his tail off as he heard the scream. Ragatha was, by far, his favorite character to mess with. Sure, it was easy to tease Gangle, and Kinger was occasionally fun to trick, but Ragatha always got so flustered and passive-aggressively mad at him; he loved it.
His laughter died down, though, as loud, angry footsteps approached his door. Eugh boi... Jax quickly sat up, trying to force the giddy smile back into his usual smirk. It took everything he had not to cackle at the look on her face. She was furious.
“Jax. Why the *squawk* was there a freaking bug pizza in my room?!” The bunny man couldn’t contain himself anymore; he burst into loud laughter, falling back onto his bed. Ragatha just watched, her anger slowly growing. That sorry, smug little purple bi- Whoooo. Deep breaths, Ragatha.
“Ohoho, wow, that was- Oooh man. Lookit’ ya, Dollface! Ehehe…he…” The look of amusement slowly got more nervous as he saw her look change. It wasn’t pure anger anymore; there was a hint of something else, something he knew he’d seen before. 
Ragatha stepped into his room, mock-cracking her knuckles. She didn’t exactly have real bones to do it, but the gesture got the message across. “I’ll give you something to laugh about, cotton tail…” 
Okay, time to run! Jax sprang up from his bed, bolting past Ragatha and running for his life. The doll was almost right behind him, his long legs the only thing keeping him ahead. 
Ducking and weaving between objects and furniture, Jax continued his mad dash through the tent. He passed Zooble, who just rolled their eyes and muttered a few onomatopoeia-censored words. That was the least of his concerns; the pissy redhead on his tail was a much bigger threat.
Ragatha could hear the occasional giggle escape him as he ran, either from anticipation or the fact she couldn’t catch him. She took it both ways, running just a bit faster in her attempts to catch him.
With the way he was running, he might’ve gotten away. That is, if he hadn’t tripped over a random plastic ball on the floor. Stupid Caine and his stupid ball pit adventure…
The doll girl pounced, quickly straddling him and pinning his arms above his head. Jax normally would’ve fought for his life, but the giddy adrenaline took over his mind, flooding his thoughts with things he’d never say out loud. Very…embarrassing-lee silly thoughts.
“I'll give you one last chance, cotton tail. Apologize and I'll spare you.” Ragatha smirked as she said it, making a claw and wiggling her fingers above his stomach.
Jax’s ears pinned back, his stomach reflexively sucking in at the sight of her clawed hand. He could have just apologized…but where was the fun in that? The guy had an image to protect, and he wasn’t about to surrender to her without a fight.
Seeing his determination to be a stubborn jerk, she touched the claw down on his stomach, digging in with all five wiggly fingers. “Fine, you asked for it!” Ragatha sounded extremely smug; he was honestly a bit impressed. Well, he would’ve been impressed, had he not been giggling like a little kid.
“Youhuhu lihitle- gehehet ohoff!” He tugged and tugged on his arms, trying to free himself. Her strength wasn’t a huge surprise; that was hardly the first time she’d attacked him. Still, could you blame him for trying?
Chuckling, she started to let her hand wander, moving up to his ribs. Ragatha knew exactly where to go to get him really laughing, but she wanted to give him a chance to apologize first. “I’ll get off when you say sorry.”
His ribs were about as bad as his stomach; they got him giggling, but not much other than that. Jax knew she was dragging it out. All he had to do was outlast her. “S-sohohorry you cahan’t tahahake a johohoke!”
“Ohoho, you’re getting it now, flatfoot.” Tired of his mouth, she went for his hips, drilling her plush thumbs into the divots. Jax squealed, bucking his hips and arching his back as she targeted his worst spot. “I’m done being nice. Now, Jax, apologize.”
Jax thrashed wildly in her grip, trying desperately to get away from the horribly ticklish sensation. “DOHOLL- crahap, RahagATHAHAHA!” She took small, five second pauses in between bouts of squeezing, not wanting to completely overwhelm him. He was her friend, regardless of his mouthy behavior. 
“Sorry Jax, but you’re literally asking for it. Just apologize and I’ll leave you alone.” Deciding to take things a step further, she released his hands, still drilling into his hip with the other. Ragatha took her newly-open hand up to his ears, scritching the bases of them. 
The rabbit was in stitches, unable to get a coherent word out through his laughter. The duality of his favorite most annoying spot versus his death spot was killer; he was torn between melting at the ear scritches and jumping out of his skin from the hip squeezes. While his hands were free, he didn’t have enough space in his mind to even think about using them.
His big feet thumped against the floor, his ears twitching as he frantically tried to escape. Raghatha only teased him, not backing down. “Aww, what’s wrong, Thumper? Does it tickle?” Ugh, those teases…
Finally, with mirthful tears forming in the corners of his eyes, he caved. Jax screeched through his frantic laughter, trying to get her to stop. “FIHIHINE! IHIHI’LL DO IHIHIT, JUHUST- STAHAHAP!”
Ragatha stopped tormenting his hips, moving both hands up to gently scratch his ears. While he did ask her to stop, she knew Jax loved the affection on his ears. “So, what do you have to say to me?”
He whined through his giggles, melting at the touch. Jax’s giggling got softer and airier, as if he were floating on cloud nine. If it were possible, he would’ve absorbed into the floor and hid until she got tired of looking for him. “Uhuhum…I-Ihi’m sohorry abohout the buhuhugs.”
She smiled, booping where his nose would’ve been for extra flair. “There you go, ya goof. Was that so hard?” The groan she got in return was priceless. 
Chuckling, she stood, leaving him on the floor in a giggly puddle. He’d be fine; besides, she wasn’t planning on sticking around while he regained his energy. Jax’s idea of payback was often much crueler than her own.
The tickle-drunk bunny laid there, trying to regain his composure. Ugh… Jax rubbed his ears, sitting up as his nerves buzzed with leftover sensations. He knew one thing for sure:
Ragatha was so dead when he found her…
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Ler pomni and lee ragatha or jax you can choose the lee (I know ragatha is ur fav LOL)
Alright then!
Thanks for letting me choose also I hate to correct you and I’m sorry if this sounds rude but I do love Ragatha but Jax is actually my favorite, he’s so chaotic ^^’
Tables Turned
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C.W: (Censored) Swearing, gets a lil intense in the end but it’s very fluffy :)
Summary: Jax keeps pulling pranks on the circus members and Pomni’s fed up with the prankster’s shenanigans
It happened again…
“Damn it Jax and his pranks!” Zooble exclaimed, storming out into the main circus area where everyone else was and when they saw the colorful character they nearly began laughing, Zooble was covered head-to-toe in green slime.
“Zooble who did this?? Actually scratch that I know who.” Ragatha remarked before shooting an angry glance at the culprit standing a few yards away, Jax. “Jax!” Ragatha exclaimed, getting ready to make her way over to scold him but he made a mock-salute motion with his hand and high tailed it outta there.
“JAX!!” Ragatha shouted after him, taking off in that same direction to go catch the prankster. “Well I’m going to go clean myself off, if anyone needs me the f(Bonk!)k off.” Zooble deadpanned, walking back in the direction of the living quarters to get away.
“What was that all about?” Pomni spoke up, speaking with Kinger and Gangle. “What was that?” Kinger asked Pomni, refocusing his attention on her while she just stared at him blankly. “I think she asked what was going on.” Gangle replied and Pomni nodded.
“Oh sorry Pomni, seems like Jax pulled another prank on Zooble and Ragatha’s getting revenge for them.” Kinger replied and Caine floated over as he did so.
“You’re right Kinger that’s exactly what happened! I might want to go check on them before Ragatha k!lls Jax though..” Caine trailed off, beginning to float in the direction those two went when Pomni spoke up.
“Can I come?” The jester requested and Caine nodded with a smile, “Of course you can Pomni! Come along.” Caine replied and she walked along with the ringmaster leaving Kinger and Gangle alone.
The two stood for a moment before Kinger looked at Gangle and scared himself effectively scaring Gangle as well, “Oh sorry Gangle, you startled me.” Kinger told her and she let out a small sob at that.
“Leave me be Doll it was just a harmless prank!” Jax called behind him, fighting off laughter as Ragatha chased him down the hall. “A slime prank? How did you even get slime here?!” Ragatha called back, starting to gain distance on the rabbit.
“Cahaine!” Jax yelled back and he heard Ragatha audibly gasp. “You think this is funny?!” Ragatha yelled at him and he began snickering confirming her suspicions. “I’ll show you something funny!” Ragatha shouted at him and sped up but came to a screeching halt as Caine appeared right in front of her.
“Now now my dear I still need my circus members so if you could not k!ll Jax please that would be most helpful.” Caine remarked and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and sneering at Jax who now hid behind the ringleader with a grin.
“Did you see what he did though Caine? He deserves to be punished!” Ragatha argued and Caine nodded, “And I don’t argue with that but in due time my dear.” Caine told and and teleported him and the other two back to the main circus area where Pomni, Gangle, and Kinger were.
“Hey you’re not dead!” Pomni exclaimed, referring to Jax who glanced at Caine. “Yeah well if it weren’t for Dentures here I would be.” Jax grinned, glancing at Ragatha who glared at him in turn.
“I still think he deserves it though.” Ragatha commented before wandering over to chat with Gangle and Kinger as Caine disappeared again and Jax wandered off to go do who knows what.
“JAX!!” Ragatha screamed from her room and Jax heard so he began laughing at her reaction but immediately stops and put on a nonchalant façade once she banged open his door.
“Jax.” Ragatha pressed out and Jax grinned back at her. “Dollface?” The rabbit replied, attempting to sound innocent. “You wanna tell me why I woke up to my room being covered in centipedes?” Ragatha hissed and Jax nearly burst out laughing.
“I-I don’t knohow do you know whoho did ihit?” Jax snickered and her expression only grew more agitated but she calmed herself down and called for Caine. “Yes my dear?” The ringleader suddenly appeared in Jax’s room, floating between the two.
“Please take me out of here before I abstract.” Ragatha told him and he turned to look at a laughing Jax and suddenly understood. “Jax what did you-“ Caine began but Ragatha cut him off, “Centipedes.” She told him and he nodded, teleporting the girl out before turning to Jax.
“You know all your pranks are going to come back and get you.” Caine told him but Jax waved him off, “I’ll be fine Dentures don’t worry about me.” Jax told him and Caine’s eyes narrowed a little before teleporting out of the room leaving Jax to his new ideas.
The next prank Jax had planned was one he was finished with already, the purple rabbit had snatched and hidden Pomni’s jester hat so the next morning she came running into the main circus area without her hat.
“Has anyone seen my hat?!” Pomni called and the characters currently residing in the main area Ragatha, Caine, Zooble, Kinger and Jax all looked at each other and shrugged but Pomni’s gaze shot to Jax and her eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“I’ve got my eye on you Jax I have a feeling it was you.” Pomni told him and stormed off to go locate her hat but then everyone’s eyes turned to look at the rabbit but he only shrugged.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Pomni, and I didn’t take it so why are you guys lookin at me?” Jax commented and Ragatha wandered over. “Come on Jax I know you took it.” Ragatha told him and he shook his head.
“I don’t know what you’re on about Doll I don’t know where Pomni’s hat is.” Jax told her and she looked at him, “Great gaslighting rabbit now tell me, where is it?” Ragatha remarked and Jax shrugged, “I told you I don’t know.” Jax told her and she sneered at him.
“I’ve got my eye on you Bunny.” Ragatha told him and he grinned, flipping her off but it was covered by one of Caine’s censor bars but she still understood and gasped, offended by the gesture.
She marched over to him and looking up to meet his eye, jabbing her finger into his chest and snarking at him. “You better watch your back.” Ragatha told him before marching off in the other direction, completely ignoring the smug waving Jax was doing behind her.
The next day Jax had laid off the pranks for a little while and everyone was in a relatively good mood, aside from Gangle when Jax arrived in the main area. The rabbit sauntered up beside her and her comedy mask was intact..until he broke it by clapping her on the back..again.
“You broke my comedy mask..” Gangle sobbed, holding up the two broken pieces of the mask but Jax only waved her off. “It’s fine Crybaby, that thing regenerates anyway.” Jax told her and she let out another small sob before walking over to chat with Kinger.
“Hmm.” Jax hummed, contemplating on what he should do now before he spotted Pomni talking with Ragatha and lucky for him her back was to him so he subtly fished a mantis out of his pocket and threw it in her hair and relishing in the way Ragatha shrieked, Pomni’s scream following shortly after at the presence of the small bug.
Pomni clawed at her hair trying to get the creature out before Caine noticed and teleported over, getting the small bug to climb on his finger before placing it on the ground, effectively removing it from Pomni’s hair and in the moment Pomni and Ragatha stopped screaming and turned to glare at the culprit.
Once again Ragatha stormed over to Jax and stared up at him. “That wasn’t very nice Jax.” Ragatha told him and he chuckled, “Maybe but it was funny.” Jax told her and she crossed her arms, “Agree to disagree, you scared Pomni.” Ragatha reminded him and he waved her off.
“Relaaax it was just a mantis, harmless little buggers.” Jax told her and she huffed impatiently, “But still that wasn’t very nice.” Ragatha snarked at him and he snickered, lowering himself down to her level. “Nice? Clearly you don’t know who you’re talking to Doll.” Jax told her and she shook her head before wandering back over to chat with Pomni.
Once she left Jax stood up to his full height once more and set his sights on Caine next, “You’re next Dentures.” Jax grinned to himself, casually leaving the circus area with a new idea fresh in his mind.
The next day Caine floated into the main area with a somber look on his face, the ringleader was also wearing a mask that covered his whole face with holes for his eyes and when Jax saw Caine he grinned and leaned against the wall, this would be good.
“What happened Caine?” Kinger spoke up catching Caine and everyone else’s attention. The ringleader sighed and removed his mask, all his teeth were a pale yellow. “What happened Caine??” Ragatha cried, rushing over to him.
“Well someone hid my toothpaste and replaced it with a tube of mayonnaise so when I went to go brush my teeth this morning it didn’t go well..” Caine trailed off, replacing his mask and sighing again.
“Why don’t you just conjure up some more?” Pomni spoke up, walking up to Ragatha’s side and at that comment Caine’s face lit up. “Gadzooks you’re right Pomni!” Caine exclaimed before a burst of colorful glitter emerged from his now outstretched hand and when the glitter dispersed a tube of toothpaste appeared in his hand before Caine winked out of sight, likely to go take care of his problem.
Then Pomni and Ragatha looked at Jax who just grinned back at them and they wandered over. “Now why’d you do that Jax? If Caine finds out you’re the one who did that he’s not going to be happy with you.” Pomni told him, lightly punching the rabbit on the arm to solidify her point.
Jax only shrugged nonchalantly though, swatting her hand away. “It’s funny.” He replied, watching amused as Ragatha’s eyes narrowed in annoyance before she waved her finger at him and huffed, storming off in the other direction.
Pomni took one last look at the rabbit and followed, completely oblivious to the look on Jax’s face and his last prank of the day…
The last one was a particularly nasty one..and it’s on Pomni, Jax called it a ‘welcome to the team’ prank since she’s still relatively new.
Jax had already finished the prank so by now he was just waiting for her to wake up and notice it, she would definitely be mad once she noticed it.
Jax sat against the wall awaiting the tell tale scream he would most definitely hear from the small jester’s room and sure enough a few minutes later he heard a loud shriek followed by a clang.
Apparently Jax had filled her bed with cockroaches, some real some fake and when she got up she went for the door to go find Ragatha but it just so happened there was a perfectly placed bucket of water placed above the door that came down on poor Pomni’s head when she opened the door.
Prank complete he now stood in his room, sitting on a chair reading a book and waiting for Pomni to arrive in his room, after a prank like that he knew she would and again, sure enough a little while later Jax’s door banged open and there stood a disheveled, dripping wet Pomni and it took everything in Jax’s power not to burst out laughing.
“W-Whahat happened to yohou?” Jax snickered and Pomni’s eyes narrowed as she stepped into the room and shut the door behind her, walking up to him as he stood to his full height to talk with her.
“You think this is funny Jax?” Pomni snapped at him and he shrugged, still giggling at her appearance. “Yehes I do yohou look like a drohowned rahahat!” Jax snickered and Pomni stuck one of her fingers in his chest, not enough to hurt but enough to be felt.
“Yeah well it’s not funny.” Pomni told him and he just stood there, arms behind his back and looking down at the jester with a grin. “Yes it is.” Jax told her, poking her in the nose as she swatted the offending hand away.
“Yeah well you want something to laugh about? I’ll give you something to laugh about.” Pomni snarked at him, a small, devious smile starting to tug the corners of her lips as she started advancing towards him, Jax backing away from her in turn until his back hit the wall.
“W-What are you doin Pomni? It was all in good fun.” Jax told her and she tsked at him, shaking her head. “I don’t think so Easter Bunny, you gotta face the consequences!” Pomni exclaimed.
“What consequenc- WAIT EASTER BUNNY?!” Jax exclaimed at the nickname but before he had the chance to snap back at her about that his response quickly died on his tongue as Pomni shot her hands down and started scribbling over Jax’s stomach causing the rabbit’s eyes to go wide and curl up on himself, attempting to block the jester’s hands.
“P-Pohomni!” Jax pressed out and Pomni’s smile only grew wider as she shifted to scribble up and down the rabbit’s sides, “Yes Jax? Something the matter?” Pomni asked him, clearly taunting the prankster and he knew it too causing his face to heat up and his ears to flick in embarrassment.
“What’s the matter Jax? Too ticklish for one of your snarky remarks?” Pomni teased him and he began squirming, trying to get her off.
“Pohohomni wahahahait!” Jax cried through his laughter as Pomni moved up to his lower set of ribs causing the rabbit to jump, not expecting the change.
“There we go.” Pomni replied, staying there for a bit and keeping Jax in a constant state of giggles. “Pohohomni whihihiy?!” Jax protested, batting the hands away but it didn’t work and Pomni pointed to her head that was still dripping with water and Jax’s laughter picked up as he remembered the prank he pulled on her.
“Oh you still think this is funny?” Pomni asked him, full blown smirking by now as the prankster’s eyes went wide and he held his arms out in front of him, “Wahahahait wahahait no Pohohomni I’m sohohorry!” Jax told her as he fingers started creeping higher towards his underarms.
“Hmm sorry Jax but that’s not gonna cut it!” Pomni exclaimed, at that statement shooting her hands down and drilling into the rabbit’s hips. Not expecting the unexpected juke Jax’s hands immediately shot to Pomni’s gripping her wrists and bursting out laughing, unable to do anything about the situation currently.
“HA how you like that Easter Bunny!” Pomni taunted Jax and he replied by flipping her off, “Dohohohon’t cahahahall me Eahahahaster Buhuhunny a(Sproing!)-hohohole!” Jax snapped back at her and she gasped in a mock offended way causing Jax to laugh harder.
“How dare you sir!” Pomni playfully reprimanded him before jamming her hands under his arms and relishing in the way he slammed his arms down with a squeal. “POHOhohohohoHOMNI!!” Jax cackled, batting at her arms but she still didn’t let up.
“You know Jax that wasn’t very nice.” Pomni told him, referring to the flipping off he did moments before. “SCREHEheheheheW OHOhohohOFF!!” Jax snapped at her again and she mock-offended gasped again.
Then started worming her fingers out from under his arms and taking one of his ears in her hands, holding it gently and skittering her fingers over it and the prankster’s laughter died down but still remained strong.
“L-Lehehehehet me gohohoho b(Bonk!)-tch!” Jax told her and she shook her head, “No can do!” Pomni chirped and in that moment Jax’s door creaked open and the silhouette of a doll stood in the doorway.
“Everything alright in here Jax? I heard yelling.” Ragatha spoke up and quickly spotted Pomni who had Jax now on the floor and had by now moved back to his ribs making his laughter pick up a little more.
“Ohh I see.” Ragatha grinned as Jax’s eyes widened at the sight of the doll. “Yohohou tehehell ahahanyone about this Rahahags I’ll fihihill you rohohohoom with cehehehentipehedes!” Jax threatened but she only grinned.
“You know Jax that wasn’t very nice of you.” Ragatha told him and Pomni hummed, “Yeah she’s right that wasn’t very nice.” Pomni also told him and she began hearing Ragatha start snickering as Pomni looked back to Ragatha and Jax’s ears pinned back and his grin grew, knowing what’s coming.
“Caine?!” Ragatha called out and the ringmaster appeared in front of her, “What can I do for you my dear?” Caine replied, not at all noticing the two in the background. “Fill my room up with centipede repellent for me please?” Ragatha requested and a few moments later she heard a metallic crash coming from her room, likely all the cans…
“Anything else?” Caine replied and Ragatha shook her head, “Nope thanks Caine!” Ragatha told him and he mock-saluted before disappearing, Ragatha fixing her gaze back on Pomni and Jax.
“Dohoholl…dohon’t you dahahahare..” Jax muttered but Ragatha only smiled before turning to Pomni, “Try the backs of his upper ribs and thank me later Pomni.” Ragatha grinned and headed for the door but not without watching as Pomni fixated her gaze on Jax again and he shrunk back with a nervous laugh.
“Have fun Jax~” Ragatha teased before leaving and shutting the door, hearing a, “I’m so getting you back for this!” From inside as she walking down the hall with a chuckle.
Back inside Jax was shrinking away from Pomni but it didn’t last long and he jumped as Pomni placed her hands on his upper ribs, unmoving. “Nohohow Pohohohomni lehehets tahahalk about thihihis…” Jax trailed off and Pomni smiled at him.
“What’s there to talk about?” Pomni told him and he started stuttering, “Alright talk time’s up!” Pomni exclaimed before snaking her hands behind him and scratching along the bones, being mean in her pursuit for an apology.
Jax yelped, grabbing onto Pomni’s arms and arching off the floor before falling back down in loud laughter. “POHOHOHOMNI WAHAHAHAIT!!” Jax cried through his laughter, eventually Pomni began laughing along with him as well.
“Gihive up Jahax!” Pomni told him and he shook his head defiantly. “NOHOHOHO WAHAHAY THAT WAS FUHUHUHUNNY!!” Jax replied through his banshee laughter and Pomni raised a skeptical brow before switching to scribbling up and down the sensitive area, “This outta work!” She thought and boy did it.
Jax bucked with a loud laugh, tapping Pomni on the shoulder in a sign of surrender. “OHOKAHAHAY POMNI YOHOU WIHIHIN YOHOU WIHIHIN!!” Jax cackled and finally she let up, climbing off him to sit beside him as he placed a hand on his chest and regained his breath.
“Sohorry Jahahax I didn’t go tohoo far dihid I?” Pomni giggled next to him and he laid there a moment more before replying, “Nohohoho..no you dihihidn’t, dahahamn kid I didn’t thihihink you had thahahat in ya.” Jax told her and she smiled down at him.
“You kinda deserved it though.” Pomni told him and he flipped her off causing her to start laughing. “Now, are you going to stop with your pranks?” Pomni asked him and he pretended to think about it for a moment until she started crawling towards him again and he flinched back, scrambling up against the wall with his hand out.
“Yehehes yehes I’ll stohop..” Jax told her and he huffed victoriously before standing up and heading for the door, “Remember what I hold you to.” Pomni reminded him, grabbing the door handle and swinging open the door with one hand and pointing a menacing finger at him with the other which he returned with a thumbs up.
Pomni then smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Did Jax learn a lesson? Yes. Was he going to listen? Absolutely not and Did he have another prank planned already? You know it because as he says, it’s all worth it in the end.
(I’m so sorry this is so late and sorry for all the inactivity on my blog I’ve been feeling under the weather so things have been slow but please be patient I’ll get your request out when I can and I hope you enjoyed! ^^’)
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danineedshelp · 10 months
Not so sneaky..
My dear anon here's your meal eat it while its hot
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Summery: Jax was being a sneaky rabbit snooping around in someone's room and noticed a moment to late to realize Ragatha was watching him she decides to take manners into her own hands...
Lee Jax
Ler Ragatha
Jax slowly walks down the hallway full of doors with faces on each of them . Once he spots the oak door with a doll face on its surface he gets a key outta nowhere and unlocks the locked knob . His hand pushes the door open slightly just enough for him to fit through .
Once he enters the room his ears perk up too excited he quickly finds a place to put a sweet prank ! Meanwhile Ragatha was also walking down the long hallway . When she got close to her door she saw it was opened "Who would be in my room right now?" Ragatha asked herself with confusion . When she walked in her room she noticed jax "Ja..JAX WHAT THE HECK WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?"
She screamed angrily . Jax heard her and turned around and looked at her with mischievous smile "Whaat can a rabbit not have his fun?" He said with a smile . "WELL APPARENTLY NO!!" Ragatha yelled . "Wait...you didn't put any centipedes in here did you?" She said with a worried look . Maybe I didn't maybe I did ? Jax replied with a mischievous grin . ARGGH JAX WHY THAT'S LITERALLY MY ONLY FEAR WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS !!! She yelled with a mad face .
Jax chucked at her screaming . "You know what just get out of my room ! " She said with 10x the anger she had before . "Whaat no I not even done ." Jax replied with a annoyed look . Ragatha couldn't take it anymore and just decided to grab Jax by his ears softly and drag him out of her room but then she heard a little tiny squeak from him . "Jax? What's wrong did I grab too hard ?" She said with a worried expression . "Nohoho imim finne " he giggled .
Ragatha didn't understand what was so funny so she decided to slowly move her hands upwards on Jax ears . He giggled more intensely when she did that . She had figured Jax was ticklish if this was the reaction he was giving to her hands touching his ears . Ragatha heard Jaxs laughter started to rise in volume when stroking her fingers up and down on his ears "Heheh Jax are you ticklish?" She asked with a chuckle . Jax tried to say no but failed miserably responding with high pitched laughter instead . "I take that as a yes!"
Ragatha said smirking . "NOHOHOHAHAAHAHARAGS STAAAP!!" Jax screamed . "Awh Jax I just found out you were ticklish and I just started tickling you I'm not gonna stop now ,how about I... tickle your sides instead hehe!"! Ragatha replied with a teasing voice .Jax was having a hard time trying to fight back the tickling it was bad enough that the doll was poking one of his weak spots and it didn't help that she was talking to him in a teasing voice . "HEHEHEHAAAHHAHAA RAGATHA PLEHAHAHASE SOMHOHOHAHAHAONE ISIS GONNA HEHEAR MEHEHEEHE!"Jax pleaded .
Ragatha just Ignored Jax and just raised her hands to his arm pits which got him squealing like crazy . "Wow Jax your really sensitive right here"! Ragatha said with excitement . She continued to tickle Jax like crazy until he was at his breaking point . Tears started rolling down Jax's face . HAAAHHHHAHAA NOHOHO MORE PLEHAHASE I CAHAANT TAHAAHKE IT ! Jax begged .
Ragatha decided to stop and give him a break . "Hehe you know Jax your laugh is really adorable!" Ragatha said while patting Jax on the head . This made him blush . "hehe noho it's not . Jax said still giggling . "I'll tell everyone that your ticklish if you don't admit it ~. Ragatha mumbled .
"Wait what !?" Jax replied ."Oh nevermind heheh ."Ragatha chuckled .
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lizzy-pop · 10 months
𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐢𝐭, 𝐫𝐮𝐧.
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Ler: Ragatha Lee: Jax(SFW! NOT A SHIP
Summary: Jax put another “surprise“ in Ragatha’s room again, so she thought it was time for some revenge.
A/N: I have never wrote a fanfic before, sorry if this sucks 😭✌️
Jax had just finished up putting a few centipedes under Ragatha’s pillow, and now he was locking her door and strutting away, whistling. He came across her on his way back to the main stage. “Hey Jax! Where were you?” Ragatha stopped him to ask. “Oh nowhereee just.. giving somebody a lil’ surprise!” Jax grins, causing Ragatha to lift an eyebrow in response. “Okayy.. I’m gonna go to my room for a bit, see you later.” She says before walking off suspiciously.
Moments later, Ragatha’s scream is heard throughout the whole tent as Jax tried to suppress his giggles. “JAX!!!” She screams as she stomps over to Jax, fuming. “Woah, woah, cool yourself, sweetheart!” He smiles cheekily. Ragatha takes a deep breath before glaring daggers at him, “This is the second time you’ve done this! You are so— childish!!” While Ragatha is waving her hands like crazy, she accidentally strokes Jax’s side, making him tense up and squeak quietly. Once she notices she stops waving her hands and a look of concern washes over her. “Jax? What happened? Did I hurt you?” He shakes his head, “Uh— no, no, you just— nevermind.” He stuttered to finish the sentence, what was he supposed to say? “It just really tickled?” No way! That would be the end of him if he admitted being ticklish. Ragatha squints her eyes and scans Jax for a moment, before gasping and smirking. “Jax, are you ticklish?!” She asks giddily. Jax nearly jumps out of his fur at the question. “I- uh- no!—yes-maybe..?” If he could blush, he’d be cherry red by how embarrassed he was now. “Ohoh, you better run, rabbit.“ Ragatha cracked her knuckles. Jax’s eyes widened as he began to full sprint through the halls “run rabbit, run~“ Jax heard Zooble tease, who had watched the whole thing.
Jax rolled his eyes and eventually slid around a corner, hiding behind a barrel. “Please dont find me, please dont find me,“ Jax whispered to himself over and over. Just as he thought he might get away with it, Ragatha kicked down the barrel infront of him and grins. “cant get away that easy~“ He scoots backward on the ground and puts his hand out, “back, foul beast!!“ Ragatha rolls her eyes and pins Jax down, snickering as he squirmed like a madman under her grip. She was surprisingly strong for a doll, making Jax even more stressed that he couldnt get out when(if~) he wanted to. “Ragatha, rags, pal, gal, bud, we can talk about this!“ He begins to panic and try to pull his arms down. “what is there to talk about?~“ she smirks and holds her free hand on his ribs teasingly, making the poor rabbit shriek and try to shove her off. “nononononono! Uh- I promise never to put c-centiPEDes in your room again!“ He jerks his torso away from her sudden poke to his side, getting a giggle out of Ragatha. “Now we both know you aren’t keeping that promise, Jax.“ He lets out a snicker and rolls his eyes “Ihit’s funny, what can I say?~“ Ragatha glares at him. “You’re not helping your case!“ she squeezes his hip, earning a shriek and a quiet giggle out of him. “D-Doll face, Ihi will kihill you!“ He squirms, barely holding back giggles of suspension. “thats not very nice, bunny~“ Ragatha begins spidering up and down his stomach.
“Nohoho!! I tahake it back, Ragahahahatha!!“ he squeals and giggles uncontrollably. “Wow, Jax. I thought you were 100% ler!“ He attempts to roll his eyes at the tease, but ends up squeezing them shut and going into hysterics when Ragatha begins clawing at his underarms. “EhhehEHEhahha!! Nohoho!! RahAHAGathaHA, not thehERE!“ he kicks as tears of mirth begin to form. “Aww, did I find the rabbits weak spot?~“ she giggles and continues poking and clawing at his underarms. “Not yet.“ Gangle interrupts. “I found out about this a while ago, his tickle spot is the back of his neck. Oh, and he’s enjoying every moment of this. Its not punishment to him.“ Ragatha gasps dramatically, “You like this, bunny?!“ Jax hides his face in his arm, subtly nodding. Gangle smiles, “your welcome, Ragatha.“ she says as she walks away quietly. Ragatha smirks at Jax and pauses her attack, grinning. “Gahangle is a traitohor..“ he accuses, letting out breathy giggles. “Well, now that I know I will 𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐥𝐲 tickle you more!“ she smiles and begins to turn him over, gaining acces to his weak spot. “ohoh s[#%]t.“ Jax immediately scrunched up his neck. “Is the big bad bunny afraid of a little bit of tickling?~“ she teases, giggling.
“Shuhut the f[#%]k up and just do ihit.“ Jax commands, aggrovated. “Wow, you want me to tickle you that ba-- ow! Okay, okay!“ Ragatha rolls her eyes “no kicking!“ He snickers under his breath. Ragatha grins and begins tickling the back of Jax’s neck softly but well enought to drive him up the wall. “SohoHOFter is wohohohorse, thIHIhis is eheHEAhaha tohoHOrture!!“ He kicks his feet and shrieks each time she speeds up. “And yet you haven’t told me to stop, even once~” she teases, now beginning to tickle harder and quicker. “EheheEHAhahaHAheh!!! HohOHOly s[#%]t!!” His giggles slowly grow louder and more intense by the minute, when Ragatha suddenly hits a weak spot on his neck, sending a powerful shriek throughout the entire tent. “NOHOHOHO NOT THERE NOT THERE IHIHIHIM GOHONNA DIE!!” He shrieks, laughing like an idiot. “aha! Theres your weak spot!“ Jax begins hiccuping between laughing fits. “OHOHO*ʰⁱᶜ*MY GAHAAHHAHAD!!!“ Jax screams, trying not to accidentally kick Ragtha in the back. “OHOHOHOKAY OKAY, STAHAHAHAHAHAP! PLEHEASE!!“ As soon as she hears him say it, she ceases her tickle attack, leaving him greedily gasping for air.
“Thahat was insahane..“ Ragatha giggles, “Yeah, but you liked it~“ She rubs the back of his neck, getting rid of the phantom tickles. “If you’re in a lee mood, come get me~“ She giggles and walks off.
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lumiarrts · 3 months
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Shes so cutesy wotsy _w_
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snowypolaroid · 4 months
in stitches
summary: pomni helps ragatha stich herself up after an accident. surely this ends completely normally !!!
characters: ler!pomni, lee!ragatha [ mentioned: caine, jax ]
w/c: 2,042
a/n: eerrrmmm theres not much to say except i had fun writing this heeehehe ... if this is like ooc or anything no it isnt Ignore It <3 also the title is really funny guys get it because in stitches is a way to say laughing and shes doll who needs to be stitched up and
warnings: needles, but other than that, none!
this is a tickle fic! if you dont like that, run along! <3
[ sfw interaction ONLY !! ]
“does it.. hurt?” 
ragatha looked down as the jester asked the question, who was pointing at the open ‘wound’ in where ragatha’s abdomen would be. but instead of blood or guts pouring out, soft white stuffing poked out of the tear and trailed along the floor behind the two as they made their way down the hallway.
“well.. yes and no. it’s happened so many times that i sort of.. got used to it? i mean, the shock and initial pain never really stops, but..” ragatha trails off. she sighs. “b-but it’s fine. once i get myself all sewn up i can forget that it happened. it’s more of a ‘oh god not this again’ situation, i guess.”
pomni looks down as they continue to walk side by side. despite the gaping hole in ragatha’s middle, she still continued to saunter as elegantly as ever, pomni noticed, and it saddened her how often ragatha claims she gets injured this way. but then again, she’s glad it’s easy to fix her up. not everyone can just stick a needle and thread in them to patch up their wounds. well, not without proper medical care, anyway.
but i digress. the duo reached ragatha’s room, and as pomni looked behind her to see the uncomfortably long trail of stuffing down the halway, she cringed. “yikes.. uh, why don’t you go get yourself seated and i’ll gather up that.. stuff?”
ragatha shook her head. “don’t worry about it, i have extra in my room. we’ll just ask caine to clear it up later..”
“does he usually?” pomni questioned as she closed the door behind her. ragatha hummed in response. “yeah, he does it with pretty much any mess. or, well, bubble sometimes cleans it up. and seeing what’s essentially your insides get licked up by a floating bubble is..”
pomni cringed again. “right..”
“but that aside..” ragatha settled herself down on her bed, slouching a little from cotton loss. “the sewing kit is in that drawer over there. i think the stuffing is too? i don’t remember the last time i needed to fix myself up this badly..”
pomni hummed in acknowledgement and headed over, rummaging through said drawer. she was surprised at how much you could fit in there, but then again, this was a circus run by a crazy ai, so she probably shouldn’t be too perplexed. 
“is it this?” pomni held up a little light blue sewing box adorned with colourful stickers. ragatha nodded to her question. “yes, that’s the one!”
she brought the box over to ragatha, setting it down on the bed before going back to look for stuffing. while she did that, ragatha took out a needle and poked a piece of blue thread through the hole, taking her a few tries to get right. a lack of fingers can be a pretty big disadvantage sometimes.
“uhh.. how much of this stuff do you need?” pomni turned around. ragatha perked up, humming. “oh, uh.. i don’t really know. bring as much as you can carry? we can just put the rest back.”
“good idea..” pomni plunged her hands into the drawer full of cotton wool and scooped out a load of it in her arms. she waddled over to the bed and dropped it on the mattress, then held her hand out to be given the needle. “i’m not even sure if i know how to sew, but..”
“it’s alright. i appreciate the sentiment.” ragatha smiled sweetly, which made pomni avert her gaze in slight embarrassment. “y-yeah, ‘course..”
pomni looked down at the hole in ragatha’s middle, wincing a little, which made ragatha glance away. “sorry, it’s not a pretty sight, is it?”
pomni quickly shook her head, waving her hands around in a slight panic. “n-no! no, i-it’s fine.. i’ve just.. never really seen anything like this before. i mean, life sized and sentient, anyway.”
“ahah.. i get it.” ragatha responded, watching as pomni placed the needle on the mattress to gather up some of the fluffy white stuffing and holding it up to where the doll’s abdomen would be. “so.. do i just..?”
“oh! you might want to sew my back up first. yknow, so none of it falls out the other side.” ragatha shifted her position on the bed so that she faced away from the jester. her movement was slightly floppy, but she managed. “yeah.. good idea.” she agreed, using one of her hands to adjust the dolls position before picking up the sewing needle and poking it through the fabric to carefully begin sewing the gap shut.
“sorry, it probably feels really weird..” pomni muttered, sticking her tongue out as she worked. ragatha stifled a chuckle so as to not mess her up. “it’s alright, i just don’t usually get sewn up back there. besides the time i got impaled in the candy canyon kingdom, i don’t really need to fix myself up in that spot.”
“huh.” was all pomni said in response, cutting the thread once she was done. she stared at her work, uncertain. “does it feel alright?” she asked, tracing over the stitches with her fingertips. ragatha shuddered slightly at the contact. “y-yeah, it feels fine..!” she quickly addressed, turning around. pomni raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more as she gathered up some cotton in her hand. “alright, well, i should probably..”
“oh, right.” ragatha responds, narrowing her eye at the stuffing. “just.. put as much in as you can, i guess?” 
pomni hummed, unsure, but obeyed regardless. she gently let her fingers trace the rim of the tear, and carefully slipped some cotton in. with how cautious she was as to not hurt the doll, she never took into account that it might feel completely different.
realistically, neither did ragatha.
pomni took very little notice of the way ragatha’s expression shifted to one of nerves, smiling uncontrollably as she tried desperately not to laugh. the jester was so gentle, her touch light as a feather, but god, she’d be lying if she said it didn’t tickle like hell.
as she lifted a hand to cover her mouth, pomni looked up in slight worry. “a-am i hurting you..?” she asked, retracting her hands from the doll’s middle. ragatha shook her head. “no!- no, i-it’s fine, just.. continue.” she responded, avoiding eye contact. pomni didn’t seem to believe her, her eyebrows knitted together with uncertainty. “are you sure? am i not being gentle enough? you can tell me if i-”
“i said it’s fine, j-just keep going.” ragatha insisted. pomni looked back at the tear, then eyed the dolls nervous expression. the way her lips twitched and her face reddened.. that’s when it clicked.
she wasn’t sure if it would be too forward to ask, so she decided to experiment instead. she picked up a handful of the snow-white fluff and let it fall into the tear, but not without moving it around as a way to ‘position’ it. instead this time she carefully watched ragathas reaction, who in turn looked away as her shoulders shook, and pomnis eyes sparkled.
“ragatha?” she began, and she practically saw the colour drain from the doll’s face as she turned her attention to her. “y-yes, pomni?”
“sorry if this is intrusive but..” she rubbed the rim of the open ‘wound’ in ragatha’s middle, resulting in her breath hitching despite not actually needing to breathe. “are you ticklish?”
“uh-” ragatha couldn’t hold back the nervous grin. “well, i-i mean.. isn’t everyone..?”
the response made pomni raise an eyebrow, and ragatha let out a quiet chuckle. “s-so..”
pomni poked a finger into the opening, making ragatha squeak. the ragdoll immediately covered her mouth with her hands, and pomni couldn’t help but smile slightly.
“alright, alright.. i’ll get back to work. just.. try not to laugh too much, it’ll mess me up.” pomni spoke, picking up the soft white cotton again. ragatha nodded quickly as the jester then began carefully inserting the fluff back into where it belonged. and now that ragatha knew she didn’t need to hold it in that much, she let herself giggle at the unusual, tingly sensation in her middle, and pomni would be lying if she said the sound didn’t make her blush a little. 
the jester couldn’t help but play around a little, messily - but still cautious enough not to cause harm - stuffing the cotton into the opening as ragatha let out all kinds of squeaks and giggles. “p-pomnihihii! you’re dohoing that on puhuhurpose!!”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.” pomni said with a little grin, messing around with the fluff a little more and drawing out a squeal from the other. “pohOMNI-!”
pomni giggled. “you know.. it’s kind of endearing.” she commented, retracting her hand. “yknow, that it tickles? i was worried it would be an uncomfortable experience, but.. it seems quite the opposite.” 
it was then ragatha realised she hadn’t protested in the slightest. “ahahah.. i guess so..” she looked away. “you don’t.. find it weird?”
“w.. why would i?” pomni looked up at ragatha. “i think it’s cute..”
“...oh.” ragatha blushed. “i-.. it is..?”
pomni stopped responding for a moment. “y-yeah, um.. i- i don’t know, i guess it’s the way it makes you smile and laugh that i really like, and, um..”
ragatha found herself chuckling. “aw, pomni.. that’s so sweet..!”
the jester was quiet for a moment. “you’re sweet.” she retaliated, and without warning, began ruffling around the white cotton fluff again and eliciting a yelp from ragatha, who nearly fell off the bed at how hard she jumped. “noHO WAIT-! POHOHOMNI!”
“whoops,” she smirked, using her other hand to keep her in place. “hold still! i need to readjust the stuffing!”
“no you doHOHON’T-!” ragatha squealed, kicking her legs against the side of the bed. “yes i do!” pomni retorted, continuing to mess with the cotton filling. for ragatha, when it came to tickling - or any contact like this for that matter - it never lasted any longer than a few seconds. this was a new experience for her, and it wasn’t unpleasant.
“while i am sure you’re both having fun—” the sudden voice made both girls jump, pomni pulling her hand away (with a bit of stuffing following along) and ragatha covering her mouth with her hands. “—i do have to ask you two to be quick! the adventure can’t wait!”
“ever heard of KNOCKING?” pomni hissed, completely disregarding caine’s sentence. but caine had already vanished away in a puff of smoke. the jester grumbled something under her breath, the obnoxious censor popping up over her mouth in the middle of it. ragatha giggled. “it’s okay, he’s sort of right.. we should probably get this done.”
“yeah yeah.. teethy f#$!er.” pomni muttered, earning another laugh from ragatha. “okay, hold still..” she said, before she continued to fill the opening with the fluffy white cotton as ragatha struggled not to squirm. pomni couldn’t help but smile. “sorry, sorry.” and ragatha could only shake her head, for if she spoke then the dam would break and the giggles wouldn’t stop flowing.
but finally, the job was done, and the two were finally able to attend the adventure. as pomni opened the door, ragatha spoke up, her voice almost a whisper. “um- yknow.. a-after the adventure..” she coughed, “we could.. um.. d-do this.. normally..? i-i mean, if you don’t want to that’s fine, i- just- um-”
pomni gazed at her with amusement, having figured out what the ragdoll meant. “yeah, i think that would be fun.” and ragatha nearly passed out at that answer. “r-right..! let’s- let’s go now.” 
“jeez, what took you guys so long?” was the anticipated question once the women had joined the rest. jax had his hand on his hip, his smile as smug as ever. “were you two—” but he was cut off as caine began to loudly explain the rules of todays adventure. 
pomni glared at the rabbit, but said nothing as ragatha lightly nudged her arm, and the jester sighed as she met her gaze with a typical tired smile. 
well, even if the adventure sounded just as ridiculous as every other event caine hosted, at least the two had a way to wind down after another wild day, huh?
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starlightrosa · 5 months
I’m new to the tickle community and honestly love it here maybe may I request a pomni and ragatha fluff fic🫶
Aww! Welcome to the community, my dear! We're all so happy to have you here <3 I hope you like this one!
Abstraction Distraction
Summary: Pomni wakes up from a horrific nightmare. Ragatha is soon there to dry Pomni's tears and help the new arrival sleep soundly.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: light angst at beginning (nightmare), tears and big sad alert from a very upset Pomni :( but it's fluffy from then on, don't worry <3
It was the end of another day here in this strange digital world. Day had blurred into night quicker than Pomni ever remembered, and the jester had succumbed into sleep, hoping for a dreamless sleep tonight.
But alas, her brain had other ideas. Pomni found herself walking through a black void, her mismatched and gloved hands clasping together as the jester walked. It was so dark… and so cold. Pomni’s breath fogged up within this strange void.
Her eyes darted around this void. Was there a way out of here? Could she escape this digital universe?
As if her dream could tell her desires, a door popped up, the door swinging open invitingly. The word ‘Exit’ shone above in bright neon red letters. Pomni smiled for the first time in a very long time as the jester ran towards the door, her hand reaching out for the doorknob. But then Kinger appeared in front of her, and she knew it wasn’t the real Kinger.
“Where do you think you’re going, Pomni? There is NO WAY OUT.” Kinger yelled, and the exit vanished at his words. Pomni gasped, backing up.
“You’ll abstract if you leave, Pomni! Don’t leave us here…” Kinger gasped, before he fell to his knees.
“K-Kinger?” Pomni asked, grabbing his shoulder. His eyes met Pomni for a brief moment before Kinger’s body glitched and changed colours. He screamed, as the abstract effect set in. He became a big, glitching creature. But one hand still reached out for Pomni…
“POMNI, HELP! HELP ME, PLEASE! POMNI, PLEASE!” Kinger yelled, screaming in pain.
Pomni clamped her hands over her ears as Kinger’s glitched screaming filled her dream. She began crying, her sobs slowly growing louder.
“-Ni! Pomni!” came a voice from above her.
Pomni gasped as her eyes opened. Ragatha was by her bed, shaking the little jester.
“Pomni, whoa! Settle down, I-!”
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Pomni shrieked, shoving Ragatha back. Ragatha yelped as she hit the floor of Pomni’s room, landing on the carpet.
“Pomni, what the heck?! What’s the matter with-?” Ragatha began to ask, but Pomni’s panicked babbling cut her off.
“You’ll abstract me! And… and I’ll die! I don’t want to die here! Please, don’t abstract me, please!” Pomni begged, tears flying down the jester’s pale face.
“Pomni…” Ragatha murmured, her voice going soft as the ragdoll pieced together what had happened. Pomni had just awoken from a dream. A bad one, by the sound of things. Ragatha kept her voice soft and calm as she slowly approached the weeping jester.
“Hey, hey. Pomni. Look at me, Pomni.” Ragatha softly instructed. “I’m here. You’re not dreaming anymore. You’re okay. I’m real. You’re real. I’m not abstracted. Neither are you.”
“B-But Kinger… was abstracted. And he was… gonna abstract me.” Pomni whispered, the poor jester shaking in fright as her anxiety was rocketing sky-high right now.
“Kinger’s not abstracted, Pomni. He’s sleeping in his room. I’m safe. He’s safe. You’re safe. We’re all okay. It was only a dream, Pomni. Only a dream.” Ragatha reassured, slowly reaching out for Pomni.
Pomni’s tears increased, both a mix of fright and sheer relief as Ragatha’s words began to set in. She was okay. She wasn’t abstracted. Neither was anyone else currently. Everyone else was safe, sleeping in their rooms. Pomni whimpered and curled her body up.
Ragatha kept her movements soft and slow as she held Pomni, one hand at the back of her head as she soothed the frightened jester.
“Shh… it’s okay, Pomni. You’re alright now.” Ragatha comforted. Her other hand slid to Pomni’s back, softly rubbing up and down her spine.
Pomni couldn’t help herself. She leaned further into Ragatha’s hold, feeling her back start to tingle softly from Ragatha’s touch.
“R-Ragatha… that’s kinda tihickling.” Pomni murmured, a slight giggle leaving her. Ragatha hummed, smiling softly.
“Uh huh. Need me to stop, Pomni?” she asked. That was Pomni’s way out and they both knew it.
“N-No, it’s okay… keep going?” Pomni asked, her eyes looking shy. She was basically asking for comfort tickles, and they both knew this. Neither minded, though.
“Sure, Pomni.” Ragatha smiled, softly tickling up and down Pomni’s back with one hand, while the other snaked around Pomni’s waist and pulled the jester closer. Pomni had a smile on her face as she didn’t even bother concealing her laughter this time. Soft, squeaky giggles filled Pomni’s room as the ticklish jester leant into Ragatha’s comforting hold.
“You’re so adorable.” Ragatha smiled, grinning as the jester giggled a little louder at Ragatha’s words.
“Nohoho, I’m nohot!” Pomni shot back. Ragatha chuckled warmly, one hand staying at Pomni’s ticklish back and the other softly massaging her scalp.
“Utter lies, Pomni. Utter lies, and we both know it.” she joked. Pomni softly squirmed a little in Ragatha’s hold, trying to ignore her back being tickled. But then Ragatha found that one spot that Pomni was hoping she didn’t find. Her upper ribs on her back. Oh man, were they ticklish. A flurry of ticklish sparks soon hit the jester’s ribs.
“Rahahahagatha!” Pomni squealed. The ragdoll had found a sensitive spot, and she wasn’t letting up one bit.
“Yes, Pomni?” Ragatha asked, putting on a slight façade as she tried acting like she didn’t know what was making Pomni laugh so much. Pomni was lost in a total giggle fit as she gently batted at Ragatha’s hands.
“G-Gehehentler please, Ragatha.” Pomni implored, her giggles becoming louder with each tickle. Ragatha nodded and slowed down the rib tickles, continuing to softly massage Pomni’s scalp, while the other was softly tweaking her back ribs.
Even through Pomni’s soft laughter, she was starting to get tired. Who knew such a simple tickling session could bring about the want to sleep again? Maybe her bad dreams would no longer haunt her if she was tired enough.
“Are you getting tired, Pomni?” Ragatha murmured softly. It was quite a comforting scene, honestly. And Ragatha would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy this time.
Pomni mumbled out a short ‘yes’, the jester rubbing at her eyes in an almost childlike manner. Ragatha chuckled and gently lifted Pomni up into her arms, laying the jester down in her four poster bed, also giving Pomni some sneaky tickles on her stomach as she did so, making the jester squeak a little.
Ragatha sat on the bed, adjusting the covers and smoothing them. She headed to the door, ready to leave, but was stopped by Pomni’s voice.
“Come back… don’t wanna be alone.” the jester murmured.
Ragatha smiled as she came back, sitting on the bed, content to hold Pomni’s hand comfortingly, just staying with her until the jester could barely keep her eyes open. Only then when Pomni was slowly drifting off did Ragatha quietly excuse herself, resting her hand on the doorknob a second time. Just as she was about to leave, Pomni’s voice came a second time.
“You’re a… good friend, Ragatha.” Pomni murmured sleepily. Ragatha felt her heart warm at those words.
“So are you, Pomni. I’ll see you in the morning, okay? Sleep well.” Ragatha whispered as she gently closed the door to Pomni’s room.
As Ragatha left back to her room, lying back in her bed, she smiled softly. And as sleep took Ragatha twenty minutes later, she smiled for the final time that night, happy to have been the reason that Pomni was sleeping soundly, no nightmares to frighten her for the remainder of tonight.
The End!
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mysteriouslee · 11 months
First Digital Circus fic!! (DAY 27)
lee!Pomni ler!Bubble
Bubble was indeed bored and really had nothing to do until Caine back from doing
Anyways, Bubble hovered over the place, tripping people and being a "parasite" so to speak.
"BUBBLE YOU [%^@/×^%]" screeched Zooble, who tripped on a pile of slop left by the bubble creature.
Bubble was just about done but knew he needed to harass one last person.
Bubble sped through the halls and stopped at the door of a particular jester. He knocked and waited and the door didn't open so Bubble looked elsewhere for Pomni. Eventually he found Pomni in a corner crying.
Pomni looked up at the creature before her and then put her head back in her knees.
"Go away bubble" Pomni pleaded.
Bubble never normally felt remorse for anything but he cant help but feel kind of sorry for the kid.
"I remeber my first time here too, it sucked just like it sucks for you right now" admitted Bubble.
"Thanks but how does *sniff* help me" asked Pomni.
"Shh, lemme finish"responded Bubble.
Pomni once again took her head out her knees and looked at the floating creature.
"When I was having my own pity party, some of the members, who are abstracted by now would do something to help me" said Bubble.
Pomni raised an eyebrow and felt a little fearful at the mischevious glint in his eye.
Bubble shoved Pomni over, maybe a little rough.
"Bubble what the- HEY *SNORT* HAHAHAHA"Pomni shrieked after Bubble began lightly nibbling on her midriff.
"OM NOM NOM"The bubble made a faux gobbling noise.
It tickled so badly, Pomni kicked and screamed but admittedly felt herself feeling lighter.
This is the widest anyone has seen Pomni smile well...ever.
Bubble occasionally blew raspberries inbetween the nibbles and it was driving Pomni up the wall.
"You're absolutely hysterical, Ragatha's right, you're adorable" teased Bubble.
"PLEAHAHASEEE"shrieked Pomni.
Bubble backed off and then lay beside Pomni as she caught her breath.
"Feeling better?" asked Bubble.
Pomni nodded.
Suddenly everyone else all came around.
"THERE HE IS, GET EM" yelled Kinger.
It seems everyone had come for revenge for Bubble's previous endeavour.
And that's when Bubble popped away.
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spookyghostbunny · 7 months
34, kinger/queenie? (Pre-abstraction ofc)
Boo! Surprise fanfic!
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"Kinger dear, what are you doing?" The female chest piece asked. Her husband had been missing all afternoon, and she found him in one of the more secluded areas of the tent. He seemed to be making something with pillows.
"I'm building us a castle! Our impenetrable fortress, if you will!" Kinger informs proudly, putting the finishing touches on the fort. He takes a few steps back to admire his handy work. He nods in approval when he sees everything looks exactly like the blueprint. This was probably the best pillow fort he has ever made.
Queenie giggles, coming over to stand next to Kinger. "You've done a splendid job, darling." She then kisses the other chest piece on the cheek, causing him to stutter.
"I- Well- You haven't seen the inside yet!" The king quickly bows to hide his blush, holding out a hand for her to take. "Your palace awaits, my queen."
Queenie gasps, placing a hand over her digital heart. "My, what a true gentleman!" She pretends to swoon at his romantic gestures, throwing her hand from her heart over her eyes.
Kinger rolled his eyes fondly. His wife's dramatics were one of the things he loved about her. He straightens up to his full height, staring at her mischievously. She didn't notice because of the hand over her eyes. Perfect. If she wanted to be dramatic then he'll show her dramatic. "Come here, you!" He shouts, pulling her into a hug and holding her securely against him.
Falling for the obvious trap, Queenie melts into her husband's hug. She always liked his hugs. They were surprisingly comfortable even though they were both made out of digital wood. The female chest piece's thoughts were caught off by fingers wigging against her sides. "Kihihinger!" She squeals, realizing too late that she was trapped.
"Are my impeccable engineering skills really that laughable? I thought you would like it! Yet here you are, laughing at me!" Kinger shook his head in mock disappointment as he playfully scolded her. "I thought I knew you better!"
This made the queen laugh harder. "Ihihi'm hehehehe sohohorry!" She lightly pushes against her husband's chest, making no real attempts at escaping.
"I don't know..." Kinger muses, moving his hands up to where her ribs would be. "You sure don't look sorry!"
Queenie begins to wiggle as her laughter increases in pitch. "Reheheally ihihi- KIHIHIHIHINGER!!! NAHAHAT TH-THAHAHAT!" She was full-on cackling now at the new sensations.
Kinger's mischievous look grew. He may not have a mouth, but thanks to Digital Circus Logic™ he is still able to gently nibble the queen's neck. "What was that, dearest?~" He purred, making her shake her head to try and rid herself of the tickly vibrations.
"YOHOHOU ARE SO EHEHEHEVIL! AHAHAHA!" Queenie may have been laughing her digital heart out, but she still didn't try to get away. They both knew they were having fun. It was times like these that made being stuck in the digital realm tolerable. Just the two of them goofing around and enjoying each other's company.
"That's just a roundabout way of saying 'I like it." Kinger stops when he knows she has enough. He picks up his beloved wife and finally takes her inside the fort. "That should teach you to laugh at me."
"You love me," Queenie states, resting her head on Kinger's fluffy robe.
"That I do, my love"
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