akidachi · 1 year
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taking a break from the radio silence to bring you badly photographed Erandur
(click for better res, tumblr mangled this one)
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sunfireintheory · 4 months
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A handful of tablescraps and idea tests from late last year and earlier this year.
Sleek: testing out ideas for a Freeracer idea that didn't quite come together.
Biotech tablescraps: wanted to do some tests with sand blue, but my collection is a bit small for anything substantial.
Gold Bee: an insect made as a tester from the parts of set 71790 Ninjago Imperium Dragon Hunter Hound. The amount of larger parts made it harder to work with for altbuilding in my style.
I have some photos of a large moc i have yet to post here, going to put that up some time this week probably. Biggest thing i ever made, i think! It used up almost all of my light grey slopes. I just got done digitizing it and storing the parts again since i wanted to use those light grey parts for a new moc that i've queued up to post first.
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felikatze · 5 months
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origsmocs · 1 year
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Great-a news everyone!
I have-a decided that my new passione in my Lego journey will be to create the world’s largest completely system brick built Pizzeria with working pizza oven, starting with the charming mascot Giueseppino de Gavone!
Basta with these stupid Bionicles, bada boom!
I have also converted to the one true faith of Catholicism in order to save-a my eternal soul. Che Dio vi benecida!
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leafatlaw · 1 year
when they have that dog like devotion <<<<<
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daxnorman · 4 months
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Don't treat me like a dog, I don't eat tablescraps
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guard-en · 1 year
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this bozo eats tablescraps
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prismatoxic · 2 months
somehow managed to be fine with the most popular laios ship (i actually enjoy it, tbh, labru is very good), but i absolutely do not like any of the popular chilchuck ships except chilaios
i'm 100% a multishipper but my other chilchuck ships are like. chilbell. chilbru. childan. me and the 5 other people into those are eating tablescraps
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pharmafelon · 1 month
Hey weird question, do you have some weird libtard view on how Germans all think the Holocaust is good and want to do it again and the AFD is literally Hitler and we need to open the borders to Europe and send trillions of dollars to Israel to stop them? Fartshals told me to ask you
I think you're in political hysteria because what fartshals said was not like that remotely, do you even live in Europe or are you American? Bc only Americans get this defensive over Germans, nobody sees them as some protector of the continent other than insanely delusional western boomers & I guess retarded reddit-pilled Caucasians
Anyway what we both say and are objectively right about is that Germans do think it was good, they're just "enlightened" now and think they should have had Jews and gays help them wipe out/enslave every slav instead of killing them too.
It takes very little effort to see this -- they view everyone from Eastern Europe, including non-slavs bc they're "tainted", as subhuman and only good for manual and/or sexual slave labor. They hate Russians and Serbs the most for being the most uppity, but even the ones they hate the least are (on a good day) only good for the "nice" brothels and tablescraps. If you assimilate, you'll only ever be "one of the good ones", and the most inclusive of them will (even if they don't say it) pat themselves on the back that Europe has saved you from your "backwards" culture. The only time they weren't like this was during the DDR, and you can also easily see how they consider East Germans tainted for that momentary lapse into humanity.
I don't know why you have such a fetish for the AFD considering they're just a Zionist libertarian party that pretends to have meaningful positions sometimes, so it's extra funny to bring up the trillions to Israel in regards to them. Neither of us ever brought up the AFD, either so idk where that's coming from.
Also I've been promoting unlimited genocide on Israel for literally 7 years at this point, like I think your understanding of politics is just narrow as fuck
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angellwingss · 11 days
This is a weird thought I’m having so I wanted to ramble a bit but I don’t understand this weird double standards in fandom that I’ve noticed and it’s just. Idk.
JayVik is one of the most popular ships in the arcane fandom despite Jayce saying ‘he’s like a brother to me’
Meanwhile Genji says ‘you’re like a brother to me’ to Cassidy in one of their interactions and immediately everyone starts dunking on the ship saying it’s found family it’s this it’s that and now you can’t ship it. I think it mainly just comes down to ship popularity tbh like. It’s undeniable people like yeehan and JayVik a lot more than they like things like Spuriken and idk. MelJay? (only comparison I could think of)
I think with JayVik specifically it’s also that you get to see a lot more development between Jayce and Viktors relationship, so most fans would probably grow attached to it more despite what happens with Mel who we see a bit less of??
Idk about overwatch every ship just gets tablescraps I don’t even know where yeehan came from 😭 blizzard can’t even decide if it wants to push Pharmercy or Gency so I am so honestly over it at this point lmaoo
I have no issues with any of these ships do whatever you want I just think it’s interesting how people cherry pick depending on the ship/fandom ig?
(Obviously overwatch is not arcane and the fandoms/general fans/shipping cultures are suupppperrrr different I just happen to be in both and this is something I noticed while actively being apart of both fandoms)
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Spill! • Awful Fall • Filistata • A Year Of Judges • So Close • Tablescrap • Swint? or Slude? • Mind Your Eyes • Lifeless • Tall Tales • Push Button • Gathering Fingers • The Button Has Been Pushed
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rwbyconversations · 1 year
I've been saying since Season 8 wrapped that Jaune didn't need to be in the Ever After, and what I've heard about S9E9 confirms that no, he really didn't.
He's just going through a retread of his sadboi arc from Seasons 4-6 with the Pyrrha mourning, and in the process, is steamrolling over Ruby's arc leaving her with tablescraps. Ever since Jaune entered the scene he's dominated almost every episode to make it about him. He's even hogging the moments where Ruby's team should be comforting her, or when Ruby should be allowed to have a breakdown without someone else making it about them. He stole her arc in a season they specifically advertised as "giving Ruby more focus."
I guess compared to Season 8, any focus on Ruby would have been an improvement, but Ruby's Season 9 arc has been a poorly-paced mess that involves her team acting like sociopaths watching a car crash and going "I guess I did what I could" as they record the crash. And don't even get me started on the suicide idealiation that's permeating this entire season. Legit 13 Reasons Why tier levels of offensive writing on suicide.
Jaune is legit the worst fucking character Rooster Teeth has ever created. I've never seen such a blatant singularity of a character who absorbs other arcs so he can be in the spotlight.
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binofathousandparts · 11 months
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What started as an innocent little tablescrap, grew to be so much more, even if up wasn't necessarily one of them.
It took some time when I finally settled full and proper into using studio- building through 3D modeling didn't really scratch the itch like building with physical pieces, but I settled for it being close enough.
Never really settled on a name for this guy, it wasn't your typical Kohrok Va either, but over time, the noise I always imagined it makes humorously BECAME its name!
So to that end, please say hello to
a few parting things I'd like to tac onto this post;
the bulk of mocs built like this I've been calling Hjönks; the noise stuck as a name, and the name stuck as an identity for mocs done up similar to Hjönk
Not all of the mocs will look like Hjönk, that's an obvious given, but they all share enough similarities to warrant them being CALLED Hjönks
There'll be an occasional post or two with stuff under a cut line, anything there will be lore and fluff I happened to remember when making these guys
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origsmocs · 11 months
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Have a tablescrap rahkshi
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toa-kirhan · 2 years
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Decided to post this here. This is a tablescrap I built a while ago for a CCBS Matoran/Metru head Protector build. Here it is modeled by Dekar.
The torso has the same proportions as the standard CCBS Protector torso. Here I'm using a Stars foot for the back armor, which allows for attachments like blasters or weapon storage, but you could also use the Stars shoulder/torso armor instead.
The fins on the torso armor shell fit in between the ridges on the yellow Technic bushings, but there is a little tension so it’s technically an illegal technique. You can just remove the bushings and replace the ball joints w/ the one-sided version instead if that’s a red line for you.
I’ve built a couple sets of Matoran using this design since then, but I want to finish them up (mainly painting masks) before showing the rest of them off.
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grim-echoes · 1 year
"ew furry" has always been indicative of a reactionary mindset especially during the early-mid 2010s when anti-sjw ideas were popular, but now more than ever i feel like the continued sentiment of "anybody with a penchant for animal characters is absurd and i'm going to openly express vitriol towards anybody i suspect to be a furry" in the 2020s is a foolproof way to peg somebody as an anti-sjw tablescrap at best and at worst a full blown rightoid, especially considering the furry hunter communities that are dedicated to harassing/assaulting fursuiters in public, because it's so common with these types of people to not actually have criticisms of the communities that enable abuses such as zoophilia/pedophilia/grooming/etc, it's that many furries intrinsically skew counterculture and diverse and it's much more convenient for a reactionary to call you a dogfucker than it is to just call you a transphobic/homophobic slur and show their asses completely
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