#tabithacarlisle fic
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tabithacarlisle · 6 years ago
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*OFF THE RECORD Part 9: Update
It has been almost a month since I posted the last OTR chapter (😩!!) I feel so guilty! Things have been crazy with kids end of year school & activities, computer issues, plus major writers block, plus me wanting to skip ahead to Part 10 for *ahem* reasons... ;) I haven’t forgotten Tabitha & Liam though! I’ve been trying to write and tweak a little of it every day, & think I’m nearly finished. This is going to have lots of marital angst plus NS*W smut - Hopefully will be finished & posting sometime in the coming week. Here’s more of a sneak peek until then...
*OTR Part 9 Sneak Peek:
They sat waiting in their motorcade vehicle that had picked them up only a half an hour or so earlier from the jet tarmac on Sardinia. Tabitha rolled her window down to get a better look of the private costal beach view that they’d be enjoying for the next few days on their scheduled mini-break. The sun was setting, creating the most gorgeous purple and orange sky, and the only sounds they could hear apart from the shorebirds, and the waves crashing against the rocks were the faint sounds from inside the villa of Bastien & Mara’s security team communicating on their radios.
Tabitha sighed, enchanted at the sight. “It’s so beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?”
She looked back at Liam, who was looking straight at her, rather than at the sunset at the horizon. She groaned, rolling her eyes at him and slapped his shoulder, laughing, “will you ever stop doing that?”
“What? Stop thinking you’re the most beautiful sight I’ve ever laid eyes upon? Doubtful.” He winked and laced his fingers through hers, bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. She blushed, turning to rub his shoulder as she returned her gaze back out the window, both touched and embarrassed by his flattery.
Bastien opened the door the the villa and Mara followed with the rest of the team, signaling for the Royal couple to make their way out of the vehicle.
“All clear. Enjoy yourselves tonight, your Majesties.” Bastien winked at Liam and the security team bowed before the newlyweds before leaving to man their posts outside the building.
Liam moved to lock the door behind Bastien and Mara as they left. He spun Tabitha around pinning her wrists together above her head against the door, almost too eagerly.
He groaned “I’ve been aching for you, my love. I can’t wait any longer.”
Liam pressed into her, his body urging her legs apart. She could feel his erection insistent against her, separated only by their thin layers of clothing.
He dipped down his head to suck at the side of her neck, his free hand roving over her every curve. Liam pulled down her neckline to free her left breast, tweaking the nipple until it peaked before he took it in his mouth. Her breath caught in her throat and she bit her lip to suppress the pain.
“What was that?” Startled at the sound they pulled away from each other, both panting with ragged breaths.
“Was that... you?”
“Omigod, so embarrassing. I guess I’m hungrier than I thought?”
Liam chuckled softly. Effortlessly switching modes, he helped Tabitha straighten her dress. With the doting care of a man who truly adores his wife, he smoothed down her hair and kissed her forehead, “Well then, we must feed you. Both of you.” His eyes twinkled and he let his hand rest on her stomach. For a second, it seemed as if a cloud passed over his gaze making his expression momentarily unreadable, but his face softened again quickly afterwards.
Thank you SO much for continuing to read & for all of the feedback & support! Keep your eye out next week for the rest!
💛 * OTR Tag List
@bobasheebaby @indiacater @brightpinkpeppercorn @ritachacha @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @kate-mckenzie @queen-among-writers @itsbrindleybinch @ao719 @cosigottahavefaith @alj4890 @jovialyouthmusic @be-still-my-aching-heart @basiclatinagirl @sirbeepsalot @emichelle @sapphovonchat @average-sunflower @museofbooks @furiousherringoperatortoad @kennaloverofdragons @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @thegingerwithcurlyfries @dianalend @broxanneq @rhymesmenagerie @carabeth @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @writinghereandthere @majesticegg @donutsgirl36 @beaumontypython @lauraj217 @sofiakenobi @rainbowsinthestorm
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tabithacarlisle · 6 years ago
... well, shit...
A persons fanfic tells you a lot about them, i , a fanfic writer, realize in terror
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scgdoeswhat · 5 years ago
The First Solstice – Beckett x Clarette
Summary: Beckett and Clarette celebrate their first holiday season under the same roof.
Rating: T
Words: 3065
Author’s Notes: Happy Holidays!!! Complete and unadulterated fluff that takes place post Penderghast. That is all 😂
Hope you all enjoy! Beckett doesn’t belong to me (unfortunately), but the story does. No Beta used.
Sorry if the “Read More” link isn’t working. It’s Tumblr’s fault, not mine!
Tag list: @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @grungeisntmything @friendlylilshipper @felmasri @numberonepoetryexpert @hellomynameisdevi @beckettbaguette @siegrrun @choicesthatplayyou @retroangxl @askdana @50shadesofraleigh @darley1101 @kamybelen-blog @herdecisions @artchoicesreblog @teenytinymagician @choicesfannatalie @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @abigailpoe @flyawayboo @brightpinkpeppercorn @gardeningourmet @harringtons-honey @manateemilk @queenodysseia @thatcatlady0716 @divergentofhogwarts @pottershat @topsyturvy-dream @choicesyouplayandmore @zeniamiii @never-neverland @drakewalkerfantasy @syltti78 @elementalistshoe @maxwellsquidsuit @sleepingpillcorporation @tabithacarlisle @ludextruction @pbmychoices @wickedgypsymoon @mistychoices @izzycheeese @lady-kato @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @adrian-rainess​ @walkerismychoice @thefirstcourtesan @drakesensworld​ @laceandlula​ @rhymesmenagerie​ @shainaa00​ @princessstellaris​ @itsbrindleybinch​ @donutsgirl36​ @liamzigmichael4ever​ @mckenzie-powell​ @sunflowergirl05​ @justendlesssummerfeels​ @friedherringclodthing​ @choicesarehard​ @desiree-0816​ @elanorwaverley @aworldoffandoms​ @mrsbriarmarlcaster​ @star-adorned​ @wiselight @cloacasexual @thequeenofcronuts​  @slytherclawwarrior @mslarimone
Please let me know if you want to be tagged/removed on future fics and I’ll tag anyone I may have missed in the comments. Thank you!
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 The early morning sun rose in the distance, the rays of light casting an ethereal glow over the fresh snow that had fallen overnight. Across the landscape, fat, fluffy cardinals and blue jays flittered to and fro; the little balls of red and blue adding to the dots of greenery that were peeping out of the blank canvas of white powder just beyond the large bay window.
Beckett hummed to himself in a hushed tone, putting the finishing touches on the first of his many gifts to Clarette. His eyes darted about the spread he had made himself, satisfied with the final product. With a point of his finger, he enchanted the decorations and candles to light when she entered the living area later that morning. He padded back to their bedroom, peeling his clothes off by the bedside to keep the facade of him being asleep the whole time.
Crawling back into bed, Beckett smiled to himself as he kept his movements silent with the aid of some quick air magick to mask any sounds. He looked down at Clarette with tenderness, his gaze roving over his sleeping girlfriend's figure that was burrowed under the blankets. Her dark, luscious hair was spread out in contrast to the pale blue of the pillow, her lips slightly parted in her deep slumber. As he slid under the covers, it was automatic for Clarette to turn towards the heat of his body, her arm wrapping around his torso while her head nestled onto his chest. He brushed her hair back and kissed the top of her head, his other arm holding her close, caressing the soft skin of her bare back with the lightest of touches.
He closed his eyes in an attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep, knowing full well that Clarette was going to wake up uncharacteristically early on this special day, even though they had both fallen asleep only a few hours prior. The corner of his mouth lifted with the memories they had created earlier that night, the specialness of sharing their first Solstice while living together under the same roof fresh in his mind.
The evening had started out innocent enough as they headed to the LeFleur household earlier that day. What he was going to wear to her family’s place never crossed his mind, assuming a blazer and tie would suffice. He was about to throw on a crisp button-down shirt when he saw Clarette walk out in one of the ugliest sweaters he had ever laid eyes on. The red sweater had a lone reindeer on the front, its antlers bedazzled with rhinestones, with a geometric design of white snowflakes covering the rest of the jumper. The only saving grace of her entire outfit was the pair of skintight leggings she paired them with.
Beckett’s jaw fell agape in horror. “What in the world are you wearing?”
“Beckett, your face!” His reaction brought her to tears of laughter, her almond eyes crinkling in amusement. “Did I forget to tell you? It’s my ugly Christmas sweater! And you might as well save the suit and tie for your parents’ dinner tomorrow. Tonight, we’re doing Christmas LeFleur style.”
Quirking an eyebrow in response, he removed his shirt, placing it back on the hanger. He stood shirtless in front of their closet, mulling over what to wear now that his original outfit had been dashed. “What, then, constitutes a ‘LeFleur style’ Christmas?”
“Well, for starters,” she sauntered over to him, placing her hands on his chest before sliding them up his muscular frame and around his neck. “There’s no need for a fancy schmancy blazer. I mean, we’re a family who wears onesies for Christmas, remember? A sweater’s fine,” she giggled. “Though I’ll tell you what. If it wasn’t the holidays, I’d suggest we just stay home because I’d much rather see you in this state of undress any day of the week.”
Going up on her tiptoes, she brushed her lips against his in a slow, seductive manner, smiling when he moaned into her mouth. She unwound her arms and pulled back with one final peck, watching his eyes open slowly, the hazel grey hues now tinged with desire. “Except that it is the holidays, so you need to finish getting ready. And as much as I appreciate your exquisite physique, I don’t think the rest of my family would appreciate you showing up without a shirt.”
Taking a quick look through the closet, her fingers rummaged through the hangers before landing on a charcoal, cashmere, V-neck sweater. She handed him the piece of clothing before she walked out of the room, tapping his toned ass with the back of her hand for good measure.
He shook his head with a grin on his face as he heard her laughing to herself down the hall. She was absolutely ridiculous, and he loved her for it.
A couple of hours later, Beckett and Clarette walked hand in hand up the driveway towards a modest, one-story, ranch style home in the middle of suburbia. The surrounding neighborhood houses all had simple lights and decorations strung up along their roofs, the neighborhood giving off a different and distinct feel compared to the affluent community he grew up in. While he knew they had different upbringings, this was the first real opportunity to experience her life before Penderghast and before him. He exhaled deeply, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as they approached the front door.
Taking the keys out of her purse, Clarette stopped before ascending the front steps. He took the step up, only to notice she had paused in her gait, causing him to halt and rejoin her on the bottom rung.
“Is everything alright?” He held her gloved hand, clutching it for support.
“I was about to ask you the same thing. I heard that breath you let out, you know. And don't even try to deny it.” A crease of worry lined her forehead as she glanced up at him.
“I’m afraid I might be overthinking things again. How do you know me so well?” Wrapping his arms around her, he squeezed her in the ridiculous puffer coat that she wore over the ugly reindeer sweater.
“Because I always have. I just know you.” She hugged him back, breathing in his scent.
“I suppose I might be slightly nervous, this being the first Solstice that your family has invited me to,” he confessed.
“You have no reason to be. You've already met my entire family and they love you. Even Atlas does, although she'd never admit it.”
“I know you're right, but I can't help but seek your family's approval at all turns.”
She tilted her head up at him, cupping his jaw. “And you already have it. They want what's best for me and you're it.”
He beamed, her words relieving some of the pressure that he had placed on himself. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “How did I get so lucky with you?” He murmured before grazing his lips over hers once more.
She responded with fervor, her hand sliding from his jaw to the base of his head, the other gripping the soft cashmere of his sweater underneath his black pea coat. “How about we call it even and say we both got lucky.” 
Stepping back, she smoothed the fabric down his chest, straightening his sweater out while taking the opportunity to feel his hard body underneath her fingertips. “By the way, I really love this on you. It brings out your eyes and just so you know, I'm going to be imagining tearing it off of you all night long until we get home later.”
Laughing, his eyes lit up with desire before looking down at the mocking reindeer on the front of her sweater, its obnoxious, bejeweled eyes glittering back at him. “And I can't wait to tear that hideous thing off you either.”
As if on cue, the door opened, revealing a reindeer-onesie-wearing Atlas just in time to catch Beckett's words. Her smile turned upside down and her eyes darted between the happy couple, glaring at the pair. She stepped aside, letting them into the house.
“I was going to say I've missed having you around the place for the holidays, but Harrington just reminded me why I don't. I was going to ask what took you so long, but I think I already know the answer. And no, I don’t want any details.”
Clarette hung her and Beckett's coats up, glomping her sister with lightning quick speed before the fair-haired twin could dodge her advances. “I've missed you too, sister! And don’t worry, we weren’t late because we weren’t having sex, if that’s what you were implying!”
Beckett coughed, clearing his throat. “Clarette, must you verbalize that? What if your parents heard you?!”
Atlas squirmed out of her touch, scowling at them both. She shook her head before her mask broke and a hint of a smile appeared. “Sometimes I really hate you, you know that.”
“What did your sister do now?” An amused voice echoed from inside the house, the footsteps getting louder as they approached the entryway. Their biological mother came into view, donning an apron and looking like an advertisement for ‘Better Homes & Gardens’ instead of being the almighty Sun Source.
Theia hugged her Sun-Att daughter hard, rocking her back and forth in the embrace, keeping in line with actions of the affectionate mother she had become. “Clarette! It's like I never see you anymore once you moved out!”
Clarette rolled her eyes, grinning as she hugged her mother with the same gusto. “What are you talking about? I just saw you two days ago!”
“But it's different when I was used to seeing you every day for past Solstice breaks!” She let her go, turning to Beckett with a stern expression, the ancient Sun Source power radiating from her mortal form, “And you, Beckett Harrington, I hope you've been treating Clarette well.”
“Yes, yes of course, I have, I - ” he stammered, “- always! With the utmost respect!”
Theia broke out into laughter, gathering Beckett into a hug. “You should've seen your face! Clarette is right, you are fun to tease!”
Beckett sputtered, his ears turning pink as he returned the hug for a moment before taking his place back at Clarette's side. “Well, at least now I know the teasing is hereditary,” he joked, an easy smile coming to him.
She clasped her hands, an action she did to control herself when she could feel her Sun energy spiking with joy. “In all seriousness, I'm glad you were able to join us, Beckett. I do have one question for you, though, before we all go help with the cookies in the back.”
Clarette jostled when she saw the shit eating grin creep onto her mother's face. “Mom…”
“So... when are you going to pop the question?”
Beckett could feel the red color his cheeks and he never had the chance to reply as Clarette grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the kitchen.
The rest of the evening went swimmingly, with lots of love, laughs, and a frightening number of cookies and egg rolls being consumed. They arrived back at their townhouse a bit before midnight, where Clarette still had a warm buzz going after too many glasses of spiked eggnog.
The tree in the corner glowed under the sparkling lights that were draped on the branches, the dimmed room illuminated by the soft, silver sheen of the tinsel. Presents wrapped in foil, paper and tissue were piled under the greenery, the scent of fresh pine, cinnamon, and allspice filling the area.
They sat on the sofa, watching the flames of the fire dance and leap from across the room, the heat warming them up from the cold outside. The fireplace crackled in the comforting silence; the sound was a soothing melody as they reflected on their first holiday living together so far. This night and the morning to come was a nice respite from all their familial obligations through the Solstice season.
Beckett raised his arm, allowing Clarette to snuggle into his warmth and he rubbed her back as she nestled into his nook. She traced imaginary patterns on his sweater, only stopping when he laced his fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand before stroking it with his thumb.
“Thanks for coming tonight. It really meant a lot to me and I am so sorry she put you on the spot like that, I had no idea she was going to go there.” She buried her face into the crook of his neck, still reeling from the embarrassment of earlier.
“The question that your mother asked me?” He kissed the top of her head, a low chuckle rumbling from him. “There's nothing to apologize for. It is something we have discussed in the past, is it not?”
Raising her head, she looked into the depths of his eyes. “Yeah, it is, but I don't want you to feel pressured into asking just because societal norms tell you to do it. I'm not going anywhere.”
He hummed in agreement, noticing the sincerity in which she spoke those words. “You're the only thing in the world that I don't feel pressure from. And when I do ask the question, I want it to be as perfect as possible because that's what you deserve.”
She sat up, running a hand through his hair before studying his face. The fire may have been reflecting in the gloss of his eyes, but it was an internal heat that she recognized as she cupped his warm cheeks between her palms. She brought his lips to hers, faintly tasting the gingerbread they had from earlier.
Tangling his hand into her dark mass of hair, he pulled her onto his lap and she straddled him, her knees on the outside of his hips as she pressed herself against his hard body. He groaned at the contact, his head falling back while she rubbed herself on him. Straightening up, he ran his hands down the curves of her body, this time making her sigh in pleasure as he attached his mouth to her neck, kissing and nibbling her skin before he captured her mouth once again.
With a smirk, he pulled off the atrocious sweater, the night air causing goosebumps to raise on her skin. “Finally,” he chuckled, his hands and mouth covering the newly exposed expanse of flesh. She undulated under his touch, ripping off his top as she had earlier promised, running her hands over his strong, taut frame.
They ended up making love on the couch, and twice more in bed, which brought him back to this exact moment, except he now felt Clarette stirring in his arms. He heard the deep, contented sigh that signaled him she was waking, and he closed his eyes feigning sleep.
She kissed his chest, right over his heart, before trailing her lips up with the softest of touches, culminating with a slow, lingering kiss. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
He responded after a moment, a moan originating from deep within his throat as he wrapped an arm around her, holding her tight. “Hmmm, you're up early.”
She propped herself above him, her arms on either side of his head, leaning down to give him a quick, smattering of pecks on his face. “It's our first Christmas together. Do you know what that means?”
“Tell me.” His hands rested on her waist as she hovered above him.
“It means presents!”
He gave her a lazy grin, his thumbs rubbing minute circles against the supple skin of her hips. “I don't know if anything could top the present you gave me last night.”
Giggling, she bent down, their mouths meeting. “I'd have to agree, that was a great gift, but I'm talking about things you unwrap and stuff!”
Pulling her close for more, he laughed in between kisses. “I don't want to get technical, but I'm relatively sure we both did some unwrapping last night.”
“You're ridiculous,” she tittered, before placing a final kiss on his lips. “And I love you for it.” Bounding off the bed, she threw her fluffy robe over her nude body, securing it closed with a knot around her waist. “I'll make some coffee while you get up?”
“Certainly. Give me a second.” He put the shirt and pajama pants that he had removed not even 20 minutes ago back on, proud of himself that Clarette had no clue what he had been up to that morning. Walking down the hallway, the smile on his face grew as he heard her exclamation from the breakfast nook. As he entered the dining area, he was greeted with her running towards him.
Clarette threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist as he hoisted her up with no effort. She peppered kisses all over him, the smile on her face worth its weight in gold.
“When did you have time to do all this? And how?” She gestured to the dining table, which was chock full of waffles with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, plates with sizzling bacon and eggs, and two steaming mugs of peppermint mocha. “Not only were you asleep, but you said you can't cook!”
He led her to the table, pulling her chair out before sitting next to her. Holding her hand, he ghosted his lips over her knuckles. “I was thinking, wouldn't it be nice to start our own traditions? So, I taught myself how to make your favorite breakfast. I hope everything turned out to your specifications.”
Clarette placed her free hand on his cheek, gleaming at him in wonder. Their eyes never left each other as he placed a sweet kiss to her palm.
“It's absolutely perfect,” she whispered, never taking her eyes off him.
Leaning in towards each other, their eyes fluttered shut as they shared a soft kiss full of hope, promise and love.
“Merry Christmas, Clarette.” Beckett rested his forehead against hers, both relishing the peace and serenity of this moment, as well as the deep connection they shared.
“Merry Christmas, Beckett. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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anewworldorderseries · 5 years ago
A New World Order (BB x NB Crossover AU) - Prologue
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Author’s Note: It’s finally out into the world! This is definitely the biggest writing project I’ve taken on (and stayed committed to) ever so, I’m so happy that it’s successfully made its way outside of my head and into actual words. Ever since Cal’s cameo in BB2, I needed these two groups to meet and it gradually turned into this epic crossover story. We also just need more time with the Nightbound crew in general since we didn’t get a book 2. All the open ends about the creatures in New Orleans really allowed me to experiment though and go outside the parameters the canon universe has. 
Get ready for epic narrative themes! I’ve managed to interconnect these two pretty well (maybe even too connected). You’ll also see a couple cameos of characters from two other books (well the modern-day vampire versions anyway) as well. I’ll also be posting these on my main blog @adrianadmirer so that more people will see it but, I created this blog just for the story since it’s such a big work. 
I just hope you love this story and these characters as much as I do.
Characters: Isabel Martinez (Bloodbound MC, mentioned), Zelenia Laskaris (Nightbound MC, mentioned), Alaric Laskaris (OC), Phoebe Laskaris (OC), Derek Laskaris (OC), Rheya (The First Vampire)
Rating: PG-13 (some mentions of violence)
Summary: An old threat has risen from the ashes and is ready to use their original purpose to enact it’s new diabolical plan. 
Update: Hello! Since book 3 has come and gone, it has influenced what I want to do in this story including changing some key things. First, I didn’t really like Rheya at all. Definitely more than I had planned to. Also, I like my BB mc, Isabel, as a vampire and the entire plot of book 3. So, I’ve decided to change the timeline of this to be after the end of the entire series which means Rheya is dead and won’t be in this anymore. It also means that Isabel will be a vampire from the start. I think this will be a good thing because I can focus on some of other characters and plotlines in greater detail. 
However, there is one major difference from the canon ending. Jax and Lily (and the others) are very much alive. I’m going with my rewrite ending for this story (where Gaius is the sacrificial lamb). 
@endlesshero1122 , @kinda-iconic , @voseho , @something-in-red , @bloodboundsstuff , @lovemychoices, @mrsmatsuo, @galaxyside-0, @jlpplays1, @brightpinkpeppercorn, @desiree-0816, @tabithacarlisle, @shelley-parah, @ladykateofhousebeaumont, @ella-raines, @furiouscloddonutpeanut, @itlivesinpixelberry, @fluffy-cat-whisper, @strangelycami, @heatherfilliez, @edgaluten, @parrotdrama
(If you see yourself tagged its because you’ve liked a lot of my Bloodbound fics and/or you liked my previous Nightbound fic)
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A nondescript black Range Rover pulled up to the curb outside of Rikers Island, the impressive structure a menacing presence in the pitch black of night. Pulling to a stop, the headlights shut off as the people inside waited. Not a sound could be heard, the silence stretched on endlessly into the night.
After several minutes, a tall muscular figure finally appeared around the side of the building, breaking into a sprint towards the car once the coast seemed clear. The windows rolled down as the dark-haired young man approached. 
“Get in son,” a male voice ordered, and the back door opened. 
Letting out a dry laugh he climbed inside, sitting between the two already there. “Hah, maximum security my ass.”
“Shouldn’t have had to bribe you out of there in the first place,” the older man said with a sigh. 
Age and height were among the only details that differentiated the two of them. 
Then, the brunette woman next to them cleared her throat. “I’m assuming the guards got the money?”
“Yes, aunt Phoebe.”
She nodded approvingly before checking the time on her expensive watch. “Good. Let’s make sure that Warden Daniels and Chief Mikalsen get theirs. Then, we won’t have anyone trying to get you back.”
The SUV came to life once more, driving off into the glittering city towards their destination. 
“Where are we going, Father? Home?” the young man asked, leaning against the cool window. 
“Briefly, just so you can change,” he responded. “Then, you’re headed to the airport.”
His son’s eyes widened and he tilted his head upright once more. “Already? Where to? Why?”
“We finally have our new headquarters finished, somewhere they’ll never be able to find. This means soon we’ll be able to launch a renewed attack on the vampires to wipe them out for good and we’ll be one step closer to our actual goal. You know from the letters what that is.”
This news proved surprising. “So soon? But...but the death of Balthazar...the destruction of the Mydiean compound...shouldn’t it have taken years to rebuild?”
It was his aunt who responded with a scoff, a smirk tugging at her painted lips. “Of course not. We have cutting edge technology, far greater than anyone has even anticipated. We had it stored in a secret location underground in case this very thing happened. The Order isn’t just back to normal...it’s even stronger now. Practically unstoppable.”
“That still doesn’t answer my question,” he retorted. “Where are you sending me?”
His father gave him a sideways glance. “New Orleans. For a while.”
This was met with an incredulous stare. “Why there?! Aren’t the bloodsuckers much weaker there than here? Do you not believe in me anymore?”
“I thought I told you never to question me, son,” his father roared, his face turning bright red even in the dimly lit car. Exhaling, he continued at a lower volume. “That’s exactly why both of us need to be here. We need more resources, more time to bend the public to our will. Besides, we’re not just worried about vampires anymore. There are...more monster species to worry about down there. Once we thought we eliminated years ago.”
He got his desired shock from his son who sat up. “What kind of...monsters? Like...the ones you used to tell me and Zelenia about when we were kids?”
The woman nodded. “Yes. Werewolves, witches, even the pesky Fae have rebuilt Lamrian to staggering heights and reestablished their connection to the realm. For us to succeed all of them must go. Including my daughter now that she’s chosen to embrace her half-breed nature.”
There was a brief silence. 
Then, the young man became animated once more. “Okay...well what about her...Isabel? You need me to kill her don’t you?”
“No Derek.” His father’s exclamation made the car interior vibrate. “You got caught, that’s why we’ve had to bribe have of the city’s officials to bust you out. We can’t afford to take that risk again, especially since we couldn’t get that protection order removed. Besides...now that she’s with them she’s too valuable now. We need her to be unharmed, at least for now. To break her, yes...cause then they’ll crumble. But, we don’t need human blood on our hands yet unless they get in our way.”
“But, I--”
“Stay away from her,” he ordered. “Or I will personally see to it that you are kicked out of The Order permanently. Understood.”
The young man simply nodded, his jaw clenched. 
“Excellent. I don’t want to disinherit my only heir.” He let out a low chuckle, his foul mood from seconds earlier now gone. “Not when they’ve done our dirty work for us. Now that the First Son, our dear fraud of a leader is dead, we can move on from this self-righteous talk and take power for ourselves just like we were destined to do from the beginning. If we’re the ones to prove humanity is superior, it’s only fair that we get rewarded.”
A slow smile eventually spread on the young man’s face, the two of them hauntingly alike. “I won’t let you down, not this time.”
“I’ll guarantee it.” 
An equally diabolical grin covered the dark-haired woman’s face, her blue eyes shimmering as she caught her reflection in the mirror. “We are so close Alaric. Soon, everything will be ours. Balthazar was right about one thing, there will be a new world order. Ours.”
They continued to drive further into the dark night, the glow of the city fading into the background once more.
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madrut16 · 6 years ago
Meeting the Parents (Adrian x MC)
Author’s Note: I’m already back! This fic took me maybe 24 hours if that to write and a few hours more to edit which is the fastest I’ve ever done one of these. I just had to write this because it will provide some background for the first fic for the July Challenge I’m doing. I hope you like it, it’s just a cute little scenario I’ve been thinking about for months now for these two. 
Also, I’m going to be tagging all of my fanfic with adrianadmirerfics from now on so that you have an easy way to find all of my content! I’ll try to tag some of the old stuff too. :)
(p.s:  Also, I don’t know if I’ve said this publicly but Delilah--my TRR mc--is Isabel’s cousin and adopted sister.)
Pairing: Adrian x MC
Rating: PG
Summary: While visiting her in New York, Isabel’s parents finally meet Adrian for the first time. However, after learning the one thing she’s been keeping secret about him, will that jeopardize their opinions of him?
Word Count: 1523
@endlesshero1122 @kinda-iconic @krishu213 @ladykateofhousebeaumont @shelley-parah @tabithacarlisle @galaxyside-0 @desiree-0816 @brightpinkpeppercorn 
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"Do you think your parents will like me?" Adrian wonders, playing with the cufflinks on his grey suit.
Isabel bites her lip as they walk towards their destination for the evening, the cool air blowing gently against her bare shoulders. "Mmhmm."
She certainly hopes so. They're visiting her in New York for the week and insisted on meeting him during the trip. In fact, she was pretty confident that it would go well...that is until their conversation yesterday. One secret uncovered later, everything has changed.
Now suddenly, this dinner is more important than ever. 
"I mean, of course, they will,” she adds quickly. “While they are overprotective, any hostility is usually just a front they put up. They’re actually really amicable. In fact, there’s only one person I’ve introduced who they haven’t liked," she explains. Her stomach twists itself into a knotted mess as she pauses in front of the restaurant. "Although...there is something that might complicate things."
His eyebrows lift up. "What is it?"
She lets out a sigh, playing with nonexistent dust on his suit. "They know about you."
It doesn't take long for him to realize what she means. 
He looks at her in shock. "You didn't tell them did you?"
Isabel shakes her head vigorously. "No! I haven’t told anyone besides Alyssa. Delilah did, even though I explicitly told her not to when she first said she was briefed on it. And then I had to tell them some information just to keep them from freaking out on me.”
She watches as his anxiety skyrockets. "I doubt you would allow me to have them debriefed."
"I know that you consider Jameson a friend Adrian, but I still don’t trust him. So no, I’m not letting them anywhere near him,” she confirms, pursing her lips at the thought of the scholar. “I don’t think it’s necessary anyway. They don't know that much. I didn't even tell them about The Council! I just said enough to reassure them that you don’t want to hurt anyone.”
A brief silence between them lingers as he becomes deep in thought. Finally, his expression clears, his mind made up.
"Okay, I won’t make them then, Isabel. I trust you.” He began to relax, but he’s still more nervous than before she said anything. “How do they feel about it?"
Isabel shrugs. "Well, they're still a little apprehensive but, they are willing to keep an open mind," she says. "I doubt it’ll be a problem. My mama is already fine with it since she’s been hearing vampire stories since childhood from my grandma, who’s kind of obsessed with everything supernatural. My dad will be the harder sell. But I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“Why is that?”
She gives him a reassuring smile. “Because I know him...and you. All you have to do is answer their questions and while it’s probably best if you don’t bring up your past in detail, I wouldn’t pretend like you don’t have one either. Just be yourself, like you were with me.”
“From what I recall, that did seem to work back then,” he chuckles as they enter the Italian place she selected. 
After being shown to their table, the two only have to wait for a few minutes until their company arrives. 
“There she is!” a soft voice with a distinctive southern twang exclaimed. 
Isabel looks up to see her parents walking towards them and immediately sets down the menu she’s holding. 
“Hi,” she says getting up hug both of them. 
“Hi Mija,” her father replies, a hint of unease on his aging features.
Meanwhile, Adrian stands a little ways back, watching the interaction take place. 
Seeing him, Isabel gestures for him to come forward. “Mama, Papa, this is Adrian.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” he tells them, shaking their hands. 
“Likewise. I’ve heard so much about you, on the internet, newspapers, Isabel,” her mother gushes as they all sit down at the table. “But, that clearly doesn’t give you justice.”
Isabel feels her cheeks becoming red as her father continues to scrutinize him. 
“Don’t worry, he always does that,” she whispers reassuringly. 
They continue to make small talk as they decide what to order. Everything seems to be going smoothly. But she still waits in anticipation for the inevitable questioning that is coming. 
“What will you be having?” their waiter asks after a little while. 
“I’ll have the cannelloni please,” her mother says before she smiles cheekily. “And be sure to leave off the garlic if you will.” Her eyes flick over to Adrian and she gives him a wink making him squirm. 
“Mama!” Isabel whispers in protest. 
“What? I’m simply being considerate.”
Rolling her eyes, she proceeds to give her order. “The Gnocci for me please.”
Soon the waiter leaves with their requests. 
Her father clears his throat. “So. I have a few questions to ask about...this vampire thing. I understand that some things must remain a secret but...I just want to make sure that my daughter is in good hands.”
“Of course,” Adrian says, his smile faltering for a second. Beneath the table, Isabel gives his hand a squeeze. “As do I. What do you want to know?”
The older man becomes thoughtful. Finally, after a minute he starts with, “How much of this is a part of her job? Is it dangerous?”
Isabel answers this one. “It’s...a significant part. And yes, I’ve been in some...precarious situations. But, I know what I signed up for Papa. This is what I want. I’m really getting to help people--mortal and vampire alike. And Adrian is here to protect me.”
“She has proved to be very capable of defending herself also,” he interjects. “She’s even saved my life.”
Her father’s eyes widen before a tentative grin appears. “I see those self-defense lessons have come in handy.”
“Yes, yes they have Papa,” she replies in amusement. 
“Well, as long as you’re keeping her safe,” her mother says. “I don’t see a reason to object.”
“Neither do I. But, I do have one more thing I’m curious about.”
Adrian nods. “Go ahead.”
Her father pauses before inquiring, “How long have you been so...friendly to humans? I’m assuming that you’ve done some things in the past that were less than...honorable.”
The CEO’s expression darkens into one Isabel is all too familiar with. “You’re right. We’ve instituted a restraint here in New York that is rather uncommon, it’s also relatively new. However, we now have rules against that which I stick to firmly. It’s been a while since I’ve killed anyone...almost a century now.”
“Why did it change? For you?”
“Well...I’ve always been sympathetic to you, even back then,” he replies, swallowing. “Deep down I knew it was wrong but, I didn’t think that there was another option, it’s what I was taught for years. Eventually, I decided I had enough. That I could use what I’ve been given to help people instead of hurt them. So, I helped create that other choice.”
Just like Isabel advised, the truth seems to remove the lasting doubt her father had. “I can respect that. As long as you’re sure about him Isabel. I don’t want you to go through what you did last time.”
At the mention of her previous relationship, she frowns briefly. “Yes, I’m sure. More than anything I’ve ever done. Now, can you please not mention Derek? You know I don’t like talking about him.”
Adrian’s eyes widen slightly at her sudden change in demeanor as her father nods silently, a secret communication between them. “Of course. Well, that’s all I need. You seem trustworthy.”
She’s kept him in the dark about her ex minus brief, minor details since the beginning. She fears that the lasting effects of the unhealthy relationship will affect what she has now. He’s the first person who she’s tried to date who she hasn’t felt guarded around and she wants to keep it that way.
Just as quickly as the tension appeared, her smile comes and it fades. The food comes after that, providing her much needed relief. “Thank you,” she says before swiftly changing the subject. “Why don’t you tell Adrian some stories about Ginny?”
Her mother’s eyes light up at the mention of hers. “Oh, that’s a great idea! My mama, Adrian, you’ll absolutely love her! She’s such an intellectual like you, especially when it comes to the dark and mysterious subjects.”
“I get a lot from her actually,” Isabel adds cheerfully. “The love of history, my perceptiveness. I could go on.”
“And your need for adventure Iz! Don’t forget about that.”
Adrian’s eyes sparkle at this. “Oh really? I definitely need to hear this then.”
They spend the rest of the time filling him in with numerous stories, any lingering discomfort between them quickly disappearing. And Isabel can’t help but smile, her mind already filling with quixotic wishful thinking. The seemingly impossible pipe dream of peace, even friendship between the two worlds she now belonged to. 
But, maybe, just maybe one day she’d be able to see it become a reality.
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flowerpowell · 6 years ago
A Piece of You (Ernest x MC)
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My first Ernest fic, actually a drabble, so please be gentle with me! English is not my first language that’s why I wasnt able to use an old-fashioned English that would fit better. The idea came to me after the last chapter and I couldnt get it out. I am really scared to post it haha Hope you’ll enjoy anyway. Since I dont have Ernest tag list, I’m using my perma.
All rights go to Pixelberry.
Word count: 615
Tagging: @sinclairesconfess @melodyofgraves @brightpinkpeppercorn @hopefulmoonobject @tmarie82 @queen-among-writers @tabithacarlisle @littlegreenmoo @katurrade @agent-bossypants @darley1101 @mysteli @mr-sinclaire @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @choicessa ♥
Lady Jane has never believed in luck. On the contrary, she thought that she was the one that brings misfortune.
Her beloved mother, the only relative she knew of, died and just when she found out she had a father and started loving him, hoping to finally have a family, he died too.
If this wasn’t enough, her own grandmother tricked her into the engagement with the most obnoxious man she knew, Duke Richards. The man who tried to assault her viture, the man so brutal and cruel the words couldn’t express.
Even so, lady Jane did not break down. Against all odds, she started believing that she might indeed be lucky as she had the greatest man always beside her.
Ernest Sinclaire was the most honorable man she ever knew and she couldn’t believe that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Nothing, not even the engagement with the Duke, mattered when she looked in Mr Sinclaire’s eyes and felt his lips brushing over hers. 
She was the happiest.
However, the day when her fiance discovered the affair that had been going on behind his back and her beloved Ernest challeged the old man to a duel, made her feel slightly uneasy.
She believed in Ernest, always, but the Duke acted too suspicious and Jane did not trust him.
The night she spent in Ernest’s arms for the first time was the most beautiful time of her life. All the words they said were still echoing in her head, her skin still warm from his touch.
And then the next few hours that changed everything. That made her be sure she was unlucky.
She would never forget Duke Richards’ smirk when he shot the man of her dreams, the love of her life, Ernest, winning the duel. Depriving him of shooting back with his broken pistol.
This broke her.
And even after her engagement was called off, with the Duke in jail for his actions, with her being able to live in both Edgewater and Ledfork Park (choosing the latter), with her friends always by her side, she felt she was missing something.
She was missing him.
It’s been almost two months since Ernest’s death when she finally feels...happier. Standing in front of his grave, visited every single day, she smiles and places her hand on the cold marble.
“Hello Ernest. It’s me, your Jane, again. I just wanted to thank you. You really did mean it when you said you were going to be with me no matter what. You did not break your word. You are still with me.”
Slowly, Jane places her hand on her stomach, still flat but not for too long. The tears she’s been holding for too long are finally rolling down her cheeks, mixture of sadness and happiness.
When she found out she was scared. Even with the Duke out of the picture she didn’t believe she could raise a child herself. But it was last night when Ernest came to her in her dreams, took her hand and told her “I’m here. I always will be.”
All her fears, doubts, anxiety disappeared. Ernest might be gone but there is something, someone, he left to remind her of the love they shared.
“Thank you for everything. I love you.”
Jane stands up, gently kissing the her fingers and pressing them to the marble and looks at the place her Ernest was lying.
“I am not scared of anything now. I do not believe I am unlucky, you have changed that. I’m not going to be sad or miserable because I know you’re here. Because now, I have a piece of you, and I’ll never be alone.”
234 notes · View notes
playchoicesficidea · 6 years ago
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Sent by Anonymous
“I’ve seen a lot of Driam fics out there and they are all really good. But is there any chance anyone would want to write a fic where Drake is a transgender? Like Constantine discovered Driams relationship and forbade it, sending Drake back to the states banning him from going back to Cordonia while brainwashing Liam at the same time. Many years later, Liam walks into a bar and meets a beautiful waitress but instead of Riley it’s Drake. (This might sound OOC but it was worth a shot to put the idea out there.)”
Tagging Driam writers out there! Feel free to tag others that you know of that would love this project.
@debramcg1106 @bobasheebaby @ao719 @dcbbw @jovialyouthmusic @tabithacarlisle
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tabithacarlisle · 6 years ago
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*Catch up on OFF THE RECORD’s previous chapters parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 here at the OTR Masterlist
OTR Part 5 Notes & Disclaimers: Pixelberry Studios owns these characters, not me! I just have fun playing with them :)
Pairings: Maxwell x MC (Tabitha Carlisle), Liam x MC, Drake x Liam - Rates T for teen - extramarital affairs discussed. Some swearing.
Word Count: 3312
*Author’s Note: any time you see text underlined, it’s a link to screenshots from Pixelberry’s Choices TRR scenes, or other chapters referenced from *OTR- click them!! :)
by Jo ( @tabithacarlisle ;)
“Oh... great! I love camping... but, what about Drake and Tabitha? Ooh! I know! Maybe we could call up Hana too and ask her to come with us and do, like, a reunion camping trip? Get the ‘Fab Five” back together again for another night of shenanigans? That was so much fun—“
“Perhaps, another time, Maxwell. This time, it’s really imperative that it’d be just the two of us.” Liam walked closer to Maxwell to enable him to speak in a more hushed tone that only Maxwell could hear “We have much of importance to discuss, you and I, that cannot be put off a moment longer. Away from prying eyes.”
And no witnesses... Maxwell shuddered thinking to himself. He took a moment to compose his thoughts to try and find a way out of having to go tonight.
“Oh, damn. Y’know, I just remembered? I didn’t bring my hiking shoes with me. That hike to the campsite is pretty brutal, I don’t think these ‘kicks can cut it.” He held up the bottom of his shoe for Liam to see and steadied himself as he balanced on the other foot.
Tabitha walked by them just then, “Hiking shoes? Liam has plenty of shoes that would fit you, Max. You’re both a size 44, I’m sure he has extra pair of boots that would work out well for you.”
Damn it, Tabz he muttered under his breath.
“I’d be happy to lend you anything you need to make the trip, Maxwell. First, I need to wrap up a few ‘loose ends’ before we depart. Then I’ll see you back down here shortly afterwards, and then we can get going.” Liam smiled and squeezed Tabitha’s hand, waving to them both before he set off in the direction of his offices.
Once he rounded the corner of the hallway, Maxwell let his smile fade as he grabbed onto Tabitha’s arm to pull her into an empty room and closed the door behind them with his back pressed up against it.
“What’s happening now, Maxwell?”
“Oh, nothing?” He whispered loudly back with a scowl “Just that your husband is taking me out alone in the wilderness so he can murder me and get rid of the body without any witness? No big deal! It’s been nice knowing you, Tabz...”
“Wait? Drake isn’t coming with you? That is odd.”
“I know right? Please, don’t let us go alone? There’s got to be some way you can convince him to let you come with us?”
“There’s no way Liam and Mara would let me make that hike in my condition. They’re much too protective of me.” Her hand rested a top of her small ‘baby-bump’ to emphasize her point. “And Liam invited Bertrand and Savannah to stay at the palace tonight for Savannah and I to spend time together. But, you know Liam would never hurt you Max. I know him well enough to know that he cares too much for his oldest friends to let any harm come to you.”
Maxwell whelped, “Oh, sure, ‘no harm,’ not so obviously, anyway. But a quick “accidental” shove off the cliff into the ocean below and he’ll have a convenient excuse to explain away my untimely demise! This is not going to turn out good, Tabitha! Didn’t you see how he snapped at Madeleine’s earlier? And the dirty look he gave me when your nurse said— He’s been holding it all in and he’s just been waiting for just the right time to unleash his real anger on me!”
Tabitha steadied Maxwell’s arms at his side “Maxwell! Breathe.” She reached up to smooth his hair and cup his jaw, looking intensely into his eyes before she spoke again. “I’m sure Liam just wants to talk over... things ... with you, but let me go talk to him first so I can make sure you have nothing to worry about? All right?”
She could feel him begin to tremble underneath her hands. “But what if it’s not that he wants to hurt me physically?” Maxwell’s voice cracked in a soft whisper “What if he’s taking me there to demand that I leave and never see you again?” His eyes welled up with tears as he spoke.
“No, no. No, he wouldn’t do that. I told you I wouldn’t let him. He can’t. Maxwell, I’ll go talk to him now. Go pack your things, it’s all going to be...” she took a deep breath before speaking again, “We, are going to be fine. You and I, we’re a team. Remember? You said that yourself. No one can keep me from my best friend. Liam has to see that we’re as inseparable as he is with Drake.
“Being kept from you forever would be as close to death as I anything I could imagine, Tabitha.”
She shook her head emphatically. “Not going to happen. I’ve got you, Max” she leaned into him on her tip toes and kissed him desperately to comfort his fears. He let out a quiet sob before kissing her back, clinging to her back. They held each other in a silent embrace like this before she let him go.
“I can talk to him. It’s going to be ok. All right?”
“I love you, Maxwell. Breathe. Have faith that we’re going to get through this.”
“I love you, too.”
Tabitha left the room in the direction of Liam’s office.
She found Liam standing behind his large desk in the study, paging through a stack of briefing notebooks when she came to the door. He put them down and smiled at her when he noticed her entry.
“Tabitha, my love. Have you been enjoying spending time with Savannah and Bartie? I’ve been wanting them to come for a visit so that you could talk to someone who’s been through becoming a parent recently and get her perspective.”
“It’s been great to see Savannah and Bertrand again. And Bartie is growing so fast. But I wanted to talk to you first before you leave for camping with Maxwell.”
“Yes I wanted to speak with you before we leave tonight as well. Close the door, would you?”
Liam came round to the front of his desk and leaned against it. He beckoned her to come closer, and wrapped his arms around her. Liam’s hands rubbed her stomach softly and he breathed her in with his eyes closed, savoring her presence so close to him before he gazed intensely into her eyes and spoke again.
“Tabitha, my queen. I... feel as if I already know the answer to this question, as your heart and mine are inextricably linked forever. But, I need to hear it from you directly. Do you love Maxwell? Truly?”
“Yes, He’s become family to me Liam. I don’t know what I’d do without Maxwell being in my life. In our lives. With all my heart, I love him as I love you; as you love both me and Drake.”
He studied her eyes and measured her words in silence before speaking again “I feel as if I’ve known this, for awhile now, but it’s good to hear you say it. There’s been, mistakes, I’ve made, we’ve all made...” he reached “I understand that, our story is unique. And I hope you know I love you more than even my words can ever adequately express, Tabitha. When I said I’d give you the world, I meant it. You have given me, so more than I ever could have expected or hoped from a wife, from a life partner, your understanding and love, and compassion for me, and my friends, knows no bounds. We’ve been though so much together. I want to make this work, I need to make this work,” he paused to rub her belly again “for all of us. There’s only one path that makes sense, and I’m willing to take it for us.”
Tabitha searched his eyes. She knew Liam so well she could feel the deeper meaning behind his words even without him having to clarify his intentions. Still his statement shocked her,
“Do, you mean—?”
“Yes. I, want to discuss these matters with Maxwell first, one-on-one, but we all should talk about the details soon. I’m asking you to trust me.” He took her hand from his shoulders and kissed her knuckles. “If I talk to him about it first, hopefully he’ll understand that this isn’t something that I’m entering into unwillingly, only at your insistence. Will you let me do this for us?”
Tabitha began to weep “Oh, Liam! you always know the right thing to say, and exactly what I need before I even know it myself. This is all I ever could dream or hope for.” She kissed him passionately unable to believe her luck in feeling once again at home and safe in his arms at a meeting of the minds they had been lacking since she had told him about the pills weeks before. He broke the kiss to rest his forehead on hers. “We’re all going to be Ok. We have to be.”
There was a knock at the door. Bastien announced Drake and Maxwell to see them,
Liam called over Tabitha’s shoulder “Send them in, Bastien.”
The two men peeked inside assessing the room before entering
“Drake, I’m going to need you to take care of my darling wife while Maxwell and I are gone.”
Drake scoffed. “You don’t have to ask, Liam. You know I’ve got Carlisle. We’ll be fine here. The real question is if you can handle Maxwell?”
Maxwell’s brow furrowed “What’s that supposed to mean?” he looked suspiciously at Liam and then Tabitha. When he searched her expression for any warnings he found none. Only a tear stained face smiling back at him with undeniable happiness. Her demeanor couldn’t help but begin to set him at ease.
Liam got up to give Drake a quick hug and whispering something to him before letting go. Drake nodded in agreement with his hands in his back pockets.
“I just have to change into my gear and I’ll be ready when you are, Maxwell.”
I don’t think I’ll ever be ready...
“Not much further now.”
“Hey, Liam? You... wouldn’t happen to have anything stronger than water in that backpack of yours, would you?”
“I have a steel growler full of beer for when we get to the campsite. Stick with water for now, Maxwell. Wouldn’t want you to get dehydrated before we make it there.”
Maxwell gulped. Oh, that’s a relief. He wants to make sure I’m healthy and hydrated, before he slits my throat...
“Beer... sounds good! Heh. I was beginning to think that Drake had converted you all into strict Whiskey drinkers. I can’t stand that stuff.”
“You’re funny, Maxwell. Come then, we’ve only got about two and a half more kilometers on this trail before we get there, but I’d like to make it before nightfall.”
About an hour or so later when the campsite had been set up, sandwiches had been eaten and the campfire had been lit, Liam and Maxwell sat fireside, with Maxwell waiting anxiously as Liam poured them both drinks into steel tankards from his growler.
“Lythikos’ finest ale. ‘Thanks to Olivia.’ Salut.”
“Care for a cigar? They were a gift from the Cuban ambassador.”
“Oh, no thanks. Cigars aren’t really my thing? If I were going to smoke anything right now it’d be a joint. Heh. I don’t suppose you packed any of those.”
Liam struck a match and lit his own cigar, taking a drag before he extinguished the match between his fingers. “No... But I‘ll make a note to the palace staff to supply us with some Cannabis for next time.”
Maxwell swallowed hard and coughed, almost choking on his beer as it went down. “‘Next time’?”
“Well, certainly. You and I are going to have to spend a lot more time and get to know each other even better now. For the baby’s sake.”
“Yeah, um... about that... I—”
“Yes. ‘About that?!’ Would you care to explain your thinking to me, Maxwell? What could have ever possessed you to have sex with my fiancée, the future Queen, no less, mere days before her wedding night, without any bloody protection?!”
Maxwell’s last nerve had boiled over. He surprised both Liam and himself with the bravery he was able to muster in response to make his defense.
“Wait... hold up here, your majesty, but you’ve got to understand something! Ever since we brought Tabitha here to compete for your hand in the Social Season, Bertrand put me, directly in charge of procuring her birth control prescription every month. So if I couldn’t get one of the staff to do it, I’d go to the local pharmacies, wherever we were, to pick them up and hand deliver them to her, myself! We’d been doing that for months, the whole time! Through the Engagement and Unity Tours, that was my job on the 15th of every month. I never missed it! How the fuck was I supposed to know that she’d decide to go ‘cold turkey’ right before your wedding?! If she had just told me—”
“I thought she told you EVERYTHING!”
“Well it looks like that one must have SLIPPED HER MIND!”
You could hear the sound of the fire crackling and the waves crashing against the cliff. They were both staring each other down. Maxwell was sweating even in the cool night air. His chest heaved as he tried to interpret Liam’s unreadable expression.
“I see...”
“What do we do now?”
“Maxwell, when I told Tabitha that first night in Valtoria about my desire to start our family together as soon as possible... I want you to understand where I was coming from. My father was murdered, not a month before. I’ve now lost both of my parents to assassinations at the hands of political dissidents. Anton and the Sons of Earth weren’t the only ones out there who thought my rule illegitimate. There have been several others. The people of Cordonia have been on edge this last year after Leo’s abdication and my rise to the throne, and marriage to a commoner, and an American at that. It wasn’t a wholly selfish desire to want to have children with her so soon. An heir to the throne would give all of us the piece of mind and added security we need to put our people’s minds at ease. It would help them accept Tabitha as their Queen. The majority of the public love Tabitha.—“
“Who wouldn’t?”
“My opinion, precisely. But in hindsight, I suppose I shouldn’t have put so much pressure on Tabitha to think about needing to get pregnant even before our wedding. There was so much else going on with the stresses of planning the ceremony, gaining support of all of the Noble Houses, and tracking down Anton, and... that was, unfair to her. I’ll admit that. And I was rash to get so upset with her when she told me about how she stopped the birth control before her time with you in Vegas.
“...it’s understandable...”
“What’s done is done now. I can’t help but feel partly responsible for this conundrum. So, I’m prepared to offer a solution that should be beneficial for us all.”
“...What are you saying?”
“Maxwell, Tabitha and I would like for you to ask for Bertrand and Savannah to have personal effects sent from the estate at Ramsford to The Palace.”
“...You mean, just until there can be a paternity test?”
“No, there’s not going to be any paternity tests. Not for a long, long while, at least.”
“Wait, what? Why?”
“This is the type of scandal that would rock all of the Cordonian tabloids and history books for ages, Maxwell. The monarchy right now is much too fragile and there’s too much at stake, for all of us, to trust this information to any doctors or nurses or lab technicians. We can’t risk anyone leaking to the press that the Royal Baby’s paternity is in doubt. It would give the dissidents even more fuel for their cause, and I’m not about to let my pride fan the flames of rebellion.”
“So what does that mean?”
“Maxwell, it means that you are coming to live with us. You will be instated as a member of the King’s Guard, just like Drake. Regardless of whom this child shares his or her DNA with, I intend on raising him or her as my own, together with Queen Tabitha. The Prince or Princess will inherit the throne, no matter what laboratory testing will be able to tell us down the line. You in particular, will play a key role in the raising of this child. You, and Drake, will both become Godfathers and you, Maxwell, will officially be named ‘Lord Protector’ of Cordonia. Should anything happen to the Queen or myself while this child is still a minor, you shall rule as Regent until they reach the age of eighteen.”
“Um... wow. I’m... I—That’s a— that’s a lot to take in. I’m not sure what to say?”
“I’m not quite finished yet, Maxwell. In your role of Kings Guard, you shall bear the special distinction of Royal Advisor and companion to The Queen, traveling in her Royal Retinue at the highest position, much as Drake accompanies me on my official engagements. I know Tabitha has a big heart. It’s one of the many reasons that made me fall in love with her so hard and so fast. I’d like to think I know her better than most anyone, besides you, and Drake, of course. I can see how deeply she loves you. Your loyalty to her and Cordonia has never been in question.”
“Except for—“
“No, we’ve all made errors in judgment. Your devotion to Tabitha however, is of no doubt. And, it makes me happy, when she’s happy.”
“Liam, I am... beyond shocked. I don’t know what to say? I told Tabitha I was sure you brought me out here so that you kill me without any witnesses.”
Liam smirked, “Are you mad? Don’t tell me you really believed that?”
“Well, maybe only half believed? Heh. I’m... I’m really speechless though, Liam, I don’t know how you could be so forgiving, I—“
“Just say you’ll be there for us, for Tabitha and this child, with everything you have.”
Through rolling tears of genuine emotion and his voice cracking, “Yes. With everything in me. I will.”
“Thank you, my friend.” Liam pulled him into a bro-handshake and slapping hug. “It’s settled then.”
“You know, I think I could go for that cigar after all.”
“Absolutely. Tonight, we celebrate. Cheers.”
Later, Maxwell zippered up his personal tent and settled into his sleeping bag with more peace of mind that night than he had had since arriving at the Palace earlier that week. He believed, or hoped rather, that he had made the best decision, but was much too exhausted to let it worry him any more.
Click Here to Read on >>>> OTR Part 6 :)
🏷 OTR Tag list:
@bobasheebaby @indiacater @brightpinkpeppercorn @ritachacha @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @kate-mckenzie @queen-among-writers @itsbrindleybinch @ao719 @cosigottahavefaith
@alj4890 @jovialyouthmusic @be-still-my-aching-heart @basiclatinagirl @emichelle @sapphovonchat @average-sunflower @museofbooks @furiousherringoperatortoad @kennaloverofdragons @choiceslife@fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @thegingerwithcurlyfries @dianalend @broxanneq @rhymesmenagerie @fumikechu
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tmarie82 · 6 years ago
A Better Offer
Pairing: Dr. Bryce Lahela x MC (Dr. Blake Reyes)
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: ~1,000
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Note: A little drabble idea that popped into my head for Blake and Bryce. I hope this makes you smile today!
Please let me know if you would like to be added to my tag list. You can find all of my fics in my Masterlist on my homepage.
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The sounds of laughter, conversation and John Mellencamp surrounded the patrons of Donahue’s, the blended melody of bar noises accented occasionally by the sharp ping of a dart making contact with the board. The surgical interns’ favorite watering hole was remarkably uncrowded on this particular Wednesday evening, most likely a result of the chilly drizzle that had plagued the Windy City all week. However a little rain would never deter this rowdy crew from their post-shift drinks, games and general debauchery.
Bryce stilled as he poised for his throw, narrowing his eyes at the target before- thwack!- releasing the dart. “Damnit!” He grunted, the needle landing just outside of the double ring.
“Nice try, Lahela.” Brett Williams, one of his usual intern companions, gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder as he took his position in front of the dart board. “But let me show you how it’s done.”
Bryce gave him a smug smirk as he moved out of the way, followed by his typical ration of competitive trash talk. “I know better than to take lessons from you, Williams. But I’m always ready for a laugh.”
The men were huddled around their high table near the games in the well-established bar, drinking beer and bullshitting as they did most every night after work. And as always, the third companion had another tall tale about another gorgeous woman that had fallen head over heels for him. “So, like I was saying, this girl is gorgeous. Tall, blonde, looks like a Victoria’s Secret angel straight out of the catalog.” Ian Emmendorfer proceeded to detail his latest female obsession, ironically very similar in description to the last one he’d mentioned.
“Are you sure you aren’t thinking about your wet dream last night, Emmendorfer?” Brett chuckled, his face set in a cocky grin as he focused on the dart board and- thwack!- hit about six inches outside of the rings. “Ah shit!” He growled.
Bryce released a hearty laugh, reaching his hand out to steady himself against Brett’s shoulder. “Aw, thank you man. I told you I needed a good laugh!”
“Shut up, you asshole!” Brett gave him a good-natured shove, his face curved into wide grin.
Bryce smirked at his friend as he stepped up to the dart board to retrieve the ammunition for the next round. He heard the other two men continue to rag on each other in the background while he worked, specifically Brett probing Ian for more details on his supposed new lady friend. Buzz buzz. Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, he paused his dart retrieval mission to fish it out and read his new message. He couldn’t suppress the giddy smile that curled at his lips when he saw who it was from.
The brilliant, beautiful and funny Dr. Blake Reyes.
Ugh, finally done with my 16 hour shift. I’m beat. How’s my favorite scalpel jockey?
Bryce grasped the last dart in his hand before walking back to the table, setting them down and grabbing his beer bottle. He held the beer bottle near his face and put on his best cheesy grin before snapping a selfie and pressing send. Better than you, I’d suspect.
“Hey Lahela, Emmendorfer here was just saying that his new girl Veronica invited us to that new club Pulse. And she’s bringing friends.” Brett accentuated the last word with a mischievous wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Yeah man, and if they’re half as hot as Veronica then you will not be disappointed!” Ian supplemented Brett’s statement enthusiastically just as Bryce’s phone buzzed again in his hands.
Another text from Blake … You are evil, Lahela. I don’t know why I put up with you.
Bryce chuckled to himself, wearing his signature cocky grin as he clicked out his sarcastic response. I can think of a couple of reasons that your neighbors heard you screaming about the other night. 😉
Bryce waited patiently as the three dots appeared in the text screen. And you just proved my point. 😊 Dots. I’m on my way home now. You want to hang out tonight?
His fingers slid across the screen swiftly. I could possibly be persuaded … what were you thinking?
“Lahela! Bryce, man, you in?” Ian’s call startled Bryce back to the present, lifting his head to find his two friends staring expectantly at him. “You in for Pulse tonight?”
“This place is slow as hell tonight anyway, and you know I’m always up for some female companionship.” Brett added to the argument.
Bryce felt a vibration in his hand and glanced down at his screen again to find a new message from Blake. I’m thinking pizza, pajamas, and Netflix on the couch. Lame, I know. You interested?
“Come on Lahela, it’ll be fun! I swear these girls are so hot!” Ian continued to chide him.
Bryce stilled in place, running over the scenarios in his mind. Pulse was known for strong drinks and sweaty, scantily clad women gyrating on the dancefloor … two things he would normally never pass up. Then again … he imagined Blake wearing her baggy t-shirt and leggings on the couch, snuggling against him while they watched season one of the Widow. Yeah … no brainer.
“Sorry guys …” Bryce reached down to grab his beer, downing the rest of the contents in one long swig. “I’ve got a better offer.” He shrugged on his jacket and turned to saunter towards the exit, typing out a response to Blake as he walked. See you in twenty.
Behind him he could hear the grumbling reactions of his two companions. “Hey! Does this have something to do with that hot doctor from the diagnostics team you keep sneaking into the supply closet with?” Brett called after him.
“Night guys!” Bryce shouted over his shoulder without a second glance. “See you tomorrow!”
Perma-Tag: @abbiebishops @akrenich @alesana45 @asprankle @bella-ca @blackcatkita @blackwidow2721 @boneandfur @catlady0911 @choicesarehard @choiceslife @choicessa @choiceswreckedme @client-327 @cocomaxley @crookedslimecreatorpasta @darley1101 @debramcg1106 @domainoflostsouls @drakelover78 @drakewalker04 @eileendannie @enmchoices @flowerpowell @gardeningourmet @harlequinash @harrington-sinclaire @hopefulmoonobject @indescribablechoices @indiacater @innerpostmentality @jadedpixiescribbles @lizeboredom @lolablackwrites @marikagia @mfackenthal @mrsnazariowrites @ritachacha @romancehereicome @sawyeroakleyscowboyhat @simplyaiden-blog @snyggflicka @stopforamoment @sweetfluffyunicorn18 @tabithacarlisle @the-everlasting-dream @thequeenofcronuts @walkerismychoice @wickedgypsymoon @writtenbycandy
OH (Bryce) Tags: @aworldoffandoms @divergentofhogwarts @keira1416 @mariamulroney @simsvetements
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scgdoeswhat · 5 years ago
Melting Point – Beckett x Clarette
Summary: Beckett shows Clarette how wonderful science and magick can be.
Rating: NSFW
Words: 3500
Author’s Notes: 
This takes place post-Book 2, most likely during their third year at Penderghast. I started this as a drabble that was inspired by WN popping up in my ask box almost two months ago! It grew into a fic with smutty, smutty horns so thank you WN, whoever you are! Thanks to everyone’s patience while I’ve been jumping between projects!
Hope you all enjoy! Beckett doesn’t belong to me (unfortunately), but the story does. No Beta used.
Sorry if the “Read More” link isn’t working. It’s Tumblr’s fault, not mine!
Tag list: @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @grungeisntmything @friendlylilshipper @felmasri @numberonepoetryexpert @hellomynameisdevi @beckettbaguette @siegrrun @choicesthatplayyou @retroangxl @askdana @50shadesofgrayx @darley1101 @kamybelen-blog @herdecisions @artchoicesreblog @teenytinymagician @choicesfannatalie @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @abigailpoe @flyawayboo @brightpinkpeppercorn @gardeningourmet @harringtons-honey @manateemilk @queenodysseia @thatcatlady0716 @divergentofhogwarts @pottershat @topsyturvy-dream @choicesyouplayandmore @zeniamiii @never-neverland @drakewalkerfantasy @syltti78 @elementalistshoe @maxwellsquidsuit @sleepingpillcorporation @tabithacarlisle @ludextruction @pbmychoices @wickedgypsymoon @mistychoices @izzycheeese @lady-kato @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @flynnomalleys @walkerismychoice @a-whore-of-rome @drakesensworld @laceandlula @rhymesmenagerie @shainaa00 @princessstellaris @itsbrindleybinch @donutsgirl36 @liamzigmichael4ever @mckenzie-powell @sunflowergirl05​ @justendlesssummerfeels @friedherringclodthing @choicesarehard​ @desiree-0816​ @elanorwaverley @aworldoffandoms @mrsbriarmarlcaster @star-adorned​ @wiselight
Please let me know if you want to be tagged/removed on future fics and I’ll tag anyone I may have missed in the comments. Thank you!
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  “Beckett…” Clarette moaned, her body slumping over to her right with the goal of impeding her boyfriend’s studies. She rested her chin on his shoulder while summoning the cute pout that she knew he could never resist.
“Yes, my love?” Beckett’s posture loosened as he leaned back against the couch, stretching his arm out to let her snuggle closer.
“We’ve been studying the effects and interactions between Air and Water magick and chemical reactions all day. We should totally take a break and do something else instead!”
“Clarette, you know I find this extremely titillating,” he paused, an unmistakable glint in his eye. “But I do believe I may have an idea of what may constitute as fun for both of us."
Clarette perked up at the sound of the word 'fun.' "You do?"
"Indeed. And the best part is that you don't have to do anything while I conduct this research." Beckett watched his girlfriend hunch over in defeat against the sofa.
"I thought you said this would be fun for both of us!"
"It will be. Do you trust me?"
"You know I do," she replied, shooting him a questioning glance.
"Then sit back, relax, and close your eyes. There's something I've been wanting to test out for a while that relates to how much energy is needed in this spell to achieve certain freezing and melting points." His eyes twinkled with excitement.
"You're such a nerd." She laughed softly, her eyelids closing. "But you're my cute, hot nerd." She listened to Beckett chuckling as he got up from the couch, followed by the sound of him walking away towards the kitchen, then to the faucet running... to fill a glass of water? "Are you seriously drinking water right now?" She heard him return to place the glass on the coffee table, but he didn't sit back next to her.
"Patience, Clarette. Patience."
Her eyes shot open when she recognized his voice was coming from a lower angle and she was greeted by the sight of him kneeling in front of her. A bolt of desire coursed through her and pooled in her belly after locking eyes with him, his pupils blown wide with the promise of the fun he had in store for her. Her knees fell slightly open, giving him a peek at her black, lace panties underneath her black miniskirt.
Beckett’s gaze flickered down between her legs and he licked his lips unconsciously while rubbing his hands together in a slow, methodical manner. This was going to take all his willpower to not immediately bury himself between her legs.
Taking a deep breath, he focused on his task as he held out one hand just millimeters from her calf while slowly moving upwards, making sure there was no contact with her skin. Glancing up, he gauged her reactions at the magick he was testing out, the combined Air and Water elements thrumming from his hand as he pulled water molecules from the air to manipulate at his discretion. The water he had drawn out quickly evaporated in puffs of steam against her skin and he smiled at his success of correctly estimating the perfect level of energy needed to make sure the steam did not burn.
Clarette bit her lip at the warm, tingling sensation that spread through her lower extremities, not sure whether it was her internal temperature rising or the external factor of the spell. It was a pleasant heat and the effect of Beckett's magick twining with her own made her lightheaded, the feeling almost giving her a high.
"Is this all part of your research?" She asked, her voice barely audible.
"It is. I take my research very seriously, as you know by now."  He then summoned enough water to make a small ice cube, tracing it up her inner thigh, observing her reactions keenly.
She gasped, her hand grabbing at her blouse. The ice cube melted quickly, resulting in a tiny amount of steam being released into the air.
"Fascinating," Beckett whispered, placing a gentle kiss where the water had evaporated. He ran his tongue up her thigh, his other hand ghosting over the area. This time, instead of heat, coolness settled over the surface where he had been, making her jump at the contrasting sensations. Placing his mouth once more on her inner leg, he sucked at the skin until any trace of frost was gone.
She squirmed under his touch, wanting him to continue. "I don't really know what you're doing, but please don't stop."
"I wasn't planning to." A low laugh rumbled from him as he stood up, leaning over to give her a long, leisurely kiss. Running a hand down her body, he unbuttoned her blouse and made quick work of her bra, carelessly tossing the garment somewhere behind him. He caressed the newly exposed skin and lightly palmed her breasts, goosebumps raising over her as he rolled her nipples under his thumb, the buds stiffening at his touch. He continued all the way down until his fingers found their way up her skirt and between her legs, the enticing, smooth flesh beckoning him further up until he arrived at his destination. He could feel his cock jump in excitement as he traced her through her underwear, the flimsy piece of lace already soaked from her arousal. She arched into his touch, wanting more than the lackadaisical stroking he was currently teasing her with.
"How are you so wet already?" He murmured against her lips.
"You should know, you're the one who does this to me," she replied, pressing her mouth to his as she gently sucked on his lower lip. Her own hands were busy with the unbuttoning of his shirt before she pressed a palm to his bare chest, wanting to feel the heat of his skin but was stopped short by his actions. She moaned as he pushed her underwear to the side, rubbing her pussy before he slipped his thick, middle finger into her dampened folds. Her head lolled back in gratification as his hand glided along her slit, her eyelids fluttering shut with the slow, intimate contact. An unsatisfactory groan left her when he removed his hand, her eyes hazy when she opened them once more.
He knelt back down, this time removing her skirt and slowly sliding her panties down the length of her legs, discarding them to the side. Placing one hand on her knee, he pushed her leg wide, giving him full access to all of her. The smell of her arousal was intoxicating.  
Looking down at him, she waited with bated breath for his next move. Her dark chocolate orbs locked with his molten grey eyes as he slowed his movements, dipping his head to her center with measured intent, his gaze focused on her face the entire time. He licked her with slow conviction, his broad tongue tasting her fully from back to front. Her hips bucked at the contact, her hands flying down to grip his hair.
"Oh God, Beckett..." she trailed off, her toes curling in anticipation of what was to come.
He kissed her center with a languid intention, lathering attention upon her as his tongue traced her outside lips before dipping into her sweet pot. Moving in an unhurried manner, he continued to make love to her with his mouth, his thumb circling around her pearl in a teasing fashion.
Clarette rolled her hips in rhythm against his face, her body writhing at his torture of not touching her most sensitive spot. She groaned in frustration as he once again distanced himself from her. Taking a deep breath, her eyebrows furrowed at him. "You're driving me absolutely crazy," she huffed out with great difficulty while her pulse throbbed in her ear.
"Now you know how you make me feel all the time," he retorted, a lazy grin crossing his face. "But I promise you, this will all be worth it." He took the glass of water and held a hand over it, forming a piece of ice in the shape of a pebble. “Let's see,” he mused, “I wonder what happens if I do this?” Taking the ice in his hand, he slid the smooth side on her flat stomach, making her muscles contract under the freezing cold. He trained his eyes on her, noting her reactions from the extreme temperature.
Clarette's mouth fell open as she watched him trail the pebble upward, over her midsection and through the valley of her breasts. She arched at the contact, her sharp intake of breath encouraging him to continue. He moved the ice over one breast, swirling it around her nipple before touching the quickly melting mass to her dusky tip. Conjuring another piece of ice, this time he started at her collarbone and guided it towards her other breast, his darkened eyes captivated on watching the small streaks of water stream down the curves of her body.
“Beckett, I need you to touch me,” Clarette begged. She gripped his free hand, steering it to her bosom, wanting him to touch her everywhere the ice had melted.
He swallowed, torn between giving into her and wanting to raise the bar for her pleasure. He allowed her to guide his hand to her chest and gently squeezed the soft masses, turning her on even more. She writhed under his touch, the heady scent of her sex making it almost impossible for him to concentrate.
“I’m not done with my research quite yet, my love,” he whispered, leaning up higher on his knees before placing a gentle kiss on her lower abdomen.
“Wait, you were being serious about doing research?” She swallowed, closing her eyes tightly before opening them to force herself to focus on him. He smirked in response, instead hovering his hand over her midsection, where traces of water were still present.  
A slight breeze passed between her skin and Beckett’s hand, frost developing where the water used to be. She took in a sharp breath, her whole body tensing with the chill of his magick before she released a low moan as his tongue quickly dispelled any frost that he had conjured. He made his way upwards once more, but instead of a piece of ice, he controlled the frigid air against her heated skin, licking away the brief freeze he made. His hand hovered over her breast as he focused on finding the perfect temperature, her body arching at the differing sensations, the seductive angle inviting his mouth to her.
Beckett could feel himself faltering, the strain in his trousers telling him to forget about his impromptu experiment. Taking a steadying breath, he concentrated once more on bringing the temperature down in the space between his palm and her soft flesh, solid ice forming on the small patch of her skin.
She hissed at the shocking feeling, the ice rapidly melting and turning into steam.
“Clarette!” He immediately stopped, his brow scrunching in despair. “I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”
Locking eyes with him, she cupped his jaw, bringing him close for a lingering kiss. “I’m okay, I promise.” She bit her lip; her pupils were completely dilated from the mixture of pleasure and pain she had just experienced. “It hurt; but in a good way, if you know what I mean.”
Desire and another unidentifiable emotion flashed in Beckett’s eyes at her words and he captured her lips with hunger, her admission breaking his control. His hands wandered down her body, touching her everywhere he could. He squeezed her breasts hard, causing her to groan into his mouth before he trailed kisses down the hollow of her neck, nipping at sensitive skin.
Her fingers skimmed down his broad frame before finally arriving at the front of his pants. She gripped his bulge through his clothes, rubbing his hardness up and down with a tantalizing technique. This time it was Beckett who groaned, his face buried in the crook of her neck as she continued touching him while he rocked his hips against her hand. He knew if this persisted any longer, he was going to come quickly in his pants. Standing hastily, he kicked off the rest of his clothes, leaving him as naked as Clarette was.
Without skipping a beat, his body was again covering hers, this time with nothing in between them. He praised her with his mouth, his kisses leading a path down her petite figure. Light pecks peppered her abdomen as he made his way toward her treasure, kneeling in between her open legs. He massaged her inner thighs with a firm touch, his name a sigh leaving her as his thumbs grazed her wetness.
“You know, Clarette, you’re very distracting while I’m trying to carry out my experiment,” he scolded her in a lighthearted manner.
“Beckett, I swear, if you’re teasing me again - “ she was silenced with his mouth on her core, his fingers opening her up for his exploration as his tongue delved into her center. She bucked against his face, working with his tempo for her pleasure. Kissing her lower lips, he then moved to her clit, the tip of his tongue teasing her with the lightest of touches. He finally descended upon her swollen nub, licking her at a leisurely pace.
“God, Beckett, you feel so good…” she sighed with content, running her fingers through his hair.
He pulled away after a few more languid licks, his fingers replacing where his mouth had just been. “Clarette, my love, you taste even better.”
Biting her lip, she savored the feel of his fingers gliding against the length of her sopping pussy as she watched him work his magick on her. She was hypnotized with fascination and anticipation as he formed a small ice cube, her body tensing when he pressed the frozen object to her hot center.
With a slow, deliberate motion, he ran the cube over her slit, entranced by her reaction to the cold. Dizziness engulfed her and her vision went blurry with his pleasurable torment, her internal temperature rising and a stark contrast to the cold against her. Again and again, he brought the ice to her skin, watching it melt instantaneously. He placed the remaining small piece of ice in his mouth and wrapped his lips around her clit, the action making Clarette jolt up, her mouth agape as her body shuddered in delight.
The warmth of his mouth relaxed her and she laid back, panting with the heightened sensations the extreme conditions were bringing her. Her body glistened with sweat, his torturous teasing raising her body temperature. She tweaked her nipples, the duality of pleasure and pain shooting straight to her core.
Beckett rubbed his thick fingers across her slit, spreading her juices everywhere. Lowering his head once more, he knew she was close as he started a steady tempo with his tongue, her bundle of nerves engorged from his expertise. He wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock, stroking himself as he feasted on her. The only thing he wanted more than to slip into her was to make her come all over his face. The wanton sounds of her moans filled the air, spurring him on even further. He felt her body clench and he hummed in appreciation, releasing his dick and spreading her lips apart for his own enjoyment.
Sliding his middle finger into her, he elicited the sexiest sound from her perfect, pouty lips as he slowly worked her wet heat without haste. He drew small circles on her swollen button with his thumb, causing her head to fall back in ecstasy as her hips raised to meet his touch. Adding his ring finger, he stretched her out and slowly pumped her while she grinded into his rhythm. He continued to fuck her with his fingers, gradually picking up the pace and curling them inside her when he saw the telltale signs of her orgasm approaching. He kissed her clit before lavishing his complete attention on it with his tongue, licking her senseless.
“Fuck, Beckett, faster!” Clarette got out in between labored breaths, the feeling of him on her and in her producing stars in her eyes. Beckett sped his motions up and he could feel her start to contract around his fingers, her walls pulsing as he took her clit in between his lips, the added pressure making her fall apart.
“Beckett, oh God, yes! Don’t stop!” She yelled out, her hand entwining itself in his thick head of hair, holding him in place as she shuddered against him. Her skin glowed as her orgasm overtook her, her face contorting in absolute bliss. He kept going as she came hard, relishing the taste of her on his tongue and he kissed her tenderly as her convulsions came to a gradual stop.
Clarette struggled to take in deep breaths as she slowly came down from her high, her breasts heaving with each mouthful of air. She moaned in delight as Beckett kissed his way up her sensitive body, his fingers lacing with hers as he covered her body with his, his thick member pressing into her thigh.
“Clarette, I love you so much,” he murmured into her ear before kissing her deeply.
The combination of his words and tasting herself on him ignited the fire within her once again, and despite the earthshattering orgasm he had just given her, she was ready for more.
“I love you, too, Beckett,” she purred, her hand reaching down in between them to grab ahold of his hardened length. “And I need you in me.”
Beckett groaned and he jerked with her touch, steeling himself as he picked her up while he stood. She wrapped her legs around his waist while he led them to his bedroom, any and all studies for that afternoon long forgotten.
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Beckett and Clarette laid comfortably in his bed hours later, their bodies entwined from their afternoon of lovemaking. With the lightest of touches, he traced nonsensical patterns on her back while looking down at his girlfriend, who was snuggled into his nook and had her arm wrapped around his torso.
She could feel his gaze and even with the steady beat of his heart lulling her to sleep, she tilted her head up to look at him. “I can feel the gears turning in your head right now,” she said, the amusement evident in her tone while a lazy smile played on her face. Her voice had come out raspier than she had anticipated; it was without a doubt an effect of all the sounds she made earlier.
His face reddened at her callout. “It’s nothing. You can go to sleep, if you want to,” he replied, trying to change the subject.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? But if you’re not ready, then that’s okay, too.” She placed a chaste kiss on his chest, closing her eyes once more. She was on the verge of falling asleep when she felt a spark come off him in excitement.
“It just is truly intriguing to see how your body reacts to the different elements now, knowing that you’re Attuned to them all,” he commented in a single breath.  
Beckett could feel her muffled laughter against his body as she buried her face on his chest.
“Out of all the things we just did and that’s what you focus on?” She was definitely awake now as she propped her head up, her eyes sparkling with mirth.
A pink tinge colored his cheeks, the corner of his mouth lifting into a crooked smile. His hand traveled down her back, squeezing her ass and bringing her even closer to him. “You know for a fact that’s not true.”
“I know, I remember quite vividly,” Clarette giggled, letting her hand traverse down his muscular form, brushing against his softened member before trailing her fingertips back up. “So, tell me about my body then.”
Hunger flared in his eyes for a moment before he suppressed it with a breath, the need to divulge his discovery winning out.
“I was curious to see the different factors that may influence certain reactions against your body, that’s all. It was a simple manipulation of the water molecules, the surrounding air, and seeing how much temperature fluctuation was needed to cause reactions against your skin.” He sighed with satisfaction, a wide smile on his face. “Isn’t science and magick amazing?”
Clarette looked at him with adoration, her eyes gleaming as he explained himself. “You’re absolutely ridiculous,” she giggled, getting up quickly to kiss him on the nose. “And I love you for it. Please, never change, Beckett.” Plopping back down into his arms, she nestled back into his nook and ran a hand over his taut frame, her eyes closing.
“I love you, too,” Beckett whispered as he kissed the top of her head, smiling to himself as he felt her doze off into a deep slumber.
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jovialyouthmusic · 5 years ago
Protect and Serve Tags
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I suppose that it’s inevitable that as a long ass fic like the above progresses, the number of folk reading and following it fluctuates a bit. Lots of interest at first, then as it gets longer (sorry) some drop out - and others join, and some discover it later and go back to binge. My tag list is a bit of a mish mash and I think some on there aren’t even on Tumblr any more.
So I’m doing a spring clean...I reckon I have about a dozen regular readers. Please let me know if as a regular reader of the above fic you would prefer a DM just before or after a chapter is posted. I’m going to presume that my binge readers just go to the Masterlist so I won’t go sending you endless messages. Hopefully as folk reblog you’ll see a new chapter on your feed and it will remind you I’m still about! 
So - in the comments could you let me know
Regular (you read as soon as you see it) - would you like me to DM you?
Bingers Do you want to remain on the tag list? (it doesn’t work 9/10 anyway) 
I will cut my tag list down to those who have liked, commented or reblogged. I may do the same with the others, but I seem to be obsessed stuck on this one at present 
Using my present tag list under the cut
@drakewalkerrosenberg @debramcg1106 @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @goirishsunshine @gardeningourmet @livingthroughchoices @mrs-nazario @mind-reader1 @missevabean @mrsdrakewalkerblog  @missameliep @endlessly-searching-for-you @drakenazario @tabithacarlisle @furiousherringoperatortoad @notoriouscs @classylady1234 @wickedgypsymoon @choices-fangirl @indiana-jr @indiacater @katedrakeohd @bobasheebaby @annekebbphotography @kennaxval @sirbeepsalot @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @aworldoffandoms @iplaydrake @drakesensworld @drakewalkerisreal @samcpossum @melodyofgraves @museofbooks @be-still-my-aching-heart@fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @hopefulmoonobject @emceesynonymroll @dcbbw @cgd03 @simsvetements @mrsdrakewalkerblog @ladyangel70 @crookedslimecreatorpasta @cora-nova  @akrenich @stopforamoment @burnsoslow @pedudley gibbles82 @rainbowsinthestorm @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30
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walkerismychoice · 6 years ago
When I Taste Tequila
Book: The Elementalists
Pairing: Beckett X MC (Zoe Flynn)
Rating: PG-13 with some mature language and themes
A/N: This is an alternate universe fic request by @indubitablywrong. I’m purposely not revealing what the a/u is until the end to not give too much away
Tag List:  @tabithacarlisle @thatspicegirlssong @darley1101 @flyawayboo @drakewalkerfantasy @flowerpowell @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair @tmarie82 @choiceswreckedme @regina-and-happiness @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @lizeboredom @boneandfur @llamasgrl
Word Count: 3139
“Okay, enough unpacking. We need to go out for drinks, right now.” Atlas insisted.
“But I start my internship early in the morning.” Zoe protested. “I’m not sure going out is such a good idea. Since when do you like being around people anyway? I think there are still a few beers in the fridge if you want.”
“No.” Atlas turned Zoe around and pushed her towards her bedroom. “We haven’t seen anything outside of these four walls the past two days, and I’m going back to Boston in the morning. Go get dressed, and let’s go!”
New Brunswick, NJ was not the most glamorous city for a new college graduate, but it was home to a prestigious chemical engineering internship program at one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the country. If it ended up working out, and she got a job there making real money, she could always move to the city and commute, but for now a modest apartment near work would have to do. Thankfully Zoe’s interviewers had mentioned a trendier establishment they often frequented so she an Atlas wouldn’t have to chance ending up in some crappy dive bar. Still, she figured the typical attire would be somewhat casual, so she went for her standard favorite skinny jeans and black crop top that always made her feel good about her appearance. She took down her messy bun and her brunette hair miraculously fell in uniform waves past her shoulders like she had purposefully spent time doing it. She dabbed on some lip gloss, fixed up her eye makeup, and was good to go. Atlas, unsurprisingly, remained in her usual uniform of worn out jeans, t-shirt, and leather jacket. Her silvery bob was the only feature that distinguished her from her from her identical twin, Zoe. Well, that and the almost constant resting bitch face Atlas wore. 
Heads turned as they walked into the moderately crowded bar as the patrons surveyed the newcomers, but everyone seemed to quickly lose interest and get back to their conversations. Zoe and Atlas found a small table in the corner where they sat and perused the drink menu. The decor was as expected - clean lines, dark wood, and pendant lights, and thankfully it didn’t reek like old cigarette smoke. Vintage beer signs were hung neatly across all the walls. The music was upbeat and good for dancing, but not so loud you had to yell to hear one another. 
Zoe and Atlas both ordered mojitos and nursed their drinks as the analyzed the other customers in the bar. People watching was one of their favorite past times.
"Those two," Atlas nodded towards a couple probably in their late twenties a few tables away, "....definitely on their first date."
“Judging from the overdone makeup on her and the amount of product in his hair, I’d say the same.” Zoe agreed.
“Plus her awkward fidgeting every time there’s a pause in the conversation...” Atlas added. “Ooh, and that group all seems pretty tight, except that overly stuffy one. He seems like he doesn’t want to be here.”
Zoe scanned the group of ten or so people in the adjacent corner and immediately picked out who Atlas was talking about. It was a guy about her age, maybe a couple years older. He was wearing dark gray dress pants, a medium blue dress shirt and a matching patterned tie, while the rest of the group was a mix of business casual and blue jeans. His chestnut hair was perfectly coiffed like it wouldn’t have moved if a hurricane rolled through, and he almost certainly smelled heavily of cologne. She could just tell. “He’s kind of hot but takes himself way too seriously. I’m guessing a group of coworkers out for happy hour and he got dragged along. He’s the dress for the job you want, not the one you have type. I bet he annoys the fuck out of everyone else.” Zoe took another sip of her drink and looked to Atlas waiting for her final analysis.
“I bet he’s also type who likes attractive brunettes with wavy hair and brown eyes.” Atlas replied with a smirk.
“What?” Zoe scrunched her face in confusion and glanced over catching his gaze briefly before he averted his eyes. 
“He was totally checking you out.” Atlas chuckled.
Zoe shook her head. “He’s probably just staring off wishing he was anywhere else but here.”
“Fine. Let’s test this out. Go up to the bar and order a drink and see if he walks up next to you,” Atlas encouraged. 
“What is this?” Zoe scoffed. “You trying to play matchmaker or something? I’ll go just to prove you wrong.” Zoe marched up to the bar and sat down, ordering another mojito, but only for herself. Atlas could order her own for putting Zoe up to this. The bartender finished making the cocktail and set it down, but the stool next to Zoe was still empty. She picked up glass and was about to go back to Atlas and declare victory, when she saw a figure out of the corner of her left eye. She inconspicuously turned her head, and sure enough it was him. Zoe looked back to her sister who was smiling smugly. Well at this point Zoe should stay a minute longer. Maybe it was just a coincidence and he needed a drink. Atlas could still be wrong.
The guy caught the bartender’s attention. “I’ll just have a water please.”
A water? Okay there’s no way he came up to the bar while I’m sitting her just because he needed a water. She hated being wrong when Atlas was right enough not to worry about what she was going to do now that this pretentious looking guy was potentially trying to make a move on her. She had to admit that he was even better looking up close, and although she was totally right about the cologne, she actually liked the smell. She grasped the cup in her hands and stared into it, waiting to see what would happen next, but nothing happened. They both sat in silence as what felt like an eternity passed but was probably only a couple minutes. Zoe finally gave in and swiveled her barstool in his direction. “So are we going to sit in silence, or are you going to introduce yourself to me?”
“Wha-” It was difficult to tell in the dim light, but she thought she may have seen the tips of his ears turn red. “Oh, um, hello. I’m Beckett.” he extended a hand to her.
She was taken aback by his formality, but she went with it, shaking his hand and echoing his tone. “Hello Beckett, I’m Zoe.”
“Pleased to meet you, Zoe. So...uh,do you frequent this establishment?”
Zoe groaned internally. It was like he was reading out of a book of bad pick-up lines, but in his own geeky language. For as self-assured as he appeared from afar, he was nothing like that in front of her now. She couldn’t decide if his awkwardness was cute or just weird. “Is that supposed to be you hitting on me? You are going to have to do better than that.”
“I wasn’t-” Beckett sighed. “I’m sorry. I don’t normally do this as you can probably tell.”
“And what exactly are you doing?” Zoe bit back a smile. She never typically felt like she had the upper hand with hot guys like him, so she was enjoying watching him squirm.
“Well, your smile captivated me from across the room and I thought you might be someone I’d like to get to know a bit better,” Beckett admitted.
“Huh,” Zoe tilted her head to the side trying to figure him out, but she also felt a bit of warmth rush to her cheeks. “You are a different one Beckett. Most guys would just say they thought I was cute or they liked my ass.”
This time there was a definite blush across his entire face before he cleared his throat. “Not to sound cliche, but I’m not like most guys.” 
Coming from anyone else, Zoe might think this was another line, but she could sense Beckett was clearly unique, and she couldn't help but be intrigued by him. Still, that didn't mean she was going to go easy on him, "That's what they all say," she teased, but then she when she saw his expression of self-doubt she took pity on him. "I was just messing around, Beckett. For the record, I think your smile is captivating as well. You should show it more often." He seemed genuinely pleased by the compliment, but still a bit stiff and uncomfortable. "That's it, no more water for you." She flagged down the bartender again. "Two - no make that four shots of tequila with some extra salt and limes on the side."
"Zoe, that's quite alright. I'm good with water," Beckett insisted.
Zoe eyed him discerningly. "You aren't in AA or anything are you?"
"No, I drink occasionally, but it's work night and I have to get up at five am for my daily yoga meditation-" he paused and exhaled loudly. "Okay, I see that look on your face. At least let me pay."
She wanted to protest, but who was she kidding? She was broke and was going to be working for peanuts at her internship. From the looks of his apparel, Beckett could most certainly afford it. "Don't think this means I'm going to put out for you though."
Beckett's eyes went wide. "That's not why I off-" He chuckled. "You are teasing me again aren't you?" He picked up a shot glass and handed it to her. Her fingers brushed his in the exchange, maybe intentionally, but he also held on a moment longer than necessary. He raised his own glass and locked his steely gray eyes on hers.
Zoe felt a spark of electricity between them and her heart started to flutter. "Cheers!" She swiftly picked up her shot to break the tension, licked the salt off, and clinked it against his, the liquid burning her throat as she poured it down. She bit down on her lime wedge to cut the taste, and Beckett did the same. He looked a little bit adorable as he scrunched his nose and puckered his lips at the mix of sour and bitter flavors. "Not much of a tequila drinker are you?" 
Beckett shook his head. “No, I usually stick with wine, maybe an occasional scotch.”
“Yeah, I’m typically a wine or beer girl myself,” Zoe admitted. “I don’t really go for hard liquor unless it’s in a fruity drink.”
“Then why are we doing shots of tequila?” Beckett inquired with a hint of judgement in his tone. “Did you assume that’s what I would like?”
“Nope. You just seemed like you could stand to let loosen up a bit,” she replied. 
“That probably could have also been achieved with drinks we actually like to drink.”
Zoe was starting to lose her courage for the next part now that she realized she might actually be into this guy. It was more than just a game now, but she decided to go for it anyway. She didn’t care if it was a cheesy party trick that should have been left behind in college. “Maybe, but drinking tequila shots can be a whole lot more fun than drinking other drinks. Have you ever done body shots?”
“What? No!” Beckett looked at her like she had two heads. “I thought people only did that in movies.”
Zoe chuckled. “See, this is exactly why I’m suggesting it. I can tell there are likely many youthful indiscretions you missed out on, but it's not too late. You’re what, twenty three?”
“Twenty Four. I think the window has passed.” He tried and failed to keep a straight face.
“I knew you wouldn’t pass up the chance to lick salt off of me. I’ll go first. Where do you want my mouth?”  
“I...uh...” Zoe took slight satisfaction in the fact that the blushing, bumbling Beckett was back. “Why don’t you pick?”
“Alright then.” Zoe loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons on his dress shirt, and his breath quickened. “Can’t go wrong here.” She poured a small amount of salt in the dip of his collarbone and stuck a lime wedge in his mouth. Beckett stilled as if bracing himself for what was to come. Her mouth descended on him and she suctioned her lips to his skin almost hard enough to leave a mark as she licked him clean, only letting go after a soft whimper escaped his throat. Objective number one completed. She threw back the tequila without tasting it and then carefully bit into the flesh of the lime, avoiding any contact between their lips. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to kiss him. She wanted to very much, but she was leaving that up to him. She pulled back and let the lime drop into her shot glass. “You survived. Congratulations!”
“That actually wasn’t terrible.” Zoe assumed in Beckett terms that meant somewhere near spectacular.  “I suppose I should take my turn now. Not that I want to be unoriginal, but the collarbone really is the optimal location to place the salt. May I?”
She found his nerdy formality oddly sexy. “Please do.” She tilted her head to the side and pulled her hair away to grant him better access. She picked the lime out herself, choosing the smallest one to give better odds their lips would meet. Beckett lowered his head slowly and then gently traced his tongue over her salted skin sending a shiver down her spine. Although she enjoyed it, his timidness didn’t bode well for her second objective, but time would tell. Beckett drank his tequila, hesitated, and then slipped his hand behind her head, drawing her in closer to him. He didn’t even bother biting down on the lime, bypassing it completely to get to her lips. His were soft and warm, tasting of citrus and salt. They passed the lime back and forth with their tongues, Beckett breaking the kiss when he gained possession one last time, finally completing his task. 
He smiled confidently. “How did I do?”
Fucking amazing, Zoe thought but wouldn’t say that out loud. “Not bad, but a little more practice wouldn’t hurt. Should we order more?”
Beckett looked at his watch. “As fun as that was, it is getting late and I’ll barely get five hours of sleep as it is.”
“Shit!” Remembering she was there with her sister for the first time, Zoe looked back to their table but Atlas wasn’t there. She pulled her phone out of her purse and was relieved to see a text:
Got bored and went back to your place. You looked to be in capable hands😉 
“Everything okay?” Beckett asked with genuine concern.
“Yes, but you are right. It is late, I have to get up early too.”
“Let me walk you out.” Beckett stood and offered her a hand up. All the alcohol consumed seemed to hit her at once as she got to her feet and she stumbled. Beckett braced her arm and led her outside. 
Zoe was a little more drunk than she thought. Those mojitos must have been strong. Despite her better judgement, which was long out the window at this point, she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Beckett just yet. She pulled him around the corner into an alleyway and pushed him up against the wall. She kissed him hard and he gave in without putting up much of a fight. She pressed her hips into him and could feel he was already hard. One night stands and public sex were not her style, but she wanted him so bad in that moment. She trailed her hands all the way down his chest and started to unbuckle his belt.
Beckett pushed her away suddenly. “What are you doing Zoe? I mean - it’s not that I don’t want that, but not like this. Not here when you’re probably not thinking clearly. I’ll order an Uber for you.”
Zoe was immediately much more sober and thoroughly embarrassed. “No really, don’t worry about it, I can walk. It’s not that far.”
“Please, I insist. What’s you address?” Beckett plugged the information into his phone and a car was there within minutes, but not a moment too soon to break their awkward silence. “Why don’t I come with and make sure you get inside okay?”
“That’s not necessary. I can take care of myself.” She huffed. She wasn’t upset with him, just mad at herself, but it probably didn’t come off that way. 
“At least give me your number so I can make sure you made it home.” Beckett pleaded.
“Beckett, let’s just forget about all of this. You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” Before he could protest, she got into the car and locked the door. She wasn’t sure, but she may have seen Beckett slip the driver some extra cash. New Brunswick wasn’t a big city, but big enough that she hoped she wouldn’t have to run into him again.
Zoe walked into the building her first day hungover as fuck with a raging headache. She hoped she at least looked a little better than she felt. She was dressed the part, and her hair was clean at least. She prayed the smell of alcohol wasn’t still oozing out of her pores, but she was most definitely sober. 
“Zoe, Welcome!” She was greeted by the hiring manager Annette. “Here’s your name badge. You are going to be working under one of our Senior Chemical Engineers. Why don’t you have a seat. I’ll go get him,and you two can go from there.”
As the minutes ticked by she had nothing to do but think - think about how she had ruined a great evening by trying to have sex in an alley with a guy she just met. Who even was she was last night? Then to top it off she freaked out on him even though he was still being nothing but kind and concerned about her. “Deep breaths.” She muttered to herself. Time to erase all that from her memory and focus on her new beginning.  She stood up and smoothed out her clothing as she hear footsteps approaching around the corner. They were still a good distance away when she spotted him, but he looked very familiar, and she felt the color drain from her face. 
Annette smiled warmly. Zoe, I’d like to introduce you to one of our senior chemical engineers and your mentor for the duration of your internship, Beckett Harrington.”
So much for never seeing him again. 
Note: The theme of this alternate universe request was boss/intern. I didn’t want to do a traditional boss/intern story where the girl falls for the guy in a position of power over her, so this was the result.
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westfrosts · 6 years ago
Accidents and Proposals - Colt x MC
A/N: hey it’s wzkdj here from instagram, a.k.a Khadijah! ! y’all may recognise me from the previous fic Ifraah and I posted on this account ( Apple Pies )
side note: we agreed on Y/N / MC being too cringey and wattpad-y so we settled on a name for our MC: Zafira 
this fic is in the same universe as the previous one, Apple Pies :)
this came from the idea: MC vomiting on Colt LMAO, excuse how long it is and how extra the entire first half is hehe the word count is around 6100
also, we have a few cameos from our choices group, Justine, Ifraah, Mics and I, Khadijah all make our cameos with our faves bc i was feeling it and thought it would be funny lmaooo so be on the lookout for those :)
Tag List: for all the Colt lovers hehe, if y’all don’t want to be tagged just let me know and if you do then just throw us a comment or sumn! @tabithacarlisle  @lifeof314universe  @flowerpowell  @lady-dianelewis @confessionsofabrokegirl  @drakewalkerdrunk  @zeniamiii @i-am-clementine  @gayplaychoices  @marcela13mars  @ladymarquess @claudevonstruke  @stillafictosexual  @wolfmckenzie  @emomoustache  @inkandfables @thegardendiety @akrenich @ckanekos @coltkaneko @pixelburied
  “Damn, I thought we were going to a five-star restaurant.” Riya almost whined, pouting as she sat down beside Darius opposite Zafira.
 “Sorry, Babe, but not everyone has Jonas Brothers’ type of money.” Darius said with a shrug. Zafira burst out laughing and lifted her hand for a high five. Darius grinned and slapped her hand right as a waitress came up to their table.
 “Hey guys, my name’s Justine!” she said enthusiastically, before she gestured to her name tag which had ‘Justine’ written on it. Zafira didn’t miss the bright jingling silver bracelet that had ‘BUCKET’ written in caps before a big red heart. “I’ll be your waitress for today. Here are your menus, don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything,” she said with a smile, “Oh, and I should let you know, we currently have the meal deal on the Grilled Chicken Sandwich if you happen to be interested in a free cookie by any chance…” she winked.
 The three of them gasped in unison as the waitress walked off to tend to another table and looked at each other. “Free cookie?!” Zafira said in amazement, as she watched Darius and Riya mirror her expression.
 “We have got to get that meal deal.” Darius practically demanded, with a slap of his fist on the table, none of them paying any attention to the three menus that jumped up and almost fell off.
 “I can’t believe we’re giving in so easily to capitalism.” Zafira said sadly, sighing in dismay. “Wendy’s 1, Karl Marx 0. I’m sorry, Marx, we have failed you.” Riya and Darius burst out laughing at her remark and eventually Zafira was guffawing along with them.
 Soon enough, Justine was bringing out a tray with the orders on and Zafira couldn’t help but rub her hands together in excitement. “Chicken Sandwich, get in my belly! Y’all have no idea how long it’s been since I last ate a burger, my stomach can no longer recall the sweet taste of that seeded bun.” Zafira shook her head sadly as her eyes widened upon the tray placed down on their table.
 “Here are 3 Grilled Chicken Sandwiches with those free cookies I promised. Enjoy your meal, guys!” Justine said with a smile, laughing at the faces the three of them made.
 “Thank you!” They chorused, almost salivating at the sight in front of them. Justine grinned as she walked away and Zafira and Darius couldn’t dig into their burgers any faster.
 “Guys! Wait, I’ve gotta get a pic to put on my IG or Snap! Guys, c’mon, don’t finish the burgers already!” Riya exclaimed in a panic, shooing away their hands and pulling out her phone as fast as she could. Darius and Zafira exchanged glances and rolled their eyes before moving away from the table and crossing their arms in unison.
 Riya finally took the picture and settled back into her seat with a smile. “You can dig in now, guys, go on. Oh my gosh, it looks so good, look at those crinkle cut chips! Mmmm…” She murmured as she rubbed her hands together.
 “Finally!” Zafira groaned, before she quickly scooped up the burger and took a bite. Her eyes widened and rivalled Darius’ own expression of wonder.
 “Oh… My…” Darius whispered, and even Riya looked shocked, something they didn’t often see at a fast food restaurant.
 “This is…” Zafira mumbled, staring at her burger in amazement.
 “...Art.” Riya finished off. The three of them nodded in agreement before diving back into their meals.
 “Truly, no one does Grilled Sandwich like Wendy’s do.” Zafira said around a mouthful, “These chips! They’re so soft and potato-ey! I could eat these forever.” She moaned, washing everything down with a swig of her drink. She let out a loud, garbled burp and Darius and Riya looked up at her in surprise. They shared a funny look before they were once again roaring out in laughter. All of the customers around them looked at them weirdly and a girl sat at the far end of the outdoor eating area rolled her eyes. “High schoolers… just wait until you get into college, y’all won’t have much to laugh about then.” She shook her head, adjusting her headscarf and glasses before going back to using her laptop, labelled with an ‘Ifraah hearts Hayden Young’  sticker.
 By the time they were finished with their meals, Zafira sat with her hands on her belly and a weird feeling inside her stomach. “Guys, is it me or are you feeling a bit nauseous too? This burger has done a number on me,” she groaned, “What did they even put in there?”
 Darius and Riya sat back looking very content. “It must be you, that burger was…” Darius trailed off, kissing his fingers and throwing them in the air, “Simply beautiful!”
 “Yeah, who cares about five-star restaurants anymore?!” Riya stated passionately.
 It was only half an hour later when the trio had finished revelling in the aftermath of the food and that sumptuous free cookie, that Zafira felt the first gurgle in her stomach. “Uh oh…” She trailed off, eyes widening as her hands reached for her stomach in slow motion.
 “What? What is it?” Riya asked, frowning at Zafira’s now sweaty face. “Are you OK? You look really hot…”
 Zafira shook her head, hands flying to her mouth as she got up and raced towards the entrance of the diner.
 “Zafira!” Darius called out after her. He exchanged a bewildered look with Riya. “What the heck?!”
 Inside the diner, the Mercy Park Crew felt a sudden breeze as a blurry figure that looked an awful lot like Zafira rushed past them. “The hell?” Mona said, perplexed. Toby and Ximena watched the figure dart into the ladies’ bathroom and glanced at each other before shrugging and going back to what they were doing. Mona realised that the person looked awfully familiar and even Logan and Colt looked after the figure in surprise.
 Zafira, however, paid no attention to her surroundings, and threw the closest stall door open before doubling over and emptying the contents of her stomach in a toilet. Damn, she thought, maybe Wendy’s really isn’t the one. Her stomach clenched once more before she was gripping each side of stall, desperate to not make any contact with the toilet bowl itself lest she contracted something even worse. The acid burned in her throat as sweat and tears rolled off her face. “Bloody… hell…” she coughed out, hastily pulling on the toilet roll to wipe her mouth, “I swear, if I vomit again, I’m gonna scre—” she dry heaved, slapping a hand over her mouth and squeezing her eyes shut. Zafira turned and leaned against the stall wall, breathing heavily. “I definitely have to sue these witches, what the hell did I eat?!” She grumbled.
 As she walked over to the sinks, she caught sight of her reflection and groaned. Her face was red with dried tear tracks and her hair looked like a complete mess, “Great!” she mumbled, before washing out her mouth and cupping water in her hands to throw over her face.
 Another lady came out of a stall further down and walked hesitantly towards the sinks. “Hey, are you, uh, OK? I heard someone retching their insides out…” She trailed off, as she began washing her hands, watching Zafira carefully in the mirror. Zafira couldn’t help but notice her large hoop earrings that had ‘Hamid’ written in the middle with a heart around the text.
 “And you can only assume it was me because of how I look?”
 The stranger gaped and blushed, looking down at their hands and scrubbing away furiously.
 Zafira laughed. “I’m just kidding, don’t worry. Yeah, it was me. That dumb Grilled Chicken Sandwich must’ve been made with poison or something,” she groused.
 “Oh no! Damn, maybe you should sue Wendy’s or something! Can I get you anything, though? A tissue, some water... a lawyer perhaps?” she added with a giggle, “I’m Mics.” She smiled, holding out her hand towards Zafira to shake. Zafira lifted her own hand towards hers but hesitated upon finding them both wet.
 She looked up at Mics, “Wet handshake?”
 “Wet handshake,” she confirmed, as they laughed.
 Meanwhile, in the main section of the diner, Darius and Riya were fretting over Zafira and trying to figure out what to do after rushing after her. “Should we call an ambulance?!” Riya asked, fumbling over her phone and hastily trying to put in her pass code.
 “No!” Darius exclaimed, throwing a hand over her phone screen, “...At least, not yet.”
 “OK, let’s… take her home? Give her water, a blanket, put her in front of the fireplace, warm her up, but with a cold towel on her head, Netflix in one hand, popcorn in the oth—” Riya began listing off rapidly, marking them off on her fingers.
 “I don’t think she needs all of that just yet, Babe. Let’s focus on making sure she’s alive first, and then take her home… Wait, how are we gonna take her home? We walked it here and probably didn’t bring enough money for a taxi or the bus home! Shit.” Darius groaned, rubbing his hands over his face beneath his glasses.
 “Those driving lessons would’ve come in real handy, huh?” Riya said sadly, “Hang on, is that Logan over there? We can just ask him, right? I mean, he’s pretty much in love with Zafira, he’d do anything to make sure she was OK, wouldn’t he?”
 Darius looked at his girlfriend weirdly, “Really? Like that wouldn’t be overstepping any boundaries at all?”
 Riya threw her hands up in defense, “Like all boundaries weren’t dropped when he showed up outside school for Zafira?” she countered, looking at him pointedly.
 “...Good point… weird and stalkerish point, but still…” Darius sighed, folding one arm and holding his chin with the other, scrutinising Logan.
 Ximena looked up in that moment and noticed the two facing their table, looking at Logan specifically. “Hey, Logan, are those your friends or just some… creepy kids?” She asked, jutting her chin towards the two, confused. Neither of them seemed to notice, too lost in their inner turmoil.
 Logan looked in their direction and frowned, “Those are… Zafira’s friends? What are they doing here?”
 Riya snapped out of her reverie and noticed the entire table now looking towards them. “Crap!” she hissed under her breath, before shoving Darius towards the crew.
 Darius made some incoherent noises in dispute but by the time he was done, he was in front of Logan with Riya’s hand firm on his back. He looked over his shoulder at her, widening his eyes with irritation while Riya gestured towards Logan with her eyes. Darius let out a long breath, pinching the bridge of his nose while turning towards the table. By then, they had all stopped eating and instead focused on the weird pair stood in front of them.
 “Hey, uh… Logan, Riya here, is… proposing...” Darius trailed off, trying to figure out which of his eyes to look into and instead focusing on a spot between them. There was a long silence while everyone stared at Darius, waiting for him to continue, including Riya who was watching him with the most bewildered look.
 “...Proposing? To Logan? That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!” Colt broke the silence with a scoff, before he threw his head back, dissolving into laughter, “Who’d want to be with this loser, he’d probably smother you with his teen angst before you could get another word in!” He cackled, shaking his head while wiping at the corner of his eyes, “Damn, that was a good one, I haven’t laughed like that in a long while.”
 Mona pressed her lips together to avoid laughing herself and Toby and Ximena side-eyed one another before turning away with smirks on their face. Logan narrowed his eyes at each of them before turning to Colt, “Are you done yet?”
 Colt grinned cheekily, “By all means, go ahead.”
 Logan rolled his eyes, turning back to Darius, “Go on.”
 “Riya… wants-you-to-drive-Zafira-home-because-she’s-sick-and-probably-dying-in-the-bathroom-like-none-of-us-can-drive-and-you’re-just-sat-here-so-like-yeah-anyway-like-I-said-she’s-probably-dying-so-she-needs-to-go-home-you-know-to-get-better-and-recover-from-whatever-the-hell-just-happened-wouldn’t-you-rather-she-die-at-home-instead-of-in-a-Wendy’s-bathroom-like-c’mon-a-Wendy’s-bathroom-of-all-places-how-sad-like-wouldn’t-it-be-a-lot-nicer-if-she-died-at-home-or-something-not-that-I-want-her-to-die-but… yeah. So yeah.” Darius said as quickly as he could in one breath. He coughed into his fist and put his hands on his hips. “Right, my job here is done.” He stated with a nod of his head before turning around and marching resolutely into the ladies’ bathroom. Logan stared after him with his mouth agape, along with everyone else at the table. Riya stared at the swinging door of the bathroom before turning back towards Logan.
 Toby looked between the now still door of the bathroom and Riya, “Did he just walk into the—”
 “Ladies’ bathroom? Yeah.” Riya interrupted with a sheepish smile. “Sorry if we’re overstepping, but, like, we really wouldn’t be asking unless it was completely necessary, like, Zafira was literally about to die, like, you should’ve seen her face, you know what, she could actually be on the floor right now, drowning in her own vomit.”
 Once again, there was complete silence at the table as they all stared at Riya. Mona raised a sharp eyebrow at her, “You know, saying Zafira’s drowning in her own vomit doesn’t make us any more likely to put her in our cars? It does the opposite. No matter how cute she is, I’m really not trying to get my seats stained in Wendy’s… Though, I would be willing to make an exception for Zafira, you know, I don’t want her to die in her own vomit, that would just be too tragic.” She mulled, twirling her straw around in a milkshake.
 Before anyone could get another word in, the crew’s phones all pinged simultaneously and they exchanged a tense look before Ximena picked up her phone first. “It’s from Kaneko…” she trailed off.
 “Need 4 of you at the garage in 10 mins, got 5 potential buyers lined up for a range of Mercedez-Benz 190 SL roadsters…” Mona started.
 “Let me guess, I’m not included in that ‘4’, huh?” Colt rolled his eyes, slouching in his seat while sipping his drink.
 “Colt, it’s the same gang we dealt with last time in the Mall, the ones that brought guns, so I don’t want you around them. Come back when the deal is done, until then, I don’t know, go hang out with that girl that you, Logan and Mona can’t seem to stop fighting over.” Toby finished with a shocked expression, “Is that, Boss, poking fun and bantering around? I never thought I’d see the day.” Toby whispered in amazement, adjusting his glasses and rereading the text message. Ximena grinned and looked at the three in question.
 Colt seemed shocked upon the last part of the message, his expression not going unmissed by the rest of the gang. Logan and Mona raised an eyebrow, looking at Colt with intrigue before he quickly schooled his features and turned away, clearing his throat. “I could’ve done those deals just as well as the next person,” he grumbled.
 “You should count yourself lucky, your dad’s trying to keep you safe and instead sending us into the line of fire,” Logan said with a shake of his head, “Thank your lucky stars.”
 “Yeah, yeah, I’ll count them when I see ‘em.” Colt rolled his eyes.
 “Really? Well, considering you’re going to be the one driving Zafira back, you should be getting ready to count them when you see her.” Mona said slyly with a smirk.
 In that moment, Riya realised that they were all somehow acquainted with Zafira, making a mental note to ask her about them later.
 Colt gaped at Mona as he opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said dismissively, choosing to stuff a handful of chips in his mouth to avoid more conversation.
 Colt narrowed his eyes at her as the rest of the crew stood up, getting ready to leave. Riya stood there watching them leave, confused as to what was going on.
 Logan turned towards her and offered a sheepish smile, “I’m sorry, I can’t make it, I’ve gotta head back,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck, “looks like Colt will be the one driving her back, is that OK? You know, if you really want me to take her I can—“
 “No, no! It’s fine, wouldn’t want you to get into trouble with your, uh, boss or anything…” Riya said quickly.
 “Let us know how Zafira feels, Colt.” Ximena said, patting his shoulder. The crew began walking out, minus Colt, who was left in the booth staring into his drink absentmindedly.
 “Yeah, if she’s not feeling any better, maybe we can drop by with some fancy meds and a gift basket or something,” said Toby, raising his eyebrows in excitement, as he slipped into Ximena’s car.
 “OK, first of all, I don’t know why you’re excited about that, second of all, great idea, let’s just, us, the Mercy Park Crew, drop by Zafira’s house, where a cop resides.” Mona said sarcastically, as she unlocked the door of her own car.
 Toby pouted, “Damn, I forgot about that.”
 “C’mon, we’ll have to worry about Zafira later, it’s already been 5 minutes and you know how Kaneko hates it when someone’s late.” Logan said, sliding into his seat and sticking the keys in the ignition.
 Back in the ladies’ bathroom, Zafira was surprised to see Darius walk in, who quickly threw his hands over his eyes. “Zafira, you in here? Look if you’re dying on the floor, drowning in your own vomit, then let me know, otherwise I’m keeping my hands on my eyes because I’d hate to look like a pervert or something, ya know?”
 Zafira gaped at him before she let out a confused laugh, “Uh, Darius, what are you doing in here?”
 “I came to see how you were feeling but also because I just told Logan that he should take you home because you’re not feeling well… so, let’s go, I’d hate for you to to meet your ending here in the bathroom.”
 “Wait, what? You asked Logan? Why would you do that? Where did he even come from? I don’t need him to take me home, I can just wal—“ Zafira cut off with a heave, slapping her hand over her mouth and gripping the edge of the sink.
 Darius removed his hands and quickly stood next to her, placing a hand on her back. “...You were saying? Look, just let him take you home and then you complain all you want back there, sound good?”
 Zafira nodded her head miserably as Darius guided her out of the bathroom.
 Thankfully for Riya, she saw Darius and Zafira make their way out of the bathroom before she felt the need to initiate small talk with the brooding Colt.
 Darius steered Zafira to the table while she sighed, rubbing a hand over her face.
 “Hang on, where’d everyone go? Where’s Logan?” Darius asked, looking around the diner confused.
 “Colt? ...Don’t tell me the entire gang was here and we didn’t even know.” Zafira said with a laugh.
 “...Wow. You look like you’ve been through hell.” Colt stated, looking at Zafira with slightly veiled worry.
 “Thanks, it was really hot back there.” Zafira deadpanned.
 Colt laughed and stood up. “C’mon, let’s get you home before you vomit all over my shoes.”
 Zafira raised a brow and then leaned forward towards Colt, faking a dry heaving sound.
 “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not on the shoes! Not the shoes!” Colt yelled, jumping back onto the booth and backing away.
 Zafira moved back before she burst out laughing, slapping her thigh. “Your face! Phew, that was a classic!” She wiped at the corners of her eyes as her giggles died down.
 “You little…” Colt shook his head, folding his arms while glaring at Zafira. The waitress walked over and gave Colt a look.
 “Could you please get off the booth, people sit in those.” Justine said before putting a hand on her hip, “I’d hate to have to call my manager out for this.”
 Colt quickly jumped down and brushed himself off. “Sorry about that,” he said, coughing into his fist awkwardly, “Right, let’s go.”
 He speed walked out of the diner and the trio quickly followed. On their way out, they passed a couple that were sat in the outdoor eating area, with one of them feeding the other that had their eyes closed. “Damien!” The lady called out, laughing while putting her hand over his eyes, “You’re supposed to guess by the taste, stop trying to peek! Stop trying to smell it too!”
 “Khadi,” the man called Damien complained, placing his hand over hers and trying to pull it away, “this is too hard, let me be the one feeding you and you’ll see how hard it is!” He laughed, finally managing to free his eyes. He gasped upon seeing the piece in Khadi’s hand. “See! I knew it was a cookie!”
 “Yeah, obviously! But you didn’t know which one, so your punishment is not getting the rest of it.” She stated proudly, popping the rest of it in her mouth while Damien watched in horror.
 Zafira smiled to herself. Cute, she thought. But her smile dropped when she saw Colt’s motorbike. “Hang on, you’re taking me home on that?” She paled, placing a hand on her stomach, “That doesn’t sound like a such a good idea…”
 Darius and Riya watched her with worry, and even Colt frowned.
 “I would love to indulge in your car fantasies, which, on any other day, I would absolutely hate, but seeing as we have no other way of getting you home, the bike is the only option… Unless you want me to carry you all the way home.” Colt said, raising an eyebrow at Zafira.
 Zafira furrowed her brow and sighed, “Fine, motorbike it is,” she turned to her friends, “I take it you’ll walk it?” she asked.
 Darius and Riya nodded, “Don’t worry about us, you just focus on getting home in one piece.” Darius said sympathetically, patting Zafira’s shoulder.
 “Yeah, in one piece that isn’t covered in vomit, please.” Colt added, swinging his leg over the bike and pulling his helmet on.
 Zafira rolled her eyes and waved her friends off, “See ya later, yeah?” She jumped onto the bike behind Colt, taking the spare helmet from his hands and strapping herself in. “Hey, Colt, pull over to the side of the road when I give you a sign, unless you want chicken sandwich all the way down your back.” She laughed.
 Colt rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time even though Zafira couldn’t see. “...You’re, OK though, right? Not thinking about dying anytime soon?” He asked hesitantly.
 “Why? Would you miss me?” Zafira teased.
 “Of course.” Colt said, without missing a beat.
 Zafira’s eyes widened as she slid her arms around his waist, feeling the bike start up. She stared at the back of his helmet in shock, waiting for him to continue.
 “Who else would talk shit about Logan with me?” Colt said. Zafira could practically hear the smile in his voice.
 There it is, she thought while shaking her head, what were you hoping for, you fool.
 Colt began driving out of the diner and down the path he knew a little too well now, trying not to pay attention to how Zafira’s arms were wrapped around him.
 It was only halfway through the journey when Colt felt a few rapid taps on his shoulder. He frowned, before realising this was one of Zafira’s ‘signs’ and quickly looked for an opportunity to pull up to the side of the road.
 As soon as he’d found a spot, Zafira was all but jumping off the bike and unfastening her helmet. She knew she’d hate to vomit all over someone’s lawn or a public walkway in general, so she pressed her lips together and couldn’t help but thank her lucky stars when she saw a bin sitting a few yards away, running over to the poor, unsuspecting thing.
 As she hurled more of her meal out, Colt hurriedly parked the bike and rushed over to Zafira’s side. He blanked once he got to her and decided he would hold her hair back instead of standing around like a lamppost.
 With his free hand, he poked about in his pockets looking for any tissues or anything else that would help the situation but fell short and instead chose to rub her back instead.
 “Better out than in, am I right?” He said halfheartedly, frowning as she began taking deep breaths.
 “Right, you’re probably not in the best position to be speaking right now, I’ll just let you vomit to your heart’s content.” He winced as she heaved once more and then stood up straight.
 Thankfully, Zafira had managed to nab some napkins before she’d left so she managed to clean herself up as best she could. “What the fuck was in that burger that’s making me so cough up my insides so violently?! Do I need to sue these little shits.” Zafira exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips and blowing some hair out of her face.
 Colt couldn’t help but smile and zone out for a second. How cute.
 “Hello? Earth to Colt? Are you in there?”
 “Yeah, I was just thinking about how cute you look, you know, all sweaty, hair a mess, red in the face.”
 Zafira gaped at him, “I… wha—?”
 Colt smirked at her, “Cat got your tongue?”
 Zafira narrowed her eyes, “You just wait until you catch me on a good day, ‘cute’ won’t even cover how good I look, and the cat will have your tongue.” She said, flipping her hair as best as she could over her shoulder.
 Now it was Colt’s turn to gape at her, but he managed to recover enough to raise an eyebrow and have his charms back intact, “Well then, it’s a good thing that every other day is your good day, huh? Maybe that’s why I’m always so speechless whenever I first see you.” Colt slid his hands into his pockets, pinning her with that mesmerising look.
 Zafira’s mouth opened and soon enough a bright pink blush had made its way onto her face. She stared into his dark eyes and found herself captivated, unable to break the gaze. “Are you… flirting with me right now?”
 Colt managed to snap out of whatever he was preoccupied with and stared at her, somewhat confused.
 “You’re really trying to charm a girl when she’s at her most vulnerable state, right after she vomited up a Wendy’s, knowing that she’ll have no choice but to get back on that bike with you, and have you drive her home where you’ll probably hint at wanting to be invited in.”
 Colt gawked at Zafira, rendered speechless. “What?! I never—“
 “I can’t believe you, Colt,” Zafira put her hands on her hips, “You’re an incorrigible flirt, just who do you think you are?”
 “Whoa, hang on a minute! You’ve got the wrong end of the stick—“
 Zafira gasped in horror, her hands flying up to her mouth, “You were trying to give me your stick?!” She almost screeched.
 Colt threw his hands up in defence, taking a step back as his mouth dropped open in shock. Then he narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms again. “You’re fucking around with me, aren’t you?”
 Zafira presses her lips together, a snort coming out against her will. “Sorry, you’re just too easy to play around with.” She burst out in full blown laughter, smacking her thigh.
 Colt sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “What am I gonna do with you?”
 “I can think of a few things.” Zafira smiled coyly.
 It was Colt’s turn to blush as his expression went slack. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
 Zafira laughed, “C’mon, Lover Boy, you still need to take me home.”
 It was when they were outside the Wheeler residence that Zafira once again felt that familiar lurching feeling in her stomach, “Oh no…” she moaned, unfastening the helmet as fast as she could for a second time that day. This time, Colt was slightly more prepared and he’d already parked the bike and dismounted it.
 “Let’s get you inside, I don’t think anyone wants to see a girl projectile vomiting right about now.” Colt chuckled, wrapping one arm around her back and ushering her inside. But it was too late, Zafira felt the familiar burning of the acid in her throat and was heaving out small neutral coloured bits onto Colt’s shoes faster than she could tell Colt where the keys were.
 There was a silence after Zafira had stopped hurling out her meal or rather, what was left of it.
 “...” Colt blinked a couple of times, almost unseeingly.
 “...Guess you no longer want to come in and give me your stick, huh?” Zafira said for no reason, with a weak laugh. She straightened up and pressed her hand to her face, trying to wipe away whatever had stained her mouth.
 Colt stared at her for a few seconds before he burst out laughing. Zafira was shocked and slowly joined in, not caring how they must’ve looked to passersby.
 “I can’t… I can’t believe you just... brought up the stick again... after you just threw up on me.” Colt said in between laughs.
 Zafira’s laughter dissolved away and all she could do was stare at Colt’s shoes sympathetically, rather embarrassed.
 “Those shoes, they didn’t cost much did they? This is awful, I’m so sorry.” She moaned, squeezing her eyes shut and dropping her head back.
 “It’s fine, nothing that sweet, illegal money can’t fix.” Colt joked with a wink.
 “Colt!” Zafira gasped, looking around furtively, “You can’t just say stuff like that out loud!”
 “Why, will your dad appear out of nowhere if I say ‘illegal’ three times? No wait, maybe I should rub a briefcase full of a couple million dollars and then say it.” He wondered, putting his free hand on his chin and rubbing it thoughtfully.
 Zafira shook her head and laughed, “Will you shut up?”
 He grinned as they stared at each other again. It’s really quite easy to get lost in those eyes, Zafira thought, damn.
 Zafira cleared her throat and looked away, fiddling around in her pockets to pull out the keys, but not without Colt catching that lovely pink blush on her face again. He smiled contently.
 “Is your dad home?”
 “No…why, you tryna give me some of that stick action?” Zafira wiggled her eyebrows up and down.
 Colt pressed his lips together to avoid laughing. “We’re never gonna let that one go, are we?”
 “Nope.” Zafira grinned.
 Colt shook his head, “I was asking because I was looking forward to stealing that apple pie.”
 Zafira sighed dramatically, “Even in a cop’s household, you can’t let go of your criminal behaviour.”
 Colt narrowed his eyes, “You know, for the daughter of a cop, you’re awfully close to us criminals.”
 “What can I say? I’m attracted to the dark side.” She joked, removing herself from his hold and guiding them inside. She took off her shoes and suddenly stopped, remembering Colt’s burger covered shoes. “Right, uh, give me your shoes, wait, and your jeans, I think I got those covered too.”
 “Wow, you like to move fast, huh?”
 “Shut up!” she slapped his shoulder, “You know what I mean!”
 “Do I, though? Do I really?”
 Zafira put her hands on her hips, “Hand over your things before I decide to shower you in chicken bits.”
 “Yes, Ma’am.” Colt grinned cheekily, as he kicked off his shoes and moved to unbuckle his belt, all while maintaining eye contact. 
 Zafira’s eyes widened, and she rapidly began turning pink once again, “I’ll, uh, go find some trousers while you, uh, yeah.”
 “Oh, so now you’re shy. What happened to wanting the stick?” He teased.
 “Not another word out of you, Colt.” She pointed at him, with narrowed eyes as she walked backwards. Colt saluted her with a wink.
 Once Zafira was no longer within his sight and safely in the bathroom with a change of clothes, she placed a hand on her chest and took a deep breath in. What the hell is going on?! She shook her head and quickly washed up, throwing her clothes in the hamper and changing into a tank top and sweats. She looked at herself in the mirror and halfheartedly tied her hair up in a bun. “Yeah, this is fine. I’m not making an effort for no one, this is… fine.” She tried to reassure herself, dusting herself off absentmindedly.
 “Hey, uh, Zafira? Are you really finding me some clothes right now or was this just part of your ulterior motive to get me half naked in the middle of your living room?” Colt yelled.
 Zafira’s eyes widened and she hurried out of the bathroom into her father’s room, grabbing the first pair of combat trousers she saw. “Wow,” she scoffed, “how fitting.”
 She raced back into the living room with one hand over her eyes. “I’m here, I’m here! Don’t be doing any weird half-naked things!”
 Zafira held the trousers out in front of her, keeping her other hand firm over her eyes. When she felt him grab them from her hand, she spun around, giving him her back.
 “Let me know when you’re done.”
 “You scared of seeing a little thigh, Zafira?”
 “No,” she said firmly, “I’m giving you privacy, you know, because I have manners?”
 Colt laughed and after some more rustling sounds, he called out to her.
 “Are you sure? I don’t trust you…” said Zafira.
 “Yes, I’m sure. Why don’t you come over here and check?”
 Zafira turned around with her eyes still closed. She slowly opened one and then the other, relieved to find him fully clothed. “Right, I’ll just, throw these in the washer and get them back to you as fast as I can. I don’t know about those shoes though…” She trailed off, looking concerned at the now chicken covered shoes.
 “Relax,” Colt chuckled, “I’ll just, wash them… and then… donate them or recycle them somehow. Yeah. Maybe I’ll keep them, you know, as your first gift to me, Zafira vomit.”
 Zafira scrunched up her nose, “Ew! No! Don’t do that… wait, what do you mean ‘first gift’?”
 “Exactly what it sounds like. Were you not inviting me back here to tell me you have a huge crush on me?”
 Zafira’s jaw dropped, “I do not have a huge crush on you!”
 “Oh, my bad,” Colt frowned, “it’s just a small crush then?”
 Zafira pinched the bridge of her nose, “What am I gonna do with you?”
 Colt grinned, “This is beginning to feel a lot like déjà vu, don’t you think?”
 Zafira shook her head with a small smile as she gingerly picked up the trousers and went to the utility room after dropping by the hamper. Once she’d started the wash, she slowly walked out into the living room where Colt was now gazing at her family photos. “You’re still here?”
 Colt looked up at the sound, “Where else would I go?”
 Zafira shrugged, looking out of the window to find the sky bathed in a warm orange, “I don’t know, home.”
 “This place feels more like home to me right now…” he murmured.
 Zafira bit her lip and looked around, desperate for a distraction of some sort. “Well, what better time to watch movies illegally than with a criminal by your side, right?”
 She bounded over to the couch and pulled out her laptop from under some books as Colt watched her, amused. He slowly walked over and sat down next to her, wondering how he got so lucky to have someone like her in his life.
 “Thank you.”
 “For what?” Zafira asked, turning her head to him.
 “Well, for cleaning me up I guess,” he laughed quietly, “but also for giving me… a home of sorts. I can’t believe I’ve felt more love in this household than I have in my entire 20 years of living as Kaneko’s son. Is your dad looking to adopt any time soon?” Colt joked halfheartedly.
 “Well, if you stick around, maybe he’ll take you in as his son-in-law.” Zafira said, turning back to the laptop with a small smile on her face.
 Colt’s face warmed as his mouth opened in shock, “Was that... an indirect proposal just now?”
 “Maybe.” She winked at him, focusing on picking a movie and smirking at his red, shell shocked face.
 Written by: @wzkdj (Instagram)
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madrut16 · 6 years ago
Day 10: Love Always Wins
A/N: I’ve had this one in the works for a while, it was the fic that I first started when I wanted to expand on MC’s Bloodkeeper powers and it’s where a lot of the ideas blossomed. I debated on whether or not to do a part 1 to this and have this be a little later in the month but, I think that it works best on its own and it fits really well with this prompt so, I’m posting it now! It will also give me more time to start a possible new ACOR AU series (only possible because I like to bite off more than I can chew and promise things I end up not doing) that has been floating in my brain for some time now. 
I also want to start writing for a side Bloodbound pairing I have (Kamilah and Lily *cough cough*) so let me know if you’d be into that or if I’m the only one who thinks they have really good potential chemistry. 
Bottom line, hopefully, you enjoy this idealized, not canon version of how Isabel defeats Gaius and turns the damsel in distress narrative on its head. 
Book/pairing: Bloodbound (Adrian x MC)
Rating: PG-13 (some violence)
Summary: After Gaius has taken Adrian prisoner, both physically and mentally, and injured their friends, it’s up to Isabel to rescue Adrian and end things once and for all.
@kinda-iconic @choicesjulychallenge @endlesshero1122 @jlpplays1 @desiree-0816 @choicesfannatalie @krishu213 @choices97 @riseandshinelittleblossom @brightpinkpeppercorn @ladykateofhousebeaumont @tabithacarlisle @ella-raines
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"Adrian!" Isabel's scream was earth-shattering, making the decaying temple walls vibrate.
The man in question didn't respond to her pleas, or even those of Kamilah seriously injured on the floor behind them. And yet, his beautiful features continued to twist in anguish as he fought with every ounce of strength to restrain himself, the ultimate struggle between good and evil. 
This was the last thing he wanted in the entire world.
But the force that compelled him was too strong, his mind held hostage as he slowly inched towards her. The sharp dagger he held glinted in the dimly lit room. Behind him, the man pulling the strings grinned, clearly amused by the struggle.
"There's no use in trying Isabel," Gaius proclaimed. "You can't fight who you truly are inside. I knew all along he would come back to me, embrace his dark side. Throw away his weakness for the frail mortals like you, our unequals. This is who Adrian is, bloodthirsty, cold-hearted. A killer at heart."
She shut her eyes tightly, knowing deep down that his words are all lies. She had memories to prove it and after the endless amounts of training, she could now easily call up the ones she wants.
"Ab uno disce omnes," she whispered, her voice so quiet that no one else could make out what she was saying. 
All at once, the memories came to her at once. First, she saw Adrian Turning Lily, even though it put him in incredible danger and she noticed something she didn’t catch in the moment: the self-sacrificing desire in his eyes. It wasn't just for her despite what he told her afterward, he had wanted to save Lily on his own ever since he had rushed inside the apartment. All Isabel had done was give him the permission he needed to disregard the rules in his way. 
This faded into the next scene and she once again saw the confederate soldiers who he didn't want to kill, despite all that they stood for. The fact that they were human was enough for him. Finally, she recalled the first memory she had seen, back at the cabin 238 years ago. How he was so ready to suffer, to join his family in painful death than take another life.
All of this confirmed what she already knew in her heart, the belief impossibly rooted now. Her eyes snapped back open and she gave the monster a heated glare. She shook her head, uttering the word she said to fully enter this mysterious and complicated world.
Gaius's scoff was deafening, his intimidating gaze drilling into her. "You humans are so naïve. I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you then,” he threatened.
"You’ll prove nothing," she retorted, raising her chin high in defiance. “I know the truth.”
Isabel turned her attention away from him, back to his former soldier, and her gaze immediately softened to one of anguish. Then, she made a quick decision. Her most impulsive one of all.
She ran toward him, much to the horror of her friends scattered like ragdolls behind her.
"Isabel? What are you doing?" Jax demanded, before hissing in pain as the deep gash on his side continued to slowly heal.
She ignored them, stopping just shy of the dagger’s blade pointed directly at her. All of her attention, her energy was on Adrian. She wanted to touch him, to hold him tightly, but even in her emotional state, a shred of rationality remained. She knew that she couldn't just yet. She could only reach out with her words. Luckily, the art of rhetoric had been a strength of hers for a while now, especially when she became passionate about whatever cause she decided to fight for.
"Adrian, listen to me,” she begged. “You can fight this! I know this isn’t you, that you don't want to hurt me!"
With a chuckle, Gaius held his hand out, causing Adrian to stiffen despite his best efforts and a look of calculating coldness to appear. "Are you so sure of that...poppet?"
Just as he forced Adrian to lunge at her, she grabbed the blade, disregarding the shooting pain in her hand. This caused Gaius to lose his concentration just enough to get Adrian to hesitate, once again frozen like a living statue. 
"No! How did you—?” the Second son growled in astonishment.
The heightened powers had gone to his head a while ago, the narcissism more extreme than ever.
On the ground, Kamilah responded, her voice strained by her body’s intense effort to repair itself. "You underestimated her."
Isabel smiled briefly, grateful for the confidence of the person who once had a much different view of her. She only hoped that she was as capable as the senior vampire believed.
"You're wrong about him Gaius." Her stare burned into the vampire king's, unwavering. "Yes, he's made mistakes in the past, caused pain and bloodshed. I've seen that with my own eyes. But I also know that he did it because you taught him to. That you manipulated him, made him think that he didn't have another option. But, guess what? When he had the freedom to decide what he wanted, we all know what he chose!"
She paused to catch her breath, and she looked at Adrian who was still eyeing her, possessed with evil. But, there was one difference. He was listening to her. And so, she pressed on knowing that eventually, she would breakthrough.
"He chose to create a different, better option,” she continued, her words laced with raw emotion. “To use his power to help people, not harm them. He was brave enough to change the status quo when he knew it was wrong. And ever since he's been using his mistakes and regret to create a better world. Because unlike you, he’s refused to use his pain as an excuse to hate innocent people. That’s why he’s a good person!"
His expression remained unchanged and her heart started to break, as she knew that she would soon run out of time. 
"Isabel," Kamilah pleaded, her tone wavering in sorrow for her adopted brother. "It's okay, you've done all you can. Get away while you're still able to!"
She shook her head, her stubborn determination at its height. "I can’t! He needs me. I'd rather die than give up fighting."
She had done this before, let her heart fly too close to the sun like Icarus. The last time, it almost killed her, she was lucky to be caught mid freefall. But this time, this time would be different. She knew the look in someone's eyes who actually wanted to hurt her. It was in Derek's all those nights ago. And now it was all over Gaius's smoldering red stare.
But not in Adrian's.
Despite the hardened exterior, she saw in his brown irises the complete opposite. That's what made her cling on for dear life to the small shred of strength she had left.
"Isabel, look out!" she heard Lily cry and she noticed Gaius clenching his fist just in time.
As he compelled Adrian forward, she readied herself and used her natural power to once again grab onto the blade, holding it inches away from her. She knew how to use the fright she felt instead of letting it consume her. This time, she was gonna fight until her last breath. As she pushed back, she started to lose hope and desperation set in. 
"Snap out of it, I'm begging you!" she cried, tears welling in her eyes.  "Because I love you and I can't lose you to him! So please, just come back to me!"
Almost as soon as the words left her lips, he stopped in his tracks, allowing the dagger to clatter to the ground, much to Gaius's horror.
"Impossible," he exclaimed furiously as her palms dripped blood onto the stone floor. 
"Do you really—?” Adrian questioned before the horrible pain of recognition came over him about what almost transpired. “Oh God, I could’ve…”
She stared at him in shock before she gasped in relief. "Adrian! Thank god!"
As she moved towards him, the reunion was cut painfully short as Gaius unleashed his fury and Adrian found himself on his knees, writhing in pain. "That is what traitors like you deserve!"
"No!" Isabel screamed as she watched him suffer helplessly.
Gaius turned his attention to The Bloodkeeper in front of him. At first, he had found her stubbornness amusing, but now it was nothing but a thorn in his side. 
"Now Isabel, I was going to spare you after all your precious friends died. But now...now I think I'll have to do away with you first...and let them watch."
"No...not Isabel!" Adrian let out a strangled plea.
"Hush you pathetic weakling!"
Gaius gave him another sharp flick of his wrist, turning his progeny’s blood into a living furnace and sending him to the hard floor. He did this all while keeping his menacing stare on his main target. "Now, try to stop me, mortal," he told her, an overly confident look in his eyes.
Isabel should have been terrified. If four vampires, including Kamilah who was the best of the best, couldn't stand a chance against him, how could she? But, she wasn’t, because she was his one undoing. It was in her DNA, her genes, her long and convoluted family history. It would be up to her, just like it was up to her line since the very beginning.
A strange exhilaration coursed through her knowing that the moment she had been training for was here. Yes, there was fear in the mix as well, she wasn’t quite fully proficient, but she knew enough to be a sizeable opponent. She had already demonstrated that when assisting Kamilah in dispatching Priya to gain access to the temple. She looked back at Jax, who had helped her with everything. He gave her an encouraging nod and that was the last push she needed.
Isabel scrutinized her enemy, his hungry eyes the only testament to the restraint being held. He obviously wanted her to make the first move. But, she wasn’t inclined to give him what he wanted. Especially that.
Instead, she crossed her arms, not taking her eyes off of his for one second. "I don't think you really want to fight me."
"Why not? You're nothing sweetheart. I'll be able to kill you easily."
She couldn’t stop the smirk from appearing on her face. "Then why haven't you? Why are you hesitating? It could be your love of drawing things out. Making your victims suffer until you bleed them dry. Just like you did to Adrian and Kamilah, to their families. But, I don't think that's it this time. I think...I think you're scared. Because you know that you’re just as human as I am. Something you’ve come to resent.”
"Me, afraid of you? Why that is preposterous," he laughed tilting his devilishly handsome face at her.
But, her eyesight was impeccable, and she noticed the slight quivering of his lips. The slight shaking of his hand.
"Is it?" she quipped. "Then I guess...you won't mind if I recite a little Latin for you then."
Behind her, she heard Adrian's confused murmur. He was the only one who didn't know about her abilities. Kamilah and Lily found out first hand in the earlier fight with Priya. But he was still in here, being held captive.
Gaius's eyes widened in alarm.
"No...it cannot be…you...can't know the truth!"
"What’s the matter Gaius? If you're so powerful, why are you so terrified of a frail little Bloodkeeper? Maybe because I���ve found out what you’ve tried to keep hidden. The truth about us, what we were born to do. I think they call it…destiny? But, why should you care if you’re unstoppable? If that’s so, then come and prove it."
Her goading had its desired effect, and, in a flash, he stood and dove towards her. But, he wasn’t fast enough. 
"Ab origine, ab antiquo, ab aeterno!” From the original, from the ancient, from the eternal.
She shouted the enchantment just in time.
Instantly she began to glow, golden lines forming on her skin, flickering, churning with untapped potential. The energy, it consumed her and the room around her. 
With a smile, she reached out to the discarded dagger a few feet from her. Concentrating on it, it soon rose from the ground and flew into her now cut free palm.
Gaius paused momentarily, not believing his eyes. "No…NO!"
He soon became livid and with a roar, he resumed his charge, but Isabel was quick to meet it. 
Instead of backing up, she ran towards him at lightning speed.
Leaping over him, she dodged his attack and landed safely on the ground several feet away from him only slightly winded. 
She smiled triumphantly now radiating adrenaline and confidence. "You're going to have to do better than that.” 
Everyone on the floor looked at her in pure astonishment. 
Then, her weapon clashed with his as the two began to spar. 
They met each other stroke for stroke and blow for blow to the amazement of their audience around them as Isabel remembered the techniques Jax had taught her. When to press and when to dodge. To use the strengths of her body and the weaknesses of his to her advantage. 
Then, Gaius managed to knock the sword from her hands and tried to tackle her to the ground. 
However, he only managed to get her on her knees before she recovered, using her increased strength to resist further. 
She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold him back forever, but her fast mind promptly calculated her next move. There were two powers she hadn’t used outside training yet—the most important ones. She just needed to be able to give herself enough time to do it. 
He started to gain traction and she heard the frantic exclamations of her friends behind her. She closed her eyes, letting them give her strength. She wouldn't let them down. 
Gritting her teeth, she bared down resisting the mental pull Gaius was giving her, trying to cloud her head. 
Finally, she was able to push him off of her enough to crawl out underneath. 
As she got to her feet, she didn't wait for a response, positioning her hands at her sides. "Lux ex tenebris!"
Instantly, streaks of lightning started to erupt from her palms, causing a bright light to fill the darkened temple. She gaped at her hands, this being the first time it had worked at the first try. 
Gaius charged at her and she shot a bolt at him, and he slowed, the hot electricity charring his body. "Aghhhhhh!"
As he kept attacking, she used a mix of combat techniques and electricity attacks to hold him back.
But, she knew he wouldn’t give up, that's not what someone like him did, who saw himself as invincible. 
He switched from a physical fight to a mental one. "Is that seriously all you have?" he taunted, his voice strained from the zaps of electricity. "You're just like them. Too fragile, too emotional to kill me."
This infuriated Isabel more than ever. She shut her eyes tightly as another series of images ran through her. Only these memories were all hers. Every time she was called too emotional, too stubborn, not good enough. So much that at one time she believed them. But now, she knew exactly how wrong they were, how strong she was, with or without her abilities. 
Opening her eyes, she put her hands together and the electricity grew to form a glowing ball of plasma. She would show him that having emotions, choosing to love was so much more powerful than hate. 
Taking a step back, she wound up and hurled the ball at him as hard as she could, and it plowed into him in seconds and it sent him to the ground hard, the heated energy immobilizing him in a fit of painful seizures.
"No... you can't...stop me," he hissed. 
As he tried to sit up she was there in seconds, pinning him to the stone. "Don't speak," she ordered, holding him down now that she was draining him of his strength. 
He gave her a sickening grin, still trying to weasel his way into her mind. "You're not going to...back out, are you? Just like your...sensitive little...Adrian did? As much as I... tried to get him to see...his true potential...his glory I never...managed to get...the lowly, submissive human out of him. He—”"I said stop talking." 
She snapped, cutting him off by pressing a charged hand against him. 
"He's not the weak one, you are! And yes, usually I believe in mercy. In being the bigger person. But for those like you and your accolades—Jameson, Vega, Priya—who do nothing but manipulate, and hurt, and abuse...there's nothing I want more." 
As she went into her suit pocket, Gaius geared up for one more attack. 
He grabbed the side of her neck with his one free hand and squeezed tightly, and she gasped loosening her hold on him. This allowed him to flip on top of her once more. 
But, even black spots started to tinge her vision and her lungs burned from lack of oxygen, she was prepared.
As the pain laced through her, she pulled out the gleaming wooden stake, it's bark illustrious and white. The streaks of energy in her hand immediately ran through it. Then, she noticed that his last-ditch effort had left his chest completely exposed. 
"You...forgot...one thing," she growled, wincing from his fingers pressed tightly against her throat. 
"What's that?"
The stake’s glowed, illuminating her stoic expression.
"Not even Rheya was invincible."
Isabel's voice was commanding as she used both hands to shove the weapon deep into his heart causing a ripple of black and red smoke to cascade and a crack of thunder to sound/.
The force caused a massive bolt of electricity to run through him. She watched as his eyes briefly widened and he howled in pain. He sizzled then crumbled into smoking ash on top of her, covering her in the greyish white substance.
Isabel remained frozen for a moment, her body shaking from the weight of what she had just done. Then, reality started to sink in. "He...he's gone," she stammered in disbelief. "It’s really over."
Swallowing, she looked down at the still crackling oak in her hand and she set it down remembering that she had to turn off her dormant powers.
"Ab origine, ab antiquo, ab aeterno."
This time, the light dissipated, and the energy retracted from her hands, leaving behind red burn marks. They would heal eventually, she needed the other set of words without the chant on. The temple darkened once more, the only light coming from the moon's peeking through. She stood and turned to face everyone behind her who were all in various states of shock and awe.
Her gaze immediately found Adrian’s and she blinked back tears as the thought of almost losing him overwhelmed her. She rushed to his side in seconds and as soon as he worked himself into a sitting position, she was in his arms.
“Isabel.” His labored breathing was a musical sound to her ears.
She pressed him to her tightly. “Thank god you’re okay,” she exclaimed.
“He almost got to me,” he muttered and when she pulled back enough to see his face, it was full of guilt. “I almost hurt you. I’m so sorry. If I had actually done something…I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself.”
She shushed him with a kiss. “Hey, you don’t have to apologize, you had no choice. He was literally controlling you, Adrian. I knew that I would get through eventually, that you would come back. I just wasn’t sure if I’d have enough time.”
He reached up to brush a stray lock of hair that had fallen out of place and his hand lingered on the side of her chin and she saw a certain urgency on his face. 
“What you said, say it again,” he demanded. “So, I know that you really meant it.” 
She didn’t need to ask which words which he meant, she already knew.
Countless times she had planned elaborate scenarios for when she would actually say them, and they wouldn’t be just thoughts in her brain. For them to slip out in the heat of the moment was not one of them. 
But, they had come out easier than she ever thought they would. 
Peering into his eyes now, all of the fears that he wouldn’t feel the same and the challenges were too great dissipated. Because that same uncertainty was staring right back at her. And all of a sudden, she realized that this was perfect because of how natural it was.
Biting her lip, Isabel repeated her earlier declaration. “I love you, and that means all of you. Even the dark and broken parts. Everything.”
The look he gave her was of raw, unfiltered emotion. “Isabel…I love you too. I didn’t think that I could feel this way about someone again. But you walked in and ended up proving me wrong.”
And that’s when she knew that everything would be worth it, that somehow, they would defy the odds and find a way to be together for eternity, whether it was on her timeline or his.
She was brought out of their moment when he suddenly let out a groan and she remembered that he and their friends were still injured. Their natural healing would take some time from lack of energy and severity of the damage inflicted. But, with her help, it would be just like new. Isabel gasped and slowly untangled herself from him.
Her work as a Bloodkeeper wasn’t over yet work. “Sorry, there’s still one more thing I need to do. For everyone,” she said elusively.
As much as she wanted to help Adrian first, he wasn’t the person she needed to heal most. That was the person who Gaius made sure to hurt most of all. His former queen.
Following her gaze, Adrian gave her a tired smile. “Go. Whatever it is, I can wait for it.”
With a nod, she quickly ran to Kamilah’s side, who was trying to remain calm against the pain she clearly felt.
"Let me help with that," Isabel murmured crouching down beside the CEO.  When she moved her hand over her abdomen, the vampire pulled away slightly before she could make contact, stiffening.
"Isabel, what are you—?”
With all of the abuse Gaius had given her, which was now coming back to the surface, the Bloodkeeper wasn’t slighted or panicked.
She responded with a gentle smile. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. It’s just another power of mine. Do you trust me?”
Kamilah hesitated, her shimmering brown eyes full of apprehension. Then, after a minute, she relaxed and nodded wearily. “I do.”
Isabel delicately grasped the bottom of the white dress shirt. “I need to lift this up, is that okay?” She received a confused nod.
She pushed the fabric up to reveal bare skin and the deep wounds struggling to close themselves up. Getting her hand ready, she continued to talk through the procedure to give Kamilah time to adjust to each step. 
“I’m going to have to touch it with my hand in order for this to work, I’ll be as gentle as possible.”
The other woman simply looked at her curiously as she slowly lowered her two hands onto the gash, she felt her breathe in sharply on instinct before easing once more.
Isabel closed her eyes, willing herself to remember what her grandmother had taught her a few weeks earlier. 
She pressed down softly putting some weight into her palms and recited the phrase needed. “Sana lucem vitae.”
Instantly she felt a tingling warmth spread down from her chest all the way to her fingertips. That’s when she knew that she had said it right. She counted the necessary fifteen seconds she needed to maintain contact before she opened her eyes.
A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she saw the soft pale-yellow glow radiating underneath her hands. She slowly lifted them away to reveal the now perfectly smooth skin where the lacerations should have been. The light retreated almost immediately, and her hands had healed from the electricity as well. 
“My heaven’s…,” Kamilah whispered in awe. Slowly she sat up and groaned, the soreness from the connection of muscles and skin still being felt. “That was…thank you.”
Isabel smiled at her sincerely. “You’re welcome. You deserve kindness and love too you know.”
Jax was the next of the vampires she went to. "You...you did good kid," he stammered, still incredibly weakened.
"Yeah, you did!" Lily exclaimed, before wincing hard. "Sorry, it just really freaking hurts."
Isabel shook her head. “I know, but hold tight. It won’t in a minute.”
She made fast work of mending both of them.  
“You know, I really love having you as my best friend, especially now that you can shoot lightning bolts,” Lily told her after she was finished with her. 
“Me too Lil. I’ve never said this to you out loud but, you saved me you know.”
The gamer furrowed her brows at her. “How?”
A tiny pang of sadness pooled in Isabel realizing just how unappreciated her friend must have been by others. “After I left Derek, Alyssa was my only friend who I’d hadn’t pushed away, and then she moved to Massachusetts and I was here alone. And you welcomed me with open arms, no questions asked. I needed that more than you’ll ever know.”
“Isabel! Now you’re making me cry. You know how much I hate that.” Lily crushed her into a tight hug. “Now go, save your prince charming over there.”
The assistant smiled and made her way back to Adrian. When she said the enchantment this time, she kept her eyes open so that she could watch the process unfold completely.
“I’m guessing that this is what you and Ginny were up to while in Paris?” he asked her. 
Sheepishly she nodded. “Yeah and then Jax helped me with the training once we left. I’m sorry I kept it from you, but Ginny insisted, said you were too overprotective to let me go through with it. I was going to tell you soon but then you got kidnapped so, that wasn’t exactly possible.”
“Eh, she’s probably right. I’m not mad about it though, you did what you needed to do.” 
Good as new, he slowly worked himself up from the concrete as the others did the same.  
“You owe me and Jax after all the loose ends are dealt with,” she quipped as the five of them walked out into the dark New York streets, still as lively as ever. 
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh? And why is that?”
Jax let out a scoff and Isabel gave him an incredulous look. “The bet remember? After we visited the Louvre. We were right, love always wins.”
The memory flooded back to him now. “That’s right. With everything that’s happened since I forgot all about it. What do I have to do to repay?”
Isabel locked eyes with Jax and they both shrugged as a euphoric feeling coursed through her veins, making her light as air. Peace, at least for now was accomplished and that was a satisfying thought. 
With a smile, she replied in a sing-song voice. “I don’t know yet, you’ll just have to wait and see.”    
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bobasheebaby · 6 years ago
Writers you should be reading...
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Week five of trying something new, technically week six but let’s not get picky. This is still a small sampling of who I am reading and think you should be reading too! If you have anyone you think I should check out for next week give me a shout-out and I will try to fit in at least one fic into my crazy schedule. 
@tabithacarlisle Off The Record, I do not find Maxwell attractive but this was HOT. Girl has skills to make me see Max like that. This is her first fic she’s written in awhile and is amazing. Masterlist
@whenyourheartskipsabeat I read the first chapter of A Twist in the Tale and I am completely hooked! Binge worthy read! Masterlist
@nedmallory she has a series If You Want Love that involves Viel of Secrets and an OC (who links to my favorite man) AO3 Link
@silviasutton1989 I adore the Guest. It’s messy and completely complicated and you know how I love drama. Liam has a relationship with MC before the social season, can they possibly make it or will plotting destroy them? I’m completely hooked and have no clue what’s going to happen next. Masterlist
@lahelas Don’t Say Anything it’s Driam, it’s sad as most Driam is but it’s worth the read if you love Driam as much as I do!
@i-miss-trr a wonderful Nonny suggested I read A Friend In Need and it was incredible even if it broke my heart.
@elles-choices @whenyourheartskipsabeat recommended Godsend and I’m really enjoying it so far. Masterlist
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pbmychoices · 6 years ago
Little Tag Game
Tagged by @brightpinkpeppercorn @tabithacarlisle ! Thank you 🤗💕
Relationship Status: Married
Favourite colour: black, gray & white
Top three ships: Parker x MC, Beckett x MC & Jake & MC
Lipstick or chapstick: chapstick all the time in the winter because my lips are always chapped
Last song: One Call Away by Charlie Puth
Last movie: Ready Player One
Currently reading: uhhh Choices & fan fics about Choices 😅
I tag: @ughh-m @xo-endlessmayhem-xo @mistersinclaire @harrington-sinclaire @fluffy-marshmallow-heart @askdana @cordonianredruby @flyawayboo @cordonianwaltz @choices-dan
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