#tabby does game design
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I’m still very interested in this but I haven’t had much time to be able to focus on it. I’ve got two big things I have to decide though:
1. How animal-y everyone is.
Ideally I really like the sapient but still creatures idea. But I do like the Redwall style of still being very people-y and having houses/clothes etc. Also I have never actually read a Redwall book the whole way through….. I know, fake fan 😓
Originally I was kind of imagining more animalistic where clothes are optional, naturally quadrupedal animals still stay on all fours etc. but I think anthro-ing it up a little more will make world-building easier and also the game more enjoyable. Still might go with some animal fantasy rules and say clothes are polite but optional. Mostly cause things like snakes and birds would have harder times wearing clothes so I don’t want them to be left out xD
Plus I want homes and inns and good cooking and art so yeah. Whimsical but full anthro. So woot, one problem solved I guess xD
2. Am I ignoring the food situation?
So like, I don’t want the world-building to take over the whole game but like, any anthro setting has to deal with the carnivore/herbivore situation. I don’t want the setting to have an herbivore vs carnivore theme but I don’t want to just avoid talking about food? Seafood and insects are fair game for easy food. Idk I’ll have to see the more I think on it.
Unofficial third thing is how much I want to lean on D&D/pathfinder for things. I want lots of classes and there are good ones there! “Races” will obviously be animals. I think for player characters though there will be a size limit (at least at first) for ease of the party. Probably nothing bigger than a fox/bobcat. I’m excited to think of special abilities and bonuses for different species! And size will have to be important since it will be varying so much. Do I want the same stat blocks? Hmmm
I do know one thing I want to add! Something I want that will be it’s own mechanic to the game and it will be the importance of:
I think while exploring, when players find loot, they will be more likely to find good supplies and they can craft that into items they want. This started as a nitpicky worldbuilding thing like, what if a rabbit player finds really good armor… for a mouse. Etc. And like I guess a DM could just tailor loot to their group but isn’t it more fun to make the world work for you?!
Obviously magic will still be a big part in the game so enchanting etc. will play a role in crafting as well.
Anyway, this is me just rambling about a potential game that I hope to keep working on, even if it’s low key. :3
Kinda wanna homebrew my own anthropomorphic animal fantasy ttrpg 🤔 (Redwall/Bloomburrow etc.)
Dunno if I just wanna re-skin D&D or just use it as a starting base or look at other ttrpgs or what yet. But I would want/need to homebrew the world and that is both an exciting idea and a heavily daunting one :O
#tabby does game design#i guess#i started a pokemon ttrpg once too and fell off of it#but i still have all my notes!#i start listening to the adventure zone again and then i just get hyped xP
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For @oklolnoty
Down the Rabbit Hole - Five Chapters - 20k words - Yandere Shigaraki Tomura x Rabbit Quirk Female Reader
Rating: 18+ readers only - Minors DNI
Whole story TW: Noncon, yandere with kidnapping, severe quirk based discrimination, binge drinking, canon typical threats of violence (reader directed), canon typical death (nonreader directed), oral (give/receive), PnV (doggie), breeding, and expensive designer clothing everywhere.

Working at Animal Instinct, the city's premiere hostess club for those who like their girls "pawsitively" attractive, may pay the bills but it'll cost your soul. Playing the brainless bunny girl everyone expected you to be, you were prepared to waste your life selling over priced champagne and sham companionship just to afford rent. When your efforts are rewarded with the client from hell, you try to stick to your bubblegum bimbo persona. However, being called boring by some crusty incel with the social skills of a trashcan is not something your pride can let slip by. ...and finding someone who hates society's games as much as him is not something Shigaraki Tomura can let go.
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 ���� Ao3 Mirror

Chapter 1: Dumb Bunny - 3.4k words
TW: Binge drinking, quirk based discrimination

“Omigosh he’s back again!”
Plastered against the glossy black bathroom door, Nyanko’s twisted grimace and bristling tail ill suited her glamorous styling. Rhinestone trimmed claws pawed for purchase as an annoyed shriek hissed between tight teeth. It was fortunate that lilac satin squeezed her willowy frame like a vice. The very dress that transformed her bust line from “average” to “savage” restricted her air intake, keeping her whining to a polite volume.
Twisting the golden cap of your Yves Saint Laurent lipstain back on, you dabbed at your cupid’s bow. “Crusty boy?”
“Yes!” She groaned, pinning her cat ears to her skull. “Mama-san has paired him with twelve different girls in the last month. Boy’s got a heart made of Teflon! Won’t stick to anyone!”
You raised an eyebrow. “I thought this club was a kurabu? Isn’t the first pairing long term?”
“His dad is some sort of big deal so he gets special treatment, but mostly it's a mutual hate-hate thing,” Nyanko explained, wagging her finger. “He can’t find a girl he likes and all the girls beg Mama-san to let him try someone else. Even Aru didn’t want him and you know she has thick skin!”
“Quirk~ist,” you sang out, tucking your make-up back in the small, pearled handbag. “Just because she has an armadillo quirk doesn’t mean her soul is armor plated.”
Nyanko’s tabby tail swished. “Why does he keep coming back if he’s never happy?” she demanded, stomping her spike heels.
“I like those.” You nodded to the red bottoms. “The flower lace on the mesh is cute.”
“I know, right!” She twisted this way and that, showing off the shimmering details. “Abe-san got them for me last week. I think he has a foot thing but I’m not complaining.” All at once, her hair bristled. “Wait! Don’t try to change the subject! I’m in a real bind here!”
You popped your lips, smoothing down a stray lock of hair. “Oh? Why?”
“Because I’m one of the few he hasn’t chewed up yet!” She shivered and rubbed her arms. “I’m terrified Mama-san will pair me with that creep next!”
“Then quit your job and take Abe-san up on that mistress position. It’s not like he can last more than twenty seconds anyways so you won’t have to do much work.”
Her face fell flat. “Honey, hell’s got your name.”
You kicked off the faux marble tile and strutted over to the petite, raven-haired cutie. A single finger reached out, straightening the curl of her long bob. Patting her shoulder, you flashed her a grin and whispered in her ear. “Then it’s a good thing none of us go by our real names here, isn’t it?”
She giggled before rolling her eyes towards your new lip color. “Speaking of 'people who just want to take a poor girl away from this place', is that a gift from your one hero client?”
You nodded. “Oshida bought it for me on the paid date. Asked me if he could put some of his cum in it.”
“Guess he’s not as family friendly as his press agent makes him out to be,” she muttered.
“I told him I couldn’t use it if he did because I’d be too addicted to the taste.”
Nyanko flashed you a judgey side eye and pushed open the bathroom door. “How are you that good a liar?”
“Nyanko, what are you talking about?" You plastered on an airy smile. Each word tumbled out wrapped in sweetness. "Everyone knows that bunny girls aren’t smart enough to lie. ♡”
The words burned bitterly on your tongue.
Nyanko huffed, turning on heel. “I hate you.”
“Hate you more, sweetie,” you teased, following her down the long hall.
Pink tiles with golden veins lead the way to the reception desk. On your right, Animal Instict's main bar buzzed with flirtatious conversation, fake smiles, and exhausted salary men. One of the puppy girls, wrapped in cherry red spandex and ten centimeter black platforms, clung to her elderly client's arm like a fly on garbage.
"Is Pochi back early from her paid date?" You asked, slipping under the glossy countertop.
"Kiba-san's bunions are acting up," Nyanko whispered, cupping the side of her face. "You know, the bunions that flare up when Pochi wants a fourth helping of foie gras."
You looked the other hostess up and down. Her rosy cheeks glowed as she smoothed her glossy tail across her lap. "She's pounding the champagne again. Her heat cycle must be close."
Nyanko waved her hand. "Don't date the dog if you ain't got the bank."
"Catty of you."
She hissed.
"Ladies," a firm voice warned. "You are on the floor."
You both turned towards a sultry middle-aged woman. Clad in a cocktail dress crafted from delicate golden mesh and rhinestones, her long, peacock plumage glittered every shade from sea green to deep navy in the warm light. She fixed you with a sharp glare before snapping open a fan. Its fluttering teased at her long, fake lashes.
"Yes, Mama-san," you replied in synchrony, bowing your heads to the boss.
She narrowed her eyes, craning her long, graceful neck to inspect your makeup. When it passed muster, she snapped the fan shut. "Honey, Tano-san requested you tonight as Usagi is out with a migraine."
Wow… just going to work his way through the bunny girls, huh? Guy wasn’t even subtle about his fetish.
"Of course," you agreed, bowing again. "Thank you, Mama-san."
Mama-san turned her scrutinizing gaze towards your companion. “Nyanko—” she crooked boney finger— “come with me.”
Nyanko’s ears drooped. “Y-yes, Mama-san…”
Mama-san rapped the cat girl with the lacey fan. “Professionalism.”
Nyanko forced a pained grin before snatching up a hot towel from the stack. “O-Of course!”
You shook your head, selecting a rolled towel of your own and placed it on a silver platter. Then, smearing on an airheaded smile, you followed the leader around the large, gangly money tree. Just past its scraggly leaves, two men came into view.
On the left, dressed in a deep navy sport coat and matching pleated pants stood a solemn faced man in his late sixties. He peered into the entryway’s mirror, fussing with his thinning, silver streaked hair. The wide, rose-gold rolex watch made his wrist look fat and did horrible things for his yellow undertones. When you came into view, he jerked away from his preening. Hungry eyes traced the line of your leg from heel to hem. His thick tongue lapped at the corner of his mouth.
“Tano-san,” your boss guiding you forward. “This is Honey Bunny.”
“It's so good to meet you, Tano-san!” You added a sugar rush bounce to your step. “We hope Usa-chan should feel better soon. I hope it’ll be okay if I take care of you for her until she’s better?”
With a grunt, he took the towel, clumsily groping your fingers along the way.
Mama-san turned to the man on the right. Hiding his face behind a mop of pale blue waves, a surly looking twenty something hunched against the wall. Blazing red eyes stared out from under hairless brows. He tugged at his collar, as if the beautifully tailored Armani three-piece was strangling him. It wasn’t hard to guess how he got the moniker “crusty boy”. Patchy scale peeled from his under eye bags.
“Shigaraki-san, this is Nyanko-chan.”
Nyanko playfully scratched the air, before speaking out in a voice half an octave higher than her own. “It’s a purr-asure to Meow-chu, Shigaraki-san! I hope we can become good friends!”
He sneered at Nyanko before raking his neck with ratty, broken nails.
Your coworker smiled so hard you thought her face might tear. “Would mew like a hot towel?”
He plucked the moist terry cloth from her outstretched hand with two fingers. He half-heartedly scrubbed his hands before walking right past her. “Let’s get this over with.”
Nyanko’s tail drooped as she skittered off after her guest. You pressed a coy hand to your lips to hide a grimace.
This was going to be a long night.
One hour into the evening, you would have paid Usa-chan to take her client back.
At first, you thought Tano simply fumbled his cigarettes due to some nervous condition. However, after the third one in half an hour, you caught beady eyes peering down the front of your dress as you leaned in to light them. He ordered nothing but the cheapest wine on the menu (2.6k yen per glass + the 25% service fee) and nursed his drink like an old woman. Those squirmy hands of his kept “accidentally” brushing against your tail every time he shifted in his seat. Conversation was hard fought and mostly about how much he hated his boss.
“Are you and Usa-chan related?” he asked for the fifth time that night.
You brushed your long, silky ears back. “Well, I’m a Lop and she’s a Lionhead.”
“Oh. So it’s not the same thing?”
If you smiled any harder your teeth would crack. “I know, right? They sound so similar I always get them confused.” You hoisted the green bottle up. “Here, it looks like you need a refill—”
He quickly covered the glass with his palm. “Let me touch your ears?”
Rot in the gutter, you steaming trash heap.
Hesitant humming accompanied a thoughtful head tilt. “Mama-san kinda sorta told me I’m not supposed to because it’s against club rules or something.” You clicked your tongue and beamed at him. “Makes me sad because I love having my hair brushed. Oh well, right?”
He scooted closer. “You could just ignore her.”
Wide, panicked eyes sold the frantic, high pitched squeak. “Omigosh! But it’d be bad to do that right?”
Rancid breath poured over your bare neck. “I can make being a bad bunny really fun.”
You laughed, “playfully” shoving his shoulder so hard it pushed him a solid half meter away. “Oh Tano-san! No wonder Usa-chan loves you so much. You’re so funny!”
…and wringing your floppy neck with your ugly Gucchi tie would be even funnier.
On the other side of the tufted leather booths, Nyanko seemed to fare even worse.
“So… Shigaraki-san, do you work for your paw-ther?”
“He’s my mentor, not my father.”
“Oh! That’s so neat! So he’s like a father to mew?”
One word grated through gritted teeth. “No.”
Nyanko winced at the harsh tone, her smile shaken for only a moment before she rallied. “Your mentor must be very generous to send you here so Meow-ften.”
“It’s annoying,” he groused, scratching his neck like a dog with fleas. The pungent stench of iron caught on the breeze from the air conditioning. All the women around you wrinkled their sensitive noses.
“It doesn’t have to be.” Nyanko placed one hand on the cream leather next to his thigh and leaned in. A long golden necklace slipped down her décolletage, pointing the eye towards her assets. Pouty lips forced her tongue high against her fangs, playing up an alto’s vocal fry. Delicately, she twirled her hair behind her pointed ear. Dangling diamonds glittered in the dim glow of the teardrop chandelier. Round, golden eyes peered at him from under sooty lashes. “Neh, Shigaraki-san, what kind of girl do mew like?”
The booth squeaked as he scooted away. “Someone real.”
“I’m all nyan-tural,” she purred, letting her free hand trail down her bust.
With a sharp “chcc”, he groped for his cell phone.
Nyanko cocked her head. “Oh? Nyu like video games?”
“A little,” he muttered, loading up an app. Comic book style red and yellow text exploded across the screen. Four different voices called out: “Hero Center Battle Royale!!!!”.
“Ooooh!” She clapped her hands together. “Which ones do mew like?”
“The ones where the heroes die.”
“Sounds exciting!”
“More exciting than this conversation.”
Fight on, Nyanko-chan!
While your coworker clawed for any hint of mutual interest, Tano leaned back into his seat and manspread until he was pressed against your bare thigh. “Seems like the pretty kitty is having a rough time.”
“Really?” You smiled so hard the muscles below your eyes spasmed. “It sounds like she’s having fun learning a lot about a new person to me.”
Face flushed, your patron sipped his wine. “You’re kinda a dumb bunny, aren’t you?”
Yeah… That’s what your university professors thought too. At least, until your grades put you second in your class by only three points. Maybe if they stopped staring at your ears long enough, they would have seen the brain between them.
“Nyanko-chan loves to meet new people,” you chirped back, sitting on quivering hands to avoid throttling your meal ticket.
Tano thumbed his chin. “Wonder if she’s so persistent because she’s gonna go into heat.”
Ew… can you just not?!
"That must be a pain, going into heat.” Beady eyes flashed to you. "You do too, right?"
Gross. Disengage! Disengage!
You tapped your chin. "Huh… I dunno. Maybe bunnies are different or something."
…cause a three second Google search couldn't have told his horny self that?! Seriously…
Faking a sweet smile you reached for his glass. “Heat or no heat, I think that connecting with others is a reward in and of itself."
And if Tano could connect the dots he would have the decency to GO HOME if he wasn’t going to drink.
He pulled his cup away. "I don't need a refill."
You set the bottle down. "Oh! My bad! I just really wanted to take care of you. You worked really hard after all. You deserve a little rest."
He leaned back into his seat and smiled to himself. "Yeah. Guess I do."
Ugh… Just drunk enough to be a self-centered douchebag, but not enough to get you a sales bonus. This sucked.
He cracked open one eye and glanced at you. "But seriously, aren’t you even a little worried about her or are you just too stupid that to read the room?”
You leaned into your palm, using the thick of your hand to stifle the snarl. “Finding the right fit for every guest can be hard but everyone here loves the challenge.” One ear flopped across your eye. You inhaled, letting the rise of your ribs strain the bust of your gown. “I’m just so glad we have such good chemistry.”
His greasy grin made you nauseated. Greedy eyes drank up your coworker’s long tail and tufted ears. He licked his lips. “Should I offer to save her then? Having two of you around sounds like fun.”
….and entirely defeated the point of coming to the type of classy club where you are supposed to have an intimate, one-on-one conversation with your hostess. Not to mention, you’d have to split the tip. Then again, that assumed this cheapskate didn’t skip it all together.
You bit your cheek until the taste of iron pricked your tongue. Painted lips slipped into a puffy pout. You turned your head, letting tears pool at your lash line. Ducking low to play up the shadows between your cleavage, you pinched his sleeve between two fingers like a schoolgirl tugging on her crush.
“Ah… I suppose it’s true that Tano-san is so cool he could have two women at once.”
His breath caught in his wrinkled throat.
With a forlorn smile, you glanced down at the connection between you before dropping his sleeve like it shocked you. Your voice pitched high as you hurried out a breathless apology. “Oh! Sorry!” Nervous fingers prodded together as you hid behind one ear. “When I am around a man like you, I-I sometimes just get these instincts...”
He gulped.
Time to go in for the kill.
Your eyes danced away from his. “It’s been such a long time since I felt this way, I forgot that it happens. It’s hard, but I’ll try to control myself better.”
Tano reached for your hand, but you pulled it away to bop it into your fist. “Oh! Speaking of instincts, Usa-chan told me once that you negotiated a lot of big contracts for your company. How did you get so good at your job?”
He leaned back into the booth, puffing out his chest. Wrapping one arm over the back of the chair, he crooked his finger at you. “Come a little closer and I’ll be happy to share.”
Ugh… You needed a drink.
“Oh my gosh, Honey-chan he was just the worst!”
Nyanko’s whiskers tickled the side of your neck as she buried her face in your shoulder. You sighed, wrapping your arm around her. The smell of fried food and beer wafted in the summer air. Plump moths collided with the streetlight three paces away. Two wobbly salary men waved. The one wearing a tie on his forehead blew a wet kiss. Your party of three wiggled your fingers and giggled like shy school girls. As soon as they were out of sight, the smiles dropped like corpses on a battlefield.
You patted Nyanko’s shoulder. “There, there. You did what you could.”
She sniffled, fanning her flushed face. You passed her a tissue. She dabbed at her make-up. Flecks of mascara peeled onto pale paper. Another sob wracked her body. “WHAT DOES HE WANT!?” she wailed.
“Seriously,” Pochi scratched her dangling ears. “Mama-san gave him to me last week. He told me ‘your skills need a level up’. What does that even mean?!” She swished her silky black tail. “Let’s see his mummy lips pull three champagne towers in one night!”
“Three? Were you in heat?”
She sneered wide enough to flash her canines. “I faked it.”
You laughed. “Hot, but scary Pochi-sama.”
She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, motioning to Nyanko’s limp body. “Blame Little Miss Crafty Kitten there. For 30,000 yen, she gave me a run down on my tells and I did my make-up and perfume to mimic them. Worth every penny.”
Nyanko’s blank eyes stared at nothing. “I am a good hostess. I am a good hostess. I am a good hostess.”
You gave her a long side eye. “You charged 30,000 yen for that?”
A shaking hand rose into the air. She clenched her thumb and index finger into a ring.
“And I’m the one going to hell?” you teased, handing her off to Pochi. “Here. I forgot something at the club. You two get going before the last train leaves. I’m close enough to walk.”
“Whatever,” Pochi groaned, hugging the crying cat to her chest. “Come on Nyanko. You had too much to drink.”
With a gentle wave, you watched them as they staggered down the sidewalk leaving only Nyanko's miserable whining in their wake. When the last sob slipped into silence, the false feelings melted from your expression. Every hair on your neck bristled. A hard heel thumped on the pavement. Fists clenched to your side, you dashed off into the nearest alleyway. Wrenching off your expensive pumps, you set them on the ground out of reach. Your vision swam blood red, you zeroed in on the filthy dumpster. All at once, a frustrated shriek tore through the night air.
You slammed your heel down into the dumpster, leaving a dent in the rust.
Blow after blow rained down on the innocent trash receptacle.
Twisted metal groaned under the weight of your fury. Memories of fresh-from-college job interviews flashed through your mind.
"I don't know that you're a good fit for our culture." "You seem really nice but we're only looking for serious candidates." "Oh…. I have another position you can interview for, sweetie."
Judgey stares and smarmy grins seared your brain. Lava hot rage bubbled through your veins as you kicked the dumpster five centimeters off its axis.
Panting and raspy, you heaved for air in the middle of the pavement. With a final huff you tossed your hair, hiked up your purse, and strutted away.
At the end of the alley, bloodshot scarlet eyes were watching your entire tantrum. Just below them, a ghostly white smile glinted in the flickering amber light.
Next Chapter Expected: June 30th, 2023
Expected Completion Date: Mid-Aug 2023
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5🐇 Ao3 Mirror
Taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites @smilinghowever @krystalwithakay @iris-goddess @ss-syche @mortallysparklyfun @meameows @magnificentclodpiezonk @betterfettered @utena-akashiya @ventdavi154 @st4rrust @imaginedheroine @the-lady-writes-what @shiggysimp69 @toughbook @naughteehee
#shigaraki x reader#yandere shigaraki tomura x reader#shigaraki tomura x reader#shigaraki tomura x you#yandere bnha x reader#bnha x reader#yandere shigaraki#yandere shigaraki tomura#female reader
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Ok, so I was supposed to draw one small fanart, but I got carried away and created an au ^^''
Jedi cats Au
(Disaster lineage edition)
Yoda: Small green cat with tufts of white fur on his tail tip and across his spine. He loves being cuddled by the younglings as he tells them stories(basically their therapy, grandfather cat) and going on occasional trips to Dagobah for meditation (at least, that's his excuse). What he really does there is hunting frogs(he claims they're good for his bones) and camping out in the swamp(the whole trip traumatizing Dooku in the process).
Dooku: Huge white cat with brittle yellow eyes and spiked-up fur. He doesn't change much in his cat form, but when he does, he spends most of his time sunning himself on the council chairs(you can't blame him, cats can't resist such a good sunning spot), skulks around the temple corridors looking elegant and graceful, and steals sith holocrons out of nowhere so he could 'study' them(they were later confiscated and thrown out of the temple when Qui found out). He never lets anybody pet him except for Sifo, Jocasta, Qui, and sometimes Yoda(his adoptive father figure), or Obi-wan(his grandson whom he's secretly proud of)
Qui-Gon: Greyish brown cat with long silky fur and leaf-green eyes. He mostly hangs out on the temple's huge tree or goes on trips to Lothal to have tea with Loth-cats and wolves. (The Loth-cats kind of worship him as their 'god', and the wolves invite him and his apprentice for night strolls and 'singing to the moon' meetings)
He also randomly adopts kittens(padawans; in this case, Obi-wan, Anakin, and recently Ahsoka)
Obi-wan: Small auburn cat with darker splotches and grey-blue eyes. He's smaller than his apprentice but twice the sassiness. Cody loves to cuddle him and stroke his soft fur for hours while talking about how his day went(Obi doesn't mind^^). As a kitten, he constantly kept Qui company while he studied at night(at least that's what he says when Qui complains about his student/son being annoyingly cute and knocking over his mug of tea on purpose every five minutes).
Anakin: Brown tabby emo with sky-blue eyes. He hates sand, is very chaotic in many ways, and has a talent for annoying Obi(he actually passes down his 'abilities' to Ahsoka, who becomes more like her master). He also holds a record of being the most troublesome padawan in existence.
Despite all this, Padme finds him adorable (he often sneaks out of the temple in his cat form to meet his gf), but Obi-wan and Ahsoka know better(sure, he's nice and charming, yet can also be pretty stupid and reckless).
Ahsoka: Sleek, lithe, orange cat with white tail and blue stripes. Her Lekku still exists in her cat form as well as her facial markings(the Lekku are used to communicate with other cats or Jedi, and also play an important part in balancing their bodies while they leap agily or pelt across obstacles at high speed).
Toruguti cats have very short, smooth fur on their bodies(the pelts are mostly an orangish hue, with blue stripes appearing on the back of their flanks as they get older), but their tails are often white, bushy and flecked with blue stripes.
She's one of the 501'th's favorites because she often hangs out with Rex and the clones(sharing stories, playing games... etc)(the clones especially love placing random things on her head until she moves). As her species are carnivores, she has an instinct for hunting small animals(sometimes leaving her half-dead prey on Anakin's desk like the cheeky adorable prankster she is).
I might upload some headcanons and designs btw
Have a nice day ^^
Lil baby man who looks like an infant permanently no wonder he wants a beard so bad in human form.
Soka’s Lekku is so cute and I love how pissy Ani is. They’re all precious to me. Swamp kitty Yoda is so perfect.
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Morgana from Person 5 vs Krampy from Cattails: Wildwood Story. Vote for your fav!!
Need help picking? Check down here!
Morgana - P-Studio - 2016 - Anthropomorphic tuxedo cat:
-If we’re including his abilities in Mementos/Palaces then he has a clear advantage of being able to use his persona to cast spells as well as fight. He also uses a curved sword and a slingshot. If hurt he also has healing spells. His appearance in this form is mascot-esque, but don’t let his big head fool you—he’s quite agile. Having a persona at all grants the wielder extreme abilities. Fast enough to dodge lightning, take incredible damage and even able to fight against gods. This strength is only granted in places they can summon their persona, i.e. not the real world.
Even in his cat form while in the real world, he is extremely dexterous: able to pick locks. He’s also taken a kick from a guy and having a metal briefcase land directly on his head following a bit of a fall. Not altogether impressive but still something for a cat to endure. He’s also smarter than the average cat, giving him a nice advantage.
He does eventually become human in Persona 5 Royal, but is just a cat at the end of the original game.
-He can turn into a car and run over any competition. He’s a master thief and fought god once. Also he has a slingshot.
-1: THIS CAT IS A HEALER! He gets the best healing spell in the entire game and when I got it on him, I don't think he ever left my party
2: THIS CAT CARES ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING! It's become a meme at this point, but Mona wants you to go to sleep >:(
(P5 Spoilers Beyond this Point)
3: THIS CAT IS THE COLLECTIVE HOPE OF HUMMANITY! It's explained late game, but Morgana was created through the last scraps of humanities hope against the false god that the party eventually fights
4: THIS CAT EXPOSED A MURDERER! Its not important but the scene IS funny so I feel obligated to mention it.
-Everyone hates him for the stupid “go to sleep” mechanic + some of his issues with another character but he’s such a good boy i love him so much. he’s always with you, helping you out and supporting you! plus he’s so little brother coded oh my god. baby. baby boy. spoilers for p5: also he’s literally the manifestation of hope like guys. hope is a cat. hope is stored in the cat.
Krampy - Falcon Development - 2023 - Gray tabby medicine cat
-He's so autism
-Cattails is like Stardew Valley for warrior cat fans, and Krampy is a fan favorite for several good reasons. He's a kind of eccentric medieval doctor who also has trouble relating to other cats because of his weird experiments and love of leeches, but that passion also makes him very charming as a character. He's got a tendency to ramble and tell long stories and is just really wholesome all around. Also he wears a plague doctor mask which is just a really cool design choice.
-The iconic doctor of the Mystic Colony. Who doesn't want a medicine cat with a plague mask?? And they are a real character too. Some of their best quotes:
"“Actually, I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Krampy the doctor, and don't worry! I am not a bird. Although when I had that concussion, I did think I was... ... What was I saying again?"
“Greetings young kitten. Do you mind if I put leeches on your tail? It's for science. And, I think it would be funny. Or I could do it to myself... But then what will I do tomorrow?"
“I think you should wear a beaky mask, it will protect you in this world. I wish not to see my friends hurt. Although that is bad for business... bit of a double-edged sword. Don’t get hurt too often!”
“You have the worst-smelling miasma I have ever smelled! I can smell you from miles away! Why don't you roll in some garbage? - It can only improve your odor, and you end up where you belong!"
#gamercats tournament#polls#morgana#persona 5#krampy#cattails wildwood story#cattails#cattails game#mona p5#mona persona 5
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Yoo, what game are you playing? Your post made it seem so interesting, I really wanna check it out
i'm playing Slay The Princess, a horror visual novel about a hero going to slay a princess to save the world.
"A fully-voiced, cosmic horror black comedy/romance. The Stanley Parable meets Call of Cthulhu with a dash of Disco Elysium." - Black Tabby Games' website about the game. And yeah, that applies.
It has extremely branching paths and a timeloop aspect (yall can figure i'm a sucker for timeloops) and it's morbidly fascinating to watch how the hero and the princess both shape each other in their mutual dance of longing and repulsion.
it's that combination of horror and romance that really gets to me, cuz i think repulsion and adoration are very similar. do not ask me why. it just is, to me.
an individual playthrough took me two and a half hours but i only saw a FRACTION of the options available, and a full playthrough of everything is supposed to take 15h, i think.
horror game tws obviously for: self-mutilation, suicide, murder, unreality, spooky ghosts who want to kill you so bad, burning to death, intrusive thoughts, some degree of auto-cannibalism, body horror (lots of it), the changing and twisting and warping nature of reality, etc etc.
it has in my opinion great hand-drawn illustrations with a fantastic breadth of design for just one singular character. it also features jonathan sims as the majority of the cast, if you like his stuff - if you enjoyed the magnus archives, you'll definetely like hearing his writing again. both he and the princess' VA, Nichole Goodnight, both did fantastic jobs of bringing all the different facets of these characters to life.
a lot of the game is listening to yourself bicker, so make sure you enjoy that before you buy it. I'd recommend ManlyBadassHero's playthrough of it (currently ongoing) if you just want to check it out first. ...i cant count how many games I checked out because Manly played them.... that guy is singlehandedly responsible for my love of rpgmaker games, damn.
also, despite it being a horror game, there were a good few moments that made me laugh, too (the razor is a master of comedy), and i found it to be very emotionally moving. Probably since it's a visual novel, but my anxiety disorder didn't give me a hard time playing it like it usually does with horror games.
i had a fantastic time with it and i'm 100% booting up another file to see even a fraction of what I missed on my first go-around.
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Round 2 of my favorite characters as warrior cats lets go — Sylvain, Claude, and Dimitri edition
Once again I throw logic out the window for actual cat markings/colors/whatever because I design based on vibes and I was only able to work a crest onto Sylvain (the red around his eyes resemble the two parts of the gautier crest) but I did try very hard to get the other two to have theirs (Dimitri gave me a stupid amount of trouble to get vibed right).
I knew I needed to put a heart on Sylvain for Sylvain reasons, and I thought it would be delightful if he only had it on one side — his other being just dark… I also really wanted to include black on him since his class outfits usually use black and red annnnnd the cat breed named after Gautier is a black and white cat.
Meanwhile, Claude is highly inspired by wyverns in the game. The lighter brown is basically wherever it would be on a wyvern, and the fact of his stripes are mostly from the Reigan tabby but also resembling the layered(?) look wyverns have… the scales, basically, with white stripes being used for more prominent scales (sort of, mostly because his wyvern is white and I needed to include it but he looked wrong with white stripes). His ear tufts represent wyvern horns/antlers, or they represent deer antlers! His tail and spots are deer-like, too.
And Dimitri !! He needed to be big and fluffy; and, he needed to have a mane with rounded ears like a lion so that’s the bulk of my ideas. The black part on his back is like the fur cloak he has post timeskip and his toes being black were just because I thought it would be neat 👍
I have been thinking about fe3h warrior cats in the back of my mind for over 2 years apparently, and it’s so easy to say we have Eagleclan, Lionclan, and Deerclan… that’s why those are the three clans. Maybe this world works a little differently, too, and the church is a band of clan cats who are always in contact with Starclan (allegedly) and therefore partially govern all the clans… Wolfclan also exists, but it’s not a real clan — it’s a band of rouges or loners who are doing their thing led by Yuri
Starting with Lionclan life, sometimes I remember that Thunderclan had a succession way back in the day with Oakstar to Pinestar and that is how Lambert wanted it to go before ~tragedy~ and I don’t know if it was Rufus or someone else who takes over afterwards but I do know that when Sylvain was a kit, a part of him really wanted to be a medicine cat but he never went down that path… though he does know a lot more about herbs than your average warrior! Good for him. At somepoint when it’s time for the timeskip, Dimitri disappears for 5-12 moons (I think 60 moons would be the 5 years but that feels too long for cats), becoming a rouge wandering the clans’ territories and picking off mostly Eagleclan like your unfriendly neighborhood cryptid. Eventually he’s normal again and not doing that, reclaiming the leadership position.
And with Deerclan I have not as many thoughts for I am not sure what makes the most sense for Almyra to be. Maybe something closer to the tribe? I do not know. What I do know is Claude came from there and got to be in the clans for a good long while, quickly rising to the rank of leader by the time the timeskip passes. I feel like Deerclan would be extra not happy about him simply showing up if that’s what goes down, so I support it happening. Kind of like how Tallstar makes Onewhisker the deputy on his deathbed, but it’s Claude’s grandpa doing that to Claude.
And I have a lot of name ideas for fe3h life !!
When I initially thought of names for specifically Lionclan/Faerghus, it was as if they were from Riverclan so the names on my mind have a very Riverclan-based scheme… but I really like some of them. Like “Shellrain” for Sylvain, I think it’s so fun if the name actually sounds like their real name. I needed to put “Rain” in as the suffix for Sylvain for that reason.
I think Lambert, who could be “Lightbass” or “Landbass” depending on how far you want to go with the names sounding alike, would name Dimitri “Lionkit” when he’s born. Then he can become “Liontrout” or “Liontree” again, depending on how far you want to go. Though, maybe his name is “Lionshade” “Lionshadow” or something else suspicious because it would probably be Rufus (who is Runfur because that is the closest I can get to it being Rufus) or someone else who doesn’t support him naming him at the time… unless warrior names are given out by the church group… hmmmm…
Regardless, I’m again not sure what Almyra is in connection to the clans, but Claude definitely has two names, and in the clans he goes by “Deerclaw.” Claw is the best suffix ever if you want to make a word that sounds like Claude (just like rain) so it has to be it, and “deer” is a very obviously accepted prefix for the clans. I don’t know what his original name should be yet, however.
And that’s all I got, but I have one more pair to contemplate (Aventurine and Dr Ratio) in the coming days before I start digging deeper into the other cats so stay tuned \o/ yippie
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Yep. XD I had her on the list to design a bit further down the line, but after realizing only days before it came out that there was going to be a new Legend of Zelda game to play, and then playing it for several days and super loving it, I just had to finally design the cat named after my favorite video game series. So here's the last drawing I have to upload in this batch, it's Zelda the kittypet, aka Violetshine's first girlfriend. XD
You can find the reverse side of her design here.
For her physical description, Zelda is described as a plump she-cat with a glossy pelt. I basically went all-in on making this girl as Zelda-like as possible while still staying realistic. She has a lovely regal look to her, a lovely thick coat, and long ear tufts to resemble Zelda's long, pointed Hylian ears. XD She has a scar on her leg from the first battle with RiverClan, where she was described as having a huge gash on one hind leg, the other scars are from that battle, the fight to drive the Kin out of RiverClan's camp, and the final battle against the Kin.
Her collar is of course a reference to the game character she's named after, if her owners are nerds (affectionate) enough to name their cat after a video game character, of course they're gonna get a collar that's as pink as Zelda's dress with a Triforce tag. XD The Triforce colors and the collar color are both color-grabbed from screenshots of the games, mostly OOT. Her collar is sparkly, hence the little dot/sparkle effects.
For her pattern, Zelda is just described as a tabby. I was definitely inspired by her wiki design as a very pale cream point tabby, but also a sort of golden point tabby felt very fitting for the golden-haired Zelda. I see a lot of fan artists giving her green eyes, which surprised me as most of Zelda's designs in the games have her with blue eyes, though she does have sort of teal-green eyes in BOTW and TOTK. Anyway, I always associated her with blue eyes, so that's what I gave kitty Zelda.
I sort of based her forehead markings on the Hyrule crest, but only loosely, she's not some magical cat who was somehow born with the perfect markings of a video game symbol, she's just a regular cat with realistic markings that happen to somewhat resemble it - she does have three triangle markings on her head, though, which is a nod to the Triforce. Also, I guess Vi has a thing for red-based point tabbies, given her later mate, and with the blue eyes Zelda looks a bit like her son Rootspring. XD
Overall, I'm really happy with how she turned out. :D Now that I'm done uploading all these, I can go back to playing Echoes of Wisdom. XD
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[is out of the loop] what is slay the princess and should I watch/read/play it?
Slay the Princess is a psychological horror visual novel in which you, the protagonist, are tasked with slaying the princess, who is locked in the basement of a cabin at the end of a path in the woods. If you don't, the world will end.
Can't be that hard, can it?
The game deals a lot with cycles, of revenge, of violence, of life and death, as well as themes of stagnation versus transformation, trust versus risk, agency, and doing what you're told.
It's made by Black Tabby Games, whose previous game, Scarlett Hollow, I have not played, and therefore can't tell you anything about.
The game has two voice actors. Nichole Goodnight (whom I did not know before this game) plays the Princess, and shows off amazing talent over the course of this game, and Jonathan Sims (whom I knew from the Magnus Archives) plays the Narrator, as well as everybody else (you), and also does an excellent job adding a ton of character to his performances.
If you are familiar with the Magnus Archives, Jonathan Sims' inclusion in this project is by no means a coincidence, because the tone is often very similar, although Slay the Princess ends up a bit more hopeful in its outlook than the Magnus Archives did.
Besides that, art style's neat, music design's excellent, the horror is well done, and there's a ton of symbolism for nerds (me) to dig into.
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🥪📚🤝🎒 for Riya, Meredith and one more of your choosing!
what is this?? tabby answering prompts in a timely manner??? unheard of. (mwah mwah i'm giving u kisses ty ty) // yet another oc ask game
🥪 On a scale from ‘burns water’ to ‘5 course menu’ how well can your OC cook?
RIYA — after thinking on it for a minute, i think Riya might actually have some decent baseline cooking skills purely because i can see her dad as being a great cook and he would have loved having her join him in the kitchens on occasion. and tragically Riya would do anything to see him happy, even stooping so low as to making her own brunch 🙄 i mean incredibly basic though. like she can chop the vegetables, stir the pot, keep things from burning, blah blah. no actual technical skills or know-how. so on the scale we'll give her "could cook fantasy boxed mac and cheese but you don't want her to because she's gonna complain the entire time about having to do it herself when there are actual cooks around"
MEREDITH — that b.ridgerton scene of the siblings standing in front of the stove all “well i should not know how to turn it on” “and you think i should?” but it's Meredith and Fergus. and she stays that way for the rest of her privileged life. she has more important things to do than whip up a meal! let the staff do it!! that’s what they’re paid for smh. she's a "might burn your toast because she misjudged the heat" on the scale.
GREER — she can heat up something that you give her but not much more than that. Greer spent more time in the dungeons than on kitchen duty and i wish i was joking about that. on the scale she's a "let her prep all the ingredients and i'll do the rest"
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they choose?
RIYA — if she needs to select a “serious” topic, then she’s going off on a deep dive on the history of the Free Marches Grand Tourney. it would naturally include her penchant for adding unnecessary details and perhaps a little extra drama here and there, and it’d reach a point where you can tell she stopped her research after the past eight or so tourneys (she won the 32nd so. lmfao), but at least she’s accurate and knows what she’s talking about. if she thinks she can be a little silly?? 10 minute long fantasy tier ranking of all the current top smut books in Nevarra and why her favorite is obviously #1, the others can't compete.
MEREDITH — i wanted to give her a fun answer but if it’s improvised she’d want to fall back on things she’s knowledgeable on and probably thinks she Has to excel or she’s a failure, so she’d likely go for something boring like a brief synopsis on the past decade of Landsmeet councils or explaining the basic duties and expectations of Teyrnirs and their heads. if she's feeling frisky then maybe the latest Fereldan fashion trends and their improvements on previous designs.
GREER — if she can get away with it, predictable righteous rant on the history of Templar crimes in her Circle alone. if not?? i think she could manage to scramble together a coherent ramble about theory on strong emotions affecting a mage’s casting and mana. as somebody so fueled by rage and passion she's absolutely done the research.
🤝 Does your OC have someone they want at their side when they are scared? Who?
RIYA — many people bro, she's not afraid of turning to others for support. top of the head would honestly likely be her eldest brother, Regulus. he taught her how to be brave in the first place and she'd feel fucking invincible with him at her side tbh. next in line would be Bastian but :///
MEREDITH — it's kinda fucked up and weird to say but like. anybody who is more frightened than her. because they're somebody in need and that's when it's easiest for Meredith to bury her own fear so that she can take care of them, the damn noble hero she is. if we want an actual name here then it's obviously going to be Alistair. he's her shield 💚
GREER — i don't think so, no. she learned pretty early on that she was on her own for most of her battles and adjusted to not relying on anybody for support.
🎒 If your OC had to pick three things of all their belongings to keep, which would they chose?
RIYA — she's shaking crying throwing up as she picks them but: her father's handkerchief, the golden heart-shaped locket sent by her family, and the pair of Valdivia signet rings (they're a combined set to her fuck off she's taking both or lightning bolting you about it).
MEREDITH — the Cousland shield, her father's signet ring, her mother's dagger.
GREER — her staff, a handcrafted spellbook gifted by a former apprentice of hers, the sending crystal gifted to her by Dorian.
#ch: valeriya de clairmont#ch: meredith cousland#ch: greer trevelyan#i think i previously said riya can't cook but i'm amending that to like. level 1 cooking skill bc it fits#it's not mentioned but i know riya's constantly touching her locket as a little idle movement#inlaid w small amethysts. family name inscribed w etchings of roses and lilacs. initials of each family member BYE it's so cute#i've decided while answering these that mere would have been given her father's signet ring on the way out#and that it'd be fun if her mother had gifted her own raider days dagger to mere when she began rogue training#why not right
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Oh hi! Fun fact, I forgot I reblogged an ask game so this made me quite confused before I remembered (and then spent twenty minutes looking for said ask game)
🐸-Describe your aesthetic
Clothes-wise, it depends on the day, but it's either baggy streetwear, farmer in a sweater, time traveler unprepared for the weather, or hyper-feminine business casual. I wear more sweater dresses and corset belts than anyone else. I hoard jewelry like a dragon, so I am literally always glittery.
If we're talking about like, decor, I love jewel tones, wallpaper, hardwood floors, and natural light, but I hate carpets (hard to clean, don't stay put), truly despise minimalism modern design furniture, and will fight anyone who thinks Grey is an acceptable wall color in a domestic non-bedroom setting. My ideal couch is one of those pillow bowls, but forest green with fuzzy pink throw pillows.
My lifestyle aesthetic is honestly just that one: "Oh no, oh no, oh no nononono" audio playing on loop, some photos of cool rocks, a little tabby cat, and a big muddy dog pawprint on a white sweater with puffy sleeves. Yes, this is referencing something that has happened, yes it really does sum up my life as a whole, no I don't want to talk about it because it makes me very sad.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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As a palette cleanser for when you’re done studying, what are some of your favorite works of horror besides Welcome Home?
it's hard for me to articulate what makes a work of horror my Favorite, so i just racked my brain for the ones i tend to come back to the most often, and i came up with these. i tried to include official links only, but some of these can easily be found Elsewhere online (hint hint) and others don't have any official english localizations. i've also included a brief summary and content warnings for each one - be warned that some of these are A Lot.
don't hug me i'm scared: (channel 4 series) episodic surreal horror comedy about three puppets sharing a very normal house, learning very normal lessons from the designated "teacher" of each episode, and navigating their very normal world. content warnings include: unreality and gore. like, at least once an episode, there is gore. lbr if you're a fan of welcome home then you at least have a passing knowledge of dhmis.
sex house: a parody of early 2010s reality tv, centering around six contestants being invited to the titular house for one thing and one thing only - sex. they will have sex. the network won't stand for anything less. content warnings include: sexual coercion/extortion, one dubiously consensual sex scene between two people with an extreme age gap, pregnancy, animal death, brief but on-screen gore, drugging, death/near-death situations as a result of negligence, and one instance of Questionable asexual representation that might have just been a diversion (i really cannot tell.) also there's a scene in episode 4 where a character draws muhammad on their forehead so that they can't be filmed and i still have no idea how to feel about it.
porkin across america: a former daytime talk show host embarks on his latest venture, a food tourism show in which he samples the best pork-themed dishes every state in the U.S. has to offer. but can he see his quest through to the end while also outrunning the harsher realities of life and reality TV? signs point to no. content warnings include: gore, body horror, two instances of offscreen but audible animal death, a brief instance of drug abuse, and some casual racism on the part of the host in order to establish him as Every Unlikable American Food Tourist (this gets dropped early on.)
i want to hold aono-kun so badly i could die: two teens attempt to forge the perfect relationship with one another - an effort that is somewhat hampered by the fact that they come from less-than-perfect families. also, one of them is a ghost. content warnings include: explicit sexual content, gore, body horror, suicide, graphic suicide attempt, death, child death, animal death, and pretty much every kind of abuse (emotional, physical, sexual, neglect, etc.) in the context of both familial and romantic relationships.
devotion: a screenwriter in 1980s taiwan awakens one evening to find himself in his living room, now dark and decrepit, and attempts to navigate the ever-shifting layout of his apartment in order to look for his daughter. content warnings include: gore, domestic abuse, ableism, some flashing/jumpscares, [potential spoilers from this point forward] religious abuse, cults, and child death.
slay the princess: a visual novel (albeit a demo for now) about a princess locked away in a cabin, and the narrator who really, really wants you to kill her (for perfectly altruistic reasons, i'm sure.) but who is she? what does she look like? does she seem like the kind of person who could bring about the end of the world like the narrator insists? that all depends on how you see her - literally. content warnings include: black tabby games was kind enough to provide content warnings themselves!
the wolf house: a stop-motion film presented as a propaganda piece for a cult heavily based on colonia dignidad, following a young woman who flees in order to escape her punishment for letting three pigs escape, and ends up taking refuge in an abandoned house in the woods with two pigs (unrelated to the first three.) i honestly have a hard time describing it beyond that - i would say it's worth watching for the animation alone, but i think the story it presents as well as the historical context really elevated it for me, to the point where i don't think i would have the same appreciation for it otherwise. content warnings include: body horror, references to nazi/white supremacist ideology, cults, religious abuse, and possible allusions to child sexual abuse.
also, i didn't include works from either of these people because if i listed Every work of horror they had a hand in that i liked then this post would be 200 miles long, but i really like alan resnick and jordan peele's horror work. i was almost going to include what happens next, but that isn't really horror so much as it is a new age thriller-drama thing, and i couldn't really find a way to summarize it more succinctly than just relaying the events of the comic so far in full. good thing each title card comes with content warnings.
#anonymous#ask#this isn't a complete list but hopefully it's a robust enough selection if you were looking for recommendations#FUCK I FORGOT TO INCLUDE BE KIND MY NEIGHBOR. eh you can find that one on silver sprocket pretty easy anyways#also includes content warnings upfront. which is helpful#i also have a BUNCH of horror novels i wanna get my hands on but i. haven't. yet.
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2. 3. 7. 8 Kaneeka
Thanks Anon! Ask game here
Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love that Kaneeka is a skeptic because she used to believe in magic and was disappointed to discover that it wasn't real. I walked a similar path myself so I can relate.
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Umm...it's hard to make friends with her, Tabby, and Stella all at the same time! I just wanna be friends with everybody!
What's something the fandom does with this character that you like?
I love it when fanartists design cool outfits for her, especially with fungal or moth motifs. She's so fashionable, I just love it!
What's something the fandom does with this character that you despise?
As I said in my post about Tabitha: Please don't trash Kaneeka out of some misguided sense of loyalty to Tabitha. I like Tabitha too, and I know she's sad and hurting, but she would try the patience of a saint. I don't think it's fair to expect Kaneeka to give enough grace to Tabby to excuse all of Tabby's rudenesses, but not give that same kind of grace to Kaneeka! They're two bad bitches! Don't pit them against each other!
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Warrior Cats AU characters; Blazepool/Kokoro
Sadly, it seems like the picrew i previously used(Felidaze's cool cat creator) was taken down.
I used that Picrew mainly because I Cannot Draw Cats for the life of me, and because of art burnout, but I will either find another or being using the character creator on Roblox's Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition to show character designs from here on out. (if you play that, you can often find me in-game playing as the AU characters. Flufftuft, Owlclaw, and Waterberry are my most common ones, although I also have moonchaser, strikeclaw, darkthorn, coalboulder, splashstorm, dawnheart, deadheart, and memorysplash. I also have a fox morph "Yap" and two ocs, Sparrowfall and Leopardclaw/Leopard)
(Picrew; Skelo's Cat Maker . The artstyle is really cute! there was no social media listed in the... whatever its called, so I dont know what other place you could find Skelo)
"I feel a pain in my chest, having to give up my kit... But it's my clan or my kit, and my clan needs me more. Frostclaw, I understand you and your mate have recently lost all but one kit. Despite your grieving, I must ask you to take mine. I'm sure Darkkit will become a fine warrior with you as a parent."
"Blazepool, old friend, I do not understand how you can sacrifice a kit for your job. But yes, I will take her. What does Spiderheart think?"
"Spiderheart... That foolish tom left without a word, he didn't even know I was with kit. He left for the twoleg place, and there has been no sign from him since. I have no care what he may think."
"I see."
Name; Blazepool
Role: Medicine Cat
Clan: Skyclan
Apprentice: Splashstorm
Description; A solitary cat, this brown tabby is most known for her loyalty to her clan. Some believe that she only does her job because she has to, some believe she truly enjoys it. She is sharp-tongued and smart, and it often seems as though she can read minds with how fast she can tell why you are in her den.
Story Notes: While not originally planned for her to have too much story importance, this may change as I write. Spiderheart, her mate, is most obviously based on Sojiro Kurokawa. Her daughter, Darkthorn, is obviously based on Mikako.
Her parents were not clan cats. They were rogues whom left her for dead when she was four moons old-- putting themselves first when being chased by a fox instead of protecting their kit. If not for Cinderstorm and Crowstar, the Skyclan deputy and leader at the time, she surely would have died. She was taken back to Skyclan, and raised alongside Daisytail.
Design Notes: When making her design in the picrew, since I've only ever had rough ideas in my head, i started by exploring every option. the white chest/underbelly and muzzle felt most fitting for her character, alongside the darker fade to her upper back and forehead. And, of course, I made her a tabby since those are commonly found in canon warrior cats. I worry I made her look too much like the fandom designs for Leafpool(oh wow their names also both end in pool. maybe I should change it? hm.) and I'm wondering if I should maybe make some design changed. Fluffy brown tabby with yellow eyes whom is a med cat? hmmmmn... Jokes aside, I enjoy this design!
Other notes: While warrior cats is all fantasy-ish and stuff, with cats like Jayfeather, dovewing, and lionblaze having superpowers in canon, I've been trying to ground the AU somewhat more in reality. Due to this, I've been trying to figure out what to do with Kokoro, seeing as it doesn't seem that cats can have alexithymia. on the other hand, I don't want to erase it. aaaah im smacking myself with both hands.
I tried looking at one mental disorders and stuff that cats can have, and the most I was able to get was: FCD*(Feline Cognitive Disorder), Anxiety Disorders, and OCD(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).**
*Similar to Alzheimer's disease and commonly seen in elderly cats. Source; 21cats.org
**According to 21cats.org(Same as previous source), "Cats with OCD may engage in repetitive behaviors, such as excessive grooming and tail chasing."
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James Smithson, the Redempted
“Did Garreth seriously land himself in detention again? … There goes another date night, I guess.”
no images yet…
Basic Information
Identifying Gender/Species: Cisgender Human Male, he/him pronouns.
Birthdate: January 13th, 1874 (Capricorn)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Soft Spiral design, Black color. Hawthorn wood, phoenix feather core, 10.5”, swishy flexibility.
Pets?: Two brown tabby cats named Alfred and Archibald. (Alfie and Archie, affectionately.)
Height and Body Type: Currently 5’10 as of 5th year, but will shoot up to 6’ by graduation! With quite a bit of muscle, not nearly as much as Phil and Leon, he has an inverted triangle body type.
Hair: Slightly well-combed black hair. A little waves as he’s got his mother’s curly hair, but mostly keeps it tame.
Eyes: Blue eyes, a stark blue but not bright enough to be considered icy. A comforting blue, like the sky just before it turns night.
Scars and Other Marks: Various scars from childhood stupidity, as well as some from Quidditch. He was always an energetic boy.
Clothing: His usual uniform and sometimes a little something from Garreth, whether that be Garreth’s Gryffindor scarf or a Gryffindor jacket. (The two are the same sizes to be able to share clothes.)
Snippy, but not in a horrible way. At least, not anymore. He can be sarcastic, all in humor now.
Caring. Very very loving to those he holds close, especially his amazing redheaded boyfriend. Good Merlin, it's almost disgusting.
Home Life
Birthplace: St. Mungo’s
Birth Parents: George and Valentina Smithson
Adopted?: No.
Adoptive Parents: N/A
Siblings?: None.
Other Guardian Figures: None.
Places of Residence: Born in St. Mungo’s and raised by his parents at the Smithson Manor, not far from Cassius’s own manor. After being disowned in the summer before his fifth year, however, he stays with the Weasleys.
Hogwarts Life
House: Ravenclaw
Quidditch?: Yeah! He’s the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain. He’s not as dedicated as the other three are, but he certainly does still push his team to be the best of the best.
Clubs: Crossed Wands, Tommy’s Game Club, Reyes’ Racing Club
Other Activites: Studies hard. He may not be in good graces with his parents anymore, but he still wants to get good grades so he can get a good job coming out of Hogwarts.
Romance?: Yes! He’s been dating Garreth since halfway through their fourth year. He’s very happy with his redheaded potioneering boyfriend, but sometimes worries for the future…
Patronus: To be learned.
Animagus: To be learned.
Boggart: To be learned.
Amortentia: To be learned.
Used to be friends with Cassius. It’s partially what led him to being with Garreth.
Cassius remained friends with James for some time, but eventually dropped him when he realized the relationship wasn’t just some joke James was pulling.
Their parents are close, especially seeing as both their fathers are influential figures in the Wizarding World.
#hogwarts legacy#hl oc#fanfic#hogwarts#james smithson#peter's dittany#scarletravenlegacy#garreth weasley#garreth weasley x oc#cassius briarwood#lucan brattleby#thomas dharby#imelda reyes
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15 questions 15 mutuals
Tagged by @normeda
were you named after anyone?
Yes, my first name is my mother's brother's name, and my middle name is my mother's father's name.
when was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, while listening to a song on stream.
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Surely not... noo.... I mean, who does that?... PEPW
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Their body language, usually. Try to get a read of what mood they're in.
what’s your eye color?
scary movies or happy endings?
I used to be fanatically into scary movies, but not as much the past five years. Lately, I'm more into happy endings.
any special talents?
I'm very adept and experienced with barefoot hiking. I'm a multi-instrument musician (guitar, bass, drums, composition) and an interdisciplinary artist. I can read tarot pretty well, I think.
where were you born?
New Jersey, USA.
what are your hobbies?
Video games, indoor gardening, dream analysis. I'm doing my damnedest to fuse all of my hobbies into one patchwork career.
have any pets?
Not anymore, unfortunately. I just lost both my female German Shepherd and orange tabby cat last year. I will have pets again someday, but the birds who come and visit my feeder are plenty enough animal friends for me for right now.
what sports do you play/have you played?
I used to do a lot of sports. Basketball, soccer, ski racing, fencing. But after high school, it has been pretty much exclusively hiking, skateboarding and snowskating. Maybe a little snowboarding, if I can ever afford it.
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
Most people would expect me to say "art"... since I fucking got a degree in it... and I love doing the work of art, don't get me wrong... But the classes I was most excited about going to were "TV Studies" in high school and Art History in college, but more so for the ancient history parts than the more modern stuff.
dream job?
I don't know, honestly it's a hard question. I try really hard to fuse any dreams I have into my whole... artist thing. I have new dream jobs every month, I swear. So, if I want to work in trail maintenance, I'm trying to design it so I can just... make that part of my job and incorporate the skills and knowledge I learn from that job into my art. Like Mike Rowe and his show Dirty Jobs, but with art. And less dirty. Still trying to figure out how to make it work, but I'll be damned if I'm giving up any time soon.
Tagging: @0nlinejournal (If you haven’t done this:) You!
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Cat Sorter Puzzle: Playhop’s Free Online Game You’ll Love in 2025
If you’re on the hunt for a free online game that’s equal parts charming and addictive, look no further than Cat Sorter Puzzle on Playhop. As of February 28, 2025, this delightful title has become a standout in Playhop’s impressive lineup of browser-based games, offering players a purr-fect blend of fun and challenge—all at no cost. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a puzzle enthusiast, here’s why Cat Sorter Puzzle deserves a spot on your must-play list this year.
What is Cat Sorter Puzzle?
Cat Sorter Puzzle is a free online game available exclusively on Playhop, where your mission is simple yet sneaky: sort a chaotic jumble of adorable cats into organized groups. Each level throws a fresh batch of felines your way—some sleepy, some feisty, all cute—and tasks you with arranging them by color, size, or mood. Sounds easy, right? Think again. As the levels ramp up, so does the chaos, turning this cozy concept into a brain-teasing adventure.
Why It’s a Playhop Gem
Playhop is known for its diverse library of free online games, and Cat Sorter Puzzle shines as one of its brightest stars. Launched as part of Playhop’s 2025 offerings, it captures the platform’s signature appeal: instant access, no downloads, and endless fun. You can jump in from any device—phone, tablet, or computer—and start sorting cats in seconds. Plus, it’s completely free, with no paywalls or ads interrupting your feline-focused flow.
Gameplay That Hooks You
The beauty of Cat Sorter Puzzle lies in its deceptive simplicity. Early levels ease you in with a handful of cats and plenty of space, but soon you’re juggling dozens of meowing mischief-makers in tight quarters. The game introduces clever twists, like cats that refuse to move or ones that swap spots when you’re not looking. It’s a test of patience and strategy wrapped in a package so cute you won’t mind losing a few rounds just to see the animations.
Why Gamers Can’t Get Enough
Players across the web (and on X) are buzzing about Cat Sorter Puzzle in 2025. “It’s the perfect mix of chill and challenging,” one fan tweeted. Another called it “Playhop’s secret weapon for stealing my free time.” The game’s charm comes from its polished design—vibrant graphics, quirky sound effects, and a soundtrack that’s equal parts soothing and sneaky. It’s the kind of game you pick up for five minutes and accidentally play for an hour.
Playhop’s Free Gaming Advantage
What makes Cat Sorter Puzzle even better? It’s part of Playhop’s broader ecosystem of free online games. No subscriptions, no app store hassles—just visit Playhop.com, find the game, and play. This accessibility is a big win in 2025, when gamers crave quick, high-quality entertainment without the clutter. Pair that with Playhop’s commitment to a safe, ad-light experience, and you’ve got a recipe for gaming bliss.
Tips to Master Cat Sorter Puzzle
Want to ace this Playhop hit? Start by sorting the easy cats first—group the obvious matches to free up space. Watch out for the troublemakers (those smug tabbies love to mess with your plans) and plan a few moves ahead. And if you get stuck? Don’t sweat it—the game’s forgiving enough to let you retry without penalty, keeping the vibe light and fun.

Why 2025 is the Year to Play
As Playhop continues to grow its reputation as a hub for free online games, Cat Sorter Puzzle stands out as a 2025 highlight. It’s a testament to how Playhop balances accessibility with creativity, delivering a game that’s both a breeze to start and a challenge to master. Whether you’re unwinding after a long day or sneaking in a quick session during a break, this cat-filled romp is a guaranteed mood-lifter.
Get Sorting Today
Ready to tackle the feline frenzy? Head to Playhop.com, search for Cat Sorter Puzzle, and dive into one of the best free online games of 2025. It’s more than a game—it’s a Playhop experience that proves free can still mean fantastic. So grab your virtual catnip and get sorting—you’ll love every meow-ment of it!
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