#ta-tynisia wilson
1, 2, 3, 4, and 10 for Hamilton asks!
A/N: @crackerqueen-ineedsleep thank you so much for the ask!!! I really appreciate it!!! Thank you!!
1. Your favorite character.
(I’m 95% sure I’ve answered this but I don’t mind. It’s fun!)
Disclaim: the views expressed are my opinion and not relating to object facts. Thank you.
UGZgH. I love this musical SO much, it’s so hard to pick. I know my favorite character which is... Eliza Schuyler!!! Homegirl has the most time in the musical and every time she sings it’s magic!! And without OG Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, the musical wouldn’t exist due to her due diligence of making sure Hamilton got credit for his work.
(Please don’t make me do a top ten, it’s too hard. (I’m kidding btw, I’m just being dramatic AF))
2. The song that gets stuck in your head.
I’m sorry but that song plays on repeat in my head more times than I should care to admit. I do go through weird periods of time where I listen to Burn a million times (I recently discovered first Burn and it’s!! Amazing!!).
But yeah just thinking about it....
After the war, I went back to New York—
I’ll stop...this time.
3. The character you’d chill with.
I’m not gonna lie, I would love to chill with Lafayette. Mostly to hear him talk forever. He is a hero of two worlds. Also, I think he would be happy to hear about all the monuments dedicated to Washington. Plus, he’d want to talk about all the stuff that’s happened since he passed away.
If Laf wasn’t available, I got a list of historical figures I would def chill with. I would only chill with Ham if Eliza was present though. Hamilton’s temper is 110% infamous. He gotta away with it cause he was so hot.
4. The real person you would chill with.
Well my family member got to meet Tamar Green so...
I dunno. I think I would want to meet with Ariana DeBose because she is one of the inspiration for the blog name. I had read an interview she did talking about how her role in the ensemble was different than everyone else’s. She had to do a ton of foreshadowing and essential plays a role in both Burt’s and Hamilton demise. She made a remark that everyone else in the ensemble would be like “what are you doing?” Or something like that. I would probably just chill and listen to her talk about the imagery and talk to her about being on broadway and if she plans on playwriting.
10. The part you’d play of you could.
Honestly? I know I can’t act worth anything so I would want to play as the Bullet. I use to be able to dance (not as good) so it would be a real treat to learn those moves in the ensemble. I don’t think this gets said enough but without an ensemble a show would fall apart. Little parts are just as important as big parts. Everyone who works on a musical deserves just as much recognition as the stars.
(I use to think Eliza Schuyler but I could never ever reach the god talent like Alysha Deslorieux, Ta-Tynisia Wilson, Denée Benton, Lauren Boyd, Julia K. Harriman, Rebecca E. Covington, Morgan Anita Wood, Rachelle Ann Go, Sharon Rose, Marsha Songcome, Hannah Cruz, Charnette Batey, Philippa Soo, and more)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! I enjoyed answering your questions!!
Guys my inbox is open so send me an ask! I love to hear from you all! :)
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