wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Oh boy, I've turned into a fanfic gremlin again... Enjoy! (This is just a headcannon, but I felt like writing it anyway)
It was dark in the hotel as a familiar little cyclops as scrubbing the windows clean, her red and yellow eye scowling annoyingly at the dust that didn't seem to go away. "Why are there so many of you?!" She growled before laughing maniacally. "I'll scrub every last one of you. You've met your end, you stupid mess!"
Though the more she scrubbed, the more dust appeared but also the more her vision began to blur. "Uh Niffty, are you ok? You've been scrubbing that spot for the last hour..." A voice spoke as the small cyclops turned to look at its owner. "Oh my gosh!" The owner was Charlie as the princess gasped.
Niffty swayed a bit but was caught by those gentle hands. "Meeh.. The dust won't go away!" She whimpered, pointing to a clearly very clean window. Next thing she knew she was being lifted up into the taller woman's arms, a hand coming under her red hair.
"You overworked yourself, Niff, see you're running a fever." Charlie stated with concern as Niffty was indeed running a high fever.
The smaller cyclops squirmed but couldn't get out of those arms. She pouted and grumbled. Usually, she'd be able to zip out of anyone's grip, scurrying around like a cockroach, but right now, she felt so tired and weak. Niffty hears those feet move as she grumbled, accepting the help reluctantly. Usually, it was the Alastor she was the most comfortable with, but now here she was in Charlie's arms, the princess taking her to her room.
"Uh Char? Why are ya carrying Niffty?" Another voice spoke as Niffty had her eye closed. "I'm taking her to her room Vaggie, she's sick and needs rest." Charlie responded to the owner.
Niffty made a small 'mrrr?' noise feeling a hand stroke her head. "You two look like parents with the little monster." She knew that voice, it was the other demon in Alastor's contract, Husk. He sounded grumpy as always. "Was lookin' for Niff anyways, though it can wait."
Vaggie rolled her eye at Husk but didn't seem to mind the comment. "So where does this one sleep? I've never been to her room so I don't know. Do you Husk?"
"Nope, I know better than to poke my nose into that little monster's room. Try Alastor he might know." The grumpy cat man took a swig of his booze and left.
Charlie looked down at the small cyclops in her arms. "Well shit, Alastor is out today.." The demoness sighed but blinked, feeling Niffty nuzzle her a bit like a cat.
It was a feverish haze, but Niffty couldn't help herself. She felt like she was once again in her mother's arms, being cradled like when she was a child. "Haha..." (Mama) She mumbled nuzzling closer.
Charlie blinked, tilting her head, Vaggie also looked confused. "Uh, she's normally weird but, but affectionate? Now I feel like I'm seeing things." The grey demoness scratched her head.
However Niffty started to squirm, she jumped out of Charlie's arms. "Nyah! I must clean!" She seemed to be back to her normal self and scurried off.
"The fuck...?" Both women spoke staring as Niffty zipped out of sight.
Angel Dust had seen the entire thing and rubbed his chin. He soon followed the cyclops, who was seen stabbing a roach. "Niff, um, how are ya?" The spider demon asked as Niffty looked over, seeming as chipper as ever. "You uh we're bein carried an all so I was curious see?"
"Oh that was nothing, nope ehehehehe." She giggled though she tripped on the carpet. "Yay pain!" She squeed.
Angel looked unconvinced and picked her up. "C'mere you little twerp." He managed to scoop her up and felt her forehead with one of his free hands. "Ah ha, yer sick and yer tryin ta hide it again." He scolded as Niffty whined. "Alrite yer comin' with me ok?"
Niffty blinked as the next thing she knew Angel was making her some chicken noodle soup in the kitchen. She looked at him curiously. "What are you doing?"
"Makin ya some soup, it'll help make ya feel better. Now take these and drink this." Angel handed her a glass of water with some medicine. Niffty did as asked as she grumbled at the bitterness. "Good girl." The spider smiled a bit and got a bowl of soup for Niffty.
The Cyclops was just confused. Usually, she was the one cooking, but also, it was a man, if you could call Angel that was cooking for her. She sipped the hot soup enjoying the burning pain it gave her tongue as she downed it in one go. "Heheheh burning pain, can I go clean now?" She flashed Angel an innocent grin.
"Nope. Yer gonna do sometin else alrite? How about we go to my room and you can snuggle my baby boy Fat Nuggets. I know ya like cute tings and my little piggy is the cutest there is." Angel stated as Niffty looked at him with a grumble."Katte ni shite yo. " ( do what you want.).
He was stopping her from working, but the thought of snuggling a cute piglet was too good to pass up. She then nodded to him as the spider twink picked her up again.
Once in his room, Angel called over his beloved piglet. The demon piggy scurried over to his owner's call. "Kawaii!!!" The cyclops cooed and hugged the piggy. Angel chuckled as the trio curled up on his giant pink fluffy bed and watched an action movie.
Niffty was grinning at the hot bad boys watching them drive their fast cars and kicking ass. She also had Fat Nuggets in her lap while leaning against the fluffy spider demon behind her.
It felt weird at first being in the hotel with mostly women but it had slowly become like a second home, her new found friends appreciated her for the work she did and didn't boo when she did her little cockroach shows for them. She continued to grin bouncing up and down happily but slowly her fever took its hold and lulled her into a soft sleep, as she soon laid against Angel Dust. "Ani-san..." That phrase rolled off her tongue naturally as she nuzzled into the twink's chest fluff.
(Here you go, folks! I was reading up on some of the characters and figured why not give sick/ overworked Niffty a try. She's a giant ass psychotic weirdo, and we love her for it.)
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modern-day-bard · 3 months
Other Duties As Assigned: A Joel Miller Fanfiction
Content Warning: 18+ This story includes mature themes such as drinking, stalking, violence, and explicit smut. Minors, do not interact.
Chapter 5: Hide-and-Seek
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Quick a/n: I’m trying to post two chapters (one of each POV) at once whenever I do post. I’m traveling today, so Chapter 6 (Joel’s POV), might be up a little later. Tomorrow at the latest! I will most likely be posting it on ao3 first (nothing makes me feel more inept than the time it takes for me to move chapters over to Tumblr). I hope you enjoy! 🫶🏻
I always feel best when my apartment is full. At least when I’m the one who decides who is filling it. And also the one who decides who leaves. I did my best not to act surprised when Joel agreed to leave me alone for a few hours, though I suppose the compromise was he was going to be at the gym just a couple of floors down. A small part of me wonders if he was returning the small respect I paid him the other night…But I hope he’s smart enough to know that it was a one-time deal. We were even now.
Our dreadful partnership has reached the two-week mark, so it’s also possible that he trusts me a bit more, but it’s doubtful. I can see it in the way his hands twitch and the way he watches me. He’s always waiting for me to sprint out of the place with no forewarning. A flight risk. And tonight was the ultimate test.
Another reason he may have agreed to give me my space for a while is the fact that Mateo, Aria, Nyah, Harper, and Landon were all coming over to get ready for Harper’s birthday celebration. I promised, even with my fingers mentally crossed, that I would tell him when we were ready to leave. I had also promised that we would all be getting our hair and makeup done for hours and be trying on several outfits, most likely in the living room. As soon as he saw Mateo and Aria enter with suitcases full of glam, he muttered something about the gym, got changed, and left.
I do wonder how long someone can stay at the gym, because it’s already been at least two hours. As Mateo paints the last of a deep red on my lips, I try to imagine what sort of regime is required of a bodyguard. He was built, clearly. I could see that even through his plain, repetitive outfits. They actually suited him in a way. I try to picture Joel in a suit like the ones I’m usually surrounded by—
“I know you can’t exactly talk right now, but you could at least blink once for no and twice for yes.” Nyah chastises me out of the corner of my eye. Right. She had just been asking my opinion on her shoes. Not that anyone would be looking at her feet tonight. Her hair was cascading down almost to her butt, and she had on a tight white dress that flattered her curves tremendously. She could go barefoot and no one would even notice.
“Ta eye ess ell onns,” I try to respond.
Mateo pulls back from my lips, laughing, “Try again.”
“The YSL ones!” I point to the white pumps, laughing too.
“Really?” Nyah doesn’t look convinced. “Birthday Girl, what do you think?” She holds up a pink pair and a white pair to Harper, who’s busy getting her hair pinned up in the chair next to me.
“Um…I think they’re both really cute!” Harper flashes her signature, sweet smile.
“That means she disagrees with Gwen!” Landon calls from the sofa.
Harper’s face turns bright pink as she glares at them. “No it does not!” Then she pauses, glancing down at her hands, “It just means I really like pink.”
All of us crack up, and I reach over to squeeze Harper’s hand.
“Birthday Girl rules,” Nyah declares, slipping into the bubblegum heels.
“Landon, remind me to call you out on your birthday.” I shoot them a smirk, which just earns me an eye-roll.
“What are you wearing, Gwen?” Nyah asks.
“Evenlyn sent over some options, but obviously, they weren’t up to par.”
“She still wants you to dress like a politician's wife?”
“Of course,” I say wryly, and Harper snorts.
Nyah smiles at Landon, “We were hoping you’d say that.”
“Alright, you’re done,” Mateo stands back to examine his work. I glance in the mirror before blowing him a kiss.
“Marvelous, as always,” I say as Landon drops a bag at my feet. “What’s this?”
“Nye and I went shopping for tonight, just to have some backups.”
I grin, opening the crisp white bag to find a strappy, sparkly gold mini dress. With the makeup and the loose hair Mateo and Aria had given me, it’s like they knew. Knowing Nyah and Landon, they probably did.
“I love it. Why aren’t you my stylist instead of Evelyn?”
Landon chuckles, “Because I don’t want your dad to hire a hitman on me.”
I wack their arm, “Like I would ever allow that.”
“I’d need a bodyguard at that point, too.”
“Speaking of,” Harper pipes up as she admires the updo Aria gave her in the mirror, “Where is he? Nyah said he was cute.”
“Nyah hasn’t even met him.” I stand up, shimmying the dress in my hands to see how the light catches it.
Nye leans against the fireplace, cocking a brow at me. “I know that Gwen didn’t say he wasn’t, which means he is.”
Both Harper and Landon’s gazes zero in on my face for my reaction.
“Whatever he is, he is the biggest pain in my ass. I’m spending more time in my room now than I did when I was a teenager just to avoid him. You can feel him constantly staring, watching your every move. Just you wait, he’ll annoy all of you, too. You’ll feel suffocated by the end of the night.” The five of them are looking down at my hands now, and I realize that I’ve clenched all the sequins up in my fists. “Sorry.”
“At the same time, maybe it’s good?” Harper asks gently.
“I agree,” Nye says as I simultaneously ask, “What do you mean?”
Harper shrugs, “You have a lot of eyes on you, and probably more money than all of our families combined. It could be a nice added level of safety…” Harper trails off when she looks at my face.
“They’re doing it to keep me in line, Harper.” I keep my voice level. Out of everyone in my life, she’s the last I’d want to blow up on. “They’re trying to…watch me. Prevent me from doing something stupid again.”
“Like the foundation gala?” Landon asks.
“No, like…” I look between all of their expectant faces, and I feel my chest clench, caging in all the things I can’t tell them. “Yeah, actually, I guess.”
Nyah’s eyes narrow, “What does that—”
The elevator dings, and six pairs of eyes turn to see Joel exiting. He stalks into the apartment, his hoodie clutched tightly in his left hand, his right holding his phone. Not yet aware of his audience, his eyes fixated on his screen, he grabs a water bottle from the fridge. Taking a long swig, his sneakers squeak as he halts, noticing all of us staring. And with a sideways look at my friends, I can’t blame them for gawking. Joel’s black compression shirt is impossibly tight, made tighter by the sweat gleaming off his skin. His complexion is flushed, and I swear it's gotten worse now that he’s noticed us. With a nearly audible swallow, I toss my hair back behind my shoulder.
“Mr. Miller, these are my guests,” he approaches the living room now, taking another long sip from his water bottle. Now that he’s up close, I can see actual droplets sliding down his neck. A neck that now has several of his waves stuck to it. I hadn’t noticed how wavy his hair was. “Um, this is Mateo, Aria, Nyah, Harper, and Landon.” I point to everyone in turn. His eyes flit to each of them before I’m even done pointing. I tried not to think about what information he was briefed on before we met, but now I’m guessing my inner circle was included in that report.
“Good to meet you all. I would shake your hands, but,” Joel holds up his full hands in front of him, “Sweaty.”
“I’ll say,” Nyah gives him a flirtatious smile and I feel a flicker of something in my stomach.
“Yeah, sorry,” He is either totally oblivious, or a master of avoidance. “I’m going to take a shower. When should I be ready to leave?”
“About ten minutes.” I say.
Joel nods, “Alright,” he turns to leave before adding, “If anyone has any security questions or concerns, feel free to let me know.” And with that, he’s off down the hall.
I turn back to my friends. Harper’s jaw is on the floor, Landon is smirking at me, and Nyah is smirking to herself.
Mateo and Aria just look at me, confused. “I thought we were leaving at nine?” Mateo checks his watch.
“We are.”
“Then why did you tell him ten minutes? He has at least thirty.”
“She wants him out of here as soon as possible. Death by irritation. Though Gwen, I can’t imagine why.” Nyah shakes her head at me.
“I’m trying to make him as uncomfortable as I can.”
“I have to agree with Nye on this one, and ask…why? Won’t they just assign you another bodyguard if he doesn’t work out?” Landon asks.
“Of course. But I’ll just rinse and repeat until the word gets out that I’m a nightmare to work with, or my dad and his advisers get too tired of looking.”
Aria clicks her tongue. “You want to be known as a nightmare?”
“I mean, not really. But I don’t want to be followed all the time, either.”
“I still think it could be good for your safety.” Harper adds.
“Well, enough about my safety for now. He can keep us all safe tonight while we celebrate you. Speaking of, you need to get dressed! We’re wheels up in ten, but really thirty, minutes.”
Harper giggles and hops up from her chair. “I hope you all know you’re taking a shot of rum before we leave!”
Nyah gives me a nauseated look and I just shake my head, knowing she’s remembering the scorpion bowls. Still too soon.
A very prompt ten minutes later, Joel comes out dressed in a black button down this time, which had to be one his only clothing items I’ve yet to see him in. With his bag being so small anyway. This may be the first time he will actually blend in, if only it weren’t for that ever present grimace on his face. I take this as an opportunity to ask Harper to help me into my dress. I make a show of untying my robe, forcing Joel to turn around completely.
“A little warning, Gwen.” Landon protests, shielding their eyes.
“I believe it’s part of ‘the plan,’” Nyah whispers to them.
I shoot Landon an apologetic smile before dropping my robe to the floor as Harper hands me the unzipped dress.
“Gwen, babe, you’ll need a little… coverage,” Mateo points out as he takes my robe.
“I’m not sure I can get away with underwear in this dress. It will snag on the lining and ruin how the sequins sit.” A complete lie. Mateo knows it, too, as he gives me a knowing look. I hear Joel cough—more like splutter—several times as I slip into the sparkles. I feel like I’m dripping gold, though it is much shorter than anticipated. I suppose that might actually aid my situation; trying to get Joel to look away as much as possible. With that thought in mind, I choose platform heels this time.
We take our time bowing down to Harper, who looks like a fairy goddess in her mint green dress and sparkly gold heels. The colors compliment her red hair perfectly, and she is beaming ear to ear with every picture we insist on taking of her. Nyah and Harper are on one of the sofas, posing on either end when Harper demands that we all get a photo together.
“Mr. Miller, would you mind?” She asks sweetly.
“Not at all,” I see the hint of a smile on his face. The six of us pile on the couch, trying our best to model while flopping limb over limb.
“Alright photographer, you deserve a shot for that!” Harper hops up, grabbing the neck of the bottle closest to her.
Joel looks startled when she brings it up to him. “I’m sorry, Ms. Bryne, but I’m on the clock.”
“Oh, right,” Harper takes a swig herself, not at all bothered by the fact that Joel knew her last name. I shoot him a look that he ignores.
“Okay, let’s get this show on the road!” I call the elevator and Joel comes up to stand next to me. I guess we’re starting early with The Watchful Eyes this evening.
“You aren’t bringing a jacket?” He asks as I step past the sliding doors.
“Why would I need one? With you standing so close to me all night I’m practically wearing you.”
Landon lets out a whistle while Nyah bites her lip to keep from laughing. Harper just gapes at me, wide-eyed. I know I’ll get shit for this later, for how rude I’m being. But if they knew the depth of it…I shake that thought from my head and grab Harper’s hand, pulling her in the elevator. It’s crowded with all seven of us, and I mentally thank the past version of myself for asking Rodney to take the bigger car tonight.
When Joel sees the Escalade, he leans down to me. “Your uh, wardrobe team? They’re coming with us?” He whispers, tickling my ear.
“Of course,” I say, pulling away from him. Why would he ask that? “Also, ‘wardrobe team’ sounds like I own a carpentry shop. They’re a glam squad. Or just say Mateo and Aria.” Glancing up, realizing how earnestly he’s listening to me, I can’t help but add, “Please.”
“Yes, Miss Russell.”
The car ride to the club was so boisterous, I’m shocked neither Joel nor Rodney plugged their ears. Granted, Rod seems to be tuned out at all times. I’m pretty sure that’s how he navigates the streets of New York so quickly. When we arrive at Tea Time, Harper squeals as we exit the car.
“You’re kidding me! How did you get us in?” She asks.
“You can thank Landon for this one, actually,” I say as the bouncer lets all of us pass, despite the groans coming from the dozens of people waiting in line.
Harper beams at Landon, and they shrug. “The owner has had his eye on a painting in my parents gallery for months. I said I would consult with them and let him know.”
“All this just for consulting with your parents?” Nyah raises a brow at them.
“What can I say? People love exclusively. If I agreed to sell it to him, it’d be too easy. He has to impress us first…” Landon gestures to the club before us. And it was packed. The entire ceiling was made up of disco balls, with any empty space being occupied with vines suspended from above, trickling down just far enough to still be out of reach from the dancing patrons. I thought with the name there would be more of a garden party theme, but it’s like a disco fairy wonderland in here. Completely up Harper’s alley, it even matches her outfit. I can see why she’s been begging us to try and come here for months.
A tall woman dressed in a disco ball-esque dress leads us to our table. A table that has been decked out in a champagne tower, complete with a birthday crown that is promptly added to Harper’s updo. Mateo stands on the table to pour the champagne tower until all the glasses overflow, and we all take turns chugging. The music around us is so loud you can feel it in your feet, and my whole body buzzes. This is what I wanted. To feel my age, to feel normal. I want to dance away the stress of these past few months and drink and blend in with the crowd.
A wish that is made increasingly more difficult by Joel Miller.
He refuses even to sit down, standing with his hands folded, remaining even more vigilant than the bouncers. A waitress with fairy wings has already asked him three times if he’d want something to drink, and even as she bats her eyelashes, he still doesn’t watch her as she walks past.
“You know,” I have to practically shout for Nyah to hear me, “If I want to actually let loose tonight I’m gonna have to shake this guy.”
“‘This guy’ meaning your bodyguard?” Nyah asks even as she sways to the music on the black leather couch.
I nod. “I thought he might be distracted by beautiful women, but apparently he’s too dedicated.”
“Maybe he’s not into girls?”
It would have helped in this instance if I had spent literally any time at all getting to know him.
“Could be.”
“Who cares? Let’s just go dance! There’s so many people here, he can’t watch you that closely when we’re in the crowd.” Nyah is already slurring her words a little, but she finishes her second glass of champagne and grabs my hand.
“We’re going dancing!” She yells at our group in a way that means dancing is now mandatory. I quickly slip out of her grasp and make my way, slightly wobbly, over to Joel.
“Mr. Miller,” I shout, and he bends down so he can listen, “I’m going dancing now! You will actually have a better view of me if you stay here.” I pull back to look him in the eye and he seems…amused?
“Are you telling me how to do my job?”
Oh, he definitely has some snark to him. “I was merely suggesting. Asking, even. If I could have that space we talked about.”
His eyes search my face for a moment. “Go have fun.”
I almost say thank you, but choose a nod instead before turning on my heel and following the trail of my friends into the middle of the dance floor. Phase one: separation, complete.
Now onto phase two: the escape.
I didn’t plan it. Not completely. But as soon as I’m in the crowd, my eardrums filled with laughter and the kind of music that beckons you to move your hips, I know I’m running tonight.
A packed club is disorienting to anyone, and from the glances I occasionally get of Miller at the table, it’s not an environment he’s familiar with. Or maybe standing cross-armed and stone-faced is his way of having fun. Maybe he’ll have even more fun playing hide-and-seek.
Harper has commanded all of us to be in a dance-circle for the past half hour until a pixie-like girl taps her on the shoulder. In addition to her chopped black hair, she literally resembles a pixie. She had large green wings that fanned out behind her and shimmered in the light. By the way Harper tips her head back to laugh, I’m assuming she’s her type.
Mateo and Aria call out something about doing a lap around the dance floor, and the remaining three of us give them a nod. Landon has never been much of a dancer, but I know they’re putting on a brave face for Harper. And probably for the rest of us, for that matter.
They lean between Nyah and I, asking, “How much longer until I can sneak home?”
“Already? I’ve been trying to get you to go out for weeks!” Nyah whines, grabbing their hand and swinging it to the beat.
“Honestly, I’m on the same page.” I say as low as the music will allow.
Both of them narrow their eyes at me. “For a different reason, I’m assuming.” Landon says.
I nod, not wanting to tell them enough that they’ll feel they have to lie for me. “I’m just saying that if I disappear, don’t worry about it.” I wink.
“Noted,” Landon groans as Nyah twirls them around, but by the end of the spin, they’ve cracked a smile.
I’m smiling back at them until I feel a hand on my lower back. Why do strangers—men—always feel the need to touch your lower back?
I glance up anyway to see a pair of pretty green eyes.
“Can I help you?” I ask.
“I hope so,” He grins. “I’m in need of a dance partner.”
I glance around to my friends, but they’re further away. This guy wasn’t the first to approach, but we were a unit before. Now with our group dispersing, I’m worried it will prompt Joel to leave his station and get closer, making my escape even more complicated.
“I might be in need of one, too.” I feign a bashful smile, and he eats it right up, securing a hand on my hip.
It only takes one more song for the man to grab both of my hips fully, pinning me against him. I want to roll my eyes, but at least he smells nice. I reach my hand back to rest on his neck, and he takes it as an opportunity to bend forward and whisper in my ear.
“You know what I think would make you even sexier?”
Barf. “Hmm?” I close my eyes, trying to look like I’m being pulled in by his words.
“If you took a ride on my bike.”
My eyes snap open. Karma was on my side tonight. “You have a motorcycle?” The excitement in my voice doesn’t have to be faked.
“Sure do. It’s parked only a couple streets away.”
I turn around to face him, wrapping my hands around his neck. He really was attractive, and I normally liked green eyes. He just…isn’t quite doing it for me. I just think the plan takes precedence over his personality tonight. It was only one night, anyway. I could do a lot worse.
“How about a little role-play?” His eyes grow wide at my words, nodding enthusiastically. “We should dance for a little while longer, but when I say so, we need to book it out of here like our lives depend on it. We can pretend we’re running from the law.”
He looks moderately confused, but he’s also fairly distracted by the view down my dress.
“Sound like a plan?”
“Absolutely.” He turns me around, pushing my back forward so that I reach toward the floor. I make sure to look toward Miller again, and sure enough, he looks mortified, quickly glancing the other way.
I smile to myself, rolling my body on my way back up. The next time one of those waitresses gets his attention, timing it just right with a little PDA from my dance partner, and I’m out of here. How far can he run in those rugged old boots of his?
Game on, Miller. Game on.
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eliphante123 · 5 years
meet Taniya the lion
Name: Taniya Kalisha
Nicknames: Tachan, Ta-nyah, little cub (Leona)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Lion
Height: 5 ft 1
College: Night Raven College
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Year: 2nd
Job: dorm assistant & peacemaker (dorm mates)
Mother (decease)
3 cousins
Quote: a dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work
Goals: strong, happiness, and become a greatest sorceress
Personality: She is kind and hardworking that likes to learn more about magic, helping out with everyone who are in trouble, and opens up to every old/new students of meeting new friends. Before she came to Night Raven College, she used to be shy and intimidated lion who gets really nervous of talking to everyone but as she was accepted, she became confident and honest with her words. She’s not like the rest of savanaclaw students that supposably hot-headed, rowdy, and hooligan of wanting a fight with other students, she is consider to be calm or more like a peacemaker to them but she can be a bit hot-tempered, too if they try something to pissed her off. When it comes to work of being savanaclaw’s dorm assistant that Leona assigned her to be, she’s very serious about her job and wanted to get her work done, perfectly by writing a to-do list of tasks, attendance, errands, keeping savanaclaw dorm from chaos, organize/fixing the facilities from damage, checking out the students, and etc. before going back to her studies or spending her free time in her dorm room. Taniya has a phobia of flying, which brings her to be a scaredy cat of attending flying class by skipping class or running away; even when her classmates, including Ashton, tried to drag her out from her room. Although, she may have a weakness. When something happens that reminds of her past, she fell disorientated of having a mental breakdown by repeated saying “Im sorry for being existed” that she would gladly die for them. After that happened, she went back to her normal self and telling them to forget what she’ve said by reassuring that it was her acting skills. She has a hungry glutton for meat that she goes fully hyped of wanting to eat and with that kind of energy, she always get easily fooled by her friends pranks. Her insecurity of being small which made her very sensitive and everyone at college thinks she’s a kid or a freshman despite that she’s actually 2nd year. If anyone made fun of her height, they’ll feel her dark aura with a sarcastic smile to threat them by scratching their faces or bite their arms and legs off with her pointy buck tooth.
Likes: MEAT!!! ALL KINDS OF MEAT, desserts, peace, magic, animals, adventure, strolling/running around the campus, jokes, good grades, break, getting the work done, studying, friends and helping others
Dislikes: fish, calling short, get into fights, flying (especially with brooms and magic carpet), failing, teasing, her dorm mates, Leona, losing someone dear, mess, and evil magic
Favorite color: yellow, green, and blue
Hobbies: running, reading, sports, magic, cleaning, and parkour
Skills/Abilities: martial arts, potion making, levitation, acting, sense of hearing, casting spells, talking to animals, and speed
She was born and raised as a sweet girl and lived a happy life from an isolated house, far from town with her parents until her mother passed away since she was 5. Her mother’s death cause her to be depressed and downhearted for the pass few years. Both of them were poor and grew up in tough life where Taniya was doing the household chores all by herself while her father was busy his full-time work. Every children in town and school were afraid of her as they keep themselves away from Taniya because of her form and proves that she’s actually a lion which brings the children into thinking that lions are a vicious and dangerous animals. Even if she try being nice to the children by telling them that she won’t hurt them but they end up running to their parents then accused her for pretending to be nice, so she can lure them for being her food. The townspeople believes them and begins to be afraid of her so they treated Taniya and her dad like an outcast by throwing rocks at them and badmouthing them. They didn’t want her to be around the town so they told her that she doesn’t belong here and rather live in the outskirts and die. With that happened, they made her to become timorous and not wanting to make friends with anyone but instead, talking to animals from the woods. Everything that she’ve been through, Taniya grew tired, out of frustration and decided to take her own life from all the pain and torments that inflicts her. Out of anger, she accidentally uses her levitation spell on a boulder then crumbled into a million pieces, which shocked her. She asked her father about what happened though he knew and waited for it to happen. It reveals that her mother was one of the noble family that inherits special powers and her family has an outstanding social status throughout the region. On the other hand, her father and his family works as their servants. When two of them meet, they fell in love at first sight and they became very close, together for few months. The servant propose the noble daughter in marriage but both of their parents didn’t approve their relationship because of their social standards. So, her mother and father decided to run away from them and live their own happy life. Taniya didn’t know that her mother was a sorceress in the first place. Her father didn’t tell her that because they thought she doesn’t have powers for a long time so they decided to keep it a secret until the time comes but if her mother has powers then Taniya should have powers, too. After long years of practice, she was able to master some of her magic, however, it wasn’t enough for her. She told her father that she needed to get fresh air from practicing magic for almost everyday so she wanted to cool herself off. As she leaves her father and her home behind, Taniya decided that she could take a stroll to the woods; she walks further and further, deep in the woods without being mindful of her surroundings until she gotten herself lost. With fear and anxiety, she tried tracing her foot steps from where she went but unfortunately, she found nothing of her home or town except trees and night sky. She was beginning to lose hope until a mirror appeared infront of her. She wonders why would there be a mirror in the middle of the woods? could it be that someone left it here? if that what it is then shouldn’t be anyone here to take it back. She took a good look at the mirror to see a reflection of herself but as she moves closely, she was sucked inside the mirror and found herself in a different area that she’s not familiar with. Then a mysterious man with a black bird mask offers her a hand and by surprise, he tells her that she’ve been accepted to his college named “Night Raven College” and that’s where her college story begins.
She’s anxious of making new friends and thinking that everyone aren’t interested of her
Everyone at night raven mistaken Taniya as 1st year of how short she is and doesn't like being called like that. 
She works with Leona & Ruggie as their dorm assistant on helping out their CHAOTIC dormitory. If anything happens to her dorm mates, she would gladly helps them by talking about their problems (though they don’t want to talk but she persistently did) or drags them to the infirmary and treat them with aid. She doesn't mind helping the people she hate as long as preventing them from hurting others & themselves. When there's a fight going on, she rushes between the two or more oppressor to break off their feuds and scolds them for fighting without a reason. Her dorm mates finds her annoying and persistent for acting like a peacemaker but if it weren't for her, there wouldn't be a problem at their dorm.
She would do anything to avoid Ashton's class by making up lots of excuses or shut herself in her room until it ends even it means failing her grades.
Just like Ruggie's gluttton of food, her favorite is meat.
She doesn't like her dormitory because according to the tw anthology, every students are hot-headed and likes getting into fights just for being tough which makes it annoying and troublesome to deal with them over and over again but somehow, she's happy that she fits in with her dorm mates and getting to know everyone especially that everyone are furries (i forgot how to call it) just like her.
Taniya wasn't a fan of fish and never eats one. Although, she DID eat once but she finds it very weird for her taste buds including the rotten smell and because of that, she doesn’t want to step foot on Octavinelle dorm. (she doesn’t trust them because she smells fishy about Azul, Jade, Floyd, and the rest of their dorm mates.....I'm sorry but seriously, she doesn’t trust them)
She’s not interested about having a relationship (that’s a lie) and rather help them have confident of confessing their crushes but if any boy wants to win her heart, they need to do better than giving chocolates & flowers and saying sweet words or else she might deliberately friendzoning them because this feline won’t be easy to fall for. To her, she’s really clueless when it comes of being loved but even if she DOES like someone, she won’t admit to her friends/spouse that he’s not enough for her or act a bit classic tsundere (you baka! obviously it’s-)
What everyone didn’t know that she also have a dark side but she always keep her mental at state
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lunar-moonlight · 7 years
Sonata vs Solar vs Stellar
The Moon vs The Sun vs The Universe
These 3 literal gods and goddess fighting each other.
Who do you think is the strongest?
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cdarkheartzero · 3 years
I'm not going to lie to you, I love Zara, I love how little by little she becomes fond of Zim, even practically her mother. But I can't stop thinking about how she will end up, so I need to know. At the end of the story, will she and Zim split up? In the end the brat will grow up and have to leave, either as an invader or a failed scientist, I see no way that the two end up together within the laws of the empire
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Zara- “you are so sweet! Thank you! Love ya too! ”
Zim- “Zim finds it hard to believe that ANYONE would like you, honestly. Let alone “love” you”
Zara- “oh, hush up. Anyway-! I am actually male. Know I ain’t the most masculine creature out there but just wanted to let you know. Don’t worry though! Ain’t offended none!”
Zim- “I have seen Urth blades of grass “manlier” than you.”
Zara- “imma put you in time out if you don’t pipe down, you lil’ shit.”
Zim- “Zim would like to see you try!”
Minimoose- “NYAH!”
Zara- “settle down, ya’ll. No one is fightin’”
Zim- “indeed. It would be most unwise. We all know who the superior soldier is”.
*everyone awkwardly stares at eachother*
Zara- “and to answer your question- yeah. We do get separated after some time. After “quitting banishment” and this little one leaves to invade his planet, I got assigned a new mission. Head of the bomb squad. Thanks to the experience of this fucker *pinches Zim’s cheek* *Zim hisses and pouts into Minimoose*
Zim- “pathetically, he likes to keep contact with Zim. Usually we exchange Irken and Urth candies.”
Zara- “or ya mail me a bomb to dismantle before it blows up ma base.”
Zim- “Zim keeps your skills sharp.”
Zara- “it’s still my job from the Control brains though. to keep an eye on him but it’s not my main task anymore. He is still my little smeet after all so I’m happy ta do it .”
*Zim grumbles incoherently of embarrassment*
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deepsixfanfic · 4 years
Eu fiz uma coisa!!
Então, porque sou extremamente ansiosa e fiquei chocada com a saudade que estava de escrever DS, acabei postando o novo capítulo hoje :D
Os próximos vão ser postados ao longo dessa semana, junto com edições e artes que minha amiga ta fazendo, mas vamos focar nesse capítulo que me fez chorar algumas vezes (por motivos muito diferentes) enquanto escrevia kkkkk Foram 3.214 palavras, espero que gostem e, de novo, FOI MAL PELA ESPERA DE 2 FUCKING ANOS!!
Nota: Vou tentar fazer banners novos para os capítulos anteriores, mas talvez dê muito trabalho, então o estilo novo seria só para os caps novos. 
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Nyah!Fanfiction Wattpad
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dudouji · 7 years
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(the original thing)
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Saturday Night Stream - 5/25/19
Yknow, like, nyah. Tonight’s eps:
Batman TAS episode 36: Cat Scratch Fever
Batman TAS episode 37: The Strange Secret of Bruce Wayne
YGO Duel Monsters episode 147: The Nameless Dragon, Timaeus
YGO Duel Monsters episode 148: The Invitation from Pegasus
9 PM EST as usual.
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defendedpride · 5 years
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    “ I’ve always wan’ed ta try sayin’ nyah, bu’ I ain’t cute enough for it.”
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FH!M!Robin/Fae C-S Support
Written by @datkooby
Grima: Hmph. Puny humans. Always getting in my way. Disrupting my plans. But no longer shall I be subjected to armor slaying knights.
Grima: They shall know true fear. For I am the wings of dispair. I am the breath of ruin… I am the fell dra-
Fae: Tag! You’re “it”!
Grima: I am “IT”!
Grima: …wait.
Grima: Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing, child?
Fae: ‘scalled Tag! And you’re “it”!
Grima: “It” for what? Are you assuming a God like me has time for your games, child?
Fae: Well, everyone’s gots time for games! Even dee… di… divine dragons like us! If you don’t make time for play, you get all grumpy!
Fae: And you looked the grumpiestest dragon of them all.
Grima: Bah. So, a game you want, a game you shall get.
Grima: I shall destroy you, child, and all you-
Grima: Hey- wait, get back here!
Fae: Nyah nyah, gotta catch me first!!
Grima: …hmph. They shall know fear. Right after I am through being “it”.
[Grima and Fae have reached support rank C.]
Grima: Hahh… hahh… for a small one… she sure can run.
Grima: This is embarrassing. I cannot continue running after this child, hoping to stop being “it” in a game I did not want to play.
Grima: Perhaps if I were to simply burn down the forest, it would flush her out.
Fae: Heya!
Grima: A-HAH! I have found you now, child! Now you shall-
Fae: Didja give up tryin’ ta find me?
Grima: What, no, I was just about to…
Grima: …Now hold on one moment. What was the meaning of this game? You deliberately delayed my plans to finally be rid of these wretched humans!
Fae: Nuh-uh, I didn’t debilerately do nothin’! I jus’ wanted to play tag’s all. B'sides, you were smiling!
Grima: I did not smile, pest. I was simply… enjoying the thrill of the hunt.
Fae: Naw, you were smiling!
Grima: …fine. I was and I hated it. Listen now and listen well, child. You cannot, not ever, cross me. You shall come to regret it, child.
Fae: My name’s not “child”, Mister. My name’s Fae, and I’m gonna be bigger and stronger than you one day! So’s that way, when I’m big, I can cross you any time I want!
Grima: …you have heart, young Fae. But know this. I am the wings of despair, I am the breath of ruin. I am the Fell Dragon, Grima!
Fae: Okay! Good to meet you Mister Grimer!
Grima: Wait- no, that’s Grima.
Grima: And… she’s run off again. Hmph. If I try to catch up with her, I will certainly lose precious time. And energy.
[Grima and Fae have reached support rank B.]
Fae: Gosh. I’ve sure done it now. I’m all lost, an’ no one’s around.
Fae: But that’s okay! ‘Slong’s as I gots my dragonstone I’ll be okay!
Grima: Child, get down!
Fae: Huh-?
Grima: There! See that? There was an archer poised to strike. You could have been killed.
Grima: Thankfully I dispatched him for you. He didnt stand a chance against me.
Fae: Golly… you saved my life, Mister Grim!
Grima: That’s Grima, Fae. What’s the matter with you, running off into the forest by yourself? You could have been someone’s next victim.
Fae: I-I’m sorry, Mister Grima. I just wanted to play and lookit the pretty flowers out here.
Grima: Hmph. Fae, you must promise me something here and now. For your safety.
Fae: Oh? What is it, Mister Grima?
Grima: You have to promise not to wander off on your own. If anything were to happen, the Summoner would have been crushed.
Grima: …well, emotionally. I wouldn’t mind to see them crushed physically.
Fae: …then you gotta promise me somethin in return, Mister Grima.
Grima: Hmm. Very well. What can I promise a child like you?
Fae: You haveta promise not to hurt anyone anymore.
Grima: What-? I will not promise such a thing, whelp!
Fae: Then I’m just gonna wander off on my own then and get hurt, is that what you want?
Grima: I… nngh. Fine. I won’t hurt anyone anymore.
Fae:  Promise?
Grima: …I promise.
Fae: Yay! Then follow me, Mister Grima, there was this pretty patch of flowers I wanna show you!
[Grima and Fae have reached support rank A.]
Grima: Hehehe. Hahaha! Hahahahaa!! Foolish Mortals! Today your insolence pays for itself! Your puny lives are at their end!! For I, Grima, shall strike you-
Fae: NO!!!
Grima: Wha- Ch- Fae?! Let go of me!!
Fae: No!! You promised!!
Grima: Wh- are those tears in your eyes child? I…
Fae: You promised not to hurt anyone anymore!! You promised me, Grima! I won’t let you break your promise!
Grima: …I… but this is my purpose. Their lives are forfeit to me, Fae. This is what I came to this earth to do.
Fae: Then change it! Change your purpose! You can’t just keep hurting people, my friends and their families who didnt do nothin to you!!
Fae: I know you can be good.
Grima: …I see. You truly have no idea what I am capable of.
Grima: …But. I can tell you will not let go. So, let me make you a new promise.
Grima: In exchange for their lives, all I ask, Fae, is your safety. I shall stay by your side to keep you safe for eternity. And they shall never know pain again.
Fae: You really mean it?
Grima: I made a promise, didn’t I?
Fae: Yep. You did. So let me be your purpose instead of hurting people Grima.
Grima: I accept with open arms.
[Grima and Fae have reached support rank S.]
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theblessedsolitude · 2 years
oiii, suas historias nao estao mais no nyah?! :(
tao sim bem, ta tudo la
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eliphante123 · 5 years
Taniya the lion (remake)
Just a small changes about her cuz when I look it again, her story sounds a bit odd so I added few more details to make it more interesting~
Name: Taniya Kalisha
Nicknames: Ta-chan (Ace, Trey, Cater, Kalim, and everyone), Ta-nyah (Floyd), Tanee-san (Ortho), little cub (Leona), shibi (dorm mates)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Lion
Height: 5 ft 1
College: Night Raven College
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Year: 2nd
Job: dorm assistant & peacemaker (dorm mates)
Mother (decease)
3 cousins (future oc’s)
Quote: a dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work
Goals: strong, happiness, going back home and become a greatest sorceress
Personality: She is caring and hardworking person who likes to learn more about spells, helping the students who are in trouble, and opens up to every old/new students of making new friends. She used to be gloomy and intimidated lion and gets really nervous of talking to people but after staying at Night Raven College for a while, she's confident and honest with her words. She’s not like the rest of savanaclaw students that supposably hot-headed, rowdy, and hooligan of wanting a fight with other students, she is consider to be calm or more like a peacemaker to them but she can be a bit hot-tempered, too if they try anything to pissed her off. When it comes to work of being savanaclaw’s dorm assistant, she’s very serious about her job and wanted to get her work done, perfectly by writing a to-do list on her notebook of everything she has to do (tasks, attendance, errands, keeping savanaclaw dorm from chaos, organize/fixing the facilities from damage, checking out the students) before going back to her studies or spending her free time in her dorm room. Taniya has a phobia of flying, which brings her to be a scaredy cat of attending flying class by skipping class or running away even when her classmates, including Ashton, tried to drag her out from her room. Although, she may have a weakness, as well. When something happens that reminds her of the past, she fell into a mental breakdown by mumbling of how sorry she is for being alive in the first place that she would gladly die for them. After the horrible trauma she has, she turn to her normal self and tells them to forget what they've seen in her by reassuring that it was just an act. Whenever she felt hungry as a lion as always, she goes fully hyped of wanting to eat and with that kind of energy, she always get easily fooled by her classmates pranks. Being small brings her to feel very insecure of herself and wishes that she could be taller than among the students. Everyone thought that she’s a child or a freshman despite that she’s actually 2nd year. If anyone made fun of her height, they'll feel a dark aura with a sinister smile on her face and threatens them of scratching their faces or bite their arms and legs off with her pointy buck tooth. She won't hesitate unless one of them has to apologies for making up stupid jokes about her height. No matter how small her height is, she acts like a responsible student to the teachers and treated her kouhai’s like a height riva-I mean little siblings.
Likes: MEAT!!! ALL KINDS OF MEAT, desserts, peace, magic, animals, outside, adventure, strolling/running around the campus, mostro lounge, jokes, good grades, break, getting the work done, studying, friends and helping others
Dislikes: fish, calling short, failing, get into fights, flying (especially with brooms and magic carpet), her dorm mates, Leona, Octavinelle (mostly Floyd), teasing, losing someone dear, mess, and evil magic
Favorite color: yellow, green, and blue
Hobbies: running, reading, sports, magic, cleaning, and parkour
Skills/Abilities: martial arts, potion making, levitation, acting, sense of hearing, casting spells, communicating with animals, strength and speed
She’s anxious of making new friends and thinking that everyone aren’t interested of her
Doesn’t like being called short
Works with Leona & Ruggie as their dorm assistant on helping out their CHAOTIC dormitory. She has tons of idea's for making everyone at savanaclaw to stop fighting by having a conversation about their problems (though they don’t want to talk about it but she persistently did). When she sees anyone getting hurt from lots of bruises, she quickly drags them to the infirmary and treat them with aid (lecturing them at the end). She doesn’t mind helping the people she hate as long as preventing her dorm mates from hurting others & themselves. When there’s a fight going on, she rushes between two or more oppressor to break off their feuds and scolds them for fighting without a reason. Her dorm mates finds her very annoying and persistent for acting like a peacemaker but if it weren’t for her, there wouldn’t be a problem at their dorm.
Likes to run around high buildings or do parkour without being noticed (except Ruggie he knows).
She would do anything to avoid Ashton’s class by making up lots of excuses or shut herself in her room until it ends even it means failing her grades.
Just like Ruggie’s gluttton of food, her favorite is meat.
She doesn’t like her dormitory because according to the tw anthology, every students are hot-headed and likes getting into fights just for being tough which makes it annoying and troublesome to deal with over and over again but somehow, she felt happy to be around at her dorm and enjoys having fun with everyone as friends especially all of her dorm mates have ears and tails just like her.
Taniya wasn’t fond of fish and never eats one. She DID eat once but she finds it very weird for her taste including the rotten smell and because of that, she doesn’t want to step foot on Octavinelle dorm. (she doesn’t trust them because she smells fishy about Azul, Jade, Floyd, and the rest of their dorm mates…..I’m sorry but seriously, she doesn’t trust them)
She’s not interested in having a relationship (that’s a lie) and rather help her classmates to have confident of confessing their crushes but if any boy wants to win her heart, they need to do better than giving chocolates & flowers and saying sweet words or else she deliberately might friendzoning them because this feline won’t be easy to fall for......actually, she’s really clueless when it comes of being loved but even if she DOES like someone, she won’t admit to her friends/spouse that he’s not good enough for her or act like a classic tsundere (you adorable baka! obviously it’s-)
Everyone didn’t know she has a dark side but she makes sure to keep her mental at state
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youngfcs · 2 years
Cada atualização do Spirit um tombo. Única coisa q ainda tinha de bom era a timeline e até isso estragaram misturando faves e atts junto com conversa e ta uma desorganização e uma bagunça aquilo. Eu não apaguei a conta, mas eu me despedi da timeline. Foi duro porque eu era ativa e tinha muitos amigos lá, mas infelizmente a plataforma Spirit é a inimiga dela mesma. A cada dia o Spirit só se afunda mais, infelizmente.
Poxa, anon! Sinto muito por tudo isso <3
Não posso dizer que entendo do Spirit, porque entrei muitas poucas vezes (na verdade eu entrava mais no Nyah! e no Wattpad depois), mas entendo a decepção quando um local "seguro" ou que gostava, de repente muda para pior!
Tem certeza que não tem como voltar lá? Por que eles tão mudando tanto? As pessoas não conseguem reclamar disso?
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writeawayjake · 6 years
CHAPTER 12!!!!!
Chapter 12  Relentless
         “Damn that son of a bitch hits hard,” Jared panted, slumping into his stool.
         “Sit down and shut up lad, let me have a look at ye’.” Said brock, tending to his eye. Reaching into the bucket of snow next to him Brock pulled out a large silver coin, pressing it against the swelling welt. The only good thing about fighting in the winter was that you could always pack some snow in it. Even seated Brock only came to eye level with Jared.            
         “How’s it look?” He asked.
         “Ach, nothin' Nyah can't fix.” The old dwarf reassured him. “But fer now yer stuck with ol’ uncle Brock. Ya need to work yer way inside boy, slip that right o’ his and destroy ‘im.” Brock growled with his usual gruffness.
         “Easy for you to say, it's not your head he's bashing in.” Jared snapped back.
         “Oi lad, everyone's bigger than me but ya don't see mah ass whingin’.”
         “I still don't understand why I had to be the one who signed up, why isn't Kayle here? He’s the size of a fucking barn, he'd be tearing this guy apart.”
         “‘Aye exactly, folks bet on Kayle, no one's gonna bet on your scrawny arse. No offense intended laddy but we make more money this way.” Jared could see the bookie walking around taking bets, placing the audience members money into his hat.
         “There's no way I'm i can beat him in a fair fig-
         “Who thah bloody hell said anything about fightin’ fair?!” Brock bellowed. “This is a fight no’ a gentlemans duel. You do what ya have to ta win!”
         “How do you know I'm gonna win?” Asked Jared with a furrowed brow.
         “Well, cause you're a relentless little shit.” Brock replied. “And the meanest bastard ah know. Plus, you have a very good teacher.” he said with a wink.
          As if on que the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next round. “Now. Go in there, an bury tha bastard.” Jared stood up, his cheek throbbing, and his lungs burning. Across the ring, if you could call the loose arrangement of hay bails and ropes a ring, his opponent stood up, easily ten years his elder, easily twice his weight, and no doubt at home in his current surroundings. But at least they were roughly the same height. The man looked like a bear; a broad chest, heavy rounded shoulders, long thick arms, and an entire body covered in black hair.         
         Gotta be something to go after, Jared thought. Gotta be an opening. The referee, also known as the least drunk man in the audience, beckoned them toward one another to begin the rounds festivities. Jared’s sharp eyes looked his adversary up and down, searching for a weakness to exploit. So far all he'd been able to deduce was that the man was capable with his hands, had been fighting for some time, and favored his right.
         That'll have to do. He thought.
         His opponent came flying at him, whipping a long left hook from under his shoulder. Jared barely had time to sidestep it, feeling the wind of the punch on his face. Immediately they followed it up with a quick one two, Jared managed to parry the jab with his palm but caught the straight right on his eyebrow. Not being one to lie back and take it, Jared quickly fired back a snapping right cross followed by flicking jab to block his opponents vision before sidestepping and slamming a right hand into the bastard’s kidney. Shuffling back to give himself some room he paused.
         Above the raucous crowd he could here Brock screaming,
        “Slip tha bloody right!!!”
        He's right, Jared thought. Never gonna win trading punches. Alright, let's do it your way old man. Jared dropped his left hand towards his belly but leaving the right firmly cocked back near his cheek prepared for the inevitable onslaught.
         Of course the bull rushed forward, more brawn than brain. The brute lurched forward throwing a wild right hook Jared leaned back slightly, letting the blow miss him by inches, and followed it with a snapping right hand to his opponent’s jaw. Making contact with a clear smacking sound. Stunned, the brute paused. Trying to make sense of what had just happened.
         He came forward once more, again throwing a right at Jared’s head. However instead of dodging it, this time Jared stretched out his left arm, catching and trapping his opponent’s. In an instant the look on the brute’s face went from one of confusion to anger, to shock as the realization of what was coming took hold of him.
         Jared’s fist came hurtling up, slamming into the brutes throat. Dishonorable? Maybe. Effective? Yes. The brute gasped for air and let out a sickening,
         “Gack!!!” accompanied by a mist of blood. Jared let go of the man's arm. Not wanting to injure him any more than necessary. The bear desperately gasped for breath, falling to one knee and holding his throat.
          Just stay down, Jared thought. The referee began counting,
          “One! Two! Three!” when, to Jared’s amazement, the his opponent began standing back up.
          Stupid proud bastard. Before the bear could get his composure Jared hurled an elbow that connected square on his jaw. He would not get up a second time.
         The crowd went silent, except for the sound of clinking bottles and shuffling feet. He was afraid they might storm the ring or throw bottles at his head. However after what seemed like an eternity they erupted into applause.
         Huh, how about That? He thought, surprised. The only one who stormed the ring was Brock, his stubby legs hurling him into Jared’s chest, choking him in an ecstatic embrace.
         “Hahaaaaa! Ya did it lad! We’re gonna eat like kings for a month!” Brock quickly let go and rushed over to the bookie, greedily snatching the hat from his hand. Jared followed close behind, stopping at the stool to grab his shirt.
          Brock swaggered toward the exit, kicking the door open and letting in the blinding white of the overcast of the day outside. Jared stepped outside, the cold air causing steam to waft and swirl from his scalp. As cold as it was, the fresh air was a welcome change from the stuffy, sweaty barn.
         Taking in a deep breath Jared felt a sense of shame wash over him. For the first time he was ashamed of winning a fight. Being built the way he was, fighting fair was rarely an option. So why was he ashamed now?
         He didn't have time to answer that question as a mass of curly red hair slammed into him, squeezing him so hard he thought he might break a rib. She let him go as quickly as she’d grabbed him and in a flash she had a hold of his face. Inspecting his eye, worried sick.
          “Its nice to see you too Nyah.” Jared laughed, trying not to fall as she pulled his head down toward her. Furrowing her brow she pushed and prodded the swelling. “Nyah I'm fine really.” He chuckled.
           “No you're not fine. Someone put their fist in your eye. Where is he I wanna talk to him.” She said scowling. Cupping her face in his hands he assured her,
           “Nyah, I won. I'm fine.” He said with a smile. Brock chimed in while counting the coins they'd won,
           “Thing a beauty Nyah, shoulda seen it.” She let out a long sigh,
           “Fine. Let's get something to eat. And put some ice on that.”
           “Sounds good to me.” Jared groaned, putting his shirt back on.
           “Me too.” Brock barked. As they walked toward the local excuse for an inn, Jared looked around at the squalid mining camp they were passing through. Puddles of filth everywhere, brothels and taverns every other building. Until his sharp green eyes fell upon a woman sitting at the entrance of an alley.
           In her arms, wrapped in a blanket was a squealing child. By the look of her, she’d been on the street a long while. The shame from earlier crept over him once again. Seeping into his bones, burning his blood, stinging his skin. Gritting his teeth he snatched the hat from Brock.
         “What tha bloody hell are ye doing lad?!” he screamed. Jared trudged over to the woman and knelt down, handing it over to her. A Look of gratitude spread across her face followed by joyful tears. Jared gave her a friendly smile in response and placed his hand on her shoulder. “That was all our cash!” Brock continued. Jared stood up and began marching back toward the barn with fire in his eyes. Taking his shirt back off mid stride he responded,
         “Then I guess we gotta make some more…”
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narwana-games · 6 years
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Ciekawie skonstruowana platformówka o wielkiej mocy oczarowywania - Little Bug
Nyah jest odrobinę dziwną dziewczynką. Dostrzega rzeczy, których nie widzą inni, a do swojego pudełka śniadaniowego zbiera wszystko, co znajdzie na drodze: kamienie, pojedyncze kwiaty czy robaki. Pewnego dnia, wracając ze szkoły, na ulicy dostrzega potrąconego kota. Widok ten wstrząsa Nyah tak mocno, że w domu rozładowuje napięcie, kłócąc się z mamą.
Zarzuca kobiecie, iż ta interesuje się już tylko swoim młodszym dzieckiem. Po rozmowie dzieje się coś przerażającego. Blok mieszkalny zapada się, rodzina Nyah znika, a ona sama trafia do świata pełnego niebezpieczeństw.
Od tej pory dziewczynka musi radzić sobie niemal sama w pokręconej rzeczywistości. Towarzyszy jej osobliwa kula mocy, która - po wciśnięciu spacji - unosi Nyah ponad ziemię, dzięki czemu bohaterka pokonuje rozmaite przeszkody. Stąd pozwolę sobie przejść już do opisu mechanizmu sterowania, z jakim nie spotkałam się dotychczas w żadnym innym tytule. Oprócz tego, że Little Bug, jako gra platformowa, jest momentami bardzo wymagająca, to należy w niej korzystać z obu zestawów klawiszy ruchu: WSAD służy do poruszania Nyah, a strzałki do poruszania wcześniej wspomnianą kulą. Co dziwne, koordynacja obu dłoni jest w tym wypadku trudniejsza niż np. jednoczesne granie na klawiaturze i z myszą albo wstukiwanie tekstu. Do sterowania oczywiście można się przyzwyczaić, ale przez całą rozgrywkę w niektórych miejscach sprawiało mi ono trudność. Zwłaszcza gdy należało szybko przesunąć kulę, a jednocześnie cały czas mieć baczenie na to, co robi Nyah. Z takim układem Little Bug mogłyby przechodzić dwie osoby na raz i jedna odpowiadałaby za dziewczynkę, a druga za poprawne umiejscowienie kuli.
Plansze są bardzo jednolite pod względem klimatu oraz kolorystyki. Wśród przeszkód i pułapek są neonowe ręce i nogi (jakkolwiek dziwacznie to brzmi), duchy, które raz obudzone podążają za Nyah i zetknięcie z nimi równa się śmierci, a także lodowe podłoża. Podczas rozgrywki warto rozglądać się za przedmiotami kolekcjonerskimi podświetlonymi na niebiesko. Niektóre są położone w łatwo dostępnych lokacjach, inne ukryto. Bohaterka może je umieszczać w pudełku śniadaniowym, jednak zamieści się tam jedynie sześć rzeczy, a inne oddaje się duchowi potrąconego kota. Jeśli chodzi o częstotliwość zapisu stanu gry, jest ona dość wysoka, a miejsce zapisu oznaczone jest zapalonymi świecami, które gasną, kiedy się do nich podejdzie.
Nyah ma jeden cel - pragnie wydostać się z alternatywnego świata przypominającego sen i wrócić do domu. Jej podróż trwa około trzech godzin, lecz nie musi być ona jednorazowa. Twórcy Little Bug zaszaleli z paroma osiągnięciami. Jedno z nich zostanie odblokowane po przejściu gry w 45 minut, do kolejnego należy podejść z idealną znajomością planszy, ponieważ chodzi w nim o dotrwanie do końca na jednym życiu i najlepiej bez rozładowywania energii kuli (wystarczającej na około trzy skoki). Są to prawdziwe wyzwania nawet dla wyjadaczy platformówek. Sama nie wyobrażam sobie nie zginąć ani razu w ciągu rozgrywki, skoro w wielu punktach traciłam życie po kilkanaście razy. Ale, jak to się mówi, do odważnych świat należy. Little Bug to prosta gra z potencjałem na dodatkowe poziomy bądź drugą część, do tego ładnie wygląda, dlatego prędko się nie znudzi. Mimo że użytkownicy Steam zgłosili już kilka błędów, sama nie doświadczyłam większych problemów i tylko raz musiałam uruchomić grę od nowa, kiedy Nyah utknęła w teksturze.
Omawiany tytuł urzeka mnie stroną wizualną, dźwiękową i pomysłowością. Również cena należy do tych bardziej przystępnych, dlatego Little Bug warto się zainteresować. Polecam tę grę zwłaszcza osobom, które nie zniechęcają się szybko i lubią próbować swoich sił tam, gdzie wymagana jest zręczność.
Na koniec garść informacji. Za stworzenie Little Bug odpowiada kilkuosobowe amerykańskie studio Buddy System i wydawnictwo z 25 września jest ich debiutem na rynku gier. Założyciele firmy, Bela Messex i Hana Harada, opisują siebie i swoich współpracowników jako ludzi kochających naturę, sztukę, a także wspierających osoby o różnych kolorach skóry, wywodzących się z różnych kultur i o różnych orientacjach seksualnych. Mam nadzieję, że Little Bug przyniesie im sukces i studio zaprojektuje kolejne świetne gry.
Do następnego!
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movies-vood · 4 years
Mission: Impossible II PL CDA
New Post has been published on https://movies-vod.pl/movies/mission-impossible-ii-pl-cda/
Mission: Impossible II PL CDA
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Najlepszy szpieg świata powraca w filmowym przeboju sezonu “M:I-2” autorstwa niedościgłego mistrza kina akcji Johna Woo. Uczestniczymy w misji, w trakcie której Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) wiąże się z piękną Nyah Hall (Thandie Newton), aby uniemożliwić zdrajcy Seanowi Ambrose’owi (Dougray Scott) rzucenie świata na pastwę nowego śmiertelnego zagrożenia. Zanim ta niewyobrażalna akcja się zakończy, będą musieli wędrować przez kilka kontynentów i dokonać wyboru między tym, co kochają, i tym, w co wierzą. [opis dystrybutora dvd]
Mission: Impossible II PL CDA
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