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greenscircus · 8 months ago
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sword boy <3
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dragontopaz · 1 year ago
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Ta'Lon + 5x12
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b5popup · 5 months ago
🍰️ prizes! 🍰️
We did our very best to honour our winners which was a hard task when all their fics are so fantastic, but many tentacles make light work, and we hope you enjoy this small token of our pak'mappreciation 💖️
For 20 excellent drabbles, jam packed with some wonderful and fascinating OCs and an excellent taste for delicious angst, a Morden awarded to @annakeller / @kellygrayson! You can find them all under this fantastically curated series here at SquidgeWorld!
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For 2 1k fics, both with wonderful Timov characterisation, a triumphant Timov awarded to @allowedtobewrong ! (Don't let her expression trick you, she's secretly very pleased about her victory) You can find these fics here and here at ao3!
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For 2 1k fics, featuring Susan/Talia and Lennier/Morden, a jubilant Londo awarded to @herr-toyota ! You can find these wonderfully twisty character studies here on this participant's fabulous roundup post!
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For 1 5k fic incorporating 5 prompts, with some wonderful Minbari OCs, a Neroon and Sinclair awarded to @branmer ! This was a challenge and we were absolutely blown away :D You can find this fic here!
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For 20 wonderful drabbles, featuring all our favourite B5 ladies, a Lyta and G'Kar awarded to @neeoma / @lochley! They are walking off victorious and so should they :D This participant made a super organised round-up post where you can find all their drabbles!
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But wait! There's more!
Please give a round of applause also for our runners-up: everyone who completed anything (which we could find) for the event!
👏️ 👏️ 👏️ 👏️ 👏️
by @allowedtobewrong: "Layovers" : three drabbles, featuring Susan, Vir, Kat the bartender, Lord Refa, and Brother Theo
by @greenscircus : "they said the streets were paved with gold", a drabble featuring Zack Allan and an amazing pak'ma OC! "By the Sword", a drabble featuring Ta'Lon and Nelson Drake this amazing art fill featuring Nelson Drake, the Ikarran war machine (and Tu'Lar too), and an excellent Brakiri OC!
by cgparker : (we can't seem to tag you) a drabble, featuring Susan and Talia three more drabbles, featuring Susan, Talia, Lyta, and Control
👏️ 👏️ 👏️ 👏️ 👏️
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for participating! 🥳️
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bed-wed-behead-your-fave · 7 months ago
Ta'Lon from Babylon 5
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woodsfae · 1 year ago
B5 s03e09 Point of No Return table of contents • previous chapter
Londo demonstrating some politic thinking and also 
"Intelligence has nothing to do with politics!"
True and depressing. Poor Vir. Is he getting that nap or not? The Emperor's third wife, Lady Morella is coming for a visit!
President Clark just pulled a coup! Fired the senate, arrested a bunch of them. 
"Everything's gone to hell, John. God help us all; you're on your own." 
How promising! 
The communications blackout of Babylon 5 is an incredibly intelligent move. Removes the possibilities of moles. Or at least makes the moles' tasks harder. Reduces misinformation. Clarifies chain of command on Babylon 5 and distances Earth. 
A General Hague has gone rogue and wants to do a counter strike, but needs to gather military allies. And he's Sheridan's contact in the military. He might be coming near Babylon 5. dun dun! 
Zack Allen is pushing back a little tiny bit against the Nightwatch guy calling a meeting tonight. hooray *waves world's tiniest "you only collaborated a medium amount" flag*
Lady Morella, the Centauri is a seer, and Londo reeeallly wants her to visit so he can ask her about the future, and to assure him he's made the right choice. 
But as a seer, she seems pretty surprised at the unusual circumstances she's walked into. No pomp, no ceremony, no Earth officials to greet her. 
Sheridan and Babylon 5 are getting their official orders from the President's staff. And they're terrible. All of Sheridan's security staff must be Nightwatch. 
Meanwhile, Zealous Nightwatch Guy is giving a terrible speech. 
"From this moment...Babylon 5 belongs to the nightwatch."
Please let them overthrow the nightwatch this episode. Extended spying and counter-intelligence sounds stressful. 
G'Kar, who is free three weeks early, thanks to Garibaldi preferring to assign his security staff to more useful activities than guarding G'Kar in prison, has plot! His allies stand ready, and G'Kar has plans, it seems!
Zack Allen. is failing his moral checkpoints again. He's trying to convince nightwatch people from resigning from the nightwatch. Garibaldi is going to physically fight them, right as Lady Morella is about to take her tour with Londo! Should be fun.
Ah, Lady Morella is the widow of the late Emperor. The one who died and told Londo with his last words that they were basically doomed, and Londo unfaithfully repeated as the empire will be glorious or something. 
Will this, finally, be a turning point for Londo? He wants to see if he has any choices left, and if they're worth choosing. And Lady Morella has agreed to give him a reading! Exciting. 
Jerry Doyle just gave Zack Allen a speech! And now he's giving the nightwatch a speech, but they're not buying it like Zack Allen, who seemed to waver a bit. fucking Zack is the new security head. laaaaaame. He's so laaaame. 
G'Kar is all into transformative meditations to turn himself into a calm being right now. The telepathy drug experience did a number on him. Gave him a fervor with a directed clarity. Ta'Lon is not impressed. 
Humanity is the key, and G'Kar and others will turn the key. And on the other side is "salvation for all of us." 
Sheridan, stop going along with this. Just go overthrow the nightwatch. Garibaldi will be working it from one end, to be sure. 
Londo!! The audacity! He took Lady Morella's arm and tried to stop her from going to where she was going (to see the human breaking news). General Hague the rogue general has had a daring escape and the nightwatch broke up the cheering crowd. Cue citizens vs nightwatch brawl!  
Great work putting Sheridan's calm announcement of martial law over the brawl. With Zack Allen standing uselessly by as nightwatch fascists beat civilians with batons. 
Dr Franklin thinks that going along with the orders will help buy enough time for General Hague to gather allies, the Senate to reconvene, and "beat this whole thing."
Sheridan's attention to detail and rules-lawyering is coming into play! The orders he got came from "the political office" but Sheridan is only obliged to obey orders from the Commander-in-Chief. Which is the President Wanna-Be-Dictator. So his orders would be bad. But the orders didn't come from him, they came from "the political office."
Lady Morella had a vision while doing Vir's hair! It appeared to be Londo, old, and slumped on a throne-like ornate chair. 
Zack Allen is reporting that Babylon 5 staff are bringing a ship of Narns in to replace the nightwatch. I wonder if this is a play. I'm hoping that Sheridan et al is running a play on him and the nightwatch. Because if they decided to trust in his moral fiber, they're bound to be sadly disappointed. He's cosmically bound to always make the worst choice. 
G'Kar has a plan, and plea to his Narn network. Can't wait to see how that plays out. 
John Sheridan is getting ready for something Very Srsly. And he's already up and ready to go when his alarm went off at 2:30 am so I'm taking it as proof of the Sheridan et al are playing the nightwatch theory. Zack could be acting shady because he's in on it, or...ope, he was in on it! What a dive out the gate. He landed on the right side at the eleventh hour. Now lovebomb him so he doesn't falter, I guess? 
Sheridan's stalling, more or less per Franklin's advice. The information about the Narns was real! Sort of. The Narns were already on board! This must be G'Kar's plan blooming? Cool! 
Londo has three opportunities to avoid the fire that awaits him at the end of his journey, and has already missed two. And a lot of other things I'll need to look up and copy at some point. 
Lady Morella: "You will be Emperor. That part of your destiny cannot be avoided. You will also be emperor. Why are you laughing?" Vir: "I thought you were joking." Lady Morella: "We do not laugh in the face of prophecy, Vir."
ominous! And Vir will be Emperor, huh? That's wild. And Londo will be Emperor! That's interesting. He fails upwardly so hard he eventually lands in the hot seat he doesn't know he doesn't want, eh? I never knew that. Y'all are really good at keeping spoilers secret.
Oh dang!! She's sharing the lift with Ta'Lon, who smiles so politely at her! Adorable. She is not impressed in the slightest. 
Yeah, G'Kar! He wants in. Sheridan playing dumb is honestly so disingenuous. Their anti-Shadow alliance has been so dismissive of the Narn and G'Kar, but they're literally the best allies the humans could be making right now. Because like Zack Allen, human earth command has been making all the worst decisions and backing the wrong ponies. 
And now Londo doesn't trust Vir to not be trying to kill him all the time! Vir is hilarious teasing him about it. At least, I think he's teasing. 
General Hague is in a bad way. Four out of five of his ships have been shot down and he's fleeing in the last one. Humanity's not making awesome decisions, ongoing. Well, the high political offices, anyway. I can't blame the future's citizens for their dystopia from my position in my dystopia too harshly.
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greysectorpod · 1 year ago
Dug out the random subplot generator for season 2. Here you go, fic writers!
General Hague gets a mall katana
Ta'Lon accidentally goes into the Pak'ma'ra bathroom
Liz Sheridan makes first contact
Lyta gets lost in the hedge maze
Lord Refa is banned from the gift shop
The staff of Earhart's kidnaps Talia
Zeta Squadron get put on a diet
Draal ruins a dinner party
Lou Welch is sent to a spoo ranch
Free Mars steals all of G'Kar's candles
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jenniferstolzer · 1 year ago
I'm thinking that tomorrow I might do another B5 fanart reblog session. I heard a call for Ta'Lon but it may be Narns (and Narns in love, since I ship Na'Toth and Ta'Lon) but we'll see.
Either way if you don't want to see my b5 fanart you can blacklist my art tag "jenstoart" for the day. OR if you want to see more of my art you can always search "jenstoart" as I tag all my art that.
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jenniferstolzer · 2 months ago
@editoress gave me a bunch so I'll do a couple.
Vir Cotto
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- How do I feel about this character
He is my son
- who do I ship him romantically with?
I ship him with Senna Refa, but not his Canon wife Senna Refa... the version i stole for @babylon6comic which is easy for me to say because she's pretty much an oc of mine at this point.
- non-romantic otp for him
I of course love him and lennier and I LOVE Vir and Ta'Lon but nothing could ever beat the enthusiasm I have for dad Londo and son Vir. That is my favorite.
- unpopular headcanon for vir
I don't know how unpopular it is but I thought his characterization in the sequel books was out of character for him. Like he was misused with the technomages. He can motivate himself fine without spaceman.
- one thing I wish happened in canon
I wish he'd found a good wife for him to love in the show. I'm glad the expanded universe gave him one but I'd love to see him get his dream on film.
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and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
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ghosts-of-ikarra · 5 months ago
ta'lon, g'kar and na'toth for bingo?
thanks for sending me these 3 omg! 🧡
idk what it is about the narn characters in b5, i'm kinda obsessed with all of them.
for G'Kar:
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G'Kar was the first character I really latched onto in this show. His character arc is incredible. He's done nothing wrong ever and even if he was wrong he was actually correct. Plus he looks great covered in blood.
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She has my permission to bite literally everyone. I wish she was in the show more, she's so fun.
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God I wish we could've actually seen Ta'Lon be an ambassador. It would've been such a beautiful mess. He's so weird.
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bbcviral · 1 year ago
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March Madness: South Carolina's Ta'Lon Cooper beats halftime buzzer from beyond halfcourt to keep close with Oregon http://dlvr.it/T4Qk4D
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greenscircus · 10 months ago
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get sillay with it :-P
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emperorcartagia · 9 months ago
GODDDDDDDDD WHAT A GREAT EPISODE.... i always forget how cunty john is its truly incredible... vir and londo make me want to kms though. they are so goddamn funny but im laughing through the tears because lmfao. You Know. the things that londo Doesn't Do. and i fucking love how creepy and eerie and hot g'kar is in this episode. i love his talk with ta'lon. man. god damn season 3 is so good
gonna watch 3x09 tonight. i miss my friend londo
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dragontopaz · 1 year ago
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Ta'Lon + 5x21
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b5popup · 7 months ago
hello! I would like to sign up with these characters: 1. Neroon 2. Marcus 3. Ta'Lon 4. Sinclair 5. Branmer 6. Janella (Drazi OC) 7. Hedronn (Warrior Caste OC) 8. Sech Durhan
awesome!! glad to have you with us and here's the list of prompts:
5 & 8 - Erase the memories of us 1 & 3 - we’re camping and my tent ripped, can I please share yours? 2 & 4 - Beautifully wrong 3 & 4 - Help me, I’m lost 1 & 4 - Emerge 1 & 2 - a garden bountiful with flowers or produce 1 & 6 - Us vs. them 4 & 8 - How we used to be 4 & 7 - Questionnaire for a partner 1 & 5 - Chivalry is not dead 6 & 8 - “What would I be jealous about?” 5 & 7 - Quintessentially the two of us 1 & 7 - Unstoppable force 3 & 8 - Acrobatic 2 & 5 - 'I'll match you to see who faints first.' 6 & 7 - Land of milk and honey 2 & 7 - A kiss because the world is ending. 1 & 8 - Knees 2 & 3 - “Take pride in yourself and your life.” 3 & 6 - Friendship 3 & 5 - There’s always room for more 2 & 8 - Wacky 5 & 6 - a childhood home or bedroom 4 & 5 - Hug 4 & 6 - Either die a hero (or don’t die at all) 2 & 6 - a mysterious trail found in the woods 7 & 3 & 2 - Night 3 & 7 - 3 and 7 are finally about to kiss, but are interrupted. 7 & 8 - Doorstop 4 & 1 & 2 - Keeping secrets
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puck1919 · 2 years ago
Add in the comments what line you think it should have been in!
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traveller19 · 6 years ago
“Forlorn”, for the Babylon 5 Drabble Project
“What ails you, G’Kar?” Ta’lon observed his mentor resting his chin in his hands with a forlorn expression.  He rarely saw the great religious leader looking so depressed.
“You will think me foolish.”
“I doubt that.”
G’Kar sighed.
“I miss Mollari.  There, I said it.  Judge away.”
“I do not judge others’ relationships.  I follow your teachings, G’Kar.”
 “I have taught you well. Truthfully, I rely on Londo’s friendship greatly, and he has been away on Centauri Prime for too long.  And I imagine he misses having someone to boss around.”
G’Kar chuckled, but the pining in his eyes remained.
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