kikkinimomini · 5 months
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Returning to an old oc's power armor as an evening doodle
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1958 Cooper T45
My tumblr-blogs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/germancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/frenchcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/englishcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/italiancarssince1946
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wahnhinweise · 2 years
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Meyer ist in einer On-/Off-Arbeitsbeziehung, seit Mai 2018 #wahnhinweis #schild #oberleitung #karlsruhe #T45 (hier: Karlsruhe, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClwTsO0q-nl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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girlsexbattle2 · 5 months
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Buy at: https://www.punkwithacamera.com/products/fallout-t-45-trans-people-existing-does-nothing-negative-to-your-life-you-cry-baby-bitch-40k-gutter-press-1
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eossa · 1 year
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Theme 45 by @eossa
A responsive theme inspired by the Fibonacci sequence. As of 2023, this theme has been updated to fully support Tumblr's NPF format and new post types.
Follow the source link or click here to find links to the previews and code.
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v1v1dstreet · 4 months
ougahhwh <- tiering update
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milfmoder · 5 months
Petted my gf's cat and called him the cutest boy in the whole world, handsome sweet angel etc etc then went over and did the exact same to her 🥰🥰
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rwac96 · 26 days
While weiss was exploring the outpost looking at the tech the brotherhood acquired she see a pip boy 3000 mk.4 she picked up and see a initial that says W.S, on the other side of the outpost jaune is near a power armor station working his T45 power armor when 4 young squires approach him ask him whos the pretty lady.
"Gods," Weiss groaned, as she marched down the corridor of the long Brotherhood outpost. "this is beyond dusty."
The white-haired Vault Dweller walked down the hall, using the flashlight on her pip-boy to see her path. While she was walking in this direction, Jaune was on the other side of the outpost, searching for any technology. Weiss had already done some technology runs for the Brotherhood, in some instances she had to steal from innocent wastelanders. As she approaches a nearby terminal, Weiss sees a pip-boy, specifically a pip-boy 3000 mk. 4.
"Could it be," she reaches towards the wrist device, picks it up, and sees the unmistakable initials 'W.S' on it. "This is Winter's! She was here! JAUNE!!"
"Yeah," Jaune said, out of his T-45 Power Armor, working on it at a power armor station.
"Why didn't you and your comrades tell me you picked up Winter's pip-boy!?" Weiss demanded as she approached the Brotherhood Knight.
"Excuse me," a young voice shouts, as a quartet of middle school-aged boys approaches the pair. They're squires of the Brotherhood of Steel. "Knight Arc, who's the pretty lady?"
"Oh," Jaune moves away from his workstation, "this is Weiss Schnee, the Vault Dweller who's been helping us out recently."
"Hello," Weiss nods her head, a bit put off by the fact that there are children within this organization.
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uispeccoll · 1 year
#MiniatureMonday #TinyTuesday!
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School Supplies
I think we all can agree that one of the best things about going back to school is new supplies! Whether it be notebooks, planners, pencils or pens, there is nothing quite like finding the perfect new things to carry you through the school year.  Here are some minis that are perfect for the start of the new school year.
The first miniature is five leaves of blank notebook paper attached to metal rings, perfectly sized to fit inside the blank blue binder.  The creator of this binder is not identified, but I like to think they made this little binder to send their mouse friend off to school with. 
Next is a beautiful handmade notebook bound in soft brown leather with a gilt flower design stamped into the front cover. With lovely blank cream paper inside, this notebook is the perfect handheld size to carry around and jot down thoughts as they arise.  
Originally made for the third Miniature Book Society Conclave held in LA in 1985, our third mini is a daily planner. With “Things to do today” printed largely at the top and a numbered checklist on the page, this would be an excellent way to keep your day organized!
-Kaylee S., Olson Graduate Assistant
Charlotte Smith Miniature Collection
TS1250 .T45 1985 
TS1250 .M56  
TS1250 .B53 1900z
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Cooper T45 1958 Châssis N°F2958. - source UK Racing History.
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tairanopara · 3 months
ed 6hba 3y7 674 v d t45
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paindealex · 11 months
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Pain au chocolat 🥐
T45 French Flour + Korean Bread Flour
French Butter
70% Dark Chocolate
Konti lang talaga yung chocolate pain au chocolat kasi 70% dark choc yung gamit ma oover power yung taste ng butter and bread di naman pang bata yan. Bata ka ba 🙄
De jk lang. Usual na tanong sakin bat onti lang daw chocolate 😄
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coovieilledentelle · 2 months
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Une petite pause thé... avec un petit canelé bordelais...
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Canelés bordelais
• 50 cl de lait
• 2 jaunes d’oeuf
• 2 oeufs
• 40 g de beurre
• 1 gousse de vanille (ou 2 cc d’extrait de vanille liquide)
• 1/4 cc de cannelle en poudre
• 100 g de farine T45
• 100 g de sucre en poudre
• 35 g de sucre cassonade
• 1 cs de rhum
1- Versez le lait, le rhum, les graines de la gousse de vanille (ainsi que la gousse), la cannelle et le beurre ensemble dans une casserole.
2- Portez à frémissement.
3- Pendant ce temps, versez les sucres, les jaunes et les oeufs dans un saladier. Fouettez-les jusqu’à ce que le mélange blanchisse.
4- Versez la farine et mélangez au fouet.
5- Versez petit à petit le lait (débarrassé de la gousse) tout en fouettant pour éviter les grumeaux. Vous allez obtenir une pâte se rapprochant de la pâte à crêpe.
6- Filmez le saladier et réservez 24 heures au réfrigérateur.
7- Le lendemain, beurrez l’intérieur des cavités du moule à cannelés et versez la pâte en vous arrêtant à 5 mm du bord.
8- Faites préchauffer votre four à 250°C et enfournez pour 10 minutes.
9- Baissez le four à 180°C et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 1 h. Les cannelés doivent être dorés.
10- Laissez un peu tiédir avant de démouler et laissez complètement refroidir sur une grille.
11- Poursuivez avec le reste de pâte. Il n’est pas nécessaire de re-beurrer le moule.
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coolvieilledentelle · 11 months
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Peut être est-ce à cause de la météo tristounette de cette après-midi mais j’ai une envie de douceurs sucrées et ces petits cannelés bordelais étaient parfait à l’heure du thé...
Hummm... L’extérieur est croustillant et l’intérieur moelleux et aérien.
• 50 cl de lait
• 2 jaunes d’oeuf
• 2 oeufs
• 40 g de beurre
• 1 gousse de vanille (ou 2 cc d’extrait de vanille liquide)
• 1/4 cc de cannelle en poudre
• 100 g de farine T45
• 100 g de sucre en poudre
• 35 g de sucre cassonade
• 1 cs de rhum
1- Versez le lait, le rhum, les graines de la gousse de vanille (ainsi que la gousse), la cannelle et le beurre ensemble dans une casserole.
2- Portez à frémissement.
3- Pendant ce temps, versez les sucres, les jaunes et les oeufs dans un saladier. Fouettez-les jusqu’à ce que le mélange blanchisse.
4- Versez la farine et mélangez au fouet.
5- Versez petit à petit le lait (débarrassé de la gousse) tout en fouettant pour éviter les grumeaux. Vous allez obtenir une pâte se rapprochant de la pâte à crêpe.
6- Filmez le saladier et réservez 24 heures au réfrigérateur.
7- Le lendemain, beurrez l’intérieur des cavités du moule à cannelés et versez la pâte en vous arrêtant à 5 mm du bord.
8- Faites préchauffer votre four à 250°C et enfournez pour 10 minutes.
9- Baissez le four à 180°C et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 1 h. Les cannelés doivent être dorés.
10- Laissez un peu tiédir avant de démouler et laissez complètement refroidir sur une grille.
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tournevole · 11 months
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1. La brioche vendéenne
Les ingrédients (pour 6 personnes)
500 g de farine T45 ou T55
100 g de sucre en poudre
25g de levure de boulanger
2 oeufs + 1 jaune d'oeuf
15 cl de lait + 1 cuillère à soupe
90g de beurre
30 g de crème fraîche 
10 cl d'eau tiède
1 pincée de sel
2 cuillères à soupe de fleur d'oranger
Les étapes de la recette
Dans un bol délayez la levure avec une cuillère à soupe de sucre et le lait préalablement tiédi.
Dans le bol du robot, versez la farine, le sel. Faites tourner le robot. 
Ajoutez le sucre, le beurre coupé en dés, les deux oeufs, la crème fraîche, la fleur d'oranger puis l'eau et le mélange avec le lait.
Pétrissez 10 minutes à vitesse élevée.
La pâte se détache alors des bords ; elle doit rester collante.
Placez la pâte dans un grand plat, couvrez-la d'un torchon et laissez-la pousser ainsi 3 heures.
Une fois la pousse terminée, renversez la pâte sur votre plan de travail. Chassez l'air en la travaillant délicatement. Séparez-la en deux portions égales. 
Prenez chaque portion puis séparez-les de nouveau en deux. 
Façonnez chaque pâton dans la longueur puis tressez-les deux par deux. Vous obtiendrez ainsi deux brioches.
Placez chaque brioche dans un moule à cake beurré (ou chemisé de papier sulfurisé). 
Laissez à nouveau pousser deux heures.
Préchauffez votre four à 170°C.
Badigeonnez chaque brioche avec un jaune d'oeuf mélangé à une cuillère de lait.
Enfournez pendant 30 minutes.
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mtreebeardiles · 4 months
Bonds of Smoke and Steel, ch. 6
Had this chapter mostly written for like....forever...
Full chapter over on AO3 -- chapter does have an explicit scene in it as a heads up
"Not big on subtlety, are they?"
There was a teasing edge to Taylor's voice, but it didn't do much to erase the awe Danse could see in his face. He found himself smiling a little, more than a bit proud at the display being showcased above. 
He'd been reasonably sure the Prydwen would come; several recon teams already lost to the Commonwealth, all efforts pointing to energy level anomalies that couldn't -- and shouldn't -- be ignored, and it was in keeping with Elder Maxson's hands-on approach that he would come with a strong contingent of the Brotherhood. 
And that meant arriving in their pride and joy. 
The Prydwen was a marvel of engineering, capable of holding an impressive number of knights, scribes, initiates, as well as their higher-ups. Danse had personal quarters of his own up there, for all he didn't have much in terms of sentimental items or keepsakes. But it was practical, with access to Proctor Ingram's armor bay, a fully functioning infirmary, labs, and plenty of space for the scribes to do their work processing and tagging any interesting technological finds -- which Danse's team had plenty to hand over. 
As they watched the airborne vessel anchor itself into place over the remnants of the Boston Airport, several smaller craft detached and cycled out in scouting patterns -- Vertibirds, and Danse quickly spotted one angling in their direction. 
"C'mon," he urged, heading back towards the police station. "They're going to want a full report -- and officially welcome you to our ranks."
Taylor's awe continued once they were aboard. Their Vertibird pilot had given him the go-ahead to use the mounted machine gun to track potential threats down below -- Super mutants in particular needed little prompting to try shooting them down -- and while the flight to the Prydwen was uneventful it still felt good to see Taylor get a better taste of what the Brotherhood was capable of beyond Danse's reduced recon team. 
He enjoyed it while he could, tagging along as Taylor got a quick tour of the ship, a medical check-up and, Danse was pleased to note, a Brotherhood power armor set. T60, in far better shape than the man's old T45, and the Paladin was pleased to see the way Taylor smiled as the other man ran a hand along the chest plate and the insignia it bore. 
Then he was whisked away to meet with Maxson amongst other initiates, and Danse took that time to file his own reports and update his team's assignments.  
They met up again in the mess, news having already spread about Taylor's new rank -- well earned and well worn already, so far as Danse was concerned, and he couldn't help the burst of pride he felt when the other man joined him at last. 
"Congratulations, Knight," he said, clasping Taylor's shoulder. "You deserve it."
A faint flush crept into Taylor's cheeks, that slightly crooked grin pulling at his lips and Danse fought down the urge to lean in and kiss him. 
"Did Elder Maxson give you your assignment?"
"Said you and I were going to tackle Fort Strong?"
"Correct, Knight. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with your new armor and we'll depart right after."
They were taken to their destination via Vertibird, engaging in some aerial fighting when they spotted a hulking behemoth of a Super Mutant on the scene. Taylor set to the task with the sort of keen precision Danse was coming to expect from him, and he briefly wondered if the new Knight had previous aircraft experience. Not unlikely; bombers would've been more common during the earlier wars, but he wasn't as certain if they'd had craft quite like this. 
Necessity breeds innovation. Something quoted to him, once, but he couldn't recall from whom. 
He shook the thoughts away, refocusing, allowing himself just a moment to contemplate after, after, after. After this mission, after their reports, after they saw to their armor…
After his obligations were met, he and Taylor could finally talk.
"So how'd you rank your first day as an official Brotherhood Knight?"
The question was pitched low for Taylor's ears only as they made their way back along the main deck, heading towards the officers' quarters at the front of the ship. Armor seen to, reports filed with Quinlan, and Taylor's first mission as Knight was a resounding success. Other soldiers were already moving on the cleared area of Fort Strong below, securing it as a staging ground for the Brotherhood's proposed offensive against the Institute. The decks were a flurry of activity, scribes and fellow knights in full armor carrying out orders and kicking up a cacophony that left Danse feeling oddly nostalgic. 
"Not bad," Taylor replied when Danse tugged open the door to his personal quarters and gestured for the other man to go ahead of him. It would be a bit quieter here, at least, than trying to have any manner of conversation in the mess -- even if the conversation wasn't private in nature. And this one decidedly was. 
If Danse didn't lose his nerve, at least. 
"'Not bad?'" 
"Don't have much to compare it to," Taylor pointed out, falling onto Danse's bunk without preamble. He leaned back, legs dangling off the edge as he stretched and folded his hands under his head. His hair was curling slightly, still drying from his brief wash, and Danse found himself distracted all over again. Found himself following the line of Taylor's throat to where it led to the slightly open collar of his shirt, dipping into a hollow he knew from personal experience was a sweet spot for the other man. 
Found himself wishing the showers aboard the Prydwen weren't heavily rationed, that they could go back to Sanctuary and its greater privacy and its illusions of having all the time in the world. 
"Right." Danse cleared his throat, shaking his head. "That's… fair. Very fair. Well, take it from me, then -- you did an exemplary job down there, Taylor."
"Thank you?"
"…was that a question?"
Taylor was eyeing him now, an eyebrow cocked. 
"I mean, I meant it, but…" Taylor pushed himself up, bracing his elbows on his knees and letting his hands dangle loosely between them. "Kinda getting the feeling you're…distracted. Everything okay?"
Danse swallowed, feeling oddly exposed and pinned into place by that hazel gaze. 
"I…I wanted to…I'm not sure how to… I did want to talk with you, if that….if that's okay."
Taylor's brow furrowed. 
"Of course," he replied. "You know you can talk to me about anything, Danse."
"…Thank you." Still, he hesitated, clearing his throat again. Wished not for the first time that he had Taylor's ease with words, with expressing himself. That unassuming confidence, that surety in himself. "I… wanted to talk to you about…about our relationship."
Taylor was frowning now. 
"…I… is there a…problem? I thought you said fraternization --"
"--no, no, there's no problem. There's no issue, not… not like that."
"Then like what?"
"Not…" Danse sighed, running a set of fingers through his own still-damp hair. "That came out wrong. There isn't an issue, technical or otherwise."
Taylor's shoulders relaxed. "Okay, that's…that's good…"
"I just, I wanted… I mean, I've enjoyed what we…what we've done, so far. With the um."
"That," Danse agreed, his cheeks on fire. "I was just… I guess curious, where you uh… where you stood on…"
Taylor blinked at him, cocking his head to the side as he considered him. Danse felt doubly exposed as those hazel eyes tracked up and down the length of his body. 
"…are you asking if I'd want to do…more than kissing?"
This shouldn't have been difficult. Why was it difficult? He'd had his tongue in Taylor's mouth, sucked bruises into the hollow of his throat, along his collarbones, just below where anyone might see them. He'd had Taylor's hands on his body -- over the clothes for the most part, sure, but…still. 
Why did it feel bigger, somehow, to ask to do that with less separating them?
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