#t'challa is very amused by americans
pandagirl45 · 3 months
Tony would totally play elden ring. Why? No reason. I think it's amusing to think about Tony playing and modding games.
Like he would talk about the original demon souls and just infodump on it. He be the one to try to beat ghost and ghouls.
Something. Something. Gamer Tony.
Let see, my personal headcanos, relating and not relating to the Canon stuff
Tony with extremis eyes can go arc reactor blue and sometimes orange due to magic silliness
Tony is a gamer
Tony is a goth
Tony is cat coded, lioness coded, tiger coded, humming bird, and my personal favorite a lion and lynx mix
Tony as mythological creatures ranges from dyrads to dragons. Dyrad, fire elemental/fairy, dragon, and werecat
If he was a wizard, he'd be close to nature and technology
Tony is ploygot
For me, my au Tony is demisexual and biromantic (other aus, I leave up for the reader)
I like having butterfingers, dume and u and call them the triplets. Jarvis is the "eldest". Vision and Ultron are the youngest
Tony definitely try to repress a lot of himself due to childhood trauma and fears.
My au Tony hides his scars. Arms, back of thighs, and back.
Tony is definitely sicilian/lybian and American (howard side)
He did look up to steve but he likes the underdog more (because I'm trash and I ship winteriron. Plus I think he would happily choose bucky just to irk howard off)
He straightens his hair before style it (naturally curl, 4C, yadda yadda)
Tony pairings I find cute or I actively ship, winteriron of course, stony, pepperony, t'challa and Tony (I see it), clint and tony (platonically), thor and Tony, and that's about it for now. (I guess rhodey and Tony, but also platonic, familial love)
If he has human kids, morgan is the only biological one, Harley adopted (if his mom is alive, then tony is a mentor), Peter, same as harley, miles, same as harley. Anna Marie (rogue), why? Because I think it'd be amazing to see Tony and Rogue just grow together. Tony getting the avengers to help her understand and work with her powers. Especially if tony has extremis, (yes I know that is weird but work with me), and she let's go of the abilities and act. All them and the bots, Tony is a mother hen.
Tony doesn't actively seek to have kids or get married, if it happens and he finds himself feeling safe and comfortable so be it.
I got this from the Fandom and hearing the about the food hiding on set of rdj adventures. Blueberries are his favorite fruit. Veggies I want to say a squash variant. Dish, many.
He can cook and bake but he just refuses too. When he bakes, he makes the thing dessert into something else, on accident.
He can dance, play piano, and sing (Maria. Don't tell me Maria and her side of the family wasn't at least musically inclined).
These are headcanons because I like them. I think they are amusing or add something to his already very interesting and independent character. Little things I suppose. I can do one for steve. I have plenty for him.
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biconicfinn · 3 years
Sam/T'Challa Headcanons
just some general headcanons for my faves <3
i dont remember much of the mcu timelines anymore but whatever have this post okay thank you
i'm thinking maybe they get together post-ca:cw, t'challa helps shelter steve, bucky, sam, clint, scott, and wanda in wakanda for a while so they can recover
obvs bucky goes into cryo and then i'm thinking maybe clint takes wanda under his wing and goes on the run, maybe scott joins them too idk i didn't spend too much time thinking about it
so it's just steve, sam, and cryo bucky
steve spends most of his time talking to bucky and moping and being generally Emo but eventually starts going stir-crazy so he turns his usual captain america suit into the nomad one, and heads off to go be a vigilante fugitive
meanwhile sam decides to stay in wakanda; he hasn't had a chance to just be in a long, long time, not since captain america first knocked on his door asking for a safe place. he stays in a small little apartment in the capital city, kinda near the palace so people can still keep an eye on him
over several weeks sam establishes a routine: wake up, go for a run around the neighbourhood (cutting through the public gardens at the palace), come back home and work out, shower, eat breakfast, go out on a patrol with the border tribe around the area, explore the city and practice xhosa along the way, check in with sarah, lunch, check in with steve and bucky, read, sleep, repeat.
he finds a purpose in the help he gives his neighbours, helping the older lady next door with errands at the market, telling the kids stories about what it feels like to fly with your own wings, joining the border tribe on their patrols around the city
occasionally he runs into the generous (and gorgeous) king who gracefully allows him to stay in wakanda in peace while running through the palace gardens
t'challa rises with the sun and often runs in the morning to get at least some form of training in; crucial on days where he's stuck in meetings
sometimes the two run into each other—once literally, and okoye never lets t'challa hear the end of how he was so very flustered by sam wilson taking off his shirt to cool off and the sight of him all hot and sweaty and half-naked made him freeze and run right into said man—and sam has to come to terms with the fact that getting lapped by superhuman attractive men (though he personally prefers t'challa over steve) is just his life now
typically sam opens their conversation with a cat pun that makes t'challa fight back a smile and respond with something so dry and deadpan, couched in the characteristic diplomatic quality he uses it takes sam a minute to reply and react
but when sam does understand, t'challa is met with a charming half-smirk half-smile that makes his heart trip and he relies on all his diplomatic training to remain neutral or at the most amused at sam's comments
the conversations grow slowly, from casual one-liners and sarcastic quips to sam's stories of riley and sarah and his community back in delacroix, and t'challa's anecdotes about growing up in wakanda
soon enough, what starts off as a brief conversation during a part of their respective runs becomes a standing daily routine run together, the two becoming fast friends, admiring one another's loyalty, dedication, honesty, and determination
of course, because sam and t'challa are sam and t'challa, the platonic friendship with a side of appreciative attraction slowly becomes a crush
and it's not just the funny stories and misadventures they share with one another, but the sleepless nights and trauma and grief and healing too
sam couldn't sleep one night and went for a walk in the gardens he ran into an equally sleepless t'challa and so began yet another routine for them; to sit in the gardens at a clearing where the stars were bright and plentiful and visible, so vast that sam felt an ache in his bones to be up there, to be in the skies along the stars, and he realised that if there was anyone he wanted to be up there with him, it was the man sitting next to him in quiet contemplation, shoulders slumped slightly, expression handsomely brooding; the man behind the mantles of king and black panther
t'challa found himself wandering towards the gardens on those nights he couldn't sleep, when the weight of the crown and his legacy and the nation weighed so heavily on him that he felt he would crumble under it, he sought out the clearing in the garden, and more importantly, the man with his soul in the skies, his heart wherever he could help people
some nights were quiet for the most part, a brief check-in with one another before just simply taking comfort in one another's company. others were filled with conversation, those deep talks you only feel safe having in the dead of night, when the only thing awake and alive is nature, when every word is just that much more honest and real
losing parents and partners, the responsibilities of leadership, recovery and healing; just some of the things the two talk about when they can be just them, no titles or nationalities or protocol there to censor them
over morning runs and late-night conversations, sharing music and food and language and culture, and impromptu excursions to the city or beyond they grow close and find that their feelings are getting more and more difficult to ignore, both wanting more than just a friendship
it's not during a morning run or nighttime confession that they admit their feelings, but over a shared lunch together
they're eating a simple picnic lunch near the warrior falls where t'challa will soon undergo the first part of his coronation ritual and offer the people of wakanda to send a representative to fight him in ritual combat for the throne
the view of the falls is spectacular, and sam's wide-eyed face of awe and wonder, bright smile shining with all the warmth of the sun makes t'challa feel like he could take on the entire country in ritual combat and come out the other side victorious if sam continues to smile at him like that and if they had more time then they would probably go for a swim, but they don't so here they are, alone at the falls, the rush of water and the sounds of the river fauna their only company
they're laying on a blanket on the grass, watching the clouds, and sam feels just as at peace on the ground with t'challa next to him then he's ever felt with his wings in the skies
during a discussion about the coronation where t'challa answers the questions sam asks him. the subject turns to his duties as king, and sam asks about whether t'challa is expected to marry a woman in order to produce heirs for the throne. he knows wakanda doesn't discriminate against people for sexuality or gender identity, but the duties of a king are to ensure the legacy of the royal bloodline is preserved isn't it?
t'challa laughs, and says that while the royal bloodline is important, there is no restriction on who the king (or queen) marries, as long as they would be able to connect with the people, serve and help the people of wakanda the way any good ruler should
"so what i'm hearing is all's fair in love and war"
"i guess you could say that"
"so if gender and sexuality don't matter; does nationality?"
"perhaps in the past yes, but i feel wakanda is changing, and that it will not be such a concern moving forward"
"even if the king were to be with, say, a fugitive american ex-pararescue-slash-ex-avenger?"
t'challa turns to face sam, heart caught in his throat as he processes just what sam said, takes in the hopeful and tentative look in his eyes masked by a slightly wavering tone of jest and hunour, as he shifts to mirror him.
the moment stretches out for what feels like an eternity before t'challa can respond
"for you, my falcon, i think we can make an exception"
their lips meet, the two smiling too much for the kiss to be anything other than as sweet and warm as honey and sunshine, and sam wraps his arms around t'challa, bringing the king on top of him, and two exchange soft kisses and softer words until t'challa gets called away, promising to meet later not just for their near-nightly rendezvous, but for dinner in t'challa's private quarters
okay so that's all for now! i kinda hate how this turned out but whatever it's done!! taglist under the cut! if anyone didn't want to be added i'm sorry just let me know and i'll delete!
@sambuckies @thewondrouspickle @tchalcons @like-butterflies-and-glitter @shadowyenthusiaststudentus @vodka-infused-unicorn @cassleia @finger-lickin-fuckboy @twisterss
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watashiwababy · 5 years
Loving My King
Chapter 11
His eyebrows furrowed. "Baby, you were the one that convinced him to take this path instead. Why wouldn't you be attending?" He does have a point.."Remember my love. You are now Queen. This is the type of thing you will need to be in attendance for. This could potentially involve the whole kingdom." "You do have a point...again." So I get up out of bed and start getting ready. With Isis by Joyner Lucas playing out of my speak, I start my morning routine. T'Challa joins me as I'm brushing my teeth. He puts his hands on my hips and plops his head on my shoulder, and stares at me through the mirror. I bend over to spit in the sink. He lets out a small moan and closes his eyes. I look at him with amusement in my eyes.
"It's been far too long my Queen." "It hasn't. You're just a freak." He busts out laughing. I laugh with him and walk into our closet to get dressed. Suddenly a very pertinent question pops into my head very suddenly. "If this talk with Erik goes well, what will you do? Hopefully you won't keep him confined to his room like a dog in the kennel?" I can tell my casual use of Erik's American name threw him off for a second.
"Well I can't very well let him roam around can I? Have you forgotten the whole reason we had to catch him in the first place?" I purse my lips. "No T'Challa. I haven't forgotten. But please don't let that cloud your judgement of what the man is saying, and trying to do." "And what exactly is that? Since you two seem to be so close now." It takes all of my willpower PLUS MORE, to not roll my eyes at this big ass man baby. 'I need this talk to go well...I need this talk to go well...' so I try again. "It is not me you need to be having this discussion with. Your audience is with Erik. Not with me." I finish getting dressed, and go to leave our bedroom.
"Avalon wait!" I stop with my hand on the doorknob. "I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you're so quick to defend a man who was so ready to take your life." "He wouldn't have hurt me. And I know his real mission here T. If you would take a few minutes to listen to what he has to say then you would too."
I make my way to the throne room to see that Erik is already there, and is looking around with genuine curiosity and admiration. "Good morning." I say as I walk into the room. He turns around and smiles a bit. "Hey baby girl. Did you talk ole buddy around?" I sigh. "I did my best Erik. But this won't go smoothly if you insist on these nicknames." He rolls his eyes at the same time as me. T'Challa entera and I roll my eyes again. "Trouble in paradise?" Erik asks. I discreetly flip him off and move to take my seat.
"So-" he starts, "my wife decided to forgive telling me the meaning of this meeting. Tell me why I shouldn't have you imprisoned on the spot for attempting to hurt my wife?" "Because shawty wouldn't have-" "AHEM!" I interrupt him and give him the look. Y'all know what look I'm talking about- "My bad my bad. I mean Ava wouldn't have let you. She knows my true intentions. And she knows I wouldn't have really hurt her. Like I keep telling you selective memory ass mother fuckers, I wasn't really going to hurt her. And she believe in what I believe in." "Which is?" T'Challa asks. "To arm Black Americans with what they need to protect and help themselves, in a country where it seems that everyone wants them dead, or to see them fail." Everyone's jaw damn near drops.
"Here in Wakanda, we choose not to meddle in the affairs of-" "I know damn well what you choose not to do. But by doing nothing, you allow these colonizers to murder our own people. That's just as bad as oppressing them the way the devils do." "Excuse me? We have nothing to do with that foreign countries affairs." N'Jadaka squints his eyes, and I know that what comes next is not going to be good. "Then you leave me no choice. Now back to square one. I'm challenging you for the throne." T'Challa opens his mouth to reply.
"That won't be necessary!!" I move to stand between Erik and T'Challa, who are glaring at each other like two kids fighting over a toy. "Erik I'm sure we can come up with something to help our people. Something that doesn't involve arming civilians however." The elders jump up in an uproar. "Who is this foreigner to give us orders? We let you marry the King, but it stops there." My eyebrows shoot up, as does T'Challa and Erik's. "You may have been born here, you may have been here longer than me, hell you MAY even be wiser than me. But you will not question my authority or my place in this Kingdom. So sit your ass down or I will have you removed."
Okoye gave a small smirk, but it was gone as soon as I blinked. And Erik straight out laughed loud as hell, and caused everyone to glare at both of us. I then turn so that I'm talking directly to Erik. "Now as I was saying. We will find a way to assist our people from the burden that the white people have placed on them." I turn to address everyone else. "And it will be Erik and I'd project that I- and only I- will be responsible for. I will personally oversee all decisions. And if it should backfire, I will take full responsibility. Happy? Great. Goodbye." I take Erik by his elbow. "Let's get THEE fuck out of here and get business started."
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
OH NO ANOTHER ONE: Young Tony with best friend Rhodey who is secretly a wakandan spy. Rhodey brings over "friends" of him: M'Baku (and maybe T'Challa too?) (actually because Tony is brilliant and awesome and he wants them to meet him). If you want, it could have M'Baku being a bit confused by american customs?
“I know he’s an American,” Rhodey said patiently.
“A white American,” M’baku scoffed.
“-but I promise you’ll like him.”
T’challa shrugged. “I have no doubt.”
“Well I do,” M’baku grouched. “But fine. I will be . . . cordial. If he’s as good as you say he is.”
“C’mon.” Rhodey cuffed M’baku’s shoulder. “When have I ever been wrong?”
Well the thing was, Rhodey never had been wrong. And he wasn’t wrong about the young American either, this . . . Anthony ‘call me Tony’ Stark.
Before laying eyes on Tony, M’baku could have sworn he’d never feel the least bit of feelings (aside from disdain, maybe) for an outsider. But one glance at the tiny genius with a maniac glint in his eyes, grease stains everywhere, and his hair sticking up in ridiculous poofs, M’baku felt nearly as protective over the man as he did for Wakanda.
Fucking James and his ability to be right about everything.
“I am M’baku,” he said, far too loudly, putting a fist over his heart and bowing.
Tony’s eyes went round. “Oh wow, it’s so nice to meet you! Platypus has told me all about you!”
M’baku straightened up, mouthing ‘platypus?’ to Rhodey, who rolled his eyes.
T’challa elbowed M’baku out of the way and held his hand out to the American. “T’challa. It is an honor.”
Tony took the prince’s hand and shook it firmly. “Likewise. So you guys are from Wakanda, right? Damn, they have quite the specimens there, don’t they?”
“Indeed,” T’challa said, amused. “Must be the living conditions.”
“Is this your first time in America?” Tony asked.
“Not mine,” T’challa answered.
“It’s M’baku’s first time though,” Rhodey said.
Tony turned back towards him, his face bright with curiosity. “Wow, really? Your English is really good. How are you liking it here so far?”
“He is confused,” T’challa spoke up.
M’baku unleashed a full-wrath glare onto the prince. “I can speak for myself.”
“What’s confusing you? Maybe I can clear a few things up, buttercup.”
M’baku’s stomach absolutely did not flip when Tony called him buttercup, and his cheeks did not feel warm. Not at all.
“Your people,” He said. “Why do you keep your outside shoes on inside? Doesn’t that make more cleaning up?”
Tony looked down at his feet in surprise. He was just wearing socks. “Is that why you instituted a shoes off at the door policy?” He asked Rhodey.
Rhodey shrugged and nodded. “You gotta admit Tones, it makes no sense.”
“Where we live we have slipper or sandals to change into while inside. Or we just go barefoot,” T’challa chimed in.
“Well some people have a shoes off policy.” Tony shrugged.
“But only in houses!” M’baku said frustratedly. “If people laugh at me for taking my shoes off before entering an official building one more time . . . “
T’challa patted his arm soothingly.
“Also,” M’baku was on a roll now, “Americans don’t show affection to each other? You are friends, you’re allowed to hug and kiss each other.”
“Tony will show you all the affection you want.” Rhodey winked at him. “He’s a cuddlebug.”
“It’s the christian culture,” Tony explained. “They think physical affection only relates to sex. It’s fucked up.”
“Physical affection expresses many types of love,” M’baku said firmly. “Even if I would like to have sex with you.”
There was silence. Everyone stared at him.
“Oh, goodie!” Tony broke it. “It’s not just me then.”
Later, (much later. A few days later) M’baku, Rhodey, and T’challa were discussing Rhodey’s post and the information he’d gathered while in it.
“Are you sure Tony doesn’t know?” M’baku couldn’t help asking. “He’s very smart.”
Rhodey rolled his eyes. “We get it, you can’t go more than a few minutes without waxing on about how awesome Tony is.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” T’challa said. “He’s almost as smart as my sister. Almost as sassy, too.”
Rhodey looked at him in horror. “They can never meet.”
“I don’t know, M’baku mused. “I was thinking maybe he could be, how do you say it here? ‘The token white boy,’ on our team.”
“No,” Rhodey said firmly. “We’re leaving him out of this. He has no allegiance to Wakanda. And there’s no way he’s figured out that Wakanda as the rest of the world knows it is a lie. So no reason to suspect I’m a spy.”
Rhodey was right, they all knew it.
(Except this time he was actually wrong. Tony definitely knew. And between Rhodey and M’baku , even T’challa, he did kind of have a loyalty. Big enough not to blow their covers).
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marvelmadam08 · 5 years
The Princess & The Nomad (11)
With your hypnosis gone and your identity fully known, you and Steve reunite and pick you right where your left off. But with The Avengers disbanded and a new danger looming in the future, what’ll keep everything from falling apart?
Summary: After a quick birthday celebration, you and the others plan an impromptu trip to Norway.
Warnings: Mentions of previous smut, hints of Bucky x Reader? Final goodbyes
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while for an update, I’m jumping back and forth between this blog and my original pieces and looking into self-publishing. Lots of big things in the works. Also if you haven’t seen Message From the King you should, Chadwick does an amazing job in that film. Enjoy!
“How many hickies are you trying to give me?” You laughed slash moaned while Steve kissed and bit in random parts of your body
“One for every year you’ve been alive.” He kissed on your pelvic bone, the next spot for him to mark
“I’m 84.”
“Exactly, so let me continue before I lose count.”
“Yes sir.” Your fingers raked through his hair, watching him kiss down your body “Best birthday yet.”
“You made mine special, I’m returning the favor.” He bit down on your hip, holding you in place with his weight, you shuddered softly. When he was satisfied with his work Steve kissed up your stomach before lightly pecking your lips.
“You know we haven’t left this room since I got here. They might think we’re dead.”
“It’s not the worse way to go. And we did leave.”
“For thirty minutes, to find the kitchen. And you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself.” You nudged him with your foot, subtly reminding him of how carried away the two of you got when feeding each other strawberries. Ending up with the two of you hiding in the pantry, half naked and waiting for the guard to leave so you could return to the room.
“We’re lucky we didn’t get caught.” You started to move to the edge of the bed when Steve pulls you back into his chest “Steve-”
“I missed a spot.” He kissed on your shoulder blade
“We told Sam we’d hang out with them today.” You giggled and pulled away “It’s rude to decline an invitation the day of, especially without a viable reason.”
“I want you to myself, that’s reason enough.” Steve watched you move over to the full length mirror that sat in the corner. He smiled as you assessed the bite marks and handprints he left behind.
“Steve, I look like a dalmatian.”
He chuckled before he moved to get ready himself. Despite his not so subtle suggestion for taking a shower together, you didn’t want to run the risk of never making it out the room, so you decided to take separate showers. You watched Steve get ready, since you only had to shimmer on a new outfit, a long sleeved shirt, a scarf wrapped around your neck and long jeans, thanks to him.
“That’s not going to look suspicious.” He told you as you both walked back down to the study to meet everyone else “It’s the middle of summer.”
“Would you rather have me in a skimpy skirt and a low cut top, showing off?” You questioned jokingly
“If you wore anything of the sort, we definitely wouldn’t have made it out the room.”
“Holy shit, she can still walk.” Sam was the first one to open his mouth when you and Steve entered the study “And sporting a modest scarf, odd piece of clothing for summer in Wakanda.”
“My bikini is at the cleaners.”
“Happy birthday Kiddo.” Sam moves in to give you a strong hug
“Thanks Sam.”
“Didn’t think you two would show up.” Bucky said, leaning against the wall on the far side of the room “Guess I owe Nat fifty bucks now.”
“In American currency if you will.” Natasha smirked “Happy birthday, Rayna.”
It took you a second to remember she was addressing you. “Thanks Nat. Shall we go and eat, I’m starving.”
“Well you’ve been working up an appetite for the last two days.”
You all began to file out of the room back into the hall.
“Seriously, like rabbits.” Sam added “I pity who ever had the room next to yours- oh wait, that was me.”
“Sorry Sam.” Steve wrapped his arms around your waist and kissing you on the cheek.
“No you’re not. But you will be when Bucky and I tell (Y/N) all about the goat incident.”
“Stooping low Sam.” A light blush showed up on Steve’s cheeks
“What about a goat?”
“Apparently Stevie here missed you so much that he started having dreams about you.” Bucky started, trailing behind the group “Very vivid dreams, if you catch my drift.”
“So we’re camping out at Bucky’s place, resting as much as we can before we leave again. Steve, being the fossil that he is, fell asleep first. And starts talking in his sleep, calling for you.” Sam gestures to you
“I thought he was having a nightmare again, but when I looked up he was spooning one of my goats. And she was not happy about it.”
“Now the damn goat won’t leave him alone.” Sam laughed, you did your best to hide your amusement but failed horribly
“I’m sorry for laughing, but you have to admit it’s funny.” You said to Steve between giggles “I have tons of embarrassing stories from Asgard.”
“And you’re welcomed to tell us all about it over dessert.” T'challa greets you at the doors leading to a screening room. He reached for your hand to kiss it lightly “Princess (Y/N), happy birthday.”
“Thank you.”
Fast approaching footsteps turned your attention to Shuri, who pushed her brother out of the way and wrapped her arms around you.
“Happy birthday. How are you feeling?”
Nat shot Sam a warning glare before he could say anything inappropriate. Steve did the same to Bucky.
“I feel great, no side effects that I know of so far.”
“I got you something.” Shuri reached into her pocket and pulled out a small gift box “Well I made it.”
Sitting inside the box was a bracelet made of round black beads with tiny engravings on them.
“They’re call Kimoyo beads, made from vibranium, they're multipurpose and have better reception than a cell phone.”
“It’s beautiful Shuri, thank you.” You slipped the bracelet on your wrist, they shift and secure themselves on your wrist so they wouldn’t move or fall off. You turn your hand over and the words ‘happy birthday’ shine from the beads “I just hope my powers won’t short it out.”
“It’s perfectly safe.” she assures you before turning to Bucky “Nice to see you again White Wolf.”
“Same to you Shuri." Bucky grinned
"Are you joining us for the movie?” Steve ask
“Unfortunately I have work to do in my lab, plus I am not old enough to sit in on adult conversations.” Shuri rolled her eyes
“Mother’s words, not mine.” T'challa argued “You will get your chance when you are older.”
Shuri mimicked her brother’s voice under her breath as she walked away, a guard right behind her. T'challa stood to the side to let the rest of you in the dimly lit room. The smell of food filled the room, over to your right was a table full of food complete with chicken and beef stir fry, dinner rolls, and few ribs and cesar salad.
“Whoa, you went all out Sam. I would’ve been fine with pizza.” You tell him
“I didn’t do anything.” Sam’s mouth was stuffed with half a dinner roll.
“My sister insisted, said that this should be a special birthday for you.” T'challa explained “Being back with your loved ones.”
“Oh now I wish she stayed.” You slightly pout “She didn’t have to do all this.”
“In her opinion it could’ve been better, but apparently someone ate all the strawberries that were going to be used for the shortcake.”
“Imagine that.” Steve gives you a small squeeze on the butt, you blush and bite your lip.
Everyone moved around the table, picking up different food to place on their plates. You end up drifting closer to Bucky by the crepes.
"So White Wolf? Is that what you're calling yourself now?"
He shrugged, setting down his plate to add more food "I kinda adopted it. I'm technically the black sheep here.... Well the white sheep."
"Do you like it here? You seem a lot more relaxed."
"Yeah, it's amazing. Everyone’s so welcoming, there’s little to no crime. And the sunsets are something out of movies." He gives you a friendly smile before averting his eyes again
"What's wrong?"
"Your scarf slipped." He reached up to fix your scarf back over a bite mark "Looks like everything between you and Steve is going good."
"Yeah, we said I love you for the first time."
He nods, examining a piece of broccoli. "Big step, possible wedding bells in the future?"
You blush and nudge him in his side. "I just got back, let's not jump to life altering choices."
"Alright. It's your day Princess- Rayna? (Y/N)? Which one are you going with?"
"Honestly, whichever you prefer. I have so many names at this point I’ll answer to anything.” you joke, sneaking a bit of frosting from a corner slice of cake
“Sure thing- Princess.” Bucky smiles before sauntering off to a plush chair in front of a large screen. Steve calls you over to settle in the seat next to him.
“So what are we watching? I have a year worth of movies I’ve missed out on.”
You all settle for a movie called “Message from the King”, even on their day off, Steve and the others never strayed too far from action. Although there was a lot of jeering when something unrealistic happened. Which was every twenty minutes. However, the film made you think of Odin and Thor, and how secrets tore you apart from each other, just like in movie.
“You alright?” Steve asks you, squeezing your hand
“I have another birthday request.” You tell him
“Please not here, don’t ruin the screening room with your non-stop super human, Asgardian sex-capades.” Sam looks at you with tired eyes
“It’s not that Sam. I want to go to Norway, it doesn’t have to be right now but the sooner the better.”
“What’s in Norway?” Nat asks, helping herself to another beer
“My grandfather, I want to see him.”
“Your grandfather, as in Odin?” Steve’s shocked expression spoke for everybody “The man who threw you out of Asgard?”
“Yes. He said we would see each other again before…” You looked back to the screen at the rolling credits, then shrug “I don’t know, maybe it’s a stupid idea. If he wanted to see me then he’d find me right?”
“You’ve met him already?” Bucky leaned in a bit from the other side of Sam
“Yeah, I sort of broke him out of a retirement home.”
“What do you get into when we’re not around?” Sam wondered
“I haven’t even got the chance to tell you about the huge python that nearly killed me.”
“The what?” Steve’s face grew pale
“Nothing.” You rub reassuring circles on his back
“You can tell us all about that on the way to Norway.” Natasha stood, Steve gave her a stern look “Clearly she’s made amends with him Rogers, don’t give me that look.”
“I think you should go.” T'challa chimes in “Family, no matter how dysfunctional, is all we have in the end.”
“Steve, I can understand why you don’t like him. But if he hadn’t cast me out then, I wouldn’t be here now.” You tell him “I’m going to say my last goodbyes to him. I’d like it if you were there, if not I’ll go alone.”
“After the year I’ve had, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulders “Wheels up in thirty.”
“We can never have a normal week.” Sam muttered as he stood “I’m taking the dinner rolls.”
* * *
When Steve said he wasn’t letting you out of his sights he meant it, you figured that out when he had you sit in the co-pilot seat before the quinjet began to take off.
“Steve I still can’t drive a car, what in Norns sakes makes you think I can fly the jet?” You asked as he strapped you in
“You aren’t flying, I am and if you need to switch out with Nat then you will.” He assured you with a kiss on your cheek
“Enough, let’s get this show on the road!” Sam punched the roof of the jet, earning an annoyed look from Nat and Steve
You peaked out the window, over at Bucky who gave a small salute from where he stood, along with T'challa and Shuri.
“Why isn’t Bucky going? He’s not afraid to fly with me is he?” You wave back to them while Steve settled in. The last time you and Bucky were on the jet together, you had just tried to kill him thanks to Dr. Schmidt.
“No, he opted out of the trip, in case anything were to happen while we’re away.” Steve says “Buck doesn’t go on missions anymore. Not even small ones. Doesn’t want to risk- relapse.”
“Oh.. is he gonna be fine while we’re gone? I’d hate taking all of you away from each.” Tony was the first person to pop up in your mind, you promised to check in with him, told him he wouldn’t lose anymore family.
“Yeah, he knows we can’t stay too long to begin with, but it anything happens T'challa will get in contact with us.” Steve flipped a few switches on the console before the jet lifted off the landing pad on the ground
“So Rayna, how are we gonna find your grandfather?” Nat asks you once you’re out of Wakanda’s barrier
“I could ask Heimdall, he might know where my grandfather is, he sees all.”
“What do you mean?” Sam’s eyebrow lifted
“Heimdall was the bifrost keeper, until Loki falsely charged him for treason. He has the gift of sight, if he wishes to see you then he will be able to find you anywhere you are.” You explained
“Loki? I thought he was dead.”
“So did I, Thor still believes he’s gone.”
“When was the last time you spoke with Thor?” Steve was the one to ask this question
“Four months? Maybe five. He continued his search for the stones, he believes I’m still on Asgard.”
“Why didn’t you go to find him? Instead of come back here. I mean, if it were me I’d look for the person who could help the most.” Sam suggested
“The world may be small but the universe is infinite. Finding my father is like searching for an empty chamber during Ostara.” You laughed at your joke, the others looked around, confused “It’s…. Nevermind.”
You folded your legs into lotus position, and closed your eyes. “Heimdall, give me sight.”
You were by a creek this time, not too far from the marketplace in Asgard but still far enough so no one could see you. A light splashing drew in your attention, behind you Heimdall was kneeling by the creek, cleaning his face.
“Forgive me for the intrusion.” You tell him
“No apologies necessary Princess. Just glad you didn’t call an half hour prior, I was bathing.” He chuckled “You wish for new information?”
“Yes, I need help finding Odin. I know he’s in Norway, but I don’t know where exactly.”
“Unfortunately I am unable to locate him.”
“How is that possible?”
“Without the bifrost, I can only see so far. My powers are limited, and I will need them in the future.” He rose to his feet and began to stroll upstream, you followed
“But then how will I find him?”
“Magic, you did learn tracking spells during your time here correct?”
“Yes, but how will I be able to reach you? What if you need me? Or if my father is in trouble?”
“You are in tuned with every soul you meet, as Goddess of life and light you will feel if your loved ones are in danger.” He stared off to the distance “I must leave, use what you have learned Princess.” He paused “And I must apologize once more, for my wrongdoings against you.”
“There’s no need to apologize to me Heimdall. I have forgiven you.”
He nods solemnly “You really do look like your mother. Norns rest her soul. It has been an honor knowing you Rayna.”
“You speak as if this is the last time we’ll see each other.” He didn’t respond, only gave you a light hearted smile “Heimdall?”
You blinked and you were back on the jet. Steve was the first to speak, seeing the concerned look in your eyes.
“Did he tell you where Odin is?”
“No, he couldn’t. Without the bifrost his powers are getting weaker. But he said I should be able to find him on my own.”
“What’s wrong Ray?” Natasha asked when she saw your face
“I think that was the last time I was going to speak with him.” You wiped away the forming tear “I think someone found him.”
“I’m sorry Doll.” Steve reached over to hold your hand
“He was my last chance to find Thor, and protect my family. Last chance to return to Asgard.” You took a shaky breath, Sam was looking over the jet, his own paranoia setting in place. You felt his anxiety “I’m good Sam, just processing. The closer we get to Norway the easier it’ll be for me to find Odin. Maybe he can help me fix this.”
“I’m sure he can.” Natasha gave your shoulder a squeeze “Now about this giant python that nearly killed you.”
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ujimaarc · 5 years
"My king looks so very tired. It makes one wonder why he is not still asleep as he should be? The sun is hours from rising, love. Return to our bed?"
Science is T’Challa’s general weapon to doggedly question truths beyond his mortal coil. Almost akin to being exposed to a child’s metaphysical imagination, one would want to try to have their wonderment quelled with comprehensible justifications. Opulent Okoume trees circled a lake that seems to have millions of crushed diamonds captured across the surface. The sky was infinitely darker than the preceding noon in the frame of a goddess over red-and-green Wakandan cotton.
The very same frame that had taken the Panther chieftain’s corporeal picture and entangled him in her statuesque dimensions. Above, the stars mapped out the physique of those that took the Great Cat mantle before him versus their usual random spread.
The cat of worship never failed at bringing a mythical challenge to her avatar, much to his chagrin. Failing at entertaining herself by making him uneasy with his understanding of her supernatural naturality is a reality she’ll embrace whenever he chooses to allow it to come.
Through the surreal mist, gold eyes belonging to a twelve foot anthropomorphic bats in the interest of the direction where her nude king sat with company. In a circle made up of a litter of sleeping panther cubs, T'Challa’s amber eyes break from their adoration for the revered creatures and to the one he honored with every breath-take and choice he made towards the betterment of his country.
Time—as she can tell—as she already knew—brought about a welcomed change in T’Challa’s demeanor. Bast is accustomed to noticing his powerful muscles tensing in discomfort and the subtle shifts his jaws do when she spontaneously arranges for them to have their little talks. In this meeting, his composition is the warm radiance of a warrior that unearthed the greatest feeling he’ll ever know ( this time, he would have no qualms with his feline pantheon whisking him off without warning—and this she knew. This is why she sought him at his most vulnerable ).
Whilst entwined in a web of worship in the form of a storm held together by a solid sensuous darkness of her champion’s sinews, Bast patiently waited to converse until the flirtatious kisses ended; until desires to tame an insatiable animalistic hunger stilled; until pillow talk with respect to their longing for this intimate reciprocity ended in amber cat-eyes and oceanic eyes consumed with one another came down into a contented slumber.
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“ I am happy for you, my son.” Her tone is thick-accented, flowing strong and finer than her people’s wine. “ I have conversed with your predecessor about the affairs of his heir’s heart—Wakanda’s Queen. Your father had been impregnated with the thought that you had foolishly deprived yourself of having and more importantly keeping romantic love in his life. I trust my champion is aware that T’Chaka wasn’t alone in the belief that his son had gone mad. ” The panther’s smile gives a slight peek into a maw full of imposing fangs. A maw that gradually assumes the full pink lips to her human design of an alluring midnight black woman. 
She kneels outside the cub circle and reaches over to caress her avatar’s cheek. Her palm’s warmth is comparable to how Queen Mother touched him. Her earthly musk intoxicated his senses and almost stirred him away from caring about the purpose of this unexpected meeting. Mention of his father concerns and the thought of Ororo snuggled against his form back in the real world necessitated his focus on the conversation.
“ There was a Burundian proverb that haunted my mind ever since I made the contumelious decision to break the greatest woman this world has led me to know. “Where there is love, there is no darkness.” ” Without needing to delve into the darkness that kept him engulfed ( for Bast has always known her champion’s trials and tribulations and will continue to know until his time is up and he is to join his ancestors ), he goes on to gently whisper,  “ The fault lies in no one but myself for influencing that impression. Embarrassingly enough, It took me longer than it should have to make, as they say, heads-and-tails, of my feelings and what was ultimately the right course of action to take. ”
“ —And after you finally followed your heart, you’re here,” Bast perceived. “ Now that you are, a part of you is in disbelief, virtually unable to comprehend that it’s a reality that the Wind Rider has given you the privilege of having her heart once more and that you two share the same bed once again. ” She fills their surroundings with syrupy laughter then. In ways, he is not the mid-thirty-year-old king of an unconquerable land, but a boy still learning about the ways of the world around. A fault not on him, for he is a mortal dealing with extraordinary mortal hardships, but an amusing one to observe nonetheless. “ Unlike the past chieftains of the Panther clan, you’re criminally harder on yourself—more than most your enemies. ”
It’s a truth she hasn’t admitted to him yet, but But bast enjoyed watching her representative put the elephantine puzzle pieces of his life together. Each piece that connected created a powerful layer that formed around the undying legend of the Great T’Challa, for as long as this Earth is never obliterated. It was only recently that he solidified that belief when he sought reconciliation with the herald of mutant-kind and won her over again.
T’Challa paused, became reflective—of his royal status and of Ororo. They came a long way. They were going a long way. He was able to be confident in that. She made that possible. He would like to call it… Kismit.
                                                  Flashing back…
Just yesterday night, the sliver of placid pine that underlines her sultry voice enticed him to join her in a dance that commands the attention of every Wakandan in attendance. Like a curious little boy, he only wished to shy amongst the audience and bare witness to the full sight of her curves in motion. To watch the entranced faces of those in the Royal Palace admire and appreciate she who ruled their king’s heart work her art form in a way they have never seen before. 
Her two identities—Kenyan and African-American—mixed with her own unnamed flavor delivered mysticism by her lonely, but she wanted to be joined—needed to be joined. By him. By the man that yearned for her to be back, by his side, as his love. She set her sights on him and merrily navigated her hypnotic rhythm his way, and pulled him to be united under the spotlight without resistance. How could he resist? Even his ancestor, Hu’Nahn The Defiant could understand his lovestruck successor’s fall. 
Their smiles were pliant to each other’s preciously-powered, cosmo-imbued propinquity. The luxurious world around them was lost, the two stepped in an enchanting rhythm, with each step building up a new universe around them. Having their fingers interlocked like they were put him in a bind of childish need and discipline. She spins like a miniature tornado ( one she free willingly allows him to have control of ) and his arm around her lower-back prevents her fall from his grace. There they found their eyes lost in their respective vibrantly-hued depths like children experiencing the cliche “love at first sight”, and wealthy fits of laughter would soon follow. She complimented his reaction time, then hit him with a threat that no one else could hear: if he had missed his cue and missed catching her, he would be in for a miserable night and none, not even his Dora Milaje would be able to save his hide.
His Highness made her aware that he has indeed been catching every cue tonight and how he intends on properly responding when their space is their own. 
( How can he who possesses the natural instinct of man, the uncanny senses of the panther, and the stubborn bull-like focus miss any of Storm’s venereal transmitted signals? From the blatant flirting to the way she talks to him in codes in front of others, the few chances she stole to whisper when others were out of earshot, and the little signs of impatience she showed, wanting the night to reach its end. )
Twenty minutes later T’Challa delivered a timeline of messy garbs ( some that’ll need to be rethreaded, others pulled off as gentlemanly and womanly possible under carnal influences ) reverential touches and kisses, and the unplanned one-on-one session taking place currently in the spirit plane.
“ I’m merely a king and a man that’s mused by all the blessings his love has given him. ” He finally said, commitment clear in his voice. “ I am the opposite of afraid: with an inquisitive mind, I can’t help but wonder about the channels that I can take to keep things the way they are going—I am purely enthusiastic about our new journey. ”
All of what he says please Bast. It is good to hear him speak confidently again and understanding that’s retreating his brooding phase. This was quality that will keep her fed—for now. “ Very well. You present no reason for me to doubt your words, my Black Panther. It is her first day back and the reception on her return has gone exceedingly well. After all that you two have done for the world, you both deserve to have your own semblance of happiness.” Her visage became faint in an expanding mist, along with her voice as if was quickly retreating into another plane that’s making it impossible for him to be near. “ May you and Wakanda’s future Queen prosper for a long to come. We will have a chat again. Your woman is awake. ”
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When T’Challa opens his eyes, he finds himself in a position that he wasn’t in prior ( as previously mentioned, he was in Ororo’s arms. Plane-walking? ): he was standing in front of his window, posture struck militantly, with his hands cuffed just above his tailbone. A sweet, husky voice broke his amber-hues from their attention on the moon and the stars above to the dark-skin beaut regarding him in confusion from behind him in his—their—bed. His conversation with Bast is pushed at the back of his mind, as he saunters over to their bedside. “ Apologies, my love. ” Our king sat down on the edge, reached over to have his thumb stroke her defined cheekbone, and touched her full lips affectionately “ I have been thinking about giving you a personal taste of home for breakfast: for starters, how does Mandazi sound to you? Coconut milk, cardamom, and coconut are the main ingredients for that, correct? ”
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ljones41 · 6 years
“BLACK PANTHER” (2018) Review
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"BLACK PANTHER" (2018) Review I am going to be brutally honest. For the past three years, I have harbored mixed feelings about the output from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The year 2015 produced one movie that I found entertaining, yet disappointing; and another film that I found entertaining and original, but not exactly mind blowing. But the years 2016 and 2017 proved to be very disappointing, as far as MCU movies were concerned. By the end of 2017, I thought the MCU had finally lost its mojo . . . until I saw "BLACK PANTHER", early in the following year. 
I realize many might find my comments something of a head scratcher. What exactly was wrong with the MCU films between 2015-2017? Well . . . I thought "THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON" was entertaining, yet problematic. I enjoyed "ANT-MAN" very much, but I would never regard it as one of the franchise's best. The movies, starting with 2016's "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR" and ending with 2017's "THOR: RAGNAROK", struck me as very disappointing and somewhat inferior. Despite the fact that the franchise was raking in millions - or billions - with these films, I personally believed it had reached an artistic abyss . . . until I saw "BLACK PANTHER". Not only did I find the latter film entertaining, I also regard it as one of the better MCU films I have seen in the franchise's ten-year history. With "BLACK PANTHER", it seemed the MCU had not only climbed out of the abyss, but had reached (or nearly reached) a pinnacle. "BLACK PANTHER" basically told the story about King T'Challa aka Black Panther adjusting to his role as the new sovereign of Wakanda, an isolated and fictional African nation that is the most technically advanced in the world, thanks to the vibranium metal within its borders. Wakanda has spent most of its existence pretending to be a poor, third-world nation in order to protect itself from the world - especially Western nations - and prevent them from learning about its rich source of vibranium. The narrative for "BLACK PANTHER" picked up at least a week after the events of "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". T'Challa and his premier bodyguard and leader of the Dora Milaje regiment, Okoye; extract Nakia, T'Challa's ex-lover and a Wakandan spy, from an undercover assignment in Nigeria. All three returned to Wakanda's capital to participate in T'Challa coronation as the new king. During the ceremony, the leaders of Wakanda's five tribes are each given the opportunity to challenge the temporarily de-powered (via a potion that expunges his super strength and speed) T'Challa's role as the new king by ritual combat. One of the leaders, M'Baku of the mountainous Jabari Tribe, challenges T'Challa. After a fierce fight, M'Baku concedes defeat and T'Challa is officially acknowledged as King of Wakanda. Unfortunately, T'Challa's triumph is short-lived when Wakanda intelligence becomes aware of a robbery committed by a group of thieves led by an old foe of the country's, Ulysses Klaue. The latter had stolen an old Wakanda artifact from a London museum that contains vibranium, a metal substance that has allowed Wakanda to become the most technically advanced nation in the world . . . unbeknownst to other nations. When Wakanda intelligence learns that Klaue plans to sell the vibranium to the C.I.A. at a location in Busan, South Korea; T'Challa, Nakia and Okoye travel there to interrupt the planned sale and arrest the arms dealer. Instead of arresting Klaue, T'Challa stumbles across a family secret involving one of Klaue's fellow thieves, an African-American named Eric Stevens aka Killmonger, which will threaten his position on the Wakanda throne and endanger the country itself. After being disappointed by five MCU movies in a row, I found myself wondering if I would ever enjoy a movie from the franchise again. Thankfully, "BLACK PANTHER" proved to be a more than pleasant surprise. Thanks to Ryan Coogler's direction and the excellent screenplay that he co-wrote with Joe Robert Cole, "BLACK PANTHER" proved to be a unique film that combined the usual elements of a comic book movie, a family drama and a rare exploration into the political and social aspects of the African diaspora. Family drama is nothing new to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Audiences have seen this played out in movies like the Thor trilogy, 2015's "ANT-MAN", and to a certain extent, 2008's "THE INCREDIBLE HULK". "BLACK PANTHER" is another addition in which a deadly encounter between T'Challa's father and uncle - King T'Chaka and Prince N'Jobu in 1992, led to the new king learning about his cousin and N'Jobu's half-American cousin, Erik "Killmonger" Stevens aka Prince N'Jadaka. That 1992 encounter led to Erik becoming an orphan and abandoned by his isolationist uncle T'Chaka. This, in turn, led Erik to see revenge against the nation of Wakanda. Ironically, Erik never got the chance to exact his revenge on the very person responsible for his loss, namely his uncle, who was killed by Helmut Zemo's bomb in "CIVIL WAR". But for him, T'Challa and Wakanda served as a convenient scapegoat for his vengeance. What made all of this even more fascinating and a lot more original than the MCU's other family dramas was how Coogler and Cole managed to mix a good deal of political controversy into this family saga. One of the reasons Prince N'Jobu had fallen out of favor with his older brother was his growing disenchantment with Wakanda's isolationist policy with the world - including those of the African diaspora around the world. After his experiences in late 20th century Oakland, N'Jobu decided to reveal Wakanda's existence to Ulysses Klaue and help the latter infiltrate Wakanda to smuggle out more vibranium. N'Jobu had planned to use the vibranium to create weapons and lead a revolution of the African diaspora against the dominating Western nations. With his father dead, Erik planned to not only get his revenge against the Royal House of Wakanda, but also carry out N'Jobu's plans. Watching this, I am reminded of Loki's plans in 2011's "THOR" - namely to keep a powerless Thor stranded on Earth, while he sets up the Frost Giants' destruction and win Odin's favor. As much I had enjoyed that movie, Loki's plans seemed rather lame to me in compare to Erik's. But what made this story arc even more interesting is that in the end . . . Erik's plans to use Wakanda weapons to conquer the world eventually led to T'Challa's decision to finally end Wakanda's isolationist policy. "BLACK PANTHER" featured some pretty solid action sequences. I enjoyed the sequence featuring T'Challa and M'Baku's fight for the throne; Erik and Klaue's confrontation at an abandoned South Korean airfield; T'Challa and Erik's battle for the throne; and the Battle of Mount Bashenga, in which T'Challa and his forces attempted to prevent Erik and the Border Tribe from sending Wakanda weapons to the outside world. All are pretty good action sequences. But if I had to select my favorite, it would be the confrontation at the Busan casino between T'Challa, Nakia and Okoye against Klaue and his minions. With C.I.A. Agent Everett Ross thrown into the mix, this particular sequence was simply boss, especially since it lead to a wild car chase on the streets of Busan. That once scene featuring Okoye slamming her wig into the face of a Klaue minion will probably remain imprinted in my mind for years to come. Another aspect of "BLACK PANTHER" that I admired was the film's production designs. Mind you, the film maintained that same flat photography that the MCU has become infamous for. However, I think Rachel Morrison's photography was enhanced by some sharp colors, the movie's visual effects, Hannah Beachler's gorgeous production designs that convey the world of Wakanda, along with the art direction team led by Alan Hook. Aside from Beachler's production designs, I was especially impressed by Oscar and Emmy nominee Ruth E. Carter's costume designs. Someone had compared them to those costumes featured in the 1988 comedy, "COMING TO AMERICA". But honestly . . . I think I prefer Carter's more natural designs, as featured in the images below: 
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But all of the above would have meant nothing without the talented cast for the film. "BLACK PANTHER" featured some first-rate performances from the likes of Daniel Kaluuya, who portrayed Border Tribe leader W'Kabi, who desires his own personal vengeance against Ulysses Klaue; Sterling K. Brown as the revolutionary Prince N'Jobu; both John Kani and son Atandwa Kani as the older and younger versions of King T'Chaka; Angela Bassett as T'Challa's strong-willed, yet loving mother and advisor, Queen Ramonda; Denzel Whitaker, who gave a solid performance as the younger Zuri; and Martin Freeman as C.I.A. Agent Everett Ross, who proved to me more entertaining and relevant in this film than he was in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". However, there were those performances that really impressed me. One came from Andy Serkis, who was a hoot as the murderous, yet over-the-top South African arms dealer, Ulysses Klaue. Letitia Wright was equally entertaining as T'Challa's witty and charming sister, the tech-savy Princess Shuri. Another came from Lupita Nyong'o, who gave a passionate and heartfelt portrayal of Wakandan intelligence agent and T'Challa's former girlfriend, Nakia. Forest Whitaker gave a first-rate performance as Wakanda's top courtier and former spy, Zuri. Whitaker was especially impressive in one scene in which his character was forced to confess King T'Chaka's past actions regarding N'Jobu and Erik Killmonger. Winston Duke was very impressive, imposing and at times, rather amusing as M'Baku, leader of the mountainous Jabari Tribe. Also, his first appearance in the film - during T'Challa's coronation ceremony - is one of the most memorable moments I have seen in a movie for quite some time. Danai Gurira was equally impressive and imposing as Okoyo, the traditionalist leader of the king's bodyguards - the Dora Milaje. Although I found her character's conservatism a bit annoying at times, I must admit that Gurira gave one hell of a performance. However, this movie is really about two characters - King T'Challa of Wakanda aka the Black Panther and his paternal cousin Erik "Killmonger" Stevens aka Prince N'Jadaka. Yes, I know that the movie is called "BLACK PANTHER". But to be honest, this movie is about both cousins and how their conflicting views on Wakanda's role in the world and especially upon the African diaspora. Chadwick Boseman's second turn as T'Challa proved to be a different kettle of fish from the driven newly ascended king determined to seek revenge for the death of his father, T'Chaka in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR". In this film, Boseman gave a more relaxed performance as the happy and more satisfied young king, eagerly anticipating, yet slightly fearing his new role as king. However, Boseman's relaxed performance skillfully transformed into one of disbelief, anger and outrage when T'Challa learned about his father's actions back in Oakland 1992. This was especially apparent in two scenes in which Boseman gave outstanding performances. The first scene featured his confrontation with Zuri, who confessed the true circumstances about Oakland. Boseman gave a very intimidating, yet regal performance in that scene. The other featured T'Challa's second dream in which he expressed anger and disappointment at his father's spirit for what happened to Erik. Speaking of the latter, Michael B. Jordan has been receiving rave reviews for his performance as Erik "Killmonger". Some have been declaring his character as the best MCU villain ever. I do not know if I agree with that assessment. But I must admit that Jordan gave one of the most skillfully ambiguous performances I have encountered in the franchise. Audiences could easily sympathize with his backstory - the young boy who had lost his parents and abandoned. Also, one cannot help but admired Erik's desire to help those African nations and members of the African diaspora - something that his cousin seemed unwilling to do. And yet, the level of violence Erik seemed willing to utilize in order to achieve his goal or his unwillingness to face that the one person who had truly wronged him was dead justified why the talented Jordan had portrayed him such ambiguity. As much as I enjoyed "BLACK PANTHER", I did have some problems with the film. One, there is a chance that I may have stumbled across a major writing blooper. In "CIVIL WAR", Avenger Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch had accidentally killed a group of Wakanda subjects during a mission in Lagos, Nigeria. The Wakandans had been there on a goodwill mission. This lead King T'Chaka to publicly support the Sokovia Accords - an act that led to his death. And yet, Ryan Coogler and Joe Robert Cole made it clear in the 2018 movie's screenplay that Wakanda has practiced a policy of isolationism for centuries. Although Coogler and Cole remembered T'Chaka's death in the 2016 movie and Bucky Barnes' presence on Wakanda soil, they apparently forgot about this goodwill mission in Nigeria. Also, why did Erik Stevens wait so long to travel to Wakanda and make a bid for the throne? He could have challenged his uncle T'Chaka for the throne and get his revenge against the very man who had wronged him. Instead, he waited until after T'Chaka's death. Why? Exactly when did Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes arrive in Wakanda, as shown in one of the post-title scenes in "CIVIL WAR'? The movie opened with T'Challa and Okoye returning to Wakanda for the first time since T'Chaka's death. Were both Steve and Bucky aboard T'Challa's plane? Were they aboard the Avenger jet that Steve had used to fly to Russia in the 2016 movie? Where were they? In fact, there was no scene featuring the pair's arrival in Wakanda for the first time, which I found rather odd. Speaking of arrivals, why was Okoye with T'Challa when he first returned to Wakanda? I realize that she was the leader of the Dora Milaje and that King T'Chaka was in Austria at the time of his death. But Okoye was missing in a scene from "CIVIL WAR" in which Avenger Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow had sought T'Challa's help to track down Steve, Bucky and Sam Wilson aka the Falcon. As the king's leading bodyguard, she should have been there - whether with T'Chaka or T'Challa. Instead, another Dora Milaje bodyguard named Ayo (portrayed by actress/model Florence Kasumba) was there. Yet, the latter was missing aboard T'Challa's plane upon his return to Wakanda. One last question . . . why did T'Challa's closest friend, W'Kabi of the Border Tribe, seemed so willing to help Erik carry out his anti-isolationist policies? Why? I understand that he might be grateful to Erik for finally killing Klaue, the man who had killed his father years ago. But am I really to believe that his gratitude extended to supporting Erik's decision to end Wakanda's isolationist policy . . . especially since he had made it clear earlier in the film that he fully supported the old policy? Was he really that grateful to fight on Erik's behalf when T'Challa had returned alive to resume the challenge against Erik? I truly found this hard to believe. And why was the only truly negative black character in this film was the only one of some American ancestry? There was something about the film's portrayal of African-Americans that struck me as rather negative and a bit one-dimensional. In this film, African-Americans seemed to consist solely of poor and slightly thuggish people barely capable of surviving on their own, except through criminal activities. The idea of Wakanda coming to their "rescue" with advanced technology made the latter country seem very similar to the White Savior trope. And if Wakanda was going to share their technology, why did T'Challa do so with the entire international community, instead of simply other African nations and the African diaspora . . . as Nakia had originally suggested? Considering that Erik had pointed out that many countries - especially in the West - were catching up technically with Wakanda, along with the international community's generally negative attitude toward African nations and those of the African diaspora; I cannot help but wonder if T'Challa had ever considered that many of the more wealthier nations would take advantage of his generosity at the first opportunity? Or was this plot twist something that Kevin Feige and the other Marvel/Disney suits had insisted that Coogler and Cole include? However . . . despite these misgivings I have about "BLACK PANTHER", I cannot deny that I truly enjoyed the movie. I did. I thought Ryan Coogler, along with screenwriter Joe Robert Cole and a talented cast led by Chadwick Boseman, did an exceptional job in bringing comic book hero the Black Panther and the world of Wakanda to life. At this moment, "BLACK PANTHER" has become one of my five favorite movies in the MCU franchise.
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rayshippouuchiha · 7 years
Sooooo...Toni and Shuri being BFFLS (Especially in a potential IronPanther AU of LoW) and Rhodey and T'Challa just going Rhodey: "Oh... T'Challa: "...fuck" As they see two technologically brilliant ladies turn the world 180 with their minds working together?
Look Toni and Shuri, after a moment or two of posturing and some adjustments as they feel each other out, would get on like a house on fire.
Cause they could meet each other as equals in a way that very few people have been able to with either of them.  Shuri is a genius and actual royalty and Toni is a genius and basically American royalty.  They’d click over a lot of different issues.
Rhodey and T’Challa are simultaneously proud and terrified.  Cause yeah they’re both geniuses too and scientists in their own right but, let’s be real here, when Toni and Shuri get together people start running for cover.
Like once they’re comfortable together I imagine it’d be a lot of mad cackling, explosions, and innovative tech spewing out left, right ,and center.
T’Challa’s smitten, Rhodey’s half smitten at this point, the Dora are amused and exasperated by turns.
Toni and Shuri just high five and figure out the best way to revolutionize another industry.
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jeremys-blogs · 4 years
Marvel’s Future: A New Main Trio?
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I don't think it's any real debate at this point that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has made its impact on both film and popular culture at large. That studio took characters that few outside of comic book fandoms had ever even heard about and turned them into a billion-dollar franchise, creating a series of movies rightly regarded as greats. And all this culminated in Avengers Endgame, a decisive cap-off to the story we'd come to know and love, as well as serving as a farewell to many of the characters who had served as the heroes of this tale. And its those characters I wanted to talk about today, or rather, the now-lack of them. Because the cast is undoubtedly one of the major highlights of this franchise, and standing at the center was its three biggest stars; Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. But, as Endgame now showed, those are three costumed crimefighters that we're likely to never see again, thus taking out a lot of the draw that made the past films work as well as they did. And since the MCU is likely going to want to continue for a long time, that leaves the worrying question of who can take the place of those three greats. Who can stand up to fill the void left behind by the original core trio of the Avengers and serve as the face of the franchise from here on out?
Now this is a pretty big thing to speculate on, I know. These three characters brought the franchise to life and are, within the MCU itself, absolute giants that would be pretty daunting to try and follow in the footsteps in. But if Marvel is going to want to continue to draw people in, we're going to need a central cast around which everything else has to revolve. And my big idea here is this. Don't just focus in on a new cast, but specifically a younger one. A trio of younger heroes who have grown up in this world of monsters, heroes and aliens, who have, with the rest of the world, seen the world change from the mundane to the fantastic, and have them be the ones to take up the mantle left behind by Tony, Steve and Thor. Young people who not only have coming-of-age stories of their own, but also have to have them during an age that has been irreversibly influenced by these powerful, larger-than-life figures who, without even realizing it, have shaped just what life is going to be like for the next generation. Thankfully, the MCU has already provided a pair of characters that I feel can be a part of this new hypothetical core trio, and as for the third, well, I'll get into that one a bit later on.
The first of my proposed new trio would be none other than Peter Parker, the amazing Spider-Man himself. And this one, I think, is probably going to be the least contentious of my choices, because Peter has proved himself to be a well-liked and popular addition to the Marvel films since his debut in Civil War. In fact, the reveal that his character was going to be a part of that movie was likely a big reason why so many people were drawn to it, even though that film would likely have been considered great even without him. Tom Holland has been a real standout performance in the role and every subsequent film he's been in has only cemented my belief that he is not only a worthy Spider-Man, but someone who will probably go on to be one of the key figures in Marvel's future. And since the movies have already set him up to be a sort of successor hero to Tony Stark, I'd say him being considered as one of the new mains is going to be something a lot of people will want. And hey Tony himself personally "knighted" him as an Avenger back in Infinity War, and if that's not a blatant "I choose you" moment for the character, I don't know what is.
Second on my list would be Princess Shuri, younger sister to T'challa, the King of Wakanda and the Black Panther. Much like Peter, Shuri has proved to be a likeable addition to the MCU, with some even citing her as the most enjoyable character of the Black Panther film. And while her brother might himself be more associated with the Avengers, we cannot forget that he is a national leader, and therefore will probably be occupied with a great many responsibilities. His sister, by contrast, is not only unhindered by such things, but also seems to have a greater affection for the world beyond Wakanda's borders, and as the end of her brother's film showed, she'll be getting out there pretty often as part of Wakanda's efforts to better be a part of international affairs. So she'll definitely have more opportunity be out there, and if rumours are to be believed, there's even a chance of her perhaps taking on the mantle of Black Panther herself one day, if only during those times when T'challa himself won't be able to do it. As a funny, intelligent and witty young woman, I think Shuri would be a welcome addition to the new main cast of the MCU, especially since there would be a need to have a hero whose abilities didn't solely lie in some extra-human powers like other characters have.
As for my final choice, I thought long and hard, and eventually decided on the character of kamala Khan, AKA Ms Marvel. Now, this one is likely less-known than the other two since she hasn't appeared in the MCU yet, but to give a brief rundown on her she's a Pakistani-American teenager who, like Peter, acquired her powers (in this case super-elasticity, in sort of the same vein as the likes of Mr Fantastic) by accident and decided to take on the role of a costumed hero as a result. As for her personality she is, to be perfectly frank, an utterly unapologetic Marvel fangirl, completely obsessed with the bigger name heroes of that world, in particular Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, whom you can probably tell she took her hero name from. There's a bunch of other stuff with her but that's more or less the gist of it, that she's a super-stretchy girl with an total love of superheroes and would, most likely, be the most enthusiastic about not only the work of heroing but also being a part of whatever new Avengers form up in the wake of the departure of the old guard. And with her, we hopefully have our new core trio for the franchise going forward. A group of youngsters who come of age in an era of superpowers, gods, aliens and all manner of other world-changing events.
However, much as I would love for Kamala to be included in this, I must concede that her being a part of the new Avengers would present a very specific problem. You see, while Ms Marvel has indeed been confirmed to be a future addition to the MCU, her arrival will not be by way of a theatrical film, but rather television, specifically a Disney Plus exclusive. Now that might not sound like an issue since it's all Marvel, but consider this. The movies will, by and large, be the main form of Marvel that general audiences will be watching or otherwise be aware of. So, for instance, while not everyone going into the original Avengers will have seen all the other movies, they will have likely at least heard of characters like Tony, Thor and Steve. Kamala has no such luck, especially if she's thus-far only going to be appearing on a streaming service that not everyone has access to. So if we're going to have her as part of this new trio, there's probably going to have to be more explanation with her than there is with Peter or Shuri since audiences would already be familiar with the two of them. Fortunately, I've given this some thought and I think I've come up with a workaround.
Remember, Peter's own introduction in Civil War clearly showed that he'd been having a career as Spider-Man for some time before Tony recruited him. He never had any in-movie depiction of his origins. The same thing can be done for kamala. Have her go through her TV stuff sure, but wen it comes to the team-up have her inclusion be like Peter's, where the other heroes find her and include her with only a vague acknowledgement to the stuff she's been getting up to before that meeting. So those who've seen her show might understand what she's been referring to and moviegoers will, like with Peter, get this sense that there was this whole other story that they just haven't been told yet. As for how to bring the three together, maybe Peter will come across some baddie he can't fight alone, and with the Avengers kaput he decides to seek out other help. He goes to Shuri (with the two of them having maybe established an acquaintance during Tony Stark's funeral and wake) and together they try and stop the villain between them. And during their attempt they come across kamala, who has been getting involved with the antagonist while they were tracking them. Details can maybe be worked out later.
But while getting the characters all together is all well and good it'll all be for nothing if they don't work well off each other. That was, after all, one of the things people loved about the original Avengers. Thankfully, I believe these three kids have a lot they can do together once they become a team. Shuri and Peter, as one example, could pick each others' brains over some random new technology they discover during their combined villain-fighting, all while Kamala looks on totally confused as to what they're talking about. Kamala and Peter could share a moment where they consider how their chance for an ordinary teenage life is gone for them because of what happened to them. Or perhaps they could share an avid fan moment where they discuss who could win in a fight between two of the older heroes, all while Shuri watches them with amusement. Maybe Kamala and Shuri could have a talk about feeling like they're in the shadows of their respective predecessors, Captain Marvel and Black Panther, and assure each other that they're just as worthy of being heroes. Really, there's no end to the kinds of interactions these three could have once they're all together, and I think it has the potential for some truly great character moments.
Now, I realize that it's unlikely that such a team-up will happen. It was all just a bit of fun speculation. But I do think it's worth considering. After all, the MCU, at least as we've known it for the past decade-plus, can no longer continue as it was because of the massive cast change that Endgame gave us, and I truly think that the franchise will need some new main face if it's going to want to continue onwards, trio or otherwise. Thankfully, if nothing else, we know by now that this is a studio that has enough experience at making great movies that, no matter what form their franchise takes, at least it'll be fun for us to see play out 😊
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dawnkiwi-blog · 7 years
Fortune of A Broken Man - Chapter 3 - Avengers Fanfiction | Bucky Barnes-centric |
Word Count: 2,340
Chapters: 03/50 Status: Finished prior to publishing
Trigger warnings: Vulgarity / allusion to schizophrenia / mentions and explorations of mental illness / war and PTSD
[ could not find a good enough gif and the gif loader hates me lol bye ]
Chapter 3: Snakes
"You see that? Eyes of a killer. Stone cold and cruel," Lizbeth sighed.
An intern named Pamela stood beside her, doing her best not to quiver in fear.
"You do see it, right? The way he stares at you, just waiting.."
Pamela nodded vigorously. She stared wide eyed at Barnes who sat stock still in the center of the room on the floor. "He's so scary," she whispered.
Lizbeth barked out a laugh and clamped her hand down on the shorter woman's shoulder. Pamela is very, very short.
"I'm just fuckin' with you, love," Lizbeth giggled. "When I look at him, I actually see a very sad man. Probably a romantic. Aren't those eyes just dreamy."
Pamela wasn't sure of what to say. She leaned closer to the window, as though it could shatter if she so much as sneezed. "I... I mean, yeah, actually.."
Lizbeth's lips quirked in a smile but she didn't say a word.
Pamela continued, placing both hands on the window as she peered at him. "He's kind of got that James Dean vibe, I guess. Aw, he needs a hug."
"What he needs," Lizbeth said as she draped herself across Pam's shoulders, "Is for you to realise his eyes aren't telling you anything. They're just blue, and quite tired."
They stared at each other, amusement meeting confusion. "What...?"
Lizbeth steered her back to face Barnes, "Look," she pointed out, "The man is just sitting on the floor, staring at the mirror. There is nothing else to be said. He isn't anything but really, really fatigued. He can't even see you, this is mirrored glass," she said, tapping it, "He's just staring in our direction because logically, he's aware there's probably a bunch of prudish lab coats analyzing him right now."
"But... you said.."
"I know what I said. At first you thought he was evil, or something, and now he's your own Romeo, or maybe a frog that needs a kiss. And a shave. Nothing changed except what I said. It's all too easy to read too much into something. Pretenses kill."
Pamela blushed a deep scarlet, "Sorry," she muttered.
"Hey, it's fine. You're interning to learn, and look! Active learning!"
It had been nearly four hours since she had left Pam to colour coordinate the dossiers and categorically compile her research notes. It was completely unnecessary, of course, but it certainly made it easier for Lizbeth to decipher her own chicken-scratch.
According to the nightly recordings from JARVIS, Barnes had not slept a wink, but at least attempted to rest by taking up the cot offered to him. He had exceeded her expectations by a mile, and that bothered her more than she cared to admit.
Watching him now, it remained obvious that the man was in a deep fugue state. He would twitch every two minutes with less than a second of difference in the repetition. Every ten to fifteen minutes he would get up and wander seemingly aimlessly around the room before returning to his hunched perch on the side of the bed.
It made her restless just to watch him. Like clockwork, each calculated action resembled a man strung up like a doll in a childs play room. But it was impulsive, and reeked of fear.
Barnes had thankfully eaten Steves meal, and the cornflakes Pam had slid through the delivery slot on the door that morning. Even if she had nearly dropped the bowl in terror.
Lizbeth crinkled her nose at the memory of Steve's 'homecooked delight'. SPAM, with bonebroth soup. Smell is a powerful memory, and Lizbeth did not want to remember the heavy tang of preservatives. At least he'd taken her words seriously and gone with something Barnes would be hard-pressed to forget. She certainly wouldn't forget it any time soon.
Even now, Barnes was coiled tight like a grenade. He watched her through the mirrored glass. A wild animal calculating her intentions and tracking her habits. She stared back unflinchingly, perversely taking delight in the unease it brought him.
She had lied to Pam. Despite the mirrored glass technically obscuring them, Barnes seemed to be unhindered by it. His eyes bore into her. How he did this, Lizbeth did not know, but she'd hazard a guess it had something to do with his super serum abilities. Even the documents SHIELD had swiped from HYDRA prior to their collapse did not fully detail the extent of the super serum. Steve had kindly (re: waspishly) informed her that Barnes had been administered a bastardized version of his WW2 serum. But that really didn't tell her much.
One had to wonder, naturally, what went through his head. As far as she knew, the Ol' Doctor Strange could peer into the heads of those under his care, whether by force or permitted. Wanda, alike, could view the on-goings of his brain. Lizbeth had her own methods of examination. But if she forced her way in.. it would likely be easier to get through to the Hulk than James Barnes.
She pressed the buzzer forcefully.
"How do you feel, Mr Barnes?"
He stiffened almost painfully, eyes widening a fraction. Internally debating with himself as to whether or not to respond, he stayed mute.
"That's no fun," Lizbeth muttered. She pressed the buzzer again. "Would you like Mr Rogers to visit?"
He eyeballed her as though she'd kicked his cat.
"So much rage," she mused, "No wonder he was the perfect weapon for HYDRA."
As though doing so would bring him grevious harm, James nodded reluctantly.
"I'll have him sent up, then," she informed him, "My name is Miss Burke, by the way. Tony Stark hired me to get through to you. You know who he is, don't you?"
More silent rage.
"Well, he remembers you, Mr Barnes. Yet his morality has him showing you kindness. Like it or not, you won't come to harm here."*
He, obviously, did not believe her.
After the good Captain had responded to her summons, she had taken a seat on the leather couch. Her clipboard held sheets of crinkled paper dotted with notes, scribbles, and lewd drawings of the two men in Barnes' illustrious accommodation.
Steve had practically hurtled through the door, having apparently misunderstood JARVIS' request. He must have come from the gym, as he was dripping in sweat, and looked ready to fight a god.
Lizbeth wondered who would win a fight, Steve or Thor.
She started another graphic drawing.
Beyond the mirrored glass, Steve sat with James, trying to coax him into talking. While he had been fairly vocal yesterday, it seemed his situation had sunk in, and the man refused to even sigh.
It infuriated Steve for reasons he couldn't fathom. Lizbeth herself didn't care- she had all the time in the world, a nice salary, and access to whatever resources she wanted. She could probably kill in cold blood and have it hushed up.
"I'm telling you," Steve said, "Miss Burke is harmless."
Lizbeth snorted without looking up. Barnes looked no more convinced than she did.
"She's just a shrink Stark hired to help you. We just want you back, and in control, Buck," Steve sighed, wringing his hands. "HYDRA can't touch you here. We're actively hunting them, and their numbers have been reduced drastically. While you were in cryo in Wakanda, T'Challa signed a defense sanction with the White House. There's a North American task force scouring earth for any sign of them."
'Nice choice of words there, Steve,' Lizbeth thought, 'Specifying earth to a man who isn't aware mythology is actually history won't raise alarm bells at all.'
As if to prove her right, Barnes' eyebrow nearly floated off his face. Rogers mistakenly took this as a sign Barnes remained doubtful of his words.
"Our team has expanded, too," Steve said, nearly pleading, "It isn't just the six of us anymore. We have Wanda, Peter, Sam, Vision, and a number of SHIELD agents on board."
"Who the fuck is Peter?" Lizbeth said to herself. She ran through the faces of the Avengers and realised it was probably the Spider dude who like shooting sticky white stuff at people. She snorted, and returned to her drawing.
"Wanda is from Sokovia," Steve continued, staring at his feet. He spoke almost as if Barnes was in a coma, not sitting nary a foot away and scrutinising him. "And is an enhanced. HYDRA took her and her brother, and really did a number on them. But Wanda helped us destroy the Sokovian and Ukranian HYDRA bases during Ultron."
"Who he doesn't know," she sighed. "You're gonna give him an anxiety attack at this rate, Cap."
The hammer she had artifully sketched for Thor looked more like a popsicle.
"Peter is just a kid, but he tries his best. You remember him, right? He managed to pin you down on the hellicarrier."
Barnes frowned.
"Ah, a-and Sam is ex-military. A pararescue. You threw him off the helicarrier," Steve stuttered.
Barnes frown grew heavier.
"But, well, ah," Steve grew flustered, aware he was only making things worse, "Vision is nice. He was Tony's AI, but he stole the body Dr Cho made, before Ultron could have it."
"Jesus christ, you idiot," Lizbeth sighed, dumping her x-rated drawings and stomping over to the mirror. She stabbed the buzzer. "Steve," she cut in irritably, "Why don't you try not to give the man a stroke. You've now convinced him half the people in this building want his head on a stick."
Steve's head snapped back to glare at her. Barnes looked ready to explode. She sighed again, forgetting her finger was on the buzzer. A creepy woosh filled the air.
"Wanda is a telekinetic and telepathic enhanced who swore allegiance to the Captain. If that's worth anything to you, Mr Barnes. Peter is an idiot who is afraid of his shadow, and more specifically you, Barnes. He can't handle gore and hates HYDRA like the rest of us. Sam has forgiven you. I spoke at length with him about it, and he admits that, if he were you, he would have done the same thing. Vision is an artificially created human who put his newborn existence on the line for earth. None of these people pose a threat to you unless you are trying to harm them or their loved ones."
Silence reigned as Steve alternated between glaring at her and peering with concern at Barnes.
James himself had resumed his boring stare through the mirror. Completely at ease, Lizbeth stared back with a blank face. She wanted to shriek boo but the consequences could be mortal, so she refrained. Instead, she settled for meeting his eyes and displaying a weak sympathy on her face.
After a moment, he relaxed. Her actions indicated her honesty, and while he couldn't trust her, he could believe her.
Lizbeth knew how to lie through teeth, even better than she could breathe. Which can be hard, when one is a chronic smoker.
When Steve stepped from Barnes' room, he looked like he wanted to smack her through the wall and out into the muggy Manhattan air. She smiled breezily at him, curling her fingers in a suggestive manner.
"What are you playing at?" he spat, nearly shaking with rage.
Her eyebrows raised. "I didn't do anything, Rogers."
"Yes," he roared, uncharacteristically pissed off, "You did. You nearly f-you- what do you think that was, huh?"
She swallowed, contemplating the right answer. Truth wouldn't work in her favor, but if she lied, he'd smell it a mile off.
"I corrected you. Barnes' began to exhibit signs of an anxiety attack, which in his current state, could land one or both of you in the ICU. Given his past, the best thing for him is blunt honesty and no tip-toeing around sensitive subjects."
Steve stared at her with barely restrained something simmering in his blue eyes. She sighed and stood up, taking a step towards him. He briefly showed surprise before he closed himself off to her again. Unlike most, she casually walked towards the man who could crush her skull with two fingers as though she weren't a frail human, and he wasn't the big bad wolf. To be fair, Barnes' would probably be the wolf in this situation.
Although, frankly, Lizbeth embodied the Black Adder snake that would snap at a dogs heels.
Very slowly, giving him time to step away from her- which he didn't- Lizbeth placed a calming hand upon his forearm. "Steve," she said quietly, "I'm sorry. I know I showed you up, and that wasn't my intention, but I also didn't want you to push Barnes' back into his shell and set us back a week. You didn't do anything wrong. You know your best friend better than I know my left hand, but Steve, I'm a shrink, and I'm here to help. That includes you. You can tell me how you feel- about everything, towards Barnes, Stark, even me. But don't let yourself act in a way that will give you shame latter."
Her words cut through him like he was a sponge, and it rocked his composure. She had spoken like she knew him and it frightened him.
"You're here for Bucky and it should stay that way."
She gave him a knowing look. "How about we cut today short. Could you still prepare a dinner for him?"
He nodded sharply and nearly pushed her off him as he strode away hurriedly. After the door clicked behind him, she shook her head. "Definitely feel shame in the morning."
"Oh, Mr Barnes, what have they done to you?"
*Anybody know what I'm referring to? First person to get it can have an OC named after them.
I would like to apologise for this late update. I had to leave my previous home rather suddenly and the last few days have been me settling into a new place. I needed to edit over this and make sure a few small details line up with what happens in the coming chapters.
The next chapter will be up tomorrow. I know this is somewhat of a filler chapter but it didn't flow right to be 1 super long chappy. Sowwy.
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