phoenixmetaphor3000 · 5 years
Quality time
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Title: Quality time Square: S3 - canon: animated verses (from 2018 card) Rating: Teen Pairing: M’Baku/Tony Warnings: none Summary: Boyfriends watching Avengers Assemble together and seeing how different their characters in that are, compared to them
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bienetretoxicbot · 5 years
Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) - Everything You Need To Know
Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) – Everything You Need To Know
Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) – Everything You Need To Know
Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) – Everything You Need To Know par IronGorillas dans la catégorie Howto & Style.
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le 20191203
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
OH NO ANOTHER ONE: Young Tony with best friend Rhodey who is secretly a wakandan spy. Rhodey brings over "friends" of him: M'Baku (and maybe T'Challa too?) (actually because Tony is brilliant and awesome and he wants them to meet him). If you want, it could have M'Baku being a bit confused by american customs?
“I know he’s an American,” Rhodey said patiently.
“A white American,” M’baku scoffed.
“-but I promise you’ll like him.”
T’challa shrugged. “I have no doubt.”
“Well I do,” M’baku grouched. “But fine. I will be . . . cordial. If he’s as good as you say he is.”
“C’mon.” Rhodey cuffed M’baku’s shoulder. “When have I ever been wrong?”
Well the thing was, Rhodey never had been wrong. And he wasn’t wrong about the young American either, this . . . Anthony ‘call me Tony’ Stark.
Before laying eyes on Tony, M’baku could have sworn he’d never feel the least bit of feelings (aside from disdain, maybe) for an outsider. But one glance at the tiny genius with a maniac glint in his eyes, grease stains everywhere, and his hair sticking up in ridiculous poofs, M’baku felt nearly as protective over the man as he did for Wakanda.
Fucking James and his ability to be right about everything.
“I am M’baku,” he said, far too loudly, putting a fist over his heart and bowing.
Tony’s eyes went round. “Oh wow, it’s so nice to meet you! Platypus has told me all about you!”
M’baku straightened up, mouthing ‘platypus?’ to Rhodey, who rolled his eyes.
T’challa elbowed M’baku out of the way and held his hand out to the American. “T’challa. It is an honor.”
Tony took the prince’s hand and shook it firmly. “Likewise. So you guys are from Wakanda, right? Damn, they have quite the specimens there, don’t they?”
“Indeed,” T’challa said, amused. “Must be the living conditions.”
“Is this your first time in America?” Tony asked.
“Not mine,” T’challa answered.
“It’s M’baku’s first time though,” Rhodey said.
Tony turned back towards him, his face bright with curiosity. “Wow, really? Your English is really good. How are you liking it here so far?”
“He is confused,” T’challa spoke up.
M’baku unleashed a full-wrath glare onto the prince. “I can speak for myself.”
“What’s confusing you? Maybe I can clear a few things up, buttercup.”
M’baku’s stomach absolutely did not flip when Tony called him buttercup, and his cheeks did not feel warm. Not at all.
“Your people,” He said. “Why do you keep your outside shoes on inside? Doesn’t that make more cleaning up?”
Tony looked down at his feet in surprise. He was just wearing socks. “Is that why you instituted a shoes off at the door policy?” He asked Rhodey.
Rhodey shrugged and nodded. “You gotta admit Tones, it makes no sense.”
“Where we live we have slipper or sandals to change into while inside. Or we just go barefoot,” T’challa chimed in.
“Well some people have a shoes off policy.” Tony shrugged.
“But only in houses!” M’baku said frustratedly. “If people laugh at me for taking my shoes off before entering an official building one more time . . . “
T’challa patted his arm soothingly.
“Also,” M’baku was on a roll now, “Americans don’t show affection to each other? You are friends, you’re allowed to hug and kiss each other.”
“Tony will show you all the affection you want.” Rhodey winked at him. “He’s a cuddlebug.”
“It’s the christian culture,” Tony explained. “They think physical affection only relates to sex. It’s fucked up.”
“Physical affection expresses many types of love,” M’baku said firmly. “Even if I would like to have sex with you.”
There was silence. Everyone stared at him.
“Oh, goodie!” Tony broke it. “It’s not just me then.”
Later, (much later. A few days later) M’baku, Rhodey, and T’challa were discussing Rhodey’s post and the information he’d gathered while in it.
“Are you sure Tony doesn’t know?” M’baku couldn’t help asking. “He’s very smart.”
Rhodey rolled his eyes. “We get it, you can’t go more than a few minutes without waxing on about how awesome Tony is.”
“I’m inclined to agree,” T’challa said. “He’s almost as smart as my sister. Almost as sassy, too.”
Rhodey looked at him in horror. “They can never meet.”
“I don’t know, M’baku mused. “I was thinking maybe he could be, how do you say it here? ‘The token white boy,’ on our team.”
“No,” Rhodey said firmly. “We’re leaving him out of this. He has no allegiance to Wakanda. And there’s no way he’s figured out that Wakanda as the rest of the world knows it is a lie. So no reason to suspect I’m a spy.”
Rhodey was right, they all knew it.
(Except this time he was actually wrong. Tony definitely knew. And between Rhodey and M’baku , even T’challa, he did kind of have a loyalty. Big enough not to blow their covers).
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
M'Baku at some political meeting with T'Challa and Tony too. M'Baku is standoffish at first, he doesn't like the outsiders much, or the use of vibranium in everything, but warms up somewhat when he realizes how much Tony built without vibranium. (Tony may be as curious and invested in Jabari culture and weapons as he is in shuri's research?)
It wasn’t so much a meeting as a convention. Scientific minds from all over the world were gathered in Wakanda to share and show off their technology.
Despite Wakanda’s clearly superior well, everything, most of the people didn’t see all that intrigued by Shuri’s inventions. (Wow. He wondered why. *Cough* racism).
There were a few exceptions, but by far the most notable of them was Tony Stark.
He approached Shuri’s tech with something bordering reverence shining in his eyes, and his curiosity was disarming.
At first M’baku was irritated. Of course he’d be obsessed with vibranium. Everyone was obsessed with the vibranium.
It turned out Stark didn't care about the metal though, just the inventions themselves. He spent at least an hour walking around a prototype spear rubbing his face and muttering to himself. M’baku caught the words “Convert to nanotech.” So. That was intriguing.
And then a while later, Tony was standing near him, looking at the Jabari technology. (T’challa had insisted the Jabari come too.) “Is this . . . Is this wood?” he asked.
M’baku bristled at the small American’s disbelief. “Yes. It is sacred wood, imbued with the power of-”
“Hanuman,” Tony interrupted. His pronunciation was horribly butchered but M’baku was caught off guard by his knowledge.
Tony’s eyes were shining much the same way they had when looking at Shuri’s work. It was quite disarming having that gaze turned upon him. “You’re M’baku, right?”
M’baku nodded.
“Wow, it’s an honor to meet you!” Tony said. “I tried learning all I could about the different tribes of Wakanda before I came, yours was by far the most interesting. Probably because it’s so . . . different. Is it true that the Jabari don’t use Vibranium at all?”
“We have no need for it.” M’baku nodded. “You don’t seem to either.”
Tony’s face lit up. “Oh yeah, I’m working with Nanotechnology now. It might not be as strong as Vibranium but it regenerates infinitely.”
Stark was very cute with his face all aglow and enthusiastic. M’baku wanted to see more of it. “Can you show me?” he asked.
Tony absolutely beamed. “Of course!”
The nanotech was amazing. And no, M’baku wasn’t just saying that because of how fuckable Tony looked while explaining how he’d managed to make it work. He was a human demonstration, wearing a tight black undersuit for effect, so that everyone could see how well fitted the nanoparticles that crept out over his skin was. The effect of the suit covering him was like a reverse strip-tease and it gave M’baku quite the same reaction. It was all he could do not to drag Tony into a secluded hallway and have his way with him.
When the demonstration was done and M’baku was inappropriately close to popping a full on boner, Tony beamed at him again. “So your majesty, I’d really love to know more about your tech, and your culture and . . . you. If you’re okay with that. Let me know if I’m-”
Unable to hold himself back, M’baku pulled him in by that ridiculously tight shirt and kissed him thoroughly.
“That can be arranged,” he promised.
And he knew it was mutual, because Tony absolutely lit up.
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
Another Tony/T'Challa/M'Baku prompt. (And then I'll make myself stop! I swear!) T'Challa finding out that M'Baku, who hates all outsiders with a fiery, burning passion, has been having an ongoing tryst with Tony Stark for literally *years* and continually snuck him into the country just for cuddles.
T’challa stared at the scene in front of him. And stared. And stared. And stared.
Finally he cleared his throat loudly, and M’baku leaped to his feet, the blanket caught around his shoulders. The man in bed with him. The outsider in bed with him. Made a pathetic squeaky noise of protest as the covers were ripped away.
“Guards!” M’baku barked.
Nothing happened.
“I assume you gave them the night off,” T’challa said. “So that you and- wait. Is that Tony Stark?”
“That’s me,” the man said, his face partially obscured by a pillow. He still sounded half asleep. 
“So that you and Stark could.” T’challa stopped short. M’baku was wearing pants. Tony was fully clothed. They had both been asleep. “Cuddle?”
“Yes, and what about it?” M’baku looked irritated.
“You hate outsiders,” T’challa said, entirely unable to understand. “Just yesterday you were criticising me for opening Wakanda to the world again.”
M’baku rolled his eyes. “Obviously that doesn’t apply to Tony.”
“Why on earth wouldn’t that apply to him?” T’challa demanded. Not that he had anything against Tony Stark, but what in Bast’s name was going on here?
“Because.” M’baku said. That was it, that was his answer.
Another thought occured to T’challa. “How long has this been going on?”
“ . . . A while,” M’baku admitted grudgingly.
“Since before Wakanda’s borders opened?”
“Since . . .” M’baku stopped. “Wait. Why are you even here?”
He was dodging the question. Oh Bast, he’d been seeing Stark since before the whole thing with Killmonger. This was insane. T’challa’s brain could not compute.
“You were supposed to eat dinner with my family tonight,” he said. “You never came.”
“Aww, you were worried,” M’baku teased.
T’challa scowled. “Well I came here to find your home deserted, and a white man in your bed. Of course I was worried.”
“You came to check on me,” M’baku said delightedly. “You do care!”
From the bed, Tony let out a long low groan. “Can you guys please either leave or come back to bed? I’m trying to sleep here.”
M’baku wrapped the blanket he’d been holding around Tony and ran his hand over the man’s hair. There was a tenderness in his eyes that T’challa had seldom seen there before. “We won’t disturb you any further, my love,” he promised.
T’challa’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull. ‘My love’???? Apparently this was much more serious than he’d realized.
“Anyways.” M’baku looked at T’challa. “I am fine, you have seen it. You are welcome to leave now.”
“Or join,” Tony said, his voice still muffled.
“Or join,” M’baku amended.
T’challa gaped at him. There was only one obvious answer. He joined them.
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
Prompt. After Wakanda is introduced to the world Tony pays them a visit. Shuri leaves him alone for a second to check on something and M’Baku swoops on to flirt.
Tony honestly couldn’t believe how lucky he was. The first (and possibly only) American inventor invited directly into Wakanda’s labs. Princess Shuri was showing him around. She was pretty down to earth for a princess. Funny too, even if a lot of her humor seemed to revolve around making fun of other people. And puns. So many puns.
“When I heard of your work on AIs, Doctor Stark,” she said, “I knew I must meet you. It’s one of the only things of yours I haven’t been able to replicate or improve.”
“It’s Tony,” He said automatically. No one ever called him ‘doctor’. “And it’s an honor to be here. I’d be happy to help you out with making your own algorithm.”
“Amazing!” Shuri beamed at him and Tony couldn’t help smiling back. She was great. Her and Peter would definitely get along.
Shuri led him through the labs, explaining everything they passed to him. It was quite frankly, insanely fascinating. Impressive, too! She was barely 17.
Just as they were passing a black panther suit prototype, one of Shuri’s Kimoyo beads pinged with an incoming message.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said. “I must take this.” she hurried off for privacy. “Do not touch anything while I’m gone!” she called back to him.
Tony stepped carefully back from the tech and wandered around in circles, peering closely but never touching. He had to be respectful, after all.
There were a few other people in the lab, but they mostly ignored him and he avoided getting in their way. Until- “You know that the princess was only joking.” The words were a question phrased as a statement.
Tony turned to find a super handsome man looming over him. “Big.” He said.
The man shrugged. “Yes, big enough to carry you around if you’d like.” He nodded at Tony. “M’baku. Leader of the Jabari tribe. Princess Shuri allows me entrance into her lab when I’m bored.”
“Tony Stark,” Tony replied. “But I can be anyone for you, big guy. And I’d appreciate that . . . ride.”
M’baku smiled smugly at him. “I can most definitely arrange that.”
Footsteps signaled Shuri’s return.
“Are you flirting with the scientist?” She scolded. “Don’t lead him on like that.”
“I am not leading him on!” M’baku protested. “I fully mean to follow through with anything I say.”
She wrinkled up her nose. “Then not in my lab!”
Tony quickly tried to apologize but M’baku just rolled his eyes. “Your dumb vibranium weapons will not be defiled if we flirt a little in front of them.”
“I will not allow you back in,” Shuri warned him severely.
“Okay, okay!” M’baku held his hands up in surrender. He turned to Tony. “Would you like to dine with me tonight?”
Tony glanced at Shuri, who shrugged. “Sure,” he said. “Just dine?”
M’baku’s smile turned lascivious. “Well we don’t have to just . . . dine. Shuri does not want her weapons defiled but perhaps you would not be opposed.”
“I am surprisingly Very Okay with That,” Tony announced. That was a lie. It was not surprising at all.
“Okay good,” M’baku said. “Then I shall see you at 7:00.” And with that he turned and swaggered off.
(It was fun to watch him go)
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mostlystuckony · 5 years
For your Tony/M'Baku/T'Challa prompts, might I interest you in, instead of Obie paying the Ten Rings to kill Tony at a demo in Afghanistan, he tries to hire M'Baku and his tribe when Tony gets a spot in a conference for Wakanda's entrance to the world?
Okay look, this was honestly a mess(tm) but I thought it was hilarious bc I’m a loser. Enjoy! (Also I’m totally going to expand on this later. I loved the idea)
Tony knew something was off when he got kidnapped. It was a pretty clear red flag.
Although honestly, what was more worrying was the fact that he’d been taken straight out of King T’challa’s heavily guarded palace and the Dora Milaje weren’t exactly easy -- or possible -- to get past.
He woke up  tied to a chair (amatures, he thought disgustedly) with a bag over his head. The bag wasn’t the regular rough burlap though, it was something much more breathable and soft. Strange.
Without warning, the sack was yanked off and he found himself blinking up at his captor. “Wow,” he said. “For a big guy you sure move quietly. Didn’t even hear you coming. Kudos.” There were a bunch of other guys standing around, spears at the ready. They were all huge, but not as big as the one right in his face.
The giant man’s forehead scrunched up in confusion. “You don’t seem very scared, colonizer.”
Okay, so this guy was probably Wakandan. He definitely had the accent, although it differed slightly from T’challa’s. Tony shrugged. He was terrified, but really? This was same old same old. And his heart was beating really fast but it was more from looking at the guy’s super muscular muscles than anything.
“So you are Tony stark. The man Obadiah Stane wanted me to kill,” Gorilla guy said, stroking his unfairly symmetrical chin. Gorilla guy was a good nickname, right? Because the guy was sure built like one. Then his words registered.
“Wait- You- Obie?” No. it couldn’t be. Maybe some other person, using Obadiah’s identity.
“This man.” A picture was thrust in front of his face and yup, that was definitely him. His captor took in his expression. “You are surprised.”
“Well . . . yeah,” Tony said defensively. “I mean why on earth would he- oh. Weapons.”
Gorilla guy was looking angry now. “What weapons?”
“The ones I refused to build,” Tony said bitterly. “I’m trying to turn my company in a new direction. Technology for clean energy. Guess he hated that more than I thought.” His arms were starting to ache from being tied behind him. “Look, he probably paid you a lot of money to kill me but I can double whatever it is.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” the man said.
Tony cocked his head. “You’re not?” Well that was a plot twist.
“You seem honest,” Gorilla guy told him. “I have no interest in your American money, Hanuman provides everything my tribe needs.”
“Who?” Tony asked, feeling a little lost.
The man grunted in annoyance. “Never mind. I suppose I should let you go.” he signaled to one of his men, who stepped forward and let Tony’s hands free.
“O-okay,” Tony said, at a complete loss. He rubbed at his wrists where there was strangely no rope burn. This had literally never happened before. “Uhh can I get your name, big guy?” The men in the background snickered.
The man drew himself up proudly, somehow managing to appear even bigger. “I am M’baku. Leader of the Jabari tribe.”
“Right, right,” Tony muttered. “So no offense, why aren’t you killing me? Also, how’d you even get me?”
“Stane heard we were savages,” M’baku said distastefully. “He offered us what I assume is a large sum of money to capture and kill you.”
“And you’re not going with that, because?” Tony prompted.
“We are not savages!” M’baku roared. “We have our own justice system that does not include mercenary work.You have done nothing wrong in any case. And as I told you, we have no need for money.”
“Well I’m certainly not complaining,” Tony said. “How’d you manage the kidnapping though?”
M’baku smiled a mischievous large smile that set Tony’s heart fluttering a little. “King T’challa let us take you.”
“I suppose I’ll be having a word with him,” Tony said mildly. Or not. Was this even a kidnapping? He’d only even stayed tied up for like two seconds. (lame)
“Ahh, don’t blame him,’ M’baku said, waving his hand dismissively. “I told him I wanted you to warm my bed if you were so willing. He didn't know about Stane.”
Tony nearly choked over his haste to reply. “Well it seems a shame to lie to him like that.”
M’baku stared him down. “Who said that was a lie?”
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